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Mr. Innocent Ogwal, Director Resource Mobilization

A. Introduction/Background
There are a wide selection of options to raise resources, each with their own strengths and
weaknesses. Finding the best combination that the fundraiser intends to use, integrating
and promoting the process through the best communication channels is key. Raising
funds is often about raising awareness of what your organization does, whilst
strengthening the corporate brand. This must clearly be expressed from the beginning.

The fundraising strategies you employ will be critical to your success in both the short
term and the long term.
Fundraising strategies are not abstract concepts or thoughts locked away in your head -
they are explicit instructions, goals, and processes put down in a document for all to see,
including your staff, supporters, board members, and the public. Think of your
fundraising strategy as your financial roadmap to success! Your fundraising strategy can
have many parts and will consist of tried and true methods you repeat each year and
others that might be new to your organization’s outreach.

In respect to my recent appointment precisely for mobilizing resources for Makerere

University Private Sector Forum (MUPSF), I wish to express my sincere gratitude for the
trust put in me for this very momentous and crucial assignment. I must state that it is no
mean task. However, with God’s grace and to best of my ability, I promise to deliver and
change the face of the Forum to a new normal.

This inception report aims to provide an initial roadmap for the fundraising processes that

I intend to undertake and the time element of ninety (90) days within which to produce
some substantial output. The inception report must contain a work plan, which indicates
the phases of the evaluation, the timing, key deliverables and milestones

B. Purpose and Scope of the Fundraising

is an event or campaign whose primary purpose is to raise money for a cause, charity or
non-profit organization

C. Methodology
These explicit fundraising methods/tools will be utilized for quick results: -

 Direct mail to particular acquaintances and contacts

 Organizing specific fundraising events
 Seeking for donations from well-wishers/corporate institutions
 Door-to-Door solicitation in-country
 Phone/WhatsApp solicitation
 E-mail Marketing
 Text-to-Give
 Crowdfunding
 Partnerships/Sponsorships/Grants
 Peer-to-Peer Fundraising

D. Work Plan
No Deliverable Responsibility Location Timeline
1. UGX 100 million Innocent In-country 15th - 22nd Nov 2021
2. UGX 300 million Innocent In-country 29th Nov - 30th Dec 2021
3. UGX 500 million Innocent In-country 2nd Jan - 28th Feb 2022

E. Logistics and Support

During my mandate as the Fundraiser, I will greatly rely on the infrastructure and
expertise of MUPSF in providing documentation. MUPSF, especially the Executive
Director, Mr. Nuha Mwesigwa, Director Research and Collaborations, Mr. Charles
Baguma and Director Operations, Mr. Patrick Abila should provide me with as much
assistance as possible to facilitate the fundraising process. MUPSF Board of Trustees
should bless and play some significant role in this development too.

A new and independent collection account specifically should be opened for this purpose
in any of the following commercial banks: -

 Absa
 Equity

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