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According to Abraham Maslow Hierarchy of basic human needs, that everyone has a dominant

need which is different from each other and must be satisfied, and that the lower level of needs
must be met before moving to another level (Treas. 2014, Pg 144). The needs are physiological
needs, safety and security, love and belongings, self-esteem, and self-actualization.
Sensory impairment can make it difficult to achieve the basic human needs as stipulated by
Abraham Maslow. For example a blind person will not feel they are love, and they are more
likely to entrust their belongings to someone they believe they trust even though it might be their
secret therefore they tend not to have secret. However, self-esteem is also affected for a blind
person, the sense of competency that an average normal person has is not there because they
cannot complete a task without a proper vision, and they have to depend on people around them
to complete some task, therefore they have low self-esteem.
A blind person can or may not be able to achieve self-actualization, self-actualization is the
fulfilment of one’s talent or potentials

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