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Project: CONN 74

Project no: 027

Author: TB JV

Project data
Project name CONN 74
Project number 027
Author TB JV
Date 5/29/2021
Design code EN

Steel S 355, S 275

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Project: CONN 74
Project no: 027
Author: TB JV

Project item CONN 74

Name CONN 74
Analysis Stress, strain/ simplified loading

Beams and columns

β – Direction γ - Pitch α - Rotation Offset ex Offset ey Offset ez
Name Cross-section Forces in
[°] [°] [°] [mm] [mm] [mm]
H01 UPN140 4 - UNP140 0.0 -90.0 -90.0 0 0 0 Node
BM01 HEA180 3 - HEA180 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 80 Node

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Project: CONN 74
Project no: 027
Author: TB JV

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Project: CONN 74
Project no: 027
Author: TB JV

Name Material
4 - UNP140 S 275
3 - HEA180 S 275

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Project: CONN 74
Project no: 027
Author: TB JV

Name Material Drawing

4 - UNP140 S 275

3 - HEA180 S 275

Load effects (equilibrium not required)

N Vy Vz Mx My Mz
Name Member
[kN] [kN] [kN] [kNm] [kNm] [kNm]
LEA1 H01 UPN140 -20.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 12.0 0.0


Name Value Status
Analysis 100.0% OK
Plates 0.0 < 5.0% OK
Welds 98.3 < 100% OK
Buckling 34.36

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Project: CONN 74
Project no: 027
Author: TB JV

Thickness σEd εPl σcEd
Name Material Loads Status
[mm] [MPa] [%] [MPa]
H01 UPN140-bfl 1 S 275 10.0 LEA1 201.9 0.0 0.0 OK
H01 UPN140-tfl 1 S 275 10.0 LEA1 196.9 0.0 0.0 OK
H01 UPN140-w 1 S 275 7.0 LEA1 158.5 0.0 0.0 OK
BM01 HEA180-bfl 1 S 275 9.5 LEA1 114.7 0.0 0.0 OK
BM01 HEA180-tfl 1 S 275 9.5 LEA1 187.1 0.0 0.0 OK
BM01 HEA180-w 1 S 275 6.0 LEA1 69.2 0.0 0.0 OK
STIFF1a S 355 10.0 LEA1 198.4 0.0 0.0 OK
STIFF1b S 355 10.0 LEA1 212.6 0.0 0.0 OK

Design data

fy εlim
[MPa] [%]
S 275 275.0 5.0
S 355 355.0 5.0

Symbol explanation
εPl Strain
σEd Eq. stress
σcEd Contact stress
fy Yield strength
εlim Limit of plastic strain

Overall check, LEA1

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Project: CONN 74
Project no: 027
Author: TB JV

Strain check, LEA1

Equivalent stress, LEA1

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Project: CONN 74
Project no: 027
Author: TB JV

Welds (Plastic redistribution)

Throat σ⏊ τ⏊
Length σw,Ed εPl τ|| Ut Utc
Item Edge th. Loads Status
[mm] [MPa] [%] [MPa] [MPa] [MPa] [%] [%]
STIFF1a ◢4.2◣ 72 LEA1 159.0 0.0 -6.5 91.5 -6.7 39.3 24.1 OK
HEA180-bfl 1
◢4.2◣ 72 LEA1 156.8 0.0 -6.7 -90.2 6.5 38.8 23.6 OK
STIFF1a ◢4.2◣ 122 LEA1 176.1 0.0 -17.1 -99.6 -18.0 43.5 35.3 OK
HEA180-w 1
◢4.2◣ 122 LEA1 173.7 0.0 -18.8 98.1 17.9 42.9 34.7 OK
STIFF1a ◢4.2◣ 72 LEA1 396.6 0.0 185.4 71.7 189.3 98.0 59.8 OK
HEA180-tfl 1
◢4.2◣ 72 LEA1 396.7 0.0 191.6 -69.9 -187.9 98.0 64.2 OK
STIFF1b ◢4.2◣ 72 LEA1 174.1 0.0 3.6 -100.4 3.0 43.0 25.0 OK
HEA180-bfl 1
◢4.2◣ 72 LEA1 176.0 0.0 1.8 101.6 -2.3 43.5 25.6 OK
STIFF1b ◢4.2◣ 122 LEA1 195.1 0.0 13.1 111.7 12.6 48.2 38.6 OK
HEA180-w 1
◢4.2◣ 122 LEA1 197.7 0.0 12.5 -113.2 -12.9 48.8 39.1 OK
STIFF1b ◢4.2◣ 72 LEA1 396.8 0.1 -190.8 -66.5 -189.5 98.0 71.7 OK
HEA180-tfl 1
◢4.2◣ 72 LEA1 396.8 0.1 -186.2 75.7 187.6 98.0 67.9 OK
BM01 H01 UPN140-
◢3.0◣ 57 LEA1 397.5 0.6 -194.7 9.2 -199.9 98.2 98.2 OK
HEA180-tfl 1 bfl 1
◢3.0◣ 57 LEA1 397.9 0.8 -202.0 -5.6 197.8 98.3 98.2 OK
BM01 H01 UPN140-
◢3.0◣ 57 LEA1 397.1 0.3 203.1 -0.4 197.0 98.1 98.1 OK
HEA180-tfl 1 tfl 1
◢3.0◣ 57 LEA1 396.8 0.1 190.8 8.9 -200.7 98.0 91.5 OK
BM01 H01 UPN140-
◢3.0◣ 130 LEA1 326.2 0.0 -152.5 -61.9 -154.6 80.6 29.9 OK
HEA180-tfl 1 w1
◢3.0◣ 130 LEA1 149.8 0.0 -56.1 -51.4 61.6 37.0 19.0 OK

Design data

βw σw,Rd 0.9 σ
[-] [MPa] [MPa]
S 275 0.85 404.7 309.6

Symbol explanation
εPl Strain
σw,Ed Equivalent stress
σw,Rd Equivalent stress resistance
σ⏊ Perpendicular stress
τ|| Shear stress parallel to weld axis
τ⏊ Shear stress perpendicular to weld axis
0.9 σ Perpendicular stress resistance - 0.9*fu/γM2
βw Corelation factor EN 1993-1-8 tab. 4.1
Ut Utilization
Utc Weld capacity utilization

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Project: CONN 74
Project no: 027
Author: TB JV

Detailed result for BM01 HEA180-bfl 1 STIFF1a

Weld resistance check (EN 1993-1-8
2 + 3(τ 2 + τ 2 )]0.5 = 
σw,Rd = fu /(βw γM 2 ) =  404.7 MPa ≥ σw,Ed = [σ⊥ ⊥ ∥ 159.0 MPa

σ⊥,Rd = 0.9fu /γM 2 =  309.6 MPa ≥ ∣σ⊥ ∣ =  6.5 MPa

fu = 430.0 MPa – Ultimate strength
βw = 0.85 – appropriate correlation factor taken from Table 4.1

γM 2 = 1.25 – Safety factor

Stress utilization
∣σ⊥ ∣
Ut = max( σσw,Ed
; σ⊥,Rd ) =  39.3 %

Weld resistance check (EN 1993-1-8

2 + 3(τ 2 + τ 2 )]0.5 = 
σw,Rd = fu /(βw γM 2 ) =  404.7 MPa ≥ σw,Ed = [σ⊥ ⊥ ∥ 156.8 MPa

σ⊥,Rd = 0.9fu /γM 2 =  309.6 MPa ≥ ∣σ⊥ ∣ =  6.7 MPa

fu = 430.0 MPa – Ultimate strength
βw = 0.85 – appropriate correlation factor taken from Table 4.1

γM 2 = 1.25 – Safety factor

Stress utilization
∣σ⊥ ∣
Ut = max( σσw,Ed
; σ⊥,Rd ) =  38.8 %

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Project: CONN 74
Project no: 027
Author: TB JV

Detailed result for BM01 HEA180-w 1 STIFF1a

Weld resistance check (EN 1993-1-8
2 + 3(τ 2 + τ 2 )]0.5 = 
σw,Rd = fu /(βw γM 2 ) =  404.7 MPa ≥ σw,Ed = [σ⊥ ⊥ ∥ 176.1 MPa

σ⊥,Rd = 0.9fu /γM 2 =  309.6 MPa ≥ ∣σ⊥ ∣ =  17.1 MPa

fu = 430.0 MPa – Ultimate strength
βw = 0.85 – appropriate correlation factor taken from Table 4.1

γM 2 = 1.25 – Safety factor

Stress utilization
∣σ⊥ ∣
Ut = max( σσw,Ed
; σ⊥,Rd ) =  43.5 %

Weld resistance check (EN 1993-1-8

2 + 3(τ 2 + τ 2 )]0.5 = 
σw,Rd = fu /(βw γM 2 ) =  404.7 MPa ≥ σw,Ed = [σ⊥ ⊥ ∥ 173.7 MPa

σ⊥,Rd = 0.9fu /γM 2 =  309.6 MPa ≥ ∣σ⊥ ∣ =  18.8 MPa

fu = 430.0 MPa – Ultimate strength
βw = 0.85 – appropriate correlation factor taken from Table 4.1
γM 2 = 1.25 – Safety factor

Stress utilization
∣σ⊥ ∣
Ut = max( σσw,Ed
; σ⊥,Rd ) =  42.9 %

10 / 19
Project: CONN 74
Project no: 027
Author: TB JV

Detailed result for BM01 HEA180-tfl 1 STIFF1a

Weld resistance check (EN 1993-1-8
2 + 3(τ 2 + τ 2 )]0.5 = 
σw,Rd = fu /(βw γM 2 ) =  404.7 MPa ≥ σw,Ed = [σ⊥ ⊥ ∥ 396.6 MPa

σ⊥,Rd = 0.9fu /γM 2 =  309.6 MPa ≥ ∣σ⊥ ∣ =  185.4 MPa

fu = 430.0 MPa – Ultimate strength
βw = 0.85 – appropriate correlation factor taken from Table 4.1

γM 2 = 1.25 – Safety factor

Stress utilization
∣σ⊥ ∣
Ut = max( σσw,Ed
; σ⊥,Rd ) =  98.0 %

Weld resistance check (EN 1993-1-8

2 + 3(τ 2 + τ 2 )]0.5 = 
σw,Rd = fu /(βw γM 2 ) =  404.7 MPa ≥ σw,Ed = [σ⊥ ⊥ ∥ 396.7 MPa

σ⊥,Rd = 0.9fu /γM 2 =  309.6 MPa ≥ ∣σ⊥ ∣ =  191.6 MPa

fu = 430.0 MPa – Ultimate strength
βw = 0.85 – appropriate correlation factor taken from Table 4.1

γM 2 = 1.25 – Safety factor

Stress utilization
∣σ⊥ ∣
Ut = max( σσw,Ed
; σ⊥,Rd ) =  98.0 %

11 / 19
Project: CONN 74
Project no: 027
Author: TB JV

Detailed result for BM01 HEA180-bfl 1 STIFF1b

Weld resistance check (EN 1993-1-8
2 + 3(τ 2 + τ 2 )]0.5 = 
σw,Rd = fu /(βw γM 2 ) =  404.7 MPa ≥ σw,Ed = [σ⊥ ⊥ ∥ 174.1 MPa

σ⊥,Rd = 0.9fu /γM 2 =  309.6 MPa ≥ ∣σ⊥ ∣ =  3.6 MPa

fu = 430.0 MPa – Ultimate strength
βw = 0.85 – appropriate correlation factor taken from Table 4.1
γM 2 = 1.25 – Safety factor

Stress utilization
∣σ⊥ ∣
Ut = max( σσw,Ed
; σ⊥,Rd ) =  43.0 %

Weld resistance check (EN 1993-1-8

2 + 3(τ 2 + τ 2 )]0.5 = 
σw,Rd = fu /(βw γM 2 ) =  404.7 MPa ≥ σw,Ed = [σ⊥ ⊥ ∥ 176.0 MPa

σ⊥,Rd = 0.9fu /γM 2 =  309.6 MPa ≥ ∣σ⊥ ∣ =  1.8 MPa

fu = 430.0 MPa – Ultimate strength
βw = 0.85 – appropriate correlation factor taken from Table 4.1

γM 2 = 1.25 – Safety factor

Stress utilization
∣σ⊥ ∣
Ut = max( σσw,Ed
; σ⊥,Rd ) =  43.5 %

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Project: CONN 74
Project no: 027
Author: TB JV

Detailed result for BM01 HEA180-w 1 STIFF1b

Weld resistance check (EN 1993-1-8
2 + 3(τ 2 + τ 2 )]0.5 = 
σw,Rd = fu /(βw γM 2 ) =  404.7 MPa ≥ σw,Ed = [σ⊥ ⊥ ∥ 195.1 MPa

σ⊥,Rd = 0.9fu /γM 2 =  309.6 MPa ≥ ∣σ⊥ ∣ =  13.1 MPa

fu = 430.0 MPa – Ultimate strength
βw = 0.85 – appropriate correlation factor taken from Table 4.1

γM 2 = 1.25 – Safety factor

Stress utilization
∣σ⊥ ∣
Ut = max( σσw,Ed
; σ⊥,Rd ) =  48.2 %

Weld resistance check (EN 1993-1-8

2 + 3(τ 2 + τ 2 )]0.5 = 
σw,Rd = fu /(βw γM 2 ) =  404.7 MPa ≥ σw,Ed = [σ⊥ ⊥ ∥ 197.7 MPa

σ⊥,Rd = 0.9fu /γM 2 =  309.6 MPa ≥ ∣σ⊥ ∣ =  12.5 MPa

fu = 430.0 MPa – Ultimate strength
βw = 0.85 – appropriate correlation factor taken from Table 4.1

γM 2 = 1.25 – Safety factor

Stress utilization
∣σ⊥ ∣
Ut = max( σσw,Ed
; σ⊥,Rd ) =  48.8 %

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Project: CONN 74
Project no: 027
Author: TB JV

Detailed result for BM01 HEA180-tfl 1 STIFF1b

Weld resistance check (EN 1993-1-8
2 + 3(τ 2 + τ 2 )]0.5 = 
σw,Rd = fu /(βw γM 2 ) =  404.7 MPa ≥ σw,Ed = [σ⊥ ⊥ ∥ 396.8 MPa

σ⊥,Rd = 0.9fu /γM 2 =  309.6 MPa ≥ ∣σ⊥ ∣ =  190.8 MPa

fu = 430.0 MPa – Ultimate strength
βw = 0.85 – appropriate correlation factor taken from Table 4.1

γM 2 = 1.25 – Safety factor

Stress utilization
∣σ⊥ ∣
Ut = max( σσw,Ed
; σ⊥,Rd ) =  98.0 %

Weld resistance check (EN 1993-1-8

2 + 3(τ 2 + τ 2 )]0.5 = 
σw,Rd = fu /(βw γM 2 ) =  404.7 MPa ≥ σw,Ed = [σ⊥ ⊥ ∥ 396.8 MPa

σ⊥,Rd = 0.9fu /γM 2 =  309.6 MPa ≥ ∣σ⊥ ∣ =  186.2 MPa

fu = 430.0 MPa – Ultimate strength
βw = 0.85 – appropriate correlation factor taken from Table 4.1

γM 2 = 1.25 – Safety factor

Stress utilization
∣σ⊥ ∣
Ut = max( σσw,Ed
; σ⊥,Rd ) =  98.0 %

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Project: CONN 74
Project no: 027
Author: TB JV

Detailed result for BM01 HEA180-tfl 1 H01 UPN140-bfl 1

Weld resistance check (EN 1993-1-8
2 + 3(τ 2 + τ 2 )]0.5 = 
σw,Rd = fu /(βw γM 2 ) =  404.7 MPa ≥ σw,Ed = [σ⊥ ⊥ ∥ 397.5 MPa

σ⊥,Rd = 0.9fu /γM 2 =  309.6 MPa ≥ ∣σ⊥ ∣ =  194.7 MPa

fu = 430.0 MPa – Ultimate strength
βw = 0.85 – appropriate correlation factor taken from Table 4.1

γM 2 = 1.25 – Safety factor

Stress utilization
∣σ⊥ ∣
Ut = max( σσw,Ed
; σ⊥,Rd ) =  98.2 %

Weld resistance check (EN 1993-1-8

2 + 3(τ 2 + τ 2 )]0.5 = 
σw,Rd = fu /(βw γM 2 ) =  404.7 MPa ≥ σw,Ed = [σ⊥ ⊥ ∥ 397.9 MPa

σ⊥,Rd = 0.9fu /γM 2 =  309.6 MPa ≥ ∣σ⊥ ∣ =  202.0 MPa

fu = 430.0 MPa – Ultimate strength
βw = 0.85 – appropriate correlation factor taken from Table 4.1

γM 2 = 1.25 – Safety factor

Stress utilization
∣σ⊥ ∣
Ut = max( σσw,Ed
; σ⊥,Rd ) =  98.3 %

15 / 19
Project: CONN 74
Project no: 027
Author: TB JV

Detailed result for BM01 HEA180-tfl 1 H01 UPN140-tfl 1

Weld resistance check (EN 1993-1-8
2 + 3(τ 2 + τ 2 )]0.5 = 
σw,Rd = fu /(βw γM 2 ) =  404.7 MPa ≥ σw,Ed = [σ⊥ ⊥ ∥ 397.1 MPa

σ⊥,Rd = 0.9fu /γM 2 =  309.6 MPa ≥ ∣σ⊥ ∣ =  203.1 MPa

fu = 430.0 MPa – Ultimate strength
βw = 0.85 – appropriate correlation factor taken from Table 4.1
γM 2 = 1.25 – Safety factor

Stress utilization
∣σ⊥ ∣
Ut = max( σσw,Ed
; σ⊥,Rd ) =  98.1 %

Weld resistance check (EN 1993-1-8

2 + 3(τ 2 + τ 2 )]0.5 = 
σw,Rd = fu /(βw γM 2 ) =  404.7 MPa ≥ σw,Ed = [σ⊥ ⊥ ∥ 396.8 MPa

σ⊥,Rd = 0.9fu /γM 2 =  309.6 MPa ≥ ∣σ⊥ ∣ =  190.8 MPa

fu = 430.0 MPa – Ultimate strength
βw = 0.85 – appropriate correlation factor taken from Table 4.1
γM 2 = 1.25 – Safety factor

Stress utilization
∣σ⊥ ∣
Ut = max( σσw,Ed
; σ⊥,Rd ) =  98.0 %

16 / 19
Project: CONN 74
Project no: 027
Author: TB JV

Detailed result for BM01 HEA180-tfl 1 H01 UPN140-w 1

Weld resistance check (EN 1993-1-8
2 + 3(τ 2 + τ 2 )]0.5 = 
σw,Rd = fu /(βw γM 2 ) =  404.7 MPa ≥ σw,Ed = [σ⊥ ⊥ ∥ 326.2 MPa

σ⊥,Rd = 0.9fu /γM 2 =  309.6 MPa ≥ ∣σ⊥ ∣ =  152.5 MPa

fu = 430.0 MPa – Ultimate strength
βw = 0.85 – appropriate correlation factor taken from Table 4.1

γM 2 = 1.25 – Safety factor

Stress utilization
∣σ⊥ ∣
Ut = max( σσw,Ed
; σ⊥,Rd ) =  80.6 %

Weld resistance check (EN 1993-1-8

2 + 3(τ 2 + τ 2 )]0.5 = 
σw,Rd = fu /(βw γM 2 ) =  404.7 MPa ≥ σw,Ed = [σ⊥ ⊥ ∥ 149.8 MPa

σ⊥,Rd = 0.9fu /γM 2 =  309.6 MPa ≥ ∣σ⊥ ∣ =  56.1 MPa

fu = 430.0 MPa – Ultimate strength
βw = 0.85 – appropriate correlation factor taken from Table 4.1

γM 2 = 1.25 – Safety factor

Stress utilization
∣σ⊥ ∣
Ut = max( σσw,Ed
; σ⊥,Rd ) =  37.0 %

Loads Shape
LEA1 1 34.36
2 41.74
3 41.87
4 56.07
5 65.39
6 72.42

17 / 19
Project: CONN 74
Project no: 027
Author: TB JV

Bill of material

Manufacturing operations
Plates Welds Length
Name Shape Nr. Bolts Nr.
[mm] [mm] [mm]

STIFF1 P10.0x87.0-152.0 (S 355) 2 Double fillet: a = 4.2 532.0

CUT1 Double fillet: a = 3.0 243.0

Throat thickness Leg size Length
Type Material
[mm] [mm] [mm]
Double fillet S 275 4.2 6.0 532.0
Double fillet S 275 3.0 4.2 243.0



P10.0x152-87 (S 355)

Code settings
Item Value Unit Reference

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Project: CONN 74
Project no: 027
Author: TB JV

Item Value Unit Reference

γM0 1.00 - EN 1993-1-1: 6.1
γM1 1.00 - EN 1993-1-1: 6.1
γM2 1.25 - EN 1993-1-1: 6.1
γM3 1.25 - EN 1993-1-8: 2.2
γC 1.50 - EN 1992-1-1:
γInst 1.20 - EN 1992-4: Table 4.1
Joint coefficient βj 0.67 - EN 1993-1-8: 6.2.5
Effective area - influence of mesh size 0.10 -
Friction coefficient - concrete 0.25 - EN 1993-1-8
Friction coefficient in slip-resistance 0.30 - EN 1993-1-8 tab 3.7
Limit plastic strain 0.05 - EN 1993-1-5
Weld stress evaluation Plastic redistribution
Detailing No
Distance between bolts [d] 2.20 - EN 1993-1-8: tab 3.3
Distance between bolts and edge [d] 1.20 - EN 1993-1-8: tab 3.3
Concrete breakout resistance check Both EN 1992-4: and
Use calculated αb in bearing check. Yes EN 1993-1-8: tab 3.4
Cracked concrete Yes EN 1992-4
Local deformation check No CIDECT DG 1, 3 - 1.1
Local deformation limit 0.03 - CIDECT DG 1, 3 - 1.1
Geometrical nonlinearity (GMNA) Yes Analysis with large deformations for hollow section joints
Braced system No EN 1993-1-8:

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