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Procedures Doc No. P-05/01 Rev.

00 August 25, 2015



1. General. This document specifies the terms and conditions for the use of EIPL Mark in accordance
with the EIPL Product Certification Scheme and applies to all scopes covered by this scheme.

2. The EIPL Mark. The design of the mark shall be in accordance with the illustrations as shown below:

3. Terms and Conditions. The use of mark will be governed under the following conditions:
a. EIPL is the legal owner of the EIPL Mark (Mark) and has the sole authority to grant or withdraw
the right of its use.
b. The right to use the Mark is granted to an establishment (licensee) which has been declared
eligible for a certification license under the certification scheme implemented by EIPL.
c. The Licensee shall affix the mark only on products covered by the license and in accordance with
the marking proposal that is approved by EIPL. In case the marking is not possible on the product,
it may be affixed on packing or label of the product.
d. The licensee may fix the mark on company stationery and in promotional materials and other
forms of media advertising, provided its display is not misleading or inappropriate as considered
by EIPL. Under certain situations and for practical reasons, the licensee may be allowed to put the
mark on company stationery and forms (e.g. delivery receipt, invoice, quotations) without
indicating the standard specification number and license number. This provision is subject to prior
approval by EIPL.
e. The licensee may enlarge or reduce the mark to an appropriate size provided it is reproduced in
exactly the same design and proportion (L:W ratio)
f. The logo shall be reproduced in dark green with alphabets in dark black color. the green color of
the logo is dark green color of the flag. Alternative color (black and white) may be used by the
licensee subject to approval by EIPL.
g. If the license has been withdrawn for any reason or cancelled, the licensee will immediately stop
using the mark where ever it has been displayed. The products carrying this mark will also be
h. Correct use of mark is contractual obligation. International misuse of Mark may be grounds for
cancelling the license. The provisions of ISO Guide 27 ‘Guidelines for corrective actions to be
taken by the Certification Body in the event of misuse of its mark of conformity’ shall apply when

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