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Each and every one that carries divine mandate should have in mind that either you pass
through your wilderness first and then enter your palace or your palace experience and later face
your wilderness, which one are you passing through right now? Palace or Wilderness

Matt 4:1
Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted there by the devil. NLT
Jesus Christ, Joseph, David, Esther e.t.c. all passes through wilderness before they later
enter their palace, in as much you still stand your ground and maintain your stability in Christ
which ever you are passing through right now, either wilderness or palace. In your wilderness
have it in mind that your palace is very close and if yours is palace never be too over joyous and
overwhelmed those experience will be needful in the wilderness. Remember Moses, he
experienced palace before wilderness.

Never compare yourself with Mr. B, because the process and foundation of 3bedroom flat
cannot be compared with that of 25 story building, it’s going to take very long period. Note,
these are the requirements; Perseverance, Focus, Stability, Patience, Diligent & word of
encouragement. Also, the mission of our Lord Jesus Christ is to save the whole world while
Joseph is to save a Nation. You’re still in God’s calendar, be patient enough because your palace
is guaranteed.

{Ends Time Soldiers & Purpose Driven Life}

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