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Introduction. 1

Chapter 1. The Holy Spirit and the Spirit life 4

Chapter 2. The Spirit of Man 16

Chapter 3. The Spirit Realm Dimensions 19

Chapter 4. Life in the Spirit Realm 22

Chapter 5. The School of the Spirit 27

Chapter 6. The Spirit Life The Life of Jesus 30

Chapter 7. Heaven Consciousness 33

Chapter 8. The Supernatural Realm 37

Chapter 9. Super Natural Beings 40

Chapter 10. Understanding Eternity 42

Chapter 11. Changing Realms in the Spirit 45

Chapter 12. The Lord’s Evolving Church 48

Chapter 13. Operation of Gifts and Callings in the Spirit 51

Chapter 14. Death-Key to Spiritual Life 53

Chapter 15. The End of the Ages 55



Many years ago, the Holy Spirit impressed on my heart that His call on
my life was to explore the Spirit realm and discover the mysteries of Jesus
there. He said that I was to go from realm to realm in the spirit until the
fullness of the Glory of the Lord manifested in me

Ever since, the Lord has led me from one depth to another in the realm of
the Spirit, leading and teaching me as we went along. He began to show
me things in the spirit, as well as in every day life, as they were in God’s

The revelation of Jesus Christ in my heart became ever clearer with each
stage of this extra ordinary walk in the spirit. The anointing of the Holy
Spirit grew ever stronger, and the understanding of the ways and the
Heart of the FATHER was made known to me in the process. My life has
taken successive turns. And never been the same.

God wanted me to know the truth. He wanted me to be able to

differentiate between truth and general opinion. Just because every one in
the world and in the known church believes in and preaches a principle
does not make it the truth.

Truth is a Person and that Person is Jesus Christ. And the truth about any
subject is what Jesus says about it. God is a Spirit; they that must worship
Him do so in Spirit and in truth. The Holy Spirit leads you to Jesus, and
when you worship God from the revelation of Jesus by the Holy Spirit in
your heart, then your worship is acceptable to Him. Only the Holy Spirit
can reveal Jesus -the truth. Therefore to know the truth, and operate
accurately with the father, I had to follow the Holy Spirit to ever
increasing depths in the Spirit realm.

The New Testament is a testament of life not of the letter (that kills) but
of the Spirit that gives life. You can know the scriptures and still be dead.
But real spiritual life comes from contact with the Holy Spirit. To
encounter the reality and life of the scriptures, the Holy Spirit has to take


you into the spirit realm where what you read about in the Bible exists in
spiritual materiality.

Until you learn to live in the spirit, you will be vulnerable to the
deceptions of the enemy. What God had in mind when He designed the
New Testament was that every one who operates in it would know Him,
right from the smallest to the greatest (Jer 31:31-34, Heb 9:8-11). Not
needing to go through rituals in Temples as in the Old Covenant. But that
every one would walk, talk and become close to Him. However, God is a
spirit and they that worship Him do so in spirit. Therefore to walk and
talk with God, you must be in the spirit. That’s why the New Testament is
of the spirit. (2 Corth. 3:6)
Life in the spirit is walking in a functional, on going relationship with
God. It is living with a God who is a spirit, day in day out.
This is the only way to live in continuous victory over Satan and fulfill
God’s plan and destiny for your life.
When I began to move in the realm of the spirit, God began to adjust my
views about everything. He gave me a new perspective to life. He began
to show me what His plans really were for me, for the church and for

When I began to teach about living in the spirit, the power of God would
move. The Glory of God began to manifest, as healings and miracles
would occur spontaneously. The Lord began to work in the hearts of the
people the message came to. He began to teach them Himself and take
them into the spirit realm. The Gifts of the spirit would be activated into
strong operation.

Sometimes, the Glory of God would remain on people or churches for

days after ministry. Stubborn people got saved, and the powers of
darkness were torn down. Many times, I would open my mouth to speak
in a meeting and the power of God would fall. The anointing would grow
so intense that the lord would appear to people, speaking, touching and
healing them. There were Angelic visitations marked by supernatural


I believe there are moves of God we have missed in the Body of Christ,
because many have not learnt to walk in the spirit. There is a place in the
plans and purposes of God we have not attained to because we are not
trained in living the spirit life.
As the end of the Ages comes upon us, the only way the Christian is
going to survive the darkness and deception of this hour, and still fulfill
God’s plans is by living in the spirit.

The Oil of the Night. Matthew 15:1

Jesus gave a parable of ten virgins to symbolize the position of the
Church at the second coming of Christ. He said five virgins were wise,
while the other five were foolish. What made five of them wise was that
they had extra oil for their lamps. So that when darkness came, they had
light to find their way to the Bridegroom. The other five were foolish
because they did not have extra oil for their lamps and so couldn’t find
their way to the bridegroom.
There is an oil God has given for this midnight hour that has come upon
the earth. There is an anointing the Holy Spirit has given us to live by in
the midst of the perilous times. This oil is our life in the spirit. This
anointing helps us to penetrate the spirit realm, hear the voice of God and
follow the light of the Holy Spirit in the darkness, and meet the
Bridegroom at his second coming.

The other five were foolish because they did not go the extra mile to store
extra oil. Every Christian has the Holy Spirit within once they are saved.
But few make the extra effort to develop a spiritual walk with God. Few
learn how to live their lives led and directed by the Holy Spirit, therefore
haven’t gone the extra mile to store oil. These are the foolish virgins.
They will not know their lefts from right in this hour: They will hear that
the Lord is coming, but will not know how to prepare their way and go
through the darkness to meet Him. It’s time to develop your walk in the
spirit so that you can be fully equipped to overcome in this hour.

This is what this book is about.


Chapter One
The Holy Spirit
The Spirit Realm

Life in the spirit is walking in a functional, ongoing relationship with

God. It is living with a God who is a spirit, day in day out.
This is the only way to live in continuous victory over Satan and fulfill
God's plan and destiny for your life.



The Holy Spirit carries the atmosphere of heaven with Him whenever He
moves. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God. The presence of the Holy
Spirit gives us a sense of what Heaven is like. The Bible says that the
kingdom of God is not in meat and drink but in righteousness, peace and
joy in the Holy Ghost – However, Jesus said that, the kingdom of God
cometh not by observation but is within you. This means that the kingdom
of God, or the kingdom of Heaven will not appear physically in this age
but is in the spirit realm, and that we experience that kingdom by the Holy
spirit’s coming into our hearts. That’s why it states that the kingdom is
righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. The Holy Spirit causes us
to come into contact with Heaven. The kingdom of Heaven that is in the
spirit is made accessible by the Holy Spirit.

The disciples asked Jesus in acts 1:5-8, if the kingdom would at that time
be restored to Israel, but Jesus replied that the time of the restoration of
Israel’s earthly kingdom belonged to the father. Then He went on to state
that they would, however, receive power after that the Holy Ghost was
come upon them. The connection between this statement, of receiving the
Holy Ghost and the question asked about the restoration of Israel’s
kingdom is not clear to many. But what Jesus was saying is that they
should leave Israel’s physical kingdom into God’s hands because it’s time
had not yet come. But they were to operate in the spiritual kingdom of
Heaven, embracing the Holy Ghost because through Him, the power of
that kingdom would come into them, giving them the ability to spread that
kingdom and its power in the earth.

When the Holy Spirit comes on you, you are in another world.
Sometimes, God allows you to see into the spiritual kingdom of Heaven,
but this is only on occasions. But even if you don’t see it, you are there


Heb. 12:22-24 says “But ye are come unto mount Zion and unto the city
of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable
company of angels, to the general assembly and Church of the firstborn,
which are written in Heaven and to God the Judge of all and to the spirits
of just men made perfect, and to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant,
and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things than that of
Notice it didn’t say we are going to come, but that we are come. When we
get saved, we come into mount Zion, into the heavenly Jerusalem, into a
company of innumerable angels, we stand before the throne of God. We
are seated in heavenly place in Christ Jesus (Eph.2:6).
We are ALREADY there, the angels, the Glory, the assembly of heavenly
and earthly saints are all around you right now, because according to the
word, we are in heavenly realms right now, in Christ Jesus.

But this is made real to you when the Holy Ghost is in manifestation. If
you walk in the spirit, you will suddenly begin to become aware of this
heavenly mountain, angels and heavenly people all around you.

Romans 8:5 say: “For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of
the flesh; but they that are after the spirit the things of the spirit”.
If you want to walk in the spirit, you have to mind the things of the spirit.
You have to become conscious of the Holy Spirit. You have to set your
heart and mind on the things of the Holy Spirit and as you grow conscious
and sensitive to the Holy Ghost, the things of the Heavenly kingdom will
become open and accessible to you.

Jesus always walked in the spirit; He was before the father’s throne, on
that mount Zion, in the spirit, even though He walked the earth at that
time. He said whatever I see the Father do is what I do (John 5: 19, 20).

Romans 8:14 says “As many as are led by the spirit of God, they are the
sons of God”. If you want to experience the power and the revelation of
the father like Jesus, what you need is to learn to walk in the Holy Spirit.
The Healings and miracles that Jesus worked are available to any one who
will walk in the spirit. You need to intensify your relationship with the
Holy Spirit. You can have miracles occurring in your life daily.


Isaiah 10:27 says “And it shall come to pass that his burden shall be lifted
from off thy shoulder, and his yoke from off thy neck, and the yoke shall
be destroyed because of the anointing”. The presence of the Holy Spirit is
the anointing. The presence of the Holy Spirit in your life has the ability
to break every yoke in your life. Many Christians are experiencing
burdens and yokes they cannot understand or explain. They have prayed,
fasted and tried every thing they know, but the problem has refused to go
away. However I have come to find out from ministering to many such
people that, they do not have a consistent relationship with the Holy
Spirit. The anointing of the Holy Spirit only flows to destroy persistent
yokes when you develop and maintain consistent obedience to the Holy
Spirit everyday. Many of such people obey the Holy Spirit only in some
areas of their lives but not in all. They only listen to the Holy Spirit
sometimes but not always. They submit to the will of God in some areas
of their lives, but leave out His will in other areas. This is the spiritual
blind side that makes one vulnerable to persistent problems. So if you are
experiencing persistent problems you need to check any or all of these

Some yokes are destroyed instantly, while others are destroyed gradually.
As you gradually learn to be led daily by the Holy Ghost. You will find
that every yoke will be destroyed by the Holy Spirit. The yoke is never
too strong for the anointing, but your lack of communication with and
disobedience to the Holy Spirit can bring bondage.

Romans 8:2 say “For the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made
me free from the law of sin and death. The law of the spirit of life in
Christ Jesus, simply put means obeying and following the holy spirit daily
as a child of Jesus Christ. It means living the Spirit life. Only the Holy
Spirit reveals Jesus to your heart and living by this revelation every day,
being changed daily from within by the Holy Spirit, following ever closer
to him, is the law of the Spirit. This process is what breaks the law of sin
and death, which is the cycle of evil that operates in mankind. The law of
sin includes everything evil from sin, diseases, curses, witchcraft,
religion, poverty, and death.


The law of the Spirit causes you to operate above all these things. It
prepares you for every attack of the enemy before it ever comes. You
always have victory, you become invincible, and nothing can stop you.
Hell becomes afraid of you, because nothing they do ever has an effect on
you. But when you move in the spirit against them the impact is

Isaiah 59:19 says “… when the enemy shall come in like a flood, the
Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him”. In this time, the
enemy is covering the earth like a flood of darkness, we are experiencing
the release of the spirit of antichrist- the spirit of lawlessness, wars,
famine, and death every where. Many people experience depressions that
they cannot explain. This is because of the darkness that has settled over
the earth. But if the Holy Spirit is in you, He will rise up and break the
floods of the enemy against you. The holy spirit is going to rise in these
times to put up a barrier against Satan, the holy spirit is going to move
like never before also, to stop the devil and fulfill God’s plans in the

Sometimes it takes time and strong effort to develop and establish a

relationship with the Holy Spirit. You have to keep on seeking God
everyday, you may need to fast more often, pray in the spirit and in your
understanding longer than you used to. Become more conscious of the
Holy Spirit in your spirit man. Be more attentive to every unction and
anointing that stirs in your spirit. And study your bible more carefully.
You need to become committed and dedicated to God, increase your
hunger for Him, and submit your lives completely into His will what ever
it may be. As you do these things and live by them every day, the Holy
Spirit will begin to move through you. Sometimes He starts with little
stirrings of unction within you, and then He begins to move in ever-
increasing levels.

Ezekiel 47:3-5, describes this vividly, Ezekiel was taken in levels and
stages through the river of life. Until he hit a major flow of the river, that
could not be passed over. As you maintain a constant life in the spirit, you
will begin to hit major realms in the spirit where extra ordinary things
begin to happen in your life.



William Branham was a man of God that lived and ministered in the
1940s and 50s. He had an extra ordinary ministry, supernatural things
always happened in his meetings. This was because he lived in the realm
of the Spirit, it is said that he was so alert that he could sense when the
angel God sent to back up his ministry arrived in the service. He had
extraordinary miracles and supernatural manifestations in his services.
Many times a pillar of cloud or fire would appear in the services.

Once, while Braham was ministering, a crippled boy was brought on the
stage; he carried the boy in his hand and laid hands on him. The boy
jumped out of his hand and started running around on the stage. A couple
was in the congregation, and when they saw the boy run, they stood up,
but they fell flat under the power of the spirit, just as they stood up to see
their child. And at that same time, a lady had been playing the piano for
that service, she was struck by the power of the Holy Ghost, slid off the
piano stool and started dancing by the Holy spirit; but the piano kept on
playing by itself, the keys kept on moving and so on. Then in that moment
the Holy Ghost moved through the congregation, and people suddenly
started getting out of wheel chairs, stretchers, etc, cancer patients
suddenly healed, and so on.

You see, Branham’s sensitivity brought an invasion of the Holy spiritual

realm into the service. If we live in the spirit realm, our services will be
full of supernatural manifestations.

Prophetic Ministry

Prophetic Ministry operates in the realm of the spirit. Many people in the
church today are called into the prophetic ministry. But they do not know
how to live in a spirit led life. Your prophetic ministry will only find its
full effect and impact as you learn to operate in the Holy Spirit. Until
then, you will be vulnerable to false visions and dreams. Many prophetic
people today have access to dreams and visions because of the gift in
them, but until they cultivate a spirit led life, their unyielded nature will
corrupt the flow of the gift in them.


But when a prophetic person can operate accurately in the spirit realm the
impact of his prophetic ministry will be extra ordinary, like that of
William Branham. Branham led the healing revival that happened in the
United States in the 1940s and 50s. He ministered as a prophet and an
Evangelist. He operated with many peculiar manifestations of the Holy
Ghost, especially in the prophetic anointing with the words of knowledge.
He would greet people by their first and surnames meeting them for the
first time ever. He would diagnose diseases by the Holy Spirit, call out the
individual, his name, address, his wife or her husband’s name etc all by
the Holy Ghost.

Apart from healings, Braham had signs and wonders like Old Testament
prophets; such as whirlwinds, physical pillars of light and fire and a halo
of light appearing physically.

Apart from restoring the healing anointing to the body of Christ in the
healing revival, the Lord also intended to infuse signs and wonders of the
prophets of old testament times into the Body of Christ through
Branham’s ministry. Today, through the impact of the healing revival of
the 40s, healings are a common experience in the Body of Christ, but
signs like that of Branham, are rare. Yet, God intended the signs to go
along with the healings.

Its time to reach out into the realm of the spirit, because there are many
things the Lord has sent out of heaven that we have failed to receive as
the Body of Christ in the earth.

God is looking for ‘spirit realmers’. People who will pay the price to walk
far into the realm of the Holy Spirit to obtain those things God has
released for the advance of His kingdom in the earth.


There’s a science fiction series I used to see on TV sometimes. It’s called

‘Star Trek’, and I used to think and say to myself, that the way these
people travel far into Space is the same way we need to travel far into the
spiritual realm, exploring it; because there is much to be seen, much to be
heard, and much to be experienced. There are revelation truths hanging


out far in the spirit realm that we need to pay the price to receive grace to
access. There are more prophetic words, more spiritual songs, greater
anointing and gifts of the spirit, more accurate plans and strategies, more
blessings of prosperity and financial growth waiting to be received at the
Fathers throne.

There is solution for every problem, deliverance from every danger,

healing for every disease and breakthrough from every oppression and
limiting wall. Nothing is impossible, for with God, that is those who walk
with God, nothing shall be impossible. But we need a spirit realm trek.
We need to walk far into the realms of the Holy Spirit and manifest those
deeper realms of the Glory of God. For a long time the Holy Spirit has
been trying to impart understanding of living in the realm of the spirit into
the body of Christ.

Your spirit life actually starts when you get saved. This is when the Holy
Spirit first comes into your life. But most people are never taught how to
live their lives in the spirit. Many Christians remember how the Holy
Spirit spoke to their hearts and worked within them when they first got
saved. But don’t know why it stopped or was less frequent after they had
become saved for a while. The reason is because they did not know how
to continue operating in the spirit life that had come into them.

Branham could know when his ministry’s angel arrived in a service. Most
of us don’t even know when Jesus walks into our services. Even if He
wanted to open our eyes into the spirit realm we wouldn’t know it. If the
Holy Ghost wanted to do something peculiar and different in our services
we would never know it. This is because we are not trained in spirit led

Many times I would sit in a service and see the Holy Spirit walk in, the
atmosphere of the service would change but the leaders of the service
would never know what the Lord wanted to do, sometimes they wouldn’t
even know if any thing happened at all.

These days praise worship leaders are so concerned about good singing.
But many do not know how to follow the Holy Spirit, and minister
accordingly. Today, if you mention sensitivity to the Holy Ghost, in many

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places people will just laugh at you and say you’re just being ‘hyper

If we’re are so good at organizing a program, so good at administration,

yet so poor at following the Lord- Ministry is so well organized, doctrine
so correct, everything is just in place; but if we don’t know the Lord
enough to know how and when His Spirit moves, then it’s all dead

If you cannot change and follow Him when He decides to do something

peculiar in a service, then it is not His service; it is not a service to
worship Him and to do His will. It is your service.

Yet many people just have to have their services as usual because, they
haven’t learnt how to live in the realm of the spirit and thus can’t even
sense what He is doing in the spirit. They can’t hear His messages; they
don’t know what He is saying to their church.

Many are afraid that if they don’t firmly order and restrict their services,
there would be disorder and an outbreak of false spirits. Yet this is not
enough an excuse to withhold the Lord from His plans. You can walk
with God and know what is false and evil and discern what is of the Holy
Spirit. You can be mature and discern between flesh and spirit. The fear
of the false should not keep us from the true. The key to discernment is
developing a flow with the anointing. Then you can know what is
anointed and what is not. You need to be sincere enough to admit it to
yourself when you make a mistake. Correct yourself and go on in the
spirit. You need to ask the Lord to guide you, and He will.

Right beside the tree of life in the Garden of Eden was the tree of the
knowledge of good and evil, Adam and Eve had to live with it until they
fell. If they had to live with an evil tree in the garden of paradise, then we
might as well put up with spiritual dangers in this present corrupt world.
If you will always seek to obey the Lord, then He will keep you from
falling; even fear of falling cannot keep us from falling, only the Lord
Himself can keep you, so commit yourself to Him.

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Because many churches and ministries do not know how to follow the
Lord closely and live in the spirit strongly enough to know how to order
their churches and ministries according to His structure and order, they
have missed many moves of God in their midst.

Many think that the Lord’s plan for their church is just to have large
membership and beautiful buildings. There is little or no emphasis on
building believers into the Image of Christ by the Spirit. Many are caught
up in many church activities but have a shallow or non-existent walk with
God. And God is warning them of many judgments to come.

If you think I’m harsh, just read the book of Revelations.

The book of Revelation opens with a mysterious appearance of Jesus to

John the beloved. Then it progresses with prophetic revelations and
messages from the Lord Jesus to seven churches in Asia Minor. These
revelations presented the spirit realm perspectives of these churches as the
Lord saw them and not how they appeared to be in the physical. The Lord
did not judge them according to their sizes or numbers, or buildings. He
judged them according to their relationship with Him, according to their
walk in the Spirit and according to their obedience to His purposes, and
faithfulness to His word.

Rev. 2:1-7 speaks particularly to the church at Ephesus. This church

appeared to be perfect. They had zeal, they laboured, they stood for true
doctrine, and they couldn’t tolerate false doctrines and false apostles. But
even though they had everything in order outwardly, the Lord judged
them according to the state of their hearts. They worked and did a lot of
activity, but their love relationship with the Holy Spirit was gone. All
their labours became pointless to the Lord, and He threatened to judge
them by literarily removing His spirit from their church. There is no
substitute for a close personal walk with the Lord. If you’re not walking
closely with the Lord to organize your church or ministry, you will end up
in religious activity at the best; which will be pointless to Him.

Zeal and correct doctrine cannot take the place of the Lord Himself in
directing our life and ministry.

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Rev 3:1 “…I know thy works, thou has a name that thou livest and are
This was speaking to the church at Sardis. It says they had a name that
they were alive but were dead. Every one saw and perceived that church
to be alive, they were full of activity, they became famous and known to
be alive, but were dead.

We can congratulate ourselves and have everyone testify that we have a

successful, well-organized ministry, but that doesn’t mean we’re alive.
General approval does not mean God’s approval, public applauds doesn’t
guarantee God’s acceptance.

We can go on the air, be a public figure of renown for the Lord and His
Gospel and still be dead and ready to be judge by Him. This doesn’t mean
the Lord doesn’t love you.

He does, that’s the reason for all the warning. So that if we repent and
change, He can turn around and leave a blessing.

In Rev 1:10 John said “I was in the spirit on the Lords day, and heard
behind me a great voice, as of a Trumpet… see, that’s how the revelation
came. If you don’t live in the spirit, you won’t be able to discern the
Lord’s voice and find out His will daily for your life and ministry. We
don’t want to end up sooner or later like the churches afore mentioned
here- looking great, apparently, but unacceptable to God.

What would Jesus say if He came to our church or life today?

The point is; live the Spirit life. That way your life and ministry will flow
with supernatural life and order. And will be pleasing to the Lord. Other
wise you can have a lot of good plans and administration, and miss God’s
plan, end up displeasing Him, and in danger of judgment from Him.


Judgment, says the Spirit of the Lord, for many are blinded by their
wealth and prosperity. They are satisfied with the outward show and with
the approval of man. The clamour for fame and applauds has deafened

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them; they no longer seek after me nor thirst after my will. Therefore I
will send prophets and messengers unto them, who will bear witness of
their backslidings and idolatry. I will remove the light of their
understanding and will take away THE PRESENCE THAT REVEALS. I
will call my children out of the houses that magnify wealth and riches,
fame and fortune but despise truth, righteousness and a walk with me.
This is why I judged the former churches, and they ceased to have the
light and many of those churches died. Repent therefore and return to a
walk in my Spirit. Delusion and blindness shall come upon many. They
will loose the eyes of understanding and have a darkened heart and will
not be able to hear nor to perceive nor to understand. And many will fall
prey to the enemy that devours.

I am beginning to raise new churches; that will not operate on secular

patterns and standards. But will have the flexibility to flow with my spirit
and carry my end time anointing. They will be swift with obedience and
fulfill my plans in the earth. I am organizing a race of people who will not
be caught up in the noise and babble of the secular church. I will be in
their midst and my revelation shall be outstanding in them. So be
prepared for these things that I have spoken to you. For there shall come
a revival of hungering and thirsting after me. And there shall be repenting
and salvation and the purging fire shall burn in the hearts of men and
women. And there shall rise great men and women who will prophesy and
speak in an anointing that belong to the end of the age. (December 2000)


Walking in the spirit means living out the nature and life of the Holy
Spirit within you. This includes spiritual character and supernatural
manifestations. The nature of the Holy Spirit will manifest as the fruit of
the spirit through you. You will find out that as you constantly live with
the Holy Spirit, He will show you areas of your life that need to be
straightened out. He will help you develop spiritual character and help
you overcome your weaknesses and flaws. The Holy Spirit will not allow
you to continue in a walk far into the spirit realm if you do not change and
alter your life as He directs. Many people want to continue in the plans of
God but are not willing to change with Him. The processes of God

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working within you, is to change you from within so that you can
continue in His purposes.

The reason why so many people do not go far with God is because they
cannot alter their heart conditions, thought patterns or life styles to fit into
the demands of the Holy Ghost. One thing you must understand is this; if
you are willing to go all the way with God into His perfect plan, then you
must be willing to change and to keep on changing until you arrive at His
image fully formed within you (Galatians 4:19)

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Chapter Two

The Spiritual Man

The spirit of man is created in the

supernatural order of God. Your spirit
man is designed and structured by
God to live, walk and operate in the
dimension of God.



“The spirit of man is the candle of the Lord, searching all the inward parts
of the belly” Proverbs 20:27.

The spirit of man is created in the supernatural order of God. Your spirit
man is designed and structured by God to live, walk and operate in the
dimension of God.

Man is spirit, soul and body. But the real man is the spirit man. Most
Christians are more conscious of their bodies or their souls i.e. more
aware of their feelings, emotions, intellects and imaginations etc, than
they are of their spirit man. Yet their spirit man is the recreated,
regenerated part of them. When you get born again, it is your spirit man
that is born again, or recreated. Your soul, including your mind, will have
to be renewed and reoriented by the word and spirit of God, while your
body is healed and kept in line with the spirit by the same. But your spirit
man is totally recreated into the order of God’s Spirit.
Jesus said, “That which is born of the flesh is flesh, but that which is born
of the spirit is spirit” John 3:3-5

Your body lives in the physical world. Your soul operates in the mental
realm. But your spirit man lives and operates in the realm of the spirit -
and haven been recreated into the order of the Holy Spirit can live and
operate effectively with the Holy Spirit.
1 Corth 6:17 ‘But he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit’

Your spirit man is naturally supernatural. The spirit realm is supernatural,

just as the Physical is natural. The supernatural nature of the Holy Spirit is
birthed into your spirit man when you get born again. The supernatural
life and nature of the Holy Spirit flows through your spirit man to activate
supernatural life in your soul and body; and this results in your living in
the supernatural life of the Holy Spirit daily.

When I got born again, I became conscious of invisible activity taking

place around and within me. I used to see a burning light around me.

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Sometimes it looked like a cloud charged with electricity around me.

When I spoke to people, they also felt that divine charge. The presence of
God became real to me. However, I was conscious that this bright light
came from within me. It was the Spirit of God. When I walked into
classrooms at school, people felt it. Some people told me my face
changed and came aglow with a strange light. I had people jump up and
shout when I walked into places, because they thought a ghost had just
walked in.

I believe all these things happened because of the Holy Spirit flowing
through my inner man. And I believe this will happen to any child of God
who learns to become conscious of the Holy Spirit.

Being conscious of the Holy Spirit in your spirit is an important point. It

is this consciousness that makes you aware of your own inner man. Being
conscious causes you to notice when the Holy Spirit is tugging at your
spirit, to guide, direct or restrict you. When you are conscious, your
sensitivity to the Holy Spirit becomes keen and alert.

When you have developed a keen and accurate sensitivity to the

directions of the Holy Spirit in your spirit, then you become usable in His
hands. The Lord can then use you to accomplish His plans in the earth.
You become a vessel God uses in carrying out His moves in the earth. A
vessel God uses in the advance of the heavenly kingdom on earth. Details
of the strategies of heaven become accessible to your heart. Technicalities
of the anointing are revealed to you, so you can move on and operate in
the stronger anointing of God.

Your spirit man can be so developed that you can discern things before
they happen, know things about people you meet every day without
anyone having to tell you and know the will of God in any situation, and
avoid the outcome of wrong decisions before it ever materializes.

Those who are sensitive to the Holy Spirit in their spirit man flow in the
strongest anointing; experiencing miracles and mighty manifestations of
the Holy Spirit in their ministries and in their daily living.

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Your spirit man cooperating with the Holy Spirit is what makes you
effective in operating in the spirit realm. The extent to which you can
follow the leadings of the Holy Spirit is the extent to which you will get
supernatural manifestations of God in your life. It takes a strong spirit
man to fulfill the call on your life in these end times.

There for it is time for you to develop strength in your spirit man through
consecration to the lord, study and fellowship of his word and regular
prayer and fasting.

Then learn to flow in your inner man by developing the habit of daily
listening for the lord’s leadings in your spirit and obeying those leadings.
As you are faithful with little, more will be added to you.

Living consistently like this over time will make you grow strong in your
spirit man and confident in following the lord’s leadings.

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Chapter Three
The Spirit Realm

The spirit dimension can be divided into two parts,

that is the realm of God, His angels, His truth and
power. And secondly, the spirit realm of darkness
where the devil and his deceiving spirits operate; this
is where spiritists, mediums, witches and other
demon influenced people find their source of evil
power and communication



Defining the dimensions of the spirit realm is not so easy, because for one
thing, it could be different for everyone; the operations of each individual
operating by the holy spirit in the spirit realm differs according to the
gifts, callings, plans, purposes and anointing God places on each
individual. However, there are some general characteristics of the realm
of the spirit that apply to all.

The spirit dimension can be divided into two parts, that is the realm of
God, His angels, His truth and power. And secondly, the spirit realm of
darkness where the devil and his deceiving spirits operate; this is where
spirits, mediums, witches and other demon influenced people find their
source of evil power and communication.

The spirit realm of God is charged with the life of God’s presence and
anointing. It is a dimension where the written scripture is in
manifestation; a place where revelation truth appears with clarity and
deception is broken. It is the dimension where God is contained, where
He speaks, moves, reveals, leads, anoints and imparts. It is actually the
dimension of heaven God allows your spirit man to come in contact with
when you yield to the Holy Spirit. The spirit realm is naturally
supernatural, just as the physical realm is natural. It is the source of God’s
supernatural operations in the natural world. It is a place where the move
of God is continually experienced. It’s a dimension where time and
distance cease to be the parameters of measurement, hence the future is
often revealed as if it were a present situation and revelations concerning
distant future are spoken as if the apply to the immediate present time.

The spirit realm is where Angelic and other Heavenly beings operate,
where they are seen, heard, sensed, felt, touched and experienced. The
quality and flavour of the spirit differs each time you are led into it by the
holy spirit; depending on His plan, purpose and revelation He wants to
impart to you at each particular time, the flavour of the anointing and
God’s presence you experience differs each time according to the
operation He is carrying out in your life at each particular time.

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Scripture Perceptions

As you enter into the spirit realm, your inaccurate perspectives and
interpretations of scriptures are corrected, because the structure of the
realm is defined by the reality of the word of God, not according to any
man’s perspective or interpretation, but according to God’s. However, an
incorrect or religious perspective and application of the scriptures can
expose you to the wrong spirit realm of darkness. Therefore, a true heart,
openness and yielding to the dealings of the word and spirit in your life is
imperative for healthy operation in the realm. However, religious and
self-righteous attitudes and scripture perspectives can short circuit and
divert your operations in the spirit.

The spirit realm is in stages, phases and dimensions of God’s dealings. In

other words, you enter different spheres and dimensions of the spirit
realm according to God’s dealings in your life where each realm comes
with various anointing, revelations, plans, purposes and emphasis. As you
change realms in the spirit, you will discover the lord will make certain
demands and requirements before he gives you access to the next levels of
his dealings with you.

One time the lord had been dealing with me about a new level coming
into my life. He began teaching about the strength of the spirit obtainable
at that level. He allowed me to walk in a certain measure of that anointing
for a while. And then suddenly he stopped. When I inquired of the lord
why those experiences and unction ceased, he spoke to me that to enter
into this next level I had to completely leave the place where I currently
fellowshipped and functioned as a leader. This particular group had a lot
of expectations of me and wanted to be part of whatever I was going to be
doing. But the lord said he would no longer continue in that powerful
dealing until I went and handed over, and completely left the place.

So many people are missing out on what the lord has for their lives
because they have stayed where men have placed them and not where
God has placed them. They assume they are in the right place because of
all the social, emotional and sentimental connections they have there. Yet

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we need to be able to go beyond human connections unto divine

connections in Holy Spirit led circumstances to keep up with God.

By the time this change I speak of was through, I was living in another
part of the country, with a new assignment, living under a different
emphasis for this phase of my life, and operating under the powerful
unction the lord had introduced me to.

Each realm has a lesson and emphasis which you must understand and
apply in your life in order to move on in God’s plan for your life, and
move on into the next realm of the spirit. Each lesson in each realm is
interconnected, and must be kept in proper order, perspective and priority
in your heart. The Holy Spirit will help you do this if you’re willing and

Changing realms in the spirit usually goes along with changes in attitudes,
spiritual positions, thought and perspective and ministry patterns. It will
also require upgrading of spiritual truths and insights, adjustments of
mentalities as well as the activations of new spiritual relationships and
company, and the discarding of the old. There maybe adjustments in your
gifts and callings or the introduction of whole new gifts and callings into
your life by the Holy Spirit and a repositioning of your placement and
role in the church of God.

Keeping in step constantly with the dynamism of the spirit realm requires
strong discipline, which stems from strong desire to walk with God. It is
the lack of this very virtue that has robbed many, of a priceless walk with
God in the spirit.

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Chapter Four
Life in The
Spirit Realm

If you walk with God, you will break

the time barrier. Noah walked in the
spirit, listened to God lived his life in
preparation for a future unforeseen
event and circumstances.



When you live in the spirit realm, what quality of life will you
experience? There are certain features that characterize the lives of people
who live in the spirit. Prominent among these features is that you become
acutely aware of the unseen realm. You are more conscious of spiritual
things; you gradually begin to order your life from the invisible spiritual
things of God, rather than from the physical condition of things around
you. Your lifestyle is dictated by spiritual realities instead of physical
realities. Your order of priorities and system of values is taken from the
order and priorities of heaven rather than from an earthly perspective.

You become acutely aware of the purpose of God for your life and as a
result you develop a heavenly focus. It becomes natural for you to live in
the mind of God concerning you. Your choices and decisions are based on
the instructions and leadings of God rather than on economic, material
gains. Faith becomes a natural lifestyle for you because your life is based
on the unseen things of God not on visible things of the human

You naturally attempt things that may seem impossible. Your source of
confidence is not what you have or don’t have, but is on the unseen
resources of God. You have an attitude of victory in what ever conditions
you pass through, because you have a spiritual understanding of what is
going on and know that the eventual victory is certain. Your timing for
entry into certain phases and stages of your life time are dictated, not from
physical conditions of things around you, nor from people’s opinion but
from the dictates of heaven. So that when every one else thinks it is time
to do some thing, you do things differently because you are following
heaven’s dictates. But when you decide to follow heaven’s timing into
certain things the results make it obvious that God is with you. But not
everyone will agree with you. Therefore, to operate in the spirit, you have
to make sure of God’s timings and resolutely lock onto it, determined to
follow it through. Other wise people and circumstances around you can
pull you out of God’s timing and God’s plan.

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The consideration of supernatural manifestations and interventions in

daily activities is not considered to be a reasonable, logical or practical
thought by the average man. But the spirit led man fully expects and lives
in the consciousness and anticipation of supernatural interventions in his
life. This consciousness gives him a sense of high expectancy and
excitement in his daily life; he carries an air of adventure and dramatic
destiny. Spirit led, faith filled people have been known to be starry eyed,
adventurous people, who dared to do the impossible because they
believed in the supernatural interventions of God in their daily lives.

Another feature you will experience in the spirit life is a sense of motion,
progression, processes and transition. You’ll constantly experience
changes in your life. You’ll find yourself moving, transitioning from one
dimension to another, by a series of processes. Progression-constantly
journeying from one stage to another is a strong feature of the spirit life.
You keep on moving from one realm to another experiencing the eternal
depths of Jesus Christ.

Another important characteristic of spirit realm living is the element

future of timing. People who walk with God in the spirit find that He is
always moving them towards a future purpose and destiny. Spirit realm
people are usually very futuristic; they see the end from afar and live in it,
walk in it, embrace it and respond to it. A lot of their decisions, attitudes
and even whole life styles reflect a future purpose and destiny of God,
which is yet imperceptible to most people. Their values, priorities and
preferences are regulated by what they perceive will be a future priority,
which most of the time, may seem to be of little value in the immediate
present. If you walk in the spirit, you will live outside of physical time
sequence, because the spirit realm itself is outside of the time dimension.

If you walk with God, you will break the time barrier. Noah walked in the
spirit, listened to God lived his life in preparation for a future unforeseen
event and circumstances. Noah constructed a vehicle for a future event
that had never occurred before. His values, priorities, investments in time,
energy and finance were all for a future time dimension that had no
precedence. Yet, by living like that, he was able to preserve his family
during the flood and provide for the continuity of God’s animals and
creation. People who live in the spirit serve as continuity for the purposes

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of God in the earth. They can sense the major changes on the earth while
it is yet afar off. They are often sent as prophets to declare those things;
and are usually sent as apostles and forerunners to prepare and help
people receive them. This occurs both in the dimensions of the church and
the world systems. They often look stupid when their messages and life
styles reflect a future spiritual, political, economic or physical condition
that has not yet occurred. Yet, just as it was with Noah, their vindication
often comes suddenly and unexpectedly.

The gifts and anointing that operate in their lives usually has full value
and application in a season that is yet to come; but in the mean time, their
messages, ministries and life styles become a prophetic symbol of that
which is to come. Isaiah said, “I and my children are for signs and
wonders in Israel from the lord of hosts who dwells on mount Zion”
(Isaiah 8:18). Isaiah and his children were prophetic symbols of future
political events that would occur in Israel and other nations of the world.

We are living in a time of change, major changes are occurring all over
the world in all spheres, including the political, economic, technological,
information, transportation and even religious etc. every sphere is
currently undergoing major changes that are redefining these various
spheres. More than ever, this is the time that Christians need to live and
walk in the spirit so that they can survive these changes and still be
relevant in their generations.


A Prophecy can be defined to be an inspired utterance, which may include

the foretelling of future events and/or circumstances. For example, Many
of Isaiah’s prophecies foretold what the life and the deeds of the Messiah
would be. However, the Prophetic Spirit does not just foretell what shall
be in times to come. It also reveals what the future will be through the
lives of certain individuals who live in the present. This is a pattern of
God throughout scripture. The Prophetic Spirit causes you to live outside
of time dimension, and takes you into the operations of the eternal
purposes of God.

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The Prophetic Spirit causes you to live in a time dimension that has not
yet arrived. You do not only foretell the future but you also live in the
future. David while under the Prophetic Spirit in singing Psalms
expressed many things that Christ said and experienced.

Isaiah also experienced the life of Jesus when He said “The Spirit of the
lord is upon me because he hath anointed me to preach the Gospel to the
poor…” Isaiah 61:1-5. Isaiah was never anointed to preach the Gospel,
Heal the sick and cast out demons. But he was already living in the future
life of Christ even in his own days in Jerusalem.

The Prophetic Spirit takes you beyond your own generation and causes
you to live for the time to come, expressing; in words, actions and life
style; what the future shall be. Enoch is another powerful example. Enoch
was the seventh from Adam, the Bible says he walked with God and was
taken to Heaven. His life was symbolic and Prophetic of a people who
will walk the earth in the completion fullness of the days of Man (Seventh
from Adam), these people will walk with God and be translated – this is
the Church of Jesus in the New Testament. Yet Enoch lived even before
the Old Testament times; he prophesied that the Lord will come with Ten
thousand of His Saints (Jude1:14).
The life and kingly ministry of David was generally known by the Jews to
be a symbol of the life and Authority of the Messiah. This Phenomenon is
a reality of the Prophetic Spirit; it causes you to become a symbol of what
is to come. Isaiah 8:18 says: “I and my children are for signs and
wonders…” Isaiah had given birth to Prophetic children that the Lord was
using as prophetic symbols and omens in Israel. The lives of those
children became living signs and symbols of what was going to occur in
Israel, Jerusalem and other Nations of those times.
The Prophetic Spirit is still the same today. He is causing lives to become
symbols of the future. They are living in a time dimension that has not yet
come. Like Isaiah, they are operating in an anointing that belongs to the
future, and they are bringing light and direction to the body of Christ,
Guiding her into the future purposes of God.

The Prophetic Spirit causes you to live differently. Because you are
responding to the lifestyle and events of another time. You are walking

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with a God who knows the end from the beginning and who knows the
beginning from the end. Your life will not necessarily follow the sequence
and order of the present world you are seeing around you.
You will do things differently and achieve super natural success in all
your endeavors. You will not do everything at the time everyone is doing
it. But you will achieve results because you do things in the timing of the
Holy Spirit. You will be many years ahead of your world. You will know
things before they happen; you will understand the future as clearly as
day. You will know the signs of the times and what you ought to do. You
will become a vessel in the hands of God to carry the power of the age to
come. You will become recognized in the Spiritual realm. Few people
live in the Prophetic Spirit in the Body of Christ today, but they are vital
for the survival of the Church tomorrow.
Prophetic Gifts and Ministries are arising in the Body of Christ today who
will speak and not cease. They will describe the patterns that exist in the
spirit realm; they will not speak to the Church according to the present
day patterns but they will speak from the spirit realm and reflect an
eternal dimension in their ministry to the Church. We are about to hear
supernatural words and messages that will shake the foundations of the
earth and bring forth the judgments of God to the nations. The fulfillment
of the plans and purposes of God in the world depends strongly on people
who live in the Prophetic Spirit.
There are thrones set and men of signs and wonders are sitting on them, a
sudden outburst of the spirit of the Lord producing new order and patterns
for the people of God.

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Chapter Five
The School of
The Spirit

Sometimes when we start our walk in the

Spirit, we soon reach a point where the Holy
Spirit starts dealing with us about a
particular issue. It isn't always an outright
sin. It is often something very personal just
between you and Him.



The spirit realm is in stages and phases or in realms, as is applicable to

our present day schooling systems. You are required to go from one level
or stage to another in an ever increasing progression. However, your
advance from one realm to the next depends on the establishment of the
truths, revelations and anointing of the present realm in your life. Once
you’ve learnt the lessons well, and it is clear to the Holy Ghost that
you’ve made the necessary commitments to the truths and purposes of
God in that level then you’ll be cleared to go on to the next realm of the
glory of God. Once you’ve conformed to the image of the Glory of the
Lord Jesus at that level, them you’ll be allowed to continue the
progressional change into His image on the next level (2 Corinth. 3:18).

Sometimes when we start our walk in the Spirit, we soon reach a point
where the Holy Spirit starts dealing with us about a particular issue. It
isn’t always an outright sin. It is often something very personal just
between you and Him. He requires you to completely yield to Him on that
particular issue as if nothing else matters. He made that issue a point of
reference in His dealings with you. He assesses you based on your
performance on that issue. He stresses it very strongly in your life. It is a
point of covenant between you and Him. It is usually different for every
one. But whatever it is He happens to point out to you, He expects you to
pay maximum attention to that issue, and this is because it has everything
to do with your purpose in Him. He uses that issue to define your walk
with Him, your place in the Body of Christ, your call and ministry, His
assessment of your personal life, as well as the determinant of release of
His blessings on your life.

This truth is so strong and yet so many people miss it. They do everything
else except this very thing. They perform so very well in every other area
of their lives and yet never take time to listen to the Lord and find out
exactly what He wants them to do. The result is that things go wrong all
around them and they never know why. This is why. It’s like majoring on
the minors in school.

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All of us were in university studying various courses. If someone in the

English department took chemistry electives just because ‘we’re all in the
same school after all’. And then he focuses all his attention on the
chemistry. At the end of the day he has ‘A’s in his chemistry courses, but
fails and has to repeat his year at the English department because English
is his major course and he did not pay the required attention to it.

No matter how well he does at chemistry, he will never go on to the next

class or level in his English department. This is how it is in our walk in
the Spirit.

I remember on the campus I schooled in, how that at the beginning of

each semester, the spirit-realm would just open up powerfully over me.
And daily, dealings and dimensions from the Holy Spirit would pour out
upon me. It was a very rigorous learning process. I had to keep on my
toes, being alert all the time. Messages, lessons and instruction came to
me at any and every time.

The university semester system seemed to powerfully illustrate to me that

God had a learning process, which could span many months at a time. At
times, these periods became powerful learning curves that always ushered
me in to another dimension of living. New levels of the spirit realm
always came to me.

I remember one morning, early in my sophomore year; I just began

drifting from deep sleep into consciousness with the presence of God
strongly on me, and a song I had never heard before coming out of the
spirit realm. As I woke up the Holy Spirit urged me to sing:

‘The spirit-life, is flowing from within

The spirit-life, is what You want us to live
The spirit-life, is love working within
The spirit-life, Lord is You living through me’.

And as I sang the song, I saw a book floating towards me and on it was
written ‘THE SPIRIT LIFE’.
That day I knew I was to write that book I saw, and as the pages began to
open, I began taking the lessons down.

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This book is the result of that early morning wind of the spirit. Over the
years since then, the message of those pages have been burned into my
life by God through revelation and life experiences- both sweet and sour.
And such is the manner of the school of the Holy Ghost.

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Chapter Six
The Spirit Life -
The Life of Jesus

The spirit life is the supernatural life

Jesus was living while on earth,
continued through the Holy Spirit in
our own bodies and lives. Christ is our



‘If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where
Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above
not on things on the earth. For ye are dead and your life is hid with Christ
in God. When Christ, who is our life shall appear, then shall ye also
appear with Him in Glory (Colossians 3:1-4).

One afternoon, several years back, during a fast, the Lord gave me this
scripture. I remember I was so hungry I wanted to just run to the kitchen
and get some food. But the Holy Spirit kept restraining; urging me
strongly to receive the revelation He was trying to impart to me. ‘Christ is
our life’ started a new order of life in me. This verse opened up an
understanding in me of what the source of the Spirit life is. The Spirit Life
is the Life of Christ continued in the believer. Romans 6:4 states that as
Christ died and resurrected, so also we should live a newness of Life.

As Jesus gave His life for us, we also should live not for ourselves, but
according to the life of the one who died so we could live.

The spirit life is the supernatural life Jesus was living while on earth,
continued through the Holy Spirit in our own bodies and lives. Christ is
our life. He is living and expressing Himself, speaking His words, doing
His will, touching other lives, going where He wants to go and doing
what He wants to do through our lives.

Imagine Jesus living in you and operating through your body to do His
desire, and then you can understand what ‘Christ who is our life’ means.

Each time you yield to the Holy Spirit to do His will, you are letting Jesus
continue His life on earth through you. He is not here bodily, but in spirit;
however, when His spirit takes over your life, your body becomes His
body and in a real sense He begins to physically walk the earth again.

The Bible says your bodies are the Temples of the Holy Spirit; it says we
should present our bodies a living sacrifice. It says the body is not for sin

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but for the lord and if any man be joined t the lord he is one in spirit (1
Cor 6:13).

That day I realized that the life I live in the spirit is not mine, but Jesus’. I
realized Jesus was not just living in me but living through me. And if
Jesus is the one living then I can’t fail because He doesn’t fail. It is
possible for man to fail, but it is impossible for God to fail. Man can live a
natural life, but God is the supernatural life Himself. Man may be
controlled by circumstances, but God controls all circumstances. Jesus
said, ‘beholds all power in Heaven and on earth is given unto me…’ This
is the Jesus that is living His life through me.

The lord wanted me to live my life in the spirit, so that the qualities of the
life and mind of Jesus could operate in me. It would be like Jesus living
on earth again inside another human body. I believe this is the purpose of
the concept of ‘The body of Christ’.

Paul said ‘For me to live is Christ…’ Phil 1:21. He must have known
about this, and that’s why he became such a model of Christ. He said to
the Galatians received him ‘…as Christ Himself’, because for ‘him to live
was Christ’. When you live like that you express Christ’s words or mind
concerning any issue.

You don’t just live like him, you live His very life. You don’t just talk
like Him, you speak His very words, and you don’t just think like Him,
you think His very thoughts.

And You don’t just act like Him, you manifest His very actions through
your body just as if He was living and walking in Nigeria, Africa, Asia or
wherever you are; responding to every circumstance through you as
though He were there physically. This is what it means to live the life of

Col 1:27 ‘Christ in you the hope of Glory’. The ability you have to
operate in the Glory of God is Christ in you; living, speaking, walking
and acting. When you live in the Holy Spirit, Christ begins to live His life
through you and then the Glory of God is manifested in you. Christ in you
is the hope, the potential or seed of God’s Glory in you; but as you yield

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to Christ by obeying and living the spirit life, that hope or potentials
begins to grow; that seed of glory begins to manifest. The more you live
in the spirit the more the glory manifests, it shines in your life, it shines in
your home, it operates at your office and it explodes in your ministry. It
covers you with light. You walk in great insight, revelation and anointing.
You live in the spirit and experience the gory of God. Christ in you is the

Just as Jesus’ life has become a pattern for us, your own life becomes a
pattern for others; you become a sign, a road map. You also become a
representation of spiritual things. God’s activities in the spirit become
manifested physically through your life, you become an icon of the Spirit
so that if someone ‘clicks’ on you, he immediately contacts God’s
movements in the spirit realm.

Lessons from the Dark side?

So many books focus on the spirit realm of the powers of darkness. They
hope that by knowing how they operate, what ex-witches or mediums did,
how demons operate, what Satan and demons told them, etc that we can
know how to combat and stop them.

Though it’s true, we shouldn’t be ignorant of Satan’s devices, yet we

can’t stop him by listening to him. You can’t argue with darkness; you
need to just switch on the light.

We need more books that focus on the spirit realm of Jesus. We need to
hear Him more and know how to operate with Him. The only way to
destroy the powers of darkness is to operate in the Holy Spirit and
experience the Glory of God.

Many Christians feel they know so much about the spirit realm of
darkness; yet they know so little of the spirit realm of God. It is high time
to ascend in the Holy Spirit and experience the plans and patterns of God.
To receive the messages He is giving, and apply them to our walk on
earth. This is how Jesus beat the devil. And it’s how we’ll beat him too.

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Chapter Seven
Heaven Consciousness

Thus you can see why prophecy can't be

fulfilled on the basis of our own thinking and
perspectives. It can only fit into God's
context and perspective, which is eternal
and not always consistent with our
perspective of time.



A Believer who walks in the spirit is often conscious of two worlds. He is

very aware that though he is physically present in this world, yet he is at
the same time seated in heavenly places with Christ Jesus. The longer a
believer walks in the spirit, the more he becomes aware of heavenly

David in Psalm 110: 1: ‘the lord said to my Lord, seat at my right hand
until I make your enemies your footstool…’

David suddenly became aware of Heavenly activity. In the timeless,

eternal realms of Heaven, he over heard the father conversing with the
son, offering Him the seat at His right hand, after the Lord’s victory at the
cross, a victory that was yet to be carried out in the physical.

Sometimes being aware of Heavenly activity can bring you into contact
with very complicated issues. The father was congratulating Jesus for
circumstance that won’t even come into existence until two thousand
years later. And David saw his own great grand son, who would inherit
his throne and called Him ‘my lord’.

David had fellowship with a dimension of God in the New Testament of

Jesus Christ, and called Him ‘Lord’ two thousand years before Jesus was
born- as David own descendant.

Any one who heard David would never have understood what David was
up to at that time. This is due partially to the timeless dimension that
heaven is. When you contact this realm you need to stop seeing every
thing according to the sequence of time. Rather you need to develop an
eternal perspective to the plans of God. A spiritually accurate perspective
that is obviously out of sequence with time will help you interpret
prophecy and the activities of Heaven better.

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And this is also true about the plans of God for your life. Because it
comes out of a Heavenly dimension, it may never fit into your own time
expectations and interpretations. It may defy your own concept of time
and order. If you live in contact with Heaven, you may find yourself
speaking and living in issues that bear no relevance to the present time.
You will begin to see and fellowship with spiritual realities that are non
existent in the present but are an approaching dimension of God in Jesus

When you live like this, your concept of reality, that is, what is real and
what is just temporary and seemingly apparent will change.

The Bible says Jesus is the lamb that was slain from ‘the foundation of the
world’ (Rev 13:8). If Jesus was slain before the world was created, then
what happened two thousand years ago when Jesus came to die on the
cross of Calvary…?

All the religious and political circumstances that led to the death of Jesus
Christ were simply mechanisms that God (unknown to the people)
allowed and used to manifest a preexistent eternal reality into the realm of
time. It was a delicate balance of Justice Judgment and Mercy at the
precise prophetic junction where the law and prophets would converge in
fulfillment at the appearance of the Son of God to reveal the true state of
man’s heart producing the plan of atonement and laying the foundation
for the end of all human kingdoms represented by the Roman empire and
the appearance of the kingdom of God the Father.

So also some of the circumstances we face are simply mechanisms and

birth processes for preexistent realities or prophecies whose time has
come, prophecies which can only stand upon God’s righteous
foundations. That is why fulfillment of prophecy is often surrounded by
crises. Because the true meaning of things, the source and foundations of
all things, as well as the true states of peoples’ hearts have to be revealed
before God, so that He will be sanctified as he establishes His Promise on
the earth. That is why we often see people go through crisis before they
come into fulfillment of prophetic destiny in their lives, as all other false
and unrighteous foundations are shaken and removed so that the prophecy

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can be fulfilled upon the unshakable eternal foundations of God’s

Holiness alone.

Thus you can see why prophecy can’t be fulfilled on the basis of our own
thinking and perspectives. It can only fit into God’s context and
perspective, which is eternal and not always consistent with our
perspective of time.

When God’s word comes, it is coming from eternity. It will not align to
our value in time. Rather it will align all things in time to his position in
eternity and this will lead to things being shaken and shattered, scattered
and re-ordered; so if you’ve built your life on the wrong or false
foundations, the appearance of the fulfillment of God’s word would have
to shatter it, reveal it for what it really is as a wrong foundation and then
re-arrange your life into a new order, based upon the righteous
foundations of God before He can establish his word in your life.

Every mountain would be humbled and made low and ever valley would
be made high, every crooked place straightened and every rough path
smoothened before the glory of God appears and all flesh will see it
together.(Isaiah 40:4)

Jesus died and resurrected and ascended to heaven two thousand years
ago. But David already saw Him ascended, glorified and seated at the
right hand even two thousand years before then in an eternal reality. But
that vision or prophecy came to pass only through the shaking of the
foundations established in time, revealing them for their failures and
limits (i.e. the Law of Moses), and replacing them with a foundation
which had not been seen in time but had pre-existed from eternity. i.e. the
covenant of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.

Such is the nature of the fulfillment of prophecy.

Thus I want you to realize that there is another reality than the physical,
daily occurrence in time as we know it.

If you live outside of Heaven consciousness, you live outside of true

reality. Bible states that Christians are called out to live the lifestyle or

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conversation from Heaven, where Jesus Christ is seated at the right hand
of the father. (Phil. 3:20)

Living in the spirit does not mean you cease to be a logical, practical
Human being as it were. It rather means that spiritual realities take over
your life and lifts you to a higher dimension of life. You don’t runaway
from life’s challenges; you just overcome them by supernatural life. All
sorts of problems in life become easy prey for you. The supernatural
victory of Jesus over life’s problems was apparent to all and so it should
be with you.

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Chapter Eight
The Supernatural

Operating in the supernatural takes

time, preparation and consistence.
You must have a hunger that has led
you aside, to study, seek and find
God's truth.



‘I was in the spirit on the Lord’s day, and heard behind me a great voice
as of a trumpet, saying, I am Alpha and Omega, …’(Rev 1:10-11).

If I told you that there are all kinds of activities going on around you right
now, would you believe it? John suddenly found himself in the realm of
the spirit and began to see and experience all kinds of supernatural
activities. The Holy Spirit controls the natural, though He is not natural.
The Holy Spirit is supernatural, so when you are in the spirit, you are in
the supernatural realm. The Holy Spirit is the supernatural power that
controls the natural world. So when you live in the Holy Spirit, your
world is supernaturally controlled and regulated into Gods plan and
purpose. When you’re involved, things are not just normal, the Lord
always influences the circumstances around you, not just for your comfort
but most importantly, to fulfill His will.

Hearing and seeing are defining characteristic of people who operate in

the spirit. Apostle John began to hear great voice behind him and as he
turned, he began to see. This is how the spiritual dimensions of God open
up, when you begin to follow the voice of the spirit; the spiritual realms
begin to appear to you, with all the supernatural works going on there.

Operating in the supernatural takes time, preparation and consistence.

You must have a hunger that has led you aside, to study, seek and find
God’s truth. Though God is willing to give supernatural experience, yet
you must not be the type who is looking for an experience just for the
thrill of it. There are many false visions and voices people experience
today because of insincerity of heart and wrong/imprecise spiritual
understanding or foundations.

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You must be really sincere and hungry for God. You need to also have a
base of scriptural truths inside of you. Your mind needs to have been
renewed by the word of God. Each supernatural experience must be
carefully weighed against the word of God in a very balanced way.

Some people have had supernatural experiences from God, but because
they were unlearned in the word of God and did not have their minds
renewed to good level, they couldn’t handle the visitation God gave them.
Their inaccurate understanding of scripture caused them to misinterpret
and distort the revelations God gave them. This is one reason why God
doesn’t entrust strong visitations and revelations to many people, they just
can’t handle it. Some people’s understanding of the word is just too
peripherical for God to entrust supernatural things into their hands. All
they know about are the blessings and increase of God. Blessings are
important, but there are other important, fundamental truths of the New
Testament. They need to know other spiritual principles, which reveal the
nature of God’s covenant with us, things that reveals God’s desire and
priority. And so even if God begins to reveal spiritual things to them, they
will only interpret it into the sphere of blessings, increase and prosperity.
No matter what the Lord tries to impart to them, they always see it from a
perspective of promotion and material upliftment.

Supernatural things go far beyond all these, and if you don’t understand
this, you’ll have no value for the eternal things God is trying to impart to
you. You’ll have no scriptural basis for the accurate interpretation of the
things God says to you. Preparation, continuous study and seeking to
know God’s spiritual truths are an important base for the reception of
God’s revelations and power. We need prepared people. When such
people operate in the spirit, their lives are supernatural, their word are
supernatural. When they operate in their ministries, they don’t just give
sermons and have normal services, they speak the very words of God and
bring supernatural visitations on their audience. People don’t just see and
applaud their personalities, rather they encounter the nature and character
of Jesus through them, they are brought face to face with the presence of
Yahweh, they are transported into the spirit realm, and then supernatural
things begin to occur in their lives.

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Hearing and seeing takes you into the supernatural, because you
transform into whatever you’re focused on in sight and thought.

So also, when people hear and see you, they are also taken into the
supernatural. Simon Peter said to the lame man ‘look on us’ and the lame
man was healed.

Ministering Healing

Spiritual sight and healing (- whether physical, emotional or spiritual

healing) go together. Revelation brings sight and perception which
produces a divine understanding of the reality of an ailment. Exposing the
causes behind any ailment weakens it and makes the force behind it
vulnerable, making it easier for victory to be achieved.

Thus revelatory sight opens the mind and emotions with understanding to
receive emotional healing; and opens the heart with a living faith to
receive physical healing. Stubborn sicknesses have been known to give
way as the afflicted were ministered to with deeper revelatory sight.

Yet walking in the depth of revelatory sight and understanding which

make you a functional force in the holy spirit require the right
preparation. Those things are not even the result of one encounter.
They’re more like the fruit of a journey with God.

So prepare and come up into the supernatural!

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Chapter Nine
Supernatural Being

A lot has been said about demonic principalities,

while little is being said about angelic principalities.
Yet there are more angelic princes, who are greater in
strength than the demonic princes. I believe that
spiritual warfare over cities and nations would be
much more successful if we worked with the angelic
princes of light.



The heavenly realms are very populated. There are twice as many angelic
beings as there are demonic beings. Satan brought down one-third of the
angels with him in his fall; but the remaining two-thirds are still loyal to

When you begin to penetrate the heavenly realms, you begin to

experience the presence of these angelic beings whether you realize it or
not, each time you enter into the presence of God, you also have angels
around you; this is so because throughout the scriptures, each time the
throne or presence of God is revealed, it is always surrounded by angels.

Angelic beings have their roles to play in God’s plans and in our lives-
they’re not just there for decoration. Apart from being in God’s presence
when He moves among us, angels are also often sent to us with specific
messages, and anointing from the Lord. Usually the Lord sends his angels
to us with very peculiar anointing.

Sometimes angels are sent to teach us spiritual things, they may not
appear physically or even appear in a spirit vision to us. But their
presence is felt in very peculiar anointing of the spirit that comes upon us.
Usually angels minister along with us when we stand to minister the word
of the Lord.

Angels can be sent to bring us instructions or revelations; they are always

around to protect the true believer. Angels respond to our confessions of
faith. The Bible says they ‘excel in strength and obey the voice of His
commands’. Therefore when we make faith declarations in the Holy
Spirit, the angels hear the commands of God and go into action.

A lot has been said about demonic principalities, while little is being said
about angelic principalities. Yet there are more angelic princes, who are
greater in strength than the demonic princes. I believe that spiritual

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warfare over cities and nations would be much more successful if we

worked with the angelic princes of light.

The book of Daniel records how angelic princes like Gabriel and Michael
responded to the prophet’s intercession. Angel Michael is recorded as
being the angelic prince of the nation of Israel (Daniel 10-11). And
Gabriel brings revelation about the plans of God for Israel to Daniel. This
is how angelic princes assist us in our warfare. By bringing on the light of
the presence and plans of God. The light they come with shields us from
depression, deception and darkness, allowing us the liberty in the spirit to
enter into the truth God has released to us. This light and truth of the lord
in us overcomes the enemy.

They help us fight off the demonic principalities, breaking their defenses
and resistances. And as they clear the spiritual atmosphere, they bring
revelations of the plans of God to us. And then we can begin to build
those plans into the earth with the power of God.

We often talk of demonic strongholds but know little about the angelic
strongholds of God. Yet our victories in the spirit are so much cheaper,
and occur much more powerfully when we operate from the strongholds
of God. When angelic princes bring revelations of God’s plans to us and
we declare them boldly and prophetically into the spirit realm, it releases
tremendous power. It tears down major strongholds of darkness, opens
doors for the word of God to be preached, and generally activates the
whole spirit world into action, in the direction of fulfilling the
declarations of heaven.

As you ascend in the spirit, you will continually encounter both angelic
and demonic beings. But you must always remember that it is the Holy
Spirit that brings you into these encounters, so you don’t go seeking
experiences with a wrong motives, and the fleshly desires to just ‘see an
angel’ for the thrill of it. Just stay with the Holy Spirit; seek Him, love
Him, obey Him, submit to him; then He will bring you into these
experiences by Himself.

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Chapter Ten

Most of us imagine we will receive eternal life

after we've passed away from this world;
however, the Bible doesn't say so. It says
whosoever believes already has eternal (1John
4:11-12), and while he is still living in this world
the zoe eternal life is already at work in him.



Jesus said He came to give us eternal life. This means any one who
believes in Him will have a kind of life that sustains the quality of
knowing and experiencing God (John 17:3, 3:3,1 John 2:20) . It also
means, however, that anyone who receives Him will have the quality of
Life-Zoe life; the very life of God working within that individual. This
very life of God, called zoe is what will give that individual the power
and ability to function forever, throughout eternity.

Most of us imagine we will receive eternal life after we’ve passed away
from this world; however, the Bible doesn’t say so. It says whosoever
believes already has eternal (1John 4:11-12), and while he is still living in
this world the zoe eternal life is already at work in him. That eternal life
continues to work even when his physical earthly, biological life is

The source of eternal life, zoe, is God; and the Bible records that God
inhabits eternity (Isaiah 57:15). Therefore, the source, origin and
environment in which zoe-eternal life functions perfectly is eternity,
consequently, when we begin to live according to the eternal life we
received when we believed, then the environment of eternity also begins
to encroach upon us.

First of all, our values begin to change. We as Christians tend to respond

to everything in this life with eternity in view. We cherish and keep our
faith until the end.

Secondly, we do everything with eternal judgments in mind, knowing that

Mankind will have rewards or punishments eternally for the things we do
here on earth. We are thus already responding to the environment of
eternity. But what is eternity like? It is endless, limitless; it is also outside
of the dimension of time. Eternity does not function with ‘past, present
and future’ as we have it in time here on earth; rather it exists in an eternal
and perfect ‘now’. Eternity does not have seasons and changes as we have

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on earth; rather it is a state of permanent perfection, howbeit, veiled for

now, from earthly human perception.

God continually ministers eternal life to us through His spirit. When He

speaks to us, He speaks from the eternal dimension. He speaks of things
that have been settled in eternity before time came into existence. And
when He speaks, He speaks out of a timeless dimension. And so when we
receive what He is giving us, we attempt to interpret them into our earthly
dimension. We assume it should follow a certain order of sequence, or
will not happen until we reach certain ages of our lives. Yes there are
times God gives specific time to certain promises He gives us, but the
complete plans of God for our lives comes from and only fits into an
eternal structure. And even the timed promises are subject to the
characteristics of the eternal realm, especially when the conditions that
were to activate the promises are not in effect.

The eternal plans of God rather than having standard set times of
fulfillment are activated by certain conditions and spiritual states of our
hearts. For example, God promised Abraham that his descendants would
be freed from slavery by the four hundredth year. Yet, even though a
leader, in the person of Moses, had discovered his purpose, and was ready
to do the work, yet the promise could not be fulfilled until the four
hundred and thirtieth year – thirty years later than scheduled. Why?
Because the children of Israel were happy and comfortable in Egypt. God
had to allow strenuous conditions of hardship, which caused their
groaning to come up to Him, remind Him of His covenant and promise,
so that He raised, anointed and sent Moses to them. Rather than the set
time, the conditions of their heart moved God to fulfill His promise.
Notice that even after they were delivered from Egypt, most of that
generation still died in the wilderness because they regretted leaving
Egypt, they missed all the onions and cucumbers, and as a result, did not
have the courage to enter the Promised Land even when God said ‘go in! I
have given you the land!’.

God has to create the right conditions and attitudes within you, before He
can fulfill His promises to you, and bring to pass His eternal plans in your

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The eternal dimensions of God’s plans are reflected in the promises

concerning the Messiah’s coming, Isaiah in chapter 53, gave prophecies
of the Messiahs sufferings and reign in an earthly kingdom in this same
chapter. It would seem that both parts of this prophecy having come
together would be fulfilled together and, simultaneously. But this is not
the case, as we all know. The Messiah has suffered, died, and resurrected.
But His earthly kingdom, as prophesied, is not yet in effect.

The book of Malachi closes with the promise of Elijah coming to prepare
the way before the Messiah. And there was a 400 years period of total
silence. Then all of a sudden, John the Baptist appears on the scene in the
spirit of Elijah. Why? Did you notice that Israel at that period had a
specific longing for their Messiah? Being tired of Roman oppressive rule,
something in them longed for the Christ. Which is why Phillip came to
Nathaniel and said we have found the Messiah of whom it was written of
…, Just as Andrew had earlier on said to Simon Peter ‘ we have found the
Christ’ (John 1:40-41,45). They said they had ‘found’ because they had
been looking and longing for the messiah - a condition of their hearts!
John the Baptist prophesied that the Messiah would separate the wheat
from the chaff and burns it with unquenchable fire. And that He would
baptize with the Holy Ghost and fire.

John later came into doubt because Jesus was not doing any of these as
yet and did not do so in John’s time. Jesus began pouring out the baptism
of His spirit after His resurrection and ascension – not even in His earthly
life. And till now, we can’t say He has really ‘separated the wheat from
the chaff’ yet, even though we know He surely will. These things
happened so, because God’s plans fit into an eternal structure. They often,
outlive our life span here on earth. Yet they always come into fulfillment.

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Chapter Eleven
Changing Realms
in The Spirit

The ability to understand and move

with CHANGE in the realm of the spirit
is vital to our survival in the earth and
to the fulfillment of God's purposes in
our lives.



One of the most important characteristics a walk in the Holy Spirit is the
feature of changing phases or realms in the spirit. Changing from one
phase to another in your walk with God, that is, moving from one level of
the spirit to another is one of the most vital processes of God. The ability
to understand and move with CHANGE in the realm of the spirit is vital
to our survival in the earth and to the fulfillment of God’s purposes in our
lives. Many of the prophetic words of destiny God gives for our lives and
ministries are actually dependent on our ability to go through diverse
processes of change in our spiritual lives. There are certain prophecies
and promises of God to us that can only be activated when we operate at
particular dimensions of the spirit. When we lack the ability to move with
God into these spiritual depths, it seems as if those words of promise from
the Lord are not fulfilled. But the truth of the matter is that you just
haven’t gone far out enough into the places in the spirit where these
things are released. The fulfillment of certain words belongs to certain

Inability to change with God in your personal walk with Him poses real
spiritual dangers: you may loose your spiritual freshness, become
stagnated in your spiritual growth, you also begin to loose spiritual punch
and power, your sensitivity and keenness in the spirit wanes, you find that
you’re continually at the same level and without fresh personal revelation,
thus you loose your sense of spiritual progress, and as a result begin to
lack a sense of direction and purpose. The temptation at this point is to
settle for anything, because you can no longer locate the original purposes
of God. And that’s exactly where the devil wants you to be.

Changing realms in the spirit comes naturally when we live in a consistent

walk with the Holy Spirit, and thus we really don’t need to miss it. As you
live your life daily led of the spirit, you will find that at certain periods,
He begins to give you insight and understanding that is new. You will
find that He is emphasizing certain subjects and issues to you. He may

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bring scriptures into your heart, may bring certain books into your hands,
and you’ll find that anytime you’re under His anointing, there are certain
things He emphasizes to you. If you’re not really hungry for him and
keenly alert to what He is doing and saying, if you don’t go out of your
way to really seek and find out what He is really saying, you may miss it.
However, if you’re really hungry and press into His presence, things will
get clear, and you’ll find that His processes of change are at work within
you. These processes occur over a period of time and requires you to stay
in tune and connected to God. Setting aside time to pray and meditate is
vital. Days of fasting may also be required. Being sensitive to know
where one ought to be at specific times to receive further insight is
important. For example, God told Jeremiah to go to the potter’s House
and there he would receive revelation from Him (Jer. 18:1-4)

You need to specifically pay attention for the required period and stick to
the unfolding process.

At the end of the process, you’ll find that you’ve changed on the inside.
You’re fresh on the inside with new insight, your spiritual life is at
another level and your spiritual strength is renewed, your sensitivity to the
spirit is sharper and your ability to move with God is even greater. Your
love for God is stronger and spiritual depth and maturity is enhanced.

The result of this internal change is that God begins to give you fresh
direction for your life and call. He begins to give you a different
assignment. New doors open to you, old doors may be shut as well. New
relationships are often activated, to enhance your life and ministry. At this
stage you are in a new realm of the spirit and the dimension of this realm
begins to manifest in the new revelation, fellowship, insight, and
anointing that follows your new assignments.

It also results in change in the structure of your ministry and life that will
better hold in fellowship the releases that come from God. A lack of shift
in structure and mind has aborted many workings of God in our midst and
hindered the plan of God for many ministries.

You must also understand this is not a ‘once for all’ thing, it is a process
that keeps going on while on this earth. And this is where most people

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miss it. They don’t understand that they need to continually stay in this
process of change. Change is the only constant thing in the spirit realm.
You have to keep on changing from one realm to another in order to flow
with His changes.

Unfortunately, some people make one spiritual transition of change in

their lives and stay there for the next ten years. Spiritual change brings a
lot of physical changes into our lives. And it usually makes you a
different person, with a different approach to life. However, all of these
changes definitely bring you closer to God’s destiny.

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Chapter Twelve
The Lord’s Evolving

There is a lot of argument about the right way God is

to be worshiped, even in the church world. The Jews
claimed the temple and its ceremonies were the right
way, while the Samaritans countered with claiming
that since these patriarchs worshiped on the
mountain, then that had to be the proper approach to
the father.



Jesus said ‘But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshiper
shall worship the father in spirit and in truth: for the father seeketh such
to worship Him’. (Jn 4:23).

Here Jesus was talking about the right way to worship the father, the
approach to God which will be pleasing to Him. The woman at the well of
Samaria, having perceived that Jesus was a prophet, asked, Jesus which
was the right approach of worship that was acceptable and pleasing to the
Father. This was against the background of an ongoing argument between
the Jews and the Samaritans. And in much the same way today, there is a
lot of argument about the right way God is to be worshiped, even in the
church world. The Jews claimed the temple and its ceremonies were the
right way, while the Samaritans countered with claiming that since these
patriarchs worshiped on the mountain, then that had to be the proper
approach to the father.

In the same way, there is a lot of argument between denominations,

ministries, movements and churches in the Christian world about the right
application of spiritual worship expressed to God. And in the same way
the Samaritan woman being tired of all the arguments, perceived that
Jesus, being a prophet would be able to give her a divine answer from
God Himself which would put to rest all the arguments, claims and
counter claims. In this same way, a lot of people, even today, are tired of
the arguments and want to hear God speak for Himself.

Now notice the sequence in Jesus’ answer: He said ‘… the hour

cometh…. He indicated, by this clause, the crucial factor of divine time,
which brought divine seasons of change as to how God is to be
approached and worshiped. The patriarchs had the earlier covenant with
God, and worshiped on the mountain based on that covenant at that time.
God’s people worshiped on mounts until they came out of Egypt, stood

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around Mount Sinai, where God gave commands to build the tabernacle
of congregations so God could be worshiped wherever Israel camped
during their journey from Egypt. Then when they finally settled in
Canaan, God said He had chosen Zion in Jerusalem as His place of
footing. God gave the measurements of the temple to be built. And at that
timing, that was the accurate way to worship God. God, through the ages,
was systematically bringing them into more accurate ways of worshipping
Him. This parallels our experience in the New Testament. After the time
of the apostles, the church experienced a backsliding, which mixed
Roman idolatry with Christian terminology resulting in apostasy. Light
however returned to the church through the protestant Reformation and
the subsequent moves of God that has occurred through the ages. In our
consideration of the right way to worship God, the “The hour cometh…”
factor must always be in our equation. God definitely has divine timing
and seasons when He reveals already pre-existing scriptural truth to us
and teaches us to apply it in our lives, thus bringing us into greater
accuracy in our relationship and worship with Him. Although the
patriarchs worshiped God on the mountains, Jesus affirmed the Jewish
Temple worship as being more accurate, being the approach that would
yield salvation, which the Messiah would come to give.

However, Jesus concluded that the hour had come when people would no
longer worship on the mountain, nor yet in the Jerusalem Temple; but
what the Father wants is a race of people who would worship Him
through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in their hearts, minds; making
them the very Temples of the Holy Spirit; And in the knowledge and
heart attitude of Truth. This is the race of people God seeks to worship
Him. To be His called out church, and to be His nation of Royal
priesthood. This condition of Spirit and Truth will prepare and position
anyone to receive God’s word into their lives and grow in relationship
with Him. It will position them to move with God through seasons of
change and re-application of scriptural truth. This position of being in an
intimate relationship with the father in ever increasing levels of scriptural
accuracy is the description of God for His own chosen people.

The woman at the well of Samaria associated with those who worshiped
on the mountains i.e. Samaritans; but Jesus identified her desire to know
God’s truth, and in response, revealed Himself to her (John 4:10-15). God

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always reveals Himself to anyone who really thirsts for truth. They may
be on the mountain, or in the Temple, or by the roadside. They may be in
church, at home or at the beer Bar. And they may be in any denomination
or even other religions. But if anyone thirsts to know the truth of God, He
always reveals Himself to such and gives them the choice to come into
relationship with Him, or to come into even more accurate relationship
with Him. The worship of God is thus a dynamic process of ever growing
relationship with Him.

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Chapter Thirteen
Operation of Gifts and
Callings in the Spirit

The method the Holy Spirit adopts can

be different each time. You're not to
stay with any method; you're to stay
in-tune and flow with the spirit each



The gifts of the spirit are actually manifestations of the Holy Spirit. They
are operations of the Holy Ghost in the realm of the spirit that find
expression into the physical realm through a believer who is yielded and
in-tune with the Holy Spirit.

There are diverse operations of the Holy Spirit, but God needs individuals
who will be so in tune with Him as to be able to know and flow with these

The gifts of the spirit are expressions of the spirit realm. The Lord uses
the gifts to express spiritual operations through a believer. There are many
times we’re in the Lord’s presence, praying, worshipping etc when God’s
presence comes among us in a strong way, people feel His presence but
hardly understand why it is so strong and strange. I have come to
understand that each time God comes in; there is usually a purpose for it.
He is executing an operation in the spirit realm. A believer who is in-tune
can discern what the Lord is saying and doing in the spirit; we can yield
to it, flow with it and cooperate with it and be used to bring it into other
lives as we operate in the gifts while the flow is on.

There are a lot of people who operate in spiritual gifts outside of the flow
of God’s spirit. They just give prophecies, tongues and interpretation
without the anointing, and outside of spiritual timing for that word. That’s
why the prophecy comes out, dry and flat; without spiritual power or
impact. Some people who failed to make spiritual transitions at specific
times in their lives keep on giving the same old prophecy, tongues and
interpretation they’ve been giving for the past five years. It doesn’t occur
to them that things have changed in the spirit realm, because they’re not
in-tune with the realm. Some prophesy or minister healing when God is
not carrying out any such operation in the spirit. Some never realize when
God is trying to upgrade their call and give them new gifts in the spirit.
They just stay with the empty shell of the old gift while the substance of
God’s presence moved on to other levels.

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Your gifts and calling should operate in rhythm and synchronism with the
operation of God in the spirit realm 1 Corinth. 12: says: there are
diversities of gifts but the same Spirit, there are differences in
administration but the same Lord, and there are diversities of operations
but the same God…

The gifts of the spirit can operate differently at different times to

accomplish different operations. The method of the Holy Spirit adopts can
be different each time. You’re not to stay with any method; you’re to stay
in-tune and flow with the spirit each time. If you don’t yield to God’s
operations in the spirit realm, you’ll get stuck on methods and end up dry
in religious activity. And that’s where so many people are.

If you’ll learn to operate in the spirit by just going with the flow of God’s
presence, you’ll discover that your gifts and calling will always come
forth accurately. You’ll discover that the way God uses you will be
peculiar and you won’t need to copy some one else’s ministry.

God wants us to develop our gifts and operate strongly in them, so He can
flow through us to accomplish great spiritual operations in the spirit. He
uses your spiritual gift to teach you about the spirit realm and how to flow
with Him there.

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Chapter Fourteen
Death - The Key
to Spiritual Life

The Lord takes u s through processes and

experiences that result in the death of our
flesh, so that spiritual life can be released in
and through us. The outward experience may
be different for everyone, but the spiritual
patterns of the process are usually sim ilar.



‘That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the
fellowship of His sufferings, being made conformable unto His death...”
(Philippians 3:10).

One imperative feature of the Spirit Life is suffering and death as seed for
the resurrection Life. As you go on in your journey and processes in the
spirit, the Lord will sooner or later bring you through a change ‘from
glory to glory’, (2 Corth. 3:16-18)and as part of conforming to the image
of Christ, you also encounter ‘being made conformable unto His death’,
so that you may attain unto resurrection Phil. 3:11.

The Lord takes us through processes and experiences that result in the
death of our flesh, so that spiritual life can be released in and through us.
The Lord may lead us through situations and conditions that cause
excruciating pain on the outside. It may seem like problems, storms or
something else, but in the spirit, it is actually God, circumcising our flesh,
bringing a little more death to our carnal Nature, so that resurrection Life
can flow in us.

The outward experience may be different for everyone, but the spiritual
patterns of the process are usually similar. When you go through this
process, you experience, pain, Loneliness, rejection, hunger, lack, etc but
the Holy Spirit is there with you right through it all; teaching, guiding,
leading and changing you. You need to understand that it is both a
learning process and an internal death and resurrection process. it is the
only way of achieving God’s authority and approval.

The Bible speaking of Jesus, says ‘Though he were a son, yet learned he
obedience by the things which he suffered; and being made perfect, he
became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey Him’ (Heb
‘But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the Angels for the
suffering of death, crowned with Glory and honour: …Heb 2:9.

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Scripture says though He was a son, yet He learnt obedience by the things
He suffered. There is a dimension of obedience and authority you can’t
attain in God except through this process. If you’re conforming to Jesus
Christ’s obedience, you’ll go through your own suffering and death
process; which maybe different in experience, because it’s your own cross
of death designed for just you. But it will be the same in spiritual pattern
and effect with that of Christ. It is a time when you experience hardship
and rejection for following Christ accurately in the spirit. Your spirit Life
becomes an offence to those who don’t want to follow Him closely.
Demonic activity, especially by religious spirits and people is directed
against you. All your human defense and support is taken away from you.
Loneliness and rejection are key features.

At that point, know that you’re experiencing the fellowship of His

sufferings; you’re sharing the sorrow of Christ. You’re drinking with Him
the cup of His suffering, you’re keeping with Him the Night of His
Passover, you’re carrying His cross with Him, you’re experiencing His
crucifixion and you’re going without the city wall where Christ was
crucified sharing His rejection and bearing His reproach (Heb 13:11-13).

The best way to go through this process is to learn and obey everything
He teaches you. This time will be light and grace for you, through out
your life. I wish I could say it’s easy to go through, but I can’t. But what I
know for sure, is that if you lean on Him, humble yourself, and are quick
in submitting and learning obedience, it will not be prolonged. Some
people fail to understand this, and the process is unduly prolonged. They
stay in hardship for years un-end, not realizing that not learning obedience
is prolonging the suffering.
However, at the end of the process, you’re transformed into a new person,
Heavenly principles and secrets now govern your life. Like Jesus, who
humbled Himself to death on the cross received the highest Name and
authority from the father, so also your obedience to the spirit through this
process releases great authority and divine approval into your life. You
now walk in Newness of life and authority, for the advance of God’s
kingdom on earth. You now operate in resurrection power.

The point in going through death is to experience life. The purpose of this
suffering and death is resurrection.

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Chapter Fifteen
The End of the Ages

As soon as the Ark was completed, God

closed the door behind Noah and his family.
His completion and entering into the Ark
activated the end of the period of grace and
the beginning of the Day of Judgment.

‘But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the son of man
be. Matth:24:37.

Jesus compared His second coming to rule the world, with the days of
Noah. He gave us insight into the spiritual circumstances that will lead to
His appearance. The same spiritual principles, sequences and dynamics
that led to the floods of Judgment in Noah’s day will be obtainable in the
days preceding Jesus’ appearance to bring Judgment and Justice to the

The Lord had told Noah to build an ark; God gave him the measurements
and dimensions of this Boat. God’s intention was that it would float over
the floods of judgment that was coming on the world.
Now notice the features of this spiritual assignment: Noah was building a
vessel for an unprecedented circumstance: Noah had no precedence to
what he was building! There had never been a flood or even rains in his
day; therefore he could never be sure if what he was building was right or
not. He had no earthly point of reference or comparison for what he was
doing, but yielding, he just built in obedience to the leadings and
instructions from the spirit of God.
This is an important insight into how our lives are going to operate in the
days before Jesus’ coming. Our lives and work on earth has to operate
according to the leadings and measurements from the Holy Spirit. Our
work on earth may not have precedence or any earthly point of reference,
or comparison by which we can asses our work; like Noah, we have to
trust what God says to us, and act accordingly. This calls for wisdom and
maturity, to discern the voice of God and move in it’s direction and pace.
Suppose Noah had not built according to God’s pattern? Maybe he just
discovered he was supposed to build a boat and then just built a less
demanding boat; instead of building something that took a whole
generation to build; all his time, attention, labour and finance went into
building something for an unprecedented circumstance, for which he had

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no earthly point of reference. But if he had built any thing less than God’s
leading, it would never survive the flood! We may not build boats like
Noah, but we must build our lives, ministries, careers and works in the
spirit of God. This is the only structure that will survive the perilous
floods of this endtime. The Holy Spirit is giving fresh instructions and
measurements for the approaching floods. Some of these patterns are not
going to find reference with current spiritual patterns, but they will be
accurately scriptural. It will take prophetic insight and oversight into the
plans of the spirit and spiritual timing of ordained seasons to build into
such spiritual structures.

As soon as the Ark was completed, God closed the door behind Noah and
his family. His completion and entering into the Ark activated the end of
the period of grace and the beginning of the Day of Judgment. The door
opened to the people to repent and be saved was shut as Noah entered the
Ark, and the heavens opened up with the floods of Judgment.
There are certain spiritual patterns of building that are spiritual timers,
with God; to trigger times and seasons on the earth. These spiritual
patterns are accessed by prophetic insight, as with Noah; the building of
these spiritual patterns into our lives and service on earth, are parallels of
the building of Noah’s Ark.
Once we are fully operational in these dimensions of the Holy Spirit, we
are going to cause seasons of Judgment, which will lead to the great
appearing of the Lord. The Bible says: ‘By faith Noah being warned of
God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an Ark… by
which he condemned the world… Heb.11:7.
The completion of these spiritual measurements inside us simply trigger’s
the seasons of Judgment and the end of the ages.

Living in this realm is the only way we will live above the floods, and
fulfill God’s plans for the earth.
Noah’s was not just an ‘escape plan’. He was also a blue print for life in
the ‘ages to come’, in the world after the floods. In parallel, we are not
just operating a spiritual escape plan. We are a spiritual symbol for life
after the crisis and in the millennial reign of the Messiah.

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We are to be the tokens of the powers of the age to come…

Babs Adewunmi

"Aboh Emmanuel" <>

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