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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region V (Bicol)
Division of City Schools
Masbate City

Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person

1st SEMESTER, SY. 2021-2022


Human Persons as Oriented Towards Their Impending Death

Name of Learner: ___Flora Mae P. Nalda________________ Grade Level: _____12________ 

Section: _______Commitment___________________________ Date: January 3, 2021


Lesson 1: How does the reality of death define our lives? What shall
I do before I die? What makes me happy?
What’s More

Activity 2. HAPPINESS IS...

1. Based on the concepts in Lesson 1, produce a video clip on the things which make you happy.
2. Present it by the time you are scheduled to meet your teacher.

Activity 3: MY BUCKET LIST

Make a personal list of what you wish to do to succeed. List them on your reflection notebook with your
answer on the following questions.

My Bucket List

Finish my studies with a degree

Buy my own house

Live in Switzerland

Buy my parents their own house and lot

Travel the world

Have my own business

Build a wonderful family

Be healthy
a. Why did you choose these things/ activities to be in your “Bucket List”?
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region V (Bicol)
Division of City Schools
Masbate City

 Because these are the things/activities that I believed would make me happy and fulfill the
dreams that I’ve been longing for since I started to plan for my future.
b. Which among these do you feel is the easiest to accomplish in your lifetime? Why?
 Finish my studies with a degree and be healthy, because I do believed that I’ve been doing my
best and giving all my efforts to achieve success, especially in studying and I think I could do it
in no time with the help of patience and perseverance.
c. Which would be the most difficult to do? Why?
 Buy my parents their own house and lot, travel the world and live in Switzerland, for all these
requires lots of savings or money to have in order to achieve. I need to work hard and it’ll take so
much time before I could succeed.

Lesson 2: Why do we suffer?


Activity 2. TAKE AWAY, NO WAY

1. Reflect on this. What thing you want which equals to your life?
2. Share your thoughts to your teacher during the meeting.
 Human is temporary. As a result, there is nothing that can compare to one's life. We don't choose
happiness because we want it, or because we need it; rather, happiness encompasses the entirety
of who we are as human beings. We feel that we must attempt to comprehend life and grasp its
numerous facets because learning to know the underlying principles of how life is lived to the
fullest can be quite beneficial to us. Recognizing the good and evil forces in life allows us to
make the best use of the positive ones. Being human entails balancing hundreds of extremes.
Sometimes we must avoid these extremes, but other times it appears that we must pursue them in
order to gain a deeper understanding of life. We believe in the importance of love for greater
health because of our medical backgrounds. When intellect and feelings collide, we become
entire. This is the secret of the heart. When reason and feelings are perfectly balanced, and the
mind and body are in perfect harmony, a whole new quality arises, one that is neither feeling nor
reason, but something deeper and more complete. Most people find it difficult to envisage joys
greater than sensory pleasures. What could be the source of such joy? But there is a delicacy, a
richness, a genuine joy of being alive that comes when we are totally present and life is in
harmony someplace deep within us. We call this deep joy of life "experiencing the meaning of


Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region V (Bicol)
Division of City Schools
Masbate City

Reflection: Write your answer in your reflection notebook.

If you are to leave a legacy (pamana or mana) in this world before you die, what would it be? (Outputs
can be done by students, based on their track. Example, EIM can make lampshade, SMAW can make
plantholders, other strands can make an album, poem, song to express their hopes and dreams and they
can share their thoughts about why they came up with that output.)

Hillel, a great Jewish rabbi, famously said, "If I am not for myself, who is for me, and when I am
for myself, what am I?" We've been taught throughout history to look out for ourselves since no one else
will. But what are we if we're solely concerned with our own self-interests? What, more importantly, will
be our legacy? But leaving a legacy isn't only about what you've earned; it's also about what you've
learned, and we all have the ability to make a difference. It doesn't require fortune, celebrity, or even
enormous steps—you don't have to be Gandhi or Martin Luther King right now to leave a positive legacy
that will last long after you're gone.
I've always wanted to make something beautiful that I could claim "I made this" and be proud of
how attached people would be to it and want it to be repeated a million times simply to see how fantastic
and lovely it is. If I were to leave a legacy, it would undoubtedly be a video recording of my life or
memorable occasions. I wanted to demonstrate how I smiled, wept, how I became hooked with Korean
dramas, how I snuck into my mother's closet to retrieve my phone, how I had fun with my friends, and
how I grew as a person. Because I want those who see it to understand that life is difficult, but it is
worthwhile. And that you can't tell a person's story just on their appearance or from things you've heard
from strangers, and that you can't judge them based on two sentences they've uttered. I want them to
realize that I am quite delighted with what I have been able to do in my life thus far before I departed. I
want them to understand how much I desired the best for myself and others I care about. Where I was
frequently required to go above and beyond to assist others around me in succeeding and being the finest
version of themselves that they could possibly be. And that my life has been a collection of moments,
some pleasant, others not so much, but all of them have shaped me into the person I am today, and I have
no regrets about anything that has happened. I believe myself to be a strong and driven individual who
had goals to fill the globe and was willing to put up the necessary effort to realize those dreams.

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