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Aleshanee P.

Fuderanan Grade 11- STEM E

Oral Communication- week 2, Q2


1. “Sir Reyes, I’m very sorry for I was not able to prepare for the report. I would ask
kindly sir for an extension if that’s alright with you? I would appreciate it Sir.
Thank you.”
2. “I’ll tell you what, if you help me buy a surprise for my father, I will help you with
your project. In that way you can still finish you project on time.”
3. “Hello mom? I’m about to present the report that I failed to present yesterday.
Can I call you later?”
4. “Mr. Supervisor, I’m sensing that I might be losing your attention. What might
interest you in this topic?”
5. “Alright Diego, I’ll help you. I need to be quick though, we are going to have
surprise birthday party for my father. You should come too!”


A. Speech Context

“I think I need to get a perm or braids for my

hair, I want to see change within myself.
Braids are good I guess.”

“Trees give off oxygen that we need to breathe.

Trees reduce the amount of storm water runoff,
which reduces erosion and pollution in our
waterways and may reduce the effects of
flooding. Many species of wildlife depend on trees
for habitat. Trees provide food, protection, and
homes for many birds and mammals.”

“I think we need to add more spice to our

project. Maybe it needs more aesthetic into

“I know, it’s really missing something but I

can’t point out where. Pictures maybe? Or
stickers? Stickers are good too.”
B. Speech Style
1. “I am your father and I will protect you against all harm.”
2. “My friend, Gwynette, you are almost a sister to me.”
3. “Let us say the Lord’s prayer before we start the program.”
4. “Doctor, let me know what medicine to take for my illness.”
5. “Graduates, you are the hope of our motherland!”
C. Speech Acts
1. “We need to wear our masks and face shield in order to stay safe during this
pandemic. Not only when commuting, but also in our offices so that when we
come home to our family, we can assure they are safe.”
2. “Children, wear your masks and wash your hands. We need to be clean to avoid
getting viruses, okay? So that when we hug our parents we cannot spread virus
around them.”
3. “Sir, wear your masks when you’re working to avoid spreading and getting the
virus. We need to be clean all the time. We must stay safe for ourselves and for
our family.”
D. Communicative Strategies
1. After presenting the prepared agenda for the day, the chairperson asked to body
to raise other concerns to be discussed.
2. During the open forum, the chair instructed his fellow youth to raise their hand if
they want to say something.
3. The attendees waited for their turns in the process.
4. The meeting progressed and every time the discussion would get off the track,
the Chair would call for order and remind the group to stay focused.
5. The discussion flowed smoothly then, and with everyone’s cooperation the shift
from one topic to the next was done with ease.
6. Other matters were also clarified. Soon, the chairman asked everybody if they
have fully understood all the issues and concerns discussed.
7. The meeting was adjourned properly.


- Types of Speech Context

1. Interpersonal
2. Intrapersonal
3. Public
- Types of Speech Styles
1. Frozen
2. Formal
3. Consultative
4. Casual
5. Intimate
- Components of Utterances in Speech Act Theory
1. Locutionary Act
2. Illocutionary Act
3. Prelocutionary Act
- Various Communicative Strategies
1. Nomination
2. Restriction
3. Turn taking
4. Topic control
5. Topic shifting
6. Termination

1. C
2. A
3. A
4. C
5. A
6. D
7. A
8. C
9. D
10. D
11. A
12. C
13. B
14. D
15. C


Situation A Situation B Situation C Situation D

Speech Public Interpersonal Interpersonal Intrapersonal
Speech style Consultive Casual Consultive Intimate
Speech act Illocutionary Perlocutionary Illocutionary Locutionary
Communicati Nomination Nomination Topic control Restriction
ve strategy
Duration 1-3 hours 1 hour 1-3 hours 10-30 minutes
Relationship Formal Casual Formal Intimate
of the
Message Order Feelings Opinion/questions/ feelings
Delivery Extemporaneo Impromptu Impromptu Impromptu
Roles and To inform To entertain To inform To inform
of the


Concepts learned:

I have identified the different types of speech context, speech style, speech act and
communicative strategies engaged in by people in various situations.

Concepts unlearned:


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