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The COVID-19 is an issue that the world is currently facing right at the

moment. COVID-19 caused many casualties, from infecting one person to leading
them to their painful death. It is a disease that transmits from one person to
another. Experts did a great job to be able to create vaccines to stop this disease
from spreading further. Still, it is not enough to aid all of the people. The most
suitable vaccine is yet to be discovered and produced. Experts are still endeavoring
to find the right ailments for the vaccine. This essay will explore and discuss the
relationship of the United Nations with this world issue, how the United Nations will
be of great aid in this matter, what steps can we take to prevent the spread of the
disease, and what is the main reason for hope to emerge in this time of the

To begin with, let us discuss the United Nations. The United Nations is a global
organization that was established in 1945. The United Nations, which now has 193
member states, is driven by the goals and values outlined in its founding Charter. It
aims to maintain peace and stability among and within all nations. Encourage and
foster global cooperation in economic, social, and cultural development. It
acknowledges that all individuals in all nations have their fundamental human
rights. To achieve organizational objectives and improve coordination for a safe and
peaceful world. The organization deals on a wide range of fundamental issues,
including sustainability, environmental protection, disaster relief, counter-terrorism,
disarmament and non-proliferation, democracy, human rights, gender equality, and
women's advancement, socio-economic development, governance, international
general wellbeing, broadening food production, etc.

The United Nations provided food to 90 million people in 75 countries, assisted

over 35 million refugees, led 71 international peacekeeping missions, worked with
over 145 countries to help mitigate climate change, aided over 50 countries per
year with elections, vaccinated over 58 percent of the world's children, assisted
about 30 million women a year with maternal endeavors, and protected human
rights through 80 treaties and agreements.

Based on the aims, objectives, and projects carried out by the United Nations,
it can cite the relationship between the United Nations and COVID-19. Through the
United Nations, people can gather all the nations around the world to have a
concise and brief discussion on how we will be able to help build resilience, recover
from COVID-19, rebuild the sustainability of each country especially, those
countries with more COVID-19 cases, respond and address to the needs of the
people, and respect the opinions of all. As the World Health Organization is part of
the United Nations, this will create excellent opportunities to connect and
collaborate amongst people. To educate, and raise awareness for a better
understanding of COVID-19 especially, the measures to be taken.

According to United Nations themselves, as we celebrate United Nations, the

General Assembly's beginning will emphasize the need for increased urgency and
vision to end the pandemic and to ensure an equitable and green recovery, as well
as the faster implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, under the
theme "Building Resilience through Hope." A COVID 19 recovery is essential to
ensure an equitable, and resilient way for the world to move towards a fair 1.5° C
route that will benefit people and the economy while increasing employment,
eliminating inequities, and enhancing health and food security.

In addition, as a youth and a citizen of the country, what are precautionary

measures that can be taken to prevent the virus from spreading any further? Bear
in mind that prevention is preferable to cure, but the cure is still under process. The
youth's often suggested contribution was to raise or spread awareness about
COVID-19. But, no more awareness of COVID-19 needs to be raised. People and
even the youth are aware of this problem, the matter is that they don't realize and
understand the importance of taking action on it. The only way that the youth can
do anything other than to educate is through understanding and digging deeper
into the issue. These precautionary actions need to sink into our minds.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there are simple steps we
can take to prevent and protect others from COVID-19. There are seven steps
people can take such as washing their hands regularly, avoid touching their eyes,
nose, and mouth, and cover their coughs and sneezes. Avoid crowded places and
coming into close contact with others. Stay at home if you are sick and call health
facilities when feeling symptoms are already present and get information from
trusted authorities. Some people fail to follow these precautionary measures, thus
speeding up the spread of the virus and increasing the number of infected

What does it mean to understand and take this matter seriously? This indicates
that we have to dive deeper into the factors affecting the issue, and that includes
how we will help sustain the decrease in cases. When it is genuinely understood, it
is remembered for a longer time. It can be built upon to gain additional
understanding and fosters thinking. With the help of the United Nations, the youth
will be more educated about the worldwide situation we are in and be able to
support their rights and aspirations in this matter. Also, by promoting peace, unity,
and development, we can gather diverse people, especially good decision-makers,
to build up decisions based on recovering, sustaining, responding, and respecting
the rights of people.

Furthermore, why do we need to find hope in this time of pandemics? When

individuals talk about hope in a spiritual setting, they may be referring to having
confidence in a higher power and believing that good things will happen. Others
may define it as constantly looking on the bright side of things and viewing
obstacles as opportunities. Others may define it as constantly looking on the bright
side of things and viewing obstacles as opportunities. It doesn’t matter what hope
means for a person, what is significant is that people understand that in every
tunnel there’s always light that will guide us. It can not only make a difficult
situation more tolerable, but it can also enhance our lives over time as it leads
people to do the actions needed to make it happen by visualizing a positive world.

The perfect example where hope is extremely significant is what we’re facing
today, the COVID-19 pandemic. As the number of people who died from the
Coronavirus COVID-19 increases, it affects one's mindset to give up. The issue that
the world is facing right made so many changes. There is still hope for each of us,
that despite the difficulties and obstacles people can support and motivate one
another to keep fighting. Experts were still trying to find the cure and it shows that
there is hope for recovery, healing, responding to the needs of people, and being
able to revitalize for a better tomorrow.

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