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TASK 1: Match the actions and the results.

pass your exams go to university
1 eat too much a have an accident
2 save some money b get cold
3 want to go camping c collect you from the station
4 see your sister d be in trouble
5 telephone me when your train arrives e not have enough energy in the morning
6 cycle too fast f feel ill
7 forget your homework again g not go on holiday
8 go out in the snow h need a tent
9 don’t eat breakfast i tell her about the concert

0 If you pass your exams, you will go to university._________________________________

1 _______________________________________________________________________
2 _______________________________________________________________________
3 _______________________________________________________________________
4 _______________________________________________________________________
5 _______________________________________________________________________
6 _______________________________________________________________________
7 _______________________________________________________________________
8 _______________________________________________________________________
9 _______________________________________________________________________

TASK 2: Look at the pictures. Use the prompts to write the superstitions. In
some instances the if-clause is second.
1 seven years’ bad luck / break the mirror
You will have seven years’ bad luck if you break the mirror.

2 see the black and white birds together / have good luck

3 you walk under a ladder / have an accident

4 you pass someone on the stairs / have an argument

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