Activity 1 - The Teaching Profession

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EDUC103- The Teaching Profession

BAIS-2B 7:00-9:00am

ACTIVITY: Lets’ Read These

A. Teaching as a Profession
Read the following instances when the word “professional” is used. ADD SOMEINSTANCES,
IF YOU CAN. As a group, explain what the word “professional” means in each case.
1. In this case, the word professional means that the thief knows how to steal. As if he had mastered his
ability as a thief, that’s why there was no evidence or indications on how the thief entered the house and
stole the cellphone.
2. From the sentence that the father told the floor tile setter which is “Gusto ko yong gawang propesyonal,
malinis at maganda”. The word “propesyonal” that indicates there means that the expertise of the
person in doing such act. From the time he worked as a floor tile setter there was a development in his
work, so the progress of what he worked develop his skill that’s why his service was clean and neat.
3. The situation stated above, the so-called professional in number 3 means in some instances on how she
moves, behave or the actions she uses. It seems to indicate that there is respect and formality in what
she/he does or acts.
4. So, in number 4 it was an opposite of number 3, it indicates there that the teacher is showing an
unprofessional manner, it means that maybe the teacher has done something unpleasant that people did
not like. The teacher is not showing the standard of behavior or skill that is expected of a person in
a skilled job.
5. In this case, the word professional here means they are the fees that charged by individuals specially
trained in specific fields of arts and sciences, such as doctors, architects, lawyers, and accountants.
Mostly, it is usually an income account used by a professional firm in recording its revenues. Generally a
fee that is determined in advance of the service performed and is based on the value of the expertise of
the person providing the service. A professional fee may be charged by the hour or as a set fee as
determined by the services agreed upon to be performed by the parties.
6. The professional word means that she/he already a licensed teacher.
APPLICATION: Let’s Apply What You Learned
1. By the use of a graphic organizer, present the elements of a profession.






2. Why does a profession like teaching require long years of initial professional education and
continuing professional development after that long, arduous initial professional education?
 Teaching profession requires long years of initial professional education and continuing
professional development after long arduous initial professional development in order for the
aspiring teachers to acquire an adequate knowledge and skills that they can apply in their
teaching profession. Initial professional education is the training ground that would help them to
enhance their skills, capabilities and potentials. It also important because it helps to build their
confidence and strength needed in the actual teaching. Initial profession education is required to
take in order to get certificate and able to take the Board Licensure Examination for Professional
Teachers (BLEPT). After passing the licensure examination and taking the long and arduous
initial professional education it is important to continue the professional development because
it ensures the teacher to continue to be competent in their profession. It is also an ongoing
process and continues throughout a professional’s career.
3. By way of an acrostic, explain the elements of profession.
P Public Servant
R Recommended in the society
O Open minded
F Flexible all the time
E Enable to serve
S Service-oriented
S Self-oriented
I Idealistic with the task
O Observing with peace
N Naturally competent


1. B. Yes, because there is such a term professional driver
2. C. I, III, and IV


Problem Research Methodology
To all professionals, the way they perceive themselves This is a survey inferential study in design conducted to
and the value of their services tend to influence their capture and analyzed the perceptions of University of
efficiency and hence productivity. For teachers, such Botswana, education students regarding teaching as a
perception is influenced by the views of the public profession. Data were randomly collected from total of
about teaching. A teacher tends to be psychologically 73 education students toward the end of second semester
handicapped by public perception of the value of his/her 2014/2015. Out of the sampled 73 students, 38 were
service. Teachers tend to be humbled by the Post graduate Diploma in Education (PGDE) and while
psychological pressure put on them by the feeling that, 34 were Bachelor of Education students. One participant
despite their irreplaceable service, their career is not failed to indicate his/her academic status. Among them
regarded as a profession by the public. According to were 57 females and 16 males without specified
Nenty (2010), pressure emanating from negative views sampling frame.
from the public of teaching as a career by the society
tends to reduce the amount of affective and cognitive Questionnaire was used to collect data. It is consisted of
investments on teaching and learning by teachers and two parts. The first part- Part I had five items demanded
teacher trainees. Such views tend to kill the aspiration for the demographic information of students. Part II with
and inspirational stamina of teachers. A situational 53 Likert-type items with six options – from ‘very
analysis of Botswana education system has noted that strongly agree’ through ‘very strongly disagree’ – was
there is a challenge of poor quality teachers, as developed. Additional two items were included to
practicing teachers do not get equitable treatment when demand students to state his or her overall grade in the
it comes to teacher training and professional last semester and the expected grade at the end of the
development (Kgalemang, 2015). The situation needs next semester. Face-validated of items was by three
urgent attention. The report indicates that the issue is colleagues in the area of assessment. Thus looked into
compounded by inadequate provision of teacher every item to find out whether they were measuring
training related to the new curriculum resulting in what it supposed to measure in relation to the
teachers often not being in a good position to implement operationalized indicators of students perception to
the curriculum properly. This is an immense challenge teaching as a professional. Negatively worded items
which reflects that teaching profession in Botswana were scored in the reverse direction. A Cronbach alpha
within the context of the teacher developments. As an analysis of the reliability of the measurement of the
attempt to address the challenge, it is important to variables involved in the study showed that for
investigate into teaching as a profession as perceived by motivation to achieve in teacher training programme
teacher trainees. with 3 items, alpha was .408; attitude toward teacher
training programme with 10 items, alpha was .869; value
of teacher training programme with 6 items, alpha was .
501; willingness to teach with 13 items, alpha was .718;
attitude towards teaching with 4 items, alpha was .589
and effectiveness of the training programme with 5
items, alpha was .603. These are acceptable reliable
coefficients that indicate that the instrument is reliable
hence it can be used to collect data.
Findings Conclusions
The findings of the study showed that in the perception Considering teaching as a profession by teacher trainees,
of UB teacher trainees, teaching is a profession and this it is an imperative perception which enriches psycho-
view is significantly stronger among female than male logically the working environment for a teacher. It
teacher trainees. Their level of perception of teaching as boosts teachers’ cognitive ability and affective
a profession has significant influence on their disposition which empowers improvement through
motivation to do well in their teacher training innovative teaching and learning by teacher trainers and
programme (TTP); attitude towards their teacher the teacher trainees. Given a conducive psychological
training programme (AtTTP), the value they attached to environmental afforded other careers as professions,
the programme (VaTTP); and their perception of the teachers will be seen as exhibiting specialized skills in
effectiveness of the programme (ETTP). Similarly, the the development of human resource for the betterment of
level to which they perceived teaching as a profession our society. The findings of this study corroborated that
has a significantly positive influence on their of Hargreaves et al. (2006) who examined the
willingness to teach (WtT); attitude toward teaching perceptions of the status of the teaching profession and
(AtT) and the level to which they perceive teaching as a revealed large differences between the teaching
stereotypes career (STC). Generally, the higher their profession and those professions judged to have high
perception of teaching as a profession, the higher is status in terms of reward and respect and as control and
their attitude towards their teacher training programme regulation. Teachers, trainee teachers and associated
as well as towards teaching. groups saw the teaching profession as virtually on a par
with a high status profession in terms of the training,
responsibility and performance that teaching requires.



1. Does the teaching profession fulfill all the elements of a profession? Explain your answer.
 Yes, the teaching profession can fulfill all the elements of a profession according to Alex S.
Brown; The teacher must need to take the four-year course which can fulfill to the first element
which is the Initial Professional Education. Accreditors also monitor the university program to
determine if the programs will provide adequate education. Accreditation assures that graduates
from accredited programs start their professional lives with the knowledge they need to perform
effectively. In teaching profession there’s always a room for Skills Development, practice
teaching, demonstration teaching and seminars are some of the best things that must be done in
order to become a good and effective teacher. Through this, the teacher enhance her teaching
skills that she can apply on her teaching profession. Another one is the Certification after
completion of education, skills development, workshops, seminar and training, the teacher will
receive certification. Licensing is one of the most important in teaching profession, the teacher
must able to pass the Board Licensure Examination for Professional Teachers (BLEPT) in order
to become a Licensed Professional Teacher. Teachers also needs for Professional Development
so others undergo schooling for additional education because it helps to assure a minimum
competency throughout their career. Professionals must also involve in such organizations to see
themselves as a part of the community, this fulfill to Professional Society. All teachers must also
fulfill the Code of Ethics, which was designed to protect the rights of all the students. To be fair
and have a good relationship with the learners. Lastly, in teaching profession it is also important
to fulfill the last element of profession which is the Organizational Certification, not only them as
an individual needs to be certified but also their organizations must be certified because it is a
response to the reality that individual competence is not sufficient to guarantee adequate levels of
professional service but organizational characteristics can have as much influence as individual’s
2. Is professionalization synonymous to professionalism?
 No, they are linked but mean different things. Professionalism is the skill and competence
expected of someone. professionalization is giving a higher standard of skills and competence to
something, usually through training and qualifications. So, professionalization is the act of
becoming professional Professionalism is the conduct of a professional.

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