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1. I only recognized him when he came into the light.  Not until.........
2. That rumor about the politician and the construction contract is absolutely false.  There
3. One runner was too exhausted to complete the last lap of the race.  One runner was
4. My mother was the most warm-hearted person I’ve ever known.  I’ve.........
5. They never made us do anything we didn’t want to do.  We.......
6. The only thing that prevented the passing of the bill was the death of the Prime Minister.
Had it not...
7. It is quite pointless to complain. There’s no............
8. You can’t possibly expect me to have supper ready by 8 o’clock. (question).
9. It is my opinion that there is no advantage in further discussion. (see)
10. Please excuse Jane’s poor typing. She’s only been learning for a month. (allowances)
11. There is no way that young man can achieve success in this test. (bound)
12. Although the dog appeared harmless, it was, in fact, quite dangerous. (contrary)
13. If Smith hadn’t broken his leg, he would have played football for England. (represented).
14. This hotel is inaccessible in winter. (possible)
15. As far as I know he is still working in Bristol.  (knowledge).
16. The workers only called off the strike after a new pay offer.  Only after......
17. He was sentenced to six months in prison for his part in the robbery. He received
18. You can eat as much as you like for 5$ at the new lunch-bar. There is no.......
19. She wore a hearing-aid, even though she could hear the phone ring perfectly well. She
wasn’t so.....
20. You will never meet anyone more generous than Mrs. Jones. Mrs. Jones is.......
21. My parents let me go abroad alone for the first time last year.  I was...............
22. It was his incompetence which led to their capture.  If.............
23. I’m certainly not going to give you any more money.  I have no........
Parents who adopt a few simple techniques who read to their children can (1)(consider)…
CONSIDERABLY ………. increase their children’ s language (develop)(2)…
DEVELOPMENT ………….. It is surprising, but true. How parents talk to their children makes
a big (differ) (3)…DIFFERENCE ……… in the children’s language growth. If a parent
encourages the child to (act)(4)…ACTIVELY ………… respond to what the parent is reading,
the child’s language skills increase. A study was done with two or three-year-old children and
their parents. Half of the thirty children (participate) (5) PARTICIPANTS ………….. were in
the experimental study; the other half acted as the control group. In the experimental group, the
parents were given a two-hour training session in which they were taught to ask open-ended
questions rather than yes-no questions. For example, the parent should ask, “What is the doggy
doing?” rather than, “Is the doggy running away?” Experimental parents were also instructed
how to expand on their children’s answer, how to suggest (alter) (6)…ALTERNATIVE ………
possibilities, and how to praise correct answers.
At the (begin) (7) ……BEGINNING ….. of the study , the children did not differ on levels of
language development, but at the end of one month, the children in the experimental group were
5.5 months ahead of the control group on a test of (verb) (8)…VERBAL ………..expression
and vocabulary . Nine months later, the children in the experimental group still showed an
advance of 6 months over the children in the control group.
There are several advantages and disadvantages to the quarter system in American education.
On the plus side, students who wish to complete their degrees in less than the (custom) (1)…
CUSTOMARY ……. four years may take advantage of the opportunity to study year round by
enrolling in all four quarters. In addition, although most students begin their programs in the fall
quarter, they may enter at the beginning of any other quarters. Finally, since the physical
facilities are kept in (operate) (2)……OPERATION ……… year round, the resources are used
(effect) (3)…EFFECTIVELY ……… to serve the greatest number of students. But there are
several disadvantages as well. Many faculties complain that eleven-week term is simply not
enough for them to cover the material (require) (4)…REQUIRED ………. by most college
courses. Students also find it difficult to complete the (assign) (5)…ASSIGMENTS …….. in
such a short period of time.
In order to combine the advantages of the quarter system with those of the semester system
some colleges and universities have (institution) ( 6) …INSTITUTED ……….a three-term
trimester system. In fourteen weeks, faculty and students have more time to cover material and
finish course requirements, but the (add) (7)…ADDITIONAL ………. term provides options for
(admit)(8)…ADMISSION ……….. during the year and accelerates the degree programs for
those students who wish to graduate early.
Perhaps the human species was driving others to (extinct)(1)…EXTINCTION(S) ………. long
before the dawn of history. Hunter-gatherers may have contributed in more indirect ways.
Besides overhunting, at least three other kinds of effects have been suggested: direct
competition, (balance)(2)…IMBALANCE ………….. between competing species of game
animals, and early agricultural practices. Direct competition may have brought about the demise
of large carnivores such as the saber-toothed cats. These animals simply may have been
(ability) (3)…UNABLE ………… to compete with the increasingly sophisticated hunting skills
of Pleistocene people. Human hunters could have caused problems among game animals, (4)
(leader)……LEADING …….. to the extinctions of species (little)(5)……LESS ……… able to
compete. When other predators such as the gray wolf prey upon large mammals, they generally
take high proportions of each year crop of young. Some human (hunt)(6)…HUNTERS ……..,
in contrast, tend to take the various age-groups of large animals in proportion to their actual
occurrence. If such people first competed with the larger predators and then replaced them. They
may have allowed more young to survive each year, gradually increasing the populations of
(favor)(7)…FAVORED ………….. species. As these populations expanded, they in turn may
have competed with other game species for the same (environment)(8)……
ENVIRONMENTAL …………. niche, forcing the less hunted species into extinction. This
theory, suggests that human hunters played an indirect role in Pleistocene extinctions by hunting
one species more than another.


It was not until in the 1960s Performance Art began the US and it was (0)
originally(origin)a term used to describe a live event that often included poets, (1)
(music)_MUSICIANS _______, film makers and so on, in (2) (add)__ADDITION ______to
visual artists.
There were earlier (3) (precede)__PRECEDENTS ______for this art form, including the
Dadaists in France, who combined poetry and visual arts, and the Bauhaus in Germany, whose
members used live theatre (4) (work)__WORKSHOPS ______to explore the (5)
(relation)_RELATIONSHIP _______between space, sound and light. By 1970, Performance
Art was a (6) (globe)___GLOBAL_____term and its definition had become more specific.
Performances had to be live and they had to be art, not theatre.
Performance Art could not be bought, sold or traded. Performance artists saw their
movement as a means of taking art directly to the public, thus completely eliminating the need
for galleries, agents, (7) (account)___ACCOUNTANTS _____and any other aspect of (8)
(capital)__CAPITALISM ______. In effect, it became a social commentary on the need to
maintain the absolute (9)(pure)__PURITY ______of art.
One relatively recent form of Performance Art is ‘mobbing’, an email-driven
experiment in organizing groups of people who suddenly (10) (material)__MATERIALISE
______in public places, interact with others according to a very loosely planned scenario, and
they disappear just as suddenly as they appeared.

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