Visitors and Drivers Induction Summary

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Visitor’s/Driver’s induction

Security and Site Access

 All visitors to the project offices and site are required to sign in and out on arrival and when leaving the project.
 Visitors to site must at all times be accompanied by an inducted contractor’s site supervisor, or Ardmore manager.
 At no time are vehicles allowed to reverse unless instructed to do so by a trained vehicle Banksman.
 On accessing the site, please switch on your ARB’s (Amber rotating beacons) and or your warning hazard lights.
 All vehicles must keep to the site speed limit of 5mph
 Do not stand on the cab or bed of the vehicle unless supports by a suitable fall arrest system.
 Earphones and hands-free kits and radios are not permitted in the construction area.
 Food and drinks are not permitted on the construction area. other than bottled water.
 Do not attempt to access site under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Anyone suspected of doing so will not be granted access to the site.
 Mandatory PPE for this project is safety Helmets, Safety Footwear, Hi-Vi’s, gloves and glasses. (Task Specific) This must be worn at all times.
 While on site beware of plant movement and stick to designated pedestrian access routes
 Vehicles or baggage brought to or taken from site may be searched at any time.
 All suspicious packages must be reported to Security immediately.
 Under no circumstance is any person to investigate or move an unidentified package.
 No smoking is permitted on site or in the Vehicle whilst on the project. Smoking areas are provided and must be used at all times.
 Plant and vehicle mounted equipment may only be operated by trained and competent persons copies of CPSC or equivalent documentation must be
 On exiting the site please be aware of any cyclists and vulnerable road users.
 Do not unnecessarily sound your horn or drive at speed when leaving the site

Fire Precautions Emergency's and Site Rules & First Aid & Accidents (Fire plan/emergency plan attached)
 In the event of an emergency leave the site by the quickest and safest means and report to the muster point which is located ??????
 At all times, you must stay in the company of your designated escort.
 In the event of a fire do not use the fire extinguishers unless you have been trained to do so.
 Every floor in every building is fitted out with a fire point which includes a fire alarm, in an emergency raise the alarm and leave the construction area with your
escort, your escort shall accompany you to the safe route and muster point.
 Please remain at the muster point area until you have been accounted for.
 Follow the fire exit signage and use the stair cores to evacuate any building.
 Do not for any reason wait for the passenger/goods hoists or elevators.
 All accidents and near misses must be reported to Ardmore at the time of the incident.
 Accidents must be recorded in the site accident book.
Acceptance to site rules
Date: Name: Signature:
Company (receiving works/delivery): Vehicle Registration:
Competency/CSCS/CPCS Confirmation Check (signed by MCR Representative)
Name: Signature:

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