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CN3135 Sem II AY2020-21


1. For the following cases identify the primary risk population, classify the case as involving
individual risk and/or societal risk and identify the risk as voluntary or involuntary.
a) A worker does not wear personal protective equipment while handling chemicals.
Individual & Voluntary Risk.
b) A large butane storage facility is built next to a congested neighbourhood.
Societal & Involuntary Risk. Plant workers & community adjacent to the storage facility.
Voluntary risk for the plant workers. Involuntary risk for community.
c) A person drives a car while intoxicated.
Individual & Voluntary Risk. – Driver
Other drivers on the road – Societal & involuntary risk

2. For the following accident report identify the sequence of events:

A contractor accidentally cut into a 10-in propane line operating at 800 psi at a natural gas
liquids terminal. The large vapor cloud estimated to cover an area of 44 acres was ignited
about 4–5 min later by an unknown source. Liquid products from 5 of 26 salt dome caverns
fed the fire with an estimated 18,000–30,000 gal of LPGs for almost 6 hr before being
blocked in and the fires extinguished. Both engine-driven fire pumps failed, one because
intense radiated heat damaged its ignition wires and the other because the explosion broke
a sight glass fuel gauge, spilling diesel fuel, which ignited, destroying the fire pump engine.

1) Contractor cut the 10-in propane line

2) Propane cloud was ignited by an unknown source
3) Both engine-driven pumps failed, causing the fire to spread even further
4) 18000-30000 gal of LPGs were used to extinguish the fire

Hazard – high pressure propane line

Cutting into the line forming vapour cloud (initiation). Ignition source lights the vapour
cloud causing a fire (propagation). Liquid products in salt-dome carven causing a large fire.
Emergency response caused failure of engine-driven fire pump (consequences).
3. Classify the following safeguards as either preventive or mitigative.
a) A safety instrumented system to shut down a process if an unsafe operating condition
occurs. – Preventive
Mitigative (unsafe operating condition has already occurred) (safeguard acts after an
unsafe operation has occurred).
b) A flow limiter is installed on a feed line to a chemical reactor to ensure that the reaction
rate does not exceed a maximum value. – Preventive (prevent a runaway reaction)
c) A dike around a storage vessel. – Mitigative (contain the spill)

4. Which inherently safer design strategy applies to each of the following?

a) A flammable solvent is used to control the temperature in a reactor. The solvent is
replaced by a non-flammable solvent. - Substitute
b) A valve that requires 10 turns to close is replaced by a quarter-turn valve. - Simplify
c) A plant stores a large quantity of intermediate chemical to keep the plant operating
during upsets in the upstream process. The intermediate storage is eliminated, and the
process reliability is improved to prevent upsets and downtime. – Moderate. Minimise the
incidents from occurring. Minimising the chemicals stored.

5. Classify the following from 0 to 5 based on the hierarchy of safety programs. Explain why?
a) The company and plant executive teams are very receptive to any safety suggestions and
the suggestions are reviewed and implemented on a timely basis. – Level 2, Complying. The
teams are receptive to suggestions. Level 5. Safety is considered as a core value.
b) The R & D lab meets all the requirements as described in the safety manual. – Level 5,
Adapting. All requirements are met. Level 2. Comply with rules & regulations.
c) The company uses several leading metrics to assess its safety program. – Level 4,
Performance monitoring. Leading metrics used to assess its safety program.

6. Classify the following activities as being most directly related to one of the 20 elements of
RBPS. List only the single most applicable element.
a) A plant-wide emergency response drill is completed once each quarter. – Manage
risks(Emergency Management)
b) The plant manager demonstrates a shared responsibility for the plant safety. – Process
safety competency Commitment to Process Safety (Process Safety culture)
c) Participation in monthly safety meetings is required of all workers. – Commitment to
Process Safety (Workforce involvement)
d) A hazard identification procedure is implemented for all existing processes. – Understand
Hazards and Risks (Hazard Identification and Risk Analysis)
e) Critical safety instrumentation is calibrated on a regular basis by the instrumentation
personnel. – Safe Work Practices. Manage Risks (Asset Integrity and Reliability)
f) An annual evaluation is developed if management systems are performing as intended. –
Learning from experience (Management Review and Continuous Improvement)

7. Classify the following as either leading or lagging safety metrics.

a) Number of reports of unsafe activities in a plant – Lagging indicators. Leading metrics
(since there is no occurrence of incidents yet)
b) Number of near-miss incident – Lagging Indicators
c) Number of process alarm managed without incident – Leading indicators

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