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Venison Stew

Serves 4

700g shoulder of venison cut into 1 cm cubes

50g plain flour
salt & pepper
25g butter
15ml vegetable oil
2 medium onions, skinned and chopped
2 carrots, sliced
300ml beef stock
150ml dry red wine
bouquet garni
10ml red wine vinegar

1. Toss the venison in the flour seasoned with salt and pepper, shaking off any
excess. Heat the butter and the oil in a large frying pan and fry the meat for
about 10 minutes, until well browned on all sides. Using a slotted spoon,
transfer to an ovenproof casserole.
2. Fry the vegetables in the fat remaining in the frying pan until golden. Drain
well and add to the meat in the casserole. Stir the rest of the flour into the fat
in the pan and cook gently, stirring, until brown. Remove the pan from the
heat and gradually stir in the stock and wine. Bring to the boil, stirring, until
3. Pour the sauce over the venison and season to taste, then add the bouquet garni
and the vinegar.
4. Cover the casserole and bake at 170 degrees mark 5 for about 2 hours or until
the meat is tender. Remove the bouquet garni before serving.

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