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Executive Summary is an online wellness and healthcare startup which aims to provide its

services to both customers and business clients with a holistic telehealth program.

As the ongoing pandemic has given a boost to her increase in sales and addition of

clients. It is less than what Dr. Shazia expected. With the implementation of the

unlocking process throughout the world, she is worried about the decline in her sales

and losing the business to physical wellness centers.

Dr. Shazia is advised to focus on franchisee expansion for now as, and later use

revenues from this stream to expand her online presence geographically.


Situational Analysis

-up had gotten a few clients in

the pandemic period. With the news of declining cases and things going back to normal

she is concerned about the effects, this would have on her startup. She has also handled

international clients, but the conversion rate has been lesser than expected. She believes

that the upliftment of lockdown will worsen the situation as according to her people

prefer an offline entity.

She wants to expand her business. She can either focus on the online expansion through

aggressive marketing which would lead to an increase in the conversion rate of clients.

Or she could build an offline presence in the Kota region by being physically present

in the room. This would require high initial investments. Another alternative is to build

an offline presence in the franchisee initiative, wherein she could train the franchisees

and give them her brand

herself the initial investment costs required in the previous option.

She lacks the offline presence and is evaluating the different factors. She is based out

of Kota and if she decides to go off

is fragmented and she faces stiff competition. There are various challenges for the

business. The setup cost for building the offline business is high. There is limited skilled

personnel available who could assist her. Building international clientele requires

another investment. There are other avenues in terms of building customer trust and

marketing where she is currently lacking. She wants to expand her operations in a

feasible and sustainable manner.

Problem Statement

Dr. Sazia has to take a business decision on the strategy she should implement which

would result in year-on-year growth for her e-wellness startup that does not get

negatively impacted by lockdown upliftment

Current state: She has a few clients but the threat of losing the market share in light of

lockdown upliftment, along with the lower scale of business

Desired state: To have a larger sustainable business with an international presence as

well giving her growth opportunities

The Alternatives

1) Expand online presence by aggressive marketing: Staying in the online

business only and look to increase profits by acquiring customers by marketing

2) Build offline presence in the Kota region: Investing capital for offline

presence if it is feasible

3) Expand offline via franchisee initiatives: Train other people to meet the

service level provided by her along with issuing licenses to use her brand name.

Criteria for Evaluation:

1) Profitability= Revenue - Costs (Takes into account the feasibility of returns on

initial fixed costs)

2) Reachability

3) Growth opportunities= It can be achieved by providing customer satisfaction

which includes physical interaction resulting in increased word of mouth

publicity as well as attracting new customers

4) Customer Preference: Even though online services have been booming,

wellness is a market in which customers tend to prefer a physical interaction

rather than an online session.

Evaluation of Alternatives:

1) Expand online presence by aggressive marketing: In this alternative, Shazia

has to invest heavily in the marketing of her brand. It will result in an exorbitant

amount of expense to get the customers. However, this method will result in

maximum brand visibility compared to other alternatives. However, since the

significant conversion ratio as the government has initiated unlocking the cities

and there are competitors of which provide both online and

offline services

2) Build offline presence in the Kota region: This option although building the

physical presence requires high capital investment. Apart from this due to the

lack of trained professionals, the feasibility of this option is low. This alternative

client base and restricts future growth

3) Expand offline via franchisee initiatives: Expanding the startup via

franchising will provide Sazia with organic growth to reach out to trainers with

an already existing market. This would help Sazia in achieving organic growth

for her brand. It would also enable her to have control and supervision over her

brand name. Since the publicity will be done by the franchisees, it would

Evaluation of Alternatives

Evaluation criteria Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Alternative 3

Profitability 2 1 3

Reachability 3 1 2

Growth opportunities 3 1 2

Customer preference 1 2 3

Total score 9 5 10

[Scoring: 1- least preferred, 3- most preferred]


As per the above evaluation, she should focus on the franchisee initiative initially and

keep the online channel active parallelly as that would require lesser investments while

giving her the offline presence that she wanted. Later on, as this revenue stream

becomes stable, she should focus on expanding her online presence using these

revenues giving her growth opportunities to gain international clientele as well.

Action Plan:

Identify the possible services and partners which would be interested in getting

the franchisee

Provide online training to the franchisees and support for setting up the hybrid

system which provides online sessions to its customer along with physical

facilities to attract customers

Start investing the money received by franchisees to invest in marketing which

includes current customers testimonials along with the importance of

maintaining mental and physical well being to attract customers from

throughout the world

Contingency Plan:

Due to less visibility of her brand, the franchisees might take some more time

to generate revenues delaying her national and international growth

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