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Targeted Climate Information for Decision Making

Ensuring development interventions consider the effects of a
changing climate is critical across a range of sectors to demon-
strate impact and sustainability. Enhancing National Climate
Services (ENACTS) is a unique initiative developed by the IRI
and partners to provide reliable and readily accessible climate
data at high resolution to decision makers in Africa. The ENACTS
initiative delivers robust climate data, targeted information prod-
ucts and training specifically relevant to user needs, enabling them
to apply climate information to decision making with confidence.

scales while building local capacity. This It provides the ability to monitor cur-
higher definition in climate data assists rent climate and to develop forecasts
targeted decision making to consolidate to:
Observations Make All development gains in the face of climate
++Trigger early warning systems to
The Difference vari­ability and change and improve the
alert for potential food in­security,
resilience of vulnerable communities.
Ground observations are essential for infectious disease epidemics and
ensuring robust climate data for national Understanding the Past, hydro-meteorological disasters.
decision making. Observations capture
small-scale geographic variability in pre- Monitoring the Present, ++Strengthen activities to support
climate-smart development, such
cipitation and temperature that can Forecasting the Future as cli­mate-resilient crop planting,
have 0˚a significant impact
30˚E 60˚E
on develop- 90˚E 120˚E 150˚E 180˚ 150˚W 12
ENACTS enables analysis of climate Longitude weather index-based agricultural
ment outcomes. Climate information
data at multiple scales to enhance de­ in­surance, and improve efficiency in
14 produced at the global level does not
velopment decisions. energy and water usage.
fully exploit information from national
observational data. Despite significant It uses detailed historical climate data to: By integrating observations with proxy
advances, even the highest-definition data, ENACTS overcomes issues of data
++Understand natural variability in
satellite data may not provide the level scarcity and poor quality and introduces
tem­perature and precipitation over
of detail required for the smaller scales
na­tional, regional and district scales
of government decision making.
and assess the impacts on develop-
In many African countries, gaps in ob- ment outcomes.
servational records result in poor
++Understand climate sensitivity to
quality data, un­dermining the reliability
map populations and systems at risk
of climate anal­ ysis, short-term fore-
of climate variability and change.
casts and long-term projections. By in-
tegrating local obser­vations and global ++Improve the timing and scale of
monitoring data, the ENACTS initiative cli­
mate-sensitive interventions and
strengthens policy analysis by providing design early warning systems. Training workshop on climate data management and
seasonal forecasting held in Niamey, Niger.
national coverage with greater accu-
Francesco Fiondella/IRI
racy at smaller spatial and temporal

International Research Institute

for Climate and Society
A Solid Track Record
Working alongside national meteorological
agencies, regional climate centers, the World
“ It used to be that in order to get
climate information for a given
place, you’d have to submit a
Meteorological Organization, government
written request to the Na­tional
ministries and sectoral partners, ENACTS has Meteorology Agency and then
so far been implemented in Ethiopia, Mada- pay for the data.The process
gascar, Tanzania, Rwanda and Sahelian coun- could take weeks. Now, with all
tries in West Africa via a regional collabora- this information available online,
tion with the AGRHYMET Center. Work will it takes seconds and is free.
soon start in the Gambia and Burkina Faso,
with Mali to follow.
Tufa Dinku
Climate Scientist, IRI

quality-assessed and spatially complete abling high definition climate analysis

data services into national meteoro- from community to national levels.
logical agencies. One of the strengths
Access is improved by making infor-
of ENACTS is that it harnesses all local
mation available online. An online map-
observational data, incorporating high
ping service, populated and customized
definition information that globally pro-
using the powerful IRI Data Library, is
duced or modelled products rarely ac-
installed at national meteorology ser-
cess. The resulting spatially and tem-
vices with user-friendly tools for the
porally continuous datasets allow for
analysis, visualization and downloading
the characterization of climate risks at
of climate information. Maprooms en-
a local scale. Once ENACTS is imple-
able users to analyze the average cli-
mented, the data can be used for mul-
mate at any location at national and
tiple purposes from delivering practical
sub-national scales, monitor the current
information about climate sensitive sec-
season, compare the current season
tors, to providing researchers with ro-
with the mean or with recent years, and
bust data for detailed analysis.
translate seasonal forecasts.
Making Data Work Use of climate information is en-
Availability of data is enhanced by hanced by having practitioners and de-
blending data from the national ob- cision makers identify climate informa-
servation network with satellite and tion needs and by developing informa-
climate reanalysis and elevation maps. tion products and user-specific training
Example of ENACTS map room tools driven by nation-
ally robust data from Tanzania.
This process produces spatially com- on how to interpret climate informa-
plete rainfall and temperature data for tion for policy making and implemen-
up to a 4km grid over a 30-year time tation. This user-led approach ensures
series. The products derived from these ENACTS builds capacity, empowering
data can be made freely available, en- decision makers to apply climate infor-
mation with confidence.



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