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The Third Wave and Its Impact on Translation


The Third Wave and Its Impact on Translation

January 18 2022, Bangalore.

The Covid Pandemic is taking centerstage in the global issues today. For the last
three years in fact. This time with the omicron variant and the tsunami of a wave of

The impact has been tremendous and different compared to the first wave. Whereas
online work from home increased and there was more to be done in the first wave,
the third wave is seeing complacency and fearlessness. Most businesses were
propelled by the need of the time and demand and opportunities created by the new
challenges. Medicines needed to be created. Vaccines had to be created. People
had to be protected. A new supply chain was to be created. The entire economy
needed an overhaul in the face of doomsday predictions.

The second wave of course came, although people had braced themselves for it.

The third wave comes with nothing new to be done, templates already created,
people knowing they are safe, and the holiday season may be extended.

The laxity in the attitude of people is heartening on the one hand. Human civilization
has reached a level of self-sufficiency. It has learned to adapt, garnered technology
and knowledge to mitigate the impact of the pandemic. It is a stupendous
achievement and a milestone in human history and evolution. Humanity is now
resting on its laurels, and rightfully so, without letting its guard down. We have done
what needed to be done and what is humanly possible. And now we are letting
nature take its course, in a regulated, prepared and controlled fashion.
Industry, especially the translation industry, may suffer a few months. The third wave
may usher a phase of rest and quiet. Translation business seems badly hit this
quarter. Revenue seems down in the last quarter of 2021 and the prognosis for the
first quarter of 2022 does not seem too good either.

Translation agencies have little work in comparison to 2020 and 2021 when medical
and pharmaceutical translations peaked in requirement. Surprisingly the translation
demand for the first two phases was phenomenal. Not only was there a demand for
pharma and medical translation, the translation of training and technical translation
too saw an upswing. The work from home and revamping of operation models
required this. Technology was being used for the new work environment and so
technical training interpretation, translation of user manuals and so on saw a huge

The education and training space saw a huge demand for translation. Also, the
translation demand for the entertainment industry. Subtitling of films naturally say an
increase. Food and drinks industry saw a greater demand and inter regional trade
experienced an increase in the demand for gourmet products. As such translation of
retail goods and online shopping and e-commerce witnessed and increase.
Translation and localization of e-commerce websites, product lists, and labels also
saw an unprecedented demand.

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