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Salvation Testimony

I was raised in a Baptist home. My mother and father were both saved but sadly they were not able to continue what they
started as I will be explaining as we go. Kinapudno na pay, my father was a pastor and my mother was a Bible woman. They both
started well in the ministry but as our number grew and so were our financial needs, naawan piman ti oras da ken Apo Diyos.
Nag-focus ni tatang ko iti trabaho ket nagfocus met ni nanang ko iti business. The once family going to the church as one, little by
little was lessened, until dakami nalang nga agkakabsat ti nabati nga makigimgimong. Gapo iti dayta, in those days, saan ko nga
sineryoso ti kina Kristiyanok. I just sit in the Church, and went home afterwards with no change whatsoever. Taga-pappapudot ti
tugaw nga kunan da. Inggana idi bumaybayag metten ket haan akon nga mapmapan simbaan.

In my high school years, I began to get into fights, vices, and extreme worldliness. Uray makuna nga officer ak iti buo
nga iskwelaan, napalalo a’ kina-nainlubongan ti enak inar-aramid. Inom, panag-babbabae dita, napadpadas ko pay nga
linaylayasan ti nagannak ko. I became a carnal ‘Christian’ and was living in hypocrisy. Kayat ko kuma nga agbaliw, ngem
nagrigat met.

Things began to change when my cousin, Geomarie, came to live with us. He was a drug addict, alcoholic, womanizer
kind of guy. I knew him as a rebel, until one day, I saw changes - drastic changes - in his life. His vices began to cease, his
womanizing stopped, and ultimately he became a better person - a new person. I wanted that for myself, but I did not know how. I
later found out that this all happened when he started to join a Pentecostal Church. Saan nga nagbayag ket inawis dakami met. I
went with my family once there, and there I found my first encounter with God. In that altar while a pastor prayed for me, I felt
the Presence of God - one I have never experienced in the churches I attended in the past. It was in that moment that I accepted
Jesus as my Lord and Savior, whilst I lay slain on the church floor.

Unfortunately, gapo iti kina-ubing ken lack of commitment in those days, I began to fall away again. It was again another
5 years of worldliness that things began to really change.

One day as I was walking from the church I attended, I felt this indescribable leading to look for my younger friend -
Joseph. Iti daytoy nga tiyempo, nagrugi metten nga umatendar ti Simbaan daytuy nga gayyem ko. Coincidentally, or rather,
because of God’s will, this was also a Pentecostal Church. I looked for him, and found out he was in their Youth pastor’s house
having a Bible Study. I was honestly conflicted of what I was to do, kababain met nga basta apapan ti balay ti haan ko unay am-
ammo, but despite that, the conviction was too strong for me to just neglect. Because of that, I gathered all of my courage and
made my way there.

When I got to that house, I found a group of young people talking about the gifts and manifestations of the Holy Spirit.
They invited me in warmly and continued their discussion. Gapo garud iti Baptist background ko, I somewhat got into a debate
with regards to the manifestations that the lady preacher was talking about. None of my objections and questions, however, went
unanswered or unaddressed. She answered it all clearly and was able to, my surprise, stir in me once again the Pentecostal
experience I’ve had in my cousin’s Church years ago.

This meeting lead me to further attend the Church my friend was attending. It was a whirlwind of events. Many struggles
but definitely, many encounters with God as well. Ittuy ko nga napadas nga nagsangit ken Apo iti kararag, nagpukkaw nga
agdayaw, agsala ken agkanta without hesitation for my Lord. I for the first time preached with much conviction, and ultimately I
found myself thriving in His Presence.

As days became weeks and weeks into months, I found my spirit revived, my passion rekindled, and my understanding of
God deepened like never before. Diyay panagbaliw nga kinayat ko ti manu a tawen ket nabirukak idi immunegak iti Presensiya ti

And what’s more, it was when I was deep in His Presence that I came to know the woman He has willed for me to have-
it was the same woman that answered all my questions that afternoon when I went to their house to look for my friend. It was also
the same woman who watched me on the floor years ago when I got saved. (She was a member of the Church my cousin attended)

My father who was not able to continue in ministry, I now am convicted to continue what he has started. To be a
minister, a preacher who will spread God’s good news. And this time, by the Grace and empowerment of God, I resolve that it
will not be interrupted by financial struggles, nor future issues, and all that may come. By His Grace, the calling that my father set
aside for us, I’ll pick up. Not with my own strength or ability, but by the grace of GOD alone.
Ker-v Genesis Valeriano
What are your Expectations from the school and Give 5 Reason why you want to enrol in this school?

My expectations are that I will learn and satisfy my hunger of spiritual knowledge, and to help fulfill the calling that the Lord has
given me.

The reasons why I want to enroll in this school are,

1. Because of my desire and the leading of the Holy Spirit.
2. Because I want to fulfill the calling that my Father, now mine, set-aside.
3. Because I want to learn more about my theology, and to learn how to impart/preach that theology to people in need.
4. Because, I know that I can receive lessons that can help me put into practice the word of GOD more effectively.
5. Because I am convicted that I need further spiritual instruction to fulfill the calling of the Lord in my life.

What will you promise when you will be accepted as a Student/ Minister of BeST?

I will promise that I will do my best to be a good follower in areas like passing needed requirements, attending lectures, etc. By
God’s grace and assistance, I will put all my efforts to learn and to understand the knowledge and instruction that this school

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