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9 Ways to Learn Jira Administration

I’m asked the same question all the time:  How do I learn more about Jira
administration so I can be a great admin?  There are a ton of resources available;  you
just have to know where to look, to seek them out, and be willing to put in a little time
and effort.  Like anything in life, the more you put in, the more you get back.

Here are some ways to increase your Jira admin knowledge:

1. Seek out new opportunities

You’re never finished learning.  I’ve used Jira since 2011 and there’s still plenty I don’t
know and new things to learn.   Every time I think I know it all, I humble myself very
quickly by reviewing the unanswered questions on the Atlassian Community website. 
Look for opportunities to strengthen your knowledge, or learn something new, by trying
something new.


 Pick an unanswered question, research the answer, and document the solution
 Identify a problem Jira can solve and create a proof of concept
 Example:  Who’s tracking information in email or spreadsheets?  Show
them how to do it better in Jira.
 Do a side by side comparison of changes between two versions
 Install an add-on and learn everything you can about how it works
 Get read only access to the database and learn how information is stored
 Help a team adopt Jira or improve their processes
 Set up Jira for a non-profit
 Try to break Jira (Not in production, of course!)
 Hold info share sessions and teach others how to solve common problems
 Thoroughly document a feature
 Use Jira in different ways
 Example:  Track your craft beer collection, your golf score, or plan your off-
grid camping trip!
 Download the Atlassian Plugin SDK and experiment with a plugin tutorial
 Learn a related skill, like agile principles or server administration

Opportunities are everywhere.  The goal is to stretch your exposure and do different
things then you’re already doing.  I’m no DBA but I learned a lot by experimenting with
the database!

2. Install your own test environment

Even if your company already has an official test environment, I recommend you have
your own personal one.  You need a place to experiment, play, and make mistakes,
without impacting others.  It doesn’t have to be expensive or complex.  A $10 instance
installed on an old laptop is sufficient.  You’ll stretch your skills and learn a lot by
installing, using, maintaining, and upgrading it.

3. Join your local Atlassian User Group

Atlassian Users Groups are where users meet, learn, network, and share best practices. 
Members are newbies and veterans who like to “talk shop” about Atlassian software,
about Agile development, and about related business topics.  You can network with
your peers, share solutions, meet Expert Partners, get special content from Atlassian,
and enjoy a beer.  Find a user group near you (or start one) at:

I’m an introvert and was new to Jira, but I took a deep breath and started a group.  It
helped me learn new things, meet people, and become a contributor in the Atlassian

4. Read a book
There are a number of Jira books written by fellow administrators.  My book, the Jira
Strategy Admin Workbook helps you set up, clean up, and maintain Jira.  It’s about
strategy – not documentation and it’s not version specific.  Check it out and all the
companion Jira offerings on Amazon.

5. Take an online training course

I’ve developed quick, 30 minute, online training courses for:  cleaning up custom fields,
building workflows for business teams, admin mistakes, and other topics.  Take the
courses and earn a certificate to add to your portfolio or resume

Atlassian also provides live online training, recorded training, and hands-on team
training through Atlassian University.

6. Join the Atlassian Community

The Atlassian online Community is where you find answers, support, and inspiration
from other users.  Join with your Atlassian ID at:  Post your
question or start a discussion.

There are also a plethora of Jira-themed support and networking groups.  Check out the
Strategy for Jira® group on LinkedIn or Facebook.

7. Attend the user conference

Summit is the grand Atlassian event of the year.  With the palpable enthusiasm of the
employees, the knowledge of the presenters, and the immense networking
opportunities, this is the place to experience all that is Atlassian.  Add the next annual
event to your calendar now.  Visit for details.
8. Get certified
Taking an exam or extending your Atlassian Certification is a great way to show your
existing skills and learn more through the study process.  I learned things I simply didn’t
know and explored parts of the application I hadn’t touched in a while.  The certification
experience made me a better Jira Administrator.  I learned so much valuable
information earning the “Email in Jira” Skills Badge.

9. Read the documentation

Official product documentation is available at:  The
documentation includes information for end users and a guide specifically for
administrators.  The documentation is categorized up by application type (e.g. Server or
Cloud) and also by version.  Make sure you’re reading the correct version!

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