Course Syllabus Form: Information Technology Information Systems Bsc. Is

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Course Syllabus Form

1. College 2. Department 3. Program

Information Technology Information Systems BSc. IS

4. Course Code 5. Course Title 6. Lectures/Lab Timing & Location

MW 8:00-9:15
IT Strategy and UTH 9:00 – 9:50
Management M 11:00- 12:45
T 12:00:1:40
7. Credits 8. Pre-requisites 9. Course Web-Page 10. Course Coordinator
3-2-3 ITIS 311 and MGT 230 Dr. Jaflah Al-Ammary

11. Academic Year 12. Semester

2018-2019 FIRST

13. Course Instructor 14. Email 15. Office 16. Office Hours
Dr. Jaflah Al-Ammary S40-2037 UT: 11:00-12:00

17. Textbook(s)

 Robson, W. (2005), Strategic Management and Information Systems: An integrated

approach, Prentice Hall.
 Ward, John and Joe, Peppard (2009), Strategic Planning for Information Systems, third
edition, Cranfield school of Management, Cranfield, Bedfordshire, UK
 Applegate, Lynda; Austin, Robert, and McFarlan, F. Warren (2007), Corporate
Information Strategy and Management, Seventh Edition, McGraw Hill, International
 Info-Tech research (2004), “Strategic IT Planning and Governance : Info Techs step by
step consulting methodology

18. Reference(s)

19. Other Resources used (e.g. e-learning, field visits, periodicals, software, etc.):

20. Course Description (from the Catalogue)

The course aims to develop an understanding of the issues involved in implementing a strategic-
based information system within the organization. The topics include, introduction to IT planning,
plan the plan, document the business strategy, assess the current IT situation, propose a new IT
situation, perform gap analysis, propose a strategic vision and governance model, build a
strategic decision making framework, and finally publish, promote, maintain your strategy. In
addition, the course will address the main managerial aspects and challenges facing strategic
management such as the alignment of IS and business strategy; how IS strategies can be used
not only for alignment but to impact business strategy as well; the main concepts and tools for
applying business processes reengineering initiatives and enterprise-wide integration strategies.

University of Bahrain – Quality Assurance& Accreditation Center - Course Specification

1 Note: Additional information could be added as required by the Instructor, (eg,
Note: Items shown underlinedcannot be changed without the department consent.
21. Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs)
CILOs Mapping to PILOs
On successful completion of the
a b c d e f g h I j
course, students will be able to:
1. Analyze the strategic role of
Information systems (IS) in √ √
2. Develop a strategic understanding
on IS and Business strategies and
√ √ √ √ √ √
management aspects, components
and models
3. Critically evaluating the main IS
Strategic Tools, Techniques and
√ √ √ √ √ √
frameworks used in formulating IS
strategic planning
4. Apply strategic management model in
formulating IS strategic planning and √ √ √
5. Assess the use of a Governance
√ √ √
model in the planning process

22. Course Assessment

Details/Explanation of
Assessment Type assessment in relation to Number Weight Date(s)
Test #1 1,2,3 1 15%
Test#2 3,4 1 15%
- - -
Assignments - - -
Quizzes 1,2,3,4 3 10%
Projects/Case Studies 1,2,3,4,5 1 20%
Final Exam 1,2,3,4,5 1 40% 8-Jan 2019
Total 100%

23. Course Teaching Methods

Teaching Method CILO(s)
1. Direct teaching (explicit teaching, demonstration and
1, 2
structure overview)
2. Indirect teaching (Investigating, problem solving, and
concept mapping)
3. Interactive instruction (brainstorming, small group
discussion, class discussion and debate)
4. Independent study

24. Course Weekly Breakdown

Week Date Topics Covered CILO(s) Lab Activities Assessment

2 University of Bahrain – Quality Assurance& Accreditation Center - Course Specification

Introduction to the course
16-20 Sep Strategy Concepts for
1,2 1,2 to Info-Tech
23-28 Sep Business and IS/IT
Planning Tool
(Chapter One)
30 Sep- 4 Oct Strategic Management and Info-Tech
7-11 Oct Planning models and planning tool
3,4,5,6 2,3 Quiz 1
14-18 Oct elements (Stage 1)
21-25 Oct (Chapter Two) (Stage 3)
IS Strategic Planning Tools
28 Oct- 1 Nov
7,8 and Techniques 2,3 Project part1
4-8 Nov
(Chapter Three)
9 11-15 Nov Midterm break
18-22 Nov IS Strategic Planning Tools Info-Tech
10,11, 25-29 Nov and Techniques 3,4 planning tool Quiz 2
)Chapter Three( (Stage 3)
A Comprehensive
2-6 Dec
framework for SISP Info-Tech
12,13 9-13 Dec Quiz 3
(Integrating IS and business 3,4,5 planning tool
14,15 16-20 Dec
strategies (Stage 4)
23-27 Dec
(Chapter Four)
16 Project part2

Prepared by: Jaflah Al-Ammary

Date: 12-Sep-2019
Approved by the Department Council on:

3 University of Bahrain – Quality Assurance& Accreditation Center - Course Specification

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