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Proceedings of the 6th WSEAS International Conference on Applied Informatics and Communications, Elounda, Greece, August 18-20, 2006


Mapping of SQL Relational Schemata to OWL Ontologies

Institute of Cybernetics
Tallinn University of Technology
Akadeemia tee 21, 12618 Tallinn

Abstract: A novel approach is proposed. This approach maps a relational database defined by a relational
schema to an ontology. The ontology has a hierarchical structure, and it is no longer “impaired” by
optimization and bad database design of the relational schema. The approach can be used for migrating HTML
pages (especially those that are dynamically generated from a relational database) to the ontology-based
Semantic Web.

Key-Words: Relational databases, ontologies, SQL, OWL, Web, Semantic Web

1 Introduction databases. There are few approaches that consider

One of the main driving forces for the Semantic OWL ontologies as the target; e.g.:
Web has always been the expression, on the Web, of Colomb et al. [5] propose an approach to
the vast amount of relational database information in automatic mapping of ER models to OWL
a way that can be processed by machines [1]. ontologies (and back) via DL. The drawback of this
Indeed, most information on the Web is not approach is that it does not discover semantics; it
machine-processable, because it is often represented just changes syntactic form.
in HTML. This language describes how the Upadhyaya and Kumar [6] propose an approach
information looks like and not what it is. In order for to automatic mapping of extended ER models to
machines to process the information, it must be OWL ontologies. The drawback of this approach is
represented in an ontology language (e.g. OWL) and that it does not suit legacy systems that often come
linked to ontologies. An ontology can be used for with no or out-of-date extended ER models.
annotating HTML pages with semantics. Buccella et al. [7] propose an approach to semi-
Manual or semi-automatic semantic annotation automatic mapping of SQL relational schemata to
[2] is time-consuming, subjective and error-prone. It OWL ontologies. The drawback of this approach is
is even impossible on scale of the Web that contains that it does not address optimization and bad
billions of pages. Most pages even do not exist until database design that often occur in practice. And it
they are dynamically generated from relational ignores inheritance, thus extracting an ontology
databases at the time of submitting HTML forms. that looks rather “relational”; i.e. the ontology has
An alternative to the semantic annotation is the same flat structure as the original relational
automatic or semi-automatic mapping of relational schema.
databases (defined by relational schemata) to As an attempt to rectify the drawbacks of existing
ontologies [3]. However, this mapping is difficult approaches, we propose a novel approach.
because a relational schema often captures few
explicit semantics. It is often optimized for
performance reasons. And it is often bad designed, 3 Our Approach
as it may be done by novice and untrained database Our approach maps a relational schema to an
designers who are not familiar with database theory ontology. The relational schema is represented in
and database methodology [4]. SQL [8], the standard relational database language.
This language includes syntax for specifying tables,
columns with data types, constraints on columns,
2 Related Work and other semantics. The ontology is represented in
A majority of the work has been done on extracting OWL [9], the standard ontology language. This
entity-relationship (ER) models from relational language includes syntax for specifying classes,
properties with domains and ranges, inheritance of
Proceedings of the 6th WSEAS International Conference on Applied Informatics and Communications, Elounda, Greece, August 18-20, 2006 (pp375-380)

classes and properties, constraints on classes and projectID))

properties, and other semantics. Figure 4. Dependent tables (contd.)
There are five steps of our approach: (1)
classification of tables, (2) mapping tables, (3)
mapping columns, (4) mapping relationships, and Example 5. A table Involvement in Fig. 5 is a
(5) mapping constraints. Next these steps will be composite table, because its primary key is
illustrated by example. composed of the primary keys of two other tables:
Employee and Project.

CREATE TABLE Involvement(

3.1 Classification of Tables employeeID INTEGER REFERENCES Employee,
The first step of our approach is classification of projectID INTEGER REFERENCES Project,
tables. Each table is classified into one of the three CONSTRAINT Involvement_PK PRIMARY
categories: base, dependent and composite tables. KEY(employeeID, projectID))
If a table is independent of any other table in the Figure 5. Composite tables
relational schema, it is a base table. If a table
depends on another table, it is a dependent table.
That is, a dependent table is a table whose primary 3.2 Mapping Tables
key includes the primary key of another table. All The second step of our approach is mapping tables.
other tables fall into the category of composite Each table maps to a class, with the exception of
tables. That is, a composite table is a table that is composite tables. Composite tables represent
neither base nor dependent. relationships. Therefore, they map to classes or
Example 1. A table Employee in Fig. 1 is a object properties1, depending on their structures.
base table, because it has no foreign key. Example 1. Consider a table Project in Fig. 6.
This table maps to a class Project, because it is a
CREATE TABLE Employee( base table.
Figure 1. Base tables CREATE TABLE Project(
Example 2. A table Project in Fig. 2 is also a ↓
base table, because its foreign key is not (part of) its <owl:Class rdf:ID="Project"/>
primary key. Figure 6. Mapping base tables


projectID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, Example 2. Consider a table Software-
managerID INTEGER REFERENCES Employee) Project in Fig. 7. This table maps to a class
Figure 2. Base tables (contd.) SoftwareProject, because it is a dependent
Example 3. A table SoftwareProject in Fig. CREATE TABLE SoftwareProject(
3 is a dependent table, because its foreign key is its projectID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY REFERENCES
primary key. Project)

<owl:Class rdf:ID="SoftwareProject"/>
CREATE TABLE SoftwareProject(
projectID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY REFERENCES Figure 7. Mapping dependent tables
Figure 3. Dependent tables
Example 3. Consider a composite table
Involvement in Fig. 8. This table represents a
Example 4. A table Task in Fig. 4 is also a binary relationship between two tables: Employee
dependent table, because its foreign key is part of its and Project. Since the table entirely consists of
primary key.
A composite table can also map to multiple inheritance.
taskID INTEGER, But as there is no really good way to represent multiple
projectID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY REFERENCES inheritance in a relational schema, the table will map to a
Project, class. Users can then replace that class with multiple
CONSTRAINT Task_PK PRIMARY KEY(taskID, inheritance.
Proceedings of the 6th WSEAS International Conference on Applied Informatics and Communications, Elounda, Greece, August 18-20, 2006 (pp375-380)

the primary keys of the two tables, it maps to a pair KEY(employeeID, projectID, skillID))
of object properties: involves and ↓
<owl:Class rdf:ID="Involvement"/>
involvedBy. One object property is the inverse of
another, meaning that the relationship is Figure 10. Mapping composite tables (contd.)
bidirectional; i.e. a project involves an employee.
And an employee is involved in a project.
3.3 Mapping Columns
CREATE TABLE Involvement( The third step of our approach is mapping columns.
employeeID INTEGER REFERENCES Employee, Each column in a table maps to a data type property
in a class, with the exception of foreign keys.
KEY(employeeID, projectID)) Foreign keys are ignored for a while, as they
↓ represent relationships.
<owl:ObjectProperty rdf:ID="involves"> Example 1. Consider a column projectID in a
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#Project"/>
<rdfs:range rdf:resource="#Employee"/>
table Project in Fig. 11. This column maps to a
</owl:ObjectProperty> data type property projectID in a class
<owl:ObjectProperty rdf:ID="involvedIn"> Project.
</owl:ObjectProperty> projectID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY)
Figure 8. Mapping composite tables ↓
<owl:DatatypeProperty rdf:ID="projectID">
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#Project"/>
Example 4. Consider a composite table <rdfs:range
Involvement in Fig. 9. Not only does that table rdf:resource="&xsd;integer"/>
consist of the primary keys of the two tables, but it
also contains an additional column hours. Figure 11. Mapping columns
Therefore, it maps to a class Involvement and a
pair of object properties for each table participating
in the relationship. (The object properties are not 3.4 Mapping Relationships
shown in Fig. 9 because of a lack of space.) The fourth step of our approach is mapping
relationships. Relationships map to classes, object
CREATE TABLE Involvement(
properties or inheritance, depending on the types of
projectID INTEGER REFERENCES Project, key, data and column correlations.
hours INTEGER, Given two tables r1 and r2, there are four types
KEY(employeeID, projectID))

• Key correlation: key equality: K1=K2, key
<owl:Class rdf:ID="Involvement"/> inclusion: K1⊂K2, key intersection:
Figure 9. Mapping composite tables (contd.) K1∩K2≠∅, K1–K2≠∅, K2–K1≠∅ and key
disjointness: K1∩K2=∅
• Data correlation: data equality:
Example 5. Consider a composite table
r1[K1]=r2[K2], data inclusion:
Involvement in Fig. 10. This table represents a
ternary relationship between three tables: r1[K1]⊂r2[K2], data intersection:
Employee, Project and Skill. Since only a r1[K1]∩r2[K2]≠∅, r1[K1]–r2[K2]≠∅,
binary relationship can be represented through a pair r2[K2]–r1[K1]≠∅ and data disjointness:
of object properties, the table maps to a class r1[K1]∩r2[K2]=∅
Involvement and a pair of object properties for • Column correlation: column equality:
each table participating in the relationship. (The C1=C2, column inclusion: C1⊂C2, column
object properties are not shown in Fig. 10 because of intersection: C1∩C2≠∅, C1–C2≠∅, C2–
a lack of space.) C1≠∅ and column disjointness: C1∩C2=∅,
CREATE TABLE Involvement(
where K1 and K2 are primary keys of r1 and r2,
employeeID INTEGER REFERENCES Employee, respectively; C1 and C2 are columns of r1 and r2,
projectID INTEGER REFERENCES Project, respectively; r1[K1]=πK1(r1) and
Proceedings of the 6th WSEAS International Conference on Applied Informatics and Communications, Elounda, Greece, August 18-20, 2006 (pp375-380)

r2[K2]=πK2(r2) are projections of r1 and r2 on K1 are common to both (disjoint) tables,

and K2, respectively. HardwareProject and SoftwareProject
Example 1. Consider a relationship between are part of the inheritance hierarchy; but there is no
Employee and Project in Fig. 12, when key table corresponding to their superclass. Therefore,
disjointness holds on it. This relationship relates we create a class Project whose subclasses are
two tables, which are independent of each other. HardwareProject and SoftwareProject.
Since the relationship is binary, it maps to a pair of
object properties: manages and managedBy. One CREATE TABLE HardwareProject(
object property is the inverse of another, meaning budget FLOAT,
that the relationship is bidirectional; i.e. an dueDate DATE,
employee manages a project. And a project is supplier VARCHAR)
managed by an employee. CREATE TABLE SoftwareProject(
budget FLOAT,
dueDate DATE,
language VARCHAR)
managerID INTEGER REFERENCES Employee) <owl:Class rdf:ID="Project">

<owl:ObjectProperty rdf:ID="manages">
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#Employee"/>
<rdfs:range rdf:resource="#Project"/>
<owl:DatatypeProperty rdf:ID="budget">
<owl:ObjectProperty rdf:ID="managedBy">
<rdfs:range rdf:resource="&xsd;float"/>
<owl:inverseOf rdf:resource="#manages"/>
<owl:DatatypeProperty rdf:ID="dueDate">
Figure 12. Key disjointness <rdfs:range rdf:resource="&xsd;date"/>
Example 2. Consider a relationship between <owl:Class rdf:ID="HardwareProject">
Project and SoftwareProject in Fig. 13, rdf:resource="#Project"/>
when key equality and data inclusion hold on it. <owl:DatatypeProperty rdf:ID="supplier">
This relationship maps to single inheritance, as all <rdfs:range rdf:resource="&xsd;string"/>
data of SoftwareProject are also included in </owl:DatatypeProperty>
Project; i.e. a software project is a project. But <owl:Class rdf:ID="SoftwareProject">
the converse is not true; e.g. some projects can be <rdfs:subClassOf
hardware projects. rdf:resource="#Project"/>
CREATE TABLE Project( rdf:resource="#HardwareProject"/>
projectID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, <owl:DatatypeProperty rdf:ID="language">
budget FLOAT, <rdfs:range rdf:resource="&xsd;string"/>
dueDate DATE) </owl:DatatypeProperty>
CREATE TABLE SoftwareProject( </owl:Class>
projectID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY REFERENCES Figure 14. Key equality, data disjointness
Project, and column intersection
language VARCHAR)

<owl:Class rdf:ID="SoftwareProject"> Example 4. Consider a relationship between
HardwareProject and SoftwareProject in
</owl:Class> Fig. 15, when key equality, data disjointness and
column equality hold on it. This is an example of
Figure 13. Key equality and data inclusion
optimization: horizontal partitioning, where data of a
single table have been split into two (disjoint) tables,
Example 3. Consider a relationship between having the same columns. Therefore, we create a
HardwareProject and SoftwareProject in class Project whose individuals are the union of
Fig. 14, when key equality, data disjointness and the data of the two tables.
column intersection hold on it. This example also
illustrates single inheritance. Because some columns CREATE TABLE HardwareProject(
Proceedings of the 6th WSEAS International Conference on Applied Informatics and Communications, Elounda, Greece, August 18-20, 2006 (pp375-380)

budget FLOAT, data in the table have the same value for the column.
dueDate DATE)
CREATE TABLE SoftwareProject(
Therefore, the constraint maps to a functional
projectID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, property.
budget FLOAT,
dueDate DATE) CREATE TABLE Project(
<owl:Class rdf:ID="SoftwareProject"> budget FLOAT UNIQUE)
<owl:disjointWith ↓
rdf:resource="#HardwareProject"/> <owl:FunctionalProperty rdf:ID="budget"/>
Figure 17. Mapping unique constraints
<owl:Class rdf:ID="Project">
<owl:unionOf rdf:parseType="Collection">
Example 2. Consider a not null constraint in Fig.
<owl:Class 18. This constraint specifies that a column budget
rdf:about="#HardwareProject"/> in a table Project is not null, meaning that all
</owl:unionOf> data in the table contains values for the column.
Therefore, the constraint maps to a minimum
Figure 15. Key equality, data disjointness cardinality of 1.
and column equality
Example 5. Consider a relationship between budget FLOAT NOT NULL)
HardwareProject and SoftwareProject in ↓
Fig. 16, when key equality, data intersection and <owl:Class rdf:ID="Project">
column equality hold on it. Because some data are <rdfs:subClassOf>
common to both tables, we create a class Project <owl:onProperty
whose individuals are the intersection of the data of rdf:resource="#budget"/>
the two tables. <owl:minCardinality
CREATE TABLE HardwareProject( </owl:Restriction>
projectID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, </rdfs:subClassOf>
budget FLOAT, </owl:Class>
dueDate DATE)
Figure 18. Mapping not null constraints
CREATE TABLE SoftwareProject(
budget FLOAT,
dueDate DATE)
Example 3. Consider a primary key constraint in
↓ Fig. 19. This constraint specifies that a column
<owl:Class rdf:ID="Project"> projectID in a table Project is a primary key.
<owl:intersectionOf Since the primary key implies that the column is
rdf:parseType="Collection"> both unique and not null, the constraint maps to both
rdf:about="#SoftwareProject"/> a functional property and a minimum cardinality of
<owl:Class 1.
</owl:intersectionOf> CREATE TABLE Project(
</owl:Class> projectID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY)

Figure 16. Key equality, data intersection
<owl:Class rdf:ID="Project">
and column equality
3.5 Mapping Constraints rdf:resource="#projectID"/>
The fifth step of our approach is mapping rdf:datatype="&xsd;nonNegativeInteger">1/>
constraints. Constraints specify if a column in a </owl:Restriction>
table is unique or not null, or if the column is a </rdfs:subClassOf>
primary key or a foreign key. Constraints also </owl:Class>
specify a data range for the column. rdf:ID="projectID"/>
Example 1. Consider a unique constraint in Fig.
17. This constraint specifies that a column budget Figure 19. Mapping primary key constraints
in a table Project is unique, meaning that no two
Proceedings of the 6th WSEAS International Conference on Applied Informatics and Communications, Elounda, Greece, August 18-20, 2006 (pp375-380)

Example 4. Consider a check constraint in Fig. References:

20. This constraint specifies a data range for a [1] T. Berners-Lee, Relational Databases on the
column type in a table Project through a list of Semantic Web, 2002,
possible values. Therefore, the constraint maps to an
enumerated data type. RDF.html
[2] M. Erdmann, A. Maedche, H. Schnurr and S.
CREATE TABLE Project( Staab, From Manual to Semi-automatic Semantic
projectID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, Annotation: About Ontology-based Text
type VARCHAR CHECK IN ("Software",
"Hardware")) Annotation Tools, Linköping Electronic Articles
↓ in Computer and Information Science Journal
<owl:Class rdf:ID="Project"> (ETAI), Vol. 6, No. 2, 2001
<owl:DatatypeProperty rdf:ID="type"> [3] L. Stojanovic, N. Stojanovic and R. Volz,
Migrating Data-intensive Web Sites into the
<owl:oneOf> Semantic Web, Proceedings of the 17th ACM
<rdf:List> Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC), 2002,
<rdf:first pp. 1100-1107
rdf:datatype="&xsd;string">"#Software" [4] W. Premerlani and Blaha, M.: An Approach for
<rdf:rest> Reverse Engineering of Relational Databases,
<rdf:List> Communications of the ACM, Vol. 37, No. 5,
<rdf:first 1994, pp. 42-49
rdf:datatype="&xsd;string">"#Hardware" [5] R. Colomb, A. Gerber and M. Lawley, Issues in
<rdf:rest rdf:resource="&rdf;nil" Mapping Metamodels in the Ontology
/> Development Metamodel, Proceedings of the 1st
</rdf:List> International Workshop on the Model-Driven
</rdf:rest> Semantic Web (MSDW), 2004, pp. 20-24
</owl:oneOf> [6] S. Upadhyaya and P. Kumar, ERONTO: A Tool
</owl:DataRange> for Extracting Ontologies from Extended ER
</rdfs:range> Diagrams, Proceedings of the 20th ACM
</owl:DatatypeProperty> Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC), 2005,
pp. 667-670
Figure 20. Mapping check constraints [7] A. Buccella, M. Penabad, F. Rodriguez, A.
Farina and A. Cechich, From Relational
Databases to OWL Ontologies, Proceeding of
4 Conclusion the 6th National Russian Research Conference
We have proposed a novel approach to mapping (RCDL), 2004
relational schemata to ontologies. Our approach is [8] J. Melton and A. Simon, Understanding the New
based on an analysis of key, data and column SQL: A Complete Guide, San Mateo, CA:
correlations as well as their combinations. This Morgan Kaufmann, 1993
analysis helps us: (1) discover “hidden” (implicit) [9] OWL Web Ontology Language Guide, 2004,
semantics; and (2) address optimization and bad
database design.
In the future, our approach can be used for
migrating HTML pages (especially those that are
dynamically generated from relational databases) to
the ontology-based Semantic Web. The main reason
for this migration is to make the relational database
information on the Web machine-processable.

This research is partly sponsored by ESF (Estonian
Science Foundation) under the grant nr. 5766.

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