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Encryption is a strategy used to transmit secure data. Throughout the years a few

encryption strategies have been implemented. But there are very few techniques used to

encrypt the audio data. The strategies which scramble text data can likewise connected to

sound data however have not accomplished acceptable results. Different encryption

procedures are implemented for sound data. Some of which are wasteful to meet ongoing

prerequisites and some are credulous to meet the security necessities. Encryption of a

sound data is troublesome and complex procedure than the methods utilized for text data.

Sound encryption guarantees secure sound transmission. With the quick development of

correspondence innovation, assurance of sound from the programmers turned into a basic

errand for the technologist. So there is dependably a need of a more secure and quicker

sound encryption strategy [1].

In digitally advanced world, the central issue of multimedia and sound information

security, (for example, digital audio signals, images, and videos) is turning into a

noteworthy worry because of the quick improvement of advanced correspondences and

organizing advancements. [3]

So, in this paper, we will provide some of many various encryption methods and will

compare them to choose best suitable method for encryption audio data.
DES (Data Encryption Standard) and its comparable perform inadequately for media

information in view of the extensive information size and high excess. Disorganized

frameworks are amazingly touchy to control parameters and beginning conditions. This

element has been discovered exceptionally successful in the field of cryptography [3].

DES was made by IBM in 1975. It was the first encryption standard and remained an

overall standard for quite a while and was supplanted by the new Advanced Encryption

Standard (AES). It gives a premise for correlation for new calculations. DES is a block

cipher based symmetric calculation, same keys are utilized for both encryption and

unscrambling. It makes utilization of 56 bits key. DES encodes the information in 64 bits

information blocks. DES is not sufficiently solid. Numerous assaults recorded against it


The proposed encryption process comprises of two real steps. In the initial step, the

calculation takes an sound signal of length N or a picture I of any size M × N and

rearranges them by sorting sound information or picture pixels utilizing maybe a couple

autonomous 1-D Logistic maps, individually, (dim scale or shading pictures are dealt

with in the same way). The relationship among sound and picture information is, in this

manner, totally bothered subsequent to such signals present solid relationship among their

qualities. To move forward further the encryption security, the second part of the

calculation apply a cyclic movement along both headings (line and segment savvy) to the

yield of the initial step by sums processed from the tumultuous arrangements [3]. As

figure 1 shows that an audio signal was encrypted then decrypted with the right key and

with a wrong key.

Fig. 1 Audio signal encryption and decoding

test comes about: (a) plain signal, (b) encrypted signal,

(c) decrypted signal by right key (d) decoded signal by wrong key

Moreover, Triple DES is another encryption used to encrypt the multimedia data. It is a

block cipher formed from the DES cipher by utilizing it three times. This standard was

made by IBM in 1978. Then it was found that a 56-bit key of DES is not sufficiently

solid against beast power assaults and numerous different assaults, TDES was made as a

same calculation with long key size. In 3DES, DES is performed three times to build

security. It is likewise a block cipher innovation having key size of 168 bits and square

size of 64 bits. DES is performed three times, so it is slower calculation. Triple DES has

low execution as far as force utilization and throughput when contrasted and DES. It

generally requires additional time than DES in light of the fact that DES is rehashed three

times [1].

Add to that, one more way of many various encryption methods called Advanced

Encryption Standard (AES). AES is well-known for giving extremely secure encryption.
Numerous encryption calculations depending on AES were created. On the other hand,

AES has constraints on some multimedia and sound particular prerequisites, making the

requirement for other encryption calculations to be produced. This novel calculation

utilizes a rearranging system to perform encryption of sound data, applying the stream

cipher strategy. The calculation utilizes a private key to perform encryption that is depend

on key and data. This calculation was executed and tried with distinctive sorts of sound

data of different sizes [2].

This encryption calculation takes a sound data and a key as info, and it performs byte

rearranging of the sound data. The sound data is viewed as a stream, and the encryption

performed is both depend on key and data.

Furthermore, RC4 is one of the encryption method that is used to encrypt the data. It is a

stream cipher composed in 1987 by Ron Rivest for RSA Security. It is having key size of

40 or 2048 bits. It works with byte-situated operations. The calculation depends on the

utilization of an arbitrary change. It is utilized as a part of the two security plans

characterized for IEEE 802.11 remote LANs: Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) and Wi-

Fi Protected Access (WPA). RC4 was kept as a competitive innovation by RSA Security.

The RC4 calculation is amazingly basically and very simple to clarify. RC4 is suitable for

text data [1].

Comparison Table
This table compares about the above expressed encryption models based upon diverse

elements [1].

Factors DES 3DES AES RC4

128, 192 or 256
Key Size 56 Bits 168 Bits 40-128 Bits
128, 192 or 256 Byte
Block Size 64 Bits 64 Bits
Bits Oriented
Cipher Type Block Cipher Block Cipher Cipher
Keys Private Key Private Key Private Key Single Key
Vulnerable to Strong Against Vulnerable
Vulnerable to
Differential, Differential to Brute
Attacks Differential and
Brute Force Brute, Linear Force
Linear Attacks
Attacks Force Attacks Attacks
Proven Considered Weak
Security Inadequate
Inadequate Secure Security

Finally, AES algorithm “is not vulnerable to statistical attacks unless it is used for

encrypting low-quality audio files. In addition, the huge number of possible keys makes a

brute-force attack on the algorithm impossible.” [2]. While DES encryption method is

really effective and performs with higher security the encryption task. Therefore, this

algorithm can be very useful for critical data transmission over unsecured open networks

but it can be broken by brute force attacks. TDES encryption method uses the same

method of DES encryption but repeated three times and also it can be cracked by brute
force same as RC4 encryption which is has weak security. So, AES encryption is the best

suitable method in this comparison.


[1] M. Kaur and S. Kaur, "Survey of Various Encryption Techniques for Audio Data",

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software

Engineering, vol. 4, no. 5, 2014.

[2] A. Tamimi and A. Abdalla, "An Audio Shuffle-Encryption Algorithm", Proceedings

of the World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science, vol. 1, 2014.


CHAOS-BASED ENCRYPTION ALGORITHM", International Arab Conference on

Information Technology, 2011.

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