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Plant Genome Diversity Volume 2

Ilia J. Leitch

Johann Greilhuber • Jaroslav Doležel •

Jonathan F. Wendel

Plant Genome Diversity

Volume 2
Physical Structure, Behaviour
and Evolution of Plant Genomes
Ilia J. Leitch
Jodrell Laboratory
Royal Botanic Gardens,
Kew Richmond, Surrey
United Kingdom

Johann Greilhuber Jaroslav Doležel
Department of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany Institute of Experimental Botany ASCR
Faculty of Life Sciences Centre of the Region Hana for
University of Vienna Biotechnological and Agricultural
Vienna Research
Austria Olomouc
Czech Republic

Jonathan F. Wendel
Department of Botany
Iowa State University
Ames, Iowa

ISBN 978-3-7091-1159-8 ISBN 978-3-7091-1160-4 (eBook)

DOI 10.1007/978-3-7091-1160-4
Springer Wien Heidelberg New York Dordrecht London

Library of Congress Control Number: 2012935228

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Ever since the origin of life, the evolution of living organisms and their hereditary information
has been accompanied by the development of genetic machinery capable of storing, utilizing,
and transmitting this information between generations. Importantly, this machinery has had to
be flexible, able to respond to the environment and evolve. A characteristic feature of the
genetic machinery in eukaryotes is the partitioning of the hereditary information into smaller
portions—chromosomes. Indeed, the appearance of linear chromosomes was one of the great
evolutionary inventions and paved the way for the formation of large and complex genomes, in
plants as well as in animals. Any consideration of plant genome structure, evolution, and
function is thus incomplete if it does not take into account its higher-order structure and the
behaviour of its principal units—the chromosomes.
The chromosome theory of heredity, which linked the behaviour of Mendel’s “factors’’
(units of inheritance) with that of chromosomes, was coined by Walter S. Sutton more than a
century ago. This was followed, only a few decades later by Cyril D. Darlington’s demonstra-
tion that the behaviour of chromosomes and meiotic crossing over in particular, was the main
force behind evolution as opposed to single gene mutations and deletions. This set in motion
the quest to understand the nature of inheritance, leading to the discovery of the structure of
DNA and the advent of molecular biology and genomics. At this point the goal seemed clear—
all that was needed was to establish the sequence of bases in the DNA. However, as increasing
amounts of DNA sequences were generated, it became obvious that there was still a lot to
discover about how DNA was organized within chromosomes and how the DNA sequence
information was interpreted, processed, and utilized in the nuclear and cellular environments.
The days when the DNA sequence itself was considered a holy grail are over and we now
know that things are considerably more complicated.
Luckily, progress in genomics has been complemented by advances in understanding the
dynamic structure of chromatin, the organization of interphase nuclei, and the behaviour of
chromosomes during mitosis and meiosis. The latter includes novel insights into modified cell
cycles, which may lead to chromosomes with more than two chromatids. Impressive progress
has also been made in understanding the origin and function of specialized chromosomes (e.g.,
B chromosomes and sex chromosomes) and in appreciating the extent and significance of
polyploidy in plant evolution. Although the frequent occurrence of polyploidy has been known
for a long time based on chromosome counts and behaviour, the advent of DNA sequencing
and comparative genomics has been instrumental in uncovering evidence of further rounds of
polyploidy buried within the genome and now no longer visible at the chromosome level. Such
studies have reinforced and extended our understanding of the significance of this mechanism
as one of the main forces underlying the evolution and large diversity of many plant genomes.
The effect has been multiplied by the extensive structural chromosome changes, which,
together with alterations in chromosome number and genome size, can accompany plant

vi Preface

To fully understand and appreciate the diversity, functioning, and evolution of plant
genomes, a holistic knowledge of the current status in each of these individual areas is vital,
yet there is no single accessible source of information currently available. Thus, we felt it
timely to fill this gap.
This book is the second volume of a two-volume set on Plant Genome Diversity. Our aim is
to assist students and researchers by providing as complete an overview as possible of each
respective area of research. We have succeeded in engaging leading experts in each field who
describe the current state-of-the-art knowledge without overwhelming the reader with details
that can be found elsewhere. What we offer in the present volume are 20 chapters whose topics
have been chosen carefully to provide a complete picture. Each chapter can stand on its own
and thus the reader does not need to read all chapters if he/she is only interested in a specific
area. We sincerely hope that this model serves our readers well. It is up to them to decide if we
have succeeded.
The 20 chapters deal with individual aspects of plant genome structure, function, and
evolution and they are divided into five informal sections.

Evolutionary Framework for Studying the Diversity of Plant Genomes

Although we do not necessarily expect our readers to read all chapters, we do recommend that
those interested in the evolution of plant genomes read the first chapter by Soltis and Soltis
(Chap. 1) who provide an overview of plant phylogeny, with an emphasis on angiosperms.
Among other things, they highlight research projects that have deposited phylogenetic trees in
public databases and can be downloaded for analysis.

Architecture and Dynamics of the Plant Cell Nucleus

In nondiving cells, the chromosomes are organized within the nucleus, although the structural
and functional complexity of this organization is still poorly understood. One can hardly
imagine the intricacy of interactions of DNA with various molecules necessary to control tens
of thousands of genes and process transcripts of genic and non-genic DNA. In addition, this is
all taking place in a tightly packed nuclear environment, which also harbors structures needed
for DNA synthesis and repair, chromosome reduplication, posttranscriptional modifications,
and synthesis of ribosomal subunits, to name but a few. Jones and Langdon (Chap. 2) review
nuclear organization and discuss the consequences of interspecific hybridization, which results
in two different genomes being accommodated within a single nucleus. This cohabitation may
not be peaceful and can result in dramatic structural and epigenetic reorganizations in
subsequent generations.
The way DNA is organized and packaged into chromatin, particularly at the higher-order
level has never been entirely clear although numerous models have been proposed. However,
recent discoveries question even the existence of the 30-nm fibre, which traditionally has been
considered to originate by folding the 11 nm nucleosome fibre. In Chap. 3, Takata et al.
address this topic by describing the composition of chromatin in relation to chromosome
condensation and DNA packing. Moreover, they present a novel model for chromosome
structure, which suggests that the nucleosome fibres exist in a highly disordered state and do
not form 30-nm chromatin fibres at all.
Preface vii

In addition to separating the nuclear environment from the cytoplasm, the nuclear envelope
performs many important functions; one of which is the control of molecular traffic between
both cellular compartments. Kiseleva et al. (Chap. 4) describe the composition of the nuclear
envelope, the nuclear pore complexes, and their assembly and function and discuss possible
interactions of the envelope with the cytoplasmic and nucleoplasmic components.
Nuclei are known to contain a variety of nuclear bodies, but only the nucleolus can be easily
identified by optical light microcopy. It is where the cell produces ribosomes, which are
required by the cell in large numbers. Shaw (Chap. 5) summarizes the current state of
knowledge of the nucleolus, which is formed on nucleolar organizing regions of chromo-
For plants to grow and reproduce, the cells must divide either through mitosis or meiosis.
The aim is that the hereditary material is faithfully transmitted to the daughter cells. Not only
must the chromosomes be fully reduplicated but their chromatids must separate at the right
moment and move in the right direction to form daughter nuclei. In addition, the nuclear
envelope breaks down during cell division and this represents an additional major challenge
for the genetic apparatus. Magyar et al. (Chap. 6) provide an insightful review on molecular
events underlying the mitotic cell cycle and mitosis itself.
Following cell division, cell and tissue differentiation is often accompanied by modified
cell cycles in which the mitosis step is omitted and the nuclear envelope does not break down.
Maluszynska et al. (Chap. 7) outline these different types of endopolyploidy and describe the
molecular pathways involved in switching from the mitotic to the endopolyploidization cycle
and how the number of endocycles are regulated. They also review the occurrence of
endopolyploidy, its biological significance, and the structure of endopolyploid nuclei.
The production of gametes provides an important means to generate genetic variation via
recombination of parental chromatids and their random segregation. Given the complexity of
the process, it is not surprising that it is unclear exactly how the mitotic machinery is modified
for the purpose of meiosis. Nevertheless, Jenczewski et al. (Chap. 8) describe the current
knowledge in this area, covering chromosome dynamics during meiosis, initiation of meiotic
recombination, regulation of double strand break repair, crossover formation and interference,
genetic control of crossing-over formation, and its distribution in polyploids.

Karyotype Diversity Across Plants and Trends in Evolution

One of the ways in which the diversity of plant genomes is manifested is through a wide range
of chromosome numbers. Lysák and Schubert (Chap. 9) explain that in many cases this
originates via chromosome rearrangements. The authors outline in detail the mechanisms of
chromosome rearrangements detectable by microscopic techniques and highlight those that
have had an impact on the alteration of chromosome number and structure during evolution
and thus may have played a role in speciation.
The compartmentalization of genomes into chromosomes has provided opportunities for
the development of specialized chromosomes. One such example is the B chromosome (often
called supernumerary chromosome), and Houben et al. (Chap. 10) describe its structure, DNA
composition, and evolution. The authors explain peculiarities in the behaviour of Bs during
mitosis and meiosis and list various drive mechanisms responsible for retaining Bs in the
Sex chromosomes are another classic example of specialized chromosomes, and Janoušek
et al. (Chap. 11) review sex determination systems in various plant groups and, based on
taxonomic distribution, argue that dioecy has originated independently many times during
evolution. The authors introduce the genus Silene as an excellent system to study the evolution
of sex chromosomes and present the first ever evidence of sex dimorphism in dioecious plants.
viii Preface

Bureš et al. (Chap. 12) describe holocentric chromosomes which differ from the more
common monocentric chromosomes by the way in which spindle microtubules attach along
the whole chromosome length through kinetochores that cover a substantial part of their
poleward surfaces during mitosis. They review the occurrence of holocentric chromosomes
in plants and describe their chromatin structure and behaviour during mitosis and meiosis and
the evolutionary processes that have contributed to the diversity of holocentric karyotypes.
The remaining three chapters in this section analyse karyotype diversity in three different
groups of plants. Weiss-Schneeweiss and Schneeweiss (Chap. 13) provide a comprehensive
account of karyotype diversity and evolutionary trends in angiosperms. They discuss in detail
how changes in chromosome number, including dysploidy and aneuploidy, as well as changes
in chromosome morphology contribute to the karyotype diversity observed. They also outline
various cytogenetic methods which can be used to characterize chromosomes in a karyotype
and study their changes during evolution and speciation. Murray (Chap. 14) presents a survey
of chromosome numbers and size variation in gymnosperms, the sister group to angiosperms,
and describes the methods used to analyse karyotype diversity in this group of seed plants.
After reviewing available data, the author concludes that in contrast to angiosperms, gymnos-
perms are characterized by much greater uniformity in chromosome number and karyotype.
The third chapter in this block is by Barker (Chap. 15) who focuses on karyotype and genome
evolution in pteridophytes (monilophytes and lycophytes). He draws attention to the high
chromosome numbers typical of many ferns, particularly the homosporous species, which on
average contain over three-fold more chromosomes than the average flowering plant. Interest-
ingly, there is currently no conclusive answer as to why this should be so although it is
expected that the availability of complete genome sequences will contribute to solving this
long-standing mystery.

Generative Polyploidy

The three chapters in this section evaluate various features of generative polyploidy, which is
widespread in land plants. Husband et al. (Chap. 16) examine patterns of polyploid occur-
rence, such as the variation among taxonomic groups at or above the species level, intraspe-
cific variation, variation in mechanisms of formation, geographic and ecological patterns of
polyploid incidence, and associations between ploidy and reproduction.
Thanks to the advances in DNA sequencing and genomics there is now evidence to suggest
that most seed plants have undergone at least one episode of poylploidization. Thus, one
cannot consider the evolution of land plants without understanding polyploidy. Fawcett et al.
(Chap. 17) explain how the episodes of ancient polyploidization can be identified and dated
and describe the immediate consequences of polyploidization to genes and genomes. They
also discuss changes within polyploid genomes during evolution and the contribution of
polyploidization to the evolutionary success of descendant lineages.
While the majority of studies on polyploidy have focused on angiosperms, Rensing et al.
(Chap. 18) consider the importance of polyploidy in haploid-dominant land plants, the
bryophytes. Here, polyploidy may play an even more essential evolutionary role than in
other evolutionary lineages, rendering a bryophyte more robust against somatic mutations,
while changes in chromosome number through polyploidy can lead to changes in the sexual
system. The need for more genomic data and model species is paramount and the sequencing
of the genome of the moss Physcomitrella patens together with the eagerly anticipated
genome sequences from other moss species and the liverwort Marchantia polymorpha in the
near future should shed further light on genome evolution and the role of polyploidy in these
haploid-dominant land plants.
Preface ix

Genome Size Diversity and Consequences

The book closes with chapters that consider the whole genome in bulk. Leitch and Leitch
(Chap. 19) take advantage of the recent increase in the number of species with genome size
data and provide a comprehensive review on diversity of genome sizes across all groups of
land plants. Evaluation of individual groups suggests that most plant genomes are rather small,
probably due to strong selection pressure to limit genome size. Importantly, the chapter also
considers how the diversity in genome size might have evolved. The last chapter of this
volume by Greilhuber and Leitch (Chap. 20) examines the phenotypic correlates of variation
in genome size, which include cell size and cell division rate. It also discusses the theories to
explain the causality behind this variation observed, considers alternative views, and puts
important studies into focus.

There is no doubt that it was an ambitious goal to cover the broad range of biological
phenomena related to the structure, function, and evolution of plant genomes. However, we
were motivated by the lack of a single resource, which is so needed in this era of rapid DNA
sequence data generation. The chapters included in this volume deliver exciting facts from the
history and life of plant genomes and present unanswered questions and hypotheses. We hope
that the readers will find that the time spent with the book is both enjoyable and stimulating.
This volume would not exist without the contribution of the authors of individual chapters.
Busy leaders in their areas of research, they spared precious time to share with us their
knowledge and visions. We cannot be grateful enough for this and we appreciate their efforts
and patience when responding to our requests for revisions. The only reward for them may be a
response from the readers. So why not contact them? Sincere thanks go to the publisher,
Springer-Verlag, Vienna and New York, who initiated and accompanied this project and made
the publication of this volume possible. We appreciate the careful and professional manage-
ment of the project.

RBG Kew, United Kingdom Ilia. J. Leitch

Vienna, Austria Johann Greilhuber
Olomouc, Czech Republic Jaroslav Doležel
Ames, Iowa, USA Jonathan F. Wendel
March, 2012

1 Angiosperm Phylogeny: A Framework for Studies of Genome Evolution . . . . . . . 1

Pamela S. Soltis and Douglas E. Soltis

2 The Plant Nucleus at War and Peace: Genome Organization in the Interphase
Nucleus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
R. Neil Jones and Tim Langdon

3 The Organization of Genomic DNA in Mitotic Chromosomes: A Novel View 33

Hideaki Takata, Sachihiro Matsunaga, and Kazuhiro Maeshima

4 Structural Organization of the Plant Nucleus: Nuclear Envelope, Pore Complexes

and Nucleoskeleton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Elena Kiseleva, Jindriska Fiserova, and Martin W. Goldberg

5 The Plant Nucleolus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

Peter Shaw

6 Cell Cycle Modules in Plants for Entry into Proliferation and for Mitosis . . . . 77
Zoltán Magyar, Masaki Ito, Pavla Binarová, Binish Mohamed, and Laszlo Bogre

7 Endopolyploidy in Plants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Jolanta Maluszynska, Bozena Kolano, and Hanna Sas-Nowosielska

8 Meiosis: Recombination and the Control of Cell Division . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121

Eric Jenczewski, Raphael Mercier, Nicolas Macaisne, and Christine Mézard

9 Mechanisms of Chromosome Rearrangements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137

Martin A. Lysák and Ingo Schubert

10 Biology and Evolution of B Chromosomes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149

Andreas Houben, Ali Mohammad Banaei-Moghaddam, and Sonja Klemme

11 Chromosomes and Sex Differentiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167

Bohuslav Janoušek, Roman Hobza, and Boris Vyskot

12 Holocentric Chromosomes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187

Petr Bureš, František Zedek, and Michaela Marková

13 Karyotype Diversity and Evolutionary Trends in Angiosperms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209

Hanna Weiss-Schneeweiss and Gerald M. Schneeweiss

xii Contents

14 Karyotype Variation and Evolution in Gymnosperms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231

Brian G. Murray

15 Karyotype and Genome Evolution in Pteridophytes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245

Michael S. Barker

16 The Incidence of Polyploidy in Natural Plant Populations: Major Patterns and

Evolutionary Processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
Brian C. Husband, Sarah J. Baldwin, and Jan Suda

17 Significance and Biological Consequences of Polyploidization in Land Plant

Evolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277
Jeffrey A. Fawcett, Yves Van de Peer, and Steven Maere

18 Evolutionary Importance of Generative Polyploidy for Genome Evolution of

Haploid-Dominant Land Plants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295
Stefan A. Rensing, Anna K. Beike, and Daniel Lang

19 Genome Size Diversity and Evolution in Land Plants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307

Ilia J. Leitch and Andrew R. Leitch

20 Genome Size and the Phenotype . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323

Johann Greilhuber and Ilia J. Leitch

Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345

Dr. Sarah J. Baldwin Department of Integrative Biology, University of Guelph, Guelph,

ON, Canada
Michael S. Barker Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, University of Arizona,
Tucson, USA,
Dr. Anna K. Beike Plant Biotechnology, Faculty of Biology, University of Freiburg,
Freiburg, Germany
Dr. Pavla Binarová Institute of Microbiology, ASCR, Prague 4, Czech Republic
Prof. Laszlo Bogre Royal Holloway, University of London, Centre for Systems and
Synthetic Biology, Egham, UK,
Prof. RNDr. Petr Bureš Department of Botany and Zoology, Faculty of Science, Masaryk
University, Brno, Czech Republic,
Dr. Jeffrey A. Fawcett Graduate University for Advanced Studies, Hayama, Kanagawa, Japan
Dr. Jindriska Fiserova Department of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Durham
University, Durham, UK
Dr. Martin W. Goldberg Department of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Durham
University, Durham, UK
Prof. Johann Greilhuber Department of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany, Faculty
of Life Sciences, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
Dr. Roman Hobza Institute of Biophysics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic,
Brno, Czech Republic
Dr. Andreas Houben Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK),
Gatersleben, Germany,
Prof. Dr. Brian C. Husband Department of Integrative Biology, Science Complex,
University of Guelph, Guelph, ON, Canada,
Dr. Masaki Ito Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences, Nagoya University, Nagoya,
Dr. Bohuslav Janoušek Institute of Biophysics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech
Republic, Brno, Czech Republic
Dr. Eric Jenczewski Institut Jean-Pierre Bourgin, Institut National de Recherche
Agronomique, cedex, France
Prof. R. Neil Jones Institute of Biological, Environmental and Rural Sciences, Aberystwyth
University, Wales, UK,

xiv Contributors

Dr. Elena Kiseleva Laboratory of Morphology and Function of Cell Structure, Institute
of Cytology and Genetics, Novosibirsk, Russia,
Dr. Sonja Klemme Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK),
Chromosome Structure and Function Laboratory, Gatersleben, Germany
Dr. Bozena Kolano Department of Plant Anatomy and Cytology, University of Silesia,
Katowice, Poland
Dr. Daniel Lang Plant Biotechnology, Faculty of Biology, University of Freiburg, Freiburg,
Dr. Tim Langdon Institute of Biological, Environmental and Rural Sciences, Aberystwyth
University, Wales, UK
Prof. Andrew R. Leitch School of Biological and Chemical Sciences, Queen Mary,
University of London, London, UK
Dr. Ilia J. Leitch Jodrell Laboratory Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK,
Dr. Martin Lysák Department of Experimental Biology, Faculty of Science, Masaryk
University, Brno, Czech Republic,
Dr. Nicolas Macaisne Institut Jean-Pierre Bourgin, Institut National de Recherche
Agronomique, Versailles, cedex, France
Prof. Steven Maere Department of Plant Systems Biology, VIB, Ghent, Belgium,
Dr. Kazuhiro Maeshima Laboratory for Biological Macromolecules, Structural Biology
Center, National Institute of Genetics, Mishima, Shizuoka, Japan,
Dr. Zoltán Magyar Institute of Plant Biology, Biological Research Centre, Szeged,
Prof. Jolanta Maluszynska Department of Plant Anatomy and Cytology, University
of Silesia, Katowice, Poland,
Dr. Michaela Marková Department of Botany and Zoology, Faculty of Science, Masaryk
University, Brno, Czech Republic
Dr. Sachihiro Matsunaga Department of Biotechnology, Graduate School of Engineering,
Osaka University, Suita, Osaka, Japan
Dr. Raphael Mercier Institut Jean-Pierre Bourgin, Institut National de Recherche
Agronomique, Versailles, cedex, France
Prof. Christine Mézard Station de Génétique et d’Amélioration des Plantes, Versailles,
Dr. Binish Mohamed Royal Holloway, University of London, Centre for Systems
and Synthetic Biology, Egham, UK
Dr. Ali Mohammad Banaei Moghaddam Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop
Plant Research (IPK), Gatersleben, Germany
Prof. Brian G. Murray School of Biological Sciences, University of Auckland, Auckland,
New Zealand,
Dr. Stefan A. Rensing FRISYS, Faculty of Biology, University of Freiburg, Freiburg,
Contributors xv

Prof. Ingo Schubert Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK),
Gatersleben, Germany
Dr. Hanna Sas-Nowosielska Department of Plant Anatomy and Cytology, University of
Silesia, Katowice, Poland
Prof. Gerald M. Schneeweiss Department of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany, Faculty
Center Botany, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
Dr. Peter Shaw Cell and Developmental Biology Department, John Innes Centre, Norwich,
Prof. Douglas E. Soltis Department of Biology and the Genetics Institute, University
of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA,
Prof. Pamela S. Soltis Laboratory of Molecular Systematics and Evolutionary Genetics,
Florida Museum of Natural History, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA,
Prof. Jan Suda Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague,
Prague, Czech Republic
Dr. Hideaki Takata Biological Macromolecules Laboratory, Structural Biology Center,
National Institute of Genetics, Mishima, Shizuoka, Japan
Prof. Yves Van de Peer Department of Plant Systems Biology, VIB, Ghent, Belgium, yves.
Prof. Boris Vyskot Institute of Biophysics, Czech Academy of Sciences, Laboratory of
Plant Developmental Genetics, Brno, Czech Republic,
Prof. Hanna Weiss-Schneeweiss Department of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany,
Faculty Center Botany, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria,
Dr. František Zedek Department of Botany and Zoology, Faculty of Science, Masaryk
University, Brno, Czech Republic
Angiosperm Phylogeny: A Framework for Studies
of Genome Evolution 1
Pamela S. Soltis and Douglas E. Soltis

Contents 1.1 Introduction

1.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
The angiosperms—or flowering plants—comprise an
1.2 Methods of Phylogenetic Analysis: A Primer . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
estimated 260,000 (Takhtajan 1997)–400,000 (Raven in
1.3 The Phylogeny of Embryophytes: An Abbreviated Jarvis 2007) extant species and occupy nearly all habitats
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
on Earth except the coldest arctic and polar regions and the
1.4 The Phylogeny of Angiosperms: An Overview . . . . . . . . . . . 5 deepest oceans. Their diversification has occurred over a
1.4.1 Major Clades . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 relatively short timespan, with the fossil record placing the
1.4.2 Repeated Radiations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.4.3 Unresolved Relationships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 earliest angiosperms in the early Cretaceous, approximately
1.4.4 “Big Trees” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 132 million years ago. Molecular clock estimates suggest
1.5 Studies of Genome Evolution in Angiosperms . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
that the angiosperms are perhaps older, dating to the Jurassic
(e.g., Sanderson et al. 2004; Bell et al. 2005; Bell et al. 2010)
1.6 Future Prospects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
or even the Triassic (Magallon 2010; Smith et al. 2010).
1.6.1 New Scope, New Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.6.2 Improved Access to Data, Trees, and Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Our understanding of the phylogeny of angiosperms has
improved dramatically in recent years through large-scale
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
collaborative analyses (e.g., Chase et al. 1993; Soltis et al.
1999; Soltis et al. 2000; Hilu et al. 2003; Soltis et al. 2011) and
the application of molecular data, from single genes to entire
plastid genomes (e.g., Jansen et al. 2007; Moore et al. 2007;
Moore et al. 2010). Likewise, many clade-specific analyses
have clarified relationships within some of the largest groups
of angiosperms: e.g., Monocotyledoneae (monocots sensu
Cantino et al. 2007; subsequent italicized names refer
to phylogenetically defined clades in Cantino et al. 2007),
Chase et al. (2006); Caryophyllales, Brockington et al.
(2009); Eudicotyledoneae (eudicots), Moore et al. (2010);
Campanulideae (campanulids), Tank and Donoghue (2010).
In less than 20 years time, our view of angiosperm phylogeny
has been transformed from a nebulous series of possible
transitions to a well-supported and well-resolved tree of
explicit sister-group relationships (summarized in Fig. 1.1).
The stability of this tree is reflected in the modest changes to
the classification of the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group
(APG) over the past decade (1998, 2003, 2009; summarized
by Stevens 2001 onward) and in the development of
a phylogenetic nomenclature for angiosperms (Cantino
P.S. Soltis (*)
Florida Museum of Natural History and the Genetics Institute,
et al. 2007).
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611, USA

I.J. Leitch et al. (eds.), Plant Genome Diversity Volume 2, 1

DOI 10.1007/978-3-7091-1160-4_1, # Springer-Verlag Wien 2013
2 P.S. Soltis and D.E. Soltis

Fig. 1.1 (continued)

Phylogenetic trees of angiosperms have been used to 2011). The genome sequence of Aquilegia of Ranunculales,
address a range of evolutionary and ecological questions, the sister to all other eudicots, will similarly provide an
such as the causes of diversification (Davies et al. 2004), the evolutionary reference for eudicots and a further point of
evolution of reproductive systems (e.g., Culley et al. 2002), comparison among the genomes of Amborella, monocots,
the evolution of syncarpy and its role in pollination and model eudicots.
(Armbruster et al. 2002), and the relationship among phy- Here we provide an overview of plant phylogeny, with an
logeny, biogeography, and biodiversity (Donoghue 2008). In emphasis on angiosperms, based on the past two decades of
addition, trees for which internal nodes have been dated (e.g., research, to serve as the basis for investigating patterns of
Wikstrom et al. 2001; Bell et al. 2005; Bell et al. 2010) have genome evolution. We give a summary, as well as many
supplied a framework for many additional studies (Slingsby original citations, with an emphasis on those analyses that
and Verboom 2006; Vamosi et al. 2006; Edwards et al. 2007; have deposited trees in public databases, such as TreeBASE,
Webb et al. 2008). where they are available for download and analysis.
Recent advances in angiosperm phylogenetics have also
played a significant role in selecting taxa for genetic analysis
and genome sequencing (e.g., Pryer et al. 2002; Soltis et al. 1.2 Methods of Phylogenetic Analysis:
2008). For example, studies of gene family evolution have A Primer
focused on representatives of basal angiosperm clades, basal
eudicots, and selected monocots and eudicots (e.g., Kim et al. The development of phylogenetic methods during the past
2004; Kim et al. 2005; Zahn et al. 2005) to investigate patterns decade has produced a perhaps baffling array of approaches,
of gene duplication and loss. The results yield complex algorithms, and software. The state of the art a mere decade
patterns of gene family dynamics—patterns that are not ago was maximum parsimony, with numerous options, e.g.,
apparent through analysis of model systems alone. Likewise, TNT (Goloboff 1999), parsimony ratchet (Nixon 1999), to
genomic resources (e.g., BAC libraries) have been developed allow for analysis of perhaps several hundred taxa to a few
for a set of phylogenetically important plant species in antici- thousand (Kallersjo et al. 1999) and one or a handful of genes.
pation of eventual genomic analysis and sequencing. Most Concerns that sufficient tree space was searched were para-
recently, genome sequencing of Amborella trichopoda, the mount, given the restrictions in memory and speed of most
sister to all other extant angiosperms (e.g., Soltis et al. 1999; computers at the time. Maximum likelihood analyses were
Soltis et al. 2000; Hilu et al. 2003; Leebens-Mack et al. 2005; possible for only tens of taxa. In the early 2000s, major shifts
Jansen et al. 2007), has been initiated, to provide an evolu- occurred to model-based approaches as Bayesian methods
tionary reference for genome analysis within the angiosperms (MrBayes, Huelsenbeck and Ronquist 2001; Huelsenbeck
and across all green plants (Soltis et al. 2008; Chamala et al. et al. 2001; and then BEAST, Drummond and Rambaut
1 Angiosperm Phylogeny: A Framework for Studies of Genome Evolution 3

b 76
84 Cucurbitales
100 100
57 Fabales
82 Fabidae
59 Oxalidales
99 100 Malpighiales
100 Celastrales

100 100
100 83 Huerteales
100 Sapindales
85 99
97 100
79 Geraniales
100 100

73 100

Vahliaceae Lamiidae
100 Oncothecaceae

69 Garryales
99 100 Asterales
100 Apiales
Paracryphiales Campanulidae
97 100
100 Dipsacales
100 100
100 Aquifoliales
75 100 Berberidopsidales
98 100 Caryophyllales
97 100
100 Santalales
100 Dilleniaceae
100 100
100 Sabiaceae
100 59
100 Proteales
68 100
86 Ceratophyllaceae
99 100
100 Laurales
100 Magnoliidae
85 91100 Canellales
100 100
100 Trimeniaceae
83 100 Schisandraceae Austrobaileyales
100 Nymphaeaceae

Fig. 1.1 Summary of phylogenetic relationships among major clades of green plants (Viridiplantae). (a) Overview, based on consensus of many studies.
(b) Overview of angiosperm phylogeny, based on maximum likelihood analysis, with bootstrap values, redrawn from Soltis et al. (2011)

2007), along with maximum likelihood approaches using new respectively). Parallelization has helped to reduce run times
algorithms (e.g., genetic algorithm, GARLI, Zwickl 2006; dramatically for large problems, but has not been universally
RAxML, Stamatakis 2006; Stamatakis et al. 2008), made it implemented to date (although dividing bootstrap analyses
possible to reconstruct large trees (hundreds of taxa) with among an array of processors in a cluster is a form of parallel
confidence scores (posterior probabilities or bootstrap values, analysis that can considerably shorten run times).
4 P.S. Soltis and D.E. Soltis

Our assessment is that most projects today employ both mitochondrial-based trees have shown evidence of horizontal
parsimony and at least one model-based approach (typically transfer of mitochondrial genes (e.g., Won and Renner 2003;
RAxML or MrBayes). Bergthorsson et al. 2004; Davis and Wurdack 2004) and should
Whereas many analyses of phylogeny reconstruction therefore be used in conjunction with other markers, particu-
have embraced model-based methods, most analyses of larly in groups that contain parasites.
character evolution continue to rely on parsimony, despite
the implementation of both maximum likelihood and Bayes-
ian methods for inferring ancestral states and mapping char- 1.3 The Phylogeny of Embryophytes:
acter variation. Although the reason for this bias is unclear, it An Abbreviated Overview
may be that researchers are more comfortable applying
statistical methods to tree selection than to character A thorough summary of plant phylogeny is beyond the scope
mapping, in which parsimony has an intuitive appeal. of this chapter; instead, we present a simple overview to set
Although as in tree selection, likelihood, Bayesian, and the stage for further discussion of genome evolution in plants
parsimony methods typically produce similar patterns of and the phylogenetic placement of angiosperms, the focus of
character evolution, parsimony results may differ from like- this chapter. Although important for understanding major
lihood and Bayesian reconstructions, particularly when patterns of plant evolution, especially in morphological and
branch lengths are short. We encourage expanded use of anatomical characters, the fossil record plays a less crucial
likelihood and/or Bayesian methods for character role in understanding genome evolution, and we have there-
reconstructions, at least for comparison with parsimony fore largely confined our discussion of plant phylogeny to
results. extant taxa. However, the fossil record provides a requisite
Most analyses of plant phylogeny to date have focused on timeframe on our interpretation of phylogeny, and the phy-
plastid genes, with an emphasis at deep levels on rbcL, atpB, logenetic placement of fossil groups may affect the topology
ndhF, and to some extent matK. The former two have similar of extant groups; we therefore introduce data from fossils as
rates of evolution and are easily alignable, ndhF tends to evolve needed in this brief overview but we recognize that our
slightly more rapidly and is longer (although only part of the treatment is incomplete.
gene is sometimes used), and matK has a higher rate of both The “green plants” (sometimes referred to as
nucleotide substitution and indels, leading to more difficult Viridiplantae or viridophytes) are a clade of at least half a
alignment. Of course, plastid genes provide only the evolution- million species with a fossil record that extends back nearly
ary history of the plastid, and although this may not be a one billion years. They share a common cyanobacterial
concern at the deepest levels of plant phylogeny, one must endosymbiotic event with red algae and glaucophytes and
consider how well a plastid gene tree may reflect the organis- can be diagnosed by chlorophyll b, starch as the storage
mal tree. To date, at deep levels, the only nuclear genes that product for photosynthesis, and a stellate flagellar structure
have been used widely are the 18S and 26S ribosomal RNA (e.g., Judd et al. 2008). A basal split in the green plants
genes. A number of MADS-box genes have been shown to produced two clades, the chlorophytes (mostly marine
track angiosperm phylogeny (Litt and Irish 2003; Kim et al. “green algae”) and streptophytes (which include freshwater
2004; Kim et al. 2005; Zahn et al. 2005), but these genes have “green algae” and embryophytes). Mesostigma, a freshwater
not yet been applied solely for the purpose of phylogeny “alga”, has been identified as the sister to all other
reconstrution. However, a number of other nuclear genes (or streptophytes. Subsequently branching lineages include the
their introns) have been used at more shallow levels: LEAFY, Klebsormidiales, the Zygnematales, and the Coleochaetales
APETALA3, PISTILLATA, ALCOHOL DEHYDROGENASE, and Charales, the limits of which are not completely clear.
GLYCERALDEHYDE 3-PHOSPHATE DEHYDROGENASE, Chara (and relatives) and Coleochaetales seem to be the
CHALCONE SYNTHASE, and WAXY, to name a few. All of sister group(s) of the embryophytes, although some recent
this latter set of genes tend to have regions of 1,000 bp (plus or studies place Zygnematales in this position (e.g., Timme
minus a few hundred) and are generally fairly easy to amplify et al. 2012). Embryophytes, or land plants, trace their history
with standard primers. However, the use of nuclear genes to at least the Ordovician and began to diversify extensively
carries its own concerns, most notably issues of orthology, in the Silurian and Devonian. Morphological and anatomical
allelic diversity, and recombination, often requiring extensive synapomorphies of the embryophytes are a multicellular
cloning, sequencing of clones, and analyses of recombination sporangium, thick-walled spores, multicellular gametangia,
prior to phylogenetic analysis. A set of mitochondrial genes an embryo, and a cuticle.
(e.g., matR, atp1, nad5, rps3) has also been applied to plant Within the embryophytes, the phylogeny of the major
phylogeny. These genes tend to evolve more slowly than either clades is not fully resolved (Fig. 1.1a). For example,
plastid or nuclear genes used to date and can supply characters although traditionally recognized as a single taxonomic
that are useful deep in plant phylogeny. However, group, the bryophytes (consisting of mosses, liverworts,
1 Angiosperm Phylogeny: A Framework for Studies of Genome Evolution 5

and hornworts) are paraphyletic, and the branching order of conifers and gnetophytes either sister to each other, or more
these clades relative to the tracheophytes is not yet clear. All often, gnetophytes nested within conifers or within Pinaceae.
possible branching orders have been proposed. Most mor- Despite extensive study using many sources of data and modes
phological and molecular data support liverworts as sister to of analysis, the phylogenetic relationships among extant seed
all other embryophytes, and the major remaining disagree- plants remain unresolved. For analyses that seek to examine
ment is between the topology of (liverworts, (hornworts, patterns of evolution among angiosperms, this frustrating result
(mosses + tracheophytes))), which is supported by the precludes identification of the appropriate outgroup for com-
shared feature of a sporophyte apical meristem in mosses parative studies.
and tracheophytes, and (liverworts, (mosses, (hornworts +
tracheophytes))), which is supported by the persistently
green sporophyte in hornworts and tracheophytes (reviewed 1.4 The Phylogeny of Angiosperms:
in Judd et al. 2008). An Overview
The tracheophytes (Tracheophyta) comprise two major
clades, lycophytes (Lycopodiophyta) and euphyllophytes 1.4.1 Major Clades
(Euphyllophyta). Lycopodiophyta comprises Isoetes, Selagi-
nella, and Lycopodiaceae and forms a clade with some of the Angiosperm phylogeny has been studied extensively in
most prominent early vascular plants: Cooksonia, recent decades, from the perspective of deep-level branching
zosterophytes, and Lepidodendrales (Judd et al. 2008). patterns to clades of closely related species. Ultimately and
Extant Euphyllophyta is united by a plastid genome inver- ideally, these results will be linked, either through supertree
sion, multicellular sperm, overtopping, and terminal methods that combine published trees via shared taxa or
sporangia on lateral branches. The clade contains two through new supermatrix analyses that combine all data
major clades, Monilophyta and Lignophyta. The former is into a single matrix for analysis (see below). Here we will
composed of Psilotales, Ophioglossales, Equisetales, provide only an overview of the major clades and their
Marattiales, and the leptosporangiate ferns (Leptospor- interrelationships, followed by further discussion on some
angiatae). This assemblage of monilophytes was recognized of the emergent patterns from analyses conducted to date.
by Kenrick and Crane (1997) on the basis of stem anatomy Nearly all molecular-based analyses of the past decade
and was later supported by molecular data as well (Pryer have identified Amborella as the sister to all other extant
et al. 2001; Pryer et al. 2004). The Lignophyta comprises angiosperms, most often alone or occasionally with
several fossil lineages and the Spermatophyta, the seed Nymphaeales (Fig. 1.1b). All analyses are consistent in then
plants. placing Austrobaileyales (comprising Austobaileya, Trimenia,
Relationships among seed plants perhaps remain the most Illicium, and Schisandraceae) as the sister group to all
challenging in plant phylogeny. Extensive extinction within other extant angiosperms. This large remainder, the
this clade has undoubtedly contributed to the difficulty of Mesangiospermae, comprises Magnoliidae + Chloranth-
phylogeny reconstruction. The “gymnosperms” as typically aceae as sister to Monocotyledoneae + Eudicotyledoneae +
recognized are paraphyletic and include several clades with Ceratophyllum (Moore et al. 2007). Although long recognized
extant members (cycads, Ginkgo, conifers, and gnetophytes) as an ancient group, the placement of Chloranthaceae has been
and several other groups that are only found in the fossil record elusive, but recent analyses place them as sister to
(Medullosa, seed ferns, glossopterids, Caytonia, Bennetittales). Magnoliidae. The relationship among magnoliids,
However, the paraphyly of the “gymnosperms” is not apparent monocots, and eudicots has been very difficult to disentan-
in molecular-based trees that typically (but not always) recover gle, but plastid genome sequences support the sister-group
reciprocally monophyletic gymnosperms and angiosperms. relationship of monocots and eudicots (+ Ceratophyllum).
When fossils are included in phylogenetic analyses of seed Relationships among major clades of monocots are now
plants, disagreements exist with regard to both the placement clear, but they do not follow traditional taxonomic
of many of the non-flowering seed plants and in the sister group circumscriptions. Acorales are sister to all other extant
of the angiosperms, and there is little consensus on the overall monocots, and a grade that includes Alismatales, followed
phylogeny of all seed plants. It appears that glossopterids, by Petrosaviaceae, subtends a clade comprising the majority
Caytonia, and Bennetittales are more closely related to of monocot species diversity. Pandanales + Dioscoreales are
angiosperms than to other “gymnosperms” but beyond that, sister to a clade of (Liliales, (Asparagales + Commelinidae)).
there is little resolution. When only extant seed plants are One of the most substantial reorganizations of monocot
considered, disagreement still abounds. Most recent studies classification is based on new understanding of relationships
have found a topology in which extant gymnosperms and of the former Liliaceae. Although dismantling of this
angiosperms are sister groups, with cycads either sister to all large family was proposed many years ago, the placements
other extant gymnosperms or sister to Ginkgo, and with of its components have not always been clear. Progress has
6 P.S. Soltis and D.E. Soltis

been substantial, but questions remain. Likewise, relationships The origin of the angiosperms themselves has often been
within Asparagales have been difficult to resolve, and considered a rapid radiation, based on the fossil record and
although recent analyses have done much to resolve phylog- Darwin’s words themselves: “The rapid rise and early
eny, few morphological characters have been idenitifed to diversification of angiosperms is an abominable mystery. . .”
diagnose the component clades. The Commelinidae are (Darwin 1903). However, phylogenetic reconstructions sug-
diagnosed by starchy pollen, UV-fluorescent ferulic and gest instead that the angiosperms radiated, not immediately
coumaric acids in the cell walls, and Strelitzia-type epicuticu- upon their origin, but a few nodes subsequent to the common
lar wax. The clade is large, comprising over 25,000 species, ancestor of all extant angiosperms (Mathews and Donoghue
with diversity spanning grasses to palms. Component clades 1999; Soltis et al. 1999; Soltis et al. 2005). This radiation
are Commelinales, Zingiberales, Arecales, and Poales corresponds to the diversification of the Mesangiospermae
(+ Dasypogonaceae). (sensu Cantino et al. 2007), the clade comprising
Within eudicots, a basal grade consisting of Ranunculales, magnoliids, Chloranthaceae, monocots, Ceratophyllaceae,
Proteales, Sabiales, Trochodendrales, and Buxales subtends the and eudicots—in other words, all angiosperms except
“core eudicots”, or Gunneridae. Gunnerales are sister to the Amborella, Nymphaeales, and Austrobaileyales (see Moore
remaining Gunneridae, the Pentapetalae, which fall into et al. 2007). Subsequent radiations appear to follow the
two major clades (Moore et al. 2010; Soltis et al. 2011): origin and early diversification of many large clades of
Superrosidae and Superasteridae (sensu Soltis et al. angiosperms: for example, within the eudicots (Eudicoty-
2011). Superrosidae comprises Saxifragales, Vitaceae, and ledoneae), within the core eudicots (Gunneridae), within
Rosidae, whereas Superasteridae contains Santalales, Rosidae (and within the fabid and malvid clades, Fabidae
Berberidopsidales, Caryophyllales, and Asteridae. and Malvidae, of Rosidae), within the Asteridae, and within
Dilleniaceae, which has been associated with Caryophyllales clades of monocots, to name a few.
in some previous analyses and unplaced in many others, Attempts to find causes for these apparent radiations have
remains unplaced, with alternative placements in Superrosidae met with mixed success. One of the most extensive analyses
and Superasteridae (see below). The positions of most major of possible factors associated with radiations addressed both
clades of core eudicots (Gunneridae) remain unchanged rela- the early radiation of the angiosperms themselves and
tive to earlier studies (e.g., Soltis et al. 1999; Soltis et al. 2000; subsequent radiations (Davies et al. 2004). Davies et al.
Soltis et al. 2005), although additional resolution has been (2004) tested a range of traits reflecting prominent
obtained in both the Rosidae and Asteridae (see Soltis et al. hypotheses for the “success” of the angiosperms on rates of
2011, and references therein). diversification and found no significant association at any
Phylogenetic analyses of the angiosperms at these deep level of the tree. Despite the lack of significance of specific
levels have resulted in new classifications, such as the features, radiations within the angiosperms may be
Angiosperm Phylogeny Group’s (APG) (1998, 2003, 2009) explained by biotic factors and cospeciation with other
classifications at the familial and ordinal levels, with rank- clades. For example, modern ferns diversified alongside
free names assigned to clades corresponding to groups larger angiosperms, suggesting either that angiosperms provided
than recognized orders. An alternative rank-free classifica- new habitats for ferns or that the same causal factors allowed
tion has also emerged (Cantino et al. 2007), with phyloge- diversification of both clades (Schneider et al. 2004). More-
netic definitions provided for many of the clades that over, within the angiosperms, the radiation of the rosids is
correspond to those recognized at the ordinal level and associated with radiations in several other clades, such as
above in the APG system. ants, amphibians, and even primates (see Wang et al. 2009,
for review). Other possible biotic interactions, such as those
with mycorrhizal fungi, may also have contributed to
radiations of angiosperms.
1.4.2 Repeated Radiations
Recent observations of gene duplications at or near nodes
associated with radiations are suggestive of a causal role of
A prominent pattern apparent in the angiosperm phyloge-
genetic or genomic factors in these radiations themselves.
netic trees is a series of polytomies interspersed by regions
For example, coincident gene duplications in multiple
of well-resolved relationships (see Soltis et al. 2005; Soltis
subfamilies of the MADS-box gene family prior to the origin
et al. 2008; Wang et al. 2009; Soltis et al. 2010). Although
of the angiosperms raised hypotheses about the role that
polytomies may be due to insufficient data or taxon sam-
these duplications in genes important in the specification of
pling, they may also represent real radiations. Within the
floral organ identity and other features of the flower may
angiosperms, several apparent radiations have persisted
have played in the early evolution of angiosperms (Buzgo
through the addition of new data and more taxa, suggesting
et al. 2005; De Bodt et al. 2005; Zahn et al. 2005). Likewise,
that in fact these radiations are real.
similar patterns of duplication appear to be associated with
1 Angiosperm Phylogeny: A Framework for Studies of Genome Evolution 7

the early evolution of the eudicots, again suggesting a causal species (e.g., Goloboff et al. 2009; Smith et al. 2009;
role in the floral changes that occurred at that point in Smith et al. 2011). The most recent tree generated by
angiosperm phylogeny and a further role in diversification Smith et al. (2011)—with 55,000 taxa!—used a newly
(for reviews see Soltis et al. 2006; Soltis et al. 2009b). adapted version of RAxML, demonstrating the ability to
Finally, duplications in the CYCLOIDEA gene family sug- use model-based approaches for “big tree” reconstruction.
gest possible roles in both floral and species diversification The concern with such large trees, however, is their accu-
in asterids (Howarth and Donoghue 2006). racy: with so many terminals, the thoroughness of the
Coincident gene duplications at specific nodes are sug- searches is reduced, raising the question of the accuracy of
gestive of whole-genome duplications (WGD; see Buzgo the results. The overall structure of the Smith et al. (2011)
et al. 2005; De Bodt et al. 2005; Zahn et al. 2005; reviewed 55,000-taxon tree is quite similar to trees based on far fewer
in Soltis et al. 2009a; Soltis et al. 2009b), and it may be that taxa (such as the 640-taxon tree of Soltis et al. 2011),
WGD rather than duplications of specific floral genes trig- suggesting that for many purposes, this very large tree will
gered radiation. Whole-genome duplication (polyploidy) be very useful. However, without further diagnostics on the
has, in fact, been suggested as the impetus for angiosperm performance of tree reconstruction at this large scale, many
success following the K-T boundary (Fawcett et al. 2009). close relationships may require cautious acceptance. And
Genomic data have revealed unsuspected episodes of WGD this may be an issue for studies aimed at reconstructing the
throughout green plants (see below; Blanc and Wolfe 2004; evolution of genes or specific genomic traits at a fine scale.
Cui et al. 2006; Soltis et al. 2009a; Jiao et al. 2011 for Nevertheless, breakthroughs in tree reconstruction will
review). In several instances, the clade marked by WGD is undoubtedly lead to new and exciting opportunities for
more species-rich than the sister clade that lacks the dupli- learning about the evolution of plant genomes.
cation; however, genomic data are lacking for a sufficient An alternative to the supermatrix approach described
number of species to allow for thorough statistical analyses above is the construction of a supertree from smaller trees
of heterogeneity of diversification rates (Soltis et al. 2009a). with overlapping taxa (see Sanderson et al. 1998; Davies
Additional data for more species, so that WGD events can be et al. 2004). Supertree methods take advantage of vast
plotted more accurately on a phylogenetic tree, are needed. amounts of data collected and analysed in the past to produce
a summary of phylogenetic inferences contained in
published trees. Although not without their own problems,
1.4.3 Unresolved Relationships supertrees offer a solution to generating large phylogenies.
Recent methods that combine elements of supermatrix and
Given the recent progress in angiosperm phylogenetics, few supertree approaches show particular promise.
major issues of deep-level relationships remain, although
problems abound within clades recognized as “orders” and
“families” sensu APG. Among deep-level problems, one of 1.5 Studies of Genome Evolution
the most perplexing placements is that of Dilleniaceae, in Angiosperms
which occupies different positions depending on the data
set and analysis, from sister to Superrosidae (sensu Soltis Hypotheses on patterns of chromosomal evolution in the
et al. 2011), to sister to Superasteridae (sensu Soltis et al. angiosperms abound. Classical perspectives were based on
2011), to sister to Superasteridae + Superrosidae (see Soltis integrated inferences on ancient and recent polyploidy, pro-
et al. 2011, for discussion). Other prominent areas requiring cesses of chromosomal fission and fusion, and relative
further analysis include: (1) the branching order among basal “advancement” of a taxonomic group. More recently, it has
eudicots; (2) relationships among major clades of rosids; (3) been possible to test hypotheses of increases and decreases in
relationships within Malpighiales; (4) Lamiales. Most of chromosome number and genome size by mapping these
these regions can most likely be resolved with additional characteristics across an explicit phylogenetic tree.
taxa and DNA sequence data, although problem areas such Longstanding hypotheses of chromosomal evolution have
as Malpighiales have recently received substantial attention, suggested that the ancestral chromosome number for
with at least some progress (Wurdack and Davis 2009). angiosperms ranged from x ¼ 6–9, with x ¼ 7 a commonly
proposed base number (e.g., Stebbins 1950; Ehrendorfer et al.
1968; Stebbins 1971; Raven 1975; Grant 1981). Chromosome
1.4.4 “Big Trees” numbers in angiosperms vary dramatically, from 2n ¼ 4
(e.g., Haplopappus gracilis, Asteraceae) to 2n ¼ c. 640
Until recently, most tree reconstruction algorithms could not (Sedum suaveolens, Crassulaceae), a 160-fold difference
handle data sets of 1,000 or more terminals. However, recent (Uhl 1978). However, it is clear that genome size varies
modifications have yielded trees with many thousands of independently of chromosome number, with genome size
8 P.S. Soltis and D.E. Soltis

ranging from 1C ¼ 0.065 pg to 1C ¼ 152.23 pg, a c. 2,400- analyses. Whereas until recently, the limitation in
fold difference (Greilhuber et al. 2006; Pellicer et al. 2010; phylogenetics was computational power, the bottleneck
Leitch and Leitch, 2013 this volume). Previous reconstructions very soon will be a lack of data. Tools being developed by
of genome size across angiosperms found that the ancestral the iPlant Collaborative ( will soon
genome was “very small”, with 1C  1.4 pg (Leitch et al. be available for large-scale tree reconstruction and post-tree
1998; Soltis et al. 2003), with multiple increases and decreases analyses.
in genome size from this ancestral condition. An alternative approach to using data fortuitously avail-
Another clear attribute of angiosperm genomes is poly- able from GenBank is the deliberate generation of new data
ploidy, and events of whole-genome duplication have also for taxa not represented in GenBank. For example, only a
been mapped across an angiosperm tree (Soltis et al. 2009a). fraction of the estimated 15,000 genera of angiosperms are
Whereas polyploidy has long been recognized as an impor- included in GenBank. Although most genera are likely not
tant speciation mechanism in angiosperms, events of monophyletic (Judd et al. 2008), generic-level classification
genome duplication were long considered to be confined to reflects a loose assessment of diversity and therefore a
the tips of the tree, with a few putative cases of ancient framework for ongoing phylogenetic analysis. However,
polyploidy, e.g., Magnoliaceae, Lauraceae, Salicaceae substantial specimen collecting, including samples for
(Stebbins 1950; Stebbins 1971). Remarkably, genome DNA analysis, is needed to conduct such a study. Thus,
sequencing studies have revealed multiple rounds of genome given new developments in phylogenetic software, perhaps
duplication throughout the evolutionary history of the major limitation to a comprehensive angiosperm phylo-
angiosperms. The surprising finding that the very small genetic tree is the lack of material for molecular analysis.
genome of Arabidopsis thaliana has undergone multiple
rounds of duplication set the stage for investigations of
1.6.2 Improved Access to Data, Trees,
other unsuspected events of genome duplication, and all
and Tools
other angiosperms sequenced to date likewise exhibit
signatures of ancient duplication (see Soltis et al. 2009a;
Until now, most phylogenetic reconstructions of morpholog-
Fawcett et al. 2013, this volume). As more genome
ical, physiological, ecological, or other characters have
sequences are generated, it will be possible to map these
involved, initially, sharing of trees and data sets by
duplication events more clearly onto a phylogenetic tree.
systematists and, more recently, downloading published
From there, hypotheses of possible causal effects of genome
trees and data from public databases such as TreeBASE
duplication may be tested.
( and Dryad ( These analyses
have been necessarily limited to those taxa included in
prior phylogenetic trees, without representation of those
taxa that might be of greater interest from the perspective
1.6 Future Prospects
of morphology or other traits. A solution is to reconstruct a
new tree that includes such taxa, but large phylogenetic
1.6.1 New Scope, New Tools
analyses may not be feasible for those interested in
reconstructing patterns of character evolution. New
Despite the progress in reconstructing the major
approaches, such as an automatically generated tree with
relationships within the angiosperms, much remains to be
each new GenBank release (every 2 months) and the avail-
done to produce a comprehensive phylogeny. One approach
ability of data matrices and computational resources for tree
to increasing taxon sampling is to include all species that are
estimation, are being developed by the iPlant Collaborative.
represented in GenBank, regardless of gene. Methods such
Implementation of these tools will facilitate customized
as those explored by Driskell et al. (2004) have proven that
phylogenetic analyses and lead to “democratization” of
even very sparse matrices can yield reasonable phylogenetic
angiosperm phylogenetics. Continued investment in phylo-
trees. A modification of this approach that includes only
genetic cyberinfrastructure to address such issues as reticu-
species for which any of a small, specified set of genes has
lation, horizontal gene transfer, and patterns of character
been sequenced (Smith et al. 2009; Smith et al. 2011) has
evolution will lead to further advancements in our under-
resulted in a 55,000-taxon tree, generated using maximum
standing of angiosperm evolution.
likelihood (via RAxML, Stamatakis 2006), that has been
used to address the evolution of various traits (Smith et al.
Acknowledgments This work was supported in part by the US
2011). The ability to generate trees of this size is a recent National Science Foundation (grants EF-0431266 and PGR-0638595)
breakthrough and sets the stage for future large-scale and the NSF-funded iPlant Collaborative.
1 Angiosperm Phylogeny: A Framework for Studies of Genome Evolution 9

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The Plant Nucleus at War and Peace: Genome
Organization in the Interphase Nucleus 2
R. Neil Jones and Tim Langdon

Contents 2.1 Introduction

2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
The organization of the plant nucleus has been seen as a key to
2.2 General Aspects of Organization in the Peaceful
Nucleus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 understanding the workings of plants themselves for the past
2.2.1 Chromosome Territories (CT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 two centuries. This aspiration seems to be being finally realised
2.2.2 Modifications of Chromatin and DNA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 as new sequencing technologies are helping to draw together
2.3 The Nucleus Under Strain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 old strands of research as well as supporting novel approaches
2.3.1 Plasticity of Gene Family Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 to bridge the gap between cytological and molecular scales of
2.3.2 Limits to Expression Neighbourhoods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 description; and recent advances in understanding epigenetic
2.3.3 Hybrid Vigour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.3.4 Mobile Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
processes and mechanisms are providing a fresh perspective on
studies of interphase organization. The inevitable caveat is that
2.4 The Nucleus at War . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 new questions may need to be answered, as the comparative
2.4.1 Ploidy Levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2.4.2 Changes at the Gene Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 detail now available throws up additional complexities which
2.4.3 Adjustments at the Chromosome Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 were previously hidden. Chief among these is the extent to
2.5 Concluding Remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
which the genome is not constant within a species. Limited
surveys of genes and genomic regions in maize revealed some
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
years ago that there was more genetic diversity within this one
species than between humans and chimpanzees; and a more
recent genome wide survey indicates that if anything this was
an underestimate (Gore et al. 2009). More generally in both
animals and plants, intragenic copy number variation in non-
repetitive sequences is being found to rival that seen in hetero-
chromatic repeats; 10% or more of coding sequences show
copy number variation in maize and rice (Ding et al. 2007;
Springer et al. 2009). Nuclear organization in many plants must
therefore be capable of accommodating a wide range of struc-
tural and nucleotide polymorphisms without suffering detri-
mental effects; indeed, maize itself demonstrates that the
hybridization of divergent parents may be strongly advanta-
geous (Shull 1948). This plasticity may explain the ability of
many wide crosses to eventually generate stable derivatives,
which in turn is likely to underpin many of the numerous
examples of reticulate evolution being found. Nevertheless,
interspecific hybridizations have often been shown to trigger
genome wide reactions, frequently followed by structural and
R.N. Jones (*) epigenetic reorganization in subsequent generations, which can
Institute of Biological, Environmental and Rural Sciences,
Aberystwyth University, Edward Llwyd Building, Penglais Campus,
be seen as a war between parental genomes. Here we review
Aberystwyth, Wales SY23 3DA, UK some of the aspects of nuclear organization that may underlie

I.J. Leitch et al. (eds.), Plant Genome Diversity Volume 2, 13

DOI 10.1007/978-3-7091-1160-4_2, # Springer-Verlag Wien 2013
14 R.N. Jones and T. Langdon

Fig. 2.1 Highly schematic representation of the disposition of contigs; whereas in wheat individual chromosomes, present as a
chromosomes in species with a small (a) (Arabidopsis) and a large wheat/rye addition line 1R, can be seen by probing with whole genome
(b) (hexaploid wheat) genome. Probes identify the centromeres (red) DNA which discriminates between the dispersed repeats of wheat and
and telomeres (green). The chromosome territories in Arabidopsis are rye chromatin
visualized with chromosome-specific probes from pools of BAC

incompatibilities, and indicate some of the changes that may be confocal methods, has been extended by indirect analysis via
required to restore if not peace, then at least a truce. sequencing of DNA retrieved from common pools of cross
linked proteins (3C, 4C, 5C and HiC methods), which is
providing resolution beyond the limits of microscopy
2.2 General Aspects of Organization (Rajapakse and Groudine 2011). Nevertheless, the role and
in the Peaceful Nucleus even the extent of CTs remains unclear, and it appears that
this is as much because of inherent variability as because of
A number of significant discoveries on the structure of the technical limitations.
nucleus were made early on, at the limits of what could This variability is well illustrated by the inconsistent
then be observed with the light microscope. In 1885 Rabl occurrence even of Rabl arrangements. They do appear to
first described the arrangement of the chromosomes of be a fixture of plant species with relatively large genomes
salamanders in terms of the orientation of their centromeres (such as wheat, oat, barley, Vicia faba and Allium cepa, all
and telomeres. He explained how the anaphase configuration, with genomes in excess of 1C ¼ 5,000 Mb), where probes
with the telomeres at the nuclear periphery of adjacent daugh- identifying alien segments can be used to show chromosome
ter cells and the centromeres at the relic poles, was maintained arms assuming a string-like form running between the
through to the following interphase (Rabl 1885). Laibach centromeric and telomeric nuclear poles (Abranches et al.
(1907) later made the remarkable finding that the number of 1998) (Fig. 2.1). On the other hand, plant species with small
chromocentres in Arabidopsis corresponded to the number of genomes (such as sorghum, rice, Arabidopsis, and brassicas,
chromosomes, and Heitz (1928) demonstrated the continuity with genomes of less than 1C ¼ 1,000 Mb) generally lack
of the structure of chromosomes throughout the cell cycle in the Rabl arrangement. This can be observed, for example,
Pellia endiviifolia, using blocks of constitutive heterochroma- by 3D reconstruction of living cells of A. thaliana after
tin as markers for the identity of individual chromosomes. An tagging with a GFP probe, where the centromeres are pre-
early inference was that the interphase nucleus would be dominantly dispersed around the nuclear periphery in dif-
made up of discrete chromosomal territories (CTs) (Boveri ferent cell types (Fang and Spector 2005) although the
1909), and each subsequent development of microscopic telomeres are associated within the nucleus core around
techniques has improved our understanding of the nuclear the nucleolus (Armstrong et al. 2001). As a result individual
architecture of CTs and its impact on gene expression Arabidopsis chromosomes appear as radial euchromatic
(reviewed in Rouquette et al. 2010). Most recently, direct loops emanating from the heterochromatic centromeric
3D analysis of living cells using green fluorescent protein chromocentres when painted with specific BAC markers
(GFP) tags and BACs, and of accurately fixed material by (Fransz et al. 2002). Maize, with 1C ¼ 3,000 Mb of
2 The Plant Nucleus at War and Peace: Genome Organization in the Interphase Nucleus 15

DNA, is intermediate in size, and cannot be classified as similar to the ridge/anti-ridge model, and indicate frequent
either having a Rabl arrangement or not (Cowan et al. 2001) interchromosomal contact (Lieberman-Aiden et al. 2009).
although rice (1C ¼ 430 Mb) does display a tissue-specific Studies on plant CTs are not yet as detailed as for humans
Rabl arrangement in endopolyploid differentiating cells in the but do not conflict with the fractal globule model. Significant
xylem (Santos and Shaw 2004). Dong and Jiang (1998) patterns of co-expressed intrachromosomal neighbourhoods
suggested that chromosome, rather than genome, size might have been found (Williams and Bowles 2004; Riley et al.
be a crucial factor; and Fransz and de Jong (2011) have 2007) and it is likely that chromosome conformation capture
suggested 500 Mb as a threshold value. However, while it methods will soon allow these to be examined in three
might be reasoned that the larger the chromosome, the greater dimensions. Clear demonstrations have been made, however,
the logistical problem of interphase chromatin organization, that CT orthologues do not co-localize at high frequency
and hence the longer persistence of anaphase organization during interphase (reviewed in Schubert and Shaw 2011)
(Cowan et al. 2001), this is not the full answer, as yeasts may and transcription appears to occur at sites distributed
show a Rabl configuration while larger genome mammals do throughout the nucleus, rather than concentrated in regions
not (discussed further in Schubert and Shaw 2011). expected to be gene-rich on the basis of, for example, Rabl
disposition. Strong interchromosomal associations may
normally be limited to heterochromatic chromocentres and
2.2.1 Chromosome Territories (CT) nucleolar organizers. Reorganization of chromatin in
response to a number of cues has been followed, including
The enigmatic nature of Rabl arrangements also applies to large scale reversible decondensation of heterochromatin in
lower levels of nuclear organization, despite extraordinarily Arabidopsis (Tessadori et al. 2007). Reassembly of the
detailed analyses of interphase CTs in a variety of animal Arabidopsis chromocentres is sequential with an order
and plant cell types. As with Rabl, there are examples of which appears to be determined simply by weak interactions
highly ordered structures, which logic suggests must play an whose strength is proportional to array length. Similarly,
important functional role; however, again as with Rabl, there treatment of wheat seedlings with chemicals which disrupt
are examples where these structures do not occur or are chromatin silencing, at levels too low to significantly reduce
disrupted without apparent ill effect. These conflicting growth, was found to cause decondensation of chromosome
observations are described in a number of excellent reviews arms and remodelling of CTs, but did not alter the Rabl
(Cremer and Cremer 2010; Woodcock and Ghosh 2010) and organization of heterochromatic blocks (Santos et al. 2002).
will not be repeated in detail here. At present studies on The disposition of chromosome pairs at interphase in
human cells support a model of regions of increased gene Arabidopsis has been studied by chromosome painting
expression (ridges) and similar sized domains enriched for with pools of chromosome-specific BAC contigs, and it
genes with low expression (anti-ridges). Originally defined appears that association patterns on homologous and heter-
by mapping transcriptome data onto linear chromosome ologous chromosomes is largely random, and that only
maps, which found one to two orders of magnitude differ- chromosomes bearing nucleolus organizing regions
ence in expression levels between ridges and anti-ridges (NORs) show that homologs associate more frequently
(Caron et al. 2001), the patterns have been visualized in than random (Pecinka et al. 2004). It further transpires that
three dimensions using confocal microscopy, which found the cohesion between BAC-labelled sister chromatids is
anti-ridges to be more compact and regularly organized than lacking, and that the strict parallel alignment between them
ridges, and to be closer to the nuclear envelope, where they is greater in differentiated and in endopolyploid cells
may be anchored (Goetze et al. 2007). Large cell-to-cell (Schubert et al. 2006).
variation in this organization was seen and interpreted as Overall, then, CTs in both animals and plants behave as if
structural plasticity rather than experimental error. This is they are largely self-organized and independent, influenced
consistent with global patterns of chromatin organization by weak preferences rather than dependent on absolute
revealed indirectly by the HiC procedure, which supports a configurations. This is perhaps to be expected given the
fractal globule model where self-organizing domains ‘crum- high levels of copy number variation being found.
ple’ in such a way that the resulting structures do not pene-
trate into other crumples (Lieberman-Aiden et al. 2009).
Accordingly, there are no knots in the structures to prevent 2.2.2 Modifications of Chromatin and DNA
dynamic looping out, whether by diffusion or in response to
specific cues, but defined CTs are expected to persist over One area where plants differ markedly from animal models
the period of the cell cycle as crumples reform. The HiC data of chromatin organization is in the use of the modified
support a division into two spatial sub-compartments, histones which discriminate transcriptionally active regions
16 R.N. Jones and T. Langdon

from those that are silenced, particularly heterochromatin. pathways but the majority of plant small RNAs are 24 nt
Surprisingly the same histone code is not maintained long, individually at low abundance and derived from
between animals and plants, or even between plant species transcripts generated by RNA polymerases IV and V.
(Fuchs et al. 2006; Shi and Dawe 2006; Braszewska- These enzymes supplement the universal RNA polymerase,
Zalewska et al. 2009). Soppe et al. (2002) noted that the Pol II, and produce templates primarily from intergenic and
diffuse presence of H3K9 modifications of histone H3 in heterochromatic regions (Zheng et al. 2009) so that the
euchromatin was characteristic of large genomes, such as targets of the 24 nt silencing RNAs (siRNAs) are predomi-
maize, while it was found only concentrated in hetero- nantly mobile elements, tandem repeats and associated
chromatin in Arabidopsis. The ability to redefine such debris. In addition to transcripts from promoters in the
a fundamental aspect of chromatin organization may reflect repetitive elements themselves, there are a range of host
a divergent approach to genome surveillance by plants com- driven transcripts, including for long intergenic non-coding
pared to animals. Plants lack a dedicated germline and the RNAs (lincRNAs) which may result in almost all of
bulk of silencing signals is maintained at all times, unlike the genome being transcribed at some point, and hence
animals which reset the genome at least twice per generation potentially able to generate siRNAs. The unusually high
(plants do have ‘facultative’ silencing, involved in processes level of retained introns in mature transcripts in plants
such as vernalisation and parental imprinting, e.g., Hsieh (Filichkin et al. 2010) may further add to the pool of
et al. 2011). Plant genes are also relatively more compact potential silencing signals. The importance of siRNAs is
and intergenic conserved non-coding sequences (CNS) are demonstrated by the presence of a range of additional DCL,
relatively rare. This combination suggests that meristem AGO and other associated components, including plant-
integrity may have been protected by enhancing mechanisms specific pathways to generate dsRNA from single-stranded
which monitor intergenic regions in order to restrict mobile RNA templates, and to methylate asymmetrical DNA
element colonisation. In large part this monitoring is carried targets (with the consensus sequence CHH). Plants have
out via a small RNA based silencing pathway, involving the also evolved mechanism(s) to transfer silencing between
plant-specific RNA polymerases IV and V (RNAP IV, RNAP cells and tissues (Molnar et al. 2010).
V) (Herr et al. 2005; Onodera et al. 2005; Zhang et al. 2007; Once symmetrical methylation (at CG and CHG sites) has
Matzke et al. 2009). This represents a significant extension to the been established, it may be maintained at DNA replication
more universal eukaryotic use of different classes of small by a hemimethylation recognition mechanism. The 24 nt
RNA to carry out a variety of roles in modulating chromatin siRNAs are required to direct fresh methylation at the asym-
structure and gene expression, for example the use of miRNA metrical CHH sites, however. This illustrates one of the
to co-ordinate developmental switches in animals and plants features of epigenetic control, that there tend to be multiple
(reviewed in Kaufmann et al. 2010). mechanisms which may reinforce each other, but may all be
The central role of siRNAs in the control of plant required for full effect. In combination this may result in
genome stability has been emerging over the last 10 years epigenetic haplotypes (‘epialleles’) which are stable for
but details about mechanisms are still being revealed. generations (Johannes et al. 2009; Reinders et al. 2009;
Briefly, it appears that all eukaryotes are able to detect Baubec et al. 2010) but, intriguingly, global responses to
‘alien’ transcripts through the recognition of aberrant dou- stress may drive some of the initial epigenetic responses,
ble stranded RNA (dsRNA) structures; the ‘aliens’ are creating heritable phenotypic variation which may be adap-
typically transposable elements (TEs) or viruses but may tive and allow selection for further epigenetic changes
include transgenes or even some host genes. Once (reviewed in Boyko and Kovalchuk 2011; Verhoeven et al.
recognised, the dsRNA is cut into small fragment(s), 2010; Mirouze and Paszkowski 2011). An interesting model
destroying the original transcript but in most cases has suggested that the diversity of DCLs may facilitate the
retaining a short guide which can be used to recognise gradual domestication of particularly adaptive siRNA
complementary RNA or DNA templates. The ways in sources and their integration into developmental pathway
which guides are exploited to modify DNA can vary regulation (Vazquez et al. 2008).
greatly; the most extreme use is shown by some fungi, in Since methylation and histone modification have longer
which a series of steps leads to mutation of all cognate range impacts on recombination frequencies and patterns of
sequences (Selker 2002). Plants use a family of Dicer-like DNA replication, and since TE-directed epigenetic marks
(DCL) enzymes to generate small RNAs from a variety of may spread to have impacts on adjacent host genes (Gehring
dsRNAs which may then be bound by ARGONAUTE et al. 2009; He and Dooner 2009; Martin et al. 2009), it can
(AGO) proteins and used to direct DNA methylation be seen that even in a mature genome, with low levels of
(RNA-directed DNA methylation, RdDM) and histone both genic polymorphism and endogenous TE activity,
modification at relevant chromatin sites. Different dsRNA growing in a relatively stable environment, there is much
classes are processed by different, partially redundant, scope for divergence of individual lineages. These
2 The Plant Nucleus at War and Peace: Genome Organization in the Interphase Nucleus 17

constrained conditions rarely apply. Moreover, the predic- maladaptive epistatic allele-specific basis, known as
tion that parental conflict over resource allocation in endo- Dobzhansky-Muller incompatibilities, include hybrid male
sperm would result in parent-specific gene expression in that sterility in rice (Ouyang et al. 2010), and appear to be rela-
tissue (Haig and Westoby 1989) is being borne out in tively more common in plants than animals although whether
surveys of the distribution of imprinted genes and release this reflects a genuine increase in the number of candidate
of maternal silencing, while there is also some evidence genes or an ascertainment bias remains to be established
for recurring conflicts between divergent centromeric (Rieseberg and Blackman 2010). At the simplest level,
sequences during meiosis (Malik and Henikoff 2009). these interactions may appear to be idiosyncratic, with little
There is therefore intrinsic potential for intragenomic direct relevance to nuclear organization. However, it is useful
‘squabbles’ between both conventional and epigenetic to consider hybrid necrosis in some detail as it appears to be
polymorphisms to accumulate over time. In the next section an almost inevitable by-product of the amplification and
we consider how frequently evidence for these squabbles diversification of microbial pathogen resistance genes (R-
can be seen. genes) (Bomblies 2009). Pathogens provide one of the
major selective pressures on plants and models of R-gene
evolution are helping to illustrate the ways in which sessile
2.3 The Nucleus Under Strain organisms can generate the plasticity required within their
nuclear organization to match environmental challenges. It is
Some indication of the tolerance required by plant nuclear likely that this plasticity is required for many other aspects of
organization is provided as soon as a rigorous definition of a adaptation, and will be seen across the nucleus.
plant species is required. In the extreme this should depend There are many R-genes (>150 in Arabidopsis, >400 in
on strict interfertility criteria but this approach soon runs into rice) and they are found both singly and in clusters across
difficulty, both in the inclusion of phenotypically distinct genomes. Although they appear to be particularly polymor-
hybrids, particularly allopolyploids, which suggests the phic (Zeller et al. 2008) and to operate under particularly
definition is too broad, and in the exclusion of some clearly strong selection (Chen et al. 2010), the evolutionary dynamics
related populations or lines, which suggests the definition is of their tandemly arranged clusters are similar to those of
too narrow (discussed in Soltis and Soltis 2009). Sequence other, less well characterised, gene clusters such as those for
data do not always resolve these issues (Petersena et al. F-box proteins (Jain et al. 2007). Tandem duplications of
2011), and indeed are blurring species boundaries as it these genes follow a complex birth-and-death pattern of
becomes possible to track the history of introgression and evolution, which contrasts with the concerted evolution
recombination of contrasting haplotypes over million year of more regular arrays such as rDNA genes (Nei and Rooney
periods of time (Wicker et al. 2009). The breadth of intra- 2005). This may be promoted by the recombinogenic effect of
specific phenotypes in the shape of karyotype variants or the unpaired additional copy at meiosis (Sun et al. 2008),
crossing incompatibilities has, of course, been known for enhancing not only ectopic recombination between related
many decades. Here we consider some of the genomic sequences but also using microhomologies to create unusual
polymorphisms accomodated within a species as generally chimeras such as the MAF2 alleles affecting Arabidopsis
understood (Rieseberg et al. 2006), which appears increas- flowering time (Rosloski et al. 2010). At R-gene clusters
ingly likely to overlap the variation provided by interspecific this inherent instability helps to generate the range of defense
hybridization. options necessary to counter microbial pathogens. Insertion-
deletion polymorphisms (indels) are also common, found at
eleven times the frequency in R-genes as housekeeping genes
2.3.1 Plasticity of Gene Family Organization in rice and resulting in some 20% of R-genes displaying a
presence or absence variation (PAV) in both rice and
The best defined category of variants could be described as Arabidopsis (Shen et al. 2006). Surprisingly, those loci
potential speciation genes (Rieseberg and Blackman 2010) showing PAV appear to represent a distinct class which
where polymorphisms at a very limited number of loci are does not have the high SNP content of other R-gene loci.
sufficiently antagonistic that they have a major impact on Instead they are maintained over relatively much longer
fertility. The classic example is hybrid necrosis, where allele- periods, presumably by balancing selection across the popu-
specific interactions between two loci trigger a disease-like lation (Shen et al. 2006).
phenotype leading in the most extreme cases to the death of Further R-gene complexity is being uncovered in the role
progeny. Hybrid necrosis is a problem for most if not all crop of siRNAs, for example at the Arabidopsis RPP5 region,
breeding programmes, but is also seen in wild species, occur- which may attenuate expression under normal conditions
ring in 2% of Arabidopsis intraspecific crosses, for example but allow release under stress or when pathogens compro-
(Bomblies et al. 2007). Interactions with a similar mise silencing mechanisms (Yi and Richards 2007).
18 R.N. Jones and T. Langdon

An epigenetic component is likely to be a general feature of of many alternative haplotypes generated as the ancient
R-gene expression, allowing modulation by other biotic and palaeoploidy event identified in the maize lineage (Gaut
abiotic stresses (Alcazar et al. 2009), and the development of and Doebley 1997) is resolved by gradual diploidisation,
immunity (Alvarez et al. 2010) and transgenerational effects on and less redundant diploid species may not be able to support
locus methylation and stability (Boyko et al. 2007). The need such high levels of PAV. Nevertheless, significant levels of
for adaptable regulation is demonstrated by the wide range of stable CNVs could be generated by relatively mild stress in
maladaptive phentypes potentially caused by R-gene mutation, Arabidopsis over five generations (DeBolt 2010), affecting
including developmental abnormalities (reviewed in Uchida over 1% of total genes. Consistent with the expectation of
and Tasaka 2010) while, more generally, enhanced disease tandem gene instability, just over half of genes affected were
resistance frequently comes at the cost of other fitness in tandemly duplicated regions.
parameters (e.g., Todesco et al. 2010), leaving the genome
exposed to conflicting pressures. For example, lines exhibiting
hybrid necrosis symptoms at one temperature may be more 2.3.2 Limits to Expression Neighbourhoods
stable at another, and may even show greater disease resistance
than sister lines. It is highly likely, therefore, that plant nuclear It is therefore clear that intraspecific crosses must almost
organization has had to evolve to permit some chromosomal inevitably generate asymmetric CT orthologues. As a conse-
regions the ability to create novel gene organization, as has quence it is difficult to envisage mechanisms by which
been suggested to occur for ‘gene nurseries’ in some animal orthologous loci could be provided with conserved nuclear
systems (Nahon 2003; Bailey and Eichler 2006). However, environments in which subtle regulatory cues could be con-
gene nurseries occur at particular chromosomal contexts and sistently supplied. Do individual genes have a high degree of
while there may be analagous regions in plants (Tian et al. autonomy in their regulation, to allow them to overcome
2011), R-gene clusters rarely persist at syntenic locations, shifting levels of neighbourhood-wide expression? Such
resulting in at least one locus being dubbed ‘nomadic’ (David autonomy should be encoded within the gene itself (cis-
et al. 2009). Given these variables, the frequency of maladap- regulation) but may require more or less strong contributions
tive necrotic interactions could be considered rather low! from external network-specific factors (trans-regulation).
Another aspect of R-gene evolution that must be There has been much recent interest in characterising this
accomodated is the asymmetrical nature of the loci, that is balance and identifying relevant sequences, a field described
high levels of PAV and copy number variation (CNV). This as expression or eQTL mapping. A number of studies have
is a pervasive phenomenon in plant genomes (Ding et al. used array hybridization or specific PCR to look at asym-
2007; Springer et al. 2009; DeBolt 2010). The number of metrical expression of alleles across the transcriptome in a
functional genes involved is difficult to quantify accurately variety of plant species. Differences from parental mid-point
using indirect methods, such as array hybridization, as a values are frequently found, for example at rates ranging
variety of mobile elements have been found to transpose from 4% to 32% of genes in comparisons between
genic fragments. In maize, fragments of at least 376 different Arabidopsis thaliana ecotypes (Zhang et al. 2008a). How-
genes have been duplicated by helitrons (Du et al. 2009) ever in Arabidopsis over-dominant expression was seen in
while in rice fragments of 1,500 genes have been duplicated ~9% of transcripts examined (Vuylsteke et al. 2005) while a
by PACK-Mules (Hanada et al. 2009). A very small propor- wider maize study found that the great majority of alleles
tion of these fragments are likely to retain coding function. were expressed at parental or intermediate levels (Stupar and
Nevertheless, the scale of CNV identified in the most recent Springer 2006). In particular both individual maize parents
screen of maize (Swanson-Wagner et al. 2010) supports frequently showed similar expression levels for a locus; in
observations made on smaller sequence-based data sets all these cases the same level was maintained in the hybrid.
(Fu and Dooner 2002; Wang and Dooner 2006) and is The authors of the maize study concluded that trans-regula-
beyond levels expected to be due to genic ‘debris’. Thus, tion alone was rarely responsible for asymmetric expression,
over 10% of ~32,500 genes surveyed showed CNV, the although cis-regulation frequently was (Stupar and Springer
majority being absent in one or more lines despite having 2006). This fits an alternative view of expressed neighbour-
Gene Ontology annotations and orthologs in other species. hoods, in which they are created because of ‘ripple effects’
Most surprisingly, PAV patterns appeared to have an ancient of read-through transcription outside the target locus
origin in the maize progenitor, teosinte, and to have (Ebisuya et al. 2008; Yanai and Hunter 2009). Genes
persisted despite domestication and movement into new moved into novel neighbourhoods will adopt the expression
environments. It is possible that this represents the presence pattern of that neighbourhood to some extent, but cis-acting
2 The Plant Nucleus at War and Peace: Genome Organization in the Interphase Nucleus 19

elements may allow locus-specific regulation to prevail. Perhaps most surprisingly, plants in the most arid and inhos-
Presumably it is efficient to maintain neighbourhoods of pitable conditions exhibited both the highest numbers of
housekeeping genes, but equally it might be presumed dan- BARE-1 elements and the greatest retention of BARE-1
gerous to fix the expression patterns of loci responsible for, sequences, despite the naive expectation that these properties
for example, stress or developmental responses. would reduce fitness. TE profiles do not, therefore, automati-
cally conform to intuitive expectations although a general
correlation of expression with stress responses is found,
2.3.3 Hybrid Vigour coupled with a propensity to act as nucleation points for
epigenetic effects which spread into adjacent host genes.
One of the goals of understanding how nuclear organization Ecological analogies for TE behaviour appear to be apt
ensures optimal plant performance is to improve crop breed- and descriptions of the opportunistic nature of niche exploita-
ing strategies. A particular target is understanding the basis tion by specific element types or sub-families abound
of hybrid vigour. This occurs when crosses between certain (see Kejnovsky et al. 2012; Slotkin et al. 2012). A crucial
subsets of a species generate progeny which have far greater point, however, is that horizontal transfer of TEs is not suffi-
adaptive potential than the additive value of their parents ciently widespread in plants to provide a reliable escape
(Chen 2010). Two contrasting models have been proposed mechanism such as may be argued to occur, for example, in
to account for this. In the dominance model, deleterious Drosophila (Bartolome et al. 2009); the fates of plant TEs are
alleles in one parent are complemented by superior alleles therefore tied to those of their hosts and in the long-term their
from the other; in the over-dominance model novel behaviour cannot afford to be as destructive as, say, viral
interactions between different parental alleles create retroelements. As part of the restraining process acting
phenotypes not possible from the use of either allele alone. on TE ‘selfishness’, non-autonomous elements frequently
Despite many decades of use in maize, it has not proved mediate the most significant phenotypic effects of TE families
possible to breed out the putative deleterious alleles of the on their hosts but also attenuate the activity of rare active
dominance model, although there has been a recent claim autonomous elements and help to disperse their impact across
that vigour has been dissected into a small number of populations. The variability created by TE activity is not
complementing QTL (Sch€ on et al. 2010). Now, a recent restricted to direct impact at insertion sites. A good recent
maize resequencing project has provided evidence that example of their general ability to remodel expression
absent PAV loci are being complemented by PAV present demonstrated that TE proximity reduced Arabidopsis gene
loci from the other parent (Lai et al. 2010 - note that the expression (Hollister et al. 2011); the strength of this effect
resequencing approach provides a more conservative esti- depended on both the host species and the frequency with
mate of ~300 genes present in the B73 reference but missing which the TE was targeted by siRNAs.
in other lines). This is consistent with the lack of significant
over-dominant expression patterns in hybrids, although
some component of vigour could still be contributed by 2.4 The Nucleus at War
such interactions (Stupar et al. 2008).
The previous section outlined the sometimes surprising levels
of structural variation that may be found between individuals
2.3.4 Mobile Elements of the same plant species. Not all variation within a species
may be accommodated in any single cross, and not all intra-
Brief mention should also be made of the very large contribu- specific incompatibilities may be ascribed to such relatively
tion that mobile or transposable elements (TEs) make to simple causes as hybrid necrosis (e.g., Zhao et al. 2010).
intraspecific variability. Variation in mobile element profiles However, by definition, it might be expected that the great
across, and even within, populations has been well majority of genomic tensions would be held in check within a
documented and has frequently provided the basis for species. As McClintock (1984) pointed out ‘species crosses
characterising crop genetics and domestication histories are a potent source of genomic modification. .. the alterations
(Kalendar et al. 2011). As an example of the extent of TE produced when the genomes of two species are combined
content variation, two sequenced maize genomes differ in size reflect their basic incompatibilities’. New molecular tools
by ~20%, mostly ascribed to differences in TE content are now providing us with the means to investigate what
(Vielle-Calzada et al. 2009). As an example of TE links to happens when the genomes of different species, as F1 hybrids
host phenotype, variation in the BARE-1 retrotransposon or allopolyploids, come together for the first time within
correlated with adaptation to local environmental conditions a single nucleus (Hegarty and Hiscock 2005) and in the
in Hordeum spontaneum (Kalendar et al. 2000). Across a common cytoplasm from the maternal parent (Fig. 2.2).
300 m transect, BARE-1 copy number varied three-fold. What happens, then, once there is no longer a need for
20 R.N. Jones and T. Langdon

Fig. 2.2 Diagrammatic representation of the plethora of interactions which can occur when genomes of different species are combined together
within a single nucleus, and within the cytoplasm of the maternal parent (partly based on Gill 1991)

genomes to be compatible in shared germplasm? Do interspe- (Buggs et al. 2009; Paun et al. 2009). Very detailed work
cific hybrids require extreme chance or strong selection for has been carried out on a number of young homoploid
divergent genomes to cohabit, or will the forces constraining hybrids (Baack and Rieseberg 2007), but higher sequencing
normal sibling jostling continue to maintain common throughput is likely to throw up multiple examples of
standards of organization and expression in the absence of paleohomoploidy, with signs of suspect ancestry already
routine requirements for interfertility? In this section we showing in model systems, including an Arabidopsis relative
review the adjustments found to occur in interspecific (Wang et al. 2010) and Brachypodium distachyon (Wolny
hybrids, both where genomes are sufficiently similar to et al. 2011).
allow homoploid formation, and the far better characterised Polyploidy requires an additional genome doubling step
situation where each parental genome persists separately as a compared to homoploid hybridization but allows cohabita-
component of a new polyploid. Sometimes hybridization tion of far more divergent genomes. It not only retains all
appears to proceed relatively smoothly, while in other cases parental material at initial stages, so that parent-specific
one genome appears to fall victim to another. We are far from processes may potentially be maintained, but it also provides
understanding the processes responsible for these differences, redundancy such that maladaptive interactions may subse-
although some common patterns appear to be emerging. quently be overcome by silencing or deletion rather than
requiring specific adaptation. From the previous sections it
can be seen that plant nuclear organization is already primed
2.4.1 Ploidy Levels to accomodate ‘alien’ CTs and unstable gene neighbour-
hoods, and to identify and suppress loci producing aberrant
Homoploid hybridization generates novel mosaic genomes, in transcripts, so it is not surprising that successful polyploi-
which some proportion of each parent must be lost. The gene disation events occur frequently. There is evidence for them
content and expression patterns of each parental genome having occurred in more than 70% of species at some stage
should therefore be relatively well conserved. It might also during their evolution (Levin 2002; Fawcett et al. 2009), and
be expected that parental chromosomes must show extensive it has been suggested that polyploidy may even be ubiqui-
colinearity to allow reciprocal recombination. Consequently tous among angiosperms (Soltis et al. 2009; Jiao et al. 2011).
there is likely to be a limit to the amount of divergence that can Autopolyploids have multiple sets of chromosomes from
be successfully tolerated for the homoploid generation. The a single species, and are of interest because they allow
parameters of this limit have been vigorously discussed examination of the simple effect of increasing CT numbers
2 The Plant Nucleus at War and Peace: Genome Organization in the Interphase Nucleus 21

in the nucleus. As might be expected, only relatively subtle from specific genomes, and for recapitulation of at least
effects on expression are usually seen (Stupar et al. 2007; some of the changes found to have occurred in natural
Parisod et al. 2010) although in the longer term differentia- polyploids (Shaked et al. 2001). Genome-wide characterisation
tion of the chromosomes occurs, mostly by loss of material of both newly synthesised and ancient allopolyploids is now
and presumably to reduce irregularities at meiosis. The possible at the sequence level and it is apparent that preferential
majority of polyploids are formed between divergent species loss is a general phenomenon. In maize, there is evidence that
(allopolyploids) and conflicts might therefore be expected at one parental genome was not only the preferential target for
hybridization due to differences in genome size, genome initial sequence loss, but that this preference has persisted over
composition, regulatory mechanisms, cell cycle duration, millions of years of subsequent evolution (Schnable et al.
genetic and epigenetic modifications and indeed all of the 2011). There is also evidence for preferential loss of particular
aspects that contribute to harmony in the physiology of the TE sub-families (Kraitshtein et al. 2010; see below). The
diploid or autopolyploid nucleus. A large number of potential mechanism(s) responsible for this loss are unknown but a
conflicts must be resolved rapidly, typically within a genera- recent review of Triticeae polyploids found evidence that the
tion or two, a scale which dictates extensive use of epigenetic largest genome in the hybrid was most likely to suffer loss
regulation. This phase of polyploidisation has been called (Bento et al. 2011). However, experimental conditions or
‘revolutionary’, in contrast with the much longer ‘evolution- intraspecific variation among parents may have a strong
ary’ phase during which the new species progresses back influence on this behaviour, as Mestiri et al. (2010) found no
towards diploidy (Levy and Feldman 2002); this phase evidence for any rearrangement in a number of synthetic wheat
appears to still be ongoing in maize at least five million allohexaploids.
years since a tetraploidy event (Schnable et al. 2011). Changes in Transposable Elements (TE)
Widespread changes to the activity of TEs were proposed by
2.4.2 Changes at the Gene Level McClintock (1984) as a likely consequence of the ‘genome
shock’ induced by the merger of two divergent genomes
Newly synthesised allopolyploids and F1 hybrids are subject in a single nucleus; and experimental studies have now
to new combinations of regulatory networks, as well as rapid confirmed that proliferation of TEs occurs in newly formed
genetic modifications which can result in altered patterns or diploid hybrids of Helianthus (Ungerer et al. 2007) and
levels of transcription. The extent of these interactions will contributes to genome size expansion in these taxa. The
depend on the degree of divergence between the progenitors. activation of normally silenced retrotransposons has also
Recent advances in molecular techniques have now enabled been demonstrated in synthetic allotetraploid wheat
researchers to directly compare new hybrids and their (Kashkush et al. 2002), but in this case no accompanying
parents; and the impact of hybridization and genome dupli- burst of transposition was observed (Kashkush et al. 2003).
cation at the genic level can involve sequence loss, changes Surprisingly, analysis of the history of retrotransposon
in transposable elements, altered patterns of gene expression colonisation of the wheat genomes also found that prolifera-
and epigenetic modifications. These changes have been dealt tion rates were neither enhanced nor repressed by polyploi-
with in detail in Jones and Hegarty (2009), and are consid- disation (Charles et al. 2008). A more recent paper from the
ered here only briefly. Kashkush group (Kraitshtein et al. 2010) examined the
behaviour of a specific TE sub-family, the Veju TRIM Sequence Loss retrotransposons, in a new allohexaploid. Veju was chosen
Over time polyploids are known to lose redundant as a high copy functional family, expected to be particularly
parental sequences, a process known as fractionation or sensitive to epigenetic changes. Over 50% of Veju sites
diploidisation. However, sequence loss can occur surpris- showed altered methylation, in most cases a reduction, in
ingly rapidly, as was first reported for newly formed early generations, returning to normal or hypermethylated
allopolyploids in Brassica (Song et al. 1995), followed levels by S4. Unexpectedly there was widespread loss of the
soon after by Triticum aestivum (Feldman et al. 1997). elements in the first generation, partly compensated by a
These early reports used restriction analysis and Southern subsequent increase in copy number. As with sequence loss
blotting to detect changes in low-copy sequences. There (above), TE modification may be strongly dependent on the
were some differences between the species, with Brassica genetic backgrounds or ploidies of the hybrids used; the
instabilities continuing beyond the fifth generation while Kashkush group found hypermethylation of class II TEs
wheat stabilised by the second or third allopolyploid gener- (DNA transposons) in synthetic allohexaploids, but
ation (Ozkan et al. 2001; Shaked et al. 2001). Strikingly, hypomethylation in synthetic allotetraploids (reviewed in
there was evidence both for preferential loss of material Yaakov and Kashkush 2011).
22 R.N. Jones and T. Langdon Altered Gene Expression in Allopolyploids from a single parent would minimise the expression of
Changes in gene expression appear to occur during both Dobzhansky-Muller incompatibilities, such as hybrid necro-
revolutionary and evolutionary phases of polyploidy. While sis as discussed above. Such selection could also follow
the immediate (revolutionary) selective pressures might be to from disruption of expression neighbourhoods containing
minimise deleterious expression, in the long term the pres- genes in the same network. Observations from a number of
ence of duplicate loci may permit the evolution of homoeologs systems suggest that fractionation tends to be clustered,
with different functions. Some of the most detailed which might simply represent elimination of neighbour-
transcriptome work has been carried out in Gossypium, hoods damaged by a random initial event.
which includes allotetraploids combining Old and New Similar analysis could be applied to data reported in other
World lineages in hybridization events some one to two mil- allopolyploid systems such as Senecio (Hegarty et al. 2006;
lion years ago. Gene deletion is very rare but there appears to Hegarty et al. 2008), and wheat (Pumphrey et al. 2009). This
be a constant bias for the polyploids to recover the transcrip- topic is explored in much greater depth in Jones and Hegarty
tion pattern of the New World lineage (D genome) whether (2009).
this be for higher or lower levels of expression than seen in the
Old World lineage (A genome) (Flagel and Wendel 2010). Epigenetic Changes
Synthetic Gossypium allopolyploids suggest that bias is par- Much of the initial research into gene silencing in
ticularly high during the ‘revolutionary’ phase (Rapp et al. allopolyploids was performed using synthetic lines of
2009) and that it occurs even in an F1 hybrid where no change Arabidopsis suecica, which displayed considerable pheno-
in ploidy is involved (Flagel and Wendel 2010). The ‘evolu- typic variation in the F2 generation and several cases of
tionary’ phase of the natural allopolyploids therefore appears unstable phenotypes compared with the F1 (Comai et al.
to have rather equalised the contribution of each parent, par- 2000). cDNA-AFLP analysis showed that a number of
tially reversing the initial bias (Flagel and Wendel 2010). As genes were potentially silenced in the allotetraploid
predicted, there is good evidence that at least some lineages; and Southern blot assays using methylation-
homoeologous loci have evolved differential expression sensitive restriction enzymes indicated that these genes
patterns (Dong and Adams 2011). were methylated in the hybrids. It appeared, however, that
Other key work on altered patterns of gene expression there were no gross changes to the overall level of cytosine
in allopolyploids has come from studies on Arabidopsis. methylation in the allotetraploid genome (Madlung et al.
Synthetic lines of allotetraploid Arabidopsis suecica, using 2002); but the use of methylation-sensitive AFLP (MSAP)
oligonucleotide arrays, showed non-additive changes to the showed that 8.3% of loci scored showed differential
expression of approximately 5% of genes represented on the methylation between the parents and the F3 synthetic
array (Wang et al. 2006); and around 56% of these genes allotetraploids. The majority of these (76.9%) were consis-
were affected in a similar way in two independently tent across the four allotetraploid individuals studied, with
generated lines. Wang et al. (2006) showed that the affected 62.5% of this group showing demethylation and the remain-
genes did not appear to be limited to any particular chromo- der displaying an increase in methylation (Madlung et al.
somal region, and belonged to a broad range of functional 2002). These results suggest that the methylation pattern of
categories. An excellent recent paper (Chang et al. 2010) allopolyploids is subject to widespread modification in a
may have resolved these complexities and provides a model concerted manner. The role of small RNAs in allopolyploid
against which to gauge other systems. A tiling array with systems is only now coming to light, although theories
over 400k features, confirmed by resequencing, was used suggest that incompatibilities between divergent parental
exhaustively to uncover a pattern in which interacting genomes could result in three specific effects in polyploids.
networks of genes derived from a single parent appeared to The interaction of the two (or more) genomes could result in
have been selected. Heterologous networks were signifi- either (1) changes to the accumulation of siRNAs and
cantly under-represented and the loci from the Arabidopsis miRNAs, or (2) changes in the efficiency of the siRNA/
thaliana lineage also tended to be expressed less frequently miRNA biosynthetic machinery, or (3) alterations to the
than those of the A. arenosa lineage. The authors propose a specificity of the targets (Chen and Ni 2006). In the first
number of explanations for these findings, which are not such scenario, transcription will be affected differently
mutually exclusive. Firstly, the A. thaliana genome may be depending upon the fidelity of the small RNAs for their
disadvantaged both by its selfing history and by the fact that targets. Low fidelity, where small RNA accumulation is
its native range is to the south of both A. arenosa and the increased (due to ploidy change), will result in silencing/
hybrid, exacerbated by the possibly fortuitous predominance downregulation of both parental transcripts, but high fidelity
of A. arenosa-derived components in the hybrid’s transcrip- will affect only targets from one parent. This topic is also
tion machinery. Second, selection for networks derived covered in greater detail in Jones and Hegarty (2009).
2 The Plant Nucleus at War and Peace: Genome Organization in the Interphase Nucleus 23 Non-destabilised Genomes embedded in chromatin, and these conflicts in turn must
Finally it should be noted that not all detailed studies find impact on the way in which genomes interact and accom-
major genome shocks to occur on hybridization (e.g., modate to sharing a nucleus (Jones and Pašakinskienė 2005).
Ammiraju et al. 2010). A screen of ~22,0,000 loci in cotton There may also be problems for the spatial separation of
allopolyploids failed to find evidence for sequence or meth- genomes and the arrangements of nuclear territories.
ylation changes, nor were gross changes in TE content Centromeres may be under separate genetic control, and
detected (Liu et al. 2001), suggesting that the expression those from one genome can suffer suppression and silencing
changes described above could have been mediated by ‘nor- by the other. This may lead to chromosome instabilities,
mal’ pathway interactions. In support of this, a recent com- even at a tissue-specific level, with the whole genome or
parison of domesticated and wild Gossypium species part of the genome being eliminated as the response. The
suggests that domestication alone has led to alterations in balance of chromatin may also change, with one species
expression of almost a quarter of transcripts in fibre cells, coming to sequentially represent a larger component of the
without recourse to ‘genomic shock’ (Rapp et al. 2010). genome than its partner over successive generations.
Intragenomic recombination may also remodel a hybrid, as
explained below.
2.4.3 Adjustments at the Chromosome Level Chromosome Changes in F1 Hybrids
Insights into genome organization and evolution at the F1 hybrids have serious problems in dealing with chromo-
sequence level are now based on comprehensive data sets, some pairing. There may be differences in chromosome num-
with a flood of comparative information anticipated over the ber as well as chromosome size, and even where there is some
next few years. Polyploids remain difficult for current balance between the species involved there is frequent forma-
technologies but clear pictures of the extent of sequence tion of univalents and lack of viable gametes. Nothwith-
change induced by hybridization, as opposed to normal standing these conflicts there are some striking examples of
wear and tear, can be expected. Possibly the greatest chal- their success in dealing with their hybridity. Asexual re-
lenge for the future, however, will be to understand how production, as in the Egyptian tree onion, 2n ¼ 2x ¼ 16,
nuclear organization at the chromosome level is maintained Allium cepa  A. fistulosum (Hanelt 1990; Jones 1991), is a
and adapts in the face of sequence change, particularly the prime example. Bulbils form in place of flowers. Apomixis is
large structural variations and dynamic shifts in gene content also a common means by which F1 hybrids can persist
and activity described above. These descriptions did not (Rieseberg 1997).
extend to other aspects of chromosome organization which A large difference in genome size, based on the measure-
are also subject to selection, such as variable recombination ment of nuclear DNA amounts, as in the FI hybrid, is not
rates, maintenance of synteny, replication origins and so necessarily a factor in creating genome conflict. The hybrid
forth. As discussed for CTs, a strong self-organizing poten- ryegrass, Lolium temulentum  L. perenne (2n ¼ 2x ¼ 14),
tial must be involved, as well as a high degree of plasticity. for example, has two sets of chromosomes which are struc-
These properties seem to hold within a species, and intraspe- turally and genetically dissimilar, differing in DNA amounts
cific chromosomal polymorphisms are usually rather by about 50%, and yet they form a stable F1 hybrid with
limited, in contrast to the sequence-level ‘strains’ outlined regular bivalents at meiosis and with chiasma frequencies
in Sect. 2.3. Hybridisation can lead to wholescale and often which are similar to those of the parents, although the fertility
rapid reorganization, however. In the final section we will is low. This hybrid has the capacity to resolve differences
discuss how chromosomes adapt (or not) when they fall out in terms of its synaptonemal complexes and to produce
with the new neighbours in the nucleus. homoeologous bivalents with functional and morphological
The process of adjustment leading to the establishment integrity (Jenkins and White 1990). This raises the question –
of stable polyploids can involve random translocations if genome or chromosome size is not a critical factor then
as well as species-specific rearrangements in particular what is it that makes for conflict? The answer it seems is that
chromosomes in all polyploid populations of a species structural differences between chromosomes are not neces-
(Leitch and Bennett 1997; Lim et al. 2008; Wright et al. sarily size-dependent. Hybrid systems are known where
2009). Studies in newly formed or experimentally induced translocations or tranversions may be the main cause of loss
allopolyploids give us insights into the scope and the timing of fertility in an F1 hybrid (Rieseberg 1997).
of these events, be they stochastic or otherwise. The pairing
of chromosomes at meiosis can be compromised, especially Chromosome Elimination in F1 Hybrids
in F1 hybrids, sudden changes in histone codes can deter- The extreme of the conflict in F1 hybrids is where one
mine how DNA is organized and how sequences are parental genome is rapidly eliminated by the other due to
expressed in chromatin, and the way in which DNA is mitotic processes. This often happens in the first few nuclear
24 R.N. Jones and T. Langdon

divisions of the zygote; although in some cases where there is tissue-specific ‘alternative elimination’ of parental
perenniality is involved the elimination may be incomplete. genomes (Finch 1983; Finch and Bennett 1983). The
The phenomenon was first correctly interpreted in Hordeum eliminated chromosomes again had smaller centromeres,
vulgare  H. bulbosum by Kasha and Kao (1970), and is and tended to occupy more peripheral positions. The
now known in many other interspecies and intergeneric authors suggested tissue-specific suppression of genes
crosses. for centromere function. Interestingly, the eliminated
The essential components of the system can be briefly chromosomes also showed suppression of their NORs.
summarised as follows: (5) The most compelling evidence we have to date that the
(1) Species vary in the extent of the elimination involved. centromere underlies chromosome instabilities in
In some hybrids stable F1 plants may be established, hybrids comes from the application of DNA fibre-FISH
while in other genotypes there is elimination of one to addition lines of individual maize chromosomes
of the parental genomes, and when it does occur the added to oat (Jin et al. 2004). The centromeric DNA
extent varies, so that some plants can remain as mosaics (CEN-DNA) is intermingled with centromere-specific
for long periods of time, e.g., H. vulgare  H. bulbosum retrotransposons (CRM), and these two components
(Thomas and Pickering 1983; Riera-Lizarazu et al. make up a range of sizes varying between ~ 300 and
1996). 2,800 kb for individual maize centromeres. The point of
(2) Eliminated chromosomes often fail to congress on to the interest is that in addition lines with two different genes
metaphase plate or to reach the anaphase poles during coding for the CENH3 histone, it is the oat gene that is
the early divisions of the zygote when the elimination is dominant and the oat CENH3 that becomes incorporated
taking place, as in H. vulgare  H. bulbosum (Bennett into the maize centromeres. The maize CENH3 gene is
et al. 1976). Failure to congress could be due to a lack of silenced, and the oat CENH3 organizes the kinetochore
efficiency in attachment to spindle microtubules; and as on the maize chromosomes. Interestingly, in oat 
later studies in wheat  maize crosses demonstrated, all maize hybrids it is the maize chromosomes which are
of the much smaller maize genome chromosomes were eliminated and the maize centromeres which are
lost during the first three cell divisions (Laurie and impaired in the hybrids. In the oat  maize crosses the
Bennett 1989), or early embryogenesis (Mochida et al. elimination of the maize chromosomes is more gradual
2004) in most of the embryos. The maize centromeres than it is in crosses such as wheat  maize and barley 
were either tiny or non-visible and without affinity for maize (Riera-Lizarazu et al. 1996), but nonetheless it
spindle attachment, and the maize nucleolar organizing does occur, and the least we can now say is that the
regions (NORs) were also suppressed (Laurie and centromeres find themselves compromised in hybrids
Bennett 1989). The same is true in wheat  sorghum and are subject to suppression and silencing together
crosses (Laurie and Bennett 1988). In barley  maize with the NOR ribosomal RNA genes.
hybrids the maize chromosomes in the zygote had well In wheat  pearl millet hybrids Gernand et al. (2005) have
defined centromeres, but even so they were still shown how the pearl millet chromosomes in young embryos
eliminated (Laurie and Bennett 1988). occupy a distinct interphase territory, mainly at the periphery of
(3) In stable hybrids the genomes may show some level the nucleus. The pearl millet chromatin is then sequentially
of spatial separation, as in H. vulgare cv. Tuleen eliminated, over successive mitoses, by the formation of
346  H. bulbosum (Anamthawat-Jonsson et al. 1993), micronuclei which bud-off from the wheat nucleus. At the
and the differential behaviour of the parents indicated same time there is failure of segregation of pearl millet
that their centromere activity must be under separate chromosomes at mitosis itself as well as obvious changes to
genetic control. In later studies on the same hybrid their structural integrity. Thus there are two processes going on
Schwarzacher et al. (1992) confirmed genome separa- which gradually eliminate all the pearl millet chromatin, which
tion, as well as the near identical size of the is then degraded and lost, leaving the haploid wheat nucleus.
two genomes. Centromere-associated structures of The authors further speculate that the elimination process
H. vulgare were larger than those of the more peripheral involves differences between wheat and pearl millet in post-
H. bulbosum chromosomes which have ‘weaker’ translational histone modifcations; but such differences were
(smaller) centromeres. Genome separation has also not found in Hordeum marinum  H. bulbosum hybrids and
been found in several other hybrids (Finch et al. 1981; their parents (Sanei et al. 2010).
Leitch et al. 1990; Leitch et al. 1991). New data from Ishii et al. (2010), using in situ
(4) In the hybrid H. vulgare cv. Tuleen 346  H. marinum hybridization to probe both genomic DNA and centromere-
elimination of the Tuleen 346 genome occurs in the endo- specific repeats, confirm that pearl millet chromosomes are
sperm, while that of H. marinum is lost in the embryo; i.e., eliminated in crosses with several members of the Triticeae.
2 The Plant Nucleus at War and Peace: Genome Organization in the Interphase Nucleus 25

The elimination process showed several of the features ‘super-recombinant’, with a high number of recombinant
previously described by Gernand et al. (2005), including chromosomes. Some of these new chromosomes were
chromosome breakage, nondisjunction, micronuclei forma- constructs composed of chromatin from the three component
tion and failure of chromosome segregation at mitosis. Ishii species L. multiflorum – F. pratensis – F. glaucescens. This
et al. (2010) further revealed that the cause of elimination genotype was observed for a number of years, and was found
cannot be explained by malfunction of kinetochores binding to have high vigour complemented by a good level of fertility.
to spindles, but proposed that it could be due to differences Its instability became apparent in phenotypic segregation,
in the properties of cohesins between sister chromatids in the during vegetative multiplication. In a few cases the initial
wheat and pearl millet chromosomes. In hybrids with oat hexaploid gave rise to somatic segregants with a diploid
however, all seven of the pearl millet chromosomes were chromosome number of 2n ¼ 2x ¼ 14 (Pašakinskienė and
retained, except for a small percentage of cells with Jones 2005).
decreased (6.1%) or increased (2.4%) numbers of pearl The instabilities described above in the L. multiflorum 
millet chromosomes, and carried centromere signals of the F. arundinacea hybrids are genotype-specific, and the plants
pearl millet chromosomes. which became diploid (2n ¼ 2x ¼ 14) are constructed de
novo from the tri-specific genomic conflict involving Chromosome Changes in Allopolyploids L. multiflorum – F. pratensis – F. glaucescens. In most
New hybrids arising by allopolyploidisation, either through cases the chromosomes of the novel diploid are very similar
genome duplication of an existing F1 or through the union of to the chromosomes of pure F. pratensis diploid, but in some
unreduced gametes, are immediately subject to a strong form cases the F. pratensis genome has gained various-sized blocks
of reproductive isolation, and allopolyploidy is therefore a of L. mulitflorum chromatin, and sometimes F. glaucescens is
direct route to instant speciation (reviewed in Hegarty and present but not in all of the segregants. In any case the
Hiscock 2008). The allopolyploid ‘marriage’ however is not reconstructed chromosomes are different from those existing
harmonious: it results in an irreversible burst of reorganiza- in the F. pratensis genome within F. arundinacea, according
tion and modification of the genomes involved. There are to their GISH-banding pattern (Pašakinskienė et al. 1998).
immediate and genome-wide changes at the visible level of It is assumed that the ‘novel diploids’ could have resulted
chromosomes and phenotype, as well as cryptic from concerted translocations, where at some stage the
modifications involving gene expression mediated by entire newly made allopolyploid genome was a ferment of
genetic and epigenetic mechanisms caused by alterations in rearrangements of its constituent species-specific parts. The
gene regulatory networks (Matzke et al. 1999; Riddle and centromeres have most likely also played an important role in
Birchler 2003). the formation of these ‘novel diploids’. We speculate that the
Changes at the whole genome/chromosome level can be centromeres could be ‘novel’ as well, built on the basis of the
visualized using genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) centromeric components of the parental species involved in
(Pašakinskienė and Jones 2005); and this differential ‘paint- the chromosome set of the hybrid genome. A similar story to
ing’ of chromosome sets is a useful cytological resource for Lolium – Festuca, but involving meiotic as well as mitotic
studying genome conflict in hybrids and allopolyploids. An recombination, has recently been reported for a derivative
interesting and novel case involves a hybrid between Lolium reconstructed ‘Zebra’ chromosome from an Elymus
multiflorum and the allopolyploid Festuca arundinacea: trachycaulus  Triticum aestivum hybrid (Zhang et al. 2008b).
itself a natural allohexaploid originating as a hybrid between
F. pratensis and F. glaucescens (genome composition Genome Drift in Festulolium
FpFpFgFgFgFg, Humphreys et al. 1995). In colchicine- Another manifestation of ‘genomes at war’ is revealed by
doubled F1 C0 octoploids of L. multiflorum  F. arundinacea changes to ‘genome balance’, or ‘genome drift’ in otherwise
(2n ¼ 8x ¼ 56) some genotypes, as revealed by GISH, stable Lolium-Festuca allopolyploids. In the F8 population
restructured themselves as ‘novel diploids’ by diploidisation of the tetraploid hybrid ‘Prior’, L. perenne  F. pratensis,
(i.e., becoming diploid, 2n ¼ 14) and somatic recombina- meiosis was observed to be stable in the early generations,
tion (Pašakinskienė et al. 1997). Using GISH these new with a high level of bivalent formation. However, a GISH
genomic variants were shown to contain components study revealed that extensive recombination had taken place
derived from F. pratensis, L. multiflorum and F. between homoeologs of the two genomes, and that the bal-
glaucescens, with genomes of the three species being present ance of chromatin was not equal (Canter et al. 1999). The
in different proportions and as variable patterns, and with F. substitution of Festuca-origin chromosomes by those of
pratensis chromatin as their genomic basis. Lolium-origin resulted in a mean of 17.9 Lolium and 9.7
Similar events were recently found in a selected F1 C1 Festuca chromosomes per genotype. These results are simi-
hybrid from the same population of plants. A hexaploid lar to those of an earlier study looking at another hybrid
genotype F2 3–18 (2n ¼ 6x ¼ 42) was characterised as a L. multiflorum  F. pratensis (Zwierzykowski et al. 1998).
26 R.N. Jones and T. Langdon

generations of open pollination (Zwierzykowski et al. 2006),

and the outcome is the same (Fig. 2.3.). The proportion of
total genome length contributed by L. perenne chromatin
increased from about 50% in the F2 to about 60% in the F6,
raising speculation about how far this chromatin replace-
ment could go over further cycles of open pollination. The
mechanism therefore appears to be progressive by small
incremental shifts at each generation.
Fig. 2.3 Changes in the proportion of parental chromatin in the A key question in all of these studies revolves around the
allotetraploid Festuca pratensis  Lolium perenne between generation use of GISH, the level of resolution and how to interpret the
F2 (left) and F6 (right) using genomic in situ hybridization. L. perenne
observations. The sensitivity of GISH is limited to large
chromosomes are labelled yellow whereas those originating from
F. pratensis appear orange. Recombinant chromosomes are indicated megabase-sized chromosome segments (Lukaszewski et al.
by arrows, and the genomes are virtually identical in size 2005), which could explain the imbalance in genome
proportions of the hybrids, but this still leaves open the
Here it was shown that the proportion of the genome mechanism by which GISH megabases change. A new
occupied by L. multiflorum chromatin ranged from 49.2% approach to dealing with this question has been to up the
to 66.7%, and this likewise confirms the balance in favour of level of resolution of genome structure using Diversity
Lolium over Festuca. Kopecký et al. (2006) have now shown Array Technology with polymorphic DArT markers, which
that the phenomenon is widespread within the Festulolium allows for the screening of several thousands of markers at a
species complex. They used GISH to study the genomic single pass (Kopecký et al. 2009; Kopecký et al. 2011).
constitution of more than 600 plants from virtually all com- Species-specific markers were identified which yielded
mercially available Festulolium cultivars, and found a large results at variance with the GISH work, but the study also
range of variation in the proportions of parental genomes confirmed the enhanced sensitivity of the method and its
and the level of intergenomic recombination, including potential for future analysis of ‘genome drift’.
several cultivars which were at the F9–F10 generation.
The reasons for the dominance of Lolium over Festuca in
this way are not understood. Various theories have been 2.5 Concluding Remarks
proposed, such as gametic competition, pollination effects
or selection for vigour in the early stages of seedling growth, The story of order and chaos in the plant nucleus is incom-
but no definitive answers have yet emerged. In the light of plete and open-ended. The knowledge that we have is based
recent knowledge of the centromere organization and func- on only a handful of species, including model organisms
tion we could conjecture that the Lolium centromeres are with small genomes and a few plants of economic signifi-
more competitive than those of Festuca, and this may cance such as maize, rice and wheat. Nonetheless, certain
account for the predominance of Lolium chromatin in these observations have emerged which are both surprising and
hybrids, although any convincing mechanism still awaits confusing. There is no normal or fixed order for the structure
discovery. of the interphase plant nucleus; it depends on genome size
A similar story to that of Festulolium was earlier described which has a seamless array of values with no cut-off point
by Anamthawat-Jonsson (1999). Using GISH she recovered a between what is a small and large genome, and what
unique set of chromosomes in Triticum (2n ¼ 4x ¼ 28, happens to the order of the nucleus across this continuum
AABB)  Leymus (2n ¼ 4x ¼ 28, NNXX) hybrids. The of sizes. Nature has dealt with the advent of allopolyploidy,
allopolyploids stabilised over a number of years as a set of and experimental studies on nascent allopolyploids confirm
six pairs of Leymus and 15 pairs of wheat chromosomes the strong barriers that have had to be rapidly overcome in
(Anamthawat-Jonsson 1999). The unique composition proba- the process. There is a rich harvest of new discoveries yet to
bly resulted from the stable replacement of one pair of Leymus be made on order and chaos in the plant nucleus, and in the
chromosomes by the addition of one pair from wheat, together process of doing so we still need to bear in mind recent
with the selective elimination of eight pairs from Leymus. findings (e.g., maize and Arabidopsis) that many diploids,
It is clear the conflicts and chromosome instabilities in if not all of them, have a history of having passed through
allopolyploids have a higher degree of complexity and a larger earlier cycles of ploidy events, and still bear the duplications
variety of outcomes. There are more conflicts to resolve and as evidence. As far as hybrids are concerned, our new
more ways in which resolutions can occur. discoveries on genome readjustment have implications for
Recent studies involving allotetraploids of Festuca the fundamental understanding of genome change in evolu-
pratensis  Lolium perenne have now tracked changes in tion, as well as presenting opportunities for the release of
the balance of chromatin in somatic cells over six successive new forms of genetic and epigenetic variation in crop plants.
2 The Plant Nucleus at War and Peace: Genome Organization in the Interphase Nucleus 27

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The Organization of Genomic DNA in Mitotic
Chromosomes: A Novel View 3
Hideaki Takata, Sachihiro Matsunaga, and Kazuhiro Maeshima

Contents 3.1 Introduction

3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
3.2 Chromatin Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
In 1878, W. Flemming discovered a nuclear substance that
3.2.1 Nucleosome Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 was visible on staining under the light microscope and named
3.2.2 30-nm Chromatin Fibre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 it ‘chromatin’, which is the basic unit of genomic DNA
3.3 Structure of Mitotic Chromosomes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 organization (Olins and Olins 2003). During cell division,
3.3.1 Classical Views . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 chromatin forms a condensed structure, called a ‘chromo-
3.3.2 Chromosome Condensation Factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 some’, which ensures transmission of the duplicated genomic
3.4 In Vivo Mitotic Chromosome Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 DNA. The term ‘chromosome’ is derived from the Greek for
3.4.1 Inside Mitotic Chromosomes: Does the 30-nm Fibre Exist ‘coloured body’, reflecting the observation that a condensed
In Vivo? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 chromosome is clearly visible with dyes. Yet long before
3.4.2 A Novel Model of Chromosome Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
3.4.3 Organization of Genomic DNA in Interphase Nuclei . . . . . 40 the discovery of DNA as a genetic material, the mitotic
3.4.4 Dynamic Nature of the Melted Polymer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 chromosome fascinated biologists as being a candidate struc-
3.4.5 Added Note . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 ture involved in heredity. The basic mitotic chromosome
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 structure is well conserved among eukaryotes, with some
minor differences. In this chapter, we will focus on the
mitotic chromosome structure in mammals with a historical
background. We will also highlight the structural differences
between mammalian and plant chromosomes where data are

3.2 Chromatin Structure

3.2.1 Nucleosome Structure

DNA has a negatively charged phosphate backbone that

produces electrostatic repulsion between adjacent DNA
regions, making it difficult for DNA to fold upon itself
(Bloomfield 1996; Yoshikawa and Yoshikawa 2002). For the
first level of folding, the long negatively charged DNA is
wrapped around a basic protein complex called a core histone
octamer, which consists of two sets of histones, H2A and H2B,
K. Maeshima (*) and H3 and H4 proteins, and forms a nucleosome (Fig. 3.1)
Biological Macromolecules Laboratory, Structural Biology Center, (Kornberg and Lorch 1999). The structural details of the
National Institute of Genetics, Mishima, Shizuoka 411-8540, Japan
nucleosome core are now known at a resolution of 1.9 Å
Department of Genetics, School of Life Science, Graduate University (Davey et al. 2002). In the core particle, 147 base pairs (bp)
for Advanced Studies (Sokendai), Mishima, Shizuoka, Japan
e-mail: of DNA are wrapped in 1.7 left-handed superhelical turns

I.J. Leitch et al. (eds.), Plant Genome Diversity Volume 2, 33

DOI 10.1007/978-3-7091-1160-4_3, # Springer-Verlag Wien 2013
34 H. Takata et al.

a b
DNA 2 nm


11 nm N8
N8 N7 N6
N4 N6 N5
N5 N4
30-nm chromatin fibre? N3
N2 N2
N1 N1

? 30 nm
c d

Mitotic chromosome

N7 N8
700 nm N6 N5
10 µm N6
N3 N3 N4
N2 N1

Fig. 3.1 A long DNA molecule with a diameter of 2 nm is wrapped
around a core histone octamer that consists of histone H2A, H2B, H3 and One-start helix Two-start helix
H4 proteins, and it forms a nucleosome with a diameter of 11 nm. The
(Solenoid) (Zigzag)
nucleosome has long been assumed to be folded into 30-nm chromatin
fibres (Robinson and Rhodes 2006). How the nucleosome or 30-nm fibre
Fig. 3.2 Models of a 30-nm chromatin fibre. Two well-known struc-
is compacted into the chromatid with a diameter of approximately
tural models exist for 30-nm chromatin fibres: one-start helix (solenoid)
0.7 mm and interphase nucleus with a diameter of approximately
(a) and two-start helix (zigzag) (b). Positions from the first (N1) to
10 mm, however, remains unclear. Note that such 30-nm chromatin fibres
eighth (N8) nucleosome are labelled as in Robinson and Rhodes (2006).
in native chromosomes are not detected by cryo-electron microscopy
(c) In the one-start helix model proposed by Robinson and Rhodes, the
(see Sect. 3.4.1)
30-nm chromatin fibre is an interdigitated solenoid. Essentially, a
nucleosome in the fibre interacts with its fifth and sixth neighbours.
around the histone octamer. Each nucleosome core is (d) In the two-start model proposed by Richmond and co-workers
connected by approximately 200 bp of ‘linker DNA’ to make (Schalch et al. 2005), nucleosomes are essentially arranged in a zigzag
repetitive motifs. Accordingly, the nucleosome fibre was orig- manner such that alternate nucleosomes form interacting partners. A
nucleosome in the fibre binds to the second neighbour nucleosome.
inally described as ‘beads on a string’ (Olins and Olins 2003). Alternate nucleosome pairs are coloured blue and orange (The images
are reproduced from Maeshima et al. (2010) with the permission of
3.2.2 30-nm Chromatin Fibre
(Woodcock et al. 1984). Although some variations exist in
In 1976, Finch and Klug first proposed that the nucleosome, this model (Bassett et al. 2009), nucleosomes are arranged
with linker histone H1 or Mg2+ ions, was folded into “30-nm essentially in a zigzag manner, such that a nucleosome in the
chromatin fibres” (Fig. 3.1) (Finch and Klug 1976). In fact, fibre is bound to the second neighbour but not the first one
isolated nucleosomes looked like 30-nm-diameter fibres (Fig. 3.2b, d).
under transmission electron microscopy (EM). In their In 2004, Richmond and colleagues found that their
model called the ‘solenoid’, consecutive nucleosomes are cross-linking study on nucleosomal arrays (12-nucleosome
located next to each other in the fibre, folding into a simple repeats) was in good agreement with the zigzag conforma-
one-start helix (Figs. 3.1 and 3.2a, c). Subsequently, a second tion of the two-start helix (Dorigo et al. 2004). Furthermore,
model of the ‘two-start helix’ was proposed based on micro- they succeeded in resolving the crystal structure of a tetra-
scopic observations of isolated nucleosomes (Fig. 3.2b, d) nucleosome (four nucleosome cores) at a resolution of 9 Å
3 The Organization of Genomic DNA in Mitotic Chromosomes: A Novel View 35

(Fig. 3.2d) (Schalch et al. 2005). Although the structure a

resolution is relatively low, they defined the positions of
the linker DNA and nucleosomes in the fibre by replacing
the coarse core region with the fine atomic structure of a
nucleosome core particle (Davey et al. 2002). Their results
support the zigzag two-start helix model of the 30-nm chro-
matin fibre (Fig. 3.2d).
However, more recently, Rhodes et al. reconstituted long, Removal
regular chromatin fibres from a range of nucleosomal repeats
with chicken erythrocyte linker histone H5 (Robinson and
Rhodes 2006; Robinson et al. 2006). The in vitro assembled
chromatin fibres were observed using cryo-electron micros- Scaffold
copy (cryo-EM), which is based on vitrification (frozen
hydrated) by rapid cooling, which ensures immobilisation
of all molecules in a sample to be in a close-to-native state
(for a review, see Frank 2006). Using the obtained data, they
proposed that the 30-nm chromatin fibre is an interdigitated 500-750 nm
solenoid (Fig. 3.2a, c); their model shows that a nucleosome
in the fibre contacts with the fifth and sixth neighbours along
the DNA path (Fig. 3.2a, c) (Robinson et al. 2006), whereas 200-250 nm
it interacts with its first neighbour in the classic solenoid 100 nm
(Fig. 3.1) (Finch and Klug 1976) . Moreover, recent single-
30 nm
molecule studies of long nucleosome arrays to probe their
mechanical properties also support the one-start helix topol- Fig. 3.3 Classical models of mitotic chromosome structure. (a) Sche-
ogy underlying the 30-nm fibre (Kruithof et al. 2009). matic representation of a histone-depleted chromosome. The histones were
What caused this difference? Further work from Rhodes’ removed from the isolated mitotic chromosome gently via competition
group suggested that the solenoid or zigzag mode of com- with an excess of polyanionic dextran sulphate and heparin. After removing
the histones, the DNA remained highly organized by the chromosome
paction is defined by the length of the nucleosomal linker scaffold (drawn in red), maintaining the size and shape of the original
DNA (Routh et al. 2008). Recently, Grigoryev et al. showed chromosomes. (b) Hierarchical helical folding model. This model assumes
that the two-start zigzag and one-start solenoid modes may that 30-nm chromatin fibres are folded into 100-nm fibres and then
be present simultaneously in a 30-nm chromatin fibre under progressively into 200–250 nm fibres that coil to form the final mitotic
certain conditions (Grigoryev et al. 2009). Consequently, the
structural details of the 30-nm chromatin fibre remain
controversial. Nonetheless, the nucleosome chain has long DNA remained highly organized by a residue of non-histone
been assumed to form a 30-nm chromatin fibre before the proteins whose structure retained the size and shape of
higher-order organization of mitotic chromosomes and also the original chromosomes (Fig. 3.3a) (Paulson and Laemmli
interphase nuclei. 1977). Therefore, Laemmli called the central axial structure
made from these non-histone proteins the ‘chromosome
scaffold’ (Fig. 3.3a). The scaffold consists of a subset of
3.3 Structure of Mitotic Chromosomes non-histone proteins that includes two major high-molecular-
weight proteins, Sc1 (170 kDa) and Sc2 (135 kDa), and several
3.3.1 Classical Views minor proteins (Lewis and Laemmli 1982). Sc1 was later
identified as topoisomerase II (Earnshaw et al. 1985; Gasser
In the late 1970s, Laemmli and colleagues proposed a hypoth- et al. 1986), an evolutionary conserved protein that can
esis stating that chromosome structure arises from a set of untangle DNA and relax the interwound supercoils in a DNA
non-histone proteins that fold the chromatin fibres into loops. molecule by passing one DNA molecule through a transient
They isolated histone-depleted chromosomes (Fig. 3.3a) double-stranded break in another (Wang 2002). The require-
(Paulson and Laemmli 1977) by gently removing the ment of topoisomerase II for chromosome condensation
histones from isolated mitotic chromosomes via competition was clearly demonstrated by using fission yeast genetics
with an excess of the polyanions dextran sulphate and heparin. (Uemura et al. 1987) and an in vitro system in which
This approach was effective for separating the structural chromosomes were assembled by adding sperm nuclei to
contributions of the histones from those of certain non-histone extracts prepared from Xenopus laevis eggs (Adachi et al.
proteins. After removing the histones, they found that the 1991; Hirano and Mitchison 1993).
36 H. Takata et al.

Such chromatin loop observations were subsequently Yanagida’s group also demonstrated that fission yeast had
obtained from several EM studies (Marsden and Laemmli two SMC homologs Cut3 and Cut14, and that both were
1979; Earnshaw and Laemmli 1983; Maeshima et al. 2005). involved in chromosome condensation (Saka et al. 1994).
As we describe later, isolated chromosomes become swollen Subsequent characterisation of the CAPs led Hirano’s
in low-salt buffer. Cross-sectional images of the swollen group to the discovery of a protein complex called condensin,
chromosomes appear star-like; the fibres converge on the which consists of five different subunits, including a hetero-
central axis, suggesting tethering of the chromatin fibre to dimer of CAP-C (SMC4) and CAP-E (SMC2) (Hirano et al.
the axial element, forming loops (Marsden and Laemmli 1997). When condensin is depleted from Xenopus extracts
1979; Earnshaw and Laemmli 1983; Maeshima et al. using a specific antibody, mitotic chromosome condensation
2005). This loop structure of mitotic chromosomes may is defective, and chromatin forms swollen puffs, not a com-
be analogous to that of the lampbrush chromosomes in pact structure. When purified condensin complex is added
amphibian oocytes (Morgan 2002) or the meiotic prophase back to the depleted extracts, chromosome condensation
chromosomes in various organisms (Kleckner 2006) that are recovers, implying that the complex has a key role in the
organized into an enormous number of large chromatin chromosome condensation process.
loops emanating from a linear chromosome axis. Evidence The condensin family was discovered to be conserved
clearly implies that chromatin loops are a fundamental from bacteria to mammals (Nasmyth and Haering 2005;
organizing unit of chromosomes. Hirano 2006), suggesting a universal role of this family in
In 1978, another classical model, the so-called ‘hierarchi- compacting the genome. Although exactly how the complex
cal helical folding model’, was proposed from extensive functions in the condensation process is unknown, interest-
observations using high-voltage electron microscopes ing clues came from the discovery that condensin can intro-
(Sedat and Manuelidis 1978). This model postulates that the duce positive supercoils into closed circular DNA (Kimura
30-nm chromatin fibres are folded into 100-nm fibres and and Hirano 1997), depending on ATP-hydrolysis and
then progressively into 200- to 250-nm fibres that coil to mitosis-specific phosphorylation of the complex (Kimura
form the final mitotic chromosomes (Fig. 3.3b), i.e., a hierar- et al. 1998; Takemoto et al. 2004).
chy in the chromosomes based on regular helical structures. Further biochemical and cytological analyses of the
Indeed, EM observations showed that chromosomes appeared chromosome scaffold demonstrated that it is composed
to be assembled from chromatin fibres of various diameters predominantly of a condensin complex and topoisomerase
(Belmont et al. 1987). Furthermore, analysis using engineered IIa (Maeshima and Laemmli 2003). Both components have
chromosomes with large copy numbers of lac operator an axial distribution with a diameter of about 200 nm at the
repeats revealed 250-nm-diameter coiling domains in the centre of each chromatid in swollen and compact chromo-
chromosome, supporting this model (Strukov et al. 2003). somes ( Saitoh et al. 1994; Coelho et al. 2003; Maeshima and
Although these two models appear incompatible, both Laemmli 2003; Kireeva et al. 2004), and even in the
structures may co-exist in chromosomes. Chromosomes chromosomes of living cells (Tavormina et al. 2002; Hirota
often become X-shaped with helically-folded chromatids et al. 2004). Although an argument was made that the scaf-
after prolonged treatment with microtubule-depolymerising fold structure was an artefact resulting from the non-specific
drugs such as nocodazol or colcemid (Boy de la Tour aggregation of non-histone proteins in the histone-depleted
and Laemmli 1988; Maeshima and Laemmli 2003). Such chromosomes (Okada and Comings 1980), these findings
chromosomes show helical coiling of a fibre that is com- support the physiological relevance of the chromosome scaf-
posed of radial loops (Rattner and Lin 1985). fold structure (Maeshima and Laemmli 2003; Maeshima and
Eltsov 2008).
Ten years after the condensin discovery in vertebrates,
3.3.2 Chromosome Condensation Factors condensin II was isolated as a second condensin complex,
composed of the common heterodimer of SMC2 and SMC4 Discovery of Condensins and three non-SMC subunits related to, but distinct from,
In 1994, three groups independently made a landmark discov- those in condensin I (Ono et al. 2003; Yeong et al. 2003).
ery. Hirano and Mitchison (1994) identified a series of chro- Condensins I and II show an axial localization in chromo-
mosome associated polypeptides (CAPs) in Xenopus egg somes in a rather complementary manner (Ono et al. 2003).
extracts. Of these, the two abundant proteins, CAP-C and Experiments knocking down condensin I or II separately or
CAP-E, had sequence similarity with a family of proteins in together have revealed their distinct functions in part (Hirota
budding yeast, which was later called the ‘structural mainte- et al. 2004; Ono et al. 2004). Condensin I is localized in the
nance of chromosomes’ (SMC) family (Strunnikov et al. cytoplasm until the nuclear envelope breaks down, whereas
1995). Almost simultaneously, Earnshaw’s group showed condensin II is located in the nuclei during interphase.
that a major chromosome scaffold component, Sc2, is a Consistent with this observation, depletion of condensin
chicken homolog of a SMC protein (Saitoh et al. 1994). I does not affect prophase chromosome condensation
3 The Organization of Genomic DNA in Mitotic Chromosomes: A Novel View 37

(Hirota et al. 2004). By contrast, condensin II knockdown are involved in A. thaliana development. A mutant of a
significantly delays the initiation of prophase chromosome SMC4 homolog, AtCAP-C, displays phenotypes similar to
condensation (Hirota et al. 2004). The chromosomal binding those exhibited by the AtCAP-E double mutant, including
of condensin II but not condensin I seems to be regulated by altered segregation of alleles during gametogenesis and
phosphatase PP2A (Takemoto et al. 2009). embryo lethality (Siddiqui et al. 2006). Moreover, knock-
In the plant Arabidopsis thaliana, there are two SMC2 out plants of two condensin II subunits, AtCAP-G2 and
genes (AtCAP-E1 and AtCAP-E2) (Liu Cm et al. 2002; AtCAP-H2, have no defects in chromosome condensation
Siddiqui et al. 2003) and one SMC4 gene (AtCAP-C). (Sakamoto et al. 2011).
AtCAP-E1 comprises more than 85 % of the total
SMC2 transcripts. The non-SMC subunits (AtCAP-H and Other Non-Histone Chromosomal Proteins
AtCAP-H2) of condensin I and II have also been identified Little information is available regarding the global protein
in A. thaliana (Fujimoto et al. 2005). AtCAP-H and composition of mitotic chromosomes, except for major
AtCAP-H2 are localized on mitotic chromosomes from non-histone chromosomal proteins such as topoisomerase
prometaphase to telophase; however, their localizations dur- II and condensin proteins. Several attempts have been
ing interphase are different, as in mammalian cells. While made to identify non-histone chromosomal proteins using a
AtCAP-H is localized in the cytoplasm, AtCAP-H2 resides proteomic approach. Some chromosome passenger proteins
in the nucleus, particularly at the nucleolus. These different required for mitotic chromosome alignment and segregation,
localizations during interphase are indicative of functional and also proteins located at the chromosome periphery, have
differentiation between condensins I and II in A. thaliana. been identified (Morrison et al. 2002; Uchiyama et al. 2005;
Takata et al. 2007). The number of identified proteins A Paradox Involving Condensin including uncharacterised ones is more than 200. Addition-
and Topoisomerase II ally, several proteins specifically located at centromeric and
No doubt exists of the universal roles of condensin and topo- telomeric regions have also been reported (Foltz et al. 2006;
isomerase II in genome compaction. However, available Okada et al. 2006; Dejardin and Kingston 2009). These
genetic and RNAi data from various organisms (Steffensen studies suggest that complex protein networks might exist
et al. 2001; Hagstrom et al. 2002; Hudson et al. 2003) indicate that organize mitotic chromosome structure, which might
that condensin mutants mainly have a segregation defect that explain why depletion of condensin or topoisomerase II
does not cause dramatic abnormalities in chromosome mor- mainly results in a defect in chromosome segregation but
phology. Earnshaw and colleagues showed that metaphase not condensation, as described above.
chromosomes in condensin-knockout chicken DT40 cells
could still condense normally, as in wild-type cells, although Histone Phosphorylation
there were frequent chromosomal bridges during anaphase Histone tails are subjected to various post-translational
(Vagnarelli et al. 2006). Thus, they inferred a novel chromo- modifications and could be related to chromatin structure
some condensation component, regulator of chromosome and function. The most striking modification of histone
architecture (RCA), which enabled metaphase chromosome tails in mitosis is the histone H3 phosphorylation at serine
condensation without condensins (Vagnarelli et al. 2006). 10 (Guo et al. 1995) and at serine 28 (Goto et al. 1999).
These results suggest that condensins are required for chromo- A causal relationship between histone H3 phosphorylation
some structural integrity but not for chromosome condensa- and chromosome condensation has been identified in Tetra-
tion. As well as condensins, knockdown of the topoisomerase hymena (Wei et al. 1999). A mutant in which histone H3
II in fly or human cells also results in chromosome segregation cannot be phosphorylated exhibits abnormal chromosome
defects, but no prominent condensation defect ( Chang et al. condensation and segregation, demonstrating that phosphor-
2003; Carpenter and Porter 2004; Sakaguchi and Kikuchi ylation of histone H3, at least, at serine 10 is required for
2004), whereas it is essential for chromosome condensation proper chromosome dynamics. However, histone H3 phos-
in some other systems (Uemura et al. 1987; Adachi et al. 1991; phorylation is not required for chromosome condensation in
Hirano and Mitchison 1993). In higher eukaryotic organisms, many other species, such as yeast (Hsu et al. 2000), Xenopus
which have more complex systems, proteins might acquire (MacCallum et al. 2002), Drosophila (Adams et al. 2001)
more specialized functions or functional redundancy to ensure and mammals (Van Hooser et al. 1998). In plants, several
their long-term survival, although one hypothesis states that a studies have suggested that histone H3 phosphorylation is
residual condensin or topoisomerase II after their depletion involved in sister chromatid cohesion but not in chromo-
could still create the chromosomal shape. some condensation (Gernand et al. 2003). Moreover,
In plants there is also no direct evidence so far to histone H3 phosphorylation in plant chromosomes is
indicate that plant condensins are involved in chromosome strictly limited to centromeric regions in contrast to the
condensation. Embryo lethality caused by the double chromosome-wide distribution in mammalian chromosomes
mutation of SMC2 genes suggests that plant condensins (Kurihara et al. 2006).
38 H. Takata et al. Cations length, even in a solution containing heterogeneous DNA

Other than protein factors, such as condensins or topoisom- species (Inoue et al. 2007). Therefore, postulating that
erase II, cations seem to be essential participants in chromo- this attractive force due to repetitive sequences functions
some condensation. As mentioned above, mitotic in chromosome condensation is tempting. Furthermore,
chromosomes become very swollen following the depletion evidence implicates LINEs (L1s) in X chromosome conden-
of Ca2+ or Mg2+ and this process is completely reversible. sation (Lyon 2003). One of the female X chromosomes is
Almost 40 years ago, Cole demonstrated that the repeated well known to be highly condensed as a Barr body (Lyon
removal and addition of Mg2+ results in cycles of chromo- 2003). Bailey et al. showed that the level of LINEs in X
some swelling and compaction (Cole 1967). DNA has a chromosomal DNA was roughly double that in autosomes
negatively charged phosphate backbone that produces elec- (Bailey et al. 2000). They also found that the level was
trostatic repulsion. In the presence of cations, DNA conden- highest in a region near the X-inactivation centre and lowest
sation results from charge neutralisation, as the binding of in a short arm region containing numerous genes that escape
cations specifically to the DNA phosphates decreases the inactivation. These data are consistent with the postulate that
overall electrostatic repulsion between adjacent DNA the density of LINEs correlates with the extent of inactiva-
regions (Bloomfield 1996; Yoshikawa and Yoshikawa tion or condensation. Moreover, LINEs are concentrated
2002). In the case of chromatin, the negative DNA charges mainly in the dark G-bands in autosomes, where chromatin
are about 60 % neutralised by core histones, which have tails is condensed as heterochromatin.
with positively charged lysine and arginine residues (Strick ‘Knob’, a classic cytogenetic marker of plant chromo-
et al. 2001). Therefore, the remaining approximately 40 % of somes, has a chromosome structure that can be identified
the DNA charge must be neutralised by other factors such as microscopically as being darkly stained compared to
histone H1, non-histone proteins and cations. In fact, using the surrounding region. The knob was first reported in maize
secondary ion mass spectrometry, Strick et al. reported that (McClintock 1930). Such a lump-like structure in maize
Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+ and K+ are highly enriched in mitotic chromosomes is a large block of heterochromatin
chromosomes, compared with interphase nuclei, suggesting that contains largely tandem repetitive sequences and
a potentially important role in chromosome condensation retrotransposons with very few transcribed genes. Maize
(Strick et al. 2001). Chromatin ‘opening’ and ‘closing’ knobs are mainly composed of a 180 bp repeat and a 350 bp
with DNA-charge neutralisation may also be involved in repeat, which are organized in tandem arrays (Peacock et al.
global gene regulation as a result of histone tail 1981; Ananiev et al. 1998). The knob satellite is found near
modifications, such as phosphorylation and acetylation the ends of all or nearly all maize chromosomes (Lamb et al.
(Kornberg and Lorch 1999). 2007). The structure of tandem repeats in such a knob could
be associated with heterochromatic domains. At the very
least, structural conservation demonstrates the importance of Repetitive Sequences
tandem repeats of repetitive sequences in heterochromatin
As more ‘complete’ genome sequences become available it
formation, suggesting that repetitive sequences influence
seems clear that many genomes consist mainly of repetitive
chromosome condensation. Although chromosomes cannot
DNA sequences. For example, in humans satellite DNA
be condensed without the help of protein factors such as
repeats are clustered in discrete areas, such as the centro-
condensins, the large amounts of repetitive sequences may
mere, whereas other repeats such as short interspersed
well contribute to genome compaction and have been under
nuclear elements (SINEs) and long interspersed nuclear
selection during evolution.
elements (LINEs) are dispersed throughout the genome.
Plant genomes are also composed predominantly of repeti-
tive DNA although retrotransposons with long terminal
repeats (LTR retrotransposons) are generally the predomi- 3.4 In Vivo Mitotic Chromosome Structure
nant repeat type (see Kejnovsky et al. 2012). Are these really
“junk”? Do they have any function? One of proposed In the classical EM views, chromosomes seem to consist of
functions is that repetitive sequences could be involved in radial 30-nm chromatin loops that are somehow tethered
genome compaction. Indeed, the genomic regions, which are centrally by scaffold proteins such as condensin or topo-
abundant with satellite DNA, are condensed throughout the isomerase II. Although this is a rather classical view of
cell cycle (e.g. centromere). Double-stranded DNA has the chromosome organization, one must keep in mind that the
property of self-assembly in aqueous solutions containing samples are fixed chemically, dehydrated and embedded in
physiological concentrations of divalent cations. Ohyama plastic. In this section, we will introduce a recent view of
and his colleagues found that DNA molecules preferentially chromosome structure based on observations made in nearly
interact with molecules with an identical sequence and intact cell conditions.
3 The Organization of Genomic DNA in Mitotic Chromosomes: A Novel View 39

Fig. 3.4 (a) Cryo-electron micrograph image of a vitrified (frozen- area of (a). Note the grainy, homogeneous texture of the chromosome
hydrated) section of mitotic HeLa cells. The compact areas, outlined by (Xs). No higher-order or periodic structures, such as 30-nm chromatin
the dashed line, are cross sections of mitotic chromosomes (Xs) that are fibres, are recognised. The scale bar indicates 100 nm (The images are
surrounded by a cytoplasm full of electron-dense ribosomes and other reproduced from Maeshima and Eltsov (2008) with the permission of
particles. The scale bar indicates 500 nm. (b) Magnification of selected Oxford University Press)

3.4.1 Inside Mitotic Chromosomes: Does 2005). These data again support the absence of ‘static’
the 30-nm Fibre Exist In Vivo? continuous 30-nm chromatin fibres in native chromosomes.
However, why can we sometimes see the 30-nm chroma-
What do mitotic chromosomes look like in living cells? One tin fibres? As described above, the original concept of the
of the best ways to address this question is by using cryo-EM 30-nm chromatin fibre was derived from studies using
of vitreous sections (CEMOVIS). In CEMOVIS, after the conventional transmission or scanning EM: fibres of approx-
frozen hydrated (vitrified) cells are sectioned, the thin imately 30 nm in diameter were observed under certain
sections are observed directly under a cryo-EM with no conditions involving isolated nucleosomes, nuclei and
chemical fixation or staining. This approach enables direct mitotic chromosomes. To answer this question, one should
high-resolution imaging of cell structures in a close-to- emphasise that the observation of 30-nm chromatin fibres
native state. required a strict cationic environment, namely a low-salt
More than 20 years ago, Dubochet and his colleagues first buffer containing 1–2 mM Mg2+; under such conditions,
observed vitrified sections of mammalian mitotic cells using isolated nuclei or chromosomes become swollen. Accord-
CEMOVIS (McDowall et al. 1986). Unexpectedly, they ingly, the local nucleosome concentration decreases,
found that the chromosomes showed a homogeneous and favouring intra-fibre nucleosome associations, leading to
grainy texture with a c. 11 nm spacing. Neither higher-order the formation of 30-nm chromatin fibres (Fig. 3.5a, b).
nor periodic structures, including 30-nm chromatin fibres, Furthermore, in conventional EM observations, the for-
were recognised. Consequently, Dubochet et al. proposed mation of 30-nm chromatin fibres might be stabilised
that the basic structure of the chromosome was a liquid-like through chemical cross-linking (e.g. glutaraldehyde fixation)
compact aggregation of 11 nm nucleosome fibres (Dubochet of intra-fibre nucleosome associations and further shrink-
et al. 1988). We also investigated human mitotic cells using age with alcohol dehydration during sample preparation
CEMOVIS and a subsequent image processing analysis and (Belmont 2006; Maeshima and Eltsov 2008).
concluded that the 30-nm fibres are essentially absent in However, at the high nucleosome concentrations that
human mitotic chromosomes (Fig. 3.4) (Eltsov et al. 2008). occur in vivo, inter-fibre nucleosome interactions become
These observations are consistent with a report on the increasingly dominant (Fig. 3.5c, d). Nucleosome fibres are
three-dimensional structure of Xenopus chromosomes forced to interdigitate with one another. This interferes with
assembled in vitro using electron tomography (K€ onig et al. the formation and maintenance of the 30-nm chromatin
2007). In the cryo-substituted chromosomes, K€ onig et al. fibre, leading to the ‘polymer melt’ state (Fig. 3.5c, d).
detected no continuous fibre-like structures, such as 30-nm
fibres. No other regular ultrastructural organization was
observed. This conclusion is supported by the finding that 3.4.2 A Novel Model of Chromosome Structure
chromosome assembly in Xenopus extracts proceeds without
the linker histone H1, which supposedly stabilises the 30-nm By its nature, chromatin forms aggregates in the presence of
fibres (Ohsumi et al. 1993). Furthermore, histone H1 is proper concentrations of divalent or multivalent cations
highly mobile in the chromosomes of live cells (Chen et al. (de Frutos et al. 2001). Again, how is long genomic DNA
40 H. Takata et al.

Diluted chromatins Concentrated nucleosomes

a b c d

30-nm folding Melting

Chromosome e Nucleus

Fig. 3.5 (a, b) Under the diluted condition, the flexible nucleosome polymer melt implies dynamic polymer chains; i.e., nucleosome fibres
fibres compact through selective close-neighbour associations, forming may be moving and rearranging constantly. This may provide several
the 30-nm chromatin fibres. An increase in nucleosome concentration advantages during chromosome condensation and segregation of
results in inter-fibre nucleosomal contacts, which interfere with the mitosis and the transcription and DNA replication processes during
intra-fibre bonds (c). The nucleosomes of adjacent fibres interdigitate interphase (The images are reproduced with minor modifications from
and intermix. This disrupts the 30-nm folding, and the nucleosomal Maeshima et al. (2010) with the permission of Elsevier)
fibres progress to a state of ‘polymer melt’ (d). (e) The concept of

packaged into compact mitotic chromosomes? When such organization is not found in mammalian nuclei. In the
isolated chromosomes become swollen under low-salt case of plants, nuclei of small genome species exhibit diffuse
conditions, they seem to consist of radial chromatin loops chromosome territories without Rabl organization, whereas
that are somehow tethered centrally by scaffold proteins. those of large genome species have Rabl organization (Dong
Considering a structural analogy with meiotic and and Jiang 1998; Fujimoto et al. 2005). The Rabl orientation
lampbrush chromosomes, chromatin loops may be the fun- might be an effective way to arrange the huge chromosomes,
damental organizing unit of chromosomes. In our cryo-EM at least in plants.
observations, chromosomes show a homogenous, grainy We next focus on the genome organization in inter-
texture with no higher-order or periodic structures phase nuclei. Unexpectedly, interphase nuclei in most
(Fig. 3.4a, b) (McDowall et al. 1986; Eltsov et al. 2008). higher-eukaryote cell types examined by cryo-EM do not
As the intracellular cations increase during mitosis, the loop contain a regular 30-nm chromatin fibre as the underlying
structures would fold irregularly toward the chromosome structure (Dubochet et al. 1988; Bouchet-Marquis et al. 2006;
centre, which contains abundant condensins. This loop Fakan and van Driel 2007). As Woodcock has stated (Wood-
collapse process might be enhanced by the attractive force cock 1994), this phenomenon could not be due to insufficient
of repetitive sequences dispersed throughout the genome. contrast of cryo-EM because 30-nm fibres are not visible in
Therefore, the compact native chromosome would be made the majority of interphase nuclei after conventional chemical
up primarily of an irregular chromatin network further fixation and plastic embedding (Horowitz et al. 1990).
cross-linked by condensins (Fig. 3.6). Although cryo-EM analysis of specific chromatin domains,
for example, chromocentres, inactive X chromosomes and
senescence-associated heterochromatin foci, have not been
3.4.3 Organization of Genomic DNA in reported, typical heterochromatin regions in plant or mam-
Interphase Nuclei malian nuclei that have been visualized by cryo-EM look
very similar to mitotic chromosomes (Bouchet-Marquis et al.
The compartmentalisation of DNA within the nucleus accom- 2006; Fakan and van Driel 2007). Consequently, the melt
panies genome organization. A long time ago, Rabl suggested may represent the predominant state of compacted
that interphase nuclei have a preferentially polarised organiza- chromatin in vivo. Consistent with this, using a combination
tion of centromeres at the apical side and telomeres at the basal of chromosome conformation capture (3C) technique and
side in salamander nuclei (Rabl 1885). This ‘Rabl organiza- polymer modelling, Dekker found that chromatin in a
tion’ was also observed in Drosophila (Wilkie et al. 1999), transcriptionally-active domain in yeast did not form a com-
onion, wheat and barley (Dong and Jiang 1998). However, pact 30-nm fibre, but instead noted that the chromatin was
3 The Organization of Genomic DNA in Mitotic Chromosomes: A Novel View 41



Fig. 3.6 Novel structural model of mitotic chromosomes based on the intracellular cation concentration during mitosis, the loop structures
polymer melt concept. We postulate that chromatin loops are the fold irregularly toward the chromosome centre (the blue nucleosome
fundamental organizing unit of chromosomes. We propose that with fibre loop), which contains abundant condensins. Note that no continu-
increased nucleosome concentration, presumably due to increases in ous 30-nm chromatin fibres are visible in the native chromosomes

extended with a rather loose arrangement of nucleosomes novel model. In the model, the nucleosome fibres in the
(Dekker 2008). The chromatin in the neighbouring domain bulk of mitotic chromosomes do not form 30-nm chroma-
was more compact, but the mass density was still well below tin fibres but exist in a highly disordered state, which is
that of a canonical 30-nm fibre (Dekker 2008). locally similar to a polymer melt (Figs. 3.5 and 3.6).
A similar state exists in the majority of active interphase
nuclei. The concept of the polymer melt implies dynamic
3.4.4 Dynamic Nature of the Melted Polymer polymer chains (Fig. 3.5e). This may have several
advantages during chromosome condensation and segre-
The concept of polymer melt implies dynamic polymer gation during mitosis and the transcription and DNA
chains: nucleosome fibres may be constantly moving and replication processes during interphase.
rearranging at the local level (Fig. 3.5e). During mitosis,
this dynamic irregular folding of nucleosome fibres could
be a driving force for chromosome condensation and seg- 3.4.5 Added Note
regation. Recently, the Jun group proposed that the entro-
pic force of a dynamic flexible polymer chain can drive In this chapter, we proposed a novel chromosome structure
bacterial chromosome segregation (Jun and Wright 2010). model, mainly from cryo-EM observations. Recently, using
Because folding of the nucleosome fibre determines DNA synchrotron X-ray scattering analysis, we obtained conclu-
accessibility (Tremethick 2007), these dynamics may have sive evidence that human mitotic HeLa chromosomes are
several advantages in a template-directed biological pro- predominantly composed of irregularly folded nucleosome
cess, i.e., transcriptional regulation and DNA replication in fibres rather than 30-nm chromatin fibres (Nishino et al.
interphase nuclei. In the case of transcriptional regulation, 2012). The scattering pattern implied a fractal nature in the
the dynamic movement of nucleosome fibres will contrib- chromosomes, which permits a more dynamic and flexible
ute to the targeting of transcription factors to the cis- genome organization. We also found a similar scattering
elements along DNA and the forming of complexes pattern in interphase nuclei of HeLa cells in the range up to
because target sequences are exposed more often from 275 nm (Joti et al. 2012). Our findings suggest a common
the folding structure. Moreover, dynamic irregular folding structural feature in interphase and mitotic chromatin: com-
can easily form loops, facilitating interaction between pro- pact and irregular folding of nucleosome fibres occurs with-
moter and enhancer sequences at the three-dimensional out a 30-nm chromatin structure (Joti et al. 2012).
Acknowledgments We are grateful to Dr. Eltosv, Prof. Dubochet, and
Prof. Frangakis for collaboration with KM We would like to thank Prof.
Conclusions Laemmli, Prof. Fukui, Prof. Yoshikawa, Dr. Uchiyama and Ms. Hihara
for exciting discussions. KM was supported by a MEXT grant-in-aid
We have discussed the structural aspects of mitotic and JST CREST. HT is a research fellow of the Japan Society for the
chromosomes in mammals and plants and proposed a Promotion of Science.
42 H. Takata et al.

Dubochet J, Adrian M, Chang JJ, Homo JC, Lepault J, McDowall AW,

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Structural Organization of the Plant Nucleus:
Nuclear Envelope, Pore Complexes and 4

Elena Kiseleva, Jindriska Fiserova, and Martin W. Goldberg

Contents 4.1 Introduction

4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
4.2 The Nuclear Envelope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Plants, like all other eukaryotes, contain their genome within
4.2.1 Proteins of the Plant Nuclear Envelope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 the nuclear compartment. The purpose of this compartment is
4.2.2 Lamin-Like Proteins in Plants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 to separate the transcriptional machinery from the sites of
4.2.3 Integral Membrane Proteins of the Inner Nuclear protein synthesis. There is therefore an impermeable barrier
Membrane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
4.2.4 Proteins of the Outer Nuclear Membrane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
between the nuclear and cytoplasmic compartments, the
4.2.5 Ion Channels at the Nuclear Envelope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 nuclear envelope (NE). However the NE is permeated with
4.2.6 Functions of the Nuclear Envelope Proteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 large protein channels, the nuclear pore complexes (NPCs).
4.2.7 The Nuclear Envelope of Plants is Similar but Distinct Trafficking through the NPCs can therefore be used to control
from Animals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
gene expression at several levels. The outer and inner
4.3 Plant Nuclear Pore Complex (NPC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 membranes both contain distinct and complex sets of
4.3.1 Structural Organization of the Plant and Mammalian NPC
proteins, which link to the cytoskeleton as well as the nuclear
is Similar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
4.3.2 Plant Nucleoporins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 interior. The nucleus also therefore has important functions
4.3.3 Nucleocytoplasmic Transport Through the NPC . . . . . . . . . . 53 in organizing both the genome and the cytoplasm. Here we
4.3.4 Cell Cycle Dynamics of the Nuclear Envelope . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 describe the architecture and dynamics of the structural
4.3.5 NPC Disassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
components of the nucleus and discuss how the plant nucleus
4.3.6 NPC Assembly at the End of Mitosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
4.3.7 NPC Assembly During Interphase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 appears to differ in important ways from animals and fungi,
4.3.8 The NPC in Plants is Similar but Distinct from Other while maintaining many similarities. First we will focus on
Organisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 the NE of plants and their specific protein composition,
4.4 The Plant Nucleoskeleton and Intra-nuclear structure and function compared to animal systems. We
Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 will then discuss the role of the NE as a barrier and interface
4.4.1 Intermediate Filament-Like Proteins of the Nucleoskeleton 58 between the cytoplasm and nucleoplasm, before focussing on
4.4.2 A DNA Binding Integral Membrane Protein . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
4.4.3 DNA Sequences of the Nucleoskeleton and Proteins That communication across the NE and finally discussing
Bind Them . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 how the nuclear interior is structurally organized by the
4.4.4 NuMA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 nucleoskeleton. Although the proteins and functions of the
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 NE and nucleoskeleton appear to overlap, we discuss them
separately so as not to confuse the distinct functions that do
clearly exist.

4.2 The Nuclear Envelope

The eukaryotic nucleus is surrounded by a double phospho-

E. Kiseleva (*) lipid bilayer called the nuclear envelope (NE). The NE of
Laboratory of Morphology and Function of Cell Structure, Institute of plants, animals or fungi is organized in a similar manner:
Cytology and Genetics, Russian Academy of Science, Novosibirsk chemically distinct inner and outer nuclear membranes
630090, Russia
e-mail: (INM and ONM) encircle the nucleus and enclose the

I.J. Leitch et al. (eds.), Plant Genome Diversity Volume 2, 45

DOI 10.1007/978-3-7091-1160-4_4, # Springer-Verlag Wien 2013
46 E. Kiseleva et al.

perinuclear space between them. The fusion of the two LINC1 belongs to a family of four LINC proteins (LINC1-4)
membranes occurs at the insertion sites of the nuclear pore with varying functions and localizations within the cell.
complexes (NPCs), the only gates for regulated protein LINC2 and LINC3 were identified as nuclear proteins with
transport. Inner and outer membranes of the NE differ not no specificity for the NE, while LINC4 was shown to be a
only by chemical composition of their lipid components but, plastid protein (Kleffmann et al. 2006; Dittmer et al. 2007). It
importantly, by the type and number of the associated is not known, however, whether LINC1 can form filaments
proteins. A particular set of proteins essentially defines the in vitro or in vivo, what proteins it binds or how it is involved in
specific structural and functional characteristics of the NEs maintaining nuclear morphology.
of different cells, tissues and species. Other putative lamin-like proteins in plants include a
family of seven filament-like proteins identified from
Arabidopsis (AtFPP1-7 for filament-like plant protein of
4.2.1 Proteins of the Plant Nuclear Envelope Arabidopsis thaliana). Homologs have been identified in
tomato (LeFPP) and rice (OsFPP) (Gindullis et al. 2002).
In animals and yeast, a combination of approaches has led to In yeast two-hybrid screens, these proteins associate with
the identification of multiple NE proteins (for review see another nuclear envelope protein MAF1 (MFP1 associated
Dauer and Worman 2009; Hetzer 2010). In comparison, the factor1). However, their more specific subcellular locali-
plant field is less advanced and only a few NE proteins have sation or function is uncertain.
been identified in the last decade. The following text will To complete the list of plant-specific coiled-coil NE
concentrate on the structure and function of plant-specific proteins, MAR binding filament-like protein 1 (MFP1) was
proteins putatively linked to the inner nuclear membrane found to specifically bind to matrix attachment regions
(lamin-like proteins) (1), proteins of the inner (2) and outer (MARs) of DNA at the NE in tomato. MFP1 contains a
(3) nuclear membrane and ion channels (4). coil-coiled domain, an N-terminal hydrophobic region
responsible for targeting the protein to the NE but no globu-
lar head or tail. It is located at the NE and was predicted to be
4.2.2 Lamin-Like Proteins in Plants a component of the plant nuclear matrix and to connect the
nuclear matrix to the NE (Gindullis and Meier 1999;
The nuclear lamina represents a multifunctional, highly Gindullis et al. 1999).
organized protein layer closely attached to the INM in
vertebrates. While biochemical, immunological and struc-
tural evidence for a lamina-like structure in plants have been 4.2.3 Integral Membrane Proteins of the Inner
presented (McNulty and Saunders 1992; Minguez and Nuclear Membrane
Moreno Diaz de la Espina 1993; Fiserova et al. 2009), the
lack of any gene coding for a plant protein homolog of Most INM proteins characterised in vertebrates do not have
a lamin raises the question as to which proteins make up homologs in plants (for review see Meier 2007; Meier and
the detected structures. Animal lamins are ~66 kDa in size, Brkljacic 2009b; Graumann and Evans 2010). The only
contain a central coil-coiled region to enable dimerisation proteins identified to date to reside at the plant INM are
and N- and C-terminal globular head and tail domains. In two Arabidopsis SUN-domain (Spindle architecture defec-
vertebrates, lamins are encoded by three genes, LMNA, tive 1/UNC84 homology) containing proteins (AtSun1 and
LMNB1 and LMNB2. The three genes encode at least AtSun2) (Graumann et al. 2009). Smaller than animal SUN
seven different polypeptides resulting from splice or post- proteins (~50 kDa vs. ~85 kDa) they contain the highly
translational modifications (for review see Gruenbaum et al. conserved C-terminal SUN domain and share structural
2003; Hetzer 2010). The nuclear lamina was shown to be features with animal and fungal SUN-domain proteins
essential in many processes including chromatin organiza- including a functional coiled-coil domain and nuclear
tion, transcription, NPC anchoring or communication bet- localization signal. The proteins localize to the INM and
ween the nucleus and the cytoplasm. Therefore, it is likely are expressed in various tissues and cell types, but most
that some plant-specific proteins are required in plants to abundantly in proliferating tissues (Graumann et al. 2009).
fulfil at least some of the proposed lamin roles. Similarity searches have revealed the presence of the two
To date, the best candidate for a lamin-like protein in plants SUN proteins in other plant species including Oryza sativa,
is LINC1 (Little nuclei 1) in Arabidopsis alias NMCP1 Vitis vinifera and Zea mays. In maize, five different SUN
(Nuclear Matrix Constituent Protein 1) in carrot (Masuda genes were identified (Murphy et al. 2010), which fall into
et al. 1997; Dittmer et al. 2007). About twice the size of two classes. Whereas ZmSun1 and ZmSun2 represent struc-
lamin (LINC1 is about 134 kD), the LINC1 protein contains tural homologs of animal SUNs, ZmSun3-5 include a novel
a coil-coiled domain, localizes at the NE and mutations structural variant of SUN-domain proteins with likely plant-
cause altered nuclear morphology (Dittmer et al. 2007). specific roles at the NE (Murphy et al. 2010).
4 Structural Organization of the Plant Nucleus: Nuclear Envelope, Pore Complexes and Nucleoskeleton 47

Fig. 4.1 Comparison of plant and animal nucleoporins and associated proteins, showing approximate relative positions within the NPC. Proteins
labelled in bold are those that appear to differ between the two kingdoms

In vertebrates, SUN proteins interact in the intramembrane regulator, Ran, to the outer nuclear membrane, have been
space via their SUN-domain with the KASH domain of shown to contain sequences similar to the KASH domain.
KASH-domain proteins (Klarsicht/ANC-1/SYNE1 homol- Most importantly, these proteins also bind to the SUN
ogy, also referred to as Nesprins) located at the ONM. Thus, proteins and so appear to be functionally equivalent to animal
they form a bridge (the bridging complexes are also known as KASH-domain proteins (Zhou et al. 2012).
the LINC complexes for LInker of Nucleoskeleton and Cyto-
skeleton, which should not be confused with the LINC1-4
proteins) spanning the two membranes of the NE and 4.2.4 Proteins of the Outer Nuclear Membrane
physically connecting the nuclear interior with the cytoskele-
ton (for review see Starr and Fridolfsson 2010; Starr 2011). In vertebrates, a number of spectrin repeat containing nuclear
Thus, LINC complexes connect microtubules, centrosomes, envelope proteins (Syne/Nesprins) have been identified at the
actin filaments, or intermediate filaments to the surface of the ONM (reviewed in Mellad et al. 2011). Nesprins are
nucleus. They are essential in cell cycle control, nuclear characterised, among other things, by the C-terminal KASH
import, and apoptosis or affect global cytoskeletal organiza- domain (Klarsicht/ANC-1/SYNE1 homology) that physically
tion (reviewed in Starr 2011). Until recently, the other partner links to the SUN-domain of SUN proteins in the
of the LINC complex, KASH-domain proteins of the ONM, intramembrane space. Nesprins thus form molecular bridges
were not identified in plants. Interestingly, WIP proteins between the cytoplasm and the nucleus termed LINC
(Fig. 4.1), which have a role in localizing the GTPase complexes (reviewed in Starr 2011). These proteins have
activating protein for the small GTPase nuclear transport important roles in nuclear positioning and migration, focal
48 E. Kiseleva et al.

adhesions and cell motility. Whether WIPs perform such lycopersicum), grape (Vitis vinifera), barrel medic (Medicago
functions is unknown, but it seems likely that other candidates truncatula), poplar (Populus deltoides), wheat (Triticum
will also be discovered to fulfil such roles in plant-specific aestivum), rice (Oryza sativa), maize (Zea mays), barley
environments. (Hordeum vulgare), sorghum (Sorghum bicolor), sugarcane
On the other hand, other plant-specific ONM proteins (Saccharum officinarum), and pine (Pinus taeda) (Xu et al.
have been found and studied in greater detail. MFP attach- 2007). The proteins contain a predicted C-terminal transmem-
ment factor 1 (MAF1) is a small (~16 kDa) globular NE brane domain and central coiled-coil domain that is necessary
associated protein first identified in tomato (Gindullis et al. and sufficient for RanGAP interaction. WIPs co-localize with
1999). Like the WIPs it contains a tryptophan/proline/pro- RanGAP at the ONM as shown by confocal as well as elec-
line (WPP) domain. The protein is conserved in plants as tron microscopy. Thus, WIPs have been postulated to be
other plant species including Arabidopsis, soybean and plant-specific intrinsic proteins of the ONM responsible for
maize contain the full MAF1 open reading frame (Gindullis RanGAP NE targeting (Xu et al. 2007).
et al. 1999). The protein interacts with MFP1 (MAR binding A second class of RanGAP interacting and NE associated
filament-like protein 1) which may provide anchoring to the proteins in Arabidopsis root tip cells is constituted of two
NE via its N-terminal hydrophobic domains. Out of the three proteins of ~90 kDa called WPP-domain interacting tail-
MAF1 homologs in Arabidopsis called WPP1-3, only the anchored proteins (WIT1-2) (Zhao et al. 2008). Structurally
WPP1 and WPP2 associate with the ONM and NPCs in similar to the WIPs, both proteins contain a transmembrane
undifferentiated cells of the root tip (Patel et al. 2004). domain and coiled-coil region. Apart from the homology in
During cell division, the proteins relocate to the cell plate the coiled-coil region, WIPs and WITs have no further
and RNAi leads to developmental defects in roots suggesting amino acid sequence similarity. Experiments showed that
a role in cytokinesis (Patel et al. 2004). RanGAP NE targeting in root tip cells, required the activity
An interesting difference between plants and animals is of at least one member of each protein family whereas both
the way plants use a family of ONM proteins to orientate the families were dispensable in other plant tissues. This
Ran gradient which is required for the directionality of suggested a complex RanGAP NE targeting mechanism in
nuclear transport. RanGAP is a GTPase activating protein higher plants contrasting to both animal cells and lower
for Ran and is essential for nuclear transport as well as cell eukaryotes (Zhao et al. 2008, reviewed in Meier et al. 2010).
division. In yeast it is located in the cytosol, whereas in
animals it is also associated with the outer surface of the
NPCs. Four RanGAPs have been identified in plants to date; 4.2.5 Ion Channels at the Nuclear Envelope
two from Arabidopsis and one each from rice and alfalfa
(Pay et al. 2002). The proteins are ~60 kDa in size and their In animals, the NE hosts a vast number of ion channels and
N-terminal domain shows significant homology to the WPP transporters (Schirmer et al. 2003; Batrakou et al. 2009).
domain of plant MAF1 protein. In interphase cells, Whether these transporters reside exclusively at the NE is
AtRanGAP1 localizes at the NE while it is associated with not yet certain in most cases and many are likely to be
the preprophase band, spindle and phragmoplast during present in other cellular membranes as well (Foster et al.
mitosis. The detected localization pattern corresponds with 2006; for review see Matzke et al. 2010). Several nuclear
the postulated function of plant RanGAPs in the regulation membrane ion channels have been identified in plants by
of nuclear import during interphase and suggests a role as a nuclear patch clamping and through genetic screens
continuous protein marker of the plant cell division plane (reviewed in Matzke et al. 2010). SERCA-type calcium
(Xu et al. 2008). ATPases were found in tomato and Medicago truncatula
RanGAP is targeted to the ONM in a plant-specific and termed LCA and MCA8, respectively (Downie et al.
manner. Animal RanGAP targeting to the NPCs requires 1998; Capoen et al. 2011). LCA is ~116 kDa and seems to
interaction of its SUMOylated C-terminus with the be present only as a single copy gene in tomato. Several
nucleoporin Nup358/RanBP2 (which is, interestingly, lacking putative SERCA homologs have been identified in
in plants), whereas AtRanGAP1 associates with the NE via its Arabidopsis (Evans and Williams 1998). This suggests
N-terminal plant-specific WPP domain (Rose and Meier that, similar to animals, there may be at least three SERCA
2001; Pay et al. 2002). Two classes of WPP-domain homologs in plants located at the NE or endoplasmic reticu-
interacting proteins have been further identified. Firstly, lum (Downie et al. 1998; Evans and Williams 1998). The
a family of three WPP-domain interacting proteins (WIPs) pump locates at the ONM and likely functions to replenish
of ~70 kDa in size were identified from Arabidopsis in Ca2+ stores in the perinuclear space (Bunney et al. 2000;
yeast two hybrid screens to interact with AtRanGAP1. Simi- Mazars et al. 2011). MCA8 belongs to the large family of
larity searches showed that the protein family is conserved in calcium ATPases consisting of ten members in Medicago,
many plant species including tomato (Solanum only MCA8, however, is NE targeted (Capoen et al. 2011).
4 Structural Organization of the Plant Nucleus: Nuclear Envelope, Pore Complexes and Nucleoskeleton 49

One ortholog containing a nuclear localization sequence was associated with or incorporated inside the NE. In this respect
found in Lotus japonicus. Orthologs of Arabidopsis or soy- the roles of the specific proteins and the functioning of the
bean however lack this nuclear localization signal (Capoen NE are indistinguishable. With the assistance of the nuclear
et al. 2011). MCA8 locates on both the INM and ONM in lamina, for instance, the NE provides shape, mechanical
Medicago, which is in contrast to the nuclear calcium stability and plasticity for the nucleus (Houben et al.
ATPases in animals that appear strictly localized to the 2007). Growing evidence also suggests roles for lamins in
ONM (Humbert et al. 1996; Capoen et al. 2011). The locali- maintaining the mechanical properties of the entire cell
zation at both the INM and ONM suggests a role in recapture (Broers et al. 2006; Lee et al. 2007). In addition, lamins
of calcium released into the nucleus as well as reloading the are essential for chromatin organization: gene-poor regions
perinuclear space (Capoen et al. 2011). of chromatin have been shown to localize at the periphery
In plants, most attention has been paid to the calcium whereas gene-rich regions have been located in the nuclear
signalling during nodulation in legumes. Perinuclear Ca2+ interior (Shimi et al. 2008; reviewed in Cremer et al. 2004).
oscillations are produced in response to root bacterial Finally, lamins have been implicated to play a role in the
infections and result in the development of a specialized regulation of gene expression and DNA replication (Reddy
organ, the root nodule. Genetic screens for nodulation- and Singh 2008; reviewed in Kumaran et al. 2008).
defective mutants identified several related proteins essential Importantly, the NE anchors NPCs and thus enables the
for the Ca2+ oscillations: DMI1-DMI3 (Does not Make actively regulated transport of molecules between the
Infections 1–3) were identified from Medicago truncatula nucleus and the cytoplasm (Dechat et al. 2009). Communi-
and shown to be required for both nodulation and cation of the nucleus with cytoskeletal networks is further
mycorrhization (Ane et al. 2004; Riely et al. 2007). DMI1 facilitated via transmembrane proteins and intermembrane
was studied in greater detail and shown to preferentially bridges such as the LINC complex. Microtubules, actin
locate at the INM. The protein is similar to the bacterial filaments or intermediate filaments are connected to the
calcium-activated potassium channel (MthK). A conserved surface of the nucleus and via these bridging complexes
motif for the potassium selective filter is, however, missing communicate with the nuclear interior. Thus, the two distinct
leaving open the possibility that the protein is permeable to compartments are in close contact (Starr 2011) and may
other ions. Its role in calcium regulation is likely when affect each other according to actual needs. Details of these
considering the DMI1 requirement for calcium spikes in interactions, though, have not been described yet (Broers
response to rhizobium signalling and nodule development et al. 2004; Lee et al. 2007).
(Peiter et al. 2007; Mazars et al. 2009). DMI1 homologs In animals, the importance of the NE proteins in develop-
have also been identified in other plant species including ment and differentiation is clearly demonstrated by a
CASTOR and POLUX from Lotus japonicus (Imaizumi- fascinating set of genetically inherited diseases referred to
Anraku et al. 2005; Charpentier et al. 2008) and SYMB8 as nuclear envelopathies or laminopathies. These disorders
(Symbiosis8) from Pisum sativum (Edwards et al. 2007). affect muscle, adipose, bone, nerve and skin cells and range
It has been hypothesised that CASTOR is present in the from muscular dystrophies to accelerated aging (reviewed
ONM and POLUX in both the ONM and INM (Charpentier in Mattout et al. 2006; Dauer and Worman 2009).
et al. 2008). Accordingly, both channels play a role in The NE of plants has received far less attention in com-
regulating NE membrane potential (Charpentier et al. 2008). parison to animals and thus, many specific roles of the plant
Nuclear calcium signalling as well as the role of the NE in NE may be only guessed. However, in complex multicellular
calcium signalling is a recent, strongly developing field of organisms with organized large genomes like those in some
plant biology and a full consideration goes beyond the scope higher plants (nuclei of many plant species contain 10–100
of this chapter. Therefore, we refer the reader to recent times more chromatin than animal nuclei) (Shaw et al. 2002;
reviews (Matzke et al. 2009; Mazars et al. 2009, 2011). Flowers and Purugganan 2008; Leitch and Leitch 2013, this
volume), similar complex roles of the NE are very likely.
Clearly, the NE serves as a barrier between the nucleoplasm
4.2.6 Functions of the Nuclear Envelope and the cytoplasm, and apparently provides a platform for
Proteins communication in a similar manner to that of animals: via
NPCs or via proteins physically traversing the NE such as
The NE represents a highly organized barrier separating the SUNs. The limited knowledge of the protein composition of
nucleoplasm from the cytoplasm. As such it allows the the INM and clear differences from animal systems may
segregation of the processes involving genetic material stor- indicate that plant-specific mechanisms exist for the involve-
age, expression and replication from the metabolic processes ment of the nuclear periphery in nuclear processes.
taking place in the cytoplasm. Many roles of the NE closely Limited evidence from mutant studies of NE proteins in
relate to the roles of the nuclear lamina and proteins plants further confirms that, like animals, NE proteins
50 E. Kiseleva et al.

function in plant growth and development: mutant plants function. However, much remains to be resolved to under-
display not only altered nuclear morphologies but also stand not only the structural details of the NE in plants but
varying developmental phenotypes including dwarfing and also the functional connections of the NE to the surrounding
leaf curling (LINC1 mutants, Dittmer et al. 2007), root environment and within the cell. Thus, this field awaits yet a
shortening and reduced numbers of lateral roots (WPP further bloom of exciting discoveries.
mutants, Patel et al. 2004). However, a combination of
approaches will be necessary to confirm the NE functions
established in animals as well as to understand plant-specific 4.3 Plant Nuclear Pore Complex (NPC)
NE roles.
One plant-specific role identified for the NE is its ability to The NPC is a specialized multiprotein complex and is the
nucleate microtubules during interphase, as well as during sole gateway for macromolecular exchange between the
cell division. Microtubules of the mitotic spindle are formed nucleus and cytoplasm (Brohawn et al. 2009; Hoelz et al.
with the aid of microtubule organizing centres (MTOCs). To 2011). Much attention has been paid to the structural and
allow access of the mitotic spindle to the chromatin, different molecular details of the NPCs and their dynamics and func-
organisms have evolved various mechanisms. These range tion in animals and yeast (Hoelz et al. 2011; Kahms et al.
between the two extremes from “closed” mitosis (where the 2011; Onischenko and Weis 2011). In contrast, until the last
NE stays intact and MTOCs are either a constant part of the decade, little was known about the plant NPC (Heese-Peck
NE or are inserted into the NE during the entry of the cell into and Raikhel 1998; Meier and Somers 2011). Here, aspects of
mitosis, and the mitotic spindle is formed inside the nucleus) the functional and structural dynamics of the plant NPC are
to “open” mitosis (where the NE is completely disassembled reviewed.
as the cell enters mitosis and the mitotic spindle forms from
MTOCs in the cytoplasm) (reviewed in Guttinger et al.
2009). Open mitosis is typical for higher eukaryotes includ- 4.3.1 Structural Organization of the Plant
ing vertebrates and plants. While centrosomes serve as the and Mammalian NPC is Similar
MTOCs in vertebrates, plants do not posses any centrosomes
or other microtubule organizing structures in the cytoplasm The ultrastructure of higher plant NPCs was first described
and, instead, the NE has the ability to organize microtubules during the analysis of sections by transmission electron
and act as the MTOC (Stoppin et al. 1994; Magyar et al. microscopy (TEM) (Yoo and Bayley 1967; Roberts and
2013, this volume). This plant-specific NE function remains Northcote 1970). Plant NPCs appeared similar to those
far from understood and only fragmented information is observed in animal cells (Feldherr 1965; Stevens and Swift
available on the molecular nature of the NE-localized 1966; Hinshaw et al. 1992; Akey and Radermacher 1993).
MTOC. For detailed information on plant MTOCs as well Detailed structural organization of individual components of
as on the dynamics of the NE during the cell cycle we refer NPCs (Goldberg and Allen 1992, 1996) as well as conserva-
the interested reader to recent reviews (Rose et al. 2004; tion of morphology between higher and lower eukaryotes, has
Meier and Brkljacic 2009b; Evans et al. 2011). been demonstrated by field emission in-lens scanning elec-
tron microscopy (feSEM) (Kiseleva et al. 1998, 2004). These
studies have shown that vertebrate NPCs have a three-layered
4.2.7 The Nuclear Envelope of Plants is Similar ring structure with the spoke ring complex sandwiched
but Distinct from Animals between the nuclear and cytoplasmic rings (Fig. 4.2) (Allen
et al. 2000; Vasu and Forbes 2001). Xenopus oocyte NPCs
Structurally, the plant NE resembles that of animals or yeast. have a diameter of ~110 nm (Goldberg and Allen 1995, 1996;
However, its molecular composition gives rises to a common Stoffler et al. 1999; Allen et al. 2000; Kiseleva et al. 2000)
theme when comparing plants and animals: similar in basic and possess eight-fold (top view) and two-fold (side view)
characteristics but clearly distinct in others. The absence of symmetry (Unwin and Milligan 1982; Hinshaw et al. 1992;
plant homologs of animal NE proteins like lamins, LBR Akey and Radermacher 1993). The inner spoke ring (central
(lamin B receptor), emerin, MAN1 or Nesprins (Graumann aperture ~40 nm) and central transporter (which, although
and Evans 2010; Hetzer 2010), the presence of plant-specific controversial, appears to alter conformation during mRNP
NE proteins such as FPP or MAF (Gindullis et al. 1999, transport) (Akey 1990; Kiseleva et al. 1996, 1998) are within
2002; Meier and Brkljacic 2009b) and the unique NE the pore. Eight spokes emanate from the inner spoke ring,
targeting mechanisms of RanGAP in plants and vertebrates penetrate the pore membrane and join together via radial arms
(Meier et al. 2008) suggest that NE structure and composi- in the NE lumen to form the lumenal ring. The cytoplasmic
tion in plants and animals were selected with respect to the part of the NPC contains the star ring, which is embedded in
specific needs of the two different kingdoms for NE the outer membrane. The cytoplasmic ring lies on top and is
4 Structural Organization of the Plant Nucleus: Nuclear Envelope, Pore Complexes and Nucleoskeleton 51

Fig. 4.2 Modular structural components of the NPC based on feSEM images of NEs from Xenopus and plants (Taken from Allen et al. (2000))

composed of a thin ring with eight subunits. Rod-like plants appear a little smaller (diameter ~105 nm) than in
particles extend into the cytoplasm and play a role in cargo Xenopus oocytes (diameter 110–120 nm) (Goldberg and
import (Panté and Aebi 1996; Rutherford et al. 1997). Allen 1996), but they are larger than in yeast (diameter
A basket-like structure attached to the nucleoplasmic ring ~95 nm) (Kiseleva et al. 2004), as observed by feSEM.
(Goldberg and Allen 1996; Ris 1997) contains the distal The plant NPC also consists of a cytoplasmic ring formed
basket ring which opens and closes during mRNP export by eight subunits with cytoplasmic filaments, the star ring
(Kiseleva et al. 1996). Attached to the cytoplasmic and nucle- and a central particle of 24–28 nm which is smaller than
oplasmic rings are internal filaments which have a spoke-like those identified in Xenopus oocytes and Chironomus sali-
appearance (Goldberg and Allen 1996; Kiseleva et al. 1998). vary glands (outer diameter 33–38 nm; Goldberg and Allen
Recent feSEM investigations of both sides of the NE 1996; Kiseleva et al. 1998). Fracturing of BY-2 cells
from tobacco BY-2 cells as well as the cytoplasmic side of revealed well-preserved structures of the inner nuclear
the NE from onion root cells have shown that the NPCs of membrane showing the existence of plant NPC baskets,
flowering plants have a conserved structure which is related similar to those of Xenopus oocytes. Plant baskets consist
to vertebrate NPCs (Fig. 4.3) (Fiserova et al. 2009). NPCs in of ~6 nm filaments anchored to the nucleoplasmic ring and
52 E. Kiseleva et al.

distributed in a random manner over the nuclear surface, but

are aligned in rows (Aaronson and Blobel 1975; Goldberg
and Allen 1992; Maeshima et al. 2006). The arrangement of
NPCs in plants into compact linear rows suggests that a
lamina-like structure could play a role in the organization
of the NPCs in plants (Fiserova and Goldberg 2010) and
other eukaryotes (mammalian cells, Maeshima et al. 2006;
Caenorhabditis, Liu et al. 2000; or in Drosophila cells,
Lenz-B€ohme et al. 1997). Loss of A-type lamins in
mammals, or lamin Dmo in Drosophila correlates with
lower NPC densities or deviant NPC spatial organization
(Sullivan et al. 1999; Maeshima et al. 2006). Moreover
yeast does not have a nuclear lamina and NPCs are arranged
as mobile clusters (Belgareh and Doye 1997; Bucci and
Wente 1997; Winey et al. 1997). NPC clustering was also
noted in Caenorhabditis mutants whose lamin content was
reduced (Liu et al. 2000). Overall, feSEM together with
other approaches has revealed further information on the
structural organization of NPCs in plants and demonstrated
that the general morphology of the NPC is conserved from
yeast to humans and plants (Fig. 4.4).

4.3.2 Plant Nucleoporins

Fig. 4.3 Nuclei isolated from onion root tip (a-c) or tobacco BY-2 The NPC represents the largest multiprotein channel in the
cells (d-f) and visualized with feSEM at low (a and d) and high (b-f) cell and is a fundamental component of all eukaryotes.
magnification. Large endoplasmic reticulum membranes are fused to
Therefore information about the proteins (nucleoporins or
the outer nuclear membrane (a). Many NPCs appear distributed over
the nuclear envelope in onion root tips (b) but are arranged in rows in Nups) that it is composed of, is essential for understanding
7 day BY-2 cultures (as indicated in e), suggesting some underlying the mechanism of molecular trafficking. Although yeast and
organization. Such an organization could be a lamina-like structure on mammalian NPCs differ in size, their components are simi-
the nucleoplasmic side, indicated by arrows in (f), which also shows a
larly arranged. Proteome analysis of animal and yeast NPCs
BY-2 NPC basket. The eight-fold rotational repeating structure of the
plant cytoplasmic NPC ring is indicated in (c) demonstrated that both contain ~30 different Nups
(Cronshaw et al. 2002; Brohawn and Schwartz 2009; Elad
et al. 2009). Although recent investigations have suggested
thicker filaments (~10 nm) extending from the distal ring of that the plant NPC also consists of ~30 different Nups (Meier
the baskets towards the nuclear interior (Fiserova et al. and Brkljacic 2009a; Meier and Somers 2011), we know
2009). It was suggested that these could have structural much less about the transport machinery in plants than
roles in connecting the NPCs to each other or could act as in vertebrates and yeast. Moreover, a complete plant NPC
docking sites for transport factors. It is relevant that similar proteome has not been established.
but typically distinct inter-basket filament connections In all eukaryotes, including plants, NPC proteins form
were observed in Xenopus and bird oocytes (Jarnik several subcomplexes. In vertebrates, three subcomplexes
and Aebi 1991; Goldberg and Allen 1992; Goldberg et al. have been described: the Nup62 subcomplex (Nup62,
1997). Nup58, Nup54, and Nup45); the Nup107-160 subcomplex
The NPC density over the nuclear surface varies, (Nup160, Nup133, Nup107, Nup96, Nup75, Nup43, Nup37,
depending on species, nuclear size and activity (Lim et al. Seh1, Sec13, and ALADIN); and the Nup93 subcomplex
2008). It can range from 2 to 4 NPCs/mm2 in chick (Nup205, Nup188, Nup155, Nup93, and Nup35) (Tran and
erythrocytes or mammalian lymphocytes (Maul et al. Wente 2006). Other investigators have separated Nups into
1971) to over 60 NPCs/mm2 in Acetabularia or mature three categories, depending on their location in the different
Xenopus oocytes (Gerace and Burke 1988; G€ orlich and compartments within the pore membrane: Nups integrated
Kutay 1999). The mean density of NPCs in plants varies into the pore membrane itself; scaffold Nups involved in
from over 25 NPCs/mm2 in onion root cells to 40–50/mm2 in the formation of the NPC framework; and barrier Nups
tobacco BY-2 cells (Fiserova et al. 2009). The NPCs are not critical for the selective permeability of the NPC (Fig. 4.1)
4 Structural Organization of the Plant Nucleus: Nuclear Envelope, Pore Complexes and Nucleoskeleton 53

Fig. 4.4 Evolutionary

conservation of the structural
organization of NPCs from
different organisms, showing
NPCs from onion (a), yeast (b)
and Drosophila embryos (c)

(Onischenko and Weis 2011; Tamura and Hara-Nishimura and fungal symbiosis (Kanamori et al. 2006; Saito et al.
2011). 2007; Boruc et al. 2012).
The first layer consists of membrane Nups that facilite the
anchoring of the neighbouring scaffold layer Nups. This
layer in turn attaches barrier Nups that form the wall of the
central channel and the asymmetric NPC extensions 4.3.3 Nucleocytoplasmic Transport Through
(Figs. 4.1 and 4.2). Barrier Nups contain multiple the NPC
phenylalanine-glycine (FG) repeats giving rise to either a
hydrogel based on hydrophobic interactions between the FG Small molecules and ions diffuse freely through the NPC,
repeats (Ribbeck and G€ orlich 2001) or a brush border whereas the transport of large molecules such as proteins and
arrangement of the intrinsically disordered FG domains RNA is a regulated process (W€alde and Kehlenbach 2010;
(Rout et al. 2000). The permeability properties of these Zhao and Meier 2011). The mechanism of nucleocy-
molecular organizations allow selective access of the trans- toplasmic transport through the mammalian NPC has been
port complexes while inhibiting the entry of other proteins of thoroughly studied. Most actively transported proteins con-
comparable size. Nups localize on both sides of a symmetri- tain a NLS (nuclear localization signal) or NES (nuclear
cal axis in the NE plane. export signal), or indeed both. These motifs have also been
A number of plant Nups that are similar to the animal and found in many plant proteins (Merkle 2001). Selective trans-
yeast Nups have been found using large scale genetic and port is regulated by many soluble factors. The most impor-
reverse genetic approaches (Boruc et al. 2012). Sequence tant carrier proteins belong to the superfamily of importin
similarity searches have failed to identify plant homologs b-like proteins (also referred to as “karyopherins” or
for about half of the nucleoporins identified in metazoan importins, exportins and transportins) (Fried and Kutay
NPCs (Xu and Meier 2008). Nevertheless, proteome analysis 2003; Xylourgidis and Fornerod 2009). Karyopherins are
of the nuclear pore composition in Arabidopsis using trans- conserved eukaryotic proteins but in plants they do reveal
genic Arabidopsis expressing GFP-tagged RAE1 (RNA some unique features (Meier 2007).
export factor 1) and mass spectrometry led to the identifica- Another soluble factor, the small GTPase Ran, exists in
tion of a total of 30 Arabidopsis Nups (Tamura et al. 2010). either the GTP- or GDP-bound form. RanGTP and its con-
Most of these proteins exhibited sequence homology to verte- version to RanGDP crucially control the interactions
brate Nups however no homologs in the Arabidopsis genome between karyopherins and cargoes (Merkle 2001; Meier
were found for the human Nup358, Nup153, Nup45, Nup37, 2007; Xu et al. 2007). Three genes encoding Ran have
NDC1, or POM121 (indicated in bold in Fig. 4.1) (Xu et al. been identified in Arabidopsis (Haizel et al. 1997). Transfor-
2007; Tamura et al. 2010). A candidate for Arabidopsis mation of RanGTP to RanGDP takes place in the cytoplasm
NDC1, which was localized at the NE in Arabidopsis root and is under the control of Ran GTPase Activating Protein
tip cells, was proposed (Stavru et al. 2006). Nup136 is thought (RanGAP) and Ran Binding Proteins (RanBPs). The
to be a functional homolog to animal Nup153, although they chromatin-bound Ran nucleotide exchange factor RCC1
have no sequence homology (Tamura et al. 2010). Interest- (regulator of chromosome condensation) converts RanGDP
ingly overexpression of Nup136 affects nuclear morphology. to RanGTP in the nucleus. These nuclear transport factors
Plant Nup136 (Tamura et al. 2010), also named Nup1 (Lu and the import factor for RanGDP (NTF2) maintain the
et al. 2010), is a FG-Nup. nucleocytoplasmic gradient between RanGTP within the
Plant Nups are important in diverse processes such as the nucleus and RanGDP in the cytoplasm which determines
resistance response and hormone signaling (Parry et al. directionality of nucleocytoplasmic transport (W€alde and
2006), cold-stress tolerance (Dong et al. 2006), or rhizobial Kehlenbach 2010). Most components of the Ran cycle
54 E. Kiseleva et al.

Fig. 4.5 Summary of the steps of

protein import and export in
plants. Imp import receptor, NLS
nuclear localization sequence
containing cargo protein, NES
nuclear export sequence
containing protien, exp export
receptor (for details see text)

have now been identified in different species of plants (Meier 2007). For protein export, RanGTP associates broadly
including RanGAP, RanBPs, and two homologs of NTF2 with the nuclear export receptor/cargo and this complex
(Xu et al. 2007; Meier and Brkljacic 2009b). translocates across the NPC to the cytoplasm.
The classical import process in animals and plants starts The dissociation of the transport complex is triggered in the
with the binding of proteins with NLSs to importin a which cytoplasm by GTP-hydrolysis on Ran under the action of the
then binds to importin b. Importin b mediates the transloca- RanBP1 and RanGAP. This is followed by recycling of the free
tion of the complex across the NPC via interaction with exportin back to the nucleus. Export of mRNA to the cytoplasm
FG-domains. Figure 4.5 illustrates the steps of nucleocy- is controlled by different mechanisms that are not dependent on
toplasmic transport of molecules across the NPC governed karyopherins nor on the Ran system (Kelly and Corbett 2009).
by Ran. It has been suggested that FG-Nups may play a dual At present there are several models that have been developed to
role in nuclear transport: they may create a permeability explain how macromolecules pass through the NPC central
barrier for the Nups, and they may transiently interact with channel (W€alde and Kehlenbach 2010).
the soluble nuclear transport receptors (NTRs) mediating the Despite considerable similarities between the nuclear
translocation across the NPC. Several importin a and 17 transport machineries of plants and animals (reviewed in
importin b-like proteins have been identified in Arabidopsis Meier 2000; Xu et al. 2007) there are clear-cut differences
(Bollman et al. 2003; Meier 2007). In contrast to animals, between the Ran components in cells from these two
the plant importin At-IMPa is capable of mediating nuclear kingdoms. The Ran-specific guanine nucleotide exchange
import in the absence of importin b in in vitro experiments factor RCC1 has not so far been described in plants, although
(Hubner et al. 1999). Proteins transported to the nucleus this function must exist. Plant RanGAP1 contains a unique
dissociate from the cargo after binding of RanGTP to WPP domain at the N-terminal end which has not been
importin b, and this is followed by recycling of the importin found in vertebrates (Rose and Meier 2001). Two novel
b-RanGTP complex back to the cytoplasm. proteins (WIP and WIT) which control RanGAP1 binding
Proteins containing a NES interact with the nuclear export to the NE have been described (Meier and Brkljacic 2009b).
receptor, CRM1, also known as exportin-1, which is the major The vital importance of plant transport factors is suggested
karyopherin that exports many cellular proteins from the by studies showing that defects in their expression have
nucleus to the cytoplasm. The homologs of different export major effects on plant development (Zhao et al. 2008;
karyopherins such as exportin 1 (AtXPO1), exportin 5 Meier and Brkljacic 2009a). In particular, the functional
(HASTY) and exportin t (PAUSED, involved in tRNA export) role of RanGAP in plant cytokinesis has been demonstrated
were determined and functionally characterized in plants (Xu et al. 2008).
4 Structural Organization of the Plant Nucleus: Nuclear Envelope, Pore Complexes and Nucleoskeleton 55

4.3.4 Cell Cycle Dynamics of the Nuclear (Laurell et al. 2011). In higher eukaryotes, including plants,
Envelope the NPCs disassemble in late prophase. This is controlled by
the family of evolutionary conserved CDKs, complexed with
The cell cycle in all eukaryotes is controlled by cyclin- their regulatory cyclin B and NIMA (Onischenko et al. 2005;
dependent kinases (CDKs), see Magyar et al. 2013; this volume. M€uhlh€ausser and Kutay 2007; Magyar et al. 2013, this
Mitosis equally partitions replicated chromosomes as well as volume), resulting in phosphorylation of many Nups
duplicated cytoplasmic organelles into the daughter cells (Macaulay et al. 1995; Laurell et al. 2011). NPC disassembly
(Prunuske and Ullman 2006; Costas et al. 2011). CDKs are is a quick process (about 1 min) and starts with disassembly of
also central in controlling the steps of interphase (Dultz and the peripheral NPC components such as the cytoplasmic ring
Ellenberg 2010; Talamas and Hetzer 2011). Cell cycle and filaments, together with the star ring, then the central
transitions depend on protein phosphorylation and dephosphor- transporter and finally the scaffold and transmembrane
ylation, which is controlled by CDKs and cyclins, as well as nucleoporins (Kiseleva et al. 2001; Lénárt et al. 2003). In
phosphatases. The higher-plant cell cycle differs from other metazoans the NE loses its integrity during the transition
higher eukaryotes because plants do not have centrosomes, as from prophase to prometaphase (Guttinger et al. 2009) and
discussed above. Instead the NE plays the role of the microtu- the pore membrane proteins diffuse into the ER network. In
bule organizing center (MTOC) (Stoppin et al. 1994). Addition- vertebrates during mitosis the GLFG (glycine-leucine-
ally, in contrast to metazoans, mitotic nuclear membranes phenylalanine-glycine) nucleoporin Nup98 localizes to both
remain in close proximity to the chromosomes and NE refor- sides of the NPC with its partner Rae1 and the cytoplasmic
mation is spatially organized in dividing plant cells (Graumann filament protein Nup358/RanBP2. Nup98 is phosphorylated
and Evans 2011). Before preprophase, plant CDKs and cyclin B earlier than other Nups such as gp210, Nup214, Nup153, the
move from the cytoplasm to the nucleus and accumulate at the Nup62 subcomplex, the Nup53/93 subcomplex, and the
NE, initiating its disruption and chromosome condensation Nup107-160 subcomplex (Glavy et al. 2007; Dultz et al.
(Boruc et al. 2012). Mitotic NE disassembly in metazoans 2008). It has been demonstrated that phosphorylation of
involves the disintegration of NPCs, lamina depolymerization Nup98 by multiple kinases is crucial for NPC disassembly
and retraction of nuclear membranes into mitotic endoplasmic during entry into mitosis (Laurell et al. 2011). Disassembly
reticulum (ER). The mechanism of this well orchestrated basic and reassembly of the NPC during mitosis is also regulated by
process is not completely understood (Maeshima et al. 2011). a dynamic equilibrium between the activities of CDK1 and
There are three types of mitosis: open (higher plants and okadaic acid-sensitive protein phosphatases (Onischenko et al.
animals), closed (lower eukaryotes such as yeast) and semi- 2005). Disassembly of NPCs in plants has not been
closed (e.g., Drosophila early embryos) (Kiseleva et al. 2001). investigated to the same extent as in animals. Mitotic protein
NPCs are assembled in the re-forming nuclear envelope (NE) phosphorylation releases Nups from the plant NPCs and they
during the exit from mitosis as well as into intact, expanding become distributed on the spindles or soluble in the cytoplasm
NEs during interphase. During open mitosis, NPCs, membranes at late preprophase (Boruc et al. 2012). It has been shown in
and the nuclear lamina are broken down in prophase and plants that Nup136/Nup1 disperses into the cytosol during
reassembled around the daughter chromosomes in telophase NE breakdown and then reassociates with the NPCs as the
(Fernandez-Martinez and Rout 2009). During interphase, new NE reforms in the daughter cells (Xu et al. 2007). NUA
NPCs are embedded in the intact NE and double the NPC (Nuclear Pore Anchor, the Arabidopsis homolog of Tpr/
number before the nucleus starts to divide. On the basis of Mlp1/Mlp2/Megator) and Rae1 relocate during mitosis
biochemical and genetic studies, in vitro assembly assays and (Lee et al. 2009).
Nup dynamics during the assembly, two models for NE and Because plants have no centrosomes there is a prepro-
NPC reformation have been developed (Hetzer et al. 2005; phase period during the G2 phase of the cell cycle when the
Doucet et al. 2010). One model proposes that fusion of the NE plays the role of MTOC (Stoppin et al. 1994; see also
outer and inner membrane creates a pore for NPC assembly. Magyar et al. 2012, this volume). Before this stage, plant
In the other model specific Nups bind to chromatin to form “pre- CDKs and cyclin B move from the cytoplasm to the nucleus
pores” and the stepwise assembly of NPC structures then and accumulate at the NE initiating its disruption and chro-
follows. At the final step, the membrane encloses newly formed mosome condensation (Boruc et al. 2012).
NPCs and peripheral nucleoporins are added. Apart from mediating nucleocytoplasmic transport in
higher eukaryotes, Nups play an important role in the regu-
lation of mitosis (Meier and Brkljacic 2009a). After phos-
4.3.5 NPC Disassembly phorylation and disassembly most animal Nups are soluble
and disperse in the cytoplasm. Some Nup complexes
While we have significant information about NPC composi- (Nup62, Nup88 and Nup107) are associated with spindles
tion, our understanding of assembly and especially disassem- or kinetochores in metaphase. For example, it has been
bly of this multiprotein complex is not completely clear found that Nup98 participates in the regulation of the
56 E. Kiseleva et al.

anaphase promoting complex during early mitosis and

spindle assembly (Laurell et al. 2011). The Nup107-160
complex is involved in mitotic microtubule (MT) assembly
and together with Nup358 in stabilization of MT/kineto-
chore attachment (Zuccolo et al. 2007). Nup358 (RanBP2),
which is located to the cytoplasmic filaments in animals,
plays an additional role in chromosome segregation.
Nup133 is required for efficient anchoring of tubulin
associated proteins, the dynein–dynactin complex, to the
NE. Tpr and Nup153 are active players in the SAC (spindle
assembly check point) regulation and Nup153 together with
Nup62 are critical for cytokinesis (Mackay et al. 2009).
Plant Nups and related factors might also play a role in
cell division and cytokinesis (Meier and Brkljacic 2009a).
It was shown that Arabidopsis NUA (a plant Nup with a
role in control of flowering time and development) can
influence gene expression (Xu and Meier 2008). Mutations
in Arabidopsis RanBP1 cause mitotic arrest in metaphase/
anaphase and cell death in the root meristematic zone
(Kim et al. 2001). Plant Nup136, which is probably a
functional homolog of animal Nup153, is involved in reg-
ulation of nuclear morphology (Tamura et al. 2010). The
quantity of Nup136 on the NE determines nuclear shape in
Arabidopsis (Tamura et al. 2010). Mutations in the plant
Nup107–160 complex lead to mitotic as well as nucleocy-
toplasmic transport defects (Xu and Meier 2008).

4.3.6 NPC Assembly at the End of Mitosis

Fig. 4.6 Structural intermediates visualized during NPC assembly and
NPC assembly at the end of mitosis requires dephosphoryla- the corresponding model of the steps. (a) NPC intermediates in the
tion of Nups and the correct recruitment of all the dispersed nuclear envelope of a telophase nucleus isolated from Drosophila early
components back into the multiprotein NPC. The steps of this embryo; (b) schematic representation of the steps of NPC formation;
(c) NPC intermediates in the nuclear envelope of the nucleus isolated
process were first investigated in detail in vitro. Studies have
from tobacco cell culture
shown that NPCs assemble after the double nuclear membrane
forms, a process that starts with the binding of membrane thin rings) have been identified on growing NEs assembled in
vesicles to chromatin (Lohka and Masui 1984; Salpingidou Xenopus egg extracts (Goldberg et al. 1997), and also in the
et al. 2008). Plant NE reassembly commences in anaphase and NEs of actively dividing nuclei from early Drosophila
appears to be completed concomitant with early cell-plate embryos by feSEM (Kiseleva et al. 2001). Similar NPC
formation (Xu et al. 2007). In late anaphase these membranes intermediates have recently been demonstrated (Fig. 4.6) dur-
and Nups are recruited to the surface of decondensing ing investigations of plant nuclei from proliferating tobacco
chromatin and rapidly form NE fragments in which NPCs BY-2 cells (Fiserova et al. 2009). This supports the
are assembled (Dultz et al. 2008). In animals, the conclusions about the conserved mechanism of NPC assembly
Nup107-160 complex is recruited first to the reforming NE through intermediates in higher eukaryotes.
and this step is mediated by DNA-interacting Nup, ELYS
(Belgareh et al. 2001; Rasala et al. 2008). This is followed
by the incorporation of membrane vesicles containing trans- 4.3.7 NPC Assembly During Interphase
membrane Nups, POM121 and NDC1, which in turn leads to
the incorporation of other Nups (Onischenko et al. 2009). NPC biogenesis during interphase may differ from mitosis
Nup133 and Nup62, then other Nups are recruited in a step- because NPCs must be inserted into a fully formed NE lined
wise manner relatively late in the assembly process (Bodoor by the nuclear lamina (Maul et al. 1971; Goldberg et al.
et al. 1999; Dultz et al. 2008). The sequentially formed struc- 1997; Winey et al. 1997; Dultz and Ellenberg 2010; Talamas
tural intermediates of the NPC (dimples, pores, star-rings, and and Hetzer 2011). The membrane curvature-inducing
4 Structural Organization of the Plant Nucleus: Nuclear Envelope, Pore Complexes and Nucleoskeleton 57

protein reticulon 4a (Nogo A) is involved in local fusion of

the inner and outer NE membranes at the site of the forming
pore (Kiseleva et al. 2007; Dawson et al. 2009). It has been
suggested that the lipid composition of the membrane is
critical for the early steps of NPC assembly before the
incorporation of Nups (Fichtman et al. 2010). It was shown
that POM121, rather than the Nup107–160 complex, is
recruited first to the site of the new pore and plays a role in
the early steps of NPC assembly (Funakoshi et al. 2011;
Talamas and Hetzer 2011). Sun1 is an INM-specific protein,
found in plants, animals and fungi. It interacts with the outer
membrane nesprins in animals, linking the inner membrane
to the actin network in the cytoplasm and possibly the
nucleus. In plants it binds WIP/WIT proteins, but conne-
ctions to the cytoskeleton or nucleoskeleton have not yet
been demonstrated. In animals, Sun1 is present with
POM121 at the forming NPC and may promote membrane
fusion (Talamas and Hetzer 2011). There is evidence from
vertebrates that the Ran GTPase cycle, the membrane layer
Nup53 and the DNA-binding nucleoporin, Mel28/ELYS are
necessary for the early steps of NPC biogenesis (Onischenko Fig. 4.7 Thin section TEM comparing Arabidopsis thaliana root tip
and Weis 2011). Currently nothing is known about plant cells (b) to rat gastric gland cells (a), showing the highly organized and
consistent nature of plant nuclei, like in many animal tissues
NPC assembly during interphase.

4.3.8 The NPC in Plants is Similar but Distinct eukaryotes. It enabled an exquisite control of gene expres-
from Other Organisms sion by regulating the access of proteins such as transcription
factors to the genome and exit of RNAs from the nucleus. As
Significant progress has been achieved in unravelling the discussed, the nuclear envelope provides the impermeable
structural organization and biochemical composition of the wall to the compartment and the NPCs are the selective and
plant NPCs. Plant and animal NPCs are similar in many controllable gates.
respects supporting the notion that NPC organization is The evolution of the nuclear compartment also allowed
conserved in evolution. However our knowledge is far the genome to be dynamically organized on several levels.
from complete and it is likely that not all plant Nups or For instance, the location of chromosomes, chromosomal
nuclear transport proteins have been discovered. Important domains and even individual genes can be controlled within
remaining questions are as follows: how are NPCs assem- the nuclear space. The control of such localization may be
bled during interphase? how do Nups contribute to different developmental, leading to epigenetic control, where house-
cellular functions in addition to nuclear transport? to what keeping genes and tissue-specific genes are located to active
extent are Nup complexes in plants and animals similar? euchromatic regions whereas genes that are not required are
More detailed analysis of Nup dynamics and the role of located to inactive heterochromatin. Alternatively, recent
specific FG domains should increase our understanding of evidence from budding yeast (Taddei 2007) has shown that
the mechanisms of nucleoplasmic transport in plants which gene activity can be switched on, or enhanced, by relocating
may reveal some unique features. Further work should focus specific genes from the nuclear interior to the NPCs on a
on the connection between apparently plant-specific nuclear short timescale. On top of this, higher plant genomes can be
pore components and their fate and function during plant- very large, with multiple gene duplications and differentially
specific aspects of the cell cycle. expressed variants as well as vestigial genes.
Plants in particular, therefore, have a requirement to orga-
nise the genome into regions of different activity which can be
4.4 The Plant Nucleoskeleton controlled either during development or in response to specific
and Intra-nuclear Organization signals. It also must organize other processes such as DNA
replication and RNA processing. In addition, examination of
The enclosure of the genome into a compartment that electron micrographs of plant tissue, as well as animals, gives
separated the transcription process from the translation the immediate impression of a highly regulated and consistent
machinery was a pivotal event in the evolution of complex organization (Fig. 4.7).
58 E. Kiseleva et al.

How this organization is achieved is not fully understood, can therefore be considered as an integral, or even a major
especially in plants. A basic requirement for a spatial structural and functional component of the nucleoskeleton.
organizing system is a structural framework. Such a frame- Furthermore lamins are also found in intra-nuclear structures
work can be used to provide a semi-rigid set of spatial (Markiewicz et al. 2002), and may be an integral component
co-ordinates, onto which specific regions of the genome, or of the internal nucleoskeleton. However we do not know if
other functional centres, can be attached in specific domains. internal lamins form intermediate filaments and indeed they
For instance in animals, a subset of heterochromatin is appear to be more easily extracted than the peripheral lamina
located to the peripheral nuclear lamina (Towbin et al. and other nuclear matrix proteins (Markiewicz et al. 2002).
2009). This structural framework, which includes the nuclear There is both structural and immuno-histochemical evi-
lamina, is known as the nuclear matrix or nucleoskeleton. dence for a nuclear lamina-like structure in plants (McNulty
The nuclear matrix was discovered using electron micros- and Saunders 1992; Minguez and Moreno Diaz de la Espina
copy ~35 years ago in rat liver cells (Berezney and Coffey 1993; Fiserova et al. 2009). However, the protein composi-
1974, 1977), but partly because of the highly extracted nature tion of this structure has not been characterised. Lamins are
of this structure it remains controversial to this day. coiled-coil containing intermediate filament proteins and
This latter point was partially addressed by Jackson and there are coiled-coil proteins that localize to the NE (e.g.,
Cook (1988), who observed an intermediate filament-like NMCP1, LINC1 and MFP1, as discussed above). These are
network throughout the nucleus after removal of chromatin therefore candidate lamin-like proteins. However, of these,
using “physiological” buffers. This was termed the “nucleo- only LINC1 is exclusively located to the NE when expressed
skeleton” and interestingly was shown to retain enzymes as a YFP-chimera (Dittmer et al. 2007). LINC2-YFP, on the
involved in transcription and DNA replication (Hozák other hand, is found throughout the nucleoplasm (Dittmer
et al. 1993), suggesting that the framework has a direct et al. 2007) and therefore could perform similar functions to
role in organizing biochemical processes of the nucleus. the intra-nuclear lamins or other filamentous nuclear matrix
Although the protein composition of the nucleoskeleton components. Like the intra-nuclear lamins however, it is not
has not been fully elucidated, antibodies raised against ani- known if LINC2 assembles into filaments. Interestingly,
mal nuclear matrix preparations appear to react with plant mutation of both LINC1 and LINC2 in A. thaliana results
nuclei (Chaly et al. 1986). A number of studies subjected in stunted plants with small, misshapen nuclei, reminiscent
plant cells to nuclear matrix preparation methods and of the “laminopathy” phenotypes in humans (Worman et al.
observed filamentous structures similar to the animal nuclear 2009). It is likely therefore that LINC1 and LINC2, as well
matrix/nucleoskeleton (Frederick et al. 1992; McNulty and as LINC3, are important constituents of the different
Saunders 1992; Mı́nguez et al. 1994; Wang et al. 1996; nucleoskeletal components: the lamina and the intra-nuclear
Blumenthal et al. 2004). Therefore it can probably be network respectively.
concluded that if this is a bone fide structure in animals, it Much of the evidence for a plant nucleoskeleton comes
probably also exists in plants. from staining nuclear matrix preparations with antibodies
against intermediate filaments in general and lamins in
particular (Frederick et al. 1992; McNulty and Saunders
4.4.1 Intermediate Filament-Like Proteins 1992; Mı́nguez et al. 1994; Wang et al. 1996; Blumenthal
of the Nucleoskeleton et al. 2004). Usually such antibodies stain throughout the
nuclear matrix preparations. This shows that there are lamin/
The nucleoskeleton consists of two structurally distinct intermediate filament-like epitopes throughout the plant
components: the nuclear lamina and the intra-nuclear net- nucleus. Despite this, no sequences within plant genomes
work. All multicellular animal species studied so far, from have been recognised that code for any protein that conforms
hydra to humans, possess lamins (Erber et al. 1999; Burke to the properties of any intermediate filament protein. Plants
and Stewart 2006; Melcer et al. 2007; Mencarelli et al. do possess long coiled-coil proteins (Rose et al. 2004, 2005),
2011). Lamins constitute the archetypal intermediate fila- but they do not have other clear intermediate filament
ment network that lines the nucleoplasmic face of the inner structural properties.
nuclear membrane. The nuclear lamina provides the outer
structural shell to the nucleus and is clearly involved in the
structural rigidity of the nucleus (Sch€ape et al. 2009). In 4.4.2 A DNA Binding Integral Membrane
humans and in animal models, certain lamin mutations result Protein
in easily damaged nuclei (Shimi et al. 2010). Interestingly,
the study of disease causing mutations in humans has MAR binding filament like protein 1 (MFP1) is an interest-
revealed that lamins also have important roles in organizing ing long coiled-coil protein that locates to the nuclear
chromatin and the nucleus in general (Shimi et al. 2010) and periphery. It is thought to be membrane bound due to the
4 Structural Organization of the Plant Nucleus: Nuclear Envelope, Pore Complexes and Nucleoskeleton 59

predicted transmembrane domain. This is in contrast to be used to enhance their expression (Maximova et al. 2003;
lamins which become membrane associated via a lipid mod- Van der Geest et al. 2004; Wang et al. 2007). Topoisomerase
ification. MFP1 also has DNA binding activity (Meier et al. II is a component of the nuclear matrix in animals and MARs
1996) and appears to have a preference for DNA sequences contain topoisomerase II consensus sequences (Berrios et al.
known as Matrix Attachment Regions (MARs). MARs (also 1985). It is uncertain however whether plant MARs are topo-
known as scaffold attachment regions or SARs) are ~200 bp isomerase II targets. Treatment of plant nuclei with topoisom-
long AT-rich DNA sequences which are substrates for topo- erase II inhibitors, which cause double stranded breaks in the
isomerase II and are found tightly bound to nuclear matrix DNA, result in fragmentation of the genome into consistent
preparations after extensive nuclease digestion of the DNA sized fragments (Razin et al. 1991). This suggests a role for
and biochemical extraction (Wang et al. 2010). MARs there- topoisomerase II in determining chromatin domains. How-
fore are thought to anchor DNA to the nuclear matrix. ever, it is uncertain whether topoisomerase II actually cleaves
In some studies MFP1 is located in a speckled pattern to at the MARs in Arabidopsis (Makarevitch and Somers 2006).
the nuclear periphery (Gindullis and Meier 1999), but others
(Samaniego et al. 2006) indicate that it is intra-nuclear. The
latter localization would be unusual if MFP1 was truly an
4.4.4 NuMA
integral membrane protein, as predicted from the sequence,
because as far as we know there are no intra-nuclear
Another protein identified as a consistent constituent of various
membranes in plant cells. It is however possible that MFP1
nuclear matrix preparations is Nuclear Mitotic Apparatus
exists as a membrane bound or soluble protein depending on
(NuMA) (Radulescu and Cleveland 2010). Nuclear matrix
its functional state. Unfortunately the picture for MFP1 is far
preparations from onion cells contain a large protein (similar
from clear: we know little about its function and there is
to human NuMA) that is recognised by anti-NuMA antibodies
evidence that it may also be associated with chloroplasts and
(Yu et al. 1999). These antibodies also label nuclear matrix
Golgi as well as or instead of the nucleus (Jeong et al. 2003;
filaments as shown by immuno-electron microscopy. Although
Samaniego et al. 2006).
this protein shares similar properties with mammalian NuMA,
An MFP1 binding protein has been discovered called
no NuMA homolog has been clearly identified in plants. Mam-
MFP1 associated factor (MAF1) (Gindullis et al. 1999).
malian NuMA is a large coiled-coil protein that tethers
MAF1 contains a WPP (tryptophan-proline-proline) domain
microtubules to the spindle poles during mitosis but is also
which is an interaction domain also found in RanGAP. In
associated with the nuclear matrix during interphase (Kallajoki
RanGAP the WPP domain binds to WPP domain-interacting
et al. 1991). When over-expressed, intra-nuclear filaments are
proteins (WIPs) and WPP domain-interacting tail-anchored
observed (Gueth-Hallonet et al. 1998), suggesting it could
proteins (WITs) (Zhao et al. 2008; Brkljacic et al. 2009) in
constitute a structural component of the nucleoskeleton. There-
order to locate it to the nuclear envelope (Meier et al. 2008).
fore like several nucleoskeletal components, there is likely to
Recently (Zhou et al. 2012) it was shown that WIPs may in
be a functional equivalent of NuMA, which may be structurally
fact be the elusive equivalent to metazoan KASH-domain
similar enough to react with antibodies raised against the
proteins, which link the outer nuclear membrane to the
mammalian protein, but without enough sequence similarity
nuclear interior via the inner nuclear membrane SUN
to be recognised by sequence comparison algorithms.
proteins. It is possible therefore that the function of MFP1
is to locate other proteins, such as MAF1, to the nucleo- Conclusion
skeleton, possibly bringing them into close association with
A more detailed understanding of the animal nucleo-
specific regions of the genome. However, as yet, we do not
skeleton, NE and NPCs as well as identification of further
know the function of MAF1.
components will clearly help inform the plant field. On
the other hand there appear to be significant differences.
These differences are not only important for understand-
4.4.3 DNA Sequences of the Nucleoskeleton
ing the structural and functional organization of the plant
and Proteins That Bind Them
nucleus, but could also provide important clues to under-
standing this immensely complex organelle in all other
The identification of MARs and the discovery that some
genes that code for proteins involved in the same pathway
are clustered (Loc and Str€atling 1988), together with the
demonstration of a loop-like organization of chromatin, Acknowledgements This work was supported by grants from the
suggested that one function of the nucleoskeleton could be Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, UK, grant
numbers BB/E015735/1 and BB/G011818/1 (MWG and JF), and grants
to organize chromatin into structural domains. MARs clearly
for EK by Russian Federation for Basic Research and the Program of
exist in plants (Hall et al. 1991; Breyne et al. 1992) and there the RAS Presidium “Molecular and Cell Biology”. Thanks to Christine
is evidence that incorporation of MARs into transgenes can Richardson (Durham University) for Fig. 4.7.
60 E. Kiseleva et al.

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The Plant Nucleolus
Peter Shaw

Contents 5.1 Introduction and History

5.1 Introduction and History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
5.2 Functional Organization of the Nucleolus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
The nucleolus is where the cell produces ribosomes and
5.2.1 Organization of rDNA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 ribosomes are required by the cell in prodigious numbers.
5.2.2 rDNA Transcription and Ribosome Biogenesis . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 For example, a yeast cell contains about 200,000 ribosomes,
5.3 Assembly and Dynamics of the Nucleolus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 and has a generation time of about 100 min; thus a rapidly
dividing cell must make 2,000 ribosomes per minute. This
5.4 Epigenetics and Nucleolar Dominance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
means that 60% of the cell’s total RNA transcription is of the
5.5 Non-conventional Nucleolar Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 ribosomal DNA (rDNA) alone. Additionally, about 80 ribo-
5.5.1 Proteomics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
5.5.2 mRNAs and Nonsense-Mediated mRNA Decay (NMD) . . 72
somal proteins must be synthesised and imported into the
5.5.3 Nucleolar Translation? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 nucleolus for each ribosome made. Typically yeast nuclei
5.5.4 Other RNA Species . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 have about 150 nuclear pores, so each pore must import
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 about 1,000 ribosomal proteins and export about 25 ribo-
somal subunits per minute (Warner 1999). Similar
considerations apply to other eukaryotic cells, but with a
large plant cell probably requiring several million ribo-
somes. Thus the majority of an actively dividing cell’s
metabolic activity is devoted to ribosome biogenesis, and
most traffic in and out of the nucleus is targeted to or from
the nucleolus. It is therefore not surprising that the nucleolus
is the most prominent and easily observable structure within
the nucleus (Figs. 5.1 and 5.2). It has been studied for more
than 200 years, is still an active subject of research and is
still generating surprising discoveries.
The first mention of the nucleolus was by Fontana (1781),
but the name ‘nucleolus’ was coined by Valentin (1839); it
means literally little nucleus, and he described most cells as
having a nucleus within the nucleus. Heitz (1931), in a study
of plants, was the first to show the correlation between the
number of secondary constrictions in the chromosomes –
regions that appear as gaps in metaphase chromosomes and
where DNA was not detected by the Feulgen stain – and the
number of nucleoli that reappear immediately after cell
division. McClintock (1934), studying maize, then showed
that this region alone was sufficient to generate a nucleolus
P. Shaw (*)
and proposed that the chromatin at the secondary constric-
Cell and Developmental Biology Department, John Innes Centre, tion was the genetic element that organized the nucleolus,
Colney, Norwich NR4 7UH, UK now called the nucleolar organizing region or NOR. In the

I.J. Leitch et al. (eds.), Plant Genome Diversity Volume 2, 65

DOI 10.1007/978-3-7091-1160-4_5, # Springer-Verlag Wien 2013
66 P. Shaw

Fig. 5.2 Diagrammatic comparison of typical mammalian (a) and

plant (b) nucleoli. The DFC is much smaller and more densely staining
in mammalian nucleoli, whereas it generally constitutes a large propor-
tion of the volume of plant nucleoli. Transcription sites are scattered
through the DFC in both cases. Bar ¼ 1 mm. TS transcription site, DFC
dense fibrillar component, GC granular component, FC fibrillar centre

et al. 2002; Pendle et al. 2005). Live cell imaging appro-

Fig. 5.1 Different microscopical views of plant nucleoli. (a) Differen- aches, particularly using green fluorescent protein (GFP),
tial interference contrast image of isolated tobacco nuclei clearly shows have shown that the nucleolus, in common with other sub-
the nucleoli and nucleolar vacuoles or cavities within most nucleoli. nuclear structures, is far more dynamic than had been previ-
Bar ¼ 10 mm. (b) A single confocal optical section through pea root
ously appreciated (Phair and Misteli 2000).
tissue stained with the DNA dye DAPI shows the heterochromatin in
the nucleoplasm. The much more decondensed, highly transcribed In this chapter we shall summarize the current state of
DNA in the nucleoli stains at a very low level with DAPI giving the knowledge of the nucleolus, with particular reference to
nucleoli the appearance of voids in the nuclei. Bar ¼ 5 mm. (c) Ultra- recent developments. Where appropriate we shall concen-
thin section transmission electron micrograph of pea root tissue. The
trate on work from plants. In some respects there seem to be
nucleolus appears more electron dense than most of the nucleoplasm,
with the nucleolar vacuole or cavity staining lightly. The dense fibrillar significant differences between plant nucleoli and those of
component and granular component show a different texture, the GC other kingdoms, but our knowledge is still so incomplete that
being more open. Bar ¼ 2 mm. No nucleolus, N nucleus, NV nucleolar it is impossible to tell whether the differences are fundamen-
vacuole, NE nuclear envelope, FC fibrillar centre, DFC dense fibrillar
tal or merely apparent. The key reviews of the nucleolus in
component, GC granular component, CB Cajal body
the ‘classical era’ are by Busch and Smetana (1970) and
Hadjiolov (1985). Recent reviews include Raska et al.
early 1960s it was established by a number of groups that the (2006a, b).
nucleolus is the site of ribosomal RNA transcription and
ribosome biosynthesis; one of the first demonstrations was
by Birnstiel et al. (1963) in pea nucleoli. Later in the decade 5.2 Functional Organization of the
Miller and Beatty (1969) developed a spreading technique Nucleolus
for electron microscopy to produce beautiful images of the
rDNA genes (¼ Miller spreads), each gene showing up to The nucleolus has a substantially different biochemical com-
100 attached RNA polymerases, and the RNA transcripts position from the rest of the nucleus, giving it a different
increasing in length as the polymerases progressed along the refractive index. Nucleoli are thus easily visible by phase or
genes (see Fig. 5.3b). The resulting images have appeared in differential interference contrast microscopy. In many plant
reviews and text books ever since, and have often been cells the nucleolus is almost spherical in shape, and often
likened to ‘Christmas trees’. The next 20 years saw a relative has a central, internal region called the nucleolar vacuole or
decline of interest in the nucleolus as increasingly powerful cavity, also visible by optical microscopy (Fig. 5.1a). Using
molecular biology techniques made it possible to study DNA-specific dyes such as DAPI and epifluorescence
single copy genes; in fact the multiple tandem repeats in microscopy, the nucleolus usually appears as a dark region,
NORs still present significant problems for modern molecu- suggesting it lacks DNA (Fig. 5.1b). In fact the nucleolus is
lar biology techniques. From the mid-1990s on there has the most transcriptionally active region of the nucleus, and
been a resurgence of interest in the nucleolus prompted therefore must contain substantial numbers of active genes.
initially by radical improvements in cell biology and imag- The relatively low level of DNA labelling shows that these
ing techniques, and still more recently by coupling cell active genes are highly decondensed; what is mainly seen
biology to mass spectrometry-based proteomics (Andersen with DNA stains is condensed, mostly inactive DNA.
5 The Plant Nucleolus 67

Fig. 5.3 rDNA and rRNA organization. (a) Organization of a the initial pre-rRNA transcript and its processing to remove the
single rDNA repeat. (b) Typical EM spread image, showing the transcribed spacers. NTS non-transcribed spacer, ETS external tran-
path of the gene, the increasing length of attached transcripts along scribed spacer, 1 internal transcribed spacer 1, 2 internal transcribed
the gene and the terminal knobs. Bar ¼ 1 mm. (c) Organization of spacer 2

Electron microscopy (EM) of intact nucleoli has proved 5.2.1 Organization of rDNA
fairly uninformative about their functional organization, since
the structures seen cannot easily be interpreted in molecular Three out of the four eukaryotic ribosomal RNAs (18S, 5.8S
terms. This is disappointing, as spread preparations clearly and 28S) are transcribed by RNA polymerase I (pol 1) from
show that the structures of active transcription units are within the tandem rDNA repeats in the nucleolus. The fourth ribo-
the resolution achievable by EM (Miller and Beatty 1969). The somal RNA, 5S, is transcribed by RNA polymerase III from
problem in resolving functional units within nucleoli must lie tandem repeats elsewhere in the nucleus and imported into
with the great level of compaction of the structures in vivo. the nucleolus (Highett et al. 1993a). Given a transcription
When ultra-thin sections of mammalian and various other rate estimated to be about 40 nt/s (Kos and Tollervey 2010),
animal cells are stained with standard EM stains (osmium it is clear that a single rDNA copy could not provide enough
tetroxide, uranyl acetate, lead citrate etc.) a characteristic primary transcripts for the cell’s ribosome requirements.
nucleolar substructure is often seen (Shaw and Jordan 1995). Thus all eukaryotes have multiple copies of the rRNA
This consists of one or more lightly staining structures, often genes. In certain specialized cells, like amphibian oocytes,
with a fibrous appearance, called fibrillar centres (FC), extrachromosomal amplification of rDNA occurs. In virtu-
surrounded by a layer of densely staining material called the ally all eukaryotes the rDNA copies occur as tandem repeats
dense fibrillar component (DFC). The rest of the nucleolus (Hadjiolov 1985); the reason for this is unknown, but it is
consists of granules about the size of ribosomes, and is termed tempting to speculate that tandem repeats are more likely to
the granular component (GC). There has been a tendency to produce high local concentrations of the various factors
interpret all nucleoli in terms of this so-called tripartite struc- necessary for transcription and subsequent transcript
ture. However in reality there is great variety in the EM ultra- processing and ribosome assembly – and that this is essen-
structure between different animals and even between different tially what constitutes a nucleolus (Melese and Xue 1995).
cell types and metabolic state of cells within the same species. In fact multiple tandem repeats, a visible nucleolus and even
In plants, structures resembling fibrillar centres are often, but pol I transcription are not strictly necessary for ribosome
not always, seen. They are embedded in a region of the nucleo- biosynthesis, since a pol I deficient yeast strain in which the
lus which has a somewhat fibrillar texture, assumed to be the rDNA is transcribed from a plasmid by pol II have been
DFC, but which does not generally stain intensely as does created (Oakes et al. 1993). In these mutants the typical
mammalian DFC, and which can often only be distinguished crescent shaped yeast nucleolus was absent and instead a
from the enveloping granular component by a difference in number of bodies termed mini-nucleolar bodies were
texture (Fig. 5.1c). The DFC region of plant nucleoli is typi- observed. In order to form a normal nucleolar structure,
cally a much larger fraction of the total nucleolar volume than however, it seems that pol I transcription of repeated
in mammalian cells (Shaw and Jordan 1995) (Fig. 5.2). rDNA copies is required.
68 P. Shaw

The rDNA repeat contains a transcribed region that gives labelling is more complex and may contain small condensed
rise to a 45S pre-rRNA transcript (35S in yeast) and an regions of rDNA, while some NORs remain inactive and
intergenic region, often called the non-transcribed spacer unassociated with the nucleolus (Leitch et al. 1992). In pea,
(NTS), that contains promoter and enhancer elements. In a the four NORs all contribute to the nucleolus, and the size of
number of species it has been shown that a second upstream the knobs varies inversely with the size and presumed activ-
promoter can produce low levels of a transcript that includes ity of the nucleolus, showing that increased nucleolar activity
the sequence of the major promoter. The pre-rRNA tran- causes more of the rDNA copies to decondense and become
script contains a leader sequence, the 50 external transcribed active (Highett et al. 1993b).
spacer (50 -ETS), which is removed after transcription, the Only the NORs that were active during the previous
small subunit s-RNA, 18S, two internal transcribed spacers interphase produce secondary constrictions on mitotic chro-
(ITS1 and ITS2), which flank the 5.8S RNA, and finally the mosomes, and these NORs are also stained by silver salts in
large subunit l-RNA 28S followed by a short 30 external the so-called Ag-NOR labelling. In animals it has been
transcribed spacer (Hadjiolov 1985) (Fig. 5.3a). The order established that active rDNA copies are associated with
of the RNA transcripts and their sequences are highly binding of upstream binding factor (UBF), a DNA binding
conserved, but the spacers, both transcribed and non- protein containing a number of high mobility group (HMG)
transcribed, are very variable even between closely related protein motifs, which are the DNA binding domains. Mais
species. The NTS is about 2–3 kb in plants, but much et al. (2005) integrated arrays of ectopic UBF heterologous
longer—20–30 kb—in vertebrates. The transcribed spacers binding sequences into human chromosomes and showed
are also longer in vertebrates, particularly in birds, than in that they bound UBF and some pol I components. These
plants. The primary 45S rRNA transcript is processed to pseudo-NORs gave silver-positive secondary constrictions
remove leader, tail and intergenic sequences in an ordered in the metaphase chromosomes, showing that UBF binding
process (Fig. 5.3c). is responsible for generating the decondensed rDNA seen in
The number of copies of the rDNA is highly variable the secondary constrictions and for their Ag-NOR labelling.
throughout the eukaryotes. Mammals typically have a couple No UBF homolog has yet been identified in plants, but the
of hundred copies, whereas most plants have several thou- equivalent behaviour of plant NORs strongly indicates that
sand copies. One study estimated that only about 5% of these such a homolog must exist.
copies were actively transcribed in pea root cells, and the
reason for such large numbers of repeats is unknown
(Gonzalez-Melendi et al. 2001). There is evidence that in 5.2.2 rDNA Transcription and Ribosome
the human genome some rDNA repeat copies are inverted Biogenesis
and may not be functional (Caburet et al. 2005), but this has
not been fully confirmed as yet. Fibre fluorescence in situ The location within the nucleolus of the actively transcribed
hybridization (FISH) of NORs in rice has suggested a genes has been a matter of intense debate over about
regular pattern of rDNA repeats, apparently without obvious 25 years; see Raska et al. (2006b) for a recent summary.
inversions or rearrangements (Mizuno et al. 2008). In fact, it Most of this debate has centred around their location with
is a glaring omission that the NORs have not been fully respect to the EM ultrastructure, with some groups main-
sequenced in any organism, due to the difficulties of taining that all transcription takes place in the FCs and others
sequencing large repetitive regions with current technology, that it is within the DFC. Early studies using radioactive
so we have no real idea what proportion of the rDNA genes in tritiated uridine labelling to locate incorporation into nascent
any plant or animal are functional or what other sequences RNA in the nucleolus showed predominant labelling of
might be hidden in the intergenic regions. the DFC. However, Scheer and Rose (1984) showed by
FISH has been used extensively to examine the location of immunogold labelling that the FCs contained concentrations
the rDNA in well-preserved, fixed tissue. In plants this of RNA pol I, and that little was detected elsewhere in
generally shows a few dense ‘knobs’ or concentrations of the nucleolus. This was followed by various immunogold
rDNA around the periphery of the nucleolus together with studies that showed DNA in the FCs; see Scheer and
some fainter labelling within the nucleolus. The knobs Weisenberger (1994) and Shaw and Jordan (1995) for
correspond to the inactive rDNA copies which remain summaries. The problem with all these latter studies is that
condensed as heterochromatin, their number usually most rDNA and most pol I is inactive at any given time. It is
corresponding to the number of NORs, while the active only a small proportion, perhaps just a few percent, that is
copies are decondensed within the body of the nucleolus. In active. In order to locate the active genes, nascent rRNA
some species, such as the diploid species rye, the internal must be localized. Unfortunately the tritiated uridine method
path of the decondensed rDNA can be clearly seen, whereas lacked both resolution and sensitivity. With the introduction
in the closely related species hexaploid wheat, the internal of bromo-uridine as a marker for nascent RNA, supplied to
5 The Plant Nucleolus 69

Fig. 5.4 Silver-enhanced 1 nm gold labelling of BrU in nascent conical in shape and contain 20–30 particles. Bar ¼ 100 nm. (c)
transcripts in pea root tissue. (a) View of an entire nucleolus showing Diagram of proposed interpretation of the 1 nm gold labelling of
dense labelling of transcript sites within the DFC. Bar ¼ 1 mm. nascent transcripts, drawn to scale (see Gonzalez-Melendi et al.
(b) Higher magnification electron micrograph showing five 2001). Bar ¼ 50 nm. S examples of silver-enhanced 1 nm gold
clusters of 1 nm gold particles. The clusters are approximately particles

the cell as BrUTP, it became possible to examine the nucle- products are cleaved by specific exonucleases Rat1p,
olar transcription sites with much greater sensitivity and Xrn1p and the exosome (Fatica and Tollervey 2002, 2003).
resolution (Dundr and Raska 1993; Hozak et al. 1993; The methylations and pseudouridylations are catalysed by
Wansink et al. 1993). This labelling showed many foci fibrillarin and dyskerin respectively (Nop1p and Cbf5p in
within the DFC region of the nucleolus which sometimes yeast). Methylations are guided by box CD snoRNAs
contacted the periphery of the FCs (Hozak et al. 1994). (containing RUGAUGA and CUGA elements) and
Similar results were obtained in plants, where the more pseudouridylations by box H/ACA snoRNAs (containing
extensive and less dense DFC made the results even more ANANNA and ACA elements) (Kiss 2002). An EM struc-
unequivocal (Melcak et al. 1996; Thompson et al. 1997). ture for a box CD snoRNP has been determined recently for
Double FISH labelling of the NTS and transcribed rDNA an archeon by Bleichert et al. (2009). Many of these
region in peas and comparison with BrUTP transcript label- snoRNAs and cleavage intermediates have been identified
ling showed that the transcribed DNA overlapped well with and localized in plant nucleoli (Brown et al. 2003; Kim et al.
the transcript labelling as expected, but that the intergenic 2010). The early stages of processing, in which the 50 -ETS
NTS labelling had very little overlap with the transcribed was present, were found closely enveloping the transcription
region. This suggests that the transcribed genes are in foci in the DFC, whereas the later stages of processing,
an extended conformation (Thompson et al. 1997). In a where the ITS sequences were still present, were found
subsequent study in pea roots, Gonzalez-Melendi et al. further away from the transcription sites, in regions broadly
(2001) showed by thin section EM that 1 nm gold labelling corresponding to the GC (Shaw et al. 1995; Beven et al.
of BrU consisted of discrete elongated clusters of label, 1996; Brown and Shaw 1998, 2008). Thus the current model
about 300 nm in length (see Fig. 5.4). The clusters were is of a vectorial distribution of processing steps with early
often approximately conical in shape, and the authors steps close to transcription sites and successive steps
suggested these corresponded to individual transcription displaced further outwards from them. Little analysis has
units – condensed Christmas trees – compacted by a factor been carried out on the later biochemistry of ribosome sub-
of 5–8 compared to Miller spreads. Similar conclusions were unit assembly and export in plants, but the principles are
reached by Koberna et al. (2002) in animal nucleoli. assumed to be the same as in animals and in yeast, which has
The external and internal spacers are removed from the been analysed in the most detail. The RNA cleavages, in
pre-rRNA in an ordered series of cleavage and trimming yeast at least, are begun co-transcriptionally (Kos and
steps, which has been well studied in yeast, but less studied Tollervey 2010). The s-RNA is processed into the small
in other species. The rRNAs are also modified at numerous ribosomal subunit. The terminal knobs that are seen in Miller
sites by 20 -O-ribose methylation and pseudouridylation. The spreads initially are about 15 nm in size, but become larger –
reason for this is unclear, but the majority of the changes are about 40 nm – and at this stage represent the small subunit
in the ribosome active site, and are thought to improve processome complexes (Dragon et al. 2002; Bernstein et al.
ribosome efficiency. The site of each modification and 2004; Osheim et al. 2004). Little is known about the
cleavage is specified by a cognate guide small nucleolar corresponding processing complex for the large subunit
RNA (snoRNA) about 60–150 nt in length, which contains although a pre-60S particle has been imaged at high resolu-
a complementary sequence to the target sequence in the tion in the EM (Nissan et al. 2004). The large and small
rRNA. The initial cleavage of the pre-rRNA involves U3, ribosomal subunits are exported independently to the
U14, MRP, snR10 and snr30 and the resulting cleaved cytoplasm.
70 P. Shaw

well-characterised ‘nucleolar’ proteins is only a few tens of

5.3 Assembly and Dynamics of the seconds (Phair and Misteli 2000; Misteli 2001; Olson and
Nucleolus Dundr 2005). The distinction between ‘nuclear’ and ‘nucle-
olar’ proteins lies in their residence time in the nucleolus,
The nucleolus disassembles at the end of the G2 phase of the with nucleolar proteins spending a greater proportion of their
cell cycle as most transcription ceases and the nuclear enve- time in the nucleolus. The structure and even the existence of
lope breaks down and reassembles with the onset of rDNA the nucleolus as a discrete structure must depend on the
transcription at the beginning of G1. The GC components rDNA nucleating a small sub-population of proteins that
are lost from the disassembling nucleolus first, followed by then form a structure on which all the other proteins assem-
the DFC (Gautier et al. 1992). Subunits of pol I and other ble and disassemble dynamically. The nucleolus (and other
DNA binding factors such as UBF remain with the rDNA nuclear bodies such as Cajal bodies) thus represent a steady
arrays; the presence of UBF alone is sufficient to produce a state flux of proteins in rapid equilibrium with the surr-
secondary constriction in the mitotic chromosome (Prieto ounding nucleoplasm (Raska et al. 2006a). It is even possible
and McStay 2008). Some nucleolar components diffuse that the DNA in the nucleolus is in dynamic equilibrium with
throughout the mitotic cytoplasm, whereas others, such as the rDNA at the nucleolar periphery; this has yet to be tested
the protein B23, associate with the periphery of the mitotic in living cells.
chromosomes as chromosomal ‘passengers’ (Hernandez-
Verdun and Gautier 1994). When rDNA transcription is
halted during mitosis, unprocessed pre-rRNA transcripts 5.4 Epigenetics and Nucleolar Dominance
persist through the mitotic cell, demonstrating that pre-
rRNA transcript processing is also halted. Not all rRNA genes are necessarily transcriptionally active
At the end of mitosis, the nucleolus reforms. First, small in a given nucleolus. In fact in most plants, the vast majority
round bodies, called pre-nucleolar bodies are formed are not transcribed. We assume that all rDNA copies are
(Gimenez-Martin et al. 1974; Angelier et al. 2005; identical and potentially transcribable (but as mentioned
Hernandez-Verdun 2006). When transcription of the rDNA above, this is by no means certain). Current evidence, how-
is reinitiated, the pre-nucleolar bodies (PNBs) disappear as ever, is that rRNA genes may be in one of three states:
new nucleoli are formed. Originally it was assumed that the (1) inactive and condensed into heterochromatin, which in
PNBs condensed onto the active rDNA, but recent data plants is mostly seen as knobs of heterochromatin at the
obtained using the optical technique FRAP (fluorescence nucleolar periphery, but also within the nucleolus; (2) active
recovery after photobleaching) suggest rather that pre- and transcribed, in an extended conformation within the
rRNA processing complexes (and also unprocessed pre- nucleolus; finally (3) an ‘open’, poised conformation –
rRNA) are preassembled in the PNB, and then diffuse out potentiated and available for transcription, but not currently
of the PNBs, associating with the reforming nucleoli. Where transcribed (Huang et al. 2006; McKeown and Shaw 2009).
more than one active NOR is present in the nucleus, separate The balance between these states, and ultimately the level of
nucleoli generally initially form at each active NOR in early pol I loading, may depend on DNA methylation, differences
G1. These small nucleoli then have a tendency, especially in in the histone variants associated with the DNA, remodelling
plants, to fuse together to a single nucleolus as interphase of the DNA, particularly the promoter regions, and the
progresses (Shaw and Jordan 1995). presence of histone modifications (Grummt and Pikaard
Recent dynamic studies using a variety of nuclear and 2003). rDNA can retain the level of pol I association through
nucleolar proteins marked by GFP have led to a complete mitosis, and so the chromatin state of rDNA can be epige-
reassessment of the interpretation of nucleolar and nuclear netically inherited.
structure. For many years cell biologists have visualized Nucleolar dominance is a particularly striking effect that
fixed cells and have thus had a tendency to regard the is seen in hybrid organisms, where it is often found that the
structures seen as stationary and long-lived. However live NORs of one parental genome are silent while those of the
cell imaging studies have revealed a much more dynamic other are active (see Tucker et al. (2010) for a recent review).
picture. First, sub-nuclear structures themselves move and This is usually ascribed to the suppression of the under-
rearrange themselves within the nucleus, and the nucleus dominant genome by the dominant one, but recent evidence
itself moves and changes shape. For example, Boudonck from a wheat-rye hybrid has suggested that the NORs from
et al. (1999) showed in Arabidopsis that Cajal bodies move the dominant genome are also up-regulated (Silva et al.
and fuse together, changing their positions and number. At 2008). Nucleolar dominance has been observed in many
the molecular level, all nucleolar and nuclear proteins are plants and animals, but has been most thoroughly studied
in constant flux, exchanging between the nucleolus and in plants, probably because inter-species hybrids are much
cytoplasm, and the mean nucleolar residence time of even easier to study in plants than animals. In a given hybrid
5 The Plant Nucleolus 71

cross, the same member of the pair is always under-

dominant or dominant, irrespective of which parent provides 5.5 Non-conventional Nucleolar Functions
which genome. This means that nucleolar dominance is not
mediated by an equivalent mechanism to parental imprint- 5.5.1 Proteomics
ing, nor to X chromosome inactivation, in which a random
choice of inactive chromosome is made. In Brassica hybrids, High throughput proteomics has now been applied to
it has been demonstrated that nucleolar dominance is purified nucleoli in a number of studies including humans
disrupted by aza-deoxycytidine, which reduces DNA meth- (Andersen et al. 2002, 2005; Scherl et al. 2002) and the plant
ylation, and by Trichostatin A, a histone deacetylase inhibi- A. thaliana (Pendle et al. 2005). These studies have uncov-
tor which leads to an increase in histone acetylation. ered an enormous range of several hundred proteins as
Significant progress in understanding nucleolar domi- nucleolar constituents, and has added a new dimension to
nance has been made using Arabidopsis suecica, a hybrid the previous observations indicating that the nucleolus is the
of A. thaliana and A. arenosa. In young seedlings of site of many other functions than ribosome biogenesis
A. suecica, the rRNA genes from both genomes are highly (Pederson 1998). In this type of proteomic analysis of com-
expressed, but as the plant grows, the A. thaliana-derived plex mixtures, the question of possible contaminants imme-
rRNA genes become silenced. This suggests that nucleolar diately arises. Pendle et al. (2005) answered this question by
dominance may be an aspect of active gene dosage control localizing GFP fusions in vivo of a substantial, randomly
mechanisms, where different levels of rRNA are required at chosen set of proteins identified in the nucleolar fractions
different stages of development (Tucker et al. 2010). RNAi (see Fig. 5.5). The vast majority (87%) were indeed located
has been used systematically to determine which histone in the nucleolus, but most were also seen in other parts of the
modifying enzymes are required for gene silencing in nucle- nucleus or cytoplasm, as would be expected. In fact since the
olar dominance. This approach has pinpointed the histone dynamic studies mentioned above have shown that virtually
deacetylases HDT1 and HDA6, the de novo DNA met- all nuclear proteins at least visit the nucleolus, there is a real
hyltransferase DRM2, and the methylcytosine binding question of what actually constitutes a nucleolar protein. The
domain proteins MBD6 and MBD10 (Preuss et al. 2008). best approach is to compare the nucleolar protein profile
MBD6 is presumed, by analogy with animal studies, to quantitatively with the nuclear and cytoplasmic protein
participate in the formation of heterochromatin, but this profiles, and thus arrive at a nucleolar partition ratio for
has not yet been formally shown in plants. DRM2 is part of each protein. This has been done for human cell culture
the RNA-directed DNA methylation pathway, in which nucleoli using stable isotopic labelling of the different
double stranded templates are formed from pol IV RNA fractions – SILAC – prior to mass spectrometry analysis
transcripts by the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase, (Boisvert et al. 2009). Given the rapid diffusion of most
RDR2, diced into 24 nt siRNAs, which then guide DRM2 proteins in and out of the nucleolus, it is fair to ask how
to methylate the homologous DNA sequences. In confirma- nucleoli can be purified at all. The answer to this is not clear,
tion that this pathway is indeed involved in nucleolar domi- but it is presumably because the breakage of the cell and
nance in plants, knockdown of RDR2, DCL3 as well as nuclear membranes that precedes nucleolar purification must
DRM2 disrupted the rRNA silencing of the A. thaliana also alter the solution conditions to prevent most proteins
derived rRNA genes in A. suecica (Preuss et al. 2008). from diffusing away from the nucleoli. However the caveat
There is also evidence for RNA-mediated silencing of that proteins may be selectively lost during nucleolar isola-
rRNA genes in mammals, where rRNA genes are silenced tion is important, and shows the need to complement prote-
by the nucleolar remodelling complex, NoRC, which is omics approaches by in vivo studies of specific proteins.
recruited to a subset of rRNA genes by 200–300 nt RNA SILAC methods have also been used to analyse the
species, termed pRNA, which themselves derive from dynamics of nucleolar proteins after treatment with specific
intergenic regions of rDNA (Mayer et al. 2008; Santoro drugs or stresses (Lamond and Sleeman 2003; Andersen et al.
et al. 2010). Thus although the detailed mechanisms may 2005), during the cell cycle (Leung and Lamond 2003), and
differ, in both plants and animals control of rRNA gene after viral infection (Emmott et al. 2010; Hiscox et al. 2010).
expression depends on RNA-mediated silencing by sequ- As an example, proteomic analysis of nucleoli after treatment
ences derived from the intergenic rDNA, which is presum- with various inhibitors of the proteasome showed a large
ably expressed from the minor intergenic rDNA promoter. accumulation of ribosomal proteins. Photobleaching
As yet, however, little is known about how the subset of experiments of individual GFP-tagged ribosomal proteins
genes to be silenced is chosen, and why one particular showed that these proteins are synthesized and imported to
genome is dominant or under-dominant. In hybrids, it is the nucleolus very rapidly. The number of rRNA molecules
tempting to speculate that this may be due to the relative needs to be balanced with the number of ribosomal proteins
strength of interactions between the silencing RNAs and the since they are required in stoichiometric amounts (Rudra and
rDNA of the two genomes. Warner 2004). These experiments suggest that this balance is
72 P. Shaw

Fig. 5.6 Relative amounts of single exon, aberrantly spliced and fully
spliced mRNAs in polyA þ libraries made from whole cells, nuclear
extracts and nucleolar extracts respectively. Whereas the single exon
mRNAs are present in about the same proportion in each library
(15–20%), the percentage of aberrantly spliced mRNAs increases
Fig. 5.5 Examples of expression of GFP-fusion constructs for proteins from a very low level in whole cells, mainly from cytoplasmic
found in proteomic analyses of Arabidopsis nucleoli. Transient expres- mRNA (2%), to an intermediate level in nuclear extracts (13%), and
sion in Arabidopsis culture cells (see Pendle et al. 2005). (a) EJC the highest level in nucleolar extracts (38%). Thus the aberrant mRNAs
component Y14. (b) EJC/export factor ALY/REF. (c) Splicing factor purify predominantly with the nucleolar fraction (see Kim et al. 2009)
PRP19 shows a perinucleolar distribution. (d) Protein of unknown
function localized to nucleolar substructures. (e) Protein of unknown
function localized to nucleolus and other nuclear bodies. Bar ¼ 5 mm
probably mostly through cytoplasmic P bodies (Parker and
Sheth 2007; Xu and Chua 2009).
achieved by making an excess of the r-proteins and
The observation of EJC components in the nucleolus in
ubiquitinating and degrading any that remain unincorporated
plants suggests that mRNAs may also be located there. This
into ribosomes (Andersen et al. 2005).
has been confirmed by constructing cDNA libraries from
polyA + RNA extracted from purified nucleoli (Kim et al.
2009). Many individual clones were sequenced from the
5.5.2 mRNAs and Nonsense-Mediated mRNA nucleolar library and compared with similar libraries made
Decay (NMD) from purified nuclei and entire cell extracts respectively.
Remarkably, this analysis showed that mis-spliced and oth-
A detailed analysis of the nucleolar proteome from Arabi- erwise aberrant mRNAs were greatly enriched in the nucle-
dopsis showed that many proteins involved in mRNA splicing olar extract – about ten-fold compared to the entire cell
and translation were present in the nucleolus. In particular, it extract, which would be expected to be mainly cytoplasmic
was striking that almost all the known components of the post- (see Fig. 5.6). Single exon transcripts, which do not undergo
splicing exon-junction complex (EJC) were detected, and splicing, were found in the same amounts in all three
were subsequently shown by GFP fusions to indeed be libraries, showing that contamination could not explain
associated with the nucleolus (Pendle et al. 2005). In contrast, these results. The aberrant transcripts contained all sorts of
although EJC components were detected in the human nucle- splicing errors, including intron retention and splice bound-
olar proteome, localization studies have not so far confirmed ary mis-sensing of all types. It might be argued that many of
their localization (Custodio et al. 2004), suggesting possible these species were alternatively spliced rather than mis-
differences between plants and animals. The EJC is a multi- spliced. Since alternative splicing has been little studied in
protein complex that is deposited 20–30 nucleotides upstream plants, this is difficult to assess. However, the spliced
of splice junctions in mRNAs. The complex contains residual variants were at odds with the standard gene models from
spliceosomal proteins, as well as factors involved in mRNA the genome sequence, most of which have been verified by
export and translation. The complex remains in place until the EST and other mRNA sequences. Thus it is likely that most
pioneer round of translation (Lejeune et al. 2004). The EJC of these species should be considered as mis-spliced rather
also mediates nonsense-mediate mRNA decay (NMD) than alternatively spliced. About 90% of the aberrant
(Lejeune et al. 2004). In the most studied mechanism, if the transcripts fulfilled the conditions for targeting for NMD,
ribosome during the initial round of translation encounters a at least according to the mammalian NMD criteria. Finally
stop codon upstream of an EJC complex, the stop codon is Kim et al. (2009) showed by GFP fusion analysis that the
identified as a premature stop codon. The mRNA is thus NMD factors upf3 and upf2 were localized to the nucleolus,
marked as aberrant, the NMD factors upf1, upf2 and upf3 are although upf1 was not. These results strongly argue that the
recruited to the EJC complex and the mRNA is degraded, nucleolus is involved in mRNA surveillance and export.
5 The Plant Nucleolus 73

In fact the nucleolus has been previously implicated in 5.5.4 Other RNA Species
mRNA export in experiments going back to the 1960s
(Pederson 1998). Harris (1967) showed that in hetero- There is emerging evidence for a number of other non-
karyons between chicken erythrocytes and human HeLa conventional roles for the nucleolus (Table 5.1) (Pederson
cells that no proteins of chicken origin were produced until 1998; Olson et al. 2002; Raska et al. 2006a). For example,
the previously inactive chicken nucleus reformed a nucleo- tRNA genes have been shown to be preferentially located in
lus, suggesting that the lack of a functional nucleolus or at the periphery of the nucleolus, and this location is
impaired mRNA export from the chicken nucleus. More dependent on their transcription (Thompson et al. 2003).
recently, the nucleolus in transport-defective yeast mutants The resulting transcripts are processed by trimming at 50
has been shown to be disrupted (Schneiter et al. 1995), and and 30 ends by RNAse P, an RNA-containing enzyme,
heat shock or mutation of nucleolar proteins lead to accu- which is also found in the nucleolus (and Cajal bodies)
mulation of polyA + RNA in the nucleolus (Kadowaki et al. (Jarrous et al. 1999). Similarly Highett et al. (1993a) showed
1995). Ideue et al. (2004) have shown that a subset of poly a preferential location of 5S genes at the nucleolar periphery
A + mRNA associated transiently with the nucleolus during by FISH. Telomerase (both RNA and protein components)
export, and an intron-containing transcript accumulated has also been found in the nucleolus, either as part of its
in the nucleolus in export-deficient mutants, whereas tran- biosynthesis or sequestered there as a control mechanism
scripts from the intronless cDNA did not. (Wong et al. 2002). Many RNAs, including snoRNAs,
tRNAs and telomerase RNA are modified by pseudo-
uridylation, which is catalyzed by cbf5p/dyskerin, which is
5.5.3 Nucleolar Translation? found in the nucleolus in plants, animals and yeast, and
by 20 -O-ribose methylation, catalysed by fibrillarin, also
The finding that mis-spliced mRNAs are preferentially found in the nucleolus (and Cajal bodies). Yet another
concentrated in the nucleolus, whether they are degraded RNA complex which has been associated with the nucleolus
there or simply pass through on their way to the cytoplasm, is the signal recognition particle (SRP). This is an RNA-
raises the interesting question of how these RNA species are containing complex that targets the translation of certain
identified. The best studied mechanism for NMD requires a proteins to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) by first blocking
ribosome to detect a premature termination codon during the and then releasing translation on binding to the SRP receptor
initial pioneer round of translation. If such transcripts are in the ER. Stages in the assembly of the SRP have been
identified before nuclear export and sent to or preferentially shown to occur in the nucleolus by in situ hybridization,
retained in the nucleolus as the current data imply, this biochemical fractionation and live cell microinjection stud-
mechanism would require at least the pioneer round of trans- ies (Chen et al. 1998; Jacobson and Pederson 1998; Politz
lation for some mRNAs to take place in the nucleus or et al. 2002). Finally, the various components required for
nucleolus or both. This is a controversial idea, but one that, both rDNA silencing (see above) and heterochromatic
surprisingly, has some experimental support. There is evi- silencing co-localize with the siRNAs themselves in the
dence for the presence of amino-acylated tRNAs in the nucle- nucleoli and in Cajal bodies (Li et al. 2006; Pontes et al.
olus of yeast (Steiner-Mosonyi and Mangroo 2004), and in the 2006). Thus the nucleolus (and Cajal bodies) are involved in
nucleus of Xenopus oocytes (Lund and Dahlberg 1998). The siRNA production and assembly of silencing complexes
nucleolus is also full of ribosomes, some of which could be both for rDNA and for other genes.
competent for translation. Evidence for actual protein transla- Why should all these other activities and complexes be
tion in pea nucleoli was first published during the 1960s associated with the nucleolus? One clue is that they all have
(Birnstiel et al. 1961; Birnstiel and Hyde 1963). This work the post-transcriptional processing of RNA species and asso-
was subsequently assumed to be due to cytoplasmic contami- ciation of the resulting RNAs with multiple proteins in
nation after it was shown that translation occurred in the common with ribosome biosynthesis. In all cases, the RNA
cytoplasm. However the idea was revisited using modern protein assembly pathways also probably require a complex
cell biological methods by Iborra et al. (2001), who allowed series of steps involving various chaperones and accessory
cells to incorporate labelled amino-acyl tRNA and then factors. Clearly in some way concentrating all the factors
detected the incorporated labelled amino acid residues by and processes needed to make ribosomes together in a
fluorescence microscopy. This showed 9–15% of the labelling specialized region of the nucleus—the nucleolus—has
within the nucleus, with prominent nucleolar labelling. important benefits, and the same may apply to the biosyn-
Nathanson et al. (2003) questioned these experiments, thesis of many other multi-component RNA complexes.
showing that in their hands only about 1% of the labelling In addition, some of the activities and factors necessary to
was intranuclear, and suggested that the results of Iborra et al. make the various RNA machines are shared between many
(2001) were due to cytoplasmic contamination. This contro- different processes, such as pseudo-uridylation, RNA trim-
versy has yet to be satisfactorily resolved (Iborra et al. 2004). ming, ribose 20 -O-methylation. Concentrating these factors
74 P. Shaw

Table 5.1 Non-conventional functions of the nucleolus in RNA and EJC component eiF4a-III to the nucleolus and
metabolism and other cell processes nuclear granules in response to hypoxia and other stresses
Partial assembly of telomerase RNP (Koroleva et al. 2009a, b), suggesting that the nucleolus is
Partial assembly of Signal Recognition Particle indeed involved in stress responses in plants.
50 and 30 processing of some pre-tRNAs by RNAse P Research on the nucleolus has led the way in a number
Processing and assembly of RNAse P of areas of cell and molecular biology. Its fundamental
Processing of polycistronic pre-snoRNAs in plants importance to all eukaryotic cells means that it can pro-
Nucleotide modifications in snoRNAs and snRNAs vide paradigms for many activities and mechanisms. It is
Production of heterochromatin siRNAs in plants
also involved in biosynthesis of some of the most ancient
Nucleolar phase for some mRNAs
cellular machinery involving RNA. In the light of this,
Concentration of aberrant mRNAs/ NMD (plants)
the evolution of the nucleolus in the first eukaryotes and
Nucleolar trafficking of some animal and plant virus proteins
its relation to the organization of equivalent processes
Sensor of cell stress
in archaea, from which the informational processes in
Sequestration of various factors – cdc14, p53/MDM2/ARF, telomerase
eukaryotes are thought to have developed, is likely to be
a fruitful field for future study.
in the nucleolus for ribosome biosynthesis may have the side
effect of locating other processes that require some of the
same factors in the nucleolus as well.
Andersen JS, Lyon CE, Fox AH, Leung AK, Lam YW, Steen H, Mann M,
Over the past 15–20 years the importance of the nucleolus Lamond AI (2002) Directed proteomic analysis of the human nucleo-
has grown with increasing understanding of the range of lus. Curr Biol 12:1–11
Andersen JS, Lam YW, Leung AK, Ong SE, Lyon CE, Lamond AI,
activities located in this nuclear region. It is clear that it is
Mann M (2005) Nucleolar proteome dynamics. Nature 433:77–83
the major centre in the nucleus for RNA transcription and Angelier N, Tramier M, Louvet E, Coppey-Moisan M, Savino TM, De
processing and for the assembly of a wide variety of RNP Mey JR, Hernandez-Verdun D (2005) Tracking the interactions of
complexes. It is involved with the products of all the rRNA processing proteins during nucleolar assembly in living cells.
Mol Biol Cell 16:2862–2871
DNA-dependent RNA polymerases in one way or ano-
Bernstein KA, Gallagher JE, Mitchell BM, Granneman S, Baserga SJ
ther, and recent evidence from plants shows that it is (2004) The small-subunit processome is a ribosome assembly inter-
likely to be involved in mRNA export and surveillance, mediate. Eukaryot Cell 3:1619–1626
as well as RNAi silencing mechanisms. The extent of this Beven AF, Lee R, Razaz M, Leader DJ, Brown JW, Shaw PJ (1996)
The organization of ribosomal RNA processing correlates with the
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The activity of the nucleolus underpins most of the nucleoli. J Cell Biol 18:41–50
activity of the cell, and it is therefore not unexpected that Birnstiel ML, Chipchase M, Bonner J (1961) Incorporation of leucine-
h3 into subnuclear components of isolated pea nuclei. Biochem
responses to growth conditions and to stresses involve
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modulation and responses in the nucleolus. In human Birnstiel ML, Chipchase MI, Hyde BB (1963) The nucleolus, a source
pathology, nucleolar morphology has been used in of ribosomes. Biochim Biophys Acta 76:454–462
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Unger VM, Baserga SJ (2009) A dimeric structure for archaeal box
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c/d small ribonucleoproteins. Science 325:1384–1387
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5 The Plant Nucleolus 75

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Cell Cycle Modules in Plants for Entry
into Proliferation and for Mitosis 6
Zoltán Magyar, Masaki Ito, Pavla Binarová, Binish Mohamed,
and Laszlo Bogre

Contents 6.1 Choreography of the Cell Division Cycle

6.1 Choreography of the Cell Division Cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
6.2 The Core Cell Cycle Regulators, Can One Do the Job
The cell cycle is an orderly progression through a series of
for All? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 events culminating in the duplication of chromosomes during
S-phase and in the segregation of chromosomes into daughter
6.3 The Entry Module into the Cell Cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
cells during mitosis. The S-and M-phases are the so called
6.4 Transcriptional Regulation at G2 Phase to Mitosis and active phases, and each is preceded by a preparatory gap
the Onset of Endoreplication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
6.4.1 Genes Expressed During Late G2 and Mitosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 phase, (known as G1 and G2 respectively) when regulatory
6.4.2 Transcriptional Activation of G2/M-Specific Genes . . . . . . . 87 inputs are pereceived; (Fig. 6.1). Chromosomes during G1-,
6.4.3 Transcriptional Repression of G2/M-Specific Genes . . . . . . 88 S and G2-phases (interphase) are decondensed but these
6.4.4 Other Factors Affecting the G2/M-Specific Transcription 89 intephase chromosomes are still known to occupy distinct
6.5 Spatial Organization of Mitosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 territories within the nucleus and this organization is impor-
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 tant for replication, transcription, repair and recombination
processes (Schubert and Shaw 2011). Mitosis is a cell cycle
period packed with morphological events subdivided into
pro-, meta-, ana- and telophase followed by cytokinesis.
Within this chapter we will focus on the central regulators
of the cell cycle phase transitions, but before we get onto the
regulators in detail we first summarise what is being
regulated during these cell cycle phases with an aim to
pinpoint conserved and plant-specific mechanisms.
DNA synthesis is largely conserved in eukaryotes. It
involves (i) assembly of the prereplicative complex at multiple
replication origins during G1 (ii) origin activation by firing of
these prereplicative complexes and (iii) formation of the
preinitiation complex that leads to DNA synthesis. The re-
replication of DNA during G2 is blocked by inhibiting the re-
assembly of the prereplicative complexes. This is done by the
so called licensing factor, which links to a cell cycle stage with
high activity of the central regulator, cyclin-dependent kinase
(CDK, see later). These prereplicative complexes can there-
fore only form after mitosis in G1 when CDK activity is low,
thus ensuring that the synthesis and segregation of sister chro-
matids alternate. Both the components of the prereplicative
and preinitiation complexes and the regulatory protein kinases
L. Bogre (*)
(CDK and Cdc7) are conserved in yeasts, animals and plants
Centre for Systems and Synthetic Biology, Royal Holloway, (Costas et al. 2011a). Genome wide mapping studies have
University of London, Egham Hill, Egham TW20 0EX, UK identified plant replication origins and chromatin marks which

I.J. Leitch et al. (eds.), Plant Genome Diversity Volume 2, 77

DOI 10.1007/978-3-7091-1160-4_6, # Springer-Verlag Wien 2013
78 Z. Magyar et al.

Fig. 6.1 Regulatory components of the three main cell cycle CYCB). These mitotic CDKs are opposed by the plant-specific CDK
transitions, G1/S, G2/M and M/G1. At the centre of the conserved inhibitor, SIM. The role of inhibitory phosphorylation on CDKB is not
cell cycle regulation is cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) in complex well understood. Interestingly, CYCD4;1 can associate with mitotic
with the phase-specific cyclins, and opposed by CDK inhibitors CDKB1;1 and has been shown to trigger mitosis, possibly through
(CKI) and further regulated by positive (P-161) and inhibitory (P- RBR1 phosphorylation. Exit from mitosis at the meta- to anaphase
T14; P-Tyr15) phosphorylations. At the G1/S transition, D-type cyclins transition is trigerred by the degradation of CYCA and CYCB through
(CYDs) preferentially interact with CDKA;1, and these complexes win the activation of the anaphase promoting complex (APC) by CDC20
against the opposing CDK inhibitors (KRPs). The main target of CYCD- during the M/G1 transition and later in G1. CYCA and CYCB levels are
CDKA;1 complex is RBR1, which is inactivated through CDKA;1 kept low by the activation of the APC by CCS52 proteins. In plants, cells
phosphorylation leading to the release of E2F transcription factors (pri- can exit from proliferation, enter into a G0 state and differentiate both at
marily E2FB) to activate genes for G1/S transition. CYCA3;1 cyclin has G1/S and G2/M transitions. Both these transitions are regulated by
also been shown to interact with CDKA;1, phosphorylate RBR1 and be external signals such as light, nutrient availability, hormones and devel-
involved in the G1/S transition. G2/M is preferentially regulated by B- opmental cues. Arrows indicate activation, hammers repression, pointing
type CDKs (CDKBs) in complex with A- and B-type cyclins (CYCA and fingers show regulatory inputs to the cell cycle

act as important regulatory elements (Costas et al. 2011b, c). phosphorylation and deacetylation as well as molecular
Incomplete DNA synthesis and DNA damage is sensed and motors called condensins (Costas et al. 2011b).
signalled to the cell cycle through the DNA damage checkpoint The segregation of chromosomes into daughter cells is
and this halts cell cycle progression to allow time to repair the driven by the mitotic spindle. In higher plants microtubules
DNA (Cools and De Veylder 2009; Cross et al. 2011). Some but are nucleated at dispersed sites on existing microtubules,
not all the components of the DNA integrity checkpoint are membranes or chromatin (see later). In contrast to animals,
conserved among eukaryotic organisms. there are no microtubule organizing centres (MTOC) such
Newly synthesised sister chromatids are held together by as centrosomes to control the nucleation and organization of
the cohesin ring complex. This is resolved by the release of spindle microtubules. Instead, chromatin-mediated micro-
active separase which cleaves cohesins at the meta- to ana- tubule nucleation and organization is the major mechanism
phase transition of mitosis, leading to perfect timing of sister to build mitotic spindles (Karsenti and Vernos 2001). The
chromatid separation. During meiosis I sister chromatids are mitotic checkpoint monitors the full alignment of
held together by meiosis-specific cohesins. Cohesins and chromosomes at the metaphase plate through the tension
associated proteins also help to establish the bi-orientation exerted by the kinetochore microtubules on the sister
of kinetochores during mitosis, while the meiosis-specific chromatids. This signals to the anaphase promoting com-
cohesion at kinetochores establishes the mono-orientation of plex (APC) and triggers the dissolution of cohesion
sister chromatids. The molecular players and mechanisms of molecules through the proteolysis of securin, an inhibitor
sister chromatid separation during mitosis and meiosis are of separase. Dissolution of cohesion between sister
largely conserved in eukaryotes, including plants (Yuan chromatids allows the chromosomes to separate by the
et al. 2011). Following the onset of mitosis, chromatin pulling force of the anaphase spindle (Morgan 2007). The
gradually becomes condensed from prophase to metaphase regulatory mechanisms for the mitotic checkpoint are also
driven by histone modifications, primarily histone conserved in eukaryotic organisms (Caillaud et al. 2009).
6 Cell Cycle Modules in Plants for Entry into Proliferation and for Mitosis 79

Plant cells are encased in a cell wall, and therefore build- Nevertheless, with only a single sperm, the double fertiliza-
ing the septum inbetween two daughter cells during cytoki- tion fails because only the female egg cell is fertilized, and
nesis is an inside out process through the expansion of a disk not the central cell. The result is seed abortion due to the lack
like structure, called the phragmoplast. Microtubules pro- of endosperm (Nowack et al. 2007; Aw et al. 2010). CDKB
vide the central skeleton for this structure as well as the is a larger gene family (Table 6.1) than A, and therefore it is
highway for the delivery of vesicles to the cell plate (Lloyd not unexpected that a cdkb2 mutant in Arabidopsis is not
2011). The timing when phragmoplast forms and its spatial fully compromised in cell division, although tissue organi-
organization is controlled by cytokinetic MAPK signalling zation and stem cell maintenance in meristems are affected
pathways (Bogre 2011). (Andersen et al. 2008). The level of CDKA activity is also an
important determinant for meristem organization in
Arabidopsis (Gaamouche et al. 2010) and reprogramming
6.2 The Core Cell Cycle Regulators, Can One of cell differentiation in the moss Physcomitrella (Ishikawa
Do the Job for All? et al. 2011).
It is assumed that cell cycle phase specificity is achieved
The cell cycle is an orderly progression through a series of by the interchange of the cyclin regulatory subunits of
events leading to the duplication of chromosomes during S- CDKs, and correspondingly, in all organisms there are mul-
phase and in the segregation of chromosomes into daughter tiple cyclins with cell cycle phase-specific expression
cells during mitosis. There are three main control points on patterns and roles (Hochegger et al. 2008). In higher plants,
this road; (1) the entry into S-phase, (2) the entry into mitosis there has been a large expansion of the cyclin family with
and (3) the exit from mitosis back into G1 phase (Fig. 6.1). In around 30 members in Arabidopsis (Vandepoele et al. 2002;
simple eukaryotes, such as yeasts, there is a single control- Menges et al. 2007). These can largely be matched to the
ler; the cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) that governs all three animal A-, B-, and D-type cyclins. In agreement with the
transitions. A central question is; how a single regulator can phase-specific role of cyclin subunits, the expression of
perform such diverse tasks. In fact in more complex animals cyclins is also tightly regulated; either linked to cell cycle
and higher plants there has been an expansion of the CDK phases, or coupled to external signals, hormones and devel-
and cyclin families. For example, in Arabidopsis, there are opmental programs (Menges et al. 2003). The sequence
12 members of the CDK gene family falling into 8 groups, similarity-based classification of cyclins can be matched
CDKA-F (Vandepoele et al. 2002). This grouping appears across the higher plant species Arabidopsis, rice and maize
conserved as it has also been found in other plants, such as (Vandepoele et al. 2002; Guo et al. 2007; Hu et al. 2010;
rice (Guo et al. 2007), lower plants including the lycophyte Buendia-Monreal et al. 2011), as well as to lower plants and
Selaginella (Banks et al. 2011) and in algae (Bisova et al. algae (Bisova et al. 2005; Banks et al. 2011). The transcrip-
2005). Not all of these CDKs are directly involved in cell tional regulation of cell cycle genes is also similar across
cycle regulation; the two main groups of CDKs with cell species such as Arabidopsis and rice (Menges et al. 2003;
cycle functions are CDKA, of which there is only a single Guo et al. 2007). How these core cell cycle genes have
gene in all flowering plants analysed, and CDKBs with evolved in the plant lineage is becoming apparent by com-
several members (De Veylder et al. 2007). CDKA can func- parative analysis of genome sequences from algae, moss and
tionally complement the yeast cdc2 mutant, and is thought to Selaginella (Bisova et al. 2005; Huysman et al. 2010; Banks
control multiple cell cycle transitions throughout the cell et al. 2011). Moreover, having the genome sequence of
cycle (Hirt et al. 1991). However, evidence is accumulating eukaryotic organisms such as Naegleria, a free living
that in plants CDKA is predominantly specialized towards amoeba, that is considered to be close to the base of the
a singly target, RBR1 for transcriptional control of cell cycle tree separating plants and fungi-animal kingdoms, allows
transitions (Van Leene et al. 2011). The plant-specific the evolution of the conserved regulatory mechanism of the
CDKB1 and CDKB2 groups are expressed from late cell cycle to be unravelled (Cross et al. 2011). This approach
S-phase through G2 to M-phases and have functions during holds great promise, suggesting that knowledge gained from
these phases. To what degree plant CDKA and CDKBs are studying model organisms such as yeasts, human cells or
specialized or carry out redundant functions is an interesting Arabidopsis can be used to infer cell cycle regulation in
but not fully resolved question. Pollen mitosis was found to other species or crops.
be delayed or absent in heterozygous cdka;1 mutants, Is such complexity in CDK and cyclin numbers an essen-
resulting in mature pollen with only a single sperm cell tial feature of the core cell cycle machinery for regulating
(Iwakawa et al. 2006; Nowack et al. 2006). However, cell cycle transitions? This was recently tested in fission
when plants were rescued through this stage, the cdka;1 yeast, where the cell cycle control system is somewhat
mutant was surprisingly viable, indicating that CDKA;1 is simpler with a single CDK, CDC2, and a couple of G1 and
not absolutely required for cell cycle progression. G2 cyclins. The Nurse group first replaced CDC2, and the
80 Z. Magyar et al.

Table 6.1 List of core cell cycle genes in representative sequenced plant genomes
Core cell cycle genes Description Chlamydomonas Physcomitrella Selaginella Oryza sativa Arabidopsis
CDKA Canonical cyclin dependent kinase (CDK) 1 2 1 3 1
CDKA;1 in plants complementing the yeast
Saccharomyces pombe cdc2 mutant.
Primarily interacts with D-type cyclins and
KRPs and therefore one of the main
functions is to inactivate RBR
CDKB Plant-specific CDK functions in G2- and M- 1 7 2 2 4
CDKB1 phases, the two major subclasses in
CDKB2 flowering plants are expressed during S/G2
(B1) or G2/M (B2)
CYCD Closely related to animal D-type cyclins, 3 2 3 12 10
CYCD1-7 can complement yeast G1 cyclins. There are
seven subclasses in flowering plants. Their
expression can be cell cycle phase specific
(both G1/S and G2/M) or coupled to
external stimuli, such as phytohormones,
sucrose, or to developmental cues
CYCA Related to animal A-type cyclins, there are 1 8 3 7 10
CYCA1 three main subclasses in flowering plants;
CYCA2 CYCA3s are upregulated at the G1/S
transition and can interact with CDKA;1.
CYCA1 and CYCA2 members are expressed
from G2- to M-phase, associate with CDKBs,
and negatively regulate endocycle
CYCB Related to animal B-type cyclins, divided 1 2 1 5 11
CYCB1 into three subclasses: B1, B2 and B3;
CYCB2 transcriptionally controlled by M-specific
activator promoter elements (called MSA)
and are destroyed by APC ubiquitin ligase
KRP KIP Related Proteins (KRP) are – 1 3 6 7
KRP1-7 functionally related to yeast and animal
CDK inhibitors, such as the p27KIP. Interact
with CDKA;1 and D-type cyclins, KRP1/
2 are phosphorylated by CDKA;1 and
CDKB1;1 preceding their destruction
SIM/ Plant-specific CDK inhibitors, comprising ? ? ? ? 13
(SMR) proteins. Appear to specifically
interact with and oppose the activities of
G2- and M-phase specific CDKB/CYCA or
CDKB/CYCB complexes. Activators of
WEE1 Putatively involved in the inhibitory 1 1 2 1 1
phosphorylation of Tyr residues in CDKs,
though in CDKA;1 this phosphorylation
appears to be indispensible. Controls cell
cycle arrest in response to activation of the
DNA integrity checkpoint
CDC25 The sole catalytic domain of CDC25 3 1 1 2 1
phosphatase can be identified in plants, but
the N-terminal regulatory domain is
missing. It is debated but has not yet been
fully ruled out whether these CDC25 genes
indeed function to activate CDKs through
dephosphorylation of inhibitory Tyr
6 Cell Cycle Modules in Plants for Entry into Proliferation and for Mitosis 81

Table 6.1 (continued)

Core cell cycle genes Description Chlamydomonas Physcomitrella Selaginella Oryza sativa Arabidopsis
CDC20 The anaphase promoting complex (APC) is 1 5 2 3 6
responsible for the destruction of mitotic
substrates, it is activated at the metaphase/
anaphase transition by CDC20
CCS52 The CDH1 homologs are known as 1 4 2 2 3
CCS52A1 CCS52 genes in plants, they are required to
CCS52A2 establish the G1-phase state of low CDK
levels by activating the APC in telo- and
G1-phases. They positively regulate the
CKS CDK-interacting protein related to yeast 1 1 2 1 2
SUC1; responsible for substrate binding.
Arabidopsis CKS is known to interact both
with CDKA and CDKB
RBR Related to animal retinoblastoma (RB), a 1 3 2 2 1
tumour suppressor which functions as a
transcriptional repressor for a broad
spectrum of genes. RBR is phosphorylated
and inactivated by the CDK/CYCD
complexes. RBR1 forms a co-repressor
complex involving other transcription
factors and chromatin modifying enzymes,
e.g. histone deacetylases. RBR is not only
involved in controlling proliferation, but
also in stem cell maintenance, cell
differentiation and imprinting; controls the
arrest of unfertilized gametophytes
E2F Related to animal E2F transcription factors, 1 3 2 4 3
E2FA pivotal targets for RB
DP Dimerization partners of E2Fs, required for 1 2 1 3 2
DPA their DNA binding
DEL DP/E2F-like proteins; can bind E2F 1 3 1 2 3
DEL1-3 elements as a monomer owing to their
tandem DNA binding domain. They do not
bind RBR. In Arabidopsis DEL1 inhibits
the endocycle by blocking the expression of
CCS52A genes
R1R2R3-MYB The R1R2R3-MYB type transcription 1 2 1 5 5
factors (TF) are conserved regulators of the
cell cycle both in animal and plant cells.
While in animals these TFs are known for
their role in G1/S, in plants they have been
shown to directly bind to the mitosis-
specific MSA element, and activate or
repress a suit of G2/M-specific genes
The name of core cell cycle genes are given in bold followed by the nomenclature of Arabidopsis subgroups. The number of homologous genes in
representative sequenced genomes is indicated. For more information and references see the main body of text as well as Van Leene et al. (2011).
Chlamydomonas genes are based on Bisova et al. (2005), Physcomitrella, Selaginella, Oryza sativa, Arabidopsis genes are taken from Banks et al.
(2011). R1R2R3-MYBs are defined in Haga et al. (2007) and Ito (2005). Missing orthologues were identified using the PLAZA resource for
comparative plant genomics

main mitotic cyclin, CDC13, with a single fusion protein and cell cycle regulatory system is the oscillation of CDK activ-
showed that this chimera molecule could carry out all CDK ity. This is mainly driven by the accumulation and degrada-
functions by deleting all the other remaining cyclins in this tion of the cyclin subunits. To experimentally demonstrate
organism (Coudreuse and Nurse 2010). At the heart of the this, they further engineered the CDC2-CDC13 fusion
82 Z. Magyar et al.

molecule to become sensitive to inhibition by a “bulky” ATP progression through all three main cell cycle control points
analogue, and showed that the absolute level of CDK activ- (Tyson and Novak 2008). This idea was also tested in fission
ity was the only essential feature necessary to drive the three yeast by deleting the additional layers of CDK regulation.
key cell cycle transitions: a low level of CDK activity Surprisingly, they could delete CDC25 and WEE1 without a
triggers entry into S-phase, a medium level blocks the major effect on the yeast cell cycle progression (Coudreuse
repeated S-phase in G2 cells, while a burst of activity is and Nurse 2010). It is therefore not too surprising that in
required for entry into mitosis. Whether in plants a single plants the CDK phosphorylation is also dispensable for
CDK could carry out all cell cycle functions or the diverse normal cell cycle progression. Furthermore, they have also
CDK and cyclin repertoire is indeed required to carry out deleted the yeast CDK inhibitor, RUM1 and shown that it is
specialized functions has not yet been fully investigated. dispensable for normal cell cycle progression. These results
To tune CDK activity so that it becomes switch-like to demonstrate that a single monomolecular CDK molecule
flip the three main transition points, there are additional without additional layers of regulators can sustain an effec-
layers of regulators incorporated into the central regulatory tive mitotic cycle and thus constitutes the minimal architec-
system (Tyson and Novak 2008). Firstly, CDK activity can ture of the eukaryotic cell cycle (Coudreuse and Nurse
be inhibited by a family of proteins that are related to the 2010). The expansion of CDK and cyclin families in animals
animal CDK inhibitor protein KIP, named inhibitor of CDK and plants could provide a more elaborate regulatory system
or KIP-related proteins (ICK/KRP). There are seven ICK/ to meet more complex demands in multicellular organisms
KRP in Arabidopsis (De Veylder et al. 2007), but apparently (Fig. 6.1), but it appears that CDK subunits are also redun-
these proteins are missing in algae (Bisova et al. 2005; dant in metazoans (Hochegger et al. 2008).
Banks et al. 2011). It could be that only a small sequence How can we dissect the large complexity of cell cycle
stretch is conserved in CDK inhibitors, and that might not be regulatory systems in plants? There are 99 putative core cell
recognised (Cross et al. 2011). In yeast and animal cells cycle genes in Arabidopsis, with CDKs and cyclins being
these CDK inhibitory proteins mostly function in the G1 to the largest families of proteins. Though this number is
S-phase transition to build a bistable regulatory switch at the somewhat lower in rice, 41, the number is still daunting
transition point called start in yeast and restriction point in and makes the understanding of cell cycle regulation in
animal cells (Tyson and Novak 2008). However, in plants it higher plants a complex task. To systematically map the
has been proposed that ICK/KRP proteins might also func- regulatory interactions among these core cell cycle
tion to establish the switch-like behaviour of the CDK oscil- regulators in Arabidopsis, three independent methods have
lator during the G2 to M-phase transition (Dissmeyer et al. been used in two studies, the yeast two hybrid (Y2H) assay,
2010). This idea mostly came in to explain the void of the bimolecular fluorescence complementation (BiFC) assay
CDC25, the identity of which remains ambiguous in plants (Boruc et al. 2010), and affinity purification coupled to mass
(Dissmeyer et al. 2009). CDC25 is a phosphatase that spectrometry-based identification of proteins in these
activates CDK by dephosphorylating conserved Thr14; complexes (AP–MS). Amalgamation of experimental data
Tyr15 sites, its activity opposes WEE1 kinase, which on the binary links among the 58 core cell cycle proteins
inhibits CDK activity through phosphorylation of the same generated by these three independent methods has uncov-
sites. Though these sites are conserved in plant CDKA ered 416 interactions (Boruc et al. 2010; Van Leene et al.
proteins, and WEE1 kinase is also present, the role of this 2010; Van Leene et al. 2011). This dataset has been further
phosphorylation is unclear during normal cell cycle progres- extended by literature-curated interactions and by those
sion, as the wee1 mutant is indistinguishable from wild type, computationally predicted based on the integration of multi-
and replacing wild type CDKA with a mutant form mimick- ple sources of data such as sequence similarities, gene order
ing the dephosphorylated state of CDKA has no effect either on chromosomes, and gene expression (Van Leene et al.
on plant growth or development (Dissmeyer et al. 2009). The 2011). Collectively, these works have established a
authors therefore concluded that cell cycle control is effi- protein-protein interaction (PPI) network of the plant cell
ciently carried out without the reversible CDK phosphoryla- cycle consisting of 506 binary interactions among 58
tion in plants. To compensate for the missing negative proteins. Besides being a valuable source of information to
inhibitory loop built around CDK phosphorylation by help interpret existing experimental data and formulate new
WEE1/CDC25 in animal and yeast cells, it has therefore hypotheses of the cell cycle PPI network, it has highlighted
been suggested that the CDK inhibitors perform a similar the complex combinatorial interactions among CDKs,
role to build the G2 to M-phase switch (Dissmeyer et al. cyclins and ICK/KRP proteins (Fig. 6.1). We can also
2010). make some firm conclusions from the topology of the net-
Based on mathematical modelling of the cell cycle regu- work. CDKA is shown to make the most connections within
latory system it was proposed that these additional layers of the network, emphasizing its central regulatory role,
negative regulators are fundamental to render unidirectional although surprisingly this is almost exclusively restricted to
6 Cell Cycle Modules in Plants for Entry into Proliferation and for Mitosis 83

D-type cyclins and ICK/KRP proteins. The only exception to Research into the regulation of the plant cell cycle is
this rule is the CDKA interaction with CYCA3-type cyclins. largely motivated by its role in determining plant organ
D-type cyclins in association with CDKA have a predomi- size and potentially crop yield (Bogre et al. 2008). This
nant role in regulating entry into cell proliferation by phos- principally relies on the number of cells produced during
phorylation of the retinoblastoma related (RBR) protein. meristematic cell proliferation, and cell expansion after cells
This protein controls the expression of a large battery of have exited proliferation, a decision point that is tightly
cell cycle genes through the E2F transcription factors. Inter- controlled (Andriankaja et al. 2012). Can sequence variation
estingly, CYCA3-type cyclins share some of these properties in cell cycle genes account for size differences among
with D-type cyclins, such as the peak in expression at the G1 plants? A large scale population genetics study of
to S-phase boundary, and in association with CDKA they polymorphisms in 61 core cell cycle genes across 30 natural
promote the phosphorylation of RBR (Takahashi et al. Arabidopsis accessions revealed signs of purifying selection
2010). Thus in plants CDKA seems to have become in central regulators, CDK subunits, WEE1 and RBR, large
specialized for regulating the entry into cell proliferation in effect mutations in CDKB1;1, adaptive protein evolution in
complex with CYCDs, CYCA3 and ICK/KRPs. KRP6 and departure from equilibrium for CYCA3;3. These
While in animals novel CDKs have evolved to fulfil G1 - data suggest that the robustness of the cell cycle regulatory
specific roles, plant lineage-specific CDKs, the B-type network is more due to functional redundancy than high
CDKs, are functioning in the G2 to M-phases (De Veylder selective constraints (Sterken et al. 2009).
et al. 2007). Consistent with a distinct role, the network
around B-type CDKs are clearly separated from those of
CDKA. B-type CDKs are associated with the mitotic 6.3 The Entry Module into the Cell Cycle
cyclins, CYCA1s, CYCA2s and CYCBs (Van Leene et al.
2010). The only exception to this rule is the interaction of In plants growth is restricted to meristems, and thus a key
CDKB1;1 with CYCD4;1 which, when co-expressed, can factor is the duration of cell proliferation and the timing of
lead to ectopic cell division in epidermal cells (Kono et al. the exit from proliferation to cell expansion and differentia-
2007) and initiation of lateral root formation (Nieuwland tion (Doonan and Sablowski 2010). The current view is that
et al. 2009). Since cyclins within the CDK complex have these events are controlled by an evolutionary-conserved
important roles in determining substrate specificities, transcriptional regulatory switch, the E2F-RB pathway
CYCD4 might have retained broad substrate specificities (Inze and De Veylder 2006; Magyar 2008). The Retinoblas-
towards both the G1 to S and G2 to M targets. The SUC1 toma (RB) was the first tumour suppressor gene cloned from
related CDK adaptor molecules, CKS1 and CKS2 also con- mammalian cells, while the first adenovirus E2 binding
nect to both CDKA;1 and CDKBs, further indicating some transcription factor (E2F) was identified based on its ability
possible share of substrates for these two modules. to form a complex with the RB protein (van den Heuvel and
If all KRPs are dedicated to control the CDKA;1/CYCD Dyson 2008). Originally E2F function was linked to cell
complexes, which inhibitors regulate the mitotic CDKB cycle control, but further studies revealed that E2F functions
complexes? A prime candidate is the plant-specific CDK extend beyond the control of cell proliferation. On the basis
inhibitor, SIAMESE (SIM), which was shown to antagonize of most recent animal studies E2F-RB may provide a
with CYCB and cooperate with the CYCB degradation fac- broadly utilised transcriptional switch for genes and thereby
tor, CCS52A1 (Kasili et al. 2010). A key decision to make co-ordinate the temporal expression of genes involved in the
within the G2-phase of the cell cycle is whether to commit to regulation of cell cycle and differentiation (Korenjak and
mitosis or engage in cycles of repeated DNA sysnthesis, Brehm 2005).
called endoreduplication or endocycle (see Maluszynska In principle, E2F works as a heterodimeric transcription
et al. 2013; this volume). In yeast it was shown that blocking factor, forming a complex with a dimerization partner (DP)
of repeated DNA synthesis relies on the presence of CDK protein prior to binding to the DNA and activating the
activity in G2. In plants the onset of endocycle also involves expression of target genes required for entry into the cell
the selective inactivation of M-phase-promoting factors, cycle. In cells leaving mitosis, RB binds to E2F at
such as the B1-type CDK (CDKB1;1), through proteolytic the carboxyl terminal RB binding motif and inhibits their
destruction of its cyclin partner, CYCA2;3 (Boudolf et al. activities. This is converted, upon mitogen stimulation, by
2009). In agreement, Arabidopsis relatives of the animal hyperphosphorylation of RB by specific CDK-Cyclin D
fizzy-related activators of the anaphase promoting complex complexes, leading to the activation of genes required for
(APC), CCS52A1 and CCS52A2, also promote the switch DNA synthesis (Korenjak and Brehm 2005). In addition to
from mitosis to endocycle (Larson-Rabin et al. 2009; this repression function of RB through direct binding and
Vanstraelen et al. 2009). The anaphase-promoting complex/ inhibition of E2Fs, RB can also function together with E2Fs
cyclosome (APC/C) triggers the degradation of mitotic and actively repress transcription. This is because RB, and
cyclins leading to the exit from mitosis (Fulop et al. 2005). its pocket protein relatives in mammalian cells p107 and
84 Z. Magyar et al.

p130, are able to simultaneously bind to E2Fs and chromatin the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana (Inze and De Veylder
remodelling enzymes such as histone deacetylases (HDACs) 2006). Interestingly, nearly 25 % of the Arabidopsis genes in
(Rayman et al. 2002); or histone methyl transferases (e.g. total contain consensus E2F binding element(s) within their
SUV39H1) (Liu et al. 2005). Animal E2Fs have been classi- promoter region, indicating that E2Fs could play a funda-
fied as activators and repressors based on whether they mental role in regulating many aspects of plant development
transactivate genes which are repressed by RB or form a including cell proliferation and differentiation (Vandepoele
co-repressor complex with RB, respectively (van den et al. 2005, 2009). Arabidopsis contains a family of six E2F-
Heuvel and Dyson 2008). However, recent in vivo studies related proteins (Vandepoele et al. 2002). Three of them,
have clearly demonstrated that activator E2Fs can also work E2FA, E2FB and E2FC, are structurally related to the canon-
as repressors and, vice versa, repressor E2Fs can also func- ical animal E2Fs since they all have the conserved domains
tion as activators in certain developmental contexts and in a characteristic for the animal E2F1-3, including the DNA-
tissue-specific manner (Danielian et al. 2008; Infante et al. binding, dimerization, transactivation and RB binding dom-
2008; Tsai et al. 2008; Chen et al. 2009; Chong et al. 2009; ains. The three other E2F-related members in Arabidopsis are
Wenzel et al. 2011). DEL1, DEL2 and DEL3 (DP-E2F-like proteins). These are
Initially E2F function was linked to the control of DNA structurally related to mammalian E2F7 and E2F8 that lack
synthesis through regulating the expression of critical cell all the E2F-specific domains except the DNA-binding
cycle genes required for S-phase progression. However, in domain, which is present in tandem duplication. Arabidopsis
Drosophila it was shown that dE2F and RB (called RBF1-2 DELs represent a subgroup of the E2F family which does not
in the fly) proteins can control replication through a mecha- require heterodimer formation binding to the DNA with the
nism which is distinct from their effects on gene expression two known dimerization partner proteins, DPA and DPB, and
(Cayirlioglu et al. 2001, 2003). Although the exact mecha- their function is not directly regulated by RBR1 protein since
nism is still unclear, dE2F and RB proteins were found to they lack the RB-binding motif. In analogy to animal
associate with origin recognition complex (ORC) proteins systems, plant E2Fs have also been classified as transcrip-
and they were co-localized at amplifying loci (Royzman tional activators (E2FA and E2FB), or transcriptional
et al. 1999; Bosco et al. 2001). repressors (E2FC), although most of these data were derived
Several studies have revealed that animal E2Fs function from over-expression studies (Magyar 2008). Genome wide
not only in the control of the G1/S transition but are also expression profiling has shown that ectopic co-expression of
involved in the regulation of the G2/M transition. A number E2FA with the dimerization partner A (DPA) not only leads
of critical mitotic genes in animal cells have been identified as to transcriptional activation but also to the transcriptional
E2F targets including cyclin B1, the regulatory subunit of repression of a large number of genes, perhaps indicating
CDK1 in mammalian cells (Zhu et al. 2005), CDC25 phos- that the same E2F/DP complex can be an activator of some
phatase, an activator of the mitotic CDK1 in Drosophila genes and a repressor of others (Vandepoele et al. 2005).
(Neufeld et al. 1998), and MAD2, a mitotic checkpoint com- Functional characterization of the individual members of
ponent gene in mouse (Hernando et al. 2004). Interestingly, Arabidopsis E2Fs has already revealed differences among
the regulation of MAD2 expression by RB/E2F transcrip- them: ectopic expression of E2FA with DPA resulted in
tional regulators was found to play important roles in the strong activation of both the mitotic cell cycle and endocycle
control of chromosome stability (Sage and Straight 2010). (De Veylder et al. 2002; Kosugi and Ohashi 2003),
Therefore it is suggested that E2F-RB may mediate both the overexpression of E2FB was also able to activate mitosis
accurate and timely replication of DNA and the accurate but it repressed the endocycle (Magyar et al. 2005; Sozzani
distribution of chromosomes during mitosis (Bosco 2010). et al. 2006), whereas reduction in the level of E2FC con-
Moreover, studies in animal cells have demonstrated that firmed its negative regulatory function in mitosis but a
the E2F-RB repressor complexes are present in actively positive one in endoreduplication (del Pozo et al. 2006).
dividing cells and regulate both the expression of genes Thus, E2FB and E2FC are antagonistic transcription
involved in differentiation and the G2- and M-phase transi- factors, while E2FA can regulate both proliferation and
tion of the cell cycle (Dimova et al. 2003; van den Heuvel endocycle. The target gene specificities of E2FB and E2FC
and Dyson 2008). These newly identified E2F-RB com- are not fully understood, but the regulation of the mitotic
plexes are regulated differently from the classical E2F-RB CYCB1;1 gene is clearly opposite for E2FB and E2FC (del
complexes since they are insensitive to the traditional RB- Pozo et al. 2006; Sozzani et al. 2006). Lowering the amount
kinases consisting of cyclin D and CDK proteins. of E2FC by RNAi markedly upregulated CYCB1;1 expres-
The E2F-RB network is remarkably conserved between sion, much more than the other E2F target genes such as
the plant and animal kingdoms. E2F and RB homologs CDC6, EXP3, which have clear E2F binding elements, while
have been identified from the unicellular green alga CYCB1;1 does not. This suggests that CYCB1;1 might be a
Chlamydomonas reinhardtii to the higher plants including direct target for E2FC-dependent repression. Curiously,
6 Cell Cycle Modules in Plants for Entry into Proliferation and for Mitosis 85

E2FC-RNAi only had an effect on CYCB1;1 expression in was also shown to be destabilised in light through the
mature leaves but not in young leaves, suggesting that E2FC ubiquitin-SCF pathway (del Pozo et al. 2002). The atypical
forms a repressor complex in differentiated cells. The E2F, DEL1 is the target for E2FB and E2FC and these two
endocycle was also compromised in the leaves of E2FC- antagonistically regulate DEL1 levels through competition
RNAi plants, suggesting that the repression of mitotic genes for a single E2F cis-acting binding site (Berckmans et al.
such as cyclin B1;1, by E2FC is part of the switch from 2011a). DEL1 in turn regulates CCS52As and entry into
mitotic cell cycle to endocycle. Curiously, E2FC appears to endocycle in response to light conditions (Lammens et al.
repress mitosis in mature leaves but it is most abundant in 2008). The ratio between E2FC and E2FB could also be
proliferating cells (del Pozo et al. 2002, 2006). In accordance influenced by auxin. Auxin concentration has a dose-
with these data from Arabidopsis, in Drosophila embryos dependent effect on cell division and cell elongation; high
the expression of cyclin B1 and B3 genes are also repressed auxin promotes cell proliferation, while low auxin leads to
as cells enter endocycle (Edgar and Orr-Weaver 2001). exit from the cell cycle and stimulates cell elongation
Trichome development is linked with endocycle, but by (Scheres and Xu 2006). Auxin-dependent reactivation of
targetting the expression of the mitotic cyclin B1;2 to E2FA was shown to be an important factor for the asymmet-
trichomes, the endocycle is converted into mitosis, leading ric cell division during lateral root initiation (Berckmans
to multicellular trichomes (Schnittger et al. 2002). E2FC et al. 2011b). Auxin was also shown to stabilise E2FB,
might function as a transcriptional repressor on E2F target and co-over-expression of E2FB with DPA could sustain
genes. This is supported also by the over-expression of a proliferation in the lack of auxin (Magyar et al. 2005).
stabilized mutant DE2FC lacking the amino terminal in Cells in the E2FB-DPA plants were extremely small
Arabidopsis which in dark grown plants led to the repression suggesting that E2FB inhibits growth. Over-expression of
of CDC6, a gene involved in S-phase (del Pozo et al. 2002). E2FB alone in Arabidopsis plants also led to overproli-
In mouse, there are two alternative splicing variants of E2F3, feration, small cells and these plants had short roots (Sozzani
a full length form (E2F3a) and an amino terminally deleted et al. 2006). A possible model that can be derived from
(E2F3b) form. These two variants have opposite functions; these data is that elevated levels of E2FB maintain prolifer-
E2F3a is an activator while E2F3b is a repressor (Leone ation in the meristems until the E2FC level rises above E2FB
et al. 2000; Aslanian et al. 2004). The function of the N- in mature leaves leading to the switch from mitotic cell cycle
terminal part of E2F3 is unknown but in E2F1 it is required to endocycle through the repression of mitotic genes
for ubiquitin-mediated degradation (Marti et al. 1999). In (Fig. 6.2).
plants the N-terminal extension of E2Fs has numerous CDK All these data underline the importance of plant E2Fs in
phosphorylation sites. For E2FC this N-terminal part was regulating the G2 to M-phase transitions in a similar way to
shown to be required for ubiquitin-mediated degradation. that found for animal E2Fs (Neufeld et al. 1998; Hernando
Deletion of the N-terminal part led to the stabilization of et al. 2004). Elevated E2FB levels in BY-2 tobacco cell lines
E2FC and E2FA (del Pozo et al. 2002; Magyar et al. 2005). resulted in a shortened cell cycle which is analogous to what
Over-expression of the N-terminally deleted DE2FC mutant was found for Drosophila dE2F1 that in parallel controls two
together with DPB led to growth arrest due to compromised important regulators for the G1 to S and G2 to M-phase
cell proliferation and an elevated endocycle (del Pozo et al. transitions (Magyar et al. 2005). E2FB targets the promoter
2006), providing further evidence that E2FC represses mito- of CDKB1;1 a critical regulator for the G2 to M transition
sis but promotes endocycle. Genome wide gene expression (Magyar and Bogre, unpublished result).
data with plants overexpressing E2FA-DPA or E2FC-DPA E2FA could be at the top of the hierarchy of the E2F
revealed minimal overlap. Whether the target specificity is regulatory network. It does not contain an E2F element in its
also determined by the dimerisation partner, DPA or DPB own promoter but has been shown to activate the expression
remains to be established. While E2FC represses CYCB1;1, of both E2FB and E2FC (Vandepoele et al. 2005). Plants
over-expression of E2FB, or co-over-expression of E2FA over-expressing both E2FA and DPA are severely stunted
with DPA activates it. Whether this opposing function of (De Veylder et al. 2002; Kosugi and Ohashi 2003; Magyar
E2FC and E2FB is through competition of these two factors et al. 2012); cells in some tissues show over-proliferation
for the same site or through alternative E2F-binding sites or while in others over-endoreduplication. E2FA may also
whether these E2Fs indirectly regulate CYCB1;1 expression repress cell proliferation in mature leaves in a similar way
is not known. However, it has been established that E2FB to that shown for E2FC (He et al. 2004). E2FA is most
and E2FC amounts are oppositely regulated by light abundant in meristems and specifically peaks in S-phase
conditions. In the dark E2FC amounts are high compared cells, but can also be detected in endoreduplicating cells.
with E2FB, while in the light it is the opposite, and these Transcriptomics analysis of an E2FA/DPA line showed a
depend on light-signalling components, DET1 and COP1 strong up-regulation of genes involved in DNA synthesis
(Lopez-Juez et al. 2008; Berckmans et al. 2011a). E2FC (e.g. CDC6, ORC1, CDC45, RNRII, MCM3), but genes with
86 Z. Magyar et al.

Fig. 6.2 Regulation of cell proliferation versus endocycle and differ- leads to the repression of genes involved in endocycle. In this way
entiation by the RBR1/E2F transcriptional regulatory switch. RBR1 the E2FA-RBR1 complex contributes to the maintenance of meristems
phosphorylation is regulated by sucrose availability dependent on the by the inhibition of cell differentiation. Later on RBR1 dissociates from
CYCD3;1 and KRP2. The released E2FB is driving cells into prolifer- E2FA by an unknown mechanism, and RBR1-free E2FA stimulates
ation. Auxin and light regulate proliferation by oppositely affecting the endocycle in differentiated cells. Arrows indicate activation, hammers
activator E2FB and repressor E2FC levels. Opposite to E2FB, elevated repression, white arms are stimulatory, black arm indicate inhibitory
sucrose levels increase the association of RBR1 with E2FA, which inputs

roles in the G2 to M-phase transition, such as cyclin B1;1, RBR1 is also required for cell fate determination in
and CDKB1;1 were also upregulated (Vlieghe et al. 2003; gametophytes. Reduction in RBR1 amounts in somatic
Vandepoele et al. 2005). CDKB1;1 was shown experimen- tissues also leads to over-proliferation and delayed differen-
tally to be a direct target of the E2FA-DPA heterodimer tiation (Park et al. 2005; Desvoyes et al. 2006). In addition,
(Boudolf et al. 2004a). The paradox is how E2FA promotes RBR1 has been shown to play a role in repressing endocycle
the G2 to M transition when its expression is restricted to the and maintaining genome integrity (Henriques et al. 2010;
S-phase and how it can regulate the two antagonistic pro- Johnston et al. 2010; Magyar et al. 2012).
cesses, endocycle and G2 to M transition. Recently it was Arabidopsis RBR1 has been shown to be important for
shown that in proliferating cells E2FA forms a stable com- stem cell maintenance which relies on the canonical CYCD/
plex with RBR1 to repress genes involved in endocycle and RBR/E2F pathway; reducing RBR1 amounts by RNAi or
differentiation, in this way the E2FA-RBR1 complex elevated RBR1 phosphorylation through the over-expression
maintains the competence for cell proliferation in the meri- of CYCD3;1 produced extra stem cell layers while over-
stem (Magyar et al. 2012). E2FA over-expression leads to expression of RBR1 or hypophosphorylation induced by
elevated levels of the E2FA-RBR1 complex and increased increased amounts of KRP2 led to the loss of stem cells.
proliferation. However, outside the meristem E2FA, by In accordance with the canonical model, having more
some unknown mechanism, dissociates from RBR1 and RBR1-free E2Fs in cells by over-expression of both E2FA
can stimulate endocycle (Magyar et al. 2012). and DPA also produced more stem cells (Wildwater et al.
In Arabidopsis, there is only a single RBR1 protein. How 2005).
RBR1 functions through the three distinct E2Fs, the timing RBR1 over-expression stimulates early differentiation
and regulation of their interaction and the repression of both in shoot and root meristems (Wildwater et al. 2005;
distinct batteries of genes by these different E2F-RBR1 Wyrzykowska et al. 2006). Besides CYCD/CDKA, there are
complexes is not well understood. RBR1 protein is most also other signalling pathways that can control the transcrip-
abundant in proliferating cells (Wildwater et al. 2005; tional activity of the E2F-RBR1 complex. It was found that
Borghi et al. 2010; Umbrasaite et al. 2010). the mutation or silencing of the two ribosomal protein S6
The first identified rbr1 mutant allele was found to be kinase genes in Arabidopsis led to proliferation in growth
non-viable, with defects during both male and female game- limiting conditions such as lack of sucrose (Henriques et al.
togenesis due to over-proliferation, suggesting a repressive 2010). This deregulation in proliferation also resulted in
function for RBR1 in the mitotic cell cycle (Ebel et al. 2004). frequent aneuploidisation. S6 kinase 1 was shown to interact
6 Cell Cycle Modules in Plants for Entry into Proliferation and for Mitosis 87

with RBR1 and this interaction promotes the nuclear function, this group also contains many genes acting for
localization of RBR1. How other signalling pathways, such spindle checkpoint (e.g., CDC20.1, MAD2, and BUB3),
as the mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway, or Aurora dynamics of mitotic microtubule machinery (many kinesins
kinase can regulate E2F-RBR1 functions remains to be and other microtubule-associated proteins), and genes
established. involved in cell plate formation (e.g., KNOLLE, HINKEL/
AtNACK1, and PLEIADE). We have recently defined
185 genes showing such G2/M-specific expression in
6.4 Transcriptional Regulation at G2 Arabidopsis (Haga et al. 2011). Most of these genes com-
Phase to Mitosis and the Onset monly contain promoter motifs similar to the MSA element,
of Endoreplication this has previously been identified as a cis-acting element
important for G2/M-specific transcriptional activation in
The most established function for E2F/DP is to control tobacco cells (Ito et al. 1998). The MSA element may be
transcription during the G1 to S-phase transition by involved in evolutionarily conserved mechanisms for G2/M-
activating genes required for DNA replication and repair, specific promoter activation, because this motif is commonly
thereby generating waves of gene expression peaking at this found in G2/M-specific genes both in dicots, monocots as
stage. The E2F transcription factors might also regulate the well as in moss.
following waves of gene expression at G2, which may be
associated with progression through G2 and entry into mito-
sis. There are a relatively small number of genes that show 6.4.2 Transcriptional Activation of
this pattern of expression, they include plant-specific B1- G2/M-Specific Genes
type CDKs (CDKB1) and A2-type mitotic cyclins
(CYCA2); (Menges et al. 2003, 2005). In Arabidopsis, Several lines of evidence suggest that R1R2R3-type MYB
E2FA activates the transcription of CDKB1;1 which has transcription factors directly bind to the MSA element, and
E2F binding sites in its promoter (Boudolf et al. 2004a). regulate a suit of G2/M-specific genes (Ito 2005). These
Both CDKB1;1 and CYCA2;3 are known to be involved in types of MYB transcription factors are broadly conserved
the onset of endoreduplication during organ development in among eukaryotes and may be prototypes of the diverse
Arabidopsis (Boudolf et al. 2004b; Imai et al. 2006). It has R1R2R3-type MYB proteins found in plants. R1R2R3-
been proposed that these proteins form an active complex MYB proteins are structurally subdivided into at least four
that maintains mitotic division and represses endoredu- groups which we call A-, B-, C- and D-type MYBs. Among
plication onset (Boudolf et al. 2009). There is no evidence them, A-type MYBs are conserved in angiosperms and act as
that CYCA2;3 is also directly regulated by E2FA, instead a transcriptional activators (Fig. 6.3). In transient expression
report shows that it is regulated by INCREASED LEVEL assays in BY-2 protoplasts, tobacco A-type MYB proteins,
OF POLYPLOIDY1 (ILP1), whose loss-of-function resulted NtMYBA1 and NtMYBA2, can increase promoter activity
in reduced polyploidy and upregulation of all CYCA2 of G2/M-specific genes in an MSA-dependent manner (Ito
members (Yoshizumi et al. 2006). The authors concluded et al. 2001). It has been shown that NtMYBA2 has a negative
that this putative transcription factor may repress CYCA2 regulatory domain in its C-terminus whose deletion
transcription, thereby promoting exit of mitotic division and enhances the activity of NtMYBA2 for transactivation of
onset of endoreplication. Further genome-wide studies are G2/M-specific genes (Araki et al. 2004). Microarray analysis
needed to understand if ILP1 acts as a master regulator of showed that over-expression of the hyperactive form of
G2-phase genes by repressing other genes that are expressed NtMYBA2 lacking the negative regulatory domain resulted
at this stage of the cell cycle. in up-regulation of many G2/M-specific genes in BY-2 cells
(Kato et al. 2009). Conversely, simultaneous mutation of the
two A-type MYB genes, MYB3R1 and MYB3R4, resulted in
6.4.1 Genes Expressed During Late G2 the down-regulation of many G2/M-specific genes in Arabi-
and Mitosis dopsis (Haga et al. 2011). The most prominent defect caused
by the double myb3r1 myb3r4 mutation is the frequent
Following the peak of CDKB1 and CYCA2;3 expression at occurrence of incomplete cytokinesis during somatic cell
G2, a different group of genes is induced shortly before entry division. In agreement with the proposed roles of A-type
into mitosis. This group contains a much larger number of MYB, this cytokinetic defect is mainly due to reduced
genes including mitotic cyclins of A1, B1 and B2 types expression of KNOLLE that is essential for cell plate forma-
(CYCA1, CYCB1 and CYCB2) and plant-specific B2-type tion during cytokinesis (Haga et al. 2007).
CDKs (CDKB2); (Menges et al. 2005; Kato et al. 2009). Cellular activity of A-type MYB proteins is regulated
Besides these core cell cycle genes with presumable mitotic both at the transcriptional and post-transcriptional level
88 Z. Magyar et al.

genes CYCB1 and NACK1, which was dependent on the

presence of an MSA-element in their promoters (Ito et al.
2001). Replacement of the C-terminal region of NtMYBB
with VP16 activation domain converted this transcriptional
repressor into a strong activator. This suggests that the
function for transcriptional control is determined by C-
terminal regions and not by the N-terminally located MYB
domain that is responsible for recognition of the MSA
sequence. When NtMYBA2 and NtMYBB were simulta-
neously over-expressed, NtMYBB could decrease promoter
activity that was enhanced by NtMYBA2, suggesting that
NtMYBB may act as a competitive repressor (Ito et al.
2001). Therefore, G2/M-specific transcription may be
regulated by a dynamic balance between an activator
(NtMYBA2) and a repressor (NtMYBB), both of which
Fig. 6.3 Transcriptional regulation of G2/M-specific genes. R1R2R3- bind to the same MSA sequence. NtMYBB is expressed
type MYB transcription factors directly bind to the MSA element, and
constitutively throughout the cell cycle, in contrast to the
regulate a suit of G2/M-specific genes. A-type MYBs (MYB3R4 and
MYB3R1) are transcriptional activators and they positively regulate G2/M-specific expression of NtMYBA2. Based on the
many G2/M-specific genes. The RING E3 ligase, encoded by findings from R1R2R3-MYB genes, a model was proposed
HISTONE MONOUBIQUITINATION1 (HUB1) is also involved in that G2/M-specifc genes are normally repressed by constitu-
regulating the G2/M-specific gene transcription. Whether HUB1
tive expression of NtMYBB, whereas their transcription
directly regulates promoter activities or acts through the R1R2R3-
type MYB transcription factors is not yet known. Opposing these is triggered when activity of NtMYBA2 increases and
positive regulators is the E2FC transcription factor. Whether E2FC is overcomes NtMYBB-mediated repression. NtMYBB is
part of a larger complex together with R1R2R3-type MYBs remains to also expressed in non-dividing cells, but it remains to be
be established. Arrows indicate activation, hammers repression, black
determined if this MYB protein is also involved in the
lines are experimentally proven and grey lines are hypothetical
maintenance of the repressive state of G2/M-specific genes
in quiescent cells.
during the cell cycle, such that transcription of their target
A recent report suggests that E2F transcription factors
genes is oscillating, with maximum levels at G2/M. In
may also play a role in repressing G2/M-specific genes.
tobacco cells, NtMYBA2 shows cell cycle-regulated expres-
E2FC, one of the three E2F proteins in Arabidopsis, is
sion peaking at G2/M, contains an MSA element in its
regarded as a transcriptional repressor because it does not
upstream region, and is up-regulated by the hyperactive
have transcriptional activation properties in transient expres-
form of NtMYBA2 (Ito et al. 2001; Kato et al. 2009). This
sion assays, and its over-expression causes down-regulation
suggests that transcription of NtMYBA2 is activated by
of CDC6, a representative E2F target (del Pozo et al. 2002).
itself in a positive feedback loop. Similarly, NtMYBA2 is
RNAi-mediated knockdown of E2FC resulted in extra cell
directly phosphorylated and activated by a CDK in complex
divisions during leaf development with reduced levels of
with CYCB1, which is a potential target being transcription-
endoreplication (del Pozo et al. 2006). In the E2FC knock-
ally activated by NtMYBA2 (Araki et al. 2004). All these
down there is a significant up-regulation of S-phase genes in
data suggest the presence of positive feedback loops in
mature leaves but not in young leaves. This suggests that a
NtMYBA2 activation at transcriptional and post-trans-
primary role of E2FC is to establish or maintain the
criptional levels, which may enable the rapid increase of
repressive state of S-phase genes during or after cessation
the regulatory proteins in the narrow window of the cell
of cell divisions in organ development. In addition, a marked
increase of CYCB1;1 transcript was also found in mature but
not young leaves of E2FC knockdown plants (del Pozo et al.
2006). Conversely, over-expression of E2FC diminished
6.4.3 Transcriptional Repression expression of the CYCB1;1-GUS transgene and the endoge-
of G2/M-Specific Genes nous KNOLLE gene. Consistently, E2FC is expressed in
mature organs comprising mostly non-dividing cells, such
In addition to A-type MYB transcriptional activators, as cotyledons and mature leaves, but as stated above, it is
repressor-type R1R2R3-MYB proteins also exist and partic- most abundant in meristematic tissues in Arabidopsis (del
ipate in the regulation of G2/M-specific genes. The B-type Pozo et al. 2002). One attractive hypothesis is that G2/M-
MYB protein, NtMYBB when transiently over-expressed in specific genes are regulated positively by MYB3R1/4 and
tobacco BY-2 cells, was shown to repress the G2/M-specific negatively by E2FC, and that their actions are dependent on
6 Cell Cycle Modules in Plants for Entry into Proliferation and for Mitosis 89

the stage of organ development (Fig. 6.3). It would be modifications, i.e., H2B monoubiquitination, around the
interesting to examine if E2FC knockdown also affects MSA sites during mitosis (Fig. 6.3). It remains to be
other G2/M-specific genes in microarray analysis, and if investigated if G2/M-specific genes are actually
such effects are dependent on the MSA element or not. monoubiquitinated, when such modification occurs in the
cell cycle, and if the effects of the ang4/hub1 mutation are
dependent on MYB3R1/4.
6.4.4 Other Factors Affecting the
G2/M-Specific Transcription
6.5 Spatial Organization of Mitosis
Among G2/M-specific genes, CYCB1;1 has been extensively
studied as a representative gene of this group. Initial genetic Microtubules are required for cellular transport, they serve
approaches identified a mutation which affected GUS as retention devices for many signalling molecules, and are
reporter expression driven by the CYCB1;1 promoter in used for the construction of the chromosome segregation
Arabidopsis, but that mutation has not yet been mapped machinery, the mitotic spindle. Microtubule assembly and
(Himanen et al. 2003). Putative regulatory proteins for orientation is directed from specialized structures such as the
CYCB1;1 transcription have been identified by a different spindle pole bodies in fungi and centrosomes in animal cells.
strategy. Two putative transcription factors, the ELM2 Centrosomes are known to organize both the interphase
domain-containing protein and transcription elongation fac- microtubules and the bipolar mitotic spindle in animal
tor TFIIS family protein, were isolated in a protein complex cells, where their function is modulated by phosphorylation.
that binds to affinity beads covalently attached to an oligo- Defects of centrosomes result in chromosome instability
nucleotide of the MYB binding sequence in the CYCB1;1 (Kramer et al. 2011). The major mitotic kinases are the
promoter (Planchais et al. 2002). While in a more recent cyclin dependent kinase1/cyclinB complex, Polo-like kinase
study, TCP20, a TCP family transcription factor, has been (Plk) and the Aurora kinases. These mitotic kinases are
shown to bind to the GCCCR element found in CYCB1;1 and known to control the spatial and temporal events partially
some ribosomal protein genes (Li et al. 2005). This element through the phosphorylation of centrosomal proteins
is required for high level transcription from the CYCB1;1 (Ma and Poon 2011).
promoter in the presence of the MSA element. Future reverse The microtubule network is made up of the conserved
genetic studies are needed to confirm if these factors are tubulin family, commonly through the polymerization
actually required for transcription of CYCB1;1 and other of a-tubulin and b-tubulin. g-Tubulin, in its soluble cyto-
G2/M-specific genes. plasmic state forms small complexes with two additional
It has been recently proposed that chromatin modifications g-tubulin complex proteins (GCPs), GCP2 and GCP3.
are involved in the G2/M-specific transcription in Arabidopsis. g-Tubulin is also present as a large ring complex (gTuRC)
The RING E3 ligase encoded by HISTONE MONOUBIQUI- that is built of small tetrameric g-tubulin complexes and that
TINATION1 (HUB1) has been identified as a gene responsible is established as a core unit needed for microtubule
for reduced leaf size in ang4 mutants (Fleury et al. 2007). nucleation from centrosomes. Other specific components of
HUB1 is an ortholog of BRE1 from yeast and human which the large gTuRCs, GCP4–6 are not essential for nucleation
carries out monoubiquitination of histone H2B, a posttransla- of microtubules but increase nucleation efficiency (Raynaud-
tional modification important for transcriptionally active chro- Messina and Merdes 2007). However, non-centrosomal
matin. The reduced leaf size in ang4/hub1 mutants may be nucleation of microtubules occurs not only in acentrosomal
caused by increased cell cycle duration, which is, in turn, cells such as oocytes but also in cells equipped with
caused by the downregulation of many G2/M-specific genes. centrosomes (Bartolini and Gundersen 2006), and the role of
Microarray analysis of shoot meristems from the ang4/hub1 g-tubulin in the alternative pathway of microtubule nucleation
mutant showed significant down regulation of 66 out of 82 is generally accepted (Janson et al. 2005; Schuh and Ellenberg
mitosis-specific genes defined by Menges et al. (2005), most of 2007). Discrete structures for microtubule nucleation, such as
which contain the MSA motif in their promoter regions. This centrosomes, are absent in higher plant cells and non-
suggests that HUB1 may positively and selectively affect centrosomal microtubules are nucleated from dispersed g-
transcriptional activity, and that such selective action for tubulin positive sites in the cytoplasm, with membranes, and
G2/M-specific genes may be achieved by a mechanism that with pre-existing microtubules (Murata et al. 2005; Binarová
recognizes the MSA element. One likely explanation is that et al. 2006; Pastuglia et al. 2006). Localization of g-tubulin
HUB1 may be recruited to the MSA sites with the aid of around the outer nuclear envelope and its association with
R1R2R3-MYB transcription factors that have MSA-binding pre-kinetochores and kinetochores in early mitosis may
ability. In such a scenario, transcriptional activation regulated depend on phosphorylation by mitotic kinases (Binarová
by MYB3R1/4 may be mediated through chromatin et al. 1998, 2000). Furthermore, g-tubulin together with the
90 Z. Magyar et al.

nuclear pore complex Nup107-160, are also localized to g-tubulin function in plants. Our analysis of the
kinetochores of mitotic HeLa cells (Mishra et al. 2010), co-expression neighbourhood with g-tubulin uncovered
and thus it appears that g-tubulin has a conserved function CDKB2.1. It would be interesting to examine experimen-
in the nucleation of kinetochore microtubules in the early tally, whether CDKB2.1 is involved in phosphoregulation of
stages of mitosis both in plant and animal cells. Apart from g-tubulin (Fig. 6.4).
its association with kinetochores, g-tubulin is also present g-Tubulin and GCP3 protein have been identified to be
along plant spindle microtubules where it shows gradual amongst the targets of Aurora signalling in mammalian cells
translocation from the kinetochore region to the (Sardon et al. 2010). Aurora kinases are central to the coordi-
acentrosomal poles during mitotic progression (Liu et al. nation of many cellular events of cell division and differenti-
1993; Dryková et al. 2003). Correct localization of g-tubulin ation. There are three aurora kinases in animal cells,
to mitotic spindle microtubules is necessary for the organi- AURORA A–C. AURORA A localizes to centrosomes and
zation of acentrosomal spindles in Drosophila oocytes, where along mitotic spindle microtubules, and plays a role in cen-
g-tubulin stabilizes the attachment of spindle microtubules at trosome maturation, spindle pole organization and mainte-
the kinetochores (Hughes et al. 2011). These data suggest nance in metazoan cells. Depletion of Aurora A delays
that the precise spatial regulation of g-tubulin localization chromosome condensation and CDK1 activation (Liu and
throughout the cell cycle is required to ensure g-tubulin Ruderman 2006). Aurora B, as a chromosomal passenger, is
functions in both centrosomal and acentrosomal cells. Com- essential for normal chromosome segregation and cytokine-
pared with the extensive data available on the regulation of sis (Carmena and Earnshaw 2003). As in animal cells, three
cell cycle specific centrosomal function, the regulation of Aurora kinases have been identified in the Arabidopsis
dispersed centrosomes in acentrosomal cells is much less genome, named as AtAurora1, 2, and 3. Meristem-defective
understood. phenotypes observed in RNAi plants with silenced Aurora
Spin down experiments with taxol-polymerized plant kinases suggest they play a role in maintaining meristematic
microtubules confirmed the presence of g-tubulin and Cyclin cells in the mitotic cycle (Petrovská et al. 2012). A higher
Dependent Kinase A (CDKA) with microtubules (Wein- level of endoreduplication occurs in plants with
gartner et al. 2001; Dryková et al. 2003). Besides CDKA, downregulated Aurora kinases, demonstrating that Aurora
other molecules that make up the core of the cell cycle kinases may interconnect cell cycle signalling with unknown
machinery were also shown to be associated with targets involved in the switch from cell division to differenti-
microtubules by mass spectrometry-based proteomics of ation. In mammalian cells Aurora B phosphorylates retino-
taxol-stabilised microtubule pellets (unpublished data; blastoma (RB) protein in vitro and in vivo at serine 780.
Jones, Binarová, Bogre). Centrosome-independent nucle- Inhibition of Aurora B led to RB hypophosphorylation
ation of spindle microtubules requires augmin (Goshima accompanied by endoreduplication (Nair et al. 2009). There-
et al. 2008) and it assembles into a complex with g-tubulin, fore Aurora B kinase directly regulates the RB protein and
dependent on Cyclin Dependent Kinase1 (CDK1), Polo the postmitotic checkpoint by preventing endoreduplication
kinase and Aurora signalling (Johmura et al. 2011). Augmin in cells with aberrant mitosis.
related proteins are important for spindle and phragmoplast The AtAurora1 kinase localizes with the prophase spindle
organization in plants (Ho et al. 2011). It has been shown around the nuclei, with the preprophase band of cortical
that g-tubulin and GCPs are regulated in a cell cycle depen- microtubules, and with mitotic spindle microtubules
dent manner by phosphorylation. Analysis of cell cycle (Demidov et al. 2005, 2009). AtAurora1 physically interacts
phosphoproteome of yeast spindle pole bodies revealed with its activator the AtTPX2 protein, and the co-
dynamic phosphorylation of g-tubulin and GCPs during localization of both proteins on preprophase spindle
cell cycle progression (Keck et al. 2011). Clustering of microtubules suggests that active AtAurora1 kinase is
phosphosites that create charged regions were prominent involved in g-tubulin-driven microtubular nucleation during
within yeast centrosomal proteins and suggestive of phos- plant mitosis (Petrovská et al. 2012). The AtAurora1 kinase
phorylation-mediated protein-protein interactions (Schw- and TPX together with g-tubulin localize with a specific
eiger and Linial 2010). Two G1-phase specific and six subset of early phragmoplast microtubules adjacent to chro-
M-phase specific phoshosites are present on the g-tubulin matin and distal to the cell plate e.g., at the site where
molecule and these are highly conserved in eukaryotes phragmoplast microtubules are nucleated. Activity of
(Keck et al. 2011). It has been shown in two independent Aurora A kinase is required for nucleation of microtubules
studies that the mutation of a single CDK phosphorylation with or without centrosomes (Tsai and Zheng 2005). Pres-
site, Tub4 S360D, causes mitotic delay and aberrant ana- ence of AtAurora1 and its activating subunit AtTPX2 with g-
phase spindle elongation (Keck et al. 2011; Lin et al. 2011). tubulin on microtubules suggests a link between the Aurora
This phosphosite is conserved on plant g-tubulin and kinases and g-tubulin mediated processes, such as
suggests that CDK phosphorylation may also control plant acentrosomal plant microtubule nucleation from existing
6 Cell Cycle Modules in Plants for Entry into Proliferation and for Mitosis 91

Fig. 6.4 CDK associated with CYCB1 is required for g-tubulin accumulates in the region with shortening kinetochore fibres on poles
mediated microtubule nucleation and organization of mitotic and cyto- (asterisk) and forms a gradient in the midzone with enrichment at sites
kinetic microtubular arrays in acentrosomal plant cells. Upper panel: adjacent to chromatin (arrows) where phragmoplast microtubules are
Vicia faba root meristem cells at metaphase stained for a- and g-tubulin nucleated. At telophase, g-tubulin is localized with the phragmoplast
and for DNA with DAPI. g-Tubulin is co-localized with the kineto- microtubules. Cells over-expressing a destruction box mutant form of
chore fibres of the microtubular spindle. g-Tubulin shows a gradient, CYCB1 (cycB1mut) maintain an abnormally high CDK activity at
being most abundant in the vicinity of spindle poles (asterisk) away anaphase. g-Tubulin in these cells neither localizes to anaphase poles
from the kinetochores. Inhibition of mitotic CDKs by the drug (asterisks) nor accumulates in the midzone adjacent to separating
roscovitine results in aberrant metaphase spindles; only remnants of chromatin (arrows). We find an abnormal localization pattern for g-
kinetochore microtubular fibres persist (arrows). g-Tubulin is not tubulin during the anaphase/telophase transition and a delayed transi-
associated with these remnants of aberrant microtubule fibres, but is tion from the mitotic spindle organization into phragmoplast. As a
dispersed within the cytoplasm, suggesting that CDK might regulate g- consequence, the microtubular cycle lags behind the chromatin cycle.
tubulin association with microtubules, or g-tubulin-mediated microtu- g-Tubulin becomes completely dispersed in cells with strong cycB1mut
bule nucleation. Lower panel: Triple immunofluorescence labelling for expression; the phragmoplast and consequently the cell plate are absent
a- and g-tubulin and for DNA with DAPI in wild type tobacco BY-2 and cells become binuclear (empty arrow), eventually cells initiate
cells, and in cells where a non-destructible mutant CYCB1 form anaphase but lack nuclear division and cytokinesis (arrowhead), and
is over-expressed (cycB1mut). In late anaphase, g-tubulin label the next interphase is restored without regular chromatin

microtubules (Murata et al. 2005). AtAurora1 and the There is growing evidence to suggest a non-canonical role
AtTPX2 regulatory module may act with the g-tubulin for g-tubulin as a multifunctional protein involved in various
nucleation complex and other substrates involved in the cellular processes, including cell cycle regulation. Indepen-
spatio-temporal regulation of acentrosomal plant spindle dent of microtubule assembly, g-tubulin down-regulation in
formation. Arabidopsis compromises cytokinesis (Binarová et al. 2006).
92 Z. Magyar et al.

CyclinB1 degradation and inactivation of mitotic kinases are interaction with the E2F proteins during G1/S regulation.
prerequisites for mitotic exit and for the completition of cyto- These results provide further evidence that g-tubulin is
kinesis (Fig. 6.4). In higher plants, microtubules are organized essential for all major transitions of the cell cycle, including
without a well defined microtubule organizing centre G1/S, G2/M and the mitotic exit. However, the molecular
(MTOC). At anaphase, the acentrosomal mitotic spindle is mechanisms as to how g-tubulin regulates these checkpoints
formed by shortening microtubular fibres on poles and the are not well understood. It could equally be that g-tubulin
midzone microtubules are transformed into the microtubular acts alone or in complex with GCPs as scaffolding proteins,
cytokinetic apparatus, called the phragmoplast. It is still not or it may be part of the checkpoint sensors.
known whether phragmoplast microtubules are nucleated
de novo from dispersed sites in the midzone analogous to the Acknowledgement We thank Dr. Věra Cenklová for providing
equatorial microtubule nucleation sites of Saccharomyces pictures of V. faba for Fig. 6.4.
pombe or whether phragmoplast is formed by capturing
preformed microtubules (J€ urgens 2005). Cytokinesis is
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Endopolyploidy in Plants
Jolanta Maluszynska, Bozena Kolano, and Hanna Sas-Nowosielska

Contents 7.1 Introduction

7.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
7.1.1 Definition and Types of Endopolyploidy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 Plant growth and development is precisely programmed and
7.1.2 Polysomatic and Non-polysomatic Plants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
achieved through three processes: cell division (prolifera-
7.1.3 Pattern of Endoreduplication: Polysomaty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
tion), growth and differentiation. These three processes may
7.2 Molecular Mechanisms of Endoreduplication . . . . . . . . . 102 overlap during plant organ development, when some cells
7.2.1 Endoreplication Onset: Transition from Mitotic Cell
Cycle to Endocycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
start to differentiate while others continue to divide e.g., leaf
7.2.2 DNA Replication in the Endocycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 epidermal cells (Harashima and Schnittger 2010). Dividing
7.2.3 Endocycle Regulatory Proteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 cells, called meristematic cells, increase their number and
7.2.4 Factors Involved in Endopolyploidy Modulation . . . . . . . . . 106 supply new cells for post-embryonic plant development.
7.3 Structure of the Endopolyploid Plant Nucleus . . . . . . . . 108 Outside the meristems non-dividing cells expand and differ-
7.4 Occurrence of Endopolyploidy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 entiate. Cell proliferation and expansion result in varied but
7.4.1 Endopolyploidy in Species . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 determined cell sizes specific for the plant, organ and tissue.
7.4.2 Life Strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 The next phase in plant development is cell-type specifica-
7.4.3 Endopolyploidy in Generatively Polyploid Plants . . . . . . . . 109 tion along with the differentiation processes. The control of
7.4.4 Endopolyploidy in Plant Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
all processes and the determination of final cell mass and
7.5 Polysomatic and Non-polysomatic Plants in Culture In size are poorly understood but there is increasing knowledge
Vitro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
about the molecular mechanisms underpinning the regu-
7.6 Methods to Analyse Endopolyploidy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 latory systems. Cell sizes in plants are usually closely related
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 to their function. There are two strategies to enlarge cell size:
one is based on water uptake and vacuolar growth and the
other is to increase the nuclear DNA content or the level of
polyploidy, this gives rise to endopolyploidy.

7.1.1 Definition and Types of Endopolyploidy

Endopolyploidy is a general term defining the results of the

exponential multiplication of nuclear DNA (2n) in the
absence of mitosis. Endopolyploidisation is mainly the result
of either the endoreduplication or the endomitosis pathways
(D’Amato 1964). Other processes such as the fusion of
nuclei or the appearance of multinuclear cells also lead to
polyploidisation, but they are rare and not essential for plant
development (D’Amato 1984). Exceptions are the acyto-
J. Maluszynska (*)
kinetic mitotic activity in the anther tapetum of most seed
Department of Plant Anatomy and Cytology, University of Silesia,
Jagiellonska 28, 40-032 Katowice, Poland plants and in the antipodals and endosperm of some angio-
e-mail: sperm taxa.

I.J. Leitch et al. (eds.), Plant Genome Diversity Volume 2, 99

DOI 10.1007/978-3-7091-1160-4_7, # Springer-Verlag Wien 2013
100 J. Maluszynska et al.

Fig. 7.1 Aconitum ranunculifolius (2n ¼ 16), highly endopolyploid integument at the bottom right hand corner of the figure); (b) nucleus
nuclei from the antipodals in the embryo sac; (a) fully developed giant with “giant chromosomes” in haploid number (n ¼ 8). Bar: 5 mm
nucleus with diffuse chromatin structure (note a 2C nucleus from the (From Tschermak-Woess (1956b), with permission of Springer) Endomitosis diplochromosome (¼ 4 chromatid chromosome), which is the

Endomitosis was first described by Geitler (1939) in the insect result of two successive rounds of DNA replication. The best-
Gerris lateralis (Heteroptera) as the process of chromosome known examples of true polyteny are the giant salivary gland
division without cell division. During the endomitotic cycle chromosomes of Drosophila. The characteristic of polyteny is
chromosomes double and condense (endoprophase, endo- the cable-architecture with banded appearance of the chromo-
metaphase) within an intact nuclear envelope. The sister some. In plants, giant chromosomes resembling polytene
chromatids then separate and decondense in the nucleus lead- chromosomes of the dipteran type have been observed in
ing to endopolyploidy, which is characterised by the multipli- only a few species of Phaseolus and Vigna in ovary or imma-
cation of the visible chromosome number. Endomitotic cycles ture seed tissue (embryo suspensor) and the anther tapetum
of this type have been reported in several animal groups respectively (Carvalheira 2000) or in the antipodal cells of
but rarely in angiosperms (D’Amato 1989; Weiss and Aconitum ranunculifolius (Fig. 7.1) and specialized cells of
Maluszynska 2001). the embryo, embryo sac and endosperm of a few other plant
species (Tschermak-Woess 1956a, b, 1963). Endoreduplication While endomitosis always leads to a visible multiplication
The most common mode of plant cell polyploidisation is of chromosomes, endoreduplication can have different effects,
endoreduplication. This process was first described by Levan depending on the chromatin characteristics (Fig. 7.2). Various
(1939) in the elongation zone of Allium cepa roots. It is intermediate DNA configurations can occur, differing in the
estimated to occur in over 90% of all angiosperms and is also degree of association between duplicated chromatids (Edgar
present in algal and fern cells but absent in gymnosperms and Orr-Weaver 2001). Both processes, endomitosis and
(Barow and Meister 2003). Endoreduplication is a process in endoreduplication, differ from mitosis by the absence of
which chromosomes replicate without a subsequent nucleus mitotic spindle formation, and the presence of a nuclear enve-
and cell division and without any obvious signs of chromatin lope during the entire endocycle.
condensation and decondensation. As a result, chromosomes Although endoreduplication is widespread in eukaryotes,
have 2n chromatids, which may become visible when such a many questions and problems remain. The role and control
nucleus is stimulated to enter mitosis again. The chromatids in of the endocycle are especially poorly characterised in
interphase may fall apart or remain united at certain regions, plants. Nevertheless, there is a growing interest in this
mostly the centromeres, or, very rarely, along most of their field, particularly focused on (1) the switch between cell
length. In the latter case chromatid bundles, so-called giant proliferation and cell differentiation, and between the
chromosomes, are formed. Many successive cycles of DNA mitotic cycle and the endocycle, and (2) the termination of
replication without the segregation of sister chromatids may the endoreduplication process. Increasing knowledge about
result in polytene chromosomes. As proposed by Huskins the mechanisms of plant cell cycle regulation should con-
(1947), the lowest level of polyteny is represented by a tribute to a better understanding of the regulation of the
7 Endopolyploidy in Plants 101

of DNA synthesis without mitosis. The variation of cell

ploidy levels is also designated as somatic polyploidy.
Endopolyploidisation is closely associated with cell
differentiation and is essential for normal development
and physiology in many different organs of plants and
animals. Plants which undergo endopolyploidisation are
called polysomatic plants in contrast to non-polysomatic
plants, whose cells remain diploid throughout differentia-
tion (Fig. 7.3).
Endoreduplication is widespread in eukaryotes and is espe-
cially common in angiosperms; however, it is not present in
all species and what determines which species undergo a
polysomatic or non-polysomatic (non-endopolyploid) type
of development is unclear. For example, why some cells
undergo endopolyploidisation in one species in the early
stage of development (e.g., Chenopodium quinoa, Kolano
et al. 2009) while in others all cells remain diploid and their
non-dividing nuclei stay at the 2C DNA level (e.g., Crepis
capillaris, Brossard 1978; Maluszynska 1990) is poorly
understood. Non-polysomatic plants seem to be typical for
some plant families. The dominance of non-polysomatic spe-
cies has been documented in such families as Amaryllidaceae,
Asteraceae, Fagaceae, Liliaceae, Ranunculaceae, Rosaceae
and others (Barow and Jovtchev 2007).

7.1.3 Pattern of Endoreduplication:


Endopolyploidy in polysomatic plants can be characterised

in two ways: (1) the frequency of endopolyploid cells and (2)
the degree of ploidy in the particular cells of tissues and
Fig. 7.2 Nuclei during cell cycle and endopolyploidisation. (a) Sche- organs. These two factors determine the pattern of endopoly-
matic changes in chromosome number and DNA content, (b–d) ploidy, which is characteristic for each species and is known
Gibbaeum heathii (2n ¼ 18), interphase nuclei of raphide cells of to have an organ-specific character. The degree of endopoly-
secondary leaf; (b) 2C nucleus, (c) presumably 16C nucleus with single
chromocentres in multiplied number, (d) presumably 16C nucleus with ploidy is indicated by the C level where 1C is the DNA
endochromocentres in diploid number. Bar: 5 mm (from Schlichtinger content in unreplicated gametophyte nuclei and gametes. 2C
(1956) with permission of Springer) and 4C represent the DNA amounts of mitotically active
sporophytic cells in the G1 and G2 phase of the cell cycle,
endocycle and the biological significance of endopolyploi- respectively. Cells with a DNA content higher than 4C are
disation in plant development. Recent genetic studies, considered to be endopolyploid. Generally, during endo-
mostly utilising Arabidopsis thaliana mutants, have revealed polyploidisation nuclei undergo several rounds of endoredu-
the key genes involved in plant endopolyploidy regulation, plication, reaching levels of 64C DNA. It should be noted
while progress in flow and image cytometry has accelerated that the 4C population may comprise not only of cells in the
investigations and determinations of the endopolyploi- G2 phase of the cell cycle but also differentiated cells that
disation pattern in new plant species. have already gone through the first round of endoredu-
plication. However, in mature organs mitotically active
cells are not present or their frequency is very low. Higher
7.1.2 Polysomatic and Non-polysomatic Plants levels of endoreduplication occur in metabolically highly
active cells that have a secretory or nutritive function. Mul-
Endopolyploidisation manifests itself at varying ploidy tiple cycles of endoreduplication have been described in
levels (labelled as 2C, 4C, 8C, 16C . . ..) of different many specific cell types like antipodal cells, suspensor
cells in the same individual as a result of several rounds cells, endosperm haustoria or tapetum cells (Table 7.1). An
102 J. Maluszynska et al.

Table 7.1 Examples of endopolyploidy in specific plant tissues potential substrates kinase will interact with. Two cyclin
(Mauseth 2009) families seem to be involved in the endocycle: CYCD and
Species Tissue Degree CYCA. CYCD drives the cells into S-phase, while CYCA
Carex hirta Tapetum 8C probably controls the progression of S-phase (Joubes and
Viola declinata Elaiosome 16C Chevalier 2000).
Cucumis sativus Anther hairs 64C
Triticum aestivum Antipodal cells 128C
Geranium phaeum Integument 512C 7.2.1 Endoreplication Onset: Transition from
Phaseolus vulgaris Suspensor 2,048C Mitotic Cell Cycle to Endocycle
Scilla bifolia Elaiosome 4,096C
Phaseolus coccineus Suspensor 8,192C
The transition from the mitotic cycle to the endocycle is
Arum maculatum Endosperm 24,576C
irreversible and controlled by genetic and environmental
cues. The process is regulated by several pathways which
are thought to lead to the inactivation of the mitosis-
extremely high DNA content, up to 24,576C, which promoting factor (MPF) and provide the oscillatory activity
corresponds to 13 endocycles, has been reported for the of S-phase CYC-CDK complexes. MPF inactivation
endosperm cells of Arum maculatum (Traas et al. 1998). prevents the cells from passing the G2/M transition check-
point, while the oscillatory CDK activity enables DNA
re-replication. Low kinase activity is thought to allow pre-
replication complexes (pre-RC) to set up at the origin of
7.2 Molecular Mechanisms replication (ORI) in the chromatin, while high kinase activ-
of Endoreduplication ity permits the replication machinery to proceed and copy
the DNA (Sugimoto-Shirasu and Roberts 2003). This
During the mitotic cell cycle, cells undergo sequential oscillatory activity pattern is achieved mostly by utilising
phases of DNA replication (S-phase) and chromosome common cell cycle machinery with only a few proteins
segregation (mitosis—M-phase), allowing chromosome rep- found to be specific for endoreduplication (Dewitte et al.
lication only once per cell cycle. Replication is preceded by 2007; Ishida et al. 2008; John and Qi 2008; Chevalier et al.
the gap phase (G1) during which cells grow and synthesise 2011) (Fig. 7.4a).
the proteins needed for S-phase. A second gap phase (G2) Little is known about how MPF inactivation is achieved;
also separates the S-phase and mitosis. During the gaps however, studies of Arabidopsis have shed some light on this
several checkpoints operate which regulate cell cycle pro- topic. The family of CDKB1s has been shown to drive the
gression. The checkpoints act in response to intra- and extra- cells through the G2/M transition during the cell cycle
cellular regulatory signals (Fig. 7.4a). (Menges et al. 2006; Gutierrez 2009). Within this family,
A particular class of protein kinases, known as CYCLIN CDKB1;1 seems to play a special role and its high activity is
DEPENDENT KINASES (CDK) along with their regulatory crucial for keeping the cells in the cell cycle and preventing
proteins, known as CYCLINS (CYCs), are involved in the them from entering the endocycle (Boudolf et al. 2004,
progression through the cell cycle. Two main families of 2009). Indeed, analysis of Arabidopsis transformants with
CDKs act during the cell cycle: (1) continuously active reduced CDKB1;1 activity has shown that the down-
CDKA and (2) temporarily activated, mitotic CDKBs regulation of CDKB1;1 results in the onset of the endocycle
(Fig. 7.4a). These CDKs form complexes with a variety of (Boudolf et al. 2004). This downregulation in wild type
cyclin family members. Cyclic changes in cyclin levels plants is probably achieved by a decrease in the availability
result in changes in the activity of the CYC-CDK of the cyclin CYCA2;3 through its selective degradation, as
complexes, thus allowing phase succession (Dewitte and the stability and activity of CDKB1;1 is dependent on its
Murray 2003; see also Magyar et al. 2013, this volume). interactions with CYCA2;3 during the G2/M transition. It
When cells start to differentiate they stop dividing and has also been suggested that the CYCA2;3-CDKB1 complex
may enter endoreduplication which operates through a is responsible for the temporal downregulation of the CYC-
modified cell cycle called an endocycle. A single endocycle CDKA1 activity, which might result in blockage of the
consists of just the G1 and S-phase, i.e., it lacks the G2 and G2/M transition (Verkest et al. 2005a; Menges et al. 2005;
M-phases (Edgar and Orr-Weaver 2001). Based on available Gutierrez 2009).
data, the entire endocycle operates through the action of Precise data about how the cells are able to undergo
CDKA1 (Leiva-Neto et al. 2004). Successive rounds of multiple rounds of DNA replication are lacking; however,
replication separated by G-phases are executed by changes it seems that this involves changing the activity of members
in a CDKA1 cyclin partner. Cyclin determines which of the of the CYCD family. Among CYCD family members,
7 Endopolyploidy in Plants 103






1 10 100


240 2C




1 10 100

Fig. 7.3 Flow histograms of relative fluorescence of nuclei isolated peak indicates that most nuclei are 2C. The second, much smaller peak
from hypocotyls from (a) polysomatic (Brassica campestris) and shows that there are, however, a few nuclei with a 4C DNA amount.
(b) non-polysomatic (Helianthus annuus) plants. In (a) four peaks are x-axis nuclear log DAPI fluorescence intensity, y-axis number of nuclei
visible showing endopolyploidy up to 16C DNA while in (b) the large

CYCD3;1 has been shown to be necessary for keeping cells factor (E2FA TF) when it is unphosphorylated (Joubes and
in the cell cycle. Studies of Arabidopsis mutants have shown Chevalier 2000; Park et al. 2005; Gutierrez 2009). The
that CYCD3;1 acting in response to a cytokinin signal is phosphorylation of RBR, via the action of the CYCD1-
involved in the maintenance of the cell cycle while its CDKA1 complex, releases the E2FA TF allowing it to
downregulation seems to be needed for the onset of form a complex with the DIMERISATION PARTNER A
endoreduplication (Dewitte et al. 2007). (DPA) protein. The E2FA-DPA complex then induces the
expression of the main replication proteins. Consequently,
the action of the E2FA-DPA allows the pre-RC to assemble
and licences the start of the next S-phase (Joubes and Che-
7.2.2 DNA Replication in the Endocycle valier 2000; del Castellano et al. 2001, 2004; Park et al.
2005; Berckmans and De Veylder 2009).
The G1/S transition and DNA replication are mainly DNA replication during the endocycle also involves the
regulated by the S-phase specific cyclin family CYCD specific action of various proteins not found during the
(Menges et al. 2006). During the endocycle a sub-family of mitotic cell cycle replication. Topoisomerase VI (TOPOVI)
CYCD1 seems to play an important role. It has been shown is a plant-specific topoisomerase involved in chromosome
that one of the main targets of the CYCD1-CDKA1 complex decatenation. Analysis of Arabidopsis mutants with non-
is RETINOBLASTOMA-RELATED protein (RBR), which functional components of TOPOVI complex has shown
forms an inhibitory complex with the E2FA transcription that they only undergo the first two rounds of
104 J. Maluszynska et al.


0,0 2000000,0 5000000,0
Total Intensity DAPI

Fig. 7.4 (a) Schematic representation of the cell cycle (left) and the endocycle. Constant activity of APC ensures that nuclei do not enter
endocycle (right). The cell cycle consists of two main phases: replica- mitosis. (b) Changes in the nuclear morphology and chromocenter
tion (S-phase) and division (M-phase), separated by G1 and G2 phases. structure during consecutive rounds of endoreplication. Arabidopsis
Transition from one phase to another is determined by the cyclin- thaliana stem leaf nuclei after DAPI staining (left) and fluorescence
dependent kinases (CDK)—CDKA and CDKB. CDKA is present con- in situ hybridization with the centromeric probe, pAl1 (right). In nuclei
stantly during the cell cycle, while CDKB is considered to be specific with low ploidy levels centromeric heterochromatin is compacted,
for the G2/M transition. CDK activity and substrate specificity are indicating sister chromatid association, while in nuclei of higher ploidy
regulated by cyclin (CYC) proteins, thus the periodic presence of levels centromeric heterochromatin is decondesed and appears diffuse.
different CYCs, determines cell cycle progression. The anaphase pro- (c) Analysis of the DNA content in A. thaliana stem leaf nuclei using
moting complex (APC) participates in the degradation of mitotic image cytometry. Slides with stem leaf nuclei were stained with DAPI
cyclins, thus preventing cells from entering mitosis prematurely. The and examined under the microscope. The DNA contents of the nuclei
switch from the cell cycle to the endocycle involves a decrease in were evaluated by measuring fluorescence intensity (x-axis) using
the activity of CYC-CDKB complexes and inactivation of CYCA2;3. image cytometry and the results are displayed as a histogram. Peaks
The endocycle is considered to be the cell cycle without the M-phase, represent consecutive ploidy levels (2C, 4C and >4C), determined
thus it is regulated by similar mechanisms. As for the cell cycle, its from relative fluorescence intensity. Pictures of representative nuclei
progression is regulated by the oscillatory activity of CYCs, however for each ploidy level are shown over each peak. Bar: 5 mm
only CYCA and CYCD have been shown to be active during the
7 Endopolyploidy in Plants 105

endoreduplication and fail to succeed in the following on whether they execute their action directly, binding to their
rounds, suggesting a role of TOPOVI in proper DNA repli- target, or indirectly, by chemically modifying their target.
cation in nuclei with higher ploidy levels (Sugimoto-Shirasu The first type of action is performed by the INHIBITOR/
et al. 2002; Kirik et al. 2007; Sugimoto-Shirasu et al. 2005). INTERACTOR OF THE CDK/KIP-RELATED PROTEINS
There is also evidence for the involvement of the chro- (ICK/KRP), the plant CYCLIN DEPENDENT KINASE
matin assembly factor 1 (CAF-1) in the regulation of the INHIBITORS (CKIs). ICK/KRPs most probably execute
endocycle. CAF-1 is involved in the assembly of nucleo- their inhibitory action by binding to CYC-CDK complexes
somes onto a newly synthesised DNA strand. In caf-1 and inhibiting their kinase activity (Verkest et al. 2005a).
mutants, nuclei were seen to go through one additional Particular members of ICK/KRP show substrate specificity,
endocycle on average. It therefore seems that the replication which is determined by the cyclin involved in the CYC-CDK
machinery is also involved in the regulation of the number of complex (Verkest et al. 2005a; Wang et al. 2006). However,
endocycles (Exner and Henning 2008; Gutierrez 2009). even though their main action seems to be focused on CYC-
CDK complexes, ICK/KRPs can also interact with cyclins
(Coelho et al. 2005; Wang et al. 2006). Several studies have
highlighted the role of ICK/KRPs in the onset and progres-
7.2.3 Endocycle Regulatory Proteins
sion of an endocycle in a concentration-dependent manner
(Schnittger et al. 2003; Coelho et al. 2005; Verkest et al. Transcription Factors in the Endocycle
2005b; Bisbis et al. 2006). One of the best studied ICK/KRP
Control of the endocycle is provided at various levels by
members is Arabidopsis SIAMESE (SIM), a crucial regula-
many pathways that are interdependent and often form feed-
tor of the onset of an endocycle in trichomes (Churchman
back loops (Edgar and Orr-Weaver 2001; Lee et al. 2009). It
et al. 2006). Mutants with truncated SIM protein produce
has been shown that the basic steps needed for DNA repli-
multicellular trichomes with nuclei possessing lower ploidy
cation remain under the transcriptional control of the E2F TF
levels, compared with wild-type plants. Experiments using
family. These factors can be divided into typical and atypical
Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) methods
TFs, depending on whether their action requires dime-
have shown that SIM interacts with CYCD and CDKA1,
risation with DP proteins or whether they work as
blocking the G2/M phase transition and allowing the onset of
monomers, respectively. In Arabidopsis typically E2Fs act
an endocycle (Churchman et al. 2006; Kasili et al. 2010).
either as transcriptional activators (E2FA and E2FB) or
Depending on the effect of their action, proteins
repressors (E2FC) and their main action takes place during
introducing chemical modifications can be divided into
the G1/S transition (del Castellano et al. 2001, 2004; Sozzani
inhibitors or activators. Among the inhibitors, is WEE1
et al. 2006). E2F TFs may also be involved in the onset of an
kinase which has been shown to play an important role during
endocycle, as their target elements have been found in the
the cell cycle and is also involved in the endocycle. WEE1 is
promoter region of CDKB1 and CDKB1;1 (Boudolf et al.
involved in M-phase inhibition, probably acting through
2004; del Pozo et al. 2006). The group of atypical E2F TFs
CDKA1 phosphorylation. Tomato transformants with an
work as transcriptional repressors (Berckmans and de
impaired expression of Solly:WEE1 were generally smaller
Veylder 2009). Several studies have provided evidence for
and developed smaller fruits with lower ploidy levels com-
their role in the regulation of the transition from the cell
pared with wild-type plants. (Sorrell et al. 2002; Gonzalez
cycle to the endocycle, e.g., the DP/E2F-like protein DEL1
et al. 2007). Activating phosphorylation is performed by
has been found to control entry into endoreduplication,
operating upstream of the proteosomal degradation pathway
(CAK). It has been suggested that one of the CAKs
(Vlieghe et al. 2005; Lammens et al. 2008). Apart from E2F
(CDKF;1), which is necessary for activation of the CYC-
TFs, whose actions are the best studied, other transcription
CDKA complex during the cell cycle, plays a crucial role
factors have been shown to impact both the onset of an
as a positive endocycle regulator (Umeda et al. 2000;
endocycle and their number. Most of them are involved in
Shimotohno et al. 2006; Takatsuka et al. 2009).
CYC and CDK gene transcription; however, their precise
It has also been shown that SUMO (small ubiquitin-like
mode of action is unknown (Wang et al. 2006; Berckmans
modifier) ligase E3 may act as an endocycle repressor in
and De Vevlder 2009; Tojo et al. 2009).
different cell types. Seedlings of Arabidopsis mutants with
inactive SUMO ligase only live up to three weeks and Protein-Protein Interactions in the show severe developmental defects. These defects concern
Regulation of an Endocycle the cell cycle, and result in the malformation of the meri-
During endoreduplication an important role is played by the stem as well as extra rounds of endoreplication in leaf cells
posttranslational control of various regulatory proteins. (Ishida et al. 2009). The precise mechanism in which
These proteins can be divided into two groups, depending SUMOylation affects an endocycle still needs to be
106 J. Maluszynska et al.

evaluated; however, cyclin, CDK as well as the E2F genes particular time (Joubes and Chevalier 2000; Jovtchev et al.
seem to be potential targets. A possible SUMO action over 2007; Lee et al. 2009). Current data point to several proteins
the structure maintenance of chromosome (SMC) complex that seem to be specifically involved in the exit from the
has also been proposed (Ishida et al. 2009). endocycle. Imai et al. (2006) studied Arabidopsis mutants
with a truncated action of CYCA2;3. They showed that the Protein Degradation loss of CYCA2;3 activity resulted in large phenotypic
The molecular pathways driving the protein degradation changes in plants. Compared with wild-type plants the
necessary for an endocycle remain largely unsolved. It is mutants had trichomes with bigger nuclei; their roots,
generally known that endocycle protein activity is controlled cotyledons, and first leaves had cells with higher ploidy
through a ubiquitination-dependent proteasomal-degradation levels; and the first endocycle occurred earlier in develop-
pathway. Three enzymes are responsible for performing ment. Molecular studies have shown that the CYCA2;3
ubiquitination: ubiquitin activating enzyme (E1), ubiquitin activity is negatively correlated with cell ploidy levels and
conjugating enzyme (E2), and ubiquitin ligase (E3). The that CYCA2;3 is able to form an active complex with
E3 enzyme is a multisubunit complex that performs CDKA1 in plants. Thus, it has been suggested that the
ubiquitination and is responsible for its substrate specificity CYCA2;3-CDKA1 complex is involved in the termination
(Vierstra 2009). During the endocycle, as in the cell cycle, of an endocycle, probably by the down-activation of the pre-
two E3 ligase types have been shown to be involved: RC complexes. Moreover, studies of Arabidopsis trichomes
ANAPHASE-PROMOTING COMPLEX (APC) and SKP, have also pointed to the role of GT2 LIKE1 (GTL1) in the
CULLIN, F-BOX CONTAINING COMPLEX (SCF) termination of an endocycle. GTL1 belongs to the trihelix
(Kondorosi and Kondorosi 2004; Hershko 2005). Both TF family and acts downstream of TRANSPARENT
APC and SCF are nuclear proteins which direct proteins TESTA GLABRA (TTG1) and GLABROUS 2 (GL2) TFs
destined for degradation into the 26S proteasome pathway. (Breuer et al. 2009). Unfortunately, the precise targets of
The specificity of their action is determined by several GTL1 have not yet been identified.
regulatory subunits which are different for each complex
(Vierstra 2009). It has been suggested that APC action
focuses on regulating the availability of cyclin, while SCF 7.2.4 Factors Involved in Endopolyploidy
targets different regulatory proteins as well as the E2F tran- Modulation
scription factors (Hershko 2005; Del Pozo et al. 2006; Ren
et al. 2008). In different organs the APC substrate specificity Endoreduplication remains under the developmental control
is regulated by different factors. For example in Arabidopsis, of various phytohormones. The best studied are the actions
CCS52A and CCS52B proteins determine the substrate of gibberellin (GA), auxin and cytokinins (see below); nev-
specificity of the APC (Kondorosi and Kondorosi 2004; ertheless, other phytohormones are also known to have an
Li et al. 2009). The CCS52A2 regulatory subunit is respon- impact on the endocycle. Ethylene has been shown to be
sible for driving the ubiquitin-dependent degradation of involved in regulating the number of endocycles in
CYCA2;3 in leaves, whereas a similar role is played by Arabidopsis hypocotyls. Treating wild-type plants with an
CCS52A1 in roots (Lammens et al. 2008; Boudolf et al. ethylene precursor resulted in extra rounds of endorep-
2009). The role of proteasomal degradation has also been lication (Gendreau et al. 1999). The actions of brassi-
shown for other proteins such as members of pre-RC: CDC6 nosteroids seem to be involved in maintaining cells in the
or CDT1 (del Castellano et al. 2001, 2004). Generally, the endocycle. Studies on the Arabidopsis brassinosteroid-
constant activity of both APC and SCF, which change their insensitive mutant bin4-1 showed that leaf ploidy levels
substrate specificity during the endocycle, seems to provide did not exceed 8C, whereas in wild-type plants they reached
the mechanism by which the oscillatory activity of CDK is 32C. This mutation resulted in the truncation of the TOPOVI
achieved. Recently Sako et al. (2010) showed that a muta- complex and was correlated with an increased level of
tion in one of the subunits of the 26S proteasome regulatory CDKB1;1, an endocycle inhibitor (Breuer et al. 2007). In
particle affected the number of endocycles in Arabidopsis contrast, abscisic acid (ABA) has been shown to have a
trichomes, thus indicating the direct involvement of the 26S negative impact on the progress of an endocycle. Working
proteasome pathway in the regulation of an endocycle. during the G1/S transition, ABA is probably involved in the
regulation of genes involved in replication and CDK regula- Determination of the Number tion (del Castellano et al. 2004; del Pozo et al. 2005; Wang
of Endocycles et al. 2006). It has also been shown that environmental
Each cell type has a determined ploidy level that indicates factors including light and nutrient availability affect an
that the DNA replication cycles need to be stopped at a endocycle and are involved in determining their number.
7 Endopolyploidy in Plants 107 Gibberellic Acid DNA synthesis and epigenetic modifications as well as the
Gibberellic Acid (GA) signalling is known to be involved in degradation of different proteins involved in both the cell
the onset of an endocycle during Arabidopsis thaliana tri- cycle and endocycle, and thus execute the developmental
chome differentiation. Using a wide variety of A. thaliana program of the cell (Horvath et al. 2006; Ishida et al. 2009,
trichome mutants with disrupted GA signalling, many 2010; Perrot-Rechenmann 2010).
proteins participating in the GA signalling pathway have
been discovered. It has been shown that during trichome Cytokinins
differentiation GA acts in a concentration-dependent manner
Cytokinins have been shown to regulate the transcription of
activating various transcription factors (Perazza et al. 1998;
the main cell cycle genes, and thus are considered to be one
Ishida et al. 2008). Among the genes directly activated by
of the main factors affecting the proliferative activity of
those regulators are the key genes involved in the onset and
plant cells. In most studies their action seems to be antago-
progress of an endocycle like: RBR1, SIM and ICK1/KRP1.
nistic to auxin (del Pozo et al. 2005). Ishida et al. (2010)
During trichome differentiation RBR1 is probably involved
studied how the application of exogenous cytokinins
in the determination of the number of endocycles, whereas
influenced the timing of the onset of an endocycle during
SIM participates in the induction of endocycles (Churchman
the differentiation of Arabidopsis root cells. After treatment
et al. 2006; Morohashi and Grotewold 2009). Along with
with exogenous cytokinins, an increase in the amount of
SIM, ICK1/KRP1 also plays a role in the induction of
endogenous cytokinins was noticed. Studied plants also
endocycles in trichomes by downregulating the activity of
showed a decrease in root meristem size. This led to a
mitotic CYC-CDK complexes (Schnittger et al. 2003).
suggestion that elevated cytokinin levels are responsible
for the earlier onset of an endocycle in Arabidopsis proximal
root cells. A similar analysis conducted on mutants with Auxin disrupted cytokinin synthesis showed a significant delay in
In the body of a plant auxin forms concentration gradients the onset of the endocycle. However, this does not seem to
which give rise to differences in the local auxin concentra- be a general rule. During the development of Arabidopsis
tion. These differences are responsible for the local character leaf and maize endosperm, high cytokinin levels were posi-
of auxin action, including the regulation of endoredu- tively correlated with a high mitotic activity of the cells
plication (del Pozo et al. 2005; Gutierrez 2009). A positive (Lur and Setter 1993; Xia et al. 2009). The action of
correlation between auxin concentration and the onset of an cytokinins is executed by activating the dephosphorylation
endocycle has been shown in maize endosperm cells (Lur of mitotic CYC-CDK complexes along with the positive
and Setter 1993). On the other hand, in the roots of regulation of CYCD, particularly CYCD3, gene transcrip-
Arabidopsis a low auxin concentration seems to promote tion, thus keeping cells in the cell cycle. It is possible that
endoreduplication, whereas high concentrations determine cytokinins might also act through directing specific proteins
meristematic cell activity in the proximal meristem (Ishida to a proteasomal pathway (Riou-Khamlichi et al. 1999;
et al. 2010). Treating Arabidopsis seedlings with auxin Dewitte and Murray 2003).
antagonists results in a reduction of the root meristem size.
The same results have been obtained in Arabidopsis auxin
resistant mutant 3 (axr3), which is auxin insensitive. Thus, Light
in the Arabidopsis root meristem, cells enter an endocycle Studies of phyA and phyB mutants of A. thaliana have provided
prematurely when auxin signalling is inhibited. Ishida et al. evidence for the involvement of the phytochromes PHYA (far
(2010) suggested that high endogenous levels of auxin, red light receptor) and PHYB (white light and red light recep-
known to be present in the root division zone, have an tor), in the regulation of endoreduplication. Both phytochromes
inhibitory effect on the onset of an endocycle in Arabidopsis act by inhibiting specific rounds of DNA synthesis. In the
proximal root cells. Whereas in cells outside the meriste- hypocotyls of Arabidopsis seedlings grown in the light, cells
matic zone, where auxin concentrations are lower, the went through two rounds of replication reaching 8C ploidy
repression of endoreduplication might be lifted allowing level, while in seedlings grown in the dark an extra round of
cells to switch to the endocycle. replication was observed creating nuclei with 16C (Gendreau
In an endocycle, auxin has been shown to act as a KRP2- et al. 1998). The number of endocycles also remains under blue
specific repressor and to modulate the activity of the E2F light control, probably executed through the ubiquitination
transcription factors, which are known to regulate the pathway (Tsumoto et al. 2006). In Arabidopsis cotyledons,
expression of the endocycle genes, including genes neces- the action of light stimulated the expression of the main cell
sary for DNA replication (Magyar et al. 2005; Verkest et al. cycle genes, including those with an impact on endoredu-
2005a; Sozzani et al. 2006). Generally, auxin can influence plication (López-Juez et al. 2008).
108 J. Maluszynska et al. Nutrients approach for A. thaliana leaf nuclei, it was shown that sister
Sucrose is known to regulate G1/S progression through chromatids stayed associated along their entire chromosome
protein phosphatase-dependent CYCD gene induction length in nuclei with low endopolyploidy levels. However,
(Riou-Khamlichi et al. 1999; Hirano et al. 2008). Acting as ploidy level increased, separation of sister chromatids
down this pathway, sucrose might also have an impact on took place (Schubert et al. 2006). Separation started at
the progression of an endocycle. Moreover, it has been the terminal regions, and, as the number of DNA strands
shown that nutrient starvation affecting plant growth can increased, this extended into the interstitial regions. With
also influence endoreduplication (Henriques et al. 2010). ploidy levels over 16C, dissociation of centromeric regions
was observed (Schubert et al. 2006, 2008). It has been
suggested that sister chromatid dissociation is probably the
result of a decrease in the number of cohesin sites along the
7.3 Structure of the Endopolyploid Plant chromosome arms (Schubert et al. 2009) and results
Nucleus obtained for endoreduplicated nuclei in the endosperm of
Zea mays support this thesis. A tighter association of DNA at
The structure of a plant nucleus and the organization of centromeric and knob regions than in other chromosome
chromosomes inside, especially endopolyploid nuclei, is regions was also revealed by FISH (Bauer and Birchler
still poorly understood. One of the most widely studied are 2006).
the nuclei of Arabidopsis thaliana, a polysomatic plant. The The chromatin structure remains under epigenetic control.
advantage of studying these nuclei is that they possess Unfortunately, very little is known about the epigenetic
heterochromatic chromocenters. In meristematic cells, changes associated with endoreduplication. Data from
chromocenters are clearly visible after fluorescent staining Triticum durum have suggested that there is increased meth-
with DAPI and they correspond to chromosome number. ylation in endoreplicated nuclei (Polizzi et al. 1998) and
The number of chromocenters also allows the ploidy level recent studies on tomato fruit indicate that such modifications
of the cell to be estimated. Compared with meristematic may be tissue-specific (Teyssier et al. 2008). On the other
nuclei, endoreduplicated nuclei are bigger, in proportion to hand, a comparison of the pattern of epigenetic modifications
the increase in DNA ploidy, and usually they have bigger between A. thaliana meristematic and endoreplicated root
chromocenters (Maluszynska and Heslop-Harrison 1991; and leaf nuclei revealed general similarities despite an
Schubert et al. 2006; Henriques et al. 2010). However, increased acetylation of the chromatin in the chromocenters
the increase in size is not linearly proportional to the DNA (Jasencakova et al. 2003).
content indicating that chromatin reorganization has occu-
rred. There is also evidence for the differential behaviour of
particular chromatin domains. For example, there is a greater 7.4 Occurrence of Endopolyploidy
tendency for NORs (Nucleolar Organizing Regions) to fuse
in A. thaliana leaf nuclei, compared with the centromeric 7.4.1 Endopolyploidy in Species
regions of different chromosomes which stay preferentially
separated. However, it should be noted that NOR fusion is A relationship between taxonomic position and endopoly-
most probably connected with their function in the ploidisation was first reported by Tschermak-Woess (1956a)
organization of the nucleolus (Pecinka et al. 2004; Schubert and has since been confirmed by several authors (D’Amato
et al. 2006; Berr and Schubert 2007). 1964; Nagl 1976; Olszewska and Osiecka 1982; Barow and
Very little is known (with exceptions, see Sect. 7.1.1 and Meister 2003). The occurrence of endopolyploidy and the
Figs. 7.1 and 7.2) about the structure of endoreduplicated degree of endopolyploidisation also seems to be characteris-
chromosomes since they rarely condense and become visi- tic for plant families. Endopolyploidy has mainly been noted
ble. During endopolyploidisation, consecutive rounds of to be common in species with a small genome size (e.g.,
replication result in the formation of chromosomes built of Arabidopsis thaliana (Galbraith et al. 1991), Solanum
numerous chromatin strands, sister chromatids, whose num- lycopersicum (Smulders et al. 1994), Lupinus cosentinii
ber increases exponentially with each endocycle. This (Hajdera et al. 2003), Brassica oleracea (Kudo and Kimura
implies that only indirect studies of the endoreduplicated 2001a) and it has been suggested that this may be because
chromosome structure and organization are possible. One certain specialized cells need a minimum amount of nuclear
of the most useful techniques is fluorescence in situ DNA to maintain their specific functional status, something
hybridization (FISH) using chromosome or chromosome- that can be achieved through endopolyploidisation in vege-
region specific probes. By analysing the size and localization tative cells (Nagl 1976; Galbraith et al. 1991).
of the signal insights into the structure of endoreduplicated To investigate the impact of genome size and taxonomic
chromosomes can be gained (Fig. 7.4b). Indeed, using this position on endopolyploidisation, comparative analyses were
7 Endopolyploidy in Plants 109

made between plants belonging to 16 phylogenetically- (Olszewska and Osiecka 1982). These observations were
diverse families covering a wide range of genome sizes in confirmed for the root cells of dicotyledonous herbaceous
each family (Barow and Meister 2003). Interestingly, a neg- species (Olszewska and Osiecka 1983). In general, a short
ative correlation between endopolyploidisation and genome life cycle is usually correlated with a small genome size and
size was confirmed for only three of the investigated families a high level of endopolyploidy. A good example of such a
(Brassicaceae, Urticaceae and Solanaceae). Some species correlation is Arabidopsis thaliana, which has a very small
with small genomes showed low levels of endopolyploidy genome size (157 Mb, Bennett et al. 2003), a short life
(e.g., Haplopappus gracilis, Aquilegia vulgaris) or were non- cycle and endopolyploidisation in all vegetative organs
polysomatic (e.g., Oryza sativa) whereas some species with (Galbraith et al. 1991)
large genomes in Fabaceae or Alliaceae were polysomatic.
The authors concluded that there was only a weak but
significant negative correlation between genome size and 7.4.3 Endopolyploidy in Generatively
endopolyploidisation. Polyploid Plants
Families may differ significantly in the presence and
pattern of endopolyploidy. For instance in some families Considering the weak but significant negative correlation
polysomatic species with high level of endopolyploidy pre- between genome size and endopolyploidy, the question has
dominate (e.g., Amaranthaceae, Cucurbitaceae, Cheno- been raised as to whether polysomaty is affected by a plant’s
podiaceae and Brassicaceae), while Solanaceae, Alliaceae, polyploidy level. A comparison of endopolyploidy patterns in
and Fabaceae show an intermediate level and Poaceae a low diploid and polyploid lines of the same species should answer
level of endopolyploidy (Barow and Meister 2003; Barow this question to see whether a certain number of endocycles is
and Jovtchev 2007). Usually, the pattern of endopolyploidy typical for a species regardless of polyploidy level (i.e., the
in related species is similar but there are some exceptions number of endocycles is the same between diploid and poly-
(e.g., the polysomatic species Aquilegia vulgaris belongs to ploidy cytotypes) or whether there is a fixed maximum DNA
Ranunculaceae, a family dominated by non-polysomatic amount for a species in which case the number of endocycles
species; Barow and Meister 2003). is expected to differ between diploid and polyploid cytotypes.
The endopolyploidy pattern may differ between Actually, both patterns have been observed.
individuals of the same species belonging to different Tetraploid plants of Portulaca grandiflora induced by
ecotypes or varieties. For example, the frequency of endo- colchicine treatment, showed the same number of endo-
polyploid cells in roots was observed to differ between 18 cycles as diploid plants following flow cytometric analysis
ecotypes of Arabidopsis thaliana (Beemster et al. 2002). (Mishiba and Mii. 2000) and similar results have also been
Significantly different patterns of endoreduplication have obtained for artificially-induced tetraploid lines of Zea mays
also been described in the endosperm of several inbred (Biradar et al. 1993) and Solanum lycopersicum (Smulders
lines of Zea mays. Flow cytometric analysis showed that et al. 1994).
the DNA content of nuclei ranged from 3C to 48C in some In contrast, flow cytometry analyses of diploid and
lines while in others from 3C to 192C (Larkins et al. 2001). induced autotetraploid Arabidopsis thaliana plants (ecotype
Similarly, different endoreduplication patterns and number Columbia) revealed different degrees of endoreduplication.
of endocycles have been reported in mature cotyledons of A histogram for young leaves of diploid plants showed four
different genotypes of Pisum sativum (Lemontey et al. 2000). peaks corresponding to a 2C, 4C, 8C and 16C DNA content
(i.e., three endocycles took place) whereas for the tetraploid
plants three peaks were observed (2C, 4C, 8C) indicating
7.4.2 Life Strategy just two endocycles had occurred (Fras et al. 2007). The
maximum DNA content was similar in diploid and tetraploid
The level of endopolyploidisation seems to be correlated not plants but a different number of endocycles had occurred.
only with genome size but also with the type of life cycle. However, the situation for naturally occurring polyploids
Endopolyploids are more frequent in annual rather than may be different from artificially induced ones as no
perennial herbs. Among the 34 polysomatic species inve- differences in the number of endoreduplication rounds
stigated by Barow and Meister (2003), nine were perennial were observed in the hypocotyls between diploid ecotypes
and 25 annual or biennial. Woody plants were non- of Arabidopsis and the natural tetraploid Cape Verde islands
polysomatic (Barow and Meister 2003). ecotype. Two endocycles occurred in both cytotypes even
Analysis of endoreduplication in root cells during differ- though the cells of the tetraploid contained twice as much
entiation within different monocotyledonous families DNA as the wild-type plant (Gendreau et al. 1998). The
revealed a higher level of endopolyploidy in species with a results indicate that the endoreduplication pattern for natural
lower DNA content as well as an annual type of life cycle and artificial polyploid plants may be different. On the basis
110 J. Maluszynska et al.

of flow cytometric investigations of diploid and tetraploid species may be expressed in roots, leaves, petioles, stem
accessions and species, it was concluded that natural internodes and flowers. Increasing evidence has revealed
polyploids showed a lower endopolyploidisation level than that a pattern of endopolyploidy is characteristic for tissue
the corresponding diploid suggesting that the endopoly- type and developmental stage indicating that polysomaty
ploidy level needs several generations to become established is spatially and temporally regulated. The patterns of
(Jovtchev et al. 2007). This hypothesis needs more detailed endopolyploidisation within a plant of one species are usu-
investigations and confirmation for different plant species. ally different in various organs and correlate with the devel-
opmental stage (Galbraith et al. 1991; Gilissen et al. 1993;
Barow 2006).
7.4.4 Endopolyploidy in Plant Development
Seedling Development
Plant development is the result of genetic predisposition and During seed germination and subsequent seedling develop-
a range of environmental parameters. It is the effect of two ment an increasing proportion of endopolyploid nuclei
processes—(1) cell division and (2) expansion which can appear. The highest level of endopolyploidy is usually
result from endopolyploidisation. In an individual plant observed in the hypocotyls and primary roots (Fig. 7.5).
different organs can exhibit different patterns of endopoly- The extent of endopolyploidisation differs significantly
ploidisation. In some species extensive endopolyploidy has between species, for example hypocotyls of Solanum
been reported in nearly all organs, while in other species it lycopersicum, Brassica oleracea and Chenopodium quinoa
occurs to a low degree or not in all organs and is correlated (quinoa) undergo two endocycles (up to 16C DNA) whereas
with plant development. hypocotyls of Beta vulgaris (sugar-beet) undergo three
endocycles (up to 32C DNA) (Smulders et al. 1994; Kudo Embryogenesis and Kimura 2001a; Sliwinska and Lukaszewska 2005;
Usually, the embryos of the dry fully maturated seeds of Kolano et al. 2009).
various plant species show large amounts of cells at the There are also species-specific endopolyploidy patterns in
presynthetic G1 phase of the cell cycle (e.g., Smulders et al. primary roots. The number of endocycles can be as low as
1994). Depending on the species, in the radicle only 2C one (e.g., in tomato roots) or more numerous as in sugar-beet
nuclei may be observed (Cichorium endivia, Capsicum roots (Smulders et al. 1994; Sliwinska and Lukaszewska
annuum), while in others (Castanea sativa, Hordeum 2005). Older organs usually exhibit higher levels of endo-
vulgare), besides the 2C nuclei, a small number of 4C DNA polyploidy than younger ones. An increase of endopoly-
nuclei have also been identified (Bino et al. 1993; Gendreau ploidy to 32C and 16C DNA has been observed in the
et al. 2008). For example, in the H. vulgare embryo, 82% of hypocotyls and primary roots of cucumber and cabbage
the nuclei of the radicle tip cells have a 2C content and only seedlings, respectively (Gilissen et al. 1993; Kudo and
18% have a 4C DNA content indicating that the majority of Kimura 2001a). Another pattern of endoreduplication in
cells have been arrested in the G1 phase of the cell cycle. seedling development has been observed in quinoa and
Interestingly, the percentages of 4C nuclei were different in sugar-beet. Here the endopolyploidy level initially increases
the plumule (22%) suggesting that the cell cycle activity in and then gradually decreases (Sliwinska and Lukaszewska
the developing embryo has stopped at different stages 2005; Kolano et al. 2009).
depending on the organ (Gendreau et al. 2008). The occur- The high level of endopolyploidy observed in hypocotyls
rence of endopolyploidy (8C DNA nuclei) in the embryo has and primary roots can be explained by the considerable
also been reported in some species including Phaseolus proportion of vascular tissue present in these organs. The
vulgaris, Spinacia oleracea, and Chenopodium quinoa. increase of endopolyploidy seems to be correlated with their
This indicated that endopolyploidisation can take place in rapid elongation during germination, and this may be
the early stages of tissue differentiation during embryo devel- connected with vascular tissue development. Endopolyploid
opment. Most often the endopolyploid cells have been cells appear slightly later in the cotyledons during germina-
observed in the radicles, which first appear during seed ger- tion and seedling development (e.g., cucumber, tomato,
mination (Bino et al. 1993; Kolano et al. 2009). quinoa, sugar-beet). The level of endopolyploidy depends
on the species and can reach 4C in C. quinoa (Fig. 7.5), 32C Post-embryogenic Development in A. thaliana or as much as 64C DNA in Lupinus cosentinii
Systemic control of endopolyploidy has been shown in plant (Galbraith et al. 1991; Hajdera et al. 2003; Kolano et al.
species such as Arabidopsis thaliana, Cucumis sativus, Sola- 2009). A very high level of endopolyploidisation in
num lycopericum, and Mesembryanthemum crystallinum L. cosentinii cotyledons seems to be typical for seed storage
(De Rocher et al. 1990; Galbraith et al. 1991; Gilissen organs, and could be connected with the high metabolic
et al. 1993; Smulders et al. 1994). Polysomaty in these activity of the tissue (Larkins et al. 2001).
7 Endopolyploidy in Plants 111

960 a 2C b 2C

640 480

160 4C
0 0
1 10 1 10
c 2C 4C
d 2C

320 480 4C

1 10
4C 1 10
e 2C


80 8C
1 10

Fig. 7.5 Evaluation of endopolyploidy in seedling of Chenopodium quinoa (quinoa) determined by flow cytometry. (a) Leaf; (b) shoot apex;
(c) hypocotyl; (d) cotyledon; (e) root. x-axis nuclear log DAPI fluorescence intensity, y-axis number of nuclei

Species- and Organ-Specific Endopolyploidisation example, in Amaranthus caudatus the number of cells with
Almost all plant organs can become polysomatic during 2C DNA decreased and the number of cells with a DNA
vegetative and reproductive development. However, an content higher than 4C increased in the basal part of the
absence of endopolyploidy in the shoot and root apical shoot compared with the youngest most distal part (Fig. 7.6)
meristems is generally observed (Kudo and Kimura 2001a; (Kolano et al. unpublished). In the leaves of the orchid
Lim and Loh 2003). It has been suggested that repression of Vanda ‘Miss Joaquim’ the level of endopolyploidy increased
endopolyploidisation at the shoot apex might be one of the from base to tip (acropetally), while in cotyledons of
mechanisms to ensure genetic stability of the germ line C. sativus and leaves of Spathoglottis plicata, it increased
(Kudo and Kimura 2001a). Usually the frequency of endo- from tip to base (basipetally) (Gilissen et al. 1993; Yang and
polyploid nuclei is highest in organs rich in vascular tissue Loh 2004).
(e.g., petioles, leaf main midribs, stem and root) as well as in The level of endopolyploidy in leaf cells differs consider-
storage tissue (cotyledons, endosperm) (Barow and Meister ably among species. For example, cells with a DNA content
2003; Barow 2006). higher than 4C were not observed in the young fully extended
The level of endopolyploidy is generally species- and lamina of Chenopodium quinoa (Kolano et al. 2009) whereas
organ-specific but usually older organs exhibit a higher in leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana or Solanum lycopersicum
level of endopolyploidy than younger ones. An exception cells were present that had undergone one or two endocycles.
to this may be the leaves of Cucumis sativus where the Interestingly, the leaves of succulents such as Portulaca
pattern of polysomaty remains unchanged in young and grandiflora or Mesembryanthemum crystallinum can exhibit
mature leaves (Gilissen et al. 1993). In the same organ, a high levels of endoreduplication up to 64C. It has been
gradient of endopolyploidy can also be observed. For suggested that the high nuclear DNA content in succulent
112 J. Maluszynska et al.

and Mii 2000; Kudo and Kimura 2001b; Barow and Meister
2003; Lukaszewska and Sliwinska 2007). The presence of
endopolyploid cells has been shown in different organs of
the cabbage flower. Filament tissue contained cells with six
ploidy levels (2C–64C) whereas petals had cells with five
ploidy levels (2C–32C). A 2C–8C range of ploidy levels in
the carpel tissue has been described while a high level of
endopolyploidy has been reported for stamens (Kudo and
Kimura 2001b).
For many species the highest level of endopolyploidy has
been shown to occur in the flower organs (Barow and Meis-
ter 2003). For instance, petals of the orchids Oncidium
varicosum and Phalaenopsis spp. and cabbage (Brassica
oleracea) have been shown to undergo extensive endopoly-
ploidisation with some cells reaching 64C (Kudo and
Kimura 2001b; Lee et al. 2004). However, this is not always
Fig. 7.6 Comparison of endopolyploidy patterns in young and old the case as in some species such as the generally polysomatic
organs of Amaranthus caudatus. (a) Young leaf lamina; (b) young plant A. thaliana, petal cells remain diploid (Galbraith
leaf petiole; (c) young internode of the shoot; (d) old leaf lamina, et al. 1991).
(e) old internode of the shoot; (f) old leaf petiole. x-axis nuclear log
DAPI fluorescence intensity, y-axis number of nuclei
Endopolyploidy in Endosperm
The endosperm is the main source of nutrition for
leaves occurs in the water storing mesophyll cells (De
germinating seeds. Endosperm formation starts soon after
Rocher et al. 1990; Mishiba and Mii 2000).
fertilisation and it is often associated with the switch from a
mitotic cell cycle to an endocycle. In maize, up to 90% of the
Tissue-Specific Endopolyploidisation nuclei can undergo endoreduplication but the number of
Differences in the pattern of endopolyploidy can occur endocycles varies among endosperm cells. The cells in the
within an organ. For example, in sugar-beet leaves there center of the endosperm enter endoreduplication first and are
was no endopolyploidisation in any part of the leaf lamina, followed by the most adjacent cells and so forth. The spatial/
regardless of leaf age. However, endopolyploid nuclei temporal pattern of the cell cycle/endocycle switch creates a
occurred in the main midrib (Lukaszewska and Sliwinska gradient in the DNA content and cell size with the smallest
2007). Even within a single tissue, the cells can differ in nuclei (3C and 6C) located at the periphery of the endosperm
endopolyploidy level. An analysis of Brassica species while increasingly larger endopolyploid nuclei are found
showed that in the distal part of a petal nuclei were small towards the central region. Most commonly, four to five
and numerous with DNA contents of 2C and 4C, whereas in endocycles occur although individual nuclei with a DNA
the proximal part nearly 40% of the epidermal cells were content of up to 690C have been observed. This endopoly-
large and extremely elongated, with endopolyploidy up to ploidisation is correlated with an increase in endosperm cell
32C (Kudo and Kimura 2002). An additional example is size and the rapid synthesis of starch, suggesting that endo-
found in the epidermis of Arabidopsis. Here a regular pattern polyploidy can increase metabolic activity, rRNA synthesis
of endopolyploidy is evident in the epidermal cells, with the and transcriptional activity. However, a 50% reduction in the
nuclei of epidermal pavement cells exhibiting 2C, 4C, and mean DNA content of mutant maize endosperm has very
8C DNA amounts in the stem epidermis and 2C–16C in the little affect on the accumulation of starch and storage
leaf epidermis. Leaf trichome nuclei also have elevated proteins. Therefore, it is possible that endopolyploid endo-
ploidy levels of 4C, 8C, 16C, 32C and 64C. In contrast, the sperm may simply provide a mechanism to store nucleotides
guard cell nuclei have a 2C DNA content i.e., typical of cells during the development and germination of the embryo
in the G1 phase of the cell cycle. Interestingly, among (Larkins et al. 2001; Leiva-Neto et al. 2004; Lee et al. 2009).
epidermal pavement cells a gradual decrease in endopoly-
ploidy was found towards the guard cells (Melaragno Endopolyploidy in Fruit
et al.1993). The input of endopolyploidisation in the development of
fruit has been extensively studied in the tomato (Solanum
Endopolyploidy in Flowers lycopersicum—see review by Chevalier et al. 2011). Growth
Endopolyploidy occurs in most flower organs such as the of the tomato fruit starts after the bloom with intensive cell
petals, sepals, carpels and stamens of many species (Mishiba divisions. As development proceeds, the proliferative
7 Endopolyploidy in Plants 113

activity of the cells slows down until it ceases and the in cell size and since a correlation between nuclear DNA
population progressively enters the stage of cell enlargement content and cell size has been reported in A. thaliana and
(Bertin et al. 2003). Cessation of cell divisions and an other plant species (Melaragno et al. 1993; Bertin 2005;
increase in cell size are closely linked to endopolyploi- Jovtchev et al. 2006) this has led to the hypothesis of a
disation (Melaragno et al. 1993; Traas et al. 1998; Joubes ‘nuclear–cytoplasmic ratio’. This hypothesis states that
and Chevalier 2000). Endopolyploid cells are present in the some control mechanism ensures that the amount of cyto-
pericarp, locular gel and central columella at the breaker plasm in a cell is proportional to the amount of DNA in its
stage. The three tissues display different ploidy profiles, nucleus. Indeed, a simple comparison of genome size and
with the highest C-values (512C) in the pericarp. Sepals nuclear and cell volume among species supports this theory.
also become endopolyploid during fruit growth, but to a Species with larger genomes generally have larger nuclear
lower extent, with C-values up to 32C. Cheniclet et al. and cellular volumes and it is well known that polyploid
(2005) reported a positive correlation between endoredu- cells are bigger than diploid cells (Cavalier-Smith 2005;
plication and cell size in the pericarp tissues of the tomato. Jovtchev et al. 2006; Webster et al. 2009).
The hypothesis that endoreduplication does indeed deter- Endopolyploidy in the Nodulation Process mine the rate of cell growth has been proposed based on
Endopolyploidisation is involved in the nodulation process numerous observations. For example, cells that have
in legumes. These species establish a nitrogen-fixing symbi- undergone endopolyploidisation are larger than comparable
osis with rhizobia bacteria. During this process the root diploid cells as has been shown in the epidermis of
nodule is formed to supply the host plant with nitrogen. A. thaliana and Brassica species (Melaragno et al. 1993;
(e.g., Medicago truncatula–Sinorhizobium meliloti interac- Kudo and Kimura 2002; Jovtchev et al. 2006). In addition,
tion). A longitudinal section of a M. truncatula nodule a link between cell size and the average C-value has been
reveals cells at different stages of development, and exhi- reported in seeds (Lemontey et al. 2000) and fruits (Bertin
biting a differentiation gradient from the apical part to the 2005). The hypothesis is further supported by the fact that
basal tissues attached to the root (Newcomb et al. 1979). The endoreduplication usually precedes cell expansion (Traas
apical meristem (Zone I) is composed of small proliferating, et al. 1998). For example, endoreduplication seems to be a
uninfected cells. Endoreduplication is primarily associated prerequisite for cell expansion during the growth of tomato
with the infection zone (Zone II). Indeed, the symbiotic fruit (Bertin 2005). Endoreduplication is also associated
differentiation program involves the arrest of cell division, with the increase in cell size as observed in A. thaliana leaf
followed by several rounds of endoreduplication. Enlarged epidermal cells, etiolated hypocotyls and various mutants
endopolyploid cells are invaded and host the bacteroids, that exhibit a truncated size and/or morphology (Melaragno
whereas the small diploid cells remain uninfected. Endo- et al. 1993; Gendreau et al. 1997; Sugimoto-Shirasu and
reduplication continues into Zone III where fully diff- Roberts 2003). However, the ‘nuclear–cytoplasmic ratio’
erentiated bacteroids develop the capacity to fix nitrogen. theory does not explain why cells from different tissues in
The DNA content increases from 2C and 4C levels up to a given organism with the same amount of DNA differ in
64C and is accompanied by nuclear and cell enlargement nucleus and cell size. For example, different relationships
(Kondorosi and Kondorosi 2004; Wildermuth 2010). between the endopolyploidy level and cell volume were
Endoreduplication and cell enlargement seem to play a cen- found in the root cortex of 18 accessions of A. thaliana
tral role in nodulation as studies of Medicago plants, whose (Beemster et al. 2002). In addition, although endopolyploi-
nodules had reduced endopolyploidy levels, exhibited inef- disation clearly contributes to increasing cell size, a key
ficient nitrogen fixation. The repeated endoreduplication feature of this phenomenon seems to be a boost in the
cycles during symbiotic cell development might have dual cell’s capacity for future growth as the determination of
roles, (1) they enable the extreme enlargement of cells to the final cell size also depends on the development and
host the bacteroids and (2) they provide an energy and function of the cell. The current data therefore actually
nutrient supply for the bacteroids through the increased argue for a physiological role of endopolyploidy as a facili-
transcriptional and metabolic activities in the host cell tator of cell growth and as an accelerator for organ growth
(Kondorosi and Kondorosi 2004). (Kondorosi et al. 2000; Chevalier et al. 2011). Relationships Between DNA Content,

Nuclear Volume and Cell Size 7.5 Polysomatic and Non-polysomatic
The contribution and role of endopolyploidy to plant growth Plants in Culture In Vitro
and development is not yet fully understood. One problem
that needs explaining is the correlation between the nuclear Plant organs, or their fragments, are frequently used as a
DNA content and cell size (Fig. 7.1). Plant development and source of explants for tissue and cell culture in vitro and
cell differentiation are usually accompanied by an increase for genetic transformation experiments. Explants from
114 J. Maluszynska et al.

polysomatic plants are composed of a heterogeneous popu- cultures derived from polysomatic plants. He also noted
lation of endopolyploid cells (mixoploid). Such non- that such plants were cytologically unstable and all contained
dividing, differentiated cells can be induced into mitosis by aneuploid cells and cells with a reduced number of
wounding or phytohormone treatment. In the conditions of chromosomes compared with the donor plants. In contrast,
an in vitro culture endopolyploid cells undergo dedifferenti- callus derived from non-polysomatic plant explants were
ation and start mitosis thus displaying polyploid chromo- observed to be chromosomally stable over long periods of
some numbers. These polyploid cells are one of the major time in in vitro culture, remaining diploid and never
sources of chromosomal instability in a tissue culture and undergoing endoreduplication. He thus considered that it
somaclonal variation in regenerated plants. In contrast, was the presence of preexisting endopolyploidy that seemed
explants of non-polysomatic plants contain only diploid to be crucial for a lack of chromosome stability in a cell or
cells and are thus chromosomally stable during in vitro tissue culture and that this may also play a role in contributing
culture. to the undesirable somaclonal variation in regenerated plants.
The relationship between the type of primary explant and
the occurrence of chromosomal variation during callo-
genesis, long-term callus culture and capability to regenerate
7.6 Methods to Analyse Endopolyploidy
has been investigated in two model plants (1) the non-
polysomatic species Crepis capillaris (2n ¼ 2x ¼ 6 þ Bs)
Endopolyploidy can be studied both quantitatively and qual-
and (2) the polysomatic Arabidopsis thaliana (2n ¼ 2x
itatively. Quantitative methods allow the ploidy pattern of a
¼ 10 and 2n ¼ 4x ¼ 20). Stability at the diploid level
tissue, organ or entire organism to be established. For this
during 1 year of C. capillaris callus culture has been
purpose flow cytometry is the most widely applied technique
reported by several authors, although structural chromo-
although image cytometry (ICM) is also generating
somal aberrations did occur at the diploid level. Polyploi-
increased interest (Vilhar et al. 2001). Both techniques
disation occurred in the older callus culture but regenerated
enable the fast, high-throughput analysis of nuclear DNA
plants were only diploid (Maluszynska 1990). Stability at the
content. Sample preparation for both techniques requires the
diploid level has also been reported for callus or cell suspen-
isolation of a nuclear suspension and this is usually achieved
sion cultures for other non-polysomatic species such as
by the mechanical homogenisation of a tissue in an appro-
Helianthus annuus (Butcher et al. 1975), Lilium longiflorum
priate isolation buffer. Afterwards, the nuclei are stained
(Sheridan 1975) and the gymnosperm Pinus nigra (Papes
with a fluorochrome, most often DAPI or propidium iodide,
et al. 1983).
and their DNA content is evaluated on the basis of fluores-
A cytogenetic analysis of A. thaliana leaf explants during
cence intensity (Doležel and Bartos 2005; Doležel et al.
callogenesis showed that the first mitotic polyploid cells
2007). Data are visualized in the form of a histogram in
occurred just after the third day of culture. Flow cytometric
which the consecutive peaks represent rounds of endoredu-
analysis revealed additional endoreduplication cycles up to
plication (e.g., Figs. 7.5 and 7.6). The mean value of
64C (Fras et al. 2007). In primary callus cultures derived
endopolyploidisation can be calculated based on the histo-
from different explants, callus lines of meristematic origin
gram, which enables a comparative analysis of endopoly-
(i.e., root tips) were characterized by a narrower range of
ploidy between different samples.
ploidy levels (2x–10x, i.e., 10–50 chromosomes) than callus
There are two parameters that determine the endopoly-
lines of non-meristematic origin (leaves, cotyledons,
ploidy mean value: (1) the mean C-level and (2) the cycle
hypocotyls) which had ploidy levels ranging from 2x to
value (Barow and Meister 2003; Barow and Jovtchev 2007).
15x (10–75 chromosomes) although cells with 2x and
The mean C-level indicates the mean DNA content per
8x were the most common). The frequency of polyploid
nucleus and is calculated from the number of nuclei at
cells increased with age of culture and was correlated with
each ploidy level multiplied by the corresponding ploidy
the type of explants (Fras and Maluszynska 2004). Among
level. The sum is divided by the total number of nuclei
A. thaliana regenerants a high frequency of polyploids,
being investigated up to the formula:
mostly tri- and tetraploids, have been reported (Sangwan
et al. 1992; Altman et al. 1994; Mittelsten Scheid et al.
1996). Correlations between the level of endopolyploidy of Mean C level ¼ ð2  n2C þ 4  n4C þ 8  n8C
the plant organ tissue donor for in vitro culture and the þ :::Þ=ðn2C þ n4C þ n8C þ :::Þ
frequency of polyploid regenerants were described for Sola-
num lycopersicum (Van den Bulk et al. 1990). The cycle value represents the mean number of
D’Amato (1986) described several processes like endocycles per nucleus and is calculated from the number
endoreduplication, endomitosis and fusion of nuclei as the of nuclei at each ploidy level multiplied by the number of
mechanisms responsible for polyploidisation in tissue endoreduplication cycles necessary to reach the
7 Endopolyploidy in Plants 115

corresponding ploidy level. The sum is then divided by the Barow M, Meister A (2003) Endopolyploidy in higher plants is
total number of nuclei according to the formula: correlated to systematics, life strategy and genome size. Plant Cell
Environ 26:571–584
Bauer MJ, Birchler JA (2006) Organization of endoreduplicated
Cycle value ¼ ð0  n2C þ 1  n4C þ 2  n8C þ 3 chromosomes in the endosperm of Zea mays L. Chromosoma
 n16C . . .Þ=ðn2C þ n4C þ n8C þ n16C . . .Þ Beemster GTS, De Vusser K, De Tavernier E, Bock D, Inze D (2002)
Variation in growth rate between Arabidopsis cytotypes is
A cycle value below 0.1 indicates a non-polysomatic type correlated with cell division and A-type cyclin dependent kinase
of plant. activity. Plant Physiol 129:854–864
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Meiosis: Recombination and the Control
of Cell Division 8
Eric Jenczewski, Raphael Mercier, Nicolas Macaisne, and Christine Mézard

Contents 8.1 Introduction

8.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
Meiosis is a key step in the reproduction of many species,
8.2 Meiotic Recombination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
8.2.1 Initiation of Meiotic Recombination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 halving ploidy levels to produce haploid gametes, which are
8.2.2 Meiotic DNA Double-Strand Break Repair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 then restored by fertilization. The reduction in ploidy in
8.2.3 Crossover Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 meiosis results from one cycle of replication followed by
8.2.4 Crossover Formation and Interference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 two cell divisions (Fig. 8.1). During the first division, which
8.3 Dynamics of Chromosomes, Chromatin Structure is very specific to meiosis, the homologous chromosomes
and Meiosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 segregate to opposite poles. The second division during
8.4 Meiotic COs in Polyploid Plants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 which the sister chromatids separate, is a modified version
8.4.1 Changes in CO Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 of mitosis. Thus a diploid cell produces four haploid spores.
8.4.2 Genetic Control of CO Formation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 However, depending on species-specific mechanisms
8.5 The Meiotic Cell Cycle in Plants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 for sporocyte maturation, it is possible that not all spores
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 become gametes. For example, in Arabidopsis thaliana four
spores are obtained from female meiosis but only one
matures to produce an embryo sac containing an egg cell,
while in male meiosis, all four spores give rise to pollen
During the first meiotic division, homologous chromo-
somes recombine producing mosaic chromosomes that
are harmonious patchworks of the original genetic material
contained in the meiocytes. The underlying molecular
mechanisms for these recombination events are very well
conserved among species even if each species has shown
some specificity in regulation of the pathways or the molec-
ular actors involved. Recombination is initiated by the
formation of programmed DNA double strand breaks
(DSBs) (Fig. 8.2a). These breaks are repaired using mainly
the homologous chromosome as a template. The repair
process leads either to a crossover (CO, i.e., reciprocal
exchange of a large fragment of the chromosome) or a
gene conversion not associated with a CO (non-reciprocal
exchange of small DNA fragments, i.e., a non-crossover,
NCO)(see Fig. 8.2).
In this review we summarize and discuss recent findings
concerning the main steps of chromosome recombination
C. Mézard (*)
Institut Jean-Pierre Bourgin, Institut National de Recherche
and segregation during meiosis and the control of cell
Agronomique, route de Saint-Cyr, 78026 Versailles, cedex, France division in diploid and polyploid plants. Several excellent

I.J. Leitch et al. (eds.), Plant Genome Diversity Volume 2, 121

DOI 10.1007/978-3-7091-1160-4_8, # Springer-Verlag Wien 2013
122 E. Jenczewski et al.

S phase





G1 S phase G2/Prophase I
Metaphase I

Anaphase I

Telophase I

Prophase II

Metaphase II

Anaphase II

Telophase II

Fig. 8.1 Schematic representation of (a) mitosis and (b) meiosis. In replication followed by two rounds of chromosome segregation. The
the mitotic cell cycle: a “mother” cell (2n) produces two daughter cells first division is very specific to meiosis and it segregates homologous
(2n) that can re-enter the mitotic cycle. In contrast, in meiosis the chromosomes; the second round is a modified version of the mitotic
“mother” cell (2n) produces four haploid (n) spores after one cycle of division, sister chromatids are sent to opposite poles

reviews have been published recently (Hamant et al. 2006; we focus only on new aspects from recent results obtained in
Mercier and Grelon 2008; De Muyt et al. 2009a; Martinez- plants but also in other kingdoms to better understand the
Perez 2009; Ronceret et al. 2009; Harrison et al. 2010), thus meiotic process as a whole.
8 Meiosis: Recombination and the Control of Cell Division 123

AtSPO11-1; AtSPO11-2;
a AtPRD1; AtPRD2; AtPRD3;

AtDMC1; AtRAD51; ASY1;

c AHP2; AtMND1; SDS;

d k n
AtRPA1a e o
PTD f p
AtMLH3 l
i TOP3α q

g h j m r

Class I Class II

Fig. 8.2 A simplified view of the meiotic recombination mechanisms. NCOs. (k, l, m) Nascent DSB partner complexes shown in (c) may also
(a) Recombination is initiated by the programmed formation of DNA be processed by Single Strand Annealing (SSA). After DNA invasion
double strand breaks (DSBs). (b) DSBs are then processed to produce and replication, the extended end is displaced from the template (k) and
30 single stranded DNA ends. (c) Next, DNA ends invade allelic sequences anneals with its partner (l) producing a NCO (m). (n–q) Class II COs
on the homologous chromosomes. (d–f) A subset of these recombina- are produced via a single Holliday Junction. Arabidopsis proteins
tion intermediates form double Holliday junctions (dHJs). Resolution known (black characters) or thought to be (grey characters) involved
of dHJs leads either to class I crossovers (CO) (g) or to non-crossovers are indicated at their presumed step of action
(NCOs) (h). (i, j) On the other hand, decatenation of dHJs produces

A. thaliana, whereas AtSPO11-3 is not (Stacey et al. 2006).

8.2 Meiotic Recombination In rice, functional analysis of OsSPO11-1 demonstrated its
role in DSB formation (Yu et al. 2010). In Saccharomyces
8.2.1 Initiation of Meiotic Recombination cerevisiae (budding yeast), six other meiotic proteins
(Rec102, Rec104, Rec114, Ski8, Mer2 and Mei4) and three
In all species, the topoisomerase-like protein Spo11 generates proteins, also involved in DSB repair in vegetative cells
meiotic DSBs (Keeney 2007). Three Spo11 homologs are (Rad50, Mre11, Xrs2), play a role in meiotic DSBs formation.
present in Arabidopsis thaliana, Oryza sativa (rice) and In fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, in addition
several other plant genomes (Malik et al. 2007). AtSPO11-1 to Spo11, six genes that have no obvious homologs in
and AtSPO11-2 are both necessary for DSB formation in S. cerevisiae participate in DSB formation (Mde2, Rec6,
124 E. Jenczewski et al.

Rec10, Rec15, Rec24) (Keeney 2007). In plants as in other It would be interesting to reanalyse the phs1 mutants in maize
eukaryotes, several screens (forward or reverse, see Mercier and Arabidopsis with regards to these new data obtained in
and Grelon 2008) were developed to identify genes that mice concerning Mei4 and Rec114.
control this DSB formation step. It appears that only a few
of these additional DSB-forming proteins are conserved in
other kingdoms and even when they show sequence 8.2.2 Meiotic DNA Double-Strand Break Repair
similarities their function in DSB formation may not be
entirely conserved. For example, in A. thaliana, the DSB DSBs are then processed to produce 30 single stranded DNA
processing role of Rad50 and Mre11 is only conserved in ends (Fig. 8.2b). In yeast, this single stranded DNA
vegetative cells and not in meiotic DSB formation (Bleuyard interacts with RPA, a heterotrimeric protein that helps
et al. 2004; Puizina et al. 2004). The Arabidopsis Ski8 the recombinase activity of Rad51 (reviewed in Sung
ortholog does not appear to play a role in DSB formation et al. 2003). Arabidopsis thaliana has five and Oryza sativa
(Jolivet et al. 2006). Nevertheless, two plant DSB formation (rice) has three homologs of the large subunit RPA1.
genes were successfully identified in forward screens: Analyses of the meiotic proteome of Brassica oleracea,
AtPRD1 in Arabidopsis and PAIR1 in rice (Nonomura et al. a close relative of Arabidopsis, showed that AtRPA1a, one
2004; De Muyt et al. 2007). member of the AtRPA1 family, is potentially a meiotically-
To improve the identification of new genes involved in expressed gene (Sanchez-Moran et al. 2005). OsRPA1a has
DSB formation in A. thaliana, a very efficient high through- the most amino acid sequence similarities with AtRPA1a
put analysis forward screen was designed (De Muyt et al. and belongs to the same phylogenetic clade (Chang et al.
2009b). A collection of 55,000 mutant lines was succes- 2009). However, chromosomal defects in the corresponding
sively screened for (1) a reduction in fertility (1,280 lines) mutants are very different. A mutation in OsRPA1a leads to
then (2) meiotic defects (80 lines) and finally (3) meiotic severe fragmentation of meiotic chromosomes in male
DSB formation defect-like phenotypes (28 lines). Following meiocytes consistent with a similar role in rice and yeast.
fine localization, out of the nine loci identified, three new In contrast, no fragmentation is observed in atrpa1 but
genes AtPRD2, AtPRD3 (ortholog of PAIR1 in rice) and crossover (CO) rates are dramatically lower (see below)
AtPRD4 (Mathilde Grelon, personal communication) were (Osman et al. 2009) suggesting that this protein functions
obtained that are involved in DSB formation. Several mutant later in the DNA repair process. Thus, different RPA
alleles of each gene were identified, suggesting that screen complexes in rice and Arabidopsis could perform the vari-
saturation has been reached and that all genes required for ous RPA tasks during meiotic recombination (Chang et al.
DSB formation have been identified in Arabidopsis (unless 2009).
there is gene duplication, preventing its identification by Next, DNA ends invade allelic sequences on the homo-
forward genetics). Although at first sight no obvious logous chromosomes and a subset of these recombination
orthologs for these proteins could be identified outside the intermediates forms double Holliday junctions (dHJs)
plant kingdom, improved bioinformatics analysis then (Fig. 8.2c–f). In yeast, it is thought that the meiotic dHJs
showed that AtPRD2 could be the ortholog of Mei4 in are mainly resolved toward the formation of COs (Hunter
mice and yeast (Kumar et al. 2010). For AtPRD3 and 2007). However, in Arabidopsis, recent results suggest that
AtPRD4 as yet no significant homology has been identified some of the meiotic dHJs could mature via a different
outside the plant kingdom. pathway (Chelysheva et al. 2008; Hartung et al. 2008).
The PHS1 gene was identified in maize and appears to be A protein complex known as BTB in mammals and RTR
involved in DSB repair but not formation and to prevent in yeast has anti-CO activity through the dissociation of dHJ
synapsis between non-homologous chromosomes (Pawlowski (or potentially aberrant dHJ) (Raynard et al. 2006). This
et al. 2004). When the Arabidopsis PHS1 homolog is inacti- complex contains a RecQ-like helicase (BLM for Bloom in
vated, nuclear import of the DSB repair protein Rad50 is Human, Sgs1 in yeast), a topoisomerase (Top3a) and a third
dramatically decreased. However, surprisingly, chromosomal protein Blap75/Rmi1/Nce4, identified through its interac-
fragmentation was not reported, which is in contrast to the tion with either BLM or Sgs1. However, limited data are
phenotype of the single rad50 mutant (Bleuyard et al. 2004; available on the role of this complex in meiosis. In
Ronceret et al. 2009). A recent report in mice suggested that Arabidopsis, a mutation in BLAP75 or a hypomorphic
PHS1 is an ortholog of the Rec114 protein (see above; mutation in Top3a results in extensive fragmentation of
(Kumar et al. 2010)). In S. cerevisiae, Rec114 interacts with meiotic chromosomes, which depends on meiotic DSB for-
Mei4 and both proteins are involved in DSB formation mation, and an unusual arrest at the end of telophase I
(Keeney 2007). In mice, the role of Mei4 in DSB formation (Chelysheva et al. 2008; Hartung et al. 2008). The activity
as well as its interaction with Rec114 is conserved suggesting of BLM and RTR in vitro and in vegetative cells suggests
that its function in DSB formation may also be conserved. that at least in Arabidopsis, and potentially in all species,
8 Meiosis: Recombination and the Control of Cell Division 125

BLM/RTR could decatenate a subset of normal dHJs The number of COs per chromosome and per meiosis is
or aberrant recombination intermediates containing dHJs tightly controlled. In most species, there is a need for one
toward NCOs. obligatory CO per pair of homologous chromosomes. More-
DNA DSBs are then repaired using either the homologous over, the distribution of COs along chromosomes is not
chromosome or the sister chromatid as a template. In meiosis, homogenous. Interference (see below) plays a role in both
it is thought that there is a bias in the choice of template controlling and constraining the final CO distribution but
and that repair is mainly directed toward the homolog. In additional factors are also important in localizing COs. In
A. thaliana, AtDMC1 the meiotic recombinase, is one of the all species with an available genetic map, the CO rate drops
major actors facilitating this bias (Couteau et al. 1999; De in centromeric regions with estimated decreases between
Muyt et al. 2009b). Three other proteins also play a role in five- to more than 200-fold depending on organisms (Talbert
this process (De Muyt et al. 2009b): ASY1, an axis associated and Henikoff 2010). Nevertheless, intriguing recent results
protein related to yeast Hop1 (Sanchez-Moran et al. 2007); in maize suggest that centromeres are not inert for meiotic
AtHP2, a homolog of yeast Hop2 which was suggested to recombination. In a mapping population, two gene conver-
mediate the activity of the yeast Dmc1 protein in a complex sion events not associated with COs were mapped in
with AtMND1 (Chen et al. 2004; Vignard et al. 2007); and 53 inbred lines giving a theoretical rate of 105 conversion
SDS, an Arabidopsis cyclin that interacts with several Cyclin events per marker and per generation. This suggests that CO
Dependant Kinases (CDKs) (Azumi et al. 2002). The role of formation in centromeric regions is not prohibited through
PAIR2, the rice homolog of ASY1, in this process remains to recombination abolition (e.g., prevention of DSB formation)
be elucidated (Nonomura et al. 2006). but by specific control of the DSB repair process. A precise
The PAIR3 gene was also identified in rice in a large- analysis of the frequency and distribution of NCOs is clearly
scale screen of a population of T-DNA insertional mutants needed to better understand their rate of formation and
for partial or complete sterility (Yuan et al. 2009). The localization in plant genomes.
protein has no similarity with any known proteins and no GC content is positively correlated with high CO rates in
known motifs except a coil-coiled domain. A preliminary many species such as rat, mice, human, zebra finch, honey-
characterization of pair3 mutants found that synapsis bee, maize, even at a broad scale (Jensen-Seaman et al.
between homologous chromosomes at prophase I was 2004; Beye et al. 2006; Gore et al. 2009; Backstr€ om et al.
absent. Additional studies are needed to determine the role 2010), although the underlying mechanisms responsible for
of PAIR3 in meiosis. this correlation are still under discussion (see Duret and
The AtXRI1 gene is highly transcribed in response to Arndt 2008; Marsolier-Kergoat and Yeramian 2009). To
gamma rays (Dean et al. 2009). Detailed characterization add a piece to the puzzle, in Arabidopsis, the variation in
of atxri1 mutants showed that its chromosomes displayed CO rate of a male–female averaged recombination map was
extensive fragmentation that did not depend on SPO11- negatively correlated to GC content (Drouaud et al. 2006).
induced DSBs. Thus, AtXRI1 could play an important role Moreover, on the five Arabidopsis chromosomes, CO rates
in the S-phase of meiosis together with two other proteins negatively correlate with GC content in female meiosis but
which when depleted cause a similar phenotype, MEI1 and not in male meiosis (Laurène Giraut, personal communica-
CDC45 (Grelon et al. 2003; Stevens et al. 2004). AtXRI1 tion). Variation in CO rates also correlate with several other
could also function in meiotic DSB repair by interacting genomic features such as transposable elements, the CpG
with MIP1, which in turn interacts with the AtMND1 protein ratio, gene density, nucleotide polymorphisms or chromo-
partner of AtHP2 (see above). Thus AtXRI1 could be some architecture properties like distance to telomeres or
involved in various aspects of homologous replication: centromeres (Petes 2001; Nachman 2002; Jensen-Seaman
repair of collapsed replication forks and post-replication et al. 2004; Myers et al. 2005; Saintenac et al. 2009). Never-
repair pathways. Finally, AtXRI1 is also involved in the theless, none of these other characteristics are systematically
post-meiotic stages of pollen development. correlated with CO rate variation across every species. Thus
the various features that correlate with non-homogeneity in
CO rates may have causal relationships or may be inciden-
8.2.3 Crossover Distribution tally related.
CO rates and distribution can vary between male and
DSBs can be repaired either as COs or NCOs (Fig. 8.2). In female meiosis in the same species. Haldane (1922) sugg-
plants, as in many higher eukaryotes, it is thought that the ested that the heterogametic sex had a lower CO rate as a
number of NCOs largely exceeds the number of COs. How- consequence of selection against recombination between the
ever only indirect evidence supports this supposition, no sex chromosomes. However, this hypothesis, referred to as
direct test to measure NCO rates is presently available in the Haldane and Huxley rule, has since been called into
plants (reviewed in De Muyt et al. 2009a). question. Less recombination in the homogametic sex than
126 E. Jenczewski et al.

a f k p

b g l q

c h m r

d i n

e j o

Fig. 8.3 Prophase of the first meiotic division. Leptotene (a, f, k, p): zygotene. (q) Immunolocalization of the cohesin SCC3 protein at zygo-
chromosomes begin to condense and the axial element (red line) along tene. Pachytene (c, h, m, r): synapsis between homologous chromosomes
chromosomes is formed (a, f); purple structures ¼ cohesin complexes; is complete (c, h). (m) DAPI staining of an Arabidopsis meiocyte at
red line: axial elements. (k) DAPI staining of an Arabidopsis meiocyte at pachytene. (r) Immunolocalization of the Zyp1 protein in the synap-
leptotene. (p) Immunolocalization of the ASY1 protein associated with tonemal complex at pachytene. Diplotene (d, i, n): chromosomes
the axial element at leptotene. Zygotene (b, g, l, q): homologous decondense and the SC is disassembled (d, i). (n) DAPI staining of an
chromosomes synapse and the central element between the axial elements, Arabidopsis meiocyte at diplotene. Diakinesis (e, j, o): chromosomes
now called lateral elements, is formed to constitute the tripartite structure condense; bivalents individualize; homologous chromosomes remain
called the synaptonemal complex (SC) shown in green in (b) and in physically attached through chiasmata and sister chromatid cohesion
greater detail in (g). (l) DAPI staining of an Arabidopsis meiocyte at (e, j). (o) DAPI staining of an Arabidopsis meiocyte at diakinesis

the heterogametic one has been observed in some species 2007) but none satisfactorily explain the variations in
and heterochiasmy has been found without the presence of heterochiasmy in all species.
sex chromosomes in plants such as Allium (Ved Brat 1966), Strikingly, a correlation was reported between CO num-
Brassica oleracea (Kearsey et al. 1995) and A. thaliana ber per chromosome and the total length of the synap-
(Armstrong and Jones 2001; Drouaud et al. 2007), and in tonemal complex (SC) (a proteinaceous structure that links
animals like the saltwater crocodile (Miles et al. 2009). homologous chromosomes at the pachytene stage of meiosis I;
Other hypotheses have been proposed (reviewed in Hedrick Fig. 8.3b, c). In A. thaliana male meiosis, there is a linear
8 Meiosis: Recombination and the Control of Cell Division 127

correlation between the mean CO number per chromosome mutants was not reported. As yet, no Zip3 homolog has been
and the SC length (Laurène Giraut and Christine Mézard, identified. In zmm mutants, CO rates drop down to a mini-
personal communication). Moreover, several studies have mum of 15% of the wild type level and residual COs do not
shown that CO number and SC length vary coordinately, display interference, suggesting the co-existence of two CO
even in situations where DNA length is constant (Kleckner pathways. Even in the absence of both the ZMM and
et al. 2003). For example, in human meiosis, males have AtMUS81 proteins, and as observed in S. cerevisiae, some
about half the CO number and total SC length compared COs (5–7%) are still detected suggesting either the exis-
with females (Wallace and Hulten 1985). This correlation tence of a third CO formation pathway or the activation of a
was also reported in male and female meiocytes in the pathway only active when the two main ones are absent.
flatworm Dendrocoelum lacteum (Croft and Jones 1989) Unlike observations in yeast, zmm mutants in Arabidopsis
and zebrafish (Singer et al. 2002; Wallace and Wallace do not show defects in synapsis between homologous
2003) and in many other species with various individuals chromosomes suggesting that synapsis depends on preco-
of the same population (Fox 1973; Quevedo et al. 1997; cious recombination intermediates rather than Class I COs.
Tease and Hulten 2004). The reasons for this correlation The Arabidopsis genome contains two Zip1 orthologs,
are still poorly understood. AtZYP1a and AtZYP1b. Plants where both ZYP1 genes
have been downregulated using interfering RNAs undergo
synapsis between non-homologous chromosomes and form
8.2.4 Crossover Formation and Interference aberrant multivalents whereas chiasmata labelled by the
MLH1 proteins are only slightly reduced (Higgins et al.
In many species, at least two CO pathways coexist (Fig. 8.2). 2005). The Zip1 homolog of rice, ZEP1 also shows some
Class I COs are sensitive to interference whereas Class II are specificity compared with other organisms (Wang et al.
not. These two pathways also exist in plants (Copenhaver 2010a). In its absence, chromosomes align along their
et al. 2002). The phenomenon of interference was first entire length but the SC is not formed and the number
described at the beginning of the twentieth century as a of COs may increase slightly suggesting a role later in
lower frequency of double COs in disjoint chromosomal meiosis.
intervals than was expected if they occurred independently In maize, a statistical approach was developed to analyse
(Sturtevant 1915). One of the consequences is that the physi- the position of late recombination nodules, which are elec-
cal distance between adjacent COs increases. When interfer- tron dense structures thought to designate all Class I and
ence is total as in Caenorhabditis elegans, only one CO Class II COs (Falque et al. 2009). This analysis demonstrates
occurs per pair of homologous chromosomes. The mecha- that (1) both Class I and Class II coexist in maize; (2) the
nism that mediates interference is still poorly understood. proportion of Class II COs varies from 6% to 23% (with an
Nevertheless, many molecular actors that are involved in average of 15%) depending on the chromosomes. A similar
this Class I pathway have been identified. In the yeast proportion of non-interfering COs was identified in two
S. cerevisiae, interfering COs depend on the ZMM proteins other plants: 30% in tomato (Lhuissier et al. 2007) and
(Zip1, Zip2, Zip3, Zip4, Msh4, Msh5 and Mer3), Mlh1 and 28% in rice (Wang et al. 2009). These values, together
Mlh3 whereas non-interfering COs need the Mus81-Mms4 with the approximately 15% found in Arabidopsis, seem to
complex (reviewed in Lynn et al. 2007). In A. thaliana, be in the same range as the values found in S. cerevisiae
homologs of many of these genes have been characterized: (7–12%) and mice (5–11%) (Broman et al. 2002; Malkova
AtMSH4, AtMSH5, AtMER3, two AtZYP1, AtZYP4, AtMLH3, et al. 2004; Guillon et al. 2005).
AtMLH1 and AtMUS81 (Fig. 8.2). Since a detailed descrip-
tion of these genes was recently reviewed elsewhere (Mercier
and Grelon 2008; De Muyt et al. 2009a), here we will only 8.3 Dynamics of Chromosomes, Chromatin
discuss the main conclusions. Structure and Meiosis
In rice, a mutant in the MER3 homolog displays a
similar phenotype to the Arabidopsis mer3 mutants During meiosis, chromosomes undergo a series of dramatic
described (Wang et al. 2009). The SHOC1 gene is also a structural changes. They condense, exchange DNA
likely functional homolog of Zip2 (Macaisne et al. 2008). segments, pair, synapse, decondense and move in the
SHOC1 interacts with PTD, an Ercc1 homolog, suggesting nucleus. Probably due to this complexity, meiosis is a rela-
a role for a XPF-Ercc1 complex in Class I CO formation tively long process compared to mitosis. It takes from two
(Nicolas Macaisne, personal communication). Two Mms4 (in Triticum aestivum) to nine times longer (in Trillium
homologs were identified in Arabidopsis and the corres- erectum) in some species (Bennett 1971). In Arabidopsis,
ponding proteins interact with AtMus81 (Geuting et al. the meiotic process is three times longer than the mitotic cell
2009). However, the meiotic phenotype of corresponding cycle (8.5 h) (Armstrong et al. 2003). Prophase of the first
128 E. Jenczewski et al.

M-CDK activity

End of

























Fig. 8.4 Model of the control of meiosis progression. The red line transitions are ensured by a rapid decrease in CDK activity. However, at
represents a not yet identified cyclin-cyclin dependent kinase (CDK) the end of anaphase I, a certain level of cyclin-CDK activity must be
activity that controls meiosis progression. This activity must reach a maintained to allow entry into meiosis II and to avoid premature meiosis
certain level to allow the G2/prophase to metaphase I transition and exit. Arabidopsis genes involved in the control of meiosis progression are
reach a peak at metaphase I and metaphase II. The metaphase to anaphase indicated above the graph at their presumed time(s) of action

meiotic division (Figs. 8.3 and 8.4) is the longest stage Thus chromosomal movement across the nucleus is essential
reflecting its complexity (21.3 h), the remaining stages for recombination, pairing and synapsis. Live observations
occur relatively quickly (2.7 h). in S. pombe and S. cerevisiae have provided evidence of
In leptotene (Fig. 8.3a, f, k, p) chromosomes begin to unexpected vigorous chromosome motility during prophase I.
condense and the axial element along the chromosomes In S. pombe, before karyogamy, telomeres cluster tightly
is installed. At zygotene (Fig. 8.3b, g, l, q), homologous beneath the spindle pole body (SPB) while centromeres
chromosomes synapse and the central element between the detach from the SPB. During karyogamy, the two telomere
axial elements, now called lateral elements, is formed to clusters fuse and after karyogamy, the diploid nucleus
constitute the tripartite structure called the SC (see above). elongates about three times and initiates violent oscillations
Synapsis is complete at pachytene (Fig. 8.3c, h, m, r). In from one end to the other forming the “horsetail” nucleus
most species, telomeres cluster during early zygotene at a that will remain throughout prophase I. This movement is
single site on the nuclear envelope and this structure, called driven by microtubules coming from the SPB and telomeres
the “bouquet” resumes at the beginning of pachytene. clustering beneath the SPB located at the leading edge of
Recombination is initiated by the formation of DSBs in the moving nucleus (reviewed in Ding and Hiraoka 2007).
leptotene, thus before synapsis, and is completed during In S. cerevisiae, chromosomal dynamics were visualized
pachytene. At diplotene (Fig. 8.3d, i, n), the SC disappears using a SC protein tagged with green fluorescent protein
but homologous chromosomes remain linked to each other (GFP) (Scherthan et al. 2007; Koszul et al. 2008). SCs
by COs and sister chromatid cohesion (a proteinaceous) exhibit dramatic and continuous movements, crossing rela-
structure deposited on chromosomes after replication that tively large distances in the nucleus and changing shape.
keeps sister chromatids linked to each other) until metaphase I. This motion seems to be driven by actin cables of the
At diakinesis (Fig. 8.3e, j, o), chromosomes condense further cytoskeleton.
and move to form the metaphase plate (reviewed in Hamant Maize is the first higher eukaryote where live imaging
et al. 2006). of meiosis prophase has been possible (Sheehan and
8 Meiosis: Recombination and the Control of Cell Division 129

Pawlowski 2009). Similar to the observations in yeasts, disrupted suggesting that histone hyperacetylation may have
maize chromosomes move extensively during zygotene and a profound effect on global chromatin structure affecting
pachytene with dynamic deformation of the nuclear enve- different aspects of the meiotic process.
lope. Chromosome motility is dependent upon the actin
and tubulin cytoskeletons. It has been proposed that these
chromosome movements either promote pairing of homolo- 8.4 Meiotic COs in Polyploid Plants
gous chromosomes and/or eliminate unwanted connections
(Ding and Hiraoka 2007; Koszul et al. 2008; Sheehan and It has now been clearly established that all flowering plants
Pawlowski 2009). have experienced at least one, and usually more, rounds of
Chromatin structure has an important role to play in the whole genome duplication (i.e., polyploidy events) during
meiotic process. The most striking evidence has come their evolution (Soltis et al. 2009; Van de Peer et al. 2009;
recently from mice and S. cerevisiae where a link between Fawcett et al. 2013, this volume). Nearly 30% of extant
trimethylation of the histone H3 at lysine 4 (H3K4) and the flowering plants, including most of the world’s important
formation of DSBs was demonstrated (Borde et al. 2009; crops, are polyploids (Wood et al. 2009) while all other
Baudat et al. 2010; Myers et al. 2010; Parvanov et al. 2010). angiosperms have been impacted by ancient polyploidy
In both species, this trimethylation, which is associated with events (they are palaeopolyploid species; Jiao et al. 2011).
an open chromatin structure, occurs before the formation of One immediate consequence of polyploidy is an increase
DSBs (Borde et al. 2009; Buard et al. 2009). Set1 ensures it in the number of chromosomes that can compete for pairing,
in yeast. In mice, Prdm9 does the job: it is a meiosis-specific synapsis and recombination at meiosis. In newly-formed
protein containing a Set1-like domain and a series of synthetic or natural polyploids, the presence of more than
Zinc fingers that gives it sequence specificity for H3K4 two partners usually leads to abnormal meiosis with multiple
trimethylation and thus DSB formation. No clear orthologs or illegitimate chiasma associations that result in chro-
of these proteins exist in plants and the similarity of mosome missegregation, aneuploidy and partial fertility
mechanisms remains to be demonstrated. However, recently, (Ramsey and Schemske 2002). By contrast, extant wild
in maize, based on the parallel between Mu transposon and cultivated polyploids display a clear tendency towards
insertion sites and regions with high recombination rates, it a diploid-like meiotic behaviour. In autopolyploid species,
was suggested that meiotic recombination occurs in regions which are derived from within a single species (see Soltis
marked with open chromatin features in vegetative cells et al. 2010 for details), this results from an increased number
such as a high level of trimethylated H3K4, trimethylated of bivalents forming at meiosis I, to the detriment of
H3K36, acetylated H3K9 and low level of trimethylated multivalents, between any pair of homologs (resulting in
H3K27 (Liu et al. 2009). Whether this correlation holds polysomic inheritance). In allopolyploid species, which usu-
true when DSB forming regions are looked at more precisely ally arise via hybridization between different species
remains to be confirmed and whether the mechanisms are followed by chromosome doubling, regular meiosis requires
similar to those described in budding yeast and mice needs to a non-random assortment of chromosomes into pairs with
be elucidated. COs being exclusively formed between homologous rather
In S. pombe (fission yeast), a mutation in the Set1 homolog than homoeologous chromosomes (i.e., inherited from dif-
that severely reduces the level of trimethylated H3K4 does not ferent progenitors). Several reviews have examined
affect sporulation and thus probably not the global level of diploidization in polyploids from a cytological, genetic,
DSBs (Noma and Grewal 2002). However in fission yeast, agronomic and evolutionary point of view (Jenczewski and
histone acetylation plays a role in meiotic recombination Alix 2004; Able and Langridge 2006; Hamant et al. 2006;
(Yamada et al. 2004). Histone acetylation is also correlated Able et al. 2009; Moore and Shaw 2009; Cifuentes et al.
with meiotic recombination in S. cerevisiae (budding yeast) 2010a; Yousafzai et al. 2010a). We reiterate here that sup-
(Mieczkowski et al. 2007) even if it is now clear that it is not pression of COs between homoeologous chromosomes is
the main player linked to DSB formation. Recent results usually under polygenic control, with one locus having a
obtained in A. thaliana suggest that histone acetylation plays greater influence than the others and frequent gene-dosage
a role in the meiotic process (Perella et al. 2010). In a mutant effects.
line over-expressing the GCN5-related histone N-
acetyltransferase, the distribution of meiotic COs appeared
to be altered. Overall, the number of COs per meiotic cell 8.4.1 Changes in CO Distribution
was similar to wild type but the number of COs per chromo-
some was altered with less COs on the longest chromosome 1 An unexpected result that has emerged from comparisons of
and more COs on the shortest chromosome 4. Sister chromatid CO formation in allopolyploid species and their diploid
separation during the second meiotic division was also progenitors is that COs sometimes get a boost in polyploids.
130 E. Jenczewski et al.

For example, Brubaker et al. (1999) compared the genetic meiotic time series in bread wheat and identified ~1,350
map of allotetraploid cotton with that of its diploid parents transcripts that were temporally-regulated during the early
and observed that allotetraploidy in Gossypium has been stages of meiosis. Some of these candidates shared sequence
accompanied by an increase in CO rates. However we do similarity with genes involved in chromatin condensation, SC
not yet know if this observation holds true for polyploids in formation and recombination while most others showed no
general or if it only illustrates genotypic variation in the sequence similarities with genes in the databases. Functional
propensity to form COs within the diploid species (i.e., it is characterization of these candidates has now to be pursued.
possible that the true parents of the allopolyploid cotton CO suppression between homoeologous chromosomes is
formed more COs than the diploid plants used to build the one expected additional constraint that an allopolyploid spe-
diploid genetic maps). Nevertheless, recent analyses in Bras- cies has to contend with during meiosis (compared to a
sica which directly addressed this concern have confirmed diploid species). In wheat, this control is ensured by a multi-
the trend observed in cotton. Leflon et al. (2010) analysed genic system (for review: Sears 1976; Jenczewski and Alix
the extent of CO variation in a set of related diploid AA, 2004), with the Ph1 locus (Wall et al. 1971) localized on the
allotriploid AAC and allotetraploid AACC Brassica hybrids long arm of chromosome 5B, having the most influence
which were produced using exactly the same genotypes. (Riley and Chapman 1958; Sears and Okamoto 1958). This
Combining immunolocalization of MLH1 and genetic system is efficient in both natural and synthetic wheats
analyses, the authors observed that the number of COs in (Mestiri et al. 2010) even when suppressors are present as
the allotriploid AAC hybrid was higher than in the diploid have been found in some genotypes of Aegilops speltoides
AA hybrid, with the allotetraploid AACC showing interme- (Dvorak et al. 2006).
diate behaviour (Leflon et al. 2010). Although the precise A 50-year quest was necessary to characterize the Ph1
mechanisms involved are not presently known, these results locus at the molecular level (see Yousafzai et al. 2010b for a
point towards an unexpected interplay between increased review of the cloning efforts). Ph1 has been defined as a
ploidy and enhanced recombination. This in turn may tenta- region containing a cluster of seven genes related to cyclin-
tively explain why increased and more variable recombina- dependant kinases (CDK) (see Sect. 8.5 for details about
tion rates are observed in plants, which have been repeatedly these proteins) interrupted by a segment of heterochromatin
impacted by polyploidy, compared with animals (Gaut et al. (Griffiths et al. 2006). This makes it distinct from its
2007; Kejnovsky et al. 2009). homoeologs, which contain five (on chromosome 5A) and
two (on chromosome 5D) cdk-like genes, respectively
(Al-Kaff et al. 2008). Detailed bioinformatics and in silico
8.4.2 Genetic Control of CO Formation analyses has recently indicated that one of the Ph1 cdk-like
genes shares many functional attributes with human CDK2 Wheat (Yousafzai et al. 2010a). Human CDK2 promotes the timely
At present, most continuing efforts to identify genes entry into premeiotic DNA replication and the first nuclear
involved in the genetic control of recombination in division; it also induces transcription of a number of early
polyploids are focusing on wheat (Crismani et al. 2006; meiosis-specific genes including Hop1, which encodes a
Boden et al. 2007; de Bustos et al. 2007; Lloyd et al. 2007; component of the lateral element of the SC and plays an
Khoo et al. 2008; Boden et al. 2009; Bovill et al. 2009; Perez important role in pairing of meiotic chromosomes
et al. 2010), and most notably on recombination between (Szwarcwort-Cohen et al. 2009). Expression profiling has
homoeologous chromosomes (Griffiths et al. 2006; Al-Kaff revealed that one 5A cdk-like and five of the Ph1 cdk-like
et al. 2008; Yousafzai et al. 2010b). genes from the 5B locus are transcribed, including two
A number of these studies have aimed to identify wheat apparent pseudogenes (Al-Kaff et al. 2008). By contrast,
orthologs of key recombination genes including Asy1 (Boden transcription of most functional cdk-like genes from 5A and
et al. 2007), Msh7 (Lloyd et al. 2007), Mre11 (de Bustos et al. 5D is detected only when the 5B copies are deleted. G. Moore
2007) and Rad50 (Perez et al. 2010). The homoeologous et al. have thus proposed that deletion of Ph1 could result in a
copies of Mre11 and Rad50 in wheat are highly conserved higher level of overall functional cdk-like proteins, which
but have slightly different expression levels (de Bustos et al. may be responsible for the observed meiotic phenotypes of
2007; Perez et al. 2010); yeast two-hybrid assays revealed that ph1 mutants (Al-Kaff et al. 2008). If this hypothesis holds
the products of the Rad50 and Mre11 genes show a great true, then over-expression of cdk2-like target genes would be
affinity for one another that does not depend on their genome expected in these mutants. Indeed, this is exactly what Boden
of origin (Perez et al. 2010). This example demonstrates that et al. (2009) observed; they showed that absence of Ph1
genetic redundancy in recent (<10,000 year-old) polyploids correlates with increased transcription of TaASY1, a gene
provides a buffer effect for crucial functions. with significant sequence and functional similarity to Hop1.
Another approach has specifically aimed to identify novel Likewise, Knight et al. (2010) showed that okadaic acid, a
candidate meiotic genes. Crismani et al. (2006) produced and potent protein serine/threonine phosphatase inhibitor that
analysed a large-scale transcriptomics dataset across a activates CDKs, promotes intergenomic recombination in
8 Meiosis: Recombination and the Control of Cell Division 131

wheat  rye interspecific hybrids, thereby phenocopying the interesting information on this pending question (Salmon
absence of Ph1. Even if direct functional evidence is still et al. 2010). Tetraploid cotton is almost a strictly bivalent-
required to demonstrate that wheat Ph1 is a functional ana- forming species (Kimber 1961) and displays disomic inheri-
logue of human CDK2, all current results indicate that it is tance (Reinisch et al. 1994; Brubaker et al. 1999) indicating
likely to be so (Yousafzai et al. 2010b). A major challenge of that COs are almost exclusively formed between homologous
the future will be to reconcile this function with all the chromosomes. Irrespective of this control, Salmon et al.
meiotic defects that have been observed in ph1 mutants: (2010) used a vast EST dataset to demonstrate that non-
non-resolution of incorrect and multiple early associations reciprocal recombination events have occurred between
between chromosomes (Holm and Wang 1988), CO forma- homoeologous sequences throughout polyploid divergence
tion between non-homologous chromosome segments (Luo and speciation in cotton. The authors first identified ESTs in
et al. 1996), defects in chromosome condensation and/or the allopolyploids derived from one parental EST but that
scaffold organization (Mikhailova et al. 1998), and asynchro- displayed at least one homoeoSNP from the other parent.
nous chromatin remodelling between homologs (Prieto et al. They subsequently sequenced de novo genomic DNA
2004; Colas et al. 2008). corresponding to 20 putative recombination events and
validated 14 of these chimeric sequences. Six were sequences Brassica napus from the D genome that have experienced conversion by the
Over the last decade, Brassica napus has become a second A homoeolog, whereas four others exhibited the reciprocal
model for deciphering how COs between homoeologous situation. Cloning and sequencing homoeologous copies from
chromosomes are genetically suppressed. In this species, a a total of five allopolyploid cotton species demonstrated that
major locus, named PrBn for Pairing regulator in B. napus, not a single recombination event was shared among species,
was shown to regulate CO formation between non- which indicated that these events occurred sporadically after
homologous chromosomes in allohaploid plants produced allopolyploid speciation.
from different varieties (Jenczewski et al. 2003). Compara-
tive analyses between the meiotic phenotype of 363
allohaploids produced from 29 accessions and the maternal 8.5 The Meiotic Cell Cycle in Plants
origins of the same 29 accessions recently indicated that
these different levels of CO suppression between Modification of the somatic cell cycle is one of the key
homoeologs in B. napus allohaploids were the result of features of meiosis (N.B. meiosis is not a cycle, the products
repeated polyploidy in this species (Cifuentes et al. 2010b). of meiosis cannot undergo another round of meiosis, but by
Actually PrBn shows incomplete penetrance (Cifuentes analogy with mitosis we use the term cell cycle to describe
et al. 2010b) and four to six additive and epistatic QTLs the control of progression through meiosis) (Figs. 8.1 and
have been detected, which contribute to the meiotic 8.4). The most prominent difference between meiosis and
behaviour of B. napus haploids (Liu et al. 2006). PrBn has the canonical mitotic cell cycle is that two divisions follow a
also been shown to determine the frequency, but not the single replication at meiosis whereas replication and divi-
distribution of COs between homoeologous chromosomes sion strictly alternate during mitotic proliferation. The mei-
during meiosis of B. napus haploids and also to affect otic cell cycle follows the same phases as mitosis: G1, which
homologous recombination in allotriploid AAC hybrids precedes replication; S, the replication phase; G2, between
(Nicolas et al. 2009). By contrast, genotypes with differing replication and nuclear membrane break-down; and a
PrBn activities at the haploid level do not change the rate of mitotic phase during which the chromosomes contract and
CO formation between homologous chromosomes in allote- align (prophase to metaphase) and separate (anaphase). But
traploid AACC hybrids (Nicolas et al. 2009) suggesting that meiosis differs from mitosis in several aspects of the cell
the effect of PrBn on recombination is dosage-dependent. cycle. Firstly, the G2 phase is dramatically longer and is the
Experiments are ongoing to characterize the PrBn locus at scene of chromosomal pairing and recombination. Secondly,
the molecular and phenotypic levels. while mitosis follows (G1 – S – G2 – metaphase – anaphase –
G1)n cycles, meiosis follows a strikingly different pattern Cotton that leads to halving of the chromosomal content, G1 – S –
Although it is clear that natural selection has certainly favored G2 – metaphase I – anaphase I – interphase – metaphase II –
the evolution of mechanisms that promote exclusive bivalent anaphase II (Fig. 8.4). Two phases of division follow each
formation in allopolyploids, it remains to be understood if the other, without an intervening S phase, but just a short inter-
CO suppression between homoeologous chromosomes is phase without DNA replication.
paralleled by a similar effect on the other product of meiotic Precisely how the mitotic machinery is modified for
recombination, i.e., NCO or gene conversion events. Recent the purpose of meiosis is still poorly understood. Most of
investigations in allotetraploid cotton have provided very the knowledge currently available originates from studies
132 E. Jenczewski et al.

carried out in unicellular fungi, Xenopus laevis or mouse place, without replication (Ross et al. 1997; Glover et al.
oocyte systems (Marston and Amon 2004). Cyclins and 1998) (Fig. 8.4). TDM1 has limited similarity with Xe-p9, a
CDKs form complexes that are essential for progression regulatory subunit of CDK. Genetic interaction studies
through both the mitotic and meiotic cell cycles. High revealed complex interactions between these genes. tdm is
CDK activity is required for entry and progression into epistatic to smg7, suggesting that the anaphase II arrest of
metaphase and rapid decrease of CDK activity, mediated smg7 depends (directly or indirectly) on the presence of
by the Anaphase Promoting Complex (APC), is required TDM (Bulankova et al. 2010). Strikingly, double tam-2/
for induction of anaphase and exit from the division phases. tdm and tam-2/smg7 mutants exhibit the tdm and smg7
The transition from meiosis I to meiosis II requires a fine phenotype, respectively (Bulankova et al. 2010). Thus, the
balance in cyclin–CDK activity: it must be sufficiently low absence of either TDM or SMG7 removes the requirement
to exit meiosis I but must nonetheless be maintained at a for TAM for entry into meiosis II (Fig. 8.4). Remarkably,
level sufficiently high to suppress DNA replication and while osd1 and tam single mutants have very similar
promote entry into meiosis II (Marston and Amon 2004; phenotypes (d’Erfurth et al. 2010), the double osd1/tam
Pesin and Orr-Weaver 2008). mutant shows the osd1 phenotype with meiotic exit at the
While only a few years ago nothing was known about the end of meiosis I (Raphaël Mercier et al., unpublished data).
control of meiotic progression at the molecular level in This suggests that OSD1 and TAM act differently on the
plants this is an exciting time for the field. Recently, progression of meiosis. Altogether, these recent studies
CDKA activity was shown to indeed oscillate throughout highlight the existence of a very complex network (not yet
the course of plant meiosis (Bulankova et al. 2010) and well understood!) to regulate the meiotic process.
several genes involved in crucial transitions were function- Two other genes may also affect the meiotic cell cycle,
ally characterized in Arabidopsis (OSD1, TAM, SMG7, AtPS1 and JASON (d’Erfurth et al. 2008; Erilova et al.
TDM). 2009). Both mutants produce diploid spores because of a
Two of these genes, TAM and OSD1 are required for the defect in spindle orientation at the second division in the
transition from meiosis I to meiosis II. Null osd1 and tam case of Atps1 and through an as yet unclear mechanism in
mutants fail to enter the second division in both male and the case of jas. In both cases it is reasonable to suggest that a
female meiosis and exit meiosis after anaphase I, leading defect in cell cycle/phase identity could generate the
to the production of functional 2n gametes (d’Erfurth observed phenotype. Interestingly, AtPS1 possesses a PINc
et al. 2009, 2010; Wang et al. 2010b). Interestingly, male domain that is present in proteins involved in RNA
meiocytes lacking both OSD1 and CYCA1;2/TAM fail to processing, suggesting that, like SMG7, there is a link
enter meiotic division I, producing tetraploid spores directly between RNA decay and the meiotic cell cycle.
after prophase (d’Erfurth et al. 2010). This shows that in The identification of a series of genes involved in meiotic
addition to their crucial function in driving the meiosis I to progression and the striking effect of their disruption alone
meiosis II transition, these two genes are involved in the or in combination, provides a unique opportunity to decipher
prophase to metaphase I transition (Fig. 8.4). This suggests the meiotic cell cycle. Study of the meiotic cell cycle
that they both contribute to an activity, most likely mediated machinery will certainly help to decipher general cell cycle
by CDK, which promotes entry into metaphase I and into mechanisms, mirroring the massive contribution of meiosis
metaphase II. The molecular function of OSD1 is currently research to the understanding of DNA recombination mech-
unknown, however, by analogy to fission yeast Mes1, it may anisms in somatic cells (Szostak et al. 1983; Paques and
inhibit APC activity, thus promoting CDK activity Haber 1999).
(d’Erfurth et al. 2009). The cyclin TAM/CYCA1;2, may Interestingly cell cycle machinery genes, beyond their
directly or indirectly promote the CDK activity controlling function in controlling meiotic progression, appear to have
cell cycle progression. been recruited to control other key features of meiosis such
The two other genes, SMG7 and TDM, appear to have as meiotic recombination. Indeed, the SDS gene, which
opposite effects on cell cycle progression from the above clearly encodes a cyclin, controls the choice of template
genes in the meiotic cycle. In smg7, meiosis arrests at late (e.g., homologous versus sister chromatid) during recombi-
anaphase II and cells do not exit from meiosis (Fig. 8.4). nation (De Muyt et al. 2009b) (see above). Similarly, the
SMG7 is a nonsense-mediated mRNA decay factor sugg- wheat Ph1 locus that controls homoeologous recombination
esting an unappreciated link between the cell cycle machin- (see above) contains CDK-like genes.
ery and RNA processing (Riehs et al. 2008). Mutants in the
TDM gene have an even more spectacular phenotype: meio- Conclusion
sis progresses normally up to the end, performing the two This is an exciting time with an international effort in
divisions, but then an aberrant third round of division takes progress to better understand the molecular processes
8 Meiosis: Recombination and the Control of Cell Division 133

involved in meiosis in a large variety of higher Bovill WD, Deveshwar P, Kapoor S, Able JA (2009) Whole genome
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(2010) Meiotic progression in Arabidopsis is governed by complex
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Contents 9.1 Introduction

9.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
The striking diversity of land plants is associated with
9.2 It Starts With a Break . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
immense genetic variation manifested also by a wide range
9.3 Primary Chromosome Rearrangements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 of genome sizes and chromosome numbers. Nuclear genome
9.3.1 Insertions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
size across land plants varies more than 2,300-fold from
9.3.2 Deletions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
9.3.3 Duplications and Deletions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 ~64 Mb (Genlisea aurea; Greilhuber et al. 2006) to
9.3.4 Inversions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 ~150,000 Mb (Paris japonica; Pellicer et al. 2010; see also
9.3.5 Translocations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 Leitch and Leitch 2013, this volume). Accordingly, chromo-
9.4 Secondary Chromosome Rearrangements . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 some numbers can vary from n ¼ 2 in six angiosperm spe-
9.5 Changes of Chromosome Number (Dysploidy) . . . . . . . . 141
cies (Vanzela et al. 1996; Cremonini 2005) to n > 320 in the
9.5.1 Descending Dysploidy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 angiosperm Sedum suaveolens (Uhl 1978) and n ¼ c. 720 in
9.5.2 Ascending Dysploidy (Centric Fission) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 the fern Ophioglossum reticulatum (Khandelwal 1990). This
9.5.3 Bidirectional Dysploidy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 extensive variation of chromosome numbers among land
9.6 Centromere Rearrangements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 plants is driven by two main trends in opposite directions:
9.7 Rearrangements Mediated by Transposable Elements 145 chromosome numbers increase through polyploidy (whole-
genome duplications, WGD) and decrease through structural
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
chromosome rearrangements (descending dysploidy). Geno-
mic and cytogenetic analyses indicate that probably all land
plants have experienced at least one WGD event (Jaillon
et al. 2009; Soltis et al. 2009; Van de Peer et al. 2009; see
also Fawcett et al. 2013, this volume) followed by more or
less extensive karyotype reshuffling towards diploid-like
genomes (e.g., Wolfe 2001; Thomas et al. 2006; Cenci
et al. 2010; Mandáková et al. 2010a). Karyotypic changes
at a given ploidy level are mediated by chromosome
rearrangements such as insertions, duplications, deletions,
inversions and translocations altering the size and morphol-
ogy of chromosomes. Centric fissions and different types
of reciprocal translocations combined with meiotic (mis)
segregation may lead to a reduction or increase of chromo-
some number (descending/ascending dysploidy).
Here we discuss mechanisms which alter size, shape and
number of chromosomes, reviewed earlier by Darlington
(1937), Stebbins (1971), Jones (1998), Levin (2002), Schubert
M.A. Lysák (*) (2007) and Schubert and Lysák (2011). In particular, we
Laboratory of Plant Cytogenomics, CEITEC – Central European
Institute of Technology, Masaryk University, Kamenice 5, CZ-625 00
focus on chromosome rearrangements that have an impact
Brno, Czech Republic on the alteration of chromosome number during evolution of

I.J. Leitch et al. (eds.), Plant Genome Diversity Volume 2, 137

DOI 10.1007/978-3-7091-1160-4_9, # Springer-Verlag Wien 2013
138 M.A. Lysák and I. Schubert

land plants and likely play a role in speciation. The emphasis Deletion
is put on chromosome rearrangements detectable by micro-
scopic techniques, whereas small-range insersion/deletion
events (indels), inversions or gene conversion are beyond
the scope of this review. Inversion
a b c d

b c
9.2 It Starts With a Break . . . a c b d

a d
Each chromosome aberration starts with one or more
double-strand break(s) (DSB). DSBs arise either directly
after the exposure to S-phase-independent mutagens (e.g.,
ionizing radiation such as X-rays or gamma rays, chemicals
such as bleomycin or restriction endonucleases), or indi-
rectly when the replication fork meets a repair-mediated
single strand gap. DSBs can be repaired restoring the
original DNA structure, whereas a mis-repair of two or Interchromosomal translocation
more simultaneous DSBs results in a chromosome rear-
rangement. DSBs are repaired by homologous recombina- a b c d a b h i j
tion (HR), using sequences homologous to the broken e f g h i j e f g c d
strands as a template for DNA synthesis and operating
mainly in S and G2-phase or by non-homologous end Fig. 9.1 Primary chromosome rearrangements mediated by non-
joining (NHEJ, also known as illegitimate recombination), allelic homologous recombination (NAHR). Grey arrows represent
which can join broken ends directly without or with just a homologous (repetitive) sequences (redrawn and modified after
Griffiths et al. (2007))
few base pairs of homology. HR is a mostly accurate repair
mechanism, whereas NHEJ is an error-prone process usu-
ally associated with microdeletions and insertions (filler
DNA) prior to ligation of broken ends. HR can also occur
9.3 Primary Chromosome Rearrangements
between ectopic homologous sequences. Non-allelic
9.3.1 Insertions
(ectopic) homologous recombination (NAHR) may occur
within one double helix, between sister chromatids, or
DSB repair can be accompanied by insertion of endogenous
between chromatids of homologous or non-homologous
or alien sequences. A possible mechanism of insertion can
chromosomes. Recombination using different templates
be recombination with extrachromosomal circular DNA
has different outcomes as shown in Fig. 9.1 (see also
(Cohen et al. 2008; Navrátilová et al. 2008) (Fig. 9.2a).
Gaut et al. 2007; Gu et al. 2008). Intrastrand recombination
between direct repeats results in deletion (via “pop-out” of
a small circular chromosome segment). If the repeats have
the opposite orientation, NAHR yields an inversion of 9.3.2 Deletions
the region between the breakpoints. HR between ectopic
homologous sequences of sister chromatids in direct orien- Deletions can be terminal or interstitial. After loss of a
tation produces chromatids and chromosomes with dupli- terminal chromosome segment, the broken end has to be
cation and deletion, respectively (unequal sister chromatid healed and stabilized by de novo telomere synthesis or by
exchange). This process is analogous to unequal crossover telomere capture (acquiring telomeric sequence from a sister
at meiosis. NAHR between repeats on homologous or non- chromatid, a homologous or heterologous chromosome via a
homologous chromosomes results in reciprocal chromo- conversion-like mechanism; Yu and Graf 2010), otherwise
some translocations. the broken chromosome ends enter a fusion-breakage cycle
Both repair mechanisms, HR and NHEJ, are active in or the harbouring cell dies. Interstitial deletions require two
somatic cells, while allelic meiotic recombination is exclu- breaks and arise e.g., via NHEJ between the most proximal
sively based on HR, processing Spo11-induced DSBs. In and the most distal break end (Fig. 9.2b). During meiotic
plants, rearrangements occurring in somatic tissues (shoot pairing in an interstitial-deletion heterozygote, the wild-type
meristems) can be transmitted to the next generation. chromosome loops out the non-deleted region.
9 Mechanisms of Chromosome Rearrangements 139

a b c

d e f

g h


Alternate Adj 1

Adj 2

Fig. 9.2 Primary chromosome rearrangements. (a) Insertion of circular the dicentric is destroyed by a rupture of the anaphase bridge when there
extrachromosomal DNA. (b) Interstitial deletion. (c) Duplication and is an intercentromeric sister chromatid twist (far right). (i) Meiosis I in a
deletion caused by unequal meiotic crossover between homologous symmetrical translocation heterozygote. The alternate segregation will
chromosomes. (d) Paracentric inversion. (e) Pericentric inversion. result in balanced gametes with a “normal” and translocation chromo-
(f) Intrachromosomal translocation resulting in a ring chromosome. some complement, respectively. Adjacent (Adj) segregation yields
(g) Symmetrical reciprocal translocation. (h) Asymmetric reciprocal unbalanced gametes with duplications and deletions, via adjacent segre-
translocation yielding a dicentric chromosome and an acentric fragment; gation of non-homologous (Adj-1) or homologous centromeres (Adj-2)

9.3.3 Duplications and Deletions in the complement (insertional duplication). During meiotic
prophase of a tandem-duplication heterozygote, the unpaired
Large-scale (>10 kb) duplications usually coupled with duplicated region forms a loop. Erroneous repair of two
simultaneous deletion events may originate through multiple DSBs via unequal sister chromatid exchange or via unequal
mechanisms. A duplicated segment is either placed adjacent meiotic crossover (CO) between two not well aligned homol-
to the original sequence (tandem duplication) or elsewhere ogous chromatids may result in duplication and deletion
140 M.A. Lysák and I. Schubert

(Fig. 9.2c). NHEJ frequently accompanied by exonucleo- case, DSBs are mis-repaired by NHEJ not requiring sequence
lytic digestion at DSB ends or by insertional filling of homology at the breakpoints, but DSBs can also be joined
sequences into the break may cause deletions and duplications through HR between ectopic repeats (see Sect. 9.2). NAHR-
at the submicroscopic level. Tandem duplications generate mediated translocations are facilitated by the abundance of
additional substrates for ectopic homologous recombination repetitive elements which are common in plants with large
(Fig. 9.1); thus increasing the probability of further rearran- genome sizes. An intrachromosomal reciprocal translocation
gements caused by this mechanism. with a break in both arms yields a ring chromosome and a
terminal acentric fragment (Fig. 9.2f). The ring chromosome
(particularly if very small) can be stably inherited for some
9.3.4 Inversions time (Murata et al. 2008) but usually both translocation
products are unstable and lost. More common are interchro-
Inversions are intra-chromosomal rearrangements that alter the mosomal reciprocal translocations (interchanges) which may
collinearity due to the opposite orientation of a chromosome involve homologous or heterologous chromosomes and can
segment, without changing the chromosome size. Inversions be either symmetric and yield monocentric products
are induced by two breaks followed by the reunion of the (Fig. 9.2g), or asymmetric, resulting in a dicentric and an
internal fragment with the ‘wrong’ break ends. Traditionally acentric product (Fig. 9.2h). Dicentric products of asymmet-
paracentric and pericentric inversions have been recognized. ric translocations are destroyed by rupture of anaphase
A paracentric inversion does not include the centromere bridges if inter-centromeric sister chromatid twists occur
(Fig. 9.2d) and thus does not change the chromosome mor- and the two centromeres are pulled to the opposite poles.
phology, if no breakpoints at different distances on either side Dicentrics might be stable if both centromeres are in close
of a nucleolus organizing region (NOR) are involved. vicinity and are pulled to one pole (Fig. 9.2h). Inactivation
A pericentric inversion, including the respective centromere, and/or loss of one centromere can turn the dicentric chromo-
may result in a changed arm ratio, if the breakpoints on either some into a stable monocentric (see Sect. 9.6).
side have a different distance to the centromere (Fig. 9.2e). During the first meiotic division in a translocation hetero-
Ectopic homologous recombination (see Sect. 9.2), for zygote, normal and translocated chromosomes pair to form
instance between two transposon copies (Delprat et al. a cruciform configuration (Fig. 9.2i). Depending on the
2009), seems to be a mechanism frequently yielding chro- number and localization of chiasmata, different chromosome
mosome inversions. Two DSBs (Runcie and Noor 2009) or configurations (e.g., a ring or chain of chromosomes) are
the coincidence of two pairs of staggered single-strand observed in diplotene and diakinesis. Due to the independent
breaks eventually repaired by NHEJ (Ranz et al. 2007) assortment of chromosomes, two types of segregation can
may lead to inversions without requiring homologous motifs occur (Fig. 9.2i). During alternate segregation, the transloca-
between the inversion breakpoints. tion chromosomes are pulled to one pole and “normal”
During meiotic pairing in inversion heterozygotes the chromosomes to the other pole. This segregation eventually
inverted region forms an ‘inversion loop’ with the non- yields balanced gametes with two normal and two transloca-
inverted homologous regions (including the centromere in tion chromatids. In so-called adjacent segregation, either both
heterozygotes for pericentric inversion). If no CO occurs “adjacent” non-homologous or homologous centromeres pass
within the inversion loop, 50% of the gametes will carry the to the same pole. Both types of adjacent segregation result in
inversion. However a CO within the inversion loop of a unbalanced gametes with duplications and deletions. Such
heterozygote for a pericentric inversion will result in normal gametes are usually not viable, but may be tolerated in
(1), inversion (1) and duplication/deletion (2) chromatid types. polyploids. If so, the progeny genomes may be erroneously
In a heterozygote for a paracentric inversion, a CO within the considered as bearing a ‘non-reciprocal translocation’ (in
inversion loop connects homologous chromosomes to form a polyploids also called homoeologous non-reciprocal transpo-
dicentric and an acentric fragment (the latter lost as a micro- sition or translocation; Udall et al. 2005; Gaeta et al. 2007;
nucleus). At anaphase I, the dicentric bridge is randomly Nicolas et al. 2007) which have not yet been proven experi-
broken yielding two chromatids with terminal deletions. One mentally. Translocation events involving unequally sized
normal and one inversion chromatid are also produced. chromosome regions may also be erroneously interpreted as
a “non-reciprocal” translocation. In this case, besides a large
translocation product, very small centric or acentric fragments
9.3.5 Translocations are also generated (see Sect. 9.5.1). As these products may be
either undetectable by routine microscopic techniques or
Translocations are induced by two DSBs resulting in four eliminated during subsequent mitotic (acentric fragments) or
DNA ends. An erroneous repair by ligation of the ends of meiotic divisions (centric fragments), the translocation event
different breaks generates a reciprocal translocation. In this might appear as non-reciprocal within the progenies.
9 Mechanisms of Chromosome Rearrangements 141

a b rearrangements involved, unbalanced gametes may also

arise, harbouring duplications as well as deletions (Fig. 9.3b;
Schubert et al. 1988).

9.5 Changes of Chromosome Number


Descending and ascending dysploidy is a karyotypic alter-

ation towards a lower or higher chromosome number.
Translocations play a prominent role in decreasing chromo-
Dp Dp
some numbers. The increase of chromosome number, apart
from polyploidization, is mediated by chromosome fission
(dissociation). The evolutionary success of novel karyotypes
depends on the viability of gametes and on whether or not
wt homozygosity is possible under natural selection.

9.5.1 Descending Dysploidy

Fig. 9.3 Secondary chromosome rearrangements. (a) Two trans-
locations (① and ②) involving three chromosomes of the wild-type A Robertsonian (Rb) translocation or centric fusion refers to
(wt) karyotype lead to hexavalents during meiosis in double heterozy- a translocation between two telocentric or acrocentric
gous individuals. Cross over between homologous chromosome regions chromosomes. This translocation event results in a meta
flanked by non-homologous regions generates a novel karyotype and
(di)centric ‘fusion’ chromosome (Sullivan et al. 1996) and
re-establishes the wt complement. (b) Origin of new karyotypes through
primary chromosome rearrangements and meiotic recombination. One a small acentric fragment (Fig. 9.4a), or in two monocentric
chromosome is involved in an inversion in one individual (①) and in a products of unequal size (Fig. 9.4c). If the minichromosome
translocation in another individual (②). In the resulting quadrivalent, is eliminated during subsequent cell divisions, the Rb event
crossover within homologous chromosome regions flanked by non-
homologous regions generates two new karyotypes with complementary
may lead to a heritable decrease in chromosome number
duplication (Dp) and deletions, respectively (n1). Typically, Rb breakpoints are localized at the centric
ends of the short arms of telo- or acrocentric chromosomes
[i.e., (sub)telomere in telocentrics]. As a consequence, Rb
Translocated regions might be lost or duplicated due to
translocations reduce chromosome number but maintain the
CO between rearranged chromosomes (Fig. 9.3b), or due to
number of major chromosome arms (the nombre
meiotic mis-segregation in translocation heterozygotes
fondamental, NF). The ribosomal DNA (rDNA) of terminal
(Fig. 9.4g) yielding unbalanced karyotypes.
NORs was thought to mediate Rb translocations. Often
Short range gene conversion should not to be considered
breakpoints were found proximal to NORs on acrocentric
as non-reciprocal translocation.
chromosomes and the NORs were deleted (Page et al. 1996).
Several human Rb metacentrics have originated through
variably positioned breakpoints within the short arms and
9.4 Secondary Chromosome less frequently at the pericentromeres of the two acrocentric
Rearrangements chromosomes involved (Page et al. 1996; Sullivan et al.
1996). Hence, 90% of Rb chromosomes in humans are
Structural chromosome alterations can additionally arise as dicentric (Page et al. 1996). Although an exact mechanism
secondary chromosome rearrangements (for review see of Rb fusion remains to be elucidated, the abundance of
Schubert 2007). Such rearrangements may arise in satellite DNA arrays on short arms of acrocentrics and at
organisms doubly heterozygous for two primary rearran- centromeres of Rb chromosomes suggests NAHR based on
gements (translocations and/or inversions), if one chromo- ectopic homologous sequences as a mechanism (Page et al.
some is involved in both of them (Fig. 9.3). Meiotic CO 1996; Sullivan et al. 1996). Rb fusions in plant species can
between homologous regions of rearranged chromosomes, also result in dicentric chromosomes as shown for the meta-
which differ in the regions distal to the CO, leads to gametes centric chromosome 1 of Vicia faba (Schubert 1992). In the
with a new karyotype and to complementary gametes crucifers (Brassicaceae) (and likely in other groups),
displaying a re-established wild type chromosome comple- Rb translocations are frequently preceded by a pericentric
ment (Fig. 9.3a). Depending on the type of primary inversion in one of the chromosomes, rendering a (sub)
142 M.A. Lysák and I. Schubert




[ Dp

Fig. 9.4 Chromosome rearrangements mediating descending and chromosome can be prone to fission which yields two telocentric
ascending dysploidy. (a) Robertsonian translocation between two telo-/ chromosomes in the presence of telomerase (stars) stabilized by de novo
acrocentric chromosomes with breakpoints in short arms results in a meta added telomeres. (b) Centric fission in a monocentric chromosome. Cen-
(di)centric chromosome and an acentric fragment. The dicentric tric ends of fission products are “healed” by telomerase (stars).
9 Mechanisms of Chromosome Rearrangements 143

metacentric chromosome telo- or acrocentric. This rear- 9.5.2 Ascending Dysploidy (Centric Fission)
rangement allows for a Rb event resulting in a large “fusion”
chromosome and a minichromosome prone to loss (Fig. 9.4c; Centric fission, i.e., dissociation of two arms of usually a
Lysák et al. 2006). For chromosome number reduction in metacentric chromosome increasing the chromosome num-
some cruciferous species, centromere inactivation and/or ber (n þ 1), is considered to counteract Robertsonian fusion
loss has been envisaged to follow asymmetric, end-to-end (Sect. 9.5.1). Centric fissions are a favoured explanation for
translocation between two metacentrics (Fig. 9.4d; Mandáková the origin of telocentric chromosomes. However, to decide
et al. 2010a, b). whether acro-/telocentric chromosomes result from fission
Based on genomic data, insertional or nested chromosome or from a whole-arm pericentric inversion in a (sub)meta-
fusion (NCF) has been proposed as a prominent mechanism centric has been difficult without recently established chro-
of descending dysploidy in grasses (Luo et al. 2009; Salse mosome painting or comparative genomics. The mechanism
et al. 2009; Thiel et al. 2009; Abrouk et al. 2010; Interna- of centric fissions, more often observed in animals than
tional Brachypodium Initiative 2010; Murat et al. 2010), but plants, remains controversial. Each of the two telocentric
it is considered to occur less frequently in cruciferous taxa fission products should possess a functional centromere and
(Mandáková et al. 2010b). In NCF, one chromosome is telomere sequences capping the centric ends. “Chromosome
inserted between the chromosome arms of another (recipi- healing” by de novo synthesis of telomeres or telomere
ent) chromosome. Although not yet proven experimentally, a capture (Fig. 9.4a, b) has been postulated. Moreover, inter-
NCF can most easily be interpreted as the outcome of a stitial telomere(like) repeats identified in centromeric
multiple breakage and translocation event between two regions of some species may serve as telomere seeds in
non-homologous chromosomes. Simultaneous breaks at the fission telocentrics. In a fission heterozygote of the plant
ends of both arms of the nested chromosome and one around Hypochaeris radicata, both fission products were stabilized
the centromere of the recipient chromosome are followed by at centric ends by transposition of 45S rDNA from a NOR of
a mis-repair of the chromosome breaks (Fig. 9.4e). Disrup- another chromosome (Hall and Parker 1995). Apparently,
tion of the recipient centromere by a break followed by the rDNA is a potential substrate for telomere synthesis by
inactivation of its parts is a plausible mechanism to avoid an telomerase at chromosome breakpoints through 2–4-nucleotide
unstable di- or tricentric product. Alternatively, if the recipi- target motifs within the rDNA sequence (Tsujimoto et al.
ent chromosome has breaks on either side of its centromere, a 1999). The transposition and amplification of rDNA is
symmetrical translocation may yield two monocentric concordant with the post-fission extension of constitutive
products: the ‘fusion’ chromosome and a minichromosome heterochromatin transforming fission telocentrics into
comprising the centromere of the recipient chromosome and acrocentrics as proposed by Imai (1991).
the telomeres of the inserted chromosome. The small product A transversal division of the centromere into two func-
without essential genes is prone to loss during meiosis tional parts represents a challenging problem (Fig. 9.4a, b).
(Fig. 9.4f). Theoretically, the two arms of the recipient chro- A stable dicentric Robertsonian translocation chromosome
mosome could have been translocated to the nested chromo- provides functional centromeres when a break occurs
some arm ends via two subsequent events. However, it is between the two centromeric regions (Fig. 9.4a and Schubert
hard to explain why the second event in so many cases again et al. 1995). Fission events in monocentrics (Fig. 9.4b) were
involved the same two chromosomes (Luo et al. 2009; Thiel explained by at least two mechanisms. Perry et al. (2005)
et al. 2009; International Brachypodium Initiative 2010). carried out detailed molecular analyses of centric fissions in
A simultaneous translocation of broken donor chromosome human chromosomes and found evidence for simple fission
arms to different recipient chromosomes would bear a higher events as well as for centromere duplication prior to fission.
risk of unbalanced gametes resulting from segregation of In the latter case duplication of (peri)centromeric sequences
meiotic multivalents. is predisposing the centromere to breakage. An alternative

Fig. 9.4 (Continued) (c) Translocation between two chromosomes of the recipient chromosome is disrupted by a single DSB, whereas in
with breakpoints in the pericentromere of the long arm of one chromo- (f) it is lost as a second, meiotically unstable translocation product.
some and in the telomeric end of the short arm of another chromosome. (g) Simultaneously ascending and descending dysploidy in double
This translocation yields a large monocentric “fusion” chromosome heterozygous individuals. Crossing of two karyotypes heterozygous
and a meiotically unstable minichromosome. Involved chromosomes for two different translocations involving three chromosomes may
can become telo-/acrocentric via a preceding pericentromeric inversion result in mis-segregation from meiotic multivalents. The two metacen-
(far left). (d) End-to-end reciprocal translocation between two (sub) tric translocation chromosomes segregate to one pole (n1) and the
metacentric chromosomes followed by inactivation/loss of one centro- four acrocentric chromosomes to the other (n þ 1). The hypoploid
mere. (e, f) Proposed mechanisms of nested chromosome “fusion” gametes harbour small deletions, whereas hyperploid gametes carry
through three (e) or four (f) simultaneous double strand breaks the corresponding duplications (Dp)
(DSBs) in two non-homologous chromosomes. In (e) the centromere
144 M.A. Lysák and I. Schubert

a b c

Fig. 9.5 Alternative mechanisms of centromere repositioning (CR). mechanism described under (a). Pericentromeric arrays at the original
(a) CR through the emergence of a neocentromere and inactivation of centromere decay and are re-established at the new centromeric position.
the original centromere. The old pericentromere (grey) decays and new (c) CR mediated by the deletion of a centromere through centromere-
pericentromeric sequences accumulate at the neocentromere. (b) CR via flanking DSBs and its re-insertion into another DSB on the same
subsequent peri- and paracentric inversions. The paracentric inversion chromosome
restores the original collinearity along the chromosome, mimicking the

mechanism is based on coupling fission events with the a broad range of chromosome rearrangements can be tolerated
appearance of neocentromeres (Nasuda et al. 2005). The (Mandáková et al. 2010a, b), and dysploidy, including
origin of human acrocentric chromosomes 14 and 15 from deletions or duplications, is likely to become fixed. However
an ancestral metacentric chromosome was interpreted it can be difficult to interpret these events subsequently as
assuming (1) a noncentromeric break within the ancestral seen, for example, in the descending dysploidy leading to the
metacentric, (2) inactivation of the ancestral centromere and extant maize genome (Wei et al. 2007; Salse et al. 2008, 2009).
the appearance of a neocentromere on HSA15, and (3) The more distant from the centromere the breakpoints in the
formation of a neocentromere on HSA14 (Fig. 9.1 in translocation chromosomes of the double heterozygous
Ventura et al. 2003). individuals are, the larger are the duplicated (and the
corresponding deleted) regions in the dysploid progeny
karyotypes. The resulting segmental duplications or deletions
9.5.3 Bidirectional Dysploidy may therefore give the impression of ‘non-reciprocal
The occurrence of two translocations between three
chromosomes (one of the three involved in both
translocations) with all breakpoints close to the centromeres 9.6 Centromere Rearrangements
may result in simultaneous ascending and descending
dysploidy (Fig. 9.4g). In individuals double-heterozygous for The classical theory of chromosome rearrangements consid-
both translocations, a hexavalent is formed during meiotic ered centromeres as evolutionary stable chromosome
chromosome pairing. At a low frequency, the two transloca- structures, which may be lost or gained only by translocation
tion metacentrics of the hexavalent segregate to one pole and or centric fission events. Consequently, until recently
the four acrocentrics to the other. Consequently, gametes (Voullaire et al. 1993) positional changes of centromere
containing the acrocentric translocation chromosomes possess position as well as emergence or loss of centromeres have
one chromosome more than the parental lines and a duplica- been explained based on primary chromosome rearran-
tion of at least one centromere plus two terminal regions, while gements. Today circumstantial evidence suggests the possi-
gametes with the metacentric translocation chromosomes have bility of so-called centromere repositioning (CR), assuming
one chromosome less and the corresponding deletions. When centromere inactivation at one site and the emergence of a
gametes of the same dysploidy fuse, the chromosome number new centromere at another site. These events might occur
can increase or decrease simultaneously in a homozygous without distortion of the marker order along the chromo-
fashion, provided the accompanying duplications and some (Fig. 9.5). Such a centromere shift may change the arm
deletions can be tolerated. This dysploidy mechanism has ratio and thus the shape of the corresponding chromosome.
been experimentally proven in Vicia faba (Schubert and CR events are claimed for vertebrates (Ventura et al. 2007;
Rieger 1985). Similar mechanisms have been suggested Piras et al. 2010) and have been presumed for homoeologous
already by Stebbins (1971). The increase in chromosome chromosomes of cucumber and melon (Han Y. et al. 2009).
number from n ¼ 10 to n ¼ 12 postulated for a common It remains however unclear how during the transition phase
(tetraploid) ancestor of cereals (Salse et al. 2008) could be of CR (old centromere no longer active and neocentromere
explained in the same way. After whole genome duplication just emerging) the chromosome resolves the problem of
(¼ polyploidy) events, in the course of genome diploidization, having either no active centromere or two centromeres.
9 Mechanisms of Chromosome Rearrangements 145

Although some dicentric human chromosomes were shown alternative transposition of maize Ac/Ds transposons are
to be stable over several cell generations (Stimpson and available at
Sullivan 2010), more experimental data are needed to further html, and as supplemental materials online in Zhang et al.
elucidate this process. Apart from a presumably epigenetic (2009).
mechanism of CR (Fig. 9.5a), subsequent peri- and para- Some transposable elements show the capacity to capture
centric inversions may alter centromere position and restore and move other genomic sequences. In maize, for example,
collinearity (Fig. 9.5b). Alternatively, CR can be mediated Helitron transposons replicating through a rolling-circle
by the deletion of a (peri)centromere and its re-insertion into mechanism frequently capture neighbouring sequences
another region of the same chromosome (Fig. 9.5c). such as gene fragments (Yang and Bennetzen 2009). Trans-
Centromere inactivation is not only postulated to occur position of larger chunks of chromosomal DNA has been
during a shift of centromeres but may also play a role in suggested for repeated arrays of the large ribosomal RNA
stabilizing dicentric chromosomes. The inactivation of one genes (rDNA) discernible on chromosomes as NORs. Since
centromere on a dicentric maize B chromosome was caused Schubert and Wobus (1985) showed the mobility of NORs
by the loss of epigenetic centromere markers such as (“jumping NORs”), even in cells of the same individual,
CENH3, CENP-C and H3S10P. The inactive centromere intraspecific variation in number, position and extension of
could be reactivated when separated from the active centro- rDNA loci has been revealed in a wide range of plant species
mere by intrachromosomal recombination (Han F. et al. (e.g., in the tribe Triticeae, Dubcovsky and Dvořák 1995).
2009). This is compelling evidence that epigenetically As the observed variation in number and position of NORs
inactivated centromeres can be reactivated. Centromere between different individuals or populations is often not
inactivation has also been observed in dicentric human associated with collinearity distortion (Datson and Murray
chromosomes (e.g., Stimpson and Sullivan 2010) and it has 2006), the NOR mobility is explained by transpositional
been suggested to stabilize primary dicentric chromosomes ‘hitch hiking’ together with flanking transposable elements.
resulting from telomere-to-telomere translocations in Indeed, Raskina et al. (2004, 2008) showed by fibre fluores-
some cruciferous species (Fig. 9.4d; Mandáková et al. cence in situ hybridization that transposable elements can be
2010a, b). Mechanisms of centromere inactivation are not interspersed with 5S and 45S rDNA repeats in Aegilops and
well understood. Triticum species suggesting that the mobility of transposable
As centromere formation and function seem to be deter- elements is responsible for the extensive intraspecific varia-
mined epigenetically without specific sequence requirements, tion in the number and localization of rDNA loci in the
a neocentromere could also emerge in acentric fragments and analysed grass species.
thus increase chromosome number. In plants, the emergence
of a new centromere was shown to occur on fragments of
barley chromosomes (Nasuda et al. 2005). As shown for plants
(Han F. et al. 2009) and vertebrates (Rocchi et al. 2009), References
some neocentromeres occur at sites of inactivated ancestral
Abrouk M, Murat F, Pont C, Messing J, Jackson S, Faraut T, Tannier E,
Plomion C, Cooke R, Feuillet C, Salse J (2010) Palaeogenomics of
plants: synteny-based modelling of extinct ancestors. Trends Plant
Sci 15:479–487
9.7 Rearrangements Mediated Cenci A, Combes M-C, Lashermes P (2010) Comparative sequence
analyses indicate that Coffea (Asterids) and Vitis (Rosids) derive
by Transposable Elements from the same paleo-hexaploid ancestral genome. Mol Genet Geno-
mics 283:493–501
Barbara McClintock was the first to recognize that the Cohen S, Houben A, Segal D (2008) Extrachromosomal circular DNA
mobility of transposable elements could cause chromosome derived from tandemly repeated genomic sequences in plants. Plant
J 53:1027–1034
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Biology and Evolution of B Chromosomes
Andreas Houben, Ali Mohammad Banaei-Moghaddam,
and Sonja Klemme

Contents 10.1 Introduction

10.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
Supernumerary or B chromosomes (Bs) are dispensable
10.2 Structure and DNA Composition of B Chromosomes 150
10.2.1 Centromere Organization of B Chromosomes . . . . . . . . . . 150 components of the genomes of numerous plant, fungi, and
10.2.2 B Chromosome-Located Genes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 animal species. They do not pair with any of the standard A
10.2.3 DNA Composition of Rye B Chromosomes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 chromosomes (As) at meiosis, and have irregular modes of
10.2.4 Chromatin Composition of B Chromosomes . . . . . . . . . . . . 152 inheritance. As they are dispensable for normal growth, Bs
10.3 Effects and Transcripts Associated With B were considered non-functional and without any essential
Chromosomes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154 genes. As a result, B chromosomes follow their own species-
10.3.1 Mitotic and Meiotic Segregation Behaviour of B
Chromosomes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
specific evolutionary pathways. Because most Bs do not con-
10.3.2 Diverse Drive Mechanisms of B Chromosomes . . . . . . . . 156 fer any advantages on the organisms that harbour them, they
may be thought of as parasitic elements that persist in
10.4 Evolution of B Chromosomes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
populations by making use of the cellular machinery required
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160 for the inheritance and maintenance of A chromosomes. In low
numbers Bs show little or no impact on the hosts. However,
increased numbers of Bs cause phenotypic differences and
reduced fertility, reviewed in Jones and Rees (1982), Jones
(1991, 1995), Bougourd and Jones (1997), Camacho et al.
(2000), Camacho (2004, 2005), Jones and Houben (2003),
Jenkins and Jones (2004), and Jones et al. (2008a, b).
B chromosomes are a major source of intraspecific varia-
tion in nuclear DNA amounts in numerous species of plants
(Jones et al. 2008b). The distribution of Bs among different
groups of angiosperms is not random. Among flowering
plants they are more likely to occur in outcrossing than inbred
species, and their presence is also positively correlated with
genome size and negatively with chromosome number. They
are not found any more frequently in polyploids than in
diploids (Palestis et al. 2004; Levin et al. 2005). In many
plants different morphological types of Bs exist within a
single species. The relationship between genome size and B
frequency may be explained on the grounds that species with
large genomes can tolerate supernumerary chromosomes
more readily (Puertas 2002) or that the greater amount of
noncoding DNA, which is what largely constitutes large
A. Houben (*) genomes, is itself a trigger for B formation (Levin et al.
Leipnitz-Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK),
Chromosome Structure and Function Laboratory, Corrensstrasse 3,
2005). According to a survey of 23,652 angiosperm species,
06466 Gatersleben, Germany about 8% of monocots and 3% of eudicots have Bs, and of

I.J. Leitch et al. (eds.), Plant Genome Diversity Volume 2, 149

DOI 10.1007/978-3-7091-1160-4_10, # Springer-Verlag Wien 2013
150 A. Houben et al.

these by far the largest number of species belong to the dichromosomatica which is mainly composed of tandem
Poaceae and Asteraceae. However, because these families repeats (Houben et al. 2001b). The large amounts of repet-
are also highly speciose, several other families have a higher itive elements might facilitate the strong heterochromati-
proportion of species with Bs. Among orders, the two B nization observed in some Bs. Since Bs are cut off from
chromosome ‘hot spots’ are the Liliales and Commelinales recombination, a greater proportion of mobile elements
(Palestis et al. 2004; Levin et al. 2005). will accumulate compared with the As, and because Bs
are under relaxed selective pressure, they present a kind of
safe spot for mobile elements. Nevertheless, as Bs follow a
10.2 Structure and DNA Composition separate path of evolution, the composition of their repeti-
of B Chromosomes tive fraction is expected to differ from that of the As,
depending on the age of the Bs.
The size of B chromosomes differs from species to species. Molecular studies have shown that in many species the Bs
Generally Bs are smaller than As, however Bs bigger than contain sequences that have originated from one or several
As have been detected in some species, e.g., the cyprinid fish A chromosomes (Houben et al. 2001b; Page et al. 2001;
Alburnus alburnus (Ziegler et al. 2003) and the neotropical Cheng and Lin 2003; Bugrov et al. 2007). Mostly these are
fish Astyanax scabripinnis paranae (Maistro et al. 1992). In non-coding repetitive sequences or mobile elements like in
some species even different types of B chromosomes exist, the plant Crepis capillaris (Jamilena et al. 1994, 1995),
for example in the plant Brachycome dichromosomatica the fish Prochilodus lineatus (de Jesus et al. 2003), the
large Bs and micro Bs can be observed (Carter and Smith- fungus Nectria haematococca (Enkerli et al. 1997), and the
White 1972). The marsupial frog Gastrotheca espeletia insect Drosophila subsilvestris (Gutknecht et al. 1995). In
possesses three types of Bs which differ among themselves maize, sequence analysis revealed many highly repetitive
in size and morphology (Schmid et al. 2002). sequences, including transposons which were present on
Generally, B chromosomes have a similar overall DNA both A and B chromosomes, but enriched on Bs (Alfenito
composition to the respective As of the host species and Birchler 1993; Stark et al. 1996; Theuri et al. 2005;
(Camacho et al. 2000). Early investigations into the DNA Lamb et al. 2007a). Only a few sequences are considered
composition of Bs were based on gradient density centrifu- B-specific though they are also present on As in minor
gation and renaturation kinetics. In rye, these experiments traces. For example: the Bd49 tandem repeat in Brachycome
showed that the ratio and heterogeneity of repeats in Bs did dichromosomatica (Franks et al. 1996) or the B-specific
not differ from As, although a slight increase in cytosine and retroelement in Alburnus alburnus (Schmid et al. 2006). In
guanine content was observed in the DNA from B-carrier rye (Secale cereale) two B-specific sequences, D1100
plants (Rimpau and Flavell 1975; Timmis et al. 1975). (Sandery et al. 1990) and E3900 (Blunden et al. 1993),
Buoyant densities of DNA from maize (Zea mays) plants have been identified. Both are located at the end of the
with and without Bs were found to be similar (Chilton and long arm of this B-type (Wilkes et al. 1995) and reside in
Mccarthy 1973) and the same results were reported in the the same region that is supposed to contain one or more
mealy bug Pseudococcus obscurus (Klein and Eckhardt genes controlling the directed non-disjunction of the rye
1976) and the grasshopper Myrmeleotettix maculatus (Gib- Bs. More data on characterization of the DNA composition
son and Hewitt 1970). Later, Amos and Dover (1981) of Bs are given in Jones and Rees (1982) and Camacho (2005).
introduced the use of restriction endonuclease digestion of
genomic satellite DNA to characterize Bs. However, only in
recent years have techniques like chromosome microdissec- 10.2.1 Centromere Organization
tion (Houben et al. 2001a) and flow-sorting (Kubalakova of B Chromosomes
et al. 2003; Bartos et al. 2008) evolved enough to allow for
direct isolation of B chromosome-derived DNA. In the An understanding of the structure and regulation of A and B
future, efficient and less costly sequencing tools should centromeres is a prerequisite for a better understanding of
allow the analysis of megabase-long DNA fragments the unique segregation behaviour of Bs. The B-specific
derived from A and B chromosomes. Comparative sequence repeat ZmBs has been used to characterise extensively the
analysis will then significantly improve our knowledge on centromeres of maize Bs (Alfenito and Birchler 1993;
the origin of Bs, and hence of the evolution of genomes. Kaszas and Birchler 1996, 1998; Kaszas et al. 2002),
Many Bs contain large amounts of repetitive DNA, which are amongst the best-characterized plant centromeres.
especially mobile elements, although strong amplification These studies have shown that the centromeres of maize
of tandem repeats and satellite DNA has also been Bs contain several megabases of a B chromosome-specific
observed (Langdon et al. 2000; Dhar et al. 2002). One repeat (ZmBs), a 156-bp satellite repeat (CentC), and
such example is the micro B of Brachycome centromere-specific retrotransposons (CRM elements).
10 Biology and Evolution of B Chromosomes 151

However, only a small fraction of the ZmBs repeats interacts 10.2.3 DNA Composition of Rye B
with the kinetochore protein CENH3 (the histone H3 variant Chromosomes
specific to functional centromeres and also called CENPA).
CentC, which marks the CENH3-associated chromatin in One of the best studied models in B chromosome research is
maize A centromeres, is restricted to a 700-kb domain within the Bs of rye (Secale cereale). Under the microscope the B
the larger context of the ZmBs repeats (Jin et al. 2005). of rye is easily distinguishable from the As by eye even
Clearly, centromere specification must have an epigenetic without a specific marker. In contrast to the metacentric
component as dicentric A-B translocation chromosomes are As, the B is acrocentric. Based on Giemsa-banding, the B
characterized by the stable inheritance of an inactive state of appears to have both heterochromatic and euchromatin parts,
one of the centromeres over several generations (Han et al. while the B-terminal region is Giemsa-staining positive
2006). (Jones and Puertas 1993). The total size of a rye B has
A comparison of maize A and B chromosomes seems to been estimated to be c. 400 Mb as 1C content (Jones et al.
show that Bs are enriched with DNA elements that are 2008b). At interphase, Bs show a predisposition for coori-
normally found at or near A centromeres (Lamb et al. entation and a tendency for association, supporting even
2005). A similar tendency has been described for the rye B, numbers of Bs. This association was shown in a background
which is characterized by a likely higher copy number of of hexaploid wheat (Morais-Cecilio et al. 1996) and in rye
the rye retrotransposon-like centromeric repeat pAWRC.1 (Morais-Cecilio et al. 1997). It has also been suggested that
(Wilkes et al. 1995). However, in contrast to maize Bs the Bs of rye influence the ribosomal DNA (rDNA) organi-
(Lamb et al. 2005; Jin et al. 2008), the rye kinetochore zation at interphase. Studies showed that the presence of Bs
protein CENH3 is present in equal amounts on both As and increased the condensation state of these regions on the As
Bs (Houben unpublished). suggesting the Bs were influencing the transcription of
The centromeric region of B. dichromosomatica standard rDNA on the A chromosomes (Delgado et al. 1995). In
Bs (of cytodeme A1, A2, and A4) is enriched with a addition, the presence of B chromosomes was shown to
B-specific tandem repeat (Bd49) that is not microscopically result in the condensation of an A-located satellite repeat.
detectable on A chromosomes (Franks et al. 1996; Leach et al. These condensation events were not directly proportional to
1995). Initially the predominantly centromeric location of the the number of Bs, suggesting that this effect is caused by the
Bd49 repeat suggested a possible role for this sequence in the Bs themselves rather than by the increase of total nuclear
drive process, but a noncentromeric Bd49 location in B. DNA content (Delgado et al. 2004).
dichromosomatica cytodeme A3 and differences in signal At the DNA level, apart from the terminal region of the
sizes among all the Bs of different cytodemes do not support long B chromosome arm, a high level of overall similarity
this assumption (Houben et al. 1999). exists between As and Bs of rye (Timmis et al. 1975;
Tsujimoto and Niwa 1992; Wilkes et al. 1995; Houben
et al. 1996). This hints at the intraspecific origin of this
type of chromosome. Also rye Bs appear to be monophyletic
10.2.2 B Chromosome-Located Genes and very stable, as they are very similar even in other rye
species like Secale segetale, which is very closely related to
Single or low copy genes are rarely found on Bs. This could Secale ancestrale (Niwa and Sakamoto 1995). This is rather
be due to a problem of finding them between the massively unexpected since Bs are expected to have an elevated muta-
amplified mobile elements. However, many Bs have been tion rate compared with the A genome.
suggested to contain active genes due to visible phenotypic Using genomic DNA from a plant with no B chromosomes
effects on the host (Camacho 2005). In maize, several (0B) as a probe for genomic in situ hybridization (GISH)
sequences have been isolated that are homologous to non- resulted in signal labelling along the whole of the Bs except
coding regions of genes located on the As (Cheng and Lin the heterochromatic terminal part (Tsujimoto and Niwa
2003). Recently, histone genes have been found on the Bs of 1992; Wilkes et al. 1995; Morais-Cecilio et al. 1996). This
the migratory locust Locusta migratoria, although these genes region of the B is unstable, prone to rearrangements
appear in a repetitive fraction and often carry deleterious and favours duplication over deletion (Langdon et al.
mutations (Teruel et al. 2010). Transcriptional activity of 2000). It is enriched in B-specific sequences (Houben et al.
gene fragments located on Bs has been shown in rye together 1996) such as D1100 (Sandery et al. 1990; Wilkes
with an alteration of the transcription of corresponding gene et al. 1995) and E3900 (Blunden et al. 1993). Sequence
copies on A chromosomes (Carchilan et al. 2009). comparisons have shown that there are similarities between
152 A. Houben et al.

D1100 and Miniature Inverted-repeat Transposable Element which developed a deficient form of the rye B lacking the
sequences (MITEs) which appear frequently in temperate B-specific heterochromatic distal part (Ribeiro et al. 2004).
cereals (Langdon et al. 2000). E3900 shows similarities to However, apart from that example, only the analysis of a
Ty3-gypsy retrotransposons and contains a partial reading large number of Bs has enabled sporadic variants to be
frame of a gag gene. A possible ancestor of the gag fragment identified (Kubalakova et al. 2003). It is notable though
that frequently colonizes the centromeres of Poaceae was that many of these translocations appear to involve the
cloned and described (Langdon et al. 2000). It therefore A chromosome 1R. Artificially-induced translocations in a
seems likely that members of the D1100 and E3900 families wheat rye B addition line have been useful instruments for
were formed from parts of the A genome which underwent mapping the Bs (Endo et al. 2008). Other structural variants
frequent amplification and simplification steps (Langdon that arise in experimental strains include iso-chromosomes
et al. 2000). which contain only the long arm or only the short arm of the
Several subtelomeric, high copy sequences common to standard B (Jones and Puertas 1993).
the As are reported to be missing from the Bs such are pSc74
(Tsujimoto and Niwa 1992; Manzanero and Puertas 2003),
pSc119 (Tsujimoto and Niwa 1992; Wilkes et al. 1995; 10.2.4 Chromatin Composition
Manzanero and Puertas 2003), pSc200 (Hasterok et al. of B Chromosomes
2002; Kubalakova et al. 2003; Manzanero and Puertas
2003; Zhou et al. 2010) and pSc250 (Kubalakova et al. Although chromatin structure is increasingly seen as playing
2003). However, other authors have claimed a potential an essential role in different aspects of chromosome func-
polymorphism on Bs that carry traces of pSc74 and pSc119 tion, little information is available on the chromatin compo-
in the subtelomeric end of the long arm (Cuadrado and Jouve sition of Bs, and whether it differs from that of the standard
1994; Kubalakova et al. 2003). Tsujimoto and Niwa (1994) A chromosomes. Based on classical cytological observations
proposed that the differential presence of high copy tandem (e.g., Giemsa-banding) an early survey suggested that the Bs
repeats (satellite DNA) is caused by the different population in about half of the plant species which carry them were
genetics of As and Bs. Bs are usually present in only some heterochromatic (Jones 1975). Indeed, because no genes
individuals in a random mating population, therefore, if a with specific phenotypic effects necessary for normal devel-
spontaneous amplification of a satellite sequence occurs in opment are known for Bs, the finding that some of them are
an individual without the B chromosome, the amplified totally euchromatic is surprising.
sequence will not become distributed over the Bs. In some species like the mouse Apodemus flavicollis
The chromosomal ends of Bs do contain typical (Tanic et al. 2005), the snail Helix pomatia (Evans 1960)
Arabidopsis-type telomere sequences (Manzanero and and the plants Scilla vvedenskyi (Greilhuber and Speta 1976)
Puertas 2003). However, whether ribosomal genes are pres- and Allium flavum (Vosa 1973), the Bs are predominantly
ent is still controversial. While Flavell and Rimpau (1975) euchromatic. At interphase, Bs of some plant species, e.g.,
reported they were present on rye Bs, more recent studies Anthoxanthum aristatum (Östergren 1947), Puschkinia
have failed to confirm their findings (Cuadrado and Jouve libanotica (Barlow and Vosa 1969), Scilla autumnalis
1994; Kubalakova et al. 2003). The centromeres of both (Ruiz-Rejon et al. 1980), Clematis orientalis and C.
types of chromosomes are enriched in paWRC.1 sequences, hatherliensis (Shambulingappa 1965), Rosa rugosa (Price
so-called Bilby repeats (Francki 2001), although a more et al. 1981), Tainia laxiflora (Tanaka and Matsuda 1972) or
extended distribution of Bilby elements has been reported Picea glauca (Teoh and Rees 1977) display so called hetero-
for Bs (Wilkes et al. 1995). Figure 10.1 summarizes the chromatic chromocenters after Giemsa- or Feulgen-staining.
DNA composition of rye A and B chromosomes. Recent advances in chromatin characterization, in terms
Several translocations between rye As and Bs have been of epigenetic marks, has shown the involvement of DNA
reported although they mostly arise from artificially-induced methylation and post-translational histone modifications in
events via irradiation (Hasterok et al. 2002) or strains kept chromatin assembly and maintenance (Richards and Elgin
under laboratory conditions for very long times (Schlegel 2002; Craig 2005; Kouzarides 2007). The N-terminal tails of
and Pohler 1994; Wilkes et al. 1995). Indeed, the contra- the nucleosomal core histones, extending from the nucleo-
dictory findings of the subtelomeric repeat sequences pSc74 some surface, are subjected to post-translational modifi-
and pSc119 (Tsujimoto and Niwa 1992; Cuadrado and Jouve cations such as acetylation, methylation, phosphorylation,
1994) have been attributed to such translocations (Wilkes ubiquitination, glycosylation, ADP-ribosylation, carbonyla-
et al. 1995). It has also been found, that these translocations tion and sumoylation. Acetylation of histones is mainly
are not stable in their respective populations (Hasterok et al. linked with transcriptional activation, DNA recombination
2002). One incident was published where a translocation and repair (Grunstein 1997; Struhl 1998; Ikura et al.
spontaneously arose in a strain sampled from wild populations, 2000; Bird et al. 2002). Phosphorylation correlates with
10 Biology and Evolution of B Chromosomes 153

Fig. 10.1 Comparison of the distribution of high-copy sequences Cuadrado and Jouve (1994), Manzanero and Puertas (2003); (5) R173,
between the A and B chromosomes of rye: Chromosomes are sche- Wilkes et al. (1995); (6) pAWRC.1, Bilby, Wilkes et al. (1995); (7) pSc34,
matically shown with their Giemsa-banded regions in dark blue. Centro- Cuadrado and Jouve (1994), Manzanero and Puertas (2003); (8) pSc119.2,
meric regions are highlighted for orientation. Dark green bars indicate the Tsujimoto and Niwa (1992), Cuadrado and Jouve (1994), Kubalakova
location and density of the corresponding repeats as determined by fluo- et al. (2003) and Manzanero and Puertas (2003); (9) B1334, Carchilan
rescent in situ hybridization. Light green indicates contradictory finding et al. (2009); (10) B8149, Carchilan et al. (2009); (11) B2465, Carchilan
or possible polymorphisms. Name of sequences and corresponding et al. (2009); (12) Afa, Kubalakova et al. (2003); (13) GAA, Kubalakova
references: (1) D1100, Sandery et al. (1990); (2) E3900, Blunden et al. et al. (2003); (14) Arabidopsis-like telomere, Manzanero and Puertas
(1993); (3) pSc200, Zhou et al. (2010), Kubalakova et al. (2003), (2003) and (15) 5S rDNA Kubalakova et al. (2003)
Manzanero and Puertas (2003); (4) pSc74, Tsujimoto and Niwa (1992),

transcription activation, apoptosis, DNA repair, chromo- Several studies have shown that modification of the histone
some condensation, sister chromatid cohesion/segregation H3 tail by methylation of lysine residues 9 and 27 negatively
and gametogenesis (Kaszas and Cande 2000; Prigent and regulates transcription by mediating a compact chromatin
Dimitrov 2003; Ahn et al. 2005; Krishnamoorthy et al. structure. In contrast, euchromatin is marked by methylation
2006; Houben et al. 2007). The most characterized histone of lysine residues 4 and 36 (reviewed by Martin and Zhang
modification to date is methylation. This modification occurs 2005). Whereas euchromatin-specific methylation of H3K4
only on lysine (K) and arginine (R) residues of histone H3 is highly conserved among eukaryotes, heterochromatin
and H4 and is performed by histone methyltransferases indexing by methylation marks at H3K9, 27 and H4K20 is
(HMTs) (Martin and Zhang 2005). Each arginine can be more variable (reviewed by Fuchs et al. 2006).
mono- or dimethylated and each lysine can be either Although chromosome banding results suggest a similar
mono-, di-, or trimethylated (Zhang and Reinberg 2001). eu- and heterochromatin composition in the B and A
154 A. Houben et al.

chromosomes of Brachycome dichromosomatica (which car-

ries large and micro Bs), the use of highly specific antibodies 10.3 Effects and Transcripts Associated With
against various lysine residues of histone H3 has shown that B Chromosomes
the Bs are characterised by a low level of euchromatic
histone marks. Heteropycnotic, tandem repeat-enriched Although Bs are not essential, some phenotypic effects have
micro Bs revealed only traces of these histone modifications. been reported, and these are usually cumulative, depending
No differences between As and Bs were found for the hetero- upon the number and not the presence or absence of Bs. In
chromatic marks H3K9me1,2 and H3K27me1,2 indicating low numbers, Bs have little if any influence on the pheno-
that Bs are not marked by an enriched level of heterochro- type, but at high numbers they often have a negative effect
matic histone marks, but rather by a low level of on fitness and fertility of the organism (reviewed in Jones
euchromatin-associated histone modifications (Marschner and Rees 1982; Jones 1995; Bougourd and Jones 1997;
et al. 2007a). A comparable distribution of histone marks Carlson 2009).
was also found for the Bs of Crepis capillaris (Houben et al. There is evidence that Bs directly or indirectly influence
2003) and for the heterochromatic Bs of Puschkinia the behaviour of A chromosomes (as noted above for
libanotica (Kumke et al. 2008). rDNA—see Sect. 10.2.3). One of the most striking of such
In rye, the subterminal heterochromatic domain of the B is effects is the potential impact of Bs on diploidization
characterised by a unique combination of histone methylation in allopolyploid hybrids, e.g., Lolium temulentum 
marks (Carchilan et al. 2007). Contrary to the heterochromatic L. perenne þ B (Evans and Davies 1985), where Bs were
regions of the A chromosomes, this domain is simultaneously observed to prevent or suppress the homoeologous pairing of
marked by trimethylated histone H3K4 and trimethylated As. Another example is in wheat  Aegilops hybrids where
H3K27. In addition, this domain shows a dark Giemsa band Bs contributed by the Aegilops parent seem to be able to
at mitosis, but undergoes decondensation during interphase and substitute for the Ph1 locus of hexaploid wheat. Further
reveals transcription of B-specific high copy repeat families. examples are reviewed by Jenkins and Jones (2004) and
The distribution patterns along A and B chromosomes Tanaka and Kawahara (1982).
observed for the heterochromatin marks H3K9me1,2 were Indirect evidence for weak transcriptional activity of Bs
mainly uniform. The terminal heterochromatic regions of As comes from the comparative analysis of esterase isozyme
and Bs showed little H3K27me1 but were enriched in di- and activity in two plants with and without Bs-Scilla autumnalis
trimethylated H3K27 (Carchilan et al. 2007). (Ruiz-Rejon et al. 1980) and rye (Bang and Choi 1990). In
Bs of maize display similar distribution patterns of B-positive plants, additional bands were detected by protein
signals from H3K9me2, H3K27me2 and H3K27me1 com- electrophoresis, however in both cases whether the addi-
pared with the As. However, the H3K27me2 signal on the B tional bands were caused by a B-located gene or whether
was less than those on the As. The H3K4me2 distribution Bs influenced the transcription behaviour of an A-located
pattern on the B matched the position of cytologically visible gene remained unclear. For grasshoppers, Bs have been
euchromatin. Interestingly, only extremely faint H3K12ac demonstrated to alter the expression of A chromosome
signals were observed in the Bs (Jin et al. 2008). A reduced genes (Teruel et al. 2007).
level of histone H3 and H4 acetylation was also shown for Except for the B-located 45S rRNA gene of Crepis
the Bs of the grasshopper Eyprepocnemis plorans (Cabrero capillaris, in which one of two B-specific members of the
et al. 2007) and of B. dichromosomatica (Houben et al. rRNA gene family was weakly transcribed (Leach et al.
1997a), respectively. 2005), there was no direct molecular evidence for tran-
Not only histones but also cytosine, which is one of the scription of B chromosome genes in plants until the tran-
four essential base units of DNA can be extensively scriptional activity of B-specific repetitive sequences was
methylated. In both animals and plants, cytosine is primarily demonstrated. In maize (Lamb et al. 2007b) and rye
methylated at the CG dinucleotide position. However, in (Carchilan et al. 2007) retrotransposon-derived high-copy
plants methylation is not restricted to the CG sequence: elements have been shown to be transcriptionally active. In
CHG and the less abundant CHH sequence context are also addition in rye two repeat families, E3900 and D1100
possible (Gruenbaum et al. 1981). DNA methylation is clustered at the B chromosome long arm, have now been
involved in the silencing of transposable elements and genes shown to be transcribed in a tissue-specific manner
(Gehring and Henikoff 2007). The DNA repeats and mobile (Carchilan et al. 2007). The function of these B-transcripts,
elements on Bs are also methylated, as reported for the Bd49 and the mechanism of transcription of B-repeats, are
tandem repeat in B. dichromosomatica (Leach et al. 1995) and unknown at present. It has been hypothesized that these
E3900 repeat in S. cereale (Langdon et al. 2000). However, a transcripts could have a structural function in the organiza-
higher DNA methylation level of B chromosomes has not tion and regulation of Bs (Carchilan et al. 2007; Lamb
been reported for any plant species. et al. 2007b).
10 Biology and Evolution of B Chromosomes 155

Recently, the general transcription activity of rye Bs was

analysed by comparative cDNA-AFLP analysis (Carchilan
et al. 2009). In addition to weak B chromosome transcrip-
tion, the data showed that Bs were able to down-regulate
A chromosome-localized sequences in a genotype depen-
dent manner. It is likely that Bs may bring about a variety
of epigenetic effects, including the differential regulation of
A-localized transposable elements through mechanisms
such as homology-dependent RNA interference pathways.
Since the rye B most likely originated from the A chromo-
some complement, it seems reasonable to suggest that the
transcription alterations of A-located sequences are caused
by homology-dependent mechanisms, as has been proposed
for the remodelling of gene-activities in newly formed
hybrids and allopolyploids (Comai 2005). Another hypothe-
sis for explaining how the Bs exert control over the rest of
the genome postulates their effects on the spatial organiza-
tion of the genome itself. Recent work suggests that spatial
positioning of genes and chromosomes can influence gene
expression (Misteli 2007). Indeed, Delgado et al. (2004)
observed that in rye interphase nuclei, rDNA located on
A chromosomes had a more compact distribution in cells
with Bs compared with cells without Bs. A more compact
distribution of rDNA sites suggests a lower level of rRNA Fig. 10.2 Mitotic nondisjunction of Brachycome dichromosomatica
(2n ¼ 4 þ Bs) micro B chromosomes. The B-specific tandem Bdm29
gene activity. A similar effect of an almost gene deficient
(Houben et al. 1997b) was used as a probe for fluorescence in situ
chromosome has been demonstrated in Drosophila hybridization. Note the unequal distribution of micro Bs during
melanogaster by Lemos et al. (2008) who showed that the anaphase
Y chromosome of D. melanogaster regulates the activity of
hundreds of genes located on other chromosomes. while the number of Bs in roots is constant, the number of
Bs in aerial organs shows variation (Rutishauser and
R€othlisberger 1966). In grasshoppers variation in Bs has
10.3.1 Mitotic and Meiotic Segregation been observed to occur specifically among follicles of testis
Behaviour of B Chromosomes (Nur 1963, 1969). A detailed list of organisms with unstable
Bs during mitosis is given by Jones and Rees (1982). The
B chromosome inheritance is irregular and non-Mendelian, reason of this numerical variation is shown to be nondisjunc-
and therefore polymorphisms exist with respect to the num- tion of the B chromosome sister chromatids during anaphase
ber of Bs within populations or even within different cell of mitosis leading to an absence of Bs in one daughter cell
lines of an individual carrying Bs. There are several factors and accumulation in the other (Fig. 10.2). If nondisjunction
which affect the rate of transmission of Bs from one cell causes lagging of Bs at anaphase it could also result in a loss
to another and from one generation to another. Drive of B chromosomes in the daughter cells and consequently
mechanisms play a major role in the equilibrium of B fre- exclusion of Bs from those cells.
quency in populations (Jones 1991). Meiotic Behaviour of B Chromosomes Mitotic Behaviour of B Chromosomes B chromosomes fail to pair with any member of the A
In most species which carry Bs, the mitotic transmission of chromosome set during meiosis, although they may pair
Bs during growth and development is disjunctional and and form chiasmata among themselves. However, there are
hence all cells carry the same number of Bs within the several reports indicating that in some species Bs cannot
individual. However, there are some exceptions in which even pair and form chiasmata (Jones and Rees 1982) and
the Bs show instability during mitosis in somatic tissues the exact reason for this is unclear. Nevertheless, Jones and
and therefore they are absent or present in variable numbers Rees (1982) have suggested various hypotheses. One possi-
in specific tissues and/or organs. For example, in the grass bility is that Bs in these species are not homologs of each
Aegilops speltoides Bs exist in aerial organs but not in roots other and therefore cannot pair. However, this implies that
(Mendelson and Zohary 1972), and in Crepis capillaris, all analysed individuals in these studies have been carrying
156 A. Houben et al.

structurally different Bs which is unlikely. The other possi- 10.3.2 Diverse Drive Mechanisms
bility put forward is that Bs in some species such as Allium of B Chromosomes
cernuum (Grun 1959) are too short to be able to pair. The
large amount of heterochromatin on Bs has also been The variety of mechanisms, including segregation failure by
suggested to be another reason for inhibition of chiasmata which Bs gain advantage in transmission are known as accu-
formation. However, this is not a general rule as in some mulation or drive mechanisms. Drive is the key to under-
species like Locusta migratoria (Kayano 1971) Bs are het- standing Bs and it occurs in a great variety of ways and for
erochromatic and yet form mainly bivalents. none of these is the molecular mechanism known (Burt and
Depending on the number, Bs can form uni-, bi- or Trivers 2006). Since Bs appear to be devoid of essential genes
multivalents in metaphase I. The formation of bivalents or and have no known adaptive advantage, in many cases, their
multivalents in species with two or more Bs is rarely com- maintenance in natural populations is made possible by their
plete and the formation of univalents among Bs is far higher transmission at higher than Mendelian frequencies, and this
than the rate of univalent formation from As (Jones and Rees enables their successful accumulation in populations. The
1982). The fate of these univalents varies in different species importance of drive is that it retains the B in the population
under diverse conditions. They will usually be lost during even if its presence has harmful effects on the general viabil-
first meiosis or, in the case of the precocious division of ity of its bearers (Kimura and Kayano 1961). Depending on
sister chromatids, in second anaphase. Like in Aegilops the species, B chromosome drive can be premeiotic, meiotic
speltoides with one B, univalent Bs behave in various ways and post-meiotic although in all cases the outcome is the same
in different meiotic cells (Mendelson and Zohary 1972). In i.e., higher number of Bs in the next generation.
the majority of pollen mother cells univalent Bs will be lost In animals, as the gametic nuclei are not replicating, the
but in the remaining cells univalent Bs move undivided to accumulation mechanism effectively acts either before or
one of the daughter nuclei and separate normally in second during meiosis. Premeiotic drive mechanisms in animals
anaphase. Therefore, only around 10% of tetrads carry one B. occur in the spermatogonial mitosis in the testes (Jones
In the grasshopper Myrmeleotettix maculatus there is no loss 1991). Based on the observations of instability in the number
of Bs as all univalents move undivided to one of the two of Bs in somatic and germline cells in different species of
telophase nuclei at the first division of meiosis (John and grasshoppers, it is inferred that a mitotic nondisjunction
Hewitt 1965). The study of rye plants with two Bs in occurs and the cells containing Bs are preferentially included
genotypes with low and high levels of B transmission into germ line cells. Nondisjunction is suggested to happen
revealed that the main cause of the difference in the rate of early in the embryonic divisions as in Calliptamus palaes-
B transmission was their ability to form B bivalents at tinensis (Nur 1963) or later on like in Locusta migratoria
metaphase I. When the Bs formed bivalents they separated (Kayano 1971). Premeiotic drive has also been described in
normally in meiosis and were conserved in pollen grains. In the plant Crepis capillaris with the difference that mitotic
contrast, when they formed univalents they were mainly nondisjunction occurs in the meristematic cells at the time
eliminated (Jimenez et al. 1997). of flower initiation and with the preferential inclusion of
There are several scenarios in which univalent Bs can Bs in inflorescences during development (Rutishauser and
escape lagging and consequently loss during meiosis. One R€othlisberger 1966; Parker et al. 1989). The preferential
way to prevent univalent Bs being lost is by the inclusion of Bs in inflorescences coincides with asymmetri-
incorporation of nondivided univalent Bs into the first telo- cal spindles which occur in shoot meristems during the tran-
phase nuclei by association of an univalent B with a non- sition from vegetative to reproductive growth (Rutishauser
homologous chromosome. This situation has been observed and R€othlisberger 1966).
in the grasshopper Tetrix ceperoi in which the B and the Meiotic drive in the megaspore mother cell has been clearly
X chromosomes form a quasi-bivalent which moves nor- shown in Lilium callosum (Kayano 1957), a species with
mally to opposite poles in first anaphase (Henderson 1961). tetrasporic embryo sac development. Here, univalent Bs in
In the plant Parthenium argentatum Bs form bivalents or egg mother cells tend to be unevenly distributed. Rather than
multivalents between themselves via chiasmata during pro- lying on the metaphase plate of metaphase I, univalent Bs were
phase. Then, during metaphase the chiasmata are resolved observed to be located on the micropylar side of the spindle in
and the majority of undivided re-univalented Bs move to 80% of the analysed cells resulting in their preferential
either of the poles and consequently there is no or little loss incorporation into the resulting egg cell. A similar situation
of Bs at meiosis (Catcheside 1950). In Plantago serraria the was observed for the grasshopper Myrmeleotettix maculatus in
univalent Bs accumulate near one of the two spindle poles which the Bs were preferentially locating at the egg pole rather
and consequently remain in one of the telophase nuclei than polar bodies pole. Although in the males the Bs were lost
after anaphase I, and separate normally in anaphase II during meiosis due to lagging, overall there was a net meiotic
(Frost 1959). drive acting on Bs in M. maculatus (Hewitt 1976).
10 Biology and Evolution of B Chromosomes 157

standard B the controlling region for nondisjunction,

deficient B location of B-specific E3900 and D1100
long iso-B
rye chromatin
short iso-B wheat chromatin
translocated wheat/rye B
pericentromeric chromatid adhesion sites
translocated wheat/rye B vegetative pole generative pole
directed nondisjunction of B disjunction of B

a b c d e


f g h

wheat/rye B
addition lines

Fig. 10.3 Diagram showing the function of the distal region of the long (d) A chromosome which is deficient for the distal part of the long B arm
chromosome arm and the pericentromeric sites in the process of directed (Lima de Faria 1962) or (e) a short arm isochromosome shows normal
nondisjunction of the rye B during first pollen mitosis. The standard B has disjunction (M€ untzing 1948). (f) Directed nondisjunction is independent
pericentromeric sticking sites (grey blocks) and a heterochromatic distal from the background genotype as a standard rye B shows directed nondis-
region on the long arm which contains the controlling region for nondis- junction if added to wheat (Endo et al. 2008). (g) In the case of a reciprocal
junction (red blocks). The translocated A/B chromosome is shown in A/B chromosome translocation, the chromosome possessing the B cen-
green and blue for wheat and rye chromatin, respectively. (a) Sister tromere shows directed nondisjunction. Hence, nondisjunction functions
chromatids of a standard B (Hasegawa 1934) and (b) of a B long arm in trans (Endo et al. 2008). (h) Translocated A/B chromosome without the
isochromsome (M€untzing 1948). (c) If standard and deficient Bs are both distal heterochromatic block of the B shows normal disjunction (Endo
present, both B-types show directed nondisjunction (Lima de Faria 1962). et al. 2008)

Post-meiotic drive is frequent in flowering plants during an addition chromosome into hexaploid wheat (M€ untzing
male gametophyte maturation. The drive mechanisms of 1970; Niwa et al. 1997; Endo et al. 2008) or Secale vavilovii
maize and rye Bs are well-studied examples that result in (Puertas et al. 1985). Therefore, the segregation behaviour of
B chromosome accumulation. In rye, directed nondisjunc- the B is mainly autonomous and independent of the back-
tion happens during first pollen grain mitosis resulting in the ground genotype. The B itself controls the process of non-
accumulation of Bs in the generative nucleus and therefore disjunction and B-transmission frequency (Romera et al.
ensuring their transmission at a higher than expected rate to 1991). The accumulation mechanism of the rye B requires
the next generation (Hasegawa 1934). Notably, the B cen- a factor located at the end of its long arm as Bs which lack
tromere appears to divide normally, but on either side are this terminal region (where two B-specific repeat families
“sticking sites” which prevent normal anaphase separation E3900 and D1100 reside) undergo normal disjunction
of the chromatids and results in nondisjunction at an average (Fig. 10.3a, d) (M€untzing 1948; Endo et al. 2008). This
frequency of about 86% (Matthews and Jones 1983). In the factor may act in trans because if a standard B (Fig. 10.3c)
second pollen grain mitosis the generative nucleus divides to (Lima de Faria 1962) or the terminal region of the long arm
produce two sperm nuclei, each with an unreduced number of the B (Endo et al. 2008) is also present in the same cell
of Bs. A similar nondisjunction process may occur in the containing a B lacking the terminal region then the standard
female line as well (Hakansson 1948). Interestingly, nondis- B mediates nondisjunction of both itself and the deficient B
junction works equally well when the rye B is introduced as (Fig. 10.3c). Interestingly, it has been shown that D1100 and
158 A. Houben et al.

E3900 are transcriptionally active with higher expression occurs if Bs are present at high copy number which could
levels in the anthers (Carchilan et al. 2007). imply that nondisjunction is either repressed at low numbers
So far no gene, or other DNA sequence on any B has been or so infrequent that it was not observed (Masonbrink and
characterized that plays a role in B chromosome accumula- Birchler 2010). One A-located factor seems to codetermine
tion, and it is therefore tempting to speculate that non-coding maize B accumulation by preferential fertilization while
RNA is involved in the process of B chromosome nondis- another factor(s) determines the meiotic loss of Bs
junction. In fission yeast, for example, the repeats flanking (Gonzalez-Sanchez et al. 2003). Sperm nuclei containing
the centromere are essential for sister chromatid cohesion deletion derivatives of B-9 (translocation lines involving
and are maintained in a proper heterochromatic state by the the B and chromosome 9), which lack the centric hetero-
RNAi machinery (Volpe et al. 2003). Similarly, pericen- chromatin and possibly some adjacent euchromatin of the B
tromeric heterochromatin is required for proper chromo- chromosome, no longer have the capacity for preferential
some cohesion and disjunction in flies and other organisms fertilization (Carlson 2007).
(Pidoux and Allshire 2005; Vos et al. 2006). It is also noted Generally there are two models for explaining the mech-
that the forced accumulation of human centromeric non- anism of directed B chromosome nondisjunction in rye
coding satellite transcripts leads to defects in the separation (Jones 1991). In the active model, the chromatids of Bs are
of sister chromatids (Bouzinba-Segard et al. 2006) and in delayed in their separation and an active movement prefer-
plants, RNA molecules have been shown to play a role in entially takes the Bs to the generative nucleus. In the passive
establishing centromeric heterochromatin domains (Topp model, the movement of Bs towards the generative nucleus
et al. 2004; May et al. 2005). In this context, the transcrip- is simply caused by the fact that the equatorial plate is closer
tional activity of the D1100 and E3900 repeats (noted above) to the generative pole and lagging Bs are included in the
located in the B chromosome nondisjunction-controlling generative nuclei as the nuclear membrane is formed. In
region of rye is striking (Carchilan et al. 2007). However, future, the potential interrelationship between unequal cell
no similarity between D1100/E3900 repeats and B- division and directed nondisjunction should be experimen-
centromere located sequences has been found based on tally addressed. In addition, studies on artificial chromo-
fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) experiments somes might help to understand the factors affecting B
(Houben et al. unpublished). Nevertheless, it is noted that chromosome segregation. As different artificial mammalian
sequence similarity between non-coding RNA and a target chromosomes missegregate over a five-fold range, the data
region does not seem to be a functional requirement. For suggest that variable centromeric DNA content, kinetochore
example, dosage compensation in both flies and mammals composition and/or epigenetic assembly as well as topo-
requires non-coding RNAs which spread in cis to coat the X logical positioning in the nucleus can influence the mitotic
chromosome. The regions of the Xist RNA that are required segregation behaviour of chromosomes (Rudd et al. 2003;
for localization on the Xi have no obvious sequence homol- Moralli et al. 2009). The presence of pericentromeric hetero-
ogy (Wutz et al. 2002). This also holds true in the case of chromatin, checkpoints, sister chromatid cohesion or other
Drosophila roX RNAs, which contain little sequence homol- yet unidentified components may be necessary for B chromo-
ogy to one another, except for a stretch of 30 nt (Meller and some drive, and one or more of these aspects may be
Rattner 2002). different in the Bs.
In maize the nondisjunction process differs from that in
rye. At least three properties allow the maize B to increase in
numbers: nondisjunction at the second pollen grain mitosis, 10.4 Evolution of B Chromosomes
preferential fertilisation of the egg by sperm containing B
chromosomes (Roman 1948; Carlson 1969; Rusche et al. Several scenarios have been proposed for the origin of Bs.
1997), and suppression of meiotic loss when the Bs are Most probably they have arisen in different ways in different
unpaired (Carlson and Roseman 1992). The lack of meiotic organisms, see reviews by Camacho et al. (2000), and Jones
loss of B univalents is a special feature of maize Bs. In rye, and Houben (2003). The most widely accepted view is that
for example, the B univalents are lost in about 80% of they are derived from the A chromosome complement.
1B  0B crosses (Jimenez et al. 1997). As in rye, the B- Some evidence also suggests that Bs can be spontaneously
accumulation mechanism in maize requires a factor located generated in response to the new genomic conditions
on the end of the long arm of the B that may act in trans after interspecific hybridization. The involvement of sex
(Roman 1947; Carlson 1978; Lamb et al. 2006). Further- chromosomes has also been argued for their origin in some
more, nondisjunction of Bs takes place in the endosperm and animals, see Camacho et al. (2000) for examples. Despite the
in the tapetum. In binucleated tapetal cells, Bs mediate A large number of species with Bs, their de novo formation is
chromosome instability (Chiavarino et al. 2000; Gonzalez- probably a rare event because the occurrence of similar B
Sanchez et al. 2004). Sporophytic nondisjunction of Bs variants in related species suggests a close relationship
10 Biology and Evolution of B Chromosomes 159

between the different variants, e.g., in Secale (Jones and between extrachromosomal DNA and the evolution of Bs
Puertas 1993) and Brachycome (Houben et al. 1999). remains to be determined.
The molecular processes that gave rise to Bs during The involvement of rRNA coding repeats in the evolution
evolution remain unclear, but the characterization of of B chromosomes does not appear to be accidental, because
sequences residing on them has helped to shed some light rDNA loci have been detected on Bs of many species of both
on their origin and evolution. In maize and Brachycome plants (e.g., Crepis capillaris (Maluszynska and Schweizer
dichromosomatica for example, the Bs contain sequences 1989)) and animals (e.g., Rattus rattus (Stitou et al. 2000),
that originate from several different A chromosomes, so the Trichogramma kaykai (van Vugt et al. 2005); for review see
Bs could represent an amalgamation of these diverse A- Green (1990) and Jones (1995)). In the herb Plantago
derived sequences (Alfenito and Birchler 1993; Houben lagopus the origin of a B chromosome seems to be associated
et al. 2001b; Cheng and Lin 2003; Peng et al. 2005). with the massive amplification of 5S rDNA sequences after
The actual process of sequence transfer from As to Bs is chromosome fragmentation of an aneuploid A chromosome
not clear, but recent results indicate that transposition of (Dhar et al. 2002). Alternatively, but less likely, the location
mobile elements may have played an important role (Cheng of rDNA sites on B chromosomes could be a consequence of
and Lin 2004; Lamb et al. 2007b; Carchilan et al. 2009). For the reported mobile nature of rDNA (Schubert and Wobus
example, an analysis of large DNA insert clones has shown 1985) with B chromosomes as the preferred ‘landing sites’
that maize Bs are composed of B-specific sequences that are due to their neutral character. There is also increasing evi-
intermingled with those in common with the As. The 22 kb- dence that ribosomal sequences can change position within
long B-specific StarkB element, for example, has been subject the genome without corresponding changes in the
to frequent insertions by LTR-type retroelements (Lamb et al. surrounding sequences (Dubcovsky and Dvorak 1995;
2007b), in a fashion similar to the nested insertions seen in Shishido et al. 2000; Datson and Murray 2006). However, it
some intergenic A chromosome regions (SanMiguel et al. is noted that not all Bs carry rDNA.
1996). It therefore seems likely that the StarkB tandem array Except for the 45S rRNA gene on the B chromosome of
formation started with the transposition of a GrandeB mobile C. capillaris, there has been no direct molecular evidence
element into an original non-GrandeB sequence, which was demonstrating transcription of B chromosome rDNA in any
then amplified, possibly from sister-strand exchange. Subse- plant species (Leach et al. 2005). The reason(s) why most
quently invasion(s) together with amplification resulted in the rDNA on B chromosomes is not or only weakly transcribed
loss of the original tandem structure of StarkB (Lo et al. is not clear yet although differences in histone H3 methyla-
2009). Using the divergence of retroelements interrupting B- tion between A and B chromosomes may be responsible
specific sequences, Lamb et al. (2007b) have estimated the (Marschner et al. 2007a). Another possibility is that suppres-
minimum age of the maize B to be at least 2 million years. sion may occur because of nucleolar dominance, so that the
The recently established oat-maize B chromosome addition rRNA genes on the As are active at the expense of those on
lines (Kynast et al. 2007) are an ideal material to further the Bs (Donald et al. 1997).
characterize the sequence composition of the maize B chro- Available sequence information for B-located rRNA genes
mosome because of the low level of sequence similarity has been used to study the likely origin of Bs by determining
between oat and maize. the relatedness of the internal transcribed spacers (ITS)
B chromosomes provide an ideal target for transposition between the different chromosome types. For example, analy-
of mobile elements (McAllister 1995), and the insertion of sis of ITS sequences from the A and B chromosomes of
such elements may therefore be responsible for generating C. capillaris (Leach et al. 2005) and B. dichromosomatica
the structural variability observed in Bs (Camacho et al. (Donald et al. 1997; Marschner et al. 2007b), and comparisons
2000). Indeed, a B-specific accumulation of Ty3/gypsy with sequences from related species, indicate that the B chro-
retrotransposons has been reported for the fish Alburnus mosome rRNA genes are most likely derived from those of
alburnus (Ziegler et al. 2003). In the same context, it is the A chromosomes in the host species.
noted that Bs also contain various types of coding and Some findings imply that B chromosomes arise spontane-
noncoding repeats which are similar to those found in circu- ously in response to genomic stress following interspecific
lar extrachromosomal DNA of various organisms (Cohen hybridization, e.g., in Coix aquatica and C. gigantea (Sapre
and Segal 2009). For example, extrachromosomal DNA and Deshpande 1987). After fertilization, the two different
with similarity to tandem repeat sequences shared by A parental genomes are combined within a single nucleus,
and B chromosomes of B. dichromosomatica has recently which in most cases is embedded within the maternal cyto-
been identified (Cohen et al. 2008), and integration of extra- plasm. Such a novel genomic constitution may result in
chromosomal DNA into Bs may be favoured because tran- conflicts, and as a consequence genomic and epigenetic
scriptionally less active Bs are subject to reduced negative reorganization of the genomes can occur (Riddle and
selection. However, whether an evolutionary link exists Birchler 2003; see also Jones and Langdon 2013, this
160 A. Houben et al.

volume). An incomplete loss of one parental genome during sequence alteration may prevent meiotic pairing with the As,
hybrid embryogenesis might play a role in the hybrid origin and the gain of a drive (by an unknown mechanism) may put
of Bs. Indeed, there is evidence showing that during the it on the evolutionary pathway to a proto-B.
uniparental chromosome elimination process, the centro- In addition, tertiary trisomics, which appear in the
meres of parental chromosomes undergoing elimination are progenies of translocation heterozygotes, have been
the last to be lost (Gernand et al. 2005). If such a centric hypothesized, under certain circumstances (e.g., suppressed
fragment is retained, rather than eliminated, a subsequent crossing-over, rapid loss of genetic activity to overcome
spontaneous doubling could provide the ideal starting point genetic imbalance, and positive selection for plants with an
for the de novo formation of a supernumerary chromosome. extra chromosome), to be suited for B chromosome forma-
Indeed, a centric fragment was generated during the intro- tion, e.g., in the garden pea (Berdnikov et al. 2003).
gression of a chromosome region from the wasp Nasonia The most widely used approaches to study the evolution
giraulti into N. vitripennis. This neo-B showed a lower than and DNA composition of B chromosomes are based on the
normal Mendelian segregation ratio in meiosis, and some isolation and characterization of only a single or a small group
mitotic instability; but the transmission rate and mitotic of mainly repetitive sequences. These approaches have been
stability then increased over successive generations (Perfectti valuable in tracing the fate of various repeats in a wide range of
and Werren 2001). species. However, they do not allow for the global compara-
A novel mechanism for chromosome evolution based on tive analysis of sequence profiles required for elucidating
recombination of nonhomologous chromosomes during the evolutionary trends at the whole genome and B chromosome
DNA double-strand repair process at S-phase has been level. To overcome this obstacle in the future, new low-cost
postulated for the formation of the “zebra” chromosome, sequencing technologies such as 454 pyrosequencing
which is composed of Elymus trachycaulus/Triticum (Margulies et al. 2005) should be used for B chromosome
aestivum structurally rearranged chromosome fragments sequence analysis. Recently, 454-sequencing was used to
(Zhang et al. 2008). Although this restructured chromosome sequence flow sorted plant chromosomes. As few as 10,000
does not represent a B chromosome, it is possible to envisage copies of barley chromosome 1H were flow-sorted and used as
that a similar mechanism could also result in the formation a template to assess gene content and genomic composition of
of a neo-B chromosome. this chromosome (Mayer et al. 2009). As most Bs are smaller
On the basis of new insights into the mechanisms of than As, they should be easy to sort by flow cytometry
chromosome evolution (Hall et al. 2006; Lysák et al. 2006; (Kubalakova et al. 2003) and thus seem readily suited for
Schubert 2007; see also Lysák and Schubert 2013, this such approaches. For instance, one rye B consists of around
volume) we are tempted to ask, as did Patton (1977), 560 Mb, so a single 454-run could identify ~50% of the
whether the “by-product” of a Robertsonian translocation sequence information of flow-sorted Bs. In the future, the
between two nonhomologous acrocentric chromosomes application of next generation sequencing technologies to
with breakpoints close to centromeres could evolve into a flow-sorted Bs is likely to generate the amount of sequence
B-like chromosome. With the recent development of the data needed for extensive comparative sequence analyses.
comparative chromosome painting technique to reconstruct This will then significantly improve our knowledge of the
karyotype evolution, it is becoming clear that chrom- origin of Bs and hence of the evolution of genomes.
osome number reductions are often accompanied by
Note added in proof Recently, Martis et al. (2012)
pericentromeric inversions and translocations between acro-
reported the results of using 454 pyrosequencing to analyse
centric chromosomes (Mandakova and Lysák 2008).
flow sorted A and B chromosomes from rye. They observed
Although the minichromosomes formed from Robertsonian
that the rye B chromosome is a mosaic of sequences derived
translocation events are mainly composed of centromeric
from the A chromosomes as well as the organelles.
sequences, they are frequently lost because of the lack of
essential genes and their failure to pair and to segregate
Acknowledgments The authors have been supported by the DFG (HO
properly during meiosis. Centromeric regions are also highly 1779/14-1, HO 1779/10-1).
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Chromosomes and Sex Differentiation
Bohuslav Janoušek, Roman Hobza, and Boris Vyskot

Contents 11.1 Evolution of Plant Sexuality

11.1 Evolution of Plant Sexuality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
Plant species can be classified into two major groups: those
11.2 Sex Chromosomes and Sex Determination Systems
in Plants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168 that permit self-pollination (autogamy) and those that inhibit
11.2.1 Sex Determination and Sex Chromosomes in Bryophytes 168 self-pollination. In mostly self-pollinating species, harmful
11.2.2 Sex Determination in Ferns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169 recessive mutations with a large effect are efficiently elimi-
11.2.3 Gymnosperms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170 nated by selection, while slightly deleterious mutations
11.2.4 Angiosperm Plants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
accumulate as a consequence of the reduced effective popu-
11.3 Sexual Dimorphism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179 lation size and effective recombination rates (Wright et al.
11.4 The Current Status of Research and Prospects 2008). In contrast, plants that prevent autogamy are able
for the Future . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181 to mask and retain in their genomes harmful recessive
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182 mutations with large effects in spite of more efficient selec-
tion against slightly deleterious mutations in this group. In
cosexual plants, various mechanisms, such as dichogamy,
heterostyly or self-incompatibility, prevent self-pollination.
Another mechanism is the evolution of unisexual flowers.
Populations can be distinguished according to the locali-
zation of unisexual flowers: monoecious (male and female
on the same plant), gynomonoecious (hermaphrodite and
female flowers on the same plant), andromonoecious (male
and hermaphrodite flowers on the same plant), dioecious
(male and female flowers on different plants), gynodioecious
(female and cosexual individuals), androdioecious (male
and cosexual individuals), or trioecious (male, female,
and cosexual individuals), as reviewed by Dellaporta and
Calderon-Urrea (1993). Gymnosperms are mostly monoe-
cious, but also comprise a relatively high percentage
of dioecious species. In the gymnosperms, approximately
36 %, namely all c. 250 species of cycads, Ginkgo biloba,
and c. 50 Gnetales are dioecious (Ming et al. 2011). In
contrast, dioecy has been reported in only about 6 % of
angiosperm species (Renner and Ricklefs 1995). Interest-
ingly, dioecy is more widespread in tropical species, and
an exceptionally high percentage of the dominant woody
species of tropical forests are dioecious (Matallana et al.
B. Vyskot (*) 2005). New cases of dioecy continue to be found because
Laboratory of Plant Developmental Genetics, Institute of Biophysics,
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Kralovopolska 135,
of the phenomenon of cryptic dioecy (Mayer and
Brno 61265, Czech Republic Charlesworth 1991).

I.J. Leitch et al. (eds.), Plant Genome Diversity Volume 2, 167

DOI 10.1007/978-3-7091-1160-4_11, # Springer-Verlag Wien 2013
168 B. Janoušek et al.

The taxonomic spread of dioecy indicates that it probably mosses, and hornworts, self-fertilization in the broad sense
originated many times independently. There are several (intergametophytic selfing—mating of gametophytes derived
hypotheses that describe the possible evolutionary history from the same spore) is possible in species with combined or
of dioecy. The most popular one is that two basic genetic separate sexes (monoecious and dioecious, respectively).
changes had to occur on the way from cosexuality to dioecy Monoecious species also possess an additional mode of selfing
(Charlesworth and Charlesworth 1978). One such change (intragametophytic selfing) that leads to complete homozygos-
caused male sterility and the other was responsible for ity in one step. Eppley et al. (2007) found that while there were
female sterility. Gynodioecy was likely the intermediate deficiencies of heterozygotes compared to the null expectation
stage towards complete dioecy, since it occurs much more in both monoecious and dioecious mosses, monoecious spe-
frequently than androdioecy. According to theoretical stud- cies had significantly higher levels of heterozygote deficiency
ies, the evolution of dioecy through androdioecy is also than dioecious species. Estimates of selfing rates have
hindered by males in androdioecious populations having to suggested that selfing occurs frequently in monoecious
produce at least twice the pollen of hermaphrodites to be populations, but only rarely in dioecious populations. How-
maintained in the population (Charlesworth and Charlesworth ever, significant indications of mixed mating or biparental
1978). Other possible routes to dioecy include direct evolu- inbreeding were found in many populations of two dioecious
tion of dioecy from monoecy, e.g., species of the genus species (Polytrichadelphus magellanicus and Breutelia
Siparuna (Renner and Won 2001), or evolution of dioecy pendula) (Eppley et al. 2007).
as a reaction to the loss of autoincompatibility in polyploids
(Miller and Venable 2000). The possibility of the evolution Dioecious Mosses and Liverworts
of dioecy through heterodichogamy is also theoretically (Marchantia polymorpha Main Model)
supported (Pannell and Verdú 2006), but there is still no The sex chromosomes in liverworts and mosses play a direct
clear example of this route (Renner et al. 2007). role in development of gametophyte sex organs. Marchantia
In most dioecious species the male is the heterogametic sex polymorpha is a model species that has allowed researchers
(XY), while females are homogametic (XX). However, there to better understand sex determination in bryophytes and to
are some exceptions, in which female individuals reveal similarities in the evolution of sex chromosomes
are heterogametic (ZW), e.g., wild Fragaria (Spigler et al. between evolutionary distant species. The dominant phase
2008) and Populus trichocarpa (Tuskan et al. 2006). In some of the Marchantia polymorpha life cycle is the haploid
species, sex is determined by a simple Mendelian genetic gametophyte, which is either male or female. The male
system based on the segregation of a few loci such as in possesses a Y chromosome, while the female possesses
Fragaria virginiana (Spigler et al. 2008), Ecballium elaterium an X. Asexual propagules (gemmae) are produced by the
(reviewed in Mather 1949; Gómez-Campo and Casas-Builla thallus, so sex-specific cultures can be easily maintained.
1965), Mercurialis annua (Hamdi et al. 1987). In others, such This experimental system allows researchers to monitor the
as Carica papaya, a short X-Y non-recombining region has functions of sex-linked genes without interference from the
recently formed (Yu et al. 2007). These systems are consid- other sex chromosome.
ered to be evolutionary very young. Other dioecious species The X and Y chromosomes are heteromorphic; they differ
are evolutionary older, and some of them have evolved het- in size, which has made them good candidates for FISH
eromorphic sex chromosomes. Heteromorphic sex chromo- mapping, permitting direct identification of X- and Y-
somes occur in Silene (reviewed by Nicolas et al. 2005) and located sequences. Okada et al. (2000) constructed genomic
sorrel (Rumex spp.; reviewed by Ainsworth et al. 1999), some libraries of male and female plants, and isolated seventy
hop species (Humulus spp.; reviewed in Shephard et al. 2000), putative male-specific PAC clones based on different
hemp (Cannabis sativa; reviewed by Menzel (1964) and intensities of their hybridization with male and female
Sakamoto et al. (2000)), and some Cucurbitaceae species DNAs. Y-specificity of one clone (pMM4G7) was confirmed
(Kumar and Viseveshwaraiah 1952). by Southern blots, PCR analysis and FISH (Okada et al.
2000). Another six male-specific clones were isolated
11.2 Sex Chromosomes and Sex using representational difference analysis (Fujisawa et al.
Determination Systems in Plants 2001). A detailed analysis of some of the Y-specific clones
(pMM4G7 and pMM23-130 F12) revealed many repetitive
11.2.1 Sex Determination and Sex motifs organised in long stretches. Within these specific
Chromosomes in Bryophytes repeats, a novel gene family (ORF162) was described,
which is specifically expressed in male sexual organs and Monoecious Bryophytes: contains a RING motif (Okada et al. 2001). RING finger
Intragametophytic Selfing proteins are known to participate in transcriptional repres-
Self-fertilization has a different adaptive significance and sion and in the ubiquitin-mediated protein turnover pro-
effects in species with combined sexes than in those with cesses (Borden 2000). Another five genes amplified on the
separate sexes. In haploid-dominant species such as liverworts, Y chromosome were described by Ishizaki et al. (2002).
11 Chromosomes and Sex Differentiation 169

One of the five putative genes shows similarity to a male hermaphroditism: male to bisexual, male to female to
gamete-specific protein of lily (Lilium longiflorum) and is bisexual, female to bisexual, and step-wise change from
expressed predominantly in male sex organs, suggesting that male through bisexual to female. Secondly, the coexistence
this gene has a male reproductive function. of gametophytes of different sexes within a population
In light of this evidence, Ishizaki et al. (2002) have has been repeatedly reported (Klekowski 1969; Hamilton
suggested that the Y chromosome evolved by co-amplification and Lloyd 1991). Thirdly, harsh growing conditions, such
of protein-coding genes with unique repeat sequences. as poor substrate or high density, are known to lead to
Y chromosomes are different from other chromosomes small and male gametophytes (Miller 1968; Rubin and
because they do not undergo recombination. Yamato et al. Paolillo 1983; Rubin et al. 1985; Korpelainen 1995;
(2007) reported the gene organization of the Y chromosome Huang et al. 2004).
in M. polymorpha. On the 10 Mb Y chromosome, 64 genes Ceratopteris richardii has been the main fern model for
were identified, 14 of which were detected only in the sex determination studies because of its rapid life cycle and
male genome. These genes are expressed in reproductive easy cultivation (Hickok et al. 1987). Haploid gametophytes
organs but not in the vegetative thalli, suggesting their of the fern Ceratopteris are either male or hermaphroditic.
participation in male reproductive functions. Another 40 The determinant of sex type is the pheromone antheri-
genes on the Y chromosome are expressed in the thalli and diogen, which is secreted by the hermaphrodite and directs
the male sexual organs. At least six of these genes have male development of young, sexually undetermined game-
diverged from their X-linked counterparts that are expressed tophytes. Three phenotypic classes of mutations that affect
in the thalli and sexual organs in female plants, suggesting that sex-determination have been isolated and include the her-
these X- and Y-linked genes have essential cellular functions. maphroditic (her), the transformer (tra) and feminization
These findings indicate that the Y and X chromosomes share (fem) mutations. Eberle and Banks (1996) performed link-
the same ancestral autosome and support the prediction that age analysis and tests of epistasis among the different
in a haploid organism essential genes on the sex chromosomes mutants to assess the possible interactions among these
are more likely to persist than in a diploid organism (Yamato putative genes. Their results indicate that sex determination
et al. 2007; see also Rensing et al. 2013, this volume). in Ceratopteris involves at least seven interacting genes,
which may interact with antheridiogen, the primary sex-
determining signal.
11.2.2 Sex Determination in Ferns Two models describing how antheridiogen may influence
the activity states of these genes and the sex of the gameto- Homosporous Ferns (Main Model phyte have been suggested (Talmor-Neiman et al. 2006). To
Ceratopteris richardii) understand how antheridiogen represses the development of
Environmental sex determination (ESD) is the rule in homo- female traits at the genetic level, 16 new mutations that
sporous ferns (Korpelainen 1998). Sporophytes (the diploid feminize the gametophyte in the presence of antheridiogen
generation) produce free-living gametophytes (the haploid were characterized (Strain et al. 2001). Seven are tightly
generation) that are potentially bisexual, i.e., they can bear linked to the FEM1 locus, which was previously described
female (archegonia) and male (antheridia) reproductive by Eberle and Banks (1996). Nine other mutations concern
organs (gametangia) on the same individual. Several envi- another locus NOTCHLESS1 (NOT1), with mutant plants
ronmental factors influence sexual expression. One class of lacking a meristem notch. Some not1 mutations also affect
factors, maleness-inducing pheromones, or ‘antheridiogens’ sporophyte development when homozygous, indicating
(Schneller et al. 1990), has received much attention. that the not1 mutations are recessive and that NOT1 is
Antheridiogens are gibberellin-like compounds secreted by required for normal sporophyte development. The epistatic
large, female or bisexual gametophytes that reduce growth interactions among FEM1, NOT1, and other sex-determining
and induce maleness in nearby asexual gametophytes. genes have been revealed (Strain et al. 2001). According to
Other environmental factors that affect sex in ferns, such the current model of sex determination in Ceratopteris, the
as nutrients, have received very little attention in most presence of antheridiogen leads to the activation of the
reviews of sex expression in fern gametophytes (Cousens FEM1 gene, which not only promotes the differentiation of
et al. 1988; Korpelainen 1998; see however Raghavan male traits, but also represses female development by
1989). Three well known patterns described in gameto- activating the NOT1 gene. NOT1 represses the TRA genes
phyte biology illustrate the plasticity of sex expression necessary for the development of female traits in the game-
in homosporous ferns. Firstly, ontogenetic changes in tophyte (Strain et al. 2001).
gametophyte sex undergo sequential hermaphroditism, Kamachi et al. (2007) examined the effect of photomor-
i.e., the unidirectional change in sex during ontogeny. phogenically active light on antheridiogen-induced male
Klekowski (1969) distinguished four types of sequential development of gametophytes of Ceratopteris richardii.
170 B. Janoušek et al.

These workers also revealed the latent antheridiogen-signal this genus have small genome sizes permitting the efficient
transduction pathway. Although blue light did not affect use of molecular genetic techniques (reviewed by Tanurdzic
sensitivity to antheridiogen in wild-type gametophytes, it and Banks 2004).
was found that the gametophytes of the her1 mutant, which
are insensitive to antheridiogen, developed into males when
grown under blue light in the presence of antheridiogen. The 11.2.3 Gymnosperms
latent antheridiogen-signal transduction pathway is therefore
probably activated by blue light. Red light, on the other Monoecious Gymnosperms
hand, suppressed male development, and the action of red Most gymnosperms are monoecious (Givnish 1980). There
light seems to dominate that of blue light. The results of is a striking correlation between the breeding system and the
experiments with a photomorphogenic mutant also suggest mechanism of seed dispersal. Almost all gymnosperms are
that phytochrome may be involved in the action of red light wind pollinated, except cycads, which are beetle-pollinated.
(Kamachi et al. 2007). Interestingly, while certain KNOX Monoecious gymnosperms also rely on wind to disperse
genes function similarly in the development of both seed their seeds. In contrast, most dioecious gymnosperms pos-
plant and fern sporophyte meristems despite their differences sess fleshy fruits and their seeds are dispersed by animals
in structure, KNOX gene expression is not required for the (Givnish 1980). Exceptions to this rule have been reported;
development of the fern gametophyte. It is therefore sup- for example, trioecious and dioecious populations occur in
posed that the sporophyte and gametophyte meristems of Pinus edulis (Floyd 1983).
ferns are not regulated by the same developmental
mechanisms at the molecular level (Sano et al. 2005). Dioecious Gymnosperms
A systemic gene-silencing method suitable for high through- Phylogenetic analyses indicate that dioecy may have been the
put, reverse genetic analyses of gene function in fern ancestral condition in gymnosperms (Mathews et al. 2010).
gametophytes has already been developed (Rutherford In general though, relatively little attention has been paid
et al. 2004). This also opens new possibilities for research to the study of sex determination in dioecious gymnosperms.
into sex determination in ferns. The main reason for this is likely due to long generation times
and/or the large size of both plants and their genomes, which The Heterosporous Ferns and Lycophytes complicate genetic studies (see Leitch and Leitch 2013, this
In contrast to homosporous ferns, heterosporous ferns (e.g., volume). However, a few species have attracted the attention
Marsilea, Azolla) and some lycophytes (e.g., Selaginella and of researchers because of their phylogenetic significance
Isoetes) form two different types of spores: microspores, (see also Sect. 14.5 in Murray 2013, this volume).
which produce male gametophytes, and megaspores which
produce female gametophytes. These spores are formed in Ginkgo
special structures (microsporangia and megasporangia). In The staminate and ovulate trees of Ginkgo biloba possess the
contrast to dioecious bryophytes where the gametophyte same number of chromosomes (2n ¼ 24) and share almost
type is determined by its genome, the gametophyte type in identical chromosome morphology. The only difference is
heterosporous ferns and lycopods is controlled by the type of that in the ovulate trees; four chromosomes of the somatic
spore from which it emerged (reviewed in Tanurdzic and complement have satellites while in the staminate tree only
Banks 2004). A model for the evolution of heterospory from three chromosomes have satellites. In the male plant, the pair
homospory has been suggested by Haig and Westoby of short sub-telocentric chromosomes, only one of which
(1988). This model has three phases: (1) a gradual increase has a satellite, is believed to be the sex chromosomes.
in spore size in a homosporous population, (2) the sudden An XY type of sex determination is assumed since the
introduction of smaller microspores from sporophytes male possesses a heteromorphic pair of chromosomes (Lee
reproducing predominantly as males, (3) the subsequent 1954). To establish the necessary molecular tools to under-
divergence in size and specialization of the two spore stand the evolution of seeds and pollen, Brenner et al. (2005)
types. The model proposes that haploid dioecy evolved created a cDNA library and an EST dataset from the repro-
from pre-existing mechanisms of sex determination, and ductive structures of male (microsporangiate), female
that endosporic development of megagametophytes arose (megasporangiate), and vegetative organs (leaves) of Ginkgo
as a consequence of an increased dependence on spore biloba. The analysis of this EST database from G. biloba has
food reserves for reproduction (Haig and Westoby 1988). revealed genes that are potentially unique to gymnosperms.
Among the lycophytes, Selaginella has perhaps the Many of these genes display a degree of homology with fully
greatest potential as a useful comparative system for the sequenced clones from the ESTs of a cycad. Other Ginkgo
study of sex determination and the mechanisms leading to ESTs were found to be similar to developmental regulators
the origin of heterospory in plants because many species in in higher plants. This work has set the stage for future studies
11 Chromosomes and Sex Differentiation 171

on Ginkgo as a means to better understand seed and (a) and gynoecious (g). The dominant allele of the a locus
pollen evolution, and resolve the ambiguous phylogenetic (CmACS-7 gene; 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid
relationship of G. biloba to other gymnosperms. synthase) results in an arrest of stamen development
(Boualem et al. 2008), while the dominant allele of the g
Cycads locus causes an arrest of gynoecium development. Monoe-
In Cycas pectinata, the male and female plants have the cious (A-G-) plants bear male flowers on the main stem and
same number of chromosomes (2n ¼ 22) with almost iden- andromonoecious (aaG-) plants bear female or hermaphrodite
tical chromosome morphology. The only difference is that in flowers on the axillary branches. Gynoecious (AAgg) and
the female plant two chromosomes of the somatic comple- hermaphrodite individuals (aagg) bear only female or her-
ment (pair III) have satellites, while in the male the same maphrodite flowers respectively. The insertion of the Gyno-
pair is heteromorphic and only one of its members has a hAT transposon in the proximity of the g gene (CmWIP1) was
satellite. This distinction becomes clearly visible when the shown to be a cause of the gynoecious phenotype of several
two types of haploid complements are observed in pollen lines (G to g change by hypermethylation of the promoter of
mitosis: one type possesses a satellite chromosome, and the the g gene, i.e., CmWIP1). The occasional presence of flowers
other does not (Abraham and Mathew 1962). The construc- with stamens and reduced ovaries suggests that DNA
tion of a cDNA library and an extensive EST study has hypermethylation of CmWIP1 can be reduced during somatic
already been started in C. rumphii (Brenner et al. 2003a). development of gynoecious plants (Martin et al. 2009). Sur-
prisingly, both CmACS-7 and its homolog from C. sativus are
specifically expressed in female buds. The role of
11.2.4 Angiosperm Plants 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid synthase in anther
arrest seems to be indirect and inter-organ communication is
The ancestral traits of angiosperm flowers are not yet clear; probably responsible for anther arrest (Boualem et al. 2009).
several hypotheses attempt to explain the origin of the her- An analysis of the whole genome sequence of C. sativus
maphrodite flower, which is currently the most wide spread revealed that the evolution of unisexual flowers in cucurbits
flower type. According to the “Out Of Male (OOM)/Out Of may have involved the acquisition of two ethylene-
Female (OOF) hypotheses,” hermaphrodite flowers developed responsive elements (AWTTCAAA) and one flower meri-
as a modification of strobili containing both male and female stem identity gene LEAFY-responsive element (CCAATGT)
flowers (Theissen and Becker 2004). According to the “Mostly of the ACS genes (Huang et al. 2009). Extensive EST analy-
Male (MM) theory,” the hermaphrodite flower developed sis in unisexual and bisexual flower buds (using 454
from the male flowers of a gymnosperm ancestor by ectopic sequencing) showed that six auxin-related genes (auxin can
formation of ovules (Frohlich and Parker 2000). Different regulate sex expression by stimulating ethylene production)
hypotheses for the origin of the angiosperm hermaphrodite and three short-chain dehydrogenase or reductase genes
flower make different predictions concerning the overlap (homologs to the sex determination gene ts2 in maize) are
between the genes expressed in the male and female cones of more highly expressed in unisexual flowers then in hermaph-
gymnosperms and the genes expressed in the hermaphrodite rodite flowers (Huang et al. 2009).
flowers of angiosperms. The Mostly Male theory predicts that,
of genes expressed primarily in male versus female gymno- Zea mays
sperm cones, an excess of male orthologs will be expressed in The formation of unisexual flowers in maize requires the
flowers, excluding ovules, while Out Of Male and Out selective elimination and sexual maturation of floral organs
Of Female theories predict no such excess. Data obtained by in an initially bisexual floral meristem. Elimination of pistil
Tavares et al. (2010) fit better with the Out Of Male and Out of primordia occurs in the primary and secondary florets of
Female theories. However, it is doubtful that female and male tassel spikelets and in the secondary florets of ear spikelets.
ancestral characteristics of the angiosperm flower can be Ill-fated pistil cells undergo a cell death process associated
inferred from the number of expressed genes shared by female with nuclear degeneration in a specific spatial-temporal pat-
and male tissues, as differences between sexes are due to only tern that begins in the subepidermis, eventually aborting the
a few genes or are quantitative (Tavares et al. 2010). entire organ. The sex determination genes tasselseed1 (ts1)
and tasselseed2 (ts2) are required for death of pistil cells, Monoecious Angiosperm Plants and ts1 is required for the accumulation of ts2 mRNA in
Cucumis melo and C. sativus pistil cells. All pistil primordia express ts2 RNA but func-
Important data concerning the possible mechanisms of sex tional pistils found in ear spikelets are protected from cell
determination in Cucurbitaceae have been obtained in melons death by the action of the silkless1 (sk1) gene, which blocks
(Cucumis melo). In this mostly monoecious species, sex tasselseed-induced cell death in the pistil primordia of pri-
determination is governed by the genes andromonoecious mary ear florets. This basic model for the control of pistil
172 B. Janoušek et al.

fate by the action of the ts1-ts2-sk1 pathway was proposed jasmonic acid concentrations were reduced in developing
by Calderon-Urrea and Dellaporta (1999). TASSELSEED2 inflorescences. Application of jasmonic acid to developing
converts steroids with specificities found at positions 3 and inflorescences rescued stamen development in mutant
17, and several dicarbonyl and quinone compounds, ts1 and ts2 inflorescences, revealing a role for jasmonic
thus establishing TASSELSEED2 as a plant 3beta/17beta- acid in male flower development in maize (Acosta et al.
hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase and carbonyl/quinone reduc- 2009; Browse 2009). This suggests that jasmonic acid is
tase. Taken together, the genetic data and the substrate likely to be involved in more complex effects than just the
specificities determined suggest that TS2 converts specific control of ts2. An updated model of sex determination in
plant compounds and acts as a pre-receptor control mecha- Zea is summarized in Fig. 11.1, which represents
nism in a manner similar to that of mammalian hydroxy- improvements to the original scheme suggested by Hultquist
steroid dehydrogenases (Wu et al. 2007). Later, studies by and Dorweiler (2008).
Parkinson et al. (2007) identified the role of two other genes
in maize sex determination. Genes required to maintain
repression (rm6) and mediator of paramutation 1 (mop1; Dioecious Angiosperm Plants
putative RNA-dependent RNA polymerase) are involved in Genus Silene
the suppression of the expression of silkless in the male Silene latifolia: A Model for the Study of Sex Determination
inflorescence. Rmr6 maintains maize’s monoecious pattern Silene latifolia (Fig. 11.2a, b) is probably the best-studied
of sex determination by restricting the function of the pistil- plant sexual model. Chromosomes of S. latifolia (formerly
protecting factor SILKLESS1 from the apical inflorescence Melandrium album) were first described in 1923 (Blackburn
(Parkinson et al. 2007). The exact mechanism leading 1923; Winge 1923). Shortly after the species was used by
from TASSELSEED2 action to proper tassel formation is Correns to study sex ratio bias (reviewed in Correns 1928a).
still unknown. It is, however, known that further genes The nuclear genomes of S. latifolia and S. dioica are relatively
are involved in stamen development promotion and gynoe- large and arranged into 12 chromosome pairs (see
cium suppression: indeterminate spikelet1 (known also as Fig. 11.3a–d). The pair of sex chromosomes is the largest in
Tasselseed6) genes and the group of Squamosa-promoter the genome: the Y is 1.4 times longer than the X chromosome.
Binding Protein (SBP) box containing genes. Intron-exon Deletion mutants have been an important tool in studies of sex
structures as well as phylogenetic data support the division determination in S. latifolia. For example, the use of deletion
of these family members into six groups. The SBP-box mutants has enabled the physical mapping and functional
genes upregulated in feminized tassels fall into two groups characterization of regions of interest within the sex
(out of six groups of SBP-box genes that have been distin- chromosomes. Historically, spontaneous aberrant Y
guished in Zea mays according to phylogenetic analysis) that chromosomes were first studied by Westergaard (1946). By
share common structural motifs and include the presence of analysing different types of aberrations, he was able to con-
a target site for miR156. Small RNA blots showed that clude that in S. latifolia three different regions within the Y
miR156 levels are decreased in both mop1 and ts1 mutants. chromosome were important for correct sex expression in
While there is a correlation between miR156 levels and males. The upper region of the q-arm is critical for the
SBP-box gene transcript levels, this correlation is not abso- suppression of gynoecium formation, the medium region of
lute, and thus it is hypothesized that decreased levels of the Y is necessary for male promotion, and a portion of the
miR156 may provide competency for SBP-box gene q-arm is needed for male fertility (Westergaard 1946).
upregulation by other common factors yet to be identified. The default sex in S. latifolia is female: when the Y is
A model that suggests a putative link between ts1, ts2, ts4, completely missing, flowers form only pistils. Recently,
Ts6, and mop1 in the sex-determination pathway was put large scale deletions (disruptions) of the Y chromosome
forward by Hultquist and Dorweiler (2008). Progress has were introduced by means of either X-ray or gamma-
also been made in the study of the molecular mechanism irradiation. Lebel-Hardenack et al. (2002) irradiated pollen
of action of the putative master gene of sex determination in grains using a Siefert X-ray machine, while Farbos et al.
maize. (1999) used 60Co as a source of gamma rays. These studies,
Acosta et al. (2009) positionally cloned and charact- in addition to the deletion mutants observed already by
erized the function of the sex determination gene ts1. The Westergaard (1946), revealed hermaphrodites and infertile
TS1 protein encodes a plastid-targeted lipoxygenase with males. This can be taken as confirmation of Westergaard’s
predicted 13-lipoxygenase specificity, which suggests that model of the Y chromosome in S. latifolia. The model of
TS1 may be involved in the biosynthesis of the plant hor- Y chromosome organization was improved by Zluvova et al.
mone jasmonic acid. In the absence of a functional ts1 gene, (2007), who showed the existence of male fertility genes
lipoxygenase activity was missing and endogenous close to the stamen promoter.
11 Chromosomes and Sex Differentiation 173

Fig. 11.1 Sex determination in maize (Zea mays). This scheme silkless1) denote genes not active in male inflorescences. The box
represents an updated “tasselseed based” control pathway of sex deter- symbolizes that the control pathway from tasselseed2 to pistil abortion
mination in maize. Only the variant that occurs in tassel is displayed. and stamen promotion remains mostly unknown, though some genes
The genes that push development in the male direction are written in have been identified. The dotted line symbolizes an artificial treatment.
plain text whereas genes pushing development in the female direction As apparent from the scheme, the role of jasmonate is probably more
are underlined. The names of gene products and names of mutants that diverse than simply controlling tasselseed2 expression (modified
led to gene identification are in brackets. Broken lines (e.g., from according to Hultquist and Dorweiler 2008)

At present, few experimental data are available concerning suppressed by the action of the CLAVATA1 gene, a putative
the mechanism of gynoecium suppression in males of member of the CLAVATA-WUSCHEL pathway (Koizumi
S. latifolia. Histological studies show a reduction of cell et al. 2010). The results of Kazama et al. (2009) also indicate
division in the central part of the male flower meristem a possible role of SUPERMAN-like gene in the suppression of
(Matsunaga et al. 2004) while molecular studies have revealed anther development in S. latifolia females.
the role of homologs of Arabidopsis thaliana SHOOTMER-
ISTEMLESS (STM) and CUP SHAPED COTYLEDON (CUC) Silene latifolia: A Model for the Study of Evolutionary
1 and CUC2 genes in the arrest of gynoecium development in Dynamics of Sex Chromosomes
S. latifolia males (Zluvova et al. 2006). The data of Matsunaga While the majority of findings concerning sex chromosome
et al. (2004) and Zluvova et al. (2006) suggest that the absence evolution have come from research performed in human
of STM and the presence of CUC 1 and CUC2 transcripts in the and animal models, a few plant species appear to be more
central part of the male flower meristem are the cause of suitable models for sex chromosome evolution owing to
reduced meristematic activity in this region. Independent of their recently evolved sex chromosomes (Table 11.1).
this pathway, gynoecium development in S. latifolia is also Sex chromosomes, along with B chromosomes, are amongst
174 B. Janoušek et al.

Fig. 11.2 Examples of model dioecious flowering plants. (a) Silene

latifolia female flower, (b) S. latifolia male flower, (c) S. colpophylla
female flower, (d) S. colpophylla male flower, (e) Rumex acetosa Fig. 11.3 Examples of chromosome preparations of dioecious species
female flower bud section, (f) R. acetosa male flower bud section. with heteromorphic sex chromosomes. (a) Silene latifolia, female meta-
Bars represent 5 mm (a–d) or 5 mm (e–f) phase, (b) S. latifolia, male metaphase, (c) S. dioica, female metaphase,
(d) S. dioica, male metaphase, (e) Rumex acetosa, female metaphase,
(f) R. acetosa, male metaphase. The bar represents 5 mm

the few parts of a plant genome that are feasible for chromo- process, all manipulations were carried out with a laser
some painting techniques. While in animals, ordinary beam using the PALM MicroLaser system (Fig. 11.4). The
autosomes have specific patterns of DNA organization that hybridization procedure was significantly shortened (1 h),
allow researchers to distinguish individual chromosomes and the amount of probe was decreased to a low concentra-
using complex probes, plant genomes are relatively homog- tion (30 ng/slide). Specific signals were observed using both
enous and generally have few chromosome-specific DNA X and Y probes. The differential labelling patterns of
structures and sequences. In S. latifolia, microdissected sex S. latifolia sex chromosomes under specific FISH conditions
chromosomes were used by Scutt et al. (1997) to investigate show rapid evolution of repetitive elements in the early
their genomic organization. The experiment was based on a stages of sex chromosome divergence (Hobza et al. 2004).
semi-automatic technique of ablation of chromosomes and Manual dissection of sex chromosomes was also success-
the mechanical transfer of chromosomes of interest to a fully applied in experiments by Delichere et al. (1999),
membrane (polyester disk). Both X and Y chromosomes leading to the discovery of the first active gene to be isolated
were used for DOP-PCR amplification and PCR products from a plant Y chromosome. Hernould et al. (1997) also
were subsequently labelled for FISH experiments (DOP- performed microdissection, using an inverted microscope
PCR is the method of choice for amplification of anonymous with extended microneedles operated by an electric micro-
DNA with partially degenerated primers (Telenius et al. manipulator. The glass tips of microneedles carrying chro-
1992)). Although sex chromosomes in S. latifolia are signif- mosome fragments were broken off and pooled in an
icantly different in their structure, the use of both probes Eppendorf tube for subsequent experiments. Delichere
(X- and Y-derived) revealed no sex chromosome-specific et al. (1999) used 10 microdissected Y chromosomes as a
signal pattern. Similar data were obtained from experiments template for DOP-PCR. The amplified DNA was used as a
by Matsunaga et al. (1999). probe for screening a premeiotic male flower cDNA library
A novel approach, which combined microdissection to select Y-linked expressed sequences. To verify Y-linkage,
techniques and FISH procedures, was used by Hobza et al. segregation analysis was performed. Individual Y
(2004). To avoid any impurities during the dissection chromosome-derived clones were hybridized with restricted
11 Chromosomes and Sex Differentiation 175

Table 11.1 Comparison of characteristic properties of the most studied plant dioecious models (chrs ¼ chromosomes, F ¼ female, M ¼ male,
My ¼ million years)
Carica papaya L. Silene latifolia Poiret. Rumex acetosa L.
Common name Papaya White campion Sorrel
Family Caricaceae Caryophyllaceae Polygonaceae
Genome size 1C ¼ 0.372 pg 1C ¼ 2.86 pg 1C ¼ 3.55 pg
Karyotype 2n ¼ 18 sex chromosomes 2n ¼ 24 (11pairs of autosomes plus 1 2n ¼ 14(15) (6 pairs of autosomes plus XX
homomorphic pair of sex chromosomes) or XY1Y2)
Heterogametic Male Male Male
Sex chrs (F/M) Not detected XX/XY (Blackburn 1923) XX/XY1Y2 (Kihara and Ono 1923)
Size of sex chrs Not detected The largest Y (9 %), the second X (8 %), The largest X (13 %), the second Y1 + Y2
smaller autosomes (25 %), small autosomes
Chromatin of Non-recombining region of the Y Standard as in autosomes (Grant et al. 1994) The Ys are heterochromatic, histone H4-
sex chrs heterochromatic (Zhang et al. 2008) underacetylated (Lengerova and Vyskot
Age of sex chrs 2–3 My (Zhang et al. 2008) Less than 5–10 My (Filatov 2005) 15–20 My (Jamilena et al. 2008)
Type of sex Dominant Y in males (mammalian Dominant Y in males (mammalian type) X/A ratio (F ¼ 1, M ¼ 0.5) (Drosophila
determination type) type)
Accumulation In the non-recombining region of Plastid DNA, DNA repeats, Y-specific repeats, microsatellites (Jamilena
of Y-repeats the Y retrotransposons, microsatellites et al. 2008)
(Kejnovsky et al. 2009)
Availability of Full genome sequence available At least 10 X (and) Y linked publically No sex chromosome linked genes available
X-genes (Liu et al. 2004) available genes yet

In spite of their relatively young age it was shown that

there is a similar gradient in silent site divergence between
the X and Y copies of sex-linked genes on the sex
chromosomes S. latifolia (Nicolas et al. 2005; Bergero
et al. 2007). Silene latifolia Y-linked genes tend to evolve
faster at the protein level than their X-linked homologs, and
they have lower expression levels. Analysis of several
Y-linked gene introns suggest they act as sites for
transposable-element accumulation, which likely accounts
for their increased length (Marais et al. 2008). These signs
of degeneration are similar to those observed in animal
Y-linked and neo-Y chromosome genes. Cermak et al.
Fig. 11.4 Laser microdissection on Silene latifolia and Rumex acetosa
metaphase chromosomes. The S. latifolia Y chromosome is localized
(2008) carried out a global survey of all of the major types
under the inverted microscope (a). The membrane is cut around the of transposable elements in Silene latifolia. The localization
selected chromosome using a laser microbeam, and the chromosome Y of elements by FISH revealed that most of the Copia
(b) and X (c) is transferred into the cap of a PCR tube. Similarly, the elements had accumulated on the Y chromosome. Surpris-
R. acetosa X chromosome is selected and separated from the rest of the
chromosomes by microdissection (d–f)
ingly, one type of Gypsy element, which was similar to the
Ogre elements known from legumes, was almost absent on
genomic DNA from male and female parental plants as well the Y chromosome but otherwise uniformly distributed on
as their progeny. Out of the 115 clones selected after all chromosomes. Other types of elements were ubiquitous
hybridization of complex Y probes with the cDNA library, on all chromosomes. Moreover, Cermak et al. (2008)
only five clones revealed sex linkage after segregation isolated and characterized two new tandem repeats. One of
experiments. A later study reported a level of DNA poly- them, STAR-C, was localized at the centromeres of all
morphism in the Y-linked copy of the gene SlX1/SlY1 that chromosomes except the Y chromosome, where it was pres-
was twenty times lower than the X-linked copy. These data ent on the p-arm. Its variant, STAR-Y, which carries a small
were the first to suggest that processes involved in Y chro- deletion, was specifically localized on the q-arm of the Y
mosome degeneration were also acting in the relatively chromosome. FISH analysis of other Silene species revealed
young chromosomes of S. latifolia (Filatov et al. 2000). that some elements (e.g., Ogre-like elements) are confined to
176 B. Janoušek et al.

the section Elisanthe while others (e.g., Copia or Athila-like and genetic mapping data in S. colpophylla. Though many
elements) are also present in more distantly related species. species share the same number of chromosomes, there are
The unique pattern of repeat distribution found on the Y big differences in genome size among Silene species. For
chromosome, where some elements have accumulated example, S. vulgaris and S. pendula belong to a group of
while other elements are conspicuously absent, probably small-genomed species (about 2 pg/C), while S. latifolia and
reflects the different forces shaping the evolution of the S. chalcedonica possess relatively large genomes (3–5 pg/C,
Y chromosome (Cermak et al. 2008). Kubat et al. (2008) respectively). These differences raise questions about the
have shown that microsatellites accumulate in the q-arm of mechanisms that have contributed to genome size evolution.
the Y chromosome (the arm containing the pseudoautosomal Recent data indicate that there are large blocks of
region) and this agrees with the findings of other authors subtelomeric heterochromatin missing in some of the
(Morgante et al. 2002) showing that microsatellites are pref- smaller genomes, which may account for much of these
erentially located in non-repetitive sequences. differences (Cermak et al. 2008). Subgenus Behenantha
However, repetitive sequences are not the only types of contains only five dioecious species: S. latifolia, S. dioica,
DNA to accumulate in the non-recombinant part of plant Y S. diclinis, S. marizii, and S. heuffelii. Subgenus Silene
chromosomes. Sequence analysis has revealed that one contains several dioecious and subdioecious species, the
of the Y chromosome-derived BACs contains part of the best studied being S. otites and S. colpophylla (Fig. 11.2c,
plastid genome, indicating that these plastid sequences have d) of the former section Otites, Wrigley (1986), now subsec-
been transferred to the Y chromosome and may also contrib- tion Otites of the section Siphonomorpha, according to
ute to its large size. Kejnovsky et al. (2006) found that Oxelman (2010). Dioecy in section Melandrium is of mono-
plastid sequences located on the Y chromosome had higher phyletic origin: the same pair of autosomes evolved into sex
rates of divergence in non-genic regions than in genic chromosomes in all species. In section Otites, genetic and
regions, which showed only very low (max 0.9 %) diver- phylogenetic analyses have been conducted to understand
gence from their plastid homologs. the sex-determining system and the origin of sex
The study of the Y chromosome-derived library has also chromosomes in S. colpophylla (Mrackova et al. 2008).
revealed a case of horizontal gene transfer of a DNA frag- Here, it was shown that genes that are sex-linked in S.
ment from the bacterium—Ralstonia solanacearum to the latifolia are also linked to each other in S. colpophylla, but
genome of S. latifolia. The homologs of this fragment they are not sex-linked. This finding demonstrates that the
(MK14) contain sequences that show similarities to a gene sex chromosomes in S. colpophylla (which are homomor-
coding bacterial sulphate adenylyltransferase (CysN) and phic) evolved from a different pair of autosomes than in S.
to a gene encoding uroporphyrin-III C-methyltransferase latifolia. Phylogenetic analyses also support the view that
(nirE) (Talianova 2009). The reaction catalysed by the sex determination system of S. colpophylla, although it is
sulphate adenylyltransferase constitutes the first enzymatic XX/XY (similarly to section Melandrium), evolved indepen-
step in sulphate utilization following the uptake of sulphate dently in section Otites (Mrackova et al. 2008).
(Leyh et al. 1992). Uroporphyrin-III C-methyltransferase in
bacteria is involved in the biosynthesis of corrinoids such as Genus Rumex
vitamin B12, sirohaem and coenzyme F430 (Vévodová et al. Various types of reproductive systems occur in Rumex:
2004). The homologs of this fragment were subsequently hermaphroditism, polygamy, gynodioecy, monoecy and
found also in species that do not possess sex chromosomes, dioecy (reviewed in Navajas-Pérez et al. 2005). In dioe-
suggesting that the Y chromosome is unlikely to be more cious Rumex species, two different sex-chromosomal
prone to the accumulation of horizontally acquired genes systems and sex-determining mechanisms have been
than regular autosomes. described: XX/XY with an active Y chromosome (e.g.,
Rumex acetosella) and XX/XY1Y2 with sex determination
Other Silene Species based on the X/A ratio (e.g., Rumex acetosa, Figs. 11.2e, f
Silene is a large genus, where the majority of species possess and 11.3e, f). There is one exceptional species, Rumex
12 pairs of chromosomes. In some dioecious species there is hastatulus, which has two chromosomal “races”: the
one pair of sex chromosomes plus 11 pairs of autosomes. Texas race possessing XX/XY system and the North
This pattern which is supported by molecular data (Nicolas Carolina race with an XX/X Y1Y2 system. In this species,
et al. 2005; Bergero et al. 2007), suggests that one pair of the X/A ratio controls sex determination, but the presence
autosomes evolved into the pair of sex chromosomes in of the Y chromosome is necessary for male fertility (Smith
subgenus Behenantha, section Melandrium (classification 1963). In R. acetosa repetitive sequence similarity between
according to Rautenberg et al. 2010). In contrast, the origin both Y chromosomes suggests that they probably originated
of sex chromosomes in subgenus Silene (classification from one Y chromosome that underwent centromere
according to Eggens et al. 2007, and Rautenberg et al. fission and gave rise to a pair of metacentric chromosomes
2010) is probably different as indicated by the phylogenetic possessing identical chromosomal arms (isochromosomes).
11 Chromosomes and Sex Differentiation 177

These isochromosomes were subsequently modified by been isolated in H. lupulus (Jakse et al. 2008) and a linkage
deletions (Rejon et al. 1994). A recent phylogenetic study map is available together with cytogenetic methods to distin-
(Navajas-Pérez et al. 2005) indicates that all dioecious guish between hop chromosomes (Karlov et al. 2003).
Rumex species evolved from a common hermaphroditic
ancestor. The switch from a sex-determining mechanism Papaya (Carica papaya)
based on the active role of the Y chromosome to a mecha- Papaya is a favorite dioecious model because of its small
nism based on the X/A ratio occurred at least twice nuclear genome size and importance as a crop. Papaya is
(Navajas-Pérez et al. 2005). The role of the X/A ratio in polygamic and forms three basic sexual types: males,
the sex determination of R. acetosa (reviewed by Parker and females, and hermaphrodites. Sex in papaya is determined
Clark 1991) resembles the sex-determining system of Dro- by a single locus, which may have three different alleles
sophila, where the primary genetic sex-determining signal is (M1—male, M2—hermaphrodite, and m—female) (Storey
provided by the ratio of X-linked genes to autosomal genes 1969). Males must have the M1 dominant allele, while
(Pomiankowski et al. 2004). hermaphrodites possess the M2 allele and mm forms
females. The combination of any two dominant alleles
Hemp (Cannabis sativa) leads to seed abortion. Since males are heterogametic and
Cannabis sativa or hemp is one of the few dioecious plant females are homogametic, the sex determination can be
species possessing heteromorphic sex chromosomes, albeit classified as the XY type with a dominant Y chromosome.
the size difference between the X and Y chromosome is A large amount of DNA polymorphisms near the sex locus
small (reviewed in Peil et al. 2003). Males are heterogametic led to the recent discovery of the Y chromosome in papaya
(XY) and females homogametic (XX). The sex-determining (Ma et al. 2004). There is a small 4–5 Mb region, called the
system is the Drosophila type: the ratio of Xs to autosomes MSY (male specific region Y), which harbors the primary
determines the sex rather than the active Y chromosome sex-determining genes. Yu et al. (2007) proposed the
(revieved by Parker and Clark 1991). In contrast to other hypothesis that recombination suppression in the sex-
dioecious models (e.g., Silene latifolia and Rumex acetosa) determining region of the Y chromosome is the result of its
the Y chromosome of C. sativa probably does not contain the close proximity to the centromere.
genes necessary for male fertility. After stamen induction by
ethylene synthesis inhibiting drugs (silver nitrate and silver Meadow-rue (Thalictrum dioicum)
thiosulphate anionic complex), fertile stamens develop in Meadow-rue is a common weed in the Ranunculaceae fam-
genetically female plants of hemp (Mohan Ram and Sett ily. The unisexual flowers lack any rudiments of the opposite
1982). Sex determination in hemp is therefore probably sex since developmental arrest occurs very early during floral
under control of plant hormones, as changes in their levels ontogeny. Thalictrum dioicum has homomorphic sex
often lead to sex changes (Chailakhyan and Khryanin 1978, chromosomes and sex is genetically determined by a few
1979). Some features of Y chromosome degeneration have loci. Males are heterogametic, and the genetic system of
been found in hemp, for example, an accumulation of LINE- sex determination looks like the dominant Y system that is
like retrotransposons at the terminal region of the longer arm present in Silene latifolia and humans. The Y chromosomes
of the Y chromosome has been reported (Sakamoto et al. in dioecious species of Thalictrum are probably not largely
2000). Several genes that are involved in sex determination degenerate since YY males are viable even when no X copy
and/or sexual dimorphism have been identified using cDNA is present in T. fendleri (Kuhn 1939). In dioecious plants like
AFLP (Moliterni et al. 2004). T. dioicum and Spinacia oleracea (see below), where
vestiges of the opposite sex organs are missing, homeotic
Hop (Humulus lupulus) MADS-box genes are good candidates for sex determination
In spite of its agronomical importance, relatively little is genes. In T. dioicum, Di Stilio et al. (2005) isolated the organ
known about the sex determination mechanism in hops. It is identity genes (Agamous, Apetala3, and Pistillata) and
known that hops possess heteromorphic sex chromosomes showed that they had been duplicated and had diverged in
and sex determination of XX/XY1Y2 i.e., sex determination expression. Efficient virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS),
is based on the ratio of the dosage of X chromosomes and using tobacco rattle virus (TRV) vectors, has been achieved,
autosomes (Parker and Clark 1991). Shephard et al. (2000) permitting deep analysis of sex determination mechanisms
showed that obvious sex-related differences were already (Di Stilio et al. 2010).
present in the plant at the stage of initiation of inflorescences
suggesting that the genes involved in sex determination are Spinach (Spinacia oleracea)
probably already at work in advance of floral organogenesis Spinach is predominantly a dioecious species. However,
(Shephard et al. 2000). Numerous sex-specific markers have genetically-determined monoecious lines also exist (Janick
178 B. Janoušek et al.

and Stevenson 1954), and sex expression also depends on DNA marker, OPB01-1562, from the diploid dioecious
environmental influences. For example, high temperatures M. annua. RNA blot hybridization with OPB01-1562 and
promote maleness in monoecious lines (reviewed in Iizuka MARL-1 detected a transcript that was expressed strongly in
and Janick 1962). The sex-determining system is XX/XY the stems and flowers of females but not males. The
(reviewed in Haga 1934). X and Y chromosomes are of M. annua female-expressed (Mafex) transcript may thus
similar size and morphology, but some Y chromosomes play a role in sex determination (Khadka et al. 2005).
lack a 45S rDNA locus (Lan et al. 2006). Sex determination Hybridization and polyploidy are widely believed to be
in S. oleracea is based on a single locus with three alleles: X, important sources of evolutionary novelty in plant evolution
Xm and Y (Janick and Stevenson 1954). The allele Xm is (see for review, Soltis et al. 2010; Fawcett et al. 2013, this
incompletely dominant because XmXm individuals are mon- volume). Both can lead to novel gene combinations and/or
oecious, but individuals with XmX produce a higher propor- novel patterns of gene expression, which in turn provide the
tion of pistillate flowers. The Y allele is completely variation on which natural selection can act. Obbard et al.
dominant, and thus XY and XmY plants show the male (2006) used nuclear and plastid gene trees, in conjunction
phenotype. with morphological data and genome size measurements, to
The exact molecular basis of the sex determination sys- show that both processes have been important in shaping the
tem in S. oleracea is unknown. However, a study of the B evolution of Mercurialis. Their results indicate that hexa-
class floral identity genes SpAPETALA3 and SpPISTILLATA ploid populations of M. annua, in which the otherwise
in S. oleracea showed their effect on sexual dimorphism and rare sexual system androdioecy is common (the occurrence
suggested a role in sex determination (Pfent et al. 2005). The of males and hermaphrodites), is of allopolyploid origin
gene SpAgamous is involved in sex-specific gynoecium con- involving hybridization between a monoecious autotetra-
trol in spinach (Sather et al. 2005). Interestingly, sexual ploid lineage of M. annua and the related dioecious diploid
dimorphism in this species can vary in intensity depending species M. huetii—an event that brought together the genes
on the presence of a special locus located on the Y chromo- for specialist males with those for hermaphrodites (Obbard
some that causes a “bracted male” phenotype showing a et al. 2006). Dorken and Pannell (2008) found that the
habit different from female plants (reviewed in Iizuka and progeny sex ratio is strongly dependent on density, with
Janick 1962). Indeed, there are many indications that the sex fewer males produced when plants are grown at low density.
chromosomes of S. oleracea are young, but this does not This occurred in part because of a flexible adjustment in
necessarily imply that the sex determination system is also pollen production by hermaphrodites, which produced more
young and it is possible that the sex determination system is pollen when grown at low density than at high density. These
derived from monoecy. In this case, a single gene controlling results provide support for the prediction that environmental
the number and/or position of male and female flowers could conditions govern sex ratios through their effects on
have been directly transformed into a sex determining gene the relative fertility of unisexual versus hermaphrodite
by sexually antagonistic selection. Given the small size of individuals (Dorken and Pannell 2008).
the spinach genome, it is suitable for basic genomic studies
(Khattak et al. 2006) and recent RNAi technology applying a Bryonia dioica: The First Dioecious Model in Which
VIGS approach has permitted a functional genomic strategy the Genetic Basis of Sex Determination was Elucidated
to be adopted. Such studies showed how the suppression of Most species of the Cucurbitaceae family comprising c. 800
B class genes led to sex reversal via a homeotic transforma- species have unisexual flowers, 460 are monoecious, and 340
tion of stamens into carpels (Sather et al. 2010) confirming are dioecious. Some species produce a mixture of bisexual,
the view that sex determination in spinach is based on the female, and male flowers in various intra- and inter-individual
regulation of B class gene expression. patterns, and populations can be andromonoecious, androdi-
oecious, gynomonoecious or gynodioecious (Kocyan et al.
Mercurialis annua 2007). Phylogenetic studies suggest that dioecy is the ances-
Mercurialis annua has a simple genetically-based sex deter- tral state in this family (Zhang et al. 2006). However, as
mining system. There seem to be three unlinked loci—A/a, various switches to monoecy or to other types of reproductive
B1/b1, and B2/b2—which act complementarily. The male systems, including androdioecy, have occurred during the
plants usually need the dominant A allele and at least one evolution of Cucurbitaceae, it is therefore difficult to precisely
dominant B allele. Moreover, in Mercurialis sex can be ascertain how old the sex chromosomes in a given species are
modulated by exogenously applied growth regulators. In (Renner et al. 2007). The best-studied genus containing dioe-
females, the presence of trans-zeatin was shown. An appli- cious species is Bryonia. Genetic crosses between the dioe-
cation of auxin leads to masculinisation of female flowers cious B. dioica and the monoecious B. alba in 1903 provided
(Hamdi et al. 1987). Khadka et al. (2002) reported the the first clear evidence for Mendelian inheritance of sexual
characterization of a previously identified male-specific phenotypes (dioecy) and made B. dioica the first organism for
11 Chromosomes and Sex Differentiation 179

which the XY sex-determination was experimentally proven compounds involved in pollinator attraction differ signifi-
(Correns 1928b). Applying molecular tools to this system, cantly between sexes, suggesting that selection for higher
Oyama et al. (2009) showed that the size of the non-recom- attractiveness among competing males is mediated by the
bining region may differ between the north-European and sensory ecology of the pollinator (Waelti et al. 2009). In
southern-European populations. Important data concerning addition, males produce on average up to 16 times more
the possible mechanisms of flower sex determination in flowers than pollinated females (Laporte and Delph 1996).
monoecious Cucurbitaceae were recently obtained in melons This difference in flower number may be driven by a combi-
(C. melo) and in the cucumber (C. sativus, see Sect. nation of male competition and, at least partly, by a higher
in this chapter). consumption of resources by developing seeds in pollinated
female flowers, which results in a trade-off between seed
Date Palm (Phoenix dactylifera) size and flower number. The difference in flower number is
The date palm is a dioecious species displaying strong dimor- less pronounced in non-pollinated females, which produce
phism between pistillate and staminate flowers. Siljak- on average only four times fewer flowers than males
Yakovlev et al. (1996) described a cytological method using (Laporte and Delph 1996; Steven et al. 2007). It also seems
chromomycin staining that demonstrates the occurrence of sex reasonable to expect that differences in the vegetative parts
chromosomes based on distinctive nucleolar heterochromatin. of plants evolved in concert with the flower types or archi-
This offers the possibility of identifying male and female tecture of inflorescences carried by the plant. Many
individuals by a simple analysis of root meristems. This obser- sexually-dimorphic traits could evolve as a consequence of
vation has been extended by in situ rDNA hybridization, their correlation with other sexually dimorphic traits and so
confocal microscopy and dual-label flow cytometry of nuclei they need not be of adaptive value (Dawson and Geber
(Siljak-Yakovlev et al. 1996). The mechanism of arrest of 1999). For instance, correlations between flower size and
gynoecium development in the date palm appears to be similar the size of the stem leaves have been reported in many
to that in Silene latifolia. The earliest sex-related difference in species (reviewed by Dawson and Geber 1999). Variation
flower buds is observed when the number of cells in the in sex-limited genes with pleiotropic effects and/or linkage
gynoecium of pistillate flowers is higher than that in their between sex-limited loci also occurs in S. latifolia (Steven
staminate counterparts. In the pistillate flower, staminodes et al. 2007). These authors statistically predicted that selec-
(sterile stamens) display precocious arrest of development tion for increased flower number in males along with weak
followed by cell differentiation. In the staminate flower, selection for increased flower size in females could lead to
pistillodes (sterile gynoecium) undergo some degree of differ- dimorphic evolution in several other traits including leaf
entiation, but their development ceases shortly after the ovule mass.
has been initiated. Staminode and pistillode cells exhibit Almost all of the sexually dimorphic traits in S. latifolia
nuclear integrity although they do not show any accumulation described so far become apparent only after the initiation
of histone H4 gene transcripts. These results suggest that the of flowering. Notable exceptions to this include: sex-
developmental arrest of sterile sex organs and the subsequent dimorphism in the long-term survival of buried seeds and
unisexuality of date palm flowers result from a cessation of cell burial induced dormancy in S. latifolia (Purrington and
division and precocious cell differentiation rather than from Schmitt 1995), and sex-dimorphism in emergence time and
cell death (Daher et al. 2010). time to flowering (Doust et al. 1987; Purrington and Schmitt
1998). Zluvova et al. (2010) provided molecular evidence that
sexually dimorphic gene expression is present in S. latifolia at
11.3 Sexual Dimorphism the rosette stage, a long time before the initiation of flowering.
Recently, Janoušek and Mrackova (2010) have taken up
Sexual dimorphism, the sex-specific expression of some the so far neglected question of how a system based on two
genes not involved directly in sex determination, presum- separate sex-controlling pathways regulated by genes pres-
ably results from different modes of selection operating in ent on the Y chromosome (Charlesworth and Charlesworth
males and females: males are limited in their reproductive 1978) is transformed into a system controlled by the X/A
success by access to mates, whereas females are more lim- ratio in some species (as in some species of Rumex).
ited by resources (Bateman 1948; Jones et al. 2002). In They suggest the following scenario. In the first step
animals, the evolution of sexual dimorphism is primarily (Fig. 11.5a), dioecy evolves from gynodioecy via a
driven by competition between males and selection for traits gynoecium-suppressing gene in the proximity of the male
recognized by females as indicators of male fitness fertility controlling gene. This process is promoted by
(reviewed by Hall et al. 2000). Similar principles may be sexually antagonistic selection. The original theory
at work in animal-pollinated plants. In S. latifolia, odor- (Charlesworth and Charlesworth 1978) supposes just one
180 B. Janoušek et al.

Fig. 11.5 The evolution of the sex-determining pathways in plants. switch in the sex-determining pathway. Sexual dimorphism (controlled
(a) The theory of the origin of dioecy via male sterility as suggested by by SAG-M) is improved step-by-step and starts to act before the Y-linked
Charlesworth and Charlesworth (1978). Both the gynoecium suppressor genes involved in female and stamen development. At a certain stage, the
and the stamen (anther) promoter act independently, but their coordina- expression of both the gynoecium suppressor and the stamen promoter
tion is achieved by their proximity on the Y chromosome or by their becomes sex limited as a consequence of their adaptation to sex specific
location in the non-recombining region of the Y chromosome. expression profiles of other genes. (d) The restructuring of the sex
(b) Formation of sex chromosomes. Accumulation of sexually antagonis- chromosomes. The gynoecium suppressor and stamen promoting gene
tic genes (SAG) and the reduction of recombination frequency between (s) are lost from the Y chromosome and transferred to the autosome(s).
gynoecium suppressing and male fertility controlling genes creates sex (e) The origin of an X/A based sex-determining system. SAG-M is lost
chromosomes. For simplicity, only one sexually antagonistic gene is from the Y chromosome and transferred to an autosome. The X/A ratio
presented. SAG-F means a sexually antagonistic allele advantageous becomes crucial for sex determination as SAG-M pushes development
for females, and SAG-M means a male advantageous sexually antagonis- toward the male direction in contrast to SAG-F that pushes development
tic allele of the same gene. (c) A sexually antagonistic gene(s)-based toward the female direction
11 Chromosomes and Sex Differentiation 181

male sterility mutation, implying that the male fertility locus control of sex determination is co-opted by alternative
of the gynodioecious ancestor is identical with the anther- mechanisms, such as an X/A ratio mechanism. The switch
promoting gene of the resulting dioecious species. The pos- could be similar to the mechanisms described in fishes and
sibility of a step-wise shift in stamen arrest was discussed by insects (reviewed by Sch€utt and N€othiger 2000; Volff et al.
Zluvova et al. (2005), but does not essentially change the 2007). One of the genes, “a slave” in the sex-determining
predictions of the model. In a second step (Fig. 11.5b), pathway located on the X chromosome, can become “a
sexually antagonistic selection continues and improves the master”. Simultaneously, the function of this new master
linkage of the sex-determining loci. Sex chromosomes that gene is influenced by genes located on autosomes. An
are created by this process can continue to accumulate sexu- important prerequisite of this kind of transformation of the
ally antagonistic alleles (Rice 1984). Even in species that are sex-determining system is that stamen promotion and gynoe-
at this stage of sex determination, it is possible to find early cium suppression are controlled by the same pathway. This
expressed sexual dimorphism (e.g., Silene latifolia; Zluvova fifth step in the evolution of the sex-determining pathway
et al. 2010). may have been reached in hemp (Cannabis), hop (Humulus),
In the third step (Fig. 11.5c), sex-determining genes start and sorrel (Rumex).
to accommodate to the sex-specific gene expression patterns Veltsos et al. (2008) performed computer modelling
controlled by the sexually antagonistic gene(s) (SAG) and experiments in order to explain spread of neo-sex
their expression starts to be controlled by these genes. Even- chromosomes in the grasshopper Podisma pedestris. In this
tually, the gene(s) that previously controlled sexual dimor- species, neo-X chromosomes (autosomes fused to original
phism become(s) sex-determining gene(s). It is known that X) and neo-Y chromosomes (unfused autosome) have
sexually antagonistic genes evolve fast (reviewed in spread and become fixed in a large geographical territory.
Qvarnstr€ om and Bailey 2009) and a good example of this Computer modelling experiments showed that the continu-
in plants is the Y-linked genes from S. latifolia. The lack ous invasion of the neo-Y chromosome (carrying a sexually
of a Y chromosome in S. latifolia cannot be completely antagonistic allele) in the hybrid zone can cause selection in
compensated for by the presence of the genome of the favour of the neo-X chromosome. Afterwards, also the neo-
related species S. viscosa, and anther defects in hybrids Y chromosome that is, in the initial phase, continuously
between S. latifolia and S. viscosa resemble two different removed by selection can be selected for as a consequence
mutants lacking part of the Y chromosome (Zluvova et al. of the neo-X accumulation. Interestingly, the same mecha-
2005). The active role of the Y chromosome in sex determi- nism may be involved in the spread and fixation of the
nation is still preserved because the new sex-determining degenerated Y chromosomes. It is apparent that, in many
locus is still located on the Y chromosome. An important plant (e.g., Carica papaya, Silene latifolia, and Asparagus
difference from the previous stages is that connection officinalis, reviewed by Ming et al. 2007) and animal species
between the control of stamen promotion and anther sup- (e.g., most mammals, reviewed by Wilhelm et al. 2007) this
pression is established. This creates new possibilities for the evolution is not complete because many species still rely on
evolution of the sex-determining system. In a plant species an active role of the Y chromosome in sex determination.
possessing this kind of sex determination, a single master Instability of sex expression and/or cytologically homo-
gene mutation should be able to cause a male to female morphic sex chromosomes are sometimes taken as a sign of
transformation. the primitive status of the evolution of sex-determining
In the fourth step (Fig. 11.5d), two things could have systems (e.g., Vyskot and Hobza 2004). Data obtained in
happened. The original sex-determining loci could be lost the animal models, however, suggest that even very
from the Y chromosome by chance or the translocation of advanced sex-determining systems (as in mammals) can
the original sex-determining region to the autosomes could show a considerable plasticity of sex expression (e.g.,
be supported by Y chromosome degeneration due to the Bianchi 2002). Only comparative sequencing and phyloge-
absence of recombination. Since stamen promotion and netic analyses can answer the question of the age of sex-
gynoecium suppression are already controlled by the single determining pathways.
controlling pathway, the genotypes possessing a transloca-
tion of these genes to autosomes can be selected for because
they can escape from the process of degeneration. The 11.4 The Current Status of Research and
change of the position of these genes does not influence the Prospects for the Future
sexual phenotype, as they have sex-limited expression and
are controlled by the gene derived from the gene that An overview of currently used approaches for studying sex
initially controlled only sexual dimorphism. determination in plants and their inter-connection is
In the fifth step (Fig. 11.5e), the secondary sex- provided in Fig. 11.6. Separation of the chromosome(s) by
determining locus loses its controlling role as well, and microdissection and chromosome sorting is the most
182 B. Janoušek et al.

Fig. 11.6 A diagrammatic sketch of the methods frequently used for Nowadays, traditional molecular subtractive methods are replaced by
the isolation and characterization of sex-linked DNA. Dissection of comparisons of different DNA databases. Genetic mapping is still the
chromosomes is the method of choice for generating complex probes basic method for analysis of DNA markers and their linkage to pheno-
for FISH (fluorescence in situ hybridization), constructing chromosome- typically interesting mutations (AFLP—amplified fragment length
specific libraries and as a tool for mapping DNA markers using specific polymorphisms; RAPD—Random Amplification of Polymorphic
chromosomes as a template. A subtractive approach (e.g., RDA— DNA). A combination of genetic maps with information on complete
representational difference analysis) is used for the isolation of genome sequences is a key approach for the identification and isolation
sample-specific DNA (e.g., in the comparison of male and female of novel genes and the deduction of their function
genomic DNA or the comparison of sex-specific expression patterns).

straightforward technique for isolating chromosome-specific phenomenon for regulating the level of expression in
DNA. The use of these techniques enabled researchers organisms with degenerating sex chromosomes?
to isolate the first active plant Y-linked gene (Delichere
et al. 1999). Moreover, the construction and utilization of - Acknowledgment This research was supported by the Grant Agency
chromosome-specific libraries and the use of sorted chromo- of the Czech Republic (grants P501/10/0102, 522/09/0083, and
somes as complex probes has improved our knowledge of
sex chromosomes, mainly in Rumex acetosa and Silene
latifolia. However, only the few species with morphologi-
cally different chromosomes are suitable for dissection References
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Holocentric Chromosomes
Petr Bureš, František Zedek, and Michaela Marková

Contents 12.1 Introduction

12.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
12.2 Recognition and Verification of Holocentrism . . . . . . . 187
In contrast to the “normal type” of monocentric mitotic
chromosomes, where spindle attachment is restricted to a sin-
12.3 Occurrence of Holocentric Chromosomes in Plants
gle kinetochore, holocentric1 chromosomes are those in
and Other Organisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
which spindle microtubules attach along the whole length
12.4 Chromatin Structure of Holocentric Chromosomes . 189 through kinetochores that cover a substantial part of their
12.5 Mitosis in Holocentrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191 poleward surfaces during mitosis. In addition, holocentric sis-
12.6 Meiosis in Holocentrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191 ter chromatids are interconnected along their whole length
12.6.1 Holokinetic Meiosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194 before anaphase disjunction, unlike monocentric chromatids,
12.6.2 Telokinetic Meiosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194 which cohere only in the pericentromeric area. The morpho-
12.7 Holocentric Karyotypes and Their Evolution . . . . . . . . 195 logical distinctions between monocentric and holocentric
12.7.1 Symploidy and Agmatoploidy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196 chromosomes are associated with differences in chromatin
12.7.2 Polyploidy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 structure and modified mitosis or meiosis, as well as karyotype
12.7.3 The Enigmatic Case of Luzula: Concerted Fission and
True Polyploidy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
evolution of the holocentrics themselves. In this chapter, we
will survey these aspects of holocentrism and also discuss some
12.8 How and Why Holocentric Chromosomes Originate 202
hypotheses on the origin of holocentric chromosomes, their
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204 patterns of occurrence and methods of verification, particularly
among plants.

12.2 Recognition and Verification

of Holocentrism

Multiple spindle attachment along chromosomes was first

unwittingly observed by pioneers of the study of
chromosomes, such as the Belgian Édouard van Beneden
and the Germans Richard Hertwig and Theodor Boveri, at
the end of the nineteenth century. Using light microscopy
and sophisticated staining techniques, they depicted a dis-
tinct and novel pattern of cell division in their cytogenetic
model, the horse roundworm Ascaris megalocephala (¼
Parascaris univalens; Nematoda, Ascaridida). The first to

To avoid confusion with the more narrowly defined term
P. Bureš (*) “holokinetic”, which describes meiotic chromosome behaviour as the
Department of Botany & Zoology, Masaryk University, Kotlářská 2, opposite of telokinetic behaviour, we prefer to use the term
Brno 611 37, Brno 621 00, Czech Republic “holocentric” to indicate the opposite of the monocentric chromosomal
e-mail: nature.

I.J. Leitch et al. (eds.), Plant Genome Diversity Volume 2, 187

DOI 10.1007/978-3-7091-1160-4_12, # Springer-Verlag Wien 2013
188 P. Bureš et al.

anaphase of monocentric mitosis, a typical “V-shape” of

chromosomes can be observed due to the specific binding
of microtubules to the centromere. The parallel segregation
of holocentric chromosomes results in the formation of dupli-
cate anaphase plates, suggesting that the metaphase plate has
been split equatorially into two mirrored halves.

Fig. 12.1 Mitosis in holocentric organisms. Sister chromatids are 12.3 Occurrence of Holocentric
represented by the same shading, either dark or light grey and both
the kinetochore and microtubules are black. (a) Prophase:
Chromosomes in Plants and Other
chromosomes after replication. The chromatids are connected length- Organisms
wise by cohesins, and kinetochore formation begins (CENH3-bound
domains in black). (b) Metaphase: condensed metaphase chromosomes Holocentrism is a stable, species-specific feature.2 Although
congress at the equatorial plate, while kinetochores occupy the whole
this phenomenon is much rarer than monocentrism, its occur-
poleward sides of the chromosomes. (c) Anaphase: migration of sister
chromatids parallel to the equatorial plate rence is not randomly distributed, but phylogenetically clus-
tered in several eukaryotic lineages. It is a synapomorphic trait
for some families, genera, and subgenera in land plants and for
recognize the peculiarity of holocentric chromosomes was the some classes, orders and families in animals.
American zoologist and cytologist Franz Schrader (1935) in In early diverging angiosperms, holocentrism has been
mealy bugs (Hemiptera). The holocentric chromosomal struc- identified in Myristica fragrans (Myristicaceae,3 Magnoliales,
ture was confirmed experimentally by Schrader’s wife Sally Flach 1966). In the monocot clade, it has been found in the sister
and Hans Ris using X-radiation to generate chromosome families of Juncaceae4 and Cyperaceae5 (Poales, de Castro
fragments that behaved like individual chromosomes and et al. 1949; La Cour 1953; Håkansson 1958; Nordenski€ old
were consistently transmitted to the next cell generation
(Hughes-Schrader and Ris 1941). To prove the existence of
holocentric chromosomes in angiosperms, this reliable exper- 2
A similar state, sometimes considered to be transitional between
imental method was first applied to Luzula (Juncaceae) by the monocentrism and holocentrism, is the formation of a neocentromere,
Portuguese cytogeneticists de Castro et al. (1949). a chromosomal region that differs in its sequence and structure but can
Besides X-rays (Roentgen rays), gamma rays can also be function like a centromere in meiotic chromosomes. However, the
neocentromere in plants is more likely just an aberrant structure that
applied to seeds, flower (inflorescence) buds, rhizome buds or occurs occasionally in some individuals or populations (Dawe and Hiatt
young root tips to study putative holocentric plants. Using this 2004). The majority of plant neocentromeres are the outcome of mei-
method, the presence of chromosome fragments in subsequent otic drive (Dawe and Hiatt 2004), which is one of the possible
cell generations and the absence of potential micronuclei are mechanisms that has been suggested to explain the origin of holocentric
chromosomes (see Sect. 12.8).
considered proof of holocentrism (La Cour 1953; Godward 3
Holocentric chromosomes have been studied in detail only in the
1954; Håkansson 1954; Nordenski€ old 1963, 1964; Flach 1966; economically important nutmeg tree Myristica fragrans. Although
Bokhari 1976; Tanaka and Tanaka 1979; Sheikh et al. 1995; chromosome counts have been reported for seven additional species
Vanzela and Colaço 2002). The presence of holocentric in Myristicaceae, accounting for approximately 2% of the species
richness of the family (Bolkhovskikh et al. 1969; Goldblatt and Johnson
chromosomes can be further confirmed by immunostaining
2010), the lack of detailed cytological analysis means that the presence
methods using a labelled antibody designed to bind one of the of holocentric chromosomes is unclear.
proteins in the centromere/kinetochore complex (usually 4
Although holocentrism has been experimentally confirmed several
CENH3). In the case of holocentric chromosomes, the signal times in the genus Luzula, it has been proposed to exist but not
from the labelled antibody is present along the whole chromo- satisfactorily proven in the genus Juncus (Godward 1985) and other
monotypic genera of Juncaceae (but see Sect. 12.7.3). In addition, in the
some, whereas the signal is localized only at the centromere in
closely related family Thurniaceae (comprising four species of Thurnia
monocentric chromosomes (Nagaki et al. 2005; see and Prionium), there is currently no karyological research so it is
Sect. 12.4). Using light microscopy, the holocentric nature of unknown whether holocentric chromosomes are present here
chromosomes can also be observed at mitotic metaphase, (Bolkhovskikh et al. 1969; Goldblatt and Johnson 2010).
when the absence of a primary constriction is more apparent, This represents the third most species-rich monocot family after
orchids and grasses. Numerous studies from the latter half of the
and the sister chromatids are oriented parallel to the equatorial twentieth century reported localized centromeres in Cyperaceae from
plate (Fig. 12.1b). The positioning of the chromatids during S Asia, but these studies were rightfully doubted by Greilhuber (1995),
mitotic anaphase, when they are pulled broadside towards who considered them to be based on chromosomal constrictions
opposite poles due to the attachment of the spindle fibres observed during mitotic prophase or metaphase, when chromosomes
are not entirely contracted. Holocentrism has since been definitively
along the entire length of the chromosome is also typical for confirmed experimentally in several taxa and should thus be considered
holocentric chromosomes (Fig. 12.1c). In contrast, during as a family synapomorphy (Greilhuber 1995).
12 Holocentric Chromosomes 189

1963, 1964) and separately in the genus Chionographis have never been found in gymnosperms, ferns or
(Melanthiaceae,6 Liliales,7 Tanaka and Tanaka 1979). In bryophytes.10 Among animals, holocentric chromosomes
the eudicot clade of angiosperms, it is present in the genera are widespread throughout several invertebrate groups,
Cuscuta8 (Convolvulaceae, Solanales, Pazy and Plitmann including Nematoda, Onychophora, Dermaptera, Heter-
1994) and Drosera (Droseraceae,9 Caryophyllales, Sheikh optera, Sternorrhyncha, Auchenorrhyncha, Lepidoptera,
et al. 1995). In total, holocentric chromosomes are estimated Odonata, Phthiraptera, Psocoptera, Trichoptera, and Zorap-
to occur in almost 5,500 angiosperm species (approxi- tera, and are occasionally found in some families or orders in
mately 1.5–2% of flowering plants), covering a wide Arachnida or Chilopoda. So far they have not been reported
variety of life strategies including trees (Myristica), in vertebrates (reviewed in more detail by Mola and
perennial graminoids or annual herbs (Juncaceae, Papeschi 2006).
Cyperaceae), parasites (Cuscuta), bulbous geophytes Because the majority of karyological studies in plants
(Chionographis), and carnivorous hemicryptophytes have been limited to counting chromosomes, monocentrism
(Drosera). Holocentric plants exhibit variation in breeding seems to be the predominant state among angiosperms. In
strategies because although many are hermaphrodites, they part this is because it has automatically been assumed to be
also include some dioecious taxa (Myristica, some species present in all taxa in which holocentric chromosomes have
of Carex, Kobresia, Didymiandrum and Scirpus) and not been proven using other cytogenetic techniques. In fact,
even gynodioecious taxa (Chionographis, Eriophorum in addition to the group of taxa in which holocentrism has
vaginatum, Juncus kraussii, and J. roemerianus). Agamo- been conclusively identified, it is possible that it may also be
spermy alone has never been satisfactorily confirmed present within genera which have been assumed to be all
(when tested) in holocentric plants. There is no apparent monocentric but not studied in detail. For instance, in the
geographical preference among holocentric taxa. Although largely monocentric genus Cuscuta, it was only through
the most species-rich holocentric genus Carex, which detailed karyotype analysis that holocentric chromosomes
accounts for almost 2,000 species, is distributed primarily were identified in subgenus Cuscuta.
in the temperate to the arctic climatic zones of the Northern
hemisphere, many other holocentric genera occur prefer-
entially in tropical areas.
12.4 Chromatin Structure of Holocentric
Outside the angiosperms, holocentric chromosomes have
been reported in some green algae (Desmidiales and
Zygnematales; Godward 1954; King 1960) but so far they
An initial study by Ray and Venketeswaran (1978) analysed
the distribution of constitutive heterochromatin and deter-
mined that C-bands were dispersed along the entire length of
the holocentric chromosomes of Luzula elegans (¼
The subfamily Chionographioideae comprises two monotypic L. purpurea) and L. multiflora, in contrast with the centro-
genera—Chionographis and Chamaelirium. Given the presence of
meric location of C-bands in Vicia faba, the representative
holocentric chromosomes in Chionographis, it has been suggested
that Chamaelirium luteum may also possess such chromosomes. How- monocentric organism used by these authors. However, the
ever, cytological studies have so far failed to show whether the 18 dispersed pattern of heterochromatin was not confirmed in
chromosomes, which are very small compared with other species in subsequent investigations of holocentric taxa using C- or Q-
Melanthiaceae, are holocentric or monocentric (Thomas Meagher, per-
banding (Drosera: Sheikh and Kondo 1995; Rhynchospora:
sonal communication).
7 Vanzela and Guerra 2000; Cuscuta: Guerra and Garcı́a
The putative holocentrism reported by Chakravorti (1948a, b) in the
families Zingiberaceae and Musaceae from the monocots was not 2004). In the chromosomes of these holocentric taxa, hetero-
confirmed in later studies. chromatin was observed to be localized in the terminal or,
Holocentrism is present in the Cuscuta subgenus Cuscuta, whereas less frequently, interstitial or median regions. This is there-
monocentrism has been confirmed in the subgenus Monogyna. fore not so different from species with monocentric
Recently, holocentric chromosomes were also found in some taxa of
the subgenus Grammica (Guerra et al. 2010), in which monocentrism
chromosomes where, in addition to the centromeric location
was expected. In the subgenus Grammica, the sizes of the genomes and that prevails in small chromosomes (<3 mm), terminal or
chromosomes are highly divergent (McNeal et al. 2007), which could interstitial heterochromatin regions are also frequently
indirectly suggest the presence of holocentrism (see Sect. 12.7.1). observed (Guerra 2000).
In Aldrovanda, a related monotypic genus of Droseraceae,
chromosomes are very small and isodiametric without any apparent
primary constriction, but their holocentric nature has never been satis-
factorily confirmed. The monotypic genus Dionaea from the same
family, however, possesses monocentric chromosomes, as does The unclear centromeric status reported by Vaarama (1954) in the
Drosophyllum, a monotypic genus recently separated into a different moss Pleurozium schreberi which is sometimes considered to be
monotypic family. holocentric, is actually neocentromeric activity (Dawe and Hiatt 2004).
190 P. Bureš et al.

No clear differences between holocentric and monocentric several megabases. Large arrays of centromeric satellite
chromosomes were found in either the location of ribosomal repeats may be intermingled with centromeric retrotransposons
DNA (rDNA) arrays or the portion of rDNA arrays associated (Jiang et al. 2003; Ma et al. 2007), as observed in grasses with
with the nucleolar organizer (Greilhuber 1995; Vanzela et al. specialized centromeric retrotransposons of the Ty3-gypsy
1998, 2003; Guerra and Garcı́a 2004; da Silva et al. 2010). superfamily. In monocentric chromosomes, the length and
Nevertheless, substantial structural differences between motif of the centromeric satellite DNA monomer may be
holocentric and monocentric plant chromosomes have been species-specific. Examples of this species specificity are the
recognized in (1) the amount and distribution of the kineto- 180 bp pAL1 repeat in Arabidopsis thaliana (Nagaki et al.
chore/centromeric proteins, (2) the number and location of 2003), the 156 bp CentC repeat in maize (Ananiev et al.
centromere-like satellites and (3) the phosphorylation pattern 1998) and the 155 bp CentO repeat in rice (Cheng et al. 2002).
of the canonical histone H3, which is temporally and spatially Centromeric satellites have also been found in
associated with the cohesion of sister chromatids. holocentric chromosomes. Based on the homology to
The proteins of the kinetochore/centromere complex are RCS2 (rice centromeric sequence 2, another name for
conserved across all eukaryotes. The centromere-specific CentO), Haizel et al. (2005) isolated and characterized a
variant of histone H3 (CENH3) plays a key role in this Luzula centromeric satellite (LCS1) from Luzula nivea
complex. In monocentric chromosomes, CENH3 is (Juncaceae). In this species and nine other congeners, the
interspersed with canonical H3 only at the centromeres, LCS1 monomer was shown to range in length from 173 to
deliminating the boundaries of the centromere (Jiang et al. 178 bp and was arranged in tandem arrays within the
2003). To see whether a similar pattern was also found in genome. The total size of these tandem arrays was about
species with holocentric chromosomes Nagaki et al. (2005) 50 kb, which is less than the shortest known centromeric
studied the distribution of LnCENH3 (= CENH3 in Luzula satellite array in flowering plants (65 kb in centromere 8 of
nivea). As expected, immunostaining with an antibody Oryza sativa: Cheng et al. 2002). It is possible that the
against LnCENH3 confirmed previous ultramicroscopic uncommonly short LCS1 arrays may be connected with the
observations which showed that the functional kinetochore origin of holocentric chromosomes (see Sect. 12.8).
extends along the entire length of the poleward faces of the LCS1 arrays in chromosomes of Luzula nivea are unique
mitotic metaphase chromosomes, with the exception of the not only in size, but also in location. They occur along all 12
telomeric regions (Bokhari and Godward 1980). In cross- chromosomes of L. nivea, with at least five clusters per
section, in which the chromosome is viewed axially (end- chromosome, whereas the centromeric satellite arrays of
on from the telomere), the kinetochore was observed to be monocentric organisms are restricted to the core of the
embedded in the outside groove, that runs along the chromo- localized centromere. The arrays of LCS1 are associated
somal axis (Bokhari and Godward 1980; Nagaki et al. 2005). with heterochromatin and co-localize with the kinetochore,
This groove-embedding of the kinetochore seems to be com- suggesting that they are incorporated into regions that func-
mon, at least in the genus Luzula, given that it was also tion as centromeres in holocentric chromosomes (Haizel
observed in the transverse sections of mitotic chromosomes et al. 2005). During interphase, the centromeric histone
in Luzula elegans (¼ L. purpurea; Braselton 1971). homolog LnCENH3 may be associated with LCS1, and
Unlike monocentric organisms, in which the amount of together, this complex may determine the chromosomal
CENH3 is constant throughout the cell cycle, the amount of regions from which the formation of the linear-shaped kinet-
LnCENH3 varies throughout the cell cycle in Luzula nivea. ochore begins. However, the assembly of the kinetochore
During interphase, LnCENH3 is clustered in small, dis- along the whole chromosome raises a question as to how
persed areas, and its levels increase significantly from pro- the formation of the kinetochore can span euchromatic,
phase to metaphase and then decrease from anaphase to expressed regions. In Caenorhabditis elegans, this problem
interphase (Nagaki et al. 2005). A similar pattern has also seems to be solved by a mechanism related to RNA interfer-
been observed in the holocentric nematode model organism ence. Initially, the transcripts from protein-coding regions
Caenorhabditis elegans (Buchwitz et al. 1999), suggesting become substrates for RNA-dependent RNA polymerase,
that varying amounts of CENH3 during the cell cycle may which creates new antisense transcripts. Subsequently, ribo-
provide a way to distinguish holocentric chromosomes from nuclease cleaves the newly formed transcripts to generate
monocentric ones. small RNAs that are antisense to the original transcripts of
In contrast to the conservation of centromere/kinetochore the protein-coding genes. These small RNAs interact with
proteins across eukaryotes, centromeric DNA is highly vari- specific proteins, and together, they stabilize chromatin and
able in (1) the arrangement and number of satellite repeats and kinetochores, similar to the pericentromeres of monocentric
(2) the length and nucleotide sequence of the respective chromosomes (Claycomb et al. 2009). It is likely that a
monomers. The amount of centromeric DNA also varies similar mechanism based on the RNA interference-related
widely between and within species, from tens of kilobases to pathway also works in holocentric plants.
12 Holocentric Chromosomes 191

The cell cycle-dependent phosphorylation of canonical The structure of the diffuse kinetochore is very similar to
histone H3, which seems to be required for the cohesion of the organization of the classical trilaminar kinetochore
sister chromatids (Gernand et al. 2003; Houben et al. 2007), identified in monocentric chromosomes using electron
is another feature that distinguishes the structure of microscopy (Rieder 1982). The gradual formation of the
holocentric and monocentric chromosomes. In monocentric kinetochore can be visualized using the centromere/kineto-
plants, the phosphorylation of H3 is restricted to the chore protein CENH3. While CENH3 occupies discrete
pericentromeric regions during mitosis and meiosis II, domains during interphase (Fig. 12.1a), these regions move
whereas H3 is phosphorylated along the entire chromosome closer to form a continuous lengthwise kinetochore at the
during prophase I, when the sister chromatids are held poleward side of each chromatid during mitosis (Fig. 12.1b).
together along their whole length (Manzanero et al. 2000). Holocentric and monocentric chromosome behaviour is
In contrast, in holocentric plants such as Luzula nivea roughly similar during prometaphase, in which kinetochores
and L. luzuloides (Juncaceae) or Rhynchospora tenuis attach end-on to dynamic microtubules to congress
(Cyperaceae), the phosphorylation of H3 occurs along entire chromosomes to a very tight metaphase plate. During meta-
chromosomes during both mitosis and meiosis (Gernand phase, the holocentric sister chromatids are oriented parallel
et al. 2003; Nagaki et al. 2005; Guerra et al. 2006). to the equatorial plate, just as monocentric chromatids are.
During anaphase (Fig. 12.1c), sister chromatid cohesion is
resolved, and chromatids are pulled along their entire length
12.5 Mitosis in Holocentrics to the spindle poles. As a result, their parallel orientation
persists during the anaphase movement, and the holocentrics
Upon entry into mitosis, both monocentric and holocentric lack the “V-shape” typical of monocentrics. Because the
chromosomes become more compact in structure (reviewed sister chromatids are pulled towards the poles by the spindle
by Stack and Anderson 2001), and sister chromatids must be microtubules which act along the entire length of
held together to prevent aneuploidy caused by premature the chromosomes neither the preferential orientation nor
segregation. In this process, condensin and cohesin proteins the spatial localization of the telomeres (Rabl-orientation)
have a key role. Condensin I facilitates the general conden- form in interphase nuclei.
sation of chromatin, while condensin II creates a rigid chro-
mosome structure (Maddox et al. 2004). The adhesion of
chromatids is ensured by cohesins (Ono et al. 2003). 12.6 Meiosis in Holocentrics
The stronger tension of holocentric chromatids due to the
large target area for microtubule attachment creates a special The main scenario for meiotic prophase I is the same in
requirement for more compact condensation and more holocentrics as in monocentrics. In both, sister11 chromatids
extensive cohesion compared with monocentric chromatids. are interconnected over their whole length by cohesion and
The more rigid structure of holocentric chromatids is homologous chromosomes align to enable the formation of
ensured by the dominant activity of the condensin II com- the synaptonemal complex and recombination via crossover.
plex along the entire length of the chromatid. In monocentric
chromosomes, condensin II is enriched only in the centro-
mere/kinetochore region, so their arms are not as rigid as In mitosis, the sister chromatids are clearly defined both in
those in holocentric chromosomes. Extensive cohesion holocentrics and monocentrics as two identical (daughter) chromatids
derived from duplication (replication) of one and the same chromosome
along the whole length of sister chromatids ensures their
during of the cell cycle [see e.g., King RC, Stansfield WD, Mulligan PK
close parallel orientation before spindle attachment and (2006) A dictionary of genetics. 7th Ed. Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford].
that their distance does not dramatically increase when bipo- In meiosis, the term “sister” regarding to patchwork chromatids
lar attachments form (Maddox et al. 2004). Theoretically, recombined via crossover is not so easy to define in holocentrics as in
monocentrics where connection of centromeres defines which two
the large surface area of the kinetochore in holocentric chromatids are sister while those which are not joined by a common
chromosomes increases the likelihood of attachments to centromere are non-sister (¼ homolog) chromatids [see e.g., Brooker
the microtubules emanating from the opposite spindle RJ (2009) Genetics: analysis & principles. 3rd Ed. McGraw-Hill Irwin,
poles (merotelic attachment), which could result in improper New York, p. 49, 821]. In holocentrics, the “majority rule” defines
sister and non-sister chromatids meaning that sister chromatids share
chromosome segregation and, thus, aneuploidy (Knowlton
longer identical segments originated via replication, while non-sister
et al. 2006). However, the lengthwise cohesion of rigid chromatids share shorter absolutely identical segments. From a practi-
chromatids leads to a fixed (back-to-back), bipolar chroma- cal viewpoint, the terms “sister” and “non-sister” well fitted to mitotic
tid orientation and thus restricts the attachment of a particu- chromosomes are universally conserved by such additional criteria
(common centromere or “majority rule”) for any type (mitosis or
lar kinetochore to a single spindle pole, ensuring that each of
meiosis, holocentric or monocentric) or phase (pre- or postrecombi-
the sister kinetochores attaches to the opposite spindle pole national) of cell division to overcome the difficulty that no original
(Stear and Roth 2002). sister chromatids are present anymore after recombination.
192 P. Bureš et al.

Each round of meiotic division in both chromosomal types for each pair of homologs (Meneely et al. 2002). During late
is associated with one-step loss of cohesion between prophase, the homologs desynapse and are remodeled into a
chromatids. The main differences between holocentric and cross-shaped bivalent (Fig. 12.2a, b). The position of the
monocentric chromosomes are (1) the way in which sister chiasma determines the shape of the bivalent where the longer
chromatid cohesion is lost, (2) the number of crossover sites axis separates sister chromatids while the shorter axis
per bivalent and (3) the orientation of the chiasma within the separates nonsister chromatids regarding majority rule (see
bivalent to manage the segregation. footnote 11). Cohesins and the HORMA proteins (HTP-3
In monocentrics, sister chromatid cohesion in the arms is and HIM-3) remain homogeneously distributed, connecting
released, and only the centromeric regions remain connected chromatids on both the long and short arms of the bivalent
during meiosis I. The connection between non-sister (Nabeshima et al. 2005). In contrast, the distribution of other
chromatids is retained at the chiasmata while the remaining proteins is associated with particular chromosomal axes and
internal cohesion of the sister chromatids is protected at the the anaphase-specific release or retention of these other
centromeres by members of the MEI-S332/Shugoshin protein proteins specifies the direction of the bisection of the bivalent.
family (Sakuno et al. 2009). Moreover, the sister kinetochores The meiosis-specific proteins HTP-1 and HTP-2 (of the
are covered by the kinetochore protein MIS12, which causes HORMA domain family) and LAB-1 (a nematode-specific
both kinetochores to present a shared face to the microtubule- protein) are depleted on the short axis and are retained on the
binding proteins and allows the “co-orientation” of the sister long axis, where cohesion is retained until meiosis II (de
chromatids during meiosis I (Li and Dawe 2009). This “co- Carvalho et al. 2008; Martinez-Perez et al. 2008). In contrast,
orientation” is later changed to a “bi-orientation”, and the the SYP proteins associate with the short arms, (where cohe-
remaining cohesion between the centromeres is resolved dur- sion is lost during meiosis I) (Pasierbek et al. 2001; shown in
ing meiosis II, similar to mitotic division. yellow in Fig. 12.2g and hypothetically expected and shown
Holocentric chromosomes lack a predefined site for the also in yellow in postreductional type in Fig. 12.2b, c, d), and
protection of cohesion in meiosis I, so the chiasma serves as occupy domains where HTP-1/2 and LAB-1 are depleted (de
an alternative point of reference. In contrast to monocentrics, Carvalho et al. 2008; Martinez-Perez et al. 2008). The persis-
the number of crossover sites appears to be limited in tence of SYP-1/2 on the short axis correlates also with the
holocentrics, occurring only once or twice per bivalent recruitment of the Aurora-like kinase AIR-2, which directs the
(White 1973). Indeed, a deleterious effect caused by the loss of sister chromatid cohesion through the phosphorylation
formation of more than two chiasmata was observed by of the cohesin subunit REC-8 and its subsequent cleavage by
Nokkala et al. (2004). Each chiasma persists to the end of separase (Rogers et al. 2002). This spatiotemporal protein
metaphase I, holding the four chromatids in a cross-shaped diversification allows sister chromatids to switch between the
bivalent (Fig. 12.2b), and following further condensation “co-orientation” and the “bi-orientation” during meiotic
this gives rise to the so-called “box configuration” anaphases.
(Fig. 12.2c, d, g; Nordenski€ old 1962). The orientation of Whereas the attachment of microtubules in mitosis
the meiotic bivalents on the metaphase plate mediates the always occurs along the whole poleward face of each chro-
stepwise loss of sister chromatid cohesion. The cohesion is matid (holokinetic), two types of microtubule attachments
released in those parts of the bivalent lying on the equatorial exist in meiosis. Depending on whether the orientation of the
plate (shown in yellow in Fig. 12.2d, g), allowing segrega- meiotic bivalent is equatorial or axial, microtubule attach-
tion toward the opposite poles during meiosis I, whereas ment is holokinetic (Fig. 12.2e, f) or telokinetic (Fig. 12.2h, i),
those chromatid parts lying above and below the equatorial respectively.12 Both types differ from conventional mono-
plate (oriented axially) remain connected (Fig. 12.2e, h). centric meiosis, which is pre-reductional (i.e the reduc-
Because there is an absence of detailed knowledge about tional division is followed by the equational division)
meiosis in plant holocentrics, the detailed studies in (Fig. 12.2j–l). Assuming two alternative successions of the
Caenorhabditis elegans can serve as a model to show how
the crossover position can direct the holocentric chromo-
some orientation. It should be noted that C. elegans is an
animal model and that molecular mechanisms described As a consequence of the fission or fusion of chromosomes, trivalents
are sometimes formed during meiosis: two fragments are homologous
below might differ from those of holocentric plants, espe-
to one non-fragmented chromosome, or one fused chromosome is
cially in the proteins involved in meiotic division, although homologous to the two non-fused ones. Two types of segregation are
it is likely that general principles would be similar. More- possible in this case. In the first case (telokinetic meiosis), the larger
over, C. elegans exhibits telokinetic meiosis whereas most chromosome migrates to one pole, whereas the two shorter
chromosomes migrate to the other pole during meiosis I. In the second
holocentric plants show holokinetic behaviour (see below
case (holokinetic meiosis), two triads of individual chromatids segre-
and Sects. 12.6.1 and 12.6.2). During meiosis in C. elegans, gate. This specific situation, if observed, could be also used to identify
the number of crossover sites is limited to a single chiasma the holokinetic or telokinetic type of meiosis.
12 Holocentric Chromosomes 193

Fig. 12.2 Comparison of meiosis in holocentric (a–i) and monocentric chiasma resolution. (d) Equatorial orientation of bivalents. (e) “Sister”
(j–l) organisms. Sister segments of chromatids are represented by the chromatids (corresponding to larger sister segments) segregate (equa-
same color, either grey or blue, kinetochores and microtubules are tional step), while half-bivalents (short axis) remain connected. (f)
black, cohesion between chromatids is indicated in red, proteins asso- Chromatids are dragged broadside (reductional step). (g) Axial orien-
ciate specifically with the axis laying in the equatorial plate are in tation of a bivalent. (h) “Sister” chromatids (corresponding to larger
yellow (in d [Luzula] hypothetically expected based on analogy with sister segments) move together (reductional step) pulled by the chro-
Caenorhabditis), and the equatorial plate is indicated by the dotted line. mosome ends. (i) Chromatids segregate, pulled by their ends, which
Holocentric chromosome behaviour is shown in prophase I (a–c; here were inactive during meiosis I (equational division). (j) Equatorial
postreductional type), holokinetic meiosis (d–f; Luzula), telokinetic orientation of the bivalent; sister parts of chromatids are connected.
meiosis (g–i; Caenorhabditis), monocentric meiosis (j–l), metaphase (k) Chromosome homologs segregate, retaining the junction only in the
I (d, g, j), anaphase I (e, h, k), and anaphase II (f, i, l). (a) Removal of centromeres (reductional step). (l) Sister chromatids segregate, pulled
the synaptonemal complex and the remodelling of chromosomes. (b) at the centromeres (equational division)
Cross-shaped bivalent. (c) The “box configuration” of the bivalent
resulting from the further condensation of the chromosome and the

divisions, the post-reductional type was identified in axis so that the whole homologous chromosomes move to
holocentric species, in contrast to the pre-reductional in opposite poles. In contrast, holokinetic meiosis begins with
monocentrics (Wahl 1940). Actually, regarding the position the separation of the long axis (the sister chromatids), mean-
of the crossover site in the telokinetic (pre-reductional) ing that the reductional step occurs during the second divi-
meiosis, the cohesion proteins are released from the short sion. Thus, the terms holokinetic and telokinetic seem to be
194 P. Bureš et al.

more appropriate for the description of chromosomal mei- Schwarzstein et al. 2010). In C. elegans, as noted above,
otic movement in holocentrics. Regardless of the type of only one crossover forms between homologs (Meneely et al.
chromosomal movement (holokinetic, telokinetic, or 2002), and the cross-shaped meiotic bivalent is oriented
monokinetic), the final product of meiosis (i.e., four axially so that the short axis lies in the equatorial plate
gametes), is the same. (Fig. 12.2g; Albertson and Thomson 1993). In telokinetic
meiosis, the kinetic activity of the holocentric chromosomes
changes from dispersed in mitosis to localized in meiosis,
12.6.1 Holokinetic Meiosis and the kinetochore forms a cup-like shape (Dumont et al.
2010). This conformation ensures the encasement of sister
Most data on holokinetic meiosis have been obtained from chromatids together to promote their movement as a single
Juncaceae (Nordenski€ old 1962), Cyperaceae (Da Silva et al. functional unit during meiosis I (Monen et al. 2005), similar
2005) and Cuscuta (Convolvulaceae; Pazy and Plitmann 1987, to the connection of the monocentric sister kinetochores (Li
1994). Although this type of meiotic behaviour seems to be and Dawe 2009). The ends of the chromosomal axes repre-
typical for plants with holocentric chromosomes, it has also sent two potential “localized meiotic centromeres” that can
been observed in some animals, for example, during meiosis in mediate chromosome spindle interactions. Depending on the
the female mealybug Planococcus citri (Bongiorni et al. 2004). crossover site, one end becomes active. Thus, the active
The segregation of sister chromatids has also been documented chromosome end is oriented to the spindle pole during
for univalent chromosomes, such as the X and Y chromosomes meiosis I (Fig. 12.2h: end A), and the other end (Fig. 12.2i:
of some holocentric insects (Nokkala et al. 2004) and the B end B) is then active during meiosis II.
chromosome of Cuscuta babylonica (Pazy 1997). In C. elegans, the kinetic activity is localized at the
During metaphase I, the long axes of the cross-shaped chromosome end that is opposite to the chiasma, whereas
meiotic bivalents lie in the equatorial plate so that most of in the insect Triatoma infestans (Heteroptera), the kinetic
the sister chromatid cohesin is released upon anaphase I activity may alternatate between the chromosome ends,
(Fig. 12.2d). This type of release allows the “bi-orientation” which are differentiated by the presence or absence of a
of sister chromatids and their segregation to opposite spindle terminal C-band, irrespective of the chiasma position
poles (equational division; Fig. 12.2e). Connections along (Pérez et al. 1997). Similarly, in different somatic cell
the non-sister chromatids (short axis) are retained at the end types of the nematode Parascaris univalens, the kinetic
of the chromosome in a small region connected with chi- activity can be associated with either heterochromatin or
asma (shown in red in Fig. 12.2e). This chromosome struc- euchromatin (Goday and Pimpinelli 1989), indicating that
ture is also known as a half-bivalent or demi-bivalent (Pazy the kinetic activity in holocentric chromosomes is not depen-
and Plitmann 1987). The kinetochore plate covers the entire dent on a specific nucleotide sequence but rather is epige-
chromatid in a manner similar to that seen during the netically controlled (Sullivan et al. 2001). A clear example
holocentric mitotic anaphase and the chromatids are of a telokinetic plant species is from Chionographis
pulled along their entire length (Nordenski€ old 1962, 1963). (Melanthiaceae).13 Tanaka and Tanaka (1979) determined
In Luzula species, homologous chromatids re-associate that there were four Japanese Chionographis taxa with
during the short meiotic interphase and remain paired holocentric chromosomes. The meiotic behaviour of two of
until the end of metaphase II (Nordenski€ old 1962), enabling these—C. japonica and C. japonica var. hisauchiana—was
them to become correctly oriented to opposite poles later (Tanaka and Tanaka 1980) studied, revealing that
during metaphase II and to subsequently segregate in a Chionographis bivalents orient axially during meiosis and
holokinetic manner during anaphase II (Fig. 12.2f). undergo reductional separation in the first meiotic division
In contrast, only telomeric associations between homolo- and equational division in the second.
gous chromatids remain until the second meiosis in Cuscuta,
enabling a reductional division (Pazy and Plitmann
2002). Both of these types of chromosome associations
(i.e., re-associated and only terminally associated) were
observed by Strandhede (1965a) in Eleocharis palustris
subsp. palustris. 13
In plants, telokinetic meiosis was reported in Luzula elegans by
Malheiros et al. (1947), who suggested that during anaphase I and II,
the kinetic activity is restricted to both ends of each chromosome. This
12.6.2 Telokinetic Meiosis species was later analysed more precisely by Östergren (1949), who
claimed that L. elegans chromosomes undergo inverted meiosis (i.e.,
holokinetic behaviour). The holokinetic chromosomal behaviour has
The appropriate model of telokinetic meiosis is the also been reported in other species of Luzula (Nordenski€old 1962,
nematode Caenorhabditis elegans (Maddox et al. 2004; 1963; Braselton 1971, 1981).
12 Holocentric Chromosomes 195

Table 12.1 Rate of chromosomal rearrangement in holocentric and

12.7 Holocentric Karyotypes and Their monocentric taxa
Evolution Chromosome type/taxon Rearrangement ratea
The range of chromosome numbers encountered in Lepidoptera 1.370–3.300b
Nematoda 0.500–0.700b
holocentric plants is almost as wide as that in monocentric Monocentrics
plants. Despite the rarity of holocentrism (see Sect. 12.3), we Diptera 0.05253–0.08485c
find that within the very small group of six angiosperm Brassicaceae 0.00357–0.01071c
species which possess the lowest chromosome number so Poaceae 0.00013–0.00041c
Solanaceae 0.00010–0.00029c
far reported in angiosperms (n ¼ 2),14 the holocentric spe- Mammalia 0.00006–0.00030c
cies Rhynchospora tenuis (Vanzela et al. 1996). Indeed, very a
Number of chromosomal breakages (Mb/millions of years); not
low chromosome numbers are not rare among other calibrated by generation time
holocentric species, as n ¼ 3 has been recorded in b
Data taken from d’Alençon et al. (2010)
Eleocharis subarticulata, Fimbristylis narayanii, F. Data taken from Ranz et al. (2001)
umbellaris, Luzula elegans, and Drosera roseana
(Malheiros-Garde and de Castro 1947; Rath and Patnaik
rearrangements are likely to generate the wide range of kar-
1978; Nijalingappa and Tejavathi 1984; Kondo et al. 1994;
yotype variation more effectively in holocentric taxa than in
da Silva et al. 2005), and n ¼ 4 has been found in Cuscuta
monocentric ones. Indeed, a much higher chromosomal rear-
babylonica (Pazy and Plitmann 1987, 1994). At the other
rangement rate was detected in holocentric organisms, such as
end of the scale, we find some holocentric plants with
the nematodes and butterflies, compared with monocentric
extremely high chromosome numbers, such as some taxa
organisms (Brassicaceae, Poaceae, Solanaceae, Mammalia;
of the family Cyperaceae including Eleocharis kuroguwai
Table 12.1) using the number of chromosomal disruptions in
(n ¼ c. 98; Hoshino 1987), Cyperus pangorei (n ¼ 104;
the available genome sequences of the taxa in relation to their
Nijalingappa and Tejavathi 1984), and C. cyperoides
genome size (Mb) and divergence time (millions of years).
(n ¼ 110; Tejavathi 1988). Similarly, a wide range of chro-
Within groups of related monocentric plants, a pure arith-
mosome numbers seems to be common in holocentric
metic relationship among chromosome numbers is usually
animals. For example, the extremely low chromosome num-
sufficient to detect recent polyploidy events (or true aneu-
bers of n ¼ 1 and n ¼ 2 have been reported in the germline
ploidy15). However, in holocentric taxa, this empirical pattern
cells of the nematode Parascaris univalens (Ascaridae;
is often obscured by frequent chromosomal rearrangements,
Goday et al. 1988) and in the insect Lethocerus sp.
particularly chromosomal fissions (agmatoploidy) and fusions
(Belostomatidae, Heteroptera; Papeschi and Bressa 2006),
(symploidy). Moreover, in some holocentric organisms, the
respectively, whereas exceptionally high numbers of
relatively clear presence of polyploidy could be illusory due to
chromosomes have been found in some butterfly species:
complete agmatoploidy (concerted fission), which occurs, for
n ¼ 147150 in Plebicula dorylas (Lepidoptera,
example, in Luzula (see Sect. 12.7.3.). Therefore, chromosome
Lycaenidae; Kandul et al. 2004), n ¼ c. 150 in Abananote
counting must be combined at least with the measurement of
erinome (Lepidoptera, Ithomiidae; Brown et al. 2007), and
DNA content to reliably evaluate the role of polyploidy in
n ¼ 223 in Polyommatus atlantica (¼ Lysandra atlantica;
holocentric taxa. A combination of both parameters, such as
Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae; de Lesse 1970). The latter is the
average chromosome size (C/n ¼ 2C DNA/2n; Šmarda et al.
highest chromosome number so far reported for any animal
2008) could serve as a criterion in which stability (conditioned
(Marec et al. 2009). Holocentric desmid algae also exhibit
by a linear relationship between 2C and 2n) indicates the
chromosome numbers that vary extensively, ranging from
presence of polyploidy or true aneuploidy if chromosome
n ¼ 2 in Spirogyra cylindrica to n ¼ c. 200 in
number is variable. Conversely, an increase or decrease in
Micrasterias rotata, and n ¼ 592 in Netrium digitus (King
C/n could suggest fusion or fission events, respectively (see
1960). As in monocentric plants, both polyploidy and chro-
Nishikawa et al. 1984). Unfortunately, as has been observed in
mosomal rearrangements are likely to be the main forces that
some monocentric organisms, the proliferation or removal of
increase the range of chromosomal variation. In animals,
retrotransposons can also be very rapid over short evolutionary
however, where polyploidy is less frequent, chromosomal
scales in holocentric organisms, and can thus also be responsi-
ble for increases or decreases in chromosome size within

Such a low chromosome number has been found in only five other
angiosperms: Zingeria biebersteiniana, Colpodium versicolor,
Brachycome dichromosomatica, Haplopappus gracilis, and The gain or loss of a particular chromosome or chromosomes due to
Ornithogalum tenuifolium (Cremonini 2005). non-disjunction during irregular meiotic chromosomal segregation.
196 P. Bureš et al.

genera, subgenera or other groups of related taxa independent from n ¼ 5 to n ¼ 134 (Brown et al. 2004, 2007; Marec
of chromosome number changes. The estimation of the et al. 2009). Furthermore, out of all the animal genera which
retrotransposon density in the genome of a particular species have been examined cytologically, the 48-fold range in
is a further parameter that should be taken into consideration in chromosome numbers in the insect genus Apiomorpha
the study of holocentric karyotype evolution (see Zedek et al. (n ¼ 296; Hemiptera, Eriococcidae; Cook 2000) and the
2010). Additionally, the study of multivalent formation during 13.4-fold range encountered in the butterfly genus
the first meiotic metaphase or a comparative analysis of the Agrodiaetus (n ¼ 10134; Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae;
FISH patterns in particular species could be helpful for Lukhtanov and Dantchenko 2002; Lukhtanov et al. 2006)
detecting individual chromosomal fission/fusion events or are considered to be the most extensive (Cook 2000) and
other chromosomal rearrangements, particularly at the intra- both these genera possess holocentric chromosomes.
specific level (see da Silva et al. 2005, 2008a). Indirect evidence that agmatoploidy and symploidy are
ongoing processes in plant species with holocentric
chromosomes is suggested by the occurrence of univalents
12.7.1 Symploidy and Agmatoploidy or heteromorphic trivalents, which are frequently observed
in meiosis I in several taxa of Cyperaceae, particularly Carex
Although in monocentrics, chromosomal fission usually (Wahl 1940; Tanaka 1949; Faulkner 1972; Hoshino 1981;
results in the deletion of acentric fragments (see Lysák and Luceño and Castroviejo 1991; Luceño 1994; Hoshino and
Schubert 2013, this volume), such usually deleterious effects Waterway 1994; Escudero et al. 2008) and Eleocharis
are largely prevented in holocentric species by the nature of palustris subsp. palustris (Strandhede 1965a). Furthermore,
their chromosomes. Moreover, the extended kinetochore intraplant variations in chromosome number suggest a high
reduces the risk of forming dicentric chromosomes, which frequency of fission or fusion, such as observed in Carex
after fusion, are often lethal in monocentric organisms. Given disticha (Luceño 1992), Eleocharis palustris subsp.
these observations and predictions it is perhaps not surprising waltersii (Strandhede 1965b, 1966; Bureš et al. 2004) and
that agamatoploidy and symploidy can play prominent roles in in Luzula multiflora, L. nivea and L. luzuloides (Kuta et al.
karyotype evolution of holocentric species compared with 2004), where the stability of DNA content contrasts strongly
monocentric ones. (Heilborn 1924; Luceño and Castroviejo with the extensive variability in chromosome number.
1991; Hipp 2007; Hipp et al. 2007; Escudero et al. 2008; Hipp A detailed analysis of particular chromosomal fusions in
et al. 2009). In agreement with the higher rearrangement rate local populations of Eleocharis maculosa was performed by
detected in holocentric organisms (Table 12.1), the probabilis- da Silva et al. (2008a). These authors found three cytotypes
tic models of karyotype evolution in Carex (Cyperaceae) favor with 2n ¼ 6, 7, and 8, compared with the common cytotype
the gain or loss of an individual chromosome as the most of 2n ¼ 10, and explained their origins by fusions of partic-
probable mode of karyotype evolution in sedges, suggesting ular non-homologous chromosomes using a sophisticated
that fission or fusion has a more important role than polyploidy combination of conventional mitotic methods, FISH (using
in this process (Hipp et al. 2009; Mayrose et al. 2010). 45S rDNA, 5S rDNA and telomere probes) and an analysis
Recurrent chromosomal fission and/or fusion during kar- of meiotic chromosome pairing. The structural heterozygos-
yotype evolution can lead not only to a wide range of ity of all three Eleocharis maculosa cytotypes suggests that
chromosome numbers (see Sect. 12.7), but also to an almost they could not be assumed to be stabilized, creating chromo-
continuous (dysploid) series of chromosome numbers within somal races (see da Silva et al. 2008a). Although meiosis
particular holocentric families, genera, sections or other could be irregular in holocentric structural heterozygotes
infrageneric taxa.16 Examples of karyotype variation in (possessing an unbroken chromosome together with its
some holocentric plant genera are given in Table 12.2. The homolog fragments or a fused chromosome with its non-
extremely broad and continuous karyotype variation on a fused homologs), the newly fused (or fragmented) karyotype
small evolutionary scales can also be found in animals with could easily be homologized via selfing or backcrossing and
holocentric chromosomes, such as the butterflies of subsequently fixed, for example, by mechanisms of genetic
Nymphalidae (the most specious family of Lepidoptera) drift resulting in local chromosomal races. Indeed, this out-
where the chromosome number ranges nearly continuously come was observed in Carex conica by Hoshino and Water-
way (1994), C. sociata by Ohkawa et al. (2000), and
C. scoparia var. tessellata by Hipp et al. (2010).17 Some
In some holocentric taxa, the wide range of intraspecific variation
may also be associated with true aneuploidy, for example, in Eleocharis
uniglumis s. l. (2n ¼ 4451, 5356, 5989, 92; Strandhede 1965b,
1966; Bureš 1998), where the chromosome number and DNA content The presence of more than one cytotype in the species was
are linearly correlated (Bureš and Kneřová unpubl.). Other examples of documented in more than 100 species of Carex and many other taxa
true aneuploidy in Carex are reviewed by Hipp et al. (2009). of Cyperaceae (Roalson 2008; Hipp et al. 2009).
12 Holocentric Chromosomes 197

Table 12.2 Variation in chromosome number in some holocentric plant genera

Family/genus Range Haploid chromosome number (n)
Droseraa, b, c 13.3-fold 3–7, 9–17, 20, 23, 30, 32, 36, 40
Chionographisd 1.8-fold 12, 21, 22
Luzulaa, b, e 14.0-fold 3, 6–16, 18, 21, 23, 24, 26, 31, 33, 35, 36, 42
Juncusa, b 10.6-fold 9, 10, 13, 15–24, 30, 32, 34, 35, 40, 42, 45, 50, 53, 54, 60, 66, 67, 85
Carexf, g 11.6-fold 5–47, 50, 52–58
Eleocharisf, h 36.0-fold 3–16, 18–30, 36–44, 47–50, 68, 86–92, 100, 108
Cyperusf 22.4-fold 5, 8, 9, 12, 13, 15–32, 34–45, 47–50, 52–60, 62–64, 66–69, 76, 80, 93, 98, 104, 110, 112
Rhynchosporaf, i 12.5-fold 2, 4–13, 15, 18–22, 24, 25
Bolkhovskikh et al. (1969)
Goldblatt and Johnson (2010)
Rivadavia et al. (2003)
Tanaka and Tanaka (1979)
Nordenski€old (1951); Kirschner (1992)
Roalson (2008)
Rotreklová et al. (2011)
Strandhede (1965b, 1966); Bureš (1998)
Luceño et al. (1998); Vanzela et al. (2000, 2003)

stable, species-specific bimodal karyotypes, such as those in geographic patterns in chromosome variation in Carex, con-
Eleocharis palustris subsp. palustris and E. mamillata (2n ¼ sidered these intraspecific chromosomal geographic clines in
12M þ 4L; Strandhede 1965b; Bureš et al. 2004), sedges to most likely have resulted from the stochastic
Fimbristylis complanata (2n ¼ 12M þ 4L; Yano and effects of chromosome divergence associated with species
Hoshino 2006), or Luzula alpina (2n ¼ 12AL þ 24BL; range expansion rather than by any environmentally directed
Kirschner 1992; Bačič et al. 2007), could be assumed to adaptive selection in chromosome number.
have originated via symploidy or agmatoploidy then fixed A phylogenetic trend of decreasing chromosome number
through this mechanism. On the other hand, in holocentric associated with an increase in chromosomal size has been
organisms, the degree of complexity of such karyotype suggested for Eleocharis. In this genus species with the
rearrangements should probably be higher than that in largest chromosomes are found in the evolutionary youngest
monocentric organisms in order to create a sufficiently effec- subgenus (Eleocharis subgen. Eleocharis), while those spe-
tive reproductive barrier necessary for speciation. This point cies with numerous and very small chromosomes are found
was argued by Hipp et al. (2010), who analysed the rate of in the early diverging phylogenetic lineages comprising
gene flow among populations within the sedge species Carex subgenera Limnochloa and Zinserlingia (Yano et al. 2004;
scoparia and C. pachystachya, which both display extreme da Silva et al. 2008b; Zedek et al. 2010). A similar pattern
inter-population divergence in chromosome number. might also be present in Schoenus (Bhatti et al. 2007). In
A rather intriguing question is whether these symploid or contrast, the Luzula species with the largest chromosomes,
agmatoploid “small steps” in the evolution of holocentric L. elegans, occupies a position that is sister to all other
karyotypes have resulted from a stochastic or a deterministic Luzulas based on the latest phylogenetic tree of this genus
process. The geographic trend in karyotype orthoselection18 (Záveská-Drábková and Vlček 2010). In Carex, an evolu-
can be inferred from the chromosome variation in Carex tionary trend from lower to higher chromosome numbers
laevigata, in which 2n increases from 69 in the Pyrenees was assumed by the early studies of Heilborn (1924)
Mountains, continues to increase along the northern and and in light of recent phylogenetic data the Heilborn hypo-
western shores, and reaches 84 at the southern tip of the thesis seems to hold generally over the broad evolutionary
Iberian Peninsula (Luceño and Castroviejo 1991; Escudero scale. Carex species with the lowest numbers and largest
et al. 2008). Hipp et al. (2009), who also reviewed other chromosomes (C. siderosticta, C. pachygyna, and C. ciliato-
marginata) belong to section Siderosticae which forms a
clade sister to the rest of the genus (Waterway et al. 2009).
In this genus, however, the opposite trend was also found at a
Karyotypic orthoselection occurs when a particular type of chromo- finer scale by Hipp (2007), who tested various probabilistic
somal rearrangement is present recurrently in a phylogenetic lineage
(White 1973). In this case, the presence of fission or fusion is assumed models on the North American species of Carex sect. Ovales
to have occurred. and demonstrated that the processes of increasing and
198 P. Bureš et al.


Ratio largest / smallest average chromosome size within particular genus



5 µm
Luzula elegans c Luzula pilosa c




20 –––––––––––

Monocentrics a Holocentrics b

Median 25%-75% Non-outliers ––––– Outliers and Extremes

Fig. 12.3 Divergence in chromosome size within monocentric and chromosome size, the ratio between the largest and the smallest chro-
holocentric plant genera in which the chromosome number and the mosome was calculated. (b) Eight genera are represented using data for
amount of nuclear DNA are known for at least two species. The inner Drosera, Scirpus, Cyperus, Carex, and Juncus from the Plant DNA
box illustrates the 168-fold difference in the size of chromosomes in the C-values Database (Bennett and Leitch 2005) and data for Eleocharis
genus Luzula. (a) 2C and 2n data for the 333 genera taken from the Plant (Zedek et al. 2010), Cuscuta (subgenera Cuscuta and Grammica;
DNA C-values Database (Bennett and Leitch 2005). For each species in McNeal et al. 2007) and Luzula (Barlow and Nevin 1976). (c) Taken
which the somatic DNA amount and chromosome number are both from Nordenski€ old (1951); Luzula elegans: 2n ¼ 6, 2C ¼ 8.55 pg;
known, the average chromosome size was calculated. Subsequently, L. pilosa: 2n ¼ 66, 2C ¼ 0.55 pg (Barlow and Nevin 1976)
for all genera containing at least two species with a known average

decreasing chromosome numbers were non-random and were due to the extreme variations in chromosome number
present in various phylogenetic lineages. This observation (x-axis). Surprisingly, this was not found, instead a plot of
suggested that different kinds of orthoselection may have data for 64 holocentric species showed that the relationship
modulated rapid karyotype shifts during the early divergence was negative; the more chromosomes, the smaller the genome
of this section, resulting in recently different karyotypic size (Nishikawa et al. 1984; Roalson et al. 2007; Fig. 12.4).
equilibria within particular clades. This negative 2C/2n correlation could be explained by
If such divergent orthoselection is also common in other chromosomal fission sometimes resulting in minute
species with holocentric chromosomes, it should result in the fragments that are lost because they lack kinetochoric
rapid divergence of chromosome size over a relatively short properties. However, the loss of artificially-induced small
evolutionary time scale, for example, within genera. In fact, fragments has rarely been observed in holocentrics (de
such extensive divergence in chromosome size is clearly Castro et al. 1949). Instead, although no clear explanation
apparent more often in holocentric plant genera compared for the negative 2C/2n relationship has so far been found, it
with monocentric genera (Mann-Whitney, p ¼ 0.0003, is possible that agmatoploidy is accompanied by an unrec-
Fig. 12.3). ognized mechanism of DNA diminution in holocentric
If fission and fusion are the main causes of rapid chromo- organisms. Indeed, if the genome sizes of particular phylo-
somal size divergence in holocentrics, then one might expect genetic lineages of holocentrics are compared with their
that a plot of chromosome number (x-axis) versus genome sister monocentric relatives (Fig. 12.5), in almost all cases,
size (y-axis) would give a straight line parallel to the x-axis holocentrism is associated with the smaller genome size.
12 Holocentric Chromosomes 199

Fig. 12.4 Genome size versus chromosome number in holocentric monocentrics, Spearman’s Rho ¼ 0.09 (p < 105 for both). The
(black; N ¼ 64) and monocentric (grey; N ¼ 3624) angiosperm spe- monocentric palm Voanioala gerardii (Arecaceae; 2n ¼ 596;
cies for which both the genome size and chromosome number are 2C ¼ 60 pg) is outside of the scatter plot scale but was included in
known (Data taken from the Plant DNA C-values Database, Bennett the test
and Leitch 2005). For holocentrics, Spearman’s Rho ¼ 0.55; for

An alternative explanation for the observed negative 2C/2n and Juncus (Juncaceae; Cope and Stace 1985; Rooks 2008:
relationship is that chromosomal fusion (i.e., symploidy) has also confirmed by flow cytometry).
been accompanied by retrotransposon proliferation. Indeed, in In Cyperaceae, polyploidy (as described above) occurs in
the only study of retrotransposons in plants with holocentric Eleocharis (da Silva et al. 2008b, 2010: autopolyploidy in E.
chromosomes Zedek et al. (2010) found that massive sellowiana confirmed by FISH by a doubled number of
retrotransposon proliferation was responsible for the increased rDNA sites) and in Rhynchospora (Vanzela et al. 2000,
chromosome sizes in species of genus Eleocharis.19 In fact, the 2003: autopolyploidy in R. tenuis confirmed by rDNA
2C/2n relationship is significantly positive in this genus, at FISH). Based on the periodicity of prevailing chromosome
least in the recently diverged Eleocharis subser. Eleocharis, numbers, polyploidy is also assumed to occur in Fimbristylis
where both the largest chromosomes and the highest density of (Yano and Hoshino 2006), Bulbostylis and Abildgaardia
retrotransposons in the genus are found (Zedek et al. 2010). (Luceño et al. 1998). In Carex, the most specious genus of
Cyperaceae with more than 2,000 species, polyploidy
appears to be surprisingly rare (Hipp 2007; Hipp et al.
2007, 2009; Roalson 2008). The best-documented but rare
12.7.2 Polyploidy
example of intraspecific ploidy variation is in Carex
siderosticta, where autotetraploidy was confirmed based on
The positive 2C/2n linear correlation detected in Eleocharis
the formation of tetravalents during meiosis (Tanaka 1940,
(Zedek et al. 2010) suggests that in addition to agmatoploidy
1949). The other examples of proven polyploidy in Carex
and symploidy, polyploidy is as important mechanism of
dolichostachya, C. jackiana, and C. roraimensis are
holocentric karyotype evolution. The periodicities in the
reviewed in detail by Hipp et al. (2009); while some other
chromosome numbers indicate that polyploidy is likely to
cases are also discussed by Rotreklová et al. (2011). To
be present in several holocentric genera, such as Drosera
explain the lower frequency of polyploidy in this genus,
(Droseraceae; Rivadavia et al. 2003), Luzula (Juncaceae;
Heilborn (1934) hypothesized that the formation of
Kirschner 1992, 1995: also confirmed by allozyme analysis),
unreduced pollen dyads during pseudomonad pollen devel-
opment may be prevented. During ovular gametogenesis,
three of the four megaspores are aborted, and only one
develops into the ovule sac, whereas during regular pollen
In those species with the largest chromosomes, Ty1-copia LTR
retrotransposons (assuming that all were full-length) might form up to development in most angiosperms, all four microspore
70% of the genomic DNA (Zedek et al. 2010) nuclei develop into pollen grains, similar to spermatogenesis
200 P. Bureš et al.

Fig. 12.5 Genome size in holocentric plant species (black) compared genome than any other species of the family Melanthiaceae, to which
with related monocentric plants (grey) (Data taken from the Plant DNA it belongs (completed with the data from Pellicer et al. 2010; not
C-values Database, Bennett and Leitch 2005). (a) Holocentric angio- tested). (d) Holocentric species in the genus Drosera (N ¼ 6;
sperm species in which the somatic DNA amount is known (N ¼ 79) Droseraceae) have significantly smaller genomes than the putative
have significantly smaller genomes than the remaining putatively monocentric species in the sister families of Drosophyllaceae,
monocentric angiosperm species (N ¼ 4348; Mann Whitney, Nepenthaceae, Tamaricaceae, Plumbaginaceae, and Polygonaceae
p ¼ 0.000; outliers and extremes are not shown in the boxplot but are (N ¼ 26; Mann-Whitney, p ¼ 0.045). (e) The genome size of the
included in the test). (b) Holocentrics in the clades of Cyperaceae and holokinetic Myristica (N ¼ 2) does not differ from that of the puta-
Juncaceae (N ¼ 71) have significantly smaller genomes than the tively non-holocentric species in the sister families of Magnoliaceae,
monocentrics in the sister family Poaceae (N ¼ 470; Mann-Whitney, Eupomatiaceae, and Annonaceae (N ¼ 26; Mann-Whitney, not
p ¼ 0.000). (c) Holocentric Chionographis japonica has a smaller significant)

in animals. In contrast, during pseudomonad pollen meiosis C. lachenalii (Toivonen 1981) and C. remota 
in Cyperaceae, the degeneration of three of the four nuclei C. paniculata (Luceño 1994) was clearly shown during
occurs, similar to megasporogenesis. Among other pseudomonad development. The presence of polyploidy in
angiosperms, this type of pollen development is rare, and other Cyperaceae20 (see above) suggests the absence of a
currently only reported in the family Ericaceae (in some causal relationship between pseudomonad microsporogene-
genera of the subfamily Styphelioideae; Furness and Rudall sis and the low frequency of polyploidy in Carex.
2010). The remaining question is whether the opportunity
for polyploidy during “regular” pollen and egg development
depends more or exclusively on unreduced pollen produc-
12.7.3 The Enigmatic Case of Luzula: Concerted
tion, as was implicitly assumed by Heilborn. Recently,
Fission and True Polyploidy
the unreduced egg, not the unreduced pollen, was shown to
be the most likely source for the origin of polyploids
In the karyotypes of the holocentric genus Luzula
(Krahulcová et al. 2004; Ramsey 2007), even if the natural
(Juncaceae), at least three distinct size categories of
frequency of producing non-reduced gametes is similar
chromosomes are recognized: large (AL), medium (BL),
during microsporogenesis and megasporogenesis (Ramsey
and small (CL), where the relation between their sizes is
and Schemske 1998). Moreover, the rare occurrence of
unreduced pollen in Carex podogyna (Tanaka 1941),
C. recta (Cayouette and Morisset 1986a), C. aquatilis 20
The pseudomonad pollen formation was shown to be synapomorphic
(Cayouette and Morisset 1986b), and Eleocharis mamillata for the more derived clades of Cyperaceae, but absent in the early
(Strandhede 1965c) and in the hybrids Carex canescens  diverging clade of the subfamily Mapanioideae (Simpson et al. 2003).
12 Holocentric Chromosomes 201

1AL ¼ 2BL ¼ 4CL.21 The somatic chromosome numbers karyotype. A descending multiplicative decrease in the num-
of particular species are usually regular “euploids” with a ber of chromosomes has also been reported in some phylo-
basic chromosome number of x ¼ 6. In the larger size cate- genetic lineages of butterflies in the family Nymphalidae
gory (AL), four regular ploidy levels are present: diploids which have holocentric chromosomes (Brown et al. 2007),
(2n ¼ 12 AL; e.g., L. campestris subsp. campestris, suggesting an inverted process of concerted fusion.
L. pallidula, and L. taurica), tetraploids (2n ¼ 24 AL; Although this enigmatic pattern of concerted fission has
e.g., L. divulgata), hexaploids (2n ¼ 36 AL; e.g., L. been known for almost 60 years, no clear mechanism has
multiflora subsp. frigida) and octoploids (2n ¼ 48 AL; been found to be responsible for the half-breaking of the
e.g., L. congesta). In the medium size category, only one chromosomes in Luzula (Greilhuber 1995; Luceño and
unimodal karyotype, 2n ¼ 24 BL, is known, and it is found Guerra 1996; Madej and Kuta 2001; Guerra et al. 2010).
in L. fallax and L. calabra. The same is true in the smallest Roalson et al. (2007) hypothesized that the possible chromo-
category, where 2n ¼ 48 CL is present in L. sudetica. Based somal break points could be the remainders of telomeres
on this pattern, agmatoploidy supposedly operates at the within previously fused chromosomes.23 The typical chro-
diploid level, and agmatoploid chromosome sets are then mosomal “fragile sites” have been shown to be comprised of
carried to higher ploidy levels via allopolyploidy expanded microsatellites or AT-rich minisatellite arrays
(Nordenski€ old 1961; Kirschner 1992). Support for this so- (Sutherland et al. 1998) and it is possible that the break
called complete agmatoploidy (Luceño and Guerra 1996) or points on Luzula chromosomes are also comprised of satel-
concerted fission has been obtained from observations of the lite repeats possibly related to the LCS1 repeat identified in
meiotic behaviour of chromosomes in crosses between L. Luzula nivea (2n ¼ 12AL) by Haizel et al. (2005) and
pallescens (2n ¼ 12 AL) and L. sudetica (2n ¼ 48 CL), in shown to be present in at least five sites in each chromosome.
which each of the six large chromosomes (AL) was predom- Talbert et al. (2009) speculated that the chromosome
inantly associated with four smaller ones (CL; Nordenski€old “halves” or “quarters” that result from symmetric chromo-
1951, 1964). The estimation of DNA content in particular some breaks during karyotype evolution in Luzula could be
species also supports the presence of concerted fission (or analogous to the developmentally programmed DNA
concerted fusion) combined with polyploidy (Barlow and rearrangements that occur during the ontogenetic cycles of
Nevin 1976; Bačič et al. 2007).22 the round worm Parascaris univalens (Nematoda). In this
In a few rare cases, Nordenski€ old (1951) found two holocentric nematode, two chromosomes are present in the
cytotypes (fragmented and non-fragmented) within particu- germline cell lineage, whereas somatic cells contain about
lar species, such as Luzula spicata, where both the regular 60 small chromosomes that originate via fission of the two
diploid and complete agmatoploid patterns of 2n ¼ 12 AL large germline chromosomes. Moreover, the amount of
and 2n ¼ 24 BL, respectively, were observed. A putatively DNA is much lower in the somatic nuclei than in the
similar pattern was also documented in Juncus biglumis germline nuclei because these small fragmented
which belongs to the same family as Luzula. Here chromosomes originate from just the central part of the
Sch€onswetter et al. (2007) found three cytotypes, of which germline chromosomes. The distal ends of the germline
two, 2n ¼ 60 and 2n ¼ 120, differed an average of just chromosomes do not form daughter nuclei and degenerate
1.06-fold in their DNA content, suggesting the possibility in the cytoplasm of somatic cells in a process known as
of complete agmatoploidy in generating the 2n ¼ 120 chromatin diminution; a process that has also been detected
in several parasitic nematodes (Pimpinelli and Goday 1989;
Tobler and M€uller 2001). The vast majority of this
eliminated DNA is non-coding, but in rare cases, it contains
In addition to these three main size categories, giant (A0) and tiny a large number of genes (Nemetschke et al. 2010). Interest-
chromosomes are present in this genus in Luzula elegans
ingly, chromosomal breakpoints in Parascaris do not con-
(¼ L. purpurea) and L. pilosa, respectively. See inner box in Fig. 12.3.
22 tain the expected repetitive sequence motifs (Tobler and
An extremely high intraspecific and intraplant variation in chromo-
some number was found by Kuta et al. (2004) in the cultivated M€uller 2001) that are found in the “fragile sites” of
seedlings of Luzula multiflora, in which the somatic chromosome chromosomes (see above). The process of concerted fusion
number varied 6.83-fold (from 12 to 84), whereas the DNA content or fission could be facilitated by some kind of karyotype
varied just 1.04-fold (from 1.796 to 1.864 pg). This observation
orthoselection as proposed by Greilhuber (1995), for exam-
suggests a high frequency of agmatoploidy even during ontogenesis;
however, other studies have not documented such chromosome varia- ple, by meiotic drive (see Sect. 12.8).
tion in this species (Nordenski€old 1951; Kirschner 1992; Bačič et al.
2007). Because samples were based on seeds obtained from the Botani-
cal Garden of Stuttgart (Kuta et al. 2004), testing whether that observed
pattern is also present in natural populations or among progeny
cultivated from the seeds collected from wild plants of this species The probable presence of such fragile points on the chromosomes of
would be appropriate. Carex has also been speculated by Luceño (1994).
202 P. Bureš et al.

mosome25 or to metacentric (monocentric) chromosomes, as

12.8 How and Why Holocentric these authors suggested.
Chromosomes Originate Another elegant and simple mechanism for monocentric/
holocentric transition could be that the orthogonal direction
The scattered phylogenetic distribution of holocentrism of kinetochore formation against the chromosomal axes has
suggests that it has evolved independently several times turned by 90 , allowing the extension of kinetochores along
during the course of evolution (Dernburg 2001). However, the chromosome axis (Nagaki et al. 2005). This new kineto-
some authors theorize that the diffuse centromere is the chore formation would become embedded in the longitudi-
ancestral state and that localized centromeres represent a nal groove along the poleward chromatid surface, as is
specialized, derived structure (Mola and Papeschi 2006 and observed in holocentrics (see Sect. 12.4), rather than develop
references therein). This might be true in animals, where into the primary constriction seen in monocentrics. This
large holocentric clades alternate with monocentric lineages. putative change in the direction of kinetochore formation is
In land plants, however, holocentrics are only found among sometimes considered to be causally related to a lack of
angiosperms, where they are found in the terminal positions condensin I in holocentric chromosomes and co-localization
of phylogenetic trees, they should therefore be considered as of condensin II with CENH3 along the entire chromosomal
a derived character (Greilhuber 1995). The absence of tran- length (Ono et al. 2003, 2004; Hauf and Watanabe 2004), but
sient forms suggests that the change from monocentrism to is more likely to be a consequence, rather than a cause, of
holocentrism represents a significant jump similar to “major holocentrism (see Sect. 12.5).
evolutionary transitions” (sensu Maynard Smith and Research efforts should now focus on finding common
Szathmáry 1995), in which the complexity of chromosomes features among the isolated cases of holocentrism that could
is abruptly increased. The exact mechanisms that give rise to help to elucidate to what extent the transition from
holocentrics are still unknown although it is tempting to monocentric chromosomes to holocentric chromosomes (or
speculate that the origin of holocentric chromosomes is a vice versa) is a general predisposition for all eukaryotes.
very simple process, given that they have arisen indepen- However, even if there is a common (epi-)genetic predispo-
dently several times during the evolutionary history of sition to holocentrism, an open question remains: What are
plants. holocentric chromosomes good for?
Even though several hypotheses have been proposed, One explanation for the origin of holocentric
none of them have yet been confirmed or disproven. First, chromosomes is based on the mechanics of mitosis and
the holocentric state is proposed to arise through the spread meiosis (Diaz et al. 2010). During anaphase, mono-
of centromeric sequences from one location to multiple sites centric chromosomes are pulled toward opposite spindle
along the chromosomal arms. Such a spread could occur by poles with the centromere leading and the chromosomal
the proliferation of transposable elements that carry a cen- arms lagging, resulting in “V-shaped” chromosomes. Pulling
tromeric sequence or by centric fusions and subsequent chromosomes by one point (centromere) may impose a
pericentromeric inversions (Greilhuber 1995; Diaz et al. mechanical penalty because the chromosomes must be
2010). The transposition of retroelements in subtelomeric pulled far enough to ensure that they are not in the way of
regions combined with the modification of the tubulin-based the structures that divide the cell during cytokinesis. Indeed,
cytoskeleton was proposed by Villasante et al. (2007) to be such a mechanical penalty would be proportional to the
responsible for the origin of primitive centromeres from length of the chromosome. In contrast, holocentric chromo-
telomeres during “major evolutionary transitions” from pro- somes attach spindle microtubules along their entire length
karyotic to eukaryotic chromosomes. Such initially unstable and move to the poles in an orientation that is parallel to the
“ditelocentric” chromosomes could subsequently evolve equatorial plate. Thus, holocentric chromosomes could
into chromosomes with a holocentric organization24 by the make cell division easier, regardless of the length of the
continuous spreading of end sequences throughout the chro- chromosomes (Diaz et al. 2010).
Prevention of deleterious effects of chromosomal fission
or fusion due to the function of the kinetochore along the full
chromosome length seems to be a rather anthropocentric

24 25
Considering that terminal blocks of heterochromatin exhibiting “cen- Tandem repeats (including the telomeric repeat TTAGGC) are
tromeric activity” in telokinetic (holocentric) germline chromosomes indeed dispersed at multiple internal sites of the holocentric
of the nematode Parascaris univalens originated by the segmental chromosomes of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, although they
amplification of repeats derived from telomeric repeats (Niedermaier are more abundant at the ends (C. elegans Sequencing Consortium
and Moritz 2000). 1998).
12 Holocentric Chromosomes 203

explanation because death of an individual due to chromo- population despite their potentially negative effect on the
somal breakage usually has no impact on the survival of a fitness of their carriers (Talbert et al. 2009).
species itself. A theoretical exception might exist if some The expansion of centromeric satellite repeats can create
agent (e.g., irradiation) generates frequent chromosomal a larger (i.e., “stronger”) centromere that recruits more
breakages and thus confers selective advantage to the spe- kinetochore proteins and better attracts microtubules
cies in which survival is not diminished, i.e., holocentric (Malik and Henikoff 2009; Talbert et al. 2009), which may
relative to monocentric species. Theoretically, fragmenta- provide an advantage or disadvantage, depending on the
tion would increase if selection favored recombination, preferences of the poles, for this “stronger” centromere in
whereas fusion would be the result of selection for reduced the competition for the megaspore pole. A centromere with
recombination (Stephan 2007). The nature of the pressure such an advantage would quickly spread throughout a popu-
that would select for a certain recombination rate, however, lation and might even eventually become fixed. However,
remains a mystery. In some holocentrics (Caenorhabditis, the spreading of the “stronger” centromere within a popula-
Luzula), the crossover rate has been documented to be only tion might be accompanied by a number of negative effects.
one or two per homologous pair of chromosomes (Monen Any deleterious mutations carried on the respective chromo-
et al. 2005; Nordenski€ old 1962). Agmatoploidy might com- some would also spread within the population. In addition,
pensate for such lower recombination rates in holocentric the heterozygosity of the centromere variants could cause
organisms because it leads to an increase in chromosome imbalances and non-disjunctions during male meiosis,
numbers and thus also in the number of possible chromo- which often results in aneuploidy and/or increased male
somal combinations in zygotes (see Sect. 12.7). sterility (Henikoff et al. 2001). In plants, the deleterious
An interesting recent hypothesis suggests that holocentric effects of centromere drive caused by the expansion of
chromosomes might have evolved as a defense against the centromeric satellites on male fertility were documented in
accumulation of centromeric satellites via “centromere monkeyflowers (Mimulus; Fishman and Saunders 2008).
drive”, a special type of meiotic drive (Talbert et al. 2009). Centromere drive may also lead to skewed sex ratios in a
The centromere drive model, which has only been described population, as has been shown in birds (Rutkowska and
in monocentrics to date, postulates that some homologous Badyaev 2008).
centromere variants can be preferentially transmitted to the Any process or mechanism that suppresses centromere
next generation through non-random segregation in asym- drive would obviously be favored (Malik and Henikoff
metric meiosis (Henikoff et al. 2001), after which only one of 2009).26 A simple switch in the preference of the spindle
four meiotic products remains viable and becomes a mega- poles, for example, from capturing more/“stronger”
spore in plants or an egg in animals. The success of a certain centromeres to capturing fewer/“weaker” centromeres,
centromere variant depends on its orientation during the first would function against centromere drive. These switches
meiotic division (Malik and Henikoff 2009). The question have occurred many times during the evolution of mammals
remains as to how a centromere can achieve a preferential (de Villena and Sapienza 2001c). Mutations in kinetochore
orientation toward one of the poles. To explain this phenom- proteins, which interact with centromeric satellite repeats,
enon, the meiotic spindle has been proposed to have func- can also suppress centromere drive (Henikoff et al. 2001).
tional asymmetry (de Villena and Sapienza 2001a), meaning The specialized and fundamental function of centromeric
that the egg pole and the polar body pole differ in the number DNA binding proteins, such as CENH3 or CENP-C (centro-
of microtubules emanating from each and consequently, in meric protein C), in kinetochore assembly is well-conserved
their ability to capture centromeres. Thus, the egg pole across eukaryotes. Hence, they would be expected to evolve
captures more or “stronger” centromeres than the polar under the strong pressure of negative (purifying) selection.
body pole or vice versa. Chromosomal fusion, for example, Surprisingly, the reverse is true. The DNA binding domains
Robertsonian translocation (the fusion of two acrocentric of either CENH3 or CENP-C have been reported to have
chromosomes into one large metacentric chromosome), evolved rapidly in an adaptive manner in every investigated
reduces the number of centromeres. In human female meio- eukaryotic organism displaying asymmetric meiosis,
sis, Robertsonian chromosomes are preferentially transmit-
ted to the egg over the two non-fused, acrocentric homologs,
whereas the opposite behaviour is observed in mouse females. 26
Actually, this observation would be true in animals, which are usu-
In other words, the human egg pole preferentially captures ally gonochoric. In plants, the male sterility of structural heterozygotes
fewer centromeres, whereas the mouse egg pole captures (individuals possessing different types of homologous centromeres)
more centromeres (de Villena and Sapienza 2001b; should not decrease population fitness because these male-sterile
individuals have to produce sexual progeny exclusively via
Underkoffler et al. 2005). Similarly, the functional asymmetry
outcrossing, which would thus counterbalance the eventual inbreeding
of the meiotic spindle may maintain B chromosomes in a depression that originates due to the selfing of hermaphrodites. In other
words, a pattern similar to gynodioecy would result.
204 P. Bureš et al.

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Karyotype Diversity and Evolutionary Trends
in Angiosperms 13
Hanna Weiss-Schneeweiss and Gerald M. Schneeweiss

Contents 13.1 Introduction

13.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
Each species has a characteristic chromosome complement,
13.2 Trends in Chromosome Number Evolution . . . . . . . . . . 210
13.2.1 Chromosome Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210 its karyotype, which represents the “phenotypic appearance
13.2.2 Dysploidy and Aneuploidy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212 of the somatic chromosomes in contrast to their genic
13.2.3 Polyploidy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213 contents” (Levitzky 1931). In other words, the karyotype is
13.3 Trends in Karyotype Structure Evolution . . . . . . . . . . . . 214 the highest level of structural and functional organization of
13.3.1 Morphological Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214 the nuclear genome. By comparing the chromosomes of
13.3.2 Chromosome Banding and Molecular Landmarks . . . . . . 217 different taxa much can be learned about patterns and
13.4 Specialized Chromosomes and Chromosome Systems 221 mechanisms of karyotype evolution and its significance for
13.4.1 Sex Chromosomes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221 diversification and speciation.
13.4.2 Permanent Translocation Heterozygotes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222 Karyotype constancy, both in chromosome number and
13.5 Karyotype Evolution in the Genomic Era . . . . . . . . . . . . 222 structure, results from the necessary fidelity of chromosome
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223 replication and ensures the faithful transfer of genetic mate-
rial to the next generation. On the other hand, karyotype
variation confers evolutionary change. There are two major
categories of karyotype variation: numerical (resulting usu-
ally from meiotic or mitotic spindle malfunction) and struc-
tural (usually arising from errors in crossing over). These
two major classes are, however, interrelated and the actual
evolutionary change of a karyotype is usually complex,
involving various mechanisms.
Karyotypic features most commonly recorded for compara-
tive evolutionary analyses are chromosome number, size and
symmetry, as well as position and type of chromosomal
landmarks such as centromeres, secondary constrictions, or
repetitive DNA types. These parameters may be complemented
with genome size estimations and data on chromosomal behav-
ior, especially during meiosis. This chapter will describe the
most relevant features and discuss their variation and evolu-
tionary trends within angiosperms, including their role in diver-
sification and speciation.

H. Weiss-Schneeweiss (*)
Department of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany, University
of Vienna, Rennweg 14, Vienna A-1030, Austria

I.J. Leitch et al. (eds.), Plant Genome Diversity Volume 2, 209

DOI 10.1007/978-3-7091-1160-4_13, # Springer-Verlag Wien 2013
210 H. Weiss-Schneeweiss and G.M. Schneeweiss

Fig. 13.1 Chromosome number and structure diversity in angiosperms. (g) Melampodium longipilum/Asteraceae: 2n ¼ 2x ¼ 20 (arrowheads
(a) Oxalis namaquana/Oxalidaceae: 2n ¼ 2x ¼ 14 (arrowheads indi- indicate secondary constrictions); (h) Melampodium montanum/
cate secondary constrictions; DAPI staining); (b) Barnardia numidica/ Asteraceae: 2n ¼ 2x ¼ 22 + 5B chromosomes (B chromosomes
Hyacinthaceae (formerly in genus Scilla): 2n ¼ 2x ¼ 18 (arrowheads encircled); (i) Melampodium mimulifolium/Asteraceae: 2n ¼ 2x ¼ 18
indicate satellited chromosomes); (c) Bellevalia paradoxa/Hyacinthaceae: (arrowheads indicate satellited chromosomes); (j) tetraploid
2n ¼ 2x ¼ 8; (d) bimodal karyotype of Aloe paralellifolia/ Melampodium paniculatum/Asteraceae 2n ¼ 4x ¼ 36. [All photos H.
Asphodelaceae: 2n ¼ 2x ¼ 14; (e) Senecio carniolicus/Asteraceae: 2n Weiss-Schneeweiss (a, with J. Suda, Charles University, Prague)]. Scale
¼ 6x ¼ 120; (f) Nectaroscilla hyacinthoides/Hyacinthaceae: 2n ¼ 2x bar represents 5 mm
¼ 20 (arrowheads indicate polymorphic homologous chromosome pair);

Dimitrova and Greilhuber 2001; Hypochaeris/Asteraceae:

13.2 Trends in Chromosome Number Stebbins 1971; Cerbah et al. 1998; Weiss-Schneeweiss
Evolution et al. 2003, 2007a, 2008; Melampodium/Asteraceae:
Weiss-Schneeweiss et al. 2009; Nicotiana/Solanaceae:
13.2.1 Chromosome Numbers Goodspeed 1933; Narayan 1987; Lim et al. 2000), whereas
other groups remain poorly characterized chromosomally
Chromosome number is still the most consistently and fre- (e.g., Lentibulariaceae and many tropical plant families).
quently recorded cytological character. In part, this is due to To ease the navigation through continuously published,
the relative ease of its observation and its nature of being a numerous and highly dispersed chromosome number data
discrete character, whereas other karyotypic features, such several comprehensive chromosome number indices have
as chromosome structure or composition, are technically been compiled over the years. These include, for example,
more challenging to collect and often more difficult to Darlington and Wylie (1955), Fedorov (1969), Moore (e.g.,
quantify. 1974, 1977), Goldblatt and Johnson (1979—; accompanied
Chromosome numbers have been determined for about by an online version hosted by Missouri Botanical Garden:
25–30% of angiosperms (Bennett 1998; Guerra 2008; see Compilations may
Fig. 13.1 for examples). The taxonomic coverage is, how- also be available for specific taxa, such as the online Index
ever, very uneven. In some genera, chromosome numbers to Chromosome Numbers in Asteraceae (http://www.lib.
are characterized in detail in many or even all species and, or
from numerous populations (e.g., Brachypodium/Poaceae: for certain regions, usually specific countries (e.g., L€ ove
Watanabe et al. 1999; Crepis/Asteraceae: Babcock 1947; and L€ove 1974; Dobeš and Vitek 2000; Góralski et al. 2009).
13 Karyotype Diversity and Evolutionary Trends in Angiosperms 211

Known angiosperm chromosome numbers are commonly

reported as sporophytic diploid numbers 2n, but also as
gametic haploid numbers n. For comparative analyses the
(usually inferred) haploid chromosome number of a clade’s
(mostly hypothetical) ancestor is referred to as base chromo-
some number x for the group or clade. This x is not to be
confused with the monoploid number x: the lowest haploid
chromosome number of a polyploid series (Guerra 2008).
Known angiosperm chromosome numbers vary 160-fold.
They range from 2n ¼ 4 (Zingeria biebersteiniana and
Colpodium versicolor/Poaceae, Ornithogalum tenuifolium/
Hyacinthaceae, Brachycome dichromosomatica and
Haplopappus gracilis/Asteraceae: Cremonini 2005;
Rhynchospora tenuis/Cyperaceae: Vanzela et al. 1996) to
2n ¼ c. 600 in the palm Voanioala gerardii (Arecaceae:
oser 1994) and 2n ¼ 640 in the stone-
Johnson et al. 1989; R€
crop Sedum suaveolens (Crassulaceae: Uhl 1978). Chromo- Fig. 13.2 Chromosome number and structure variation in a group of
closely related species and cytotypes in Prospero/Hyacinthaceae (for-
some numbers of the majority of angiosperms range merly in genus Scilla; asterisks indicate large metacentric “fusion” chro-
from n ¼ 7 to n ¼ 20 (Grant 1982; Masterson 1994). mosome, where present). (a) P. obtusifolium: 2n ¼ 2x ¼ 8 (arrowheads
Chromosome number diversification does not correlate indicate secondary constrictions); (b) P. hanburyi: 2n ¼ 2x ¼ 14
with morphological diversification, as is evident from mor- (arrowheads indicate satellited chromosomes); (c) P. autumnale s. l.
cytotype B6B6: 2n ¼ 2x ¼ 12 (arrowheads indicate secondary
phologically diverse but chromosomally uniform island constrictions); (d) P. autumnale s. l. cytotype B7B7: 2n ¼ 2x ¼ 14
radiations (Stuessy and Crawford 1998; Mandáková et al. (arrowheads indicate secondary constrictions); (e) P. autumnale
2010a) and morphologically uniform, but chromosomally s. l. cytotype AA: 2n ¼ 2x ¼ 14; (f) P. autumnale s. l. cytotype
diverse monocot lineages (Crocus vernus/Iridaceae: Frello B7B7: 2n ¼ 2x ¼ 14 + 2B chromosomes (arrowheads indicate
B chromosomes); (g) P. autumnale s. l. cytotype B7B7: 2n ¼ 2x ¼ 14
and Heslop-Harrison 2000; Prospero/Hyacinthaceae: (arrowhead indicates supernumerary segment in one of the
Ainsworth et al. 1983, Fig. 13.2). homologs of chromosome 1); (h) P. autumnale s. l., diploid homoploid
The wide range of chromosome numbers is not uniformly hybrid B6B7: 2n ¼ 2x ¼ 13; (i) P. autumnale s. l. triploid hybrid
distributed among orders, families and genera of B6B6B7: 2n ¼ 3x ¼ 19. (All photos T.-S. Jang and H. Weiss-
Schneeweiss). Scale bar represents 5 mm
angiosperms. Some groups show no or very limited chromo-
some number variation (Lilium/Liliaceae: Stewart 1947;
Smyth et al. 1989; Hepatica/Ranunculaceae: Weiss- maximum parsimony or likelihood based models of chromo-
Schneeweiss et al. 2007b; Galtonia/Hyacinthaceae: Forrest some number reconstruction as implemented in software
and Jong 2004; many woody angiosperm lineages: such as Mesquite (Maddison and Maddison 2009) or
Ehrendorfer 1970; Grant 1982), while others are very vari- chromEvol (Mayrose et al. 2010).
able (2n ¼ 6, 8, 10, 12, 16 in Hypochaeris/Asteraceae: Inferences of chromosome base numbers are becoming
Stebbins 1971; Cerbah et al. 1998; Weiss-Schneeweiss increasingly difficult (or even impossible) with increasing
et al. 2003, 2008; 2n ¼ 18, 20, 22, 24, 28, 36, 40, 46, 48, phylogenetic depth as identical chromosome base numbers
54, 56, 60, 66 in Melampodium/Asteraceae: Stuessy 1971; will occur in unrelated lineages, already within a single
Weiss-Schneeweiss et al. 2009; 2n ¼ 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, genus (e.g., Cerbah et al. 1998; Enke and Gemeinholzer
18, 22, 24, 26, 27, 28, 30, 36 in Brachycome/Asteraceae: 2008). Additionally, karyotype rearrangements (with or
Watanabe et al. 1999). In plant groups where more than one without polyploidy: see Sect. 13.2.3) as major drivers of
base chromosome number is present (x ¼ 5, 6, 7 in Lotus/ stepwise chromosome number changes (see Sect. 13.2.2)
Fabaceae: Grant 1991; x ¼ 9, 10, 11, 12, 14 in might occur frequently and often rapidly on an evolutionary
Melampodium/Asteraceae: Bl€ och et al. 2009; x ¼ 3, 4, 5, 6 time scale (Brassicaceae: Lysák et al. 2006; Prospero/
in Crepis/Asteraceae: Babcock and Jenkins 1943), the Hyacinthaceae: Ainsworth et al. 1983; Vaughan et al.
ancestral base chromosome number might be identified 1997). This also affects efforts to determine the ancestral
either as the dominant one and/or the one found in the basic chromosome number of angiosperms. Consequently,
most closely related taxa. Nowadays, however, base chro- both early estimates by Raven (1975) of x ¼ 7 as well as
mosome numbers are usually inferred within an explicit more recent reconstructions of x ¼ 6 by Soltis et al. (2005)
(most often molecular) phylogenetic context (Torrell et al. need to be viewed with caution. Evidently, more in-depth
1999; Mast et al. 2001; Ellison et al. 2006; Enke and karyotypic information for identification of chromosomal
Gemeinholzer 2008; Hipp et al. 2009) using, for instance, “building blocks” (Schranz et al. 2006) as well as more
212 H. Weiss-Schneeweiss and G.M. Schneeweiss

realistic chromosomal evolutionary models (Dobigny et al. Kenton 1981; Tradescantia/Commelinaceae: Jones 1998;
2004; White et al. 2010) will be necessary for reliable Christensonella/Orchidaceae: Koehler et al. 2008; Moreas
chromosome number reconstructions. et al. 2012). Recent data, however, suggest that in the majority
For a long time the dogma was that a species possesses a of angiosperms dysploid changes are more often achieved via
single chromosome number and ploidy level (as well as one complex mechanisms involving (usually) pericentric inversions
karyotype structure), because deviating somatic chromo- and reciprocal (unequal) translocations acting in concert
some numbers usually confer meiotic irregularities or steril- (Schubert 2007; for details on mechanisms see Lysák and
ity (Stebbins 1971; Levin 2002). In recent years, however, Schubert 2013, this volume). This has been elegantly shown
several plant species have been identified that possess more in Brassicaceae (Lysák et al. 2006) and has been suggested for
than one diploid somatic chromosome number. This phe- Fabaceae (Choi et al. 2004) and grasses (Devos 2005).
nomenon is most frequently caused by the occurrence of The majority of earlier studies considered descending
intraspecific polyploidy (Ehrendorfer 1958; Frello and dysploidy (i.e., chromosome number reduction) as the
Heslop-Harrison 2000; Stuessy et al. 2004; Suda et al. main trend of dysploid chromosome number change in
2007; see also Sect. 13.2.3 and Husband et al. 2013, this angiosperms (Jones 1977), often accompanied by the evolu-
volume). In other species complexes, it entails the presence tion of an annual life form (Stebbins 1971). Examples
of a dysploid series at the diploid level, which may later be include x ¼ 6 ! 3 in Crepis/Asteraceae (Babcock 1947),
accompanied by hybridization and polyploidy creating com- x ¼ 9 ! 2 in Haplopappus/Asteraceae (Jackson 1962;
plex patterns of chromosome numbers. Examples include Anderson et al. 1974) and x ¼ 15 ! 12 in Crocus/Iridaceae
Scilla (Barnardia) scilloides/Hyacinthaceae (2n ¼ 16, 18, (Brighton 1978). For some plant groups, ascending
26, 27, 34, 35, 36, 43: Haga and Noda 1976; Choi et al. dysploidy (i.e., chromosome number increase) has also
2008) or Prospero autumnale/Hyacinthaceae (2n ¼ 10, 12, been inferred (x ¼ 7 ! 9 in Allium/Alliaceae: Levan
14, 25, 26, 27, 28, 42 and so on: Ainsworth et al. 1983; Ebert 1932). These largely intuitive inferences might, however,
et al. 1996). Such intraspecific numerical and/or structural turn out to be oversimplified. For instance, recent molecular
(see Sect. 13.3) karyotypic variants are called cytotypes or phylogenetic analyses of Crepis show that chromosome
chromosomal races/cytoraces (Stebbins 1971; Stuessy 2009; numbers are largely uncorrelated with phylogeny, and that
Fig. 13.2) and may in fact constitute cryptic species. there is no simple descending dysploidy (Enke and
Gemeinholzer 2008) as suggested previously. Therefore,
the direction of dysploid chromosomal changes not only is
13.2.2 Dysploidy and Aneuploidy largely group specific, but often bidirectional with both
types of dysploidy (ascending and descending) co-occurring Dysploidy within a given group (mixed dysploidy; Bakker et al. 2000;
Dysploidy refers to the stepwise change of the haploid chro- Barber et al. 2000; Samuel et al. 2003; Enke and
mosome number among related species (Stebbins 1971; Gemeinholzer 2008; Bl€och et al. 2009). Indeed, mechanisms
Guerra 2008) and such a series of haploid chromosome which can lead to simultaneous bidirectional dysploid
numbers constitutes a dysploid series (Ehrendorfer 1964). changes have been previously proposed (Schubert and
Although chromosome number change may involve the loss Rieger 1985). Irrespective of the direction, dysploid chro-
or gain of entire chromosomes (aneuploidy; Guerra 2008), mosome number changes clearly significantly contribute to
much more frequently it is achieved via genome restructur- angiosperm diversification and speciation (Stebbins 1971;
ing resulting in centromere/chromosome number reduction Grant 1981; Levin 2002).
or increase with or without significant loss of genetic mate-
rial (unbalanced and balanced rearrangements, respectively; Aneuploidy
see Lysák and Schubert 2013, this volume). A relatively In contrast to dysploidy, aneuploidy refers to the loss or gain
simple example of balanced rearrangement is centric of entire chromosomes (Guerra 2008). As aneuploid varia-
fusion-fission (“Robertsonian translocation” in the broad tion significantly changes the genetic balance of an organ-
sense: Guerra 2008). Here, the karyotype involved in a ism, it is usually disadvantageous or even lethal for its
centric fusion or fission has one chromosome fewer or carrier and thus of little relevance on an evolutionary time-
more, respectively, while retaining an intact number of scale (in contrast to dysploidy; Ehrendorfer 1964, 1980).
chromosomal arms. Robertsonian fission/fusion events Exceptions do, however, exist. The most impressive one is
occur regularly in animals (Imai 1978; Rowell et al. 2002) Claytonia virginica (Portulacaceae) that shows a nearly con-
including apes and humans (Yunis and Prakash 1982), tinuous series from 2n ¼ 12 up to at least 2n ¼ 100 (occa-
and are also documented in some angiosperm groups sionally up to 2n ¼ 191) with x ¼ 6, 7, 8 (Rothwell and
(reviewed in Jones 1977, 1998; e.g., Nothoscordum/ Kump 1965; Lewis et al. 1967). Intrapopulational chromo-
Alliaceae: Souza et al. 2009; Gibasis/Commelinaceae: somal variation was shown to manifest itself not only in
13 Karyotype Diversity and Evolutionary Trends in Angiosperms 213

chromosome number variation, but also in plants with the history, recognizing (in order of decreasing age) paleo-,
same chromosome numbers but occasionally with varied meso- and neopolyploids (Ehrendorfer 1980; Ramsey and
karyotype structures. In addition, different organs of the Schemske 1998, 2002; Comai 2005).
same plants were shown to possess different chromosome The majority of well-analysed polyploids are
numbers (aneusomaty), and climatically driven seasonal allopolyploids. Allopolyploidy might result in a novel chro-
variation was also reported (Lewis et al. 1967). This tremen- mosome base number, if taxa with different chromosome
dous chromosome variation in C. virginica is considered to base numbers are involved as parents (dibasic polyploidy;
be the result of hybridization and polyploidization between e.g., Brassica/Brassicaceae: U 1935). Contrary to earlier
partly isolated diploid populations with different haploid views (Stebbins 1950, but see Darlington 1956), where
chromosome numbers and subsequent meiotic irregularities, autopolyploids were conventionally treated as intraspecific
and/or of ecological factors (Lewis et al. 1967). cytotypes of a lower ploidy taxon, they are now increasingly
In general, the extent of genetic imbalance imposed by recognized as being equally important for speciation as
aneuploidy is lower in polyploids. Consequently, aneuploidy allopolyploids (Soltis et al. 2007).
might be expected to be more frequently fixed in polyploids, The propensity for polyploidization appears to be
resulting in its higher evolutionary potential in a polyploid unequally distributed among angiosperms (46% of infra-
background (Lewis et al. 1967; Ainsworth et al. 1983; generic polyploidy in higher monocots vs. 32% in rosids:
Weiss-Schneeweiss et al. 2009). It is however, not always Wood et al. 2009; scarce polyploidy in woody angiosperms
easy to distinguish dysploidy from aneuploidy in polyploids. vs. frequent, likely ancient, polyploidy in tropical humid
forests: Ehrendorfer 1970). The underlying causes remain,
however, unknown mostly due to the lack of adequate, in-
13.2.3 Polyploidy depth genetic and genomic information on the extent of
polyploid ancestry.
Polyploidy refers to the instantaneous multiplication of In contrast to dysploidy, polyploidization is an essentially
entire chromosome sets (Stebbins 1971; Wendel 2000; unidirectional process towards higher ploidy levels (often
Leitch and Leitch 2008). The most widely used classifica- resulting in polyploid series or polyploid complexes;
tion concerns the distinction of auto- and allopolyploids Stebbins 1940, 1971), a feature termed “polyploidy ratchet”
(Kihara and Ono 1927). Whereas in autopolyploids the (Meyers and Levin 2006). Whereas early estimates indicated
(nearly) identical chromosomes within a single (sub)species that 30% of flowering plant species underwent at least one
are multiplied (Ramsey and Schemske 1998, 2002), allo- round of polyploidization (Stebbins 1950), current estimates
polyploids are the result of hybridization between two suggest that all angiosperms are ancient polyploids
(sub)species accompanied by polyploidization (Stebbins (paleopolyploids, Jiao et al. 2011) being affected by at
1971). An alternative to this taxonomic definition has been least two ancestral whole genome duplications (WGD;
the use of polysomic vs. disomic segregation (accompanied Bowers et al. 2003; Jaillon et al. 2007; Fawcett et al. 2009;
by multivalent vs. bivalent formation in meiosis) suggesting Jiao et al. 2011). These WGDs have been suggested to play
autopolyploid and allopolyploid origin, respectively causative roles for the evolutionary success of angiosperms
(Rieseberg and Doyle 1989; Doyle et al. 2008; but see also (Van de Peer et al. 2009; Jiao et al. 2011). Additional WGDs
Stebbins 1971). From the standpoint of chromosome behav- have been inferred for specific angiosperm lineages (Schranz
ior, genetic allopolyploids should behave like diploids with and Mitchell-Olds 2006; Jaillon et al. 2007; Proost et al.
more sets of chromosomes, showing bivalent formation and 2011). Recent years have provided the wealth of data
disomic segregation. Both types of definitions are useful and demonstrating that polyploidy not only is frequent, but is
usually lead to a congruent conclusion, but exceptions do one of the major forces in angiosperm diversification and
exist. These include, for instance, allopolyploids, that though speciation. Estimates of the frequency of polyploid specia-
disomic, may exhibit multivalent formation in early stages tion (speciation events accompanied by ploidy level
after formation (Ownbey 1950; Ramsey and Schemske increase) range from 3.8% (Levin and Wilson 1976), 2–4%
2002) or autopolyploids that undergo meiosis with no chro- (Otto and Whitton 2000) to 15% (Wood et al. 2009) (see
mosomal irregularities (Weiss and Małuszyńska 2000). The Fawcett et al. 2013, this volume).
difficulties might in fact be more pronounced since the Polyploidization is a recurrent phenomenon in many
polysomic condition is usually considered to be an initial angiosperm lineages (Soltis and Soltis 1999), with numerous
and transient stage leading to chromosomal diploidization examples of both autopolyploids (Suda et al. 2007;
and disomy. Thus, old polyploids with disomic behaviour Trávnı́ček et al. 2011) and allopolyploids (Dixon et al.
might also have originated as autopolyploids (Doyle et al. 2009; Symonds et al. 2010). Consequently, Soltis et al.
2008). Yet another type of polyploid classification is based (2009) state: The question is no longer “What proportion
on the polyploid’s age and point of origin in the evolutionary of angiosperms are polyploid?”, but “How many episodes of
214 H. Weiss-Schneeweiss and G.M. Schneeweiss

polyploidy characterize any given lineage?” As indepen- banding techniques (C-banding or fluorescent banding:
dently originated lineages might apparently show different Deumling and Greilhuber 1982; Greilhuber 1982, 1995;
evolutionary trajectories (Doyle et al. 2004) and constitute Lukaszewski and Gustafson 1983) and, recently and most
separate species, the contribution of polyploidy to speciation prominently, fluorescence in situ hybridization (Findley
might well be underestimated by current taxonomic practice et al. 2010), provides many more chromosomal landmarks.
(Soltis et al. 2010). These may enable identification of individual (homologous)
The most obvious effect of polyploidization on the kar- chromosomes/chromosome arms in a given karyotype or
yotype is the increase in chromosome number. Conse- even the ‘painting’ of all chromosomes (Lysák et al. 2006).
quently, reproductive isolation conferred by meiotic However, in contrast to the majority of animals, the ability to
problems in hybrids between polyploids and their lower- label whole chromosomes using specific chromosome
ploidy ancestors has long been identified as an important ‘paints’ in angiosperms is difficult, mostly due to the high
mechanism leading to polyploid speciation. Polyploi- content of dispersed transposable elements across the
dization, often coupled with hybridization does, however, genome and their relatively quick turnover (Lim et al.
also trigger a cascade of processes operating at the genomic, 2007a). The karyotype and its features can be schematically
epigenomic and proteomic level (Leitch and Leitch 2008; represented by an idiogram or karyogram.
Fawcett et al. 2013, this volume). These include activation of
transposable elements, epigenetic phenomena leading to
heterochromatin formation, and eventually accumulation of 13.3.1 Morphological Features
structural chromosomal mutations (e.g., via interhomeologous
translocations; Clarkson et al. 2005; Shoemaker et al. 2006; Chromosome Size
Doyle et al. 2008), which ultimately lead to complete genome Individual chromosome sizes in angiosperms (given as mean
diploidization (Wendel 2000; Doyle et al. 2008; Mandáková chromosome length per species) have been estimated to vary
et al. 2010b). from 0.6 to more than 14.6 mm, and the total chromosome
Genetic and cytological genome diploidization of length per diploid genome from 14.6 to 250 mm (Levin and
polyploids is often accompanied by a reduction in genome Funderburg 1979). Even within a single karyotype of a taxon
size (Leitch and Bennett 2004; Pellicer et al. 2010) and over a relatively wide range of chromosome sizes can occur, with
evolutionary time, chromosome numbers of polyploids individual chromosome pairs ranging from 1 to 2 mm to
might also be considerably reduced, even below the original more than 10 mm (Schubert 2007; Hamouche et al. 2010).
level of the ancestral diploid taxa (Lysák et al. 2006). There- Despite such variation, most plant species possess relatively
fore, assessment of the incidence of polyploidy from known uniform small to medium-sized chromosomes (c. 1–3 mm;
chromosome numbers alone will be biased downwards. Such Stace 2000). Possibly the smallest angiosperm chromosomes
cycles of revolutionary (polyploidization) and evolutionary known so far are those in Genlisea/Lentibulariaceae (“bac-
(cytological diploidization) phases have so far only been terial size chromosomes”, Greilhuber et al. 2006), which
well documented for a few angiosperm groups, for which also holds the record for the lowest genome size. The largest
enough genomic data are available, including Brassicaceae chromosomes are found in plants with very large genomes,
(Lysák et al. 2006; Mandáková and Lysák 2008), Oryza/ but not many chromosomes (Lilium/Liliaceae, 2n ¼ 24,
Poaceae (Wang et al. 2007) or Gossypium/Malvaceae (Shoe- 20 mm: Peruzzi et al. 2009; Paris/Melanthiaceae, 2n ¼ 40,
maker et al. 2006). some chromosomes larger than 30 mm: Pellicer et al. 2010).
Chromosome size is limited in both directions. The upper
limit is determined by the length of the longest chromosome
13.3 Trends in Karyotype Structure Evolution arm. This cannot exceed half of the average spindle axis length
at telophase so as not to impair chromatid separation during
Whereas data on chromosome numbers accumulate rela- mitosis (Schubert and Oud 1997; Schubert 2001; Hudakova
tively quickly, detailed karyotype information has been et al. 2002). The lower limit is more difficult to define. As
obtained at a much slower pace. Karyotype features detect- chromosomes smaller than 1% of the genome fail to segregate
able in classically stained material (e.g., by Feulgen method correctly during meiosis, even if supposedly fully intact with
or by acetocarmine; Fukui and Nakayama 1996) include, in an original centromere, telomeres and replication origins
addition to chromosome number, individual chromosome (Schubert 2001; Murata et al. 2006), the lower limit appears
sizes (absolute and relative), haploid (or diploid) karyotype to be determined by bivalent stability and chiasma formation
length, karyotype symmetry, and the positions of morpho- allowing stable transmission during meiosis. Changes in chro-
logically discernible chromosome landmarks, most notably mosome size can be correlated with changes in genome size
primary and secondary constrictions. The application of (achieved via polyploidy and/or repetitive DNA amplification;
more advanced staining techniques, including different see below) or might result from interchromosomal
13 Karyotype Diversity and Evolutionary Trends in Angiosperms 215

rearrangements, such as centric fusions/fissions or unequal and translocations; see Lysák and Schubert 2013, this vol-
translocations (see Lysák and Schubert 2013, this volume). ume) as well as centromere deactivation and de novo centro-
mere formation (Han et al. 2006). Indeed, studies have Karyotype Length and Genome Size shown that the presence of centromere-specific tandem
Genome size variation rarely reflects chromosome number repeats are neither necessary nor sufficient to form a func-
variation because the major mechanisms responsible for tional centromere (Nasuda et al. 2005). A fully functional
changes in genome size are different from those leading to centromere might be deactivated despite retaining the
chromosome number change. This is best illustrated by the centromere-specific repeats (for example in dicentric
fact that the species with the smallest genome size, found in chromosomes; Han et al. 2006) and a functional centromere
Genlisea (Lentibulariaceae; Greilhuber et al. 2006), have can be formed de novo in an acentric chromosome fragment
similar chromosome numbers (i.e., 2n ¼ c. 40) to the spe- in the absence of specific centromeric repeats (Topp et al.
cies with the largest genome size, Paris japonica 2009; Guerra et al. 2010).
(Melanthiaceae; 2n ¼ 40: Pellicer et al. 2010). Total karyo- In contrast to this, in a few genera and species,
type length is correlated with genome size because both are centromeres are not localized at specific centromeric
shaped by the same processes. These include polyploi- constrictions on the chromosomes. Instead they are dispersed
dization and accumulation of repetitive DNA, most impor- over the entire chromosome length. Such holocentric or
tantly retroelements (Bennetzen 2000; Tenaillon et al. holokinetic chromosomes (Guerra 2008; Guerra et al. 2010)
2011), or DNA deletions via unequal and illegitimate recom- are found in a few angiosperm lineages, including
bination (Bennetzen 2002; Hawkins et al. 2008). Changes in Cyperaceae (Carex, Rhynchospora, Eleocharis; Luceño
genome size are best reflected in changes in the size (or more et al. 1998; Vanzela et al. 2000; da Silva et al. 2005; Hipp
accurately volume and composition) of chromosomes. 2007; Zedek et al. 2010) or Convolvulaceae (a single dodder/
Genome size changes can affect the entire karyotype uni- Cuscuta species: Pazy and Plitmann 1995; Guerra and Garcı́a
formly (Ainsworth et al. 1983; Raina and Rees 1983) or they 2004), where they are often associated with a specialized
may be restricted to a subset of chromosomes usually via form of inverted meiosis (Greilhuber 1995). The lack of a
amplification/deletion of blocks of certain families of tan- localized centromere not only reduces the number of chro-
dem repeats (de la Herrán et al. 2001; Koo and Jiang 2008). mosomal landmarks, but may also affect karyotype dynam-
For more information on genome size evolution in ics. Specifically it has been suggested that chromosome
angiosperms see Leitch and Leitch (2013, this volume). number change (i.e., dysploidy) can occur rapidly in plants
with holocentrics, since chromosome number change due to Centromere Position, Holocentric fragmentation (agmatoploidy/agmatopolyploidy) or fusion
Chromosomes (symploidy) is not expected to have deleterious effects.
In mitotic chromosomes, the centromere appears as a cyto- Such changes have been documented in natural populations
logically visible primary constriction and represents the site (in Luzula/Juncaceae: Kuta et al. 2004; Carex/Cyperaceae:
for kinetochore assembly and spindle attachment thereby Chung et al. 2011), and callus tissue culture (Madej and Kuta
ensuring faithful segregation of chromosomes during cell 2001). The dynamics of holocentric chromosome number
division. Most angiosperms possess chromosomes with changes can also involve polyploidy (Luzula/Juncaceae:
localized centromeres (monocentric chromosomes), which Kuta et al. 2004; Juncus bigumis/Juncaceae: Sch€onswetter
divide a chromosome into two arms. et al. 2007; note that the presence of holocentric species in
Centromere position and consequently arm length ratios Juncus is still contentious: Bailey cited in Stace 2000) and
(long arm length/short arm length) have been used as criteria “standard” dysploidy (Guerra 2008; Chung et al. 2011).
in the two most commonly used systems of chromosome Furthermore, their chromatin organization and genome size
nomenclature (Levan et al. 1964; Stebbins 1971; Guerra dynamics appear to be little influenced by centromeric orga-
1986). Levan et al. (1964) distinguished six chromosome nization (Guerra and Garcı́a 2004; Haizel et al. 2005; Zedek
types (arm ratio in square brackets): M (median point; [1]), et al. 2010). For a detailed account of holocentric
m (median region; [>1–1.7]), sm (submedian region; chromosomes see Bureš et al. (2013, this volume).
[>1.7–3.0]), st (subterminal region; [>3.0–7.0]), t (terminal
region; [>7.0–infinity]), and T (terminal point; [infinity]). In Karyotype Symmetry, Bimodal
contrast, Stebbins (1971), modified by Guerra (1986), distin- Karyotypes
guished metacentric [1–1.49], submetacentric [1.50–2.99], Karyotype symmetry is determined by the size of the
acrocentric [3.00–infinity] and telocentric [infinity] chromosomes and/or centromere position. Most
chromosomes. angiosperms have similarly sized mostly meta- and submeta-
Mechanisms leading to shifts in centromere position centric chromosomes, and consequently possess uniform,
include structural rearrangements (pericentric inversions symmetric karyotypes (Levitzky 1931; Stebbins 1971;
216 H. Weiss-Schneeweiss and G.M. Schneeweiss

Fig. 13.1). However, some lineages have karyotypes com- Gasteria: Brandham 1971; Brandham and Doherty 1998;
prising chromosomes with a range of sizes and centromere Vosa 2005) and Agavaceae (Agave, Yucca: Vosa 2005;
positions giving rise to asymmetric karyotypes. The majority Robert et al. 2008). Various hypotheses have been proposed
of these are found among monocots with larger to explain the origin of bimodal karyotypes including the
chromosomes and genomes (Stedje 1989; Choi et al. 2008; suggestion that they are derived from the symmetrical
Hamouche et al. 2010), but they also occur in other groups karyotypes of polyploids with the small chromosomes
with otherwise relatively uniform karyotypes (Babcock representing the products of differential loss of chromosome
1947; Cerbah et al. 1998). Changes from symmetric to segments (Darlington 1963). Alternative hypotheses suggest
asymmetric karyotypes most often involve changes in chro- that bimodal karyotypes are the result of periodical unequal
mosome morphology (from metacetric to telocentric translocations (Stebbins 1971) or the unequal selective
chromosomes), sometimes accompanied by dysploidy and/ amplification of certain types of heterochromatin within a
or non-uniform chromosome size changes (Stebbins 1971; subset of chromosomes (de la Herrán et al. 2001).
de la Herrán et al. 2001).
Various indices have been suggested to describe karyo- Secondary Constrictions
type asymmetry (reviewed and extended in Paszko 2006). In addition to primary constrictions, one or more
Interest in these indices, which can serve as concise chromosomes may also possess secondary constrictions.
descriptors of several karyotype features, also results from These can be located interstitially or, more often,
attempts to identify evolutionary trends in karyotype evolu- subterminally, whereby a more or less spherical terminal
tion. Specifically, Stebbins (1971), following Levitzky’s chromosome piece called the satellite is segmented off
principle of karyotype symmetry vs. asymmetry (Levitzky from the chromosome arm (Figs. 13.1 and 13.2). Secondary
1931), postulated that asymmetric karyotypes are derived constrictions are the sites of origin of nucleoli (NORs,
and evolutionarily younger than symmetric ones, because nucleolar organizing regions) harboring up to thousands of
asymmetric karyotypes have often been found in plants with tandemly arranged arrays of 35S (18S-5.8S-25/28S) ribo-
specialized morphological features or in evolutionary youn- somal RNA (rRNA) genes (Volkov et al. 2004) and their
ger derivatives. A potential explanation is provided by the spacers. The rRNA genes are found in all living organisms
minimum interaction hypothesis (Imai et al. 1986), which (“house-keeping genes”) and code for a subset of rRNA for
states that karyotype evolution has been mostly shaped by building the large and small ribosome units (Schwarzacher
selection to reduce the occurrence of fitness-reducing chro- and Wachtler 1986). Active NORs can be detected either by
mosomal mutations, such as reciprocal translocations. In the presence of secondary constrictions and/or satellites or
species with big genome size to nuclear volume ratios, this by silver-staining, which detects proteins associated with
can be achieved by an increasing chromosome number, e.g., active NOR regions (Schubert et al. 1979). Detection of all
by centric fission, leading to acrocentric chromosomes (both active and inactive) NORs in the genome requires
(Brighton 1978). To our knowledge, the pattern expected fluorescence in situ hybridization techniques, and will be
under this hypothesis, i.e., a positive correlation between discussed in Sect.
karyotype asymmetry and the genome size to nuclear volume The number of morphologically detectable NORs (active
ratio, has never been rigorously tested in plants. The generality NORs) may vary greatly among plant groups (reviewed in
of the derived nature of an asymmetric karyotype has, how- Małuszyńska et al. 1998) and to a lesser extent between
ever, been questioned (Jones 1978; Dimitrova and Greilhuber closely related species (Kamstra et al. 1997; Cerbah et al.
2000). The main criticism is that it is difficult to assess the 1998), but rarely within species (Phaseolus vulgaris/
direction of such karyotype evolution as many reversals of the Fabaceae: Pedrosa-Harand et al. 2006; Alstroemeria
main trend might have occurred (Stace 2000). Recent analyses pelegrina/Alstroemeriaceae: Baeza et al. 2007). One promi-
in Brassicaceae actually suggest that karyotype asymmetry nent trend in angiosperms is reduction of the number of
might be a transitory state rather than simply a derived evolu- NORs after polyploidization as a result of deactivation or
tionary endpoint (Lysák et al. 2006; Mandáková and Lysák loss of loci (see also Sect.
2008). More data of this type (i.e., detailed information on
chromosomal restructuring studied within an explicit phylo- Supernumerary Chromosomal Material
genetic context) will be necessary to test general hypotheses Karyotypes of many species include supernumerary genetic
on evolutionary trends in karyotype asymmetry. material that by definition is not part of a taxon’s regular
A special case of asymmetry is the bimodal karyotype, karyotype. If physically integrated into the regular karyotype
which is characterized by the presence of two sharply dis- (i.e., the A-chromosomes) often appearing as a polymorphic
tinct size classes of chromosomes, without any gradual tran- block(s), this material is referred to as a supernumerary
sition. Bimodal karyotypes are well known from monocots, segment (SS; John and Miklos 1979). Supernumerary
especially in Asphodelaceae (Aloe: Fig. 13.1d, Haworthia, segments can be identified in homologous chromosomes in
13 Karyotype Diversity and Evolutionary Trends in Angiosperms 217

the heterozygous condition due to chromosome length It is now widely accepted that B chromosomes have mul-
differences. Although SSs are particularly frequent in some tiple origins. Most commonly, B chromosomes are considered
insect groups (locusts and grasshoppers; John and Miklos to have originated from A chromosomes following chromo-
1979), so far they have only been identified in a few plant some number reductions, especially via unequal
groups, particularly in Hyacinthaceae (Greilhuber and translocations (Crepis capillaris/Asteraceae: Jones and Rees
Speta 1978; Ruiz Rejón and Oliver 1981; Garrido-Ramos 1982); from genomic rearrangements of trisomics (Plantago
et al. 1998; Weiss-Schneeweiss et al. 2004; Fig. 13.2g) lagopus/Plantaginaceae: Dhar et al. 2002); from spontaneous
or the chromosomally variable Rumex acetosa group generation following genomic rearrangements after interspe-
(Polygonaceae; Wilby and Parker 1988), although it is likely cific hybridization (Coix/Poaceae: Sapre and Deshpande
that they are much more common (J. Parker, pers. comm.). 1987) or following spontaneous amplification of tandemly
In most taxa, SSs are heterochromatic (SSH; Ruiz Rejón and repeated sequences and de novo recruitment of centromeres
Oliver 1981; Weiss-Schneeweiss et al. 2004), and it is only and telomeres (Brachycome dichromosomatica/Asteraceae:
in a few cases that they have been shown to be euchromatic Houben et al. 2001; Zea mays/Poaceae: Cheng and Lin 2003).
(SSE; Ainsworth et al. 1983; Ebert et al. 1996; Fig. 13.2g). B chromosomes are widespread in many plant and animal
Regardless of the type, SSs can be located either interstitially groups. Unlike the corresponding m-chromosomes in
or terminally within the chromosomes. They appear to be bryophytes, B chromosomes in angiosperms are of no taxo-
fixed and of ancient origin, often transgressing cytotype, nomic or diagnostic significance (Guerra 2008). In
population, or even species boundaries (Ainsworth et al. angiosperms, B chromosomes have so far been reported in
1983; J. Parker, pers. comm.). One of the hypotheses c. 1,500 species, but their distribution is non-random with
concerning the origin of SSs suggests that these segments clear hot-spots (27.2% of species in Commelinales and
are relics of chromosome material lost from many, but not 41.8% in Melanthiaceae in Liliales: Levin et al. 2005) and
all populations (tolerated deletions; Camacho and Cabrero cold-spots of occurrence (basal dicots, inbreeders: Jones
1987). Alternatively, SSs might represent novel, selectively et al. 2008). Generally, monocots seem to be richer in
amplified and maintained segments of the genome B chromosomes than dicots (8 vs. 3%, respectively) and
containing, for instance, satellite DNA (Shibata et al. 2000) two families are particularly rich in B chromosomes:
or heterochromatic segments resulting from unequal Poaceae (152 spp.; 8.6%) and Asteraceae (171 spp.; 5.6%:
crossing-over (Smith 1976). The role of SSs in karyotype Levin et al. 2005). Although there is no notable difference
evolution remains elusive (Wilby and Parker 1988). between the frequency of B chromosomes in diploids and
If supernumerous genetic material is present as separate polyploids, there is a trend that at the family level the
chromosomes these are referred to as B chromosomes (acces- frequency of B chromosomes is positively correlated with
sory or supernumerary chromosomes; Joneset al. 2008; mean 1C-genome size values (Levin et al. 2005).
Figs. 13.1h and 13.2f). Characteristics of B chromosomes are B chromosomes cause intraspecific DNA content varia-
(1) lack of recombination with A chromosomes, (2) non- tion and may, at least partly, be responsible for reports of
Mendelian and irregular inheritance resulting in fluctuating chromosome number variation, especially in taxa with rela-
numbers (including nil), and (3) evolutionary trajectories inde- tively small A chromosomes and structurally variable
pendent of those of the A chromosomes. B chromosomes are B chromosomes, where it is difficult to distinguish these
usually smaller than A chromosomes (at least than the largest two types (Jones et al. 2008). B chromosomes might also
A chromosomes; Lewis 1951; Żuk 1969; Ainsworth et al. influence the evolution of the A chromosomes, for instance,
1983; Parker et al. 1991) and in some cases they are so small by acting as diploidizing agents for chromosome pairing in
that it is impossible to indentify chromosome arms via light certain allopolyploid hybrids (Evans and Macefield 1972;
microscopy (microchromosomes; e.g., in Hypochaeris Jenkins and Jones 2004) or changing recombination patterns
maculata/Asteraceae: Parker 1976). In overall structure, by affecting chiasma frequency and distribution in the A
B chromosomes are similar to A chromosomes (being acro- chromosomes (Jones and Rees 1967; Jones et al. 2008).
centric to metacentric in type, sometimes variable within the For more details on B chromosomes see Houben et al.
same species: Ruiz Rejón et al. 1980; Guillén and Ruiz Rejón (2013, this volume).
1984). B chromosomes are typically thought to possess no or
very few genes (such as rRNA genes: Małuszyńska and
Schweizer 1989; Dhar et al. 2002; genes coding genetic infor- 13.3.2 Chromosome Banding and Molecular
mation for their own transmission: Jones et al. 2008). It is, Landmarks
however, not clear whether any genes that are present are
transcriptionally active (Jones et al. 2008) (see also chapter With the advent of molecular cytogenetic techniques, partic-
by Houben et al. 2013, this volume). ularly in situ hybridization (fluorescence and genomic in situ
218 H. Weiss-Schneeweiss and G.M. Schneeweiss

diffuse euchromatin, is densely packed (and thus strongly

stained), typically replicates late in S-phase and shows
reduced rates of crossing over (Bennetzen 2000). Hetero-
chromatin usually contains only a few or no genes (e.g.,
gene-rich NOR regions) and is often enriched in repetitive
DNA (Lamb et al. 2007).
Heterochromatin rich in repetitive DNA usually remains
condensed everywhere in an organism and is thus called
constitutive heterochromatin, whereas facultative hetero-
chromatin contains less repetitive DNA and is condensed
only in some cells and/or ontogenetic stages (Brown 1966).
Fig. 13.3 Diversity of molecular chromosomal landmarks in Recent genomic analyses have revealed that heterochroma-
angiosperms. (a) DAPI C-banding in Hepatica nobilis var. japonica/ tin is a term that describes many different types of condensed
Ranunculaceae: 2n ¼ 4x ¼ 28; (b) rDNA in Melampodium chromatin, possibly with many different features and roles
longipilum/Asteraceae: 2n ¼ 2x ¼ 20, interstitial NOR (5S rDNA in
red, 35S rDNA in green); (c) rDNA in Melampodium gracile/ and of different origin (Bennetzen 2000; Lamb et al. 2007).
Asteraceae: 2n ¼ 2x ¼ 18 (5S rDNA in red, 35S rDNA in green); Specifically, heterochromatin includes two major classes of
(d) Othocallis mischtschenkoana/Hyacinthaceae (formerly in genus repetitive DNA (see Sect. 13.3.2): tandem repeats (rRNA
Scilla): 2n ¼ 2x ¼ 12 with some of 5S and 35S rDNA loci in the genes, telomeric sequences, satellite DNA) and dispersed
same chromosome pairs (5S rDNA in red, 35S rDNA in green); (e)
GC-rich satellite DNA (Deumling 1981) in Othocallis amoena/ repeats (mostly transposable elements; Schmidt and
Hyacinthaceae (formerly in genus Scilla): 2n ¼ 2x ¼ 12; (f) Heslop-Harrison 1998; Schwarzacher 2003; Gaut and
pericentric loci of satellite DNA (H Weiss-Schneeweiss et al. unpubl.) Ross-Ibarra 2008). However, the function of heterochroma-
in Prospero autumnale/Hyacinthaceae (formerly in genus Scilla): 2n tin remains largely unknown, even in well understood func-
¼ 2x ¼ 12 (satellite DNA in green, 5S rDNA in red); (g) human type
telomeric loci in Othocallis siberica/Hyacinthaceae (formerly in genus tional regions such as centromeres (see also Sect.
Scilla): 2n ¼ 2x ¼ 12. [All photos H. Weiss-Schneeweiss (e–g, with Euchromatin and heterochromatin distribution was first
D. Schweizer; f, with T.-S. Jang; both University of Vienna)]. Scale bar visualized in chromosomes and interphase nuclei by classi-
represents 5 mm cal banding techniques (mostly Giemsa C-banding: Sumner
1972; Fig. 13.3a). Such studies showed that the number and
hybridization [FISH and GISH, respectively]: Schwarzacher size of bands may differ among closely related species
and Heslop-Harrison 2000; Fig. 13.3), chromosomal (Greilhuber 1982, 1995; Vosa 1985; Sumner 1990; Guerra
landmarks are no longer restricted to structural features 2000) or even within a single species, as in Scilla
detectable from conventionally-stained chromosomes. (Othocallis) siberica/Hyacinthaceae (Greilhuber and Speta
Whereas detection of some of these (NORs, telomeric 1978), and in Alstroemeria aurea and A. ligtu/
sequences) by FISH requires no de novo sequence informa- Alstroemeriaceae (Buitendijk et al. 1998). Given sufficient
tion (primers are conserved for larger angiosperm groups), variation in C-band distribution, each chromosome can be
others (e.g., transposable elements, tandem satellite DNA identifed (Greilhuber 1995). Despite this variability, a com-
repeats) are more demanding and, therefore, their detection parison of the distribution of C-bands between species has
has been more restricted to cultivated taxa and/or model shown that there is a general tendency for heterochromatin
plants and their relatives (e.g., Nicotiana/Solanaceae: Lim to be preferentially located in subtelomeric and pericentric
et al. 2000, 2007a; Beta/Chenopodiaceae: Dechyeva et al. regions, NORs and knobs (Bennetzen 2000; Guerra 2000). If
2003; Alstroemeria/Alstroemeriaceae: Kuipers et al. 2002; interstitial bands are present, these are less conserved in their
Secale/Poaceae: Cuadrado and Jouve 2002). Since repetitive positions (Marks and Schweizer 1974; Greilhuber 1995;
DNA is the most dynamic fraction of the plant genome and Buitendijk et al. 1998). The precise position of C-bands
may encompass taxon-specific sequence types, it is well seems to be at least partly dependent on chromosome size,
suited for in depth study to characterize karyotype structure. since proximal bands prevail in karyotypes with small-sized
Being a major force in karyotype differentiation, repetitive chromosomes (Guerra 2000).
DNA may also indirectly contribute to race differentiation It is noted that C-banding does not discriminate between
and eventually speciation. different types of heterochromatin but this can be accom-
plished by using fluorescent banding with base-specific Heterochromatin and C-Banding fluorochromes (Schweizer 1976, 1981). These approaches
Heitz (1928) was the first to distinguish heterochromatin, enable most of the GC-rich and AT-rich heterochromatin
which is defined as chromosomal regions that, unlike fractions to be visualized. The majority of heterochromatic
euchromatin, do not decondense in telophase to the same bands have been found to be rather AT-rich, and they are
degree as euchromatin. Heterochromatin, in contrast to more frequently found in the interstitial regions in species
13 Karyotype Diversity and Evolutionary Trends in Angiosperms 219

with medium and large chromosomes (Guerra 2000). 35S transcribed spacer of the 5S rDNA array), enabling direct
rRNA genes have most often been found to coincide with correlation of chromosomal loci evolution with phylogenetic
GC-rich bands (Guerra 2000). Although advanced relationships. Although there is some redundancy with mor-
techniques allow detailed characterization of specific types phological landmarks (morphologically discernible NORs
of repetitive DNA (see the following sections), the indis- represent active 35S rDNA loci), the detection of 5S and
criminate localization of overall heterochromatin via C- 35S rDNA loci using FISH allows identification of all loci,
banding remains a valuable tool to enable a first and coarse including small and/or inactive ones (the number of active
characterization of the genome, especially in poorly studied loci does not correlate with the overall number of loci).
groups. Examples of successful use of one or both types of rDNA
loci in evolutionary questions are aplenty (e.g., Lim et al.
2000; Vanzela et al. 2003; Hasterok et al. 2006; Weiss- rDNA Schneeweiss et al. 2007a, b, 2008).
Genes encoding 35S (18S-5.8S-25/28S) and 5S rRNAs are The rates and mechanisms of evolutionary changes differ
ubiquitous in eukaryotes (Richard et al. 2008). The 35S between the 5S and 35S rDNA loci within the genome, and
rDNA cistron contains 18S, 5.8S and 25/28S rRNA genes might be group-specific. 35S rDNA loci are generally more
separated by the Internal Transcribed Spacers (ITS) 1 and prone to rapid homogenization, silencing, and loss of loci,
2 and preceded by an External Transcribed Spacer (ETS). particularly in polyploids (Clarkson et al. 2005; Kovařı́k
These cistrons are separated by the Non-Transcribed Spacer et al. 2005; Weiss-Schneeweiss et al. 2008; Kotseruba
(NTS) and are arranged tandemly (Volkov et al. 2004). 5S et al. 2010). Both rDNA types are affected (but often to
rDNA repeats consist of the 121 bp 5S rRNA gene separated different extents) by genome diploidization in polyploids
by Non-Transcribed Spacers of variable length (Volkov and this usually involves a gradual reduction of loci number,
et al. 2004). In angiosperms, both the number and localiza- roughly correlating with the polyploid’s age (Clarkson et al.
tion of 35S rDNA and 5S rDNA loci are largely independent 2005). Several mechanisms have been hypothesized to be
from one another (Małuszyńska et al. 1998; Fig. 13.3b–d). responsible for the high evolutionary rate and mobility,
An exception are some clades of Asteraceae, where these particularly of 35S rDNA. These include, among others
loci are physically linked (Garcia et al. 2010), and also in unequal recombination, transposition, conversion/homoge-
some early land plants (Sone et al. 1999). The phylogenetic nization of repeats among loci (changing the type of repeats
distribution of such linked arrangements suggests its recur- but not the locus position), minor loci amplification/major
rent origin and/or reversal (Garcia et al. 2010). A survey of loci reduction, often reversible and in hybrids usually
35S rDNA loci number and distribution published for 749 parent-specific loci inactivation (nucleolar dominance:
species (175 genera) indicated that the average number of Pikaard 2000; Volkov et al. 2004) via epigenetic modi-
35S rDNA loci per genome was 4, and that they most often fications affecting the number of satellites/secondary
occurred at subterminal chromosomal positions (45%), usu- constrictions, and loci loss (Schubert and Wobus 1985;
ally within the short arms (Roa and Guerra 2010). Dubcovsky and Dvorak 1995; Raskina et al. 2008).
Several factors render 5S and 35S rDNA loci an excellent
choice for markers for karyotype characterization: (1) they Telomeric Sequences
are ubiquitous and their coding regions are conserved over Telomeres are nucleoprotein structures at the ends of linear
long evolutionary distances, thus they can be localized in chromosomes and are vital for protecting chromosome ends
various plant groups without detailed genomic information; from shortening and from being recognized and processed as
(2) they are highly variable with respect to localization and DNA breaks (Blackburn 2001; Zellinger and Riha 2007).
number (between one and ten or even more: Małuszyńska Telomeres in most plants are maintained by telomerase and
et al. 1998; Baeza et al. 2007) at the interspecific (Ali et al. consist of tandem arrays of telomeric repeats. The
2005; Hasterok et al. 2006; Weiss-Schneeweiss et al. 2008), (TTTAGGG)n repeat characterized originally in Arabidopsis
intraspecific (Pedrosa-Harand et al. 2006) or even intrapopu- thaliana (Richards and Ausubel 1988) is found in the major-
lational level (Frello and Heslop-Harrison 2000; Baeza et al. ity of analysed plant species (Fuchs et al. 1995) and is
2007), and this variability is independent from chromosome considered to be ancestral for plants (Fajkus et al. 2005).
number; (3) they are known hotpots of intra- and Not surprisingly, exceptions do exist, most notably in a
intergenomic mobility and thus might be involved in species large clade of the monocot order Asparagales. Here, chro-
differentiation (Schubert and Wobus 1985; Hall and Parker mosome termini contain the vertebrate-type telomeric
1995; Raskina et al. 2008); (4) they contain widely applica- repeat (TTAGGG)n maintained by telomerase (Weiss and
ble molecular markers (ITS and ETS in 35S rDNA, the non- Scherthan 2002; Weiss-Schneeweiss et al. 2004; Fajkus
220 H. Weiss-Schneeweiss and G.M. Schneeweiss

et al. 2005). However, neither of these canonical telomeric hybridization and/or polyploidy (diploid hybrids of
repeats is found in Allium (which is within the clade of Helianthus/Asteraceae: Ungerer et al. 2006; allopolyploid
Asparagales with vertebrate-type telomeric sequences— Gossypium/Malvaceae: Hawkins et al. 2006), usually leads
Pich and Schubert 1998), and at present the nature of the to a uniform DNA amount increase over all chromosomes
sequences present at the telomeres of Allium chromosomes and hence does not significantly change the overall karyo-
remains unknown (Sýkorová et al. 2006). type structure (Bennetzen et al. 2005). However, newly
Telomeric sequences are of relatively little use as chro- amplified retroelements also have the potential to increase
mosomal landmarks for plant chromosomes, as they are the frequency of unequal and illegitimate (ectopic) recombi-
invariably found at chromosome ends and are conserved nation. This can lead to large structural genome
(Fuchs et al. 1995; Fig. 13.3g). Unlike in animals or some rearrangements and changes in chromosome number and
gymnosperms, telomeric-like sequences in angiosperms are results in an altered karyotype structure (Kumar and
rarely found at interstitial chromosomal positions being Bennetzen 1999). In addition, some families of
probably rarely retained in places of chromosomal retroelements may be preferentially amplified in certain
rearrangements (Fuchs et al. 1998; Uchida et al. 2002; genomic regions or excluded from others (Kumar and
Hanmoto et al. 2007). However, de novo synthesis of Bennetzen 1999; Ruas et al. 2008; Karlov et al. 2010)
telomeric repeats in places of chromosomal breakage leading to further changes in karyotype symmetry.
stabilizes resulting chromosomal fragments (“chromosome
healing”: Tsujimoto et al. 1999) and ultimately contributes Tandemly Repeated DNA (Satellite DNA)
to the evolutionary success of new karyotypic variants. Satellite DNA is composed of arrays of head-to-tail arranged
basic repeat units (monomers), each usually tens to hundreds Transposable Elements of nucleotides long, that can exist in millions of copies in the
Transposable elements are a major fraction of repetitive genome (Macas et al. 2002; Plohl et al. 2008). Satellite
DNA in all eukaryotes and are one of the main drivers of repeats are among the most dynamic components of eukary-
genome and chromosome size differentiation (Bennetzen otic genomes and are, therefore, good markers for studying
et al. 2005; Hawkins et al. 2006). In angiosperms, the most karyotype evolution within closely related plants (Lim et al.
abundant type are class I transposable elements, which trans- 2000; Cuadrado and Jouve 2002; Navrátilová et al. 2003;
pose and amplify via copy and paste mechanisms using Pires et al. 2004). Because of their rapid changes in sequence
reverse transcriptase machinery (Kumar and Bennetzen and abundance (Macas et al. 2000, 2006), individual
1999). Angiosperm genomes are particularly rich in LTR families of satellite DNA are often group-specific and are
(long terminal repeat)-retroelements of the Ty1-copia and maintained as highly homogenized repeat types due to con-
the Ty3-gypsy type (Kumar and Bennetzen 1999; Bennetzen certed evolution (Elder and Turner 1995). Most satellite
et al. 2005). Generally, retrotransposons are rather uniformly DNA repeat types localize in the constitutive heterochroma-
dispersed over the entire karyotype, but they may be over- tin (see Sect.; Schmidt and Heslop-Harrison 1998;
represented in some regions (centromeres: Neumann et al. Macas et al. 2000, 2007; Fig. 13.3e–f). Specific and novel
2011; sex chromosomes: Kejnovský et al. 2009) and might satellite DNA types are particularly known from sex and B-
be underrepresented in others (NORs: Kumar and Bennetzen chromosomes (Sandery et al. 1990; Kejnovský et al. 2009)
1999; Ruas et al. 2008; but see Chester et al. 2008). or from allopolyploids, where these novel types often
Retroelements are, in addition to polyploidy, major replace the most abundant types inherited from either or
players in genome size variation. There is, however, no both parental species (Skalicka et al. 2005; Koukalova
clear trend with respect to the type of retroelements being et al. 2010).
involved in genome size increase. Whereas Ty3-gypsy The genomic localization, abundance and diversity of
elements dominate in, for example, Helianthus/Asteraceae tandem repeats varies considerably between different plant
hybrids (Ungerer et al. 2006), Fritillaria/Liliaceae groups (Schmidt and Heslop-Harrison 1998; Chester et al.
(Ambrožová et al. 2010), or Fabaceae (Vicia pannonica: 2010). Some genera are characterized by containing many
Neumann et al. 2006; Pisum sativum: Macas et al. 2007), different types of satellite DNA families but each family is
Ty1-copia elements dominate in Musa/Musaceae (Hřibová only weakly amplified (e.g., Pisum/Fabaceae: Macas et al.
et al. 2010) and Prospero autumnale/Hyacinthaceae (H. 2007; Beta/Chenopodiaceae: Menzel et al. 2008). In con-
Weiss-Schneeweiss et al. unpublished). Sometimes, a single trast, in other genera only a few satellite DNA types are
retrotransposon family may occupy nearly 40% of the present but these may be amplified moderately (Musa/
genome (Neumann et al. 2006). Musaceae: Hřibová et al. 2010) or massively (Fritillaria/
Activation of transposable elements, often in connection Liliaceae: Ambrožová et al. 2010; Scilla (Othocallis)
with species diversification without (Vicia/Fabaceae) or with siberica/Hyacinthaceae: Deumling and Greilhuber 1982;
13 Karyotype Diversity and Evolutionary Trends in Angiosperms 221

Prospero/Hyacinthaceae: H. Weiss-Schneeweiss et al. comprehensive information on chromosomal evolution

unpubl., Fig. 13.3f) affecting karyotype structure and sym- (including evolution of the repetitive DNA fraction) can
metry (de la Herrán et al. 2001). Several monocot lineages however be achieved via individual chromosome painting,
are known for their propensity to amplify and tolerate large i.e., the identification of individual chromosomes using
amounts of satellite DNA. Due to different positions of chromosome-specific probes (Lysák et al. 2010). Whereas
tandem repeat blocks in homologous chromosomes they this is state of the art in some animal groups (e.g., mammals:
may be heteromorphic (Liliaceae: Peruzzi et al. 2009; Ferguson-Smith and Trifonov 2007), in angiosperms only
Ambrožová et al. 2010; Hyacinthaceae: Greilhuber 1995; taxa with relatively small genome sizes (due to the low
Crocus/Iridaceae: Frello and Heslop-Harrison 2000; amount of transposable elements, which by their ubiquity
Alstroemeria/Alstroemeriaceae: Kamstra et al. 1997; limit the technique’s resolution) and extensive genomic
Kuipers et al. 2002; see Sect. resources (BAC or other types of libraries, screened and
It has been suggested that different satellite sequences mapped to chromosomes) are amenable to chromosome
can coexist in genomes of related species, where they form a painting. So far, Arabidopsis and other Brassicaceae are
library of satellite DNAs (library hypothesis: Ugarković and the only examples where whole-genome chromosome paint-
Plohl 2002; Plohl et al. 2008). Initially present in different ing has been successfully applied using pooled BAC clones
copy numbers constituting major and minor satellite DNAs, representative of an ancestral karyotype (Mandáková and
differential amplification after species divergence as well as Lysák 2008).
gradual and differential sequence evolution of repeats
(including loss of old and/or emergence of new satellite
types) without obvious quantitative change contribute to
the diversity of satellites DNA types (Ugarković and Plohl 13.4 Specialized Chromosomes and
2002). Chromosome Systems Centromere-Specific Tandem Repeats 13.4.1 Sex Chromosomes

and Retroelements
Typical functional centromeres are characterized by the In angiosperms, dioecy is found in 5–6% of genera
presence of, among other components (see Hirsch and distributed in c. 75% of families (Renner and Ricklefs
Jiang 2012), specific centromeric repetitive DNA consisting 1995; Vyskot and Hobza 2004). Of these, a few have devel-
of both tandem repeats and retrotransposons (Houben and oped differentiated sex chromosomes, which have evolved
Schubert 2003; Ma et al. 2007; Neumann et al. 2011). from regular autosomal chromosome pairs (Vyskot and
Centromeric repetitive DNA is not conserved among related Hobza 2004) via repression of recombination between
plant taxa (Heslop-Harrison et al. 2003; Lee et al. 2005; Koo proto-sex chromosomes and accumulation of sex-specific
and Jiang 2008; Koo et al. 2010), thus specific centromeric genes (for details see Janoušek et al. 2013, this volume).
tandem repeats can be used as chromosomal landmarks Initially, sex chromosomes will be morphologically indis-
once they are isolated from the given taxon/taxa group tinguishable from the autosomes (homomorphic sex chro-
(facilitated by the availability of ChipSeq: Johnson et al. mosomes; Carica papaya/Caricaceae: Liu et al. 2004).
2007). Recently, variants of centromeric repeats used as However, in later stages of sex chromosome evolution they
components of a probe cocktail for fluorescence in situ become morphologically differentiated (heteromorphic sex
hybridization (FISH) permitted simultaneous identifica- chromosomes; chromosome X and Y in Cannabis and
tion of all chromosome pairs in soybean (Findley et al. Humulus/Cannabaceae, Silene/Caryophyllaceae, or Coccinia/
2010). Cucurbitaceae; reviewed in Vyskot and Hobza 2004) usually
by the accumulation of repetitive DNA (transposable GISH and Chromosome Painting elements, satellite DNA) and subsequent changes in size and
Genomic in situ hybridization (GISH), first demonstrated in structure of one or both sex chromosomes (Navajas-Pérez
synthetic cereal hybrids (Schwarzacher et al. 1989), allows et al. 2006; Jamilena et al. 2008; Kejnovský et al. 2009). Sex
the identification of parental subgenomes in intraspecific determination either employs the active Y system (Silene
hybrids (Marasek et al. 2006; Choi et al. 2008) and latifolia/Caryophyllaceae) or an X to autosome dosage sys-
allopolyploids (Lim et al. 2007b; Chester et al. 2010) as tem, whereby sex is determined by the ratio of the number of X
well as demonstrating their genome and karyotype evolution chromosomes to the number of autosome sets (e.g., 2:2 in
(reviewed in Chester et al. 2010). The success of this tech- females vs. 1:2 in males in Rumex acetosa/Polygonaceae and
nique depends, among others, on the age and genetic close- Humulus/Cannabaceae: Vyskot and Hobza 2004; see also
ness of the parental taxa (Chester et al. 2010). The most Janoušek et al. 2013, this volume).
222 H. Weiss-Schneeweiss and G.M. Schneeweiss

13.4.2 Permanent Translocation Heterozygotes rapid way to identify new repeats. These techniques are
applicable to any plant group, even if no prior genomic
Translocation and inversion heterozygosity is quite frequent information is available (although basic information on
within populations of many species (Levin 2002). A few genome size and chromosome number is clearly helpful),
plant groups, however, have developed permanent heterozy- and at modest costs. Although one may consider traditional
gosity, where none of the chromosomes in the complement karyotype analysis obsolete because a thorough genome
has a fully homologous partner, although the sum of chro- characterization or even whole genome sequencing can be
mosomal arms is constant. It is known in at least 57 species achieved via NGS, it is in fact quite the opposite for two
(Levin 2002), mostly in Onagraceae (50 species of reasons: (1) basic karyotypic information, such as chromo-
Oenothera: Cleland 1972), but also Commelinaceae some number and size and organization, genome size, or
(Rhoeo discolor: Golczyk et al. 2005) or Paeoniaceae position of landmarks, will remain important, as it cannot
(Paeonia brownii and P. californica: Zhang and Sang easily be retrieved from NGS data irrespective of their
1998). It is considered to originate recurrently with all tran- amount, but is necessary for correct data interpretation; (2)
sitional forms present (Levin 2002). Heterozygosity is the composition of plant genomes containing large amounts
maintained via the existence of two multichromosomal of repetitive DNA is no less an obstacle for whole genome
superlinkage groups (Renner complexes: Cleland 1972), assembly from NGS data than it was for genome assembly
and results in extreme inbreeding (homozygotes are lethal: from traditional Sanger sequencing data. NGS is, thus, a
Stebbins 1950). Meiotic pairing is also peculiar in these perfect approach with which to rapidly extend the available
plants as the chromosomes form a ring when pairing, toolbox for in-depth karyotype analyses. The main challenge
followed by anaphase during which the centromeres are for the near future will be to overcome the NGS-inherent
distributed into the daughter cells in a strictly alternating bottleneck of bioinformatic data analyses, especially with
way. This results in the chromosomes of the original parental respect to plant repetitive DNA, where bioinformatic tools
sets staying together in either of the daughter cells are notoriously scarce (but see Novák et al. 2010).
(Hejnowicz and Feldman 2000). Most importantly, due to the tremendous amount of data,
NGS allows detailed insights into plant genome composition
and dynamics of different types of repetitive DNA. Apart
from a general characterization of the repeat types, including
13.5 Karyotype Evolution in the Genomic Era
identification of new retroelement families (Macas et al.
2007; Swaminathan et al. 2007; Wicker et al. 2009), NGS
Comparative genetic and physical maps have enabled
also enables rapid isolation and characterization of novel
detailed insights into the structure and evolution of the
tandem repeat families (Macas et al. 2007; Hřibová et al.
coding part of the genome, as well as into rates and timing
2010), which until now required highly laborious and not
of gross chromosomal changes in several genetically well
always overwhelmingly successful approaches. Importantly,
characterized angiosperm groups (Solanaceae: Wu and
NGS for the first time provides us with the means to conduct
Tanksley 2010; Cucumis/Cucurbitaceae: Huang et al. 2009;
comprehensive comparative analyses on the genomic repeat
Brachypodium/Poaceae: Vogel et al. 2010). At the chromo-
composition of any plant species (Macas et al. 2007;
somal level, mapping available bacterial artificial
Hřibová et al. 2010) and their contribution to genome size
chromosomes (BACs) via multicolor FISH on homoeo-
change (Tenaillon et al. 2011). It also allows one to test
logous chromosomes of related species (e.g., cross-species
broader hypotheses concerning group-specific patterns of
multicolor BAC–FISH) offers a unique tool for comparative
repetitive DNA evolution, for instance, large-scale amplifi-
genomic analyses bridging genetic and physical maps. Addi-
cation of one/few families of tandem repeats versus small-
tionally, it allows detailed analyses of the size, position, and
scale amplifications of numerous small repeat families
evolution of repeat-rich regions of the genome (Tang et al.
(Macas et al. 2007; Swaminathan et al. 2007; Ambrožová
2008; Lysák et al. 2010; Szinay et al. 2010). For the majority
et al. 2010; Hřibová et al. 2010; H. Weiss-Schneeweiss et al.
of plants, however, comprehensive analyses of the repetitive
unpubl.), or insights into retroelement-mediated faster
fraction of the genome have remained difficult, mostly
genome rearrangement rates suggested for monocots (Leitch
because the development of new specific chromosomal
et al. 2010).
markers has, until now, been very laborious.
The recent introduction of next generation sequencing
Acknowledgments The authors acknowledge the financial support of
(NGS) and its bioinformatic analyses has brought genomic the Austrian Science Fund (FWF), especially projects T218 (Hertha-
approaches within reach for any plant biologist, providing a Firnberg Fellowship) and P21440 to HWS.
13 Karyotype Diversity and Evolutionary Trends in Angiosperms 223

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Karyotype Variation and Evolution
in Gymnosperms 14
Brian G. Murray

Contents 14.1 Introduction

14.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
14.2 Survey of Chromosome Number and Size Variation 232
The extant gymnosperms are the modern representatives of
the most ancient group of seed-bearing plants that first
14.3 Incidence of Polyploidy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232
appeared in the Carboniferous, approximately 300 million
14.4 B Chromosomes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235 years before the present. The gymnosperms have a world-
14.5 Sex Chromosomes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235 wide distribution and form the dominant component of many
temperate forests in both the Northern and Southern
14.6 Karyotype Diversity and Chromosome Banding
Patterns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235 Hemispheres. They are also widely grown in plantation
forests and provide the majority of timber for construction
14.7 In situ Hybridization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
14.7.1 Ribosomal DNA (rDNA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237 and wood pulp for paper making as well as drugs and other
14.7.2 Telomere Sequences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237 phytochemicals. They are grouped into four sub-classes,
14.7.3 Other Repeats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237 Ginkgooidae (one monotypic genus Ginkgo), Gnetidae
14.8 Karyotype Homology Across Species and Genera . . . 239 (Gnetum, Ephedra and Welwitschia), Cycadidae (the
cycads) and the Pinidae (the pines and other conifers). The
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241
first three of these sub-classes are relatively small with just
one species in the Ginkgooidae, approximately 50 in the
Gnetidae and about 250 in the Cycadidae; the majority of
gymnosperms, some 550 species, belong to the Pinidae.
Although most gymnosperms are substantial trees, with
the redwood of California (Sequoia sempervirens) and
kauris (Agathis) of South East Asia and Oceania as promi-
nent examples, there are some like the pigmy pine,
Lepidothamnus laxifolius, that are small shrubs that seldom
grow to more than 1 m in height and some Gnetum species
that are lianes. The evolutionary relationships and taxo-
nomic positions of these four groups of gymnosperms
remain to be fully resolved (Rai et al. 2008; Zgurski et al.
2008; Chase and Reveal 2009; Eckenwalder 2009). Some
studies have placed Gnetales either as the sister group to all
conifers (‘gnetifer’ hypothesis, Chaw et al. 2000) or within
conifers as sister to cupressophytes (¼ ‘gnecup’ hypothesis;
e.g., Chumley et al. 2008) or Pinaceae (¼ ‘gnepine’ hypoth-
esis, e.g., Werner et al. 2009). In contrast, others have found
little or no support for a sister-group relationship between the
B.G. Murray (*)
School of Biological Sciences, The University of Auckland, 3 Symonds
conifers and Gnetidae (Palmer et al. 2004). Within both
Street, Private Bag 92019, Auckland Mail Centre, Auckland 1142, the conifers and cycads there has also been disagreement
New Zealand on the number and relationships of their component families

I.J. Leitch et al. (eds.), Plant Genome Diversity Volume 2, 231

DOI 10.1007/978-3-7091-1160-4_14, # Springer-Verlag Wien 2013
232 B.G. Murray

with, for example, the maintenance of Cephalotaxaceae and 2n ¼ 40 and Zhou et al. (2000) found 2n ¼ 36. All three
Phyllocladaceae as separate families (Page 1990) or their papers have clear photographic illustrations of the
merger into Taxaceae and Podocarpaceae, respectively (Rai chromosomes so this variation is not easily explained.
et al. 2008; Eckenwalder 2009). In the cycads Page (1990) Zhou et al. (2000) suggested that the material examined by
recognizes four families whereas Chaw et al. (2005) recognize Chuang and Hu was A. formosana, however, Eckenwalder
just the Cycadaceae and Zamiaceae as separate families. In this (2009) does not recognise this as a distinct species. Zhou
chapter the conifer classification of Eckenwalder (2009) and et al. (2000) point to a similar number of chromosome arms,
the cycad one of Chaw et al. (2005) have been adopted and the the nombre fondamental (NF; Matthey 1945), to explain the
four groups of gymnosperms are considered as sub-classes as difference in their count from that of Guan et al. (1993). It
proposed by Chase and Reveal (2009). would appear that more work is needed on the chromosomes
of this species or species complex. In the Cycadidae, Zamia
loddigesii provides a striking example of chromosome num-
14.2 Survey of Chromosome Number ber and karyotype variation, with five different chromosome
and Size Variation numbers and varying numbers of metacentrics and
telocentrics in populations from the Yucatan peninsula
The gymnosperms are probably the best studied group of land (Vovides and Olivares 1996). This contrasts with the unifor-
plants with regard to chromosome number. Table 14.1 lists mity within a species found in other cycad genera.
the 83 genera in the four subclasses of gymnosperms and Gymnosperm chromosomes are characteristically large
shows that chromosome numbers are known for some species (Fig. 14.1). A sample of measurements from three genera
in all but three of the genera, Austrotaxus, Neocallitropsis and shows that the maximum and minimum metaphase chromo-
Papuacedrus, all monotypic genera found either on New some lengths within each genus were 6.4–16.2 mm for 36
Caledonia or New Guinea. species of Pinus, 5.4–14.5 mm for 16 species of Picea and
One remarkable feature of this survey is the narrow range in 4.4–11.6 mm for six species of Larix (Hizume 1988). A
overall chromosome numbers, from 2n ¼ 14 to 66, a c. five- survey of genome size (C-value) variation (Murray 1998)
fold variation; this contrasts with a range from 2n ¼ 4 to c. found a relatively small range of values, 14.4-fold compared
640, a 160-fold variation in angiosperms (Weiss-Schneeweiss to nearly 2,400-fold in angiosperms (Pellicer et al. 2010;
and Schneeweiss 2013). A closer examination of individual Leitch and Leitch 2013, this volume) and, with the exception
families, where there is more than one genus, (Table 14.1) of Gnetum, all species in that survey had 2C DNA amounts
shows an even greater uniformity. In Cupressaceae, 26 of the greater than 13 pg. Since then the amount of data has nearly
27 genera that have been counted have the same basic number doubled, with values now available for 204 species in the
of x ¼ 11, in Pinaceae nine of the 11 genera have x ¼ 12, one, Gymnosperm DNA C-values database (Leitch et al. 2001;
Pseudolarix, has x ¼ 11 and the other, Pseudotsuga has basic Murray et al. 2010). Yet despite this additional data, genome
numbers of both x ¼ 12 and x ¼ 13. Even in Podocarpaceae, sizes still only range 16-fold from 2C ¼ 5.572.0 pg. These
the family with the widest range of basic numbers, these range relatively large C-values together with the low chromosome
only from x ¼ 9 to x ¼ 14. In cycads, Cycadaceae has eight numbers typical of most gymnosperms explain the large size
species of Cycas with 2n ¼ 22 while Zamiaceae has a wider, of individual chromosomes in gymnosperm karyotypes.
though still not great, range of numbers from 2n ¼ 16 to
2n ¼ 28. The three families of Gnetidae, Ephedraceae,
Gnetaceae and Welwitschiaceae are all monogeneric. Ephedra 14.3 Incidence of Polyploidy
species are generally 2n ¼ 14 or 2n ¼ 28 although a few
hexaploid and one octoploid cytotypes have been reported (see Polyploidy is exceedingly rare in most gymnosperm
Leitch and Leitch 2013), Gnetum species are 2n ¼ 22 or subclasses and this has been commented upon by many
2n ¼ 44 while the single species of Welwitschia has authors over the years (Khoshoo 1959; Williams 2009;
2n ¼ 42. The single species in Ginkgooidea, Ginkgo biloba, Fawcett et al. 2013, this volume). It is most widespread in
has 2n = 24. Cupressaceae, with examples in Cryptomeria, Fitzroya,
In the majority of gymnosperm genera, all species have Juniperus, Sequoia and Taiwania. Fitzroya and Sequoia
the same basic number, the exceptions include Halocarpus, are both monotypic with 2n ¼ 4x ¼ 44 and 2n ¼ 6x ¼ 66
Lepidothamnus, Nageia, Prumnopitys and Podocarpus in respectively, high numbers for gymnosperms. In contrast,
the Podocarpaceae, Fokenia in Cupressaceae and Zamia in Cryptomeria, Juniperus and Taiwania contain both
Zamiaceae. Amentotaxus argotaenia in Taxaceae is the only diploid and polyploid species. Pseudolarix in Pinaceae,
species in the Pinidae to show possible intraspecific varia- with 2n ¼ 44, is also probably a derived polyploid as
tion in chromosome number, Chuang and Hu (1963) all other species in the remaining 10 genera of the family
reported a count of 2n ¼ 14, Guan et al. (1993) reported have 2n ¼ 24. The chromosome numbers reported for
14 Karyotype Variation and Evolution in Gymnosperms 233

Table 14.1 Summary of chromosome numbers in gymnosperms. – ¼ genera where no data are available
Subclass Family Genus 2n (No. of species counted)
Ginkgoidae Ginkgoaceae Ginkgo 24 (1)
Pinidae Araucariaceae Agathis 26 (2)
Araucaria 26 (13)
Wollemia 26 (1)
Cupressaceae Actinostrobus 22 (1)
Athrotaxis 22 (3)
Austrocedrus 22 (1)
Callitris 22 (11)
Calocedrus 22 (6)
Chamaecyparis 22 (6)
Cryptomeria 22, 33, 44 (2)
Cunninghamia 22 (3)
Cupressus 22 (12) 2 with Bs
Diselma 22 (1)
Fitzroya 44 (1)
Fokienia 22, 24
Glyptostrobus 22 (1)
Juniperus 22 (15) 44 (2)
Libocedrus 22 (3)
Macrobiota 22 (2)
Metasequoia 22 (1)
Microbiota 22 (1)
Neocallitropsis –
Papuacedrus –
Platycladus 22 (1)
Sequoia 66 (1) 1 with Bs
Sequoiadendron 22 (1)
Taiwania 22, 33 (2)
Taxodium 22 (3) 1 with Bs
Tetraclinis 22 (1)
Thuja 22 (4)
Thujopsis 22 (1)
Widdringtonia 22 (2)
Podocarpaceae Acmopyle 20 (1)
Afrocarpus 24 (1)
Dacrycarpus 20 (3)
Dacrydium 20 (6)
Falcatifolium 20 (1)
Halocarpus 18 (1) 22 (1) 24 (1)
Lagarostrobos 30 (1)
Lepidothamnus 28 (1) 30 (2)
Manoao 20 (1)
Microcachrys 30 (1)
Microstrobos 26 (2)
Nageia 20 (1) 26 (1)
Parasitaxus 36 (1)
Phyllocladus 18 (3)
Prumnopitys 36 (1) 38 (1)
Podocarpus 34 (2) 38 (2)
Retrophyllum 20 (3)
Saxegothaea 24 (1)
Sciadopityaceae Sciadopitys 20 (1)
Taxaceae Austrotaxus –
234 B.G. Murray

Table 14.1 (continued)

Subclass Family Genus 2n (No. of species counted)
Amentotaxus 14, 36, 40 (2)
Cephalotaxus 24 (8)
Pseudotaxus 24 (1)
Taxus 24 (8) 1 with Bs
Torreya 22 (3)
Pinaceae Abies 24 (23)
Cathaya 24 (1)
Cedrus 24 (2)
Keteleeria 24 (2)
Larix 24 (18)
Nothotsuga 24 (1)
Picea 24 (28) 6 with Bs
Pinus 24 (68) 1 with Bs
Pseudolarix 44 (2)
Pseudotsuga 24 (3), 26 (1)
Tsuga 24 (8)
Cycadidae Cycadaceae Cycas 22 (12)
Zamiaceae Bowenia 18 (2)
Ceratozamia 16 (6)
Chigua 18 (1)
Dioon 18 (3)
Encephalartos 18 (8)
Lepidozamia 18 (2)
Macrozamia 18 (9)
Microcycas 26 (1)
Stangeria 16 (1)
Zamia 16–28 (35)
Gnetidae Ephedraceae Ephedra 14 (10) 28 (9) 14 & 28 (2)
56 (2), 1 with Bs
Gnetaceae Gnetum 22 (1) 44 (1)
Welwitschiaceae Welwitschia 42 (1)

Fig. 14.1 (a) Mitotic chromosomes of Manoao colensoi showing a of Pinus radiata; (c) CMA-banded chromosomes of Pinus radiata; (d)
‘typical’ gymnosperm complement comprising a low number of large DAPI-banded chromosomes of Pinus radiata. Scale bar ¼ 10 mm
metacentric and acrocentric chromosomes; (b) C-banded chromosomes
14 Karyotype Variation and Evolution in Gymnosperms 235

Amentotaxus (Taxaceae) are 2n ¼ 14, 36 and 40 (Chuang Cycas revoluta have not reported a heteromorphic pair in
and Hu 1963; Guan et al. 1993; Zhou et al. 2000) which is males (Hizume et al. 1992b; Hizume 1995), while in several
suggestive of polyploidy in one of the species. In Gnetidae Zamia species where both male and female plants have been
there is one reported case of polyploidy in Gnetum while in analysed, no obvious chromosome differences between the
Ephedra it appears more common with several species com- sexes have been found (Tagashira and Kondo 1999). Never-
prising both diploid and polyploid subspecies (Table 14.1). theless, Kokubugata and Kondo (1994) have shown that
Welwitschia with 2n ¼ 42 would also appear to have chromosome condensation in Cycas revoluta, which like
undergone polyploidy in its ancestry (Khoshoo and Ahuja most cycads has very large chromosomes, is highly variable
1963) although available molecular data is equivocal (Cui and consequently the identification of homologous pairs in
et al. 2006). the absence of differential chromosome banding and FISH
may be unreliable. More recently Hizume et al. (1998a)
applied molecular cytogenetic techniques to this problem
14.4 B Chromosomes in C. revoluta and were able to distinguish a heteromorphic
pair, one member of which lacked a large terminal segment
Only 13 species spread across seven genera have been of AT-rich, telomere-related DNA, in the karyotype and a
reported to have B chromosomes (Table 14.1). These are heteromorphic bivalent at metaphase I, both present only in
typically large, approximately 1/3–1/4 the length of the male plants. These results suggest an XYmale/XXfemale
largest chromosome of the normal complement (Teoh and sex chromosome system may be present in this species.
Rees 1977; Hizume et al. 1989, 1991). The relative rarity of Other gymnosperms have different sex chromosome
B chromosomes in gymnosperms is interesting, given that systems. For example, Podocarpus macrophyllus (native to
Trivers et al. (2004) reported a positive correlation between southern Japan and China) is interesting in that it is the first
the presence of B chromosomes and increasing genome size example of an XXY sex chromosome system in
in angiosperms. Consequently, we might then expect gymnosperms (Hizume et al. 1988b). Males have 2n ¼ 37
gymnosperms, with characteristically large genome sizes, and females have 2n ¼ 38, with a unique large, submetacen-
to have a large number of species with Bs. It is possible tric chromosome present in all males but absent in females.
that B chromosomes have a more widespread systematic In contrast, Davies et al. (1997) were unable to identify sex
distribution because in many instances only a few indi- chromosomes in any of the New Zealand Podocarpaceae,
viduals per species have been analysed. A more detailed several genera of which are dioecious. A more extensive
discussion of B chromosomes in plant genomes is given by discussion of plant sex chromosomes is given by Janoušek
Houben et al. (2013, this volume). et al. (2013, this volume).

14.5 Sex Chromosomes 14.6 Karyotype Diversity and Chromosome

Banding Patterns
Although the majority of gymnosperm species are hermaph-
rodite and monoecious, many are dioecious including Initial chromosome studies of many gymnosperm families
Ginkgo biloba, all Cycadidae and Gnetidae as well as spe- using solid (Feulgen, orcein or carmine) staining suggested a
cies scattered in many families of the Pinidae (Givnish high degree of uniformity in overall karyotype structure,
1980). In Ginkgo, claims have been made that the number However, more detailed studies, such as those of Hizume
of chromosomes with satellites (¼ secondary constrictions) (1988), have shown that within this apparent uniformity
differed between males and females and some of these there is significant, often genus-specific, variation. Hizume
findings have been summarized by Hizume (1997). How- (1988) classified the karyotypes of Pinaceae into seven
ever, he analysed 10 male and 15 female plants and found groups that differed in the degree of karyotype symmetry.
that while the number of satellites did vary, this variation For example, Pinus is characterized by species having large
was not related to the sex of the plant. Similar claims have metacentric chromosomes with one or two pairs of smaller,
been made about sex chromosomes in cycads (for example, often sub-metacentric ones. In contrast, other genera such as
Sangduen et al. 2009). A heteromorphic pair associated with Larix and Pseudolarix show karyotypes with varying
sex differences was described in Stangeria by Marchant degrees of bimodality.
(1968) while a clear difference in one pair of chromosomes Despite their overall structural similarity, studies using
of Cycas revoluta (homomorphic in females and heteromor- differential chromosome banding and fluorescence in situ
phic in males) was described by Segawa et al. (1971). In both hybridization (FISH) have shown that the chromosomes of
examples the male is the heterogametic sex. However, some species in genera like Pinus are far from uniform (Figs. 14.1
doubt surrounds these observations as subsequent studies in and 14.2).
236 B.G. Murray

(Fig. 14.1c, d). These staining techniques have revealed

that the amount and distribution of these two types of hetero-
chromatin can vary greatly. Only a limited number of bands
are seen in some species such as Ginkgo biloba, which shows
just four CMA-positive bands that are also C-bands (Hizume
1997). Similarly, in eight species of Taxodiaceae, Hizume
et al. (1988a) found no DAPI bands and six species had only
two or four prominent CMA bands. An absence of DAPI
bands was also reported in all the New Zealand endemic
gymnosperms belonging to three families, Araucariaceae,
Cupressaceae and Podocarpaceae, and each species had just
a single, prominent CMA-positive band (Davies et al. 1997).
In contrast, two other Cupressaceae species Cunninghamia
lanceolata and Metasequoia glyptostroboides showed small
bands at all their centromeres in addition to two terminal or
six proximal large, prominent bands, respectively. Many
species of Pinus and Larix also have large numbers of either
or both CMA and DAPI bands. For example, recent studies
of Pinus heldreichii and P. taeda have demonstrated multiple
DAPI bands distributed on all chromosomes (Bogunic et al.
2006; Islam-Faridi et al. 2007). Similarly, Hizume et al.
(1993) studied six European Larix species and found they
all had numerous CMA and DAPI bands although their
Fig. 14.2 In situ hybridization of repetitive DNA sequences to gym- number and position differed between species.
nosperm chromosomes. (a) 45S rDNA in Podocarpus totara; (b) 45S In the Cycadidae, as in Pinidae, there are contrasting
and 5S rDNA (red), ‘Arabidopsis type’ telomere repeat (green) and a
patterns of fluorescent chromosome banding between spe-
centromeric repeat, PCSR, (magenta) on chromosomes of Pinus
densiflora; (c and d) colocalization of the 45S (c) and 5S (d) rDNA cies and genera. Kokubugata and Kondo (1996) found that
hybridization sites in the F1 hybrid Podocarpus lawrencei  P. nivalis; four species of Cycas with essentially similar karyotypes
(e, f and g) the ‘Arabidopsis type’ telomere repeat in Cycas revoluta; showed a common pattern of DAPI and CMA bands, with
(e) Podocarpus totara (f) and Cryptomeria japonica (g) [(a, c, d and f)
DAPI bands at the centromeres of all chromosomes and
from Murray et al. 2002 by permission of Oxford University Press; (b,
e and g) with permission from Dr M Hizume and the Editors of CMA bands widely distributed on most chromosomes at
Chromosome Science] one or both telomeres. A few interstitial CMA bands were
also seen on different chromosomes of the various species.
In subsequent studies of Zamiaceae (Kokubugata and Kondo
This was first demonstrated following studies which 1998; Tagashira and Kondo 1999), no DAPI bands were
showed that the Giemsa C-banding technique could be observed in Microcycas calocoma but they were seen as
used to locate heterochromatin in gymnosperms such as small dots at the centromeres of all chromosomes of
Cycas revoluta, Ginkgo biloba and Pinus densiflora (Tanaka Ceratozamia mexicana and at four to 12 centromeres of
and Hizume 1980). For example, MacPherson and Filion nine different species of Zamia. Only two CMA bands
(1981) examined five species of Pinus, two in sub-genus were seen in a centromeric location on the single metacentric
Strobus and three in sub-genus Pinus, and found that pair of chromosomes in M. calocoma but in C. mexicana the
pericentromeric C-bands were limited to species in sub- CMA bands were located terminally on seven chromosomes.
genus Pinus. Further differences between the five species CMA bands in Zamia are very variable; in some species such
were seen in the number and position of intercalary bands. In as Z. muricata 20 CMA bands have been observed whereas
other Pinus species differences between C-banding patterns in Z. angustifolia only six are reported (Tagashira and
have also been reported, including examples where no con- Kondo 1999).
sistent C-bands were seen (Kupila-Ahvenniemi and Hohtola Intraspecific variation in the number and size of CMA
1977; Jacobs et al. 2000). bands has been reported in several species of Cupressaceae
Many more species of gymnosperm have been (Hizume et al. 1988a), Pinaceae (Hizume and Tanaka 1990;
investigated with the base-specific fluorochromes Hizume and Akiyama 1992) and Podocarpaceae (Davies
chromomycin A3 (CMA) and 40 ,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole et al. 1997). For example, in Pseudotsuga menziesii
(DAPI) that stain preferentially GC or AT rich regions (Pinaceae) and Dacrydium cupressinum (Podocarpaceae)
respectively of heterochromatin in the chromosomes bands in comparable positions on homologous chromosomes
14 Karyotype Variation and Evolution in Gymnosperms 237

show clear size differences (Hizume and Akiyama 1992; chromosomes (Fig. 14.2c, d) (Murray et al. 2002). This
Davies et al. 1997) and in Picea brachytyla var. complanata pattern of linkage has also been described in liverworts
(Pinaceae) a survey of 35 seedlings showed that though all (Sone et al. 1999) and angiosperms (Garcia et al. 2007).
shared some common bands others had additional unique The diversity of rDNA locations is probably a consequence
bands (Hizume et al. 1991). of their movement by transposition (Datson and Murray
2006) as meiotic analyses (see Sect. 14.8 below) suggest
little structural rearrangement in the evolution of gymno-
14.7 In situ Hybridization sperm genomes.

Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) has been used

extensively to locate a variety of repetitive DNA sequences 14.7.2 Telomere Sequences
on chromosomes of Ginkgo biloba and many species in
Pinidae and Cycadidae. The presence of Arabidopsis-type telomere sequences
(TTTAGGGn) in gymnosperms was first demonstrated
using FISH in Pinus sylvestris and Zamia furfuracea
14.7.1 Ribosomal DNA (rDNA) (Fuchs et al. 1995). They found the expected hybridization
sites at the ends of all the chromosomes of both species but
Both the 18S-5.8S-26S (denoted hereafter as 45S) rDNA and in P. sylvestris large interstitial sites were also seen. Since
5S rDNA repeats have been mapped in a huge variety of then other species have been investigated and a variety of
gymnosperms from all the subclasses except Gnetidae patterns has emerged. In Cycas revoluta all chromosomes
(Table 14.2). have terminal sites that are conspicuously large on the telo-
In many cases this has enabled the identification of indi- centric chromosomes of the complement. In addition there
vidual chromosome pairs in the often uniform gymnosperm are sites at the centromeres of the acrocentric chromosomes
karyotype. The number and location of 45S sites varies (Hizume et al. 1998a; Fig. 14.2e). Large interstitial signals,
greatly (Fig. 14.2) from a single pair in some Podocarpus up to four on some chromosomes, have since been reported
(Murray et al. 2002), cycad (Kokubugata et al. 2000) and in all Pinus species examined (Lubaretz et al. 1996; Hizume
Larix (Hizume et al. 1995) species to a massive 38 sites in et al. 2000; Schmidt et al. 2000; Hizume et al. 2002a; Islam-
Pinus taeda (Islam-Faridi et al. 2007). The size of the Faridi et al. 2007). In four species of Podocarpus, Murray
hybridization sites also varies greatly both between et al. (2002) found terminal sites and a dispersed pattern of
chromosomes within a species and also between species. small sites scattered along the length of all chromosomes
Many are large and are usually at an interstitial position, (Fig. 14.2f). Sites at the ends of telocentric chromosomes
though in some cycads and Podocarpus species they are were not conspicuously different from those at the ends
adjacent to the telomeres (Kokubugata and Kondo 1998; of non-telocentric chromosomes in these species. Chromo-
Kokubugata et al. 2000; Murray et al. 2002) (Fig. 14.2). somes with only terminal hybridization sites have been
Small, often variable sites, in addition to the major ones, reported in Abies alba, Cryptomeria japonica, Ginkgo
have been reported at the centromeres of some Pinus biloba, Larix decidua and Picea abies (Fig. 14.2g) (Lubaretz
species (Fig. 14.2) (Liu et al. 2003; Islam-Faridi et al. 2007) et al. 1996; Hizume et al. 2000; Puizina et al. 2008). Albeit
and this location has been confirmed by Hizume et al. with a limited sample of species, it would appear as though
(2001) who used microdissection followed by degenerate Pinus amongst the gymnosperms is, to date, the only genus
oligonucleotide-primed PCR and cloning to identify these with exceptionally large and conspicuous interstitial telo-
sequences and use them as probes in FISH experiments on mere hybridization sites (e.g., Fig. 14.2b).
the chromosomes of Pinus densiflora.
There is considerably less variation in the number of 5S
sites with two or four being the predominant number 14.7.3 Other Repeats
(Table 14.2). The 5S and 45S rDNA sites often occur on
the same chromosome and Puizina et al. (2008) have The highly repetitive nature of DNA comprising the genomes
summarized the linkage patterns of these sites in several of gymnosperms first became apparent following studies on
genera of the Pinaceae. They found that Pinus shows the the reassociation kinetics of DNA from Cycas revoluta and
greatest diversity of patterns and that all the patterns seen in several species in Cupressaceae and Pinaceae (Miksche and
other genera, such as Picea, Abies, Pseudotsuga and Larix, Hotta 1973; Rake et al. 1980; Kurdi-Haidar et al. 1983;
are also found in Pinus. In several species of Podocarpus, Kriebel 1985). A surprising finding from these studies was
the 45S and 5S signals colocalize to very similar, if not the how large the percentage of ‘unique’ sequences was of the
same site in an interspersed fashion on one pair of total genome, (i.e., in the region of 20–30%). Nevertheless
238 B.G. Murray

Table 14.2 The total number of 45S and 5S rDNA hybridization sites detected by FISH in different gymnosperm genomes
Species 45S 5S Reference
Abies alba 10 4 Shibata et al. (2004), Puizina et al.(2008)
Abies nordmania 10 4 Shibata et al. (2004)
Abies pinsapo 10 4 Shibata et al. (2004)
Abies sachalinensis 8 4 Shibata et al. (2004)
Bowenia serrulata 4 – Kokubugata et al. (2000)
Bowenia spectabilis 2 – Kokubugata et al. (2000)
Bowenia sp. ‘Tinaroo’ 3 – Kokubugata et al. (2000)
Ceratozamia hildae – 2 Kokubugata et al. (2004)
Ceratozamia kuesteriana – 2 Kokubugata et al. (2004)
Ceratozamia mexicana 7/8 2 Kokubugata and Kondo (1998), Tagashira and Kondo (2001), Kokubugata et al. (2004)
Ceratozamia norstogii – 2 Kokubugata et al. (2004)
Cryptomeria japonica 2, 4 – Hizume et al. (1998b)
Cycas revoluta 16 2 Hizume et al. (1992b), Hizume (1995)
Ginkgo biloba 4 – Hizume (1997)
Larix decidua 6 2 Lubaretz et al. (1996)
Larix potaninii var. macrocarpa 2 2 Hizume et al. (1995)
Microcycas calocoma 2 – Kokubugata and Kondo (1998)
Picea abies 12 2 Lubaretz et al. (1996), Siljak-Yakovlev et al. (2002)
Picea crassifolia 10a – Hizume et al. (1999)
Picea jezoenisi var. hondoensis 10 2 Hizume and Kuzukawa (1995)
Picea glauca 14 4 Brown et al. (1993), Brown and Carlson (1997)
Picea koraiensis 10a 4 Hizume et al. (1999)
Picea omorika 16 2 Siljak-Yakovlev et al. (2002)
Picea sitchensis 10 4 Brown and Carlson (1997)
Pinus densata 18 3 Liu et al. (2003)
Pinus densiflora 14 4 Hizume et al. (1992a, 2002a)
Pinus elliottii 16 6 Doudrick et al. (1995)
Pinus massoniana 20 2 Liu et al. (2003)
Pinus merkusii 16 4 Liu et al. (2003)
Pinus nigra 18 4 Hizume et al. (2002a)
Pinus radiata 20 4 Jacobs et al. (2000)
Pinus sylvestris 14 4 Lubaretz et al. (1996), Hizume et al. (2002a)
Pinus tabuliformis 24 4 Liu et al. (2003)
Pinus taeda 38 4 Jacobs et al. (2000), Islam-Faridi et al. (2007)
Pinus thunbergii 12, 14 4 Hizume et al. (1992a, 2002a)
Pinus yunanensis 20 4 Liu et al. (2003)
Podocarpus acutifolius 2 2 Murray et al. (2002)
Podocarpus lawrencei 4 2 Murray et al. (2002)
Podocarpus nivalis 2 2 Murray et al. (2002)
Podocarpus totara 2 2 Murray et al. (2002)
Pseudotsuga menziesii 6 2 Hizume et al. (1996)
Stangeria eriopus 16 2 Kokubugata et al. (2002, 2004)
Zamia angustifolia 6 2 Tagashira and Kondo (2001)
Zamia integrifolia 6 2 Tagashira and Kondo (2001)
Zamia pumila 7 2 Tagashira and Kondo (2001)
Zamia pygmaea 6 2 Tagashira and Kondo (2001)
Zamia furfuracea 14 2 Tagashira and Kondo (2001)
Zamia loddigesii 14 2 Tagashira and Kondo (2001)
Zamia skinneri 6 2 Tagashira and Kondo (2001)
Zamia vazquezii 10 2 Tagashira and Kondo (2001)
Zamia muricata 20 2 Tagashira and Kondo (2001)
Additional weak signals observed in some plants
14 Karyotype Variation and Evolution in Gymnosperms 239

the repetitive fraction still comprised a very significant showing that the sequences are widely distributed across the
component of the genome. Elsik and Williams (2000) chromosomes (Schmidt et al. 2000; Murray et al. 2002). In
suggested that the high frequency of ‘unique’ sequences several species, standard telomere repeats have given rise to
was due to the presence of divergent retrotransposons mutated or degenerate copies that may have non-terminal
which contributed to the excess low-copy DNA and indeed, chromosomal locations and some are present at very high
recent sequence data support this. In a large scale trans- repeat frequency and constitute significant chromosome
criptome sequencing project of Pinus contorta Parchman landmarks (Schmidt et al. 2000; Shibata et al. 2005).
et al. (2010) identified a surprisingly large number of The distribution and evolution of retrotransposons has
transcriptionally-active retrotransposon sequences in their also been studied in gymnosperms and, as noted above,
sample. While in Pinus taeda Morse et al. (2009) uncovered both gypsy and copia elements have been found (Kamm
large numbers of gypsy and copia retrotransposons in the low et al. 1996; Brandes et al. 1997; Friesen et al. 2001). When
copy fraction of a Cot-based fractionation of genomic DNA. hybridized to Pinus elliottii chromosomes, a cloned Ty1-
Further verification of Elsik and Williams’ proposal and a copia-like element showed a dispersed pattern of
clearer idea of the contribution and composition of ‘unique’ hybridization over all the chromosomes, with the excep-
sequences in gymnosperm genomes will no doubt come as tion of centromeres and nucleolar organizing regions
high throughput sequencing technologies are increasingly (NORs) (Kamm et al. 1996). Friesen et al. (2001) looked
applied to gymnosperms. at the distribution of various gypsy and copia elements in
Cafasso et al. (2003) isolated an unusual GC-rich satellite Picea abies and Pinus pinaster. While some gypsy
repeat from Zamia paucijuga that was shown to be located in elements showed stronger signals at the chromosome
the sub-terminal regions of most chromosomes using FISH. ends (e.g., Pagy11 in Picea abies) or associated with 18S
The repeat also existed as a dispersed repeat that comprised rDNA and centromeric regions (e.g., Ppgy1 in Pinus
two to four satellite repeats flanked by a 0.6 kb AT-rich pinaster) most showed a dispersed pattern of hybridization,
repeat. These dispersed elements were found in 30 other similar to that reported for another gypsy element (Gymny)
Zamia species but not in Ceratozamia and Microcycas and in Pinus taeda (Morse et al. 2009). Indeed, such a dis-
the amount and dispersal pattern of the repeats differed persed distribution pattern which has been reported
between Zamia species (Cafasso et al. 2009). In some spe- for many other pine gypsy elements contrasts with
cies the repeats were at low or almost undetectable levels observations in angiosperms where most gypsy elements
whereas other showed very strong signals on Southern blots appear localized in the centromeric and pericentromeric
and they often showed evidence of secondary amplification regions (Grover and Wendel 2010). Such observations
events. hint at fundamental differences in the organization of
In contrast to these cycad results, Brown et al. (1998) DNA between angiosperms and gymnosperms and this
identified an AT-rich satellite sequence from Picea glauca has recently been discussed by Leitch and Leitch (2013).
that had a centromeric distribution on a sub-set of
chromosomes of P. glauca and P. sitchensis. Southern
hybridization showed that the sequence was present in 18
Picea species but absent from Pinus, Pseudotsuga and Thuja 14.8 Karyotype Homology Across Species
and that amongst Picea species there was little evidence of and Genera
structural alteration of the sequence. Subsequently, Hizume
et al. (1999) used the sequence as a probe onto chromosomes The uniformity of Pinidae karyotypes begs the question of
of two Chinese Picea species and found clear hybridization whether the similarity is superficial, with overall chromo-
signals at the centromeres of three pairs of chromosomes, some numbers and morphology being conserved, or whether
fewer than the four or five pairs found by Brown et al. variation is widespread but karyotype orthoselection (i.e.,
(1998). Hizume et al. (2002b) have since found a similar the maintenance of karyotype uniformity through the occur-
distribution pattern for two AT-rich sequences, one a 170 bp rence of characteristic structural mutations; White 1973)
repeat and the other a 220 bp repeat that was a partial masks extensive DNA sequence rearrangements. As
duplication of it, both located near to the centromeres of 22 discussed above, studies using chromosome banding and
chromosomes in Larix leptolepis but only 14 chromosomes FISH have revealed extensive variation in the location of a
of L. chinensis. variety of repetitive DNA sequences, but to assess whether
Various microsatellite or simple sequence repeats (SSRs) chromosomal conservation at a large syntenic scale has
have been identified and in some cases mapped to occurred requires evidence either from comparative linkage
chromosomes of Podocarpaceae and Pinaceae. Many analysis using orthologous loci or the analysis of chromo-
sequences represent a large fraction of the repetitive DNA in some pairing at meiotic prophase I/metaphase I in interspe-
the genome and have dispersed FISH hybridization patterns cific hybrids. Available data from both approaches support
240 B.G. Murray

the general idea of karyotype conservation across specific (Kokubugata and Kondo 1996). In contrast, Zamia is chro-
and generic divides. For example, fertile hybrids between mosomally variable with numbers ranging from 2n ¼ 16 to
the Japanese Larix kaempferi (syn. L. leptolepis) and L. 2n ¼ 28. Much of this variation has been attributed to cen-
decidua, from Northern and Central Europe, showed regular tric fission or fusion as the species with lower numbers of
meiotic pairing with a similar chiasmata and univalent fre- chromosomes have more metacentrics and fewer
quency to the parental species (Sax 1932). L. kaempferi has telocentrics compared with species with higher chromosome
also been crossed successfully with L. sibirica and L. numbers which show the reverse pattern. However the direc-
gmelenii (Eckenwalder 2009). Many more hybrid tion of change remains controversial (Marchant 1968;
combinations have been studied in Pinus (Sax 1960; Saylor Moretti 1990; Caputo et al. 1996). Whether there is large-
and Smith 1966; Williams et al. 2002) and these also show scale conservation of gene order in cycad chromosomes is
that there have been few major structural changes in the not known as no large-scale genomic mapping exercises
evolution of Pinus karyotypes. In Podocarpaceae, introgres- have been carried out.
sive hybridization has been reported between Podocarpus
totara and P. acutifolius. This implies that the hybrids are Conclusions
fertile with presumably regular meiosis and hence karyotype The overall uniformity of chromosome number and kar-
uniformity (Wardle 1972). Quinn and Rattenbury (1972) yotype in the major groups of gymnosperms is in
studied F1 hybrids between Dacrydium laxifolium and D. striking contrast to the situation in angiosperms
intermedium and observed mostly bivalent formation with (Weiss-Schneeweiss and Schneeweiss 2013, this vol-
two to four univalents in 75% of cells and one or two ume). The observation of conserved biological form
dicentric bridges and associated fragments in a similar per- and function is strongly susceptible to an adaptive inter-
centage of anaphase I cells. They concluded that these two pretation but an obvious selective explanation is
species were basically similar in karyotype structure but lacking for gymnosperm karyotypes. White (1973)
differentiated by two paracentric inversions. None of these differentiated between karyotype orthoselection, the
gymnosperm hybrids showed any evidence of chromosome maintenance of karyotype uniformity through the occur-
translocations. rence of characteristic structural mutations, and karyo-
Genetic maps have been produced for several species of type conservation, the maintenance of similar karyotype
Pinus and these show a remarkable conservation of gene morphology in different taxa through a lack of structural
distribution and order between species. These data have mutations. Karyotype orthoselection has been put for-
enabled comparative analyses to be made between various ward as an explanation (Williams 2009), however it
Pinus genomes and that of Pseudotsuga menziesii (Krutovsky would appear that it is karyotype conservation that is
et al. 2004). Pseudotsuga menziesii differs from all other important here as there is little evidence for widespread
Pinaceae in having 26 as opposed to 24 chromosomes, it has structural change in most gymnosperms (with the excep-
11 pairs of metacentrics/sub-metacentrics and two pairs of tion of some cycads). What the selective mechanism
telocentrics compared with 12 pairs of metacentrics/sub- underlying gymnosperm karyotype conservation is
metacentrics found in all other species. Comparative mapping remains a significant goal for understanding the evolu-
has shown that overall there is conservation of syntenic loci tion of gymnosperm karyotypes.
between the species of Pinus analysed as well as between P. Nevertheless, the application of molecular cytogenetic
taeda and P. menziesi, thus providing further support for the techniques to gymnosperm genomes has revealed consid-
proposal that Pinaceae genomes have been remarkably stable erable variation in the location and composition of a wide
over c. 45 million years, the time when Pseudotsuga first variety of repetitive DNA sequences and this variation
appeared in the fossil record. It is possible that there has has proved to be invaluable for karyotyping and chromo-
been even greater stability as fossils corresponding to the some identification. This is amply illustrated by two
subsections of Pinus, which share common karyotypes, have examples from Pinus. In P. densiflora Hizume et al.
been found in Cretaceous floras over 65 million years old (2002a) and Shibata et al. (2005) used FISH to map a
(Stockey and Nishida 1986; Miller 1993). variety of different repeats to the chromosomes
The Cycadidae provide contrasting patterns of karyotype (Fig. 14.2b) and this has allowed the identification of all
stability in different genera. Lepidozamia, Macrozamia, members of the complement. Similarly, Islam-Faridi
Encephalartos and Dioon, for example, all have the same et al. (2007) have produced a reference karyotype for P.
chromosome number, 2n ¼ 18, and essentially similar taeda and provided a key for the identification of each
karyotypes, though Encephalartos lacks a pair of telocentric member of the complement. Although both these studies
chromosomes in its complement which are characteristic of have used many comparable sequences Islam-Faridi et al.
the other three genera (Marchant 1968; Kokubugata et al. (2007) point out that it is still very difficult to identify
1999; Sangduen et al. 2009). Cycas species also show essen- homologous chromosomes between P. taeda and P.
tially common patterns of fluorochrome banding densiflora. The development of a wider range of probes
14 Karyotype Variation and Evolution in Gymnosperms 241

and their application to a range of species should better two different organizations of the repetitive unit in the plant
facilitate the comparative physical mapping of gymno- genome. Gene 311:69–77
Cafasso D, Cozzolino S, Vereecken NJ, De Luca P, Chinali G (2009)
sperm chromosomes. Mapping studies suggest the con- Organization of a dispersed repeated DNA element in the Zamia
servation of syntenic groups of genes (though P. genome. Biol Plant 53:28–36
densiflora has not been included in such studies) across Caputo P, Cozzolino S, Gaudio L, Moretti A, Stevenson DW (1996)
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Karyotype and Genome Evolution
in Pteridophytes 15
Michael S. Barker

Contents 15.1 Introduction

15.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245
Although genomics is a field often discussed as a recent
15.2 High Chromosome Numbers and Hypotheses . . . . . . . . . . 246
development brought upon by the advent of next-generation
15.3 Recent Advances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247 sequencing technologies, the roots of genomics extend to at
15.4 Future Directions for Fern Nuclear Genomics . . . . . . . . . 251 least the early twentieth century. Rather than running a gel or
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
assembling sequence reads on a server, early cytologists
squashed and stained actively dividing cells and viewed
them under a microscope to reveal a variety of chromosome
features including numbers, sizes, and pairing behaviour.
These data revolutionized our perspective of plant species,
and provoked numerous questions about genome evolution,
some of which endure today. Among these long-standing
questions is how the high chromosome numbers of homo-
sporous ferns and lycophytes evolved and are maintained.
By the 1950s, it was clear that fern nuclear genomes,
particularly those of homosporous species, possessed excep-
tionally high chromosome numbers (Manton 1950). Com-
parison of chromosome counts among related species of
many genera clearly showed that series of currently recog-
nizable polyploids (neopolyploids) such as tetraploids and
hexaploids are frequent among ferns and lycophytes, even-
tually reaching the highest known chromosome count among
extant eukaryotes in Ophioglossum reticulatum (n > 600;
Khandelwal 1990). These observations indicated that whole
genome duplication is an ongoing process and a significant
feature of fern and lycophyte evolution. In addition to the
abundant occurrence of neopolyploids, it became clear that,
with rare exceptions, even the lowest chromosome numbers
in each genus were much higher than those of other plant
groups. Cytologists studying angiosperms and other
heterosporous species rarely required more than fingers
and toes to count chromosomes; flowering plants have an
average of n ¼ 15.99 chromosomes (Klekowski and Baker
1966). However, homosporous ferns and lycophytes
required more digits and patience to count their
M.S. Barker (*)
Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, University of
chromosomes. On average, homosporous fern and lycophyte
Arizona, Tucson, USA genomes contain n ¼ 57.05 chromosomes, over three-fold

I.J. Leitch et al. (eds.), Plant Genome Diversity Volume 2, 245

DOI 10.1007/978-3-7091-1160-4_15, # Springer-Verlag Wien 2013
246 M.S. Barker

more than the average flowering plant (Klekowski and Baker Klekowski and Baker’s hypothesis. For example, Hickok and
1966). This striking difference between homosporous and Klekowski (1974) and Hickok (1978) demonstrated
heterosporous plants spawned a number of hypotheses. homoeologous pairing in a small percentage (<1–3%) of
self-fertilized offspring of the tetraploid Ceratopteris
thalictroides. These studies demonstrated that homoeologous
15.2 High Chromosome Numbers pairing can occur and may operate to provide heterozygosity
and Hypotheses in otherwise largely homozygous vascular plants.
Additional data to address the Klekowski and Baker
Although Manton’s (1950) cytological studies focused atten- (1966) hypothesis came from isozymes rather than additional
tion on homosporous plant chromosome numbers, cytological research. By providing direct insight into patterns
Klekowski and Baker (1966) provided the first synthetic of genetic variation and inheritance, isozymes were instru-
hypothesis for their origin and maintenance. Historically, mental for characterizing fern and lycophyte genomes. An
haploid chromosome numbers higher than 14 were generally early isozyme study allegedly supported the Klekowski and
considered to be polyploids in angiosperms (Grant 1981). If Baker hypothesis by finding non-Mendelian inheritance of
this rule were applied to homosporous ferns, with their multiple enzyme bands, consistent with homoeologous
average n ¼ 57.05, more than 95% would be diagnosed as pairing in a neopolyploid (Chapman et al. 1979). However,
polyploids. A significant exception to the generally high a subsequent investigation demonstrated that a homosporous
chromosome numbers in ferns are the heterosporous water fern with the lowest chromosome number for its genus pos-
ferns; the haploid chromosome number for heterosporous sessed a diploid, not polyploid, gene expression profile with
ferns averages 13.6, and 90% of these species have Mendelian inheritance (Gastony and Gottlieb 1982). Further-
chromosome numbers less than 28. A similar situation is more, it was demonstrated that the complex isozyme banding
encountered in the lycophytes, where the homosporous patterns of Chapman et al. (1979) were mostly attributable to
Lycopodiaceae have significantly higher chromosome num- subcellularly compartmentalized isozymes (Gastony and
bers than their sister groups (Pryer et al. 2004), the Darrow 1983; Wolf et al. 1987). Continued isozyme
heterosporous Selaginellaceae and Isoetaceae (L€ove et al. investigations supported Gastony and Gottlieb’s observation
1977). Thus, homosporous pteridophytes have significantly that homosporous ferns with base chromosome numbers for
higher chromosome numbers compared to their close their genus had diploid expression profiles despite possessing
heterosporous relatives and seed plants. relatively high chromosome numbers (Gastony and Gottlieb
Based on the large number of chromosomes, Klekowski 1985; Haufler and Soltis 1986; Soltis 1986; Haufler 1987).
and Baker (1966) posited that most homosporous ferns were These results differed from those in angiosperms, which
polyploids or species with more than two complete sets of showed that angiosperms with high chromosome numbers
chromosomes in their somatic cells. They proposed that did indeed have duplicated sets of isozymes (reviewed in
homosporous vascular plants evolved high numbers of Gottlieb 1982; Soltis and Soltis 1990).
chromosomes and ploidy levels to provide an extra source Analyses of fern breeding systems also cast serious doubt
of genetic variation to compensate for their putative primary on the Klekowski and Baker (1966) hypothesis. Rather than
mode of reproduction, intragametophytic self-fertilization, an finding evidence of extensive intragametophytic self-
extreme form of inbreeding that results in 100% homozygos- fertilization, analyses of natural fern populations also
ity in a single generation (Klekowski 1973). Under this per- found that they were predominantly outcrossing. Haufler
spective, homosporous ferns potentially suffer severe losses and Soltis (1984) found that 83% of the examined
of heterozygosity more frequently than heterosporous plants. populations of diploid Bommeria hispida had heterozygous
According to Klekowski and Baker (1966), additional non- enzyme banding patterns attributable to outcrossing between
Mendelian genetic variation could be generated by abnormal genetically different gametophytes. In a more extensive
pairing during meiosis of different versions of chromosomes, analysis of diploid populations of Pellaea andromedifolia,
or homoeologs, rather than the normal homologous pairing. Gastony and Gottlieb (1985) determined that at least 81.3%
Homoeologous pairing would be unaffected by this extreme of 145 sporophytes examined from natural populations arose
self-fertilization and release genetic variation in these puta- through outcrossing between gametophytes carrying differ-
tively polyploid genomes that would otherwise be “fixed.” ent alleles. Because of the unique breeding system of homo-
Putatively, heterosporous ferns should have lower chromo- sporous vascular plants, Holsinger (1987) developed a
some numbers than homosporous ferns because they are specialized statistical technique for estimating rates of self-
obligately outcrossing and therefore do not experience fertilization and applied it to the data of Gastony and
sharp reductions in heterozygosity through intragam- Gottlieb (1985). He found no evidence of intragametophytic
etophytic selfing. A variety of subsequent studies supported self-fertilization in two of Gastony and Gottlieb’s
15 Karyotype and Genome Evolution in Pteridophytes 247

populations with sufficient sample sizes for his statistical altering restriction sites. Using RFLPs with several cDNA
analyses and concluded that intragametophytic self- probes, McGrath et al. (1994) found multiple copies of most
fertilization occurs only a small fraction of the time, if at genes tested in the genome of the diploid homosporous fern
all. Thus Klekowski and Baker’s (1966) original rationale species Ceratopteris richardii, consistent with Haufler’s
for the polyploid homoeologous heterozygosity hypothe- hypothesis. Therefore, even diploid species of homosporous
sis—high levels of intragametophytic self-fertilization— ferns seem to have multiple gene copies, although many
was rejected. appear to be silenced pseudogenes. McGrath et al. also
By the end of the isozyme era, it was clear that the compared the RFLP profiles of diploid C. richardii and
previous explanation for high numbers of chromosomes in tetraploid C. thalictroides and expected that twice as many
homosporous genomes—high levels of neopolyploidy—was gene copies should be present in C. thalictroides. In contrast
no longer supported. Alternative explanations that do not to their expectation, the tetraploid species had on average
involve polyploidy for the high chromosome numbers, only 30% (marginally significant) more gene copies and
including ancestral high chromosome numbers and high some loci were single-copy. Although some paralogs may
rates of chromosomal fission, have never gained much trac- have been undetected if they co-migrate on the gel or if their
tion because counts within genera and clades often follow a sequences are too diverged from the probe sequences, it
euploid pattern and rates of neopolyploidy are high among seems reasonable to assume that at least in some cases,
ferns (Wood et al. 2009). To explain the paradox of high genes duplicated through polyploidization have been
chromosome numbers and diploid isozyme expressions in not only silenced but also completely deleted from the
homosporous ferns, Haufler (1987) hypothesized that homo- genome. These results are consistent with the spectrum
sporous ferns may have acquired high chromosome numbers of observations in angiosperm genomes and polyploids
with diploid gene expression through repeated cycles of (Wendel 2000).
polyploidization and subsequent gene silencing without the
loss of chromosomes. If such a mechanism is common, the
genomes of extant homosporous ferns should contain multi- 15.3 Recent Advances
ple, silenced copies of each nuclear gene. In support of
Haufler’s hypothesis, a few studies have identified silenced In the last decade, the study of plant genomes has advanced
nuclear genes in homosporous fern genomes. Gastony (1991) with the advent of new sequencing technologies. Fern and
captured the process of gene silencing by documenting that the lycophyte genomics are beginning to benefit from these
duplicated expression of a phosphoglucoisomerase isozyme in advancements and progress is being made on the long-
the neotetraploid homosporous fern Pellaea rufa progressively standing questions surrounding the evolution of high chromo-
diminished to a diploid level in several populations. However, some numbers (Barker and Wolf 2010). Traditional marker
isozyme analyses can assess only the expression of enzyme- based approaches to the study of genomics often have limited
coding loci and not the presence of these genes. Therefore, it power, especially if mapping populations are not employed to
cannot be determined whether homosporous ferns with the evaluate inheritance patterns. For example, RFLP studies
lowest chromosome numbers in their genus have diploid cannot distinguish genome-wide polyploidization events
expression of isozyme loci because they have never experi- from small scale duplications because the number of detected
enced polyploidization or because they have gone through the RFLP fragments tends to overestimate the number of gene
cycle of polyploidization and gene silencing, unless sequences copies if restriction sites exist within the probe hybridizing
of gene copies are examined (reviewed in Soltis and Soltis sites. Critically, the relative positions of gene copies in the
1987). Using DNA sequence based probes for chlorophyll a/b genome are unknown in RFLP studies without analysis of
binding protein (CAB) genes in the homosporous fern segregating populations. Some of these limitations can be
Polystichum munitum, Pichersky et al. (1990) identified sev- overcome by fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) or
eral copies of this high copy number gene and found that “chromosome painting,” which allows one to visualize the
several gene copies had been pseudogenized, consistent with physical position of genes corresponding to the fluorescently
Haufler’s hypothesis. labelled hybridizing probes on the fixed chromosomes.
Subsequent studies evaluating gene copy number in Using a ribosomal DNA (rDNA) probe, FISH analyses in
homosporous ferns utilized Restriction Fragment Length C. richardii showed that multiple rDNA gene copies exist
Polymorphisms (RFLPs). RFLPs may be used to estimate on different chromosomes (McGrath and Hickok 1999),
the number of genes present in a genome by using DNA supporting the hypothesis of paleopolyploidy in homosporous
probes to detect length differences in restriction enzyme- ferns. However, it is difficult to determine relative positions
digested genomic fragments. Mutations at paralogous loci among different marker loci with FISH, and the approach is
will introduce changes in the length of fragments by either technically challenging and labour intense, especially when
directly introducing length differences (e.g., indels) or by hybridizing many low copy markers. Other techniques have
248 M.S. Barker

provided more information about fern and lycophyte distribution of gene copies, however, indicate that there is
genomes with more reliability. significant clustering in the C. richardii genome; that is, the
Genetic linkage mapping has provided the most compre- copies of a set of markers in a given linkage group tend to
hensive view of synteny, or gene order colinearity among co-occur on a different linkage group, although the pattern is
duplicated regions. Linkage maps describe the relative not strong enough to be visually apparent. This result
locations of polymorphic markers in genomes inferred from suggests that there may have been ancient whole genome
the segregation patterns of parental alleles in mapping duplications in the history of C. richardii, and likely other
populations. Inference of marker positions is based on a related polypod ferns, that have been masked by subsequent
simple assumption: the frequency of recombination between chromosomal and gene copy number evolution.
two markers increases with the physical distance between To gain further insight into the origin of the high
these loci, although physical and genetic map distances are chromosome numbers of homosporous ferns, modern geno-
often not proportional because recombination rates are mic tools have recently been applied to the question. In large
unevenly distributed across the genome. Linkage mapping and putatively complex genomes such as those of ferns,
is a powerful tool for investigating paleopolyploidy not only whole genome sequencing has not yet been economically
because gene copy number and relative marker positions can feasible. An alternative to sequencing a whole nuclear
be estimated fairly accurately, but also because mapping a genome is to sequence a large portion of the transcriptome,
large number of duplicated genes allows us to infer large i.e., that part of the genome that is transcribed into RNA.
scale duplication (e.g., polyploidy) if sets of duplicated loci Such whole-scale sequencing of cDNA libraries—either
occur in similar orders in different parts of the genome. normalized Expressed Sequence Tags (ESTs) where highly
Nakazato et al. (2006) constructed a genetic linkage expressed transcripts are reduced in abundance or non-
map of the homosporous fern C. richardii based on 729 normalized RNA-Seq approaches—has been particularly
markers (368 RFLPs, 358 Amplified Fragment Length useful in ferns. Using traditional Sanger long reads or
Polymorphisms (AFLPs), and 3 isozymes) using a mapping many more but shorter next-generation technologies such
population consisting of 488 Doubled Haploid Lines as Illumina or 454 sequencing, entire transcriptomes and
(DHLs). Most genes (85%) were found in multiple copies the “gene catalog” may be economically sequenced. Compu-
based on screens of 1,037 RFLPs hybridized to fluorescently tational tools specifically developed for large scale sequence
labelled cDNA probes, consistent with the results of previous analyses (e.g.,; Barker et al. 2010) are used to
RFLP studies. After correcting for potential multiple restric- efficiently analyse and summarize these large data sets.
tion sites within hybridizing fragments, 24% of genes were Transcriptome approaches are particularly well suited for
estimated to be single copy. This is one of the lowest studying the genomics of non-model organisms because
proportions of single copy genes among plant species, at genome complexity is reduced by focusing on transcribed
least as measured by RFLP linkage mapping. Local regions of the genome. Considering the low cost and analytic
duplications such as tandem duplications are common, yet flexibility of ESTs, they will likely play a significant role in
a large number of duplications were detected between rather furthering our understanding of fern genomes.
than within chromosomes. Although these data favor the How can transcriptome data be used to evaluate the
paleopolyploidy hypothesis as in previous studies, Nakazato paleopolyploid hypothesis and the origin of high chromo-
et al. (2006) were unable to find conclusive evidence of some numbers in ferns? Phylogenies of each gene family
paleopolyploidy. First, the detected gene duplicates appear may be constructed from a transcriptome library for a spe-
to be scattered more or less haphazardly across the genome cies, and common gene duplication events identified. By
rather than occurring in recognizable homoeologous chro- plotting the ages of all gene duplications, typically in terms
mosomal segments (Fig. 15.1). If there was an ancient of their number of synonymous substitutions (Ks or dS),
polyploidization, syntenic chromosomal blocks would be ancient genome duplications may be inferred as peaks in
expected to have been recognizable even after millions of the age distribution (Fig. 15.2). These peaks reflect the very
years. For example, the genomes of Brassica species large number of duplications of similar age that one expects
currently recognized as diploid are mainly composed of to result from ancient polyploidy, against a backdrop of
three sets of gene copies with short syntenic regions, ongoing small scale gene duplication birth and death. By
suggesting that they are ancient hexaploids (Lagercrantz using relative rate corrections and multiple species gene
and Lydiate 1996). family phylogenies to account for variation in substitution
The absence of significant homoeologous synteny in rates across lineages, it is possible to discern whether
Nakazato et al.’s mapping study suggests that polyploi- paleopolyploidizations observed in two or more taxa are
dization has not occurred in at least the last several million shared (Barker et al. 2008, 2009). Applied to the
years in the C. richardii lineage and perhaps not in diploid transcriptomes of two polypod ferns (Ceratopteris richardii
homosporous ferns in general. Statistical analyses of the and Adiantum capillus-veneris) similar analyses have
15 Karyotype and Genome Evolution in Pteridophytes 249

Fig. 15.1 Plot of duplicated gene copies shared by pairs of linkage to the cM map length of the corresponding linkage group (After
groups for the homosporous fern Ceratopteris richardii (indicated by Nakazato et al. 2006)
the numbers). The width and the height of each block are proportional
250 M.S. Barker

Fig. 15.2 Histogram of 70 1.2

Ceratopteris richardii duplicate
Ks values demonstrating a peak in
duplications from Ks 0.96 to 1.84 60
(Barker 2009). The solid line is a 1
significant SiZer (Chaudhuri and
Marron 1999) kernel density
estimate, with the peak significant 50
at p < 0.05 0.8

% Duplicate Pairs





0 0
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5

revealed each lineage shares only a single detectable transposition (see Lysák and Schubert 2013, this volume).
genome duplication with a median peak of Ks ~ 1.6 (Barker Combined with silencing of duplicated genes via mutation or
2009; Fig. 15.2). By combining fossil dates (Schneider et al. outright loss, the actions of this suite of genomic changes lead
2004) with nuclear gene phylogenies from the transcriptome to diploidization (Doyle et al. 2008; see also Fawcett et al.
data, this duplication event is thought to have occurred nearly 2013, this volume). Significant variation in the rate of these
180 million years ago. This places the paleopolyploidization genomic changes is well known from the numerous whole
somewhere along the branch leading to all or most of the genome sequences available for the angiosperms. At one
polypod ferns, the largest extant clade of homosporous ferns. extreme is Arabidopsis, whose small nuclear genome contains
Although we have evidence for one ancient genome dupli- only five chromosomes but has experienced at least three
cation in the ancestry of most extant ferns, it is unlikely that a rounds of whole genome duplication in less than 200 million
single paleopolyploidy over the last 200 million years is years (Bowers et al. 2003; Tang et al. 2008; Barker et al. 2009).
sufficient to create and maintain the extraordinary chromosome In contrast, Vitis appears to have experienced only one duplica-
numbers of homosporous ferns. Differences in the rate of tion in the past 200 million years (the oldest one in Arabidopsis)
chromosomal change and loss may also play a significant yet has a larger genome with 17 chromosomes (Jaillon et al.
role. Following multiplication, the chromosomes of a polyploid 2007). Thus, genome organization and chromosome number is
genome may form complexes of three or more chromosomes a product of variation in diploidization processes as well as
(multivalents) during meiosis. A distinguishing trait of diploidy genome duplication. Many angiosperm lineages appear to have
is the formation of pairs (di-ploidy) of chromosomes (bivalents) experienced two to three rounds of paleopolyploidy in a time
during meioses. Although many plants have experienced at frame of Ks < 2 (e.g., Cui et al. 2006; Barker et al. 2008, 2009).
least one round of ancient genome duplication, these species Considering that only a single duplication event has been
all behave as genetic diploids rather than polyploids. So how do observed in current analyses of fern genomes they may experi-
most plant genomes, which have experienced rounds of ancient ence a lower rate of whole genome duplication than
genome duplications, return to this diploid genetic state? angiosperms.
Subsequent to genome duplication, plant nuclear genomes So, why do homosporous ferns have so many more
undergo a series of changes that restore the diploid genetic chromosomes than angiosperms? One possibility is that
system, a process known as diploidization. Typical plant homosporous fern genomes may be less dynamic than angio-
genomes experience, at varying rates, rearrangements and sperm genomes, and may experience chromosomal loss at a
often a net loss of genetic material, via mechanisms such much slower rate. Consistent with this perspective is the
as chromosomal fusion, illegitimate recombination, and exceptionally low density of genes observed in a fern
15 Karyotype and Genome Evolution in Pteridophytes 251

Fig. 15.3 Correlation between chromosome numbers and genome size (1C-value in picograms) for angiosperms, gymnosperms, and
pteridophytes. (After Nakazato et al. 2008)

genome (Rabinowicz et al. 2005) and the observation that and needs further evaluation. It is not entirely clear why this
genome size and chromosome number are strongly would occur, but additional information, including
correlated in ferns (Fig. 15.3; Nakazato et al. 2008). Simi- transcriptome data from more fern lineages, as well as fern
larly, earlier observations from cytological studies also whole genome sequences are needed to determine how, and
found that fern chromosomes are generally highly uniform ultimately why, fern nuclear genomes are different from
in size and structure across genera (reviewed in Wagner and seed plants, and whether such differences are caused by
Wagner 1980). These observations imply that although fern different genomic compositions or related to homospory
genomes appear to lose duplicate genes through gene silenc- and heterospory.
ing, physical genetic material may be lost at a slow rate
compared to many angiosperms and that chromosomal evo-
lution is less dynamic among ferns. 15.4 Future Directions for Fern Nuclear
One explanation that may reconcile these observations is Genomics
that repetitive elements are less active or abundant in fern
genomes. Repetitive element expansion and contraction has Furthering our understanding of the evolution of genome
been long established as a primary determinant of genome structure and organization of ferns—and vascular plants in
size variation in angiosperms (Leitch et al. 2005), with a general—will require the application of new technologies as
well-established positive correlation of genome size and well as analytical tools. Several new directions have been
numbers of retrotransposons, particularly Long Terminal initiated in recent years which will be important for the next
Repeat (LTR) retrotransposons (Flavell 1980). Recent generation of advancements. The complete sequence for
genome analyses in angiosperms, especially grasses, indi- a lycophyte, Selaginella moellendorffii, was recently
cate an increase in genome size in the last 10 million years completed (Banks et al. 2011). Analyses revealed that unlike
largely due to transposable element (TE) expansion angiosperms with low numbers of chromosomes, S.
(SanMiguel and Bennetzen 1998; Vicient et al. 1999; moellendorffii does not contain evidence of any ancient
Shirasu et al. 2000; Hawkins et al. 2006). These elements polyploidy. This result is consistent with the lower fre-
comprise over 60% of large genomes like maize, wheat, and quency of ancient polyploidy observed in homosporous
barley, but less than 50% in rice and about 10% in ferns relative to angiosperms (Barker and Wolf 2010). Addi-
Arabidopsis (reviewed in Bennetzen 2002). Although little tional nuclear genomes, as well as phylogenetically diverse
is known about the numbers and kinds of TEs in ferns, transcriptomes, will undoubtedly be sequenced for ferns and
reduced copy number of Ty1-copia-like retrotransposons lycophytes over the next few years and insights into vascular
were recently reported in the homosporous fern Pteris plant genome evolution will likely come quickly relative to
cretica compared to numbers in other plant species, despite the past. Combined with novel bioinformatic tools for study-
the fact that it possesses a large genome size and appears to ing genome evolution, such as chromEvol (Mayrose et al.
be a neopolyploid. Thus one possible explanation for the 2010) and (Barker et al. 2010), many of the
evolution of stable genome sizes and chromosome numbers twentieth century’s cytological mysteries may finally be
in ferns is suppression of TEs, but this is highly speculative resolved.
252 M.S. Barker

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The Incidence of Polyploidy in Natural Plant
Populations: Major Patterns and Evolutionary 16

Brian C. Husband, Sarah J. Baldwin, and Jan Suda

Contents 16.1 Introduction

16.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
Polyploidy, the multiplication of complete chromosome sets
16.2 Taxonomic Variation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256
16.2.1 Variation Among Major Plant Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256 per nucleus (n ¼ x in haploid phase, 2n ¼ 2x in diploid
16.2.2 Evolutionary Implications of Taxonomic Variation . . . . . 260 phase, where n is the haploid phase chromosome number
and x is the monoploid chromosome number; Winge 1917;
16.3 Intraspecific Variation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262
16.3.1 Occurrence in Natural Populations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262 Grant 1981) is a prominent and recurring transition in the
16.3.2 Cytotype Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263 evolution of eukaryotic genomes (Otto and Whitton 2000). It
16.3.3 Cytotype Frequencies Within Populations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265 has been documented within every major lineage of
16.4 Mode of Origin (Autopolyploid versus Allopolyploid) 267 eukaryotes (protists, plants, fungi, animals). Among these
16.5 Polyploidy and Life History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
groups, polyploidy is arguably most prevalent in land plants
16.5.1 Growth Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267 (i.e., angiosperms, gymnosperms, ferns and allies, lycopods,
16.5.2 Reproductive Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268 and bryophytes). As in other groups, there is evidence for
16.6 Geographic Distribution, Range Size and Ecological widespread taxonomic heterogeneity in the occurrence of
Adaptation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270 polyploidy within plants, and polymorphism at all taxo-
16.7 Conclusions and Future Directions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271 nomic levels including species and populations (Stebbins
1950; Otto and Whitton 2000). Heterogeneity in the inci-
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272
dence of polyploidy has also been associated with geo-
graphic location, environment as well as life history,
morphology and functional traits (Otto and Whitton 2000;
Levin 2002). Collectively, this heterogeneity has fuelled the
long-standing question in evolutionary biology: what
accounts for the evolutionary success of polyploids or,
more specifically, what ecological, phenotypic and genetic
factors promote the formation and establishment of poly-
ploid taxa (Thompson and Lumaret 1992)?
Our understanding of what polyploidy is has broadened
dramatically since its discovery in 1907 (Lutz 1907), a
transformation that has occurred in parallel with advances
in genetic technologies and a better understanding of
genome structure and diversity. Conventionally, polyploidy
is defined as an increase in the number of complete chromo-
some sets relative to the ancestral state. For nearly 100 years,
the primary source of evidence for polyploidy was, by defi-
nition, an increase in chromosome number in multiples of
the base (monoploid) number. The formation of multivalents
B.C. Husband (*)
Department of Integrative Biology, University of Guelph, Guelph,
at meiosis and multisomic segregation of alleles in progeny
Ontario N1G 2W1, Canada are also symptomatic of having additional copies of

I.J. Leitch et al. (eds.), Plant Genome Diversity Volume 2, 255

DOI 10.1007/978-3-7091-1160-4_16, # Springer-Verlag Wien 2013
256 B.C. Husband et al.

homologous chromosomes and have been important criteria and altered our inferences about the evolution and evolution-
for identifying certain kinds of polyploids, specifically ary significance of polyploids. Many scholarly reviews on
autopolyploids (M€untzing 1936; Jackson and Casey 1982). the incidence of polyploidy have been published in recent
Autopolyploids are generally defined as those whose decades with the purpose of exploring specific aspects such
duplicated chromosome sets arise from the same species, as their taxonomic distribution (Stebbins 1950), modes and
and have a high degree of homology among genome copies, rates of origin (de Wet 1980; Soltis and Soltis 1993; Ramsey
whereas allopolyploids contain chromosome sets derived and Schemske 1998; Soltis and Soltis 1999) and impact on
from different species and of weaker or incomplete homol- genetic and evolutionary divergence (Otto and Whitton
ogy (Kihara and Ono 1926; Ramsey and Schemske 1998) 2000; Soltis and Soltis 2000; Tate et al. 2005).
(see Sect. 16.4). In this chapter, we examine some of the dominant
In the era of genomics, the phrase ‘whole genome dupli- patterns of polyploid incidence that have emerged in the
cation (WGD)’ has also been closely associated and used literature but for which detailed explanations are still unre-
synonymously with the term polyploidy. This reflects the solved. These patterns are: (1) variation among taxonomic
addition of a more cryptic form of evidence for polyploidy. groups at or above species, (2) intraspecific variation, (3)
Specifically, phylogenetic, genomic sequence and compara- variation in mechanisms of formation (auto vs. allo), (4)
tive genomic approaches continue to reveal polyploidy in the geographic/ecological patterns of polyploid incidence, and
form of multiple copies of whole genome sequences or (5) associations between ploidy and life history (reproduc-
genome segments (Soltis and Soltis 1993; see also Fawcett tion). Beginning with a summary of the incidence of poly-
et al. 2013, this volume). This evidence can occur without a ploidy within major groups of plants, we review the state of
concomitant duplication in chromosome number, suggesting evidence with respect to major patterns of incidence and the
that either genomic restructuring and duplication are occur- progress and challenges associated with understanding their
ring on a large scale within an existing set of chromosomes evolutionary causes.
(not polyploidy) or polyploidization has occurred in the
distant evolutionary past and was then followed by a reduc-
tion of chromosomes and/or genes through selection toward 16.2 Taxonomic Variation
a diploid state (diploidization; Wolfe 2001; Tate et al. 2005).
This reinforces the view that polyploids may fall anywhere 16.2.1 Variation Among Major Plant Groups
along an evolutionary continuum from initial chromosome
doubling to varying degrees of chromosomal and genomic One of the most widely recognized patterns in the incidence
restructuring that approaches a more diploid cytogenetic of polyploidy in plants is the variation in frequency among
state. Not all polyploids will follow the same paths. While different taxonomic groups (Table 16.1). With increased
many ancient polyploids exhibit multiple gene/genome cop- scope of sampling and higher throughput analyses, our
ies distributed throughout large portions of their genome, estimates have become more complete if nothing else.
they will not necessarily exhibit the same consequences as From this evidence, it is apparent that polyploidy is widely
having multiple chromosome sets (e.g., sterility; Stebbins distributed but that major plant lineages vary dramatically in
1950; Ramsey and Schemske 2002) or double the nuclear both the frequency of polyploid species and the maximum
DNA content (Bennett and Leitch 2005), characteristic of ploidy level observed (Table 16.1). In this section, we pro-
young polyploids. Here, we mostly focus on patterns of vide an up-to-date account of the presence of polyploidy in
polyploidy as conventionally defined, using chromosome major plant groups within the Archaeplastida (sensu Adl
number as the primary criterion. et al. 2005), i.e., the monophyletic clade of primary photo-
After a century of research, our understanding of the synthetic eukaryotes. The Archaeplastida (or plants sensu
incidence and evolution of polyploids in plants is still in lato) comprises three major evolutionary lineages: (1)
flux. The early 1900s saw significant advances through the Glaucophytes, (2) Rhodophytes (red algae), and (3)
application of cytogenetic techniques to a wide range of taxa Viridiplantae (green algae plus land plants).
and consideration of its taxonomic implications. The mid
and late-1900s saw large advances in the spatial scale of Glaucophyta
research due to methods such as flow cytometry and growing Glaucophytes are a small group (3 genera, 13 species) of
interest in the population processes giving rise to polyploids microscopic algae occurring in freshwater habitats (Keeling
(Levin 1975; Felber 1991; Thompson and Lumaret 1992). 2004). Despite their pivotal role in our understanding of the
More recently, comparisons of nucleotide sequences for evolution of photosynthesis in eukaryotes, little is known
large portions of whole genomes have offered a more com- about their chromosome number, ploidy level or genome
plete glimpse into the evolution and organization of genome size, perhaps at least partly due to the fact that none of the
sequences and their function. Each advance has contributed species is particularly common. Detailed karyological
16 The Incidence of Polyploidy in Natural Plant Populations: Major Patterns and Evolutionary Processes 257

Table 16.1 Frequency of polyploidy, the highest known ploidy level and the record-holder species in different plant groups. The groups do not
represent comparable phylogenetic/taxonomic categories (Data compiled from different sources)
Number of Incidence of Maximum
Plant group extant species polyploidy ploidy level Record-holder
Glaucophytes (Glaucophyta) 13 Unknown Unknown –
Red algae (Rhodophyta) ~6,000 Frequent Moderate Polyides rotundus, n ¼ 6872 (Cole 1990)
Chlorophyta (Green algae s.s.) ~3,800 Frequent Moderate Eraemosphaera viridis, n ¼ 80 (Mainx 1927)
Charophyta (Green algae, ~5,000 (Very) frequent (Very) high Netrium digitus, n ¼ 592 (King 1960)
streptophyte algae)
Liverworts (Marchantiophyta) ~5,000 Rare (~8%) Rather low Riccia macrocarpa, n ¼ 48 (Przywara and Kuta 1995)
Mosses (Bryophyta s.s.) ~12,000 Ambiguous Moderate Leptodictyum riparium, Physcomitrium pyriforme,
(c. 20–80%) (~16-ploid) n ¼ 72 (Przywara and Kuta 1995)
Hornworts ~150 Absent – Anthoceros sampalocensis, n ¼ 10 (Przywara and Kuta
(Anthocerotophyta) 1995)
Lycopods (Lycopodiophyta) ~900 (Very) frequent Very high Huperzia prolifera, 2n ¼ ~556 (Tindale and Roy 2002)
Ferns and allies ~11,000 Very frequent (up Very high Ophioglossum reticulatum, 2n ¼ ~1440 (Khandelwal
(Monilophyta) to ~95%) (~96-ploid) 1990)
Cycads (Cycadophyta) ~250 Absent – Zamia paucijuga, Z. prasina, 2n ¼ 28 (Moretti and
Sabato 1984)
Ginkgo (Ginkgophyta) 1 Absent – 2n ¼ 24
Conifers (Pinophyta) ~550 Very rare (<2%) Low Sequoia sempervirens, 2n ¼ 66 (Hirayoshi and
(hexaploid) Nakamura 1943)
Gnetophytes (Gnetophyta) ~50 Moderate (~30%) Low Ephedra funerea, E. gerardiana, 2n ¼ 56 (Ickert-Bond
(octoploid) 2003)
Monocots ~60,000 Very frequent Very high Voanioala gerardii, 2n ¼ ~596 (Johnson et al. 1989)
(~75%) (~50-ploid)
Dicots s.l. ~200,000 Very frequent Very high Sedum suaveolens, 2n ¼ ~640 (Uhl 1978)
(~75%) (~80-ploid)

investigations of glaucophytes are needed to ascertain must have occurred independently in several lineages
the role of genome duplication in the early evolution of (Kapraun 2005). In addition, intraspecific ploidy heteroge-
photosynthetic eukaryotes and the recently sequenced neity recorded in several species (Cole 1990) suggests that
genome of the glaucophyte of Cyanophora paradoxa genome duplications have occurred in the recent evolution-
(Price et al. 2012) should shed light on this. ary history of red algae. Rhodophyta (Red Algae) Viridiplantae (Green Plants)

The red algae (Rhodophyta) are a large and diverse group of Following Lewis and McCourt (2004) and Smith et al.
microscopic algae and macroalgae (c. 6,000 species in 700 (2009), the green plants (Viridiplantae) contain two major
genera; Kapraun 2005) that mostly occur in marine clades: (1) Chlorophyta (or green algae sensu stricto),
environments. Some chromosome counts (Cole 1990) and and (2) Streptophyta. The latter is further divided into
estimates of nuclear DNA contents (Bennett and Leitch Charophyta (or strephophyte green algae) and Embryophyta
2010) are available although still quite fragmentary. Haploid (higher plants), which includes the non-vascular land plants
numbers range from n ¼ 2 to 68–72 (Cole 1990; Kapraun (bryophytes) and vascular land plants (lycopods, ferns and
2005); some orders (e.g., Bangiales) have low chromosome allies, gymnosperms, angiosperms), both of which are
numbers whereas others have predominantly high numbers karyologically relatively well known.
(e.g., Ceramiales, Gigartinales or Gracilariales). Difficulties
establishing the base chromosome number have precluded Green Algae
precise estimates of the ploidy level, but the maximum value Green algae are a paraphyletic group of uni- and multicellu-
in the haplophasic gametophytic generation is ~16x (analo- lar alga with plastids containing chlorophylls a and b. Recent
gous to 32x in groups with predominant sporophytes such as evidence supports dividing this group into two major clades
seed plants). Allopolyploidy has been suggested as a major (Chlorophyta and Charophyta), which have distinct ecologi-
evolutionary force in rhodophytes (Nichols 1980) and more cal preferences (predominance in marine and freshwater
recent investigations show that multiple polyploidy events habitats, respectively; Becker and Marin 2009), plus a
258 B.C. Husband et al.

residuum of related organisms (Prasinophyta; Lewis and Bryophytes

McCourt 2004; Kapraun 2007). The two major lineages Roughly 19,000 bryophytes (i.e., non-vascular land plants)
have differences in genomic properties, particularly in the are classified into three monophyletic lineages, which differ
extent of polyploidy (e.g., Sarma 1982). A number of tech- markedly in the incidence of genome duplication: (1)
nical challenges to studying their chromosomes (e.g., small liverworts (Marchantiophyta), (2) mosses (Bryophyta), and
chromosome size, difficulties with sample preparation and in (3) hornworts (Anthocerotophyta). Chromosomal data have
obtaining suitable material) preclude many general been compiled for more than 2,250 species (Fritsch 1991;
conclusions. Przywara and Kuta 1995), making bryophytes a moderately
The Prasinophyta, a paraphyletic and morphologically well explored plant group from a cytogenetic point of view.
diverse group, comprises tiny free-floating microorganisms There is a general consensus that genome duplication is
with low cellular complexity (Becker and Marin 2009). rare in liverworts (~8% of species, plus ~6% that have both
Most published genome sizes of prasinophytes are small diploid and polyploid cytotypes) and absent in hornworts
enough to suggest that the incidence of polyploidy is (using n > 10 as a threshold for polyploidy; Przywara and
unlikely (range from 0.005 to 0.35 pg/1C, with a modal Kuta 1995); the proportion of polyploid mosses is a matter of
value around 0.01 pg/1C; Kapraun 2007). One exception is debate. In contrast to other bryophytes, mosses show striking
Ostreococcus tauri, the smallest free-living eukaryotic variation in base chromosome numbers, from x ¼ 4 to
organism. Although the genome is as small as the chloro- x ¼ 19. Assuming that polyploids have gametophytic num-
plast genome of other green algae, cytogenetic studies show bers n > 9, Kuta and Przywara (1997) concluded that 84%
that it is fragmented into a comparatively high number of of extant mosses have undergone polyploidy and 28% are
chromosomes from 14 (Courties et al. 1998) to ~20 considered high polyploids (n > 15). Other authors have
(Grimsley et al. 2010), raising the possibility of polyploidy challenged these estimates and suggest that genome dupli-
in prasinophycean green algae. cation likely plays only a minor role in mosses (i.e., as low as
Although polyploidy has been identified in many groups 20% of species). Support for the paucity of polyploids has
in each major lineage, the overall proportion of polyploid come largely from studies of genome size, which reveal a
taxa and the maximum ploidy level in the Chlorophyta may relatively small overall variation (~12-fold) and relatively
be lower than that of the Charophyta (Kapraun 2005, 2007). constant values within genera and even families (Voglmayer
The orders Desmidiales and Zygnematales, which are within 2000). Interestingly, the range of genome sizes in liverworts
Charophyta, are particularly rich in polyploid species, and is much greater, and species with comparatively large
are the most speciose groups of charophytes with approxi- genomes have recently been recorded (Temsch et al. 2010;
mately 4,000 described species. The incidence of polyploidy see also Leitch and Leitch 2013, this volume). The evolu-
in these two groups has taxonomic implications in that cell tionary constraints on polyploidy are not clear but may be
dimensions are often used as diagnostic criterion for species linked to strong selection for motile biflagellate male
delineation. Although difficult to determine, the rate of gametes. The majority of known polyploids in mosses
interspecific and intraspecific ploidy variation in the seem to be of autopolyploid origin although there is growing
Desmidiales may be quite high (Sarma 1982; Hoshaw and evidence that allopolyploids are more frequent than origi-
McCourt 1988), and may be comparable to that of the nally supposed (e.g., Wyatt et al. 1988; Orzechowska et al.
angiosperms (see below). One species in this group, Netrium 2010) and may even dominate in some groups such as peat
digitus, is the green alga with the highest known number of mosses (e.g., Ricca et al. 2008; Karlin et al. 2010). Regard-
chromosomes. Different strains of this common species were less of the frequency of polyploids and mode of origin, the
found to possess from ~30 to ~592 chromosomes in the maximum ploidy in bryophytes is rather low, reaching only
haplophase (King 1960; Table 16.1). The Charales consist about 16x in haplophase. One of the record-holders is
of six extant genera with ~400 species (Kapraun 2007), Physcomitrium pyriforme, a polyploid complex that
many of which exhibit polyploidy and have chromosome encompasses several different cytotypes with up to n ¼ 72
numbers up to n ¼ 70 (Sarma 1982). In addition, Charales (Table 16.1).
possess the largest genome sizes of all algae (up to 19.6 pg/
1C in Chara contraria; Bennett and Leitch 2010), with Ferns and Allies (Monilophytes)
values being higher than the upper limit for older lineages The highest incidence of polyploidy among all plants is found
of land plants (e.g., bryophytes). This is particularly impor- in monilophytes, a monophyletic group comprising five
tant for evolutionary interpretations because several groups of spore-bearing vascular plants (Psilotales—whisk
multigene phylogenies have placed Charales as a sister ferns; Ophioglossales—ophioglossoid ferns; Equisetales—
taxon to land plants (Becker and Marin 2009) although horsetails; Marattiales—marattioid ferns; and Leptospor-
other molecular studies suggest Zygnematales holds this angiatae—leptosporangiate ferns), with around 95% of spe-
position (Wodniok et al. 2011). cies believed to have experienced one or more rounds of
16 The Incidence of Polyploidy in Natural Plant Populations: Major Patterns and Evolutionary Processes 259

genome duplication in their evolutionary history (assuming (spikemosses). The distribution of polyploidy in lycopods
that plants with chromosome numbers above n ¼ 14 are poly- generally mirrors the pattern described above for
ploid; Grant 1981). The average gametic chromosome number monilophytes (e.g., higher frequency in homosporous spe-
in monilophytes (e.g., ~57 in homosporous leptosporangiate cies). Considering x ¼ 11 to be the base chromosome number
ferns) is higher than in any other group of vascular plants of the genus Huperzia (L€ove et al. 1977), the level of poly-
except lycopods (for example it is just ~16 in angiosperms; ploidy in lycopods may reach ~50x (Table 16.1). However, as
Klekowski and Baker 1966). However, this theory was later in ferns, several lycopod species have been found to possess
questioned by the results of protein electrophoretic analyses, isozyme patterns typical of diploid plants despite their high
which used the number of isozymes per enzyme system as a number of chromosomes (Soltis and Soltis 1988). Interest-
proxy for ploidy level (Haufler 1987; Soltis and Soltis 1987). ingly, aquatic heterosporous quillworts contain more than
Despite often very high chromosome numbers, many 60% polyploid species, forming polyploid series ranging
leptosporangiate homosporous ferns and horsetails were from 3x to 12x, and allopolyploidy is considered to be one of
found to be genetically diploid. These results led some authors the major modes of speciation in this group (Troı̀a 2001).
to conclude that the level of polyploidy in ferns and allies may
in fact be overestimated and supported much more conserva- Gymnosperms
tive estimates (e.g., Vida (1976) suggested that just 43.5% of The extant gymnosperms (cycads, Ginkgo, conifers, and
species were polyploid) (see also Barker 2013, this volume). gnetophytes) form a diverse but relatively small group of
The observed incongruence between karyological and woody seed-bearing plants with exposed ovules and seeds.
protein electrophoresis data can be explained either by the Due to their limited number of species (<1,000), showy
origin of monilophytes with high chromosome numbers in appearance, dominance in many terrestrial ecosystems and
the diploid state or, more probably, by the evolution of this high value in forestry, no other group of plants can compete
lineage through several cycles of polyploidy followed by with gymnosperms in the wealth of karyological data.
chromosomal diploidization, gene silencing, and extinction There is compelling evidence that polyploidy is absent in
of diploid progenitors (Haufler 1987). In general, the inci- cycads and Ginkgo and extremely rare in conifers
dence of polyploidy is higher in groups with subterranean (Table 16.1). Despite intensive research, only four polyploid
gametophytes (whisk ferns, ophioglossoid ferns) than those coniferous species, all belonging to family Cupressaceae,
with photosynthetic and aboveground gametophytes, and have been found (Khoshoo 1959; Ahuja 2005): three
higher in homosporous leptosporangiate ferns than in tetraploids—Fitzroya cupressoides, Juniperus chinensis
heterosporous ones (Klekowski and Baker 1966; Haufler ‘Pfitzeriana’ and Juniperus squamata ‘Meyeri’, and one
1987). Some authors have suggested that polyploidy hexaploid—Sequoia sempervirens. While Fitzroya is likely
provides a mechanism for maintaining genetic diversity in an autotetraploid, Juniperus chinensis likely originated by
groups with subterranean and spatially isolated monoecious allopolyploidy (the origin of the other two taxa is uncertain).
gametophytes, which have a higher chance of self- The lack of polyploidy in gymnosperms may be, at least
fertilization and increased homozygosity. Perhaps not sur- partly, explained by their large monoploid genome sizes,
prisingly, the maximum ploidy level ever recorded in any which impose constraints on plant development. Indeed,
plant is from the pantropical adder’s-tongue species experimentally-induced conifer polyploids showed reduced
Ophioglossum reticulatum which may reach up to 96x in growth, dwarfism and premature mortality (Ahuja 2005). In
individuals with 1,440 somatic chromosomes (Khandelwal addition, concomitant changes associated with polyploidy
1990; Table 16.1). Gametic chromosome numbers above such as increased cell size might not be compatible with
200 (and correspondingly high levels of polyploidy) are the proper formation of woody fibres, thus constraining the
also common in other ophioglossoid ferns and some related rise of ploidy level in woody plants in general.
whisk ferns (Brownsey and Lovis 1987). On the contrary, Gnetophytes are unique among gymnosperms in having a
polyploidy is of lower evolutionary significance (and less much higher proportion of polyploids (Table 16.1) although
frequent) in heterosporous ferns, which have separate male duplicated genomes (based on x ¼ 7) have been observed
and female gametophytes that facilitate out-crossing. with certainty only in the genus Ephedra (Ahuja 2005).
About half of Ephedra species are polyploid but generally
Lycopods only at the tetraploid level with the exception of octoploid
Polyploidy is extensive in the Lycopodiophyta, the counts in E. funerea and E. gerardiana (Ickert-Bond 2003).
oldest extant lineage of spore-bearing vascular plants No obvious geographic pattern exists in the distribution of
(tracheophytes), which is sister to all other tracheophytes. diploid and polyploid species, since polyploidy occurs
Usually, three families are recognized within this lineage, the worldwide. Despite high chromosome numbers in Gnetum
homosporous Lycopodiaceae (clubmosses and firmosses) and (2n ¼ 44) and Welwitschia (2n ¼ 42) relative to other
the heterosporous Isoetaceae (quillworts) and Selaginellaceae gymnosperms, whether these genera are polyploid is
260 B.C. Husband et al.

unclear. A detailed karyological investigation of the latter level. Such variation suggests that taxonomic groups have
species (Khoshoo and Ahuja 1963) revealed an unusual either different predispositions to polyploid evolution or
chromosome complement consisting of only telocentric different amounts of time to accumulate polyploids (Meyers
chromosomes, with one pair bearing a satellite, quite dissim- and Levin 2006), or both. Heterogeneity among sister clades,
ilar from that of Ephedra. The high chromosome number in for which divergence time is controlled, suggests that at least
Welwitschia does not necessarily imply that the species is some lineages are preadapted to polyploidization. For exam-
hexaploid. In fact, genome sizes of both Gnetum and ple, within the genus Chamerion (formerly Epilobium), sis-
Welwitschia are at the lower end of published values for ter species C. angustifolium and C. latifolium have both
gymnosperms (Bennett and Leitch 2010; see also Leitch and evolved autotetraploid forms in parallel (Mosquin and
Leitch 2013, this volume). Small 1971), whereas the sister clade, consisting of C.
dodonaei and C. fleischeri, exhibit no polyploidy. Many
Angiosperms such examples exist and raise the question: what attributes
Chromosome numbers have been determined in about 25% of these species pairs contribute to the difference in poly-
of angiosperm species (Stace 2000), which provides a solid ploidy? The answer may rest with a range of attributes that
basis for spatial comparisons of the incidence of polyploidy influence either the formation of polyploids (e.g., unreduced
and assessing relationships between genome duplication and gamete production) or their establishment (clonality, self-
other plant traits (described below). Based on chromosome fertilization, ecological differentiation). The former are
number, genome duplication is frequent in both dicots and largely unexamined in natural populations (although see
monocots (Table 16.1) and can attain high levels, such as Bretagnolle and Thompson 1995; Ramsey and Schemske
~80x in the dicotyledonous Mexican stonecrop Sedum 2002) and the latter are invoked primarily through compara-
suaveolens (Uhl 1978) and ~50x in the monocotyledonous tive approaches (Levin 2002), and so the specific traits
Madagascan palm Voanioala gerardii (Johnson et al. 1989). involved are rarely unambiguous.
Estimates of the standing frequency of polyploidy vary In addition to these specific phenotypic attributes, the
from 30% to 80% (Masterson 1994) depending on how they incidence of polyploidy likely varies as a function of intrin-
are calculated. Stebbins (1938) estimated that 20–40% of sic genetic and genomic attributes. For example, Wood et al.
angiosperms were polyploid based on the mean proportion (2009) show clearly that the incidence of polyploidy is
of species per genus that have chromosome numbers that are highest in genera with a low base chromosome number
more than double the base number of the genus. This esti- (Fig. 16.1). Similarly, Grif (2000) found a negative associa-
mate is similar to Wood et al. (2009) for vascular plants tion between polyploid incidence and genome size. This
(35%), based on current phylogenetic data and similar pattern suggests that polyploid formation/establishment is
criteria. Undoubtedly these values underestimate polyploidy subject to intrinsic constraints determined by the size of
as they do not consider chromosome multiplication that the genome itself. The biological basis for this constraint is
occurs in association with the origin of different genera. In not fully understood but could reflect the increasing negative
contrast, Grant (1963) assumed that the chromosome base effects of high gene dosage, large cell size and increased
number for angiosperms was n ¼ 79 and that a species meiotic irregularities associated with high genome copy
with n  14 was by definition polyploid. Based on this number. Interestingly, recent genetic analyses of polyploid
premise, he estimated that 57% of species were polyploid. yeast indicate that genes controlling mitotic spindle forma-
In turn, Goldblatt (1980) and Masterson (1994) argued that tion, chromosome cohesion and homologous recombination,
any organism with n  11 constituted a polyploid, which and DNA repair may be particularly important in determin-
amounted to 70% of flowering plants. Otto and Whitton ing the stability of polyploids (Štorchová et al. 2006; Thorpe
(2000) estimated the incidence of polyploidy (polyploid et al. 2007). Whatever the cause, the negative relation
index) based on abundance of haploid chromosomes that between genome size and frequency of polyploidy within
are even-numbered compared to those that are odd- genera helps to explain the progressive decline in the inci-
numbered. From this, they estimated moderate values for dence of higher ploidy levels on the landscape. This pattern
both monocots (31.7%) and dicots (17.7%). is clearly depicted in a recent survey of chromosome number
and ploidy in the Californian flora (Fig. 16.2; J. Ramsey and
B. C. Husband, unpublished).
16.2.2 Evolutionary Implications of Taxonomic
Variation Polyploidy and Evolutionary
Diversification Preadaptations for Polyploidy The prevalence of polyploidy within plants has led to debate
Heterogeneity in the standing frequency of polyploidy is a about the influence of genome duplication on net species
well-established feature of plants, regardless of taxonomic diversification (Otto and Whitton 2000). Researchers have
16 The Incidence of Polyploidy in Natural Plant Populations: Major Patterns and Evolutionary Processes 261

Fig. 16.1 Relationship between 60

the base chromosome number per
genus and the incidence of

Infrageneric Polyploid Incidence (%)

polyploidy (relative to base 50
chromosome number) in
angiosperms. (From Wood et al.
2009 with permission) 40



2n=4-14 2n=16-18 2n=20-24 2n=26-108
Generic Base Count Group

argued, on one hand, that polyploidy may simply accumulate no tendency for polyploid genera to have increased species
as a unidirectional mutation with little influence on the rate diversification. Taken together, the evidence suggests that
or trajectory of evolutionary divergence (Stebbins 1971; although polyploidy may contribute significantly to species
Meyers and Levin 2006). This idea is based on the premise diversification, there is no indication that polyploid lineages
that ploidy is more likely to increase than decrease in time. have a higher rate of diversification than non-polyploid
Although reversals do occur, the resulting haploids are rela- lineages. This result is corroborated by experimental selec-
tively rare and often of reduced fitness and high sterility tion studies, which find that higher ploidy lineages most often
(Stebbins 1980; Ramsey and Schemske 2002). Alternatively, have reduced responses to selection compared to their lower
polyploidy itself may enhance evolutionary diversification ploidy progenitors (Zeyl et al. 2003; Anderson et al. 2004).
leading to increased divergence and species richness (Otto Quantitative estimates of the contribution of polyploidy to
and Whitton 2000). Elevated diversification may occur if speciation have been lacking from the literature until recently.
polyploidy accelerates adaptive divergence and evolution of Otto and Whitton (2000) developed a model for estimating
reproductive isolation (Otto and Whitton 2000) or reduces the incidence of polyploidy per speciation event using the
species extinction. This divergence may be enhanced proportion of species with even versus odd chromosome
because of the ability to differentiate extra gene copies numbers, expressed as a proportion of the minimum number
(subfunctionalization, neofunctionalization) or the effects of speciation events associated with a chromosome number
of genomic restructuring on standing genetic and phenotypic change. They estimated that the percentage of speciations
variation (Schranz and Osborn 2004; Tate et al. 2005; see associated with genome duplication is ~7% in ferns and
also Fawcett et al. 2013, this volume). 2–4% in angiosperms. Most recently, Wood et al. (2009)
Several studies have tested for elevated divergence rates used 120 phylogenetic trees for angiosperms and 20 trees
in polyploids by looking for a positive relationship between for ferns to estimate more directly the rate of polyploid
the incidence of polyploidy in specific taxonomic groups speciation; they estimated that 15% of angiosperm speciation
(e.g., genera) and species richness. Using this approach, events and 31% of ferns are associated with a ploidy increase.
Petit and Thompson (1999), Otto and Whitton (2000),
Vamosi and Dickinson (2006), and Wood et al. (2009) Plants versus Animals
found a weak increase in species richness per genus with Although the incidence of polyploidy in animals is better
the incidence of polyploidy. However, this method understood and recognized as more common than once
confounds species richness with age of lineage (Meyers and thought (Gregory and Mable 2005), it is still clear that the
Levin 2006). Vamosi and Dickinson (2006) controlled for phenomenon is more widespread in plants, particularly among
time by comparing diploid and polyploidy sister taxa in the sexually reproducing organisms. Why polyploidy is more
Rosaceae and, in that case, found no difference with respect prevalent in plants than animals has perplexed biologists and
to species number. Similarly, Wood et al. (2009) compared is still unresolved. The dominant explanations relate to
the species richness of 59 sister genera, separated by a ploidy differences in the likelihood of formation of polyploids or
increase, from 34 family-level phylogenies. They, too, found the potential consequences for the function and survival of
262 B.C. Husband et al.

Fig. 16.2 Distribution of 1000

somatic ploidy level (2n) among
species of the Californian flora
(N ¼ 3,163 biological species;
346 genera). Ploidy index for
each species is expressed as a 750
multiple of the base chromosome
number for the respective genus.

Values range from 2n ¼ 2x to
2n ¼ 20x in the data set but are 500
only shown to 2n ¼ 8x. The
modal peaks illustrate the
prevalence of orthoploid-euploids
compared to anorthoploids and
dysploids or aneuploids among 250
taxa (J. Ramsey and
B. C. Husband unpublished)

2n=2.0 2n=3.0 2n=4.0 2n=5.0 2n=6.0 2n=7.0 2n=8.0
Ploidy Index

polyploid individuals (Gregory and Mable 2005). Jackson multiplication, ploidy variation is also observed within tax-
(1976) postulated that triploid infertility posed a barrier to onomic species. The presence of intraspecific ploidy diver-
tetraploid formation in animals. However, triploids are also sity has three main causes. First, genome duplication is an
prevalent in plants and, in fact, it has been argued they are the ongoing genomic mutation within many natural populations
very pathway by which polyploids are produced (de Wet 1980; and ploidy polymorphism is therefore expected when poly-
Husband 2004). Muller (1925) suggested that polyploidy ploid formation is common. In fact, Ramsey and Schemske
interferes with the sex-determining mechanisms, specifically (1998) estimated that polyploids form at the rate of 105 per
the sex chromosome : autosome ratios in species where the X individual per generation, well above the genic mutation
chromosome is dominant. Unfortunately this mode of sex- rate, and in some cases it may be even higher than that
determination is not prevalent among animals, and Muller’s (Husband 2004). Second, depending on the frequency and
explanation cannot account for the absence of polyploidy in pathways of polyploid formation, diploids and polyploids
species with a Y-dominant sex-determining mechanism. may be maintained as genetically homogeneous populations,
Moreover, Muller’s hypothesis that polyploidy disrupts sex which are justifiably treated as single taxonomic species.
expression is not corroborated by the abundance of dioe- Finally, ploidy polymorphism may arise as an artefact of
cious plant species that contain polyploid series or can be our imperfect taxonomic approach. Since morphological
duplicated experimentally (e.g., Li et al. 2010). Orr (1990) divergence is often used as a criterion for species delinea-
suggested that in species with a degenerate sex chromosome, tion, polyploid lineages may not be recognized at the species
polyploidy disrupts the X : autosomal balance and hence level, especially in autopolyploids, which often have a close
dosage compensation mechanisms with fatal effects. Plants resemblance to their diploid progenitors (Soltis et al. 2007).
are less vulnerable to this because they rarely have degener- In many cases, the patterns of variation within mixed-ploidy
ate sex chromosomes. Thus, while these specific mechanisms species can provide insights into the early stages of poly-
may apply in organisms with dominant X chromosomes and ploid evolution.
with degenerate sex chromosomes, it cannot account for the
general scarcity of polyploidy in animals (Gregory and
Mable 2005). Other considerations, such as the effect of 16.3.1 Occurrence in Natural Populations
duplication on development, reproductive isolation, the inci-
dence of hybridization and mobility may also be important Intraspecific ploidy variation has been documented in many
(Gregory and Mable 2005). plant groups. Based on a broad survey of species, Wood
et al. (2009) reported that 12–13% of angiosperm species
and 17% of fern species are variable for ploidy. Similarly, a
16.3 Intraspecific Variation survey of the Californian flora indicated that nearly 13% of
the 2,647 species were polymorphic for ploidy (J. Ramsey
Although polyploidization is often associated with species and B. C. Husband, unpublished; Soltis et al. 2007). Intra-
diversification (beginning with Hagerup 1927) due to the specific ploidy variation has also been observed in most
barriers to gene flow that result from chromosome other plant groups such as red algae (Cole 1990), green
16 The Incidence of Polyploidy in Natural Plant Populations: Major Patterns and Evolutionary Processes 263

algae (Kapraun 2007), liverworts (Przywara and Kuta 1995), more intensive sampling (average sample size of 1,744),
and mosses (Kuta and Przywara 1997). Surprisingly, ploidy species with three cytotypes were most common and the
heterogeneity has even been detected in horsetails (Equise- frequency decreased less consistently as ploidy number
tum; Bennert et al. 2005), which have long been a textbook increased (Fig. 16.3, Table 16.2). The most common two-
example of a chromosomally-uniform group. However, to cytotype combination was 2x/4x in both surveys while the
date, no intraspecific ploidy variation has been detected in most common three-cytotype combination was 2x/4x/6x in
most gymnosperms, with the possible exception of a few the floristic analysis and 2x/3x/4x in the intensive studies. In
Ephedra species (e.g., E. breana; Khoshoo 1959). many of the intensive studies, triploids occurred at low
The global frequency of ploidy variation within plant frequencies as in Chamerion angustifolium (3.3%; Sabara
species is difficult to estimate at this time because the vast 2008), Galax urceolata (11%; Burton and Husband 1999),
majority of species have not been investigated in enough Heuchera grossulariifolia (1.4%; Thompson et al. 1997),
detail to confidently describe their ploidy composition. His- and Melampodium leucanthum (0.2%; Stuessy et al. 2004).
torically, the frequency of intraspecific ploidy variation was One other notable difference between the two datasets was
unknown because large-scale karyotypic surveys were time the high incidence of odd ploidies (3x, 5x, etc.) in the
and cost intensive and not deemed essential for cytotaxo- intensively studied species (84.6%) as opposed to the floris-
nomic treatments. The consequence is illustrated well in a tic survey (~4%). This may reflect the increased chance of
review of ploidy estimates in 185 species of wild potato detecting rare, odd-numbered ploidies with increased sam-
(Solanum section Petota). Hijmans et al. (2007) estimated pling. The prevalence of studies that detect odd-numbered
that, due to inadequate sampling, only 28% of the mixed- ploidies in sexual species suggests that intercytotype
ploidy species in this group have likely been discovered. hybridization may be more widespread than initially
Fortunately, new high-throughput tools, such as flow thought. The low frequencies of such hybrids (Husband
cytometry, are enabling more species to be analysed with and Schemske 1998; Baack 2004; Trávnı́ček et al. 2010,
much higher sample sizes (Kron et al. 2007). Since the 2011a; but see Trávnı́ček et al. 2011b) may reflect the
application of flow cytometry for ploidy determination, dependence of polyploidy formation on rare unreduced
there have been many new observations of additional ploidy gametes and the low relative fitness of these ploidies.
levels. For example, nonaploids have now been detected in
the mostly hexaploid Elytrigia repens and E. intermedia
(9x ¼ 3.8%, 6x ¼ 96.2%, N ¼ 238; Mahelka et al. 2005) 16.3.2 Cytotype Distribution
and penta- and heptaploids in the mostly hexaploid Senecio
carniolicus (5x ¼ 1.1%, 7x ¼ 0.3%, 6x ¼ 55.5%, The spatial relationships between ploidy states within spe-
N ¼ 380; Suda et al. 2007). In the latter study the sample cies can be categorized as sympatric, parapatric or allopatric,
size has now been increased from 380 to 5,033, and three depending on whether they are geographically intermixed,
additional ploidy levels (3x, 8x, 9x) have been detected, adjacent or disjunct, respectively. Examples of all three
making S. carniolicus one of the most ploidy-diverse plant forms have been described in the literature. One of the
species (2x–9x inclusive; Sonnleitner et al. 2010; most extreme examples of an allopatric distribution involves
Table 16.2). Overall it is likely that ploidy heterogeneity in Nymphoides indica. This pantropical species is diploid in the
species is underestimated and may continue to increase with Old World but tetraploid in the New World (Ornduff 1970).
more intensive sampling. Furthermore, because of the varia- In contrast diploid and tetraploid cytotypes of the endemic
tion in sampling intensity, caution must be taken when Galax urceolata have a sympatric distribution throughout
comparing rates of intraspecific polymorphism between much of the species’ geographic range in the Appalachian
plant groups. Mountains (Nesom 1983; Burton and Husband 1999). An
In species with intraspecific ploidy variation, the number example of parapatry is Chamerion angustifolium, which has
of ploidy states varies from at least two to eight. The distri- diploids in northern latitudes and tetraploids in southern
bution of ploidy states across species depends on how the latitudes in North America and a narrow zone of sympatry
data were collected. In a survey of chromosome numbers along the southern limit of the boreal forest and in the Rocky
among polymorphic species of the Californian flora Mountains (Husband and Schemske 1998). Similarly, in
(N ¼ 334), which is based on moderate sampling per spe- Vicia cracca of Central Europe, diploids in the east give
cies, most species had two ploidy states and the frequency way to tetraploids in the west (Trávnı́ček et al. 2010).
declined sharply with progressively higher numbers of Geographic patterns of polyploidy may arise through two
ploidy states (Fig. 16.3; J. Ramsey and B. C. Husband, main mechanisms. Sympatric and parapatric distributions
unpublished). In contrast, using studies of 26 species with can arise when polyploids form de novo from local diploids
264 B.C. Husband et al.

Table 16.2 Summary of 26 intensive surveys of intraspecific ploidy variation. Ploidy variation was surveyed across 2–336 populations and
involved sample sizes between N ¼ 145 and 6,554. Surveys did not always cover the entire geographic range of the species and occasionally
mixed-cytotype populations were sampled more extensively. + indicates that presence of the cytotype was reported but the overall frequency was not
Cytotypes Populations
Species Family N 2x 3x 4x 5x 6x 7x 8x 9x 10x 12x # % odd N % mixed Reference
Actinidia Actinidiaceae 338 64.2 14.8 0.6 20.4 4 0.6 16 E 62.5 Li et al. (2010)
Allium Amaryllidaceae 4,347 + + + 3 325 P 23.1 Duchoslav et al. (2010)
Allium Amaryllidaceae 844 26.3 73.7 2 0.0 62 P 6.5 Xie-Kui et al. (2008)
Arnica Asteraceae 870 43.4 55.3 1.3 3 44.7 21 E 57.1 Kao (2008)
Aster amellus Asteraceae 2,175 34.3 0.1 0.1 65.4 0.1 5 0.3 87 P 6.9 Mandáková and
M€unzbergová (2006)
Arrhenatherum Poaceae 145 72.4 0.7 26.9 3 0.7 2C 50.0 Petit et al. (1997)
Centaurea jacea Asteraceae 541 41.2 58.6 0.2 3 0.0 26 P 15.4 Hardy et al. (2001)
Chamerion Onagraceae 2,628 53.9 3.3 42.8 3 1.4 51 C 58.8 Sabara (2008)
Dianthus broteri Caryophyllaceae 244 25.8 2.0 41.4 11.1 19.7 5 2.0 25 E 4.0 Balao et al. (2009)
Galax urceolata Diapensiaceae 1,570 55.0 11.0 34.0 3 34.0 42 P 59.5 Burton and Husband
Gymnadenia Orchidaceae 3,581 61.7 1.9 35.6 0.5 0.3 5 0.0 43 P 58.1 Trávnı́ček et al. (2011a)
conopsea s.l.
Heuchera Saxifragaceae 855 87.9 1.4 10.7 3 1.4 14 E 21.4 Thompson et al. (1997)
Ixeris nakazonei Asteraceae 592 0.7 17.6 3.0 18.3 0.8 59.6 6 4.5 98 E 20.4 Denda and Yokota
b b
Knautia arvensis Dipsacaceae 4,648 36.95 0.04 64.01 3 0.04 279 P 6.5 Kolář et al. (2009)
Lythrum Lythraceae 1,884 4.5 0.9 86.2 8.4 4 0.9 124 P 2.4 Kubátová et al. (2008)
Melampodium Asteraceae 156 51.3 0.6 48.1 3 0.6 75 E 2.7 Stuessy et al. (2004)
Melampodium Asteraceae 440 77.5 0.2 22.3 3 0.2 188 E 2.7 Stuessy et al. (2004)
Oxycoccus Ericaceae 252 17.5 32.1 50.4 3 32.1 11 P 54.5 Suda (2003)
Parasenecio Asteraceae 271 54.2 0.4 45.4 3 0.4 44 P 4.5 Nakagawa (2006)
Pilosella Asteraceae 4,410 26.6 42.6 28.7 1.9 0.2 5 44.5 46 E 23.9 Trávnı́ček et al. (2011b)
Pilosella Asteraceae 1,059 40.2 36.7 22.8 0.3 4 37.0 336 E 10.6 Mráz et al. (2008)
Plantago media Plantaginaceae 569 58.0 0.2 41.8 3 0.2 27 C 33.3 van Dijk et al. (1992)
Ranunculus Ranunculaceae 1,618 42.1 1.2 56.7 3 1.2 38 E 5.3 Baack (2004)
Senecio Asteraceae 5,033 33.8 0.1 15.6 0.7 49.6 0.1 0.04 0.1 8 1.0 100 P 45.0 Sonnleitner et al. (2010)
Solidago Asteraceae 500 65.8 11.6 22.6 3 0.0 16 C 50.0 Halverson et al. (2008)
Vicia cracca Fabaceae 6,554 34.5 0.1 65.4 3 0.1 257 P 7.0 Trávnı́ček et al. (2010)
Mean 1,744 3.7 8.3 90.5 26.6
entire range, C contact zone only, P part of range (not specifically the contact zone)
Hexa- and pentaploids were also present but they correspond to K. dipsacifolia and K. arvensis  dipsacifolia hybrids, respectively

(primary contact). Alternatively, polyploids may have geographically distant plants of the same ploidy, whereas
diverged elsewhere and, through range expansion, have cytotypes in regions of secondary contact are genetically
come into contact with more distantly related diploids (sec- divergent. A mosaic of both primary and secondary contact
ondary contact). These two scenarios cannot be easily dis- zones has recently been suggested for several species (e.g.,
tinguished without additional genetic evidence. In primary Rivero-Guerra 2008; Kolář et al. 2009; Trávnı́ček et al.
contact zones, plants of different ploidy are genetically more 2010) but only rarely confirmed by molecular techniques
similar and more closely related to each other than to (Kolar et al, 2012). Additional genetic information and
16 The Incidence of Polyploidy in Natural Plant Populations: Major Patterns and Evolutionary Processes 265

a Galax urceolata
Proportion of species 25



Percentage of Populations (%)

0.35 10

0-20 20-40 40-60 60-80 80-100

b Chamerion angustifolium
0.00 30
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Number of ploidy states
Fig. 16.3 Frequency of species containing two to eight ploidy states
in the Californian flora (open bars, N ¼ 334; J. Ramsey and B. C. 15
Husband, unpublished) and among 26 arbitrarily selected species with
intensive sampling (solid bars; studies listed in Table 16.2). Note the 10
large difference in the proportion of species with only two ploidy states 5
observed between the two data sets
0-20 20-40 40-60 60-80 80-100

reciprocal transplants would be required to determine what Cytotype Percentage (%)

maintains these distributions and specifically to distinguish Fig. 16.4 Distribution of diploid (black bars) and tetraploid (white
the role of ecological differentiation and environmental bars) relative frequencies among (a) 40 populations of Galax urceolata
sorting versus selection against hybrids (tension zone). in southeastern United States (From Burton and Husband 1999) and (b)
51 populations of Chamerion angustifolium in the Rocky Mountains,
Canada (Sabara 2008). Populations were located within the sympatric
zones of each species
16.3.3 Cytotype Frequencies Within
Populations in mixed-ploidy populations differs among species in part
due to variation in the degree of sympatry among cytotypes
High-throughput ploidy analyses such as flow cytometry are and the degree to which sampling was restricted to the
now enabling intensive population-level surveys, which contact zone. Estimates of ploidy mixture are therefore
have improved detection of rare ploidies, mixed populations likely to be overestimates of the species-wide frequency of
and estimates of cytotype frequencies within populations. mixed-ploidy populations.
The incidence of mixed-ploidy populations is of particular How does the incidence of mixed-ploidy populations
interest because it provides insight into the mechanisms of compare to theoretical expectations? Theoretical studies
origin and coexistence of polyploids. Global estimates, how- predict that within zones of sympatry, mixed-ploidy
ever, are still uncertain because of limited numbers of stud- populations (and coexistence generally) should be relatively
ies, heterogeneity in sampling procedures, and complexities uncommon and evolutionary unstable because of frequency-
of the geographic structure of species. Based on intensive dependent selection against rare cytotypes (Levin 1975;
geographic surveys of 26 mixed-ploidy angiosperm species Husband 2000). This is because, under random mating,
(from 15 families), the proportion of populations with mul- most potential mates of the rare cytotype are of the alternate
tiple ploidies per species was variable and ranged from 2.4% ploidy, yielding unfit hybrids (Felber 1991). This prediction,
to 62.5%, with the mean of 26.6% (Table 16.2). One exam- however, has rarely been tested in natural populations.
ple is the perennial herbaceous plant, Chamerion Within the contact zone of Chamerion angustifolium, the
angustifolium. Within the contact zone in the Rocky ploidy frequency distribution matches the expected U
Mountains, 59% of populations surveyed contained both shaped pattern. That is, populations are more likely to be
ploidies and several of those had triploid hybrids (Husband dominated by one cytotype (usually tetraploids, in this case)
and Sabara 2004; Sabara 2008). In Gymnadenia conopsea, than have even frequencies (Fig. 16.4; Husband and Sabara
up to five different cytotypes can coexist within natural 2004; Sabara 2008). Similarly, in Galax urceolata, evenly
populations (Trávnı́ček et al. 2011a). We note that variation mixed-ploidy populations within the zone of sympatry are
266 B.C. Husband et al.

relatively uncommon. Most populations are dominated by polyploids (Barringer 2007; Husband et al. 2008) compared
one cytotype, occasionally diploids but usually tetraploids with diploids due to the breakdown of self-incompatibility
(Fig. 16.4; Burton and Husband 1999). systems (Stone 2002) and reduced inbreeding depression
The presence of mixed-ploidy populations in many (Husband and Schemske 1996) can also reduce extra-ploidy
published studies raises the question of what allows mating. More studies that quantify the individual and collec-
cytotypes to coexist within populations. Theory suggests tive strength of these barriers are needed to understand their
that multiple cytotypes may persist if they are prezygotically role in promoting coexistence of multiple ploidies.
isolated by spatial or reproductive segregation (Fowler and Coexistence will also be promoted by the recurrent for-
Levin 1984; Rodriguez 1996) or if the rare cytotype forms mation of polyploids within diploid populations (Felber
recurrently (Felber 1991; Bever and Felber 1992). Evidence 1991), although in this case polyploids are usually
for both processes have been reported. Spatial segregation of maintained at low frequencies. Triploids have been reported
cytotypes due to either ecological differentiation or at low levels in several diploid species (e.g., Bureš et al.
environmentally-independent processes such as founder 2004; Koutecký 2007; Slovák et al. 2009; Dušková et al.
effects or limited seed dispersal (Kolář et al. 2009) is fre- 2010). Although there is evidence that polyploidy has
quently observed (Bretagnolle and Thompson 1996; Felber- repeatedly evolved in some taxa (Soltis and Soltis 1999), it
Girard et al. 1996; Duchoslav et al. 2010; Sonnleitner et al. is unlikely that the frequency is high enough to fully com-
2010) and widely considered a key factor in the coexistence pensate for the mating disadvantage experienced by rare
of different ploidies. Polyploidization is often accompanied cytotypes (Ramsey and Schemske 1998). Until now, there
by changes in morphology or physiology, resulting in eco- is only one case (Pannonian populations of Hieracium
logical differentiation between diploids and their polyploid echioides) in which complex ploidy mixtures have clearly
derivatives (Levin 2002). Habitat segregation often occurs at been maintained by a sufficient frequency of polyploid
different spatial scales. On a coarse grain, spatial arrange- origins (Trávnı́ček et al. 2011b). Diploid-polyploid coexis-
ment of different cytotypes may range from near-complete tence may be further enhanced in species with dominant
niche differentiation (e.g., Felber-Girard et al. 1996) to mechanisms of clonal reproduction (Eckert et al. 2003;
apparent sympatry, which may disappear as the scale of Joly and Bruneau 2004; Kao 2007), allowing them to bypass
observation becomes finer (Trávnı́ček et al. 2011a, b). or further diminish the mating disadvantage experienced by
Although spatial segregation is widely observed, more infor- sexual species (Levin 1975).
mation is needed on the influence of this separation on Coexistence is particularly common in species in which
patterns of prezygotic mating, which is necessary to over- diploid-polyploid hybrids are produced (Table 16.2). In
come minority cytotype exclusion (Husband and Schemske these cases, coexistence may occur because the hybrids are
1995; Husband and Sabara 2004). partially fertile and serve as a regular source of higher ploidy
In the absence of strong spatial isolation, coexistence may states through backcrosses to diploid progenitors (Bever and
be favoured by various reproductive barriers that prevent Felber 1992; Husband 2004). Coexistence is evolutionarily
hybridization between neighbouring cytotypes (Husband stable particularly when the hybrid polyploid (most often 3x)
and Sabara 2004). Such barriers can exist at any number of produces monoploid and polyploid (unreduced) gametes,
steps in the reproductive process. Studies have found which can result in the production of both diploid and
differences between ploidy states with respect to insect polyploid progeny. Few direct tests of this possibility exist
visitor composition (Segraves and Thompson 1999) or insect for natural populations (although see Husband 2004). Alter-
foraging patterns (Kennedy et al. 2006), which diminish natively, mixed populations in these species may simply be
pollen exchange between cytotypes. This isolation can be transient stages in the evolutionary transition from diploid to
reinforced by flowering asynchrony, associated with polyploid. In the absence of triploids, the evolutionary tran-
differences in cell cycles and development rates between sition from diploid to tetraploid is very rapid once the
ploidies (Bretagnolle and Thompson 1996; Jersáková et al. conditions for the spread of tetraploids are met, indicating
2010). Reproductive isolation acting between pollination that mixed-ploidy transition states will be rare on the land-
and fertilization (gametophytic selection) may also be a scape (Fig. 16.5). However, the same transition with fertile
common mechanism to prevent hybridization (Howard triploids present is more complex (Fig. 16.5). Mixed
et al. 1998). Reduced germination on stigmata, reduced populations will be more common and will take several
pollen tube growth or decreased ovule fertilization of forms. Based on simulations (Fig. 16.6), populations often
heterospecific pollen may result in conspecific gamete pre- enter a brief stage of 2x/3x followed by longer periods in 2x/
cedence (Howard 1999). As demonstrated for Chamerion 3x/4x, 3x/2x/4x, 4x/3x/2x, and 4x/3x stages before becoming
angustifolium, conspecific pollen precedence can be strong fixed for 4x. Two species in which triploids are present show
and asymmetrical, and may evolve quickly as a direct con- high frequencies of mixed-ploidy populations and patterns
sequence of polyploidization (Husband et al. 2002; Baldwin of cytotype structure consistent with this transition. Galax
and Husband 2011). Higher rates of self-fertilization in urceolata contains a modest number of 2x/3x (15%) and 3x/
16 The Incidence of Polyploidy in Natural Plant Populations: Major Patterns and Evolutionary Processes 267

Fig. 16.5 Transition states in the a

evolution of tetraploid 2x 2x, 4x 4x
populations from diploids in (a)
absence of triploids, (b) presence
of triploids. Bold arrows indicate
where the presence of polyploids 2x, 3x, 4x
can accelerate their own b
establishment in a positive 2x 2x, 3x 2x, 3x, 4x 3x, 4x 4x
feedback. Dotted arrows indicate
that these stages may occur as 2x, 4x 2x, 4x
stable states under some

4x (5%) populations, but the majority of mixed populations viewed as less common and less important evolutionarily.
are 2x/3x/4x (27.5%) (Burton and Husband 1999). In This perception has prevailed from the early 1900s
Chamerion angustifolium, 1.9% of populations were 2x/3x, (M€untzing 1936), as a result of the success in synthesizing
no populations contained 3x/4x and 12.5% were 2x/3x/4x new allopolyploids or recreating de novo existing polyploid
(Sabara 2008). Unfortunately few species have been exam- species. Further, researchers such as Wettstein (1927) and
ined within this evolutionary framework. others argued that autopolyploids were not viable and would
eventually revert to diploids. In contrast, Blakeslee and
Avery (1919), and Jorgensen (1928) have argued that
autopolyploids can be viable under certain circumstances
16.4 Mode of Origin (Autopolyploid versus
but are likely to be rare in nature and necessarily associated
with apomixis and vegetative reproduction. Stebbins (1950)
and Grant (1981) have also argued that autopolyploids
Polyploids are generally classified as being one of two types:
should be rare as a result of abnormal chromosome pairing
autopolyploids and allopolyploids (Kihara and Ono 1926).
and chromosomal segregation leading to infertility of
Autopolyploids are formed through the multiplication of
gametes and inviability of offspring. Ramsey and Schemske
genomes within species, either through the union of genomes
(1998) estimated key parameters in the formation of
from different individuals or a single individual.
polyploids and found that the rate of formation is likely to
Allopolyploids represent those formed through the union of
be higher in hybrids, thus providing an additional argument
chromosome sets from different species either by
for the prevalence of allopolyploids.
hybridization between autopolyploids or chromosome dou-
The relative frequencies of auto- and allopolyploids
bling of diploid hybrids. Distinguishing these forms has never
remain unresolved, not only because of the difficulty in
been straightforward since by this definition, allopolyploids
classifying polyploids but also because of difficulties
can vary widely with respect to the homology of parental
detecting them. Techniques for characterizing patterns of
chromosome sets and patterns of inheritance (Ramsey and
genetic inheritance were not readily available until the adop-
Schemske 1998). With respect to the genetic similarity among
tion of isozyme analyses in evolutionary biology. Moreover,
genomes, polyploids vary along a continuum from homoge-
the close morphological similarities between autopolyploids
neous (autopolyploidy), to partially divergent (segmental allo-
and their diploid progenitors have made some taxonomists
polyploidy) and highly divergent genomes (allopolyploidy)
reluctant to recognize them as distinct species (Soltis et al.
(Stebbins 1947). Typically, autopolyploids are associated
2007). Thus, most autopolyploids are hidden as cryptic spe-
with multivalent formation and polysomic inheritance,
cies within diploid taxa. Nevertheless, over time, as detec-
whereas allopolyploids exhibit bivalents and disomic inheri-
tion improves, the general consensus is that autopolyploids
tance (Stebbins 1947, 1950; Jackson and Casey 1982; Ramsey
may be found to be more common than once thought (Soltis
and Schemske 1998), although exceptions are not uncommon.
and Soltis 1993, 1999; Tate et al. 2005).
The inconsistencies in the genetic attributes of auto- and
allopolyploids create difficulties in classifying polyploids
unambiguously. This is further exacerbated by the fact that
diploid progenitors are often not known or may be extinct. 16.5 Polyploidy and Life History
Phylogenetic reconstructions of taxonomic groups are offer-
ing a method for delineating them that is in parallel to the 16.5.1 Growth Form
definition currently used (Rousseau-Gueutin et al. 2009).
Plant biologists have long disagreed over the relative Current evidence suggests that the frequency of polyploidy
frequency and evolutionary importance of auto- and differs among different life forms. The proportion of
allopolyploids. Historically, autopolyploids have been polyploids is generally highest among perennial herbaceous
268 B.C. Husband et al.

Fig. 16.6 Change in frequency

of diploids, triploids and 1
tetraploids during a simulated
transition from a diploid
population to tetraploid. In this
individual-based simulation, 0.8
diploids and tetraploids had equal

Cytotype proportion
fitness but triploid fitness was at Triploid
10%. Diploids produced 0.03 Tetraploid
unreduced gametes per
generation. Mixed populations
persist through most of the 130
generations required for 0.4
tetraploids to become fixed


0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200

plants, compared to annuals, bulbs and woody species relationship between polyploidy and two related aspects of
(Stebbins 1938). This was confirmed in several early vege- reproduction: asexual reproduction (including clonality and
tation surveys in Canada (Clark et al. 1909), Switzerland apomixis) and self-fertilization.
(Gustafsson 1948), and Pakistan (Baquar 1976), which
revealed that perennials were more likely to be polyploid Asexual Reproduction
and annuals more likely to be diploid. In addition, Otto and Wettstein (1927) hypothesized that polyploidy was only
Whitton (2000) report that the high rate of polyploidy in possible in plants with apomixis or vegetative reproduction.
dicots is driven by polyploidization in herbaceous species Gustafsson (1948) was the first to survey different floras for
and not woody ones. However, little experimental research the incidence of asexual reproduction in polyploid plants and
beyond comparative surveys has explored the basis for these he found very strong trends. Surveys of polyploidy in
patterns. It has been suggested that reduced frequency of animals have also provided evidence for the association
polyploidy in trees may be the result of the impact of cell between polyploidy and asexual reproduction. In fact, a
size on the formation of wood fibres, as with gymnosperms, leading hypothesis for the deficiency of polyploidy in
while polyploidy in bulbs may be constrained by large animals is the scarcity of asexual reproduction (Schultz
monoploid genome sizes (Otto and Whitton 2000). The 1969) and in support of this is the observation that poly-
low frequency of polyploidy in annuals may be because of ploidy is present among animal groups capable of asexual
strong selection against polyploid establishment due to the reproduction such as molluscs (Burch 1964), flatworms
frequency-dependence of homoploid mating and the impor- (White 1954), and insects (Lokki and Saura 1980). Thus,
tance of rapid development associated with colonizing spe- the association between asexuality and polyploidy is consis-
cies (Leitch and Bennett 2007). Until analyses control for tent between plant and animal kingdoms.
phylogenetic trends we cannot be sure that this pattern is
consistent across groups. In fact, Vamosi and Dickinson Apomixis and Polyploidy
(2006) recently found no association between ploidy and Many plants that reproduce by apomixis (embryos that form
herbaceous habit in the Rosaceae family. asexually) are polyploid (Stebbins 1941). In fact there are
many examples of mixed-ploidy species, such as Pilosella
officinarum (Mráz et al. 2008), that are comprised of apo-
16.5.2 Reproductive Systems mictic polyploids and sexual diploids. Polyploidy and apo-
mixis may co-occur because they share common
Since the early twentieth century, plant biologists have developmental pathways. Both traits may be induced after
debated the association between polyploidy and reproduc- hybridization, involve the production of unreduced gametes,
tive systems (e.g., Ernst 1918; Gustafsson 1947; Stebbins and restore fertility after hybridization. Although progress
1950). Since then, particular views have been perpetuated has been made in identifying the genetic determinants of
but without a full systematic analysis. Here we examine the apomixis in many cases (Nogler 1984), understanding when
16 The Incidence of Polyploidy in Natural Plant Populations: Major Patterns and Evolutionary Processes 269

these traits are selected and how they facilitate polyploid increased number of meristems per plant followed by differ-
formation and establishment has not been fully explored. entiation into meristems with a diverse range of functions.
A reasonable explanation for the link between apomixis Second, asexual reproduction may be prevalent in
and polyploidy is that the production of unreduced gametes polyploids because diploid species with clonal reproduction
is required for both phenomena. In gametophytic apomixis, are more apt to facilitate the formation and establishment of
the most common form of apomixis in polyploids (Stebbins polyploid populations (Stebbins 1938; Bretagnolle et al.
1950), unreduced egg cells develop into functional embryos 1998; Otto and Whitton 2000). This is because clonality
(parthenogenesis) that are genetically identical to the mater- enables the polyploid to persist in the face of the strong
nal plant. Similarly, the most likely mode of polyploid mating disadvantage experienced by newly formed
formation is via fertilization involving at least one polyploids (i.e., minority cytotype exclusion: Levin 1975;
unreduced gamete (Ramsey and Schemske 1998). Otto and Whitton 2000) and increases the availability of
Unreduced gametes may also facilitate the transmission of polyploid mates.
the genes coding for apomixis. This could occur if the genes Lastly, vegetative reproduction may be intensified rela-
are lethal in the haploid form (Nogler 1984) or if the genes tive to diploids through selection after the genome duplica-
are associated with deleterious recessive mutations as in tion event (Stebbins 1950). A disproportionate increase in
Hieracium (Bicknell et al. 2000) and as inferred in clonality of polyploids might be favoured by selection in
Taraxacum (van Dijk 2003). mixed-ploidy populations to reduce the effects of
The concurrent evolution of apomixis and polyploidy may hybridization and minority cytotype exclusion. Currently,
also be associated with their connection to hybridization. Both however, there are few empirical tests of differences in the
traits can be induced after hybridization and may be selected degree of asexual reproduction between diploid and poly-
to restore fertility after hybridization. Ernst (1918) first pro- ploid relatives. One such example is Campanula patula in
posed that hybridization could trigger the production of both which the proportion of vegetative reproduction via runners
polyploidy and apomixis. This could occur since diploid (and plant longevity) increases from diploids to octoploids
hybrids suffer from numerous meiotic disturbances, and (F. Rooks, H. Látalová, J. Suda and F. Krahulec, unpub-
such dysfunction can lead to the production of unreduced lished). There is a need for comparisons of vegetative repro-
gametes. The frequency of unreduced gametes has been duction among diploids, initial polyploids and established
shown to be higher in hybrids than non-hybrid diploids polyploids within and among sister taxa to isolate the effects
(Ramsey and Schemske 2002) and this leads to the testable of genome duplication, preadaptation and selection on the
prediction that apomixis is more common in allopolyploids evolution of vegetative reproduction in polyploids.
than autopolyploids (Whitton et al. 2008), or in offspring from
inter-ploidy crosses than from single cytotype crosses. Apo- Polyploidy and Mating System
mixis and polyploidy may also both be favoured to restore The association between polyploidy and mating system in
fertility after hybridization or in other cases when sexual angiosperms is supported by two apparently conflicting
reproduction is less effective (e.g., mate limitation and/or patterns. On one hand, there is a significant tendency for
when there is a high risk of inbreeding depression). Even if polyploids to be more self-fertilizing than diploids (Barringer
apomixis arises equally in diploid and polyploid populations, 2007; Husband et al. 2008). On the other, polyploidy has been
it may only become fixed when sexual reproduction is mal- shown to be associated with gender dimorphism and hence
adaptive (Stebbins 1950; Dickinson et al. 2007). outcrossing in several genera (Miller and Venable 2000). The
linkage to self-fertilization was originally identified by Grant
Vegetative Reproduction (Clonality) (1956) and Stebbins (1957) who observed a higher incidence
As mentioned previously (Sect. 16.5.1), polyploids are more of allopolyploids among lists of selfing species. More
likely to be perennial and diploids more likely to be annual. recently, Barringer (2007) conducted the first phylogen-
This difference becomes more pronounced in clonal, or etically informed analysis of variation in outcrossing rate (t)
“root-wandering” perennials, which are about twice as likely estimates using genetic markers to determine the proportion
to be polyploid than annual (reviewed by Gustafsson 1948). of progeny derived from cross-fertilization. Based on 235
There are three main explanations for the correlation taxa, he identified 32 phylogenetically independent contrasts
between polyploidy and clonality, the relative importance in which increased ploidy was associated with a decrease in
of which has not been fully assessed. outcrossing rate (and hence increase in self-fertilization).
First, genome duplication may directly trigger the devel- Husband et al. (2008) used 10 diploid-polyploid congeneric
opment of modes of vegetative reproduction that weren’t species pairs to address the same question. Like Barringer,
present in the diploid progenitor (M€ untzing 1936) or may they found that polyploids were significantly more selfing (or
intensify the extent of clonality (Stebbins 1950). This effect less outcrossing; t ¼ 0.23) than diploids (t ¼ 0.51). They also
might be expected if genome duplication results in an discovered that increased selfing (lower outcrossing) was
270 B.C. Husband et al.

primarily associated with allopolyploids (t ¼ 0.20), not complex interacting forces, including the history of coloni-
autopolyploids (t ¼ 0.64). This pattern corroborates zation and the contemporary interactions between the
Stebbins’ (1957) original observations, although broader sam- organisms and its environments. Polyploidy is considered
pling is needed to confirm the difference between types of an important genetic determinant of a species’ range. Indeed,
polyploids across angiosperms. arguably, this single genetic event may represent the largest
The correlation between ploidy and selfing has been influence on the ecological or geographic range of a species.
predicted on multiple grounds. Grant (1956) and Stebbins In general, plant biologists have postulated that: (1) poly-
(1957) suggested, and Ramsey and Schemske (1998) ploid ranges will differ from those of the diploids, (2) poly-
demonstrated, that polyploid formation is more likely via ploid species will have larger geographic ranges, and (3) the
selfing than outcrossing, especially in allopolyploids (34 ranges for polyploid species will include more extreme
times more likely). Once formed, the establishment of poly- environments such as high latitudes and altitudes, than dip-
ploid populations is also aided by selfing since the strong loid species (Hagerup 1927; Stebbins 1950, 1985; Otto and
negative fitness costs of between-ploidy mating are avoided Whitton 2000; Levin 2002). The differences in geographic
(Levin 1975). In addition, most theory argues that the fitness range between polyploids and diploids have been explained
costs of selfing (i.e., inbreeding depression) should be lower through a variety of different mechanisms (M€untzing 1936;
in polyploids (Lande and Schemske 1985; Hedrick 1987; Stebbins 1950). For example, polyploid individuals are
Ronfort 1999; Rausch and Morgan 2005; but see Busbice expected to have greater breadth of ecological tolerance, or
and Wilsie 1966), making it easier for selfing to evolve. plasticity, due to higher heterozygozity and allelic diversity
These predictions are supported to different degrees by a (genetic or biochemical buffering) or greater adaptive poten-
limited number of empirical studies (Husband and Schemske tial due to higher population genetic diversity (Otto and
1997; Rosquist 2001; Barringer and Geber 2008). Whitton 2000). They may also be less vulnerable, at least
In contrast to this body of evidence, Miller and Venable initially, to the maladaptive effects of gene flow from other
(2000) showed that, in multiple plant families, there was a diploid populations (Kirkpatrick and Barton 1997). Finally,
significant association between increased polyploidy and the polyploids may differ phenotypically from diploids in a
shift from hermaphroditism to gender dimorphism. This systematic way, as a result of the direct effects of genome
pattern suggests that, in fact, outcrossing can be favoured duplication, particularly cell size. On this basis, it has been
in some polyploids (or polyploidy is favoured in outcrossed argued that polyploids will be more cold tolerant, drought
populations). Miller and Venable (2000) have proposed that tolerant or tolerant of disturbance (Hagerup 1927). The
polyploidy creates the conditions for the spread of male effects of these different mechanisms are rarely disentangled
sterile mutants in hermaphrodite populations by (1) causing but they might be expected to influence species ranges and
the loss of self-incompatibility, (2) increasing the rate of ecological amplitude in different ways.
self-fertilization, and (3) expressing sufficient inbreeding The strength of the link between distribution and ploidy is
depression in hermaphrodites to favour the establishment as varied as the kinds of evidence used to assess it. In the first
of females. This hypothesis requires inbreeding depression half of the twentieth century, the dominant evidence was in
to be strong in new polyploids, a prediction that is not the form of floristic and taxonomic case studies (L€ove and
supported by observations of synthesized polyploids (Hus- L€ove 1943; Clausen et al. 1945) that examined whether
band et al. 2008). However, it is possible that inbreeding the frequency of polyploids was higher in extreme
depression rises in tetraploids with successive generations of environments, be it high latitude (Tischler 1935; L€ ove and
selfing, as recently observed by Ozimec and Husband L€ove 1943; Packer 1969), altitude (Sokolovskaya and
(2011). Clearly, additional work on a variety of species is Strelkova 1940), or saline habitats (Shimotomai 1933;
required to reconcile the strongly opposed patterns of mating Tischler 1937). In general, these studies led to the conclu-
in diploids and polyploids and to understand the evolution- sion that polyploidy is more common in extreme
ary forces driving outcrossing. environments, which was often attributed to greater cold-
hardiness and tolerance to long day photoperiods than
diploids. In recent years, high-throughput analyses of poly-
16.6 Geographic Distribution, Range Size ploidy have been extended into the arctic (Brochmann et al.
and Ecological Adaptation 2004) and less-studied regions at lower latitudes (Popp et al.
2008; Suda et al. 2009; Dušková et al. 2010); similar latitu-
A major observation made by plant biologists over the last dinal comparisons have been conducted in mosses (Kuta and
century concerns the association between polyploidy and the Przywara 1997). In general, the high incidence of polyploidy
geographic and ecological range limits of species (Levin at high latitude holds reasonably well (Suda et al. 2009).
2002). A species’ geographic range, the area within which The use of floristic approaches for testing the effect of
an organism occurs for part of its life, is the result of many polyploidy on distribution has been criticized for a number
16 The Incidence of Polyploidy in Natural Plant Populations: Major Patterns and Evolutionary Processes 271

of reasons. First, the comparison of floras is confounded with range size, and may also be influenced by variation in politi-
different biogeographical and phylogenetic histories cal designations and lack of uniformity of information on
(Gustafsson 1947, 1948). The prevalence of polyploids in which designations are based.
northern floras may be directly related to the species that The literature to date does not imply that polyploidization
colonize those areas and their characteristics (e.g., has no effect on ecological tolerances or species ranges.
perenniality, evergreenness) rather than selection favouring Indeed, there is a rich literature corroborating the effect of
polyploids per se. Secondly, there is much inconsistency in genome duplication on habit, phenotype and physiology
the geographic position of diploids and polyploids within (Levin 2002). Polyploids frequently differ in geographic
individual taxonomic groups as well as in their cold hardi- range from diploid relatives. However, the data show, in
ness, when tested experimentally (Bowden 1940; Gustafsson general, that differences among polyploids and their
1947; Nielsen 1947). Finally, geographic regions have not congeners are not systematic in direction and may not be
received uniform effort when screening for polyploids, par- greater than the differences among homoploid congeners.
ticularly subtropical and tropical regions. What has been Nevertheless, the question remains as to what drives the shifts
lacking until recently is a broad comparison of range in range size between individual diploids and polyploid
attributes of a large number of species, ideally where the relatives. Are these shifts a direct result of genome duplication
range attributes of polyploid species were compared to sister or are they the product of evolutionary divergence operating
diploid species or at least those of recent common ancestry. after duplication? Work on the ecological attributes of newly
Three studies have compared the range attributes of synthesized polyploids will be particularly insightful in this
diploids and polyploids in broad surveys. Petit and regard. For example, research on the distribution of diploid
Thompson (1999) compared the ecological range limits of and tetraploid Chamerion angustifolium (fireweed) supports
diploids and polyploids in the Pyrenees. They found no the idea that range shifts are not achieved as a direct result of
evidence that polyploids occurred over a wider range of the duplication (Sabara 2008). In fireweed, diploids are more
ecological environments than diploids. Similarly, Stebbins often found at higher altitudes and latitudes than tetraploids.
and Dawe (1987) found little effect of polyploidy on the Reciprocal transplants show that populations are weakly
percentage of species that were widespread in European differentiated and adapted with respect to elevation. However,
genera. In a recent analysis, Martin and Husband (2009) in terms of traits such as drought physiology and reproductive
compared the extent and mean geographic and ecological morphology, neopolyploids resemble diploids more than
ranges for diploid and polyploid taxa within 144 North extant tetraploids (Sabara 2008; Maherali et al. 2009),
American plant genera. They found no difference in the suggesting that genome duplication is not the sole contributor
geographic area of the range between ploidy levels and no to the patterns of ecological divergence.
evidence that the centroid of the range of polyploids was
shifted further north than diploids. Interestingly, they did
observe that range overlap between congeneric diploids 16.7 Conclusions and Future Directions
and polyploids was greater than between two congeneric
diploids. This requires further examination but could reflect Our knowledge of the incidence of polyploidy is dominated
the ability to coexist because of strong ecological or repro- by a limited number of long-standing patterns first identified
ductive isolation. In addition, comparisons of the breadth, by the pioneers in this field. These patterns describe varia-
maximum or minimum range values for precipitation or tion in polyploidy as a function of taxonomic group, life
temperature showed no consistent differences between history traits and geography. In recent years, additional
ploidy levels (Martin and Husband 2009). evidence has accrued using broader taxonomic perspectives
Potentially contrary to this evidence is a parallel literature and new genetic or phylogenetic analyses, but how have our
that has used comparative evidence to show that the inci- perceptions of polyploidy and its significance changed?
dence of polyploidy increases with invasiveness and Although our perception of the dominance of polyploidy in
decreases with rarity (Pandit 2006; Pandit et al. 2011). The plants has remained relatively constant, some notable changes
most recent study, based on an analysis of 640 endangered to the patterns have occurred. With higher throughput
species and 81 invasive species, found that rare species are analyses, we have seen a steady increase in the frequency of
most likely to be diploid, whereas invasive species are more polyploidy, with almost no group untouched, and an increase
likely to be polyploid. To the extent that invasive species in the incidence of autopolyploidy and intraspecific ploidy
tend to be widespread, this pattern may conflict with the lack variation. Combined with recent genomic comparisons,
of association between range size and ploidy. However, which confirm a role of genome duplication in early plant
there may be no conflict as definitions of invasive/rare take evolution, we can only conclude that polyploidy has
many factors into account, only one of which is geographic influenced almost all extant species at some stage in their
272 B.C. Husband et al.

evolutionary history. This observation has led to more signifi- genome duplication as opposed to selection operating after-
cant questions such as: does polyploidy contribute to evolu- wards (Bretagnolle and Lumaret 1995; Ramsey and Schemske
tion in a way that diploids do not (Otto and Whitton 2000)? 2002), and more generally what are the evolutionary processes
The incidence of polyploidy, combined with a phylogenetic underlying the patterns of polyploid incidence in plants.
perspective, has been equivocal on its role in species diversi-
fication, but for the first time we have estimates of the rate of
polyploid speciation (Wood et al. 2009). With respect to References
geography, the dogma that polyploids have larger ranges and
are more common at high latitudes and extreme environments Adl SM, Simpson AG, Farmer MA, Andersen RA, Anderson OR, Barta
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phylogenetic control and broad comparative analyses have
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patterns within a phylogenetic framework. This will provide of apomixis in two Hieracium species with distinct developmental
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Significance and Biological Consequences
of Polyploidization in Land Plant Evolution 17
Jeffrey A. Fawcett, Yves Van de Peer, and Steven Maere

Contents 17.1 Introduction

17.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277
17.2 Detecting and Dating Ancient WGDs Using Genomic
The abundance of polyploids in nature has been long
Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278 recognized. However, it is only in the last decade with the
17.2.1 Detecting Ancient WGDs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278 advance in genome sequencing that we have begun to appre-
17.2.2 Dating Ancient WGDs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280 ciate their evolutionary potential. In fact, some researchers
17.3 Molecular Biological Consequences of Polyploidy . . . 281 considered polyploidy as an ‘evolutionary dead end’ that
17.3.1 Genetic and Epigenetic Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281 cannot result in any further diversification of species
17.3.2 Changes in Expression Pattern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282
(Stebbins 1950). It therefore came as a big surprise that the
17.3.3 Adaptive Potential of Novel Polyploids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283
17.3.4 Evolution of Polyploid Genomes; Divergence and genome of Arabidopsis thaliana, the first plant genome to be
Homogenization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284 sequenced, chosen for its small genome size, had experi-
17.4 Evolutionary Significance of WGDs in Angiosperms 285 enced multiple rounds of polyploidization in its evolutionary
17.4.1 Genome Duplications and Speciation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285 past (Arabidopsis Genome Initiative 2000). This finding
17.4.2 Reciprocal Gene Loss and Subfunction Partitioning . . . . 285 brought about some new questions; when did these Whole
17.4.3 Dosage Balance Effects and the Regulatory Spandrel . . 286 Genome Duplications (WGDs) occur? Are there traces of
17.4.4 WGDs and Evolutionary Novelty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286
17.4.5 WGDs Increase Evolutionary Potential, and May Do So ancient WGDs in other plant genomes? And most impor-
for a Long Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287 tantly, what has been the significance of these polyploidy
17.4.6 Opportunities, Niches and Mass Extinctions . . . . . . . . . . . . 288 events in plant evolution?
17.5 Conclusions and Perspectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288 Subsequent analyses of various other plant species over the
past decade, based on whole-genome sequences or large
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289
Expressed Sequence Tag (EST) collections, have to a certain
extent answered these questions. We now know that most, if
not all eudicots are derived from a hexaploid ancestor
(Fig. 17.1) (Jaillon et al. 2007; Tang et al. 2008a, b). The
ancestor of Arabidopsis has undergone two WGDs after the
hexaploidization (Jaillon et al. 2007; Ming et al. 2008; Tang
et al. 2008a). Other lineages such as those of poplar, tomato,
and apple have also each undergone additional WGDs (Tuskan
et al. 2006; Tang et al. 2008a; Velasco et al. 2010). The lineage
of grass species such as rice, maize, sorghum, and wheat appear
to have undergone two WGDs after the divergence of
monocots and eudicots, although the timing of the earlier
WGD is less clear (Tang et al. 2010). Furthermore, it was
S. Maere (*)
recently suggested that one WGD has occurred in the common
Department of Plant Systems Biology, VIB, Technologiepark 927, ancestor of all seed plants, and that another WGD has occurred
Ghent B-9052, Belgium in the common ancestor of all angiosperms (Jiao et al. 2011).
Department of Plant Biotechnology and Bioinformatics, Ghent Also, the genome of the moss species Physcomitrella patens
University, Technologiepark 927, Ghent B-9052, Belgium has experienced a WGD (Rensing et al. 2007; 2013 this

I.J. Leitch et al. (eds.), Plant Genome Diversity Volume 2, 277

DOI 10.1007/978-3-7091-1160-4_17, # Springer-Verlag Wien 2013
278 J.A. Fawcett et al.




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Fig. 17.1 Phylogenetic tree of angiosperm species showing ancient events whereas blue stars represent triplication events. Although many
WGDs that have been proposed (Lysák et al. 2005; Cui et al. 2006; genera contain species with different ploidy levels (e.g., Solanum,
Jaillon et al. 2007; Barker et al. 2008, 2009; Lescot et al. 2008; Fawcett Oryza, Gossypium), these polyploids are not shown. The red
et al. 2009; Paterson et al. 2009; Schnable et al. 2009; Schmutz et al. line represents the Cretaceous - Tertiary (Paleogene) boundary.
2010; Shi et al. 2010; Tang et al. 2010; Velasco et al. 2010). Ancient Although there is some uncertainty associated with the ages of the
WGDs are observed throughout angiosperms, including in the common WGDs, it seems that many of the WGDs occurred close to the time
ancestor of most (if not all) eudicots. Blue dots represent duplication of the K-T extinction event (Fawcett et al. 2009)

volume). Note that the main focus of this chapter will be on

angiosperms as little is known about WGDs in plant species 17.2 Detecting and Dating Ancient WGDs
outside angiosperms, with the exception of Physcomitrella. Using Genomic Data
‘How many percent of plants are (ancient) polyploids?’
has been a question that many researchers have been trying 17.2.1 Detecting Ancient WGDs
to answer (Otto and Whitton 2000). This question is becom-
ing increasingly irrelevant as in fact most angiosperms, or Ancient WGDs can be detected within the genomes of extant
even most seed plants might have a polyploid ancestry species by two different approaches—based on the age dis-
(Soltis et al. 2009; Jiao et al. 2011). The significance of tribution of duplicated genes, and based on genomic collin-
polyploidy in the evolution of angiosperms is now undeni- earity. If the species in question had undergone a WGD in its
able, and a good understanding of polyploidy is vital if we evolutionary past, the genome would contain a large number
are to understand the evolution of angiosperms. In this of duplicated gene pairs of the same age. Thus, if one were to
chapter, we will first describe how ancient WGDs can be build an age distribution of a large collection of duplicated
identified in the genomes of extant species, and how the gene pairs, a large-scale or whole-genome duplication
timing of ancient WGDs can be determined. After that, we should correspond to a significant peak in the age distribu-
will describe the molecular biological consequences of tion (Fig. 17.2). The number of synonymous substitutions
polyploidization: what happens to the genes and genomes per synonymous site (KS) is often used as a proxy for time
of polyploid species immediately after polyploidization, and since duplication, assuming that synonymous substitutions
how do the genes and genomes evolve? Finally, we will occur at a constant rate across all duplicates. The KS of
discuss how the different WGDs might have contributed to duplicate pairs created by the same WGD should be similar.
the evolutionary success of the descendant plant lineages. The KS distribution approach has the advantage of not
17 Significance and Biological Consequences of Polyploidization in Land Plant Evolution 279

Full paranome Transcription regulators

1000 80
900 70
Arabidopsis thaliana

600 β, γ hexaploidy 50
500 40
400 30
100 10
0 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5

4000 300
3500 p
Populus trichocarpa

2000 150
1500 γ hexaploidy
0 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5

2500 120

Oryza sativa

1000 σ?


0 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5


Fig. 17.2 In KS distributions of duplicated gene pairs, genome only. Even without rigorous modelling, it is clear from these figures
duplications (arrows) show up as peaks superimposed on a roughly that WGDs contributed comparatively more to the expansion of tran-
exponentially decaying background of small-scale duplications. Due to scription regulatory gene families than to the expansion of the whole
increasing variation in KS with age since duplication, older peaks paranome. Distributions were calculated as in Maere et al. (2005).
become progressively broader and may appear merged with other WGD nomenclature follows Tang et al. (2008a, 2010). The older s
peaks. On the left are the KS distributions of the whole paranome WGD proposed to have happened in monocots (Tang et al. 2010) is not
(complete set of duplicated genes) in three plant species. On the right clearly visible, and neither are the recently proposed angiosperm and
are the corresponding distributions for transcription regulatory genes seed plant WGDs (Jiao et al. 2011)

requiring assembled genomic sequences, and many putative WGDs in many lineages such as rice, tomato, soy-
researchers have used it to search for traces of ancient bean, lettuce, and California poppy (Blanc and Wolfe 2004a;
WGDs in EST libraries, leading to the identification of Schlueter et al. 2004; Cui et al. 2006; Barker et al. 2008).
280 J.A. Fawcett et al.

One downside of the KS approach is that if the WGD is too 17.2.2 Dating Ancient WGDs
old, the KS values of the duplicate pairs have a large vari-
ance, and the WGD peak may overlap with other peaks or Once ancient WGDs are identified in a number of species,
even an artefactual saturation peak in the KS distribution the next task is to identify the timing of these WGDs. For
(Fig. 17.2). In such cases, more sophisticated approaches instance, is an ancient WGD identified in one species shared
such as building age distributions based on phylogenetic with another species or specific to that species? Again,
dating are required (Fawcett et al. 2009; Jiao et al. 2011). genomic collinearity analysis has proven to be very power-
WGDs that are too young can also escape detection as the ful. The detection of collinearity between multiple eudicot
divergence between the duplicates will be low and indistin- genomes, including genomes that appear to have a more
guishable from the young single gene duplicates or from ancestral genome structure such as grapevine and papaya,
sequencing errors, which occur frequently in ESTs (Blanc substantially improved our understanding of the timing of
and Wolfe 2004a). It is worth noting that segmental duplica- ancient WGDs in eudicots (Tang et al. 2008a; Van de Peer
tion or bursts of single gene duplications can also be respon- et al. 2009b). Grapevine belongs to an early-diverging line-
sible for peaks in the age distribution (Blanc and Wolfe age of rosids and is thus sister to both Arabidopsis and poplar
2004a). It is advisable to be cautious when the number of (Jansen et al. 2006). It was observed that many regions of the
duplicates present in the peak is small and/or if the KS of the grapevine genome showed homology to two other regions
peak is large and perhaps saturated, even if it is statistically elsewhere in the genome, representing a triplicate structure.
significant by some measure. This suggests that the grapevine lineage derived from a
If the whole genome sequence is available, ancient hexaploid ancestor. In addition, some of these regions
WGDs can be detected based on genomic collinearity (Van showed a one to two relationship to regions in the poplar
de Peer 2004). Although the similarity between the genome, and a one to four relationship to regions in the
duplicated genomes decreases as they diverge from each Arabidopsis genome. This led to the suggestion that the
other and many duplicate genes are lost, remnants of genome hexaploidization occurred in the common ancestor of grape-
duplications are often still detectable in the form of vine, Arabidopsis, and poplar, and that one additional WGD
duplicated blocks, i.e., sequence stretches containing occurred in the lineage leading to poplar, and that two
members of the same paralogous gene pairs in the same additional WGDs occurred in the lineage of Arabidopsis
(collinear) order, intermingled with single-copy genes that (Jaillon et al. 2007). The genomes of papaya and apple
have lost their WGD paralog. Different methods exist to also showed traces of this hexaploidization event,
assess the statistical significance of a collinear arrangement confirming a common hexaploid ancestry of most rosids
of duplicated gene pairs. Including additional genomes in (Ming et al. 2008; Velasco et al. 2010). The genome of
collinearity analyses can increase the resolution of detecting papaya, which is a rosid species more closely related to
duplicated blocks. Genes that have lost their WGD paralog Arabidopsis than to poplar or grapevine, had no traces of
in one species might still have a paralog in another species, additional WGDs after the hexaploidy event, indicating that
allowing for transitive detection of collinear regions the two additional WGDs observed in the Arabidopsis
(Vandepoele et al. 2002; Proost et al. 2009). If several genome occurred after the divergence of the Arabidopsis
paralogous regions appear to be of similar age, i.e., contain and papaya lineages (Ming et al. 2008). Comparison of the
paralogous gene pairs with similar KS, we can assume that genomic sequences of grapevine and tomato, an asterid
they were created by the same WGD event. species, suggests that tomato also shares the hexaploidy
Collinearity analyses on various recently sequenced plant event (Tang et al. 2008b). This would mean that the
genomes have indeed uncovered several instances of ancient hexaploidization pre-dates the divergence of rosids and
WGDs. The genome of rice showed evidence of an ancient asterids, and that it would thus be shared by most eudicots.
WGD that has been confirmed to have occurred in the In the absence of multiple genomic sequences, phyloge-
common ancestor of most grass species such as rice, netic approaches have been used to identify the timing of
maize, sorghum, and wheat, ~65–70 Mya, in addition to an WGDs. Suppose that we want to ask whether a WGD that
older WGD (Paterson et al. 2004; Tang et al. 2010). The has been detected in the genome of species A is shared with
genomes of the legumes Medicago, Lotus, and soybean species B or not. If the WGD had occurred in the ancestor of
showed that a WGD occurred before the divergence of A after the divergence of A and B, the paralogs derived from
these three species (Cannon et al. 2006; Sato et al. 2008; the WGD (A1 and A2) should be more closely related to each
Schmutz et al. 2010). The genomes of poplar and apple both other than to their closest homolog in B (say B1), leading to
contain evidence of independent WGDs that occurred >60 the topology ((A1,A2),B1). On the other hand, if the WGD
Mya and >50 Mya, respectively (Tuskan et al. 2006; had occurred in the common ancestor of A and B, the closest
Velasco et al. 2010). homolog in B should be the ortholog of A1 or A2 and more
17 Significance and Biological Consequences of Polyploidization in Land Plant Evolution 281

closely related to A1 or A2 than A1 and A2 are to each other, 17.3.1 Genetic and Epigenetic Changes
leading to the topology ((A1,B1),A2) or ((A2,B1),A1).
Although this is a useful approach, it can easily yield Various genetic changes such as indels and rearrangements
misleading results because the different substitution rates in have been reported to occur shortly after polyploidization in
different lineages can result in erroneous topologies, and both synthetic and natural polyploids. In synthesized
careful choice of species and tree reconstruction is required allopolyploids in wheat, elimination of DNA sequences
(Tang et al. 2008b; Van de Peer et al. 2009b; Jiao et al. 2011). was observed already in the first generation (Ozkan et al.
Ideally, one would like to know the timing of any WGD 2001). Although genetic changes were found to be rare in the
event in terms of ‘how many million years ago’, rather than first generation of ~50 re-synthesized allopolyploid lines of
‘before the divergence of these species and after the diver- Brassica napus, several genetic changes, in particular non-
gence of these species’, because this will enable us to place the reciprocal transpositions of DNA segments between
WGDs in the context of the geological time frame. The sim- homoeologous chromosomes were documented during the
plest approach to dating WGDs is to build an age distribution S2–S5 generations (Gaeta et al. 2007; Lukens et al. 2006).
based on the KS of all WGD-derived duplicate pairs, and Tragopogon mirus is an allopolyploid that has formed
convert the KS value of the peak of the distribution into time repeatedly in nature within the last 80 years (Soltis and Soltis
based on estimates of synonymous substitution rates. 1999). Loss of DNA has been observed in multiple
Although such an approach can provide an adequate approxi- individuals of this species that are of independent origin
mate in some cases, it is also known to be error-prone for (Koh et al. 2010). On the other hand, no large-scale genomic
various reasons. For instance, the substitution rate is known to rearrangements were observed in the synthetic Gossypium
vary across time and species, and estimating the rate for any allopolyploids, suggesting that the responses vary among
given species can be very difficult—consider how our under- different polyploids (Liu et al. 2001). The genetic changes
standing of the evolutionary rate of the model species appear to be a combination of random and non-random
Arabidopsis thaliana has totally changed in the past few changes. In the ~50 re-synthesized allopolyploid lines of
years (Koch et al. 2000; Jakobsson et al. 2006; Beilstein B. napus, there was a large variation among the different
et al. 2010). In addition, dating older events is especially lines of the extent and direction (in which parental genome
problematic because the KS value becomes less reliable and the changes took place) of the genetic changes. However, the
may approach saturation. Recent studies have attempted to changes were not random in respect to the genomic location,
date WGD events by building phylogenetic trees with gene and tended to occur more frequently on chromosomes with
families including WGD-derived duplicates and dating the large regions of homeology between the two subgenomes
divergence of all duplicated genes using methods that account (Gaeta et al. 2007).
for rate variation such as Bayesian methods or the penalized Changes at the epigenetic level, such as DNA methyla-
likelihood method (Fawcett et al. 2009; Jiao et al. 2011). Such tion or histone methylation and acetylation, are also likely to
phylogenomic-like approaches will increase in accuracy as play a significant role in newly formed polyploids (Lukens
genomic data from many different species become available. et al. 2006; Wang et al. 2006b). Changes in the pattern of
DNA methylation have been especially well-studied. Syn-
thetic polyploids in wheat, B. napus, and Arabidopsis
17.3 Molecular Biological Consequences suecica all showed non-additive methylation patterns with
of Polyploidy respect to their diploid progenitors, but to varying degrees.
No methylation changes were observed in synthetic cotton
Although several groups of species contain recently formed allopolyploids. Methylation changes have also been
polyploids and evidence of ancient WGDs has been found in documented in natural polyploids in wheat and Spartina
all angiosperm genomes, the process leading from the for- anglica (Shaked et al. 2001; Salmon et al. 2005). Extensive
mation of polyploids to their establishment is rather com- changes in DNA methylation were also documented in the
plex. First, we will discuss the changes that occur in first generation of the aforementioned synthetic B. napus
polyploid genomes immediately or shortly after polyploi- allopolyploids, in contrast to the paucity of genetic changes
dization. Recent natural polyploids in genera such as Bras- that took place in the first generation (Lukens et al. 2006).
sica, Arabidopsis, cotton, soybean, wheat, tobacco, and Many of these methylation changes remained fixed in their
Tragopogon can provide insights into the early stages of S5 progeny, although some methylations were reversed and
polyploid evolution (Wendel 2000; Kashkush et al. 2003; some new changes were observed (Gaeta et al. 2007).
Comai 2005; Doyle et al. 2008; Jackson and Chen 2010). In Another documented phenomenon following polyploidy
addition, synthetic polyploids have been created in many of is the activation of transposable elements (TEs). This is most
these species, which allow us to trace the changes that occur probably related to changes at the epigenetic level
immediately after the polyploidization. that reverse the epigenetic silencing of TEs. Increased
282 J.A. Fawcett et al.

transcriptional activity of TEs following polyploidy is The expression pattern of homoeologous genes can also
thought to be common and has been documented in various diverge in a tissue-specific manner. For instance, in some
polyploids including synthetic allopolyploids in wheat and homoeologs in cotton natural or synthetic allopolyploids, the
Arabidopsis (Kashkush et al. 2003; Madlung et al. 2005; A-genome homoeolog would be silenced in some tissues
Parisod et al. 2010). TE amplification after polyploidization whereas the D-genome homoeolog would be silenced in
appears to be less common, although it has been documented other tissues (Adams et al. 2003; Chaudhary et al. 2009).
in some cases such as the Tnt1 retrotransposon in Nicotiana Novel expression patterns have also been observed where a
synthetic allopolyploids (Petit et al. 2010). This is likely to homoeolog is expressed in a tissue in which it was not
be because while TE activation is more of an immediate expressed in the diploid progenitor (Chaudhary et al.
response to the effect of hybridization or polyploidization, 2009). Such expression profile changes are also often
the amplification of TEs requires their fixation in new geno- observed in F1 diploid hybrids, and it has been suggested
mic loci, which might be countered by purifying selection that the merging of two different genomes, rather than the
due to deleterious effects. Nevertheless, the doubling of the doubling, has the largest effect on the expression divergence
genome might relax the purifying selection against deleteri- (Chaudhary et al. 2009). This is not to say that genome
ous TE insertions, and reduction in the effective population doubling does not affect the expression pattern, as shown
size following polyploid formation might increase the in Senecio (Hegarty et al. 2006). Interestingly, the expres-
chance for neutral or slightly deleterious TE insertions to sion changes of some homoeologs in synthetic allopoly-
fix through stochastic processes, thereby providing the ploids mimic the expression changes observed in natural
opportunity for TE amplification (Parisod et al. 2010). allopolyploids that have in some cases undergone a few
million years of evolution (Chaudhary et al. 2009). This
suggests that tissue-specific differential silencing that occurs
17.3.2 Changes in Expression Pattern immediately after polyploidization might be maintained for
over a million years. A recent study showed that the expres-
One question of great interest has been how the expression sion of small RNAs also changes in allopolyploids. It was
patterns change in homoeologous genes following polyploi- suggested that the small RNAs might have a role in adjusting
dization (Hegarty and Hiscock 2008; Jackson and Chen the expression levels of mRNAs and maintaining genome
2010). For instance, are the expression levels of both and chromatin stability (Ha et al. 2009).
homoeologous genes maintained at the same levels as in The various genetic and epigenetic changes described
their parental diploid species? How do the expression above can partly explain the expression divergence that
patterns of homoeologous genes diverge? occurs in polyploids. For instance, indels or mutations
It has been shown in various polyploids that the expression including TE insertions, or changes in DNA methylation in
levels of homoeologous genes are frequently non-additive, the upstream regulatory region are likely to alter the expres-
meaning that one or both genes are up- or down-regulated in sion pattern of the downstream genes. It has indeed been
the polyploid species compared to their parental species. shown that blocking DNA methylation can reactivate
In Arabidopsis synthetic polyploids formed by combining silenced genes in polyploids (Lee and Chen 2001). However,
A. arenosa and A. thaliana, 5–38% of the homoeologous expression divergence has been observed when little genetic
gene pairs were non-additively expressed. More than 65% of or epigenetic changes have been detected, and it is thought
these genes were down-regulated compared to the parental that the coming together of genes with diverged regulatory
midpoint, and >94% of the repressed genes were genes sequences plays a large role (Albertin et al. 2006; Chaudhary
that were expressed at higher levels in A. thaliana than in et al. 2009; Hegarty et al. 2006). For instance, consider two
A. arenosa, indicating extensive suppression of A. thaliana- genes A and B in two different species 1 and 2; in the diploid
derived homoeologs in the allopolyploid (Wang et al. 2006b). parents, A1 regulates the expression of B1 and A2 regulates
Similar biases where homoeologs from one of the parental the expression of B2, and the expression pattern of B1 and
species get preferentially silenced have also been observed in B2 may be different due to divergence between the parent
cotton and Brassica (Chen and Pikaard 1997; Flagel et al. species (at the genetic or epigenetic level). When the two
2008). A recent study quantified the leaf transcriptome size of different species form a new polyploid (or a hybrid), the
a Glycine tetraploid species and its diploid progenitors. polyploid can potentially gain two new regulatory
Despite the genome size of the tetraploid being close to interactions where A1 regulates B2 and A2 regulates B1,
the sum (94.3%) of the genome sizes of the two diploid so that B1 and B2 can be regulated by both A1 and A2. Thus,
progenitors, the transcriptome size was only 70% of the B1 and B2 can have novel expression patterns that were not
sum of the transcriptomes of its diploid progenitors, present in either parental species (Fig. 17.3). Such reuniting
suggesting global downsizing of the transcriptome (Coate of diverged regulatory interactions is likely to be responsible
and Doyle 2010). in part for the immediate expression changes and novel
17 Significance and Biological Consequences of Polyploidization in Land Plant Evolution 283

A1 B1 A2 B2

A1 B1

A2 B2

Fig. 17.3 The emergence of novel expression patterns in newly form an allopolyploid, apart from inheriting the regulatory interactions
formed polyploids. Gene A regulates the expression of gene B in two from both parental species (A1–B1 and A2–B2), the polyploid can
different species 1 and 2, but the genes A and B have independently potentially gain novel regulatory interactions (A1–B2 and A2–B1)
accumulated changes in both species since their divergence. As such, immediately. This can result in phenotypes not present in the parental
the expression pattern of gene B (B1 and B2) is different in the two species, which might allow the polyploids to adapt to different
species. This can be due to changes at the genetic or epigenetic level in environments
the coding or non-coding regions of A and/or B. As these two species

expression patterns that are induced by genome merger may adapt faster than diploid populations under certain
(Riddle and Birchler 2003). conditions. For instance, the masking of deleterious
mutations can provide polyploids an initial advantage over
diploids as long as the deleterious allele is recessive and the
17.3.3 Adaptive Potential of Novel Polyploids masking is stronger in the polyploid than in the diploid (Otto
and Whitton 2000). This might contribute to the survival of
Polyploidy can be generally considered an abnormal state polyploids shortly after polyploidization by buffering crucial
that has many disruptive effects. Most of the molecular functions (Chapman et al. 2006). Also, new advantageous
biological consequences described above are usually delete- alleles can spread more rapidly in polyploid populations if
rious (Comai 2005). However, some of these changes might the allele is dominant and if the population size is small
also result in new traits that allow polyploids to adapt to (Otto and Whitton 2000).
environments that their diploid progenitors could not The ability of polyploids to adapt to more extreme
(Hegarty and Hiscock 2008). In fact, it has been frequently environments is probably related more to gene expression
observed that polyploids have colonized novel, often harsh changes after polyploidization than merely to copy number
environments (Fawcett and Van de Peer 2010). In Achillea changes (Crow and Wagner 2006; Ha et al. 2007; Hegarty
borealis, autohexaploids have a fitness advantage over and Hiscock 2008; Hegarty et al. 2008; Jackson and Chen
tetraploids in dune habitats. Transplantation experiments 2010). Novel regulatory interactions that emerge due to the
showed that neohexaploids already exhibited higher survi- hybridization of two genomes can cause immediate changes
vorship than tetraploids in dune habitats, indicating that an in gene expression and concomitant changes in phenotype.
increase in ploidy level per se can result in a fitness advan- One example is flowering time variation across Arabidopsis
tage (Ramsey 2011). The adaptive potential of polyploids diploids and tetraploids. In Arabidopsis, the flowering
has been questioned because deleterious mutations will per- time is largely controlled by the FRIGIDA (FRI) and
sist longer in a polyploid population and increase the genetic FLOWERING LOCUS C (FLC) genes where FRI
load, whereas the effects of new beneficial mutations might upregulates FLC expression that inhibits early flowering
get masked by other alleles at the same locus (Stebbins (Johanson et al. 2000). FRI is non-functional in the early-
1971). However, theory suggests that polyploid populations flowering ecotypes of A. thaliana, whereas the late-flowering
284 J.A. Fawcett et al.

autotetraploid A. arenosa contains a functional FRI. By 17.3.4 Evolution of Polyploid Genomes;

contrast, the FLC gene is intact in A. thaliana, whereas Divergence and Homogenization
A. arenosa has two copies of FLC whose promoter regions
contain deletions (Wang et al. 2006a). The natural allotetra- As the polyploid species continues to evolve, the two
ploid A. suecica, a winter-annual whose parental species duplicated genomes usually diverge further from each
are A. thaliana and autotetraploid A. arenosa, exhibits an other by accumulating various changes at the genetic level.
extremely late flowering time, even later than A. arenosa. It Although epigenetic changes and expression changes might
was found that synthetic F1 allotetraploids containing the be crucial in determining adaptation and short-term success
genomes of A. thaliana and A. arenosa already showed a of polyploids, the genetic changes are likely to have a greater
later flowering time than A. arenosa autotetraploids. This impact on an evolutionary time scale (Edger and Pires 2009;
was attributed to the trans-activation of the stronger Kejnovsky et al. 2009; Fawcett and Van de Peer 2010). DNA
A. thaliana-derived FLC by the functional A. arenosa-derived loss, rearrangements, recombination between homoeologous
FRI, which allowed higher expression of FLC than their regions, and TE amplification result in the disruption of
parental plants. Thus, it appears that the novel regulatory synteny between the two genomes. A large number of redun-
interaction that arose in the allopolyploid due to the diver- dant genes is lost or pseudogenized, causing the genome to
gence between the two parental species resulted in a more return to a more diploid state. But the genes that are retained
extreme phenotype, providing the allopolyploid an immedi- in duplicate play a crucial role in the evolutionary success of
ate adaptive advantage in novel environments (Wang et al. polyploids, as we discuss below.
2006a). More generally, the merger of divergent genomes Although it is often assumed that the divergence between
through polyploidization can lead to transgressive segrega- paralogous sequences increases over time, this is not always
tion, i.e., the formation of phenotypes that are more extreme true. Non-reciprocal recombination, or gene conversion can
than the diploid parent phenotypes, and hybrid vigor occur between paralogous sequences, which will counteract
(Osborn et al. 2003; Rieseberg et al. 2003, 2007; Crow and their divergence. Homogenization by gene conversion has
Wagner 2006; Hegarty et al. 2008). been reported in young polyploids such as cotton and tobacco
Polyploids may also support a wider range of transgressive (Kovarik et al. 2008; Salmon et al. 2010). In addition, exten-
and non-transgressive expression patterns than their diploid sive gene conversion has been recently reported in duplicates
counterparts, through an increase in the number of possible created by the WGD that occurred in the common ancestor of
allele dosage combinations (Osborn et al. 2003). This may most grass species such as rice and sorghum. In the most
facilitate adaptation to novel environments (Hegarty and extreme case, the short arms’ termini of rice chromosomes
Hiscock 2008) if there is sufficient allelic variation in the 11 and 12 show very high similarity throughout the entire
polyploid population. Allelic variability may be accomplished 3 Mb, including non-coding regions, and was initially thought
through gene flow between polyploid populations that to represent a <10 million year old segmental duplication (The
originated independently (Soltis and Soltis 1999), through Rice Chromosomes 11 and 12 Sequencing Consortia 2005;
mutations and epigenetic changes that occur immediately Wang et al. 2005). However, this duplication was found to be
after polyploidization, or through polysomic inheritance in present also in sorghum, which diverged from rice ~50 Mya,
autopolyploids (Soltis and Soltis 2000; Osborn et al. 2003) and other grass species (Jacquemin et al. 2009; Paterson et al.
Epigenetic changes are also likely to be important in the 2009; Wang et al. 2009). Thus, it appears that this duplicated
adaptation of polyploids. Epigenetic changes can result in segment was created by the WGD that occurred in the com-
gene expression changes, and are likely to proceed more mon ancestor of rice and sorghum, and has been extensively
rapidly than genetic changes, creating phenotypic variation homogenized in rice since then. The corresponding segments
in the early stage of the evolution of polyploids. A recent in sorghum also appear to have undergone gene conversion,
study on three closely related allopolyploid species of the but to a lesser extent than in rice. Gene conversion, like any
orchid Dactylorhiza suggested that the ecological differenti- other mutational process, can have both positive and negative
ation and adaptation of the different species were facilitated effects (Fawcett and Innan 2011). Although gene conversion
by methylation changes (Paun et al. 2010). The authors reduces the divergence between the paralogous sequences, it
showed that the three species, and also two geographically simultaneously increases the variation at the haplotype level
distinct populations of D. traunsteineri, could be clearly by creating chimeras of the two paralogous sequences
differentiated based on their methylation pattern (Paun (Fawcett and Innan 2011). It has also been suggested that
et al. 2010), even though the genetic divergence between gene conversion might be important for buffering crucial
the different allopolyploid species is limited (Pillon et al. functions in some WGD duplicates (Chapman et al. 2006) or
2007). Moreover, the gene expression differences between for maintaining high dosage (Sugino and Innan 2006). In
the allopolyploid species were best explained by differences addition, gene conversion is likely to increase the efficiency
in their methylation pattern. of selection on duplicated genes (Mano and Innan 2008;
17 Significance and Biological Consequences of Polyploidization in Land Plant Evolution 285

Marais et al. 2010), and it has been reported that the genes bowfin), consist of only a few (~44) extant species.
undergoing extensive gene conversion in rice are evolving Depending on the source, a fish-specific genome duplication
faster (diverging faster from their sorghum orthologs) com- (3R) is estimated to have occurred in the teleost lineage
pared to duplicates that are not undergoing gene conversion between 226 and 350 Mya (Christoffels et al. 2004; Hoegg
(Wang et al. 2009). et al. 2004; Vandepoele et al. 2004; Hurley et al. 2007).
Phylogenetic analyses indicate that 3R separates the
species-poor early branching ray-finned fish lineages from
17.4 Evolutionary Significance of WGDs the extremely species-rich teleost lineage, suggesting that
in Angiosperms 3R might be causally related to the teleost radiation. How-
ever, fossil evidence suggests that the major teleost
Most, if not all eudicots derived from a hexaploid ancestor radiations did not take place until late in the Cretaceous,
(Tang et al. 2008b; Van de Peer et al. 2009b). All more than 150 million years after the youngest 3R age
angiosperms might also have a common polyploid ancestry, estimate (Hurley et al. 2007). Thus, there seems to be a
as well as all seed plants (Jiao et al. 2011). It is also known major time gap between 3R and the radiation of the teleosts,
that most vertebrates derived from a common ancestor that rendering it less likely that genome duplication has been a
underwent two rounds of WGD (Kasahara 2007). These facts causative agent in the radiation process. Could the speciation
underscore that polyploids inherently have an enormous potential of 3R have been kept in store for 150 million years?
potential for long-term evolutionary success. Here, we will
discuss links between WGDs and two processes that could
have contributed to their evolutionary success: species radi- 17.4.2 Reciprocal Gene Loss and Subfunction
ation and the generation of evolutionary novelty. Since hard Partitioning
evidence for such links is scarce, we will not limit our
discussion to the plant kingdom, but also include evidence Although it has proven difficult to firmly establish causative
from other organisms, mainly vertebrates and teleost fish. links between WGD and speciation, there is at least one
mechanistic process through which gene duplication may
facilitate speciation. WGDs create massive amounts of redun-
17.4.1 Genome Duplications and Speciation dant gene pairs that in the course of evolution return to single-
ton status through duplicate gene loss or pseudogenization. It
Genome duplications have repeatedly been linked to species can happen that different copies of a duplicated gene pair get
radiations, but the evidence in support of this theory is lost in different populations, a process referred to as reciprocal
mostly circumstantial. Examples of putative correlations gene loss (RGL) or divergent resolution. Mating between
between genome duplication and increased diversity are individuals from those populations leads to heterozygous F1
found among flowering plants and teleost fish. progeny with one functional allele at each locus of the
Soltis et al. studied the relationship between polyploidy duplicated gene. The F2 offspring will inherit a variable num-
and species richness in angiosperms by comparing the ber of functional alleles, and 1/16 of the progeny will not
species richness in clades that are ancient polyploids inherit any functional alleles. Divergent resolution at 20–30
with sister clades that are not (Soltis et al. 2009). In essential locus pairs could be sufficient to reproductively iso-
many cases, a strong correlation was found between diver- late two populations (Werth and Windham 1991; Lynch and
sification rates and the occurrence of genome duplications. Conery 2000; Semon and Wolfe 2007b). After a genome
Whole-genome duplications have been reported in many duplication, divergent resolution could be operating on
of the most species-rich plant families, including the thousands of duplicate pairs simultaneously, rendering it a
Poaceae (>10,000 species), Solanaceae (>3,000 species), very effective speciation mechanism. A similar reproductively
Asteraceae (23,000 species), Fabaceae (19,400 species), isolating process could occur at the level of duplicate
Lauraceae (>2,000 species) and Brassicaceae (3,700 subfunctionalization (Postlethwait et al. 2004). If a duplicated
species) (Cui et al. 2006; Fawcett et al. 2009). However, gene is multifunctional, different subfunctions could be diver-
the phylogenetic position of the WGDs in all of these gently resolved in different populations and contribute to
families is currently insufficiently resolved to causally reproductive incompatibility. The efficiency of this mecha-
link genome duplications to radiations (Soltis et al. 2009). nism would of course depend on the prevalence of subfunctio-
The Actinopterygii or ray-finned fish include more than nalization after WGD.
25,000 species, the vast majority of which belong to the most Recently, Bikard et al. found evidence that divergent reso-
derived division, the teleosts. All older, more basal groups of lution of duplicated genes can indeed be a source of genetic
ray-finned fish, namely the Chondrostei (bichirs, sturgeons incompatibilities (Bikard et al. 2009). These authors studied
and paddlefish), and the basal neopterygian orders (gars and crosses between the Col and Cvi accessions of Arabidopsis
286 J.A. Fawcett et al.

thaliana and came to the conclusion that a homozygous com- selected against. But if the gene and its interaction partners/
bination of the Col allele of one particular locus with the Cvi targets are duplicated together, as in WGD, their relative
allele of another unlinked locus led to arrested embryo devel- dosage is preserved. Moreover, if after WGD one of
opment and seed abortion. In Col, these loci contain a the duplicates would be lost, this would create a reverse
paralogous pair of histidinol-phosphate aminotransferases, dosage balance effect, causing dosage sensitive genes to be
HPA1 and HPA2. Homozygous HPA1 deletion is embryo selectively retained after WGD.
lethal. But in Cvi, the HPA1 ortholog is missing and the The consequence of these dosage balance effects is that
HPA2 ortholog appears to be the functional allele. post-WGD organisms are endowed with a regulatory ‘span-
The analysis of complete sequences of pre- and post drel’ (Gould and Lewontin 1979), a collection of extra
whole genome duplication species showed that RGL of transcription factors, transporters and complexes that may
duplicated genes after WGD is very common. Scannell not immediately be useful but that cannot be purged easily
et al. (2006) showed that after the WGD in ascomycetous from the genome. In the long run, these non-adaptively
yeasts, almost half of the pairs that returned to single-copy preserved genes may be co-opted for adaptive innovations.
status were divergently resolved, suggesting that RGL could According to Freeling and Thomas (2006) and Freeling
have been a major factor in post-WGD speciation. No large- (2009) the dosage balance-mediated increase of the regu-
scale studies have been performed so far on plants, but latory and complex-forming gene repertoire after WGD
widespread RGL has also been documented in teleost fish. could even cause a predictable drive toward higher complex-
Using the post-WGD genome sequences of Tetraodon and ity, not unlike the meiotic drive.
zebrafish, and the pre-genome duplication sequences of
human and chicken as outgroups, it was estimated that
~1,700 WGD-pairs were divergently resolved since the 17.4.4 WGDs and Evolutionary Novelty
Tetraodon-zebrafish split (Semon and Wolfe 2007b). The
studies in yeast and fish also suggest that RGL and/or It appears that some genome duplications have indeed been
subfunction partitioning can promote speciation over long followed by a substantial increase in morphological com-
periods of time, even tens to hundreds of millions of years plexity in the affected organisms. Early WGDs in the angio-
after a WGD (Scannell et al. 2006; Semon and Wolfe 2007b), sperm plant lineage have been invoked to explain the rapid
which may help explain how the 3R WGD in teleosts could rise and diversification of angiosperms in the Early Creta-
have facilitated the teleost radiation 150 million years later. ceous (145–125 Mya) (Crepet 2000; Otto and Whitton 2000;
De Bodt et al. 2005; Otto. 2007; Soltis et al. 2008, 2009; Jiao
et al. 2011), linked to the invention of the closed carpel, the
17.4.3 Dosage Balance Effects and the emergence of double fertilization and the invention of the
Regulatory Spandrel flower (Stuessy 2004). Several authors have also suggested a
causal link between the 2R duplications and the emergence
WGDs leave a very specific signature in the duplicate reten- of the vertebrates, (e.g., Ohno 1970; Aburomia et al. 2003;
tion pattern of certain gene families. In fact, the duplicate Holland 2003). The two rounds of genome duplication (2R)
retention behaviour of some gene classes after WGD is the in the vertebrates approximately coincide with the develop-
exact opposite of their behaviour after small-scale ment of important morphological innovations, not only in
duplications (SSD) (Maere et al. 2005; Freeling 2009). the endoskeleton but also in the nervous system and sensory
Many transcriptional and developmental regulators, trans- organs, and endocrine, immune and circulatory systems
porters, signal transducers and complex-forming genes (Shimeld and Holland 2000; Holland and Chen 2001;
appear to be preferentially retained after WGD and do not Khaner 2007; Holland et al. 2008; Wagner 2008). Post-3R
seem to duplicate easily through SSD. This observation teleosts (Stellwag 2004; Heimberg et al. 2008) also devel-
has been made for WGDs in diverse organisms, from yeast oped some novel morphological features, such as pharyngeal
(Davis and Petrov 2005) and Arabidopsis (Blanc and Wolfe jaws, an oxygen secretion system to inflate the swimbladder
2004b; Seoighe and Gehring 2004; Maere et al. 2005) to (Berenbrink et al. 2005), and complex pigment patterning
vertebrates (Blomme et al. 2006; Putnam et al. 2008) includ- systems (Mellgren and Johnson 2002; Braasch et al. 2008).
ing teleosts (Blomme et al. 2006; Brunet et al. 2006). The Moreover, there are indications that the oxygen secretion
peculiar reciprocal retention patterns of certain gene classes system originated independently at least four times in
after SSD and WGD can be explained by dosage balance teleosts (Berenbrink et al. 2005), suggesting that these fish
effects (Papp et al. 2003; Birchler et al. 2005). When a shared the potential to develop such a system whereas fish
dosage-sensitive gene is duplicated on its own, the effects that did not undergo the 3R duplication did not.
of its increased dosage with respect to its interaction partners It is unclear to what extent genome duplications are
or targets would be deleterious, and the duplication would be involved in the actual invention of fundamental innovations.
17 Significance and Biological Consequences of Polyploidization in Land Plant Evolution 287

There are indications that genome duplications may play a ‘Innovation, Amplification, Divergence’ (IAD) model
more subtle role instead, in refining and elaborating (Hendrickson et al. 2002; Francino 2005; Bergthorsson
innovations rather than inventing them. In many organisms, et al. 2007). The central idea of these models is that second-
fundamental innovations have been followed by the emer- ary functions of an ancestral gene can get co-opted to a
gence of many variants or elaborations. The invention of the primary role in one of the gene duplicates (Conant and
flower for instance was followed by the development of a Wolfe 2008). In other words, the ‘new’ function in the
huge variety of floral forms, specialized pollination duplicated gene does not arise de novo but is already present
syndromes and fruits. Many of the morphological in a seminal form in the ancestral gene. But the primary and
innovations in vertebrates also derive from a single key secondary functions in the ancestral gene may be subject to
innovation: the neural crest, a migratory cell population pleiotropic constraints, precluding optimization or elabora-
that gives rise to numerous differentiated cell types (Shimeld tion of both functions simultaneously. Gene duplication
and Holland 2000; Holland et al. 2008). The evolutionary offers the opportunity to escape from such adaptive conflicts,
success of the vertebrates is as much related to the develop- allowing natural selection to optimize the primary and sec-
ment of various neural crest elaborations as to the invention ondary function independently in different copies.
of the neural crest itself. The complex pigment patterning A similar mechanism might be operating on the level of
systems of post-3R teleost fish for instance also find their functional innovation through genome duplication. Analo-
origin in a further expansion of the neural crest-derived cell gous to adaptive conflicts in single genes being resolved
type repertoire (Mellgren and Johnson 2002; Braasch et al. through gene duplication, adaptive conflicts in gene
2008). networks could be resolved through genome duplication.
It is likely that regulatory spandrels formed by WGD may As in the EAC and IAD models of evolution after gene
have contributed to the elaboration, if not invention, of the duplication, genome duplications may be instrumental in
key morphological innovations in angiosperms and lifting pleiotropic constraints in molecular networks and
vertebrates. In angiosperms, many regulatory gene families perfecting primitive versions of network-level inventions,
that exhibit WGD-mediated expansion, e.g., the Aux/IAA rather than facilitating innovation de novo.
auxin response regulators (Remington et al. 2004) and some
MADS-box transcription factor subfamilies (Zahn et al.
2005; Veron et al. 2007), are directly involved in the devel- 17.4.5 WGDs Increase Evolutionary Potential,
opment of morphological features that are considered angio- and May Do So for a Long Time
sperm inventions and derivatives thereof. The same is true
for many of the expanded regulatory gene families in What WGDs essentially do is increase the evolutionary
vertebrates, such as homeobox genes (Holland and Garcia- potential of an organism. But this potential is not necessarily
Fernandez 1996; Holland 2003; Holland et al. 2008) and fulfilled soon (or ever (Semon and Wolfe 2007a)).
neural crest specifier genes (Holland et al. 2008). Circumstances like the availability of niche space are
There is an interesting parallel to be drawn between the equally important in determining whether or not a post-
origin of novel gene functions through gene duplication and WGD organism can advantageously use its genomic span-
the origin of innovations through genome duplication. Evo- drel. And even under the right conditions, expressing the
lution after single gene duplication has been studied for evolutionary potential of a lineage likely takes time and
decades, and many models have been developed to explain proceeds through a series of intermediate forms that are
how gene duplicates can develop new functions. The classi- later outcompeted by more derived relatives (Knoll and
cal neofunctionalization model of Ohno (1970) starts from Carroll 1999; Feild and Arens 2007). Indeed, Donoghue
the premise that a duplicate gene is free from selection and and Purnell (2005) have observed that there are no bursts
that, by genetic drift, it might discover a new beneficial in morphological innovation in post-WGD clades when tak-
function. It has since become clear that the vast majority of ing into account extinct lineages. Although a genome dupli-
such neutrally evolving duplicates will be lost long before cation can be considered a saltational event in terms of
they can ever neofunctionalize. Alternatively, duplicates of genome evolution, the immediate phenotypical or morpho-
multifunctional genes may be preserved through subfunctio- logical impact is usually limited. Post-WGD organisms may
nalization, i.e., partitioning of the different subfunctions of a be considered Goldschmidtian ‘hopeful monsters’ in the
gene over the different copies (Force et al. 1999). But genomic sense, but most often not in the phenotypic sense
subfunctionalization in itself does not lead to novelty. (Goldschmidt 1940).
More recently, two models have been proposed that combine Given the importance of opportunity and time in devel-
aspects of sub- and neofunctionalization, namely the oping evolutionary innovations, a crucial feature of WGDs is
‘Escape from Adaptive Conflict’ (EAC) model (Hittinger that their evolutionary potential can be preserved over long
and Carroll 2007; Des Marais and Rausher 2008) and the periods of time. Dosage balance effects and functional
288 J.A. Fawcett et al.

divergence mechanisms such as subfunctionalization can in many angiosperm plant lineages independently underwent a
principle cause indefinite preservation of duplicate genes, genome duplication around the Cretaceous-Tertiary (K-T)
and in particular the regulatory spandrel, in the absence of boundary, ~65 Mya. The K-T event is the most recent large-
positive selection. A recent study on the functional diver- scale mass extinction of animal and plant species, catalyzed
gence of Scn4aa and Scn4ab, a duplicated pair of sodium at least in part by one or more catastrophic events such as an
channels remaining from the teleost-specific genome dupli- asteroid impact on the Yucatan peninsula and increased
cation, confirms that such duplicated genes can neofun- volcanic activity in India. The plant lineages that underwent
ctionalize and contribute to morphological innovations WGD around the K-T boundary gave rise to some of the
more than 100 million years after they were duplicated most species-rich angiosperm families such as the Poaceae,
(Arnegard et al. 2010). The authors investigated whether Solanaceae, Asteraceae, and Fabaceae. The proposed
neofunctionalization of Scn4aa could be directly linked to catalyzing function of mass extinctions in WGD establish-
the origin of adult myogenic electric organs, which hap- ment combined with the fact that WGDs increase the
pened 100 million years after 3R and on two separate evolutionary potential of a lineage suggest somewhat para-
occasions, in African mormyroid and South American doxically that mass extinctions may ultimately lead to more
gymnotiform fishes. They found that in both lineages, complex plants.
Scn4aa has been co-opted for exclusive expression in
myogenic electric organs, and that coinciding with gene
co-option, functionally important motifs of Scn4aa evolved
under positive selection, suggesting that Scn4aa has been 17.5 Conclusions and Perspectives
instrumental in the evolution of myogenic electric organs.
We are now witnessing a dramatic increase in the availabil-
ity of whole-genome sequences in plants. As the whole-
17.4.6 Opportunities, Niches and Mass genome sequence of A. thaliana has been instrumental in
Extinctions efforts to understand the biology of A. thaliana, a large
number of plant genome sequences is likely to help us better
Compared to the high frequency of polyploidization in mod- understand the molecular basis of the morphological diver-
ern plants (in the order of 1 in 105 individuals) (Ramsey and sity encoded within the different plant genomes. The current
Schemske 1998), the number of preserved ancient genome morphological diversity is the consequence of a long history
duplications in plants is low. This pattern is even more of evolutionary and ecological processes, and as we have
conspicuous in vertebrates and yeast (Van de Peer et al. discussed in this chapter, the evolution of plants, or at least
2009a). Thus, despite the success of some WGD-derived flowering plants, is also the evolution of polyploids. We now
lineages such as the angiosperms, vertebrates, or teleost know that most eudicots, and possibly all angiosperms are
fish, it appears that genome duplications are seldom success- derived from polyploids, and that many of the most species-
ful on long evolutionary timescales. The diversification of a rich families are also derived from independently formed
group of species likely depends largely on the ecological polyploids (Tang et al. 2008b; Fawcett et al. 2009; Soltis
opportunities. Even if polyploids possess the potential for et al. 2009; Van de Peer et al. 2009a). The evolutionary
the diversification of species and evolutionary novelty, such success of various polyploid lineages was probably made
potential is unlikely to be realized unless an ecological possible by their potential for successive rounds of specia-
opportunity presents itself. In normal, stable ecosystems, tion by reciprocal gene loss, and their potential to evolve
newly formed polyploids are probably not able to compete new functions or morphological features due to the duplica-
with the highly adapted occupants of existing niches, includ- tion of the entire gene content (in particular the regulatory
ing their diploid ancestors (Conant and Wolfe 2007; Feild spandrel) and genetic network (Edger and Pires 2009;
and Arens 2007; Otto 2007; Hegarty and Hiscock 2008). The Kejnovsky et al. 2009; Van de Peer et al. 2009a). However,
number of available niches might be a limiting factor for concrete examples of such processes are still scarce. We
polyploid lineages to further diversify into species-rich know little about how reciprocal gene loss following
groups. Then, how might the various polyploid ancestors polyploidization actually contributed to the species diversi-
of the extant plant species have managed to survive and fication of the various angiosperm lineages. This probably
diversify? Although it is difficult to know the environmental requires a considerable number of genome sequences of
conditions in which ancient polyploids originated, recent species that diverged from each other after polyploidization,
evidence indicates that large-scale ecological catastrophes which are not available now, but might be in the future. We
might have been instrumental in setting the stage for novel or also do not know much about how the different polyploid-
young polyploid lineages to diversify (Fawcett et al. 2009; derived lineages achieved specific adaptations and evolved
Van de Peer et al. 2009a). Fawcett et al. (2009) found that different molecular functions and morphological features.
17 Significance and Biological Consequences of Polyploidization in Land Plant Evolution 289

This requires further understanding of the biology and vari- Bikard D, Patel D, Le Metté C, Giorgi V, Camilleri C, Bennett MJ,
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V, Robinson-Rechavi M (2006) Gene loss and evolutionary rates
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Evolutionary Importance of Generative
Polyploidy for Genome Evolution of 18
Haploid-Dominant Land Plants

Stefan A. Rensing, Anna K. Beike, and Daniel Lang

Contents 18.1 Introduction

18.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295
18.2 History Repeating: Artificial and Natural Polyploidy in
Generative polyploidy is a widespread phenomenon among
the Funariaceae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296 land plants and has been pivotal to the evolution of land
plant genomes (Soltis and Soltis 2009; Van de Peer et al.
18.3 Natural Polyploidization and Hybridization Among the
Funariaceae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298 2009, Fawcett et al. 2013, this volume). These large-scale or
whole genome duplication events (WGD) are widely
18.4 Gene Retention and Gene Family Evolution . . . . . . . . . . . 300
recognized as driving forces behind diversification and spe-
18.5 Outlook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301 ciation of plant lineages and have often been hypothesized as
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302 important factors for the evolution of organismal complexity
(Crow and Wagner 2006; Van de Peer et al. 2009). Initial
evidence for the latter hypothesis was recently provided by
phylogenetic comparative genomics revealing a correlation
of WGD with morphological complexity (Lang et al. 2010).
Autopolyploidization, i.e., the doubling of the genome
without hybridization, might represent a short-term evolution-
ary advantage during periods of environmental change that
force range shifts (Parisod et al. 2010). Allopolyploidization,
i.e., the doubling of the genome in association with
hybridization of genetically different chromosome sets, is
also regarded as enabling an increased potential for sub- and
neofunctionalization of genes and thus speciation (Soltis and
Soltis 2009). Allopolyploidization has also been hypothesized
to be correlated with periods of environmental upheaval
(Fawcett et al. 2009, 2013).
Key to our understanding of the evolutionary importance
of WGD events and especially their effects on diversification
is the fate of the duplicated chromosomal regions. The
diversifying effects of this post-duplication phase encompass
large-scale phenomena like subsequent diploidization (or
haploidization, in the case of haploid-dominant plants), chro-
mosome loss and rearrangements, as well as small-scale,
adaptive processes related to the functionalization and diver-
sification of duplicated gene paralogs; which in the case of
WGD are termed paleologs or homoeologs. There are various
S.A. Rensing (*)
models describing the fate of paralogs, covered comprehen-
Faculty of Biology, University of Freiburg, Sch€anzle str. 1, Freiburg sively by, for example, Innan and Kondrashov (2010).
79104, Germany

I.J. Leitch et al. (eds.), Plant Genome Diversity Volume 2, 295

DOI 10.1007/978-3-7091-1160-4_18, # Springer-Verlag Wien 2013
296 S.A. Rensing et al.

It is presumed that most duplicated segments are lost (like bryophytes) than in those that spend most of their life
quickly during the early phases of diploidization (Ma and cycle in the diploid phase (like seed plants, monilophytes
Gustafson 2005). Even if duplicated segments survive the and lycophytes). The presence of an additional copy of each
early post-duplication phase and the retained homoeologs are gene and chromosome after a WGD might render a bryo-
becoming fixed in the population, the most common fate is phyte more robust against somatic mutations eventually
death by gradual pseudogenization and non-functionalization, affecting the germ line. In addition, it would have the same
except if a selective advantage is introduced. Therefore, central potential to evolve new functions as in diploid-dominant
to our understanding of the importance of generative poly- organisms. Indeed it has been shown that allopolyploid
ploidy is why certain homoeologs are retained and which diploids of the moss Sphagnum subsecundum do exhibit
models can be applied to describe their distinct evolutionary greater genetic diversity and linkage disequilibrium than
paths which fall somewhere between the extremes of diversifi- haploids (Shaw et al. 2008).
cation leading to the acquisition of new gene functions and The estimated frequency of polyploid species differs
redundancy which is thought to be important for gene dosage between the three bryophyte phyla and between authors. For
(Innan and Kondrashov 2010). example, Wyatt et al. (1988) estimated that about 79% of
Most of the evolutionary models describing the post- mosses, 11% of liverworts and 2% of hornworts are naturally
duplication fates of paralogous gene copies have been occurring polyploids. Examples include the liverwort Pellia
developed and applied to explain gene duplication in borealis (Odrzykoski et al. 1996; Orzechowska et al. 2010),
diploid-dominant species, like seed plants that exhibit a and various moss genera including Sphagnum (Shaw et al.
heterophasic life cycle with a dominant diploid sporophytic 2008; Karlin et al. 2009; Ricca and Shaw 2010), Plagiomnium
generation. Indeed they are the major focus of the discussion (Wyatt et al. 1988, 1992) and Physcomitrella/Physcomitrium.
of generative polyploidy in the chapter by Fawcett et al. The proposed widespread existence of naturally occurring
(2013), this volume. Here we focus on aspects and effects of generative polyploidy within mosses (reviewed by Natcheva
polyploidization in haploid-dominant plants, like bryophytes, and Cronberg 2004), as well as the potential differences
which have a dominant haploid gametophyte and a reduced compared with diploid-dominant plants reviewed in Husband
diploid sporophytic generation. What role does polyploi- et al. (2013, this volume), make mosses a particularly inter-
dization play in the evolution of these organisms? Can we esting subject to study the influence and implications of WGD
find evidence of ancient and recent polyploidization events in for the evolution and biology of haploid-dominant organisms.
the genomes of extant bryophytes? What is the importance of Heterosis effects of WGD, especially with regard to body
auto- versus allopolyploidy? What is the extent of the size, might explain the sudden increase in size of mosses
paranome, i.e., the genomic fraction of paralogs, within a observed in extant species compared with those embedded in
bryophyte genome? What is the prevalent model for Eocene (45 million year old) amber (Frahm 2010). Indeed,
functionalization of paralogs and which kind of functional the estimated timing (30–60 Mya) of the WGD event
classes of genes have been retained preferentially? in the model moss Physcomitrella patens (Hedw.) Bruch &
Bryophytes form a paraphyletic group at the base of the Schimp. (Rensing et al. 2007) falls in the period of the mass
land plant tree of life and comprise liverworts, mosses and extinction events of the “Grand Coupure” at the end of the
hornworts—listed in order of currently assumed divergence Eocene (33 Mya) and of the Cretaceous-Tertiary (K-T)
from the vascular plant lineage (Qiu et al. 2006; see also Soltis boundary (65 Mya).
and Soltis 2013, this volume). Although the fossil record of Physcomitrella patens has been developed as a model
early land plants is scarce, there are fossils indicating that organism over the last two decades, and a well-developed
early land plants belonged to the liverwort-lineage (Kenrick molecular toolbox including efficient gene targeting (Frank
and Crane 1997; Wellman et al. 2003). The last common et al. 2005; Cove et al. 2009) is now available together with
ancestor of vascular (diploid-dominant) and non-vascular sequenced nuclear and organellar genomes (Sugiura et al.
(haploid-dominant) land plants was recently dated to have 2003; Terasawa et al. 2007; Rensing et al. 2008). This makes
lived about 500 million years ago (Mya) (Lang et al. 2010). P. patens, and the family Funariaceae to which it belongs,
As mentioned above, this deep divergence has led to a radi- ideal candidates to study and demonstrate the effects of
cally different approach to life on land compared with seed polyploidization on haploid genomes.
plants, including poikilohydry (i.e., the change of cellular
water content in response to water availability in the environ-
ment) and the dominance of the gametophytic generation, 18.2 History Repeating: Artificial and Natural
which results in a haploid state of the genome for the domi- Polyploidy in the Funariaceae
nant part of the heterophasic life cycle.
It is tempting to speculate that WGD (comprising auto- In the early twentieth century the moss family Funariaceae
and allopolyploidizations) represent an even greater poten- was extensively studied by von Wettstein in his ground-
tial evolutionary advantage in haploid-dominant organisms breaking work on its genetics and the appearance of both
18 Evolutionary Importance of Generative Polyploidy for Genome Evolution of Haploid-Dominant Land Plants 297

Physcomitrium eurystomum
Physcomitrium sphaericum
Physcomitrium turbinatum
Physcomitrium immersum

Physcomitrium pyriforme

Entosthodon fascicularis
Physcomitrella patens

Funaria hygrometrica
Funaria mediterranea
Funaria cricetorum
Physcomitrella patens X natural hybrids
Physcomitrium sphaericum X experimental hybrids
Physcomitrium turbinatum
Physcomitrium immersum Fertility of spores
Physcomitrium eurystomum many
Physcomitrium pyriforme some
Funaria hygrometrica not fertile
Funaria mediterranea very few found
Funaria cricetorum not reported
Entosthodon fascicularis
Sporophyte morphology
mother or mother-like
intermediate with tendency to mother-like
not reported

Fig. 18.1 Matrix of natural and experimental hybrid occurrence in the Funariaceae

natural and experimental hybrids (Wettstein 1924, 1932). gametes are able to fertilize eggs from a range of other
His results are shown in Fig. 18.1 and demonstrate that Funariaceae, they are not able to pass on the elaborate
hybridization is quite common within this family. If hybrids sporophytes to their hybrid offspring. It might well be that
are fertile and thus able to develop sporophytes, these are aneuploidization, as has been hypothesized for P. patens
usually of intermediate or mother-like morphology and the (Rensing et al. 2007; Beike and Rensing 2010), is the basis
spores are sometimes few and often not fertile (Fig. 18.1). of this behaviour.
While P. patens seems to represent a good mother line, The hybrid lines mentioned above are usually homoploid
Funaria hygrometrica is a good father line. Interestingly, hybrids (i.e., lacking a WGD) and as they are haploid no allele
these two species occupy the opposite ends on the complex- can cover for essential functions if the mating partner’s genome
ity scale of sporophyte morphology; while F. hygrometrica is altered in that regard. Consequently, a lot of the hybrid
features an elaborate sporophyte with a long seta (the stalk offspring are not expected to survive due to severe incompati-
on which the spore capsule rests) and operculum (the pre- bility or will be sterile. However, as mentioned earlier,
formed breaking point for the release of spores), P. patens Physcomitrella is a paleopolyploid (Rensing et al. 2007) and
harbours a highly reduced sporophyte without operculum molecular dating of the WGD event implies ancient polyploi-
that, due to the extreme reduction of the seta, is embedded dization in the ancestor of the Funariaceae (see below). This
into the gametophores that gave rise to it. The reduced may explain, in part, why natural hybrids like Physcomitrium
sporophyte of P. patens was recently proposed to be a collenchymatum or Physcomitrium eurystomum are able to
secondary reduction of a more complex, potentially survive. Crosses of P. patens isolates, that may very well
operculum-bearing sporophyte in the Funariaceae ancestor represent cryptic species, usually display a slightly aberrant
(McDaniel et al. 2010). Studies have shown that the sporophyte morphology (see Fig. 18.2d and 18.2e, compared
chromosomes of P. patens are apparently able to pair and with selfing, Fig. 18.2a), but do produce fertile spores, whereas
recombine with those from several Funariaceae species and crosses with, for example, Physcomitrium, if they occur at all,
usually force the reduced phenotype onto the hybrid off- may result in intermediate sporophyte morphology, as men-
spring (Fig. 18.2). In contrast, while the F. hygrometrica tioned above (Fig. 18.2b). It should be noted that it is not only
298 S.A. Rensing et al.

Fig. 18.2 Sporophytes resulting from (a) selfing of Physcomitrella patens and (b) P. patens crossed with Physcomitrium sphaericum and (c and f)
selfed again. (d) and (e) show sporophytes from crosses between different isolates of P. patens

the hybrid sporophytes arising directly from crossings that question as to which of the two forms of genome doubling is
display the intermediate morphology, the same is true also for most prevalent among bryophytes has been an issue of
the following generation, i.e., sporophytes eventually formed debate. In contrast to allopolyploidy, von Wettstein consid-
upon germination of the spores and selfing of the resulting ered autopolyploidy to be of little or no evolutionary impor-
gametangia (Fig. 18.2c, f). tance for mosses due to the abnormality and cytological
Artificial or experimentally induced autopolyploidization instability of the resulting moss strains (reviewed in English
is also frequently observed after transfection of P. patens by M€untzing 1936). In contrast, in the 1970s it was assumed
protoplasts (12%; Schween et al. 2005b). Among (Longton 1976; Smith 1979) that most polyploid bryophytes
transformants the polyploid, mostly diploid, plants cannot were autopolyploids (with a few exceptions) and thus
be distinguished from homoploid, haploid plants by morpho- hybridization followed by genome duplication (i.e., allo-
logical features alone (Schween et al. 2005a). polyploidy) was of little significance.
Recent molecular studies on polyploid bryophytes show
that allopolyploidy is the rule rather than the exception, and
18.3 Natural Polyploidization and is common in both mosses and liverworts (Natcheva and
Hybridization Among the Funariaceae Cronberg 2004). After hybridization, allopolyploidization
may occur in three ways: (1) apospory (i.e., regeneration of
The existence of natural polyploids derived from unreduced diploid gametophytes from the tissues of the hybrid sporo-
spores (diplospory), by reprogramming of vegetative sporo- phyte), (2) diplospory, or (3) syndiplospory.
phytic cells (e.g., after wounding; apospory) or fusion of Different chromosome counts have been reported for
sporocytes prior to meiosis (syndiplospory) is known for Funariaceae with the most common numbers being 14, 21
individual moss plants (Crawford et al. 2009). Also, genera- and 28. In P. patens the chromosome number per haploid cell
tive polyploidy at the population or species level has been varies from n ¼ 14, n ¼ 16 as reported by von Wettstein
known for a long time, as outlined above. Nevertheless, the (1924) and Engel (1968) to n ¼ 27 reported by Bryan
18 Evolutionary Importance of Generative Polyploidy for Genome Evolution of Haploid-Dominant Land Plants 299

(1957) and Reski et al. (1994) with the latter count being of 24,845 transcriptomic unigenes. Based on the synonymous
recorded for the isolate “Gransden 2004” used for genome substitution rates of homoeologs, the divergence of the
sequencing (Rensing et al. 2008). Among true mosses paralogous gene copies was dated to 30–60 Mya ago. An
(Bryopsida), the base number of chromosomes is considered average of 45 Mya can therefore be expected for the date of
to be four, five, six and seven (Frahm 2001). Considering a WGD in P. patens. According to phylogenetic analyses, the
base number of seven chromosomes among Funariaceae, a age of the subclass Funariidae has been estimated to be approx-
model for the genome evolution of P. patens can be imately 172 Mya (Newton et al. 2007). Therefore, the detected
constructed based on two whole genome duplication events. genome duplication during the Eocene (~45 Mya) most likely
Starting with the ancient hybridization of two (male and occurred after diversification within Funariidae. Although the
female) parental chromosome sets of n ¼ 7, the resulting age of Funariaceae is still unclear, molecular analysis of a
allopolyploidization and subsequent haploidization (i.e., a conserved domain of MADS-box transcription factors in
loss of complete redundancy by paralog decay and sub- and F. hygrometrica, Funariella curviseta, P. eurystomum and
neofunctionalization) may have led to a haploid, mon- and P. patens hints at a shared polyploidization history within this
synoicous species with a chromosome number of n ¼ 14. family (manuscript in preparation; Zobell et al. (2010)). The
Another (auto- or allo-) polyploidization and haploidization, analysed species share the same MADS-box transcription
followed by a putative aneuploidization, would result in the factors, which are known to be preferentially retained after
extant haploid P. patens strain with 27 chromosomes duplication events (Veron et al. 2007).
(Rensing et al. 2007; see also Fig. 3 in Rensing et al. 2009 For some time now, bryologists have discussed monoicy as
for illustration). Thus, the last common ancestor of a derived trait over dioicy (Ando 1980). For dioicous mosses
Funariaceae potentially became hermaphroditic through reproductive success is strongly dependent on the cytotype
hybridization and polyploidization (Rensing et al. 2007). frequencies in the population (Crawford et al. 2009), therefore
Evidence that this might reflect a more general trend among asexual reproduction might be predicted to be more frequent
mosses comes from a recent phylogenetic comparative study among dioicous than monoecious mosses. In terms of the
indicating that polyploid mosses were more likely to be her- distribution of sexual reproductive systems among
maphrodite, thus suggesting that changes in chromosome num- Funariidae, both Encalyptales and Timmiales contain monoe-
ber through polyploidy could cause changes in the sexual cious and dioicous species, and among the Funariales only the
system (Crawford et al. 2009). The selective advantage of family Funariaceae is entirely monoecious. The extension of
hybridization and polyploidization depends on successful the phylogenetic analysis of homoeolog-containing gene
reproduction and transmission of genetic information. The families, like the MADS-box transcription factors mentioned
evolutionary benefit of a syn- and monoecious moss species above, to include additional representatives of the Funariidae
over a dioicous species might be the easier way of sexual will provide further insight concerning the role of WGD
reproduction through selfing, as male and female gametangia events in the establishment of monoicy in mosses.
are located on the same plant, and even on the same gameto- The genome duplication during the Eocene provides no
phore. However, inbreeding depression can be a considerable explanation for the range of chromosome numbers encoun-
selective disadvantage of monoecy, even if out-crossing among tered in extant Funariaceae. However, since several
monoecious bryophytes occurs in nature as already described Funariaceae show no effective intergeneric breeding barrier,
for the synoicous polyploid moss Plagiomnium medium (Wyatt and since some genera, especially Funaria, Physcomitrium
et al. 1988, 1992). Interestingly, sporophytic inbreeding depres- and Physcomitrella, grow in comparable habitats in close
sion was noted in the dioicous species Ceratodon purp- proximity, a high number of hybrid species can be expected
ureus, but not in the monoecious, self-fertilizing Funaria in nature. Thus speciation through hybridization may be
hygrometrica. Indeed, the low rate of inbreeding depression caused by reproductive isolation due to allopolyploidy and
observed in selfing F. hygrometrica, based on capsule and seta this may contribute to the range of chromosome numbers
length, spore number or capsule mass, may help in maintaining observed. It is noted that although some hybrid species from
the evolutionary stability of hermaphroditic populations different moss families have been observed in nature, the
(Taylor et al. 2007). In addition, among bryophytes, the ability evolutionary significance and the frequency of hybridization
and high frequency of vegetative reproduction via fragmenta- among bryophytes is considered to be widely underestimated
tion of gametophytic tissue or gemmae should be considered in at present (Natcheva and Cronberg 2004).
this context. A successful vegetative reproduction system can Natural hybrids among Funariaceae have frequently been
diminish the potentially negative consequences of sexual isola- reported over the last two centuries (Britton 1895; Andrews
tion through polyploidization. 1918, 1942; Pettet 1964), and outlined above. Recently,
P. patens is a paleopolyploid moss that underwent at least the hybrid origin of Physcomitrium eurystomum and
one WGD (Rensing et al. 2007). This ancient polyploidization Physcomitrium collenchymatum was verified based on molec-
was identified from an analysis of 2,907 paralogous genes out ular data and genealogical analyses of six loci, including the
300 S.A. Rensing et al.

ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS), one plastid marker analyses, a revised classification for the Physcomitrium/
(atpB-rbcL) and four protein coding loci. Furthermore, out of a Physcomitrella species complex, following the initial taxon-
taxon set comprising Funariaceae species from geographically omy (Tan 1978), might be necessary.
widespread populations in both the Northern and Southern
Hemisphere, other Physcomitrium species also showed a clear
signature of hybridization (i.e., there were discrepancies in the 18.4 Gene Retention and Gene Family
phylogenetic trees of the six chosen loci). Moreover, the ampli- Evolution
fication of a highly conserved nuclear single copy gene (BRK1)
from a comparable Funariaceae taxon set, including multiple Previous studies of WGD events in P. patens were based on
isolates of four Physcomitrium species, has underlined the transcriptome representations (Rensing et al. 2007) and in
hybrid origin of P. eurystomum and P. collenchymatum. order to avoid false-positives due to redundant representation
BRK1 is present as multiple paralogs in the respective species, of transcripts (by means of several unigenes per locus), nearly
which are recognized through sequence polymorphisms in identical sequences were removed from such analyses.
terms of multiple peaks in the direct sequencing products. Repeating the analysis of Rensing et al. (2007) but based on
Both distinct parental homologs were identified by cloning the most recent genomic data gives the results shown in
the PCR products and then sequencing several clones per Fig. 18.3 (Ks plot, synonymous substitutions per site for
species isolate. In addition, different isolates of P. pyriforme paralog clusters). The first bin (synonymous substitutions
(one of the parental lines giving rise to P. eurystomum and per site between 0.0 and 0.1) contains a higher number of
P. collenchymatum) were shown to contain multiple paralogs paralogs as previously reported (Rensing et al. 2007), i.e.,
of the single copy gene BRK1. Flow cytometric measurements ~40%, exceeding the estimate based on transcriptome
revealed all those isolates as recent allopolyploids data. The WGD (secondary peak) comprises another ~40%
(neopolyploids), since they have a larger genome size com- of the genes. The latter homoeologs show significant
pared to other Funariaceae (manuscript in preparation). Chro- sequence variation and have probably undergone sub- and
mosome counts of n ¼ 9 to n ¼ 72 for P. pyriforme, and neofunctionalization (Ohno 1970; Wendel 2000). Mutant
n ¼ 9 to n ¼ 54 for P. eurystomum (Fritsch 1991) also suggest analysis of closely related paralogs, usually retained after
a high frequency of putative hybrid species generation in the WGD, has shown in several cases that the proteins are often
genus Physcomitrium. In contrast, there is so far no evidence partly functionally redundant, so that they all need to be
for a hybrid origin or recent allopolyploidy within down-regulated in order to exhibit a drastic aberrant pheno-
Physcomitrella. The genomic DNA content of the different type, yet they differ, for example, in their expression pattern.
isolates is comparable to the well characterized Gransden iso- Examples of such P. patens gene families are rad51
late and the direct sequencing of the single copy gene BRK1 (Markmann-Mulisch et al. 2002, 2007), lhcsr (Alboresi et al.
was unambiguous (manuscript in preparation). 2010), rsl (Menand et al. 2007) and ftsZ (Martin et al. 2009a,
Initially, Physcomitrella was subdivided into three spe- b) (i.e., knockout mutants of the homoeologs all show par-
cies (Tan 1978). P. readeri from USA, Australia and Japan tially redundant or additive phenotypes, yet differential
(Ochi 1968), P. magdalenae from Rwanda and the Demo- expression levels or domains). These observations indicate
cratic Republic of Congo, Africa (Sloover 1975; Mueller that both, gene dosage-dependent redundancy and gene
1995) and P. patens with a wide distribution in the Northern subfunctionalization have occurred. More detailed phyloge-
Hemisphere. Based on variable, but overlapping, phenotypic netic and experimental analysis is necessary to ascertain the
and key taxonomic characteristics of these species, the taxon contribution of these different types of evolution following
Physcomitrella was later subdivided into four subspecies: polyploidy.
P. patens subsp. patens, P. patens subsp. magdalenae de Paralogs from the first bin of Ks plots are usually consid-
Sloover, P. patens subsp. readeri C. Muell., and P. patens ered to be the result of local duplication events, such as
subsp. californica Crum & Anderson (Tan 1979). Current segmental duplications (Lynch and Conery 2000; Blanc
molecular data however cannot confirm this latter classifica- and Wolfe 2004a). Indeed, analysis of the P. patens genome
tion. Instead, phylogenetic analyses of different loci, includ- has demonstrated that ~1% of the genes are located in
ing plastid, ribosomal and nuclear marker genes, show three tandem arrays, i.e., (often identical) paralogs are in close
distinct lines of Physcomitrella which are clearly separated proximity to each other (Rensing et al. 2008). Currently, we
from each other. These data therefore suggest that (1) the do not know whether such tandemly arrayed genes are the
genus is polyphyletic and arose at least three times from result of recent duplications (which are prone to subsequent
distinct ancestors within Funariaceae (more or less mirroring paralog loss) or whether they are kept alike by concerted
the older classification scheme) and (2) the secondary reduc- evolution/gene conversion (Wendel 2000; Wang et al.
tion of the sporophyte has occurred independently in each 2007). Even more intriguing is the high proportion of
lineage. With regard to these molecular and phylogenetic genes that are nearly identical but are not tandemly arranged
18 Evolutionary Importance of Generative Polyploidy for Genome Evolution of Haploid-Dominant Land Plants 301

Fig. 18.3 Ks plot of Physcomitrella patens paralogs. The plot was generated as previously described (Rensing et al. 2007) but is based on the most
recent gene predictions and does not feature a cutoff criterion for nearly identical sequences

(hypothesized from the large first bin, Fig. 18.3). Whether other moss families. Based on their adopted life strategies,
this is due to the still fragmented nature of the genome Funariaceae are pioneer plants, classified as fugitives and
assembly or reveals a complex pattern of intra- and inter- annual shuttle species, implying they have adapted to open,
chromosomal gene conversion has yet to be determined. unshaded and unstable habitats where survival depends on
This pattern might be related to the moss’ high rate of their ability to pass quickly through their life cycle when the
DNA repair by homologous recombination and be indicative conditions are optimal and competition from other species is
of concerted evolution of these loci via gene conversion to low. Thus, the observed functional enrichment of metabolic
allow the haploid organism to maintain ‘pseudoalleles’ of genes might reflect a specific adaptation, ensuring the correct
dosage-sensitive or highly expressed genes (Lang et al. gene dosage important to their particular ecological niche. It
2008). Additional evidence that gene conversion is active might also reflect, for example, the poikilohydric life style of
in P. patens comes from the analysis of the ftsZ gene family, bryophytes in general. Poikilohydry enables bryophytes to
where conversion tracts have been shown to maintain func- resuscitate and restart their entire metabolism almost
tional tubulin/GTPase domains among ftsZ homoeologs instantly after suspending it to endure various environmental
(Martin et al. 2009b), mirroring the pattern predicted on a stresses (e.g., heat, drought, cold, radiation). Indeed, the high
larger scale for rice paralogs (Wang et al. 2007). abundance of metabolic genes has been found not only in
Enrichment analysis of functional annotations of both P. patens but also in the rehydration transcriptome of Tortula
paleologs (Rensing et al. 2007) and pseudoalleles (Lang ruralis (Oliver et al. 2004). Furthermore, genes in metabolic
2008) in P. patens revealed an overrepresentation of gene pathways have recently been found to constitute important
products involved in metabolic processes. This is in clear fractions of retained paralogs in other species (the protozoon
contrast to what was found previously for seed plant Paramecium, and yeast) as well (Gout et al. 2009; van Hoek
genomes, where the genes involved in signal transduction and Hogeweg 2009).
and transcriptional regulation were the ones that were found
to be preferentially retained, e.g., in Arabidopsis thaliana
(Seoighe and Gehring 2004; Blanc and Wolfe 2004b). This 18.5 Outlook
striking difference can at least partly be interpreted in light of
Funariaceae ecology. Species belonging to the family are Physcomitrella patens was initially selected for genome
typically short-lived and annual (maximally biennial). This sequencing because it was already well established as a
contrasts with the perennial life style that is common in many model organism with the full molecular and genetic toolkit
302 S.A. Rensing et al.

available (Frank et al. 2005; Reski and Frank 2005; Quatrano comparative evolutionary studies of later steps in (moss) evo-
et al. 2007). It is also important from a phylogenetic perspec- lution. The availability of a second moss genome from a
tive (Rensing et al. 2002; Cove et al. 2006), bridging the different subclass will also aid in discovering genomic traits
evolutionary gap between sequenced green algae and that are common to mosses or unique to either lineage. Meta-
flowering plants, and thus making it a suitable organism for bolic pathways in general seem to be more versatile and more
plant evo-devo studies (e.g., Tanahashi et al. 2005; Menand redundantly encoded in mosses than in seed plants (Oliver et al.
et al. 2007; Mosquna et al. 2009; Khandelwal et al. 2010). 2004; Lang et al. 2005; Rensing et al. 2007, 2008). The genome
In the light of what we have outlined above, P. patens and of a second moss will thus help in determining novel protein
its siblings also appears now as a model ideally suited to study functions in this regard, and aid in the detection of metabolic
genome evolution through polyploidization and hybridization pathways so far unknown among land plants. Also, C.
in haploid-dominant organisms. Moreover, due to the exten- purpureus is a dioicous, obligate outbreeder and harbours sex
sive range of morphological differences of the sporophyte, chromosomes (McDaniel 2005), so this will provide a further
ranging from the elaborate F. hygrometrica to the vastly interesting dimension to compare with the P. patens genome
reduced P. patens morphology, Funariaceae are an excellent that lacks them.
model to study gene-phene evolution. The latter is made even Finally, what about liverworts, the earliest branching
more interesting since the reduced sporphyte structure (as division among land plants (Qiu et al. 2006) and sister to
observed in P. patens) has evolved independently several mosses: are they different from mosses in terms of genome
times and might very well be related to a different mode of evolution? The most common chromosome counts among
propagation (predominantly selfing, spores resting in the liverworts (Marchantiophyta) are n ¼ 8 and n ¼ 9 and only
ground) in contrast to the cosmopolitan F. hygrometrica a very few species are reported to have higher chromosome
(which produces numerous small spores suitable for long counts, like e.g., n ¼ 16, 18 or n ¼ 36 (Fritsch 1991). The
range dispersal, the species propagating weed-like). The fact genus Marchantia is reported to have a quite uniform num-
that there is a low breeding barrier among the family also ber of 8 or 9 chromosomes although there are exceptions i.e.,
enables crossing and associated genetic studies. Marchantia grisea (n ¼ 9 for male, n ¼ 10 for female),
For Funariaceae to enter the age of population genomics M. breviloba (n ¼ 18), M. globosa (n ¼ 18), and M.
we will need to re-sequence transcriptomes and genomes of planiloba (n ¼ 8, n ¼ 16 þ 2). The genome of Marchantia
other species and accessions from this family. Indeed, first polymorpha is currently being sequenced by the US Depart-
steps have already been made by genome and transcriptome ment of Energy and many chromosome counts are available
sequencing of P. patens isolates from geologically distinct for isolates from Japan, Europe, and America. They mainly
locations, such as the French Villersexel accession (avail- confirm a chromosome number of eight or nine for this
able through the genome browser), or are widely distributed species, with the single exceptions of
progressing for cryptic species from Africa and Australia. n ¼ 10–18 (Fritsch 1991). Thus, genome plasticity as
In addition, the transcriptome of F. hygrometrica has measured by chromosome numbers seems to be significantly
recently been sequenced, mapped against P. patens as refer- lower in liverworts than in mosses. The forthcoming analysis
ence, and used for comparison of gametophyte and sporo- of the M. polymorpha genome will reveal whether it is a
phyte biased gene expression in comparison with paleopolyploid. If it is not, as might be expected based on the
Arabidopsis thaliana (Szovenyi et al. 2010). narrow range of eight or nine chromosomes among
P. patens is but the first moss and bryophyte genome, but we liverworts, the genome analyses might reveal some surprises
certainly need more (Beike and Rensing 2010) in order to with regard to the evolution of this most ancient group of
detect trends that cannot be hypothesized based on a single haploid-dominant plants.
species. Fortunately, the genome of Ceratodon purpureus,
which is already established as a genetic model (Cove and Acknowledgments We are grateful to Stanislav Karnatsevych for
Quatrano 2006), has been granted for sequencing by the US conducting literature and experimental research with regard to crossing
and hybridization within the Funariaceae.
Department of Energy. C. purpureus belongs to the Dicranidae
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ancestor of the two lineages lived approximately 200 Mya
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Genome Size Diversity and Evolution
in Land Plants 19
Ilia J. Leitch and Andrew R. Leitch

Contents 19.1 Introduction

19.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307
19.1.1 Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307 The amount of DNA in the nucleus of a cell is commonly
19.2 Genome Size Data and Diversity Across Land Plants 308 referred to as the genome size or C-value and people have
19.2.1 Bryophytes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309 been estimating this character in plants and animals for over
19.2.2 Lycophytes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311 60 years. Today, with data available for over 7,000 species
19.2.3 Monilophytes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312
19.2.4 Seed Plants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314
(Table 19.1), land plants (embryophytes) are the best studied
19.2.5 Mechanisms Responsible for Generating Changes in of the major taxonomic groups of eukaryotes. This chapter
Genome Size in Different Land Plant Groups . . . . . . . . . . . 317 provides an overview of what is currently known about the
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320 diversity of genome sizes encountered in land plant groups
and considers how such diversity might have evolved. The
chapter by Greilhuber and Leitch (2013, this volume) will
discuss the impact of this diversity on plants in terms of how
differences in genome size have an impact at all levels of
complexity, from the nucleus to the whole organism. This
chapter should also be read with reference to those by Weiss-
Schneeweiss and Schneeweiss (2013, this volume) who
explore intra- and inter-specific chromosome complexity
across angiosperms, including polyploidy and dysploidy,
Murray (2013, this volume) who discusses gymnosperm
chromosomes, and Barker (2013, this volume) who
considers the chromosomes of monilophytes and lycophytes.

19.1.1 Terminology

While the term ‘genome size’ has been broadly used in the
literature, it may refer to different things by different
people (Greilhuber et al. 2005). For example, it has been
used to refer to the amount of DNA in an unreplicated
monoploid chromosome set (n) or in a polyploid nucleus
where the DNA has been replicated. In an attempt to
stabilize the terminology and to bring greater precision
when referring to the amount of DNA in different phases
of the cell cycle (e.g., G1 and G2), different stages of the
I.J. Leitch (*) life cycle (e.g., haplophase and diplophase), and when
Jodrell Laboratory, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, Surrey comparing the amount of DNA in a basic monoploid
e-mail: chromosome set with the total amount of DNA in the

I.J. Leitch et al. (eds.), Plant Genome Diversity Volume 2, 307

DOI 10.1007/978-3-7091-1160-4_19, # Springer-Verlag Wien 2013
308 I.J. Leitch and A.R. Leitch

Table 19.1 Genome size data available in land plants

No. of No. of species
species with genome Representation Min. Max. Mean Median Mode Range
recognised size data (%) (pg) (pg) (pg) (pg) (pg) (max./min.)
Non-vascular plants
Liverworts c. 5,000 43 0.9 0.21 7.97 1.2 0.8 0.76 38-fold
Mosses c. 12,000 184 1.5 0.17 2.05 0.5 0.4 0.45 12-fold
Hornworts c. 150 0 – – – – – – –
Vascular plants
Lycophytes c. 900 15 1.6 0.086 11.96 1.7 0.1 0.086 139-fold
Monilophytes c. 11,000 67 0.6 0.77 72.68 14.0 9.5 7.95 94-fold
Seed plants
Gymnosperms c. 850 204 24 2.25 36.0 18.6 7.9 10.0 16-fold

Angiosperms c. 352,000 6,287 1.8 0.065 152.23 5.9 2.5 0.60 2,342-fold

amount of DNA in an unreplicated, gametic nucleus with a

chromosome number n.

19.2 Genome Size Data and Diversity Across

Land Plants

Land plants first began to diverge around 450–460 million

years ago (Mya) during the middle Ordovician (Kenrick and
Crane 1997; Rensing et al. 2008) and have since diversified
into four major groups: (1) the non-vascular bryophytes
Fig. 19.1 The different levels of DNA amount during the life cycle of which comprise liverworts, mosses and hornworts, (2) the
an angiosperm or gymnosperm lycophytes, considered to be the first vascular plants
to evolve and are sister to the remaining vascular plants
nucleus of a generative polyploid, Greilhuber et al. (2005) (3) the monilophytes comprising marattioid and leptos-
proposed the following terminology which is adopted in porangiate ferns, horsetails (Equisetum), whisk ferns
the current chapter. (Psilotum, Tmesipteris) and ophioglossoid ferns (e.g.,
The ‘Holoploid genome size’ or ‘C-value’ represents the Ophioglossum, Botrychium) and (4) the seed plants compris-
amount of DNA in the whole chromosome complement of ing angiosperms and gymnosperms. Knowledge of genome
the nucleus with a chromosome number n, irrespective of the sizes in these different groups is uneven and in the past this
degree of generative polyploidy. has hampered studies aiming to compare genome size diver-
The ‘Monoploid genome size’ refers to the amount of sity across land plants. Nevertheless, in recent years there has
DNA in one chromosome set of an organism. It is abbreviated been a huge increase in the amount of genome size data
as the Cx-value. In non-polyploid organisms the C-value and available (particularly in the angiosperms, Bennett and
Cx-value are the same whereas in polyploids the Cx-value is Leitch 2011) and this provides an opportunity to reassess
theoretical, derived by dividing the holoploid C-value by the what it known about genome size diversity across land plants.
ploidy level. The following survey is based on genome size data available
In addition, for quantitative comparisons the terms should in the Plant DNA C-values database (release 5.0, December
always be used with a prefix number to indicate the amount 2010) which contains estimates for 7,058 land plant species
of DNA replication (Fig. 19.1). Thus a 1C-value refers to the together with data not yet compiled into the database.
19 Genome Size Diversity and Evolution in Land Plants 309

are recognised as three distinct paraphyletic lineages (Shaw

and Renzaglia 2004). Indeed, with increasing amounts of
both molecular sequence and structural data, several studies
suggest that liverworts are sister to all other land plants
followed by mosses, and with hornworts sister to all vascular
plants (tracheophytes) (e.g., Qiu et al. 2006; Pena et al. 2008;
Qiu 2008). Nevertheless, studies based on other sources of
data (e.g., sperm cell morphology) suggest alternative
relationships and more data are clearly needed to fully
resolve the branching order (Mishler and Kelch 2009).
Sadly there is not a great wealth of genome size data in the
bryophytes despite their key evolutionary position at the base
of all land plants. In addition, mosses are possibly the second
most diverse group of land plants after the angiosperms. Liverworts
Until recently, genome size data were available for only nine
Fig. 19.2 Chromosomes of (a) Genlisea aurea (1C ¼ 0.065 pg) and liverworts and even some of these values were called into
(b) Paris japonica (1C ¼ 152.23 pg, 2n ¼ 40) taken at the same question (Voglmayr 2000; Temsch et al. 2010) due to
magnification. (Image in (a) from Greilhuber et al. 2006 and (b) from
Pellicer et al. 2010) problems with methodology and material. For example, a
recent comparison between genome size estimates obtained
using Feulgen densitometry and flow cytometry highlighted
how only the later method may be considered reliable due to
The new data available have extended the range of
the rigid cell walls and crystalline deposits in liverworts that
genome sizes encountered in land plants at both ends of
interfere with Feulgen staining (Temsch et al. 2010).
the scale so C-values now vary nearly 2,400-fold. Both
Fortunately, the publication by Temsch et al. (2010) of
record holders are angiosperms with the smallest reported
genome size estimates for 43 species in 31 genera (32 foliose,
in the eudicot genus Genlisea (G. aurea 1C ¼ 0.065 pg,
11 thallose) from 22 families has increased knowledge of
Fig. 19.2a) (Greilhuber et al. 2006; the report of 0.065 pg
genome sizes in liverworts considerably. Although the data
for G. margaretae actually belongs to G. aurea;
are still far from representative given that there are c. 5,000
J. Greilhuber, pers. comm.) while the largest to date is in
liverwort species worldwide comprising 83 families and 391
the monocot Paris japonica which is an octoploid with 2n
genera (Crandall-Stotler et al. 2009), some insights into
¼ 8x ¼ 40 and a staggering 1C ¼ 152.23 pg (Pellicer et al.
genome size diversity can now be gleaned. Overall, 1C-
2010) (Fig. 19.2b).
values range 38-fold from 0.211 pg in Lejeunea cavifolia
Each group of land plants is characterized by a distinctive
(Lejeuneaceae) to 7.966 pg in Mylia taylorii (Myliaceae)
genome size profile (Fig. 19.3) and to understand how these
(Table 19.1) with no significant difference in the ranges
may have evolved requires viewing the data within an evo-
encountered in thallose (1C ¼ 0.293–7.966 pg) and foliose
lutionary framework. Fortunately, understanding the
(0.211–0.757 pg) liverworts (Temsch et al. 2010).
relationships between and within the different groups
A histogram of the frequency of species with different
which comprise land plants has increased in recent years
genome sizes shows that most liverworts have small
and is outlined by Soltis and Soltis (2013, this volume).
genomes (up to around 2 pg; Fig. 19.4a). Only two genera
Indeed, having such a framework is essential for providing
have larger genomes – Pellia (Pelliaceae) and Mylia
insights into the direction of genome size evolution in dif-
(Myliaceae) and their genomes certainly appear as outliers.
ferent groups.
What is notable about these species is that they belong to
different orders – Pellia to the Order Pelliales and Mylia
which is in Jungermanniales (Crandall-Stotler et al. 2009).
19.2.1 Bryophytes While there are currently no other genome size estimates for
species belonging to the other genus of Order Pelliales (i.e.,
Traditionally, mosses (Bryophyta s.s.), liverworts (Marchan- Noteroclada), cytological studies show their chromosomes
tiophyta) and hornworts (Anthocerotophyta) were grouped are considerably smaller, suggesting much smaller genome
together into the bryophytes, comprising the three extant sizes in this genus (Proskauer 1950). In the Order
lineages of non-vascular land plants. However, they are no Jungermanniales several estimates are available and they
longer considered to form a monophyletic group and instead are all less than 1C ¼ 2.02 pg. Such observations suggest
310 I.J. Leitch and A.R. Leitch

Fig. 19.3 Histograms showing the genome size profiles for each of the major land plant groups with genome size data

that there have been two independent increases in genome have been observed in P. neesiana (Newton 1985, 1987).
size within liverworts. The most extensive increase is in Large genomes may also be found in Pallavicinia lyellii
Mylia taylorii as this species is reported to be haploid with (Pallaviciniaceae) since cytogenetic studies by Zheng and
n ¼ 9. In Pellia, the largest genome is for a polyploid Zhu (2009) showed that this species had the same number
(P. borealis with 1C ¼ 7.4 pg and n ¼ 18). Nevertheless, (n ¼ 8) but larger chromosomes than Pellia epiphylla. Sadly,
its monoploid genome size (1Cx ¼ 3.7 pg) is similar in size there are currently no genome size data for Pallavicinia.
to related haploid species (with 1C ¼ 3.4–3.8 pg) which
themselves appear as outliers compared with other
liverworts (Fig. 19.4a). Mosses
Further large genomes may well be encountered in other Mosses are the best represented group of bryophytes in terms
species of Mylia as M. anomala has been reported to have a of genome size with values for 1.5% of species (Table 19.1).
karyotype comprising eight similarly large chromosomes as Like liverworts, mosses are characterized by small genomes,
observed in M. taylorii, and these are said to be amongst but they are considerably less variable, ranging just 12-fold
the largest known in liverworts (Newton 1987). As for Pellia, from 0.17 pg in Holomitrium arboretum to 2.05 pg in Mnium
large genomes may also be found in related species as large marginatum (Fig. 19.4b). It is also noted that the distribution
chromosomes with lots of heterochromatin (up to 35%) of DNA amounts is strongly skewed towards the lower end of
19 Genome Size Diversity and Evolution in Land Plants 311

Greilhuber et al. 2003) (Fig. 19.4c). Such studies have

highlighted the apparent stability of the monoploid genome
size in Sphagnum (mean 1Cx ¼ 0.45 pg, S.D. 0.03) although
it remains to be determined whether this is typical for other
moss genera as insufficient data are currently available. Hornworts
Currently, there are no reliable genome size data for hornworts.
Data for two species were reported by Renzaglia et al. (1995)
(i.e., Notothylas orbicularis 1C ¼ 0.17 pg, Phaeoceros laevis
1C ¼ 0.27 pg) and their values are both at the lower end of
those found in either mosses or liverworts. However, the Feul-
gen microdensitometry technique used to measure genome size
did not follow best practice recommendations (e.g., unsuitable
storage of nuclei prior to analysis, use of animal cells as
calibration standards, use of highly condensed sperm nuclei,
Temsch et al. 1998; Voglmayr 2000). In addition, the rigid cell
walls are likely to prevent access to reagents as noted for
liverworts above and hence to unreliable data (Greilhuber
pers. comm.).
Nevertheless, very small genomes might be expected
given that hornworts are characterized cytologically by
possessing low numbers of extremely small chromosomes
(n ¼ 4–10) and polyploidy is rare or absent (Proskauer
1958, 1967; Kuta and Przywara 2000). Clearly it is impera-
tive that genome size data are obtained for this important
group of non-vascular land plants, particularly if they are
indeed shown to hold a key phylogenetic position as sister to
Fig. 19.4 (a, b) Histograms showing the distribution of 1C-values in
(a) 43 liverwort species and (b) 184 mosses. (c) The distribution of all vascular plants as suggested by some molecular studies
C-values in the gametophytes of 39 species of the moss genus Sphag- (Qiu et al. 2006).
num showing the two distinct ploidy levels

the genome size range (Fig. 19.4b), so actually the majority of 19.2.2 Lycophytes
moss genomes show an even narrower range, with 97% of the
data varying just five-fold from 1C ¼ 0.2–0.6 pg. It is possi- Lycophytes which comprise c. 900 species are divided into
ble that larger genomes may be uncovered, particularly in three lineages (clubmosses and firmosses – Lycopodiaceae,
species reported to have high chromosome numbers, which quillworts – Isoetaceae and spikemosses – Selaginellaceae)
may be polyploids (e.g., n ¼ 72 in Physcomitrium pyriforme and have consistently been shown to be monophyletic and
and Leptodictyum riparium – the highest chromosome num- sister to all other vascular plants using both molecular and
ber so far reported for a moss; Przywara and Kuta 1995). morphological characters (Schneider et al. 2009; Gao et al.
However, since increasing levels of polyploidy may be 2010). They are therefore considered to hold a key position
accompanied by decreases in chromosome size and genome in plant evolution. Sadly from a genome size perspective
size, as noted in some liverworts (Bornefeld and Grillenberger they are poorly represented with data for just 15 species
1987; Orzechowska et al. 2010) and some mosses (Abderrahman although all three families are represented (Fig. 19.5). The
2004), whether genomes larger than the largest liverworts will smallest genomes (1C ¼ 0.086–0.24 pg; 10 species) are
be found in mosses is uncertain. found in Selaginella (the only genus comprising
Among the mosses, data are available for 80 genera and 36 Selaginellaceae), which is also noted to be characterized by
families although 96% of the genera and 75% of the families possessing some of the smallest chromosomes in non-seed
have five or fewer genome size estimates. Most data are avail- vascular plants. In addition, most species are diploid with
able for Sphagnum (the only genus comprising Sphagnaceae) 2n ¼ 18 or 20 (Jermy 1967; Takamiya 1993). It therefore
with estimates for 39 species. While C-values here range seems likely that this family is characterized by a narrow
0.39–0.95 pg, the data clearly fall into two groups which range of small genomes.
have been shown to correspond to species whose gametophytes In contrast, a larger range of genome sizes is encountered
are haploid (n ¼ 19) or diploid (n ¼ 38) (Temsch et al. 1998; in Isoetaceae (comprising a single genus Isoetes) with values
312 I.J. Leitch and A.R. Leitch

Fig. 19.5 Distribution of

genome sizes in the three families
which comprise lycophytes. Data
available for 10 species in
Selaginellaceae, two species in
Isoetaceae and three species in

varying seven-fold (i.e., 1C ¼ 1.75 and 11.97 pg), and move the sperm from the antheridia to the archegonia to
including the largest genome so far reported for any effect fertilization. Due to the positive correlation between
lycophyte (Isoetes lacustris, 1C ¼ 11.97 pg and 2n ¼ c. genome size and sperm size, an increase in DNA amount
110, Hanson and Leitch 2002). Even though data are cur- would result in larger, less motile sperm, which may be
rently available for just two species, this diversity reflects selected against. Multiflagellate sperm, which are more
what is known from cytological studies as some of the mobile than biflagellate sperm, may not be so impeded and
species have been reported to have the largest chromosomes thus genome size is not expected to be under such tight
in lycophytes (Dunlop 1949) while other studies have selection pressure. Indeed, as noted above the largest
revealed considerable variation in both chromosome number lycophyte genomes so far reported are indeed in Isoetaceae
and size between species (2n ¼ 22 – c. 130 and sizes of which have c. 20 flagella per sperm (Renzaglia et al. 1995).
individual chromosomes from less than 2 to 7–8 mm long,
Dunlop 1949; Manton 1950; Troı̀a 2001; Peruzzi et al.
Lycopodiaceae have genome sizes ranging from 1C 19.2.3 Monilophytes
¼ 2.7–5.7 pg. However these are based on data for just
three species and only one chromosome count (i.e., Lycopo- Monilophytes are estimated to comprise c. 11,000 species
dium clavatum, 2n ¼ 68). Since this group of homosporous and data for 67 species show their genomes range 94-fold
lycopods can reach high chromosome numbers (up to 2n ¼ c. from 1C ¼ 0.77 pg in the water fern Azolla microphylla to
510 in Phylloglossum (Blackwood 1953) and 2n ¼ c. 556 in 72.68 pg in the whisk fern Psilotum nudum (Table 19.1). Yet
Huperzia prolifera (Tindale and Roy 2002) – the highest for an analysis of the distribution of genome sizes (Fig. 19.6a)
any lycophytes) larger genomes may be encountered as data shows that three of the five groups comprising monilophytes
increase. However, genomes as large as some Isoetaceae (i.e., horsetails, marattioides and leptosporangiate ferns)
seem unlikely in all but Phylloglossum since it has been are characterized by small to medium sized genomes. The
suggested that there are constraints on genome size in groups very large genomes are restricted to species in the remaining
with biflagellate sperm (i.e., Lycopodiaceae (excluding two groups of ferns – whisk ferns and ophioglossoid ferns.
Phylloglossum), Selaginellaceae and all non-vascular plants, Indeed their enormous genomes are clearly outliers, as they
Renzaglia et al. 1995). The hypothesis states that for species are more than twice the size of the next largest monilophyte
with only two flagella there is an upper limit to genome size genome which is in the horsetail Equistum variegatum with
determined by the efficiency with which the flagella can 1C¼ 30.3 pg (Fig. 19.6b).
19 Genome Size Diversity and Evolution in Land Plants 313

(Psilotaceae – comprising Psilotum and Tmesipteris) have

evolved through increases in chromosome size as cytological
data show these genera are characterized by lower numbers
(i.e., 2n ¼ 104, 156, 208, 416) of larger (4.5–18 mm)
chromosomes with a maximum ploidy level of 8x (Manton
1950; Abraham et al. 1962; Brownsey and Lovis 1987).
At the other end of the scale the smallest monilophyte
genome so far reported is in the water fern Azolla
microphylla which belongs to a derived group of
leptosporangiate ferns. Its genome size was estimated to be
1C ¼ 0.77 pg with 2n ¼ 44 (the lowest number reported for
the genus, Stergianou and Fowler 1990; Hanson and Leitch
2002). Currently this is the only genome size estimate for
water ferns although Azolla is reported to have the smallest
chromosomes of any fern (<0.5 mm in A. pinnata also with
2n ¼ 44, Stergianou and Fowler 1990) so very small
genomes may well be found in related species. However,
bigger genomes are expected in the four other genera com-
prising water ferns (i.e., Salvinia, Pilularia, Marsilea and
Regnellidium) as cytological studies show they possess
larger chromosomes. In Salvinia which is considered sister
to Azolla and represents the other genus of Salvineaceae
(Nagalingum et al. 2008) chromosomes were 3–4 mm for
species with 2n ¼ 18 (Tatuno and Takei 1969), while in
Fig. 19.6 (a) Distribution of genome sizes (1C-values) superimposed the three genera comprising Marsileaceae chromosomes
onto a phylogenetic tree showing relationships between the five major varied with 4–8 mm in Regnellidium with 2n ¼ 38 (Loyal
lineages of monilophytes. (b) Histogram showing the frequency of 1962), 3–5 mm in Pilularia with 2n ¼ 20 (Large and
genome sizes in 67 monilophyte species
Braggins 1989) and 1.5–3 mm in Marsilea with 2n ¼ 50
(Lesho 1994).
The best represented group of monilophytes is the
While the monophyly of monilophytes is consistently horsetails (Equisitum) where 10 out of the c. 15 recognized
recovered in phylogenetic studies using molecular data and/ species have genome size estimates. In addition, the phylo-
or morphological characters from both extant and fossil mate- genetic relationships and species comprising the two
rial (Pryer et al. 2001; Qiu 2008; Schneider et al. 2009), the subgenera Hippochaete and Equisetum are now becoming
relationships within the five clades comprising monilophytes better resolved (Guillon 2004, 2007) enabling genome size
are still far from resolved (Schuettpelz and Pryer 2008; data to be considered within a phylogenetic context. All
Schneider et al. 2009). Yet whisk ferns and ophioglossoid species (except one reported triploid hybrid) have a chromo-
ferns are frequently grouped together and resolved as being some count of 2n ¼ 216 but genome sizes range from
distinct from and sister to the remaining monilophytes. 1C ¼ 12.5–30.3 pg (Fig. 19.7). Nevertheless, when the
Intriguingly, the very large genomes encountered in these data are superimposed onto the phylogenetic tree of Guillon
two groups appear to have evolved via two different cytologi- (2007) it is clear that they fall into two groups with the
cal mechanisms. Ophioglossoid ferns such as Ophioglossum species in subgenus Hippochaete characterized by larger
are characterized by possessing numerous small genomes (1C ¼ 20.7–30.3 pg) than those of subgenus Equi-
chromosomes (1.5–4.5 mm in length, Abraham et al. 1962) setum (1C ¼ 12.5–14.2 pg) (Fig. 19.7). These observations
potentially arising through multiple rounds of polyploidy and/ fit with Manton’s (1950) cytological observations that spe-
or chromosome fragmentation. Indeed a chromosome count cies belonging to subgenus Hippochaete were characterized
of 2n ¼ c. 1,440 which may be 96-ploid has been reported in by larger chromosomes than those in subgenus Equisetum.
O. reticulatum and is the highest chromosome number ever The recent resolution of the placement of E. bogotense
reported for a plant (Khandelwal 1990). The genome size data within subgenus Hippochaete (Guillon 2007) is also consis-
available for two species of Ophioglossum have counts of tent with the genome size estimate of this species of 1C
2n ¼ c. 720 and c. 960 for O. gramineum and O. petiolatum ¼ 20.7 pg which is similar to E. scirpoides, another early
respectively. In contrast, the large genomes of the whisk ferns diverging species in the subgenus (Fig. 19.7).
314 I.J. Leitch and A.R. Leitch

Fig. 19.7 Distribution of genome sizes encountered in Equisetum superimposed onto the phylogenetic tree of Guillon (2007)

19.2.4 Seed Plants data. There are C-values for c. 24% of all described species
(Table 19.1) including at least one genome size estimate for
Seed plants are estimated to comprise c. 96% of extant each of the 13 families recognized. While gymnosperm
vascular plant diversity and are divided into gymnosperms genomes are, on average, larger than other land plant groups,
(comprising c. 850 species) and angiosperms with an especially the angiosperms (mean 1C ¼ 18.6 pg compared
estimated 352,000 species (Paton et al. 2008). with angiosperms where mean 1C ¼ 5.9 pg: Table 19.1),
gymnosperms remain one of the least variable groups with Gymnosperms DNA amounts ranging just 16-fold from 2.25 pg in Gnetum
Gymnosperms first appeared in the fossil record in the Upper ula to 36.0 pg in Pinus ayacahuite. In addition, the genome
Devonian, c. 350 Mya but while there are arguably 14 gym- size profile is not strongly skewed towards small DNA
nosperm groups recognized, only four are represented in amounts, unlike liverworts, mosses, lycophytes and
extant floras (Bateman et al. 2006). These comprise the angiosperms (Fig. 19.3).
cycads (c. 250 species), Ginkgo (1 species), Gnetales (c. 50 Cycads, which are often considered to be sister to all
species) and conifers (c. 550 species) which are typically other extant gymnosperms, have medium-sized genomes
divided into (1) Pinaceae and (2) the remaining non-Pinaceae (1C ¼ 12.01–21.1 pg; Fig. 19.8a). While this is based on
conifers. Relationships among the different gymnosperm data for just six species it is consistent with the more exten-
groups remain enigmatic, especially the position of Gnetales. sive chromosomal data showing this group is typically
Molecular data point to affinities with the conifers (e.g., Chaw characterized by large chromosomes with a narrow range
et al. 2000; Werner et al. 2009), while the analysis of mor- of numbers (2n ¼ 16–28, e.g., Sax and Beal 1934; Marchant
phological characters provides little support for such a rela- 1968, see also Murray 2013, this volume).
tionship (Palmer et al. 2004) (see also Sect. 14.1 in Murray Gnetales comprise three phylogenetically distinct
2013, this volume and Soltis and Soltis 2013, this volume). families – Gnetaceae, Ephedraceae and Welwitschiaceae,
From a genome size perspective, gymnosperms represent all of which are monogeneric. They have genomes ranging
the group of land plants with by far the best representation of 8-fold from 1C ¼ 2.25–18.22 pg (Fig. 19.8a). The smallest
19 Genome Size Diversity and Evolution in Land Plants 315

no genome size data are currently available for these

The greatest diversity of genome sizes are found in the
conifers with values ranging from 1C ¼ 6.6 to 36.0 pg
(Fig. 19.8a and b). However, most of this variation is
found in Pinus (Pinaceae, 1C ¼ 16.6–36.0 pg) which is the
most variable genus of any gymnosperm despite all species
having the same chromosome number of 2n ¼ 24 (see
Murray 2013, this volume). The only other notably large
genome is that of Sequoia sempervirens with 1C ¼ 32.1 pg.
Its genome is clearly an outlier compared with the
genome sizes encountered in other species of the non-
Pinaceae group of conifers (Fig. 19.8a). The large
genome of S. sempervirens is in part due to polyploidy as
cytologically it is a hexaploid with 2n ¼ 6x ¼ 66, with the
highest chromosome number reported to date for any
gymnosperm. Angiosperms
Given the astonishing ecological, species and genomic
diversity of angiosperms, insights into their genome sizes
has long attracted the attention of scientists. Indeed, the first
plant to have its genome size measured was an angiosperm
Lilium longiflorum in 1951 (Ogur et al. 1951). Since then
many species have had their genome sizes estimated and
there are currently values for 6,287 species in the Plant DNA
C-values database (Bennett and Leitch 2010). As already
mentioned in Sect. 19.2, the most striking feature of
angiosperms is the huge diversity of genome sizes encoun-
tered (Figs. 19.2 and 19.3, Table 19.1), considerably greater
than any other group of land plants and extending nearly
Fig. 19.8 (a) Distribution of genome sizes within the four groups of
2,400-fold. In addition, the genome size profile is quite
gymnosperms. Numbers in brackets correspond to the number of spe-
cies in each group with genome size data. Arrows point to the mean 1C- distinct from that of other land plant groups (Fig. 19.3),
value for each group (where applicable). (b) Comparison of the mean with most species characterized by having small to very
(•) and range of genome sizes in each of the 13 families comprising small genomes. Indeed, the modal and median 1C-values
gymnosperms. Families are arranged into their higher order groups but
for 6,287 species are just 0.6 and 2.5 pg respectively. Species
within each group there is no phylogenetic order. The number in
brackets following the family name corresponds to the number of with large to very large genomes are comparatively few and
species with genome size data localized in just a few lineages.
Over the years, insights into how this genome size diver-
sity is spread across the phylogenetic tree of angiosperms
genomes of any gymnosperm are found in Gnetum have been gleaned by superimposing existing data onto
(Gnetaceae) with 1C ¼ 2.25–3.98 pg and chromosome phylogenetic trees available at the time of analysis (e.g.,
numbers of 2n ¼ 22 or 44, representing diploid and tetra- Leitch et al. 1998; Soltis et al. 2003; Leitch et al. 2005).
ploid species. Welwitschiaceae comprises a single species, The most recent of these was based on data for 4,119 species
Welwitschia mirabilis, and has an intermediate-sized using the phylogenetic tree published by the Angiosperm
genome of 1C ¼ 7.2 pg and 2n ¼ 42. Most variable in Phylogeny Group (APG) in 2003 (APG II 2003). Given a
Gnetales is Ephedra (Ephedraceae) with genome sizes rang- 52% increase in the amount of genome size data available
ing from 1C ¼ 8.8–18.22 pg. This reflects the occurrence of since then, together with an increasingly well resolved phy-
both diploid (2n ¼ 14) and tetraploid (2n ¼ 28) species logenetic tree of the angiosperms (Soltis et al. 2008; APG III
with genome size data (Fig. 19.8a). Indeed, although poly- 2009), the data have been updated and reanalysed here
ploidy is very rare in gymnosperms as a whole, Ephedra is (Fig. 19.9).
distinctive as 44% of species are reported to be polyploid The overall picture, which supports previous studies,
(Delevoryas 1980). (N.B. one hexaploid (E. distachya shows that all angiosperm groups contain species with
subsp. distachya) and two octoploids (E. gerardiana and small to very small genomes, the extremely large genomes
E. funerea) have been reported by Ickert-Bond (2003) but are phylogenetically restricted to some species belonging to
316 I.J. Leitch and A.R. Leitch

Fig. 19.9 Distribution of genome size across angiosperms number in brackets following the group name gives the number of
superimposed on the phylogenetic tree given in APG III (2009). species with C-value data. Major subdivisions of the angiosperms are
C-value data for each group are shown as a line connecting the shown on the right (Basal angios. basal angiosperms)
minimum and maximum 1C-value with the mean shown as •. The

just two groups – the Santalales (within eudicots) and Recent improvements in the understanding of phylogenetic
monocots (Fig. 19.9). A closer look shows that even within relationships within Santalales by Nickrent et al. (2010) shows
these groups, species with very large genomes occupy that Viscaceae is deeply embedded within the Santalales tree
derived positions within the phylogenetic tree (Figs. 19.10 suggesting that the large genomes are derived rather than
and 19.11). plesiomorphic for the order. Indeed other genera within
In Santalales a histogram (Fig. 19.10a) shows that most Viscaceae are characterised by possessing smaller chromo-
are characterised by small to medium genomes, the four very somes (e.g., Arceuthobium), although these are still consider-
large 1C-values (1C ¼ 62.3–82.0 pg) all belong to Viscum ably larger than is typical of many angiosperms (Wiens 1968).
species and are clearly outliers. Nevertheless, as data repre- An independent increase in genome size may also have occurred
sentation improves, further similarly large genomes may in Loranthaceae, another family in Santalales. Although the
indeed be found in other genera of Viscaceae as cytological available genome size for 57 species in this family are all
studies have shown that related genera Notothixos, small to medium sized (1C ¼ 1.6–17.5 pg), once again chro-
Dendrophthora and Phoradendron contain species with sim- mosome data suggest the presence of much larger genomes
ilar numbers of extremely large chromosomes (e.g., (Wiens 1964). Thus while the early diverging genera of
Fig. 19.10b, Wiens 1964; Wiens and Barlow 1971). So far Loranthaceae, Nuytsia, Atkinsonia and Gaiadendron, have rela-
the species of Viscum which have had their genome sizes tively small chromosomes and genomes (i.e., Nuytsia 1C ¼ 2.9
estimated have either been diploid with 2n ¼ 20 (V. album), pg) (Barlow and Wiens 1971; Martin 1983), very large
24 (V. crassulae) or 28 (V. minimum) or assumed to be based chromosomes have been reported in Aetanthus, Struthanthus
on a similar genome size to the related diploids (i.e., V. and Psittacanthus (Fig. 19.10b, Wiens 1964) all of which belong
cruciatum). Although polyploidy is rare in this genus and to tribe Psittacanthinae (sensu Nickrent et al. 2010). Indeed, as
in the familiy Viscaceae as a whole, a few polyploids of early as 1946 Covas and Schnack (1946) suggested that
Viscum and Phoradendron have been reported (Wiens and Psittacanthus possessed the largest chromosomes in the
Barlow 1971) suggesting that considerably larger genomes eudicots. As the chromosome numbers of these genera are
could be found in this clade of eudicots. 2n ¼ 16 it remains to be seen whether their genomes are larger
19 Genome Size Diversity and Evolution in Land Plants 317

19.11). The truly enormous genomes greater than 1C ¼ 100 pg

are only found in three genera belonging to Liliales: Paris and
Trillium (Melanthiaceae) and Fritillaria (Liliaceae) (Pellicer
et al. 2010; Zonneveld 2010).

19.2.5 Mechanisms Responsible for Generating

Changes in Genome Size in Different
Land Plant Groups Angiosperms
Most of our understanding of the mechanisms responsible
for changes in genome size has come from studies of
angiosperms (for recent reviews see Kejnovsky et al. 2009;
Grover and Wendel 2010). It is recognised that increases in
genome size arise predominantly through polyploidy and
amplification of non-coding repetitive DNA, especially
retrotransposons. These mechanisms are counterbalanced
by processes that result in a decrease in genome size.
These are less well understood, but have been shown to
involve recombination-based processes for example unequal
recombination and illegitimate recombination (reviewed by
Grover and Wendel 2010).
While polyploidy is widely considered to play a role in
generating increases in genome size, its long-term impact on
genome size evolution is less clear and may be subject to
different selection pressures in the different land plant
groups. In angiosperms, while genome size increases imme-
diately following a polyploid event, an extensive survey of
genome size data for 3,021 species showed that this is often
accompanied over time by ‘genome downsizing’ (Leitch and
Bennett 2004). This is supported by more focused compara-
tive genomic studies which have shown how extensive loss
of DNA can take place in specific species. For example, in
maize and rice it is estimated that over 50% of the genes
Fig. 19.10 (a) Histogram showing the distribution of genome sizes for have been lost since the last round of polyploidy in their
64 species of Santalales. (b) Meiotic chromosomes of four species in ancestries (e.g., Messing et al. 2004; Wang et al. 2005).
Santalales reported to have large chromosomes, all reproduced at the These observations suggest that multiple rounds of poly-
same magnification (Images for Phoradendron, Struthanthus and
ploidy do not inevitably lead to larger genomes (Leitch and
Psittacanthus taken from Wiens 1964 and reproduced with permission)
Bennett 2004), indeed many angiosperms with very big
genomes are not cytological polyploids (e.g., Fritillaria
than those in Viscum or indeed Paris japonica, the latter with the koidzumiana 2n ¼ 2x ¼ 24, 1C ¼ 77.5 pg).
largest known eukaryote genome (Pellicer et al. 2010).
This pattern is repeated within monocots (Fig. 19.11). Here Gymnosperms
genome size profiles of all the major groups show most The mechanisms involved in generating the large genomes
monocots are characterized by small genomes (Leitch et al. typical of many but not all gymnosperms have not been
2010). Species with very large genomes are restricted to just a investigated as extensively as angiosperms but preliminary
few genera within Asparagales and Liliales, which are well data suggest there are differences. Overall polyploidy, as
embedded within the monocot tree (Fig. 19.11). The most identified through chromosome numbers is rare in
unusual distribution of genome sizes is found within Liliales gymnosperms, with only 5% of species estimated to be
where an analysis of 145 species from seven families showed a polyploid, nearly all of which are in Ephedra (Delevoryas
100-fold range in genome sizes (1C ¼ 1.53–152.23 pg), and 1980). Clearly, ongoing polyploidy in extant gymnosperms
no clear skew in the data towards species with small genomes is not contributing to the large genomes typical of this group
as observed in most other angiosperm groups (Figs. 19.9 and of seed plants. Nevertheless, emerging from the increasing
318 I.J. Leitch and A.R. Leitch

Fig. 19.11 The distribution of a b

genome sizes for 2,530 species of 125 Poales
monocots. (a) The summary 75 (0.2 - 26.0 pg)
topology of monocots based on 40
30 Zingiberales
Chase et al. (2006) with the Poales (951) 20
10 (0.3 - 6.0 pg)
number in brackets corresponding 0

to the number of species with Dasypogonaceae (1) 10

4 (0.8 - 43.4 pg)
genome size data. (b) Histograms Zingiberales (71) 2
showing the distribution of Commelinales (113)
(0.9 - 30.0 pg)
genome sizes within each order Arecales (89)
with the range of 1C-values in 125
brackets. (Figure modified from Asparagales (1130)
(0.3 - 82.2 pg)
Leitch et al. 2010 and reproduced 0
10 Liliales
with permission) 6
4 (1.5 - 152.2 pg)
Liliales (145) 2
Pandanales (8) 8 Pandanales
(0.4 - 1.5 pg)
Dioscoreales (14) 0
8 Dioscoreales
Petrosaviales (0) 6
(0.4 - 6.8 pg)
Alismatales (106) 0
15 Alismatales
Acorales (2) 5 (0.3 - 24.1 pg)
0 25 50 75 100 125 150
1C DNA amount (pg)

amounts of genomic and transcriptomic sequence data is gymnosperms and whether the picture emerging from the
tentative evidence that at least some gymnosperm groups study of conifers is representative for gymnosperms as a
have undergone whole genome duplications in their evolu- whole. Such data could also shed light on the currently
tionary history (Cui et al. 2006; Barker et al. 2010). unresolved relationship between Gnetales and the rest of
For conifers, retrotransposon amplification is clearly an the gymnosperms and angiosperms.
important contributor to genome expansion. This is based on
the increasing amount of data showing that most of their Monilophytes
DNA has originated through the amplification of a large The limited but increasing genomic data becoming available
diversity of retrotransposons, present in a huge range of for monilophytes suggest that the genomic organization and
copy numbers (Elsik and Williams 2000; Morse et al. evolution of their genomes are different from those of seed
2009). In addition, recent data suggest that many of these plants. Monilophytes, particularly the homosporous ferns,
retrotransposons are still actively transcribing (Morse et al. are typically characterized by possessing numerous small
2009; Parchman et al. 2010). Perhaps conifers are less effi- chromosomes which are strongly bivalent pairing and
cient at suppressing retrotransposon amplification than undergo relatively little recombination (Nakazato et al.,
angiosperms (see review by Leitch and Leitch 2012). 2008) (see also Barker 2013, this volume)
Mechanisms of DNA elimination are poorly understood Given the reported high chromosome numbers in
in gymnosperms. A recent study of one retroelement in monilophytes, it has been suggested that polyploidy is the
Pinus (Ty-gypsy element Gymny) suggested there was little predominant mechanism involved in genome size expansion
recombination between the long terminal repeats (LTRs) of in this group. However, recent studies suggest that poly-
this element (Morse et al. 2009). As this type of recombina- ploidy may not be as prevalent as once thought while in
tion has been shown to contribute to DNA loss in depth genomic studies of the model fern Ceratopteris
angiosperms (Vitte and Panaud 2003; Vitte and Bennetzen richardii have shown that the evolution of the monilophyte
2006), the data may indicate that this mode of genome polyploid nucleus may follow a very different trajectory
downsizing is not contributing extensively to eliminating from that in angiosperms.
amplified retrotransposons in gymnosperms and may further There is now increasing evidence that the largest clade of
explain why their genomes are, on average larger than those homosporous ferns (the polypod ferns) underwent a single
of angiosperms. whole genome duplication event c. 180 Mya ago (Barker and
Sadly there are currently little data available for non- Wolf 2010). Yet analysis of the genomic structure of C.
conifer gymnosperms especially Gnetum which has the richardii suggests this was not accompanied by extensive
smallest genomes (Fig. 19.8) and Ephedra where polyploidy chromosome loss or elimination of DNA, as reported in
is more common. Indeed, investigations into the genomic angiosperms. Indeed, linkage map analysis of C. richardii
composition of these non-conifer gymnosperms are essential shows that its genome has one of the highest proportions of
to provide broader insights into the genomic diversity of multiple copy genes among plants (Nakazato et al. 2006).
19 Genome Size Diversity and Evolution in Land Plants 319

Instead, gene silencing appears to have been the more impor- its genome is made up of retrotransposons, one of the highest
tant diploidization processes operating (Pichersky et al. percentages noted for any completely sequenced plant
1990; Barker and Wolf 2010). These and related studies genome to date (Lang et al. 2008). Indeed, evidence of
have led to the suggestion that ferns have a lower rate of three peaks in retrotransposon activity over the last 3 million
whole genome duplication and experience chromosomal and years is apparent.
DNA loss at a much slower rate than angiosperms (Barker Given the prevalence of polyploidy and retrotransposons,
and Wolf 2010). Together these factors may contribute to the narrow range of genome sizes in mosses is puzzling and
explaining the less skewed distribution of genome sizes suggests that mechanisms leading to DNA elimination are
observed in ferns compared with angiosperms (Fig. 19.3). operating efficiently in moss genomes. In support of this is
Very little is known about the contribution of repetitive the nearly complete absence of helitrons in the genome of
DNA especially retrotransposons to genome size diversity in P. patens. These rolling-circle transposons are an ancient
ferns and this seems an area ripe for further study. Limited class of transposable elements and have been found in all
data have shown that ferns contain the major classes of eukaryotic genomes sequenced to date. The presence of just
retrotransposons (Flavell et al. 1992; Voytas et al. 1992) one family of highly conserved helitrons in P. patens
but their contribution to genome size remains unquantified. suggests that this helitron family has been active in the last
Brandes et al. (1997) noted that the abundance of Ty-copia 3 million years and that the lack of other helitrons is due to
elements in the leptosporangiate fern Pteris cretica was their rapid and efficient removal from the genome (Rensing
lower than in other land plant groups studied, whereas in et al. 2008). In addition, the low abundance of complete full
the whisk fern Psilotum triquetrum not only were high copy length retrotransposons suggests that DNA elimination via
numbers estimated to be present but the sequences were also recombination is taking place, while the presence of an
shown to be extremely heterogeneous compared with the 56 extensive collection of siRNAs which map to
other species studies (which included representatives from retrotransposons suggests that for most of the time
all the land plant groups, Flavell et al. 1992). Clearly further retrotransposons are kept in check by post-transcriptional
studies are needed to clarify the nature and contribution of silencing. Analysis also suggests that local gene duplications
these elements to genome size diversity encountered in do not contribute significantly to the P. patens genome as
monilophytes. only 1% of protein coding genes were shown to occur in
tandem array. This figure is much lower than in angiosperm Bryophytes genomes which have been completely sequenced such as
Given the limited genomic data available for hornworts and 14% in Oryza sativa (International Rice Genome Sequenc-
liverworts the mechanisms responsible for generating the ing Project 2005) and 11% in Populus trichocarpa (Tuskan
narrow genome sizes observed remain enigmatic. Neverthe- et al. 2006).
less, it is clear that ongoing polyploidy is not a major evolu-
tionary process in these lineages given its rarity in liverworts Conclusions
and particularly hornworts. As to whether paleopolyploidy Outside of the angiosperms, and to a lesser extent
events played a role in shaping their genomes, this is cur- Pinaceae in the gymnosperms, we clearly know very little
rently unknown given the lack of genomic sequence data of the mechanisms shaping genome structure and organi-
available for these lineages. Nevetheless, insights may soon zation across land plants. Even within these groups we
be gleaned at least for liverworts given that the genome of have patchy knowledge. For example, amongst
Marchantia polymorpha is currently being sequenced. angiosperms we have most in depth understanding of
In contrast, polyploidy is reported to be common in just a few key model or crop species (especially Poaceae
mosses and the release of the first complete genome and Brassicaceae). However, the limited available data
sequence of a moss Physcomitrella patens (1C ¼ 500 Mb, suggest that the mechanisms that shape genomes in land
Rensing et al. 2008) provides at least some molecular plants (i.e., polyploidy, retroelement mobility and ampli-
insights into its genomic make up and possible factors fication, tandem repeat expansion and contraction,
contributing to the narrow range of small genome sizes unequal homologous and illegitimate recombination) are
encountered in mosses. These studies have shown that the likely to occur in all groups, but their relative activities
P. patens genome is not only a neopolyploid (possibly a and associated selection pressures may vary significantly.
triploid with n ¼ 27) but also has undergone at least one The most notable feature about genome size diversity
whole genome duplication c. 30–60 Mya (see also Rensing in land plants is the frequency of species with small
et al. 2013, this volume). Clearly then polyploidy is an genomes. It is the exception rather than the rule to find
important factor contributing to the genomic make up and truly enormous genomes and these are phylogenetically
genome size of this species. Amplification of retrotrans- restricted to just a few angiosperms and ophioglossoid
posons has also clearly been occurring given that 48% of monilophytes.
320 I.J. Leitch and A.R. Leitch

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Genome Size and the Phenotype
Johann Greilhuber and Ilia J. Leitch

Contents 20.1 Introduction

20.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323
20.2 Basic Facts: The Correlation of Genome Size with
Land plant species (Embryophyta) vary more than 2,300-
Cell Size and Cell Cycle Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324 fold in the size of the holoploid genome (C-value) (see
20.2.1 The Nucleo-Cytoplasmic Ratio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324 Leitch and Leitch 2013, this volume) with the extremes at
20.2.2 Large Genomes Are Correlated with Long Nuclear both ends of the scale contributed by angiosperms. At the
Cycles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325
lower end we find some species of the carnivorous
20.3 Hypotheses About the Biological Significance Lentibulariaceae with ultrasmall genomes, e.g., Genlisea
of Genome Size Variation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327
aurea with 0.065 pg or 63.5 Mb (1C) (Greilhuber et al.
20.3.1 Accessory DNA is Mostly of Selfish Origin and
Represents Inert Genetic Junk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327 2006). This is only about 0.4-fold the size of the genome
20.3.2 The Nucleotype Hypothesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327 of Arabidopsis thaliana with 0.16 pg or 156.5 Mb (1C)
20.3.3 Nucleoskeletal DNA Hypothesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328 (Bennett et al. 2003), a species long considered to be the
20.3.4 Alternatives to the Nucleotype and Nucleoskeletal
plant with the smallest reliably determined genome size. At
Hypotheses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329
the upper end of the scale stands the octoploid monocot
20.4 Examples and Explanations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331 Paris japonica (Melanthiaceae) with 2n ¼ 8x ¼ 40 and
20.4.1 Cell Size, Genome Size and Sperm Mobility
in Bryophytes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331 152.23 pg or 148.88 Gb (1C) (Pellicer et al. 2010). Never-
20.4.2 The Impact of Genome Size on Phenology . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331 theless, other monocot species such as Fritillaria davisii
20.4.3 The Relationship Between Genome Size and Weediness 332 (69.45 pg, 1C; 2n ¼ 2x ¼ 24, a possible paleotetraploid),
20.4.4 Genome Size and Invasiveness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 332 Trillium apetalon (95.0 pg, 1C; 2n ¼ 4x ¼ 20), and the
20.4.5 Genome Size and Climate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333
20.4.6 Genome Size and Pollution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334 dicot tree parasite Viscum album (102.9 pg, 1C; 2n ¼ 20,
20.4.7 The ‘Large Genome Constraint Hypothesis’ . . . . . . . . . . . . 335 paleotetraploid?) also rank high on the scale regarding
20.5 Intrapopulational and Intraspecific Variation
monoploid genome size (i.e., Cx-value ¼ 2C-value divided
of Genome Size: Adaptively Important? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336 by ploidy level) (Zonneveld 2010). From these examples it is
20.5.1 Evolution Canyon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337 clear that polyploidy plays only a relatively small role in the
20.5.2 Festuca pallens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339 origin of the huge genome size differences reported. Instead,
20.6 Conclusions and Future Outlook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340 it is the accumulation of retrotransposon-like and other
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340
repetitive elements in the genomes which are largely respon-
sible for the huge diversity of genome sizes in plants
(Bennetzen et al. 2005; Grover and Wendel 2010; see also
Kejnovsky et al. 2012 in volume 1). (N.B. Recent studies
using flow cytometry to estimate genome size in species
with enormous genomes have highlighted how the more
traditional approach of estimation using Feulgen densitome-
try may considerably underestimate genome size at this
upper end of the scale (Zonneveld 2010).)
J. Greilhuber (*)
Interest in the diversity of genome sizes has a long
Department of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany, Faculty of Life history, dating back to the early cytological studies
Sciences, University of Vienna, A 1030 Vienna, Austria showing enormous variation in the size of cell nuclei and

I.J. Leitch et al. (eds.), Plant Genome Diversity Volume 2, 323

DOI 10.1007/978-3-7091-1160-4_20, # Springer-Verlag Wien 2013
324 J. Greilhuber and I.J. Leitch

chromosomes between different organisms (Gulliver 1875; Many of these studies have subsequently been shown to be
Stebbins 1971). However, it was following the discovery of artefacts arising from poor technique (discussed by
DNA and its presence in the nucleus and chromosomes that Greilhuber 1998, 2005, 2008), but recent high resolution
studies started to focus on estimating the amount of DNA in flow cytometric studies demonstrate that intraspecific and
cells of different tissues of the same organism and between even intrapopulational variation (e.g., Šmarda and Bureš
species (e.g., Boivin et al. 1948; Vendrely and Vendrely 2006; Šmarda et al. 2007; Slovák et al. 2009; Šmarda et al.
1948; Swift 1950). Such research soon uncovered two nota- 2010) does exist (mostly within 10%, and exceptionally up
ble observations; (1) there was a remarkable constancy in to 1.37-fold) (reviewed in Šmarda and Bureš 2010). The
genome size within a species, and (2) there was a surprising biological importance of such variation and it potential
variation in genome size between organisms. Indeed, just 15 adaptive significance is discussed in Sect. 20.5.
years after the first genome size for a plant was estimated by Another premise is that there will be a certain minimum
Ogur et al. (1951) it soon became clear that there was amount of DNA in a plant genome that is determined by the
considerable diversity in genome size even between species number of necessary genes and regulatory sequences,
and genera. For example, Rothfels et al. (1966) reported a together with indispensible sequences which play an archi-
40-fold range of genome sizes in 22 diploid genera belong- tectural role. This amount has been estimated to be about
ing to Ranunculaceae, while Martin and Shanks (1966) 50 Mb (Bennett and Leitch 2005). Plants such as Genlisea
noted a five-fold variation within the genus Vicia. aurea are within this order of magnitude. DNA above the
The problem during this period (i.e., 1950s – late 1970s) required minimum—here we call it accessory DNA—may
was that it was broadly assumed that the amount of DNA in be inert, may have a function, or may merely have an effect
an organism reflected the number of genes it had, and yet (in a similar way as waste may have an effect in human
there appeared to be no clear correspondence between society). Inert DNA is dispensable without disadvantage,
genome size and organism complexity (taken as a proxy DNA with effect may appear dispensable but selectively
for gene number). In 1971 Thomas coined the term ‘C- sensitive, while DNA with function is indispensible or at
value paradox’ to reflect this apparent lack of relationship least selectively strongly sensitive. To separate function
(Thomas 1971). from effect is difficult, and unfortunately the possibility of
The solution to the ‘C-value paradox’ was largely found experimenting is very limited. We are therefore currently in
with the advent of the molecular age, as it soon became clear the situation where most evidence comes from correlations
that most of the DNA in the genome is non-coding. Never- of genome size with organismal characteristics and environ-
theless, while the ‘paradox’ may be considered to have been mental parameters, which leaves room for interpretations
solved (i.e., genomes vary in size mainly due to differences about the causes involved.
in the amount of non-coding DNA) there are still many
unanswered biological questions remaining (e.g., what
types of non-coding DNA sequences predominate in 20.2 Basic Facts: The Correlation of Genome
genomes of different sizes? what are the mechanisms Size with Cell Size and Cell Cycle Time
involved in generating genome size variation? what are the
evolutionary forces driving genome size changes?), leading 20.2.1 The Nucleo-Cytoplasmic Ratio
Gregory (2001) to coin the phrase ‘C-value enigma’ to
reflect this. Cytologists have been aware of the correlation between
Indeed, the biological causes behind genome size nuclear size and cell size in animals and plants for over
differences and the consequences for the organism of having 130 years, with the first studies by Gulliver in 1875. These
a large or small genome size are topics of a research disci- observations led to the concept of the ‘nucleo-cytoplasmic
pline in its own right (Bennett 1971, 1972; Cavalier-Smith ratio’ (e.g., Strasburger 1893) or the ‘karyoplasmic ratio’
1985; Bennett 1998; Gregory 2005; Leitch and Bennett (e.g., Hertwig 1903) where the ratio of the nuclear volume to
2007). This chapter outlines how genome size is correlated that of the cytoplasm is broadly invariant, reflecting the need
with cell size and cell cycle time (Sect. 20.2), the various to balance nuclear and cytoplasmic processes. The correla-
hypotheses that have been put forward to explain these tion was first stated between nuclear volume and cell (cyto-
correlations (Sect. 20.3) and examples of the impact of plasm) volume, but, as nuclear volume depends on nuclear
genome size variation at the whole plant level (Sect. 20.4). DNA amount, the correlation also holds between nuclear
A necessary premise for the following discussions is to DNA amount and cell volume, although in a somewhat
mention the relative constancy of genome size within a relaxed manner. It is, of course important to realize that
species. While many studies have shown that genome size there is a huge range in cell and nuclear size even within
is relatively constant within a species, there have been the same organism due to cell differentiation (e.g., embryo
reports in the literature of extensive intraspecific variation. sac polar nuclei and nucellus nuclei are extremes in close
20 Genome Size and the Phenotype 325

Maluszynska et al. 2013, this volume). In summary, the

size of differentiated organs often does not show a
clear relationship with genome size, so that spontaneous
polyploids are not always easy to recognize in the field.
One final point regarding the relationship between
nuclear volume, C-value and cell size is the observation
that, as genome size increases, the amount of (broadly
defined) heterochromatin also increases (Flavell 1980). As
heterochromatin tends to be more highly methylated and
condensed than euchromatin (Houben et al. 2003), the rela-
tionship between nuclear volume and genome size may not
be linear in species with genomes at the upper end of the
range of C-values encountered in plants.

20.2.2 Large Genomes Are Correlated

with Long Nuclear Cycles

It has long been appreciated that genome size and cell

division rate are linked, with the first studies being
conducted in plants by Van’t Hof and Sparrow (1963).
Fig. 20.1 The positive relationship between genome size and guard cell They studied six diploid angiosperm species growing at
length. (a) Images of guard cells from four angiosperm species arranged in 23 C and noted a positive relationship between the duration
increasing C-value (N.B. all images at the same magnification, scale bar
¼ 5 mm). (b) Graph plotting the relationship between log 2C DNA amount of mitosis and C-value. Since then there have been numerous
and log guard cell size for 101 angiosperm species from 34 families. other studies although the results have not always been so
(Images in (a) and graph shown in (b) are taken from Beaulieu et al. 2008) clear-cut. Thus, while some cell cycle studies suggested that
cell cycle length increased by 18–38% every time genome
proximity, the former decondensed and voluminous, the size doubled (Van’t Hof 1965; Evans and Rees 1971; Evans
latter condensed and small) so correlations between cell et al. 1972), other studies, such as those of Murı́n (1976),
size and genome size can only be made when comparing pointed to a much more modest effect of C-value. For
the same cell type. So, for example, in animals, the size of example, while Vicia faba (2n ¼ 12) and V. sativa
nucleate and even enucleate red blood cells show an impres- (2n ¼ 24), differ seven-fold in C-value (Bennett and Leitch
sive correlation with genome size (Gregory 2005), while in 2010), the cell cycle length for the larger genomed V. sativa
plants, guard cell size is clearly correlated with C-value was only 1.27-fold longer. In part, such contrasting
across a diverse sample of angiosperms (Beaulieu et al. observations may reflect the effect of numerous other factors
2008) (Fig. 20.1). In addition, it is important to note that which can influence cell cycle length independently of
the best correlations are found among taxonomically close genome size (Grif et al. 2002). Indeed, Grif (2000) and
relatives with different genome sizes, since in fairly distantly Grif et al. (2002) reported that some plants with different
related species, other developmental factors may come into genome sizes but grown at their own specific optimum
play and weaken the relationship. For instance, while temperature (when the cell cycles in root tips are shortest)
Bennett (1972) found a significant correlation between pol- had broadly the same cell cycle times. So, for example, the
len size and genome size in 16 species of wind pollinated ephemeral Arabidopsis thaliana (2n ¼ 2x ¼ 10; 0.16 pg,
grass species, Knight et al. (2010) were not able to confirm 1C; 22 C) and annual Avena sativa (2n ¼ 6x ¼ 42;
this in a large scale analysis of 464 angiosperm species 11.73–13.23 pg, 1C; 25 C) were reported to have identical
belonging to 85 different families. cell cycle times of 8.5 h despite a 78-fold and 26-fold differ-
The clearest correlations between nuclear volume, C- ence in C-value and Cx-value, respectively. The observations
value and cell size are seen in meristematic cells that lack of Grif and colleagues were, however, based on 31 species
conspicuous vacuoles. In differentiated plant cells additional (22 genera) of different ploidy levels and diploidization
factors may obscure the correlation. For example, the pres- status, and some families were better represented than others.
ence of vacuoles makes quantification of the cytoplamic In addition, Grif et al. (2002) noted that there could be
volume difficult, while cell volume can also be influenced considerable differences in the cell cycle time for the
by the particular stage in the cell cycle (replicated or same species depending on the method used for analysis.
unreplicated, 2C or 4C), and by endopolyploidy (see Notwithstanding these uncertainties, at 23 C plants with
326 J. Greilhuber and I.J. Leitch

balanced. However, in older, more established polyploids

that have undergone considerable diploidization, often
accompanied by the elimination of non-informative DNA
and silencing of some informative DNA, the effect of poly-
ploidy on the relationship between C-values and cell cycle
length may become more obscure. Indeed, this may contrib-
ute to the lack of a clear effect of polyploidy on cell cycle
time in the large analysis by Francis et al. (2008) that
included polyploids at all stages of the diploidization/
polyploidization cycle.
It has been suggested that phylogeny may play a role in
determining the strength of the relationship between cell
cycle time and DNA amount. For example, Evans et al.
(1972) reported that although the slope of the relationship
between C-value and cell cycle time was similar between six
monocots and six eudicots (over the range of C-values stud-
ied), the cycle time for eudicots was approximately 4 h longer
than that of monocots of equivalent C-values, with the
increased duration primarily accounted for by a longer G1
Fig. 20.2 Relationship between DNA C-value (pg) and cell cycle time
(h) in root apical meristem cells of 110 diploid and polyploid
phase of the cell cycle. They suggested that this may be due to
angiosperms. (Reproduced from Francis et al. 2008) the denser chromatin packaging observed in the species
analysed (Evans et al. 1972). Nevertheless, in the larger
study of Francis et al. (2008) a similar, strong effect of
very large genomes such as Trillium rhombifolium (2n ¼ 6x phylogeny was not so clear, although a marked increase in
¼ 30; 111.5 pg, 1C) and Paris quadrifolia (2n ¼ 4x ¼ 20; cell cycle time in monocots with genomes larger than 25 pg
60.1 pg, 1C) were shown to have much longer cell cycles of (1C) (i.e., Lilium and Trillium) was noted. It was suggested
110 h and 56 h, respectively (Grif 2000; Grif et al. 2002). that this may reflect the increased packaging of DNA into
In the most comprehensive overview to date, Francis heterochromatin in species with large genomes, reducing
et al. (2008) reported a strong effect of genome size on cell access for the replication machinery and hence leading to a
cycle time for 110 species, regardless of ploidy level and longer DNA synthesis phase and hence longer cell cycle time.
life cycle (see Fig. 20.2). The strongest relationship was One further factor that has been shown to influence cell
observed in diploid, perennial monocots with the huge cycle times is the presence of B chromosomes, although data
genomes of Lilium and Trillium having disproportionately are sparse. Ayonoadu and Rees (1968) showed that the
long cell cycles. However, it should be noted that the outly- presence of B chromosomes increased the duration of the
ing huge genomes of Trillium and Lilium influenced the line mitotic cycle in Secale cereale while Evans et al. (1972)
of the regression in favour of diploids, monocots and reported that B chromosomes increased both the S-phase and
perennials to the extent that the effect of ploidy may have mitotic phase of the cell cycle in three grass species (Lolium
been obscured. Nevertheless, even if the outlying monocots perenne, Zea mays and Secale cereale). However, to date the
were excluded from the regression analysis, it was noted that mechanisms responsible are unclear. Evans et al. (1972)
at a given C-value the variation in cell cycle times was proposed that both genotypic effects and/or the late replica-
considerable, indicating the involvement of other factors tion of B chromosomes could play a role although they noted
affecting cell cycle time. that only Zea mays and Secale cereale were late replicating.
The influence of polyploidy on cell cycle times is still Overall it seems clear that although genome size can
far from clear, but in part, this is likely to reflect where considerably influence the length of the cell cycle and indeed
in the diploidization/polyploidization cycle a particular will set a minimum time, both genetic (e.g., genotypic
species falls (see Fawcett et al. 2013, this volume). In differences and variation is gene dosage owing to poly-
neopolyploids cell cycles are not necessarily longer than ploidy) and abiotic factors (e.g., temperature) can act to
their corresponding diploids. Indeed, they may be shorter increase its duration.
as noted by Bennett and Smith who found that the duration It is perhaps noteworthy that in contrast to eukaryotes, the
of meiosis in wheat was 42 h for diploids, 30 h for tetraploids prokaryotic bacteria show a strong linear correlation between
and 24 h for hexaploids despite the proportionately higher genome size and gene number, but no significant correlation
DNA contents of polyploids (Bennett and Smith 1972). This between genome size and doubling time under laboratory
may arise because the ratio of inert versus genic DNA is conditions, although there is considerable variation in growth
20 Genome Size and the Phenotype 327

rates between taxa (Mira et al. 2001). The reason may be that constraints (e.g., through excessively long cell cycles or
bacteria do not contain significant amounts of accessory heterochromatization) slow down or stop the reproduction
DNA. This may be a consequence of the circular genome of the organism. In addition, it is now clear that molecular
they possess, which cannot exceed a certain size to avoid cell mechanisms exist which are capable of eliminating DNA
division problems. In addition, recombination between direct (see review by Grover and Wendel 2010). These have been
repeats within the circle may result in the formation of two shown to operate not only in diploids but also following
rings (depending on the resolution of the Holliday junction polyploid formation, leading to genome downsizing (see
(s)) and this may be lethal if the two circles fail to segregate below, and Fawcett et al. 2013, this volume). Such
properly into daughter cells. In contrast, eukaryotes have observations suggest that while selective neutrality could
linear chromosomes which make the accumulation of acces- exist within certain limits, large increases in genome size
sory DNA possible (Schubert 2011). clearly can have certain deleterious effects, which makes a
predominantly neutral role of accessory DNA unlikely.
Indeed, such theories are also unable to explain why the
20.3 Hypotheses About the Biological relationship between genome size and cell size persists fol-
Significance of Genome Size Variation lowing genome size reductions.

Over the years there have been numerous attempts to try and
explain the observed correlation between genome size and 20.3.2 The Nucleotype Hypothesis
cell size and the biological significance of genome size
variation. Most of these theories can broadly be divided The correlations of genome size with cell size and cell cycle
into three contrasting hypotheses. time form the basis of most hypotheses that ascribe a
biological role to genome size, i.e., genome size variation
is conceived as being subject to selection rather than
20.3.1 Accessory DNA is Mostly of Selfish Origin representing a neutral character.
and Represents Inert Genetic Junk Although various researchers in the 1960s suggested that
the total mass of DNA played a role in influencing various
This hypothesis states that variation in genome size arises cell parameters (Commoner 1964; Martin 1966), it was
purely from mutational events that lead to the differential Bennett who coined the term ‘nucleotype’ to describe “that
amplification of non-essential DNA (largely comprising condition of the nucleus that affects the phenotype indepen-
transposable elements (TE) and sometimes referred to as dently of the informational content of the DNA” (Bennett
parasitic, selfish or junk DNA). Species with larger genomes 1971, 1972). It should be noted that this definition includes
thus represent those that are better able to tolerate the ‘self- not only the total DNA mass, but also other possibly relevant
ish’ accumulation of DNA than those with smaller genomes. traits such as GC content (which can effect thermal stability,
Under such a scenario, the relationship between genome size mutation rate and cost of synthesis; see Šmarda and Bureš
and cell size is considered to be purely coincidental rather 2012, volume 1), and amount and arrangement of satellite
than biologically significant (e.g., Doolittle and Sapienza DNA (which can influence the extent to which DNA is
1980; Orgel et al. 1980; Petrov 2002; Oliver et al. 2007). compacted into heterochromatin). Nevertheless, DNA
The idea of parasitic genetic elements dates back to amount is considered the most important and is so far the
Östergren (1945), who stated that B chromosomes did not only nucleotypic parameter that has been studied in detail.
need to have a positive function for the organism in order to Bennett (1972) investigated the distribution of C-values
exist, they just needed to be able to be self-sufficient, i.e., for in herbaceous angiosperms and observed that the ranges of
their reproduction, like a parasite and able to propagate C-values for each type of life style were different. He noted
themselves. Given that mechanisms exist that can accumu- that perennial herbs varied widely in C-values, whereas
late B chromosomes (e.g., preferential distribution into annuals exhibited a much narrower range, with C-values
gametes by non-disjunction, see Houben et al. 2013, this restricted to the lower end of the scale. In ephemeral species
volume), one could argue that this is sufficient to explain (germinating and flowering within a few weeks, such as
their existence in a population without the need to invoke an Arabidopsis thaliana) only very small genomes were
advantage for the organism. Comparable to B chromosomes, found, with no species having a genome larger than 3.5 pg/
TEs are also able to replicate and amplify within the genome 1C. Based on the observation that plants with small genomes
(Bennetzen 2005) and so perhaps no other explanation for exhibit faster mitotic and meiotic cell cycles compared with
their existence need be sought. Nevertheless, it is possible to those possessing large genomes (see Sect. 20.2.2 above),
envisage that the neutral accumulation of TEs during the Bennett (1972) postulated a causal link between genome
evolution of a species can only continue until developmental size and life style, in which threshold effects were
328 J. Greilhuber and I.J. Leitch

considered to play an important role. He noted that, as The second complication is that cell size and cell cycle
genome size increased, this was accompanied by an increase time can counteract each other in regard to developmental
in the minimum generation time (MGT—i.e., the shortest speed, at least under certain circumstances (Price and
time between germination and the production of the first Bachmann 1976). When fast growth and attained final size
mature seed) and, at various points this resulted in an inescap- are critical (e.g., in understory plants), a larger cell size
able shift in developmental life style. Thus for a species to be (through larger genome) can perhaps promote growth better
an ephemeral it had to possess a genome small enough to than faster cell divisions (through smaller genome), because
enable a MGT of 7 weeks, whereas species with C-values the impact of increasing genome size is less on the cell cycle
greater than the threshold value for a MGT of 52 weeks than on the cell volume. This observation is based on early
(estimated to be about 25 pg /1C) were restricted to being studies which showed that at a constant ploidy level, a
obligate perennials, in part because the time needed for the doubling of genome size resulted in about a 1.18–1.38-fold
required number of mitoses and meiosis is too long for an increase in cell cycle length (Van’t Hof 1965; Evans and
annual lifestyle. Rees 1971; Evans et al. 1972), but a two-fold increase in cell
Bennett (1972) recognized that there were many limiting volume (Price et al. 1973; Edwards and Endrizzi 1975).
factors which can act to slow down the MGT of a plant (e.g., Nevertheless, more data on this relationship are needed.
availability of nutrients, temperature, genes) but they serve
only to increase the duration of the life cycle above a certain
minimum set by genome size. Thus while species with very 20.3.3 Nucleoskeletal DNA Hypothesis
small genomes may be ephemeral, annual or perennial, as
genome size increases the number of life style options are In contrast to the nucleotype hypothesis outlined above,
reduced until, above the c. 25 pg/1C threshold, species are Cavalier-Smith proposed that it was cell size which was
all obligate perennials. adaptive and under selection (Cavalier-Smith 1978, 2005).
At this point two complications of the nucleotype Given that (1) the relationship between cell size and nuclear
hypothesis must be mentioned. First, it matters for cell size is much stronger than that between cell size and genome
cycle length and thus for life style too, whether the genome size, and (2) that cell size is determined primarily via genetic
is diploid or polyploid. As noted above (Sect. 20.2.2), in control rather than genome size, Cavalier-Smith (1978) put
Triticum aestivum (hexaploid bread wheat), the meiotic forward the hypothesis that the role of DNA (including both
cycle was shown to be shorter than for tetraploid and genic and accessory DNA) in a genome was primarily to act
diploid wheats T. dicoccum and T. monococcum respec- as a nucleoskeleton which determined the nuclear volume
tively (Bennett and Smith 1972). Moreover, in maize, (both via DNA amount and the degree of packaging),
artificial triploids and tetraploids were shown to have the enabling the ratio between the nuclear and cytoplasmic
same cell cycle length as the diploid parent strain (Verma volume (¼ nucleo-cytoplasmic ratio) to be optimized. This
and Lin 1979), and similar results were also reported for is considered essential to balance the overall rate of RNA
diploid and autotetraploid cytotypes of Avena strigosa transcription and processing with that of protein synthesis to
(Yang and Dodson 1970). This absence of an increase in allow balanced growth of actively dividing and growing
cell cycle length is easily explained in part to be a conse- cells (as noted in Sect. 20.2.1).
quence of everything being multiplied in a polyploid—i.e., With this hypothesis, the driving force is selection for an
not only the DNA quantity but also the machinery to optimal cell size; following the maxim “Modify your cell
replicate it, transcribe it into mRNA and translate it into size, the genome will follow!” For example, if a larger cell
proteins. So, it seems to be the Cx-value, which influences size became adaptively favorable due to a change in selec-
cell cycle time most strongly. However, in contrast, as far tive forces, Cavalier-Smith envisaged that there would also
as cell size is concerned, it is noted that the direct and be positive selection for a corresponding increase in nuclear
positive correlation between this character and DNA quan- volume and hence genome size, achieved primarily through
tity is based on the total DNA amount in the nucleus. So, it increases in the amount of non-coding DNA (although
is the C-value that determines the cell volume at least in modifications to the folding of DNA can also play a role in
meristematic cells (N.B. as noted above, differentiated cells determining nuclear volume).
have vacuoles, which introduce a strong element of varia- Cavalier-Smith outlined many examples to support his
tion in total cell volume and obscure the relationship hypothesis (e.g., Cavalier-Smith 2005). One nice illustration
between cell size and DNA amount). If developmental is provided by the miniature, enslaved nuclei known as
speed in terms of body size is adaptively important, the nucleomorphs that are found in two lineages of algae—the
best combination from the nucleotypic viewpoint would cryptomonads and the chlorarachneans (Cavalier-Smith
seem to be a small Cx-value (fast cell division) plus poly- 2002). It is widely accepted that these two algal lineages
ploidy (larger cells). arose independently via secondary endosymbiosis whereby a
20 Genome Size and the Phenotype 329

eukaryotic alga (a green alga in the case of chlorarachneans cells have lower surface area to volume ratios and are there-
and a red alga in cryptomonads) was engulfed by a proto- fore less efficient for gas exchange than smaller blood cells,
zoan (Green 2011). All that remains of the engulfed alga it is plausible that selection may act at the level of cell size
today is the original plasma membrane, the chloroplast instead of genome size to optimize gas exchange to meet
(which provides photosynthate to the host cell), and its metabolic demands (Gregory et al. 2009). On the other hand,
nucleus (to enable the chloroplast to function). This enslaved the cell size argument may be less clearly applicable in
nucleus or nucleomorph is surrounded by a typical eukary- land plants, on which Bennett primarily focused with his
otic nuclear membrane, contains chromosomes and nucleotype theory. Indeed, it is often difficult to predict
multiplies by normal cell division, and yet its genome has where the selective bottleneck is for a plant species. Is it
undergone a remarkable reduction in size. Indeed, the root growth rate, plant biomass, leaf area, reproductive rate,
nucleomorphs have the smallest nuclear genomes so far generation time, pollen grain weight, pollen tube growth
reported for any eukaryote, comprising just 551 kb for the rate, vessel diameter, stomata size and density, or seed weight
cryptophyte Guillardia theta (Douglas et al. 2001) and and reserve substance content? Certainly, investigations
373 kb for the chlorarachnean Bigelowiella natans (Gilson into links between cell size and selection are often compli-
et al. 2006). cated by the presence of vacuoles (which make estimations
Despite the independent origins of the nucleomorphs, of the cytoplasmic volume difficult) and endopolyploidy
sequencing of their genomes has revealed similar genomic (Maluszynska et al. 2013, this volume), which interferes
architecture (e.g., genome divided into three chromosomes with genome size/cell size correlations as noted above.
c. 100–200 kb long, high gene density, similar proportions of Even for cell types which show reasonable correlations
genomic components, and negligible amounts of non-coding between cell size and genome size (e.g., guard cell sizes:
DNA) (Gilson et al. 2006). What is so intriguing is that the Beaulieu et al. 2008, Fig. 20.1), taxon-specific factors as well
extreme genome size reduction of the nucleomorph has as evolutionary history are likely to play an important role in
occurred within the same cell as the main (host) nucleus, determining how a particular lineage may respond to
which is considerably larger. Indeed, the large range of cell prevailing selective forces.
sizes observed in different species of cryptomonads scale
with the genome size of the main nucleus, exactly as
observed in other eukaryotes (Beaton and Cavalier-Smith
1999). Such an observation is consistent with the 20.3.4 Alternatives to the Nucleotype
nucleoskeletal hypothesis if one envisages that expansion and Nucleoskeletal Hypotheses
in the main nucleus has arisen through positive selection
acting on cell size that has been accompanied by an increase Reproduction Mode and Genome Size
in genome size via amplification of non-coding DNA to Since an annual life history is preferentially associated with
provide the nucleoskeleton to balance the nucleocytoplasmic inbreeding (Stebbins 1957; Ehrendorfer 1970; Barrett et al.
ratio. The fact that selection can reduce genome size in one 1997), it is possible that the correlation between low genome
nucleus (i.e., the nucleomorph) and alter genome size in the size and annual life style noted by Bennett (1972, see
main nucleus adaptively within the same cell is considered Sect. 20.3.2 above) is actually driven by an association
to provide compelling evidence for a nucleoskeletal role of between reproductive mode and genome size, with
DNA. inbreeding species characterized by smaller genomes than
Overall, the distinction between the nucleotype and outbreeders. Indeed, several authors have addressed this
nucleoskeletal hypotheses is rather subtle and is primarily question.
based on the target on which selection acts. In the nucleotype Early studies reporting a correlation between genome size
hypothesis the cell size and/or cell cycle time is optimized and breeding system include those of Govindaraju and Cullis
via selection for an appropriate genome size (Bennett 1972), (1991) who conducted a survey of 176 seed plants, and
whereas in the nucleoskeletal hypothesis the target of selec- Labani and Elkington (1987) who investigated Allium.
tion is cell size, and genome size follows passively, because Both studies reported smaller genomes in selfing species.
a concomitantly larger or smaller nucleus allows accumula- However, no correction for phylogenetic relatedness was
tion or requires deletion of skeletal DNA. made in either study. Indeed, the study of Govindaraju and
In reality both hypotheses probably apply during adaptive Cullis (1991) included 25 species of distantly related out-
evolutionary processes although the importance of each may breeding gymnosperms with large genomes (e.g., Pinus,
vary depending on a multitude of factors. In single celled Picea, and Abies) and it is possible that they could have
organisms such as bacteria, unicellular algae, protists, and in influenced the correlations reported. Certainly the results
organisms with blood cells (animals) it may well be that cell contradict another study by Rees and Jones (1967) who
size is most critical. For example, given that larger blood reported the inverse correlation, with inbreeding Lolium
330 J. Greilhuber and I.J. Leitch

species characterized by genomes that were 30% larger than system when phylogenetic history was taken into account,
their outbreeding relatives. suggesting that there is not a strong evolutionary association
To test the relationship between genome size and breed- between these two characters. Nevertheless, they noted the
ing system more fully Albach and Greilhuber recognized the discrepancy between their results and those of Albach and
need to use phylogenetically-corrected statistical tests that Greilhuber (2004) and suggested it may be a consequence of
take evolutionary history into account (Albach and the different phylogenetic spread of the two datasets and the
Greilhuber 2004). This is because species do not represent impact of paleopolyploidy on genome size evolution.
independent samples (as is assumed with most conventional Whereas Whitney et al. (2010) analysed 205 species from
statistics methods). Indeed phylogenetic history has been across the seed plants, which included species at all stages of
shown to be an important factor in explaining much of the the diploidization/polyploidization cycle, the study of
genome size variation encountered. Using phylogenetic Albach and Greilhuber was restricted to a single angiosperm
independent contrasts (Felsenstein 1985) and generalized genus where the impact of polyploidy was more controlled,
least squares approaches (Pagel 1997, 1999) Albach and perhaps enabling the relationship between the reproductive
Greilhuber (2004) found better statistical support for an system and genome size to be more apparent. Clearly more
association between low genome size with selfing than data are needed with analyses conducted at all taxonomic
with annuality in 42 Veronica species, with twelve selfing levels to determine to what extent the taxonomic scale is
species exhibiting significantly lower Cx-values than important in revealing the interaction between genome size
outbreeders and three closely related selfing/outcrossing sis- and reproductive mode.
ter species pairs consistently showing the lower Cx-value in Certainly these studies highlight the complexity of the
the selfer. relationship between genome size and reproductive mode
Similarly in a phylogenetically-controlled comparison and suggest that the importance of breeding system on
between 14 taxonomically paired outcrossing and highly genome size may vary under different conditions. Indeed,
selfing species comprising eight families including both with annual inbreeders it is also possible, that in an a priori
monocots and eudicots, Wright et al. (2008) found that small genome (such as in Veronica) the effect on genome
selfers had significantly smaller monoploid genome sizes size of lethal TE insertions is stronger (as gene density is
(i.e., removing the effect of polyploidy) than outcrossers. higher) than in a larger genome (where gene density is lower
To explain how inbreeding might affect genome size due to the larger amounts of repetitive DNA). In contrast, in
evolution a number of mechanisms have been proposed. inbreeding taxa with a priori larger genomes the effect of TE
For example, given the strong relationship between genome insertions on genome size and cell cycle length may be more
size and amount of transposable elements (TEs) it is possible evident and selectively effective. The expectation would
that changes in the breeding system are accompanied by thus be (1) in a higher taxon comprising a range of small
changes in TE dynamics with inbreeding playing a role by genomes, the inbreeders might be expected to have the
eliminating TEs more efficiently than outbreeders. Indeed smaller genome sizes (as in Veronica), while (2) in a taxon
computer models have suggested that the smaller genome comprising a range of larger genomes, the annuals would
sizes observed in some inbreeders arise due to a reduced have the lower genome sizes. Given such a scenario, it is
spread of TEs between individuals caused by the lack of perhaps plausible to consider that both mechanisms may be
outbreeding (Wright and Schoen 1999; Morgan 2001), while operating within angiosperms.
the ability of inbreeders to more effectively purge TE One should also acknowledge that in animals, where
insertions with deleterious recessive effects on fitness will selfing is practically unknown, there is clear support for a
also lead to smaller genomes in inbreeders compared with short life cycle/low genome size/small cell size correlation
outbreeders (Wright et al. 2008). (Gregory 2005).
Nevertheless, it has also been observed that the evolution
of self-fertilization may be associated with a large reduction Genome Size and Phosphate (P)
in the effective rate of recombination and a corresponding Availability
decrease in effective population size (Wright et al. 2008). It It has long been recognised that phosphate is an essential
is therefore possible that the smaller effective population macro-nutrient, playing a key role in many cellular
sizes in inbreeders may counteract the effect of TE elimina- components such as nucleic acids (DNA and RNA), mem-
tion noted above, due to the lowered efficiency of natural brane lipids and enzymes. Yet despite its abundance in the
selection to eliminate proliferating TEs (Lynch and Conery environment it is not readily accessible to the plant and is
2003). Under such a scenario, one might predict inbreeders often present in such low amounts that it may be considered to
would have larger genomes than outbreeders. be a limiting nutrient for DNA biosynthesis and growth
In a much larger study analysing over 205 species of (Raven et al. 2005; Nussaume et al. 2011). Indeed, some
angiosperms, Whitney et al. (2010) found only a very weak plants have evolved specific mechanisms to cope with limit-
positive correlation between genome size and breeding ing levels of P. For example, it has been observed that
20 Genome Size and the Phenotype 331

unicellular algae under chronic P-limitation have the capacity 2013, this volume). To explain this limited variation in
to restructure their biochemical make-up by replacing P-rich genome size, Renzaglia et al. (1995) proposed that it was
membrane lipids with sulphur- or nitrogen-containing lipids because of the nucleotypic effect of genome size on sperm
(Van Mooy et al. 2009). There is also evidence that nutrient size and mass. This arises because the nucleus contributes
limitation may directly affect the DNA composition of plant most of the cell mass in sperm cells, thus there is a reason-
genomes (Acquisti et al. 2009; Bragg and Wagner 2009). able correlation between sperm cell size and C-value. Since
Given these observations, it has been hypothesized that in the motility of sperm depends on their size and hence the C-
P-depleted soils there will be selection for species with value, it might be envisaged that there would be selection
reduced genome sizes or metabolic demand for RNA as a against too much DNA as this would result in larger sperm
way to reduce the biochemical cost of synthesising DNA and/ making them less mobile and hence less efficient at effecting
or RNA, which are both phosphorous–rich molecules. The fertilization. Support for the hypothesis comes from the
hypothesis was initially based on the observation that very observation that lycophytes with biflagellate sperm are also
small genomes were found in some carnivorous plants such as characterized by very small genomes (e.g., Selaginella)
Drosera which live in mineral-poor environments (Hanson whereas lycophytes and gymnosperm groups with
et al. 2001b) although since then very small genomes have multiflagellate sperm (e.g., Isoetes and Phyloglossum in
also been noted in other genera growing in nutrient-limited lycophytes and cycads and Ginkgo in the gymnosperms)
environments such as Bixa orellana which occurs in the have larger genomes as might be expected as they will be
mineral depleted soils of tropical America (Hanson et al. less constrained in this regard (see Leitch and Leitch 2013;
2001a). Indeed, the smallest genome so far reported for a this volume).
plant is found in the carnivorous Genlisea aurea (Greilhuber
et al. 2006) which grows in tropical nutrient-poor
environments on the flat top of granite rocks. Nevertheless, 20.4.2 The Impact of Genome Size
it should be noted that Genlisea is a genomically fast-evolving on Phenology
genus (Jobson and Albert 2002; M€ uller et al. 2006), and so it
is possible that genome miniaturization may have arisen as a In 1982 Grime and Mowforth put forward an interesting
result of intrinsic genomic factors as a consequence of the hypothesis concerning the ecological significance of genome
carnivorous mode of nutrition rather than due to external size on plant phenology and relating it to the impact of
selection pressures (Albert et al. 2010). genome size on cell cycle length and cell size (Grime and
As an extension of the hypothesis it has also been Mowforth 1982). They observed that in a woodland commu-
suggested that polyploidy might be counter-selected under nity of flowering plants in the British Isles, the first species to
strong P-limitation (Leitch and Bennett 2004; Leitch and flower in the year (e.g., snake’s head fritillary—Fritillaria
Leitch 2008), a hypothesis that finds indirect support from meleagris and lesser celandine—Ranunculus ficaria) were
studies indicating that increases in plant ploidy level are characterized by possessing the largest genomes of the spe-
often associated with evolutionary reductions in genome cies analysed while as the year progressed, the later
size (Leitch and Bennett 2004). Nevertheless, it is clear flowering species had progressively smaller genomes. The
that further work is necessary to determine the extent to explanation offered by Grime and Mowforth (1982) was
which P-limitations play a role in the establishment and based on the relationships between genome size and cell
evolution of polyploids in comparison with related diploids. cycle time and between genome size and cell size (see
Indeed, cytological studies of plants living in environments Sect. 20.2). They hypothesized that the plants emerging
with low P-levels such as bogs and heathlands or in some of and flowering very early in the spring had already preformed
the highly nutrient-depleted soils of Australia (Beadle 1962) their organs during the warm period of the preceding season
may be particularly informative to determine to what extent via cell division but without cell expansion. In the following
P-levels influence the incidence of polyploidy. year, with the availability of water after the frost period, a
fast expansion of the cells by water uptake could then take
place, and given that cell expansion is temperature-
20.4 Examples and Explanations independent (unlike cell division), this enabled such plants
to grow through cell expansion at a time of year when it was
20.4.1 Cell Size, Genome Size and Sperm too cold for growth via cell division. Grime (1983) also
Mobility in Bryophytes observed that the rate of leaf expansion was faster for species
with larger genomes, thus plants with larger genomes would
Genome sizes in bryophytes are much less variable than in be able to expand their leaves and hence ‘grow’ faster than
tracheophytes (i.e., c. 38-fold in liverworts and 12-fold in the smaller genomed species, providing an additional advan-
mosses, with no data for hornworts—see Leitch and Leitch tage of larger genomes for such early growing plants. Those
332 J. Greilhuber and I.J. Leitch

plants flowering later, which did not separate cell division the probability of being a weed decreased with increasing 1C-
from cell expansion, were limited to growing only once and 1Cx-values up until the threshold value of 1C ¼ 25 pg
favorable temperatures were reached to enable cell division was reached, and that the weeds with the largest genomes
and were characterized by smaller genomes and hence faster were predominantly polyploid, in agreement with the obser-
cell cycles. Greilhuber (1995) pointed to the analogous situ- vation that cell cycle times in polyploids are often shorter
ation in summer-dry habitats, where bulbous and rhizoma- compared to diploids of an equivalent 1C-value (see
tous plants with large genomes also thrive. Sect. 20.2.2 above), although the greater genetic diversity
The same correlation, i.e., increasingly smaller genome observed in allopolyploids may be an additional factor under
sizes in species flowering later in the year, was also noted by selection in weeds. Overall, this study supports the prediction
Labani and Elkington (1987) in Allium and this was con- that weeds are characterized by small genomes although it
firmed by Baranyi and Greilhuber (1999) for diploids. How- seems likely that selection is acting on correlated factors such
ever, the latter authors failed to confirm the correlation when as (1) rapid development, (2) fast growth and (3) production
polyploid Allium species were included in the analysis. of many small and light seeds that are easily dispersible, and it
These results suggest that it is the Cx-value rather than the is these evolutionary forces that may be shaping and
C-value that matters in this relationship. Although more constraining genome size in weeds.
recently Ohri and Pistrick (2001) failed to find any correla-
tion in yet another extensive analysis of genome size and
flowering time in Allium, it is currently unclear whether this 20.4.4 Genome Size and Invasiveness
was due to technical or biological factors. For example, Ohri
and Pistrick used the static one-wavelength Feulgen photom- Like weediness, to be a successful invasive requires pread-
etry method to estimate genome size in Allium and this has aptation or fast adaptation to the new, usually disturbed
been reported to give rise to problematic data (see environments, in which competitive superiority regarding
Greilhuber et al. 2007) and they also did not adjust for ploidy speed of growth is a priority. Once again, cell size and cell
level although their sample included many polyploids. It is cycle time and associated parameters such as seed weight
clear that further studies using flow cytometry for genome and number, are considered to be important traits to be a
size estimations not only in Allium but other genera as well, successful invasive, and given the link between genome size
together with adjustments for ploidy and the inclusion of and these characters, a small genome size has been
phylogenetic data will be necessary to determine the full suggested to be an important prerequisite for plant invasive-
extent to which genome size plays a role in influencing ness. Indeed, Rejmánek (1996, 2000) listed a small genome
plant phenology. size as one of the eight most important factors contributing
to the invasive success of a species, and several studies at the
generic level (including the angiosperms Artemisia (Garcia
20.4.3 The Relationship Between Genome Size et al. 2008), Briza (Rejmánek 1996), and gymnosperm Pinus
and Weediness (Grotkopp et al. 2004)) and species level (e.g., Phalaris
arundinacea, Lavergne et al. 2010) have provided support
Weeds are plants invading open arable land and many of them for this.
have characteristics of r-strategists, i.e., fast reproduction and In a broader analysis, Kubešová et al. (2010) conducted
development, the production of many propagules, and an a flow cytometry-based genome size comparison between
annual life style being the most common. Given the alien plant species (including both naturalized and invasive
nucleotypic correlations between genome size (1C and 1Cx- species) and their native counterparts in the flora of the Czech
value) and rapid development one might predict that weeds Republic. In total, the study analysed 93 species comprising
would be characterized by small genomes. To address this both native and alien species from 70 genera and 32 families
question, Bennett et al. (1998) analysed 156 weed species and compared their genome sizes with those of congeneric
(comprising both British garden weeds and species and confamilial non-invading taxa worldwide (using data
recognized as important weeds on a global scale) and com- from the Plant DNA C-values Database). Like the more
pared them to 2,685 other non-weed species. They observed focused studies mentioned above, this broad scale analysis
that (1) weeds were characterized by a narrower range of found that naturalized and invasive plants had significantly
genome sizes, limited to the bottom 20% of the range encoun- smaller genomes (C-values and Cx-values) than their non-
tered in angiosperms as a whole, (2) the mean C-values and invading relatives at both the generic and familial level and
Cx-values were significantly lower in weeds than in the non- indeed, no naturalized species with large genomes were
weed sample, (3) no weed was observed to have a 1C-value seen. The species with the highest C-value was Rudbeckia
greater than 25 pg and (4) the most aggressive weeds were laciniata, an octoploid with 1C ¼ 15.27 pg and 1Cx ¼ 3.82
characterized by the smallest genomes (e.g., water lettuce, pg. A comparative analysis of 401 species of the Californian
Pistia stratiotes 1C ¼ 0.3 pg). Further analysis showed that flora by Knight and Ackerly (2002) also found that the
20 Genome Size and the Phenotype 333

non-native species had significantly smaller genomes than because they are considered to be associated with parameters
the native species, while an absence of large genomes and such as temperature, precipitation and length of growing
overrepresentation of species with small to very small season. However, a comparison of results between different
genomes was observed in an analysis of 238 endemics from studies has shown that the directions of the relationships are
the oceanic Macaronesian Islands compared with non- not always consistent. For example, Knight et al. (2005)
Macaronesian relatives (Suda et al. 2005) as well as in a noted that out of 18 studies which looked for a correlation
survey of two Pacific archipelagos—Hawaii and Marquesas between genome size and latitude, five reported the relation-
Islands (Kapralov and Filatov 2011). In addition, a survey of ship to be positive, seven found a negative relationship and
C-values for 3,676 angiosperms by Chen et al. (2010) six failed to find any relationship at all. Similar levels of
suggested that both Cx- and C-values had significant effects inconsistencies were also found in studies examining the
on plant invasiveness with the exception of trees and species relationship between genome size and altitude. Given that
belonging to Fabaceae. Taken together the results do suggest altitude and latitude are obviously related to climatic factors
that genome sizes may well be constrained in colonizing/ but not always in the same way, it is perhaps not surprising,
invading plant groups. that different studies have found different trends. A latitudi-
Evidence that smaller genomes may indeed be under nal gradient can go from dry to moist or from mesic to (ant)
selection in invasive species comes from a study by Lavergne arctic, in the same way as a gradient from low to high
et al. (2010). They analysed 90 genotypes of the reed canopy elevations. Indeed, it may well be that temperature and
grass (Phalaris arundinaceae) from N. America and Europe, precipitation are the more biologically relevant parameters
and observed that the genome size was significantly smaller on which selection for genome size acts and these do not
in the invasive genotypes from N. America compared with vary linearly with altitude or latitude.
the native European genotypes. By modelling the genome Another explanation for the rather confusing picture is that
size data within a phylogenetic framework they concluded the majority of studies failed to take phylogenetic history into
that the smaller genomes observed in the N. American account in their analysis, a point noted by Bancheva and
genotypes had been maintained by natural selection during Greilhuber (2006) in their study of Centaurea. Here, apparent
the invasive process. The increased invasive potential was correlations of genome size with altitude, temperature and
considered, in part, to be due to the more rapid early growth precipitation disappeared when phylogenetically closely
observed in the invasive genotypes arising as a result of the related species were examined. These observations led to
reduction in genome size. Nevertheless, it should be pointed the suggestion that the relationships were pseudo-correlations.
out that a survey of genome sizes in 92 species of Australian An alternative reason for the inconsistent relationships
Acacia comprising both invasive versus non-invasive species could arise from technological problems. For example, a
failed to find any link between genome size and invasiveness previously claimed negative correlation between genome
(Gallagher et al. 2011), although such a result was considered size and latitude for Glycine max cultivars reported by
to be most likely due to the very small DNA values of Acacia Graham et al. (1994) could not be confirmed by Greilhuber
species studied. Instead it was suggested that other traits, and Obermayer (1997). The discrepancy between the two
such as plant height and range size, which were shown to studies was attributed to problems of using external
be significantly different between invasive and native spe- standardization for genome size measurements by Graham
cies, play a more important role in contributing to the inva- et al. (1994). Such an approach has since been shown to lead
sive success of some Acacias than genome size. to serious errors (Greilhuber 1998, 2005) and best practice
Overall, it seems clear that more comparative data are methods of genome size estimation now emphasize the need
needed to determine the extent to which a decrease in genome to always use internal standardization when estimating
size is a general evolutionary mechanism leading to the evo- genome size (Greilhuber et al. 2007).
lution of more invasive species. Recent studies have shown On a broader scale, Knight and Ackerly (2002) suggested
that polyploidy (and hence genome size increase, at least that the lack of clear relationships between genome size and
initially) also plays a significant role in determining the inva- various climatic variables could have arisen because many of
siveness of plants, highlighting the complexity of interactions the studies were too narrow in their focus and did not represent
influencing the ecological traits of a plant (Chen et al. 2010; the full ecological range of a species (e.g., they did not encom-
Pandit et al. 2011; te Beest et al. 2012). pass the full range of latitudes from the tropics to the poles,
or altitudes from sea level to mountain tops). In addition,
they also recognized that the relationships being studied may
20.4.5 Genome Size and Climate not be linear and so the application of linear regression
analysis may be inappropriate. For example, they noted the
Studies of genome size have often looked for correlations study of Rayburn and Auger (1990) who found the relation-
with various climatic parameters. Of these, many have ship between genome size and altitude in maize (Zea mays)
reported relationships between genome size and elevation was non-linear. From an examination of 23 populations
above sea level (i.e., altitude) or geographical latitude growing at different altitudes, Rayburn and Auger (1990)
334 J. Greilhuber and I.J. Leitch

reported that those growing at sea level and high altitudes had Genome Size and the Impact of Climate
smaller genomes than those growing at intermediate Change
elevations. Similarly, for latitude, Bennett (1987) observed Given the observed complexity of interactions between
that while genome size of a range of crop species initially genome size and different climate variables, the question
increased with increasing latitude, over a certain latitude of how plants may respond to climate change is likely to
threshold, species with large genome sizes were progres- be complex. Yet there are a number of additional studies that
sively excluded, presumably due to selection against species are worth mentioning in this respect. For example, Jasienski
with large genome sizes as the climate became harsher and and Bazzaz (1995) investigated the effect of elevated levels
growing seasons shorter. To overcome these difficulties, of CO2 on growth in annual grasses and observed that the
Knight and Ackerly (2002) decided to take a novel approach extent of the growth response was positively correlated with
by using quantile regression analysis to analyse genome size genome size. In contrast, Grime (1996) reported that under
diversity in relation to various climatic variables in 401 species elevated temperatures plants with small genomes showed a
across broad environmental gradients of the Californian flora. greater enhancement of growth compared with species with
Their studies showed the relationship between genome size larger genomes, with the implication that under a scenario of
and various environmental parameters was certainly not lin- global warming species with small genomes may expand
ear. Thus while species with small genomes were observed their range more successfully in certain areas (e.g., temper-
across the range of temperatures and precipitation that they ate floras). Nevertheless, this predicted expansion could be
encountered (and thus were poorly correlated with genome held in check in certain areas given the findings of yet
size), as genome size increased, the correlations became another study by MacGillivray and Grime (1995) showing
increasingly significant with large genomed species being that such potentially responsive species with small genomes
excluded from the extreme environments with shorter growing are more sensitive to low temperatures and freezing than
seasons (i.e., low or high maximum July temperatures or those with larger genomes (as noted above for alpine spe-
reduced annual precipitation). cies). Thus the potential expansion of species with small
Given these observations one might expect alpine species genomes under a warming climate would be expected to be
which experience short growing periods to be characterized reduced in temperate areas experiencing occasional late
by smaller genomes than relatives growing in non-alpine frosts.
habitats, and yet many have larger genomes. For example, It is clear even from these rather few and limited studies,
in the study of Veronica, Albach and Greilhuber (2004) used that predictions of how plants will respond to climate change
phylogenetic independent contrasts (to take phylogenetic are fraught with difficulties, yet they do emphasize that
history into account), and showed that alpine species had genome size does play a role and should be incorporated as
significantly larger 1Cx-values than non-alpine ones. How- a character into models which aim to understand how changes
ever, a similar analysis based on 1C-values was not signifi- in climate will influence plant distributions in the future.
cant illustrating the point that for Veronica at least it is the
cell cycle relevant Cx-values that may be under selection in
these habitats. In other species it has been suggested that 20.4.6 Genome Size and Pollution
large genomes may be an advantage in alpine habitats given
the observed positive relationship between genome size and As the world becomes increasingly polluted through human
frost resistance (MacGillivray and Grime 1995). In addition, activity, some researchers have questioned whether genome
it has been suggested that larger genomes may be size has any impact on plant survival in polluted
more readily tolerated in alpine species because the soils environments. Two notable studies are those of Temsch
are generally more phosphate-rich at higher altitudes et al. (2010) and Vidic et al. (2009) who used different
(K€orner 1989) and thus may not be under such strong selec- approaches to investigate a heavy-metal-polluted area in
tion to limit genome size in order to conserve phosphate Žerjav, in northern Slovenia known as Dolina Smrty. This
which is often in limiting supply in other habitats (see “Death Valley” provides an unintended but ideal experimen-
Sect. It should however, be noted that Bennett tal environment to investigate the question as the soil is
(1987) argued against large genomes in alpine habitats due heavily polluted with lead from a disused metal smelter
to the observed positive correlation between genome size and there is a strong gradient of lead pollution with
and UV damage (Sparrow and Miksche 1961) and the fact concentrations ranging from 30 g of lead per kg of soil at
that UV levels in alpine habitats are often higher than at the site closest to the smelter to 0 g/kg soil at a control site.
lower elevations. The studies involved surveying the species diversity and
genome sizes of all herbaceous dicots growing in five
20 Genome Size and the Phenotype 335

Fig. 20.3 Correlation between

concentration of lead in the soil
and 1C-values expressed as a
percentage of species with large
genomes (diamonds) and the
probability of finding by chance
that number or fewer large
genomes (circles) at the five test
plots of Dolina Smrty (Žerjav,
Slovenia). (Reproduced from
Temsch et al. 2010)

study plots and the findings were dramatic. Not only was the restricted to being obligate perennials (see Sect. 20.3.2).
number of species progressively reduced with increasing This is a clear nucleotypic effect of genome size because
pollution, but the genome sizes of the surviving species even if a species with a large genome contained all the genetic
were, on average, progressively smaller. The results suggest code necessary to be, for example, an ephemeral, the long
that as the lead concentration in the soil increases, species duration of mitosis and meiosis as a consequence of its
with larger genomes are dying out, or are being excluded, genome size would prevent it from completing a sufficient
compared to those with smaller genomes (Fig. 20.3). number of cell divisions to grow fast enough to be an ephem-
Given that significant mitotic and meiotic disturbances eral. Other observations discussed above also suggest that
through genotoxic stress have been observed in species with having a large genome restricts the options available to the
larger genomes from this area (Druškovič 1984), this may plant, e.g., restriction to more mesic habitats (Knight and
explain in part, why species with larger genomes are increas- Ackerly 2002), exclusion from being a weed or invasive
ingly excluded as the level of lead pollution rises. Such a (Bennett et al. 1998; Suda et al. 2005; Kapralov and Filatov
correlated sensitivity of genome size with genotoxic stress 2011), exclusion from living in a heavily polluted soil (Vidic
finds a parallel in the long known higher radiation sensitivity et al. 2009; Temsch et al. 2010). Studies such as these, together
of large genomes observed by Sparrow and Miksche (1961) with the observation that most angiosperms have small
and may arise because larger genomes have larger and genomes (see Leitch and Leitch 2013, this volume) despite
denser nuclei, and thus provide a better target for damage. the prevalence of mechanisms that have the potential to gen-
Similar studies for related pollutants are clearly necessary to erate large genomes (e.g., polyploidy and retrotransposon
determine to what extent such findings may be generalized amplification), suggest that there may indeed be selection
across the range of pollutants being pumped into the soil against large genomes. Based on observations such as these,
through human activity. Knight et al. (2005) proposed the ‘Large Genome Constraint
Hypothesis’, suggesting that species with large genomes do
pay a cost and may, under certain circumstances, be selected
against. In support of their hypothesis they noted how it was
20.4.7 The ‘Large Genome Constraint
often necessary to adopt quantile regression analysis to tease
out the nature of the relationships in such non-linear systems
where the correlations only become significant at the upper
From the above discussions, it is clear that the impact of
end of the range of genome sizes (as noted in their climatic
genome size on an organism is complex and, in part, is
study—see Sect. 20.4.5).
determined by genome size itself, with the consequences
often becoming increasingly significant, and options available
being more limited as genome size rises. For example, as The Large Genome Size Constraint
Bennett (1972) noted, species with small genomes may on Speciation Rates and Extinction
adopt any life cycle strategy (i.e., they may be ephemeral, Two studies have been conducted to test whether the posses-
annual or perennial) while those with large genomes are sion of a large genome constrains the ability of a genus to
336 J. Greilhuber and I.J. Leitch

speciate. Vinogradov (2003) found a negative correlation angiosperms (as previously noted), repeating the analysis
between the mean genome size of a genus and the number of using phylogenetically-sensitive approaches is highly
species in a genus using Spearman’s rank correlation analysis, recommended, especially since there are now considerably
although the correlation was weak (r ¼ -0.11, p < 0.001). more genome size data available and a greater understanding
While Knight et al. (2005) also found a weak but significant of phylogenetic relationships across angiosperms.
relationship using slightly different sample data and Given the relationships observed between genome size
Spearman’s rank correlation analysis, they also tested quantile and many nuclear, cellular and phenotypic characters per-
regression analysis to explore the nature of the relationship. haps one should not be so surprised by the suggestion that
While they found no significant relationship between genome species with large genomes may be at greater risk of extinc-
size and diversification rates for species with small genomes, tion. As discussed above, the possession of a large genome
presumably due to the myriad of factors which can influence in many cases does constrain the potential of a species and
diversification rates, they did find an increasingly negative hence, in a rapidly changing world the more restricted
trend for larger genomes providing support for the hypothesis opportunities available may prevent large genomed species
that genera with large mean genome sizes are less species rich. from adapting fast enough and hence may be more likely to
Nevertheless, they recognized there were several potential be threatened with extinction.
sources of errors in their analysis (e.g., poor representation of
species in some genera, the use of mean genome sizes to
represent a genus, different evolutionary ages of genera 20.5 Intrapopulational and Intraspecific
analysed) and concluded that the evidence for a role of genome Variation of Genome Size: Adaptively
size in species diversity was, at best, tentative. Indeed, it is also Important?
noted that neither analysis was conducted within a phylogenetic
framework that could further confound the results. Over the many years of genome size research, scientists have
A recent review by Kraaijeveld (2010) collated studies looked for evidence of intraspecific and intrapopulation var-
across eukaryotes (including vertebrates, anamniotes, iation in C-values and there are now over 200 papers exam-
amniotes, amphibians, reptiles, eutherians and fishes) ining more than 80 genera which have addressed this
which had investigated whether there was any relationship question (Šmarda and Bureš 2010). If such variation can be
between genome size and species diversification in different reliably demonstrated, one might hope to find the starting
groups. He concluded that the general pattern seemed to be point of the large interspecific variation observed across
one in which a higher diversification rate was generally plants, and eventually to determine if there are ecological
found in taxa with smaller genomes with the only exception correlates to explain why such variation might arise. Indeed,
being the fishes where a positive relationship was found in if correlates could be found, then a function (selective role)
all subgroups except pufferfish. Since species diversity of genome size at the population level and above (within a
represents the product of both speciation and extinction, species) could be proven.
Kraaijeveld (2010) noted that the absence of species-rich Despite the numerous investigations that have been made,
groups in taxa with large genomes could arise either due to based on the increased understanding of the strengths and
constrained speciation rate, or increased extinction rate or weaknesses of the methods used to estimate genome sizes,
both, although distinguishing between these possibilities is it has become clear that many of the Feulgen densitometry-
currently not possible using available techniques. based results should be viewed with caution due to
In plants there is currently only one comprehensive study technological shortcomings (unavoidable or otherwise, see
that has been conducted looking at the impact of genome Greilhuber 1998, 2005, 2008). Nevertheless, some of the
size on extinction (Vinogradov 2003). Using data for 3,036 early research looking for the presence of intraspecific varia-
species with both genome size data and information on tion was conducted with great care, such as the work of Price
threat of extinction taken from the United Nations World and co-workers on species belonging to Microseridinae, a
Conservation Monitoring Centre Database, Vinogradov N. American tribe within Asteraceae. In one such study,
showed that diploid species with large genomes were signif- they estimated genome sizes for 222 plants of Microseris
icantly more likely to be listed as rare or endangered com- douglasii from 24 geographically, ecologically and morpho-
pared with those with small genomes, and the results were logically diverse populations in California and reported up to
independent of life history type or polyploidy. Although he 1.20-fold variation in DNA amount among individuals within
did not use approaches such as phylogenetic independent populations and 1.14-fold range in mean DNA values
contrasts he did also conduct analyses within families that between populations. They also observed differences in
overcame, to some extent, complications arising from phy- DNA amount in the same populations in different years
logenetic issues. However, given the importance of phylog- (Price et al. 1981). Overall the results suggested that there
eny in determining the distribution of genome sizes across was an ecological component to the DNA variation. Plants
20 Genome Size and the Phenotype 337

with larger genomes were limited to clay soils with a higher presence of intraspecific variation have recently been
moisture content than plants with smaller genomes, which outlined by Šmarda and Bureš (2010) and include: (1) the
typically occupied soils of lower moisture content. Neverthe- presence of double peaks in the flow histogram when two
less, when a further analysis of 210 plants from 10 individuals differing in genome size are co-chopped and run
populations was conducted in subsequent years the expected as a single sample in the flow cytometer, (2) the consistent
confirmation of observing higher DNA contents from use of an internal standard for all measurements, (3)
individuals and populations experiencing increased soil mois- demonstrating that the variation is reproducible by repeating
ture did not hold, highlighting the complexity of the relation- the measurements on different days, using different
ship between genome size and environmental parameters machines and/or different fluorochromes, and (4) testing
(Price et al. 1986). To date, the findings of Price and for the presence of cytosolic inhibitors which have the
colleagues have not been confirmed using flow cytometry or potential to interfere with the quantitative staining of DNA
investigated with molecular tools. It is therefore unresolved by the flurochrome. Such developments have now opened up
whether there is genuine intraspecific variation in Microseris the possibility of investigating the true extent of intraspecific
or whether the results are a technological artefact arising from variation for the first time. Indeed, there are now an increas-
variable amounts of cytosolic inhibitors which can interfere ing number of carefully conducted studies which have
with the quantitative staining of DNA and lead to followed these best practice approaches including the dem-
pseudo-intraspecific variation, as observed for example in onstration of double peaks indicative of intraspecific varia-
sunflowers (Price et al. 2000) and coffee (Noirot et al. 2000; tion (e.g., Pecinka et al. 2006; Šmarda 2006; Šmarda and
Noirot et al. 2003). Bureš 2006; Walker et al. 2006; Leong-Škornickovà et al.
Other studies reporting extensive intraspecific variation 2007; Sch€onswetter et al. 2007; Suda et al. 2007; Achigan-
from this era include the work of Mowforth and Grime Dako et al. 2008).
(1989) who noted considerable intrapopulational variation Below several studies are outlined which have sought to
in the grass Poa annua, with values between individuals document the extent of intraspecific variation in genome size
ranging 1.8-fold. Chromosome counts confirmed that all diversity at various spatial and temporal scales and to link
individuals had the same number of 2n ¼ 28, thereby this with various environmental factors to provide greater
eliminating the possibility that variation had arisen from understanding of the forces which might be driving the very
the presence of B chromosomes, aneuploidy or polyploidy. first incipient genome size changes which could ultimately
In addition, the variation was shown to be positively lead to the extensive genome size diversity observed across
correlated with cell size and negatively associated with plants.
variation in seedling growth rate. The suggestion that there
may be selection for different genome sizes attuned to dif-
ferent temporal and climatic niches was proposed to explain 20.5.1 Evolution Canyon
the variation (Mowforth and Grime 1989). As for Microseris
douglasii, there has been no further work on this species and An area that has been extensively studied in terms of
so the results remain unconfirmed. Nevertheless, it seems a investigating intraspecific variation in genome size is Evo-
perfect candidate to reinvestigate, especially given that lution Canyon I, Lower Nahal Oren, Mount Carmel, in
many of the reports of intraspecific variation arising during northern Israel (Nevo 2012). The 400 m wide canyon,
this period have since been reinvestigated and shown to be which dates back to the Plio-Pleistocene era (Nevo et al.
unreliable such as Dasypyrum villosum, Glycine max, 1999), is orientated in an east-west direction and thus
Arachis hypogaea, Collinsia verna (reviewed by Greilhuber presents north and south facing slopes. Both slopes share
1998, 2005). common geologies and macroclimates but have strongly
In recent years it has become clear that even with care- contrasting microclimates differing in the amount of solar
fully conducted experiments, Feulgen microdensitometry is irradiation and aridity. The savannah-like south facing slope
no longer considered to be a suitable technique to detect (SFS) receives 200–800% more irradiation and is more arid
intraspecific variation, given its limitations in the speed and (‘Africa-toned’) than the forested north facing slope (NFS)
number of samples that can be analysed. Instead, the increas- which is wetter (‘Europe-toned’). Consequently species on
ing refinement, accuracy and sensitivity of flow cytometry the NFS are considered to be under shade stress whereas
(assuming best practice methods are followed) means that it those on the SFS are under drought stress (Nevo 2012).
has now become the method of choice for detecting intra- Given these steep ecological gradients encountered in Evo-
specific variation. Flow cytometry is also considerably faster lution Canyon I a number of studies have looked to see
than Feulgen-based approaches enabling the rapid analysis whether there is any evidence of intraspecific variation in
of large numbers of nuclei from many individuals. Best genome size which can be linked with environmental
practice techniques for convincingly demonstrating the factors.
338 J. Greilhuber and I.J. Leitch Hordeum spontaneum within the BARE-1 promoter (Suoniemi et al. 1996b)
Of special relevance are the studies in Hordeum species, providing further support for the suggestion that water stress
especially those of H. spontaneum, by Schulman and may, in part, be responsible for the observed BARE-1 prolif-
associates, because here genome size, transposable element eration in the most water-stressed sites on the SFS and that
(TE) variation, and ecology have been considered together. BARE-1 may have a function for stress resistance and be
Hordeum spontaneum (2n ¼ 14) is the wild progenitor of under selection.
barley, H. vulgare, and previous studies have demonstrated Nevertheless, it is noted that despite differences in copy
the existence of intraspecific variation of up to 1.13-fold in number of BARE-1 between the study sites, there was no
accessions collected from Israel (Kankanp€a€a et al. 1996; evidence of significant intraspecific differences in genome
Turpeinen et al. 1999). Like other Hordeum species, H. size between the six sites, although pooling the data for NFS
spontaneum has been shown to contain a transcriptionally- and SFS showed that the mean genome sizes between these
active TE known as BARE-1. This is a LTR-retrotransposon two slopes were significantly different, with the larger genomes
belonging to the copia family, and is c. 8,932 bp in length found in the SFS sample. It seems that at this microscale, other
(Manninen and Schulman 1993) or 12,088 bp if a 3.14 kb repetitive elements within the genome may also be fluctuating
insertion in the 30 long terminal repeat is present (Suoniemi in numbers to compensate for the differences in copy number
et al. 1996a). of BARE-1 (Kalendar et al. 2000).
In a study of BARE-1 in different Hordeum species,
Vicient et al. (1999) analysed nine different accessions of Ceratonia siliqua, Lotus peregrinus,
H. spontaneum collected from across Israel and showed not Cyclamen persicum
only that there was intraspecific variation in genome size To investigate to what extent the results of H. spontaneum
between them (1C ¼ 4.14–4.68 pg) but that this was represent a more general response to changes in microcli-
correlated with the contribution of BARE-1 to the genome, mate at Evolution Canyon I, several additional studies have
which ranged from 2.8% to 5.8%. Further they noted that the been conducted on plants with contrasting morphologies and
genome size appeared to be higher in accessions collected growth characteristics.
from desert areas, suggesting a link between genome size, The first of these was by Bureš et al. (2004) who
BARE-1 copy number and aridity. investigated the carob tree Ceratonia siliqua (Fabaceae).
To determine whether such a link was also found on the Like H. spontaneum, C. siliqua is also common in Evolution
microclimatic scale, Kalendar et al. (2000) conducted a Canyon I but exhibits a very different life strategy. In con-
similar analysis to that of Vicient et al. at Evolution Canyon trast to H. spontaneum, which is a herbaceous annual grass,
I by sampling individual plants of H. spontaneum at six sites C. siliqua is a long lived perennial tree. Using flow
across a 300 m transect which traversed the NFS and SFS cytometry Bureš et al. estimated genome sizes in 79 adult
and differed in height. The study certainly showed that there trees and 44 seedlings from below the same trees. Overall,
was considerable variation in the number of full length genome sizes ranged 1.04-fold, while between the NFS and
BARE-1 elements, with copy numbers ranging between 8.3 SFS the difference was considerably less, although still
and 22.1  103 copies per genome, comprising between significant, with genome sizes differing just 0.9% (d.f. ¼
1.8% and 4.7% of the genome. In addition, they found 77, p < 0.001). As observed for H. spontaneum, the south-
differences in the number of ‘solo long terminal repeats’ facing (“African”) slope exhibited the larger genomes.
(¼ solo LTRs) between the sites. Solo LTRs represent Indeed, using multiple regression analysis, the most impor-
‘footprints’ of BARE-1 elements that have undergone intra- tant factor for genome size variation was shown to be slope
element or possibly intra-chromosomal recombination orientation (north- or south-facing) (p ¼ 0.0007), followed
between the LTRs of the BARE-1 element resulting in the by tree trunk circumference and leaf length (p ¼ 0.06).
elimination of the internal portion of BARE-1. Interestingly, seedlings did not show significant differences
What was most noticeable was the correlation between in C-values between slopes, suggesting the possibility of
environmental factors and the copy number of either full microclimatically-mediated selection, with the more stress-
length BARE-1 elements or solo LTRs. For example, the ful arid sites on the SFS favoring, directly or indirectly,
most arid sites were found to have both the highest copy larger genomes.
number of full length elements and the lowest number of A second study was conducted by Gasmanová et al.
solo LTRs. Such results suggest that under stressful (2007), this time on the annual, mostly inbreeding bird’s
conditions imposed by aridity, BARE-1 activity may be foot trefoil Lotus peregrinus (Fabaceae). Genome sizes
triggered (possibly via epigenetic modifications) while were estimated in 498 individuals (representing 10
recombination may be reduced. It may be particularly rele- genotypes) collected from six sites along the 300 m transect
vant to note that abscissic acid (ABA) response elements, of Evolution Canyon I. Like previous studies, intraspecific
which are typical of water-stress induced genes, are present variation was detected with C-values ranging 1.13-fold, and
20 Genome Size and the Phenotype 339

the mean C-value for the arid-stressed SFS (2.549 pg/2C) 20.5.2 Festuca pallens
was shown to be larger than the mean value for the NFS
(2.544 pg/2C). Nevertheless, Gasmanová et al. (2007) did So far, intraspecific variation has been clearly demonstrated
not find significant interslope differences in genome size, by double peaks (see above) in four species of the fine-
based on the number of individuals analysed. leaved fescues of Festuca, i.e., F. pallens, F. polesica,
Most recently, Pavliček et al. (2008), examined yet F. rupicola and F. vaginata (Šmarda 2006) but the most
another contrasting growth form, a geophyte called the Per- significant and extensive studies have been made in F.
sian violet (Cyclamen persicum, Primulaceae), and once pallens which exibits two ploidy levels, diploids with
again detected intraspecific variation in genome size, 2n ¼ 14 and tetraploids with 2n ¼ 28 (Šmarda and Bureš
although values were less variable, ranging only 1.06-fold 2006; Šmarda et al. 2007, 2008, 2010).
in the 75 samples analysed. They were unable to detect The initial investigations of F. pallens were conducted at
significant differences in genome size between the two various geographical scales, ranging from the intrapopula-
slopes. Nevertheless, when the data were combined with tion level to surveys across the entire distribution range for
previous studies of C. siliqua, L. peregrinus and a beetle the species (Šmarda and Bureš 2006). Such studies uncov-
(Oryzaephilus surinamensis, Sharaf et al. 2008), in a meta- ered intraspecific differences of nearly 1.2-fold in genome
analysis a positive relationship between drought and genome sizes in both diploid and tetraploid cytotypes. At the geo-
size was shown to be significant at Evolution Canyon I graphical scale, the larger genomes were observed to pre-
(Pavliček et al. 2008). dominate in the southeastern part of their range, in contrast
Given the lack of extensive differences in genome size to the northwestern populations which were generally
of the plant species studied between the two contrasting characterized by smaller genomes. Such patterns were
microsites of Evolution Canyon I, it remains to be deter- interpreted as reflecting the glacial history and post-glacial
mined to what extent genome size variation may be migrations in the region rather than due to selection arising
adaptively significant or whether the subtle, and often non- from any environmental factors (Šmarda and Bureš 2006;
significant differences between the drier and more stressed Šmarda et al. 2007).
SFS and the wetter NFS simply represent correlations rather Subsequent studies focused on 17 adult plants and 562
than causations. To date it is certainly unclear how such progeny and revealed that the range of genome sizes was
small differences in genome size could be visible to selective actually greater in the offspring produced in a single genera-
forces unless selection is operating on one or more aspects of tion than in all the maternal plants studied (Šmarda et al.
genome size that are not yet recognized as being adaptively 2008). Even within a single panicle, the genome sizes of
relevant (Wendel and Wessler 2000). Indeed, it is likely that their seedlings were shown to vary up to 1.117-fold. Clearly,
different species will be under different selection pressures. in F. pallens at least, intraspecific variation is dynamic. Not
In a study of seven leaf characters (e.g., leaf size, leaf only can it be generated very rapidly (i.e., in a single gener-
thickness) from three woody species in Evolution Canyon I ation), but also it is apparent that continuous genome size
(Olea europaea, Ceratonia siliqua and Pistacia lentiscus), variation is being added to the population every generation.
Nevo (2012) reported that all displayed drought resistant The question as to whether such variation is under
adaptations on the SFS compared with the NFS, although stabilizing selection to minimize variation in established
the adaptations differed between species. Of most relevance adults was addressed by Šmarda et al. (2010). In a carefully
to genome size was the length of the palisade cells (which controlled experiment comparing the distribution of genome
contributes to leaf thickness, with the thicker leaves charac- sizes in a simulated competitive environment, Šmarda et al.
teristic of more drought-adapted plants). The palisade cells demonstrated that the genome size of F. pallens is
were significantly longer in plants of C. siliqua from the maintained by stabilizing selection for an ‘optimal’ genome
more arid SFS compared with the NFS. Given the link size, although it is weak given the persistent presence of
between genome size and cell size, it is perhaps tempting intraspecific variation in the adult plants. Indeed, further
to speculate that this is one possible place where selection of studies are needed to determine whether a change in, for
genome size may be linked to drought adaptation at least in example, environmental conditions, would result in a shift of
C. siliqua. In the other two species, either the positive the ‘optimal’ genome size.
relationship was only weakly significant (Pistacia lentiscus) As to how such selection may be operating is currently
or the relationship was reversed (i.e., the palisade cells were unclear. Indeed, the lack of observed correlations between
shorter in the SFS as in Olea europaea) or non-significant. genome size and a range of phenotypic characters such as
Such studies only serve to highlight further the complexity seedling growth, measures of plant fitness, spatial location in
of the interactions and indicate that additional studies are the test area, vegetation type or microclimatic conditions
clearly needed. (Šmarda et al. 2007, 2008) suggest that, at least in F. pallens,
340 J. Greilhuber and I.J. Leitch

selection on genome size is probably indirect and mediated and gymnosperms (see Leitch and Leitch 2013, this volume)
through some trait that interacts directly with the environ- may also, in part, arise from the fact that these two groups of
ment (Beaulieu 2010). It would appear therefore that at least seed plants shared a last common ancestor c. 300 million years
during the very initial stages of genome size diversification, ago and have since undergone very different evolutionary
genome size may be non-adaptive (Gregory 2001; trajectories. This is also reflected in their contrasting genome
Bennetzen et al. 2005). dynamics (Leitch and Leitch 2012).
At the intraspecifc level, we are still grossly ignorant of
many aspects of this source of genome size variation such as
the factors which effect how often, how quickly and how much
20.6 Conclusions and Future Outlook intraspecific variation may be generated. In addition, the influ-
ence of selection forces, population size and age are also
From the foregoing discussions, it is clear that there are an poorly understood and need further investigation (Šmarda
impressive array of studies that have reported relationships and Bureš 2010). Given the improvements in flow cytometry
between genome size and phenotype at the nuclear, cellular sensitivity, the tools are now at hand to enable at least some of
and whole plant levels and it is likely that more will be these unknowns to be addressed to give us a more comprehen-
uncovered in the future. Yet it must be borne in mind that sive view of the role intraspecific variation plays in generating
in nearly all cases, such relationships remain as correlations the diversity of genome sizes observed across plants.
with no clear understanding of the molecular and evolution- Since ultimately the phenotype of a plant will determine
ary forces underpinning the observed nucleotypic effects on where, when and how a plant may grow, it is essential that
the phenotype. Indeed, as is clear from the studies of intra- the role genome size plays in influencing the phenotype is
specific variation (Sect. 20.5), we are still grossly ignorant of more fully appreciated and understood, especially if we are
how changes in genome size are visible to selection and the to predict how plants will respond to the rapidly changing
mechanisms operating which may lead to shifts in genome world affected by climate change, increasing CO2 levels and
size within and between species. pollution. As discussed above, the limited studies that have
As we enter the next era of genomics, characterized by investigated this indicate that genome size may well be
the overwhelming amount of DNA sequence data being important (e.g., see Sects. 20.4.5, 20.4.6). Nevertheless,
generated by next generation and third generation sequenc- taken together, they also highlight the complexity of
ing technologies, it seems likely that there will be advances interactions between genome size, phenotype, and a plant’s
in understanding genome size dynamics at the molecular response to environmental change. At the very least, such
level and the evolutionary forces which may be responsible studies emphasize the need to obtain and incorporate
for generating the diversity of genome sizes observed (e.g., genome size data into computer models and laboratory
Novák et al. 2010; Kelly and Leitch 2011; Macas et al. 2011; experiments aiming to understand how plants will respond
Kelly et al. 2012). Linking this through to the whole plant to the many facets of environmental change induced through
and phenotypic level will however, require additional under- human activity.
standing and insights from the fields of ecology and physiol-
ogy as noted by Cavalier-Smith ( 2005). In addition, the extent
to which phylogenetic history plays a role in determining how
shifts in genome size at the molecular level are translated into
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A Avena (Oat), 14, 24, 25, 159, 325, 328

Aberrant mRNAs, 72 Azolla, 170, 312–313
Abies, 234, 237–239, 329
Abscisic acid (ABA), 106, 338
Acacia, 333 B
Adiantum capillus-veneris, 248 Bacteria, 113, 176, 326–327, 329
Aetanthus, chromosomes, 316 Bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs), 2, 221–222
AFLPs. See Amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs) chromosome-specific, 14, 15, 176
Agmatoploidy, 195–199, 201, 203, 215 BARE-1, 19, 338
Algae, 4, 79, 82, 84, 189, 195, 256–258, 263, 328–330 Barley (Hordeum), 14, 19, 24
Allium, 14, 23, 100, 126, 152, 156, 212, 220, 264, 329, 332 Bayesian analysis, 2, 4
Allopolyploidy, 17, 19, 21–23, 25, 26, 213, 256–259, 267, 269, B chromosomes, 217, 235, 326, 327
270, 295, 298, 300. See also Polyploidy centromere, 150–152, 157–158, 160
Amniotes, 336 chromatin, 151–154, 157
Amphibians, 336 drive (mechanism), 155–158
Amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs) evolution, 149–160
analysis of allopolyploids, 22 genes, 149–152, 154–156, 158–160
analysis of B chromosomes, 155 influence on chromosome pairing, 217
analysis of ferns, 248 influence on diploidization, 154, 217
analysis of sex chromosomes, 177, 182 influence on cell cycle time, 326
Anaphase promoting complex (APC), 56, 78, 81, 83, 92, 104, 106, 132 occurrence, 217
Anamniotes, 336 origin, 150, 151, 158–160, 217
Aneuploidy, 86, 114, 129, 159, 191, 196–197, 203, 212–213, 297, 299 segregation, 150, 153, 155–158, 160
Angiosperms, 1–8, 100–101, 209–222, 255, 257–261, 269–270, transcription, 151, 153–155, 159
323–325, 333, 335–336, 340 Bigelowiella natans, 329
ancestral genome size, 8, 320 Bimodal karyotype, 197, 210, 216, 237
chromosome diversity, 209–222 Bivalent, 23, 126, 129, 131, 156, 192–194, 213–214, 235, 240, 250,
genome size diversity, 8, 315–317 267, 318
genome size evolution, 307–309, 314–319 Bixa orellana, 331
impact of polyploidy, 6–8, 213–214, 285–288 Botrychium, 308
mechanisms of genome size change, 317 Brachypodium distachyon, 20, 143, 210, 222
radiations, 6–7 Brassica, 14, 21, 71, 103, 108, 110, 112–113, 124, 126, 130, 131, 213,
sex determining systems, 171–179 278, 281–282
Antheridiogen, 169–170 Brassicaceae, 14, 21, 71, 103, 108–110, 112–113, 124, 126, 130, 131,
Apomixis, 267–269 141, 195, 211–214, 216, 221, 278, 281–282, 285, 319, 340
F1 hybrids, 23 Brassinosteroids, 106
polyploidy, 268–269 Breeding systems, 168–179, 204, 222, 246, 266, 269–270, 299,
Arachis hypogaea, 337 329–330
Arceuthobium, 316 Briza, 332
Artemisia, 332 Bromo-uridine, 68
Asparagales, 219–220, 317–318, 340 BrUTP, 69
Asteraceae, 7, 101, 150, 210–212, 217–220, 264, 285, 288, 336 Bryonia dioica, 178–179
Atkinsonia, 316 Bryophytes, 255, 257–258, 296
Aurora kinases, 87, 89–91 evolutionary relationships, 5, 307, 309
Autopolyploidy, 20, 21, 109, 213, 256, 258, 262, 267, genome size, 309–312, 319–320, 331
269–271, 295, 298 poikilohydry, 296, 301
Auxin, 85, 106, 107, 178, 287 polyploidy, 257–258, 296, 298–299, 319

I.J. Leitch et al. (eds.), Plant Genome Diversity Volume 2, 345

DOI 10.1007/978-3-7091-1160-4, # Springer-Verlag Wien 2013
346 Index

Bryophytes (cont.) chromatin remodelling, 84, 89, 129, 131, 151–154, 325
retrotransposons, 319 diminution, 201
sex chromosomes, 168–169 elimination, 24–26
vegetative reproduction, 299 epigenetics, 15, 16, 70, 89, 100, 102, 151–153, 194, 282
euchromatin, 16, 58, 70, 151, 153–154, 158–159, 194, 218, 325
heterochromatin, 16, 38, 40, 58, 66, 68, 70–71, 104, 130, 143, 151,
C 153–154, 156, 158, 176, 179, 189, 194,204, 214, 216, 218–219,
Cajal bodies, 66, 70, 73 236, 282, 310, 325–327
Cannabis sativa, 168, 177, 181, 221 loop, 36, 40, 59
Carica papaya, 168, 175, 177, 181, 221, 278, 280 organization, 15–16, 41, 46, 49, 58, 108, 115, 215
Carnivorous plants, 331 polymer melt, 39–41
Cations and chromosome condensation, 38–39 structure, 35–36, 38–41, 108, 127, 129–131, 187
C-bands, 189, 194, 214, 218, 234, 236 Chromocentres, 14, 15, 101, 104, 108
CDC25, 80, 82, 84 heterochromatic, 15, 108
CDKs (Cycline dependent kinases), 55, 77, 88, 90–92, 102–107, 125, Chromomycin A3 (CMA), 179, 236
128, 130–132 Chromosomes, 100–103, 106, 108, 114, 115, 245–248, 250, 251
Cell cycle, 14–15, 21, 55, 100–107, 110, 112, 324–327 alien segments, 14
CENH3 levels, 190 alien transcripts, 16
core cell cycle genes, 80–81, 83 ancestral base chromosome number, 7, 211, 213, 232, 299
cytokinins, 107 banding patterns, 25, 151–153, 189, 214, 217–219,
duration, 89, 325–328, 332 235–236, 239, 240
dynamics of the nuclear envelope, 55–57 condensation, 35–38, 41, 55, 90, 130, 131, 151, 153, 191–192, 235
LINC complexes, 47 deletions, 137–142, 144, 145, 196, 217
meiotic cell cycle, 128, 131–132 duplications, 137–141, 143–145
meiotic recombination, 132 elimination in F1 hybrids, 23–25
monocots versus eudicots, 326 evolution, 158–160, 195–202, 210–223, 231–241, 245–251,
nucleolus dynamics, 70–71 285–288, 298–300
phenology, 331–332 insertions, 137–140, 143–145
regulation, 77–92 inversions, 137–141, 143–144, 202, 212, 215, 222, 240
RNA processing, 132 landmarks, 214
transition to endocycles, 83–86, 102–104 monocentric versus holocentric, 187–192, 195, 202
Cell differentiation, 49, 79, 81, 83–86, 99–101, 107, 110, 113, 179 origin of eukaryotic chromosomes, 202
Cell size, 99, 112, 113, 259, 260, 270, 324–330 painting, 25, 26, 151, 160, 174, 217–218, 221
Centaurea, 264, 333 pairing, 23, 127–129, 130–131, 138, 140, 144, 154, 160, 196, 217,
Ceratonia siliqua, 338–339 222, 240, 246, 267, 318
Centric fusions/fissions, 7, 137, 141–144, 212, 215, 216, 240 pericentric inversions, 139–141, 143, 212, 215, 218
fusion, 141–142, 192, 195–199, 201–203 rate of chromosome change, 250
fission, 142–144, 192, 195–198, 200–202 reciprocal translocations, 137–141, 143–144, 157, 212, 216
holocentric chromosomes, 192, 195, 196, 198, 200–202 scaffold, 35–36, 38, 40
Rumex, 176 size, 23, 26, 140, 195, 198–199, 214, 311, 313
Centromeres, 14, 23–26, 38, 143–145, 175, 100, 212, 215, 222 structure, 35–36, 38–41
B chromosomes, 150–152, 157, 158, 160 territories (CTs), 14–15, 20, 23
CENH3, 24, 145, 151, 188, 190–191, 202–203 total chromosome length, 214
drive, 203–204 types, 187, 215
gymnosperms, 236, 237, 239 variation in number, 211
inactivation, 140, 143–145 Cohesins, 25, 78, 188, 191–192
neocentromeres, 144, 145, 188, 215 Collinearity analysis, 280
organization, 14, 26, 40 Collinsia verna, 337
position, 145, 215 Comparative mapping, 143, 150, 222, 240
recombination, 125 Concerted evolution, 22, 220, 301
repositioning (CR), 144, 145 Condensins, 36–37, 40, 78
sex chromosomes, 175–177 Copy number variation (CNV), 18
Centromeric repeats, 176, 215, 221 Cotton (Gossypium), 22–23, 130–131, 214, 220, 278, 281–282, 284
Ceratodon purpureus, 299, 302 Crossovers (COs), 121–122, 139–140
Ceratopteris richardii, 169–170, 247–250, 318 anti-crossover activity, 124
Chiasma, 23, 214 chromosome rearrangements, 139–141
B chromosomes, 155–156 correlation with synaptonemal complex, 126–127
in holocentric chromosomes, 192–194 factors affecting distribution, 125–127, 192
in polyploids, 129 formation of Class I COs, 123–124, 127–129
Chlorarachneans, 328–329 formation of Class II COs, 123, 127
Chlorophytes, 4 heterochiasmy, 126
Chromatin, 23, 33–35, 50, 55, 57, 59, 65, 78, 89, 151, 175, 187, holocentrics, 191–194, 203
189–191, 201, 214, 326 impact of GC content, 125
30-nm chromatin fibre, 34–36, 38–41 impact of polyploidy, 129–130
Index 347

interference, 125, 127 Cyclins (CYCs), 55, 78–89, 102–114, 132

number, 125, 127, 129–130, 130, 192–194, 203 Cytokinesis, 48, 54, 56, 77, 87, 91–92, 202
Ph1 locus, 130–132 Cytokinins, 103, 106–107
PrBn locus, 131
sex differences, 125–126
suppression between homoelogous chromosomes, 130–131 D
Cryptomonads, 328–329 DAPI. See 4’,6-Diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI)
Cucumis, 102, 110–111, 171–172, 222 Dasypyrum villosum, 337
C-values, 15, 19, 21, 23–24, 26, 108–109, 113, 115, 195, 198–200, 214, Dendrophthora, 316
232–323, 325–328, 331–333, 335–336, 338–340 Dense fibrillar component (DFC), 67–70
altitude, 333–334 dHJs. See Holliday junctions, double (dHJs)
angiosperms, 8, 307–309, 314–319 4’,6-Diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI), 103, 104, 108, 111, 236
aridity, 337–338 Dicentric, 139–143, 145, 151, 196, 215, 240
biomass, 329 Dioecious, 167–181
blood cells, 325, 329 Diploidisation, 18, 21, 25, 129, 144, 154, 213–214, 219, 250, 256, 259,
breeding systems, 329–330 296, 319, 325–326, 330
carbon dioxide (CO2), 334, 340 Diversification, 260–262
cell cycle duration, 325–328, 332 Diversity array technology (DArT), 26
cell size, 99, 112–113, 259–260, 270, 324–331, 325, 339 DNA damage checkpoint, 78
duration of meiosis, 326 DNA replication, 16, 40–41, 49, 58, 79, 87, 100, 102–107,
duration of mitosis, 326 130–132, 308
early diverging angiosperms, 316 DNA synthesis, 77–78, 83, 85, 101, 107, 138, 326
endopolyploidy, 99,101–104, 109–115 Double strand breaks (DSB), 121–125, 138–140, 143–144. See also
enigma, 324 Crossovers (COs); Holliday junctions, double (dHJs)
evolution, 307–309, 311, 314–316 chromatin structure in meiosis, 129
extinction risk, 336 formation during meiosis, 121, 123–125, 128–129
gymnosperms, 260, 314–315, 317, 320 genes involved during meiosis, 123–125
heavy-metal, 334 histone acetylation, 129
holoploid (C-value definition), 308 repair, 123–125, 138–140
hornworts, 308, 311 Drive
impact of polyploidy, 317, 327 B chromosomes, 155–158
invasive species, 332–333, 335 centromere, 203–204
life style, 327–329, 330, 332, 338 holocentric, 204
liverworts, 309–311 meiotic, 188, 201, 203
lycophytes, 308, 311–312 Drosera, 189, 195, 197–200, 331
mechanisms of genome size change, 317–318 Duplication, 137–141, 143–145
metabolic costs, 320 Dysploidy, 137, 141–144, 196, 212–213, 215–216, 262
minimum generation time, 328 ascending, 143–144, 212
monilophytes, 308, 312–314, 318–319 bidirectional, 144
monoploid (Cx-value definition), 307–308 descending, 141–143, 212
mosses, 308, 310–311, 319, 331 mixed dysploidy, 212
paradox, 324
phosphate, 330–331, 334
precipitation, 333–334 E
radiation sensitivity, 335 E2F binding transcription factor (E2F), 78, 81, 83–89, 92, 105–107
range across land plants, 308 Embryogenesis, 110, 160
recombination, 317–319, 330, 327, 338 Embryophytes, 4–5, 323, 307
reproduction mode, 329–330 Endocycle, 100–112, 114. See also Endopolyploidy
retrotransposons, 199, 204, 215, 220, 239, 251, 282, 317–320, DNA replication, 103–105
323, 335, 338 genes involved, 80–81, 84–86
seed plants, 308 regulation of endocycles, 83, 86, 102–103
selection pressures, 312, 317, 320 regulatory proteins, 105
speciation rates, 336 Endomitosis, 99–100, 114
terminology, 307–308 Endopolyploidy, 15, 99–115, 325, 329
UV, 334 epigenetic changes, 108
vascular plants, 308 factors regulating endopolyploidy, 106–108
weeds, 332, 335 mean C-level, 114
Cycads, 5, 167, 231, 331 occurrence of endopolyploidy, 101, 108–113
chromosome evolution, 232, 234–237, 239–240 patterns of endopolyploidy, 101–102, 109, 110
genome size, 314 structure of endopolyploid nucleus, 108
sex chromosomes, 170–171 types of endopolyploidy, 99–101
Cyclamen persicum, 338–339 Endoreduplication, 99–100. See also Endopolyploidy
Cycle value, 114–115 Endosymbiosis, 328
Cycline dependent kinases (CDK), 55, 77, 88, 90–92, 102–107, Environmental sex determination (ESD), 169–170
125, 128, 130–132 Ephedra, 231–232, 234–235, 257, 259–260, 263, 314–315, 317–318
348 Index

Ephemeral species, 325, 327–328, 335 Gymnosperm DNA C-values database, 232
Equisetum (horsetails), 308, 312–314 mutliflagellate sperm, 331
Evolution Canyon, 337–339 occurrence of paleopolyploidy, 318
Exon-junction complex (EJC), 72, 74 occurrence of polyploidy, 232, 259–260, 263, 268, 317
repetitive DNA, 237–239
retrotransposons, 239, 318
F ribosomal DNA, 237–238
Fabaceae, 109, 211–212, 216, 220, 264, 285, 288, 333, 338–339 sex chromosomes, 170–171
Ferns and allies. See Monilophytes Gynodioecy, 168, 176, 179
Festuca, 25–26, 323, 339
Festulolium, 25–26
F1 hybrids, 19, 21, 23–25, 236, 240 H
Fibrillar centres (FC), 66–67 Haploidization, 299
Fitness, 154, 179, 203, 216, 261, 263, 268, 270, 283, 330, 340 Helianthus (sunflower), 21, 103, 114, 220, 278, 337
Flow cytometry, 109, 111, 114, 115, 323, 332, 337, 338, 340 Helitrons, 18, 319
Fragaria, 168 Hermaphroditism, 167–169, 171–172, 176–178, 189, 203, 270, 299
Fritillaria, 317, 323, 331 Heterogametic, 125–126,168, 175, 177, 235
Funaria hygrometrica, 297, 299, 302 Heterosporous ferns, 170, 245–246, 259
Funariaceae, 296, 298–302 HiC procedure, 14–15
Histones, 15–16 33–35, 37–39, 84
Histone monoubiquitination 1 (HUB1), 88–89
G Histone phosphorylation, 37, 152, 190
Gaiadendron, 316 Histone modifications, 16, 23, 71, 78, 84, 152–154
gamma-tubulin (g-tubulin), 89, 92, 129, 301 B chromosomes, 153–154, 159
GC-content, 125, 327 CENH3, 24, 145, 151, 188, 190–191, 202–203
Gender dimorphism, 269–270 holocentric chromosomes, 190–191
Gene meiosis, 129
copy number variation (CNV), 18 nucleolar dominance, 71
conversion, 112, 125, 131, 141, 219, 280, 284–285, 300–301 polyploidy, 281
housekeeping, 17, 19 ribosomal DNA structure, 70
imprinted, 16–17, 71, 81 sex chromosomes, 175–179
nurseries, 18 Holliday junctions, double (dHJs), 123–125, 327
Presence or absence variation (PAV), 17–19 resolution in meiosis, 123
R-gene, 17, 18 Holocentric or holokinetic chromosomes, 107–202, 215
speciation genes, 17 evolution, 202–204
silencing, 16–17, 20, 22–24, 71, 73, 154, 177, 219, 247, 250–251, geographic distribution, 189
259, 282, 319, 326 meiosis, 191–194
Genetic linkage mapping, 248 recognition, 187–188
Genetic maps, 240 retrotransposons, 195–196, 199, 202, 204
Genlisea aurea, 137, 214–215, 309, 323–324, 331 verification, 187–192, 194, 196, 199
Genome Homogenization. See Gene conversion
diploidization, 18, 21, 25, 129, 144, 154, 213–214, 219, 250, 256, Homologous recombination (HR), 121, 125, 131, 138, 140,
259, 296, 319, 325–326, 330 260, 301, 319
drift, 25–26 Homoploid hybrids, 20, 211, 268, 271, 297–298
downsizing, 317–318, 327 Homosporous ferns, 169–170, 245–251, 259, 312, 318
elimination, 22–23, 35–36, 318–319, 326 Hordeum (barley), 14, 19, 24, 338
interaction, 22–23, 216, 282–284, 286 Hornworts, 5, 168, 309, 319
separation, 23–24 chromosome diversity, 308, 311
size (see C-value) genome size diversity, 308, 311
Gibberellic acid, 106–107 role of polyploidy, 257–258, 296, 311
Ginkgo biloba, 5, 167, 170, 231–233, 235–238, 257, 259, 314, 331 sex chromosomes, 168
Glaucophyta, 256–257, 272 Horsetails (Equisetum), 308, 312–314
Glycine, 278, 282, 333, 337 HR. See Homologous recombination (HR)
Gnetum (Gnetaceae), 231–232, 234–235, 259–260, 314–315, 318 Humulus lupulus, 168, 177, 181, 221
Gossypium (cotton), 22–23, 130–131, 214, 220, 278, 281–282, 284 Huperzia, 257, 259, 312
Granular component (GC), 66–67 Hybrid
Green algae, 4, 84, 189, 256–258, 263 necrosis, 17–19
Guard cell, 112, 325, 329 vigour, 19, 25–26
Guillardia theta, 329 Hybridization, 129, 159, 212–213, 217, 220, 240, 262–263, 266–269,
Gymnosperms, 5, 100, 114, 167, 170–171, 231, 255, 257, 259–260, 282–283, 297–300, 302
263, 268, 319–320, 329, 331–332
breeding systems, 170–171, 329
chromosome diversity, 231–240, 251 I
evolutionary relationships, 5, 307–308 Idiogram, 214
genetic map, 240 Imprinting, parental, 16
genome size diversity, 260, 314–315, 317, 320 Inbreeding, 168, 217, 203, 222, 246, 266, 269–270, 299, 329–330, 338
Index 349

Increased level of polyploidy1, 87 M

Integral membrane proteins, 46–47, 58–59 Maize (Zea mays), 13, 14, 16, 18, 19, 21, 24, 26, 38, 46, 48, 65, 79,
Intermediate filaments, 47, 49, 58 107–109, 112, 124–125, 127–129, 133, 144–145, 150–151, 154,
Introns, 4, 16, 72–73, 175 157–159, 171–173, 190, 217, 251, 277, 280, 317, 326, 328, 333
Isoetes, 5, 170, 311–312, 331 Marchantia polymorpha, 168–169, 302
Isozyme analysis, 246–248, 259, 267 Marsilea, 170, 313
Maximum likelihood analysis, 2–4, 8
Meiosis, 214. See also Crossovers (COs); Double strand breaks
J (DSB); Recombination
Jumping NOR, 145 B chromosomes, 155–156
bouquet, 128
chromatin structure, 129
K chromosome motility, 128–129
Karyoplasmic ratio, 324 comparison with mitosis, 122, 127, 131–132
Karyotype, 187, 189, 195–201, 204, 209–223 control of meiotic progression, 132
ancestral karyotype, 221 cyclin dependent kinases (CDKs), 125, 128, 130–132
asymmetric karyotypes, 216 cyclins, 128, 132
bimodal, 197, 210, 216, 237 diakinesis, 126, 128, 140
evolution in angiosperms, 141, 209–223 diplotene, 126, 128, 140
gymnosperms, 232, 235–237, 239–240 duration, 127, 326, 328, 335
holocentric, 195–199, 200–204 genes involved in meiosis progression, 124, 128, 130, 132
length, 214 histone modifications, 129
monilophytes, 245–247 holokinetic meiosis, 187, 192–194, 200
orthoselection, 197–198, 201, 239–240 leptotene, 126, 128
rate of chromosome change, 222, 250 metaphase I, 122, 128, 131–132
rearrangements, 137–145, 195–201, 211–212, 220 metaphase II, 122, 128, 131–132
role of retrotransposons, 199, 220, 222 pachytene, 126, 128–129
sex chromosomes, 175, 221, 235 Ph1 locus, 130–132, 154
structure, 212 polyploidy, 129–131
symmetric karyotypes, 214–215 PrBn locus, 131
unbalanced karyotypes, 212 prophase I, 122, 125, 128
Kinetochore, 24–25, 55, 78, 89–91, 151, 158, 187–188, 190–194, role of histone modifications, 129, 152
196, 202–204, 215 sister chromatid cohesion, 37, 126, 128, 152, 158, 192
KS distributions/plots, 248, 250, 278–281, 300–301 sister chromatid separation, 78, 121–122, 158
K-T extinction event, 7, 278, 288, 296 stages of meiosis, 122
synapsis, 124–129
synaptonemal complex (SC), 126–128, 130, 191, 193
L telekinetic meiosis, 187, 192–194, 202
Lamin-like proteins, 46, 58 wheat, 130–132
Lentibulariaceae, 210, 214–215, 323 zygotene, 126, 128–129
Library hypothesis, 221 Melanthiaceae, 189, 197, 200, 214–215, 217, 317, 323, 340
Liliales, 5, 150, 189, 217, 317–318, 326, 340 Mercurialis annua, 168, 178
Liverworts, 296 Microchromosomes, 217
biflagellate sperm, 331 Microseris douglasii, 336–337
chromosome diversity, 302 Microsatellite, 175–176, 201, 239
genome size diversity, 309–310 Miller spreads, 66, 69
role of polyploidy, 296, 313 Minimum interaction hypothesis, 216
sex determination, 169–170 Minority cytotype exclusion, 266, 269
Lolium, 23, 25–26, 154, 326, 329 Mitotic checkpoint, 78, 84, 92
Long interspersed nuclear elements (LINEs), 38, 177 Monilophytes
Long terminal repeat (LTR) retrotransposons, 19, 38, 152, 159, 175, breeding systems, 246
190, 199, 220, 239, 251, 318–319, 338 chromosomes, 246, 250–251, 318
Ty-copia, 19, 175, 199, 220, 239, 251, 319, 338 diversity, 307, 312–314
Ty-gypsy, 152, 159, 190, 220, 239, 318 evolutionary relationships, 5, 308, 318
Loranthaceae, 316 genome size, 308, 312–314, 318–319
Lotus, 49, 211, 280, 339 hypotheses concerning chromosome numbers, 246–247
Lycophytes, 5–6, 245–247, 251, 255, 257, 259 paleopolyploidy, 247–251, 318
chromosome diversity, 245–246, 311–312 retrotransposons, 251, 319
genome size diversity, 311–312, 320, 331 role of polyploidy, 247–251, 257–259, 319
Isoetes genome size evolution, 311–312 sex determination, 169–170
Selaginella genome evolution, 251, 311–312 Monoecious breeding system, 167–172, 177–179, 259, 299
sex determination, 170 Mosses, 5, 308–309
350 Index

Mosses (cont.) structure, 66–67

cell cycle regulation, 79, 87 Nucleomorphs, 328–329
chromosome diversity, 298–300, 302, 308, 311 Nucleoporins, 47, 48, 52–53, 55, 57
genome size diversity and evolution, 310–311, 319, 331 Nucleoskeleton, 45, 47, 57–59, 328, 329
retrotransposons, 319 Nucleosome, 33–35, 39–41
role of polyploidy, 257–258, 263, 270, 277, 289, 296–302, 311, 319 Nucleotype, 327–329
sex determination, 168 Nuytsia, 316
Mylia, 309–310

N Oat (Avena), 14, 24–25, 159, 325, 328
NAHR (Non-allelic homologous recombination), 138, 140–141 Olea europaea, 339
Nested chromosome fusion (NCF), 143 Ophioglossum, 137, 245, 257, 259, 308, 313
NHEJ (Non-homologous end joining), 138, 140 2’-O-ribose methylation, 69, 73
Nitrogen-fixing symbiosis, 113 Orchidaceae, 212, 264, 340
Non-allelic homologous recombination (NAHR), 138, 140–141 Oryza (rice), 13–15, 17–18, 26, 46, 48, 68, 79–82, 123–125, 127, 190,
Non-histone chromosomal proteins, 37 214, 251, 277–280, 284–285, 301, 317, 319
Non-histone proteins, 35–38 Oryzaephilus surinamensis, 339
Non-homologous end joining (NHEJ), 138, 140
Non-polysomatic plants. See Endopolyploidy
Non-reciprocal translocation, 140–141, 144 P
Nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD), 72–73 p53, 74
NoRC (Nucleolar remodelling complex), 71 Paleopolyploidy (ancient WGDs), 231, 247–248, 250, 178–280, 297,
NOR (Nucleolar organizing region, NOR), 15, 24, 65–66, 68, 70, 108, 299, 302, 319
141, 143, 145, 216, 218–219, 239 Palisade cells, 339
Notothixos, 316 Paris japonica, 137, 214–215, 309, 317, 323, 326
Nuclear envelope, 15, 45–59, 66, 89, 100, 128 Paris quadrifolia, 326
cell cycle dynamics, 55–57 PAV (presence or absence variation), 17–19
comparison with other organisms, 50 Pearl millet, 24, 25
ion channels, 48–49 Pellia, 309–310
proteins, 46–50 Pericentric inversions, 139–141, 143, 212, 21
Nuclear membrane Perinucleolar compartment, 74
inner nuclear membrane, 46, 51, 59 Permanent translocation heterozygotes, 222
outer nuclear membrane, 45, 47–48, 52, 59 Ph1 locus, 130–132, 154
Nuclear organization, 13, 15, 17–20, 23 Phalaris arundinaceae, 332–333
Nuclear pore complex, 45–46, 50–57 Phoenix dactylifera, 179
comparison with other organisms, 57 Phoradendron, 316–317
nuclear pore assembly complex, 55–57 Phylloglossum, 312, 331
nuclear pore disassembly complex, 55–56 Physcomitrella patens, 296, 301
nucleocytoplasmic transport, 53–55 cell cycle, 79–81
nucleoporins, 47, 48, 52–53, 55, 57 chromosomes, 298–300
Nucleo-cytoplasmic ratio, 324–325, 328 classification, 300
Nucleolar organizing region (NOR), 15, 24, 65–66, 68, 70, 108, 141, genome size, 319
143, 145, 216, 218–219, 239 genome structure, 300–301, 319
pseudo-NORs, 68 helitrons, 319
Nucleolar remodelling complex (NoRC), 71 hybridization, 296–298
Nucleolar vacuole, 66 polyploidy, 277, 296–301, 319
Nucleolus, 14, 15 retrotransposons, 319
assembly and dynamics of nucleolus, 70 Picea, 152, 232, 234, 237–239, 241, 329
‘Christmas trees’, 66 Pilularia, 313
dynamic studies, 70 Pinus, 48, 114, 170, 239–240, 329, 332
functions, 74 chromosome diversity, 232–236, 240
non-conventional roles of nucleolus, 71–74 fossils, 240
nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD), 72–73 genetic maps, 240
nucleolar dominance, 70–71, 159, 219 invasiveness, 332
organiser region(s) NORs, 15, 65, 108, 216 retrotransposons, 239
perinucleolar compartment, 74 ribosomal DNA, 237–238
pre-nucleolar bodies, 70 telomeres, 237
refractive index, 66 transcriptome, 239
residence time in the nucleolus, 70 Pistacia lentiscus, 339
ribosome production rate, 65 Pistia stratiotes, 332
RNA modifications, 69, 73 Plant DNA C-values database, 308, 315, 332
role in mRNA export, 72–73 Poa annua, 337
role in translation, 73 Polo-like kinase, 89
siRNA production, 73 Polymer melt, 39–41
Index 351

Polymorphisms, 13, 16, 17, 23 Pseudoalleles, 301

Polyploidy, 20, 22, 109–111, 113–114, 137, 195–196, 199–201, Pseudouridylation, 69, 73
212–213, 232, 247–248, 251, 295–297, 299–300, 302, Psilotum
307–308, 311, 313, 315–320, 323, 326, 328, 330–331, 333, chromosome evolution, 308
335–337 genome size, 312, 313
adaptive potential of novel polyploids, 270–271, 283–284 retrotransposons, 319
asexual reproduction, 268–269 Psittacanthus, 316, 317
autopolyploid genome evolution, 20–21, 109, 295
changes in expression pattern, 21–23, 282–283 R
chromosome changes, 23, 25–26, 137, 144, 212–214 Rabl organisation, 14–15, 40, 91
coexistence of cytotypes, 265–266 Ralstonia solanacearum, 176
comparison with animals, 261–262, 268 Ranunculaceae, 101, 109, 177, 211, 218, 264, 331
dating ancient polyploid events, 278, 280–281 Ranunculus ficaria, 331
detecting ancient polyploid events, 247, 248, 278–280 Ranunculus adoneus, 264
diploidisation, 18, 21, 25, 129, 144, 154, 213–214, 219, 250, 256, Reciprocal translocations, 137–141, 143–144, 157, 212, 216
259, 296, 319, 325–326, 330 Recombination, 23, 25–26, 121–127, 138, 167, 248, 310, 318, 327, 330,
dosage balance effects, 286 338. See also Crossovers (COs); Holliday junctions, double
epigenetic changes, 21–22, 281–284 (dHJs), and Double strand breaks (DSB)
‘Escape from adaptive conflict’ (EAC) model, 287 anti-crossover activity, 124
establishment, 255, 260, 267–270, 272 B chromosomes, 150, 217
evolutionary novelty, 286–287 Brassica, 124, 130–131
evolutionary potential, 287–288 centromeric recombination, 125
formation, 255–256, 260–263, 267–271 choice of template, 125, 132
gene conversion, 284 chromatin structure, 129
gene loss, 21–22, 285–286, 300 chromosome rearrangements, 138, 140–141, 145, 160
gene silencing, 247, 251 cotton, 131
genetic changes, 281 distribution, 125, 129, 131
genome divergence, 256, 261, 271, 284–285 gene conversion, 121, 131, 284
genome homogenization, 284 genetic control, 130–132
geographic distribution, 259, 263–265, 270–271 genome size, 317–319, 327, 338
holocentric chromosomes, 195–196, 199–201, 215 histone modifications, 129, 152
impact on degree of endopolyploidy, 109 holocentric chromosomes, 191, 203
Increased Level of Polyploidy1 (ILP1), 87 hybrids, 26
‘Innovation, amplification, divergence’ (IAD) model, 287 illegitimate recombination, 138, 250, 317
intraspecific variation in ploidy level, 212, 262–267 impact on phylogenetic studies, 4
KT extinction event, 7, 278, 288, 296 meiotic recombination, 121–127, 138, 141
life form, 267–268 non-allelic homologous recombination (NAHR), 138, 140–141
mating system, 178, 269–270 non-crossovers (NCOs), 123, 131
meiosis, 129–131 Ph1, 130
mode of origin, 213–214, 267 polyploidy, 20, 129–130, 284
occurrence in angiosperms, 213, 260 PrBn, 131, 132
occurrence in bryophytes, 258, 296, 298 recombination nodules, 127
occurrence in ferns, 245–251, 258–259 sex chromosomes, 169, 177, 180–181, 221
occurrence in glaucophytes, 256–257 wheat, 130–132
occurrence in green algae, 257–258 Red algae (Rhodophyta), 4, 256–257, 262, 328
occurrence in gymnosperms, 232–235, 259–260 Regnellidium, 313
occurrence in lycophytes, 257, 259 Regulatory spandrel, 286–289
preadaptation, 260, 269 Renner complexes, 222
range size, 270–271 Replication origins, 23, 77, 102
recombination, 20, 129–130, 284 Resistence genes (R-genes), 17
regulatory spandrels, 286–289 Retinoblastoma related protein (RBR), 78–79, 80–81, 83–84, 86–87,
retrotransposons, 21, 220, 282–284, 319 90, 103, 107
speciation, 7, 213, 260–261, 285, 295 Retrotransposons (retroelements), 19, 21, 24, 38, 150–151, 154, 159,
stability of polyploids, 260 175, 177, 190, 195–196, 199, 202, 204, 215, 220, 221, 222, 239,
subfunctionalization, 261, 285–286, 300 251, 282, 317–320, 323, 335, 338. See also Long terminal repeat
taxonomic variation, 256–261 (LTR) retrotransposons
transposable elements, 21, 220, 282–284, 319 Rhodophyta (Red algae), 4, 256–257
vegetative reproduction, 269 Ribosomal DNA (rDNA)/RNA (rRNA), 237. See also Nucleolus;
Polysomatic plants. See Endopolyploidy Nucleolar organizing regions (NORs)
Polytene chromosome, 100 B chromosomes, 151, 153–155, 159
Pre-nucleolar bodies, 70 evolution, 219
Presence or absence variation (PAV), 17–19 genes in gymnosperms, 237–238
Primary chromosome rearrangement, 138–141, 144 genes in monilophytes, 247
352 Index

Ribosomal DNA (rDNA)/RNA (rRNA) (cont.) SMC (Structural maintenance of chromosome) protein, 36–37, 106
holocentric chromosomes, 190 Sorghum, 14, 24, 48, 277–278, 280, 284–285
karyotype analysis, 219 Sperm
Miller spreads, 66, 69 biflagellate sperm, 312
mobility, 145, 219, 237 multiflagellate sperm, 312
number of copies 68, 145 relationship between C-value and flagella number, 331
organization of rDNA, 67–68, 151, 219, 237 Spinacia oleracea (spinach), 110, 177–178
rDNA transcription, 68–70, 151, 155, 159 Spindle, 48, 50, 55–56, 59, 78, 87, 89–92, 128, 156, 187–188, 191, 194,
ribosome biogenesis, 68–69 202–204, 209, 214–215
RNA mediated silencing of rRNA, 71, 73 B chromosomes, 156
Robertsonian translocations, 141, 143 chromosome elimination, 24
telomere synthesis, 143 holocentric chromosomes, 187–188. 191, 194, 202–204
transposable elements, 145, 239 meiosis, 128, 132, 203
upstream binding factor, 68, 70 nuclear envelope, 50
Ribosome production, 65 polyploidy, 260
Ribosome biogenesis, 68–69 spindle assembly, 56
Rice (Oryza), 13–15, 17–18, 26, 46, 48, 68, 79–82, 123–125, 127, 190, g-tubulin, 89–90
214, 251, 277–280, 284–285, 301, 317, 319 SSRs (Simple sequence repeats), 239
Ring chromosome, 139–140 Streptophytes, 4
RNA interference (RNAi), 155, 190 Structural maintenance of chromosome (SMC) protein, 36–37, 106
Robertsonian (Rb) translocation, 141–143, 203, 212 Struthanthus, 316–317
R1R2R3-type MYB transcription factors, 82, 87–89 SUMO (Small ubiquitin-like modifier), 105–106
R-strategists, 332 Sunflower (Helianthus), 21, 103, 114, 220, 278, 337
Rudbeckia laciniata, 332 Supermatrix, 5, 7
Rumex, 168, 176–177, 179, 181 Supernumerary segment, 211, 216–217
R. acetosa, 174–177, 182, 217, 221 Supertree, 5, 7
R. hastatulus, 176 Symploidy, 195–197, 199, 215
Synaptonemal complex (SC), 126–128, 130
structure, 126–127
S influence of crossovers, 126–127
Salvinia, 313 in holocentric chromosomes, 191–193
Santalales Synteny, 23, 240, 248, 284
chromosome evolution, 316–317
genome size diversity, 317, 340
phylogenetic relationships, 6, 316 T
Satellite DNA. See Tandem repeat DNA; Ribosomal DNA Tandem repeat DNA (= satellite DNA), 16, 38, 141, 215–218,
Secale, 150–151, 154, 147, 159, 218, 326 220–222, 235, 319. See also Ribosomal DNA
Secondary chromosome rearrangement, 141 B chromosomes, 150–152, 154–155, 158–159
Secondary constrictions, 65, 68, 70, 209–211, 214, 216, 219, 235 centromeric repeats, 176, 215, 221
Selaginella, 170, 246, 251 gymnosperm-specific satellites, 239
cell cycle genes, 79–81 holocentric chromosomes, 190, 201–204
chromosome evolution, 246, 251, 311 role in sister chromatid separation, 158
genome size, 311–312, 331 sex chromosomes, 176, 221
sex determination, 170 telomeric repeats, 143, 152–153, 219–220, 235, 237, 239
Senecio, 22, 210, 263–264, 282 Tasselseed1/Tasselseed2, 171–173
Sequoia, 231, 232–233,257, 259, 315 TE (transposable elements), 16, 19, 21, 23, 145, 214, 218, 251, 327,
Sex chromosomes, 168–182, 221, 235 330, 338
Sex determination, 168–173, 176–181 Telomerase, 73–74, 142–143, 219
Sexual dimorphism, 177–181 Telomeric repeats, 143, 152–153, 219–220, 235, 237, 239
Short interspersed nuclear elements (SINEs), 38 Telomeres, 14, 40, 18, 138, 142–143, 145, 190, 201, 219, 236
Signal recognition particle (SRP), 73 Thalictrum dioicum, 177
SILAC, 71 Tmesipteris, 308, 313
Silene, 168, 176, 221 Topoisomerase II, 35–37, 59
S. colpophylla, 174, 176 Topoisomerase VI, 103–106
S. dioica, 172, 174 Topoisomerase 3a, 124
S. latifolia, 172–175, 177, 179, 181–182 Transcription factors, 41, 57, 286
S. otites, 176 E2F, 78, 81, 83–89, 92, 103, 105–107
Silver-staining, 68, 216 Increased level of polyploidy1, 87
Simple sequence repeats (SSRs), 239 MADS-box, 287–299
Small interfering RNA (siRNA), 16–17, 19, 22, 71, 73–74, 319 p53, 74
Small nucleolar RNA (snoRNA), 69, 73–74 R1R2R3-MYB, 81, 87–89
Box CD snoRNAs, 69 RBR, 81
Box H/ACA snoRNAs, 69 TCP, 89
Small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO), 105–106 Transgressive and non-transgressive expression patterns, 284
Index 353

Transposable elements (TEs), 16, 19, 21, 23, 145, 214, 218, Viridiplantae (Green plants), 3, 4, 256, 257
251, 327, 330, 338 Viscum, 316, 323
Trillium, 127, 317, 323, 325–326
Triticum, 14–15, 21–22, 24–26, 40, 48, 68, 70, 102, 108, 127,
130–132, 151–152, 154, 157, 251, 277, 280–282, 326, 328 W
Ty-copia, 19, 175, 199, 220, 239, 251, 319, 338 WEE1 kinase, 80, 82–83, 92, 105
Ty-gypsy, 152, 159, 190, 220, 239, 318 Welwitschia, 231–232, 234–235, 259–260, 315
Whisk ferns, 258–259, 308, 312–313, 319
Whole genome duplications (WGDs). see Polyploidy
Upstream binding factor (UBF), 68, 70
X to autosome dosage system, 176, 221, 262
Vacuoles, 325, 328–329
Vegetative reproduction, 111, 156, 169, 267–269, 299 Z
Veronica, 330, 334 Zea mays. See Maize
Vicia, 14, 91, 141, 144, 189, 220, 263–264, 324–325

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