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This is a list of release notes.

Version: 3.40 (stable)

** Saved characters from version 3.30-> are compatible with this version. **

- added: trapped animals will eventually die

Depending on their nutrition and overall physical condition it usually

takes from few days to a week
for a trapped animal to perish.

- added: when examining a single piece of clothing/armour the item name is shown
in the armour coverage screen

- added [info]: character creation screen now notifies about wrong character names

Eg. if there's already a character folder with the same name you'll be
informed about it and asked
to enter a different name. This clears occasional newcomer failures to
proceed with character creation.

- adjusted: craft and task times calculated more independently to overcome time-
related abuses

Previously you could predict quality of crafts and success of tasks from
the time required to
complete them. A shorter time meant greater success for example in case of
crafting, hideworking
or rod fishing.
Now the time taken is calculated independently although still naturally
based on the applicable
skill. In general higher skill mastery level is still prone to get things
done faster, but it's not
possible to predict the outcome from the required time anymore.

- adjusted: trident breakage values

Tridents were too fragile and breaking too easily. With their
wear/break/fracture levels corrected
all three tridents are significantly more durable now.

- adjusted: attack and defense classes of some weapons

Weapons have been checked for their attack and defense class values. Some
corrections and rethinking has been proceeded
as follows, with one item weight adjustment in there as well. Changes are
represented in [old values] -> [new values] format.
The higher the number the better the attack/defense class.

* Broad axe

attack/defense: 3/1 -> 1/1

weight: 8.5 lbs -> 5.5 lbs

* Carving axe
attack/defense: 2/2 -> 2/1

* Woodsman's axe

attack/defense: 3/1 -> 2/1

* Stone axe

attack/defense: 2/1 -> 1/1

* Spear

attack/defense: 3/2 -> 4/2

* Kaumolais spear

attack/defense: 4/2 -> 5/2

* Small trident

attack/defense: 3/2 -> 3/1

* Wide trident

attack/defense: 4/4 -> 4/2

* Club

attack/defense: 3/1 -> 2/1

* Kaumolais knife & Northern knife

attack/defense: 2/1 -> 1/1

* Broad knife & Hunting knige

attack/defense: 1/1 -> 1/0

* Knife

attack/defense: 1/0 -> 0/0

* Grainflail

attack/defense: 4/1 -> 3/2

Weapons created or obtained in the previous version still carry their
previous version values.

- added: default setup options file (defaults/urw_ini.def) to be copied in place

if needed

There is a new defaults/ folder containing urw_ini.def file which is the

original setup file.
Upon first starting the game this file is copied into game's installation
folder as urw_ini.txt which
is then our editable setup file. (If urw_ini.txt already exists no copying

- fixed [quest]: wounded adventurer occasionally generated out of village


The bug usually manifested with a false adventurer figure appearing on the
overworld map far away from
the village.

- fixed: armour coverage screen showed bodyparts with zero protection value with
the last displayed color

This was the case for example when checking out blunt or squeeze protection
values for nettle and linen clothes.
Now zero protection value is shown with very dark (almost black) red color.

- fixed: dead NPC with seemingly zero weight in "Not all who wander are lost"
start-up scenario

- fixed [modding]: {[TERRAIN:]} crafting requirement tag not properly recognizing

"sea" terrain type

- fixed [quest]: escorting NPC to a village mistakenly accepted arriving at

Njerpez villages

- fixed: "How is it going?" chat option occasionally missing from certain NPCs

- fixed: troubles of shooting arrows from frozen water puddles at mires

The arrows did prematurely hit the ground due to faulty terrain elevation

- fixed: withered mushrooms had no visible tile graphics

- fixed [rare condition]: buried treasures being generated on mire islands where
it's impossible to dig them up

- fixed [rare condition]: all the start menu entries bringing up "About" screen

Scroll down and read the preceding 3.40 beta releases notes for a complete newslist
for version 3.40.


Version: 3.40 beta 3

Released: Dec-30-2016

This is the third beta of version 3.40. Scroll down for complete newslist for
version 3.40 (betas 2 and 1)

** Saved characters from version 3.30-> are compatible with this version. **

- added: zoom option for map of known areas [F6]

You can adjust zoom level by mouse wheel, or with the following keys:
CTRL and + to zoom in
CTRL and - to zoom out
CTRL and 0 to toggle between normal and maxed out map view

- added: game encyclopedia [F1] entries of the new valuable items

Information about all the newly added valuables is now available in the
game encyclopedia [F1].
Time to get to know those brooches, combs, bracelets, rings and pendants
you may find.

- fixed: NPCs mistakenly speaking of a reward covering some of your trades in

villages where no reward was given

- fixed: quest journal [F2] showing wrong details when selecting a quest on other
than the first journal page

- fixed: map of known areas [F6] crash potential due to excess amount of custom
map markers

Trying to view marker details with more than 10 custom map markers within
the cursor radius caused a crash.
The crash potential is fixed now and in case of spammed markers the
information for only the first 10 markers within the
cursors radius is shown. Be reasonable with your markers.

- fixed: inventory mess up potential if torch burnt out when certain inventory
related activity eg. eating was going on

- fixed [rare condition]: false automatic player character attacks getting

triggered at random targets at the area

You might see "You attacks [creature]!" messages, or even get prompted
for attack maneuvers.

- fixed: feathers not burning in the fire

- fixed: torches burning out while idling

- fixed: burnt fire destroying dug holes in the ground

- fixed: undergarment coverage

Women's undergarment now covers also elbows, forearms, knees and calves.
Coverage of these bodyparts was mistakenly
absent before.

- fixed: woollen leggings coverage

They now cover also the hips.

- corrected: bunch of linen, nettle adn woollen cloth weights and prices

There was some inconsistency and clear faults with weights and prices of
clothes such as shirts, undershirts,
tunics and undergarments. There are no radical changes, but the weights
and prices have been checked and adjusted
where applicable.

MIGRATION NOTICE: clothes obtained or generated in the previous version

still carry the old values.

- fixed: some typos here and there


Version: 3.40 beta 2

Released: 14-Nov-2016

This is the second beta of version 3.40. A small bugfix release. Scroll down for
complete newslist for version 3.40 (beta 1).


This is a beta release. There are likely to be bugs and some of the listed
will be tweaked and polished further in patches to follow.

** Saved characters from version 3.30-> are compatible with this version. **

- fixed: not always getting the stone back when deconstructing small deadfall trap

- fixed: credit reward not taken into account when forming a message where NPCs
tell you how much of the trade the items
you have offered covers

The credit worked as it should, but the message was broken in case of
paying for picked village items.
You might get messages such as "this is very marginal" even though the
offered items with the credit counted in
actually was close to asked price.

- fixed: quest related NPCs appearing in emptied/abandoned villages

- fixed: quest dialog typos

"About that %s..."

- fixed: learning old (before 3.40) rituals (was completely broken)

Characters never learned them during the gameplay.

- fixed: village data corruption potential when saving and loading different
village located characters during one gaming session

This could result for example in [unpaid] tags persisting with items you
tried to trade for.

- fixed: whole inventory stack always selected when using upper case letters to
select things from inventory

This was due to addition of holding SHIFT down to select the whole item
stack interfered with producing upper case letters.

- changed: Markers of completed quests are not displayed in Map of known areas
[F6] anymore

Within Quest journal [F2] you can still display markers of any quest at
will, including the completed ones.


Version: 3.40 beta 1

Released: 28-Oct-2016


This is a beta release. There are likely to be bugs and some of the listed
will be tweaked and polished further in patches to follow.

** Saved characters from version 3.30-> are compatible with this version. **

- added: Quests

There are quests - and that's big. We start with around 15 quests in this
version, and more will follow in
the future. It's quite impossible to pinpoint it all, but here's a few
lines about the most important ideas,
features and mechanics regarding the implementation of quests.

The quest system as a whole is an enormous (and laborous) addition. We

haven't taken the easiest path,
but use verbose dialogue, procedural generation and randomization to
maintain replayability and immersion.
Quests don't come in your way in linear or fixed fashion. Not in the the
same order, not from the same NPCs,
not in the same locations, and so on. Some of the quests may appear several
times, some only once.
The plots vary from everyday chores and problems to folklore and mythology
based stories and incidents.
We've paid attention to making quests also to fill in the game world and
the worldview of the player (character)
to good and interesting extent. There are both mundane and otherworldly
things to discover, solve and learn.

Quests bring a lot to the game, but open-ended and non-linear roaming,
adventuring and surviving remains the
essence. You are likely to get involved in quests relatively rarely.
Perhaps only once or twice a month or so.
And in the end it's completely up to player characters as to what extent,
if at all, they want to unfold the
quests and stories there now exist.

* quest generation

Quests are generated on the fly during the gameplay depending on various
factors, world events and pre-conditions.
Things like cultural area, season, nearby landscape, character's
familiarity, reputation, carried equipment or
skills may all affect to whether a certain quest will appear or not.
For example, a certain quest might get generated only if the character is
somewhat known, has flawless reputation,
it's autumn and there's a big lake nearby. Another quest may require
character to be a stranger but of the same
culture as the quest giver.
However, if the world events and conditions are suitable the quest
generation also keeps on trucking in the
background regardless of player character's whereabouts, actions or
status. So, there are quests and new kind of
events in the world - and then there's the ordinary open-ended life of
the character.
These two just may occasionally meet.

* obtaining quests

Quests can be obtained by talking to people. This applies both to

villagers and lone wandering NPCs, although
villager given quests are more commonly met. Quests can be accepted or
ignored at will, so you are free to decide
in what to get involved. All the quests are told within the chat dialogue
which is often versatile and not too
straightforward. The dialogue proceeds based on the chat options,
questions and answers, you choose. You don't
always necessarily get to know all the details or tidbits. And sometimes
you may learn seemingly trivial things
about the UnReal World in general within the quest dialogue.

There are basically three ways to find out about a quest:

1. You talk to NPC and find out about a quest.

2. NPC comes talk to you and tells about a quest.
3. You talk to NPC, asking "How is it going?", and they tell you about a
person/situation which can be investigated
further and may then lead to getting involved in a quest.

So the general "How is it going?" chat option now serves as a way to ask
if somebody in the village has a known quest
or problem of which the other NPCs are also aware of. If there is, NPCs
will hint you about it and mention who you
should talk to. This kind of hints about quests are often quite vague and
call for asking the NPC in question for more
information. Within this sort of quest hint dialogue you can pretty much
always ask where to find the NPC in question.

Notice that NPCs may also rarely have personal problems or quests of
which the other villagers are not aware of.

* quest journal [F2]

A new information page, quest journal, has been added. Quest journal is
viewed with [F2] key command and it contains
the list and details of quests the character is currently involved in, or
has completed in the past.
Quest journal main page shows the list of quests along with their
titles, quest giver information, assignment and
expiration dates. You can then select a quest from the list to view it in
Detailed quest information is provided by showing all the relevant talk
lines you have heard from NPCs. We don't
use ordinary "your goal is to..." quest summaries, but instead you'll see
the exact information you've been told.
Should you discover new information from NPCs along the way the quest
journal details will update accordingly.
From the quest details page you can also view the quest related map
markers. See below.

* quest related map markers

Quests also add markers on the map of known areas. Locations of the
related NPCs you have met and talked to are always
marked on the map, but there can be also markers of important quest
related areas - if you have found about them.

There's "[F6] Map locations" option at the bottom of each quest details
page. It shows the map of known areas with
markers of the said quest. Like all the map markers also the quest
related markers can be pointed and clicked, or
selected by keyboard, to view the associated information.

There are two types of quest related markers: 'Quest location' and 'Quest
related area'.

'Quest location' marker shows locations of NPCs you have obtained quest
related information from. These are the
locations where you originally heard NPCs talking about the quest.
Clicking the marker shows the quest in question
and the related NPC description. You often need to return back to the
quest giver after completing the quest
further away, and these markers help you to find your way at the
important quest related people you have met.

'Quest related area' marker indicates a specific quest related area or

location somebody has told you about.
Quest related locations are always described also verbally within the
quest dialog, but in some cases the area
markers appear to indicate rough whereabouts of the place in question.
Size of the quest related area markers
can vary, and they foremostly give you an initial idea of the area where
to head for further investigation.
Clicking the marker shows the quest in question and what the marked area
is about.

* quest rewards

You may get rewarded by NPCs for completing a quest. There are different
types of reward, and here's briefing of
the most important ones. In addition, completing quests also quite often
increase your reputation in the eyes of
the whole village, or the solitary NPC in question.

- items

NPCs can reward you with variety of items. Sometimes these are plain
ordinary items, but there are also new items
you can obtain only by completing quests. These new special items are
often somehow magical or enchanted in nature.
NPCs will describe you the properties and usage of the new special
items within the quest dialog.

- get taught in skills

You can get rewarded with a lesson in certain skill which improves the
said skill with 3-6 points the next time
you use it in true situation. The lower the skill level is the greater
skill improvement results from a given lesson.
Having to actually use the skill after the lesson means that in case of
a tracking lesson the improvent requires
tracking skill to be used where there actually are tracks to spot. And
in case of a sword lesson, the improvement
requires a true sword combat maneuver to be executed. And so on.

- village goods of your choice for free

You can get village goods up to certain value for free. Upon getting
this kind of reward NPCs usually tell you the
value of the reward in squirrel hides which gives a rough idea about
what you can expect to get.
The village goods you can get for free can be anything that villagers
would also normally trade, and you can
choose the goods from storehouses or individual NPCs. In practice this
reward works like having a certain amount of
trading credit.
After picking up your selections the items appear as 'unpaid' and you
claim them to yourself through trading options
the same way as you would normally trade for unpaid items. But now upon
starting to trade, with the reward active,
villagers tell you how much of the selected items your reward covers.
If your reward doesn't cover all of the trade
you need to pay for the remaining amount by normal means of trading. If
the reward covers all of the trade you don't
naturally have to pay anything, and the remaining value of the reward
can be claimed later on. You can change your
mind, decide whether to accept the deal or not and all that just like
in normal trading.
It is the same with getting reward provided items from individual
NPCs. Start trading, make your selections and they
will tell you how much, if at all, you need to pay. Moreover,
individual NPCs are usually more willing to give their
goods as a reward as they would in normal trading situation.
You don't have to use the reward right away or at once, but can spend
it at any time you desire. Everytime you claim
some free goods NPCs will remind you about how much of the reward still

- spells

You may learn new spells both as a quest reward and during the quest
dialogue in general. These new spells vary from
hunting and fishing spells to interacting with the spirit world.
Sometimes the spells itself or following the magical
means NPCs describe are required to complete certain quests. See
separate spells section below for more information.

- treasure tales

NPCs who know about treasures may reveal the information about what is
hidden and where as a reward. You'll usually
obtain enough verbal information to go search for the treasure, but the
rough whereabouts of the treasure also gets
marked as quest related area on the map of known areas.
- added: new spells, in a new way

There are around 20 new spells and magical means to learn and perform. The
new spells differ a great deal from the common
rituals (F4) in their content and way of performance. We'll get into
details below, but this all can be very well considered
the start of the spell system and spirit world overhaul. The new spells are
based on the worldview and beliefs of the
ancient Finns - with a greatest ambition. All the new spells are based on
the actual collected hunting and fishing spells.
We've pursued, in a lack of better words, for historical and mythological
accuracy This comes down not only to spell
backgrounds or verbal description but also to how the spells were actually
performed. The new spells are not simply selected
from the list for the magic to happen, but performed with the actual player
character actions which vary for each spell.

* The new spells can be learned from NPCs within quests. Verbal information
to perform these spells can be then found within
quest dialog in the quest journal. (In the future versions we'll make the
new spells appear in the ritual screen [F4] as well.)
As the spell descriptions are sometimes verbose and contain background
information too they can also reveal you a little
something about the people's worldview and beliefs in general.

* The new spells are often "do like this and that will happen" kind of
things. To perform a spell in question you then
need to follow the instructions by using the common game mechanics and
For example, if the spell instructions would say "throw three rocks at a
spruce tree before the sunrise and your loop snares
will be favourable" the spell would be performed by throwing three rocks
at a spruce tree before the sunrise.
That's just an example and not an actual magical mean there is in the
game, but you get the picture.
When the spell required actions have been executed there's no
notification of any kind about a succesfully performed spell.
If you did the right actions you've performed the spell right, and some
magic did happen. If the spell actually worked in the
game world or not, well, that is hopefully to be noticed at some point.
That's how the spells work.

* Effects of the spells and magical means are vague and subtle as usual.
Some spells are simple, some are more complex, but most
often they consists of seemingly ordinary things that have magical meaning
behind them once you know it. There are rarely
evident results to be noticed, but nevertheless the magical, ritualistic
and mythical actions you learn and perform have impact
on the game world.

- added & improved: valuables

Dozen of new valuable items have been added with deep thought, based on
archeological findings and inspired by historical
references. The assortment of valuables now consist of brooches, combs,
pendants, bracelets and rings made of bronze and silver.
All the valuables are now also culturally dependent. Valuables are still
very rare and mostly carried by wealthy traders, or
found in treasure caches.
- added: valuables for foreign traders

Foreign traders may now carry some valuables for trading.

- added: treasure caches

People may have hidden their wealth and valuables for variety of reasons at
varying locations, and you may sometimes stumble
upon these treasure caches. They can be found by mere accident, but far
more likely after hearing treasure tales from
NPCs within certain quests. The most common locations for treasure caches
are caves, cliffs and islands. Treasures can be also
buried in the ground and can't be easily found unless you have heard where
to dig.
Different cultures have different opinions about what can be considered a
treasure worth of hiding, so the items to be found
in treasure caches are culturally dependent. Hiding the rare valuables is
common for all the cultures, but treasures of
UnReal World more often consist of everyday items such as tools, weapons,
grains, clothes or furs.

- added: meeting and seeing the spirits for real

Many kind of spirits and otherworldly creatures have always existed in

UnReal World, but they haven't appeared for player characters
in visible form - until now. Now it's remotely possible for some player
characters to actually see certain spirits in the game world.

- added: holding SHIFT down selects the whole stack when selecting items in
inventory with ENTER or mouse click

- added: telling a difference between running and walking tracks

Upon examining tracks you can now distinguish animal running tracks from
the regular walking tracks, depending on your
tracking skill and strength of the tracks. When running tracks are spotted
they are simply mentioned to be "running tracks"
instead of just "tracks". For example: "You notice here [track and animal
information] running tracks."

- changed: [f]ire and [b]utcher commands removed from [r]epeatable tasks

As these commands have hotkeys of their own it was in vain to have them
occupy [r]epeat list.

- changed: dog skin is now classified as fur

- adjusted: forest reindeers are now a bit more timid than previously

- fixed: bug potential of domestic animals getting transported from their pen at
overworld map

- fixed: rafting characters occasionally located on dry land when zooming in near
certain terrain types

- fixed: occasional decent quality crafts from worse quality raw materials

- fixed: boil recipe requirements order

A cooking pot was asked before the water, which isn't preferred order. Now
it's water first, then a cooking pot.

- fixed: wrong flatbread graphic tile

- fixed: containers disappearing when utilizing a stack of containers filled with

required ingredients/raw materials

- optimized: hungry dog food searching routines

Having multiple leashed hungry dogs following you could cause slowdown on
certain zoomed-in areas due to their
food searching routines. This has been optimized now for way faster
performance now.

- fixed: [unpaid] tag persisting if unpaid items were offered back to NPCs during
the trade

This occasionally resulted in items becoming impossible to trade for after

NPCs had stocked them back to storehouses.

- fixed: all the village dogs wanting to follow you if you bought one of them

This resulted in irrelevant confirmation messages when zooming out nearby


- fixed: village fields the player character had visited for the first time in
early spring not always getting resown properly

- fixed [rare condition]: crashing on zoomed-in maps with lots of holes in the ice
and creatures falling through the ice

- corrected: woollen dress weight,

It was 5 lbs, which was too low. Now woollen dress weighs 6.5 lbs.


Version: 3.32
Released: May-18-2016

** Saved characters from version 3.19-> are compatible with this version. **

- added: need to pay companions & companion inventory restrictions

* companion inventory restrictions

You can't anymore freely pick all the items of your companions to
yourself. Companions now tend to keep
their most valuable and usable personal items to themselves, and usually
only the cheap items and
food are freely pickable. However, all the items you have delivered to
your companion can be picked
back at will if they are not in use (wielded or worn) at the moment. So
it is still safe to pack or lend
your companions even the most valuable goods you have.
* need to pay companions for their days of service and items claimed

Companions now require some reward for their days of service. Their price
is roughly a value of one squirrel
hide per day of service and you can pay them basically with any valuable
goods. Also, if you have claimed
companion's items to yourself they expect to be paid for those items too.
In short, companions now always
expect to leave with more valuable inventory than what they had upon

A day before companions are about to leave they'll let you know how they
feel about their equipment
and whether they expect to be paid more. If more payment is wanted simply
deliver items to your
companions and they'll let you know when they are happy with it. You
don't have to do it at once
but have the whole day to settle the payment. Talking to your companion
at any time ("Greet" or "Ask for help"
chat options) will also make them speak their mind about the remaining

If you fail to pay companions before they leave you'll be reminded about
it the one last time. From there on
you can still deliver goods to settle the payment, but ex-companions
don't necessarily stay around for
too long. Failing to pay companions lowers your reputation in their
village, and makes hiring new companions
there quite difficult.

* migration notice

Companions hired in the previous version behave differently. They still

have unrestricted inventorys, and
may or may not ask for payment when parting.

- tweaked: recruiting companions who carry village property from failed/cancelled


There are two new conditions to prevent exploiting companion recruiting

with returned village goods:

* Companions don't count the returned village property as their own when
checking if they have enough
equipment to join you.

* When companion agrees to join you they won't keep carrying the returned
village property but drop it on
the ground where other villages come to reclaim it.

- changed: children won't anymore participate in picking up village property left

on the ground
after failed/cancelled trades

This is because you can't do one-to-one trading with children, and

sometimes you would like
to go for that with some items NPCs just picked.
- added: NPCs wearing the new clothes/armours they get

NPCs can now actively wear the new clothes/armours they have obtained.
They'll usually
go for wearing new clothes/armours after being delivered or having picked
Delivering useful pieces of clothing/armour to your companion is now
worthwhile, even
though NPCs make the final decision whether they will wear something or

- added: pull heavy items to your location with [;] pick up from adjacent tile

If the items you tried pick up from adjacent tile were too heavy to lift
you'll be asked
if you want to pull them to your location.

- fixed [rare condition]: segfault upon launching the game on some Mint/Ubuntu

- fixed [rare condition]: NPCs being able to fall asleep while in the water

At its worst this resulted in villagers foolishly drowning/freezing to


- fixed [modding]: [naming] tag not working properly when crafting while NPC is
felling a tree

- fixed: creature total injury not always increasing if the number of maximum
unique injuries was reached

This resulted in occasional difficulty to finish creatures with minor

impact wounds.

- fixed: corrupt description of "An Island" game course task

- fixed: finishing tasks (eg. felling a tree) by grinding when too tired to

When tasks were cancelled because of being too tired to continue repeating
the command still
always added one minute of progress and you could finish the task by this
sort of grinding. Fixed now.

- fixed: bears (and possibly other creatures too) occasionally entering into
indecisive fighting mode

They might keep constantly switching between attacking and fleeing without
really making any
attack maneuvers. Fixed now.

- adjusted: tiny increase in lynx and glutton aggressiveness potential, especially

in case of them being wounded.

- added: daily tolerance for stimulant herbal effect

Consuming stimulants doesn't anymore decrease the exhaustion seemingly

indefinitely, but stops when
a certain daily level is reached.

- tweaked: net fishing

* catch check time window now hourly based

Net fishing catch checks are now hourly based instead of previously used
morning based checks.
This means you can catch fish with nets within a shorter time window.
Even within an hour from
setting the net - if you're lucky and the conditions are right. Naturally
the longer the nets
have been set the greater the catch usually grows so hasty checks usually
provide only a few fish.
Despite of the shorter time window it should be still remembered that in
addition to your fishing
skill level the factors such as terrain, water depth and time of the day
also contribute
to what kind fish and how much of it your net is likely to catch - if at

* gradual catch spoilage

Catch spoilage due to fish eventually dying in unretrieved nets is now

gradual. You may still be
able to get some of catch good and edible even if the nets have been left
unretrieved for days.
In general it's still advisable to check your nets at least on every
other day.

* setting multiple nets to same tile now forbidden

- tweaked: NPC sleeping related oddities and exploits

* NPC won't anymore fall asleep outside when it's raining.

* Njerpez and foreign traders met in the wild won't fall asleep so easily
anymore if they're within
player's sight when the encounter happens.

Sleeping NPCs in the wild still can encountered, but this fixes the
exploitish procedure of encountering
people at night hoping them fall asleep on the next move.

- tweaked: restricted possibility to [w]ield skis

Skis are put on by [a]pplying them but having been able to wield them too
caused confusion.

- changed: pine-marten aggressive sound is now 'snuffle' instead of 'snort'


Version: 3.30 - patch 1

Released: Mar-9-2016

** Saved characters from version 3.19-> are compatible with this version. **
[this was a small patch update, scroll down for complete 3.30 changelog]

- fixed [rare condition]: items/materials being worked on not always removed


eg. trunk not removed when carved into log, or berry shrub not emptied
despite of being picked

- fixed [rare condition]: difficulty to produce colon symbol (:) on some keyboards

- fixed: disappearing animal leashes

- fixed: some NumLock related hassle when playing with NumLock ON

* double numbers getting produced in text input fields when using numpad
to type numbers with NumLock ON
* number binded commands (eg. attack commands) occasionally getting
triggered when moving around
* jumpy target selection by keyboard if NumLock was ON

- fixed: some knives mentioned belonging to (old) group of daggers when examining
them in inventory

In action dagger classified weapons still use the knife skill, so this was
mostly a mere description hassle.

- fixed [rare condition]: consuming clothes instead of food

Happened when switching windows while [e]at menu was open.

- fixed [OS X]: map refresh problems in target selection with FAST_TARGET_CURSOR
mode on

- tweaked: NIGHT BRIGHTNESS setup option maximum value increased to 60 (was 30)


Version: 3.30
Released: Feb-24-2016

** Saved characters from version 3.19-> are compatible with this version. **

- tile graphics overhaul

We've accomplished quite a graphics update and along with hundreds of redrawn

tiles the game has got a whole new outlook new. To put this monumental task
in a
nutshell it goes as follows:

* overhauled tile graphics engine

New tile system requires a new engine and that's what we have done.
The new engine isn't limited just for drawing static map tiles, but also
other improvements in graphical presentation of UnReal World which are
further in this newslist.

* redrawn tiles

Majority of tiles have been redrawn and there are also lots and lots of new
tiles for old items. For example, all the knives and swords have their
own tile
instead of one generic tile being used for every knife or sword.
New tiles are located in truetile/ folder.
There's also truetile/readme.txt containing general information and
Nice bunch of tile contributions for this version come from Wickham's

* separate files for each tile - easier modding of tile graphics

Sprite sheets are gone and each tile is now in a separate file. This makes
and personal customization of graphics far more easy.

You can specify tile graphics for modded items with new [TILEGFX:] tag
is explained further in this newslist. To add a new graphic tile for
modded item
just create a new tile graphic file in truetile/ folder and use the tag
to let
the game know to use that tile.

* graphical compatibility with old savegames and mods remains

Despite of huge changes in tile graphics structure compatibility with

savegames and
even old mods should work quite well. The game corrects references to old
indexed vanilla
tiles on the fly and shows the applicable new tiles instead. However,
updating your
mods to use new tile system is advised. See usage of [TILEGFX:] tag to
associate new tiles
to your mods further in this newslist.

- variety of graphical goodies and tweaks

With the power vested in new tile graphics engine the following graphical
goodies and tweaks
have been implemented:

* enhanced missile attack graphics

Missile weapons and arrows are now drawn flying their head towards the
Other than missile weapons now spin around in the air when they are

* enhanced fire graphics

- Fires now spread a flickering circle of light around them which

brightens and tints the surrouding
terrain and items. The effect is most immersive (and most necessary)
during the darkest hours.
- Fires are now animated with three frames which makes them look more
- Size of the fire is now represented by scaling the fire sprite instead
of using multiple sprites.

* direction-wise track graphics

Tracks of creatures are now drawn to their actual direction.

* two facing direction graphics for all the creatures; east and west

If a creature is facing towards NE,E,SE or S its' eastward graphic tile

is used.
If a creature is facing towards N,NW,W or SW its' westward graphic tile
is used.
In the future we'll be featuring creatures drawn to all eight facing
direction, but this is a start.
The good old little blue arrow beside the creature still shows its' exact
facing direction.

* direction arrow and two facing direction graphics for player character

Facing direction of the player character is now shown with little yellow
arrow beside the avatar.
And just like the creatures the player avatar also has two facing
direction graphics; east and west.

* when skiing the skis are now actually drawn under the character

* some plants have more growth stages than previously so you can expect to
see more varying plant
graphics during their lifespan

- statistics/messages screen viewport rearranged

* Usage of the upper right corner real-life action images is over.

It's end of an era, but maybe they'll return someday in new style.
Instead of action images character portrait is now shown in the upper
right corner.

* The old green character heading box has been removed.

Heading direction and sound clues are now shown within the new upper
right corner heading box.

* Nutrition/warmth/vigour and wielding dialogs have been rearranged and


* Game messages dialog has been enlargened.

* Graphical clues of heard sound directions now stay visible for a longer
time and fade away gradually.
These sound clues are shown within the new upper right corner heading

- added: player character avatar graphic clues for running and hiding movement
When running some "dust" is drawn at character avatars feet.
When hiding character avatars is tinted with green.

- added: [F9] key command to reload tile graphics

Pressing [F9] will reload the tiles. It's easier to mod graphics now as you
can edit a tile,
save it and then reload the graphics while the game is running to see the
chances in action
right away.

- added: day and night lighting cycle

Map color scheme now changes according to time of the day and time of the
The lighting change is based on realistic solar elevation angle on northern
hemisphere on a given game-time moment
and it's calculated and applied smoothly once per game-minute. Daylight
slowly turns into twilight, dusk and night -
and then into dawn again.

The change of seasons, and the great seasonal variation in length of days
and nights in the Far North is now far more
concrete and immersive.
During midsummer the sun barely sets at all and nights are light and short.
During midwinter days are really short and nights are long.
And late autumn nights are the darkest ones, until the snow comes.

- added: NIGHT_BRIGHTNESS configuration option

If the night time tint appears too dark on your monitor you can increase
the brightness by adjusting NIGHT_BRIGHTNESS
value in urw_ini.txt or via in-game setup options.
Possible values are 0-30, and it's set to 0 by default.

- added: MAP_LIGHTING_EFFECTS configuration option

You can toggle day and night color-scheme and fire tint effects by
value in urw_ini.txt or via in-game setup options. On older computers these
effects may cause slow
performance or flashing of the screen and can be disabled if necessary.

- added: MAP_GRID configuration option

If the new tile graphics perspective gives you hard time to figure out
which tile you are at you can
enable map grid by modifying MAP_GRID value in urw_ini.txt or via in-game
setup options.

- added: OLD_HARDWARE_MODE configuration option

If you've got an older computer and rendering fails you can try enabling
old hardware mode.
This mode uses software rendering and should be used only if absolutely
Enable by modifying OLD_HARDWARE_MODE value in urw_ini.txt or via in-game
setup options.
- added: RIGHT_ALT_HOTKEYS configuration option

Defines if Right Alt (AltGr) key is enabled for activating ALT+hotkey game
On some keyboard layouts Right Alt is used to produce letters and can be
disabled if need be
by modifying RIGHT_ALT_HOTKEYS value in urw_ini.txt or via in-game setup
Defaults to YES.
Possible values:
YES - use right alt for activating game shortcuts
NO - don't use righ alt for activating game shortcuts

- weather overhaul

The weather engine has been rewritten from a scratch and we've got detailed
and realistic simulation of
weather factors such as rain, snowfall, solar elevation angle and
temperature changes. The new weather
engine deals with numerous weather variables and much greater annual and
seasonal changes are to be expected.
Put it in short; the years are less alike from now on.

Here's a list of the most exciting and important weather related

improvements and mechanics:

* snowfall

It can snow for real in the game now, and you can see it snowing. There can
be different levels of snowing,
and with the new weather engine in action the first snow naturally
doesn't fall the same day every year.
Snow thickness is now tracked per 1mm and each hour of snowfall will make
the snow grow thicker and thicker.
Similarly the snow melts away gradually when it gets warm enough.

- Visibility of tracks on the snow now depends on snow thickness. You can
expect to notice less tracks when
the snow cover isn't all that thick.

- How fatiguing it is to walk in the snow now depends on snow thickness.

You can expect to
get less fatigued from walking in the snow in early and late winter
when the snow cover isn't
very thick.

- Snow depth is told to you when you look at ground tiles that aren't
occupied by items.
Instead of plain "Ground" you'll now get verbal description of the snow
for example as follows:
"Faint snow", "Thin snow", "Fist deep snow", "Ankle deep snow", "Calf
deep snow",
"Waist deep snow", "Chest deep snow" etc.

* realistic modelling of ice and freezing of lakes

Pretty much everything related to ice has been overhauled.

Lakes start to freeze when the weather gets cold enough. This doesn't
happen the same time every
year, and the ice also doesn't grow equally thick every year. And when
the lakes freeze, they
now freeze gradually.

- The ice cover first starts to build up at shallow water and proceeds
towards deeper sections from there on.
How fast the ice cover increases or decreases depends solely on the
weather. Ice thickness can also vary at
different sections of the lake. It's not anymore safe to walk on the
ice as soon as there's ice cover on the
lake. Thin ice can break under any load it can't hold - be it your
character, NPCs, animals or items.

- There's a confirmation to step on the ice if the character doubts the

ice will hold. This applies to thin ice
which characters can easily recognize by stomping on it to see if it
cracks. Notice that even if there are no
doubts and confirmations the ice still isn't necessarily safe to walk

- It's not possible to travel on the ice on world map when the character
doesn't trust the ice completely.
If that's the case a message to zoom in to travel on the ice will be
shown. This way the character
can't mistakenly step on unreliable ice on world map. However, it
should be noted that the ice can't
never be trusted completely and even when you are allowed to travel on
the ice on world map it can still
break. Should this happen, the character is forced on zoomed in map
where he/she needs to navigate to
safe location.

* falling through the ice

- If you happen to fall through the ice climbing and pulling yourself
back onto the ice is not easy and
depends on your climbing skill, agility and strength. All of these
factors are tested on each turn you try to
move from the water onto the ice. Wielding any sharp pointy weapon such
as knife, sword, spear or even an arrow
will improve your chances to pull yourself out of the water. Swimming
skill is also important as it determines
for how long and how easily you can keep struggling in the water.

- If you're unable to get out of the water after 5-10 minutes, you're
almost certainly not going to get out.
Your body temperature starts to drop as soon as you fall in the
freezing water, and when hypothermia
sets in you will eventually lose consciousness and drown. Depending on
your swimming and climbing skills
you will also build up certain amount fatigue on every turn you spend
struggling in the water, and the more
fatigued you get the lower your chances to pull yourself out become.

* improved mechanics for making a hole in the ice

- Time required to make a hole in the ice has been adjusted and now also
depends on the ice thickness
and the tool used. It's around 25 minute job to make a hole into half a
meter thick ice
with an axe. An inch thick ice can be broken in a minute or so. If the
ice is very thin you can
also break it without any tools.

- When making a hole in the ice the best available tool is automatically
selected. In addition to axes,
spears and swords also stones and knives can be now used for breaking
ice - even though they are quite
unhandy for the job. The order of ice breaking tools from best to worst
goes as: axe, spear, sword,
knife, stone.

- Holes in the ice will freeze back gradually and remain recognizable for
a few days. Eventually
the frozen holes will look like the regular ice cover, but may be
weaker than the surrounding ice
for some time. As holes in the ice won't freeze completely overnight
it's now easier to maintain
your wintertime water supply by breaking the same slightly frozen hole
on a regular basis with only
a little effort.

* water temperature

- Water temperature factor has been added, and it's precisely tracked
thorough the year. It's not anymore
always pleasant nor possible to swim for equally long time just about
any day of the year.

- Entering the water has faster effect on character's body temperature

now. Even if you were feeling warm
when going to swim in the cold water you'll get chilly or cold very
soon. When the water is very warm
you can spend hours in there without ill effects, but even if the lakes
aren't frozen the water can still
be so cold that there's a true risk of hypothermia. Needless to say,
summer is best the season for longer
swimming trips from now on.

- If you are about to enter the cold water there's now always a
confirmation if you really want to do so.
It's still safe to swim in the cold water, but now you just may need to
warm up properly afterwards
to get comfortable again. However, entering the cold water when you are
already freezing is not a
wise move.

- When looking at an adjacent water tile a message about the water

temperature will be displayed.
"The water is freezingly cold.","The water is very cold.","The water is
rather warm." etc.

- improved: temperature checks, character's body temperature and effects of

freezing temperatures

Temperature checks and their results to character's physique and body

temperature are now tracked per minute.
The curve at which character's body temperature now changes is smoother,
more intelligent and more realistic.

* There's a new worst case character's body temperature tag added:

"Freezing to death". Like the rest of tags,
it's shown in your "Nutrition/Warmth/Vigour" infobox and comes after the
"Freezing" state. You should take the
new tag seriously as it informs about approaching lethal hypothermia.
Actually, from now on you should take even
the "Freezing" tag more seriously than before.
The new, adjusted list of cold body temperature tags now goes as follows:

Cool, chilly, cold, bitterly cold, numbingly cold, freezing, freezing to


* With the new body temperature checks and their minute based tracking it's
now more likely and way faster to die
of hypothermia in the cold weather if you aren't dressed properly.
Previously you could walk naked in the
freezing weather for hours just getting frostbites all over your body. If
you try the same thing now it can
result in a death within mere half an hour or so.

* Frostbites can still occur, but they are now more of nuisance rather than
life-threatening risk. The death in the
cold now comes with lowered body temperature which at it worst leads to
state of hypothermia where you lose your
consciousness and freeze to death. And it can happen without a single
It's best to take the warmth tags and cues of lowered body temperature

* During extremely freezing temperatures it's now hardly avoidable to

eventually feel cool, cold or chilly no matter
how many layers of fur you are wearing. Roaming days on end in the wild
during the winter without occasionally
warming up by the fire is still sometimes manageable if you have lots of
warm clothes, but it's no longer an
expedition of constant comfortable warmth.

- added: frozen ground and related digging restrictions

The ground can now get frozen along with freezing temperatures and this
affects to possibilities
of digging it. It's not possible to dig at all in completely frozen ground,
and it's harder to dig
in somewhat frosty ground.
When the ground first freezes and then melts again is based on average
temperature of the
past few weeks. As a rule of thumb the ground gets frozen solid during the
winter and starts to
melt again in the spring. Yearly variation can occur as this is based on
the actual weather.
This adds a new factor to winter survival as you can't dig (trap) pits all
year around anymore.

- added: restrictions to planting and preparing the soil when the ground is frozen
These actions don't depend merely on time of the year anymore, but are now
linked to actual weather.
You can't plant anything or prepare the soil if it's still too cold or
frosty. How early or late in
the spring you can start growing your own crops now varies annually.

- improved: weatherlore skill

As we've got a new weather engine there are also new weatherlore results. The
weather prediction
is given for the next 24 hours and contains information about temperature
changes and possibility
of rain or snow. Using weatherlore skill before noon gives you a weather
prediction for the ongoing
day and the coming night. Using weatherlore skill after noon gives a
prediction for the coming night
and tomorrow day.
How accurately you can predict the weather naturally depends on your
weatherlore skill.

Examples of new weatherlore results:

"During the night the temperature will be slightly colder than now. It will
be raining.
Tomorrow the temperature will be about the same as now. It will be

"During the day the temperature will be slightly colder than now. It won't be
During the night the temperature will be slightly colder than now. It will
be snowing a little."

- overhauled: horizon box

The "horizon box" in the upper left corner of the game view has been
rewritten and refashioned.
Cloudiness, rain and snowfall are represented more beautifully with updated
The sun sails across the sky based on realistic solar elevation angle the
new weather engine provides.
Tint of the horizon box also changes according to time of the day and
follows the day and night lighting cycle.
Moreover, it's all updated on minute basis so everything that happens there
now happens in more smooth and
precise fashion.

- added: new cursor drawing mechanics for selecting a target

The new cursor is drawn more precisely along with map refresh on each move
and makes it easier to figure out what tile
you've selected. However, it may appear slow on some systems and because of
that there's FAST_TARGET_CURSOR configuration
option in urw_ini.txt to turn on old-school fast target cursor at will.

- added: texture scaling quality configuration option

SCALE_QUALITY option in urw_ini.txt defines texture scaling quality as

0 - nearest pixel
1 - linear
2 - best

It's set to 2 by default.

- overhauled: map of know areas (F6)

The outlook is familiar, but the content and options are enhanced and

* map viewport is larger than before and utilizes your current screen size.
If you've got the resolution the
enlargened map view appears sharp and crisp.

* cultural blocks are now round and alpha-blended on top of the map so that
you get the idea of explored areas
also with cultural regions showing.

* point and click locations for more information

Hovering mouse cursor over the map brings up a target cursor and you can
then point and click markers
and locations to see the associated information eg. village regional
Clicking net and trap locations will show when you last visited those

It's also possible to choose and select locations with keyboard if you
don't care to touch the mouse.
With keyboard you can toggle target selector on and off by pressing [F3],
and then use arrows keys to
move and [ENTER] to select the location.

* custom map markers

You can now add custom map markers with descriptive text. New markers can
be added only at character's
current location, but editing and removing them anywhere on the map is
possible regardless of character's
whereabouts. In addition to descriptive text you can also choose from
five different marker colors.

Pointing and clicking a marker will show the associated description. When
travelling on zoomed out
wilderness map the markers are clearly shown on when they come in your
sight. You can also look at them
on wilderness map to view the descriptive text.

Markers are added and edited within Map Of Known Areas (F6) screen. To
edit an already set marker
first point and click it. To add a new marker at character's location
simply select [A]dd marker option.

- music: new intro song, and music changes

We've got a new intro song based on age-old traditional Kantele melody.
5-string Kantele is played by Lani K. Thompson (www.kantelemusic.com).
Arrangement, rest of the instruments, mixing and mastering by Sami.
The intro song now doesn't stop when the main is screen up but carries on
until the actual gameplay
gameplay starts, so it works as our character creation background music

The previous outro and death tunes have been removed for variety of

- added: "How is it going?" chat option

This is mostly a preliminary quest related addition to be featured in full

in the upcoming versions. There are no quests yet and NPC replies to this
are short and trivial, except that old men may speak a little something
about the weather.

- modding add: true modability of crafted (and cooked) items

Properties of crafted items can be modded so that truly new items can be
created. This applies
to do-it-yourself items (diy_*.*) and cookery recipes (cookery_*.*).

Modding item properties is simple. You just add item property tags and
preferred values after the actual
crafting code. If you are creating completely new items it's still
advisable to use similar vanilla item
as a base item. Item property tags allow you to mod majority of item
properties, but vanilla items may
have some fixed values which is why it's important to choose the base item
Eg. to create a new kind of a rope, base it on a vanilla rope to ensure it
will be properly recognized as
tying equipment in the game.

Notice that modding item properties doesn't start from a scratch. Every
crafted item already has its'
properties initialized, and you just need to modify the ones you want to
modify. When modding cooked item
properties notice that the food price and nutritional values are always
automatically calculated upon cooking.

Let's take a look at few examples.

Here we'll be crafting a new modded item "Custom javelin", which is based
on vanilla Javelin:

.Custom javelin. "Javelin" *COMMON* /30/

{Staff} [remove]
{Cutting weapon} <Axe>
{Fire} '+(for hardening the head)'

We'll set point attack to 8, blunt to 2 and disable edge. We adjust the
weight and price, and modify one-handed
penalty for out custom javelin to 5%.

Another example, a leather miniskirt:

.Leather miniskirt. "Leather shirt" *COMMON* /60/

{Leather} #2.5# [remove]

We base it on "Leather shirt" and then modify the coverage so the miniskirt
covers only hip & groin.

And item modding is done the same way with cookery recipes.
Here's a recipe for dried berries:

.Dried berries. *COOKERY* /25/ \10d\ %50% :151:

{Berries} #1# [remove] [roast] [name:Pile of dried %s]

We set spoilage time to zero which makes the food last forever, remove the
possible water
content in the berries, and use cooking specific weight divider tag to
compress the food
weight to one tenth.

Here's the list of item property tags you can use in modding items:


[NAME:] - item name

[NAME:Weird knife] - The item is called weird knife in the game.
Notice .Item name. described in the header is
still always shown in crafting menus, even
if you will specify a name with this tag.


[TILEGFX:] - graphic tile filename for the item without the filename

[TILEGFX:mytile] - the item uses truetile/mytile.png graphic tile.

Tiles for the items need to be located in truetile/ folder in .png format.
See truetile/readme.txt for more information about tile format.


[TYPE:] - item type

Possible values: weapon / armour / tool / container / skin / food /
timber / vehicle / plant / valuable

[TYPE:weapon] - the item is a weapon


[WEIGHT:] - weight in pounds (by default), or in grams if the value is

followed by g abbreviation

[WEIGHT:1.5] - the item weighs 1.5 pounds
[WEIGHT:100 g] - the item weighs 100 grams


[COOK_WEIGHT_DIV:] - a value to divide the cooked food weight with

This is a special tag for cooked foods to allow them being compressed
in weight but still keeping
the total nutrional value intact. It's the same mechanism as the in-
game drying of food items.

[COOK_WEIGHT_DIV:2] - the cooked food item weigh is halved (divided by
[COOK_WEIGHT_DIV:10] - the cooked food item weigh is divided by ten
(sets to 10% of the original)


[CONT_CAPACITY:] - capacity of container type item in pounds

[CONT_CAPACITY:3] - the container can hold 3 lbs of food, liquid etc.


[PRICE:] - price in squirrel hides per item (default) or per pound if the
value is followed by 'per lb'

[PRICE:4] - the item costs 4 squirrel hides
[PRICE:0.2] - the item costs 0.2 squirrel hides
[PRICE:1.5 per lb] - one pound of the item costs 1.5 squirrel hides


[BLUNT_ATTACK:] - damage values for weapon attack aspects

possible values: 0-9 or -

numbers define the damage, - means the aspect is not available for the

[BLUNT_ATTACK:-] - thie weapon has 0 edge damage, 2 point damage and
doesn't have blunt attack aspect


[MATERIAL:] - of what raw-material the item is made of

This property is not fully functional yet and we'll be featured better
in the future. However, it's advisable
to use this tag in your mods already.

possible values: wood / iron / leather / fur / birch-bark / cloth /

wool / rock / bone / antler

[MATERIAL:wood] - the item is wooden
[MATERIAL:cloth] - the item is made of some cloth
[MATERIAL:iron] - the item is made of iron


[ARMOUR_MATERIAL:] - material of armour type items. This defines the

protection values.

possible values: lamellar / iron / mail / leather / fur / cloth /

wool / birch-bark

[ARMOUR_MATERIAL:iron] - the armour is made of iron


[ARMOUR_COVERAGE:] - bodyparts covered by the armour

possible values:
one of these predefined coverage categories:
cloak / hauberk / long_hauberk / habergeon / cuirass / overcoat /
greaves / rerebraces / vambraces /
shirt / short_shirt / long_shirt / trousers / tunic
or any combination of these bodyparts values:
skull / face / neck / shoulder / upper_arm / elbow / forearm /
hand /
thorax / abdomen / hip / groin / thigh / knee / calf / foot

[ARMOUR_COVERAGE:overcoat] - the armour has coverage of an
[ARMOUR_COVERAGE:skull neck shoulder] - the armour covers skull, neck
and shoulders


[SKILL:] - skill associated with the item. Only for weapons.

possible value: one of the skills in the game eg.

sword,club,bow,crossbow etc.
[SKILL:sword] - the weapon uses SWORD skill


[1H_PENALTY:] - skill penalty from using this weapon one-handed

possible value: 0-50, defaults to 0

[1H_PENALTY:15] - 15% penalty is added when this weapon is used one-


[AD_CLASS:] - attack and defense class of the weapon. A/D classification

adds related skill bonus when the
weapon is used in attack or defense.

possible value: 0-6/0-6 (both values must be entered at once separated

by /)

Default is 0/0. The higher the value the better the

weapon performs in attack/defense.

[AD_CLASS:5/0] - the weapon has attack class 5 and no bonus when used
in defense
[AD_CLASS:1/4] - the weapon has attack class 1 and defense class 4


[SPOILAGE_DAYS:] - in how many days the food item spoils

possible value: 0-253 (0 means that the item never spoils)

[SPOILAGE_DAYS:5] - the food item will spoil in 5 days


[PROTEIN:] - nutritional values for food items per 100 grams of the food

possible value: 0-99 representing grams of carbohydrates/fat/protein

per 100 grams of the food

[CARB:0] - the item contains no carbohydrates
[FAT:4] - the item contains 4 g of fat (per 100 g)
[PROTEIN:12] - the item contains 12 g of protein (per 100 g)


[WATER:] - water content of food items per 100 grams

possible value: 0-99 representing grams of water content 100 grams of

the food
[WATER:0] - the item has no water content
[WATER:50] - the item contains 50 g of water (per 100 g)


- improved: examining locations

* When looking at a location occupied by both NPC and items the information
of items
is now also displayed. (Previously in such a situation only NPC
information was displayed.)

* When looking at non-empty location tile type information is now always

For example, if there's a roasted cut on a sleeping bunk it will say:
You see there a roasted cut.
Sleeping bunk
(Previously tile type information was displayed only when looking at
empty locations)

* Examining a distant location ([l] or [F3]) now also displays precise

track information if
it's an unoccupied adjacent tile you are looking at. If you examine a
further away location
with visible tracks it just mentions that there are "some tracks".

- added: unconscious creatures in the water will eventually drown

On average it takes a minute or two (10-20 turns) for an uncoscious

creature to drown in the
water, and drowning can occur in the shallow water too. However, aquatic
birds and animals don't
drown very easily even if they would lose consciousness in the water.

- tweaked: food left to cook doesn't burn and spoil if the fire has gone out

- added: information about how long a fire will burn

When examining a fire, you'll be given an estimation for how long it will
burn. It's not an exact hour and
minute information, but we use descriptions like:
"This fire will burn for half an hour / an hour / over an hour / a few
hours / several hours / etc. "
If the fire is expected to burn for less than half an hour it's said to
last "a (very) little while".
If the fire is expected to burn many, many hours then time of day
descriptions are used in this fashion:
"This fire will burn till evening / noon / early morning / etc."

- added: carrying lit torch or having a fire in adjacent tile helps to build a

- improved: building a fire

* Initial amount of required firewood to build a fire has been decreased so

you can now
start smaller fires than previusly.

* Some smaller kindling is always required to set larger pieces of wood on


You can't set for example trunks on fire anymore without having some
branches, twigs,
firewood or other smaller combustible items there as well. Branches and
can be always set on fire on their own, but pretty much everything larger
than that
needs additional kindling.

* There are new game messages to notify about new firewood and kindling

- adjusted: branch and spruce twig weights increased

As a result lesser amount of them is needed for proper fire.

- added: default inventory filtering for [w]ield command; only weapons & tools are
listed by default

It makes wielding of tools easier, as you don't have to browse the

inventory that much.

- improved: weapon restocking in villages

Previously the weapon restocking was almost non-existent due to extremely

long restocking cycle.
Now the weapon restocking happens in more regular basis, even if the player
wouldn't trade and reduce villagers weapon reserves at all. Weapon
restocking is still
rather slow and it can easily take months before weapon supplies in
villages get renewed
on their own.
Didn't find that bow you were looking for from a particular village in the
With the improved weapon restocking it's now actually worthwhile to come
back in the winter
and they just might have it then.

- added: asking people about their weapon skills

Within "Ask for help/company" chat mode there's now an option to ask people
about their
weapon skills.
When recruiting companions those who need extra weapons will also
automatically speak of their
weapons skills.

- improved: recruiting companions

If recruiting a companion is cancelled the people will give back the items
you've given them.
Just like previously, there's a chat option to cancel recruiting but now
with appropriate
"Give my items back." remark. When already given items returned by NPC they
are placed at
player's feet. In addition to continuing or cancelling companion recruiting
via "Deliver" chat mode
it can be now done also via "Ask for help/company" chat mode.

- added: leashing animals from depopulated villages

It's now possible to leash animals from depopulated villages, and thus make
them your
own pets. There are some risks and exceptions, though. Sometimes domestic
animals choose to
fight back if their masters are dead and you try to leash them. And dogs
can't be
stolen this way at all - they always fight back rather than allow to be put
on the leash.

- added: ABOUT dialog to start screen main menu

It shows the general version information and your installation folder.

- added: setup options menu

Most common setup options can be now changed from in-game setup menu.
Editing urw_ini.txt remains for configuring more advanced options.
Setup menu can be accessed from the start screen and from the game itself
newly added help and game options menu -> [ESC].
Editing setup options through the menu changes contents of urw_ini.txt
You'll always have the same active configuration running regardless of how
you do it.

- added: help and game options menu - [ESC]

List of keyboard commands, game encyclopedia, setup options, saving and

quitting can be now activated
through a single menu. This menu is accessed by pressing [ESC] in the main
game view and it eases
newcomers troubles of memorizing keyboard commands or producing [?] symbol.

- rearranged: list of keyboard commands [?] help page

Outlook is fresh, list of commands is grouped a bit differently and the

page can be scrolled
also with mouse wheel. It also remembers the last position you were
It's now hopefully a bit easier for newcomers to find and browse the

- added: hotkey to quickly save the character - [CTRL]+[s]

Pressing CTRL+s saves the character and exits to main screen quickly and
without confirmations.

- added: when prompted to enter a number you can now type numbers also with numpad

For example, when you're asked how many items to pick numpad cursor keys
produce numbers.
In all the other menus numpad keys move the selector.

- added: dogs barking to warn of a danger and pets or companions crying in pain
prompts to interrupt ongoing tasks

TASK_ABORT_SOUNDS configuration option covers these new sound based task

abort additions.

- changed: auto zooming into your own settlement locates the character at where
you last zoomed out

- changed: Njerpezil�is scimitar renamed as 'Njerpez scimitar'

- changed: K�p�l�lauta fox-trap renamed as 'Paw-board fox trap'

- changed: DAGGER skill renamed as KNIFE

- removed: SURVIVAL skill

Actions that were covered by SURVIVAL skill are now remapped as follows:

"Cut branches/twigs" is now done with TIMBERCRAFT skill.

"Shelter" can be built with BUILDING skill.
"Make a hole in the ice" is now done with FISHING skill or [q]uaff command.
"Build a fire" has a new [f] key command of its own

- improved: [q]uaff command now also covers making holes in the ice

If [q]uaff command is used when there's ice but no open water around you it
will ask
if you want to make a hole in the ice. This naturally works only on zoomed-
in map.
when making a hole in the ice any previously made partially frozen hole in
your sight is
automatically selected if available

- added: [f] - a new key command to build a fire

- added: alternate pick up keys: [g] and [G]

In addition to [,] and [;] pick up keys these alternate keys can be used as
[g] - pick up something
[G] - pick up from adjacent tile

- changed mechanics: going on shore by watercraft

When travelling by watercraft you may now go on shore only on zoomed in map.

There's message to inform you about it if you try to go on shore on world

This fixes odd automatic watercraft placement attempts, and makes it more
convenient to
raft on world map as you don't have to worry about accidentally going on

- changed mechanic: zooming out at water based terrain

It's not allowed to zoom out at water based terrain, unless you are
travelling by watercraft.

This means you need to move away from lake, river, rapids, sea etc. water
based zoomed
in maps before it is allowed to zoom back out to world map. You'll get
accustomed to
this quite soon, and often it's only a few steps you need to take to cross
the map border
onto dry land.
This change was made to get rid of glitches which arose from game's
attempts to automatically
locate walking characters on dry land on the world map. When repeatedly
visiting zoomed
in terrain beside the water, returning exactly from where you last zoomed
out also works
better without the world map relocation hassle.

- added: broad knife is now preferred tool in hideworking

Broad knife is the best and preferred tool in skinning carcasses and cleaning
Northern knife, hunting knife and kaumolais knife - in this order - are the
second best tools for
hideworking jobs.

- added: stone knife - a new craftable weapon

It's an awkward knife, but a knife nevertheless. Stone knife can be crafted
with two rocks -
one for blade, one for knapping.

- added: broken arrows

When arrows break they don't just disappear anymore as there's now a broken
arrow item.
Broken arrows aren't useful or weapons at all, but just firewood.

- adjusted: bowshooting accuracy of skilled bowmen

Skilled bowmen are now slightly more accurate. Nothing radical, just some
fine tuning.

- adjusted: battleaxe properties

The earlier battleaxe type and its' description and properties were of an
anachronistic fantasy weapon.
Several changes have been made and now battleaxe in the game represents a
long-shafted viking battleaxe
which were single bladed, carefully balanced and relatively light weapons:

- battleaxes are now lighter than previously, weighing around around 3.5
- battleaxes don't have point attack aspect anymore - the earlier fantasy
battleaxe had a spike in the head
- long-shafted battleaxes are still two-handed weapons but penalty from
one-handed use now lesser than previously
- game encyclopedia (F1) entry about battleaxes has been updated.
- adjusted: descriptions of parts of the day

There are a few new tags, and this is how it goes now:

12 pm Noon
13 pm Early afternoon
14 pm-15 pm Afternoon
16 pm-17 pm Late afternoon
18 pm Early evening
19 pm-20 pm Evening
21 pm Late evening
22 pm Night
23 pm Late night
00 am Midnight
1 am-2 am After midnight
3 am-5 am Small hours
6 am Early morning
8 am Morning
10 am-11 am Late morning

- changed: 'laced leather shoes' replaced with 'leather boots'

The item name here was odd and unclear and is now changed. Leather boots
cover feet and calves,
just like the laced leather shoes did.

- corrected: weight of shoes and boots

Shoes were too light. A pair of leather shoes now weigh 2 lbs. A pair of
boots weigh 3.2 lbs.

- corrected: knife weights

All the knives were too heavy. This has been corrected and knives now weigh
from 100 grams (small knife)
to 180 grams (northern knife). Skaramasaksi weighs around 1.2 pounds.

- fixed [windows]: system beep when using [ALT]+key

This was SDL2 issue, which should be history now with new SDL2 version in

- fixed/tweaked: foreign traders loitering at zoomed-in areas indefinitely

Foreigners will now leave zoomed-in areas usually within 5-10 days from
their arrival.

- fixed: linen, nettle and woollen items not burning

- fixed: "command" chat option to tell people to leave your settlement was broken

Now you can command wandering people to leave your settlement if need be.

- fixed: player character getting located inside animal pens upon entering a

- fixed: companion accepted weight limit

It was bugged and companions accepted less items than what they could
actually carry.
Fixed now and we shouldn't bump into "Sorry, it's too much for me carry."
nagging that often.

- fixed: mushroom default nutritional values

Mushrooms default nutritional values (per 100g) are now: carbs 3g, protein
2g, fat 1g

- fixed: treeless lanes at borders of zoomed-in maps

- fixed: foods not spoiling at all if you visited the storage location rarely

- fixed: tracks not appearing on snow covered base rock or crag tiles

- fixed: prone enemies could hit to any body location

Now prone enemies can hit you only to lower part of the body, mostly the

- fixed: character's latest body temperature status not remembered correctly upon
entering the game

- fixed: beaver's diving status occasionally persisting when they get out of the

This resulted in invisible beavers walking around.

- fixed: diving creatures mistakenly triggering notification about something

entering your sight - even though
you actually can't see them

- fixed: wilderness map glitch of picked items sometimes appearing again after
zooming in and returning

This was a very rare condition, but caused occasional one-time duplication
of items that were
dropped and picked up on the wilderness map.

- fixed: 'place for soaking' crafting requirement wasn't properly recognized when
carrying a carcass

- fixed: trapped birds occasionally being able to fly (for a very brief moment)

- fixed: map maintenance occasionally failing to free any map space

This resulted in frequent maintenance tries on every map load with no real


Version: 3.20 (patch 2)

Released: 17-Mar-2015

Scroll down for complete changelog for version 3.20 (stable).

These are the fixes/additions in patch 2 for version 3.20:
- added: new winter photos for coniferous forest, spruce mire and grove terrain

- balanced & overhauled: TRAPPING related animal spawning

What hasn't changed is that your TRAPPING skill determines the success of
constructing and setting traps.
Badly set or badly made traps may scare off animals, fail to keep animals
properly trapped or appear
not attractive enough for animals to enter them. These are the common
trapping rules.
In short, higher the TRAPPING skill the more easily animals enter your
traps and more reliably they
stay trapped.

What has changed is the spawning mechanism.

Previously there was a system which caused succesfully set traps to spawn
animals at the area. This
happened in very unbalanced fashion and resulted in far too many animals to
be spawned far too
close to the traps - and in far too great number.
This unbalanced spawning mechanism is now removed and attractiveness of
traps is replaced with a
new and more delicate system.

As straightforward spawning of animals is removed, the harsh simplicity of

trapping goes as follows:
If there are animals at the area they may enter your traps depending on how
succesfully these
traps are set or constructed. If there aren't animals at the area your
traps will remain empty.
However, if there weren't animals at the area today the situation may not
be the same after a couple
of days. Traditional method of relying on the same traps at chosen trapping
grounds for a longer
period of time and checking them out on a regular basis is still valid and
suitable trapping method.

Moreover, there's a new delicate mechanism which furthermore improves

propability of catching animals
with traps:

* Even if animals at the area wouldn't be actually hungry, properly baited

and succesfully set traps
may attract them beyond regular feeding needs.

* Succesfully set traps may trigger additional animal population checks for
appropriate animals

This is different from straightforward animal spawning and works more

like an increased propability
of new animal populations to be created at the area. This mechanism
follows the rules of general
animal population creation, so commonness and relative number of animals
and their natural habitats
are carefully taken into account. Therefore, if the trapped area is not
suitable for a certain
animals or if animal populations are on a good natural level, no trap can
cause extra population

To succeed in trapping now it takes more patience, careful consideration

and knowledge of animals
natural habitats. Setting traps at areas where you have actually noticed
marks of wildlife is often
most effective. Nevertheless, knowing that bears can occupy spruce mires
and setting bear traps at
spruce mires even in random fashion may still prove succesfull.
You can expect less catches with traps now, but it will be far more
rewarding when it happens.

- speed optimized: map drawing when passing time with NPCs in sight

Map drawing is optimized so that redraw occurs only if NPC locations do

actually change.
This way NPCs who are in sight but standing still do not cause extra lag to
passing time.
Passing time with standing still companions and pets in sight is now just
as fast as
with no-one in sight.
If there's NPC movement in sight more frequent map redraws naturally slows
things down,
but most often passing time is a lot faster now.

- improved: map drawing and scaling

Map rendering is now texture-based and looks sharp and crisp on higher
resolutions - even
with fully zoomed out map view.

- "loading map..." box has its' color changed and is relocated a bit lower on the

- added: new effects for zooming between world and terrain map

Rectangular zoom in/out "effect" is removed.

Map view is shaded with a slight color tint when zooming in/out.
Terrain pictures are faded in and zoomed onto screen.
After the world or terrain map is loaded alpha blending transition is used
in switching
the map view.

- added: new map fade effects when falling asleep or losing consciousness

These aren't nothing too fancy, just fading and blending the map view to a
single color,
but the effects are renderer blends in SDL 2 fashion and look way smoother
than previously.
Moreover, there are different fade colors for different situations.
Falling asleep fades into midnight blue color, losing consciousness fades
into bloodred color.
Waking up and recovering consciousness also features a smooth fade back to
the map view.

- added: option to go prone intentionally

Hotkey [u] now toggles between standing and laying down, and option to lay
down is also
available in "movement and rest actions" menu. This allows your character
to go prone
intentionally. Being prone has use in avoiding getting hit by enemy arrows.
Prone target is
smaller target and therefore more challenging to hit from a distance with
missile weapons.
But you should NOT count on never getting struck by an arrow when prone.

- added: vision restrictions when prone

Character's line of sight is calculated differently when prone. Even the

slight slopes
do restrict the sight of prone characters.

- improved: archery from behind an obstacle

Arrows won't ever hit the adjacent obstacle when shooting from behind it.

- added: new key commands to eat and pass a turn

* lower case [e] now works, and is the official key command to eat

Upper case [E] works as well for convenience of those who have gotten
used to it.

* keypad 5 works as an alternative key to pass a turn

This is equal to pressing [.] key to pass a turn.

- improved: HERBLORE inventory filtering

Using HERBLORE to examine plants in your inventory now automatically

filters for plants
and foods.

- added: key commands to wield picked up items automatically - [CTRL]+[,] and


Press [CTRL] together with pick up commands [,] or [;] to automatically

wield picked up items.
Notice that when picking up multiple items this way the first selected
items on the list will
be wielded.

- changed: warmth is excluded from calculations in the display of average armour


- changed: [ESC] equals to "Yes" in [Yes]/[No] prompts to abort tasks

For example, when you are prompted to abort a task because of hearing
sounds or noticing
creatures pressing [ESC] equals to "Yes, I want to abort this task."

- changed: wording in aiming zone penalty descriptions "challenging" -> "tricky"

Aiming zone penalties are now described as "tricky" or "difficult".

"TrickY" being easier
than "Difficult".
- fixed: numlock hassle - it's now always off in the game

NumLock is now forced permanently off and numeric keypad produces only
movement signals -
not numbers. This prevents the numlock hassle arising from SDL 2 bug, and
also helps
newcomers to get playing without having to care about NumLock state.

- fixed: projectiles being told to hit slopes when shooting/throwing at creatures

in the water

This was a mostly a wrong message issue, but water shot/throw aiming angle
also needed
few adjustments.

- fixed: foreign traders not staying in group

Their "herding" behaviour was broken. Now foreigners wander around more
close to each others.

- fixed: spoiled food was just as nutritious as normal edible food

Spoiled food is now only half as nutritious as normal edible food.

- fixed: zero population settlements aka ghost villages

Old randomization fault which caused the smallest settlements occasionally

appear completely
empty of people.

- fixed: wrong message when trying to swim from a watercraft while rowing prone

The game said 'You can't swim while lying down.' and now properly says 'You
can't swim while rowing.'

- fixed: Warfare game-course task getting completed also by killing other than
Njerpez NPCs

- fixed: butchering carcass twice

Double fat and extra cuts were occasionally obtained from already butchered

- fixed: sleeping birds occasionally getting flying status; "sleeping flying bird"

- fixed: nonaquatic birds exploring water areas; flying too far away from the

- fixed: sleeping character could select a defense maneuver upon being hit

Version: 3.20 (patch 1)
Released: 14-Jan-2015

Scroll down for complete changelog for version 3.20 (stable).

These are the fixes/additions in patch 1 for version 3.20:
- fixed: keyboard issues; ignored keypresses and non-responsive keyboard state

- fixed: noisy audio (due to audio initiliazation with low sample rate)

- fixed: emptying once paid containers made them unpaid again

- fixed/changed: having to pay for using water in villagers containers

If you filled your own containers from unpaid tubs of water or utilized
water in unpaid
tub in any other way you had to pay for it. This also often resulted in
bugged debt lists.

- fixed: wild animals trying to snatch food close to the player character

- fixed: trapped animals triggering adjacent traps, and leaving them "in use"

This was fixed in 3.20 already but some conditions of the bug still

- fixed: using high quality weapons in butchering small animals sometimes resulted
in obtaining more meat
than the carcass weighed

- fixed: wrong northern spear sprite

wrong sprite persists with migrated northern spears. The fix applies to new

- fixed: knees missing from overcoat coverage

Overcoats now cover the knees.

wrong coverage persists with migrated overcoats. The fix applies to new

- fixed: faulty messages about NPCs unwielding odd items

- fixed: pet dogs giving up the chase if their prey entered water

- fixed: walls of sauna stoves appearing within villages/fields

- fixed: crash potential when entering single house Reemi settlements

- fixed: a rare condition of dogs choosing a random target after loosing their
original prey

- fixed: villagers labeling you as a thief if you pushed items while carrying
unpaid items

- fixed: being able to [D]iscard village property

- fixed: inventory filtering of unpaid items listed the items in multiple same
item categories

- fixed: manually returned unpaid items which NPCs couldn't carry became

- fixed/changed: splinting the fractures in head area

Fractures in eye sockets, neck and skull are now treated with bandages and

- fixed: a rare condition of corrupt population data causing empty villages

getting restocked

- fixed: feathers dropping from skinned bird carcasses (if they were eaten by an

- fixed: using a crossbow could mistakenly train BOW skill too

- fixed: starting location not renewed after re-randomizing the map during
character creation

- fixed [linux]: *.txt files in installation directory were symlinked files

- fixed [linux]: unnecessary (and faulty) libc.so.6 dependency removed

- changed: birds and bigger animals do not enter cellars anymore

Only relatively small carnivores such as foxes, polecats and ermines may
manage to snatch food from cellar.

- added: unconcious/dead seals can sometimes fall to the bottom of the sea rather
than resurface

- added: configuration option for auto zooming into your settlements

AUTO_ENTER_HOMESTEAD option in urw_ini.txt defines if you want to

automatically zoom in
when moving onto your settlement tile on world map.
Possible values are YES and NO. It's set to YES by default.

- added: configuration option for overall audio volume

VOLUME option in urw_ini.txt defines the overall audio volume.

The value can be from 1 to 100, with 100 representing 100% volume. It's set
to 50 by default.

- added: being able to swim from watercraft

Use your SWIMMING skill when not wielding paddle or sesta to go swimming
from the watercraft.

Version: 3.20 (stable)
Released: 22-Dec-2014

** Saved characters from version 3.18-> are compatible with this version. **

- SLD 2 migration accomplished - freely resizable game window, compatibility and


UrW now uses SDL 2, SDL_image 2 and SDL_mixer 2 libraries. Migration to SDL
2 is
necessary to allow bigger graphics overhaul to take place in the future and
to remove
several bottlenecks and compatibility problems in handling the keyboard and

From developer's point of view SDL 2 migration stands as an investment for

the future.

From player's point of view the three most notable changes from moving to
SDL 2 are:

* Game window is now freely resizable. (But otherwise there are no changes
graphics or screen layout.)
* Variety of graphic initialization and full screen problems are history.
* Keyboard layout related problems (eg. DVORAK) are history.

There are few issues with SDL 2 which you should be aware of:

- In Windows a chime sound is played when using ALT+key combinations (skill

if you have Windows sounds enabled.
- The game needs to be started with NumLock off or otherwise numpad cursor
are not working.
- Keyboard repeat rate is derived directly from system repeat rate, so
response is probably a bit different compared to version 3.19.

- added: configuration options to set preferred resizing and fullscreen modes

LOGICAL_RESIZE option in urw_ini.txt defines if the logical size and aspect

should be maintained upon resizing the window or not.
Possible values are YES and NO. It's set to YES by default.

FULLSCREEN option in urw_ini.txt defines if the game is started in normal,

maximized or fullscreen window.
Possible values are:
NO - normal resizable game window. Starts at last used game window
YES - fullscreen game window at the current desktop resolution.
MAXIMIZED - game window is maximized upon starting the game.

- setup menu removed - everything is now configured via urw_ini.txt

All the configuration options are now set by editing urw_ini.txt in the
folder. The actual setup menu has been removed from the main game-screen,
but setup
selection remains only to display info to go edit urw_ini.txt.

Self-explanatory setup menu options now appear urw_ini.txt as follows:


- added: scandinavian letters allowed in character names

In character folder names scandinavian letters are encoded to hex values.

- changed: character loading menu shows true names of the characters

Previously it showed (the first 8 letters of) character folder names.

- added: an incomplete list of credits to main menu

- added: true crop cycle for villages - harvesting, stocking and sowing

All the villages now properly harvest their fields, stock the products and
sow the
fields again in the spring. Villages start harvesting the crops as soon as
majority of
plants have ripened, and continue until everything has been harvested.
Start of the harvest season is first noticed by bundles of turnips
appearing in the villages,
followed by peas, and then beans and grains.

Pod type plants are stored in bags, root vegetables are just stocked
somewhere on their
own and seeds are stored in boxes and baskets. Notice that not all the
containers are necessarily
completely full. Availability of farm products and seeds in villages is
naturally most abundant
in autumn, reserves will be consumed during the winter, and there's usually
only little left in
the spring. And yes, you can now also get seeds from the villages.

Crop cycle is maintained year after year if there's sufficient population

in the village.

- added: two new containers - birch-bark box and birch-bark basket

* birch-bark box

Light and small container which villagers use for storing small seeds. It
can hold 1 lbs.
There's a separate graphic tile for this item:
(tile drawn by Brian Shapiro)

* birch-bark basket

Rather large container which villagers use for storing big seeds. It can
hold 15 lbs.
There's a separate graphic tile for this item:
(tile drawn by Brian Shapiro)

- adjusted: container capacities

Wooden tub can now hold 10 lbs. (was 8 lbs)

Bag can now hold 20 lbs. (was 10 lbs)
Wooden bowl can now hold 6 lbs. (was 4 lbs)
Wooden cup can now hold 3 lbs. (was 2 lbs)

These factors only apply to newly created items. Containers that were
created in earlier versions
have the old capacities.

- added: proper empty container weights and load calculations

Containers didn't really have their own effective empty weights and
attempts to calculate true
loads of filled or emptied containers were confusing and failed. Now
containers have proper empty
weights and load calculations are working properly.

These factors only apply to newly created items. Containers that were
created in earlier versions
probably now have zero empty weight.

- balanced and checked: farm product values

No changes in grain price.

Root vegetables prices have been doubled.
Pod type plant (beans and peas) prices are increased by 50%.
Flour value has been halved, and it's now about 50% more valuable than the
grains itself.
Small seeds, such as turnip seeds, aren't considered very valuable and have
a low nominal price.
All the foodstuff prices are foremostly based on their true nutritional
value, but these few
adjustments give better balance to relative prices of these farm products.

- adjusted: seed weights

Turnip seeds, and other small seeds, are now lot more lighter than
There are some balancing in pea and grain weighs too, but those aren't

- changed: your character won't butcher human corpses unless somewhat starved

This ends an era of lightly practised cannibalism and trade of human flesh.

- changed: wearing armours

You can wear multiple textile, leather or fur clothes of the same type at
same time. For example: you can wear fur shirt, linen shirt and nettle
at the same time. Metal armour restrictions remain unchanged - only one
piece of
each armour type.

- overhauled: armour glossary

Anachronistic armours removed, new armours & clothes added, coverages

checked & adjusted,
new sprites added, and armour availability & usage checked and adjusted.

With migrated characters armour attribute changes (names, sprites,
properties) don't apply
to old items that were created/obtained in previous version.

* terminology changes

Greaves are now known as shin guards.

Vambraces are now known as forearm guards.
Short hauberk is now simply known as hauberk.
Long cowl is now simply known as cowl.

* new sprites

There are new sprites for helms, metal cowl, hauberk, bandage, mittens,
cowl/veil/headgear, generic trousers/leggings and generic spot protection
(original tiles drawn by Brian Shapiro - some are modified)

To allow compatibility with modded tilesets there are separate files for
new sprites
in truegfx/ folder:
sp_mhaub, sp_lhaub, sp_helm, sp_spechelm, sp_mittens, sp_headgear,
sp_headgear, sp_bandage, sp_spotprot, sp_trousers

* ring armours removed - all of them.

Ring type armour has no base in history. No actual examples of ring

armour have
been found on European archaeological findings.

* variety of anachronistic iron armours removed

Iron great helm, iron halfhelm, iron cuirass, iron breastplate, iron
iron vambraces and iron rerebraces are removed.

* helms

There are two types of helms, both made of iron: helm and spectacle helm.

- Helm covers the skull and is made from one piece of iron hammered into
- Spectacle helm covers the skull and face. It has a spectacle-like
covering for the face,
extending down to wearer's chin.

* new armour material: lamellar

Lamellar is eastern armour type used by Njerpez. Lamellar armours are

made of square
or rectangular iron plates tightly fastened to each other with leather
straps passed
through openings along the edges of the plates. Lamellar technique is
used mainly to create
cuirass and hauberk type armors, but it's also suitable for some spot
protection pieces.
Compared to mail, lamellar armour offers better protection from blunt
attacks but only
slightly better protection from edged attacks.

There are 5 lamellar armour items:

lamellar hauberk, lamellar cuirass, lamellar forearm guards, lamellar
shin guards and
lamellar rerebraces

* new leather armours

There are 3 new leather armours items which all can be crafted:
leather shin guards, leather forearm guards and leather cuirass

* hauberk coverage adjustments

Hauberk (previously known as short hauberk) doesn't cover upper arms

This is because there was no really relevant difference between the two
hauberk types.
(Long hauberk covers the upper arms and extends to the knees.)

* undershirts shortened

Undershirts now extend to the thighs. (Previously to the knees)

* dresses lengthened

Women's dresses now extend to the calves, but don't anymore cover upper
(Previously they covered also the upper arms and extended to the thighs)

* overcoats lengthened

overcoats now extend all the way to the knee.

* fur cloth changes and additions

- Fur mittens are now longer than they used to be and now cover also the
(Previously they covered only hands)

- Fur shirt is now shorter than it used to be.

It's still long-sleeved shirt but extends only to cover the groin and
(Previously it covered also the thighs and knees)

- new fur item: fur overcoat

Long-sleeved and long coat extendeding down to your knees. Can be

crafted and is a useful
piece of winter clothing. More valuable, heavier and requires more raw
material than a
fur shirt.

Foreign traders and Njerpez now have a distinctive cultural difference

between armours they
favour and wear. In general metal armours are very rare, and even the
foreign warriors need to
rely mostly on fur and leather for protection. Helms, cowls and smaller
metal armours for spot
procetion are now far more common than valuable body armours such as

Wealthy local cultures of Driik, Sartola, Koivula and Reemi may very rarely
few metal armours available. These are often helms and pieces of spot
and only extremely rarely body armours.

- balanced: stocking and availability of some basic tools

Basic tools such as pots, ropes, sickles and shovels are now more commonly
found even among isolated cultures. Availability of the tools is naturally
culturally dependent, but you don't necessarily have to go to western
anymore to find a pot or shovel. Villages now stock also empty wooden
such as wooden tubs and bowls.

- added: villages stock wood and lumber

You can now find boards, slender tree trunks, wooden stakes and logs in
Availability of these items is naturally culturally dependant.

- added: villages stock ordinary clothes

All except northern cultures may occasionally have some spare clothes
in their villages. Availability of clothes is dependant on village wealth
population, but there's a possibility to find all kind of ordinary clothes;
linen, woollen, nettle and fur clothes- and even shoes or women's dresses.

- balanced: availability of high quality of northern bows

Northern people can now have high quality (fine and masterwork) bows -
availability was broken in previous version. These items are still rare,
can be found. Especially Kuikka-tribe people are the master bow makers of

- added: one new character portrait (to eastern portraits)

- added: "Stop your tasks" companion command

This makes your companion to stop all the tasks he/she was doing.

- added: group commands for pets and companions

You can now give group commands to your pets and companions eg. to make
all attack the same target at once.

* group commands for pets

Group command mode can be activated after you've chosen to talk or shout
to one
of your dogs. If there are multiple dogs within sight or hearing range
command" selection appears in animal commands menu. After you've
activated it
the command you then choose will be given to all the dogs in range.
'Eat' and 'Attack' are possible group commands for dogs. Eat command
still requires
first talking to a dog in your sight.

* group commands for companions

Group command mode can be activated after you've chosen to talk to one of
companions. If there are multiple companions within a close range "Group
command" selection appears in companions commands menu. After you've
activated it
the command you then choose will be given to all the companions in range.

'Attack', 'Fell trees', 'Make a fire' and 'Stop your tasks' are possible
commands for companions.

- added: an option to ask NPCs what they want in a trade

There's now "What of my items you'd prefer in this trade?" chat option
during trading. Upon using it NPCs will let you know the items they prefer,
how they feel about the trade in general. Regardless of what they say you
can still
offer any items you want, but usually their thoughts and wishlists are good
fair advises.

- balanced: robber demands and speaking them out

* You can now ask robbers what items they want exactly. This helps to
decide whether
you really want to hand over your goods or not.

* Robbers demands have been reasoned and can vary

In general robbers now prefer value and quality over quantity. Even if
you a had
lots of gear with you robbers are usually satisfied with a dozen of most
ones. Most importantly they don't want to rob all of your clothes and
anymore, but only the most valuable ones. There's also variation in
demands and some can be happy with only a few very valuable items.

- added: seals!

There are two types of seals: the ringed seal and the grey seal.
Both live in the sea and can be found on all the coastal regions of the
UnReal World.
The grey seal is more common than the ringed seal.
(In reality certain subspecies of ringed seals should exists in big lakes
of Kiesse too,
but adding them stays for later.)

Seals spend most of their days in the water but do regularly come ashore to
and pass time in certain locations. During open water season they rest on
rocky surfaces
of the utmost skerries and islets of the sea. In the winter they do live
near the edge
of the ice, spending the lazy hours on the ice.

For more information about the seals see game encyclopedia entries [F1] for

* Meat yield from seals is very low compared to their weight, but their fat
yield is

* Seal-tribe village restocking has been adjusted to feature a proper level

of seal
furs and meat.

To allow compatibility with modded tilesets there's a separate sprite files

for seals:
truegfx/av_gseal.png, truegfx/av_rseal.png

- added: aquatic animals can dive under the water

They do it especially when escaping. As diving animals disappear from your

sight they
are pretty much impossible to be hunted while diving.

- added: feathers

Skinning a bird now also gives you its' feathers. Number of feathers
obtained depends
on the bird size and ranges roughly from 12 to 100. It's assumed that you
want to keep
only the good wing and tail feathers.

* You can also find naturally dropped feathers.

* Feathers are categorized as tools.

* Crafting an arrow now requires three feathers per arrow. Crafting a blunt
arrow now
also requires tying equipment as the feathers need to be attached to the

To allow compatibility with modded tilesets there's a separate sprite file

for feathers:

- added: new birds

Raven, goshawk, hazel grouse, kuikka, goldeneye, willow grouse and eagle owl.
Find briefing of the new birds below and see their game encyclopedia [F1]
for more info.

* Raven

Ravens prefer extensive areas of forest and exist throughout UnReal World
in rather
scarce number. They are mainly scavengers feeding on carcasses of dead
animals, but
their diet may also vary widely and ravens can be considered quite

* Goshawk

Goshawks are strongly built hawks. They nest in older forests throughout
UnReal World
and hunt other birds and small mammals, sometimes as large as hares.
Goshawks are
migratory birds, leaving in late autumn and returning in spring.

* Eagle owl

The eagle owl is a very large owl. They have large heads with striking
ear tufts and
fiercely glowing orange-coloured eyes. Eagle owls breed in scarce number
in forests
almost throughout UnReal World, except for the unforested mountainous
areas of the
extreme north. Eagle owls are birds of prey and hunt hares, small mammals
and birds.
They are active at night and very efficient hunters.

* Willow grouse

Medium-sized and least numerous of all the forest game birds, but
nevertheless found
all around UnReal World and commonly hunted for meat. Willow grouse can
thrive in
very diverse terrain, but primarily occupies sparse pine forests, mires
and slopes
of cliffs and fjells. They are accustomed to cold, harsh and rugged
environment, but
favour having birch and alder trees around their territory.

* Hazel grouse

The smallest and the second most common forest game birds found in Unreal
Adults mate in early spring and nest on the ground.
They prefer thick forests with both conifers and leaf trees.
In thick forests hazel grouses can survive better from goshawks.

* Goldeneye

Common aquatic birds breeding around inland and marine waters.

Goldeneyes are migratory birds. They leave in autumn and are among the
first migratory
birds to return in early spring.
* Kuikka

Kuikka is a rather large aquatic bird named after its' distinctive call.
Kuikka breeds throughout Unreal World by wilderness lakes with clear
It eats fish, typically perch and roach. Kuikkas are migratory birds,
leaving quite
early in autumn and returning in spring.

To allow compatibility with modded tilesets there are separate sprite files
truegfx/av_goshawk.png etc.

- added: audio samples for birds

Now we can actually hear ravens, goshawks, swans, kuikkas, hazel grouses
and eagle
owls calling.

How talkative the birds are depends on the species and time of the year.
Hazel grouses are most talkative in the spring and late summer, eagle owls
call almost
exclusively n the winter, kuikkas keep calling mostly during early summer
season etc.

- added: birds lay eggs

All the ground nesting birds now lay eggs. Depending on the species eggs
are laid in
Swidden month (April), Seedtime month (June) or Fallow month (July).
Aquatic birds
lay eggs on islets and skerries, or nearby the shore among vegetation, and
their eggs is relatively doable if you have patience. Eggs of forest birds
are much
harder to find.

Of the forest birds capercaillie, black grouse, willow grouse and hazel
grouse all
nest on the ground.

(Traditionally mostly the eggs of ground nesting birds have had importance
to eke
out diet. Eggs of tree nesting birds is a curiosity that was intentionally
left out
this time.)

- overhauled: animal populations

Creation of animal populations has been thoroughly checked, adjusted and

These adjustments concern not only the commonness and relative number of
animals, but
also their natural habitats. Frequency of big game remains quite the same
as it was,
and most notable changes are seen in populations of small animals and
In general you can now expect more varied and greater number of wildlife to
exist in
the world, but natural habitat of animals has a much greater role than
before. You
can't expect to find any forest animals in any type of forest.

Few examples:
Gluttons and ravens prefer large intact coniferous woodland areas.
And so do pine-martens - but they also like cliffs and caverns nearby their
forests. Badgers mostly occupy mixed or leaf tree forests - preferably with
wetlands nearby. Weasels aren't too picky about their habitat as long as
there's enough
trees and vegetation to provide coverage - but they tend to avoid too open
etc. etc. etc.

With balanced and overhauled animal populations in use you are bound to
find more
animals and more different species within smaller area than before. It's
that an area of 5x5 wilderness tiles (500x500 meters) can have a dozen of
forest birds, three hares, two squirrels, a fox and a badger around. It's
possible -
but naturally not always the case. And despite of more wildlife existing
it's not
evident that you'll get to spot it from a close (or hunting) distance.

To learn more about changes in habitat and population adjustments see

game encyclopedia [F1] pages for:


Even though artic foxes are most common in the north they can be now met
elsewhere. Even back in 1800's arctic foxes have been said to be somewhat
in southern Finland so we assume that some populations have wandered and
all around UnReal World. NPCs of other than northern cultures can now
also stock
artic fox furs.

- changed: arrows are now slightly more valuable (because of feathers in the mix)

- added: all cutting weapons work for cutting carcassess - but knife is preferred

You get fewer cuts from the carcass when using other than a knife.

- added: hauling information messages if you try to haul items while wading

Hauling while wading isn't possible, but there was no message to clarify
Now the game tells you that it's not possible and suggest to push items to
the shore

- added: sauna stove

There are no fireplaces in saunas anymore, but sauna stoves instead. Sauna
appearance and usage is similar to fireplace. Having this new sauna stove
tile has
no specific usage yet but preceeds the future sauna related improvements.

- improved: lighting effect of fires

Lighted area is now roundish and its' radius depends on size of the fire.
As the fire gradually
goes down you also see decrease in lit area. This affects to both campfires
and lit fireplaces.

- added: precise time passing featured on bunch of new tasks

Added for general diy crafting, making and repairing clothes, timbercraft
tasks (logs,
boards, firewood etc.), hideworking tasks (cleaning, curing, tanning),
digging a pit,
preparing the soil, grinding flour.

- added: option to stand still until not fatigued

This option is available in movement and rest actions menu, or can it be

by [ALT] + [-] hotkey.

- added: unpaid category & standardized hotkeys to inventory filtering

* There's now "unpaid" category within inventory filter menu (TAB) showing
your unpaid/taken items.

* Shortcut keys for item types have been standardized.

w - weapons, a - armours & clothing, c - containers, h - hides & skins etc.

- added: direction is told in sound based messages

Eg. "You hear a tree falling down in the east.", "You hear rustle of wings
the north." etc.

- changed: e[X]changing weapons if a shield is wielded now costs a turn

- changed: raw meat and raw fish now floats

To avoid accidentally losing meat or fish when operating with a kill or

catch by
the shore.

- modding fix: incorrect weight of modded [patchwise] cookery items

For example:
If you made batch of 5 cookery items which required 2.5 lbs of raw
all together you got 5 cookery items each weighing 2.5 lbs - even though
should have gotten 5 cookery items each weighing 0.5 lbs. (2.5 / 5 = 0.5)

- changed: only the items that don't float can be buried in bogs

- removed: wheat bread

Old item which didn't fit in the word. There's no wheat.

- changed: clothes and armours being worn can be offered in a trade

- changed: foreign traders don't fell trees anymore as their lagtime activity

- changed message: "[creature] escapes." -> "[creature] flees."

- fixed: sounds of fighting NPCs at the area occasionally being played when
loading map or sleeping

- fixed: being able to command NPCs of single house settlement to go away

- fixed: NPCs climbing steep elevations too fast

- fixed: being able to [a]pply animal leashes on world map

- fixed: wrong "block of wood(s)" plural -> "blocks of wood"

- fixed: a rare condition of trapped unconscious animals attacking

- fixed: being able to [a]pply animal leashes on world map

- fixed: leashed pet duplication when returning to village where your departed
companion had recently returned

- fixed: animals tied to trees occasionally roaming free

Some iterations of this bug were fixed before, but a new bug prone instance

was discovered. Report back if this bug still persists.

- fixed: wading animals moving too fast

- fixed: auto-tracking on world map occasionally displaying "You don't notice any

- fixed: movement restrictions from penalties not always applied when rowing

- fixed: unconscious NPCs blocking other NPCs from moving to same tile

Now aggressive NPCs will walk over unconscious ones.

When selecting a target from location with multiple NPCs the conscious NPC
is always chosen if available.

- fixed: humans can recognize trap-fences and understand to avoid traps there

- fixed: cave crashes (specifically with .rpm package on Fedora)

- fixed: location with traps spawning copies of earlier creatures at the area
It was very rare occasion, but when triggered you could have same type of
spawning at the area day after day.

- fixed: container price wasn't taken into account in item price calculations

- fixed: villagers knowing your breaches without seeing you in action

Sight check was broken which caused villagers to magically be aware of your
minor breaches
such as harvesting their crops or building a fire. Minor breaches are now
properly based on
NPC sight so if they don't see you in action they don't know you did it.
You still shouldn't
try to push your luck by building fires or felling trees near the village
center, because
the guilty one is sometimes also easily guessed.

- fixed: light from fires shined through obstacles

Fires use line-of-sight mechanics now, and the light from fires reaches
only where it
actually can.

- fixed: hiding mode not cancelled when hauling items

- fixed: "source of livelihood" game course task was weight based

Now true nutritional value of the food you are carrying is taken into

- fixed: fighting leashed pets not following the player character

- fixed: wooden tub price decreased (to one third)

- fixed: multiple entries for "human shaped figure in distance" displayed (so that
can't guess if a world map wanderer is actually party of robbers)

- fixed: being asked if you want to swim when entering zoom maps with deep water

Character was properly located on dry land, but the question appeared

- fixed: "impact doesn't penetrate your armor" displayed for unarmoured characters

There's now "The impact doesn't hurt you." alternative.

- fixed: repairing a piece of clothing with itself

- fixed: bug potential with old animals getting removed from zoomed-in maps

There was a vulnerability which might have caused old animals to rarely
disappear from
zoomed-in maps. It's secured now and animals should never just disappear

- fixed: rowing mode got cancelled when moving without a paddle or sesta in
launched watercraft
This resulted in watercraft not being properly transported with you between
world and
zoom maps.

- fixed: it was possible to start hiding while rowing, swimming, or hauling items

- fixed: spots of lichen or other ground cover appearing in the water - old
topography bug.

- fixed: nettles (and other grass plants) worked as {hemp} in diy requirements

- fixed: tied pets sometimes followed you onto world map and got stuck there

This fix isn't verified, so report back if this issue still persists.

- fixed: pets staying on burning fires

- fixed: birds couldn't fly over high cliffs

- fixed: being able to set nets on ice if there was a hole in the ice nearby

- fixed: saving between midning and morning caused various morning related checks
to be
skipped the next morning - you couldn't milk your cow, wounds didn't
skill flags weren't reset.

For migrated characters a bugged morning check skip may occur upon reload
if you
had saved between midnight and morning, but after the next save it's all
and fixed.

- fixed: injury score from old injuries occasionally being added to new frostbites

- fixed: NPC crops growing in water (on fields next to a lake)

- fixed: robbers picking up items they couldn't carry made the items disappear

- fixed: wilderness location where angry villagers or robbers might throw you away
properly randomized

Previously only the north-west location was chosen, now there's proper

- fixed: free sauna items

Sauna scoops and tubs of water aren't free to take anymore.

- fixed & balanced: skiing and walking in the snow

* In addition to being fatiguing, walking in the snow is now also about 20%

* Skiing skill matters and skiing is now also fatiguing, but always faster
and easier
than than walking in the snow.

Now your skiing skill determines how fatiguing it is for you to ski. The
skilled you are, the less of an effort it is to ski. Only highly skilled
skiers get
close to zero fatigue accumulation anymore, but skiing skill still
improves quite
fast so most characters can build up decent skiing skills during single
In any case skiing is always faster and less fatiguing than walking in
the snow.

* Skiing is cancelled and you are notified to remove your skis when the
time of the
year doesn't suit skiing.

- fixed: food in NPC villages/camps never spoils - old exploit

- fixed: setting bait to a direction you can't see wasted the bait

- fixed: hauling not cancelled when pushing a hauled carcass

- fixed: skinning ignored carcass beneath another one

- fixed: being able to build ceiling and floor on the same tile where it was
already built

- fixed: "and X more..." not calculating correctly the number of items being

- fixed: hiding from robbers was impossible during the phase when they come to
talk to you

- fixed: missed shots that hit a group member of the original target didn't cause
a morale check

- fixed: sleeping or unconscious creatures prevented hiding

Entering hiding mode wasn't possible if you were in "sight" of sleeping or


- fixed: shield protection glitches

They protected too much in neutral position and too little when held on the
left side.

- fixed: cancelling tasks skipped the possible morning maintenance and physical

- fixed: creatures standing on cellar were invisible

- fixed: when milking into a container filled with water the contents weren't
emptied first

- fixed: small animals (eg. squirrels and hares) being able to wade
- fixed: foreign traders messed up item tags in the villages and made the items

- fixed: location selection dialog closes when choosing a location you can't see

- fixed: villagers stocking stale food

- fixed: skin not obtained if skinning got cancelled during the last minute

If the skinning task got cancelled due to exhaustion (or whatever) at the
very last
moment of the skinning process you didn't obtain the hide, but the animal
was still
marked skinned.

- fixed: spoiled food items occasionally not stacking

This was related to markers of their original quality. The conflicting

markers are now
cleared upon spoilage. Notice that the old non-stacking spoiled food items
character may have will remain non-stacking.

- fixed: stale tag persisting upon cooking

You might get "Roasted stale perch" etc. Now stale tag disappears properly
cooking, and the results of cooking stale food items aren't delicious.

- fixed: waking up to strange noises when falling asleep from exhaustion while
or running

- fixed: animals might freeze for moment upon escaping if their escape destination
badly chosen

- fixed: drinking from containers taking too much time

- fixed: villagers joining the robbers when they enter the village area

- fixed: NPC/villager reactions to robbers was broken

Now both the wandering NPCs and villagers react properly to presence of
They rarely attack the robbers right away but keep them on eye. If the
robbers cross
the line by coming too close, then the people don't hesitate to attack

- fixed: terrestial animals sleeping in shallow water

- fixed: repeated deathblows with [3] fail to keep the previous aiming zone if any
selections or certain actions (eg. sleeping) were made in between the

- fixed: leashed animals not properly freed upon getting defeated and thrown away
from the
location by robbers or villagers

Now your animals are unleashed. You may, or may not find them again.

- fixed: wading on land if you were too fatigued/penalized to move at all and
tried to
start wading

- fixed: sauna scoops and wooden tubs disappearing from villages

- fixed: carcasses tagged as partially skinned even if the skinning wasn't allowed

(ie. while swimming)

- fixed: arrow-in-loading bug: NPCs could shoot you while the map was only loading


Version: 3.19 (stable)

Released: 16-Sep-2014

** Saved characters from version 3.17-> are compatible with this version. **

- command and interface changes

Take a note of these, but remember that pressing ? in the game and looking
at menus
will still reveal you the old and new game controls.

- [+] works as an alternate key to bring up [M]ake menu

- [l] works as an alternate key to look at distant location ([F3])

- primary key command to filter inventory is now [Tab].

[.] remains as an alternate key to filter inventory.

- mouse wheel can be used to scroll inventory

- in [w]ield menu pressing [-] means "wield nothing" and takes off all
wielded weapons

- a quick way to unwield weapons in [T]ake off menu

Pressing [1] or [2] in take off menu will unwield primary or secondary
This is a quick way to free a desired hand.
Remember that [w]ield and [-] takes off all wielded weapons at once.

- [s]kills screen remembers the last selection

If you use skills via [s]kills screen the cursor is positioned at the
selection. This way [s] and [enter] can be used to repeat the last skill.

- Pressing ESC is equivalent to No in "Yes/No" confirmation screens.

* new menu: movement and rest actions

Running, hiding, sleeping, waiting and getting up on your feet can be now
from a single menu. You can bring up the movement and rest actions menu
with [/] or
[Del] keys.

There are still hotkeys for all these movement and rest actions, even
though some
key changes have been made. Read on.

* extended commands menu has been removed

Extended commands menu which was previously accessed via [#] or [e] is
New hotkeys have been assigned for the following activities, and the game
will help
you to memorize them. If you try to use extended commands you'll be
notified about
the new hotkeys.

"Rise on your feet"

New hotkey to get up on your feet is [u] and you'll also find this option
in movement
and rest actions menu.

New hotkey to sleep is [Z] and you'll also find this option in movement
and rest
actions menu. There's configuration option in urw_ini.txt to define if
you want a
confirmation to sleep when pressing the hotkey.

"Cut a carcass"
New hotkey to butcher a carcass is [b]

New hotkey to view (and also treat) wounds and injuries is [F7]

* container handling changes

As extended menu is history, containers are now handled via [a]pply


All the container actions (emptying, filling with water or milk, and
pouring something
into) are now done via [a]pply command. After [a]pplying a container you
get to select
a desired container handling option from a menu.

Notice that there's a change in work order of pouring something into a

Now you first select a container you want to stuff, and then select what
you want to
pour in there.

Default item filtering of [a]pply command now also lists containers and
containers. And this more convenient item filtering continues when
pouring something
into a container.

- added: two new start-up scenarios

* You encounter a band of ruffians in the wilderness.

* You set out into the unforgiving wilderness with a four-legged companion.

Storylines written by Kerri Barnard.

- added: repeat previous attack maneuver [3] also works with deathblows

- added: weapon breakage & degrade system

Weapons used in the battle can get damaged and break.

Weapons can get damaged when they hit together as a result of a block, or
counterstrikes. Resulting damage checks are based on variety of newly added
properties and both attacker's and defender's weapon may get damaged. In
general the
heaviest, best quality and fastest swinging weapon stays undamaged, but
when weapons
of equal attributes clang together it may be harmful for both combatants.
material also matters in damage calculations - steel cuts wood and not vice

When weapons get damaged their [wear] bar in inventory shows up and keeps
according to level of damage. The weapon quality also degrades after
substantial amount
of damage. Eventually damaged weapons will break completely. Sometimes a
sudden weapon
breakage can also take place if the delivered force of impact is massive
compared to
material strength and properties of a blocking weapon.

The force of impact and resulting weapon damage is calculated based on

strike velocity,
weapon weight, impact area and materials that hit together. Chosen attack
(blunt, edge or point) also affects to strike velocity and impact area
giving a whole
new perspective to weapon usage in order to damage your opponent's weapons
or shields.

Weapons have the following new properties:

* Impact area

This refers to size of weapon head/tip/blade that actually touches the

upon impact.

* Strike velocity
Certain strikes with certain weapons get a velocity boost increasing the
force of
impact they can cause. Swords, clubs with lengthy shafts (e.g. warhammers
and maces)
and axes can be all considered high velocity weapons.

* Wear/break/fracture levels

Amount of force needed to wear/break/fracture a weapon.

These all come into play when weapon damage checks are done. The factors
are so far
hidden but you'll soon learn what breaks what and how easily. Most of the
breakage stuff should be quite obvious as the system tries to come close to
sort of a
realistic weapon damage behaviour.

Few examples:

Thrust (point) with a sword concentrates the force on much smaller area
than a
swing (edge). But on the other hand, sword strike has the highest velocity
when it's
used in a slashing movement.

There is not much difference in impact area if you thrust with a large
knife or a spear.
But spear is heavier and can be thrusted with more velocity and this
results in much
more force being delivered with a spear thrust.

Maces and warhammers are excellent choices for breaking shields. They have
lots of mass
and a proper swing with them makes the head strike with high velocity.
Especially the
warhammer concentrates lots of force and mass on small impact area.

All in all, there's now lots of new tactics, factors and weapon usage to
consider when
going to battle. Effective dodging saves weapons, but if your enemy
effectively keeps
blocking your fierce sword strikes it may leave you with damaged weapon.
Weapon breakage
system is also a big balancing addition, and kind of justifies reasonable
hoarding of
metal weapons. Now you can't expect to keep on using your favourite sword
again and
again without possibly wearing it out someday.

- added: configuration option to turn weapon damage off (urw_ini.txt)

Weapon damage & degrade system hasn't been fully tested, and some may find
it too harsh
as there is not (yet) possibility to repair weapons. For these reasons
configuration option to turn weapon damage off. Set [WEAPON_DAMAGE:YES] in
to [WEAPON_DAMAGE:NO] to turn off weapon damage system.
- added: worn out armours and clothes provide less protection

Protection values of damaged clothes/armours are decreased by percentage of


- tweaked: all big rocks in fortified villages are now too steep to be climbed

Previously you could just climb over them so they didn't really provide
much of

- tweaked: each of the two game-courses (F5) can be played and completed only once
per character

- added: food will become stale a day or two before turning spoiled. It's still
usable, but the
quality is lost.

- added: an option to choose start location within your home culture

Random world generation features a new option to randomize your start

location within
your home culture.

- added: robbers

There are now robber NPCs wandering around the wilderness. Robbers can be
of any
culture and usually move in bands of 3-6 people. If encountered, they may
try to steal
your equipment. Robbers rarely attack right away but often ask if you want
to hand over
your stuff willingly. If you don't co-operate they'll attack and rob your
after you've been beaten unconscious (or dead).

- updated terrain type images: spruce mire (summer), pine heath (summer)

- chat-screen slightly stylized

- added: aggressive/escaping animals and NPCs can wade through shallow water

- fixed & balanced: milking

* Animals will stay put while being milked

* Name of the animal (if it has one) now appears in the following milking
"Thank you for the milk, <animal_name>."
"It seems <animal_name> can't yield any more milk today."

* Sheeps and cows don't produce any milk during wintertime. This dry period
about 5 months of the year.

* A daily milk yield of a cow varies between 2-5 lbs. You don't always get
a full tub
of it anymore.
- fixed & balanced: time passing

Many time consuming actions are minute based in unrealistic fashion: for
spent minute NPCs get only one turn. Time passing is now more precise here
and there
and can handle seconds too. Some actions may appear less time consuming
than they used
to be, but NPCs have more turns during those more precisely measured
For example: previously undressing a heavy shirt could take 3 minutes, and
NPCs had
three turns during that time. Now undressing a heavy shirt can take only 30
but nevertheless NPCs get to make those 3 turns during that time.

Precise time passing currently applies to:

most skills, standing by [-], climbing, loading crossbows, dressing and

eating, wound treatment, building fires, cooking, setting & re-triggering
fishing, milking animals

- added: message log - view previous game messages, and enter your own notes

Messages (that are displayed at the bottom right of the game screen) are
now archived.
You can view message log by [v] key command.
(For manual browsing it's msglog.txt file in your character folder, human-
readable format.)

In message log screen you can also write your own notes to the log. These
custom notes
can be used as memory aid, or to add personal touch to your message

Date and location information are already encoded into message log and in
the future
this information will be used to allow more detailed viewing/sorting.

Message log is useful for the player alone, but also provides a way to
share your
character's life in better detail. Sharing a screenshot about an epic
situation will be
even better with an epic message log.

- added: automatic stand up when trying to run when prone

No need to first get up and then start running. If your condition prevents
you from
getting up you'll be notified about it.

- added: more precise weight display for less than 1 lb items

Instead of <1 lbs you'll now see the weight with one decimal precision,
eg. 0.3 lbs.
- added: looking at nearby location will show track info too

Using [:] (examine current location) and [x] (look to a given direction)
will display track information too. There's no actual need to use your
tracking skill
separately on zoomed-in map anymore as this is equivalent to skill usage
can reveal new tracks on the site too.

- added: look to a given direction command [x] also accepts pressing 5 on numpad
or mouse
clicking the character to examine current location

- added: skill dependant shooting rate for regular bows

How fast your character reloads and shoots an arrow is now dependant on
BOW-skill. The effects of this are clearly shown if your BOW mastery level
lower than 25% or higher than 70%. Otherwise all the characters shoot
pretty much
with the same speed. The first shot is still fastest to perform if you have
an arrow already wielded ie. you are carrying the bow and arrow readied for
a quick

- added: shield usage to protect from missile attacks

Shields can be used to protect from missile attacks. When a shield is held
protective position missile attacks to covered body parts are automatically
as they hit the shield instead of you. NPCs can also use shields in similar
There are no changes to shield usage against melee attacks.

* shields can be held in many ways to cover different body parts and to
protect from
varying lines of attack

Upon wielding a shield you get to select how to hold it. It's possible to
the chosen shield mode anytime by pressing attack commands keys [1] and
depending on whether you're holding the shield as a primary (1) or
secondary (2)
weapon. It depends on the shield size how large area it can protect.

Shield modes to automatically protect from missile attacks are:

CENTER - Neutral position where the shield is held in front of you close
to your
center. In this position roundshields protect from neck to

HIGH - The shield is held up in front of you. In this position

protect the head and upper body. It's a good way to cover the
vital upper
body, but your vision is restricted as you have to peek from
behind the

SIDE - The shield is held raised by your side. In this position

protect your side from shoulder to knees. If the shield is your
weapon it's held on your right side, otherwise on the left side.

All of these shield modes make you walk and run slower as the chosen
grip and stance is carefully maintained during movements. For this reason
advisable to use protective shield mode only when necessary.

NONE - Shield is carried in relaxed fashion and not held in protective

As the shield moves freely along with your movements there's no
automatic cover provided except for the hand and arm holding the


* Relative direction of missile attack and character's facing direction

affect to
whether the shield protects you or not. For example: if you hold the
shield on
your right side and are shot from the left it doesn't protect you.

* Roundshields are now more commonly found even among local tribes.

* Shield prices have been reasoned down to 1/3 from what they used to be.

- updated: SHIELD game encyclopedia entry (F1)

It's the same information as above.

- added: eye injuries may cause you to lose sight

Significant eye injuries will cut away according sector from your field of
Sight of injured eyes will return when the wound has healed to a level
it's possible to keep the eye open again.

- added: blunt and broadhead arrows

Many local cultures use both of these new arrow types. Blunt arrows can be
crafted by yourself.

* Blunt arrows

Used to hunt small game without damaging the hide. Blunt arrow impact can
be enough
to kill fragile animals immediately, but their ability to knock animals
is just as effective in order to obtain undamaged hides. Also, they never

* Broadhead arrows

Arrows with the widest cutting head of all arrow types. Broadheads are
designed to
cause large cuts and inflict as much bleeding as possible. These arrows
effectively used to hunt large game.

* there are game encyclopedia entries (F1) about BLUNT ARROWs and BROADHEAD

- added: woodsmen and adventurers may occasionally carry furs

These furs are naturally culturally dependent and are often those of
smaller game.

- added: bears can now break down fences (if they want to)

- added: NPC "prey-predator" relationships

* NPCs now actively react to presence of other human beings, specifically

of another culture

For now this is most notable when Njerpez meet other cultures, but later
on the
system will be expanded to create cultural conflicts. These NPC reactions
effective regardless of your character's presence so you may occasionally
traces of violent confrontations in the wild. Or you may now get to
witness a lone
woodsman espacing an aggressive Njerpez warrior, villagers attacking the
first, or your companion being attacked before you have even spotted the
red shirts.

* NPCs can have wider scope of attitudes towards other people

In a sense variety of NPC reactions gets closer to behaviour repertoire

we already
have in use with wild animals. In addition to being blunt aggressive or
people may now try to avoid you, stay hidden, try to chase you away or
prefer to
escape upon being spotted. And it is the Njerpez who have this new
behaviour and
attitude system currently in use.

* Njerpez aren't always hostile, but not friendly either

Njerpez behaviour of attacking with 100% certainty is history. Especially

the lone
warriors may very well choose to escape or stay hidden instead of
attacking. Njerpez
still don't want to interact with other cultures, but encountering them
always lead to spilling of blood anymore. It's now possible that Njerpez
around your camp while you are a sleep, and instead of waking up with an
in the eye you now just noticed his footprints. For Njerpez who are
encountered in
their war camps or villages attacking the intruders still remains a top

- new configuration options (urw_ini.txt)

* swim automatically

AUTO_SWIM option in urw_ini.txt defines if swimming is automatically

started when
necessary. Possible values are YES, NO or ASK. It's set to ASK by

* automatically climb steep terrain

AUTO_CLIMB_ELEVATION option in urw_ini.txt defines if climbing is

started when moving at steep terrain which requires climbing skills.
Possible values are YES, NO or ASK. It's set to ASK by default.

* AUTO_CLIMB option has been renamed to AUTO_CLIMB_FENCE. It's set to ASK

by default.

* customise inventory item type order

You can change item listing order by editing INVENTORY_ORDER value in

Default inventory order goes as follows:


* open doors automatically

AUTO_OPEN_DOOR value in urw_ini.txt defines whether the doors will be

opened automatically
or not when you walk at them. It's set to YES by default.

* "traditional" movement mode

Instead UrW's default facing direction based movement mode you can choose
to use
traditional roguelike movement by changing TRADITIONAL_MOVEMENT value in
to YES

In traditional movement mode character moves to a direction given by

numpad or
cursor keys as follows:
up/8 - north, 9 - north-east, right/6 - east, 3 - south-east,
down/2 - south, 1 - southwest, 4/left - west, 7 - north-west

* pause after zooming in is optional

PAUSE_AFTER_ZOOM value in urw_ini.txt defines if you want a pause and
having to press
space after zooming into a terrain.
Possible value are YES and NO. It's set to NO by default.

* confirmation to sleep

SLEEP_CONFIRMATION value in urw_ini.txt defines if you want to be asked

confirmation when you press a hotkey to sleep. It's set to NO by default,
this confirmation is never asked if you sleep via movement and rest
actions menu.

- added: only the first 5 items are displayed automatically when stepping on a
stack of items

And after those first 5 items you'll be notified how many items were left
This removes excess [SPACE] rumble. Full item list is always displayed only
specifically looking at the location.

- added: strafing movement - CTRL + numpad keys

You can now move to any direction without changing character's facing
direction by
holding down CTRL and pressing movement keys.

CTRL + numpad 8/up = "strafe" to north

CTRL + numpad 9/PgUp = "strafe" to north-east
CTRL + numpad 6/right = "strafe" to east

- added: carcasses can be moved and picked up

Now you can move, push or pick up carcasses just like any items. Common
item handling
commands (eg. throwing) also work for carcasses while they are in your

Notice that when picking up items carcasses are excluded from "select all
option [+] if there are no selections done yet. This is because we rarely
want to
pick up carcasses of NPCs even though we often want to quickly select and
pick up
all their items.

- added: rotting mechanism for carcasses

Carcasses now rot, decay and eventually disappear. This is relatively slow
and scavengers will utilize rotting carcasses too, but humans may obtain
meat and hide only from fresh (< 2 days old) carcasses. In the wintertime
preserve for a longer time.
- added: carcasses can be burnt

You can now burn carcasses, and thus have a kind of "burial" for your dead
pets and

- added: pausable cutting and skinning & improved carcass selection

* Cutting and skinning carcasses are now pausable tasks

It's still encouraged to skin and cut animals in swift manner, but now
possible take a break at will without losing the progress.

If cutting is paused you'll still obtain meat cuts according to spent

time. This way
you can cut only small portion of big carcass if it's time critical to
get some meat.
Only when carcass is cut completely you'll also obtain the fat from it.

* Carcass selection automation is a bit wiser and also allows player to

preferred carcass

If there's only one carcass nearby, you are standing on a carcass, or

there's a
carcass in front of you it will be automatically selected - in this order
Otherwise you'll be asked for a direction of carcass you prefer to

- added: people remove their dead from the village

They do not arrange proper burials yet, but dead community members will be
removed from the village area.

- balanced: agriculture

* weight of pod type plant yield decreased

Weight of single fistful of peas and beans has been decreased down to one
tenth of
what it used to be. Especially broad beans were excessively productive
and now
their yield weight is a lot better balanced.

* animals can feed on sprouts

Animals can eat plants before they are ready to be harvested and can
cause real damage to growing crops. Animals such as hares, badgers, elks
forest reindeers may eat variety of sprouts even if the ripe yield
wouldn't fit
their preferred diet.

* harvesting grain crops is fatiguing and used tool matters

Harvesting grain crops is now slightly fatiguing and sickle is preferred
for the job. It's still possible to use any cutting weapon to harvest
grain crops,
but you lose some yield. Harvesting grain crops without a sickle is also
slower and bit more fatiguing.

- balanced: net fishing

* Terminology change: "pulling the net up" -> "retrieving the net"
It's the same action, but "retrieve" term is now used in menus and

* You can't set nor retrieve nets while swimming.

* Setting and retrieving a net is time consuming (10-35 minutes). The

actual time
depends on your fishing skill, and when retrieving a net the amount of
also matters.

* Nets will wear out in use.

Every time a net is set and retrieved it wears out a bit, and the bigger
the catch
the more it can damage the net. How fast a net wears out depends greatly
on your
fishing skills. A talented fisherman can handle the net so that it
doesn't get
tangled upon setting or retrieving, nor unnecessarily damaged upon
releasing the
fish. A novice fisherman is prone to handle the net in more clumsy
fashion which
results in wearing it out faster.

- added: skill analysis messages displayed when using fishing maneuvers which are
to physical penalties (club fishing, and setting nets)

- balanced: shooting with crossbows

In general crossbows are now a bit easier to shoot with. Their greatest
still is that they can be carried loaded, but these new tweaks bring in a
few more:

* Only half of your physical penalties degrade the performance when

shooting a
crossbow. This is because it's far less of a physical exercise to pull
trigger than to draw a regular bow.

* 10% skill bonus is added to each attempt to shoot with a crossbow. They
just are
easier to shoot even for the unskilled.

* Completely blown shots are excluded with crossbows. With regular bows a
shot is
most often failed during releasing the string. With crossbows releasing
the string
by pulling the trigger is always quite steady.

* Possible cone of spread is always smaller with crossbows. With failed

shots your
aiming can never get as much off as with regular bows.

* It's very fast to release an arrow from a loaded crossbow

It's rarely possible to shoot with a regular bow within melee range
because your
opponent usually gets to make a move in time you draw the bowstring. But
crossbows can be shot fast enough to be used even within melee range.

* Crossbow loading times reasoned

It takes half a minute to load a regular crossbow and about a minute to

a heavy crossbow. During this time NPCs and other creatures can make up
to 3-6

- balanced: rowing is now moderately fatiguing

- balanced: running backwards speed

Running backwards is now only about half as fast as forwards.

- balanced: foreign traders

* Weapon skills increased. You can expect pretty much every foreign trader to
talented with pretty much every weapon he carries.

* They move more tightly as a group and appear in groups of 5-8 members

- balanced: getting automatically on your feet after sleep

Unless it's combat/encounter situation you always automatically get on your

after sleep if you are feeling at least lively.

- fixed: spend loops sometimes not cancelled when you were attacked

This resulted in having to repeatedly choose a defense maneuver.

Now it gets cancelled properly and there are two messages depending on the
1) You're engaged with a hostile creature...
This is shown when there's an aggressive NPC/animal beside you.

2) You have been attacked...

This is shown when you are actually getting hit.

- fixed: unable to dry meat on walls/corners/shelter diagonal to character

- fixed: being able to shoot an arrow from inventory with an injured hand

- fixed: confusing free (worn) load <> encumbrance display

Free load (of worn armous) was decreased from load, so total load
wasn't displayed correctly.

- fixed: broken burden calculations when packing animals

- fixed: it wasn't possible to go back to main chat screen when buying animals

- fixed: if house was built real close to the southern edge of zoomed in map the
placement/display on the world map might fail

- fixed: some raw material selection glitches

When selecting raw materials from inventory sometimes a portion of

unselected (and
unapplicable) items were used. It's suspected, but not yet confirmed, that
also resulted in mistakenly named modded items and random items appearing

- fixed: being able to throw leashes in use

- fixed: fishing improvement was possible if setting a net got cancelled by the
player, or due
to physical condition requirements

- fixed: swimming fatigue increased slower in winter

- fixed: NPCs getting blocked by small traps

People can now walk over small traps. Previously you could block their
route even
with loop snares.

- fixed: items disappearing from character's inventory if new stuff is obtained

inventory is full

This could happen when you crafted an item but were out of inventory slots
(max. 90).
Now excess obtained items are put on the ground and a warning message is

- fixed: surrounding cultural area not cleared upon wiping out villages

Now uninhabitated cultural areas within 3x3 culture block are properly
cleared if
village is wiped out.

- fixed: "in use" status mistakenly persisting for some triggered traps

Sometimes you could't reset triggered traps without re-releasing them first
by kicking.
This is fixed now.

- fixed: "falling upwards" when climbing down

If you fell when climbing down you returned back up where you started. This
is fixed
and now you fall all the way down getting where you wanted - not always
injuries though.

- fixed: deconstructing NPC buildings returns wrong or none items

- fixed: deconstructing certain tiles built with mods (eg. well, road etc.)
returns wrong or none items

- fixed: wrong cause of death displayed upon dying to mushroom poisoning

- fixed: building (a house) game course task getting completed upon building
anything at all

- fixed: endless loop if last empty line in mods was missing

Reading of diy/biy/cookery files didn't properly stop to end of file, and

if there
was no empty line after the last item specifications it resulted in endless

- fixed: effort levels for variety of timbercraft options weren't active

Carving logs, chopping trunk into blocks etc. were all "easy" efforts.

- fixed: climbing over map borders prevented loading of new maps

This happened for example when climbing a long distance on fences and
resulted in
encountering empty map blocks.

- fixed: necklace item sometimes appeared as fistful of blueberries

- fixed: sickle could be used to fell down big trees

- fixed: trading quirks when trying to re-purchase items that you had once

If you returned items to villagers because of not being able to pay for
them these
items might occasionally became un-purchaseable; you were asked to pay, but
was shown in the debt list thus making trading of these items impossible.

The bug is fixed now, but items that got corrupted this way in earlier
version still
remain un-purchaseable in villages you had visited.

- fixed: culture reset bug

Cultural areas might reset upon crash/power loss resulting in whole map
as kaumolais area. Now cultural area data is occasionally backuped and
restored if
something goes wrong. The game will also notify you if culture reset bug
so that you can give more detailed bug report about what just happened.

- fixed: arrow stacking issues

- fixed: sleepwalking issues & zoomed in map glitches when sleeping near map

- fixed: incorrect animal packing times

- fixed: crash potential with lengthy material usage messages

It might happen if you used lots of different raw material stacks/items on

the ground.

- fixed: fires didn't burn out properly if you left the area

Even after several days spent away from the area you might still find your
burning. That's fixed now.

- fixed: rowing/wading/swimming movement noise was too silent

As a result it was too easy to approach for example aquatic birds.

- fixed: beavers fatiguing themselves by swimming

Now aquatic animals can swim extremely long distances without getting
and it's practically impossible to catch them by rowing.

- fixed: sleeping aquatic birds in the water had no sprite displayed

- fixed: craftsmen didn't ever sleep

- fixed: world location descriptions not always correctly based on nearest culture

- fixed: harvested flowering plants not yielding flowers when treshed

This bug happened if you picked up harvested plants before threshing them.

- fixed: being able to leash pets with multiple ropes -> pet duplication

You could do this by mistake and it resulted in pet duplication.

For example: you had a pet tied to a tree and then applied a rope from your

inventory to leash it (again). The game allowed this, and the pet got
double-leashed and then duplicated.

Version: 3.18 (stable)
Released: 27-Feb-2014

** Saved characters from version 3.17-> are compatible with this version. **

(If you are new to version 3.18 be sure to scroll down for a complete newslist for
version 3.18 since the first beta version.)

- balanced: character made clothes are now worth of only 20% of regular cloth
And that's because there's no actual skill required and making clothes is
too fast. This removes the exploit of too easy trading with character

- added: making a log, boards or blocks of wood also cuts branches from the trunk

And couple of dozen branches will appear lying on the ground. These are
always just plain branches as fallen tree type isn't (yet) distinguished.

- added: option to cancel crafting right after completing material selections

Prompt to start crafting now appears as:

"[SPACE] to continue -- [ESC] cancel"

- added: [a]pply command can be used to wield sesta, paddle or ski stick

- added: possibility to skin small animals when prone

- added: possibility to cut animals for meat when prone

- added: possibility to fell slender tree when prone

- added: villagers are unwilling to join you if the companions you hire go missing

- added: naturally fallen slender trees

In addition to big trunks laying around on zoomed-in maps, you can now
occasionally find slender tree trunks too.

- added: bunch of fresh audio

* new music for armour coverage screen

* sound effects for skiing, walking in the now, wading and
walking on soggy soil (mires)

- added: lots and lots of new graphics

Majority of backgrounds, terrain type images and encyclopedia images are

fresh and new. Work from several different contributors and photographers
being used. For copyrights, credits and licenses see:

New outlook is best to see in action, but here are some highlights:

* all the old grainy backgrounds are replaced with new high-quality ones

* new terrain images have a proper winter counterparts

* some fresh images in start-up scenarios

* new character portraits

* bunch of new pictures in encyclopedia (F1)

wolf, bear, ermine, glutton, reindeer, squirrel

punt, deadfall trap, fence...

Naming of images has been re-organized so background/terrain graphic mods

not compatible with this version.

- fixed: being able to walk on the watery edge just outside of the ice

- fixed: companions rushing away if you told them to cut trees while zoomed in and

then zoomed out on wilderness map

- fixed: pet disappearances

Departing companions caused pets (or NPCs) go missing.

- fixed: any tool could be used as sesta

- fixed: trading crashes which happened if you were demanded for payment while
carrying lots of unpaid items

- fixed: birch-bark products wouldn't burn

- fixed: departed companions failed to avoid traps on their way back home

- fixed: trying to start swimming from a steep cliff didn't locate the character
into water

- fixed: trying to move from a cliff into shallow water set character into wading
mode but didn't locate him/her into water

- fixed: climbing on a steep cliff while wading made character remain in wading
on a dry land

- fixed: foreign traders with nothing to trade

- fixed: (bleeding) tags weren't shown in animal/NPC wound descriptions

- fixed: dogs wouldn't eat stolen food even if there were no villagers around

Dogs still won't touch unpaid food in populated villages, but will happily
eat it as soon as there are no villagers around.

- fixed: starving dogs wouldn't eat any other food if there were carcasses around

- fixed: restocking of tools, armours and clothes was absent or extremely slow

- fixed: Njerpez items/loot being marked as unpaid/taken

- fixed: your own arrows becoming NPC property upon hitting them

- fixed: game course tasks where you need to kill an animal got mistakenly
if animals at the area happened to kill each others

- fixed: game course tasks where you need to cook something got mistakenly
if NPCs cooked something
- fixed: companions interrupting tasks by talking

If they have something to say now, they will wait until you're finished and
only then speak their mind.

- fixed: villages with no items

Initial village stocking failed if you approached them on zoomed-in maps.

- fixed: advanced game course task "Kaumo furs" getting completed by entering

- fixed: NPCs not trading unpaid goods they picked

If you dropped some unpaid goods and NPCs then picked them up, they
trade them again in one-to-one trading.

- fixed: NPCs being too eager to pick up unpaid items from failed trades

Now NPCs don't pick up items if you drop them back to the building from
you originally took them. Items that are dropped outdoors will still get
picked up by NPCs.

- fixed: villages where you didn't have to pay for anything


Version: 3.18 - beta 4

Released: 3-Jan-2014

** Saved characters from version 3.17-> are compatible with this version. **


This is a beta release - there are likely to be bugs. Many of the

listed improvements will be tweaked and polished further in patches
to follow.
Complete newslist for version 3.18 can be found after these beta 4
fixes and additions.

- fixed: being able to utilize unpaid raw materials and then drop them
without getting asked for payment

If you utilize unpaid raw materials now you will have to pay for
them as a whole.

- fixed: problems to pay for unpaid items if you had wielded or weared them

'Unpaid' tag still remained after completing the trade and debt list
wasn't handled correctly.

- fixed: if you were demanded for payment while crafting something debt list
and unpaid tags weren't handled correctly
This could leave you with with unpaid items that you never had to
pay etc.

- fixed: being called "disreputable traveller" without a reason

NPCs might occasionally call you "disreputable" without a reason.

- fixed: companions lighting fires under you

If you happened to stand on a location where NPC was building a fire

you could get burnt a bit.

- fixed: character's thirst got completely extinguished when you drank from
a nearly empty container when very thirsty

- fixed: sages did favours (healing & teaching) also for characters with bad

Now they won't heal you nor teach you new rituals if your overall
reputation is low.

- fixed: peaceful NPCs never climbing over fences

Most of the time they still shouldn't do it, but if NPC ended up in
a pen with no doors they stayed there forever. Now peaceful NPCs do
climb over fences if they end up banging their head against it for
long enough.

- fixed: companions got stuck in the water if they departed while swimming

- fixed: empty containers sometimes worked as a water source in wound treatment

- fixed: sage (and other NPC) herds

In some forester or vagabonds villages you could find penned NPCs

instead of penned animals.

- fixed: village reputation being transferred from a previous save to the next

You could find already hostile village with your next character if your
previous character had angered some village.

- fixed: being thrown out of a village while unconscious caused village to

go empty

- fixed: ghost village syndrome

In rare occasions all NPCs and animals could disappear from a village.
This often resulted in bumping into "ghost NPCs" with no description.

- fixed: being able to haul items while swimming

- fixed: if NPCs refused to accept delivered items these items were nevertheless
added to their inventory

- fixed: hauling mode didn't stop even if you picked or pushed all the items
being moved

- added: crawling is now fatiguing

- added: two most influential penalties displayed in physical condition

Previously you were notified only about the highest penalty modifier.
Not it goes like for example:
"You can't run any longer due to being wounded AND being fatigued."

- balanced: new visitors in villages are kept on eye more closely

You may find some NPCs following you when you wander around the village.
This makes stealing more difficult.

- fixed & balanced: bleeding wounds


- It was possible to faint from bloodloss during trying to stop the

wound from bleeding. Now character always stays conscious until the
treatment is finished.

- Very well-healed wounds, with only a little injury score left, could
start to bleed again after failed treatment. This doesn't happen


- Poor success in an attempt to stop a wound from bleeding now foremostly

affects to treatment time. It's less likely that you need multiple
attempts to stop the bleeding from now on.


- Describing bleeding wounds.

"BL" abbreviation is now used to mark bleeding wounds in injury
screen. This replaces previously used "bleeding" tag in wound

- added: you can close and open doors behind your back, and you don't have
to specify a direction if there's only one door around.


Complete newslist for version 3.18 starts here:

Version: 3.18 - beta 3

Released: Dec-18-2013

** Saved characters from version 3.17-> are compatible with this version. **


This is a beta release - there are likely to be bugs. Many of the

listed improvements will be tweaked and polished further in patches
to follow.

- overhauled: trading in villages and item ownership

There are no more shop-like storehouses from where you can purchase
goods only with craftsmen. That is history. Period.

Goods in each village are now owned by the whole community and
you can start trading for them with any adult village member. It
doesn't matter in which building the goods are stocked, they are
all available for trading.

Previous mechanism where trading would start right after picking

up something from a storehouse is also history. Now you can
freely pick up items from buildings and in around village and start
trading for the collected items when you are ready. Trading for the
collected items is started by talking to any adult village member.

In short, to obtain village goods by trading do as follows:

1) pick up the goods you want to purchase

2) talk to any adult in the village
3) trading will start

It's that simple, but there's more to learn. Here are the most
important changes in detail:

* Those chubby craftsmen who used rule storehouses do still exist

but they are just regular villagers now.

* There are no more shop-like storehouses with signs beside the door.
People naturally still stock their goods in buildings so you
should bravely enter them to see what's inside.

MIGRATION NOTICE: Villages you have visited in the previous version

continue to have storehouses with signs beside the door. But this
doesn't mean that they wouldn't stock tradable goods in other
buildings as well.

* Collecting items you want to trade for can be done by picking

them up, starting to move them, or packing them on your pack

* You can collect several items from several different buildings

and start trading only when you've got everything you want.
Compared to previous "pick-and-trade" system it's far easier to
wander around the village, grab what you want, and finally
trade a long list of items at once.

* Villagers can also start self-imposed bargaining if you have

held the unpaid items in your possesion for too long - or if
you try to sneak away with unpaid items. You may also hear
villagers shouting you to come talk and trade. It's wise not
to hesisate when you've been asked to pay.

* It's easy to change your mind if you don't want to trade for
something you happened to pick up. Dropping unpaid items back to
their place, or close by, removes them from your debt list.
Picking, touching, feeling and examining items is not a decision
to buy them. However, you will naturally need to pay for unpaid
items you may have destroyed, hidden or lost.

* When paying your debt you can select multiple item stacks in your
inventory at once. Your trading partner then accepts or rejects
offered items, giving verbal feedback where necessary.

* Offering unpaid items back to the villagers will simply make your
trading partner reclaim them. This can be used as a way to ease
your debt, or change your mind, if you notice having difficulties
to pay what they want. However, it's always best to collect and
trade for items you can actually afford.

* More detailed feedback about payed vs. asked ratio.

After every offer NPCs will tell you how happy they are about
the bargain so far. There are ten different lines they can say
and these will give you a better picture about how much more you
should give them to have a deal.

* Inability to pay your debt

When villagers start bartering demanding you to pay for unpaid

goods there's also "I can't pay" chat option available. This option
can be used if you've picked an excess amount of debt and find it
impossible pay what they want. If the option is chosen villagers
will reclaim their goods from your possession. Inability to pay on
demand always lowers your trading reputation, so it's best to use
this option only when necessary. If your trading reputation gets
suspiciously low villagers may even banish you from their village.

* Unpaid item tagging

Unpaid items will appear tagged as [unpaid] or [taken] in your

inventory. These tags will help you to check and manage goods to
purchase before bartering.

If you manage to steal something, these tags will wear off in a

week or two so that you won't be reminded of item's previous
ownership forever.

* Dealing with thieves

Leaving a village with unpaid goods despite of villager requests

to start bartering, will label you as a thief. At this point it is
not possible to start bartering anymore. Before villagers label you
as a thief they have actively tried to come barter with you, so
it's practically impossible to steal something by accident.

If villagers consider you a thief they'll first tell you to drop

the stolen goods, and will then attack to claim their goods by
force. If you are unwilling to drop the stolen goods they'll try to
beat you unconscious and then take what is theirs. The good news is
that now they'll spare your life, but don't hesitate to hurt you

Dropping stolen goods will cancel the pursuit, but your reputation
is already smudged.

After you have been defeated, or willingly dropped the stolen

goods, villagers will decide how to deal with you from now on.
Their decision depends on the value of goods you tried to steal
and your previous breaches. If their tolerance is exceeded you will
be banished. Even if you were allowed to stay your reputation is
nevertheless smudged. Even a single grand theft attempt is enough
reason to get banished. And the word gets around.

- improved: one-to-one trading

Trading with individual NPCs to obtain items from their personal

inventory has undergone few improvements:

* You can freely select items you desire from NPCs inventory using
the common inventory menu. Selecting multiple item stacks, or for
example only 4 of 12 available arrows is possible. Naturally only
the items he/she is willing to trade are available for selection.

* When trading starts you can offer multiple items at once from your

One-to-one trading is started the same way as previously; talk to

them and choose trade option. Notice that one-to-one trading with
villagers is not possible if you are carrying some unpaid community
owned goods. In that case they will ask you to pay for the goods you
taken first.

- improved: village inventory and restocking

Previously we used to find goods lying around only in villages that

used to have separate 'shop like' storehouses. Now some basic toos,
weapons, utensils and foodstuff can be found in almost any
settlement. Village property is naturally culturally dependent and
quantity of stocked necessities depends on village population.
Wealthy cultures still remain as a best source to find extra items,
but the cool thing is that you can now occasionally find interesting
goods among more isolated cultures as well.

Restocking has been balanced and improved. It's now more accurately
based on village population and culture.

Visiting villages has now more surprise potential than previously.

Instead of always travelling to west to fulfill one's craving for
certain items it's now possible to find necessary goods from
seemingly isolated settlements as well.

With new kind of stocked goods around you can learn about diet,
source of livelihood, common game animals and used tools of each
culture just by wandering around their village. Villages now look
and appear much more lively and inhabitated.

* Better food supplies

Villages now have better food supplies than previously. Type of

stocked food is culturally dependent and the amount is based on
village population and lifestyle. You may bump into large piles of
smoked fish in islander villages or witness a steady supply of
dried reindeer meat in the north etc.

* Furs - a completely new type of village property

Almost all the cultures stock some sort of furs, but there's
significant cultural variation in type and quantity. Northern and
eastern cultures tend to have most abundant fur supply.
- added: reputation with village

Character's actions affect to his/her reputation with village.

Word gets around quickly so all the inhabitants pretty much always
share the general opinion about you, provided that you have earned
your reputation within the social group in question.

There are several reputation categories which all are tracked

individually. And within each reputation category there are several
grades of good and bad. NPCs will treat you according to reputation
category that fits the situation. For mixed reactions, or when
your overall reputation matters, NPCs can draw a conclusion based on
comparing and computing multiple reputation categories.

Earned reputations will be revealed to you in NPC comments during

talking, or when they find enough reason to shout a comment.

Reputation categories are:

* Trading reputation

Increases by trading frequently, effectively and reliably. It also

matters how generous your offers are and how valuable deals you
make. Reliability in trading means that you don't change
your mind too often, and are always able to pay your debt.

Decreases with inability to pay, hesitation, changing your mind

too often or avoiding to pay in time. It's especially bad for your
trading reputation if you "forget" to pay, and need to be notified
about it frequently.

NPCs may occasionally cut prices and don't hurry the payment.
You can wander around the village with unpaid goods more freely.

NPCs may demand excessive prices and hurry you to pay.
You can wander around the village with unpaid goods less freely.

* Violent reputation

Earned by attacking peaceful villages. Degree and repetitiveness of

committed attacks matters.

* Offender reputation

Earned by doing mischievous or forbidden activities in a village.

These would include setting traps, building fires etc.
Be aware that [p]ushing village goods around is now also a minor

* Theft reputation

Obviously earned by stealing, or trying to steal.

People rarely want to trade at all with notorious thieves.

* Helpfulness reputation
Increased by helping and doing favours for villagers. Currently
the only way to help villagers is to give them goods by using
deliver-chat option. The more valuable goods you deliver the
the higher you'll be ranked as a helpfull soul.

In the future there will be more ways to help villagers, but
even now it can be useful to use your excess goods for gaining
positive reputation among villagers.

* Dodginess

A general factor which is increased by acting in a way that annoys

villagers, or makes them suspicious. Dodgy characters will be kept
on eye more closely. Thieves, violent ones and even really
suspicious traders may earn a reputation of being dodgy.

* Familiarity

Familiarity reputation classifies how well-known you are within

a certain community. Familiarity is gained by overall interaction,
visits and time spent with a certain community. You enter their
village as a stranger and people slowly start to know you better
and better.

Familiarity may have some impact on all the other reputation

categories and very noticeable impact on how NPCs talk to you.

- overhauled: NPC AI and village policy for dealing with breachers

There tons of new rules and AI improvements considering how NPCs

react when somebody misbehaves in their village. Minor breaches are
now dealt in less lethal way than previously, and in general NPCs
have far more options than just to attack and kill the offender.
Here's a summary of overhauled "UnReal World law and punishments":

* Banishing

Banishing is a general non-lethal way to deal with those who

have committed minor breaches.

Banishing procedure replaces the current standard of activity where

villagers "just get angry" if you did something bad. Length of the
banishing period varies depending on your violations. There may be
various preceding activities prior to banishing, but if it's not a
murder you committed, you'll usually get away with it alive.

When you get banished, for whatever reason, it goes like this:

First NPCs will tell you that you have to leave.

If their orders are ignored they attack, trying to remove you by
force. They don't hesitate to hurt you badly, but those who are
banished will not be killed. Forceful removal continues until you
escape willingly or have been knocked unconscious.

And when you regain conciousness...you have been carried out of

the village and dumped into wilderness location of their choice.
So you are banished not only in theory, but in practice as well.
If you return to the village during the banishing period you'll
get the same treatment again. And as the word gets around banishing
can become very harsh punishment.

* Dealing with violent troublemakers

Starting a fight with villagers is now less lethal, provided that

no one gets killed. There are consequences, though, as attacking
the innocent is naturally unacceptable.
There are no changes in common behaviour where villagers defend
each others if one of their own is attacked. The new thing is
that when villagers now fight for self-defense they do not aim to
kill the brawler, but to give them troublemakers a beating they have
begged for. How badly you'll be punished depends on how violently
you have behaved and for how long you'll keep brawling.
When villagers have given you a justified crackdown they decide
how to deal with you from there on. If you have fought the villagers
only to a small degree they may consider the incident settled and
allow you to stay - with a smudged reputation. If you have fought
persistently and hurt them badly you'll get banished for some time.
If you get defeated in a fight you started but never gave up,
your life is spared but villagers may distrain some your weapons.
And they will also forcefully remove you from their village.

* Dealing with offenders

We know that there are certain things you are not allowed to do in
villages; setting traps, building fires, deconstructing buildings
or harvesting crops etc. There are no changes in this regard, but
NPCs now deal with offenders in a less lethal way than previously.
They do not try to beat you dead anymore over a bunch of snatched
turnips or inconsiderately built campfire.
If you have committed an offense, villagers foremostly try to tell
you off so that you'll hear it loud and clear what's allowed and
what's not. If you do not take their warnings seriously and continue
mischievous behaviour you'll get banished from the village.

* Dealing with murderers

It's simple and merciless; murderers will be killed.

- added: spreading of news

Word of your good or bad deeds gets around and news spread across the
villages. Spreading of news is simulated based on village population
and assumed interaction between villages. News delivery time depends
on distance between villages, likeliness of travelling inhabitants
and importance of the news. Especially alarming news are delivered
faster and people usually try to spread news of an attack to
neighbouring villages as fast as they can. Dead mean don't deliver
news, so to silence them all is to silence the news.

News spread first from source village to closest neighbouring villages.

From there on the news will be delivered to villages further away if
necessary. So villages can acquire news through several intermediate
sources. Number of intermediate sources affects to how people react
to the news they have heard. It also matters how many sources are
telling the same news.
For example:
You are labeled as a notorious thief in certain village. When the
news about this reach the closest neighbouring village (secondhand
knowledge) people there most probably also treat you as a thief. In
the villages further away people may get suspicious towards strangers
after hearing rumors about thieves (thirdhand, fourthand etc.
knowledge) - but they don't judge you right away.

Upon entering a village where people have heard news about you they
first come to check you out and talk their mind. You'll be told what
they have heard and their attitude towards you comes clear.

- improved: selecting living targets

Whenever you need to select a distant target you can quickly switch
selection between creatures in sight by pressing [+] and [-] keys.
This is most handy in any situation where you want to select a
living target quickly; examining them, talking to them, throwing
things at them.
[+] selects the next farthest creature.
[-] selects the next nearest creature.

Target selection dialog naturally shows these new keybindings so you

won't miss to use them when needed.

- changed: key command to talk to someone is now [C]

It's a keybinding of its own, no need to bring up extended commands.

This was changed for the sake of fewer keystrokes. In addition, target
selection cursor is located at nearest creature by default.

- improved: NPC speech

Your reputation and familiarity affects how NPCs talk to you. Now
they make it clear how they feel about you and can say the same
thing in different ways. Depending on your reputation they may
respond kindly or unkindly, praise you or call you with names. People
can also react and speak differently depending on your culture.
Lots of NPC sentences have been rewritten. There's fresh speech to
discover here and there.

* When greeting NPCs there's now an option to introduce yourself.

* With familiarity reputation in effect villagers may also

occasionally shout varying greetings when you enter their village.

* If you've done something that has angered the villagers you can
find out the reason by talking to them. Instead of not responding
at all, now they usually shout a short line about what has made
them mad.

- added: quicker access to companion commands

Upon talking to your companion the list of companion commands is

displayed first. This is because we most often talk to companions to
command them.
To start a regular conversation you can choose general talk option
at the bottom of the companion commands menu.
- added: hunting companions

Companions can be commanded to attack a target of your selection. This

makes your companions now hunt for real. It's also possible to
command your companions to attack hostile people, mostly Njerpez, who
have not noticed your party yet.

Your companions will also notify you about a kill. They will stay
beside the downed animal and shout for you to come over. This continues
until you arrive, or they find more important tasks to do.

- added: you need to keep your companions fed

It's your duty to take care that your companion has enough food
during your time together. Use the usual "Deliver" chat option to
give more food to your companion. If your companion is running low
on food he/she will start talking and let you know about it. Or
you can keep an eye on your companion's inventory. Companions have
tendency to eat in the morning and at about same time as you do. For
curiosity, there's also a message displayed when you see them
eating something. If your companions experience prolonged shortage
of food they may eventually leave you.

- added: more versatile world location descriptions

In addition to currently existing terrain and region name

information such as "Cliff at Steephill", locations on the world are
now also descriped relative to cultural regions and specified with
compass points.

* Locations inside cultural regions are specified with eight

compass points:
"South-eastern Kaumo", "Northern Driik", "No man's land in
eastern Kiesse" etc.

* Locations on no man's land outside cultural regions are descriped

in relation to nearest neighbouring culture and specified with
four cardinal directions:
"No man's land south of Koivula", "No man's land west of Driik" etc.

New location descriptions appear in information box of character's

current whereabouts, and whenever verbal information about certain
location is told for a reason or another.

So we'll get these kind of location/region descriptions from now on:

"Cliff at Steephill, Western Sartola"
"Spruce mire at Murder woods, No man's land north of Kaumo"
"Koivulais Village at Hightop, Northern Koivula"

- overhauled: marking of time

It was about time to get rid of the julian calendar. The marking of time
is now changed to something quite different; a system that most probably
has been in use in iron age finland.

The year is divided into two halves, summer and winter. In between come
midsummer and midwinter points. The periods between these four dates are
of equal length consisting of 13 weeks with 7 days in each. Between the
quarters the weeks are counted in reverse. That's because for ancient
people it was most important to know how far away the next important
transition period is.

Months, moon periods, still exists and are important. The year is
divided into 12 lunar months, but the month names are now different;
they are english translations of finnish month names.

We'll get this kind of dates from now on:

Summer, Fallow Month, Day 1 of 4th week before midsummer point,
Latter Winter, Center Month, Day 7 of 2nd week before summer

After a while following the 'unreal calendar', calculating weeks in

reverse and thinking of year in two periods (summer and winter) with
mid points in each becomes strangely natural. And most importantly,
there's a whole new feeling in experiencing the passing of time - and
waiting for summer or preparing for winter.

There's also a game encyclopedia (F1) entry about MARKING OF TIME.

- improved: character's death reason descriptions

Death reasons are now formed in more complex and informative manner.
The idea is to display more information about who/what caused the
injuries/situation that eventually lead to death of the character.

An example of pretty much most complex death reason description

would be:

"He started to bleed after being hit by Kaumolais Hunter and fainted
from the bloodloss. While unconscious, he was hit by Kaumolais Sage
and died from severe injuries."

Death reasons are often shorter than this, but at least you always
get to know what/who eventually did the finishing blow.

- overhauled: list and archive of ancestors

Ancestors archive is now persistent. The list and statistics of your

deceased characters will stay between version updates.

Extensive amount of data is collected and saved for each deceased

character. This data is not used that much just yet, but allows
fascinating ancestor related features to be implemented in the

* Memorial page, displayed after your character's death, tells the

reason of death and character summary in fresh and more detailed

* 50 latest deceased characters are listed and stored in ancestors

archive. This data of the deceased will be utilized more
extensively in the future.

* Upon viewing the list of ancestors you can dispay memorial page of
each ancestor at will.


Your characters won't die in vain. They leave a persistent mark.
Some day, in some version, you'll hear legends about them.
And that's just for starters.

- added: fresh images

Start picture, one character portrait and couple of background

images. (Eventually we'll renew the remaining low-res outlook

Credits for additional image editing go to Paulo Marcelo from Brazil.

- added: CTRL and 0 now toggles between normal and maxed out map view

Previously CTRL+0 was used only to restore zoomed map view to normal.
Now, if you use with when map view is already normal, it sets maxed out
view. Quick toggling between max/normal map view.

- added: NPCs shut doors behind them

- added: peaceful NPCs withdraw from your way

This means easier moving in crowded villages.

- added: starving pet dogs may eat carcassess

So don't go hunting with a starving dog if you want to get hides of your
kills intact.

- modding add: [TERRAIN:] tag used in diy/biy requirements now recognizes

also exact terrain tile names

This tag is used to specify required wilderness map terrain tile name
regardless of location on zoomed-in map.

Example entry:
{[TERRAIN:Conifereous forest]} 'Be at conifereous forest'

Notice the usage of both curly and square brackets and also DO use
your own defined 'requirement description'.

- modding add: [TILE:tile name] and [NEARBY_TILE:tile name] diy/biy

requirement tags

These tags are used to specify required character's location related

zoomed-in terrain tile name.
[TILE:] requires character to be located on specified tile.
[NEARBY_TILE:] requires character to be located beside specified tile.

Example entry:
{[NEARBY_TILE:Spruce]} 'You need to be nearby a spruce'

Notice the usage of both curly and square brackets and also DO use
your own defined 'requirement description'.

- modding fix: inability to add new western or eastern character portraits

Number of portrait pictures for these two cultures was limited.

This is fixed now.
- fixed: smelling when the food is ready from far too great distances

Now you can smell when the food is ready roughly from 2*smell/taste
tiles away. This was broken so that you could also smell when smoked
or dried food was ready - that's fixed, and not possible anymore.

- fixed: "hurt, helpless and afraid" scenario sometimes caused an instant

death from too many wounds

- fixed: burning stones

- fixed: disappearing pets

Heavy duty fix this time. If your pets still happen to disappear
the game will notice it and auto-restores them on the fly. In addition
you'll be given instructions to notify about the bug.

- fixed (again): pet/companion duplication

This bug hasn't been as annoyingly regular as it used to be, but

there were few occasions where it could be triggered. These instances
have been fixed now and hopefully we got completely rid of this bug.

- fixed: fighting NPCs picking up useless items such as tree trunks

- fixed: no sprite for buckler item

Bucklers do have a basic shield sprite now. Previously discovered

bucklers remain spriteless.

- fixed: picking up fish catch

Detailed catch description will be displayed but now the fish will be
located at your feet rather than auto-picked. You can then pick them
up at will.

- fixed: pets eating food from villages

- fixed: incorrect display of meat cuts being prepared

- fixed: thrown staves getting stuck to target

- fixed: clubs not working as treshing tools

- fixed: sections of ice covered sea appeared as open water on zoomed in map

- fixed: when pouring something to an empty container the source container

wasn't emptied expectedly and something always remained.

- fixed: fish weight being re-randomized upon loading character

- fixed: pets leashed to a tree still followed after zoom-out

The bug occurred if tied pet was nearby the character upon zooming out.

- fixed: discrete per-minute delays when doing tasks

Version: 3.17 - stable
Released: Aug-21-2013

** Saved characters from version 3.15-> are compatible with this version. **

- added: prompts to abort task when attacked or a new NPC/animal enters

your view

There are four new instances where a prompt to abort current task
is displayed:

1. A new NPC/animal enters your view. Companions and pets are always
excluded unless they are aggressive at you.
2. Somebody in your sight becomes aggressive.
3. An aggressive NPC/animal in your sight gets within distance of
10 meters (5 tiles).
4. Aggressive sounds are heard.

Prompts are displayed individually for every NPC/animal whose

behaviour meets the rules. Answering "No" will continue the task
without further prompt for the instance and NPC in question.
In case of aggressive NPCs/animals far out of sight you'll be given
the first prompt when they enter your view (rule #1). If you don't
want to cancel the task, another prompt is given if you see them
getting within distance of 10 meters (rule #2).

There are also newly added configuration options in urw_ini.txt to

adjust these settings separately for for humans and animals as


NO - never prompt to abort if these creatures enter your view

YES - always prompt to abort if these creatures enter your view
HOSTILE - prompt to abort only if this kind of hostile creatures
enter your view

For aggressive sounds of any origin there's a single configurable


- added: if a weapon has only one attack aspect it is automatically

selected when trying hit your enemy

For example: when hitting with a club you don't need to select the
only available option (Blunt) manually.

- balanced: super tired characters can sleep in the rain for short periods
of time

It's possible When the lack of sleep has reached "ready to drop"

- balanced: encumbrance penalty from armours and clothes being worn

In case of armours and clothes being worn you start to suffer from
encumbrance penalty only after their total weight exceeds one tenth
of character's weight.
For example: 160 lbs character can wear 16 lbs worth of armours and
clothes without any penalty from them specifically.

- balanced: skilled bowmen are now more accurate

Success based trajectory accuracy was too much fixed and your bow
mastery level didn't affect it. So 80% archer got more steady and
perfect shots than 40% archer, but the accuracy of those shots was
pretty much the same for both. Now your mastery level affects both
the ratio of succesfull shots and the accuracy of those shots.
Skilled bowmen can now expect better archery results.

- balanced: 'stance' physical condition requirement removed from angling

Using fishing rod now requires one good arm.

- added: AUTO_WADE configuration option (urw_ini.txt)

Do you want to wade automatically where possible. Possible values

are YES, NO and ASK (default).

- added: shields can be used to block unarmed attacks

Kicks, punches and all types of animal attacks can be attempted

to block with a shield.

- added: restore zoomed map view to normal by pressing CTRL and 0

You can adjust map zoom level by mouse wheel, or by pressing

CTRL and + (for zoom in), or CTRL and - (for zoom out).
Pressing CTRL and 0 now restores the map view to 100%.

- added: watercraft capacity restrictions

You can transport either 40 different item stacks or 200 times the
weight of your watercraft. If your punt/raft is overloaded you
can't row it and notification about it will be displayed.
(Weight restriction is far from realistic, but we need to allow
transporting logs with watercrafts until floating timber is

- added: new character portraits

All the old character portraits have been replaced with new pictures.
Characters migrated from version 3.16 may have changed their portrait.
This is just for starters - portrait update is far from complete.
Notice that some of the male portraits are used for more than one
culture group (eastern, western, northern) and some NPCs may share
your portrait. This is to be fixed in the future when more portraits
are added.

Here's the credit list of picture contributors and sources in

no particular order:

Simo Nousiainen/White Hand Crafts

Sue Salminen
Katarina Karppinen
Zaden Kulkuri
Dmitry Ankudinov
Tiuku Talvela
Andre Van Pinxteren

Thank you!

- fixed: trapped birds flying

- fixed: blank wound treatment options

Some of the most severe wounds have only one applicable treatment
option - that is intentional. But there was also blank treatment
option which you couldn't select. These blank options have been
removed now. In the future there will be new treatment options
added for the most severe wounds.

- fixed: placing items on newly sowed land reveals the sprout

- fixed: felling trees not always unpausing properly

Progress wasn't properly saved.

- fixed: possibility to sleep while wading

- fixed: possibility of instant drowning

If a character with low swimming skill went swimming while fatigued

it was possible to drown instantly. Now there's always a chance to
swim for couple of turns before drowning no matter what.

- fixed: dead pets wouldn't unleash if they were killed when tied to a tree

- fixed: rowing in winter increases fatigue

- fixed: timbercraft skill might improve even if the task was impossible
to perform

This was most notable when splitting boards with poor axe.

- fixed: few things that were possible with skis equipped

You can't do the following things anymore while skiing OR with

skis equipped:

- swim
- wade
- climb

- fixed: stacking issues with tanned furs

Tanned furs with same properties didn't always stack up properly.

- fixed: skill point distribution glitches during character creation

If you put a point into two skills and then took them off the
second skill still remained as having the point in use.

- fixed: game-course reset after Watercourse task

This was due to excess items on raft/punt.

- fixed: clothmaking quality glitches

Certain selfmade clothes came out in lesser quality than your

success and raw material would have allowed. This was the case
especially when making footwear.

- fixed: crash potential when loading character with auto climbing enabled

- fixed: deconstructing NPC built kotas didn't return furs

Now you'll get those kota covers as well. They are often
reindeer furs of ragged quality.


Version: 3.17 - beta 4

- added: escaping animals may attack if desperate/cornered

Escaping animals may now occasionally choose to attack their enemy

in desperate situations. The more desperate the animal is the
more easily it will attack. Animal's desperation builds up when it
becomes cornered or doesn't seem to get rid of the pursuer by
escaping - and it also matters a lot if the animal is wounded, and
how badly. There are numerous factors in the mix, but the outcome is
the greater the peril, the more likely animals choose to attack as
their last resort.

It is no longer possible to walk by cornered, wounded elk with no

risk at all. And in fact, this addition touches pretty much all the
animals there are. Even seemingly peaceful badgers or beavers may try
to nip you if there's no other option.

- added: [a]pply your fishing gear to use it

You can start fishing by [a]pplying your fishing gear; rod, net,
club, trident etc.

- added: wading through shallow water

If the water is shallow enough you can wade through it. Shallow areas
can be found in any body of water, but usually you can wade only
few meters from the shore. Fords are an exception.
A confirmation to step into water will be asked upon entering shallow
water. If you reach deep water while wading you'll be told
it's not possible to wade there. If you find a shallow area when
swimming, wading is automatically started.

- added: fords

Fords are shallow and narrow river sections where one can cross by
wading. Ford has a tile of its own which is noticeable on the
world map.
MIGRATION NOTICE: fords are generated also for migrated world maps.
In this case fords can appear only in river sections you have not
visited yet on zoomed in map level. So even the seemingly familiar
rivers are worth of re-exploring for finding fords.

- added: islets, skerries and big rocks in the water

These new terrain formations can be found in almost any body of water.
Islets and skerries appear most commonly by shallow lake sections.
Big rocks sticking out of the water are characteristic for rivers,
rapids and fords. When crossing the waters by swimming or wading
islets and skerries can be used as a place to rest for a while.
However, some skerries may be impossible to climb on while in the

- added: color of the water reflects its depth

Deeper the water, deeper the color. Shallow water sections appear
in lighter color. This way you can get a rough idea about depth of
the water just by looking at it.

- added: tie animals to trees

You can now tie leashed animals to trees to secure them in place
for a period of time. Just [a]pply the leash in use and dialog to
unleash or tie will appear. Tie option allows lashing the animal
to a nearby tree or fence. Leash item will then appear on the
ground and the animal will stay put.

To untie an animal, simply pick up the leash and carry on.

- added: command your dogs without eye contact

Even if your dog is out of sight you can still try to command it.
Upon using talk option (#t) a list of pets you can shout to will
appear. Dogs that are out of sight can be commanded to attack and
and come. Rest of the dog commands still need an eye contact.

- added: dogs notify their master about a kill

Dogs will now stay beside their kill and bark in order to call their
master at the scene. This helps you to find the carcass if your dog
has downed an animal far away. Dogs keep on barking beside the kill
quite persistently until their master arrives, or they find more
important tasks to do eg. another prey/enemy to attack.

- removed: phobia display from character profile [P]

Phobias have not actually been truly in effect for some time.
Character's mental profile will be implemented in better detail in
the future.

- removed: climbing trees on wilderness map

It was far too easy and unrealistic method to spot wildlife on

wilderness map.

- added: observing wildlife from high terrain

Wildlife can be observed on wilderness map from high terrain such as

hills, cliffs and mountains. Spotting wildlife this way depends on
your character's eyesight and animal size. The better your eyesight
the further away you can spot animals, and smaller the animal
the more difficult it is to spot from long distance. Even if it's
possible to see large areas from good vantage points you shouldn't
assume that you can spot all the animals within the view.

- added: weapon usage restrictions with injured arms

You can't wield items with badly injured hands. Items will slip from
your grasp if the hand wielding them becomes unusable. Wielded
weapon slots are assigned as follows:
Primary = right hand
Secondary = left hand

If only your right (primary) hand is in usable condition you can

wield items with your left (secondary) hand. If your both hands are
unusable you can not wield anything.

- added: proper rules for two-handed weapon usage in melee

Any weapon can be used one-handed, but weapons intended for

two-handed use suffer from penalty if wielded in one hand. This
penalty depends on weapon design and applies to your skill mastery
level and weapon impact. Heavy two-handed weapons such as
battleaxes and battleswords can have penalty up to -30% whereas
light spears and such may be only -10% more difficult to use with
one hand.

You'll be notified about this extra penalty when using two-handed

weapon with one hand only. Examining weapons with [i]nventory
command will also tell you the preferred handmode and resulting
penalty for using it one-handed. Clumsy

Two-handed weapons are used with both hands when you have only
that one weapon wielded. If you have two weapons wielded, each
weapon is used one-handed.

- added: levels of effort and physical condition requirements for ordinary


We do know that for example fighting and running is already

fatiguing in the game, but now also ordinary physical activities
have been given individual levels of effort. Moreover, your
character now also needs to meet specific physical condition
requirements to perform certain tasks. These two additions together
make living in UnReal World quite a bit more hardcore than it used
to be.

* Level of effort has effect on character's fatigue accumulation

and nutrition need. Hard work exerts more energy and burns that
much more calories, making you get hungry faster. And the harder
the work is, the more fatiguing it naturally is. For ordinary
physical activities there are fives levels of effort: light,
moderate, hard, heavy and very heavy.

If character's fatigue level reaches maximum (100%) during any

pausable physically demanding he/she is considered too fatigued
to continue and the task is automatically stopped.
* Physical condition requirements

Injuries affect to usability of your body in order to perform

physical activities. This is most notable with limb injuries as
usable arms, or hands, are often required. Being able to stand
is also crucial in many ordinary activities.
All the physical activities now have individual physical
condition requirements, and failing to meet them prevents you
from doing the task. Combination of wound types and level of
injury determines whether a certain limb or bodypart is usable or

Level of effort of activity to be performed has also some effect

on how much injury in required bodyparts is tolerated.
For example: It may not possible to swing an axe (fell a tree)
with badly injured arms, but you can still use them to set a
light trap.

Basic physical condition requirements are categorized as follows:

one / both arms - referring to whole limb from shoulder to hand.
one / both hands - with forearm/elbow also in usable condition.
stance - being able to stand.

There are emergency options for certain tasks. If something is

usually done with both hands, you may be able to do it with only
one usable hand in emergency situation. It will be more
difficult and slow to complete, but plausible.

To get an idea about level of detail, here are some examples of

newly adjusted effort levels and physical condition requirements
for certain tasks:

- threshing:
When done with flail, stance and and both arms are required,
hard effort. Otherwise one good hand is required, light effort.

- preparing soil:
Heavy effort, both arms and stance required.

- grinding flour:
Both arms required, moderate effort.
One-armed possibility in case of emergency.

- building a fire:
Both hands, light effort.
One-armed possibility in case of emergency.

- digging:
Stance and both arms required. Heavy effort.

- setting/disarming traps:
Stance and both arms required for bigger traps,
one good hand for small traps.

- cutting & skinning:

Both arms required. Level of effort depends on animal size and
can vary from light to hard.

- fishing:
Net fishing requires both arms and stance.
Angling and maul fishing require at least one good arm.

- modding add: modifiable levels of effort and physical condition

requirements for do-it-yourself crafts and building

There are two new tags to be used in biy_* and diy_* headers:

[effort:value] defines level of effort.

Use value from 0 to 5 as follows:

0 - easy (not fatiguing at all)
1 - light
2 - moderate
3 - hard
4 - heavy
5 - very heavy

[phys:tags separated by commas]

Defines physical condition requirements.

Possible tags are:

stance - you need to be standing
arm - one arm from shoulder to hand in usable condition
arms - boths arms from shoulder to hand in usable condition
hand - one hand (plus forearm and elbow) in usable condition
hands - both hands (plus forearms and elbows) in usable condition
one-armed - it's possible to perform the task also with one arm/hand,
but it will be slow and difficult.

As an example, here's diy header for crafting javelin:

.Javelin. [effort:1] [phys:hands,one-armed] *COMMON* /30/ [patch]

So it's light effort, both hands are needed for crafting, but this
can be done with one hand only in emergency situation.

- added: zoomable map view

You can adjust map zoom level by mouse wheel, or by pressing

CTRL and + (for zoom in), or CTRL and - (for zoom out).

There are four zoom levels: 100%,80%,60%,50%. Zoomed out map view
can be very useful for it displays larger viewspace of the area.
Certain zoomed out modes can be a bit laggy compared to 100% view
but this will be optimized in the future.

- added: new "time counter" dialog

Time counter dialog which pops up when doing time consuming tasks
has a fresh outlook. The new outlook features level of effort and
progress bar displayed.

- added: pausable building

It is now possible pause and continue any building jobs at will.

You don't have to finish for example a section of wall at once
but can select your working hours freely. Continuing a building
job is possible after 5% of the construction has been completed.
To pause a building job simply cancel the process. The new time
counter dialog will tell you when a certain job can be continued
after cancelling.

There's new "Continue paused building" option under BUILDING menu -

that's how you continue working with unfinished buildings and

Deconstructing is also pausable.

- improved: felling trees

* Felling trees is pausable. You can start, cancel and continue

at will.

* The tree in front of you is automatically selected. If there's

none you'll be asked for a direction.

- fixed: when hauling items towards an obstacle time was spent despite of
of the fact that your character didn't move

- fixed: animal same item limit when packing

If you packed more than 255 same items on an animal some of them
disappeared. This is fixed so that more than 255 same items will be
now distributed in separate item stacks.

- fixed: broken "fistful/bunch/pinch of" item name definitions in cookery


Recipes using item names with said definitions were broken.

"Fistful/bunch/pinch of" definitions are working now, but you
can (and should) use core item names like:
.Blueberries. (instead of .Fistful of blueberries.)

NOTICE: This was announced to be fixed in 3.16 but was still broken.

- fixed: unsafe uninstaller script in Windows

Uninstaller removed the whole directory tree recursively, assuming

that installation folder was game specific.
If the game was installed to a folder with existing subfolders
these all were wiped out upon uninstalling.

Uninstaller doesn't delete character folders by default anymore.

For any existing character folder you will be asked if you want
to remove it or not.

- fixed: ghost injuries upon waking up

Injury meter displayed -10% right after waking up even though you
were not injured. These injuries disappeared with your next move.

- fixed: three skiing related issues

1. Now you can remove skis also by [T]ake off command.

2. Now you can't ski while crawling.
3. Now you can't ski without ski stick.
- fixed: plant will be after a day, but it's not!

If a plant was said to be ready for harvesting "after a day",

the next day it was said to be ready for harvesting "after a

- fixed: oath of iron ritual worked for staves

- fixed: aggressive animals occasionally kept on fruitless, repetitive

attack-escape loop

They did constantly change their mind...

"[Animal] attacks at you!", "[Animal] escapes!"
...but did not make any attacks in between.

- fixed: bugged self-made food prices

Price of self-made foods was often derived from the last added
ingredient in the recipe.


Version: 3.16 - stable

Released: Apr-27-2013

** Saved characters from version 3.15-> are compatible with this version. **

- improved: wielding a new weapon when both hands are in use

If you wield a weapon when both hands in use your secondary weapon is
automatically taken off and the new weapon is wielded as a secondary

- fixed: possibility to climb while hauling items

This was not intentional, and doesn't work anymore.

[p]ush items to bring a heavy load on the other side of a fence etc.

- fixed: dogs being attracted by baited traps

They did not enter traps, but failed to notice safer food options

- fixed: dogs eating from cellars

- fixed: fat not accepted as raw meat

It's accepted now..for those who want their fat cooked.

- added: simple configuration file to customize some game options

View and edit urw_ini.txt in your installation folder to customize

the following options:

- Keep examine distant location (F3) dialog active for repeated

selections until cancelled?
- Ask to climb fences, or climb them automatically?
- Ask a confirmation to exit zoomed in map if dogs or companions
are left behind?

- fixed: dogs can hurt animals in a tree

- fixed: occasional meat description changes if different types of meat was

prepared at the same location

- balanced: dogs - the price and behaviour

Changes apply mostly to their hunting behaviour, which resembled more

that of a well-trained war dog rather than a common hunting dog.

* Hunting large animals

Dogs now primarily aim to block animal's escape route by heading

in front of it in order to make it stop or to change its course.
Most importantly hunting dogs now bark in alarm when they've got
the animal cornered or momentarily stopped.

* Hunting small animals

Same tactics as with large animals, but dogs also tend to make
occasional attacks and usually manage to injure their prey quite

* Hunting aggressive animals

No relevant changes. Dogs fight as bravely as they always do, with

some individual variations in the mix. If cornered animal turns
aggressive, the dog will fight it. If the prey animal escapes again,
the dog tries to block its escape route and lets you know about it
by barking.

* Dogs are now more valuable. Their price is tripled.

- added: NPC/animal fatigue information displayed

Upon looking at creatures (F3) their fatigue level is displayed:

"It looks [slightly fatigued/fatigued/very fatigued/breathless]."

- added: "Yes/No" dialog to ask if you want to climb the fence when you
move on it.

- added: hide quality depends on how damaged the carcass is

If the carcass to be skinned is partially eaten or otherwise damaged

the quality of resulting hide is accordingly lower, and skinning
is more difficult.

* It's worthwhile for fur hunters to bring the animal down quickly
and effectively to prevent ruining the hide with excess strikes.

* The smaller the animal the less strikes are need to damage its'

* In general edge and point attacks pierce the hide most effectively
so blunt weapons are something to consider for knocking the small
game dead.
* Location of the wounds also affects to possible hide damage. You
can get a perfect hide even if the carcass has been beheaded or
misses a hoof or two, but dozen of spear strikes in its abdomen
doesn't look good in finished hide.

* There's a damage tag displayed upon looking at the carcass:


If there's no tag displayed the carcass is intact in terms of

utilizing the hide.

- fixed: cancelling aiming zone/weapon aspect in counterstrike

- fixed: False skinnig message: "The [NULL] is the right tool here, but
suffers from..."

- fixed: "hides & skins" not listed by default when making cords

- fixed: purchasing multiple animals within one talk session only gives
you one

Talk session now ends after each completed animal trade. You need to
talk again to trade for another animal.

- fixed: sacrificing unknown plants reveals their true name

- fixed: leashed animals not always following you upon zooming out

If they were stuck behind trees, walls, other creatures, they

would stay on zoomed in maps.

- added: zoom in/out confirmation dialog if your companions/dogs are getting

left behind

If companions or dogs can't follow you upon zooming in/out you'll be

notified and asked if you really want to leave the area.

- added: name of your leashed pet is displayed in character's inventory with

the leash in use

- added: press [ESC] to skip "more" prompt in message display

Rest of the messages for given turn will be displayed without pausing
on every screenful of messages.

- changed: key command to show character profile screen is now [P]

- removed: access to other profiles (rituals, skills etc.) from character

profile screen has been removed

It wasn't that useful.

- fixed: non-stacking items

Traded items, or items gotten from NPCs, did not always stack with
same kind of self made items.

- fixed: animals occasionally "freezing" beside traps without entering nor

passing them

- fixed: occasional plant alteration during threshing

You threshed some rye, but got blueberries.

(It was about berry eating animals nearby messing up the data)

- fixed: when tanning skins rinsing and soaking can degrade the skin quality

This wasn't intentional. Those tanning stages now do not affect the
skin quality - they are not so challenging considering the whole
tanning process.

- fixed: numpad issues after switching tasks

- fixed: sleeping disorders

Short, interrupted sleeps were often more refreshing than long

uninterrupted sleeps.

- added: sleeping on furs for extra warmth and comfort

The fur needs to be of decent size to act as proper ground cover or

blanket. Several smaller furs can be used instead of one big pelt.


Version: 3.16-beta 3
Released: Apr-4-2013

** Saved characters from version 3.15-> are compatible with this version. **

- added: automatic item type filtering for variety of item selections

Automatic item filtering was most notably missing from crafting

selections. Item filtering in crafting equipment selection follows the
general idea to list only applicable item types by default.

- added: drinking messages

Instead of just letting you know if your thirst was extinguished you
are also told of having sipped, drank or gulped the liquid in question
- depending on the amount drank.

- added: options to feed your dog

Dogs will eat food on the ground within their reach when they are
hungry, but sometimes you want them to eat on your command. There are
now two options to awake your dogs appetite.

a) throw food at your dog

Choose your dog as a target. As long as you are throwing food it's
considered a feeding option, not a missile attack.

b) talk to your dog and command it to "eat"

Both options will encourage your dog to immediately search for food and
eat it. Your dog will still decide what it will eat, so you can't feed
it something it doesn't like. Your dog also avoids overeating and
prefers to go for the nearest foodstuff within its reach.

- added: pet dogs now follow you without a leash

You don't have to leash your pet dogs anymore, they will happily follow
you. However, sometimes it may be reasonable to leash your dog to keep
it close by.

- added: options to command your pets

Talk to your pet to command it. The following commands are available:

* attack

Command your dog to attack selected creature. Dogs will attack only
wild animals or hostile NPCs on command.

* eat

Encourage your dog to search for food and eat it.

* come

Tell your dog to come at you. Freely moving dogs may wander further
away from the player character so sometimes it's useful to tell them
to come at you.

* name

Give your pet a name.

* stay

Tell your dog to stay put. It will stay in one place for some time,
but eventually starts following you again. If the dog is told to
stay, it won't follow you when zooming out from the local map.

* follow

If you've told your dog to stay put, use this command to tell it's
now okay to follow you again.

- changed: checks to determine if your pets/companions can follow you upon

zooming out from local map

Previously your pets/companions were magically able follow you in

all occasions regardless of their whereabouts on zoomed in map. If you
zoomed out, they always zoomed out with you. Now a waypoint check is
made for pets/companions that are following you to determine if they
actually can reach your location and are able to follow you. If they
are not able to reach your location they will stay on zoomed in map.
Coming back and grouping up again is naturally possible.
Now that dogs follow you without a leash these changes are necessary,
but they also bring team spirit up to a new level:

* Your dogs will stay penned if you zoom out when outside the pen.
If you are in the pen the dog can naturally reach your location
and will zoom out with you.
* If your pet/companion is caught in the fight they are unlikely able
to reach your location when you zoom out. Therefore you can't
leave your fighting pets/companions behind and assume that they
will appear next to you on the wilderness map after zooming out.

* If your pet/companion is far away and their route back to you is

obstructed, they may not be able to reach you when you zoom out.
In difficult terrain, and in difficult situations, you need to group
up to ensure that the whole party will travel together.

* In general pets/companions have no trouble reaching your location

when zooming out, even if they are hundred of meters away. But
sometimes you need to pay attention and think to yourself that
you don't leave your companion.

- added: descriptions of known creatures shortened in game messages

In case of people and animals you know by name their descriptions are
shortened in many game messages. For example, "Ruurikki attacks
Rudolph." [now] instead of "Ruurikki the kaumolais woodsman attacks
the reindeer" [previously].

- fixed: companions with axes nagging about requiring proper tree-felling


- fixed: foodstuff alteration/blankage upon spoiling

This bug manifested itself by showing blank food names while item count
was still displayed correcly. The bug occurred only with foods, and
quite often with those in cellar. I blame the spoilage routines for it,
but this was only 99.9% confirmed. If you ever encounter a similar bug
again be sure to report as soon as possible.

- fixed: oath of iron ritual occasionally removing or transforming selected


- fixed: oath of iron ritual working for javelins

- fixed: when drinking milk the amount consumed wasn't relative to character's

1 pound of milk was always drank, regardless of your thirst. Now you
drink only the amount needed to quench your thirst.

- fixed: occasional problems with cutting/skinning a carcass from an adjacent


- fixed: being able to buy animals in a village from your party members

- fixed: waking up to "strange noises" if you were [R]unning when going to


- fixed: "hoard wisely" warning message popping up without proper reason

As this now works as intended be sure not to overlook the message

anymore - it is displayed if zoommap item limit is soon to be reached.
It's hard work to reach item limits, but it's possible for example by
creating huge and dense fields. If you are unwisely hoarding too much
stuff at too small area this warning message advices you to spread
your stuff over a larger area.

- fixed: movement sound for walking being played when swimming

- fixed: unable to wield weapons picked from your companions

- fixed: picking up items from under NPCs not possible because of "this is not
your pack animal" check.

Now you can also pick up items from under your pack animals:
just cancel unpacking dialog and picking up items from the
ground will start.

- fixed: watercrafts disappearing after zoom in/zoom out sequence if you

didn't make any moves in between

- fixed: penalty statistics (from carried load) not updating immediately after
unpacking animals

- fixed: 'Cover for kota' selected automatically

This is was not intended. Most often you want to manually select the
hides to use rather than have the best ones automatically selected.


Version: 3.16-beta 2
Released: Mar-5-2013

** Saved characters from version 3.15 are compatible with this version. **


This is a beta release. Listed improvements are to be extended further

in releases to follow. Many of the intended features for the UI and
AI have not yet made it into this beta release.


UrW is now donation based freeware game.

Free to play - donate to keep it that way.
See the link below:

- fixed: game freezing upon map item limit being reached

This occurred when character went to sleep or left/entered a map.

There is a zoommap limit of 2000 unique items on 50x50 (tiles) area.
Upon approaching this limit the game tries to clean the area by
removing unnecessary stuff like old bloodscapes and tracks. If the
clean up failed, and there were truly excess number of items, the game
fell into endless loop.

- added: warning message if zoommap item limit is soon to be reached

It's hard work to reach item limits, but it's possible for example by
creating huge and dense fields. If you are unwisely hoarding too much
stuff at too small area there's now a warning message which advices
you to spread your stuff over a larger area.

- fixed: sticky ALT-key after switching windows by alt-tabbing

- fixed: hiding being sometimes not possible even though no one was
around to see you

- fixed: it was possible pick up a punt/raft while rowing

- added: '=' key (equals sign) works as an alternate key for '+'

Small but significant laptop friendly addition.

- added: item selection dialog remembers the page and location of your last

Upon repeating any item handling command the item selection dialog
opens from the page and location of your last selection. This makes
it easier to handle inventories with several pages as you don't have
to scroll back where you were.

For example:
You are picking up items from a huge pile and choose something from
a stack on the third page to see if you can still carry something.
Let's say you can, and you want a few more of those. Using pick up
command again now automatically scrolls the item selections dialog
to your previous location.

- fixed: broken cow & sheep audio definitions -> samples were not played

- fixed: unnecessarily long human meat descriptions causing crashes

Occasional buffer overflows and crashes occurred after handling human

meat or cutting up NPCs. Now cutting NPCs for meat gives you simply
"human cuts" instead of cuts with full description (e.g. "Kaumolais
adventurer cuts").

- fixed: pressing [esc] to skip optional item selection (e.g. seasoning in

cookery, herbs in wound treatment) cancelled the following task as

This was related to keyboard repeat delay and occurred only on some

- fixed: pets dogs occasionally refusing to eat the food available

Dogs preferred raw meat a bit too much. If there was raw meat at the
area (eg. in your cellar) they refused to eat anything else. Now dogs
will happily eat the closest foodstuff available even if it's not
their favourite kind of snack.


Version: 3.16-beta
Released: Feb-20-2013

** Saved characters from version 3.15 are compatible with this version. **

This is a beta release. Listed improvements are to be extended further
in releases to follow. Many of the intended features for the UI and
AI have not yet made it into this beta release.


UrW is now donation based freeware game.

Free to play - donate to keep it that way.
See the link below:

- improved: [m]oving items

Upon using [m]ove command you'll now select items to haul along from
the new item selection dialog which allows smooth and easy selection
of multiple items.
Now, wherever the character moves, selected items will be hauled along.
Depending on weight and number of hauled items there will be fatigue
fatigue accumulation and/or extra time spent upon each turn. Hauling
is stopped and items left on the ground upon using [m]ove command

- added: [p]ush/pack command

Push/pack is used to move items at your feet to an adjacent tile, or

to pack an animal. As [m]ove command now hauls items along with your
character this separate command was required to cover moving items
to adjacent tile/animal.

- added: new item selection dialog

This is a core element improvement which makes item selection more

convenient. There are new keybindings to cover item filtering and
multiple item selection so pay attention to dialog information.

* all item selections are processed through the new item selection
dialog. This includes selecting items on the ground or from NPC's
inventory. Old-school pick up and move dialogs are gone.

* items are always listed in groups

* possibility to filter the list of viewed items

You can filter the list of items so that only certain item types are
are displayed. This makes it easier to find the item you are looking
for; weapons, armours, food, timber etc.

* only the applicable item types are displayed by default

When you want to eat something, your foods are displayed

When you want to wear something, your armours are displayed.
And so on...

* multiple item selection

In many cases it's possible to select multiple items. For example,

you can now drop, wear, take off or pick up items in much more
convenient way. Selecting all items at once is also quick and easy.
- little but significant user-interface and human-computer interface

* filling containers

If there's a water source in front of you the selected container will

be automatically filled with water. If not, you'll be asked for a
direction which can be either an animal to milk or a water source.

* eating

After eating something the item selection dialog will prompt you for
another item to eat only if you are still hungry.

* drinking

When drinking water you'll drink enough to quench your thirst with a
single [q]uaff command.
Options to drink raindrops or eat snow to reduce your thirst have
been removed. (In the future there will be options to melt snow and
fill a container with rainwater by leaving it outside when it's

* unpacking animals

If certain items are too heavy to be picked up directly you'll be

asked if you want to unpack troubled items onto ground.

* picking up items from location of harvestable plant

Most often you want to pick either harvest or items, but rarely the
both at once. So you'll be asked if you want to pick the harvest.
Yes - harvesting starts and no items will be picked up.
No - items are picked up.

* [F3] dialog (examine distant location) keeps up until cancelled

So you can examine several locations in a row without having to bring

the dialog up in between.

- improved: pet dog AI

* You need to feed your pet dogs. They'll bark in hunger to let you
know when they are hungry and then eat what's in their reach on the
ground. Dogs eat variety of food: meat, fish, cooked food.

* Dogs now alert their owner by barking in alarm if they spot predators.
A good watch dog can be very valuable in protecting your domestic
animals - and yourself. Loudly barking dog can wake you up from your
sleep before a pack of wolves enters your pen, or it can alert you
about a threat ahead during your hunting trips.

- improved: herd behaviour of animals

Every pack/flock/herd of gregarious animals now has a leader - a

dominant animal. Herd members can act individually but they travel
together and aim to stay together. In some cases individual herd
members may trigger tasks for the whole herd to participate.
If the leader is killed (or lost) the remaining herd picks a new
dominant animal for themselves.

- added: prey-predator relationships

Basically all the animals now react to presence of other species.

This makes prey animals to avoid and escape the predators.
Sometimes you may get to witness a hare escaping a lynx across your
yard etc. There's countless variety of incidents this improvement can

- added: species specific diets and feeding behaviour of animals

This inlcudes major animal AI improvements and additions making their

behaviour a lot more meaningful. Animal AI is effective regardless
of your character's presence so you may occasionally find carcasses
and picked (eaten) plants in the wild.

* Animals now have values for energy reserves, energy compumption and
hunger. When hungry, they follow their species specific feeding
behaviour trying to find food that suits their diet.

* There are herbivores, carnivores and omnivores. In some cases diets

can be highly varied consisting of several different prey animals,
plants, mushrooms, berries etc.

* Carnivores actively search, hunt, kill and eat their prey. They
also tend to return to feast on the carcass later on.

* Wolves hunt in packs. This is very effective and there's usually

very little the prey can do to survive from the attack.

* Your livestock is now in danger of being attacked by predators.

Desperately hungry or courageous predators are able to jump over
fences if needed.

* Herbivores (and omnivores) search and eat variety of plants

specific to their diet. Sometimes animals may also get interested
in what your garden has to offer.

There's countless variety of incidents this improvement can


- improved: wound treatment result of serious injuries

Serious injuries were a bit too easy to treat and the results were
pretty much always desirable. Now there is more variety in treatment
results and certain wounds may start to bleed again if treated
poorly. So you need to consider more carefully if you truly wish to
poke that deep cut every other day with a low PHYSICIAN skill.

- added: zoommap maintenance

Long-living characters often started to suffer from huge savegames

as all the visited zoom maps are being saved. This made zoom in/out
laggy and consumed lots of disk space. Now zoommaps are maintenanced
upon reaching map data cap and unimportant maps are deleted in the
process. Maps are considered unimportant if they haven't been visited
for a year and/or do not contain creatures, man-made items or
If your old character is already burdened with excess map data the
maintenance will start after loading the character first time
in this version. Otherwise the maintenance will be executed when the
map data cap is reached during the gameplay.

- balanced: wandering Njerpez and their war camps

Wandering Njerpez are most commonly encountered in the east, but

they were setting their war camps all around the world regardless
of the territory. This sometimes happened with a disturbing frequency.
Now the Njerpez will set up war camps only in the eastern parts of the
world and less frequently. Occasional Njerpez scouts can be still
encountered even in the north and west, but not in war parties with
built camps.

- fixed: burying unknown plants in the bog reveals their identity

- fixed: broken "fistful/bunch/pinch of" item name definitions in cookery


Recipes using item names with said definitions were broken.

"Fistful/bunch/pinch of" definitions are working now, but you
can (and should) use core item names like:
.Blueberries. (instead of .Fistful of blueberries.)

- fixed: partial furs having full value

- fixed: arrows flying through closed doors

This happened very rarely, but was still possible.

- fixed: message output when preparing soil wasn't possible

Preparing soil isn't possible for example on marshy soil or bedrock.

However the message output here has bugged not referring to tile in
question giving confusing messages.

- fixed: PHYSICIAN-skill not improving no matter how much you used it

- fixed: tracks not disappearing ever

Tracks older than a month will now disappear permanently. Also tracks
left on the ice will disappear when the ice melts.

- fixed: "phantom tools" appearing when deconstructing buildings

If you used tools on the ground when building something these tools
appeared as a phantom, zero count copies when deconstruting your work.

Version: 3.15 (patch 1)
Released: Jan-04-2013

- fixed: pets/companions duplicating

If your earlier character suffered from this bug and there are
duplicated pets/companions around, butcher them all before continuing
your adventures. As it may be hard to recognize which one is duplicate
you should butcher all but one of each species of your pets/companions.

If you haven't travelled with pets/companions before this patch release

then everything is in order with you character.

Version: 3.15 - stable

Released: Dec-24-2012
** Saved characters from previous version are compatible with this version. **

- fixed: being able to degrade developed skills in skill improvement

game-course reward

This opened an exploit to gain more skill improvement options.

- fixed: bug potential when craftsman prevents you from crafting in his

The bug in question was item duplication.

- fixed: object maintenance routines

Internal object maintenance routines are something you rarely encounter,

but with long-living characters object structures may be triggered for
automatic cleansing once in a while. These routines were bugged causing
unpredictable item losses and corruption.

- fixed: companions/pets occasionally dying upon zooming in at area with enemies

This mostly occurred when entering Njerpez camps.

** Changelog for 3.15-beta2 released on Dec-1-2012 starts here. **

- two of the male character portraits (one western, one northern) replaced with
fresh ones. Your migrated character may have changed his appearance.

- fixed: crash potential upon delivering foodstuff with long description to NPCs

- fixed: fish prices were bugged, not relative to their nutritional value & weight

Notice that the fish your character has caught earlier remain to carry
faulty prices.

- fixed: faulty item prices in trading

Item prices in trading occasionally received quite random values. Your

character may have experienced confusing, unrealistically cheap or
expensive deals. The actual item price data wasn't bugged here, but
NPC AI was.

- fixed: grinding grains in a large container not proceeding correctly

The maximum amount of grains you can grind at once is 4 lbs. If you
selected for example a bag that contained more than 4 lbs grinding
wouldn't proceed further.

- fixed: containers disappearing upon grinding flour

- fixed: game freezing upon picking up young leaves when there were other items on
the same tile

- fixed: sneaking on wilderness map - not possible anymore

It was kind of an exploit to be able to hide and sneak on the wilderness map
as it allowed improving in STEALTH with no NPCs around.

- fixed: crafting in a storehouse-exploit

If you crafted something in a storehouse the items there could used

(exploited) as your tools/raw materials. Crafting in storehouses is
forbidden now.

- fixed: automatic item selection for tying equipment/ropes

Now tying equipment/rope always needs to be selected manually from

character's inventory. This fixes the annoyances where auto-selection
could pick your pet leash (in use) - or your precious ropes when you would
have wanted to use cords.

- fixed: branch/spruce twig mess when constructing a trap-pit with sharp stakes

Spruce twigs were accepted as branches, which caused auto-item selection

sometimes to fail. Now the requirements are strict and clear: "branches"
means branches, and "spruce twigs" means spruce twigs.

- fixed: bugged estimated planting time calculations when trying to plant

something too early

The game often nagged about needing to wait for another two weeks, and
then suddenly in the next morning it was possible to plant.

** Changelog for 3.15-beta released Oct-28-2012 starts here. **

** The following are the major new features in version 3.15 **

- improved: required item and raw material selection in crafting/building

Items, tools and raw materials required for crafting/building are

selected automatically if they can be found from character's inventory
or nearby on the ground. Automatic item selection always uses the
best tools and raw materials available. Only the weight based
materials need to be selected manually from character's inventory,
ie. "4 lbs of fur".

- improved: skill improvement options for a new character

The basics stay unchanged: there are number of option points to be

used to improve your skills. However, you may not only improve your
skills but also degrade them. [+] and [-] keys used to change skill'
values. There are two new character generation methods: "easy" and
"too easy". These two new methods allow to degrade a skill below its'
initial level to gain extra option points. The original character
generation options ("quick and easy" & "custom") haven't changed.

The new character generation methods allows easier and more free skill
adjustment as follows:

* Custom -- easy

Five options points to improve skills, but it's possible to gain

more. Skills can be improved two steps above their initial level,
and degraded one step below their initial level. Degrading a skill
below its' initial level gains you an extra option point.

* Custom -- too easy

Five options points to improve skills, but it's possibile to gain

more. Skills can be improved three steps above their initial level,
and degraded two steps below their initial level. Degrading a skill
below its' initial level gains you an extra option point.

* The good old "Custom" method stays as our standard, traditional

way to create a character with five options points to improve
your skills. Plaint "Custom" method allows to improve skills one step
above their initial level and doesn't support degrading the skills
below their initial level.

- balanced: item prices

With the help of various historical sources and a few modern studies
all the item prices have been checked and balanced. Item prices are now
linked and relative to value of a squirrel hide, which is kind of a
basic "currency". This "squirrel hide currency" stays a hidden factor,
but gives us a historically accurate base for item pricing.

MIGRATION NOTICE: The items your character has obtained in the

previous version are valued according to their old prices. You can
expect some of your old metal weapons, armours and hides to appear
less valuable than expected.

Few notes about certain item types:

* hides

In general hides are more valuable than before. However, relative

value between different types of hides hasn't changed dramatically.
The most valuable furs of them all are those of lynx, bear, glutton
and wolf. Of smaller animals, the most valued hides come from
beaver, pine-marten, fox and polecat.

* fur clothes

Fur clothes are slightly more valuable than before.

* metal weapons and armours

In general many of the metal weapons are more valuable than before.
Especially the imported armours and weapons can be very, very

- overhaul: quality tags

All the items are now prone to quality tags. If there's no specific
quality description displayed (eg. you see a plain "sword") the item
in question is of average quality. There are five different levels of
quality and the quality descriptions may vary among different
item types.

MIGRATION NOTICE: Some of your old items may now appear quality
tagged even if their quality wasn't present in the previous version.
This is because items have always had quality values, but only now
they have come visible for the character.

- added: varying quality items for NPCs

NPC equipment is assessed based on the wealth of their culture.

The more wealthy cultures have finer and better quality equipment.
This applies to personal inventories of NPCs, and also to
storehouses/community equipment. The more primitive and less wealthy
cultures can nevertheless produce and possess fine crafts, but the
amount and variety of "luxury" items is far greater among wealthy

- added: character's starting equipment is assessed based on the wealth

of their culture

The more wealthy culture you belong to, the finer and better better
quality equipment you start with. For example, a fresh driikil�is
character may possess masterwork weapons and fine clothes and armours.
The more primitive and less wealthy cultures start with that much
more rough equipment. However, the common weapons and tools
are usually of at least decent quality for all the cultures.

- modding add: [noquality] tag

[noquality] tag can be used with diy-items to:

a) ignore quality of the finished item
b) ignore quality of the raw material/item required

If [noquality] is used in item header the finished item will always

be of average quality. For example, in case of bandages there's no
good reason to have them quality tagged. So our header goes like:
.Bandage. *COMMON* [noquality] [patch:10]

If [noquality] is used on {raw material/item} line the quality of

tagged item doesn't affect to finished item quality. For example,
if we don't want quality of a tree trunk to affect in our attempt
to make a club:
.Club. *COMMON* /30/
{Slender trunk} [remove] [noquality]
{Cutting weapon} <Axe>

Unless [noquality] is used, the finished item quality is based on

calculations described in the news sections:
- "impact of raw material and tool quality/usefulness"
- "skill mastery level impact on produced item quality"
In most cases varying diy-item quality is desirable - but not always.

- added lots of plants

Crowberry, mother pipe, bear pipe, dog pipe, wolf pipe, clayweed,
bog bean, marsh calla, water lily, lake reed, milkweed, burdock
and more.
Some of the new plants carry their common english names - and some
have "unreal worldish" names.

With new plants comes some new features:

* there are some true aquatic plants

* it's possible to collect roots of some new plants

To do this, you need to harvest them down and then tresh.

Thanks for the plant graphics go to brian.shapiro.

- added: possibility to collect young leaves from a sprout

Plants that yield leaves can be harvested for young leaves as soon as
the plant is somewhat grown. When such a plant is being picked you'll
be asked if you wish to collect its leaves. Picking the leaves of a
sprout will harm its growth, but this way you'll get to utilize the
very first greens of the spring.

- improved: flour making

Agriculture option "grind" now accepts also certain roots and seeds to
be ground for wild flour.

- added: HERBLORE-skill (and removed FORAGING-skill)

Herblore is the ability to recognize individual plants and their

properties. The most common plants are known to everyone, but
knowledge of the rest depends on your character's culture and his
herblore skills.

* Unknown plants are displayed in different, blurred color and have

vague randomized names. For example, if rye is unknown to your
character it may appear as "unknown cereal".

* You may use herblore skill to recognize either growing plants, or

plants and their parts in your inventory. Upon using the skill you'll
be shown a dialog displaying all the information you know about the
plant in question.

* You can learn plant properties by using them, even if you wouldn't
be able to recognize plant's indentity. If your character has
learned plant properties by experience the effects are shown as
your character has noticed them. Only when a plant's identity is
recognized you'll gain information about the known effects in full.

* Even if the plant has been recognized by sight and identity, it

doesn't mean you've learned all of it's properties. Learning the
plant completely after its identity has been recognized sometimes
calls for developing in herblore in general, and more experimenting.


Herblore knowledge for a migrating characters is created from a

scratch, according to their culture and base attributes. As a result,
some of the plants your migrated character possesses may now appear
unknown to him/her. They still are the very same plants with the
same properties, but it may take a while to make your character
learn it.

* See HERBLORE game encyclopedia entry for more information.

- added: possibility to use herbs also in dressing the wound

Previously only cleaning the wound and applying a compress allowed

usage of herbs. Now you can slip something soothing under the bandages
as well.

- overhaul: impact of raw material and tool quality/usefulness

* raw material quality

Quality of raw materials used in crafting now affects to quality of

finished item. Shortly, you can't make good out of bad. Basically the
quality of finished item can't be higher than the average quality raw
materials used.

* tool usefulness

Some tools are more handy for certain tasks than the others. This is
a good old, and clear game mechanism, and player is always informed
when certain type of tool is preferred for the task.
Usefulness of the tool foremostly affects to how long it will take to
complete the task, but now it also affects to quality of crafted item.
If an item is crafted with an unhandy tool the maximum possible
quality is degraded according to tool used. The more unhandy the tool,
the less perfect the resulting item can be expected to be.

For example: you can't carve fine wooden bowls with a stone-axe any
more. However, with a good quality stone-axe you may still succeed
better than with one of average quality.

* tool quality

Tool quality affects foremostly to quality of resulting item, but also

to time required to complete the task. You can't craft the finest and
perfect items with poor quality tools. The system here is biased
towards degrading resulting item quality for using poor tools, rather
than requiring superior quality tools for superior results. An
average axe in the hands of skilled craftsman is all he needs to make
fine items. However, high quality tools can be important to substitute
for disadvantages of unhandy tools.

For example: using a fine knife to craft a club may sometimes prove
better results than working with a crude stone-axe - even if an axe
would be initially preferred for the job.

All in all; tool quality and tool usefulness now play together in
complex and advanced manner making it important to use handy,
appropriate and good quality tools if you are after the best possible
results and efficient working pace. The player is now also informed
not only about tool usefulness, but also about effects of its
quality, when crafting or other tool requiring jobs are started.

- added: weapon quality affects to their impact

High quality weapons receive a slight bonus to their impact.
Poor quality weapons have their impact slightly degraded.

- improved: skill mastery level impact on produced item quality

This is a fundamental addition which affects to all items that are

produced by using your character's skills; crafting, cooking, building
and so on.

Finished item quality is now assessed based on your crafting success

modified by your mastery level. From now on, novice craftsmen can
rarely produce top quality items and highly skilled craftsmen can trust
that the skills they've achieved won't fail all too easily. Skill rolls
are made normally, there can be failures and successes, but failures of
a master craftsman may be superior to the successes of a novice.

For example: a character with 30% mastery in CARPENTRY tries to craft a

wooden shovel but succeeds only marginally. The resulting wooden shovel
will be of poor quality. If a character with 85% mastery in CARPENTRY
tries to craft a wooden shovel and also succeeds only marginally the
resulting wooden shovel will be of decent quality - not fine but no
poor either.

Moreover, complete novices can't produce top quality items no matter

what. They may be able to produce decent crafts, but only when there's
enough mastery in the play the finished items will be of superior
quality. The odds to produce better quality items in more steady
fashion now grows in line with skill mastery levels.

- improved: batch crafting - varying quality allowed

Skill roll is now made separately for each item produced allowing
finished items vary in quality. Most of the produced items will
probably be of even quality matching your applicable skill level
and performance - but it's possible to find some pleasant or
unpleasant surprises in the mix.

For example: if you make batch of 10 arrows you may obtain 5 decent
ones, 3 crude and 2 curved arrows as a result.

- improved: batch cooking - varying quality allowed

The rules and expected results are the same as in batch crafting.

- added: smoking and drying decreases weight of the food prepared

Drying decreases prepared food weight the most, but smoked food is also
significantly lighter. This gives smoked and dried food a great
advantage for it's easier to carry, but still as nutritious as it ever

- changed: harvesting (stealing) village crops - not allowed anymore

Living off the stolen crops is naturally still possible, but it makes
the villagers angry. In addition, when practising any unallowed
behaviour in the village there will be a dialog to cancel your action
if someone tells you to stop. This will help you not to make villagers
angry unintentionally.
- balanced: base attributes of skills

Attributes (strength, dexterity etc.) determining the base level of each

skill have been checked and balanced.

- balanced: skill starting levels for all the cultures

It is still so that some cultures tend to be more skilled, and some

are average, and some are weaker. But the relative superiority/inferioty
of certain cultures is balanced from what it used to be. There are no
dramatic changes, but minor surprises can be expected.

- updated: game encyclopedia entries for all the cultures

A few new lines here and there.

- added: moddable starting skill levels and base attributes

There's ini_skills.txt file which can be edited to change starting

levels for each of the cultures. Also the base attributes (strenght,
dexterity etc.) determining the skill base can be modded.

- added: customizable skill hotkeys

Refer to ini_skills.txt to customize skill hotkeys.

- re-arranged: skill hotkeys (ALT+skill key)

Default hotkeys for using skills have been re-arranged.

- changed: key command to view skills screen - it's LOWER case [s] now

It will probably take few moments to get accustomed to this,

but a reminder is displayed upon pressing the old skills-key.

- improved: skills-screen

Skills-screen has been stylized for clearer outlook and easier

tracking of skill development:

* The bars displaying skill mastery are colored according to skill

level, ranging from red (low) to green (high).

* In addition to bars and percentage values also a verbal description

of skill mastery is now displayed; novice, skilled, talented etc.

* Natural aptitude to learn and develop a skill is also displayed.

This is an old factor which now becomes visible for the player.
Natural aptitude affects to pace of skill improvement and it is
determined by your character's physical and mental attributes that
form the skill base level.

* Initial skill mastery is displayed within the mastery level bar as a

shaded section. This shows the mastery level your character started
with and gives you an idea of long term development of your skills.

MIGRATION NOTICE: Initial skill mastery for migrated characters

isn't functional but is set to your current skill levels when
the character is first loaded into this version.
* Skills that have improved during the present game day are marked.
This gives you an idea of short term development of your skills.

- added: STEALTH-skill

You can hide and sneak as usual, but the fundamental change here is
that sneaking is now linked to this proper and visible skill which can
be improved over time. Mobility rate of a sneaking character is about
a half of his walking speed.

- modding changes: flora files

* flora file extension has been changed from ".urw" to ".txt".

Old ".urw" extension still works, but for the sake of simplicity
lets take flora_*.txt naming as a standard.

* new root usage related flora tags: [ROOT_SIZE] and [ROOT_USE]

If [ROOT_SIZE] is specified for a plant that is other than

[root] type it will yield also roots. Possible values:

[ROOT_USE] can have two values: "cooked" and/or "flour"

"cooked" requires boiling of the root before it's pleasant to eat.

"flour" indicates the root can be used for wild flour.

For example: [ROOT_USE:cooked flour]

If root use isn't specified the root can be eaten raw.

* new HERBLORE related flora tags: [HERB_KNOWN] and [HERB_COMMON]

These two are related to implementation of HERBLORE-skill.

[HERB_KNOWN] tags the cultures that know the plant by default.

[HERB_COMMON] tags the cultures for whom this plant is commonly

known. These cultures get a bonus to recognize the
herb/plant by default.

Tag values: all, eastern, western, northern, kau, kie, dri,

isl...etc. culture abbreviations.

[HERB_KNOWN:eastern] - eastern cultures know this herb/plant
by default.
[HERB_COMMON:kau kie] - this plant is common to Kaumolaiset and

- fixed: bugged fish price

All the fish, raw or cooked, had the same price value regardless of
their type or weight. That's fixed now.

- fixed: inventory crash upon dropping the last item

- fixed: NPCs not healing from their injuries

This was broken and NPCs never healed. Fixed now.

- added: possibility to quit the game by clicking "close the window" button
(X'ing out)

If a character is being played this is equivalent to [Q]uit command

and confirmation to save the character will be asked.
Otherwise X'ing out will close the game quickly.

- fixed: animal unpacking exploits and annoyances

It's now possible to unpack items from your pack animal in storehouses
without craftsmen getting involved. Also, unpacking animals while
standing on pile of items will now take into account only the items
that animal was carrying; this fixes the storehouse exploit and allows
precise unpacking.

- fixed: items getting removed from under the construction to be built even
if the process was aborted

- balanced: exhausted and penalized combatants

Attacking a prone enemy is always advantageous for the attacker even

if the attacker is suffering from serious physical penalty.

If both combatants suffer from penalties exceeding their combat skills

the more skilled is still advantageous.

- fixed: 'Warfare' quest not completing if the Njerpez were finished with
pets or companions.

- added: start menu option to show/hide registration license info

This goes for those who make "let's play" videos and don't wish to
display their registration name.

- added: start menu option to enter your registration code again if you
happen to mistype it

- improved: displaying previous topic in game-info browser

Title of the previous topic is shown along with backspace (back to

previous topics) button information.
For example: [<--] Back to "CULTURES"

- added: new character portraits

Three new male portraits and one new old female portrait.
Some of the new pics replace the old ones so it's possible that your
migrated character may also have changed his face in this version :/

Version: 3.14 - stable
Released: Feb-28-2012
** Saved characters from the previous version are compatible with this
version. **

- fixed: dogs and companions occasionally not attacking enemies or giving up

This happened mostly when sight of the enemy was lost.

- fixed: broken "banishing the evil water guardian" ritual

- updated game-info entries (F1): DODGE and BLOCK

- added: strike difficulty descriptions to aiming zone selection dialog

When selecting aiming zone (body/head/arms/legs) you'll see verbal

description if the strike to certain aiming zone is challenging,
difficult or very difficult compared to aiming at the body.

- added: aiming zone modifiers for missile attacks

* Aiming at head, arms or legs of your target is more challenging and

requires that much more accurate shot/throw to hit. Aiming zone
modifiers are dependant on target size, so shooting a squirrel to
its legs needs much more precision than landing an arrow at elk's

- balanced: missile combat damage

* Damage from marginal projectile strikes has been reasoned down.

Good hits are as deadly as always, but an arrow that only scratches
the target doesn't necessarily inflict serious wound at all.

* Damage from thrown rocks, stones and other items that are not
proper throwing weapons has been decreased.

- balanced: deathblow damage

Deathblow always results in maximum damage for the given weapon.

Finishing big animals with a small weapon may still require several
blows, but in general deathblows are now more deadly than before.

- fixed: crash when moving mouse over [ESC]-button in the skills screen

- added: success in hideworking affects to size of the resulting hide

- improved: animals reactions to various threats

- missile combat balanced

* Shooting/throwing a projectile that is not already wielded takes one

extra turn.

The enemy may reach you or the game escape out of sight while you
load your bow or grope for your javelin. As it's sometimes crucial
to perform the first shot/throw as quickly as possible, it's best
to approach your target with an arrow (or other projectile) already

* Using ranged weapons when engaged by enemies at close combat range

is now awkward, slow and not necessarily possible at all.
It always takes one extra turn to throw a weapon or shoot with a bow
when you are engaged at melee combat range - even if you had the
weapon/arrow wielded already. Your enemy gets to make their move
while you prepare to throw/shoot and depending on their actions you
may not be possible to complete the attack at all. It's not possible
to complete your attack if you get hit or make a defense maneuver -
unless you gain a tactical advantage from it. If your enemy uses his
turn for something that doesn't hamper your performance you can
complete the throw/shot normally.

- fixed: bugged animal icons on wilderness map

This was mostly about forest reindeers appearing as cups.

- fixed: NPCs accepting spoiled meat in trading

- balanced: firewood weight

Decreased from 2 lbs to 1.5 lbs.

- balanced: arrow price

Arrows are now significantly more valuable.

- balanced: animal prices

Animal prices have been increased and linked to the amount of meat
they provide. Domestic animals now cost about three times their
meat price, so you can't buy them with sticks and trinkets anymore.

- added: arrow breakage

Arrows may break from striking living targets or solid map tiles such
as trees, walls, boulders etc. An arrow breakage from striking a solid
tile is something you will notified about, but if an arrow breaks from
striking a living target you'll notice it only by having less arrows
to collect from a kill.

Version: 3.14-b3
Released: Jan-28-2012

(Scroll down for a complete newslist for version 3.14beta.)

- fixed: false weared item count in NPC information box

(eg. "He is wearing 4 fur footwears")

- balanced: skill improvement with target practice

* Target practice skill improvement rate has been decreased a bit.

* Throwing/shooting at targets less than 5 tiles away isn't considered
a proper target practice and doesn't improve your skills.

- fixed: container properties corrupting upon filling/pouring.

This bug caused pots to lose their cooking equipment status.

- balanced: animal sizes and meat weights

* Big animals appear less frequently than average sized or small ones.
* As a result of meat weight balancing you can now expect to get less
meat from big game animals than previously.

- fixed: animals eating a whole stack of food at once

- fixed: pets moving faster than player character

Which made it very hard to get your dog leashed.

- improved: NPC/animal escape routes

NPCs/animals can now change their course during the chase, make some
erratical turns and really try to lead their enemy astray.
(Be prepared to get fooled by an ordinary hare.)

- fixed & improved: withering of plants

* Plants withering overnight has been fixed.

* All the plants will now wither gradually within timespan
of few weeks.
* Withering plants will turn darker as the process goes on.

- added: more plant/agriculte information

* Upon looking at your crops you'll be told if the plant has

started to wither and for how long you can expect it to live.
* An estimated harvest time will be told upon looking at
growing plants - or when trying to harvest them too early.
* A proper planting time will be told if you try to plant/sow
something too early.

- improved: tracking

Tracking mechanics are basically the same as before, but spotting

and finding tracks is more closely linked to level of your
You'll also need to use your TRACKING-skill more often to reveal
the true path of your game as in many cases animals don't leave as
many automatically visible tracks as before.

* NPC/animal size and weight determines how clear and visible

tracks it will leave. The stronger the tracks, the easier
they are to spot even by an unexperienced tracker. The
fainter the tracks, the greater TRACKING-skill is required
to spot them.

* You'll notice some tracks automatically, but sometimes

detecting tracks calls for using your TRACKING-skill - see below.
Whether you spot some tracks automatically or not depends
on their visibility and level of your TRACKING-skill.

* You can search for tracks by using your TRACKING-skill at location

where there are no visible tracks already. Your current location
and adjacent tiles will be examined and if you spot new tracks they
become visible and you'll be informed about the results. Searching
for new tracks this way needs to be done only once per location -
repeating the procedure doesn't improve the results.
* NPCs/animals will leave tracks most easily on moss and lichen
covered terrain types.

Version: 3.14-b2 | update for version 3.14beta
Released: Jan-04-2012

Scroll down for a complete newslist for version 3.14beta.

- missile combat improved: vertical angle of the shot/throw and terrain

elevation featured

* Vertical angle of the shot/throw is now determined based on target


No more only upwards, maximum distance shots.

Shooting/throwing at a small, short or prone creature gives the
missile downwards angle, so upon missing such a target the missile
will hit the ground somewhere behind the target. However, the
vertical shooting/throwing angle also depends on terrain elevation
at your and target's location, so shooting and missing a fox on a
hill may still send your arrow far, far away. And so forth.

* Possibility to aim at the ground

If selected target is neither an obstacle nor a creature the

missile will be thrown/shot at the ground. So throwing baits at
traps, branches into fire etc. now works as it should.

* Tracking of missile altitude and terrain elevation

Missile altitude is now tracked precisely and in relation to

terrain elevation, so missiles can also hit and stop at the high
ground. (It's good to have a high bank behind your archery target.)

- added: deathblow/butchering - special attack options

Upon attacking an unconscious or a leashed creature a special

deathblow/butchering strike becomes possible. This allows you
to make a carefully aimed strike at vital areas of your victim.
This option is available only when you aren't engaged by any
other hostile NPCs. The effects of a deathblow are:

* Success of a melee attack is significantly higher when attacking

unconscious/leashed creatures.
* Instead of choosing an aiming zone you'll get to choose one the
most "kill-proof" body locations; skull, neck, thorax or abdomen.

After executing a deathblow the strike resolution will follow as

usual and the chosen weapon/aspect/location combination can still
produce various results. A deathblow with a little, rusty knife or
a rock is hardly enough to finish your enemy at once, so there's
room for a player to learn the proper butchering techniques for each
case. It's recommended to first knock your farm animals unconscious
and only then use cutting weapons.

- fixed: thrown weapons appearing automatically wielded when picked up after a

- fixed: non-existent frostbite treatment
- fixed: exploits to rest while swimming by doing various player activities
(drink,wear,wield,take off etc.)

Version: 3.14beta
Released: Dec-22-2011

* Saved characters from the previous version are compatible with this version.

NOTICE: This is a beta version and there's still some work and polishing to do.
However, we've got fairly stable and playable version here and no
show-stopping bugs have been found during test sessions. The development
towards final 3.14 release will continue after christmas holidays.

- game-info browser (F1) improved

* Fixed: Navigating with cursor keys.

* Added: Justified lines.
* Key-command for returning to previous topic is now [backspace]
instead of previously used [cursor left]-key.

- added new game-info entries:



- updated game-info entries:


- improved: character positioning upon zooming in

Your last location on each zoomed-in map will be saved when you
zoom out - and when zooming back in you will return at the exactly
same location. Few exceptions to this rule are entering villages etc.
and encountering animals/NPCs.

- improved: wound treatment

* Each wound can be now treated on a daily basic for as long as the
injury persists. Each successfull treatment will improve the
healing of an injury, but mistakes are also possible and can worsen
the healing process. For serious wounds, however, some first-aid is
always recommended over no treatment at all. After that, it's up
for your consideration whether you think you can do better for a
specific wound today, or should it be wiser not touch it at all.

* Now there can be several different treatments available for a

single injury of which you can choose the ones to use - or the ones
possible for you at the moment.

* For almost every treatment it's also possible to use healing herbs
in the process.

- modding add: editable game messages

Some game messages now appear in editable text files which can be
found in messages/ subfolder of your UrW installation. The syntax of
game messages features usage various tags and variables which are
also editable - so we're actually talking about flexible and moddable
script language here.
In the future all the game messages will be editable making it
possible to compile your own storytelling styles and translations.
(A proper guide to message syntax is yet to be written.)

- combat messages re-written

All the combat messages have been rewritten and feature the new
editable message syntax. Combat messages are far more verbose and
detailed than previously and now reveal all the combat sequence
aspects that are tactically important or otherwise valuable in the
given combat situation. The new, vivid and descriptive combat messages
can also teach you a great deal of strengths and weaknesses of each
combatant and their maneuvers.

- combat overhaul (= a monumental task in a nutshell)

All the combat code has been rewritten from the scratch. The
fundamental combat mechanics, maneuvers and sequence stay the same,
but there are lots of improvements that make the combat more
tactical, challenging and fun. Moreover, all the combat rules now
work exactly the same for NPCs as they work for the player
character. In addition to many minor improvements which stabilize
and equalize combat mechanics there are also completely new
features like:

* added: counterstrike - a new defense maneuver

Counterstrike is a new defense maneuver where the defender attempts

to strike the attacker back instead of defending themselves from
the attack. It is possible to use any of your wielded weapons to
counterstrike. Nearly always when an attack is answered by a
counterstrike one or both of the combatants gets struck - and
simultaneous strikes may occur as well. Animals can also make
counterattacks, so an angry bear that constantly keeps attacking
back at you may now appear to be significantly harder to bring

* added: tactical advantage - a new, special result of a combat


A character wins a tactical advantage when he causes an opponent to

fall down, drop a weapon, or manages to exploit the opponent's poor
combat performance - be it an attack or a defense. Upon gaining a
tactical advantage a character may immediately make another extra
action regardless of whose combat turn it is.
For further information see TACTICAL ADVANTAGE game-info entry (F1).

* added: attack and defense classification of weapons

All the weapons have been given their unique attack and defense
classes which determine how well a certain weapon will perform
on attack or defense. Moreover, the weapon class will also
determine if your weapon happens to be advantageous against your
opponent's weapon - or vice versa. The combatant whose weapon
class is superior to their opponent during the given combat
round (attack maneuver vs. defense maneuver) gets a bonus to the
success of his action.
Attack and defense performance of each weapon can be learned by
examining a weapon from character's inventory [i], but a proper
combat message is also displayed when somebody gains a weapon class
For further information see WEAPON CLASS game-info entry (F1)

* added: results of limb injuries

Limb injuries now degrade the victim's physical performance in a

very prominent way as they immediately affect the usability of the
hurt limb. Leg injuries affect the victim's ability to walk, run or
stand up. If an entire leg becomes unusable the victim either falls
prone or starts to limp seriously. Quadruped animals can stand up
and walk as long as they have three usable legs, but the mobility
of a limping animal is significantly lowered. For humans, an
unnusable legs means not being able to stand up and being able to
move only by crawling. When an arm is injured to the extent of
becoming unusable, any items held by it are dropped and wielding or
handling items becomes impossible.

- missile combat overhaul (= a monumental task in a nutshell)

All the code related to throwing/shooting projectiles has been

rewritten from the scratch. The most fundamental improvement here is
that the trajectory for thrown/shot items is now calculated and
generated in physically accurate and realistic manner. This chances
pretty much the whole nature of missile combat.

* The distance how far an item will fly is based on the initial
velocity, angle of the shot/throw and air resistance of the item.
The velocity at which an arrow is shot depends solely on the bow.
When an item is thrown by hand the initial velocity is based
foremostly on item weight and aerodynamic qualities, but also on
character's strength or applicable weapon skill. Needless to say,
throwing weapons are still the most optimal items to be thrown by

* "Out of range"-restriction removed

It's now possible to try to throw/shoot an item to a location that

is "out of range". In that case the item simply doesn't fly that
far, but it doesn't stop you from trying.

* Flying items are checked for a possible hit at each map location on
their trajectory

This is crucial to understand to avoid foolish mistakes in new

missile combat system! Due to trajectory based hit checks it's
possible to hit also something else than your original target. This
makes it easier to score a hit when shooting/throwing at tight
flock of game animals - or a group of enemies. On the other hand,
it's more risky to take a shot/throw at a target near your own party
member or a pet.

* Success of the shot/throw

Upon shooting/throwing you'll get to choose a target, just like

before, and then the applicable (weapon) skill is checked to
determine the success of your shot/throw. The success (or failure)
at an instant of the shot/throw determines how much your aiming is
off, ie., how wide cone of spread is possible for the thrown/shot
missile. An effective missile trajectory is then calculated
according to the given cone of spread and intented target. The
better the shot, the smaller the cone of spread - and your missile
is more likely to travel where you aimed at. And naturally, even
a failed shot/throw is bound to hit better at close range. If the
missile arrives at location of a living target more checks are made
to see if it actually strikes the victim; angle of incidence,
target size and its movement may either save it from getting hit
or to degrade the impact.

* Graphical display of thrown/shot projectiles

You'll see the item symbol travelling through the screen following
its exact trajectory.

* Moving targets feature a new, automated "defense" mechanism against

missile attacks

A target that is being attacked by a missile weapon can't choose

any conscious defense maneuver, but moving targets can still avoid
getting hit. This defense possibility for moving targets is
automated and it doesn't matter if the target is aware of the
attack or not. The faster the target is moving the better chance it
has to make it out of the way or to make a lucky movement in its
place and unintentionally dodge the missile. This is based on the
target's actual mobility and manner of moving, so if the target is
slowed down due to physical penalties or for whatever reason, its
chances to avoid missile attacks are lowered accordingly.
As this applies also to player character, your best defense against
overpowering enemy bowmen from now on is just to run - and faster
you run the more safe you are.

* For further information see MISSILE COMBAT game-info entry (F1)

- added: possibility to practice missile combat skills

Throwing projectiles and shooting arrows at non-living targets can be

used to test and improve the according weapon skill. Improving your
skills by target practice is relatively slow, but possible.
Moreover, target practice is useful to give you a realistic idea of
your archery/throwing skills as you can see how frequently you can
hit a target at this or that range.

- added: detailed injuries and body locations for NPCs

* All the injuries for NPCs are now generated and tracked in the same
detail as for the player character.
* Body parts of animals are now named respectively to their anatomy,
so there can be wounds like: serious cut in left paw, minor
puncture in right hindleg and a crush in left wing.
* Looking at NPC (F3) displays a detailed list of all the injuries,
including the exact body locations.
* NPCs can suffer from new additional effects that may result from
certain injury/body location combinations, e.g. limb injuries.
* The effects and mechanics of being injured are exactly the same
for NPCs and the player character.
- added: NPC information window

When looking at NPCs (F3) their general information, carried items,

wounds etc. are now displayed in a separate window, rather than in
general message area.

- changed: mobility formula and indicator

* A formula to calculate character's mobility has been changed. The

mobility will be decreased due to physical penalties as usual, but
the curve is smoother.
* Mobility indicator now displays your movement rate in kilometers
per hour (km/h). The indicator is also located differently, now
appearing at the bottom of the "walking/running/etc."-display.
* game-info entry for MOBILITY has been updated

- balanced: animal prices

All the animals you can purchase from the villages now appear
slightly more valuable.

- added: species specific fatigue rates for animals

Fatigue accumulation has the same effect on animals as it has on

humans; decreasing mobility and degrading physical performance. With
species specific fatigue rates in effect certain animals will now
tire up faster than the others. This allows a remote possibility to
actually run down an extremely fatigued, escaping animal. However,
such a hunt calls for an easy terrain and not allowing your prey to
rest during the chase.

- fixed: NPCs with tilted heads

NPCs didn't look exactly the same direction they were facing. Having
their "heads tilted" an NPC facing to east was actually looking to
north-east, and so on.

- fixed: game freezing potential upon loading certain maps

- fixed: heavy CPU utilization from idle animation

- fixed: items disappearing from zoomed-in maps

This bug manifested itself after travelling on zoomed-in maps with

lots of animal or NPC activity and items. As this was the last found
and now fixed occurence of item disappearing issues, it's now more
safe than ever to leave your precious belongings at your campsite.

- fixed: picked mushrooms spawning again overnight

- fixed: pets always walking with full speed

It was especially difficult to catch your pet dogs when they were
loose from a leash. Now pets try to follow your character's walking
pace unless there's special reason to rush ahead.

- fixed: exploit to improve TRACKING by continuous skill usage at the same

Version: 3.13-patch 4
Released: Jun-16-2011

* Saved characters from the previous version are compatible with this version.


- fixed: armour screen "wall of orange"-bug

- fixed: game-info browser generating multiple (excess) links

If the same keyword was found multiple times within a certain page
it was also highlighted (as a link) multiple times. Now each keyword
is highlighted only once, which improves readability a great deal.

- modding fix: \time\ header value issues when using "days to prepare"-
abbreviation (\???d\)

- fixed: "buying animals for free"-exploit

- fixed: "permanent injury"-bug

Sometimes your overall injury just wouldn't decrease even after

all your wounds had healed.

- fixed: skill-screen delay on Window 7/Vista

- fixed: pets/companions blocking your movement especially in small


Now it's possible to move into same location where your pet/companion
is. If there's free space around, your pet/companion will move to an
adjacent tile. If not, you'll simply share the tile.

- fixed: reporting of multiple identical items at the same location

All the individual items and item stacks are now reported correctly
when examining a location. Previously this didn't happen if there
were a series of identical item names to report.

- fixed: nutritional values of meat prepared prior to version 3.13

All kind of meat prepared prior to version 3.13 suffered from

bugged nutritional values making it very low on energy content.
If your old character has still got some ancient meat in his
cellar it can be happily consumed now as it's nutritious and
proper food again.

- changed: drinking and stomach content

Drinking doesn't automatically fill your stomach anymore unless

your thirst is completely extinguished first. This removes the
confusing case where your stomach would get accidentally filled
when you only tried to quench your thirst.
Notice that drinks and beverages with energy and nutrient content
(milk for example) can be still seen to lower the feeling of
hunger as your energy reserve is increased.
- balanced: initial nutrition level of a new character has been increased

- balanced: starvation

Starvation is now checked during the day on hourly basis and

grows slower than previously. You'll be clearly notified when
gaining physical penalty from having starved. The same goes
for recovering from starvation.

- added: nutrition meter

In addition to good old (and misleading) "Hunger" meter there's

now also "Nutrition" meter. As the "Hunger" meter deals with
only the FEELING of hunger the "Nutrition" meter was added to
show you also the character's energy/nutritional reserve - which
is maybe even more important factor to know in order to keep
yourself properly fed.
"Nutrition" meter displays self-explanatory verbal
descriptions of your character's energy/nutrition reserve. The
scale goes from "starving", "malnourished" and "scarce" all the
way to "good", "well-fed" and "abundant".

- improved: hunger and thirst meters

The bars of both meters now change their color depending on the
long-term level of hunger or thirst. The bars start to grow in
familiar green shade but will gradually turn into red when the
level of alarming malnutrition or dehydration is reached. As the
both hunger and thirst meters can have maxed out bars with the
condition still growing, the color of the bar now tells you how
the things are developing.

- balanced: thirst and dying of thirst

* Thirst accumulation during the sleep has been justly decreased.

* Level of lethal dehydration has been increased.

So it's possible to survive a little longer without water, but
that's something you still shouldn't try on purpose.

* There are new messages describing the level of thirst present.

Just like before you'll be told when you are very thirsty, but
you'll also be told when it's turning deadly.

- corrected: nutritional values of broad beans, peas and turnips

All of these have gained a little nutritional boost. In case of

broad beans the energy content was quite too low and the increase
is significant.

- fixed: keypad period '.' not working on AZERTY-keyboards

- fixed: hunger and thirst levels reverting upon cancelling certain


- fixed: material usage miscalculations with item stacks and weight based
crafting/cookery requirements
If there was more than enough raw material in the selected item
stack, you could loose an extra item after completing the material
selection dialog.

This is a list of new features in the current and previous versions.

Version: 3.13-patch 3
Released: Mar-18-2011

* Saved characters from the previous version are compatible with this version.

Newslist for 3.13-patch3 starts here:

(read on to reach the actual 3.13 newslist)

- added: verbose notifications about character's physical condition when

certain physical performances would be degraded (or impossible)
due to physical penalties

Currently physical condition notifications are displayed only for

swimming, moving or running. And only when there's something to

- modding add: possibility to [name] diy items + added [naming] tag for even
more customized naming

[name] tag can be now used not only for cookery recipes, but for *.diy
items as well. There's now also an additional [naming] tag which
modifies the value of %s used by [name] tag.

[naming] tag can have two values:

[naming:last word] - %s will get value of the last word of selected

material/item name
[naming:original] - %s will get value of original and complete
selected material/item name

If neither is used [name] simply tries to generate parent object

string automatically, but most often fails if it's not about cookery.

Few examples:
{* leggings} [name:Modded %s] [naming:last word]

...will produce an item called "Modded leggings".

{* leggings} [name:Modded %s] [naming:original]

...if the selected item was for example leather leggings,

the result will be "Modded leather leggings".

{Leather *} [name:Modded %s] [naming:last word]

...if the selected item was for example leather shirt,

the result will be "Modded shirt".


- added a new plant: heather

- added: flowering plants

Most of the wild herbs do flower now respective to their own special
flowering periods. For starters this is mostly an eye candy addition
as herbal effects of the plants are the same whether you use leaves
or flowers. (In the future the herbal effects may vary depending on
the used parts.)
The difference between growing, flowering and "past the flowering
season" plant is graphically represented, but there's also a verbal
description available upon looking at the plant. If the plants is a
flowering kind it's possible to gather its' seeds only after the
flowering period is over.

- improved: hunger and body energy reserve system

Feeling of being hungry (or satiated) is now based on stomach content,

energy intake and body energy reserve. Upon loading your old character
for the first time into this new system you'll get to start with full
The new system is much more detailed and realistic than before, but
easily comprehended by using your common sense and trying different
kind of diets.
As stomach content factor is completely new, at first it seems to
restrict one's ability to eat as much as before AT ONCE. On the other
hand the equal amount of nearly any food will fill your stomach
equally. So berries, single vegetables etc. are now proper food and
effective snacks. But as we have learned, there are differences
between nutritional values of different kind of foods. So eating it's
not only about filling your stomach. Nutritional value of the food
eaten affects the energy intake and increase of body energy reserve
and these factors determine for how long you will feel satiated
and have enough energy in your system.
It is even possible to increase character's body energy reserve
beyond the daily consumption by constantly eating high energy foods.
After practicing this kind of diet you find yourself being not too
hungry the day after. On the other hand, when practising very light
diet the body energy reserve starts to drop which will backfire by
frequent feeling of hunger. Very poor diet eventually leads to
starvation. When starving or having very low energy reserve one finds
himself getting hungry very fast and needs to eat quite often to
recover from the condition.
And so on...

- improved: SWIMMING

Swimming is no longer based continuously rolling dice for whether you

sink or advance but on growing fatigue during the procedure and your
SWIMMING mastery level which determines how fast you will lose your
strength to keep afloat. The more skilled swimmer you are the slower
the fatigue will accumulate, and longer you can swim before getting
over exhausted. However, rivers and rapids are more strenuous to cross
even for a skilled swimmer.
The distance a character can swim is now less random and always
quite the same for the same skill level. Naturally all the physical
penalties and fatigue to start with do lower the performance.
When accumulated fatigue is starting approach the character's
SWIMMING mastery level, he is in fear of drowning. Warnings and remarks
about the swimming progress will be displayed upon entering the water
and during every swimming move so you won't drown by surprise. With
very low swimming skill it's still advisable only to dip quickly into
shallow water before you learn how long you can swim properly.
The rate of swimming skill increase has been also lowered, so you
won't no longer become master of swimming overnight.

- fixed: any container working as a cooking pot

Naturally this shouldn't be and has been fixed now.

- fixed: fish recipes producing incorrect meal names

This was the case at least with fish soup.

- fixed: "edible containers"-bug

- fixed: armour analysis crash on some platforms

- fixed: character misplacement after saving the game while in the water

Characters saved in the water, nearby the shore, sometimes appeared

on the ground leaving the watercraft in the water. This has been
fixed now.

- modified: game course selection is now allowed for "quick and easy"
character generation mode

- fixed: crashing when trying to build north-western wall of a kota

too far from the framework

- fixed: being able to consume plain flour

Version: 3.13-patch 2
Released: Jan-31-2011

* Saved characters from the previous version are compatible with this
* version.

Newslist for 3.13-patch2 starts here:

(read on to reach the actual 3.13 newslist)

- modding fix: [ground] tag being ignored if there was no [remove] tag
as well

So now it's possible to use [ground] tag on it's own to

check for required, not removable items on the ground.

- fixed: planting seeds from a container using the whole contents at once

- modding add: [TERRAIN:terrain_type] tag can be used as {requirement}

in diy/biy_*.txt files.

Example entry:
{[TERRAIN:spruce_mire pine_mire]} 'Mire terrain type'

Notice the usage of both curly and square brackets and

also DO use your own defined 'requirement description'.
Multiple terrain types can be given. See TERRAIN-tags
in flora_*.urw files to get the idea of possible
terrain type name.

- modding add: {requirement} entry is now wildcard sensitive.

This instantly brings in various possibilities to
come up with new, not too restricted item/material

Example entry = Allowed based on wildcard string comparison

{*bow} = shortbow, juniper bow, long bow
{*mail*} = mail habergeon, short mail cowl.
{Dried * cut} = Dried squirrel cut, dried badger cut

If you do use wildcards in your {requirement} entries

remember also to define your own requirement description
as the default game output in the crafting requirements
screen is exactly what's between the curly brackets { }

{*bow} 'A bow'
{Dried * cut} 'Dried meat'

- modding add: \time\ header value is now enabled for craftable (diy_*.*)
items. There are also two new abbreviations which can be used
to define the preparation time not only in minutes (which
is the default) but also in hours or days:
d - for days, and h - for hours.

So, instead of \180\ you can use \3h\

and instead of \1440\ you can use \1d\

As a related issue, in-game time report for the items

being prepared is also fixed.

- fixed: plants disappearing instantly after their growing season is


Now all the plants, both wild and cultivated, start to wither
gradually and individually after their growing season is over.
This period lasts for several weeks so you'll surely notice
when you should harvest your crops at the latest. The withered
plants also stay visible for some time and only then disappear
gradually - to sprout again in the spring. This also gives you
more concrete feeling of the autumn as you one day notice the
first withered berry shrubs and mushrooms.

- fixed: game-info not being displayed in crafting menus for the items
that can be made in patches

- fixed: items on the ground disappearing upon entering/leaving certain

zoomed-in maps

This bug was related to densely populated or utilized maps and

was a result of bad attempt to allocate more item space. The bug
manifested itself usually by wiping out nearly all the vegetation
from said map, or by losing (transportable) items upon zooming in.
- fixed: crash potential upon encountering creatures on the wilderness map

- fixed: village marker color glitch when viewing the map of known areas
within a njerpez settlement

- fixed: nutritional value of milk (which was completely missing!)

Version: 3.13-patch 1
Released: Dec-29-2010

Newslist for 3.13-patch1 starts here:

(read on to reach the actual 3.13 newslist)

- fixed: shelter/camp icons appearing all over the wilderness map

- fixed: animal hide as a required raw material not being correctly
recognized for example in crafting skis
- fixed: the crashing bug - which was especially frequent upon
zooming in
- fixed: item corruption in several crafting related occasions
- fixed: occasional graphical glitches in crafting menus
- fixed: foreign traders acting hostile if met on the Njerpez territory
- modified: spoilage times of fresh skins have beens increased to prevent
the occasional "rotting before tanning" bug
- added: modding possibility to add sub-menus to Make and Cookery menus
(see menudef_additional.txt in your UrW-installation directory
to get started)

-- The actual newlist for version 3.13 starts here: --

- added: modding possibilities

This is the first version to feature moddable game data. The system
is still far from complete and will grow more deep and more diverse
step-by-step, but this is a start which brings in some great
possibilities already.
Currently it's mossible to mod plants, do-it-yourself items,
build-it-yourself constructions and cookery recipes. A modding guide
will follow, but while waiting for that a spontaneous exploration of
modding possibilities can be started from these files:

diy_*.* - do-it-yourself items

biy_*.* - build-it-yourself constructions
flora_*.* - plants
cookery_*.* - cookery recipes

- flora of the UnReal World improved in many ways

All of the plants have been checked and corrected for their
nutrional values, habitat, growing season etc. etc. etc. In general
the vegetable kingdom now appears in more rich and more realistic
detail on every field there is. There is a whole new secret life of
plants which is far too versatile to be described here, but luckily
can be learned by living in the unreal world.

* In addition to harvesting plants only for berries, pods or root

vegetables (like previously) it's now possible to harvest plants
for their leaves and seeds as well.

* Added numerous medicinal effects for plants

There are numerous effects. For example:

astringent, anti-inflammatory, vulnerary, tonic, diaphoretic,

alterative, pectoral etc. etc. etc.

For some plants (like good old mushrooms) the effects take place
when the plant is eaten, but usually it's necessary to prepare a
herbal beverage from the leaves of a plant.

* Added new cultivated plants:

- Rye, Barley and Hemp

* Added new wild plants:

- Yarrow, Nettle, Sorrel, Meadsweet, Golden rod

- added: destroying cultural settlements and/or population will also remove

the settlement icon and cultural indication

* Wiping out the whole population of a cultural settlement (village,

camp etc.) will remove the cultural indicator of the neighbouring
area turning it into no-man's land - except if the area consists
of clustered villages, it will belong to the original culture as
long as there are inhabitants in any of the closely neighbouring

* Destroying any settlement completely (usually by burning) will

also remove the according settlement icon from the map view. This
applies to all types of settlements including Njerpez war-camps.

* When Njerpez do set up their war-camps, the neighbouring area will

also turn into Njerpez territory.

- added new character generation option: "Quick and easy"

This option serves mostly the beginners, but also anyone who wants
to get playing fast. Only thing you need to select here is the name of
your character - all the rest of the character generation options
are randomized to a good average.

Creating a character in the good old step-by-step fashion is now

known as "Custom"-character generation.

- changes in terrain type names

All the bog and swamp terrain types are now called 'mires' which is
a more proper word for them as northern wetland areas.

'Backwoods' terrain type is now called 'Spruce mire' as this terrain

type isn't a mere forest but a wetland area as well.

- improved: remote target selection (F3)

When selecting a remote target (to examine, throw, shoot etc.) the
cursor will appear initially at the location of your latest selection.
The initial location is reset upon moving your character.
- added water content for edible items

Eating something that contains water reduces not only hunger but
thirst also. Of the raw ingredients the water content is naturally
highest in berries, but this new factor also applies to cookery
recipes. If there's additional water in the recipe (soups for
example) the water content will be effective in the resulting meal
as well.

- added two new extended commands (#): Empty and Pour

Both of these are related to containers; mugs, cup, bowls, pots,

bags etc.

* "Empty"-command

Empties the container discarding the contents permanently.

* "Pour"-command

This is used to pour something from your inventory into a

container. The command can be used to pour from one container into
a another or to fill a container with selected (food) items.
Currently only foodstuff and liquid can be poured into a container
making it's possible to carry and manage bags of roasted salmon
and bowls of berries and so on.

NOTICE: As result of improved container handling the containers

filled in the previous version may appear to be flagged as
empty - even though having titles like 'Pot of water' etc.
To reset and to return usability of such containers try
emptying them or re-filling them with water.

- removed option: fill container with rainwater

This will be introduced again in the future in a more realistic


- added three new AGRICULTURE options: Harvest, Tresh and Grind

* Harvest-option is used to cut down or gather plants as a whole for

threshing. It is still possible to gather edible or mainly used part
of any plant by using the pick up-command (, or ;) but grains must
be harvested via the actual harvest option. In addition, this is
the only way to collect the seeds from a plant.
The harvested crops must then be threshed.

* Threshing is an act of separating the usable parts from the rest

of the harvested plant. It is most often done with grains to
separate the grain itself from the straw, but can be done with any
plant. When threshing is complete the separated grain, seeds,
roots, leaves etc. may be collected.

* Grinding is used to produce flour from grains.

- AGRICULTURE game-info updated

- COOKERY overhaul
Several additions have been made:

* COOKERY-menu has been re-arranged. Available menu options now

include the basic cooking and preservation methods (Roast, Boil,
Salt, Dry, Smoke) which can be applied to practically any raw
ingredients you like, and sub-categories for various recipes.

* Lots of new recipes.

* Preparing meals has become more open-ended as there's more variety

and more freedom when it comes to choosing the ingredients. There
are also optional ingredients in many recipes, so the possible
variations to prepare even the most basic soup are numerous.

* Nutritional values of prepared meals aren't predefined anymore,

but based on the chosen ingredients and the cooking method used.
This makes cooking far more interesting and worth of experimenting.
A portion of meat stew doesn't always keep you satisfied for the
exact same amount of time; it depends on what do you put in there.

* ...and to accomplish all this: nutritional values of all the fish,

animals and plants in the game have been checked and corrected.
The system is now based on carbohydrate, protein and fat content
in each and every foodstuff.

NOTICE: As a result nutritional value overhaul the food prepared

in the previous version may appear less satisfying than

- COOKERY game-info updated

- added new skill: TRAPPING

The name here is pretty self-explanatory. Trapping covers crafting

and constructing various traps and setting them in place properly.
For characters from previous version TRAPPING is opened upon first
load with mastery level of one's TRACKING skill.
TRAPPING-options can be accessed by using the skill directly,
or from the [M]ake-menu just like before.

- added new skill: CARPENTRY

Introducing CARPENTRY also replaces the semi-useless WOODCARVING

skill and for characters from the previous versions not only the
names of these skills but also their mastery levels are swapped.
Having the carpentry present now doesn't bring in anything too
revolutionary, but separates craftable wooden handicrafts into their
own section and under their own mastery level.
Using the CARPENTRY-skill brings up a menu from where you can
choose all the carpentry based crafts to make. All the carpentry
based crafts can be also accessed from [M]ake-menu.

- added new craftable items

* Wooden shovel

Can be used like any shovel, but the actual digging takes a bit
longer than with its' metal counterpart.
* Grainflail

Grainflail is an important threshing implement.

* Primitive bow

A shortbow in the current version is a lot more demanding to craft

than previously, so a primitive bow now takes its' place as a
simple bow made from a slender tree trunk.

- added new skill: BUILDING

Building is the ability to construct forms of shelters and housing.

This ranges from durable wooden structures and kotas to simple
shelters and fences. For characters from the previous version
BUILDING-skill will be initialized to the mastery level of one's
Using the BUILDING-skill brings up a menu from where you can
choose the available constructions. The same building options can
be accessed also from [M]ake-menu just like before.

- added new construction to build: a kota

Kota is built by using your BUILDING-skill. You can choose the size
of your kota freely within a certain range. Several slender tree
trunks and large animal pelts are required in the process.

- changed building option: "Shutter" -> "Wall with a shutter"

In the previous version a shutter could be cut into any built

section of a wall. Now the wall and the shutter are built together.
The result is the same, but now you need first to decide at which
wall you wish to have a shutter and only then start to build it.

- Crafting items re-arranged

Regardless of the new features below, remember that the good old
[M]ake items-menu still works and can be used as an overall menu
for all the crafting and building there is.

* As we now have a bunch of new skills all the craftable items have
been re-grouped under the according skills. As a result of this
using a certain skill (CARPENTRY, BUILDING, TRAPPING) allows you
to directly start crafting and building things belonging under
said skill. The same crafts can be naturally accessed through the
[M]ake-menu where they are just grouped a bit differently -
by their usage.
It's a matter of taste whether you wish to use the according skill
directly to craft a certain item, or use the [M]ake-menu.

* Item groups of [M]ake-menu have been slightly re-arranged and

there are new groups as well. With the self-explanatory group
names and using craft skills directly it shouldn't take too long
to learn what craft can be found from where in this version.

- hideworking improved

* Tanning hides is now a lot more laborous task including several

steps from cleaning and soaking the skin, to applying tanning
material, rinsing and finally mechanically softening the skin.
It can now easily take couple of days to tan a big hide.
Requirements for tanning process have also grown more complex
including for example need of a working bench (table, bench or
even a tree trunk will do) and a beater - which can be any
club-like object used to pound the skin soft.

* There are two new hideworking options:

- Clean

Cleaning the fresh skin is now always the first thing to do

before it can be processed any further, tanned or cured.

- De-hair

Dehairing is used (at will) to remove hair from the skin of a

fur-bearing animal. This way the tanning always results in
obtaining leather, which one may sometimes prefer.

* Hideworking game-info has been updated to cover all the new

aspects of hideworking process. There's also help button (?)
added into hideworking menu to easily bring up the information
when the hideworking time is at hand.

- added: option to repair worn-out clothes

Clothes and armours made from fur or leather can be now repaired by
player. The option to do this can be found from clothes-section of
[M]ake menu.
If the piece of clothing to be repaired hasn't been damaged more
than 40% of its' original size a corresponding amount of
fur or leather is required and used to patch it up.

- fixed: 'A house' advanced game-course task not completing if the house
under construction had its' door left open.

- fixed: Human NPCs practically never trying to dodge nor block if


This bug was propably easily unnoticed by many as it worked for the
players favour, so expect the combat to be slightly more difficult

- fixed: aggressive companions/dogs sometimes attacking random target

upon zooming out from the battlefield

- fixed (once more): ghost sounds of tree felling down

- fixed: task triggering problems with "Prey in a trap" and

"Checking the trap" tasks

- fixed: sleeping NPCs (mostly animals) occasionally not waking up when

attacked - and sometimes not even when seriously injured

- fixed: squirrels staying 'up in a tree' even if the tree was felled down

- added restriction to work the soil (using a shovel) on certain terrain

The soil of bog and swamp areas is just plain too wet to be
worked for agricultural purposes or for digging pits.

- added more birds: swan, tufted duck, mallard and capercaillie

The first three are migratory aquatic birds being present from
spring to late autumn. All of the birds (including the good old
black grouse) now exist only at their typical habitat and do have
a bit more improved behaviour. Swans and mallards prefer bigger
lakes, tufted ducks are most happy at small marshland ponds and
capercaillies live in the vast conifer forests.

- added: aquatic life for beavers

Beavers now spend most of their time in the water, only occasionally
coming to shore.

- animal habitats checked

Don't be surprised not to find too much wildlife at open mires

anymore as most of the animals now tend to live and exist only
at terrain types which are their natural habitat.

- added: outnumbering penalty

If the player is engaged by two or more enemies in a combat

situation each enemy above one will bring extra -10% penalty for
player's attack or defend maneuvers. It's not likely anymore for
even the most skilled swordsman to bring down eight Njerpez warriors
surrounding him, as the mastery levels for attacking and defending
in that case would suffer from -70% penalty.

Version: 3.12
Released: May-26th-2010

* Saved characters from the previous versions generated prior to 3.12b are
* compatible with this version, but the world they lived in will be lost.
* See THE MIGRATION section before hurrying ahead with your old adventurer.

[The latest additions - START]


- fixed: ghost notes and sounds of "Tree falls down."

Couple of instances where the bug occured were found and fixed.
Report back if more issues of this bug are encountered.

- fixed: some (very clumsy = low agility) NPCs not being able to climb
up even the lowest level elevations

- fixed: trees felled by your companions sometimes producing bunch of

slender tree trunks, instead of one tree trunk (which is how
it should have been)

- fixed: "bad tool penalty" wasn't applied when making wooden cups and
bowls with stone-axe
- improved: character location upon wilderness map encounters

As we know, the character's location on the zoomed-in map relative

to an encountered creature normally produces encounters where the
creature is within the character's field of vision. This is still
true in most cases, but there's now a minimum zoomed-in distance in
effect which tends to locate the character further away, but still
within sight of the prey. In addition to this, in cases where you
can't see very far (nighttime etc.) the heading direction of the
character and a verbal notification is your only lead to the
whereabouts of the encountered creature, no visual guaranteed. This
"heading and a hunch" based zoomed-in location is applied also to
encountering creatures which aren't caught by surprise - and that
would be mostly the ones you've encountered several times before or
spotted from a greater distance. All of this was applied to add more
challenge for hunting as it was all too easy if you just spot animals
on the wilderness map(especially around swamps), moved to
encounter them and upon zoomed-in location your prey was within
convenient range already.
Now most of the real hunting has to be done on the zoomed-in map.

- fixed: game freezing bug upon nocturnal encounters

The game could end up in a very long and slow loop when there was
a wilderness encounter during time of the day when character's range
of sight was low.

- fixed: bugged character body temperature calculations causing frostbites

occasionally occur in seemingly random fashion, even in warm

- balanced: bleeding injuries

Several corrections have been made and the new bleeding mechanics
will work exactly the same for NPCs and the player characer.

* It will take a lot more time for the victim to faint (and
eventually die) from bloodloss than previously.
* Total number of bleeding injuries (and their severity) is naturally
the main factor in how fast a fatal amount of blood will be lost.
And an attribute which defines what's fatal is the character's
(or NPCs) endurance. Higher the endurance the more one can bleed
without ill effects.
* A new feature for NPCs is that they can try to stop their wounds
from bleeding, just like the player character. In case of animals,
not too serious bleeding can (depending on endurance) even stop
* So it's not determinate at all that your prey or enemy will perish
if you manage to make it bleed - unless you make it bleed properly.
If an animal is wounded beyond a certain bleeding degree the
wounds won't stop from bleeding all alone, unlike minor bleeding
wounds. This can happen as a result of several minor bleeding
wounds or then by just one single seriously bleeding wound from a
lucky or skilled hit.
In case of smaller, low endurance animals (like squirrels, birds,
hares etc.) any bleeding wound is usually fatal, but an elk or
a bear won't be brought down just as easily anymore.
* For human NPCs stopping the wounds from bleeding is relatively
easy although after a heavy bloodloss the battle can be over
very quickly after fresh bleeding if there hasn't been enough
time for regeneration - and just like with the player character
a complete recovery from a heavy bloodloss can take several days,
even weeks. And do notice that just like the player character
NPCs will need a combat free zone around them before a wound
can be treated, so it's best to keep the pressure on if your
enemy is bleeding badly.

- fixed: shelters (mistakenly) providing some basic warmth even without

fire burning and even during cold weather

- fixed: foreign traders being willing be to hired by player character

- fixed: sleeping human NPCs (excluding the Njerpez) not reacting

aggressively to bow attacks

- fixed: northern spear not working as a ski stick

- fixed: rare game freezing bug caused by individual NPC/animal

structure getting full (in case you had encounter thousands
of individual creatures)

- balanced: amount of time required to wear/take off clothes and armours

It's considerably faster now.

- re-written: interior area recognition, indoors temperature and

fireplace checks

* Previous routines caused problems particularly when smoking meat

and fish as fireplace recognition was prone to fail occasionally.
This inconvenience should be history now.
* Indoors temperature checks are now a bit more realistic which
means the everlasting basic warmth the houses in previous versions
provided isn't in effect anymore. During the very cold winter
days you'll need to warm your house on a daily basis to stay
comfortably warm. Feeling a little chilly indoors however is
very, very normal and nothing to be afraid of.
* Indoors temperature checks now also take into account whether the
doors are open or shut. So remember to keep your doors shut
during the cold weather. On the other hand, having the doors
open can used to cool your house down during hot summer days.

[The latest additions - END]


3.12b bugfix patch 1 & 2 features and general 3.12 additions start here:

- fixed: small lake tiles appearing graphically bugged in "Village" start-up


- fixed: areal zoomed-in item limit (still) occasionally causing new items
to disappear if they were brought at the location by other means
than dropping.

So for example new hides being tanned could still occasionally

disappear. Item structures are now cleared on the run if necessary
so all the bugs related to this are hopefully gone for good now.
- fixed: item duplication bug when [m]oving pile of items

- fixed: fireplaces not staying heated after the actual fire had burnt out

- fixed: "TERRAIN KNOWN MISMATCH", which was luckily more of a debug note
than an actual bug

- fixed: flying or climbing animals not falling down on the ground even if
hurt to a degree of making them prone/unconscious

- fixed: animals/NPCs appearing and being stuck on water/ice tiles

Animals/NPCs can now walk on ice, and also will not be located
in the water upon zoomed-in map encounters.

- changed: lakes won't be frozen anymore as late as in april

This wasn't a bug, but confusing enough compared to previous versions

so the ice-cover period has been changed to match the tradition the
most players we're accustomed to.

- fixed: peas (food) were accepted as a weapon to break ice when making
hole in the ice

- fixed: prepared soil (agricultural tile type) being able to catch a fire,
burn and _disappear_

- fixed: villagers getting mad if your character attacked a Njerpez at the

village territory

- fixed: zoomed-in terrain ground-cover (moss, lichen) not getting cleared

upon building (a house) on it

- fixed: rare bug causing character to be located on a blank map upon zooming
in AND being thrown into an endless "loading map" limbo

- improved: item stacking (especially in case of timber/firewood/branches)

- fixed: "Fire flames..." notification in case of non-lit fireplace

- modified: njerpez combat skill averages boosted a bit

As all the Njerpez are individuals there may still some below
average fighters among them, but odds to encounter a more lethal
Njerpez enemy has been raised.

- fixed: items moved or thrown on ice sinking (as the ice was mistakenly
treated as water)

- fixed: bug potential to have buildings (at villages/camps etc.) located

under the water

- fixed: task descriptions referring to walk over map border

(as being old-school information)

- fixed: Big Elk-task not completing

- fixed: villagers getting mad about attacking wild game nearby

their settlements

- fixed: (nasty) terrain resetting bug where the zoomed-in

location you had visited and explored before
could occasionally become cleared and reset

- fixed: (rare) bug causing MARKER OVERFLOW warning

- fixed: (rare) bug causing new items dropped on the zoomed-in

location erasing some of the items already at the area

- fixed: storehouse re-stocking

Storehouses in villages will now re-stock from time to time

even if the player isn't picking up any goods from them. You didn't
find that shovel you were looking for? Maybe you should come back
later on.

- fixed: eternal flame bug

If you left a zoomed-in area where a fire was burning, it could

still be burning when you came back - no matter how long you
were gone.

- fixed: fire not burning down the flora

- floating status of some wooden items checked - including some vital

elements like rafts and punts

- balanced prices of overvalued items such as javelins, staffs and clubs

- fixed: possibility to make squirrels withdraw (and come down) from a tree

- fixed: shutter deconstruction not bringing back the logs used

- the effect of cold balanced

You will still be prone to the cold weather just like previously
but frostbite isn't as common anymore, except in extreme (wintertime)

- improved: graphics, diversity and generation of zoomed-in maps

Graphical improvements consist of re-drawn tiles and smoother

representation of overlapping and curving terrain features,
smoother seasonal ground/water/ice colouring etc. You'll see.

* In addition to having just one simple "ground"-tile, we now

have a couple different kinds of undergrowth and ground
foundation tiles, which define not only the look of
the terrain but several other factors as well.

The new undergrowth types are:

- Lichen

Lichen mostly appears around pine heathland areas - especially

in the whole new lichenous pine forest terrain type.
- Moss

...which previously appeared as a tiny, barely noticeable

tile here and there now forms larger continuous areas and
has claimed its place as a dominant ground-cover in some
types of forests and wetland areas.

The new ground foundation types are:

- Bedrock

Plain bedrock is most commonly revealed on higher cliffs,

mountain tops and the shores. No trees can grow on bedrock,
and shovel work there is naturally useless as well.

- Crag

A crag is a rugged, rocky area that appears on the ground, mostly

at higher heathland areas, shores and mountains. The layer
of ground on top of the crag is very thin, revealing rocks
and stones that lay on top of the bedrock.

* Notice that the undergrowth (moss and lichen) can also grow where trees and

plants can't, so you may occasionally run into bedrock or crag with your
even on a moss-covered forest tile.

* All the zoomed-in terrain maps are now generated in more detail and also
stronger terrain type dependant characteristics and landscapes, as they
generated and presented on four levels:

1) ground foundation
2) undergrowth
3) pickable plants/berries/items etc.
4) trees/boulders/man-made constructions etc.

(Oh, and the fifth element would be the elevation.)

More ground foundation and undergrowth types are now easy to

introduce and will be added later on.

- some additions to hypertext game info

* "TRACKING" re-written to match the current version

* added new topics: VILLAGE, KOTA and SINGLE FARM.

- villagers now practice a certain discipline as to how one is allowed to

act in their territory

You will be verbally and/or physically ordered if you break

the rules of good behaviour. And if one seems not to learn their
lesson, at some point the villagers will lose their patience
and decide to get rid of you for good.

Behaviour that isn't allowed anymore would be something like:

- setting traps
- felling trees within the village
- setting a fire in a suspicious location (i.e. next to
somebody's wall)
- deconstructing buildings

...and so on - go figure :)

- fixed: "Learn a new ritual"-task not getting completed if character

has already mastered all of the rituals

- improved: Hiding

Hiding works pretty much the same way as previously, but there
are some changes in game-mechanics:

* Even though you are moving in an area where there isn't much
cover to hide behind, hiding now means that you are also trying
to move as silently as possible. So now it's possible to try to
sneak closer to a sleeping game animal, for example, even in
relatively open terrain.
* Sneaking is prone to physical penalty and agility. Your chances of
success at moving silently are better if you are lightly equipped,
don't limp and don't need to cry out in pain every time you move
your body.
* Hiding mode will continue until you choose another type of movement
(running for example) or quit hiding. Hiding isn't automatically
stopped even if you are notified. If your prey hears you closing
in, or even spots you, staying still trying to sneak forwards
after a short pause will sometimes work. Of course only a foolish
character would keep on hiding and sneak ahead slowly when the
enemy has clearly seen him and is handling his battleaxe with
a grin.

- The biggest and the most fundamental addition in this version is the
whole new random world generator. Before introducing this major change
in more detail, let's introduce "the migration" process. This is how
your old character, from the old world and the previous version of the
game can be brought into this new version and also have a new world

THE MIGRATION (of a saved character from the previous version of the game)

* Do not uninstall the previous version of the game before your

character has been succesfully migrated.
* Install the new version and copy your character folder from the
previous installation to the installation folder of this new
* Now as you load your character with the new version a migration
will start. An information box will appear, telling you pretty
much same the thing that we describe here now. As you decide to
proceed with the migration your character will bring along to the
new map all the items in your inventory plus all the animals
and party members you have leashed or nearby you. The migration
can be accomplished only when your character was saved on a
wilderness scale map. For this reason take some time to play the old
version to gather your valuables with you and have your companions
and animals around you.
* Upon migration the old old world you lived in will be completely
lost and replaced with a new random world. Solid structures can not
be migrated. Only inventory items, leashed animals and party members.
* After you've chosen to proceed with the migration, a new random
world generator will pop up and you are off to generate a new
unreal world for your character. Take some time to get to know the
new landscape as from now on this is the world you'll be living in -
there's no changing the campaign map after this. (Take a look at the
section below which covers the new features of the random world
* If you are not satisfied with some aspect of the migration, for
example location to start on or the area that was migrated, do try it
again until you are happy with it. For migrating the character again
quit the game without saving or otherwise delete your character from
the new installation and proceed again from the top of this list.
In case of unexpected troubles or in a need for personal migration
assistance you can always contact the author.

- random world generator overhaul (- a monumental task in a nutshell :)

The random world generator itself has been completely re-written -

and that means lots of new code and additions all over the game.
What catches your eye first are the few visual changes in map
generation and map of known areas displays:

* The map is six times larger than previously and contains the whole
UnReal World peninsula.
* The look of the random world generator is fresh, but the basic
controls are the same. You can re-randomize the map and starting
location, zoom in and out and see cultural regions and when you are
happy with the world you just enter and play it.
* Color indicators of the cultural regions have been modified.
* In-game display of map of known areas will also show you a little
navigation box telling you which area of the map is being shown.

New features of the random world generator itself are:

* As the map is bigger, it now covers all the cultural regions.

* A new map is generated only when creating a new character. Once you
enter the world, there is no longer any need to cross the map border.
* Different cultures are spread around the map in the areas we've
learned to expect them, and now there's also a Njerpez territory in
the south-east.
* All the details are randomly generated, but the overall structure of
the world is somewhat fixed. You will find most of the mountains near
the northern coast-line. There are major lake-regions, where lakes are
connected with rivers. The rivers flow all the way down to the sea,
and sea-water is now distinguished from lakes.
* There are also new terrain types:

- Fortified village. Both the Driikil�iset and Njerpezit have some

of these.
- Settlement. A newly established house by NPCs. You won't find any
stores there.
- Lichenous pine-forest. An area with dry, sandy soil covered with
lichen. Typically only pine trees grow here.
- Pasture. An area where animals go to graze. It's mostly grass and
might have some older trees here and there.
- Cliff. Plain exposed bed-rock which grows almost nothing. You
might only find one or two twisted pines rooted in the crags of
the cliff.
- Water tiles now come in different grades of depth. Shallow water is
where you can wade. Normal water is where you can touch the bottom
with a sesta, i.e. two or three meters (six to nine feet) deep.
Everything deeper than that is graded as deep water.
- Sea-water has its own tiles.
- Road. In central areas of some cultural regions you'll find roads
connecting the villages.

* Region names are also generated with a whole new algorithm which pays
attention to whether the area is forest, lake, island, bay, peninsula,
mountain, hill etc. thus giving meaningful names in finnish. In
addition to this a (sloppy) english translation of the region names is
also shown to bring some extra flavour for non-finnish players.

- added: height curves

Terrain height is now generated for the whole random world and
brings especially the zoomed-in map movement and graphical
representation up to a whole new level. Different kinds of height
curves are generated for mountains and hills, swamps and woodland
areas and all of these blend together to create a seamless
topographical surface. This beautiful new addition is best seen and
experienced in the game itself, but a few things worth mentioning
would be:

* Character's field of vision is (naturally) prone to height curves,

so some new tactical factors arise; hills, valleys, and ridges can
provide different kinds of possibilities both for hiding and
observing your surroundings.

* There are hills and cliffs of varying steepness. Usually your

character will be able to climb up or down a hill just by moving
normally, sometimes the climbing skill is needed and sometimes
you may encounter an upright cliff that is just impossible to pass -
and you have to find an alternative route to reach your destination.
Differences in steepness are also represented graphically so you'll
soon learn to read the terrain height at a glance.

* Even though the graphical and tactical additions brought on by

height curves are in effect up to their maximum on the zoomed-in
maps they also affect the wilderness map. Different terrain types
now have a much wider scale in height than the previous basic
"hills & mountains = high, everything else = low" categorization.
By wandering on the wilderness map you'll find out that heathlands
and pine forests range higher than conifer forests, and the swamps
and wetland areas remain very low. The mountains and hills aren't
the only lookout terrain types anymore - you can now also stand on
a high heathland ridge and see backwoods far away and down below
slowly turning into a wetland area - and so on. In general, the
forest areas on the wilderness map don't block your eyesight as
completely anymore as they slope on different levels of height.

- added: Njerpez villages

As revealed above in the south-east now appears an actual land of

the Njerpez where your character can also travel to (preferably
heavily armed). And on their own land the Njerpez live in the
villages with some storehouses and livestock. As we have learned the
Njerpez war-parties in the Unreal World do include only men, but in
their villages you can find Njerpez women also. The land of the
Njerpez continues to be an unfriendly place to visit but a good
place for an adventure or revenge. And for the character who is after
vengeance a carefully-planned attack on their villages may be
satistactory AND profitable - especially if you happen to find a
stockpile of loot.

- added: Better and more fair (player wise) line-of-sight routines for NPCs
including facing direction

Line-of-sight is now calculated exactly the same way for you and
for all the NPCs and animals. NPCs (and animals) also have a facing
direction which is shown by a little blue arrow on their avatar -
naturally pointing in the direction they are facing. This brings in
more tactical possibilities to sneak up on your prey from behind.
Also, when an alert NPC suddenly turns around 180 degrees to face
in your direction that should tell you that it probably heard you

- improved: AI in enemy selection for your party members and dogs

Your companions and dogs will now only attack targets that they can
see. They won't rush away for some random target in the distance like
previously. As your companions maybe facing in another direction than
you they can sometimes guard your back very effectively. In case your
companion doesn't see an enemy to attack, they will attack the enemy
within your sight.

- improved: NPC combat AI and maneuvers and morale checks

All of these changes apply to all the NPCs - so in the case of

your companions they are helpful, and in the case of your
enemies they might be downright nasty.

* Weapon wielding: NPCs prefer to wield and use weapons that

they master the best, or the ones which will cause the maximum
damage - depending on how they see the situation. NPCs can
also change their mind and wield another weapon even in the
middle of the battle if they think it's a good idea.

* Added archery for NPCs!

- Not every NPC owns a bow, but those who do and choose to use
it in a battle can be very dangerous enemies. There are no
stories (yet) of an adventurer surviving an encounter
with a party of Njerpez warriors armed with bows.

* NPC combat morale is calculated in an entirely new, more intelligent

way and there's also more variety between individual NPCs.
Basic rules will deal with hits taken and given, and the number
of fighting men on each side, but you can also expect to
see some surprising courage, loss of control or a sudden fall
in morale. Have some fun personal battles! :)

- improved: Animal morale and approach/hurt/escape behaviour

Just like with NPCs you can expect more variety between
individual animals, even though the main characteristics
for each species are determined.

* A whole new behaviouristic feature in addition to plain

escaping is hiding - which hares and birds (for example)
tend to do. Now some animals don't necessarily reveal
themselves to a hunter by escaping right away, but rather
stay still and hope for the threat to go away. And indeed
sometimes your prey may be hiding just behind the tree as
you pass by.

* Larger beasts, mostly bears, can make false attacks.

Staying calm while under attack or even taking few bites(!)
without charging back can sometimes save your life.

* A desperation factor has also been added and it can sometimes

turn an escaping, timid beast suddenly aggressive if the animal
sees charging back as the only way to get rid of a
tormenting hunter.

As a result of all the new factors, you can also regularly

encounter animals that don't behave the way you've learned
to expect them to behave. For example, you might encounter an elk who
will calmy stare the approaching hunter in the eye when
it's more common for them to bolt off into the woods.
And there might be a pack of wolves that can be scared
away by throwing a branch at them. General behaviour rules for
each species are dominant, but every now and then ananimal
can surprise even an experienced adventurer.

- added: a description of which direction the attack is coming

from when you are attacked from behind.

This is vital information especially when someone is shooting

arrows at you.

- added: tracks on the zoomed-in maps

Wandering animals will now also leave tracks on the zoomed-in maps.
In the wintertime even the lightest animal will
leave tracks in the snow, so wintertime is the most fruitful
hunting season for trackers. When there's no snow on the ground only
the larger, heavier animals will leave visible tracks - unless the
soil is suitable (ie. soft and moist) for the lightest prints to
Each animal will have their unique tracks shown graphically.
You will spot tracks automatically when you are nearby them,
but only from a relatively short distance and this is also
subject to your character's eyesight. The graphical
representation of the track can indicate its age so that
the freshest tracks can be clearly seen, and the older ones
are alphablended into the soil according to their age.
TRACKING-skill itself now works on the zoomed-in map also
and can be used to tell you details of the tracks at your location.
Even if there's no visible tracks in sight you can use the
TRACKING-skill to look around more carefully and upon success figure
out that there actually seems to be a vague trail nearby.

Even if the animal leaves tracks, it doesn't leave them

in every location it's at - except when it's walking in
the snow. As the elk escapes from you and you rush after
it you will find a track here and another there. Circling
around, determining the direction of the tracks, some
good guessing and sometimes returning to the last clear
track and starting again may be required to stay on the
trail. But all in all, this is a whole new way to enjoy hunting!

In the wintertime a hunter who is skiing after his prey

can build a warm camp for the night, rest and continue
tracking again in the morning. The tracks will stay there -
unless it's snowing a lot.

Also it may be very interesting to come out of your cottage

in the morning and notice that a bear had been circling around the
animal pen during the night.

In the wintertime the tracks of small animals can be fun just

to find and follow. There may be a surprising amount life around
you all the time even though your traps stay untouched and
you've heard nor encountered nothing else for days but the wide
wilderness humming at your back.

- fixed: 'figure in distance' being lost after zoomed-in encounter

The problem we had was: You spot a wandering creature on the

wilderness map, an encounter happens on a zoomed-in map
and as you return to the wilderness map you can't find the
same 'figure in distance' anymore - even though we all know
it's still in the area.

This has been fixed now: If you lose the creature on the zoomed-in
map, you may still spot it as a 'figure in distance' on the
wilderness map.

- zoomed-in locations of wilderness encounters improved

Upon encountering a wandering animal/human in the wilderness

the encountered being is now always within the field of vision
of your character. Even if you haven't explored the zoomed-in map
before, expect to find some bits of the map already known to you
after zooming in. This simulates the character being more careful
when wandering through the terrain prior to encounter, and also
sometimes needing some circling around the exact location of the
encounter before spotting the wildlife.

- fixed: crash potential when dropping the last item from inventory

- fixed: villages becoming deserted

The ghost town syndrome is gone for good now. People may
still wander away from the village for a little while but
they will return for sure now.

Version: 3.11c
Released: 17-Nov-2008

* This is a bugfix release for version 3.11 *

* If you are new to version 3.11 in general, please follow the list
* of new features all the way down to the version 3.11 release notes.

Version 3.11c fixes the following:

- fixed: graphical glitches with shutter icons in some architectural


- fixed: leashed animals not following the character on a certain wilderness

map locations

- fixed: a character appearing being under fences or big rocks when climbing
on them

- fixed: rye bread and flat rye bread having different nutritional value

- added: correct nutritional value for animal fat...

...and you've got a real energy bomb there!

- fixed: a rare bug where deconstructing something didn't bring back the
raw materials used

- fixed: some grievous frostbites causing crash when viewing the

injury profile

- modified: learning curve of skiing made easier

- fixed: possibility to talk to the Njerpez if they haven't noticed you

- adedd: missile weapons (spears, arrows and such) that are stuck into
an animal will decrease its' physical penalty thus lowering its'
movement rate

- fixed: archery problems

In some cases character's archery skill weren't calculated

correctly causing even skilled archers to miss their targets.

Version: 3.11b
Released: 23-Oct-2008

* This is a hot bugfix release for version 3.11 *

* Saved characters from the previous versions (major version 3.10) are
* compatible with this version to some degree, but do pay attention to
* "PREVIOUS VERSION COMPATIBILITY" information concerning some new features.
* There are known problems with creature porting from earlier versions,
* so if you want to continue playing with your old character it's
* recommended to walk over map border and have a campaign change as soon
* as possible.

Version 3.11b fixes the following:

- added: maximum time limit for tasks to avoid practically impossible

tasks being tried, for example: to split boards with stone-axe
which would require several days to succeed
- fixed: "You can't use a spoiled" item notification with automatic
tool selection procdess

- fixed: northern spear symbol

- fixed: possibility to command people even if they aren't your companions

- fixed: crash possibility when zooming in at the area with old-traps

- fixed: crash possibility when zooming in the villages

The price for fixing this is the corrupted, old version

villages propably being completely empty of life.
(As a bonus you may be able to steal all their goods
without facing anyone to resist)

- fixed: attacks from behind by invisible opponents

- fixed: spoiled food behaving like enchanted weapon when thrown

- added: option to get back to chat-mode selection screen from

the main chat screen

- fixed: dead companions talking

- fixed: birds being able to fly when trapped

- fixed: pack of animals freezing when the first one is killed

real fast

- fixed: character loading problems on some Linux/Wine combinations

- fixed: villages getting deserted

The villagers shouldn't randomly disappear anymore,

however they may wander even quite far from their homes, but
should not disappear anymore. Most of the villagers should now
stay at the village center, some may go wandering nearby
even for days, but should eventually return.

Version: 3.11
Released: 17-Oct-2008

* Saved characters from the previous versions (major version 3.10) are
* compatible with this version, but do pay attention to "PREVIOUS VERSION
* COMPATIBILITY" information concerning some new features.

- added game-info on following topics:

Turnip, Broad beans, Trap-fence, Passive hunting, Log,

Buildings, Sauna, Slash-and-burn cultivation.

- updated game-info on following topics:

Plants, Traps, Fence, Hunting, Fishing

- added: new key commands to pack/unpack animals

Pack and unpack options have been removed from the "Extended
commands" menu and integrated into good old "pick from a
direction" and "move items" key commands, which now therefore
have an additional use in packing and unpacking animals.

What could be more logical than this:

[;] - "pick items from a given direction" - also works for

unpacking an animal, if you use it to the direction of
your pack animal. You can use this command also to pick
items from your companion, but currently they are only
willing to hand over their food.

[m] - "move items" - also works for packing an animal if you

use it to the direction of your pack animal.

- added: overhunt restriction

The number of certain animals at a certain region is now

limited. So if there's a region with only few elks around
and they all get killed you won't encounter them no more -
at least for some time. Animals however can migrate to new
areas even from great distances, but if you keep on hunting
at a certain region for a long time you will see the results
in lack of animals.
There are some animals (squirrels, hares, birds etc.)
which are practically too common and numerous to overhunt,
but for a bearhunter who has managed to bring one down, it's
a waste of time or a matter of great luck to find another
within the same or closely neighbouring hunting grounds.
So you must value your big game from now on.

- chat overhaul

All the chat-modes have been integrated into the new chat
screen (which has been around for few version). The oldschool
chat-screen with possibility to type in free lines is history.
As a result of this, some chat-modes and options work temporarily
on a 'lighter' engine, but will be upgraded and improved in the

These are the things that had to go/change:

- Healers work for free.

- People tell you tales no more.
- Ask for food/drink has been removed.
- You can't get a wife no more. If you have one already,
she will wander free. Engagement rites will be added soon
in a more authentic way.

So those were the setbacks. How about the good news then:

The bonuses of the chat overhaul are:

* Instead of pre-generated tales we have seen in the

past versions, people now tell you news and incidents
they have seen by themselves or heard about. And these
are real, working game world events which you can go
and see for yourself.
This system replaces the random regional events which
were used in the past versions. The wolves and the
Njerpez can cause trouble just like before, but the
only way to find out about the big news at a certain
region is to witness them by yourself or to talk to the
people. When you do greet people, they might tell you
some news. Some people know a little, some people know
more and some people know who you should to talk to
find out more. The news you get can stay at a rumour
level or then you might get exact directions to the place
where the bear has been seen or the Njerpez have built
their war camp. When you hear the news about some topic
for the first time, a chat option to talk about it
will appear in your greeting options the next time you
talk to someone. This allows you to question people
and even pick news from a one village and go to the next
one to see if they know better there.
Currently people consider the following events at
their territory as a news they sometimes want to share:

- any Njerpez activity/sightings/encounters

- the bear
- sightings of wolves or gluttons
- the lynx
- foreign traders

* People give you a bit more verbal description of the

settlement, lake and cave locations you ask about.
They also mention the name of the region they are
talking about. When asking about settlements around,
you can also ask if they know more distant settlements
if you think the directions point to the neighbouring
village you already know.

* Deliver items chat option is now much more convenient.

You are allowed to select and deliver items in a row,
for example when hiring a company, until the person
is satisfied.

* There are new "Command" chat-options which allow you

to command your companion to make a fire, fell down
trees or to roast the meat/fish he/she has.
So it's easier to hunt together as you can command your
companion to roast the meat you gave him while you are
doing something else. Your companion will also watch
the food that is cooking and pick up the roasted food
when it's ready. Also if you hire a company to help you
build a house, you can command him/her to fall down trees
while you are making logs and so on. More interactive NPC
behaviour will be added soon, as the system is now created.

- when making items etc. the tool selection is now completely automatic

The best tool for the job - whatever it might be - will be

automatically selected from your inventory.

- added: possibility to make batches of items

This option is restricted only to items that are usually required
in larger quantities and to maximimum amount of ten batches/pieces
of a certain item at a time. But yes, now you can make several
arrows or bunches of wooden stakes with a single make command.

- game-info browser intergration improved

Whenever there's game-info browser chapter available about a

certain matter the first line of the description will be shown
within "There's more info" pop-up box. This gives you a quick
sneak preview of the subject. This is useful for example when
browsing your character's inventory and can lure you to see more
information about things you thought you already know enough.

Moreover, game-info about items you can make by yourself, traps

and so on, is easily accessible from the item/construction
sub-menus - also with a short teaser description. Similar
information interface is also added to the culture selection
menu when creating a character.

- traps overhaul

* Game-info on each trap can be accessed directly from

the trap-menu.

* Added set and not-set symbols for each different trap.

* Small and big lever-traps are history.

These single item traps are replaced by brand new trap



lever-traps with you or set somewhere in the wilderness,
it's recommended to get rid of them. They either don't work
anymore, or work in a very odd fashion.

* Added four new traps: light lever trap plus small, big and
heavy deadfall trap.

So there's something new to learn as for which animals and

how these traps work, and what is required to construct them
by yourself. These traps are constructions, not single items.
So they are built at the location and will stay there until

* Added new trap-menu option: "Disassemble"

In case of a trap construction you can disassemble the

construction down to its' original parts and raw materials.
In case of a single item trap (fox trap or loop snare)
disassembling will trigger the trap allowing you to pick
it up.

* "Cover" trap-menu option removed.

Traps which need to be covered to be effective are now

automatically covered when they are set, thus covering
isn't something you need to do manually anymore.
* Pits and holes aren't traps by default anymore.

Only the act of making a trap-pit (from the trap-menu) will

turn a pit or a hole in the ground into a trap-pit. In this
process the pit gets covered and optionally improved with
sharp stakes. You can also freely walk into plain pits or
triggered trap pits without risk of getting hurt.

PREVIOUS VERSION COMPATIBILITY: All the trap-pits you have made

in the previous version will appear as a plain pits in this
version. You must use the current version trap options to make
them trap-pits again.

* Added new trap-menu option: "Reset triggered trap construction"

Resetting a triggered trap works only for trap constructions,

not trap items (like fox trap or loop snare). Resetting means
fixing the triggered trap and setting it again to be ready for
another prey. In case of a trap pit this means covering the pit
again. In other cases this means fixing and resetting the
triggering mechanism etc. Usually this doesn't require any extra
equipment or materials; just simply using the same spruce twigs
and branches again to cover the trap pit or to pulling the same
deadfall up again and setting the triggering stick etc.

* Traps do attract the animals they are designed for more


The trap type and design has now more effect in what kind of
animals will get caught in it. Generally the animals won't be
attracted of the trap at all if it's designed for significantly
different species.

- added: natural holes in the ground as a zoom map terrain feature

You can occasionally find naturally formed holes in the ground

on the zoomed in maps. The holes can be utilized in building
a trap-pit at the location if one finds it reasonable.

- added: notification when a settlement not known to you earlier appears

in your view

- effect of the cold weather balanced

In general you don't get frostbites that easily anymore and

you will be notified about your bodyparts getting cold earlier
than before. You can get such notifications even on a
cold autumn night if you are dressed lightly. But the frostbites
are something don't need to be worried about until winter.

- tile-graphics overhaul + other fresh graphics

* Most of the tiles have been re-drawn, especially the ones

representing the terrain. And this is because we have
overlapping tiles now! The game looks a lot different compared
to previous version, but you'll surely get used to it.
This is a kind of improvement that is better to see than
to read about, so this is all I write about it :)
* Added different kind of door and shutter tiles depending on
the wall they are at.

* A bunch of fresh pictures:

- background picture for the ritual screen
- walking, running, fallen and hiding character pictures
- village
- your settlement
- fence (in game-info)

- Statistics screen has been slightly re-arranged and stylized

In addition to hunger and thirst meters, you can also see your
characters' warmth and level of exhaustion as a verbal
descriptions. Notice that the warmth of your character isn't
updated immediately after wearing or removing clothes, or warming
up by the fire. Also when you leave your cosy campfire or house
you will only gradually start to cool down - which is a good
thing thinking about the cold winter.

- fixed: rare bug where walking on the zoomed in map sometimes ended up
in a generation of a blank terrain

- fixed: time not passing when using "rest a turn" key command: [.]

- fixed: a human encounter on the wilderness map producing wrong

cultural description

- fixed: "learning by doing" task not completing

- fixed: time-counter of items being prepared not passing correctly

while sleeping

This was mostly a matter of food not cooking while sleeping.

- map marker structures re-organized to fix badly aligned shelter and

settlement markers nearby the coast-line

PREVIOUS VERSION COMPATIBILITY: You will temporarily lose map

markers of your old traps, nets and shelters. When you locate
them again and visit the zoomed in area they are at, the markers
will be activated again. You can also expect to be not zoomed
in your old settlements automatically at first.

The good news are: Shelters and settlements built nearby the
coast-line don't have their markers located on the water

- NPC artificial intelligence improved

* All the NPCs and animals as well can now go around obstacles
in a more intelligent fashion. People can also easily enter
and leave houses now, for example as an attack or an escape
* When the night falls the people will go sleep inside.
* The villagers keep up fires, fell down trees and do
other little activities instead of just randomly walking
- fixed: people occasionally wandering away from clustered or closely
neighbouring villages leaving them empty

- added: more specific nutritional values for different kind of food

For starters this applies only to the amount of energy you get
from a certain food. Fatty meat and rye bread satisfies your
hunger way more efficiently than berries and mushrooms.
Notice that this applies only to the new food you find in
the game, if you are playing with your old character. The
food generated in the previous versions will have the same
average nutritional value as before.
Now that the system has been implemented a more detailed
nutritional values can be easily added later on.

- added new cookery recipe: meat soup

- throw command re-written

First of all it fixes the bug where you couldn't throw

an item from your inventory if wielding something already.

Improved/fixed throw features go like this:

* If you are wielding bow and arrow a bow shot

will be executed upon "Throw" command.
* If you are wielding a bow and select an arrow to be
thrown, the bow will be loaded and a bow shot will
be executed.
* If you are wielding something else than a bow and
arrow you can choose the item to be thrown from
the inventory. If your both hands are already in use
you can only throw one of your weapons.
* If you throw something into a solid obstacle the item
thrown will bounce and land nearby the obstacle,
except the arrows which will hit and get stuck - or break.
* If you throw something into the water it will sink
and vanish with a splash, except the items that float.
Currently only timber and few rare smaller items
will float, so be careful when throwing your goods into
the water.
* There's a limit how far you can throw heavy items.
Missile weapons designed for throwing and arrows
will naturally fly beautifully over the great distances,
but for example heavy axes and swords can't be used as
a long distance throwing weapons anymore. And the
heavy kaumolais spear also now claims its' place as a
close combat weapon. You can throw it if you like,
but as a missile weapon it is heavy, clumsy and

- fixed: possibility to build something at the location with

items being prepared (food cooking, hides getting tanned etc.)

- fixed: move command still relocating items even if the task

was cancelled

- added limit for picking up heavy loads

Every character can pick up a load of approximately 1.5 times
their weight. Depending on the characters' total encumbrance and
endurance it may still be impossible to move with such a burden
even if it was possible to lift it up.

- animal behaviour improved

* Birds

Birds will fly around their territory, occasionally

landing on the ground to search for food, eat or to
spend a night. Birds can also land on top of the
trees and stay there resting or looking around.
They also don't tend to be too scared of other
beings when flying or sitting in a tree, but will
escape with a rustle if surprised on the ground.
A good hit to a flying or sitting bird will drop
it down and somewhat injured bird can't get on its'
wings anymore.

Bird also do have a separate "on the ground" and "flying"

graphical symbols now.

* Squirrels

Squirrels behave pretty much the same as previously,

running between trees, climbing and jumping from
tree to tree. Squirrels also feel more safe when
up in a tree, thus providing a more static target for a
squirrel hunter. A good hit to a squirrel will drop it
down, usually injuring it up to a degree where it becomes
impossible for the animal to climb up again.

Any animal flying through a tree or sitting or climbing

up there will have its' graphical symbol shown halved/blurred
representing the animal being covered by the leaves and

* All the other animals do move around with a little more

logic in their heads. They can escape in a more clever way,
or circle around you and attack from behind.

version: 3.10-2
released: 10-Jun-2008

** Saved characters from the previous versions (major version 3.10)

** are compatible with this version.



- fixed: animal skin values

Hides gotten during any other season than late autumn or winter
appeared pretty much worthless.
- fixed: animal mobility checks

One could too easily run after and reach most escaping
animals. And vice versa. Now animals are in general faster
than a running man - but stil do have their unique mobility rates.
With a fast, not too encumbered character, running down for
example a hare is still possible. But when a bear rushes at you
at the open area, you don't turn around and run and survive.

- fixed: crash/oddity possibility when picking up a food with longish


Luckily this was only linked to such a delicacy like

'Roasted kuikka-tribe adventurer cut' and such.

- very long item description lines in the inventory menu are cut to prevent
them overwriting other details

- inventory-screen keyboard interface improved

* Inventory page will be switched when moving the item selector

with cursor up/down keys over the page boundary.
* When switching pages with PgDn/PgUp the item selector at the next
page will be located according to its' location at the previous
* When there's only one inventory page or you are at the last page,
pressing PgDn will move the item selector to the last entry.
* At the first page of inventory, pressing PgUp will move the item
selector to the first entry.

- inventory item re-ordering after usage restrained

When eating, using or by other means consuming food or some raw

material from a stack, the re-ordering of the remaining stack
should be less all over the inventory now.

- fixed: weapons thrown and hitting succesfully at small animals (like

squirrels) disappearing

- fixed: "you can't eat the whole [random object] at a time" notification

- fixed: possibility to move on an obstacle with a watercraft

- fixed: animals being able to climb and fly when caught in a trap

- skill improvement overhaul

The old rule of improving skills by using them still applies,

but has been balanced allowing skill usage to improve a certain
skill faster or slower according to how challenging or
educational the task is. When a skill usage is called to
perform a certain task, the improvement possibility of the skill
can be negligible, rare, propable or very propable.

An example:

A negligible skill improvement can be expected when using a

timbercraft skill for cutting wooden stakes. Felling small trees
can be considered as rarely improving the skill. Felling big
trees is harder and propably will teach you something.
And your timbercraft skill will very propably improve
in a log wall building process.

Notice that the improvement is still possible with doing less

challenging tasks, but no way you can expect to become a master
timbercrafter with easy wood cutting exercise only.

The old rules of skills improving faster when your mastery

level is low, and the learning slowing down when you
gain more knowledge, are still true and even more in effect.

All in all, the skill improvement system works now in a much

more realistic manner, and the no pain no gain slogan applies
also to the UnReal World.

- removed possibility to eat salt (directly from a bag)

- eating raw meat/fish is possible only when very hungry

- added quality tags for the food descriptions

You'll find out if your meal came out awful, bland or

delicious when you taste it the first time. When there's no
special quality tag it means the food is plain good.

- added quality tags for fresh skins and prepared hide/leather:

They are:

Ragged, Inferior, - (no special tag means plain good) and Fine

You'll find out the quality of the prepared hide/leather

when the tanning process is complete. You can't also never
get a superb hide out of a very low quality skin.

- fixed: game-course bonus features and rewards happening again

after saving and loading the character again

- fixed: multiple items being cooked not appearing as a graphical


- fixed: rare freezing conflict with UrW, Windows and ntdll.dll upon
displaying start screen graphics

version: 3.10-1
released: 5-May-2008

** Saved character from the major version 3.10 are compatible with this version. **

- fixed: skiing not stopping even if the skis were taken off

- fixed: character getting sleepy too fast

- fixed: dead shopkeepers still trying to trade. Very persistent businessmen!

- fixed: stacks of traps in inventory reducing down to a quantity

of one if a trap was set (applied) from the stack
- fixed: an occasional bug that caused prepared food on the ground
to corrupt when cancelling the progress of a certain item based

- fixed: walking on the zoomed in map not increasing hunger, thirst

nor fatigue

- usage of pots and water containers improved

* "Fill a container" command now also works as an "empty

a container" command. If you try to fill a container
that has something in, the container will be emptied first.
In case of liquid-only containers the re-fill questions
automatically follows. In case of pots, the pot will
be only emptied. This way you can throw away your spoiled
morning porridge.

* Pots filled with water will be automatically emptied

if they are selected as a required item when cooking etc.

- fixed the time required for curing and tanning

* Fixed: curing being instant. Now it takes some time

depending on the skin size.
* Time required to tan skins now better corresponds to the
skin size. Previously it took always more than an hour
to tan even a small skin, now less than half an hour
of work is needed for squirrel skins for example. Bigger
skins, like those of elks and bears, may require working
for few hours.

- fixed: exploit to make a brand new bandages from a strip of bandage

+ similar exploits due to too broad-minded margin in amount

of required raw material.

- allowed possibility to build a fire to a location that can't be

seen for the sake of surviving at the pitch-dark winter nights

- increased the amount of time before the prepared food is overcooked

and spoiled for the sake of more relaxed gameplay

- when using the same inventory command in a row the inventory

will be shown starting from the same entry where you were last time.

- protection value of the clothes you make is now dependent from the
type of the leather/hide used

In brief: a bear fur shirt protects you better than a hare

fur shirt - in general. But notice that the clothes (and the
animal skins) have more than one protection factor, so a
thick leather may be as protective against blunt attacks
as most hides are, but surely it is not so warm.
The hide type is now also included in the name of the
finished cloth, so you'll have a bear fur caps and a cow
leather shirts now. If you mix hide or leather of different
animals the finished cloth will be descriped simply as a "fur
cloak", for example, and the protection value will be the
average of the materials used. However if a significant
amount of the material is of a certain type, the finished
cloth will be labeled and valued according to that. So it's
possible to make a wolf fur cloak even if you needed a few
strips of squirrel in the end.

- success in skinning the carcass has effect now

The more you fail the less skin you'll get. Otherwise the
success (depending on the hideworking mastery) affects
the time required to skin the carcass. Protective value of
the skin stays the same whether you succeed perfectly or
manage to get only a strip of the skin, so this mainly has
effect on trading - the smaller the skin the lesser the value.

- success in tanning has more effect now

Very poor or very good success in tanning is notified in

the produced hide/leather description -> "Poor bear hide",
"Fine cow leather" etc. In the clothmaking this has no
effect, for a badly tanned hide may not be very flexible
but has the same protective value. In trading there
is a significant difference in the price between a poor
and a fine hide.

- fixed a bug where the consumption of items in inventory affected to

similar items on the ground

So you could have a wooden tub of water emptying in your

cottage by drinking from one in your inventory. Same thing
with the food also. Wow. A far out bug. Very magical. But it
had to go.

- fixed items not stacking when eating or drinking from a stack

- fixed annoying inventory re-ordering method upon using items

(eating, drinking, wearing, wielding)

For example: now your stack of bread won't keep jumping

up and down the inventory every time you touch it.

- fixed black grouse skin and fat having negative weight and thus
causing various oddities in inventory

- fixed item descriptions being in plural with single items also

- barking barks removed (nevermind, if you haven't ran into this


- when playing game-courses the next task information will be

displayed automatically upon character load and after completing
the current task

- weight of the logs, tree trunks and blocks of wood corrected

The changes however won't apply to the characters created in

the previous version until a campaign change. Trunks and logs
are now as heavy as they should be.
- fixed: burnt out torches not disappearing from the inventory

- added possibility to use item hotkeys in inventory to

select items also from a non visible next/previous page

- fixed: creatures not walking over the carcasses

- foreign traders' inventories arranged a bit to offer more trading


- fixed exploit: possibility to repeat-fish on the wilderness map

- fixed: deconstruction of sleeping bunk, table, bench and fireplace

clearing out as a ground instead of a floor

- removed character waking up when learning a new ritual or feeling

the presence of the supernatural world

The ritual screen also won't pop up upon this encounter

when there's already a new ritual still to be learned
or if all the rituals have been already learned.

- fixed: skills with a high mastery level decreasing after a ritual

that temporarily improves the skill

- fixed: crash possibility upon talking to a wise man to learn a

new ritual

version: 3.10
released: 22-Apr-2008

*** NOTICE! Saved characters from the previous versions

*** are NOT compatible with this version.

- added a new command: [m]ove items

By this command you can move select items at your location

to a chosen nearby location. The command is useful for
filling a fireplace or adding more firewood to a burning
fire, or moving a pile of heavy logs to another location

- fixed the time passing too quickly when walking on the zoomed in map

- wilderness encounter randomization re-written

* The cultural region (east, west, north) has effect on

how common a certain species is at the region - or if it's
present at all. Few examples:
- Arctic fox is most common in the north, and completely
in the west.
- Elks become rare the norther you go, and the wild
reindeers become more common naturally
...and so on.

* Domestic animals don't appear in the wilderness anymore

* Squirrels, hares and foxes are the most common animals
in general. All the other animals still roam the
UnReal World also but can't be expected to see as often
as previously.

* Humans are more rare in the wilderness. The foreign people,

including both Njerpez and foreign traders, visit the northern
areas very rarely. Foreign traders are most common in the
west, and Njerpez warriors - if you want to meet them -
do raid the eastern UnReal World most often.

* Beavers exist only nearby the water

* In general the wilderness encounters have been balanced

and made more realistic.

- added possibility to choose whether you want to zoom into a local

map to chase encountered animals if they are relatively small

Sometimes you may want to travel on the wilderness map without

automatically getting zoomed in when a small animal is
Encounters with humans and larger animals are always
automatical and have to be dealt on the zoom map.

- wild reindeer is now known as forest reindeer

- weight of the meat and skin gotten from slain animals have been
checked and tuned to better reflect the actual real-life weights

So forget what you have been used to in the previous


- added variying size for the animals

When looking at animals you may find a description like

"Big elk" or "Small lynx". Now there are bigger and smaller
individuals of each animal, and also the average ones.
This way you can go for the bigger animals when choosing
your prey from a flock of reindeers for example. Amount of
skin and meat gotten from the slain animal is also relative
to its' size.

- added possibility to offer multiple items when trading

- "How many?" box re-written

When there's need to select a number of items (for example

when picking up from a stack) the "How many?" question box
will pop up. Good old [ENTER] selects all, and keys from
1-9 selects the appropriate amount, without need to press
enter afterwards. For picking up a freely chosen item count
you need to press [SPACE] and enter the number. "How many?"
question box is also mouse sensitive.

- game-courses and task info screen improved and updated

There are now three game-courses, instead of previous four,

but the tasks in each now differ more than previously and
there's less repetition and also a bunch of whole new tasks.
Task info screen also now shows you related key commands to
complete the task thus making the game-courses more
convenient for UnReal World rookies.

- fixed a bug that made it possible to pick up an item that is still

being prepared if there were other items at the same location

- a larger number of items on the ground will also be shown graphically

as a bunch of items

- fixed the possibility of catching a large number of a species of fish

which actually wander alone or in small groups

So don't expect to catch several pikes etc. at once anymore.

- a new inventory menu

The inventory menu, from where you select items to eat,

wear, drop, use and so on, has been rewritten. The new
menu works in the same way as the previous one but has a new
look and is completely mouse sensitive. Usage of drinks
and foods, condition of armours and clothes etc. is also
shown graphically instead verbal description.

- added mouse sensitive item selection list for picking up items

Now you can select items to pick up freely from a list.

- added a bunch of new items

* A stone. These can be found on the zoomed in terrain maps.

Stones are needed for some building jobs.

* A board. Boards can be made from big tree trunks with the
timbercraft skill and are used in some construction tasks.

* 4 new axes: broad axe, woodsman's axe, carving axe and

splitting axe. The new axes have unique graphical
symbols of their own and characteristics that make them
more handy in some tasks than in others. Check out the
descriptions for the new axes in the game-info browser to
learn more.

- separate survival skill options for collecting branches and

spruces twigs have been merged into a one single option

When using the "collect branches" survival option the type of

branches gathered depends on the tree you're collecting from.
From conifers you get spruce twigs, all others will produce

- many game-screens have been graphically renewed and made

completely mouse sensitive:

* Character profile screen.

* Random world creation screen. There's now also an option
to view the cultural territories of the created world.
* Map of know areas. You can view cultural territories from
here also.
* Ritual screen, armour coverage and wounds screens are
now completely mouse sensitive, including the possibility
to launch the game-info browser by pointing and clicking.
* Skill-screen has been graphically renewed and is now
completely mouse senstive. Yes, you can point and click
a skill to use it. And yes, you can improve your start-up

skills during character creation also by pointing and

* Game-course selection screen.
* Game-info browser. It's completely mouse sensitive now.
Just point and click to follow the links.
* Character log. Options to turn pages to a certain day or
month are temporarily disabled, but will be restored later
* List of game-commands (?-key) screen.

- "You have gotten lost" random encounter has been removed.

- changes in cookery and recipes

* There's now only a single long list of recipes, instead of

* A few recipes, for example fish soup and veggie dish, have
been removed to be added later on with more detail.
* Boiled mushrooms are now blanched mushrooms.
* When food is made in a pot, you'll find the prepared
food listed under FOODS in your inventory. Naturally
this kind of food needs to be eaten, instead of drank
like previously. When you have eaten all of your
pot of porridge for example, the pot will appear empty
in your inventory under DRINKS & CONTAINERS.
* Added a new recipe: Smoked fish.
* Preparing salted meat or salted fish now takes up to a few
days, instead of a few hours like previously.
* When salt is required in cookery, the amount of salt
needed is relative to the amount of food being prepared.
* It's now possible to bake flat bread in the embers of a
burned-out campfire in addition to baking it in a
fireplace - which previously was the only option.

- smoother changes in the color of the ground according to the


There are now some 20 shades of ground, so you'll see

the ground turning green in the spring and white in the
winter in a much smoother manner.

- estoc, rapier, falchion, morningstar and warflail have been

completely removed because they actually belong to an entirely
different historic era

- added a new command to repeat the last action

Key-command for this is <r> - and you just can't forget it

since the last repeatable action and this little but powerful
key-command are continuosly shown on the main game-screen.
Now you can repeat virtually EVERY action you ever perform
in the game. For the sake of usefulness, minor actions (like
eating or dropping items) don't overwrite the last repeatable

- "required item selection" overhaul

This is a major change which greatly affects gameplay,

making it smoother and more realistic when it comes to the
role of specific tools for specific tasks.
"Required item selection"-screen is the one that pops up
when you need to select ingredients for cooking or materials
for building and so on. The improvements here
* If you are wielding any tools that are required for the
task you are performing, the wielded tools will be
automatically selected if they are suitable for the
task. If you are wielding more than one tool, the more
suitable one for the task will be selected.
* Some tools are better suited for certain tasks than others
and the tool chosen will affect the success of the task
as well as the time required to perform it. When a
specific tool is preferred for a certain task, you'll
be notified about this during item selection:
"You need an axe - preferably a woodsman's axe" etc.
You'll also be notified if the item you are using is
poorly suited for the current task. It is possible to
perform a task that prefers (for example) a specific axe
with nearly any axe, but the work is easier and the
result is better when you use the proper tool for the job.
Sometimes two different types of axe may be required
for the task to complete it most efficiently. This
is the case for example when building log walls.
* When multiple items are required you can select them
from separate item stacks. For example if you need 2lb.
of water, and have a pot of water and a skin of water
with 1 lb. left in each, you can select one of them and
the "item selection"-screen simply prompts you to
select additional units until the required amount is
achieved. You can now also select multiple small pieces
of fur to complete a piece of clothing that requires
more fur than you have in one single piece. Also,
if the task requires five pieces of tying equipment you
can use three cords and two ropes if that's what you have.
* If the task to be done gets cancelled after the required
items are selected, the chosen items won't vanish but
return in your inventory.
* Sometimes you may be asked for optional but not
necessary items, for example in some cookery recipes.
Just exit the item selection if you don't want to use
or don't have the optional items.

- building construction is now a tile-by-tile procedure.

You can now freely choose whether you want to build a corner
here or a wall there. The shape and size of the building isn't
restricted at all anymore. You can also build shutters, doors,
tables, benches, sleeping bunks and fireplaces!
There's also a new option to deconstruct things you have
built, so you can remove a wall, a door, a shelter etc. if

- changes in make items/constructions menu

* Separate fur and leather clothing sub-categories have been

merged into one single list of clothes to make.
* Fence and cellar building options now appear in the buildings
* Some constructions now require boards in place of logs.
One example is when building a cellar - which also no longer
requires you to dig a pit before building, although you do still need
a shovel to build one.

- militant style, armed elder tribesmen have been removed.

In their stead you'll now meet some old villagers.

- culture information added to NPC descriptions

From now on you'll find NPCs like "Kaumolais hunter",

"Owl-tribe maiden", "Sartolais sage" etc.

- added unique graphical symbols for the peoples of the three major
cultural regions.

Thus eastern, western and northern people look a bit


- all the human NPCs are generated in a more detailed and versatile

Each human NPC is generated individually, instead of the

previously used less-varying pre-randomization method.

- culturally linked items

All of the items that people use, carry, possess and craft now
differ from culture to culture.
This goes for hunting weapons, bows, armour types,
tools, even their knives. There are some clear and strong
differences and characteristics. For example: A koivulais
hunter will carry different kinds of equipment than a
kiesse hunter. A bowyer from Reemi won't make the same
types of bows that can be found in Driik. If an islander prepares
himself for warfare, he'll be carrying different weapons
than what a kaumolais warrior would have etc. The items you
can obtain from the craftsmen at the villages are also
culturally linked, so if you are after Driik-style weapons
you really need to go to Driik for them. And if you'd
like to get yourself a northern bow, then to the north you must
go. So now there is a real chance of cultural exchange, and
the only way to find out what a certain cultural region
could offer to you is to go there and see for yourself.
You may want to read more information about the cultures from
the game-info browser, as culture now has a much greater impact
on the game-world than ever before.

- culturally linked start-up equipment

The start-up equipment your character gets are also culturally
linked so you'll get only items that are characteristic to the
culture you have chosen.

- a change in tanned skin description

If the tanned skin is fur the description after tanning will be an

animal hide ("Bear hide" for example). Tanned skin of non fur-bearing
animals is decriped a leather (for example "Cow leather").

- amount of firewood you get from one block of wood has been corrected.

You'll get more firewood per block than previously, the actual
amount that corresponds to the original weight of the block.
Annotation: a splitting axe is the best tool to use for splitting

- direction and target selection stylized a bit

The look of the direction and target selection info-box is new,

and you can also use the mouse to select the desired location
when choosing the direction of an action.

- some changes in sub-menu hotkeys, descriptions of actions and

in times and materials required to complete certain tasks.

Just minor changes and tuning here and there, nothing

too confusing.

version: 3.04-2 - a bugfix patch for version 3.04
released: Jan-08-2007


- fixed key commands occasionally not working when entering the


Phew! This annoying show stopper bug is now history. It

was launched if your last action prior to entering the
main game screen was a mouse click.

- fixed hiding making the game really laggy sometimes

- fixed occasional crash when looking at certain creatures

This was caused by string a overflow, with creature names

such as "Elder tribesman called 'Matti'".

- added avatar graphics with fallen symbols

Thanks for fallen avatar symbols go to nickname "Eternal"

from UrW-forums.
version: 3.04
released: Dec-16-2007

- a new installer
The look of the installer is fresh, and now it also
creates a start menu folder for the game with unistaller
and list of new features shortcuts.

- savefile size reduced

It's starting to be reasonable now.

- fixed map screen [F6] sometimes getting filled with markers

Although I wasn't able to completely find out which caused

the bug to appear I think the map screen is less prone to
it now.

- slight tuning in map genarator

* amount of inland area lakes recuded

* amount of villages (especially in archipelago) reduced
* close groups of settlements (driikil�is and reemil�is
villages) made slightly smaller - but not too much - as
their density is intentional

- introducing a new creature randomization system as applied to

Njerpez warriors and foreign traders

Now Njerpezit and foreign traders will be created and

randomized as you encounter them. Pre-randomizing system
isn't applied to them anymore. This way the new Njerpezit
and foreign traders you encounter will be completely
different individual beings everytime. Previously there
was less variation and only a bunch of different
pre-randomized beings among them. In the future all the
beings of the UnReal World will be included in the new
new randomization system.

- removed excess amount of swords and metal armours from Njerpez

warriors and foreign traders

Foreign traders still carry metal armours for trading,

but this is more balanced now and not everyone of them is
packed with several pieces of armour.
Variety of weapons and armours the Njerpez warriors will
carry is also balanced and there aren't that many
swordsmen among them anymore.

- fixed bug with food left in the cellar spoiling quickly after
taking it out

- removed possibility to choose another starting scenario upon

changing campaign

- fixed bug potential code in data structures

Various item related bugs and oddities, like hides to be

cured appearing as *unmatchablestring*s etc., might have
been result of the found and now fixed bug potential code.

- swimming improved
SWIMMING-skill is now merely a zoom-map skill. To swim,
your character must be facing towards the water and upon
using the skill he/she will enter the water. After this
you only need to move your character normally to swim
If the characters' physical penalties (encumbrance,
fatigue, injuries) make the swimming considerably harder
you will be notified about it when entering the water,
and also during swimming if they grow up to risky levels.
Fatigue keeps growing as you swim and it may tire up your
character to the point of drowning.
You can also rest while swimming by using key command [.]
but can still sink under the water.
With a low swimming skill your character more likely
doesn't manage to progress forwards than be in danger of
of drowning fast.
If your character keeps sinking under the water it should
be taken as a warning. Three consecutive sinks result in
passing out and drowning.
Swimming nearby the coast-line or in small ponds, where
the water isn't deeper than your height, is always risk
Swimming in rivers is more difficult and in rapids it can
get really, really hard.

- natural attack damage levels reasoned

Maximum damage factor has been added to prevent some

animals to cause too much injury with a single attack.
This has been applied mostly to attacks of smaller and
less dangerous animals. Now there's no way a fox can
cause bleeding wounds thru any thicker armour, or a sheep
kill you instantly with a kick in the neck. Now the
badgers can't rip off your arms nor you need to be afraid
of beavers easily gnawing you to pieces.
As a result of adding maximum damage factor, wearing
any reasonably thick armour will protect armoured
bodyparts from attacks of smaller animals practically
Humans also had tendency to act like ninjas when
unarmed, kicking you easily in the head. Now this kind
of unarmed attacks are directed to the body area.
Some sudden and fatal damage can still happen, but
this should be more rare and within reason now. There
could be a furious wolf going for your unprotected throat
and finishing you with a single crushing bite or a horn
of a wild bull might hit you right in the eye etc.

- ritual screen slightly re-arranged

You can now choose general ritual information by pointing

and clicking [R] button with mouse. The same thing
applies to [ESC] button also. When the screen is shown
upon character creation or when learning a new ritual you
can't exit it (confusingly) by selecting a ritual - now
it must be done by clicking or pressing [ESC].
A small info box will keep you informed about available
version: 3.03.1 - first bugfix patch for 3.03
released: Oct-31-2007



- fixed "Trade by barter" task completion not working properly

- fixed villagers travelling too far away from village center

Especially medicine men, children and women won't go

wandering away from the village area anymore.

- possibility to find a medicine men in villages increased

- character will be able to sleep even when very hungry or thirsty

The sleep will be shorter and not as refreshing but


- humans don't have a neurotic urge to drop their items in buildings

or building sites anymore

- decreased possibility of encountering creatures on areas with

animals or humans already

Wildlife will avoid this kind of areas so you don't end

up finding a zoo at your backyard as (annoyingly) easily
as previously.
Moreover now it's pretty useless to try to encounter
random wildlife when traveling with two cows, a wife and
a barking dog etc.
Encountering wildlife in villages is also fixed.

- fixed warnings in code which MAY HAVE caused some problems with
UrW and Windows Vista.

However, I can't be 100% sure of this, so please send me

reports of game crashing if you happen to get some.

version: 3.03
released: Oct-11-2007

*** NOTICE! Saved characters from the previous versions are NOT compatible ***
*** with this version. ***

- fixed possibility to burn down caves

- random world options menu after map creation is now mouse sensitive

It works the same way, all the hotkeys also, expect that
you zoom into 1:1 view with 'Z' key instead of ENTER.

- swimming balanced a bit

It's a bit easier on the wilderness map now, and a bit

more difficult on the zoom map.

- the fish stuck in a net will die if not picked up soon enough

Now you should check out your nets preferably on a daily

basis, or at very least after two or three days.

- fixed missing 'hideworker' store symbol

Now it appears, but being a symbol of a hide - not a fox

like previously.

- time required to find cover and hide decreased

- fixed occasional problems with 'repeat previous combat option'

- lots of new truecolor and none 256-color images

All the 8-bit images are history. There's a big bunch of

new images including for example:
* new 'character acting' images for moving by watercraft,
setting a trap, making a fire, fishing, working wood,
tanning and curing hides, drying meat or fish.
* new animal pictures of bear, hare, reindeer, snake
* new terrain type images of village, field, lake, river,
rapids, mountain, cave, grove, forests, bogs etc.
...and more.

- current map view enchanched

When on a zoom-map a small image of the current terrain

type with a description will be shown above the actual map
view. More versatile description and scale is shown below
the map view. Wilderness map view remains the same as

- savefile disk space comsumption reduced again just a little bit

This shows only after exploring the world for some time.
Initial savefile size has actually increased.

- character profile menu is now mouse sensitive

Also 'Yes/No' attribute reroll selection upon character

creation can be selected by mouse click.

- trading/chatting improved

There's a whole new chat screen, which is currently used

only in trading for goods or animals and in asking for
directions. However, all the chat options are selected
from the new screen, but when choosing anything else than
'Ask for directions/Trade/Buy an animal' you will enter in
the old chat-engine.

* So, ask for directions option is active again and can be

used to ask for location of villages, lakes and caves.
* New trading system goes like this:
NPC offers an item for a trade and if you are interested
in it the trade will start. You can now choose and offer
items from your inventory until the trade is complete.

Trading will also start when picking up items from

stores - just like before.

* 'Buy an animal' chat option will be available in the

chat option list only in the villages.

New chat screen is also mouse sensitive.

- new setup option: RESIZE QUALITY

The game occasionally resizes certain images. RESIZE

QUALITY setup option can be set to LOW, MED, GOOD or HIGH.
LOW is the worst quality but fastest way to do it, and
HIGH is naturally top quality but most slow. If occasional
resizing feels slowish on your system, you can use this to
speed things up a little bit.
But resizing images actually doesn't happen often at all.

- the world is now culture sensitive!

This means, each region of the world now belongs to some

culture - or in some cases there's no man's land between
settled regions.
Yes! This is a big change, although not utilized very much
yet. But it's there now for future cultural improvements.

- villages improved

Villages and settlements now have characteristics specific

to which culture they belong in. Differences can be seen
in the size of the villages, population, building and
store types. For example Kaumolaiset have rather small
villages and Driikil�iset have bigger, almost town-like
villages. Northern people do live in 'kota's - which are
kind of tents made out of animal hides. You can expect to
find more fishing related stores from Islander villages
and so on. More changes will be added in the future but
there truly is now some effective cultural variety.
You can learn more about cultures and characteristics of
their livelihood and villages from the game info-browser.

- changes in zooming in nearby the shore

When you zoom in nearby the shore and are facing towards
the water you will be automatically located nearby the
coastline on the zoom-map.

version: 3.02
released: May-22-2007

*** NOTICE! Saved characters from the previous versions are NOT compatible ***
*** with this version. ***
*** This is a bugfix version - please take a moment to read also changes ***
*** in 3.00 if you are new to UrW 3.?? versions. ***

- fixed occasional game-freezing when entering a village/crowded


- time required to go into shock and finally die from bloodloss

has been doubled. This of course applies not only to your
character but also to all the other creatures as well

- fixed fast-spoilage bug which occured when transporting food

(with a punt etc.) to an area not visited long time ago

- fixed possibility to leash and steal animals from villages

- fixed oddities in using skis

Sometimes the game didn't correctly recongnize removing

or putting on your skis.

- wielding a weapon in a village isn't a hostile gesture in


This feature was removed because of causing too many

unintentional conflicts.

- fixed "go away" command not working

It didn't work properly when you tried to command people

to get away from your area/settlement.

- appearance of wandering animals slightly tuned

Number of wandering animals on the wilderness map has

been increased a bit. Their moving routines have also
been enchanced. Now it should be easier to find animals
and their tracks from the wilderness. Nevertheless it's
still not too easy.

- changes in TRACKING

Automatical follow of the tracks has been removed. Now

you have to always track and move, and track and move
manually. You will also be notified wether the tracks you
find are fresh or old, so remember to read the
information you get upon tracking carefully.

- fixed bug in encounters on ice

Even though you did encounter something on ice, the

creature never showed up on the zoom map. This has been
fixed now.

- changes in seeing creatures from the distance on the

wilderness map

Now you can spot them only if they are on a relatively

"open" landscape like for example a bog, field etc.
Moreover, it isn't possible to spot small animals like
squirrels, hares and such from a longer distance anymore.
- fixed mobility meter oddities

Now it should work. To clear things out, since mobility

meter hasn't been too precisily documented in the game:
100% mobility means that you are moving with your normal,
unencumbered walking speed. (And how fast that is,
actually depends on your Speed attribute)
Carrying any load or being injured immediately drops the
mobility. If you are running your mobility can get above
100%. Generally running will double your effective
mobility, and being down or crawling halves it.
Notice that total percentage of penalty from injuries and
carried load is reduced from your physical skill mastery
as is, but the mobility is calculated a bit differently.
So don't get confused having 70% mobility with only -12%
total physical penalty or so.

- added fallen/dead/sleeping avatars for Njerpez, Stag, Elk,

Cattle and Bull

- fixed wounds of animals and people wandering with you not


They just didn't heal properly over time. Now they do.

- fixed food packed on animals not spoiling

This old exploit is now fixed.

- added sex choice to character creation

It's chosen after chosing culture.

- all the face portraits are now truecolor images

Some old ones may have gone, and I think there might be
at least one new portrait also. Portraits to be chosen
are related to the culture you choose.

- caves are back

And as result of this game-course tasks "Cave combat" and

"Cave exploration" are now functional. Caves can be found
by the mountains - but they are small ones, no multilevel
dungeons. Most of the caves you find are propably empty
but some may be inhabitated by a lynx or a bear or so.
And maybe you can sometimes find a lonely adventurer or a
foreign warrior lodging there - or at least somekind of
traces of past human visitors.

version: 3.01
released: Apr-18-2007

*** NOTICE! Saved characters from the previous versions are NOT compatible ***
*** with this version. ***
*** This is a bugfix version - please take a moment to read also changes ***
*** in 3.00 if you are new to UrW 3.?? versions. ***
- fixed game-info music not stopping after trying to check out
non-existant information of an inventory item

- fixed 0% left when planting something

- fixed villagers not defending each others upon attack

- fixed wild animals entering villages

- fixed fistfuls of peas not reducing correctly from character's

inventory when using them in cooking

- fixed planting peas -> There started to grow fistful of peas

instead of a pea plant.

- fixed favourableness of the trap-ritual -> There appeared a

tree trunk or other random item when using the ritual.

- fixed day check not working in net-fishing -> You were able to
pick them up and catch something right after setting them.

- fixed plants/berries growing back in an instant after

harvesting them.

- fixed wives dropping items in shops

- disk-space comsuption of character folder reduced down to

one third

- fixed fast-spoilage bug

- when encountering something and zooming in your character will

be turned automatically heading to direction of the
encountered creature. Creatures encountered this way will also
be relatively close to your character - but not necessarily
visible at first.

- fixed possibility to cook something out of spoiled ingredients

- fixed occasional random memory map traces appearing on fresh

zoom areas

- fixed creatures occasionally appearing and moving upside down

- packing and unpacking an animal isn't possible in the water

- new setup option: IDLE ANIMATION

Idle animation can steal quite a bit of CPU usage on slower or
laptop computers. That's why this option was added.

version: 3.00
released: Mar-15-2007

*** NOTICE! Saved characters from the previous versions are NOT compatible ***
*** with this version. ***
*** If you play the game on Linux with Wine, use Wine version 0.9.10. ***
- map structure complete overhaul

The game map, The UnReal World, now consists of one

entire seamless area which is about twice as large as
before. This is a huge improvement which affects the
whole gameplay and is the most significant and was the
most labourious improvement in this version 3.00.
When moving on the zoom maps little loading takes place
when you travel further away from the original zoom-in
location, but the principle of seamless maps stays. You
can travel across the UnReal World in the zoom-in mode
if you like! As mentioned before this brings some whole
new aspects to the gameplay. You can chase your prey
virtually forever, there's no border it can cross and
get away. Same rules of course apply to your character
[ENTER] is used to zoom in and out, like previously.
And you are allowed to zoom out back onto the wilderness
map when you're a reasonable distance away from other
I wouldn't be surprised if the map structure overhaul
has caused some weird bugs since practically everything
in the game has something to do with the maps. I had to
re-write a lots of code and have tried to eliminate the
bugs the best I could but if you still find some, please
do report.
* known bug:
Party members and tame animals are prone to vanish upon
campaign change, so maybe you should think of a little
slaughtering before changing campaign.

- saved characters need A LOT more space than before

Even an initial character creation eats up 70 Mb's of

disk space and it keeps growing during gameplay. This is
not a feature :) but a result of map structure overhaul.

- completely re-written random world generator!

It's so much faster, better and more beautiful that you

have to witness it by yourself, but some major new
features are:
* You can choose to create map from three different
regions of the world: Inland, Northern or Archipelago.
These region types are quite self-explanatory and give
you an idea of what kind of landscape will result of each.
* Option to save and load previously generated maps is
* Rivers. Yes. There are rivers.
* World is generated fast and the result is beautiful
and realistic.
* Random world generator interface is mouse sensitive.
Hotkeys work too.

- game interface made more mouse sensitive here and there

Many menus and lists are mouse sensitive now and you can
point and click the option you wish to select. All the
keyboard commands are still functional and you should
keep in mind that the game is still foremostly keyboard
Mouse sensitive menus are best notified from the alpha
blended bar upon current selection. Clicking cursors
keys or moving the mouse causes the selection to move.
Mouse-click, Enter or possible Hotkey-click then selects
the current option.

- start menu is mouse-sensitive

So loading and creating a character, setup etc. can be

gone thru by pointing and clicking.
The game also now starts immediately after loading or
creating a character without having to choose "Play"
option like before.
Oh, and old pretty unnecessary setup options "fade old
notes" and "permanent map" have been removed.

- "Choice menu" is mouse sensitive now

That's the menu where you choose most of the game options
like what to make, attack type, hit location, how to talk
and many skill-related options etc.
Hotkeys are still working also.

- ritual screen improved and stylized

* Added mouse sentivity. You can select and choose a

ritual by pointing and clicking it with mouse.
* Info texts and button locations have been slightly
* Removed excess keypress previously needed to continue
when ritual screen pops up during character creation.

- "Map of known areas" screen re-written

Even though there is now a bigger world to memorize, this

screen now runs faster than an escaping fox!
There is also new option to toggle map markers ON or OFF,
and since the whole map doesn't fit on one screen you can
scroll it with cursors keys. This screen is also
completely mouse sensitive so you can either use hotkeys
or point and click the buttons with mouse.

- there are no more caves

Yes. Caves have been completely removed. They really

didn't fit into the game anymore. Game-course tasks
haven't been updated yet, so all the cave related tasks
do get accomplished automatically. Might be that somekind
of small caves by the mountainsides will be added later
on, but multi-level dungeons in the UnReal World are now

- little changes in start-up scenarios

"Call of the cave" scenario has been removed and "Hurt,

helpless and afraid" has been moved to take its' place.
In the "Agriculture" scenario start-up equipment now
includes something new to plant: broad beans.

- winter SURVIVAL command "make a hole in the ice" works now

only on the zoom-map.

- wrapped maps removed

This was because of map structure overhaul. Somekind of

maps may be added later on.

- TRACKING-skill and wandering animal routines enchanced

TRACKING-skill now only tries to look for existing

tracks, it doesn't generate them like previously. So if
you are a skilled tracker and just can't find tracks from
a certain location, it's very likely that no animal has
been there for some time. So, wandering animals don't
just magically pop up from time anymore. They are set to
exists in more realistic way and once this is done they
go about their lives and walk the earth as they please.
Now TRACKING-skill is also occasionally checked
automatically as your character wanders throught the
wilderness. This means if you happen to walk across elk
tracks you have chance to notice them even if not
actively using the skill. During the wintertime even a
not so experienced tracker should be able to quite
easily spot some tracks only by roaming around. Of course
this is not infallible and active use of TRACKING-skill
has it's time in hunters life.

- character creation process enchanched and stylized

* Culture, season and portrait selection menus are mouse

sensitive now.
* Visual appearance of the process has been stylized to
be more player friendly and informative.
* Object and creature randomization is comfortably fast
and thus executed automatically everytime.

- flora overhaul

ALL the mushrooms and wild edible plants and berries have
been COMPLETELY re-arranged and re-written. This goes for
their names, growing season and environment and so on.
All of this is now more realistic, and especially the
growing environment has come into play more.
* Once more: All the mushrooms are new. And like before
there are poisonous ones, not so poisonous ones,
deadly and now even psychoactive ones.
* In addition to good old blueberries and such there are
now lots of new berries:
lingonberry, cloudberry, northern bilberry, raspberry.
All of which grow in their natural environment.
* Unique individuals of plants, berries and mushrooms
which can be harvested, ripen and mature at a little
bit different times, earlier or later than the other
Rarely some that ripen very early can even produce two
yields of harvest during their growing season.
* Fruit/crops bearing flora now appears as a plants -
shrubs, brambles and bushes. There is now for example a
blueberry shrub which can be harvested for blueberries.
Harvesting is done like before, by trying to pick up
the plant. If the plant bears fruit/crops, harvesting
will start and after some time you'll be informed of
the results and the harvested crops are added to your
inventory. Time spent for harvesting depends on the
plant. Some berries for example are more slow to gather
than the others.

- added terrain symbol variations and re-drawn old ones

Basically this means there are few different tiles for

some trees, mountains etc. This makes the terrain look
better and more natural. Many of the old symbols have
also been re-drawn.

- procedure to go by waterways modified

Now it goes like this:

- have a punt or raft beside the coast-line
- wield a sesta etc.
- step on the punt/raft and move normally towards the
This is a lot more smooth way than previously. (And if
you happen to do it in the old fashion way by applying
sesta, the game will inform you how things are now.)

- added water depth

The water is shallow nearby the coast and gets deeper

further away. This currently has effect on the fish
populations and fishing and moving with sesta. You can't
go too deep using sesta as it needs to touch the lake

- added new item: Paddle

Paddle is used to move a punt or a raft ahead. With

paddle you can move thru deeper waters than with sesta.
Paddle can be made by yourself. It is located under
"Wooden items" in the "Make" menu.

- zoom terrain generation enchanched

* Lakes and rivers have beautiful curvy coast-lines

matching their wilderness map shape!
Mountainous areas also have curvy edges. In general all
the zoom maps are now far more better detailed
generations of the wilderness locations than before.
* There are new trees:
Rowan and Alder.
And also young trees of already existing species:
Young spruce and Young pine.
Currently different trees don't have much of different
qualities or characteristics but this will be added
later on. Now it only looks very, very nice. One thing
is that young trees aren't visual obstructions, so you
can see but you can't walk thru them.
* Pines, not young nor older, aren't visual obstructions
anymore so you can see easily around in the pine
forests. They still remain as obstacles of course.
* Lots of terrain generation routines have been
re-written to make the zoom maps better represent
the characteristics of each landform type.
* Added new map-symbol:
Currently it has no other use than to serve as a little
eye-candy at pine swamps.

- hills, mountains and their height

Mountains are not obstacles anymore. Not on the

wilderness map nor on the zoom-map. So you don't have to
climb the mountains anymore - just walk. It however takes
more of game-time than walking thru flat terrain.
Then, terrain height has now a slight significance:
When standing on a hill, you can see further away.
Actually only mountains are visual obstructions from the
When standing on a mountain-top you can see as far as..
well, as far as you can see..
So hills and mountains can be used to scan the horizon.
Currently it doesn't matter wether you really are at
the highest point of the mountain or hill. Hills and
mountain tiles of different height will be added later
on - but this is a start.

- slight modifications in getting slender tree trunks

All the young trees will make slender tree trunk when
fallen down. Falling down a slender tree (rowans and
alders) is now a bit faster, but you get only one trunk
from one tree.

- minor animal dangerousness modifications

Lynx and badger made less dangerous.

Bear made more dangerous.

- fishing skill/procedure enchanched

First of all: fishing is now solely a zoom-map skill.

Upon using FISHING-skill a sub-menu with three options
will open. There are options for active fishing, setting
and pulling the net up. When selecting active fishing
you'll be asked to select your fishing equipment. After
selecting good old fishing rod, a club or a spear an
appropriate fishing method is started just like before.
Biggest changes are in net-fishing. From now on nets need
to be set into the deep water. So it's not possible to
set them from the coast anymore.
There's also this separate sub-menu command for pulling
the net up. Picking them up in with [;] command doesn't
work anymore.
After setting the net on the zoom-map a marker will
appear on the wilderness map to show you the location
where the net was set. This helps, or makes it even
possible, to find the net afterwards.

- fish populations and catch enchanced and made more realistic

All the fish now have attributes for their environment

and habitat, time of activity, how rare or common they
are in The UnReal World etc. This brings the fishing to
the new level. Your catch is determided by all these
The fish can have habitats like shallow or deep water,
river or rapids. They can be active for example early in
the morning and late in the evening. Some can be caught
by net, some can't etc.
The fish species remain the same as before.
Few spoilers: perch is the most common fish in the UnReal
World. It lives in lakes, not too deep, and is usually
looking for food in the morning and in the evening.
And if you are after those big delicious trouts or
salmons you'd better head to the rivers. Having some
rapids in that river won't harm at all. But there are
also trouts living in the lakes here and there.

- growing flora has their own symbols

All the growing plants, mushrooms, berries and so on have

their own symbols which look a bit like the adult/ready
plant but are smaller, or just appear as a twig or shrub
without berries etc.
Some plant symbols have been re-drawn, for example turnip
which is now reddish like this old turnip breed has been.

- sounds are panned relative to your characters location/direction

The sounds your character hears during the game already

have loudness relative to the distance from you. Now the
sounds are also panned relative to your character's
location and direction he/she is facing.
For example:
S = something that makes sound, @ = your character


If your character is facing directly to north you'll hear

the sound slightly from the left. If your character
is facing towards the sound then you will naturally hear
it from the center. And if your character is facing
to south you'll hear the sound slightly from the right.
"Heading" screen also still shows the sound location
visually but now you can also find your way to the source
of the sound just by listening carefully.

- added lots of new musics

Intro and "character death" tunes are performed by

FM2000. "Armour coverage" and Outro (game end) tunes are
performed by Armas Huutamo (author actually plays in the
Rest of the musics are from the Primimitive music from
Finland: Home-coming ritual CD which is made by UrW
authors and is available and for sale at the game home
FM2000 and Armas Huutamo CDs are available for example
from Lahna Records: www.lahnarecords.fi
Feel free to support the bands by buying their records,
especially if the music hits you. You can also contact
the author for more info about international orders since
there many different possibilities.

- lying/dead bear has it's own sprite

This is added just for starters. Later on all the animals

and humans get their own lying/dead sprite. So prepare to
see a collapsed bear instead of upside-down bear.

- symptoms of diseases/diet improved

There are many more ailments than before: nausea, stomach

ache, slight and severe poisonings etc.
And some mushrooms for example are deadly or cause severe
poisoning only in large dosages. Small dosages maybe
causing only nausea. Symptoms can also appear only after
few hours, sometimes after few days, from ingestion.
And like before in case of mushrooms: some must be boiled
before eating, and for some even the boiling can't remove
the poison completely.
One new feature you should remember is that eating raw
fish or raw meat isn't good for your stomach.

- storehouses actively restock their supplies

New stuff did occasionally appear at storehouses in the

past too, but this was dependent on the NPCs really to
walk in and leave something they didn't need. In addition
to this, storehouses now also actively restock their
supplies if they are running out. Notice that in the
UnReal World this doesn't magically happen overnight. It
takes days, sometimes even weeks for the storehouse
owners to overcome serious shortage of supplies, but now
it really actually works!

- passing out because of pain/shock modified

Possibility to pass out from getting wounded to limbs or

other non vital areas has been reduced significantly.
Only few pain sensitive limb areas remain. For example
foot and elbow, but the effective impact required to make
the character pass out from this kind of wounds has to be
a lot more severe than previously. Notice that this
modification applies to non-player characters also, since
combat rules are identical for the both parties of the

- regional events re-written/modified

This was because of map-structure overhaul. Njerpez raid
and forest fire events needed most of new code, so they
carry the highest bug possibility.
Avalanche and settler events have been completely removed.

- regional knowledge of non-player characters is temporarily a

plain zero

Because of map structure overhaul NPCs don't temporarily

know anything about their surroundings. Re-writing all of
this would have delayed release of this version too long,
so I decided to do it later on. And especially as the
whole communication system is going to be improved soon.

- some game-course tasks removed (= made automatically accomplished)

Few game-course tasks that were related to old map

structures and caves do get accomplished automatically.
Later on new tasks will be added to replace these ones.
Automatically accomplished task are for example:
"Moving on", , "Secrets of the mountains",
"Cave combat" and "Down we go".

- small islands are safe from encounters

Wandering animals don't appear on small islands anymore.

- added new plant: broad bean

This brings a little more variation to the fields, and

you can grow your own broad beans too. In this version
Broad beans can be eaten raw, but recipes will be added
later on.

- added new truecolor images

* background picture for armour coverage screen

* all four game-course title pictures
* elk, stag, fox, artic fox, lynx, wolf, squirrel
game-info pictures
* big avatars: moving by watercraft, falling a tree.
Also almost all of the old avatar pictures are now
truecolor ones.

- summon the giant pike ritual removed

For most of the players it was too much of a high-fantasy

thing thus removed.

version: 2.92
released: Aug-06-2006

*** NOTICE! Saved characters from the previous versions are NOT compatible ***
*** with this version. ***

- fixed raining at the wintertime

Now it snows. Horizon window still has the same rain symbol
but blue raindrops are replaced by white snow-pixels.

- added notifications of cooked food getting ready or burned

This applies to recipes where the food is left to be

prepared and character's presence isn't needed - that is
currently roasted meat and fish.
Character will smell when the food is ready and when it's
going to burn soon. Your character will smell this
practically every time, but exceptions CAN happen.

- fixed odd food spoiling

This happened in various circumstances:

After spoiling some food by burning it and then handling
not spoiled food. Or sometimes when using cellar etc.
Hopefully it's fixed for good now.

- using newest SDL version at the moment

SDL version 1.2.11


- using newest SDL mixer version at the moment

SDL_mixer version 1.2.7


- few internal graphic routines re-written

Theses are mostly things you can't see except for the
real working floodfill-routine. Just check out the armour
screen. Body areas are completely coloured - the old
floodfill routine was too stupid to do that.

- new true colour background pictures

* Religious/supernatural profile background picture.

It's really supernatural. I like it!
* Armour coverage background picture is the same old one
but a true color version.
* Wounds & injuries background picture is a new one, but
familiar from the start-up screen.

- fixed "I don't see you - you don't see mee" kind of hiding

Previously you could easily sneak beside your target when

looking away from it. When you didn't see your target, it
couldn't see you either. Now this is fixed and it is
actually very important to maintain visual connection to
your target especially when you are getting near to it.

- [t]hrow command improved

When you have both hand in use, primary and secondary

weapon wielded, the command work as previously - you'll
be asked which one to throw.
But when you have at least one free hand you'll be able
to choose directly from your inventory what to throw.
This means you can shoot with your bow, when you have it
wielded, just by using [t]hrow command. No need to wield
arrows like before.
This makes it also few keypresses easier to for example
throw firewood into the fireplace etc.

- avatar revolution

Both character and fellow creature avatars are under big

construction which brings up many possibilities to make
avatars more lively in the future. This is what new we
have so far:
* There's now female character avatar.
* Stag and elk have different avatars.Stag is pretty much
like the old one. Elk is slightly smaller and doesn't
have antlers.
* Added own avatar for squirrel
* Many creatures have now little animation
* Added a color variation for cattle, bull and dog

- achery (and missile attack) improved

* If you are shooting unaware target, a creature which is

sleeping or one which can't see you, and miss a shot,
creatures will still react to the sound of the arrow
and if they are awake they may spot you. Sleeping
animals tend to wake up but not necessarily notice you
at first.
* Human opponents respect the bow and arrow.
That means if you are getting many shots to them
without them getting to close combat range they tend
to escape and take some distance for some time to
protect their skin.
* Animals don't actively dodge arrows or thrown weapons.
So they are easier targets compared to humans who are
aware of your intentions.
* Added size modifier for both archery and thrown weapons.
Creatures noticeable larger than humans are now slightly
easier to hit. On the other hand you'll get a little
penalty for trying to hit smaller animals.
So shoot close when you are after squirrels.
* It has always been easier to hit from the close distance
and now that has been modified slightly even more easy.
So bows are more accurate. Long distance shots still
need great skill or good luck.
* Arrows can break when hitting the target.
Hit to a hard target, like a tree or rock, is very
likely to break your arrow. Hit to a soft target or
creature will also sometimes break the arrow.

- stupid aggressive creature moves removed

Ever met an aggressive creature who just runs around while

your character is scoring nice hits? Me too. That kind of
not-so-wise combat behaviour should be removed now.

- fixed possibility to drop negative number of items

- default install directory changed to "UnRealWorld" instead

of "UnReal_World"

- added two new bird sounds

- added just a tiny possibility to use mouse

It's possible to use mouse to choose a target in shooting,

throwing and checking out a distant location etc. This is
kind of testing, so report back if it doesn't work.
Good old arrow keys are still working.
Left mouse button also works as ENTER key everywhere in the

- added ambient and moving sounds

As you walk, crawl, run or row your punt you'll hear a

corresponding moving sound.
Now there is also ambient sounds in the background all the
time. These include basic humming of the wilderness, wind
and rain. There are on/off config options for both moving
and ambient sounds if you like the silence better.

- characters will endure freezing weather a little bit better than


- added wintertime bonus for furs produced

All the furs produced during wintertime will be more

valuable than those produced during other seasons. This is
because the animals have thicker fur at the wintertime.
The value difference is not shown within the item name yet
but you'll notice the difference when trading.


-- fixed random crashing which occured especially in villages.

-- hides disappearing when trying to tan them fixed.

-- food continuing to roast after picking them up fixed.

-- game not recognizing completing "make roasted meat" task fixed.

-- food not roasting while sleeping fixed.

version: 2.91
released: May-12-2006

*** NOTICE! Saved characters from the previous versions are NOT compatible ***
*** with this version. ***
*** Data structures have been changed also, so if you are using some ***
*** editors don't expect them to work either. ***

- fullscreen initialization options

Instead of just choosing fullscreen mode ON or OFF there's
now to alternative methods initialization methods: ON1 and
ON2. If you can't get the game running in fullscreen mode
by just choosing ON you can try ON1 or ON2. I'd like to
receive reports if these options do any good for those few
who haven't gotten the game work in fullscreen mode
previously. Removing SETUP.URW file from your UrW
will reset the settings if the game fails to start after
mode changes.

- internal game data structure improved

This is something the players won't notice, but it will

start affecting the game in the future. This is linked to
having better organization of information about items
being prepared.
Now you can see amount of dried or smoked food in
preparation AND cooking has improved a bit... (see below)

- cooking of few recipes improved

You don't have to sit still while preparing roasted fish

or roasted meat. Now you leave them by the fire to get
roasted and can move and work while they are being
More recipes will be changed to work like this in the

- character directory removal after death

Fixed - I think. Although it has worked in my system for

a long time so can't be 100% sure.

- little more animation

Other creatures move a little more while they are active

(not sleeping etc.) and you own avatar also when he/she
is doing some tasks.

- exhaustion behaviour improved

When character gets really tired from not sleeping the

fatigue meter will start to grow. At some point fatigue
prevents the character from walking without small
resting periods. If exhaustion keeps continuing character
finally starts to fall down and fall asleep. At first
sleep is light but finally, after severe exhaustion,
turns into unconscious one making it possible to die from
coldness, thirst or attacks during sleep. It's much more
realistic now. Not possible to keep crawling around for
days without sleeping anymore.

- graphical improvements

Hey, aren't there few true color images in the game now?
Yes! Start-up and character creation screens and few
other are now true color ones. And more is to come.
- new sounds

fall, shooting with a bow, timberwork, horse guffaw,

reindeer and elk coughing and bawling sounds, corpse
skinning and cutting sounds, whimpering (small animals),
snuffle, new roar variation, snorting and grunting sounds
(pigs and bears), water sounds, few birds as nature
sounds, good old "harr"-sound when encountering something
is also back, tree falling down sounds, running sound for
escaping animals, burp sound, eating sound (which is
original), thumps and cracks and block sounds for combat,
player gets hit sounds (these are original also), death
scream, and three variations of ritual performing chants!

- added just a little of touch of 3D to nature sounds

Nature sounds come randomly panned and with varying

volumes to give a nice little feeling of space.
True origin of sound related panning will be added later.

- colors fixed from map generation screen

Colors of villages and some forest areas were buggy.

That's fixed now.

- new musics

Dramatical heavy drum beat added to armour and wound



-- added full-screen mode and setup option for it

This option is enabled from the setup. By default the game starts
in a windowed mode, but if you prefer full-screen then just toggle
it on from the setup, start the game again and it should run in a
full-screen mode.
If it doesn't, report to me, and play in a windowed mode.
Deleting file SETUP.URW will restore setup defaults, if you fail
to do it manually.

-- added setup option to turn background music on/off

-- fixed trading bug

This is a victory! It was quite totally messed up, but should work
with no problems now.

-- fixed pressing-shift-key-alone-clears-the-previous-attack-buffer bug

-- wound screen: fixed wounds being drawn "outside" of the body

-- fixed year-number-not-increasing bug

-- keyboard correspondence fixed:

numpad zero (0) and period (,) are working now.


-- fixed memory leaks

There were many of them in addition to reported armours / wounds screens.

Report if you find more.

-- horizon statistics screen is updated while sleeping so you see sun and moon
traveling quickly accross the sky

-- pageup, pagedown, home & end keys didn't work except the ones in the numpad. Now
they do work.

-- ritual performance screen wasn't showing. Now it is.

-- clock ticking while doing tasks was too slow. Now it's faster.

version: 2.90B
released: Jan-20-2006

*** This is the first Windows release of UrW ever. So, the game is very likely ***
*** more buggy than the previous versions ever were. There are really not many ***
*** new features that a player would notice - the game just has been ported to ***
*** Windows environment. ***
*** From this version on the evolution of Windows UrW is just about to start. ***
*** The game actually lacks some of the features of older versions. (See list ***
*** below) ***
*** Please do report especially the new bugs you find. After a relatively ***
*** stable Windows version has been released, new game features will be added. ***

What's "new" or has been removed/changed:

- when creating a character object creation part has gone slow.

You'll see numbers running during this process.

- the game doesn't run in full screen, but in 800*600 sized window.

- take a screenshot [F10] doesn't work

- loading of maps into rndworld generator doesn't work.

- occasional problems to remove directory of dead character.

Some very rare reported problems in this matter.

If directories aren't removed correctly you can do it manually.

- screen and colors and stuff:

There are no screen fades in/out.

- sounds & music:

All the music and sound effects from the old version are forgotten
and gone forever. They were of low quality. UrW will be having completely
new and a lot better set of music and sound effects in the future.
For now there are just a few sounds effects and even less music.
This is what we have currently:
- monotonic shaman drum beats and one rythm in start-up, character
creation and death/quit background music
- few animals sounds: cow, sheep, dog, plus few growls and roars
- water (when swimming etc.), opening and closing door sound
- start-up menu selection sound
- wolf howl and owl (as a night time sound)
- few battle sounds

What is new already in current sound effects interface is the fact

that there are few variations for sound effects. I try to keep it
that way when adding more sounds. You will also hear from the sound
volume how far the cause of the sound is from you. This doesn't apply
to wilderness map.

- map item limit of 200 pieces:

I think I removed it! Hopefully.

version: 2.80
released: May-24-2004

*** NOTICE! Saved characters from the previous versions are NOT compatible ***
*** with this version. ***

- fixed tons of bugs.

...just to mention couple of:

* Fixed "the easy women"-bug.

You can't no more get a wife just by saying one
carefully chosen sentence.
* In making items water skin no longer work as "skin"
of an animal.
* You can go ashore on a map location with a shelter.
This was previously impossible.
* In addition to a maximum number of items a certain
animal can carry there's also limit in weight now.
You can't pack logs on a sheep no more etc.
* Item symbol of fish foods prepared is now fish,
previously it was a "ham" symbol.
* You can cancel your attack at any phase; in choosing
enemy, aspect or location.

- people do respect the fences

Only aggressive or escaping people now climb over the

fences. So now you can protect your home and property
a little bit better by enclosing it by a fence.

- new graphics

* added new startup screen

* added couple of new character faces for each culture.
These include couple of portraits that some UrW
playrs have sent to me. Hopefully the persons
concerned will recognize themselves.
* new "hiding" and "shooting with a bow" small pictures

- added some animation

The animation is very little and there's not so much of

it yet, but now that these routines have been coded
more is to come.
Now you can see animation in:
* waves and fire.
* some creatures as they peacefully move about:
cattles, bulls, dogs, snakes, sheeps,
shopkeepers, women

- vegetable kingdom is associated with turning of seasons

All the plants, berries, mushrooms, vegetables and so

on, are associated with turning of seasons. They start
to grow in the spring and if not harvested will die
in the late autumn. Now the vegetarian food you find
from the wilderness may be ready to be picked up or
still growing. If you happen to find an area with lots
of vegetarian food in a growing phase you can come
back after a while and find them ready to be
harvested. Also the plants you leave untouched in
the autumn will die when the cold weathers come but
start growing again in the next spring. The area you
completely harvest won't propably have new plants
growing in the next spring.

- change in FORAGING-skill

The skill only makes you find young, growing plants.

Plants that are ready to be harvested you should
find and notice by walking around the current area.

- added new skill: AGRICULTURE

Yes, it is now possible to grow some crops! Use the

skill when you posses some appropriate plants or
Generally you should plant your crops in the spring
and harvest them in the autumn. The growing season
is between those two seasons. Some plants and crops
need more time to grow than the others, and some need
to be planted earlier than the others because of their
sensitivity to cold weather. It's also possible to
plant or sow something in the late autumn for the next
year. Even if the plants wouldn't have time to make a
harvest that year they can pass the winter and start
growing again in the next spring.
The plants/seeds you are going to plant or sow have to
be healthy, not spoiled. You may want to start looking
for these early in the spring because finding them is
not always easy. Currently it is possible to plant
turnips (from turnip seeds) and peas (from fistful of
You'll learn more by trying the skill out and reading
about it from the game info browser.
There are two agriculture options:
- Prepare the soil
- Plant/sow something
When you have selected a place where you wish to grow
something first you have to make the woodland fertile
with a burn over procedure. Fall down some trees and
set them on fire. When the fire has burnt out and the
remainding of the fire are left use "Prepare the soil"
option. The soil at the certain location will be now
prepared for you to plant/sow something. Burn over
and prepare the soil until you satisfied with size of
your agricultural area. After this you need to wait
until the ground has cooled down. Remainding of fire
will disappear and prepared soil can be seen. Now you
can use "Plant/sow something" option.

- added new item

* Turnip seeds - with these you can grow your own


- you have to set the fire burning in fireplaces

There is no longer everlasting fire burning in the

fireplaces. You'll have to set the fire burning by
using SURVIVAL-skill. The procedure is the same as in
building up a normal campfire. First wield and throw
enough firewood into the fireplace. Then use SURVIVAL
skill to get the fire burning. Once the fireplace has
been heated up it stays warm for a long time. You can
warm yourself beside it or cook something after the
actual fire has burnt out. This is advantage of
fireplaces compared to a normal campfile.
Now, if the weather is cold, you'll have to remember
to warm up your house before it' s comfortable for
example to go to sleep.
Also sauna stove must be heated up before there is
use to throw water on it by applying the sauna scoop.
Fireplaces are now also used in cookery. Certain
recipes can be prepared only in the heated fireplace.

- recipe categories re-arranged

Recipe categories for cookery are now as follows:

Meat recipes
Fish recipes
Soups and drinks
Vegetarian recipes

Some recipes have been moved into another category.

For example "Fish soup" has been moved from "Fish
recipes" to "Soups and drinks"

- changes in some recipes

* "Flat rye bread" recipe

Flat rye bread now needs to be prepared in heated
fireplace. Previously normal campfire was required.
* "Smoked meat" recipe
Smoked meat needs to be prepared indoors with a
a recently heated fireplace. It takes couple of
weeks before the meat is ready.

- new cookery recipes

* two turnip recipes: stewed turnip & boiled turnip

(under "Vegetarian recipes" category.
* pea soup
(under "Soups and drinks" category)
* dried meat
(under "Meat recipes" category)
It's possible to prepare dried meat only when the
weather is cold and dry enough. That is from the
beginning of the winter till the spring. Dired meat
is prepared by hanging cuts of meat on the wall
outside of some building. Then the meat is left
there for at least month. This is worth of the
trouble because dried meat keeps good virtually
* dried fish
(under "Fish recipes" category)
The procedure is the same as in making dried meat.
It takes a little less time to dry fish. Dried fish
also keeps good for a very long time.

- cellars added

Cellars are for preserving food and especially

vegetables. Bread, meat or fish stored into the cellar
also keeps good significantly longer but vegetables
can be preserved in cellars from autumn till the next
Cellars are large pits dug into the ground and
strengthened and packed up with slender tree trunks
and rocks.
It is possible to build your own cellar by using
[M]ake-command and [B]uildings & Misc-category.
To store something into the cellar just walk on it
and [d]rop the food you wish to store.
To get something from the cellar walk on it and use
[,] pick command or use [:] command to check out what
is in the cellar.

- wives do not fight beside you anymore

Now wives only watch helplessly as you enter into a

fierce battle or someone attacks you. This prevents
them from doing any foolish, like attacking superior
enemy, while you are away. You should protect your
wife, not the vice versa.

- new chat option: "Command"

There's a new chat option "Command". Now you can

command your party members, wife and other people to
do something for you. Not everyone will obey your
every command though. This chat option can be executed
from the further distance than the usual chat options.
Commands are:
* "Wait a moment"
You can command someone to stand still for a moment.
They'll continue moving about after a while. This is
useful if you have something to say to someone who
is just about to walk away, behind a house etc. and
you are afraid you'll loose him.
* "Wait here"
This commands someone to stand still until you give
him/her a permission to move again. This way you can
keep your companions out of trouble and prevent them
from going somewhere you don't want them to go,
for example not to rush into the fight. If you leave
the area your companions will start to follow you
again again. So you still need to use "Greet" option
to tell your wife to wait until you come back from
the longer journeys.
* "You can move about now"
This gives someone a permission to move again.
* "Go away!"
Used to the people to leave your territory or home

- two new start-up scenarios: "AGRICULTURE" and "HURT, HELPLESS, AND AFRAID"

version: 2.70
released: Dec-14-2002

*** NOTICE! Saved characters from the previous versions are NOT compatible ***
*** with this version. ***

- some bugs fixed - as always.

Hopefully I fixed something that made YOU to use a bad language.

- there's no longer need to be afraid of angry dogs in the villages.

- trap-pits can be filled again (and therefore removed) by using

a shovel.

- animals can be milked only once a day.

- bloodscapes and remaindings of fire will eventually fade away

in a couple of days.

- you don't learn rituals straight away anymore.

You will be notified when you are about to learn a

new ritual. The ritual will appear in the ritual
menu, but before you can use it you must talk to
some wise man or a sage to learn the correct words
and manners to perform the ritual.

- shelters you build are marked on the wilderness-scale map

and on the 'Map of known areas'(F6)
- added new item to make: stone-axe

- bloodthirst of small carnivores (fox, ermine etc.) reduced.

They still can hurt you so bad that you lose your
consciousness but they don't (on purpose) try to
finish you after you've passed away.

- maximum amount of meat to be cooked at once recuded from 40 to 20 pieces

- Oatmeal is now called porridge

- added new item: Bag of rye-flour

In the villages bags of rye-flour can be found from

granaries and food storehouses. Rye-flour can be
used to bake bread and cook porridge.

- added 3 new cookery recipes: smoked meat, porridge & flat rye bread

Smoked meat must be prepared indoors, preferably at

sauna. After you've hung up the meat nearby the
fireplace to get it smoked and dried it takes
several days before it's ready.
Notice: when you come to get the smoked meat they
are picked up one-by-one, not in a stack. This is
because of internal structure of the game - so dont
send a bug report about this :)
For cooking porridge you need flour. A porridge
made this way is rather rough and takes some time
to cook, but the recipe is easy and as we all know
porridge is a good breakfast.
Flat rye bread is a simple bread made from
rye-flour and water.

- people in the villages now really defend each other.

When attacking a single villager you can now expect

to have virtually everyone in the village to attack

- you don't no more get charged of assault when people walk into
your traps.

Previously you could get charged of criminal

activity even if your trap was honestly set for
wild animals.

- people have some new stories and matters on their mind.

Thanks for these go to Johannes Leino. Have a nice


- added possibility to get a wife.

It's hard to give any tips within the field love,

but there are some general guidelines.
* Only Maidens are good wife candidates.
* It takes some time to get her interested. You
must be a known person in the village where your
sweetheart lives, so remember to visit there
pretty often.
* It all starts by talking with a girl. You can ask
her some directions or anything at all to make
a contact. After you get to know each other a bit
you can occasionally greet her or have a little
chat with no particular reason. You know...
* You'll notice when the girl gets interested.
* Women love gifts, so be sure to give valuable
items to your sweetheart. (There's finally a good
use for anklets and necklaces) You propably know
that women like expensive furs and beautiful
clothes more than weapons and tools.
* Talk to the girl a lot, leave the village and
come back after a while, let her miss you for
awhile, then return and surprise her with a gift
and so on...
Do this for days, weeks or months - whatever it
takes. Patience is good. If you think things
aren't going fast enough you may try to give her
more and more gits. Listen to her - you'll then
know where you are going.
So what's so special about a wife then? If love
doesn't count there's still something left;
If you are wounded or suffer from a disease, every
night slept with your beloved one improves your
healing rate. So it's a good idea to come home to
rest with your wife if you've got hurt during your
Cookery made with your wife is twice as fast as
alone and you'll make better meals too. So it's
very reasonable to come home to your wife afer a
succesfull hunt, and prepare the prey together.
Wife can be told to stay at the certain place.
Usual procedure is to tell your wife to wait for
you, at your cottage for example, when you go
hunting or on a dangerous expedition. Chat option
'Greet' is used to tell your wife to stay where
you are or to walk with you.
After you've got yourself a wife your main
objective as a man is to keep her fed. If you
leave her alone without food for a long time you
can be sure she'll be gone when you come back. So
always remember to give her enough food when you
are going away for days.

- required time to dig or fill a trap-pit increased.

As I've been correctly reminded it takes more like

hours than fifteen minutes to dig a reasonable
size pit, so digging or filling a trap pit now
takes about 1-2 hours.

- wild animals avoid big parties (and big numbers of other animals)

This means you have to leave your house if there

are lots of animals around and you are after a
game. Also if you have encountered pack of animals
it's not likely that something else will be
encountered at the very same area as long as
there's quiet and peaceful again.

- you can't light torches and lanters just like that anymore.

If there's no fireplace around you first have to

make a fire, stand beside it and only then [a]pply
torch or a lantern in order to light it. You can
also use already burning torch to light up the
next one.
Torches also last a bit less than in previous

- you can tell other people to go away from your area.

"Go away" or "This is my area" are good ways to

express yourself in this matter. People usually
escape in a hurry.
Of course you must have something built or
at least have a building site around before anyone
believes that the area they are at is your home.

- some improvements in trap routines.

Animals that are light in weight (hares, foxes etc.)

can walk over trap pits with no harm.
Amount of injury of trap-pit with pointed poles
reduced. One can now survive from dropping into
a trap like this but still surely gets badly hurt.
Leashed animals and your companions don't get
caught into your own traps.

- skills of your character will improve a little bit faster now.

- food left in the snow now keeps good forever if it's

cold enough. If temperature is only slightly below
zero the food may still get spoiled.

version: 2.60
released: Dec-17-2001

*** NOTICE! Saved characters from the previous versions are NOT compatible ***
*** with this version. ***

- encountered creatures won't stay on the zoom map area forever.

They'll eventually go about their lives and move on

if there's nothing too interesting at the area. So
the lonely settler doesn't have to watch a flock of
reindeers and group of hunters arriving and staying
at his backyard anymore.

- pick-axes and boulders removed.

- added new map symbol: big stone.

- savefiles slightly organized.

They still are fragmented and take some space but

not as much as previously.

- heavy and slow object maintenance routine removed.


- buildings improved.

You don't no longer 'enter' into a building and

'exit' back to open air. Rather buildings are fixed
part of the current map.

- saunas improved.

Only now they really are like saunas; just a stove,

bench, tub of water and a scoop. Saunas also can't
be recognized as saunas on the outside anymore. And
nothing prevents you from living in a sauna or vice

- do-it-yourself buildings improved.

Type of the building is selected beforehand when

making the groundwork. There is a different kind of
groundwork option for each building type.
Now it's also possible to build a storehouse. So
go on building your home and courtyard better and
more beautiful than ever.

- clothes and armours heavily improved.

* Quilt and quirboul armours have been removed.

* Added new materials for clothing: linen, nettle,
wool and birch-bark. More information about
these can be obtained by using the game info
* Added lots of new clothes.
* People now wear clothes more correctly according
to their sex, wealth and status. Their ensembles
also are historically more correct and realistic.
All in all clothes and materials now better (and
very well!) fit into the world of the game.

- inventory screen and "more info"-notification:

A notification about more information in inventory

screen is now launched only when there really is
more information available.

- inventory commands (eat, wear, take off etc.) improved:

All the old key commands work just fine but now it
is also possible to change the inventory command
from the inventory screen. Inventory screen will
also show up until you return to game by pressing
[ESC]. So it's more convenient to for example drop
or wear or eat several items in a row.

- some creatures can be seen on the wilderness map.

You can now spot figures of big creatures on the

open areas of wilderness map. You may see an elk
swimming in the lake or a bear walking accros the
swamp. This requires a good visibility or open
area. I.e. in the forest creatures still can't be

- human behaviour (heh) improved.

They'll go about their lives, enter houses and come

out bringing goods to stores and getting something
for themselves. Stores will re-stock, people will
have new items to trade with you and something old
and used will be given away (dropped) for free from
time to time. Now you need to pay more attention
not to exploit the villagers - otherwise the life
won't be so prosperous.

- animals appear more commonly in the villages.

Wether they are kept outside or inside there are

some animals in every village - there are no
specific farms anymore. And if there are any watch
dogs around it may be a good idea to try to avoid

- Njerpez warriors have improved their camps.

They've learned to build small storehouses where

they seem to keep their booty.

- SURVIVAL-skill improved.

There's a new option for collecting spruce twigs

which you now must be carrying before they can be
used in making a shelter.

- New building option: build a gate.

It's now possible to build a gate into a fence.

The option can be found under [M]ake items in the
section "Buildings & Misc.".

- pack animals carry varying loads.

This depends on the animal size and strength.

Cattle can carry more than a sheep, and horse can
carry more than a cattle, and so on...

- animal skins and their processing heavily improved.

First a bit of terminology:

- Animal skin is a fresh skin removed from the
carcass. It will spoil within few days if not
tanned or cured.
- Curing means processing the fresh skin so that
it will preserve for a longer time. There's a
new HIDEWORKING option "Cure the skin" for
this purpose. Curing is used if you don't want
or can't tan the skin right away and want to
preserve it to be tanned later on.
- Tanning is a process for softening the skin so
it can be used in clothing. There is a new
HIDEWORKING option "Tan the skin" which
replaces the old "Produce fur / leather"
Tanning always requires usage of some
tanning material which may be either willow/
alder bark or animal fat. It is rubbed onto
the skin and the skin is left to get tanned
for some time. All the tanned skins will
appear as "Tanned <animal>- skin" in the
character's inventory screen. However
depending on the animal, the tanned skin is
always either leather or fur. E.g. tanned
cattle skin is leather and tanned fox skin is
fur and so on.

* There's a new inventory screen section called

"Animal skins". All the skins will appear
under this title.
* Prices of animals skins have been improved.
Now the skin quality and type of the animal
really matters.
E.g. lynx, beaver and pine-marten are very
valuable. Remember that people usually want
tanned skins, plain fresh skins aren't so
valuable - if wanted at all.
* There are some changes in what kind of fur
and leather clothes you can make by yourself.
It's also shown in the finished product what
animal was used. The animal used also affects
to protective values of the finished cloth.
E.g. a shirt made of bear skin is thicker and
warmer than the one made of cattle skin.

- carcasses won't stay around for ever.

They will rot away or get eaten by carnivores

usually within a week.

- you'll also get the fat of the dead animal with "cut a carcass" option.

The animal fat can be eaten or used in tanning.

- new TIMBERCRAFT option: "remove bark"

With this option you can remove and get the bark
of willow and alder trees. The bark is used in

- added new people: foreign traders.

You may occasionally encounter parties of foreign

traders who are after fine furs of the north and
usually carry plenty of fine metal armours and
swords with them.

- people can give you better directions.

Nowadays they can also tell you the name of the

region where the place you are looking for is.

- new chat option.

Asking for directions can lead you to find out

who among the people (in the village for example)
carries the one specific item you are after. This
is useful when you are looking for something that
can't be found from the storehouses.
"Where can I get a specific item?" is a free line
you could try if you don't want to use pre-defined

- item making improved.

If you use leather, fur or cloth as a raw

material it will get used up gradually depending
on what kind of items you will be making out of
it. For example you can make various small clothes
from a one big pelt, or you can cut your shirt for
a bandage or two and still be able to wear it -
until it's completely worn out or used up.

- added new command: [F10] - take a screenshot

The screenshots will be saved in .PCX format into

a SHOTS\ directory in your UrW directory. There's
a possibility to comment the screenshots if you
want to.
Notice that the screenshot option works nearly
everywhere in the game.
So go on setting up your UrW galleries of
greatest or worst game situations!

- initial mastery of skills (depending on the chosen

culture) slightly re-arranged.

- Minor change in "Hunter's request to catch a fox"-ritual

Instead of immediately encountering a fox now the

_possibility_ to encounter a fox is increased after
performing the ritual. You'll usually need to track
the fox down or at least wander around a bit in order
to encounter your prey.

version: 2.50
released: Mar-01-2001

*** NOTICE! Saved characters from the previous versions are NOT compatible ***
*** with this version. ***
First I would like to point out that this version is DAMN GOOD & more
reliable and exciting than ever! Secondly the following persons have
greatly helped me in development of this version:
Juho Tukkinen & Timo Ryyn�nen (Finland)
"Dax" (Soviet Union)
Chris Allcock (England)

Then, the changes:

- lots of bugs fixed, some of the most fatal ones have been
found and slained. It looks like none of them survived.

- new start-up scenarios: "Runaway slave" and "Lonely settler"

Also "Plague" and "Maps and written works" start-up

scenarios have been removed and stories of old
scenarios have been rewritten. They now better
descripe the background of your character and may
give you a new kind of perspective to start living
your character's life.

- new game-info browser pictures for Fox, Wolf and Lynx.

- changes in armours:

Scale armours have been ruled out - they really

didn't belong to the world.
Plate armours are now known as Iron armours - Plate
Halfhelm is now known as Iron Halfhelm and so on.

- added possibility to reroll physical and mental attributes

during character creation.

- you can cook only up to 40 cuts of meat at a time.

- added display for direction of heard sounds.

Directions of sounds you hear are now shown in the

"Heading box". They are shown by little exclamation
marks and will stay visible after the sound until you
turn your direction.

- new command: <4> - Repeat previous make command.

This key-command repeats previous <M>ake command. It

is useful if you want to make more than one of some
specific item - for example a bunch of arrows.

- weather statistics are displayed graphically.

Horizon window (in the statistics section) shows you

the cycle of the sun and the moon, how cloudy it is
and the rain. It looks very nice and gives you better
and whole new feeling of days and nights. There is
also a simple thermometer indicating current
Changes in temperature have been also fixed to be
more realistic. It's possible to experience long warm
and cold periods as well as rapids changes. This also
gives a possibility of milder, more bearable winter

- lots of fresh musics and sound effects.

All the background music (except the start-tune)

have been changed and some game screens ("Armour
coverage" for example) now have background music.
Because of this there's also a new setup option:
There are also lots of new forest and animal sounds
which are most of all realistic. When you hear a
reindeer puffing or a lynx growling in anger for the
first time in this version it may at the very least
sound odd, but the new sounds are originally those of
real animals. (P.S., angry Lynx is my personal
favorite at the moment)

- possibility to build cottages and saunas!

It's done by <M>ake command. (There is a new build a

cottage/sauna option) Decision between a cottage or a
sauna is made only at the very last step of the
building task. Be prepared to spend some time and logs.

- zoom-maps improved.

Among the other things you can now occasionally find

also little ponds of water and fallen trees.
Also the surrouding areas are now generated as you
zoom into terrain or enter a location. So if you
enter a village with a field on its right side, you
can actually see the field from the village-scale map
and so on. Besides the fact that it looks very good
and increases atmosphere, it also gives you
possibility to for example fish by the shores. Also
as a hunter you can more tactically chase animals on
the zoom-area as there maybe surrounding areas
(water, mountains) where your prey can not escape to.

- 'Map of know areas'-screen (F6) improved.

The traps you've set, villages, settlements (including

your cottages) and caves are now shown on this screen.
Traps are also shown on the wilderness map too so you
don't have to rely on your memory too much anymore.

- 'CharacterFile' command-line parameter option removed.

The game also won't be finished (meaning returning back

to OS) when a character dies.

- map borders are shown with light reddish raster line.

This will help you to better realize for example a

zoom-map or a village borders. Also if you exit a
zoom-map (or a village etc.) by walking over map
border you will be asked if you really wish to do so.
- changes in Njerpez war camps.

War camps are now outdoor terrain areas where

Njerpez warriors have built shelters and settled
down. Map symbol for the camps remains unchanged.

- some changes in inventory list:

All weights are now total (tot.), not unit, weights.

Some colors have been added to inventory list and
item weights have been aligned to right.

- new command: <D> - Discard items.

Sometimes region you live at may get filled with

unnecessary items, such as spoiled food or broken
armours or anything at all that you don' t really
need no more. <D>iscard command removes some items
from the game for ever. As you should take care of
your own waste it's suggested to remove items you
REALLY don't need from time to time - your
neighbourhood and surroundings will also get in order
and more beautiful that way.

- frostbites are shown in "Wounds"-screen as little bruises.

- graphical compatibility improved.

If the game works fine on your system you can freely

ignore the following:
There's a new command-line option: GFXFIX which lets
you manually set up the graphic interface if the game
doesn't seem to display graphics correctly on your
computer. Also if the game detects some problems in
graphic initialization this option is automatically
started. See URW.DOC for more info on GFXFIX

- graphical improvement.

* Some tile-graphics and game-screens have been

* Sleeping creatures are shown to be upside down with
that 'Z' symbol on top of them.
* Escaping and fighting creatures are marked with
little symbols so you can instantly see who is
escaping and who is attacking you.

- do-it-yourself item 'Primitive rope' replaced by 'Leather rope'.

As the name says it's made from raw leather. You can
make more than one rope in one session if the leather
is big enough.

- sensitivity to coldness reduced a bit.

The coldness affects the character a little less now

but it still does so, and the winter still is a hard
season for a lonely wanderer.
- added <W>armth option to "Armour protection" screen.

You can now check out warmth of your armour(s) and

cloth(es) from "Armour protection" screen. This is
mostly useful at the wintertime. <F>ire protection
option has been removed.

- LOCKCRAFT-skill has been removed.

- attitude of the people may now change from social interaction.

Villagers and the people you are involved with

eventually get to know you and may turn from unkind
to friendly and so on. But this isn't something that
happens overnight or quickly.

- self-made fences can be kicked down.

- empty containers can be filled with rainwater.

- time needed to load a crossbow has been reduced a bit.

- written works have been removed.

There are no more literature, spritual or description

scrolls - only maps.

- traps improved.

There are three new traps: loop snare, small

lever-trap and big-lever trap - game info browser
tells more about these. All of these traps can also
be made by yourself. The previous fox trap, wolf trap
and bear trap have been removed and the new traps are
somewhat the replacement for those.

There are two major changes that will affect the whole
atmosphere of the UnReal World and give you lots to learn:
(1) The money doesn't make the UnReal World go round anymore.

Money, as we knew it before, is history. All that

was previously buying and selling is now trading.
You'll notice how things are done when trying to buy
something in the old way. Also there are no more
places where you could sell your things by dropping
them and getting money in return. It may take some to
get used to this but that's how things are now -
and maybe you'll have to change your attitude to the
life in the UnReal World a bit.
When you get into trading you should know that the
person you are trading with decides what he/she wants
from you. There is however possibility to make him/her
give you a new offer. Notice that your trading partner
ignores weapon you are wielding or armours/clothes you
are wearing. So if you wish to trade some of your
wielded/weared items you should take them off before
trading. All of this will get more clear to you when
you get into trading in the game.

(2) Villages/settlements have been changed.

Atmosphere and outlook of the villages is now pretty

much different. Lots of building-types have been
removed or re-named. There are no more so many shops
and no bars or inns at all. Villages now consist more
of houses of ordinary people, sheds and storehouses
and they tend to be smaller than previously. There are
also women and children around as well as sometimes
animals and stuff outdoors. Also titles of some people
have been changed. Here is a list of some changes for
you to get the idea:
* Miller -> Granary
* Shopkeeper -> Craftsman
* Farm -> Animal shed
* Shipwright -> Fishing shed
* Fisherman -> Fish storehouse
* Lexigraphers, armories, apotecharies and chandlers
have been removed.
* Militiamen -> Elder tribesmen

- if you 'buy' (in fact trade it to something) an animal

from animal shed (previously know as 'farm') you'll also
get a rope for leashing it.

- added new things to cook.

These are: Meat dish, vegetarian dish and fish soup.

Other changes: Berry soup has been moved to 'Drinks'
cooking category. 'Soups & boilings' cooking
category has been removed and recipies from there
have been moved under new 'Additional' cooking

- new option: milking

Yes, it's now possible to milk some animals - sheeps

and cattles for example. Milking is done by using
'fill empty container' (key sequence: #f) command
beside the animal you wish to milk.

- mountain goats have been removed.

Those damn tough creatures who did't fit to the UnReal

World anyway have been removed. And now that they are
gone I know you're missing them already...

- fire behaviour fixed and improved.

Fixed the bug that caused you to immediately burn when

walking over the map border if there was a forest fire
on the other side.
Added possibility to feed the fire and burn some
other items besides the firewood. The fire must be
started with firewood but you can also set or throw
clothes, wooden items etc. burning materials to the
fire to make it burn longer - or just to get rid of
some equipment.

- encounters fixed.

Sometimes it happened that you encountered something but

never really found the creature on the zoom-map. That
should be fixed now.

- food preservation improved.

Now the food will preserve much longer at the wintertime

if left outside or even carried with when the weather is
cold. Also the food in the storehouses doesn't spoil -
this sometimes happened in the previous versions.

- trap-pits improved.

Now you don't have to worry that a creature in the trap-

pit could attack you unless it's very tall, clever or
agile. Humans, bears, wolves and gluttons for example
may still be able attack you even from the trap-pit but
smaller and less agile animals can be easily finished
from the edge of the trap-pit without danger.

- CLIMBING-skill improved.

You can now use CLIMBING-skill to climb trees for


- 'potions' containing something to drink are from now on

know as 'mugs'.

- item making improved.

There's a whole new '<M>ake items' category: Weapons.

All the weapon-like items to make can be now found under
the 'Weapons' category.
There are also few new items to be made by yourself:
* shortbow
* arrows
* mugs
* skin
* javelin
* torch

- added possibility to save/load randomly created worlds.

In the course of random world creation it's now possible

to save created worlds (if you happen to like them) or
instead of generating a random world to load a world
from a disk. (...sounds like there's a map-editor coming
out one day...)

version: 2.40
released: Mar-20-2000

- quiet (URWQUIET.EXE) version of the game added into distribution package.

It's for those who encounter problems using sound version.
More info will be shown during game installation.

- added three new skills: SKIING, WEATHERLORE and WOODCARVING.

...names are pretty self-explanatory.

- added new option to HIDEWORKING-skill: Make raw fur.

With this option you can produce raw fur from animal skins.
Raw fur can be used to make fur clothes.

- added skill hotkeys.

Skills can be used now with direct ALT + <skill key> hotkeys.
See Skills-screen to find out skill keys.

- added new <M>ake items category: Make fur clothes.

So now you can make fur clothes by yourself.

- added new new items to make:

Wooden cups, bowls, skis, ski stick...

- added bunch of new items:

Wooden cup and bowl, fur vest, fur hood and fur footwear.

- added few new rituals.

- lots of audiovisual improvement!

Added lots of new sounds and music as well as amount of new

graphics...you'll notice them - and I hope you'll like 'em!

- whole new option: <F6> - Map of know areas.

With this option you can see map of known areas of the current
campaign - map has been still leaved rough but it should be a
big help for finding ways and forming a clear view of the wide

- new foods to make with COOKERY-skill:

Berry soup and vegetable soup.

- ...and of course some minor bugs have been fixed.

- added damage to weapons:

Weapons will now wear out in battles and in use. This will be
indicated by percentage. For example: Club [95% left]
Eventually weapons will break down. Currently there's no way
to fix weapons - you just have to get new ones from time to

- object maintenance is possible to cancel.

In some cases object maintenance (who you've encountered it
will know what I'm talking about) may be taking too long -
now it's possible to cancel it, save the game and run it
again when you've some time. More info will be shown as the
maintenance starts.

- added some chatty people.

Some people have now stories and tips to tell you. Try
greeting some of the villagers and the people you encounter
in the wilderness and you may up end into a nice chat.
version: 2.30BETA
released: Apr-30-1999

*** NOTICE! Saved characters from previous the versions are NOT compatible ***
*** with the version 2.30. ***

- this is a 32-bit, protected mode-version and should be able to run

even under Win95/98 (previously it was possible to run the game
only from MS-DOS or DOS-shell)

- added lots of new sounds!

- added few new rituals.

- graphical revolution!

The game works now in 800x600 SVGA mode. There's a LOT of

new graphics!

- it's possible to use snow to reduce thirst at the winter.

If use drink (key-command q) option at the winter you will be

asked if you wish to put some snow into your mouth in order
to reduce thirst.

- new option under SURVIVAL-skill: "Make a hole in the ice"

Use this option to get water from the ice-covered lakes or

for ice fishing at the wintertime.

- TRACKING is lot easier at the wintertime now.

- Added possibility to ski:

Skis and ski stick are new items. Now it's very slow and
fatiguing to walk in a deep snow so sking is essential in
order to travel longer distances or to be able to chase down
To ski simply [a]pply skis and [w]ield a ski stick.

- New items to make:

* Wooden items: Raft (primitive watercraft for crossing lakes)

* Whole new category: Leather Clothes
(Possibility to make leather clothes out of raw leather.)

- You can make raw leather under HIDEWORKING skill.

Raw leather is used to make clothes. You can make raw leather
from animal skins.

- Approximate weight of items can be seen from the inventory.

- More user-friendly random world generation:

- You'll see a map of the area and some statistics during the
random world generation.
- You can randomize world over and over again until you are
satisified for example with the number of villages or caves
or terrain in general.

- new starting scenario: MAPS AND WRITTEN WORKS

It's also possible to select "THE VILLAGE" scenario in the

unregistered version and you always get yourself a torch when
selecting "THE CAVE"-scenario.

- added game courses!

You can play the game freely or select one of the three game
courses each including various tasks to keep your busy and
version: 2.20
released: Nov-11-1998

*** NOTICE! Saved characters from previous the versions are NOT compatible ***
*** with the version 2.20. ***

- completely new graphics and outlook!

The game uses now 640x480*256 graphics mode and looks very
much better than previously...or what?
Some game-screens have been re-arranged in order to look
and work better.
Some neat graphical candies and background pictures have
been added as well.
Graphical presentation of wounds is also new and rewritten.
Game info browser has been made graphical and there are
some pictures in addition to just a plain text.
Sleeping and dead creatures are now more clearly presented
by 'Z' or bloodstains.

- a whole new random world generator!

The random world consist now of 20 * 20 wilderness maps. The

terrain generated is also more realistic and natural. Now you
may expect there to be swamps near water etc. The terrain
also somewhat matches the real terrain you could see in the
far north where the UrW is placed.
The wilderness map scale has been changed from 1 kilometer to
100 meters. This brings you more detailed wilderness map and
more relaxed way of playing as a single move on the wildernes
doesn't take so much out of you.

- lots of new game info available!

Use the hypertext game-info browser! There is a list of
main topics which provides a good and clear base to start.

- zoom-maps improved:

1.Zoom-maps are no longer disposable. This brings a whole new

aspect to for example trapping, lodging and encountering
creatures. You don't have to cut the corpses for meat right
away, you don't have to set your traps again after checking
them, you don't have to worry about leaving your things on
the zoom maps...because they will be there when you zoom on
the same map again.

2.You may find water-puddles from the zoom-bogs and swamps.

3.There is a new terrain-type called thicket. This prefers

to thick area trees such as alders and willows.

4.Names of zoom-maps are also generated now. So if you wander

on the wilderness map at the area called "Kaira" and zoom in
the terrain the zoom-map name will be something like "Pine
swamp at Kaira" or "Rugged Heathland at Kaira" depending on
the terrain. This kind of map names in the character's log
(for example) may help you to better remember the area in

5.Rocks and branches may be found lying around zoom-maps.

- new commands:

<h> - Hiding. With this command you can hide if there is

proper cover available. When hidden you may lurk for enemies
and animals or try to approach them without being noticed.
Creatures can however hear or scent you.

<-> - Stand by. With this command your characters stands by

for a 24 hours or until you cancel it. The command can be
used to wait for example a night to fall, the sun to rise, an
animal to come around, a fire to warm you up or etc. It can
also be used to let time pass for example when you need to
recover from your wounds.

<:> - Examine a location. This command shows you a list of

items etc. at your position or type of the terrain.

<M> - Make items. This commands allows you to construct

various items and constructions from clubs to ropes and from
fences to traps. Check it out!

- new items:

Rock - just a plain rock. Can be used as a primitive weapon.

Cord - tying equipment shorter than a rope.
Light spear - light, simple and somewhat fragile spear.
Bandage - bandages are now separate items which have to be
made with <M> command. They are used to tie up wounds.
Wooden stake - long and slender piece of wood made out of
slender tree trunks. It has various uses.
Trunks - you get trunks by falling trees. They vary in size,
length and thickness.
Firewood - chopped pieces of wood used for building fires.
Block of wood - pieces of chopped tree trunk.

- changes in shooting with bows:

1.It takes now some time to load the crossbow so it won't be

very useful weapon in the combat anymore but a very effective
weapon in the situations where you have plenty of time for
loading or you want to be ready to shoot and still move
around with a loaded weapon.

2.It takes also some time to draw the normal bow when you
choose a <t>hrow command to shoot with your bow. So even if
you have target in your sight it may move away while you draw
your bow. This makes bows quite useless in close-combat.

- animal improved/new animals:

Squirrels may climb in the trees.

Added new animals: Black grouse, Arctic fox, Ermine, Weasel,
Polecat, Pine-marten and Badger.
More information about these creatures can be found from the
game-info browser.

- TIMBERCRAFT-skill improved:

There are few sub-skills: fall a tree, chop a tree into blocks
and chop a block into firewood. It makes difference wether you
fall trees from a thicket or try to fall a big spruce or pine.

- TRACKING-skill improved:

It takes some time to check out the tracks and the results
aren't so clear and definite as previously.

- added food spoilage:

Raw meat and raw fish is are easily perishable. Breads and the
like will be preserved longer. Salting or cooking up the foods
for preservation is recommended.

- weather improved:

Added rain:
Sleeping outside may be unpleasantly interrupted if it starts
to rain. (But You can build shelters now)
Temperatures are more effective:
It may get very cold even by the autumn now. You are unlikely
to be able to sleep outside by autumn or winter without proper
clothing or making a fire.

- NORMAL_CONTROL config option removed:

Regrets for those who used it and good luck learning the
tricky but more effective moving system.

- SURVIVAL-skill improved:
Added a possibility to build shelters. Shelters are useful
and sometimes essential when spending a night outside as they
keep you at least safe from the rain.
Build a fire-option improved. Now you do not select firewood
from the inventory but just set the wood you wish to burn on
the ground and set them on fire by using "Build a fire"-option
to the correct direction. There may be branches and trunks and
blocks of wood all mixed up and you can throw more firewood to
the fire if it starts to burn out too soon.

- trap-hunting heavily improved:

There is a whole section for traps under new <M>ake-command

and from there you can build a traps or improve and cover
trap-holes. You should really check out this section!
Traps are now longer set on the wilderness maps. They must be
set on the zoom-maps and you have to remember it very clearly
where you set your trap in order to be able to come back to
check it.
There are two new traps: "K�p�l�lauta"-fox trap and Wolf-trap.

- It's easier to use punts nowadays. You don't have to use sesta
every time you wish to shove your punt ahead.

- You don't have to stand on the corpse to skin/cut it anymore. Now

it's enough if you stand nearby it.

- Villages and the people in them affect a bit more to the terrain
around. You may see marks of fishing,hunting,timberwork etc. when
exploring the wilderness nearby villages - you may find this
useful sometimes.

- Chat improved:

Chat-option "Region information" renamed to "Ask for directions".

People may also know much larger areas than previously if you ask
them for directions.
Added "Trade items" chat-option. With these option you may try
to trade things with people. Now the encounters with people in
the wilderness may be very useful if they happen to carry just
the item you want and are willing to trade it into something you

- new regional events:

- "New settlement":
People may build new settlements around the wilderness. You
may want to interact with these settlers for example by
trading items etc.

- "Rich animal population":

From time to time the terrain may be blessed which very rich
animal population of some species. For example a rich elk,
deer etc. population with the knowledge where the animals
have been seen will provide very good supply of meat for
a long time.

- "Lack of wild animals":

The terrain may also suffer from the lack of the wild animals
which may considerably make the living harder as the hunting
may get very unsuccesfull.

- relation between cutting a corpse and hideworking changed:

Skinning the corpse with HIDEWORKING skill is now an

independent operation which leaves the corpse still present
and to be cut for meat. Cutting a corpse before skinning it
however makes it impossible to skin the corpse afterwards.

- ritual/supernatural section heavily improved!

See game information about RITUALS and MYTHOLOGY for more info.

- added few new start-up scenarios.

version: 2.15
released: Jun-02-1998

*** NOTICE! Saved characters from previous the versions are NOT compatible ***
*** with the version 2.15! ***

About this version:

This UrW version contains some features that are not really fully
functional and practical right now but in the next version.
UrW is going to change a lot from now on and I have so much work
that I felt an urge to release a new version now. Otherwise it would
have been taken very long to hear anything from UrW. Now that the
new version is out and some of the most urgent innovations are added in
the game I can safely and peacefully build the game further.

- quest rewards improved:

You can now be rewarded in very various ways. These rewards

are also more realistic and maybe more useful than the
previous ones. Have fun getting yourself rewarded!

- clothes and armours will be automatically weared when the game starts.

- encounters may occur during the night when sleeping out in the wilderness.

- added new skill: TIMBERCRAFT.

Timbercraft is a general ability to cut down tree and produce

lumber such as rollers, logs etc. It's also very good way of
making huge amounts of firewood.

- added new ritual: safety of the night.

- added new kind of settlements:

In addition to big villages it's now possible to find also

find small settlements kept up by a single family or small
group of people. These settlements are not places for doing
business and they usually have a bit different kind of
buildingsthan the villages; storehouses and drying barns and
other useful and necessary buildings.
- added few new quests.

- hypertext browser improvements:

When you mistype a word the browser won't take you back to
the first topic but stays in the current topic.
Scandinavian letters � and � (which are needed in some
keywords) can be typed by non-scandinavian keyboard layout
users by pressing [F1] or [F2].

- added new black & white character faces!

Some may say they are uglier than the previous ones but they
fit much better to the world where the game is placed.

- Chatting improved and a new chat option 'Region information' added.

With 'Region information' chat option you can ask general

information about current region like where you could find a
village or are there any lakes nearby etc. Now there is some
point of talking to people who you may encounter in the
if you have gotten lost.
There are also lots of new ready chat lines to select even
during a general conversation. You don't have to wonder so
much what on earth should I type in to express myself right.
You can also get back to the previous topics during some
conversation. This very useful if the chatting goes off-topic
and you really need to talk more about previous topics or you
forget something important you have been told earlier.

- Rastering added to make characters range of vision more realistic.

Creatures, objects, terrain and everything very far away

will now cover in darkness. This brings whole new excitement
to the game (especially at night) and causes situations like:
"What the heck is that? Should I run away or is just a tame,
harmless cattle."

- added startup scenarios!

You can now start playing from various situations. You can
freely pickup a startup scenario which you find exciting in
the course of character generation. It's my intention to
much more these scenarios in the future. Different scenarios
give you different advantages or difficulties to start your
life in the UnReal World.
(Scenarios work only in the registered version!)

version: 2.14
released: Dec-12-1997

*** NOTICE! Saved characters from previous the versions are NOT compatible ***
*** with the version 2.14! ***

- added new fishes.

Salmons, burbots, pike-perches etc. etc.

- added fur armours/clothes.

These can be found from armourers and hideworkers. Fur

clothes are designed to keep your warm and they are in some
cases more protective than leather armours or clothes.

- added new weapons.

Lots of new kind of knives, spears, bows and swords. You'll

notice them when founded. See WEAPONS keyword from the
game-info browser.

- new cooking category: Soups & Boilings

This category currently contains only one recipe which is

'boiled mushroom'. When poisonous mushrooms are boiled they
may become less poisonous or fully eatable. Non-poisonous
mushrooms of course taste better when boiled.

- starvation added!

Previously your character would die after couple of days

without food. Now you can stay alive a much longer - EVEN
WEEKS - without food. (but not without water)
There is a new starvation meter added into the statistics
section of the game-screen. It will start to grow slowly when
your character spends too much time without eating.
(Starvation increases your physical penalty.)
When you find food again or decide to stop your hunger-strike
starvation decreases as your character gains energy. This may
take some time if you haven't been eating for a long time but
eventually (if you remember to eat well) you will get back
in shape and suffer from starvation no more.

- chatting routines improved.

Even though the people you meet don't appear to be 'chatty'

you still have several options to interact with them:
- you may ask for a help if you are low on food or water.
- you may ask or hire them to wander with you.
- you may find someone willing to try to accomplish dangerous
tasks with you.

Instead of choosing a direction where to chat you need to

now select a target for your chatting attempt. This means you
don't have to be just beside someone to talk to him/her - you
can chat with people from some distance.
Some chatting maneuvers however must be executed just beside
your target - for example [D]eliver an item.

- new chat-option 'Ask for help' added.

This option is used to ask several kind of help from the

other people of the UnReal World.

- chat-option 'JOIN' removed.

Creatures will now automatically join with you if that's what
they want to do. Unjoin-option is still used to leave joined
creatures from your company.
'UNJOIN' option still exists but it will show up and can be
executed only when talking to joined characters.

- creatures can fight each others!

You may now happen to witness fights between creatures and

your companions, pets or fellow- adventurers may save your
life by helping you in combat situations...or they may get
killed as well before you can do anything to prevent it.
This brings a huge load of excitement into the game!

- creatures sleeping routines improved!

Even your footsteps can now wake up light sleeping creatures.

And I guess there is no need to mention that noisy activities
can very easily wake up creatures even if heard from some

- lots of new graphics! (scenes and images)

- new sound effects!

- added rituals and an active spiritual world!

You should learn about rituals and the spiritual world during
your character's life. The hypertext game-info browser
however contains little information about rituals;

- added a spiritual/religious profile.

The known rituals are shown here and they are executed and
performed from this screen too. You may pop this profile
up from the regular character profile screen or by pressing

- new key command: [F4] - show religious profile.

This key-command pops up your religious profile where you

may check out your religious/supernatural status &

- added new skill: RITUAL.

Ritual skill reflects the fact how well you can perform
rituals. See more information from a skill-screen.

- new scroll type: Spiritual Scroll.

These scrolls may include anything from rituals to

spiritual treatise. They are highly valuable for their
founder rather rare.

- CRTPLR improved:

The religious profile is shown during the character

creation. Member of each culture also begins playing with
one known culture-related ritual.
version: 2.13
released: Jul-12-1997

*** NOTICE! Saved characters from previous the versions are NOT compatible ***
*** with the version 2.13! ***


Graphics of the character creator (CRTPLR.EXE) have been

heavily improved. The game itself is also made FULLY
GRAPHICAL - hope you like it. There are few config options to
speed up the graphics on the slow machines. See URW.CNF for
more information.

- lots of new cultures!

You really should check out the information about the

cultures during the character generation (or see the CULTURES
keyword in the game info browser).

- Maps (game items which can be found or purchased) improved.

Maps are more rough and inaccurate as previously. Important

locations such as villages and caves are still marked in the
maps but you can't count on the maps too much anymore.

- added sentimental pictures and scenes.

In some courses of the gameplay graphical pictures, scenes or

descriptions may appear to better reflect the mood of the
current event. You can enjoy them as long as you like and
usually get rid off them by pressing any key.

- added a couple of new quests and conversations.

- Added new animals.

+ names of some animals are corrected to be more suitable for the
UnReal World:

Corrected names:
Hind -> Elk [Stag (male elk) remains the same]

New animals: [See game info about ANIMALS for more information]
Wild Reindeer,

- descriptions of the animals added into the game info browser and
linked to the looking function.

See keyword ANIMALS for hypertext browser ( [F1] ). Notice

that all of the descriped animals do not yet necessarily
exists in the game.
Whenever you choose to look a creature which has more info
available in the hypertext browser you will be asked if you
wish to read this information.
- added some animal pictures.

When looking at some animal with an available picture you

can choose if you want to see the picture as well.

- added new human type: Medicine man.

Healers, wise men, seers etc. can be found from the villages.
They may heal your wounds or cure your illnesses. Find out
what these powerful and appreciated persons can do for you.

- added new building type: Drying barn.

Dryings barns were used to dry and tresh the grain. They can
be found from villages or nearby the settlements.

- chat-mode improved.

As an addition to only typing in a line you wish to say to

your chatting partner you may now some time select some line
from the various choices which will appear in the some
conversations. Result of this kind of conversations varies
greatly depending on the chosen lines. You should not however
forget the traditional 'type in your line'-style conversation.

- caves improved.

Added bad floors, chasms, new kinds of rooms etc. If you

drop into a chasm and can't find any other way up you should
try to climb up through the chasm above.

- villages improved.

Added wells, trees and bushes, different kind village shapes

and forms.

- swimming improved.

If you face some serious troubles in the course of swimming

you are asked if you wish to continue swimming or swim back
on the coast. This means one simple swimming attempt do not
end up in drowning so often anymore if the swimming is not
succesful. Swimming also now increases fatigue.

- cooking improved.

Several meals can be prepared at once. You can usually cook

about five cuts (or fishes or whatever) at the time so for
example cooking of ten cuts will take only about 40 minutes.
It's however possible to cook even a whole Elk at once even
though it can be a lengthy process.

- added new regional event: Epidemic.

Epidemics can be very dangerous for the population of the

region where they start and this applies also to your
- description scrolls improved.

Description scroll may now contain also some really useful

information about items like how effective is the weapon
descriped or how well the descriped armour protects you.

- #fill function improved.

Containers (like skins and bottles) can be filled even if

they are not empty already. In this case the container will
be emptied first and then refilled with chosen liquid.

- some references to rituals (in hypertext game info browser):

These should be ignored - rituals are not yet in use.

version: 2.12
released: Jan-06-1997

*** NOTICE! Saved characters from previous the versions are NOT compatible ***
*** with the version 2.12! ***

- added chatty people!

Some people may have a little jobs for a brave adventurer or

they can be in need of a little favour etc. etc. So whenever
some people appears to be chatty talking to him/her may lead
you in the dangerous or entertaining task or a nice little
conversation. Some conversations are still pretty primitive
but more complicated tasks and adventures are coming in the

- sound effects added!

In the some situations of the game play digital sound effects

can be heard. In order to hear them you should have a sound-
blaster compatible sound card. Sounds can be toggled ON and
OFF by editing the config file URW.CNF.

- natural attacks (bite,kick etc.) against you can't be blocked anymore.

Weapons can be used to block only weapons. Dodge is the only

choice to avoid natural attacks such as biting, tearing etc.

- trapping improved.

Creatures that get caught into your traps may now starve to
death (and will be found dead) if traps are checked after they
have been set long enough (usually several days).

- added new wilderness encounters.

In addition to earlier encounters also the following may

* Equipment loss/failure etc.
* Food loss/poisoning etc.

- armour damage is shown percentually in the inventory screen.

For example: a Quilt Cowl which is badly damaged and is in
about half of it's original condition would appear like this:
Quilt Cowl [50% left]

- creatures (if co-operative) can be requested to move away from

your way by pushing them (by walking in to the same location).

- animals can be used to carry loads.

Now you can get yourself a horse, bull or whatever you want to
(is animal is tame and willing to be leashed) and pack it up
with your stuff. There are two new commands to be used with
pack-animals; [#P]ack and [#U]npack. (Commands can be executed
by pressing [#] first and then selecting Pack or Unpack option
from the menu) [#P]ack is used to pack animals and [#U]npack
get something that has been packed. To keep the animals
following you, you should leash them with a rope.

- COOKERY skill improved.

Instead of just roasting a meat you can now produce various

different kind of meals and drinks. Known recipes are displayed
when you attempt to use COOKERY. Some equipment (such as pot or
knife) are sometimes required as well as many ingredients such
as water, salt etc. Fire is almost always needed to prepare
something; you can use man-made fire, fireplace or even a torch
for this.

- creatures may now carry and possess some money.

- key command: [p] - character profile improved.

You can now pop-up several other screens from the character
profile screen; skills-screen, wounds-screen, armour analysis -
screen and character's log. Ths should make things easier for
the rookies (no need to remember so many different key
commands) and the system more user-friendly. [SPACE] key also
works the same way as [p] so you can from now on just press
[SPACE] and the previously mentioned character related actions
in the game - including using skills.

- key command: [F3] - examine creature/location improved.

Instead of just getting information about creature or terrain

also the items in the examined location will be seen.

- graphics improved.

- Former 320x200 VGA mode replaced by tweaked 320x240 VGA mode.

Some screens may look too spacious and empty but all the
space will be utilized in the future.
- Character profile, Chat, Help and Skills-screens have been
- Graphical wounds & injuries screen added.
- Added new character portraits.

- added new kind of scrolls.

Scrolls may now contain various kind of information instead of

just being plain maps. There are: literature, poetry, folklore
scrolls, treatise (on craft/lore skills) scrolls and scrolls
containing descriptions of artifacts. Scrolls can be found or
purchased from the lexigrapher. (some of these are still under

- added new creature type: Military.

Militiamen keep on law and order in the villages and border

lines. From now on (your) crimes won't be ignored.

- result of human vs. human combat improved.

As you attack another human or you have been attacked and the
combat ends up when you fall down unconscious, several things
may still happen and save your life:
Shopkeepers and the like usually call up the military, outlaws
and beggars may take your money and/or valuables etc.
So you are more likely to stay alive than previously.

- added new skill: HIDEWORKING.

Hideworking is used to skin the dead animals to get their hide.

Hides can be sold (what a surprise!) to the hideworkers.

- cancel option added to direction related functions.

Door opening, melee attacks etc. can be cancelled by pressing

[ESC] when direction of action is asked.

- added temperatures:

Mostly at the winter the outdoors temperature should not be

ingored anymore. Without warm clothing characters may get
severe frostbites when wandering outdoors for a long time.
Characters should regularly seek cover from the caves and
villages during the long journeys. Fireplaces and man-made
fires should not be ignored as well.
Temperatures in the UnReal World vary from (celcius degrees):
-30 to +0 at the winter
+0 to +20 at the spring
+10 to +30 at the summer
+0 to +10 at the autumn

- load carrying improved, added Mobility indicator:

The mobility indicator in the upper right corner of the screen

tells you percentage value of efficiency of the character's
movements. If the mobility is for example 56% character can run,
walk,crawl etc. with 56% efficiency. All the physical penalties
(INJURY, FATIGUE and ENCUMBRANCE) lower the mobility and
therefore slow down the character's movements. When Mobility
reaches zero character can not move at all or can only crawl.
(See game info browser with keywords MOBILITY and ENCUMBRANCE)

- added psychical traits:

Characters may now have diffrent kind of phobias and fears.

There fears of several animals (such as felines, rodents etc.),
fears of open places and crowds etc. Psychical traits can be
checked out from the character profile screen. When characters
fobia etc. gets stimulated by some situation and characters
fails to control his/her nerves several things may happen;
character may faint, become hysterical etc.

- lighting improved.

It gets dark depending on the time of the day and the season.
Winter is the darkest season in the UnReal World; it gets dark
very early and the bright time of the day is very short.
There is also very dark in the buildings and caves where isn't
any light sources such as windows and fireplaces. This means
that sometimes your character needs some light sources to see
around. Torches, lanterns and the like can be purchased from the
villages and are very necessesary in the dungeon exploring.
Lighting of the areas is also made very realistic: you can see
fires (made by you or somebody else) from far away etc; dropped
light sources and creatures in their circle of light can be seen
easily even if you weren't too near. Also creatures (including
your character) carrying a light source can be seen from a far
and the creatures in the dark corners with no light source
usually can not be seen. All this brings up many new strategies
to utilize in the dark areas.

- added new shop-types: Chandler, Apotechary and Metalsmith.

Chandlers sell light-sources such as candles, torches and

Metalsmiths sell metal tools and utensils such as shovels, axes,
knives and pots etc.
Apotecharies sell salt, sugar, spices, stimulants and the like.

- new items added: candles, torches, lanterns, lamp oil,

shovels, pots, tea, salt.

Candles, torches, lanterns and lamp oil:

All of these can be purchased from the chandler and are used
for lighting up areas. They are classified as a tools and can be
used by [a]pply command. Lanterns must be filled with oil before
they can be used as a light source. Light sources have some
variety in the intensity and duration of the light.
Shovels, pots:
Shovels are used for (surprise!) digging. Holes digged with a
shovel can be used as a traps - try it.
Pots are used in cooking; for example to boil something.
Tea, salt:
These can be purchased from the apotechary and can be used
in various cooking operations.

- throwing improved.

You can now throw your items/weapons not only to living targets
but every location you can see. This is useful when you need to
for example light out some dark area where you have heard a
frightening roars. Just wield a torch etc. and throw it to the
area you wish to see more clearly.
- randomize world improved: added roads, fields and new kind of terrain.

* Fields are usually located near the villages.

* Roads cruise through the villages and can be very helpful
for the character who has gotten lost and wishes to find a
village. When you find a road you have good change to find a
village as well; although the roads can be quite long sometimes.
* There is also lots of new kind of terrain: pine swamps, open
bogs, heathland and rugged heathland and backwoods.

- added new creatures and creature-types:

* rats and snakes (not poisonous).

* human adventurers and woodsmans.

- added avalanches.

Avalanches occur as a regional events and may reveal new caves.

version: 2.11
released: Nov-13-1996

*** NOTICE! Saved characters from previous versions are NOT compatible ***
*** with version 2.11! ***

- game time of unregistered evaluation copy of the game increased.

Game time of unregistered copy is increased from 7 to 14 game

days. This should help you get to know the game better before
making up the decision about the registeration.

- map scrolling added.

There is still some work left in the remembering of the known

maps but otherwise scrolling seems to work fine.

- added a new trap: bear trap.

Bear trap is designed for large beasts and usually can hold even
a bear between it's jaws. Bear trap is used the same way as any
other trap; see TRAPS keyword from the game info browser for
more information.

- amount of character start-up equipment increased.

Characters now obtain few non-culture related randomizely

selected items in the course of character creation.

- added names for regions.

Wilderness regions are now randomly named. Name of the current

region can be seen at the top of the map-screen.

- added regional and non-character related random events:

In the course of play some major events concerning the current

region may occur. These events contain this far; casual Njerpez
military expedictions, disasters (fires, flood, avalanches) and
terrorizations (marauding creatures or crimes/crimewave caused by
organized criminals). This kind of events are quite rare but they
can greatly change the character's way of life. Whenever major
event is coming up, the player will informed about it and the
event will be logged in the character's log.

- added new command: <L> - Show character's log

Some character activities and major events (such as wars etc.)

are now logged and can be browsed via this command. Time, date
and the place where logged activity takes place can be seen
in the log.

- new shop type: second hand shop.

Villages may now contain second hand shops where you can find
the most mixed sortiment of equipment - practically any object
that is ever made on the surface of the UnReal World.

- the fire burns! (in case you did not know ;-)

Man-made fires, forest fires etc. can be very disastrous for the
wanderer who does not understand to avoid them.

- new graphical version of the character creator (crtplr.exe).

- armour coverage options improved.

When checking overall armour coverage ([A]-command) or coverage

of individual armour (from [i]nventory screen) you can now see
protection protection against different kind of attack aspects
such as blunt, edge, point, tear etc.

- added new creatures: Njerpezit, Criminals.

Njerpez warriors will be raiding on the surface of the UnReal

World now. See keyword NJERPEZIT from the game-info browser [f1]
for more information.
Criminals (bandits, thiefs etc.) are just humans who earn
theirs living (and sometimes even more) by illegal activities.

- wound treatment bug fixed.

There was bug which messed up the treatment of some wounds.

- config option FADE_OLD_NOTES removed.

Value of FADE_OLD_NOTES is now permanently ON.

version: 2.10
released: Jun-29-1996

*** NOTICE! Saved characters from previous versions are NOT compatible ***
*** with version 2.10! ***

- we are getting graphical!

256 color 320x200 MCGA screens and pictures added. To see them
MCGA compatible VGA adapter is required. Chat-procedure is now
fully graphical (including faces of talking characters),there is
a graphical start-up screen, graphical character profile, armour
coverage screen and help screen. Graphic system is still heavily
under development but it shows the way where we are going.

- wound treating (PHYSICIAN skill) improved:

Now you will need some equipment such as bandages and water to
treat wounds. Wound treating also takes some time. For more info
see INJURIES and WOUND TREATMENT keywords from the game info

- added lots of new keywords to the hypertext game info browser:

See WOUND TREATMENT keyword from the browser.

- unnecessary keyboard work reduced:

This means you don't have to give directions etc. when direction
of your function is obvious. For example when opening/closing
doors the game checks if you are heading towards a door and
opens/closes it without asking a direction.

- added shields:

There are now shields available in the game; currently only

bucklers and roundshields. Also a new SHIELD-skill is added
which reflects the players ability to use shields. Shields can
be purchased from weaponcrafters. See topic SHIELDS from game
info browser for more info.

- Zoom-map features improved.

Just like you zoom into the terrain by pressing [ENTER] you can
now also get back to the wilderness by pressing [ENTER] at the
zoom map. This works only when there is no other creatures on
the zoom map otherwise you must use the old method of walking
through the map border.

- bugs fixed.

version: 2.09
released: Jan-19-1996

*** NOTICE! Saved characters from previous versions are NOT compatible ***
*** with version 2.09! ***

- brand new hypertext game info browser.

Press [F1] to start the game info browser. You will find many
sections and topics concerning the game and learn more and more
about The UnReal World. Hypertext links make it easy to jump
from the topic to another and see detailed information about
some individual matter. All information which can be obtained
for example from the inventory screen ( by examining items) can
be found from the game info browser. Most of the information in
the textfile URW.DOC has been transferred to the browser to be
available in the game so the documents do not contain much
to read anymore - but the browser does.
Some game screens also include possibility to activate the game
info browser immediately from the current topic just by pressing
[F1]. This shortcut feature is clearly shown in such screens so
you can't miss it if it's there.

- added start-up rookie information.

- [D]rink natural liquid-command removed and linked to the [q]uaff-command:

When using [q]uaff-command from now on, you will be asked if you
wish to drink some natural liquid available (lakes etc.) or some
of your equipment.

- A legend about the origin of the World added:

Start game info browser and see WORLD topic.

- Ranks and rank information removed:

Something different will be coming to replace ranks.

- Statistics-screen re-arranged:

You will now see your character's full physical penalty (injury,
encumbrance + fatigue) in percents and also percetange value
of your injury penalty in together with good old Injury-meter.
Penalty values are shown in the upper right corner of the screen
like this:
Carried load: <load in lbs> [encumbrance penalty]
Fatigue : <level of fatigue> [fatigue penalty ]
Injury : <injury meter> [injury penalty ]
[full physical penalty]
For more info about penalties, start the game info browser and
type keyword PENALTIES.

- some config options removed:

- graphical fonts option removed and forced to be ON:

Graphical fonts are now always loaded when the game is
started. Some new graphical symbols have also been added.
- permanent map option removed and forced to be ON.

- creature revolution:

- creature behaviour improved:

Creatures will now react quite much the same way they would
react in the real world. There are several patterns of
behaviour concenrning escaping,attacking, getting wounded etc.
Now even approaching wild animals will cause somekind of
- added new animals:
squirrel, rabbit, fox, horse (no riding yet though), pig,
- removed some (hi)-fantasy creatures which didn't fit to the
UnReal World: trolls, harpies, orcs etc.
- added diurnal rythm for all the creatures:
Now you may see an inn getting empty as the people walk out
to get some sleep, you may encounter a stag having an
afternoon nap and you may find villages rather empty as you
enter one late at night. Creatures have different kind of
diurnal rythms: some are active at the day (most people),
some at the night, some start seeking prey when the sun
sets and/or rises, some spend the whole day sleeping and get
active at the evening etc. It brings lots of excitement and
fun to the game as you learn about different kind of diurnal
rythms of the creatures.
- added hearing and smell/taste attributes for creatures:
Creatures use them mostly to check out if somebody is
disturbing their peace while sleeping etc.

- poisoning improved.

There is now different levels of poisoning varying from nausea

(which is not lethal at all) to deadly poisoning. So some mildly
poisonous mushrooms won't make you deadly sick anymore.

- added armour descriptions.

When examing armours in the inventory screen you will now see
description of the armour itself instead of armour material.
Description of the armour material can be however easily find
by following links in the game info browser.

- added new shop-types.

- fisherman: sells fish.

- shipwright: sells sailor equipment; nets, punts etc.
- miller: sells grain made products: breads, pies, cakes etc.

- foods rearranged.

Some new foods, some foods removed, some foods fixed.

- shop identification improved.

Every shop has now a sign over their doors indicating which kind
of goods the shop is shelling.

- added watercraft: punt.

Punt is a light watercraft which may be carried over the land

from a waterway to another. You need a tool called 'sesta' to
move the punt. It's a long staff which is used to shove the punt
ahead. You can transport heavier loads than you could carry by
loading them in to the punt. In order to use punt; drop it on
the coast, step in and use sesta.

- money system improved.

There are now two kinds of coins; silver and copper pennies.
One silver penny is worth of hundred copper pennies. When you
deal with money you don't have to worry about differenet kinds
of coins - the game splits your silver pennies to copper pennies
if needed. The silver penny is still most usual coin and copper
pennies are used only when it would be a overcharge to ask
somebody to pay a whole silver penny for something.

- digging improved.

When digging a solid rock you will now first get a boulder which
you can break apart or roll away.

- added traps.

There is only Fox Trap available so far. Traps can be used in

hunting or as a tactical weapon in combat situation. Traps are
classified as tools so they must be used by [a]pply command.

To use trap for hunting:

- get yourself a trap
- go to the wilderness
- set the trap by [a]pply-command.
That's it. Then just wait for a day or two (or more) and come
back to see if your trap has been a success:
- walk (in the wilderness) on the place you left the trap
- press [Enter] to zoom into terrain
You will be zoomed into the scenario where your trap is in the
middle of the terrain and possible prey may be caught in it.
If your trap hasn't gone off you have to be careful not to walk
on it by yourself. Sometimes you just find a trap that has gone
off and no prey at all. In that case some far more bigger animal
than your trap can hold has propably triggered your trap.
Remember to take your trap with you before exiting to the
wilderness again - even if it hasn' t been triggered yet! You
have to set your trap again after every time you check it out.

To use trap as a tactical weapon:

- get yourself a trap
- set the trap any place you want but not into the wilderness
- tempt your enemy to walk on the trap
- slain the poor thing or do what ever you were up to

Notice that Fox Trap can hold such creatures as foxes, cats etc.
but will only slow down and maybe even provoke such things as
bears, lions etc.
Readied traps can be triggered by knocking them with some weapon
or by kicking them etc.

- Bleeding wound treatment changed:

[B]-command (Stop bleeding wounds) is no longer in use. Bleeding

is from now on stopped by using PHYSICIAN-skill just like when
treating any other wounds. When bleeding is stopped the skill
skill may be used again to treat the wound furthermore.

- FISHING improved:

- added new fish-types: pike, perch and roach.

- added new fishing related item: fishing rod.
- there is three methods to fish:
1. netfishing
2. angling (with fishing rod)
3. club/spear-fishing: You'll need a staff, spear or somekind
of club. The idea is to knock down the fishes swimming
nearby the coast-line.

- the longknife is from now on called by its ugrian name: "skramasaksi".

- added cultures:

Start game info browser with CULTURES keyword for more info.
Cultures currently have an influence only in the course of
character generation (CRTPLR.EXE). There are currently three
player selectable cultures available. Different cultures
currently affect only to characters attributes, start-up skills
and their mastery levels and start-up equipments. In the future,
cultures will be having a major role in the game.

- added new weapon: "Kaumolais spear".

- added new character attribute: Frame.

Frame tells how the character is bodily build and affects to the
character's weight. Frame can be scant, light, average, heavy or
version: 2.08
released: Jul-31-1995

*** NOTICE! Saved characters from previous versions are NOT compatible ***
*** with version 2.08! ***

- added new command: <3> - Repeat previous combat maneuver

Once you have attacked your enemy you can repeat the maneuver by
using this command so you don't have to enter weapon aspect and
aiming zone again, only the direction.

- Skill selection-screen re-arranged.

Skills can be also selected by letters a-Z or by cursor keys.

Typing the skill name is no longer in order.

- new CRTPLR version:

- skills are selected by typing two digit numbers instead of

typing the whole skill name in the option point usage-section.

- added new skill: CLIMBING.

All characters learn climbing. Currently you can use it only to

climb mountains.

- mountains improved.

You just can't walk on them anymore. Now you have to climb on
them which may be quite risky sometimes.

- raw meat eating improved.

It depends on your will and hunger if you can eat raw meat or
- FISHING-skill improved.

Actually only net fishing has been improved: Now you must leave
your net into the water for some days before any fish gets
stucked into it. Picking the net (after throwing it by using
FISHING-skill) can be done by regular pick commands: [;] or [,].

- added a new shop-type: Hideworker.

- added new items (sold by Hideworkers):

- Leather Belt
- Sandals
- Hunting horn
- Skin (can usually contain 2-3 litres of liquid)

- fixed lotsa bugs (I was doing things too hurry. Shame on me!):

- fixed bug in 'fully healed wound'-notice.

- fixed some minor bugs concerning corpses.
- fixed fishing-equipment bug: you can now fish with spears etc.
- fixed season selection bug in CRTPLR: it had no effect.
+ some minor bugs.

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