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Social Science and Philosophy (NGEC 10)

Assignment no.1

Engr. Domingo D. Biglain

Alfroy Audrey D. Emaas Eastern Visayas State University

BSMar-E 2B______ 3rd Marine Engineer______



a. As a Seafarer, how do you maintain your psychological well-being while Onboard?

Ans. Knowing the different personality of your co-worker makes you adopted the proper state of mind,
Self-evaluation and physical preparation is the key for a good psychological well-being.

b. What are the step you consider attaining a positive mental health while onboard the ship for a couple
of months?

Ans. Onboard, think that you always the lowest mammal, you must accept who you are , you must be
also mentally and physically prepared, better listen than talk and never argue with your high rankest,
always be humble

c. In your entire career as Marine engineer, do you ever encounter bullying and harassment on board? If
yes, how the other crew especially the officer response on the scenario?

Ans. It most likely to happen, they help & sympathize the underdog. To prevent bullying and harassment
you must prepare your own faculty, the more concrete faculty the better treatment you can acquired.


a. Being a Seafarer, in every contract different co-worker you been encountered; Based in your
experience and observation, what are the various types of diseases that a seafarer commonly suffers?

Ans. Loneliness is the greatest opponent in maritime career, to overcome its tremendous effect you must
still think positively, anticipate the problem and foresee to eliminate it.

b. When it comes in dental problems of crew onboard, how this matter affects the effectiveness and
productivity while working? And what are the available treatment present onboard?

Ans. There are available medication onboard

c. When working inside the engine room, how do you maintain the right level of water of your body to
prevent dehydration and may lead into complication?

Ans. Do not stay on very hot places, never contradict the law of nature.

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d. How do you maintain the correct body composition even in a long voyage?

Ans. Exercise and Adaptation of your working environment make you maintain your correct body
composition. Never tolerate yourself from self-petty.

e. How the onboard management prevent the spread of Sexually Transmitted Infection. HIV/AIDS of the
crew? Do the shipping company conduct a systematic medical test before a Seafarer get aboard?

Ans. Take all precautionary measure such as condoms and other form of contraception.


a-1. When there is a major problem happens inside the engine room were your obligation comes first,
how do you sustain your proper hygiene?

Ans. You must prepare your personal belonging and adjust to any situation and prepare to anticipate

a-2. Knowing that almost of the food on board are preserve and less nutritious compared to its normal
state, how do you ensure that your physical health condition is in shape? Do you add vitamins or food
supplement as dietary means?

Ans. Adding Exercise to routine (most preferably Squat Jump) and taking multivitamins (Centrum)

b. How do you exert physical exercises to maintain your physical fitness while onboard?

Ans. Good time management is the key to maintain your physical wellness

c. Is the regulation implemented by MLC regarding about the proper sleeping & resting condition
followed onboard? How do you relax yourself onboard?

Ans. Yes, you are being convinced, but not all ships or company; teach your mind to overcome problem
and you must be time conscious


a. What are those significant measure you consider for your personal security and safe travel?

Ans. Identify the most critical point of your job then focused to avoid it risks.

b. How do you maintain your personal safety and protection while working inside the engine room?

Ans. Proper working procedure and protective measure must be following.


a. What are the common unfavorable effect of alcohol consumption onboard?

Ans. Dangerous health status failed to do their duty and much prone to accident.

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b. What are the restriction that rules concerning to prevent accident prior to coming on duty?

Ans. Self- Discipline

c. How to prevent the use of illicit drugs and medications which may interfere with work performance

Ans. Give them warnings and report anomaly.

d. What are the consequences of drug and alcohol use rules onboard?

Ans. It might a cause for dismissal, Alcohol abuse is one of the grounds for dismissing a Seafarer.

e. How about illicit drug possession or drug trafficking?

Ans. (Dissame result as alcohol abuse)

f. How the shipping company address its action about drug related interaction and alcohol abuse of their
crew while in the middle of voyage?

Ans. They conduct a random check about alcoholism and imposing strict penalties.

g. What are the programs acquired for condemned seafarer that proven commit drug abuse onboard?

Ans. Dismissal, Penalties and Making your world smaller (the other shipping company would decline
your application considering your professional background history

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John Glenn Mateos

BSMar-E 2B

Social Science and Philosophy (NGEC 10)

Assignment No. 1


a. How do you enhance your psychological well-being while onboard?

Ans. adopted the proper state of mind, Self-evaluation and physical preparation is the key for a good
psychological well-being.

b. How you achieve positive mental health on the environment onboard?

Ans. By avoiding letting your Ego come in your way

c. What are the common cause of bullying and harassment onboard?

Ans. because of the negative or hostile behavior of another co-worker and lack of strength faculty of the


a. What are the common type of diseases found onboard? And what are the accessible remedy present?

Ans. The most common disease of a seafarer is Hypertension because of excessive stress, homesickness,
smoking, lack of exercise or workout, overconsumption of alcohol and fatigue.

b. How to avoid dental problems and irritation onboard? What are the factor you consider to maintain
healthy dental condition?

Ans. Brush your teeth at least twice a day with a fluoride-containing toothpaste. Preferably, brush after
each meal and especially before going to work; Avoid carbohydrates such as candy, pretzels and chips,
which can remain on the tooth surface

c. What is the toughest ship's operation that needs full hydration of your body onboard?

Ans. Bunkering operation; because it requires utmost care and alertness to prevent any kind of fire
accident or oil spill

d. What are the usual reason of being overweight or obese onboard bases on your observation?

Ans. Out of control the consuming fats and following a physical exercise program.

e. What are the precautionary measure you consider preventing sexually transmitted infection (STI),
HIV/AIDS onboard?

Ans. Use condoms whenever you have sex, especially with new partners

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a. How do you maintain your proper hygiene and nutrition onboard?

Ans. Regular wash hands throughout the day, especially after touching equipment, passing money, or
using the toilet.

b. What are the physical fitness exercise you done to improve your physical well-being?

Ans. Basketball, it helps me to improve my muscle strength and boost my endurance.

c. Are you convinced of your resting and sleeping condition onboard?

Ans. Yes, I am convincing because of the comfortability and the proper rest and sleep provided by the
shipping company.


a. How do you assure your personal security and safe travel from threat of danger onboard?

Ans. Prepare your faculty for any undesirable event.

b. What are those significant measure you consider guaranteeing a satisfactory result for personal safety
and protection while in the engine room?

Ans. Look at the basic dangers and hazards associated with the engine room or machinery space, and
the ways you need to react, and consider the roles and responsibilities for safety.


a. What health problems are associated with excessive alcohol use?

Ans. They cannot perform their duty on time or sometimes many errors occur.

b. What are the restriction concerning prior to coming on duty onboard?

Ans. The competent authority shall require that, prior to beginning work on a ship, seafarers hold a valid
medical certificate attesting that they are medically fit to perform the duties they are to carry out at sea.

c. What are the consequences of violating drug and alcohol use rules onboard?

Ans. A seafarer can expect little sympathy from their employer or the authorities if caught in possession
of, or using, illegal substances.

d. Rehabilitation and Re-employment

Ans. provide rehabilitation services for those seafarers diagnosed as having or who have acknowledged a
drug or alcohol abuse problem and; encourage those with drug and alcohol abuse problems to seek
assistance thereby reducing health and safety risks to fellow seafarers on board ships.

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Graduated at BMMCI

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Marvin B. Vitor

BSMar-E 2B

Social Science and Philosophy (NGEC 10)

Assignment No. 1


a. As a Seafarer, how do you maintain your psychological well-being while Onboard?

Ans. Socialization with the other crew

b. What are the step you consider attaining a positive mental health while onboard the ship for a couple
of months?

Ans. Onboard, you must accept who you are , you must be also mentally and physically prepared

c. In your entire career as Marine engineer, do you ever encounter bullying and harassment on board? If
yes, how the other crew especially the officer response on the scenario?

Ans. It most likely to happen, they help & sympathize the underdog. To prevent bullying and harassment
you must prepare your own faculty, the more concrete faculty the better treatment you can acquired.


a. Being a Seafarer, in every contract different co-worker you been encountered; Based in your
experience and observation, what are the various types of diseases that a seafarer commonly suffers?

Ans. Loneliness is the greatest opponent in maritime career, to overcome its tremendous effect you must
still think positively, anticipate the problem and foresee to eliminate it.

b. When it comes in dental problems of crew onboard, how this matter affects the effectiveness and
productivity while working? And what are the available treatment present onboard?

Ans. There are available medication onboard

c. When working inside the engine room, how do you maintain the right level of water of your body to
prevent dehydration and may lead into complication?

Ans. Do not stay on very hot places, never contradict the law of nature.

d. How do you maintain the correct body composition even in a long voyage?

Ans. Exercise and Adaptation of your working environment make you maintain your correct body
composition. Never tolerate yourself from self-petty.

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e. How the onboard management prevent the spread of Sexually Transmitted Infection. HIV/AIDS of the
crew? Do the shipping company conduct a systematic medical test before a Seafarer get aboard?

Ans. Take all precautionary measure such as condoms and other form of contraception.


a-1. When there is a major problem happens inside the engine room were your obligation comes first,
how do you sustain your proper hygiene?

Ans. You must prepare your personal belonging and adjust to any situation and prepare to anticipate

a-2. Knowing that almost of the food on board are preserve and less nutritious compared to its normal
state, how do you ensure that your physical health condition is in shape? Do you add vitamins or food
supplement as dietary means?

Ans. Adding Exercise to routine (most preferably Squat Jump) and taking multivitamins (Centrum)

b. How do you exert physical exercises to maintain your physical fitness while onboard?

Ans. Good time management is the key to maintain your physical wellness

c. Is the regulation implemented by MLC regarding about the proper sleeping & resting condition
followed onboard? How do you relax yourself onboard?

Ans. Yes, you are being convinced, but not all ships or company; teach your mind to overcome problem
and you must be time conscious


a. What are those significant measure you consider for your personal security and safe travel?

Ans. Identify the most critical point of your job then focused to avoid it risks.

b. How do you maintain your personal safety and protection while working inside the engine room?

Ans. Proper working procedure and protective measure must be following.


a. What are the common unfavorable effect of alcohol consumption onboard?

Ans. Dangerous health status failed to do their duty and much prone to accident.

b. What are the restriction that rules concerning to prevent accident prior to coming on duty?

Ans. Self- Discipline

c. How to prevent the use of illicit drugs and medications which may interfere with work performance

Ans. Give them warnings and report anomaly.

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d. What are the consequences of drug and alcohol use rules onboard?

Ans. It might a cause for dismissal, Alcohol abuse is one of the grounds for dismissing a Seafarer.

e. How about illicit drug possession or drug trafficking?

Ans. (Dissame result as alcohol abuse)

f. How the shipping company address its action about drug related interaction and alcohol abuse of their
crew while in the middle of voyage?

Ans. They conduct a random check about alcoholism and imposing strict penalties.

g. What are the programs acquired for condemned seafarer that proven commit drug abuse onboard?

Ans. Dismissal, Penalties and Making your world smaller (the other shipping company would decline
your application considering your professional background history

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