The Echr IN 50 Questions: European Court of Human Rights

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of Human
IN 50


in 50 questions
their jurisdiction, not only their nationals,
The European Convention the fundamental civil and political rights
on Human Rights defined in the Convention.
The rights and freedoms secured by the
Convention include the right to life, the
1 When was the Convention right to a fair hearing, the right to respect
adopted? for private and family life, freedom of
expression, freedom of thought, conscience
The Convention for the Protection of and religion and the protection of property.
Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, The Convention prohibits, in particular,
better known as the “European Convention torture and inhuman or degrading treatment
on Human Rights”, was opened for signature or punishment, forced labour, arbitrary and
in Rome on 4 November 1950; it entered unlawful detention, and discrimination in
into force on 3 September 1953. the enjoyment of the rights and freedoms
secured by the Convention.
The Convention gave effect to certain of the
rights stated in the Universal Declaration
of Human Rights and established an 4 Does the Convention evolve?
international judicial organ with jurisdiction
to find against States that do not fulfil their Yes. The Convention evolves especially by
undertakings. means of the interpretation of its provisions
by the European Court of Human Rights.
Through its case-law the Court has made
2 What is a protocol the Convention a living instrument; it has
to the Convention?
thus extended the rights afforded and has
applied them to situations that were not
A protocol to the Convention is a text foreseeable when the Convention was first
which adds one or more rights to the adopted.
original Convention or amends certain of
its provisions. The Convention has also evolved as and
when protocols have added new rights: for
Protocols which add rights to the example in July 2003, with Protocol No. 13
Convention are binding only on those concerning the abolition of the death penalty
States that have signed and ratified them; in all circumstances, or in April 2005, with
a State that has merely signed a protocol Protocol No. 12 on non-discrimination.
without ratifying it will not be bound by its
To date, 16 additional protocols have been 5 Are domestic courts obliged
to apply the Convention?
The Convention is applicable at national
3 Which rights are protected level. It has been incorporated into the
This document has been prepared by the Public Relations Unit of the Court and does by the Convention? legislation of the States Parties, which have
not bind the Court. It is intended to provide basic general information about the way the undertaken to protect the rights defined in
Court works. the Convention. Domestic courts therefore
States that have ratified the Convention, also
For more detailed information, please refer to documents issued by the Registry available known as “States Parties”, have undertaken have to apply the Convention. Otherwise,
on the Court’s website to secure and guarantee to everyone within the European Court of Human Rights

European Court of Human Rights: The ECHR in 50 questions 3

would find against the State in the event of seven-judge Chamber or a seventeen-judge Chamber or when a request for referral requests are accepted on an exceptional
complaints by individuals about failure to Grand Chamber. has been accepted. basis. A panel of judges of the Grand
protect their rights. Chamber decides whether or not the case
should be referred to the Grand Chamber
10 What is the Registry 13 What is the difference between for fresh consideration.
and how is it run? a Chamber and a Section?
The European Court Cases are also sent to the Grand Chamber
of Human Rights (ECHR) The Registry is the body of staff that provides A Section is an administrative entity and a when relinquished by a Chamber, although
the Court with legal and administrative Chamber is a judicial formation of the Court this is also exceptional. The Chamber to
support in its judicial work. It is made up of within a given Section. which a case is assigned can relinquish it
to the Grand Chamber if the case raises a
6 What is the Court’s
lawyers, administrative and technical staff
composition? and translators. The Court has five Sections in which serious question affecting the interpretation
Chambers are formed. Each Section has a of the Convention or if there is a risk of
President, a Vice-President and a number of inconsistency with a previous judgment of
The number of judges on the Court is the 11 What is the Court’s budget? other judges. the Court.
same as that of the States Parties to the
Convention (47 at present).
The Court’s expenditure is borne by the
Council of Europe, whose budget is financed 14 How are Chambers and Grand 16 Can a judge refuse to sit
Chambers formed? in a case?
7 How are the Court’s judges by contributions from member States in
elected? accordance with scales based on population
and GDP. A Chamber is composed of the President of Yes. Judges are in fact obliged to refrain from
the Section to which the case was assigned, taking part in the consideration of a case
The judges are elected by the Parliamentary The budget covers the salaries of judges and the “national judge” (the judge elected when they have previously acted in that case
Assembly of the Council of Europe from lists staff and the various overheads (IT, official in respect of the State against which the in any capacity.This is called withdrawal.They
of three candidates proposed by each State. travel, translation, interpreting, publications, application was lodged) and five other are replaced in the proceedings by another
They are elected for a non-renewable term representational expenses, legal aid, fact- judges designated by the Section President judge and an ad hoc judge is appointed if it
of nine years. finding missions, etc.). in rotation. is the national judge who withdraws.
The Grand Chamber is made up of the
8 Are the judges really 12 Can the Court’s composition Court’s President and Vice-Presidents, the 17 What is an ad hoc judge?
independent? vary from one case to another? Section Presidents and the national judge,
together with other judges selected by An ad hoc judge is appointed by the
Although judges are elected in respect of a Yes, cases are heard by one of four main drawing of lots. When it hears a case on government concerned when the national
State, they hear cases as individuals and do formations. referral, it does not include any judges who judge does not sit in the case because of
not represent that State. They are totally previously sat in the Chamber which first inability, withdrawal or exemption.
independent and cannot engage in any Manifestly inadmissible applications are examined the case.
activity that would be incompatible with examined by a single judge. A three-judge
their duty of independence and impartiality. Committee may rule by a unanimous vote 18 What is the scope
on the admissibility and merits of cases that 15 When does the Grand Chamber of the Court’s jurisdiction?
are already covered by well-established hear a case?
9 Do judges sit in cases case-law of the Court. An application may The Court cannot take up cases of its own
concerning their own country? also be assigned to a seven-judge Chamber The initiation of proceedings before the motion. It has jurisdiction to hear allegations
which rules by a majority vote, mostly on the Grand Chamber takes two different forms: of violations of the European Convention
“National judges” cannot sit in a single-judge admissibility and merits of a case. referral and relinquishment. on Human Rights and does so on receiving
formation. In exceptional cases, they may be Exceptionally, the Grand Chamber of After a Chamber judgment has been individual or inter-State applications.
invited to sit in a Committee. However, the 17 judges hears cases referred to it either delivered, the parties may request referral
composition of the Court always includes after relinquishment of jurisdiction by a of the case to the Grand Chamber and such
the “national judge” when it hears cases as a

4 European Court of Human Rights: The ECHR in 50 questions European Court of Human Rights: The ECHR in 50 questions 5
to bring a case even if he or she lives in What are the different stages of 26 What are the conditions
Proceedings before a remote region of a member State or is 25 the proceedings before of admissibility?
the Court penniless. With this in mind, there are no the Court?
fees for proceedings before the Court.
Applications must meet certain requirements
There are two main stages in the if they are to be declared admissible by the
Who can bring a case What is the difference between
19 consideration of cases brought before the Court; otherwise the complaints will not
to the Court? 22 an individual application and Court: the admissibility stage and the merits even be examined.
an inter-State application? stage (i.e. the examination of the complaints).
The processing of an application also goes Cases can only be brought to the Court after
The Convention makes a distinction domestic remedies have been exhausted;
between two types of application: individual Most applications before the Court are through different phases.
in other words, individuals complaining of
applications lodged by any person, group individual applications lodged by private A single-judge formation will declare an violations of their rights must first have
of individuals, company or NGO having a persons. A State may also lodge an application inadmissible where inadmissibility taken their case through the courts of
complaint about a violation of their rights, application against another State Party to is clear from the outset; its decisions cannot the country concerned, up to the highest
and inter-State applications brought by one the Convention; this is called an inter-State be appealed against. possible level of jurisdiction. In this way the
State against another. application. State itself is first given an opportunity to
A Committee will give a final decision or provide redress for the alleged violation at
Since the Court was established, almost all judgment in a case which is covered by well-
applications have been lodged by individuals Is it necessary to be national level.
established case-law of the Court.
who have brought their cases directly to the 23 represented by a lawyer in An applicant’s allegations must concern
Court alleging one or more violations of the proceedings before the Court? A Chamber will give notice of the case one or more of the rights defined in the
Convention. to the respondent Government for their Convention. The Court cannot examine
observations. Written observations are complaints concerning violations of any
Legal representation is not indispensable submitted by both parties. The Court
20 Who are cases brought against? at the start of proceedings; anyone can then decides if it is appropriate to hold a
other rights.
bring a case before the Court directly. The public hearing in the case, but this remains Applications must also be lodged with the
assistance of a lawyer becomes necessary, exceptional in relation to the number Court within six months following the
Cases can only be brought against one
however, once the Court has given notice of of applications examined. Ultimately, the last judicial decision in the case, which will
or more States that have ratified the
the case to the respondent Government for Chamber delivers a judgment that will usually be a judgment by the highest court
Convention. Any applications against third
their observations. Legal aid may be granted become final only after the expiry of a three- in the country concerned.
States or individuals, for example, will be
to applicants, if necessary, from that stage in month period during which the applicant
declared inadmissible.
the proceedings. or Government may request the referral of The applicant must be, personally and directly,
the case to the Grand Chamber for fresh a victim of a violation of the Convention, and
21 How are cases brought before the consideration. must have suffered a significant disadvantage.
Court? 24 Who is entitled to make legal
submissions to the Court? If the request for referral is accepted by the It should not be forgotten, of course, that
panel of the Grand Chamber, the case will applications can only be lodged against
Cases can be brought directly by individuals one or more of the States Parties to the
There is no list of authorised lawyers for the be reconsidered and a public hearing will
and the assistance of a lawyer is not Convention, and not against any other State
written or oral submissions to the Court. be held if necessary. The Grand Chamber
necessary at the start of the proceedings. or against an individual.
An applicant may be represented by anyone judgment will be final.
It is sufficient to send the Court a duly
who is a lawyer qualified to practise in one
completed application form with the
of the States Parties to the Convention, or
requisite documents. However, the
who has been so authorised by the President
registration of an application by the Court
of the Chamber.
is no guarantee that it will be admissible or
successful on the merits.
The Convention system provides for “easy”
access to the Court, enabling any individual

6 European Court of Human Rights: The ECHR in 50 questions European Court of Human Rights: The ECHR in 50 questions 7

27 Are NGOs or States allowed

Hearings take place in the Human Rights 33 Can the Court order interim case, the formation to which it is assigned,
to take part in proceedings? Building in Strasbourg.They are public unless measures? the diligence of the parties in providing the
otherwise decided by the President of the Court with information and many other
Chamber or Grand Chamber, as the case factors, such as the holding of a hearing or
Yes, both NGOs and States can lodge When the Court receives an application it
may be. The press and the public are thus referral to the Grand Chamber.
applications. They may also be authorised may decide that a State should take certain
usually authorised to attend; they just need
by the President of the Court to intervene measures provisionally while it continues its Some applications may be classified as urgent
to show their press or identity card at the
in proceedings as third parties. examination of the case.This usually consists and handled on a priority basis, especially in
of requesting a State to refrain from doing cases where the applicant is alleged to be
All hearings are filmed and broadcast on the something, such as not returning individuals facing an imminent threat of physical harm.
28 What is a third-party Court’s website on the day itself, from 2.30 to countries where it is alleged that they
intervener? would face death or torture.
p.m. (local time).

The President of the Court may authorise The Court’s decisions

31 What are preliminary Are deliberations open to the
any person other than the applicant, or
34 public? and judgments
another State Party to the Convention other
than that against which the application has
been lodged, to intervene in the proceedings. Preliminary objections are arguments No, the Court’s deliberations are always 37 What is the difference between
This is called third-party intervention. The submitted by the respondent Government secret. a decision and a judgment?
person or State in question is entitled to file in support of their claim that the case should
pleadings and take part in public hearings. not be examined on the merits.
35 Have States ever refused A decision is usually given by a single judge,
to cooperate with the Court? a Committee or a Chamber of the Court.
Can the Court appoint experts 32 What is a friendly settlement? It concerns only admissibility and not the
29 or take evidence from merits of the case. Normally, a Chamber
There have been cases where States have
witnesses? A friendly settlement is an agreement omitted or even refused to provide the
examines the admissibility and merits of
an application at the same time; it will then
between the parties to put an end to Court with the information and documents
deliver a judgment.
Yes. Exceptionally, the Court may decide to proceedings initiated by an application. required for its examination of an application.
take investigative measures and to travel When the parties concerned agree to settle
In such cases the Court may find against the
to certain countries in order to clarify their dispute in this way, the outcome is
State under Article 38 of the Convention 38 Are States bound by judgments
the facts of a given case. The delegation usually that the State pays the applicant a against them?
from the Court may then take evidence (obliging States to furnish all the necessary
sum of money. After examining the terms
from witnesses and carry out an on-site facilities to the Court).
of the friendly settlement, and unless it Judgments finding violations are binding on
investigation. considers that respect for human rights the States concerned and they are obliged to
The Court occasionally appoints experts, for
requires continuation, the Court will strike
36 How long do proceedings execute them. The Committee of Ministers
example when it requests expert doctors to
out the application. before the Court usually last? of the Council of Europe monitors the
examine applicants in prison. The Court always encourages parties execution of judgments, particularly to
to negotiate a friendly settlement. If no It is impossible to indicate the length of ensure payment of the amounts awarded by
agreement is reached the Court will proceed proceedings before the Court. the Court to the applicants in compensation
30 Does the Court hold public to examine the merits of the application. for the damage they have sustained.
hearings? The Court endeavours to deal with cases
within three years after they are brought,
The Court basically has a written procedure but the examination of some cases can take
but occasionally decides to hold public longer and some can be processed more
hearings in specific cases. rapidly.
The length of the proceedings before the
Court obviously varies depending on the

8 European Court of Human Rights: The ECHR in 50 questions European Court of Human Rights: The ECHR in 50 questions 9
Can judgments be appealed 42 What is just satisfaction? under Article 34 (right of individual
39 against? The Court’s application).
When the Court finds against a State and
Inadmissibility decisions, and also judgments observes that the applicant has sustained 48 Does the Court deal with any
delivered by Committees or the Grand damage, it awarded the applicant just issues of society?
Chamber, are final and cannot be appealed satisfaction, that is to say a sum of money 45 How many cases are brought
against. However, the parties have three before the Court?
by way of compensation for that damage. The Court has, of course, been called upon
months following the delivery of a The Committee of Ministers ensures that to address issues that were not foreseeable
Chamber judgment to request referral of any sum awarded by the Court is actually The Court has been a victim of its own when the Convention was signed in 1950.
the case to the Grand Chamber for fresh paid to the applicant. success: over 50,000 new applications Over the past 50 years the Court has ruled
consideration. Requests for referral to the are lodged every year. The repercussions on many issues of society such as: abortion-
Grand Chamber are examined by a panel of certain judgments of the Court, on a
43 What is a pilot case? related questions, assisted suicide, strip-
of judges which decides whether or not regular basis, and the growing recognition searching, domestic slavery, the right not
referral is appropriate. of its work among nationals of the States to be prevented from tracing one’s origins
Over the past few years the Court has Parties, have had a considerable impact on by the possibility for mothers to give birth
developed a new procedure to cater the number of cases brought every year.
40 How are the Court’s judgments for the massive influx of applications
anonymously, adoption by homosexuals,
enforced? the wearing of the Islamic headscarf in
concerning similar issues, also known as schools and universities, the protection of
“systemic issues” – i.e. those that arise from 46 What rights do most cases journalists’ sources, discrimination against
When the Court delivers a judgment finding concern?
non-conformity of domestic law with the Roma and environmental concerns.
a violation, the Court transmits the file to Convention.
the Committee of Ministers of the Council In about one half of the judgments finding a
of Europe, which confers with the country The Court has thus recently been violation since its establishment, the Court
concerned and the department responsible implementing a procedure that consists of has found a violation of Article 6 of the The Court’s
for the execution of judgments to decide examining one or more applications of this
how the judgment should be executed and kind, whilst its examination of a series of
Convention, concerning both the fairness future
and the length of proceedings. In fact, 55% of
how to prevent similar violations of the similar cases is adjourned (in other words, the violations found by the Court concern
Convention in the future. This will result in postponed). When it delivers its judgment either Article 6 (right to a fair hearing) or 49 What is Protocol No. 14?
general measures, especially amendments to in a pilot case, it calls on the Government Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 (protection of
legislation, and individual measures where concerned to bring the domestic legislation property). Then in about 13% of cases, the
necessary. into line with the Convention and indicates Protocol No. 14, whose aim is to guarantee
Court has found a serious violation of the the long-term efficiency of the Court by
the general measures to be taken. It will Convention under Articles 2 and 3 of the
then proceed to dispose of the other similar optimising the filtering and processing of
Convention (right to life and prohibition
41 What are the consequences of a cases. of torture and inhuman or degrading
applications, provides in particular for new
judgment finding a violation? judicial formations to deal with the simplest
treatment). cases, for a new admissibility criterion (that
44 What is a separate opinion? of “significant disadvantage”) and for judges’
In the event of a violation being found, the
terms of office to be extended to nine years
State concerned must be careful to ensure 47 Are interim measures really without the possibility of re-election. This
that no such violations occur again in the Judges may wish to draft an opinion effective?
future, otherwise the Court may deliver new concerning a case in which they have sat Protocol entered into force on 1 June 2010.
judgments against them. In some cases the and their opinions will be appended to Whilst States almost always follow the
State will have to amend its legislation to the judgment. In general they explain why Court’s indications concerning interim
bring it into line with the Convention. they voted with the majority (concurring measures, it is not unknown for some of
opinion) or, on the contrary, why they them to fail to act on the Court’s request.
did not agree with the majority of judges Those States are likely to be found by the
(dissenting opinion). Court to have failed to fulfil their obligations

10 European Court of Human Rights: The ECHR in 50 questions European Court of Human Rights: The ECHR in 50 questions 11
50 What are the plans for reform?

Independently of Protocol No. 14, further

reform of the Convention system was
considered necessary and a Group of Wise
Persons, composed of eminent jurists,
reported to the Committee of Ministers in
November 2006. The Group recommended,
among other things, establishing a new
judicial filtering mechanism and elaborating
a Statute concerning certain organisational
elements of the Court’s functioning, which
could thus be amended more flexibly than
the international treaty process required
for the Convention. The Council of Europe
Steering Committee for Human Rights is
examining the different proposals.

12 European Court of Human Rights: The ECHR in 50 questions

February 2014

European Court of Human Rights

Public Relations
Council of Europe
67075 Strasbourg cedex

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