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Franz RJ P.


Reflection # 1
The principles will assist me as a teacher in developing a good and efficient learning environment
for the learners. Before Pandemic, teachers have almost an unlimited strategy at their disposal
since the learners are there present with them thus communication and instructions are better
conveyed. Teachers are not limited by different factors brought about by the pandemic such as
social distancing and limited connectivity. The pandemic has forced teachers to thinks outside the
box as this is the first time in the history of education in the Philippines that an event so big that
it stopped schooling for many months. Thus this principles developed is a great tool to create
learning strategy for the learners and equip them with better learning environment,

Reflection # 2
I have become a teacher that promotes self discovery to the student by ensuring that the obstacles
they face will be surmountable even on their skills and knowledge. I give activity that not only
equips them with new knowledge but put them in the path of self discovery to assist them in their
future endeavors especially in this time of pandemic where direct help is hard to come by. In the
future i will stick to this design and improve to ensure that my future students are better equip.

Reflection # 3
Teaching is a difficult job, it puts a huge burden to the shoulder of the teacher to ensure that
every learner no matter their difference recieves the same level of education and care. This is to
ensure that every child grows ups to be a productive citizen of this country. The session has
taught me the importance of developing 1st a learning environment geared towards learning-
center focus of the Deped. This would be a brand new adventure that will put me in the path of
self discovery and improvement and I know that God will always be by my side.
Area 1 Explore the Learning Experience

I will use all the

needed for
Different types Yes, To study teaching
Content and methods of more strategy strategy
(What) teaching and improve
strategy upon them
From the
interweb and
various forums
I listened and
took notes from I will use it in
the online Very effective in my next lecture
Process and consultation
lecture. assisting me in
Ensuring that my study
there are no Yes 
Because it is a
great tool for
new teachers
like me. Because
knowledge is
In its direct
Reasons useless if its not
Learning is application
(Why) utilize
knowledge is
imparted to you Yes 
is utilized for

Area 2 Think of learning experience in relation to…..

Awareness Evaluation  Regulation

Professional Teaching is 1st I am on the path Yes
Development and foremost a of applying my
profession and learning to the
thus this new fullest of my None
learning capabality
imparted upon
A teacher that
will follow the
As a new public
teacher i will
apply it ot the

is a great tool
for new teachers
like me. Be flexible and
have a strong

Love the
profession from
the depths of my
I have always
I will always
dreamed of
thirst for new
knowledge that
knowledge to
I am better will give me an
Personal anyone
teacher today edge in
Development interested
than yesterday providing a
especially its
better education
importance to
to Filipino
the progress of
our nation

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