Website Changes April 2011

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Integrating content to reach core consumers


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Digicom aims to help advertisers access their core audience most helpful and effective way to meet their communication
objectives. ½e can package our screen networks efficiently, allowing advertisers to buy the most appropriate audience for
their brand, whether that is by targeted day part, or day of week.

½hat's for tea? Can I have a treat? How was school then? Are we there yet? Mums juggle a lot of plates and wear a lot of
hats ± taxi, nurse, cook, boss, teacher, counsellor and many more... They are out and about durin g the day, on the
school run and picking up bits of shopping. They often have their families in the car, and are in a family and child -
oriented mindset. They are stalwarts of their local communities, and often visit their local shops, and local surgeries.
Mums with kids under 6 typically visit their Doctor's surgery 9 times per year, and their local pharmacy 19 times per year
and they make huge decisions about hteir chidren's health and wellbeing.
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How can I target specific regions?
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Digicom provides advertisers with an invaluable opportunity to target relevant audiences based on specific locations and in
proximity to given postcodes. Such a bespoke way of targeting allows for meaningful conversations with relevant audiences
in proximity to specific stores or desired dealerships. Having advertising a localised message in a specific region generates
high level of interest and engagement from visiting customers.

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How can I drive people to engage with my media?
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Digicom delivers a number of different networks reaching consumers in their daily routines travelling, commuting and getting
on with their daily activities. A number of media brands have already utilised the networks with an obvious ³call to action´
objective. Digicom can help you to target relevant audience to watch a relevant programme in the evening, buy a particular
newspaper or listen to a specific show. ½hatever your objective is, Digicom¶s team will tailor best advertising solutions to
engage with relevant audiences at specific times.

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Digicom¶s Creative Department produce second accurate storyboards so the client can really visualise the creative
direction of a project.

This holds the added benefit of keeping the client in the loop so when sign-off is needed on the final creative it very
ofter happens a lot faster.

Change to often

The storyboard ensures that as little time is wasted as possible and is the perfect middleground between a press
advert and an animated advert.

Below are some of the example of Digicom's storyboards to date.

Click the image to see a full preview. Change to examples

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The Forecourt Network
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The Forecourt Network offers one of the BIGGEST national digital out of home audiences. This provides advertisers with the
opportunity to deliver meaningful content to drivers in a receptive mindset, in an environment perfectly suited to foster
immediate action or consideration. ½e deliver meaningful conversations at relevant times of day or week and capit alise on the
frequency of visit to an ever changing and improving environment. This enables Digicom to deliver precision time or placed
base communication messages.

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Healthcare Network
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GP surgeries and healthcare providers are a trusted and integral part of the local community. Digicom offers an opportunity t o
integrate your brand into people*s daily lives in a credible and trusted environment, at a

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relevant and appropriate moment. Brands can inform, distract, educate and entertain consumers in the knowledge that they
are interested in receiving relevant messages in this captiv e environment with minimum wastage.

Production Ratecard

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Digicom provide full production and creative services. ½e can provide a full service design consultancy at cost -

Change to provides

efficient prices. This is especially useful for clients who want to advertise on our networks but don't have budgets to cover
expensive creative work. ½e also know our networks better than anyone, and can advise on content to maximise the
effectiveness of your camp aign.

Download our Production Ratecard below or contact Digicom Create Add full stop



Renault drives commercial vehicle deals on the forecourt network

Renault Vans has run an awareness campaign on Amscreen's forecourt network of digital screens, sold through independent
digital out of home media sales house Digicom.


Selling advertising on Amscreen's MRH forecourt estate

Digicom has been appointed by Amscreen to sell national advertising on the screens installed in venues operated by MRH.

Wa  LII   Tom Goddard making the case for independent networks    
Selling advertising on Amscreen's MRH forecourt estate


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Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque
ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia
voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt.

Natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis
et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut
fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt.

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Corporate News
Œa  Sa & Exp 

Digicom offers to take some sales cost off your hands while putting your national media offering in the hands of a
much bigger and more experienced sales team.

Download our corporate presentation which outlines the digital out of home market and our strategy and

Corporate News
Œa  Sa & Exp 

Digicom offers to take some sales cost off your hands while putting your national media offering in the hands of a
much bigger and more experienced sales team.

Download our corporate presentation which outlines the digital out of home market and our strategy and
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Digicom Incoming Feed

Œa  Sa & Exp 

Digicom offers to take some sales cost off your hands while putting your national media offering in the hands of a much
bigger and more experienced sales team.

Download our corporate presentation which outlines the digital out of home market and our strategy and expertise.

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The need for advertisers to create arresting communication and content is greater than ever. Digicom is about building and
delivering digital out of home networks which make this possible on a large scale. Operating in a market which has been
dominated by size, Digicom is committed to offering the very best market -leading sales and marketing support for independent
networks operating in this growing space. 

Unconstrained by format or environment, we are 100% dedicated to a media channel which delivers highly relevant
communications based on time, mindset and place. Digicom offers an opportunity to integrate tailored content into people's
daily lives making it more relevant and appropriate. ½e drive consumer actions based on needs, interest and location. ½e tap
into consumer mindsets, increasing receptivity and fostering immediate action. ½e help brands occupy minds in a valuable

In short, we aim to deliver more meaningful media moments.

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Tom Goddard, Executive Chairman

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He is Chairman and a shareholder of a number of private media companies;

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Change to Tom

UK : Digicom | Ocean Outdoor | Marketing Force

Ireland : Bravo

China : Sky Flying Media

He also acts in an advisory role for a number of major UK based Private Equity houses mainly in media space.

Change to Tom

Until 2007 he was Chief Executive Officer for CBS Outdoor¶s International division, overseeing a team of over 2,500 employees
across Europe and Asia, with revenues of approx. $800m posted in 2006. During his tenure at CBS he was responsible for the
successful London Underground media transition plan which was the largest contract award of its kind in the world.

Prior to his seven year term at CBS he worked (at C. E.O. level) for several major UK and international Out of Home Media
companies including Viacom, Metro Advertising and Maiden Outdoor. Tom Goddard is also a member of the London and Euro
Chapters of the ½orld Presidents Organisation ( and The Chief Executive Organisation (
He lives in the ½est End of London with his Partner and has three grown up children.
Change to Tom

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