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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region V (Bicol)
Division of City Schools
Masbate City

Introduction To The Philosophy Of The Human Person

1st SEMESTER, SY. 2021-2022


Freedom of the Human Person

Name of Learner: ___Flora Mae P. Nalda________________ Grade Level: _____12________ 

Section: _______Commitment________________________ ___ Date: _ December 6, 2021_


LESSON 1 : Definition of Freedom and Its Kind
Activity 1 : Show me a picture
1. Paste/draw any picture in the box that depicts a caged animal.

1. What emotions and ideas can be derived from the picture when it comes to freedom? Why?
The attached photo clearly conveys melancholy, with eyes that reflect the desire for
freedom outside of where he/she is. The concept that may be inferred from the image of the dog
within the cage is that a constraint of freedom generates tension and melancholy. Animals, like
humans, have feelings. They would not like to be alone. No man, and no animal, is an island. We
are all entitled to liberty. We are all entitled to happiness. We need freedom to grow. We don't
want to die without having lived. Some individuals believe that since animals cannot speak, they
do not have rights. Why confine animals as if they, too, do not wish to appreciate nature?
We don't see them locking us up when we visit forests and other places where most of them live,
do we?
Or, to put it another way, if you were an animal, how would you feel if you were kept in
a cage for the express purpose of being stared at all day, or being treated like an item to be
utilized for the convenience of others? They are taken from their natural habitats and brought to
society. Humans, not animals, require civilization. They were fine swinging in trees or
burrowing in mud holes, but they didn't want to hit glass walls or mechanical cages every time
they stretched.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region V (Bicol)
Division of City Schools
Masbate City

Finally, I believe that most creatures are better off in the wild. The forest is their home and is not
suitable for us, which is why we have towns and cities. I'm sure if we leave the animals in the
jungle, they'll be on their best behavior.

2. Could there be a considerable amount of change if animals are given the freedom and roam
freely in their natural habitat? Expound your answer.
Of course, yes. If animals are given the ability to roam freely in their native habitat, there
will be significant change. Humans will be more compassionate and considerate while engaging
in activities that may or may not harm the lives and homes of these creatures if they are allowed
to live in their natural habitat. Because more creatures will be present if animals are allowed to
roam freely in their native area, the ecology will improve. Fewer trees and bushes will now be
cut down, lesser waste will be discharged into the environment, and individuals may become
more grateful of the surroundings when they see that it is thriving attributed to the prevalence of
the animals who live there. Animal mass extinction event can be prevented if individuals live in
groups of their own type. Considering animals, like humans, have feelings, animals may become
friendly if they live in their natural setting.

Activity 2 : My Reflection.

The Choice I Make

Choices are indeed made for a person to grow, whether it’s good or bad, the choice that
you’ll take will probably give you something to learn. When I was around 13 years old, I
imagine myself being a baker, or someone who owns a store that sells food or desserts, I badly
wanted to make myself a successful person doing things that I love and at the same time makes
me happy. As I reached high school, my plans changed, I wanted to just be successful in any
ways possible that could lead me to a life I’ve always wanted. It was hard to think of something
to start with. Planning your life without knowing the alternative ways to reach your goal is surely

We go on in life and continue thinking that hardships are challenges or hindrance to our
success, not knowing that it is what teaches us to be the person we are in the future. “I finally
decided to be just a business owner, just like my parents, be the boss of my own store” I said to
myself. But I guess life is quite a game, it will never give you a nice road to take. I faced Senior
High School and had a hard time understanding my lessons, since there were no teachers that
were able to teach me or discuss the problems in the lesson given like how it was before
pandemic. Again, I hesitated with the plans I had thought of before. “Maybe, I should just not
enter college and start working at the bank that offers training before working so I could earn
money at an early age” I said to myself again.

Life’s tough so you should think twice before going on because time does not stop and it
keeps ticking. Months after my last year of Senior high started, I was overwhelmed with the
questions, “Have you already signed up for the UP enrollment?” or “What school are you
planning to enter in college?” I was pressured. I didn’t know what to do so I decided to take the
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region V (Bicol)
Division of City Schools
Masbate City

same school as where my friends were, and I work my papers. But guess what? My parents
didn’t allow me to enter some universities for college, “The situation today is quite hard so I
hope you’d just stay here for college” they said. “You could just take Business Administration or
Business Management here in Masbate Colleges” they added.

I was really disappointed with the expectations I had come up with my mind as to how
my parents had planned my college school for me. Though it was fine and I was okay with the
school. I still couldn’t think of not having friends in the atmosphere my parents wanted for me.
But then again, life will take you to lots of places you’ve never tried before for experience. All I
wanted was to live separately with my parents so I could learn how to be independent in a good
way. I am not saying I intentionally wanted to be away from them but to just learn how to stand
on my own, and life gave it to me now.

I now chose to stay here in Masbate, I agreed with them and I do think that among the
choices of fighting my rights to which school I should go, letting them decide what school is best
for me, and secretly applying to different schools so I could just choose later on and tell them. I
think I’ve picked the right one, where both sides (my parents and I) are in favor of. We always
have a choice to pick in life, to struggle and earn victory or to enjoy and suffer after. It’ll always
have something that you like having, you just got to choose the right one you can bare.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region V (Bicol)
Division of City Schools
Masbate City

LESSON 2: Elements of Freedom

Activity 1: Knowing My Priorities

News came that a sudden deluge of water ran over some houses near your area. Thank God, no
one was hurt except that most of their homes were destroyed and all of their belongings were
literally washed out. Your school is planning to help since some of their students live there. The
school needed the help from student volunteers who were lucky to have been spared from this
calamity. Are you willing to accept this call?

a. Would you volunteer to the said activity? Why or why not?

 Yes, of course. This is a way where I could make them feel that there are still
people out there who cares and thinks of their safety, how they sleep and rest at
night. In ways of helping them out, I hope it could give them courage and strength
to stand again, not give up and fight for many tomorrows that they will face.
b. What do you think drives you to join or not join the activity?
 I’ve always been so sensitive when I see people who are homeless and children
that asks for food, I easily cry and feel sorry. They remind me of how lucky I am
to eat three times a day, have a shelter to stay and clothes to wear every day. Also,
I know how it feels to start over, have nothing you owned and having no one to
help you out.
c. If you choose to volunteer for the activity, what are the responsibilities that you can associate
to your act of voluntarism?
 If I choose to volunteer, I surely will provide or give them the assistance that they
need, fairly. I should not choose who to help or give assistance inspite their
attitude, status of living, appearance and well-being. Because I'll be one of the
volunteers, keeping the system of assistance as structured and smooth as possible
is something I should focus on. This is done to ensure that the environment of the
evacuation centers does not degrade the victims' nervous thoughts and concerns.
As a volunteer, it is my obligation to look presentable, approachable and speak
with manners to every individual that needs my assistance and presence.

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