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A research essay on the contribution of indigenous people to both the survival of the Amazonian

forests and to medical science and the life of a homeless person in the United States

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Shamans from trio tribe are perceived to possess the profound knowledge on lethal

diseases as can be related to medical science. They have the moral obligation to reveal the long-

acquired knowledge on medical science. The federal government agency (FUNAI) upholds

policies in Brazil. Indigenous Land is one of the properties they are in charge of. Despite the fact,

the indigenous habitants are accorded almost eternal possession of this land and usufruct rights.

Their permission to this is reason enough to let them be part of the world's treatment plans for

lethal diseases because they access resources(forests) from the governments owned land.

Mining on indigenous land is dealt with directly by indigenous people different from

the earlier superseded ones by the government. Extraction is done untimely and unregulated

therefore in absence of rules indigenous people have devised ways relying on alliances and

national actors. This guardianship and acquisition are letting them be closer to the Amazonian

forest where they discover plenty medicinal herbs that treat diseases. Such inventions can be

termed to be supported by the government so shamans can let out their long-acquired knowledge

on medical science.

Organizations in charge of conservation have helped secure millions of kilometers of

land. This has encouraged the diversity of indigenous reserves. Well assured that this guarantees

forest conservation which in return comprise tracts that indigenous people like shamans engage

in. (Zimmerman et al. 2001). Security is paramount. Indigenous people need to be secure plus

their environs. external institutions manage such resources for security purposes. Control of

accesses has been a Sustainability strategy employed for large land tracts and people. Shamans in

spite of their strong believe they have been beneficiaries of this.

At the Amazon for example people behold plants, animals and rivers. This also affects

their security as falling trees can cause deaths, attacks from animals and overflowing rivers.

Containment designs have to applied to protect the indigenous society.

Social and cultural changes affect sustainability. Both traditional and current social and cultural

inventions contributed to environmental convenience though at some point it jeopardized the

secured territories. Indigenous societies conform to the idea that sociologists have realized a

requisite for efficient common property management. The shamans have cultures that involve

believes in spirits and gods helping them perform their a society without proper

collaborations with external forces like federal governments such actions won’t be permitted,

therefore, external support that is purported to be deployed to them should be a reason enough to

let them reveal their knowledge to the world to save it and to heal it.

The above sentiments do let us concur that shamans should actually let to the

world their long-discovered information on lethal diseases and their treatment.

Homelessness in the United States began around 1870s as a national matter. Initially

homeless people lived in merging urban areas line New York city but the great depression led to

lose of jobs leading to suffering and hence homelessness in the 20th century. The factors that

influence homelessness are area of residence, drug use, work ethic and family relationships.

Area of residence. Homeless people in the United States have no selective residence but

live within systems that has it difficult for them to decide on where to reside. It is not due to their

poor choices in life because after all they have blood ties with people living in good environment

setting. It is not an average life for them, they find it complex anywhere. Their sleep comes on

benches, streets or hotel fronts and sometimes these shelters provide their meal services.
Homeless people claim public means of transport in many occasions give them relief. Hygiene

for these persons is not guaranteed no matter how they exhaust their time of the day.

Drug use. In United States, not all homeless people are drug addicts as it is perceived. Drug

use disorders would be making it hard for homeless individuals to find housing. This is as a

result of some help programs expecting them to pass drug test or finish treatment before they are

given accommodation. It is good to realize that addiction is chronic therefore, those lacking

accommodation recovery must be anomaly difficult. Recovery has to be of low prime concern

list when everyday the struggle is on to gain food and shelter.

Work ethic. Homeless people are not lazy as perceived because many of them spend time

looking for employment in person and sometimes online. They may be seen begging in the

streets and it lowers their dignity. This makes them look fragile but in the real sense they are

suffering stress and depressions impacted from losing their previous jobs due to retrenchment

Family relationships (Brown,2017) Most homeless people are from separated or divorced

families. Such situations result in single parenting especially young mothers and their children.

Separation causes one who had shelter to wake up on the streets just in a twinkle of an eye.

Those who were breadwinners now becoming unavailable. Foster parents mistreating children

and untamed pressure forcing them to stay in streets homeless. Poor relations have a major

impact on the homeless.


Zimmerman, B. L., C. A. Peres, J. R. Malcolm, and T. Turner. (2001). 28:8–22 Conservation

and development alliances with the Kayap´o of south eastern Amazonia, a tropical forest
indigenous people. Environmental Conservation.

Peres, C. A. (1994) Indigenous reserves and nature conservation in Amazonian forests.


Brown S.R. (2017) Homeless Families Research Brief

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