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Organization is the backbone of the management because without an efficient

organization no management can perform its functions smoothly. Thus, organization is

simply people working together for a common goal. It is a group of people assembling

or congregating at one place and contributes their efforts to achieve a common goal.

In any organization good leadership is a vital factor in achieving its goal and

objectives. Hence, effective school leaders apply their educational expertise and

management skills in order to focus their efforts, and those of their teaching staff, on

improving the quality of student learning outcomes. Additionally, according to (Tims et

al.,2011) leaders who consistently create an atmosphere that is conducive to

engagement may have more engaged employees, but they begin by bringing rise to

engagement at a task-based level.

Sarangani province is composed of different school organization that lead by

different talented and competitive school leaders where they aim for the improvement

and bring pride and honor to their organization by helping their learners to become a

well rounded individual by applying amalgham of strategies to minimize the problem of

truancy and drop outs of the students specially those who are at the mountainous area.

Furthermore, the researcher was prompted to conduct this study to know the different

practices and behaviors of school leaders in engaging different issues and concerns on

their specific school organization. Thus, how KSAOs contributes to the performance of

the school leaders in the organization that which a school must be aware and be

familiar for the administration and supervision of the work that to be done. Hence,

(McCauley,2006) stated that Leadership competencies are leadership skills and

behaviors that contribute to superior performance. By using a competency-based

approach to leadership, organizations can better identify and develop their next

generation of leaders.

Purpose of the Study

leaders are the drivers of an organization where they develop the mission, create

and implement strategy push the limits of innovation, and motivate employees to better

performance. Likewise, it aims to identifying and describing an individual’s unique

characteristics as they pertain to leading, managing, and directing others and how such

characteristics fit into a given position’s requirements. Just as no two leaders are alike,

no two positions have exactly the same requirements. Hopefully, the outcome of the

study would be of great help to the following education stakeholders.

Basically, the result of this study may provide the school leaders and

administrators vital information needed in decision making to improve the learning

outcomes of the pupils.

Moreover, this study may encourage the educators and facilitators to undertake

appropriate measures in dealing with pupils. This may help them in guiding parents who

have little concern for their children’s education, and pupils passive or lack of interest in

their studies.

Besides, the result of this study may help organizations maximize their

leadership. Thus, finding the right leaders and placing them in positions where they’ll

succeed and drive business.

Objective of the study

This study aimed to find out the different practices and behaviors of school

leaders in handling various issues and concerns in school organization.

Specifically, the researcher sought to answer the following objectives:

1. identifying the level of leadership competencies of school leaders.

2. differentiating efficiency and proficiency of each school leaders using KSAOs


3. knowing how school leaders conducted their work in school administration by

answering survey questions.

To gain an in-depth understanding of the topic, this study employed using the a

mixed-methods designs as its research methodology. This approach is a combination of

quantitative and qualitative strands (QUAL+QUAN; Morse, 1991).The activity aimed to

determine the efficacy and the proficiency rate of the school leaders. The qualitative

strand was the analysis of the school leader’s emergent behaviors when engaging with

different issues and concerns in school organization.

Convergent Parallel Design was used to obtain different but complementary data

on the efficacy and proficiency rate of school leaders towards handling a school

organization. This design entails that the researcher concurrently conducts the

quantitative and qualitative elements in the same phase of the research process,

weighs the methods equally, analyzes the two components independently, and
interprets the results together for corroboration and validation purposes (Creswell &

Pablo-Clark, 2011). A total of 3 school leaders ages of 33, 47 and 51 years old from

different school organization of Sarangani were participated in this study. They were

asked to answer the survey questionnaires which has two parts. The first part of the

questionnaire which is in the qualitative-narrative data gathering stage, the adopted

interview form was used from the structured interview form of (Laviste,2021). The

interview form is composed of four main questions to designed contextually to

determine the different practices and behaviors of school leader in school administration

and supervision in relation to human resources and management.

The second questionnaire used to measure the extent of efficacy and proficiency

of the school leader scale consisting 20 items which is divided into 4 categories, the

Knowlegde, Skills, Abilities, and Others. Further, it was constructed by the researcher in

reference to the ideas and insights of various authors cited in literature.

Statistical Treatment

The data gathered for this study were treated using frequency count and

weighted mean. To determine the level of leadership competencies, a five point scale

with description as shown was used:

Scale Range Description Verbal Interpretation

5 4.50 - 5.00 Always Very Great Extent
4 3.50 - 4.49 Often High Extent
3 2.50 - 3.49 Sometimes Moderate Extent
2 1.50 - 2.49 Seldom Low Extent
1 1.00 – 1.49 Never Very Low Extent
On the other hand, to determine the different works conducted by the school

leaders, qualitative research method was implies. Thus, it used narratology approach in

presenting the results of the job analysis.


The researcher began by analyzing the quantitative and qualitative data

independently. Thus, the various results were presented in the following tables with

corresponding discussions and explanations.

Table 1

level of KSAOs of school leaders

Indicators Mean Description Verbal

1. Very knowledgeable about effective 5 always Very High
instructional practices. extent
2. Very knowledgeable about curricular issues 4.33 often Very High
3. Can Identify an improvement pathway for 4.33 often High extent
each teacher and can sequence the steps on
the pathway and monitor progress
4. Stay informed of the current research 5 always Very High
and theory regarding effective schooling. extent
5. Set strategies which secure high standards 4.33 often High extent
of teachers and staff

6. Provide a school mission with a clear sense 4.66 always Very High
of direction for all stakeholders extent
7. Established a comprehensive system for 4.33 often High extent
whole school goal-setting and measurement
of success
8. Ensure the implementation of plans by a 3.66 often High extent
continuous process of monitoring and
9. Adapt my leadership style to the specific 5 always Very High
needs of a given situation. extent
10. Create a culture in which continuous learning, 3.66 often High extent
reflection, and collaboration is everyone’s
11. Have developed school planning documents 4.66 always Very High
(like the school improvement plan) in line with extent
the school vision
12. Continually monitor the effectiveness of our 3.66 often High extent
13. Portray a positive attitude about our ability to 4.66 always Very High
accomplish important initiatives. extent
14. Create networks of peers to support ongoing 4 often High extent
15. Use delegation as a tool to distribute and 5 always Very High
develop leadership. extent

16. Inspire teachers to accomplish things 4.66 always Very High

that might seem beyond their grasp. extent
17. Teachers are aware of my beliefs and vision 3.66 often High extent
regarding teaching and learning.
18. Encourage people to express opinions that 4.66 always Very High
are contrary to my own. extent
19. Create a safe, secure, orderly and purposeful 5 always Very High
school learning environment. extent
20. Share best practices with other schools 3.66 often High extent

Mean 4.5 Always Very high


Table 1 presents the efficacy and proficiency of school leaders.

The data shows that the school leaders are always knowledgeable about

effective instructional practices (M=5), adapt leadership style to the specific needs of a

given situation (M=5), always portray a positive attitude about our ability to accomplish

important initiatives M(4.66), create networks of peers to support ongoing learning

M(4.66), create a safe, secure, orderly and purposeful school learning environment

M(4.66).As can be seen, the school leaders have high regards with the importance of

Knowledge, Skills and abilities in leadership and hopes that these KSAOs practices

could help them be more effective and efficient as school leaders and managers.

Definitely, the school leaders believed that using delegare

This result is similar to findings of (McEwan, 2003) stressed that a self-directed

instructional leader with a strong intellect and personal depth of knowledge regarding

research-based curriculum, instruction and learning who motivates and facilitates the

intellectual growth and development of self, students, teachers and parents were

behaviors of principals of high achieving schools and considered to be highly effective.

He further stated that knowledge and skills of school leader are needed in order to be


Table 2

Individual KSAO matrix of school leader

Respondent 1 Respondent 2 Respondent 3

mean 4.65 4.3 4.55

level Always often always

interpretation Very high extent High extent Very High extent

Table 2 presents the different rating scale of school leaders using the KSAOs

matrix. It can be seen that respondent 1 got the higher mean (m=4.65) that interpreted

as very high extent. Followed by respondent 3 who got a mean of (m=4.55) which also

describe as very high extent. However, respondent 3 got a lower mean average of

(m=4.3) which described as high extent. Out of the three respondent, school leader 1

stood out compared to the other school leader which means that school leader 1 has a

positive attitude and behaviors towards handling different issues and concerns in her

organization and very knowledgeable when it comes to curricular issues and

instructional practices. One factor that contributes to her performance is her training and
experience since she handled a school for 10 years and had engaged in different

training that help her become a well rounded school leader. Likewise, (Amit, 2008)

stated that experience has a positive relationship to the performance of a leader. Thus,

he further said that the leaders proved to have had more leadership experiences than

non-leaders in their youth. Such experiences impact on self-perception as a leader, the

development of self-efficacy in leadership, and the accumulation of psychological and

behavioral knowledge related to the manifestation of leadership.

On the other hand, school leader number 3 got the lower mean which means he

often shows positive behaviors and attitudes in dealing with different problems in

school. This only implies that he is not yet fully experience since he handled school for

about 3 years and was assigned to one of the far-flung areas that have only limited

number of learners, staff and resources that will help the school leader widen his

experience. Hence, school location affect the performance of a school leader

Indicators Respondent 1 Respondent 2 Respondent 3
21. Very knowledgeable about effective 5 5 5
instructional practices.
22. Very knowledgeable about curricular issues 5 4 5
23. Can Identify an improvement pathway for 4 5 4
each teacher and can sequence the steps on
the pathway and monitor progress
24. Stay informed of the current research 5 5 5
and theory regarding effective schooling.
25. Set strategies which secure high standards 5 4 4
of teachers and staff

26. Provide a school mission with a clear sense 5 5 4

of direction for all stakeholders
27. Established a comprehensive system for 5 4 4
whole school goal-setting and measurement
of success
28. Ensure the implementation of plans by a 4 4 4
continuous process of monitoring and
29. Adapt my leadership style to the specific 5 5 5
needs of a given situation.
30. Create a culture in which continuous learning, 4 4 4
reflection, and collaboration is everyone’s
31. Have developed school planning documents 5 4 5
(like the school improvement plan) in line with
the school vision
32. Continually monitor the effectiveness of our 4 4 4
33. Portray a positive attitude about our ability to 5 5 4
accomplish important initiatives.
34. Create networks of peers to support ongoing 4 4 5
35. Use delegation as a tool to distribute and 5 5 5
develop leadership.

36. Inspire teachers to accomplish things 5 4 5

that might seem beyond their grasp.
37. Teachers are aware of my beliefs and vision 4 4 4
regarding teaching and learning.
38. Encourage people to express opinions that 5 4 5
are contrary to my own.
39. Create a safe, secure, orderly and purposeful 5 5 5
school learning environment.
40. Share best practices with other schools 4 4 4

Mean 4.65 4.3 4.55

level always often always

interpretation Very high High extent Very High
extent extent
The qualitative data reported the pre-school children’s emergent behaviours when

engaging with mobile apps and when controlling the writing instruments. The analysis of

qualitative strands began with a careful reading of observation to capture the general

themes and emergent approaches. Table 4 and Table 5 summarize the findings based
on the 30 pre-school children’s emergent behaviours when engaging with mobile apps

and when controlling the writing instruments.

Table 2. Qualitative Survey Question on the KSAO of school leaders when

engaging in different issues and concers.

School leader 1.


McEwan, E. (2003). 10 traits of highly effective principals: From good to great

performance. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press, Inc

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