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Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci.

ISSN 0077-8923

Issue: Resveratrol and Health

Resveratrol in the foodomics era: 1:25,000

Bekzod Khakimov and Søren Balling Engelsen
Chemometrics and Analytical Technology, Department of Food Science, University of Copenhagen, Frederiksberg, Denmark

Address for correspondence: Søren Balling Engelsen, Chemometrics and Analytical Technology, Department of Food
Science, University of Copenhagen, Rolighedsvej 26, 1958 Frederiksberg C, Denmark.

Resveratrol is probably the most investigated plant secondary metabolite ever. An epidemiological study known as the
French paradox showed a correlation between red wine intake and low mortality due to coronary heart diseases, and
the red wine substance resveratrol was claimed to play a key role. Since then, several hundred resveratrol studies have
been conducted to demonstrate its antioxidant and other beneficial properties. In the foodomics era, considering a
complex foodome including over 25,000 substances that make up the human diet, it appears to be outdated to pursue
the hunt for biological activities one function/compound at a time. First, nature is multivariate, and the effect of any
one molecule will have to be modulated by its carrying matrix, its bioavailability, and synergies with other molecules.
Second, a large number of targeted studies have the tendency to become biased, as they tend to retain only the data
that the researchers think are relevant and thus increase the chances of spurious correlations. In this concise review,
we retrace the research toward a more inductive, holistic, and multivariate path.

Keywords: foodomics; metabolomics; chemometrics; resveratrol; inductive research

Introduction among other omics technologies, and there are still

a lot of food compounds and functions that remain
Resveratrol is one of approximately 25,000 com-
unexplored. Moreover, it is groundless to assume
pounds identified from foods to date.1–3 Food is
that a single molecule in a complex food matrix,
a complex system with drastically different physical
like red wine or grape juice, contributes to human
parameters, nutritional value, and chemical compo-
health and possesses the most efficient health bene-
sition. The foodome—a collection of all compounds
fits by acting alone.
(chemical substances) present in an investigated
Resveratrol is a plant secondary metabolite syn-
food sample at a given time—is immensely com-
thesized by stilbene synthase from the precursor
plex and dynamic, and relative concentrations of
molecule phenylalanine. Resveratrol, like other stil-
compounds determine properties of food, including
benes, is produced in plants in response to stressful
taste, smell, appearance, tenderness, and nutritional
conditions, including pathogens and UV radiation.
value. In fact, all foods are functional and, subse-
Grape skin is known to contain a particularly high
quently, chemical substances present in foods are
concentration of resveratrol, and red wine produced
also functional. The question is what compounds of
with a longer skin contact time possesses higher
foods are functional and possess health-beneficial
amounts of this phytoalexin.6 Resveratrol, which
effects. Resveratrol is a part of the foodome, and
has been known since ancient times in Chinese
despite the fact that it is one of the most studied
medicine as Hu Zhang, suddenly drew considerable
food metabolites, it is not necessarily the only one
public attention in the early 1990s after the publi-
and/or the most efficient metabolite for improving
cation of the epidemiological study known as the
human health and well-being. Foodomics—a disci-
“French paradox.”7 Renaud and Lorgeril reported
pline that studies the food and nutrition domains
that, despite high consumption of saturated fat and
through the application of advanced omics tech-
high blood cholesterol levels, which lead to coronary
nologies to improve the consumer’s well-being,
heart disease (CHD), the mortality from this disease
health, and knowledge4,5 —is a relatively young field
was notably lower among the French population
doi: 10.1111/nyas.13425
48 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1403 (2017) 48–58 
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Khakimov & Engelsen Resveratrol in the foodomics era

compared with the U.S. and UK populations with toward cancer,23 HIV,24 diabetes,25 and obesity,26,27
similar fat intake and blood cholesterol levels. The but with no breakthrough application so far.
paradox was explained by high negative correla- Human studies dealing with the pharmacoki-
tion between wine intake and mortality from CHD, netics and metabolism of resveratrol have so far
where alcohol was associated with a reduction in been limited to small cohorts, often including
CHD cases. Later, this phenomenon was related to fewer than 50 individuals.18,28,29 The majority of
the antioxidant activity of the red wine substrate the studies have been conducted to test its effect
resveratrol, and it was argued that resveratrol can in single cell lines and in animal models, normally
reduce the human platelet aggregation that causes with a deductive focus on predefined hypotheses
CHD. The correlations illustrated by Renaud and and/or findings.30,31 By comparison, the number
Lorgeril were all valid, but they were only correla- of studies performed to understand the role of
tions, not causal relationships. Nevertheless, the cor- resveratrol in human health has been very limited.
relations raised many questions regarding whether Thus, there is a big gap in arguments that must be
wine intake indeed reduces mortality from CHD, filled before the scientific community can prove the
since similar or even better correlation can easily be actual role and biochemical mechanism of action
achieved using variables other than wine intake (e.g., of resveratrol in humans. Some of the obvious
dietary and lifestyle habits as well as ecosystem). questions that remain open are (1) effect of resver-
The assumption made in the French paradox atrol in human metabolism; (2) the bioavailability
paper attracted considerable public attention, and and effects of resveratrol depending on gender,
several studies conducted after the discovery sug- age, health, lifestyle, diet, and ethnicity; (3) the
gested a role for resveratrol in preventing CHD.8–10 source of resveratrol for humans for its maximum
Resveratrol is probably the most-explored plant sec- bioavailability; and (4) what resveratrol can be used
ondary metabolite ever. Many studies conducted on safely and effectively. It is outside the scope of this
resveratrol have covered a broad range of biomed- paper to review and discuss in detail all studies
ical sciences, and it was applied in several hundreds performed to date on humans involving resveratrol
of in vitro studies in order to investigate its phar- and/or resveratrol-containing foods. Instead, we
macological properties, including antioxidant,11,12 summarize the most striking findings/claims about
anti-inflammatory,12 antimicrobial,13 antiviral,14 the health effects of resveratrol in humans and,
antiaging,15 antidiabetic,16 cancer chemopreventive most importantly, we propose how to set up an
activity,48 and immunomodulatory activities17 exploratory human trial to gain unbiased knowl-
(Fig. 1). In addition, animal model studies showed edge about resveratrol’s actions(s) in the human
that resveratrol has a high potential to be applied body. The latter is demonstrated using an example
as medicine against CHD and various cancers and from a dietary intervention study performed
as an antiviral agent.18 The majority of these in among a Danish population. We highlight the most
vitro and animal studies, mostly involving rodents, important aspects of human intervention studies
however, were performed using abnormally large to be considered when performing comprehensive
concentrations of resveratrol that significantly metabolomics analysis. In addition, we discuss fac-
change the physiological behavior of exposed cells, tors to be included in an intervention study design in
and thus evaluation of the true biological effect of order to avoid confounding effect that may hamper
the compound remains elusive. Moreover, most the ability to detect the effects sought. Advantages
intervention studies were conducted for a short and limitations of the state-of-the art multivariate
time period and included no validation and/or data analysis techniques will also be discussed in
extrapolation of the observed results to humans. In order to illustrate how information can effectively
vitro and animal studies have shown evidences of be extracted from the complex metabolomics data.
resveratrol for lowering bad low-density lipoprotein
Current status of resveratrol research
(LDL) cholesterol,19,20 lowering blood glucose,
inhibiting cancer cell growth,21 and improving the The scientific interest in the so-called French para-
immune system. Resveratrol has therefore been dox generated a large number of studies in vari-
intensively studied in clinical trials targeted toward ous areas of the biochemical research (Fig. 2). At
cardiovascular22 and neurological diseases, as well as present, more than 10,000 scientific publications

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C 2017 New York Academy of Sciences. 49
Resveratrol in the foodomics era Khakimov & Engelsen

Figure 1. An overview of pharmaceutical properties (antioxidant,1,2 antimicrobial,3,4 anti-inflammatory,4 antiviral7,8 ), biological

effects (lowers blood pressure,13,14 lowers LDL and triglycerides,13,14 lowers blood sugar,15,16 boosts immune system17,18 ), and
clinical investigations (cardiovascular diseases,9,10 cancer,11,12 diabetes,13,14 HIV,15,16 obesity17,18 ) of resveratrol.

can be found in the literature using the key word of these findings have used in vitro and animal
“resveratrol.” It has been shown that this single com- model approaches, one cannot reject the hypothesis
pound possesses multiple biological activities and that this single molecule can be used for improv-
that it is able to interact with cells once it makes ing human health or be applied to cure a certain
first contact. It is also indisputable that resvera- disease. However, at present, such an application
trol can scavenge free radicals and prevent unde- of resveratrol is impossible owing to many reasons.
sirable oxidation reactions in cells.11,12 Owing to its First, the scientific community still cannot eluci-
unique chemical structure, it can easily pass through date a single exact mode of action of resveratrol in
cell membranes and interact with enzymes and/or the human body and how it perturbs metabolism.
inhibit growth and development of microorgan- However, one can question whether it is a necessity
isms and viruses.14 Despite the fact that majority to know the exact mechanism of resveratrol if its

50 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1403 (2017) 48–58 

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Khakimov & Engelsen Resveratrol in the foodomics era

Figure 2. The “resveratrol paradox” pyramid.

health-promoting effects have already been proven. Most of above-mentioned questions are partially
Nevertheless, understanding how it works in the addressed in various scientific papers dealing
human body may reveal new knowledge, broaden its with human trials,18,32,33 where, unfortunately,
applications, and avoid possible side effects. Second, the findings are sometimes contradictory. Health
we still do not have enough data about its bioavail- effects, bioavailability data, and dose-dependent
ability and what factors dictate it, since it was shown response of resveratrol greatly vary in studies,
that the bioavailability of resveratrol largely varies and this may indicate individualized response
between persons and food sources (e.g., the bioavail- to resveratrol. However, it is also possible that
ability of resveratrol in red wine is higher than these contradictory findings are the result of
when it is administered in a tablet form).18 Third, inappropriate study designs. Several resveratrol
it is unclear whether resveratrol or its glycosylated human trials have been designed to measure only
derivatives are the functional form. More impor- a few variables, and the possible conclusions from
tantly, there are no convincing studies showing their such restricted data are limited. In the foodomics
safety for human health or showing any poten- age, such targeted and limited analyses contradict
tial side effects. Last but not least, what is the dis- the inherent complexity of the biological systems,
ease(s) or symptom(s) that could be cured using safe which require simultaneous measurement of as
amounts of resveratrol in humans? In this respect, many parameters as possible and subsequent
it should be mentioned that most resveratrol inter- multivariate data analysis in order to extract the
ventions have been conducted using extraordinary maximum information. We propose that the
high concentrations that largely exceed the typical following six points be considered in future human
amounts that one may consume by drinking red studies for investigation of the health effects of
wine or eating grapes. resveratrol.

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C 2017 New York Academy of Sciences. 51
Resveratrol in the foodomics era Khakimov & Engelsen

One size does not fit all dinal matrix (i.e., red wine, grape juice, and other
The phenotypic diversity of humans requires that foods). In this respect, the hydrophilicity is a key
a larger number of subjects must be recruited for factor: is it water soluble or fat soluble? The glycosy-
a general-purpose intervention study and that the lated derivatives of resveratrol are more hydrophilic
study takes into account parameters such as gender, and bulkier than resveratrol itself and may have
age, health status, diet, lifestyle, and ethnicity.34 very different bioavailability and biological activi-
ties, which has been only scarcely studied to date.
Experimental design
Second, if the target is to emulate epidemiological
The experimental design is often the limiting fac-
studies, the supplement dose should be close to the
tor in most biological experiments. It is important
natural concentrations to which people have been
to use an appropriate study design, preferably bal-
exposed. Abnormally high doses can be used to pro-
anced, such that equal numbers of subjects are inves-
voke a reaction, but the interpretation will be more
tigated for each level of each study factor. Human
intervention studies normally use a power calcula-
tion to determine the number of subjects, the daily
The health definition
dose employed as supplement, the duration of the
According to the World Health Organization
intervention, and the number of technical replicates
(WHO), health is defined as a “state of complete
that need to be included at each design level in order
physical, mental, and social well-being, and not
to obtain a minimum statistically significant effect.
merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” Health
This calculation includes the expected effect and
is a dynamic condition resulting from a body’s
the magnitude of the analytical variances. While
constant adjustment and adaptation in response
this calculation is more or less straightforward in
to stresses and changes in the environment for
univariate experiments, it often falls short for mul-
maintaining an inner equilibrium called homeosta-
tivariate and multimetabolite experiments, such as
sis. Accordingly, any health-promoting substance
is the standard in nutritional metabolomics. This
should be able to improve our response to any given
is why the size and design of many nutrition inter-
food challenge (e.g., how quickly the body is able to
vention studies have been decided by gut feeling,
reach homeostasis).
but obviously a more reliable and efficient way of
estimating sample size in large intervention studies
An inductive measurement strategy
is to perform an appropriately designed pilot study
It has been a scientific convention to measure only
before conducting the large experiment.34 Such a
one clinical variable of interest as the response to
pilot study involving fewer subjects can help deter-
one compound of interest (e.g., resveratrol) in a so-
mine expected variances corresponding to the study
called deductive measurement strategy. However,
design factors as well as variances derived from
if you only measure what you think is relevant,
experimental error using technical replicates. Sub-
then you will only confirm what you already know
sequently, these variances can be used to calculate
and may lose a chance of discovering unforeseen
minimum statistically significant effects and sam-
effects and hinder innovation. New developments
ple sizes for the large intervention study. Very often,
in analytical technology and multivariate data anal-
human intervention studies designed to investigate
ysis facilitate the use of an inductive measurement
the effects of a certain diet or food ingredient(s)
strategy in which advanced analytical equipment is
will employ hundreds to a few thousand subjects.
used to “shake the tree” and advanced multivariate
Moreover, most modern metabolomics studies use
data-mining methods are used to find underlying
kinetic sampling with multiple measurement time
metabolite patterns that may explain the complex
points rather than static end-point measurement,
biology behind the scene. The uniqueness of the
which enhances the mechanistic interpretation.
inductive strategy will be demonstrated by a case
Matrix effects study (vide supra) in which an intervention with
The biological effects of any food compound depend a Nordic diet was compared to an average Danish
on its bioavailability: does it reach its target? First, it diet (ADD) and a surprising result was discovered,
is thus important to complement any investigation which by no means could have been discovered in a
of pure resveratrol with resveratrol in its habitu- deductive approach.

52 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1403 (2017) 48–58 

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Khakimov & Engelsen Resveratrol in the foodomics era

Nature is multivariate netic resonance (NMR) metabolomics study per-

It has been demonstrated again and again that formed on human liver cancer cell lines (HepG2)
nature is multivariate, and thus new experimen- showed an effect of resveratrol in glucose and amino
tal designs, including many variables, should be acid utilization to fat utilization for the production
explored through more holistic multivariate meth- of energy and lowered the rate of the cancer cell
ods rather than being limited by univariate anal- cycle.40 One recent study investigating metabolic
ysis methods. As an example, an organism can- effects of resveratrol was performed on men with
not survive by only having one of the essential metabolic syndrome and included a 4-month inter-
amino acids in its feed; it will need a complex vention followed by comprehensive metabolome
mixture (pattern) of all the essential amino acids. analyses in four sample matrices—blood, urine, fat,
When it comes to nonessential but beneficial com- and muscle by—LC-MS and gas chromatography
pounds, it is most likely that molecular networks (GC)-MS platforms.33 This study showed that lipid
and molecular affinities will create even more com- metabolism in muscle was affected, which resulted
plex underlying patterns—also called the cage of in increased intracellular glycerol and accumula-
covariation. The chance for the experimental design tion of long-chain free fatty acids in response to
to result in a pattern of compounds that classify resveratrol, while the urine metabolome exhibited
the effects of the intervention is way beyond the increased levels of aromatic amino acids. Despite the
1:25,000 chance for resveratrol. To this end, power- fact that this work is one of the most comprehen-
ful multivariate data-mining technologies have been sive metabolomics studies of resveratrol treatments,
developed, including principal component analysis the data generated have not been fully explored
(PCA),35 partial least squares–discriminant analy- and limited to univariate analysis. Another impor-
sis (PLS-DA),36 and analysis of variance (ANOVA) tant point is the bioavailability and metabolism of
simultaneous component analysis (ASCA).37 resveratrol in humans, which raises several ques-
The last two points are indeed the least applied in tions regarding its health effects. The human inter-
current resveratrol research, and, surprisingly, most vention study where healthy individuals received red
studies are deductive and demonstrate predefined wine containing 0.8 or 3.2 ␮g/mL trans-resveratrol
hypotheses (e.g., resveratrol suppresses growth of showed that only four of 25 individuals exhibited
cancer cell lines by 25%). In contrast, questions like trace amounts of free resveratrol in their serum sam-
“What has happened to the cell’s metabolism?” and ples 30 min after red wine intake,41 while only nine
“What other molecules in cells are affected by resver- of 25 individuals possessed 3- and 4-glucuronide
atrol?” remain scarce. Nevertheless, a small number trans-resveratrol 0.5–2 h after red wine intake. How-
of studies have attempted to apply top-down holis- ever, considering the complexity of the design (e.g.,
tic metabolomics approaches. However, nearly all gender and body mass difference, consumed resver-
metabolomics studies that have been performed to atrol concentration, and diet), this study included
evaluate the effects of resveratrol were conducted in a rather low number of participants, which chal-
in vitro systems using abnormally high concentra- lenges the ability to evaluate the effects, as the data
tions of the compound and often targeted a minor may be dominated by interindividual variations
part of the cells’ metabolome.18,38 As an example, in metabolic systems and in resveratrol bioavail-
one of the few metabolomics studies, using liquid ability. Therefore, the scientific community dealing
chromatography mass spectrometry (LC-MS) con- with bioactive compounds is now urging that more
ducted in human breast cancer cell lines, showed research be conducted to demonstrate the bioavail-
that resveratrol inhibits the growth of cancer cells ability of bioactive constituents in relevant in vitro
and significantly alters cell metabolism, which was and in vivo models.42,43
more pronounced in amino acid synthesis.39 In this
How to design an ideal resveratrol
case, the applied doses of resveratrol were very high,
intervention study
which makes it challenging to estimate how cells
would behave if they received a lower (safe for As has been shown in previous studies, the bioavail-
human consumption) concentration, and if in real ability of resveratrol largely depends on whether it
life resveratrol can inhibit human breast cancer cell is consumed via drinking red wine, liquor, or juice,
growth in the same way. Likewise, a nuclear mag- and its further metabolism displays even greater

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C 2017 New York Academy of Sciences. 53
Resveratrol in the foodomics era Khakimov & Engelsen

Figure 3. A typical workflow of a metabolomics study conducted to investigate the effects of a single medicine (e.g., resveratrol),
food supplement, probiotic, single food product, or entire diet on recovery rate of a certain disease, human metabolism, health,
well-being, and life expectancy. 
C Engelsen & Newlin.

variation among participants.41,44 Thus, one should technology as well as research interests are mostly
consider taking into account the multivariate nature limited to evaluating only one type of omics vari-
of the foodome and strong relationships present able, which prevents linking the knowledge com-
among compounds, since it is impossible to iso- ing from the gene level to all the way down to the
late their digestion from all other interactions in the metabolite and functional levels.
human body. In order to validate the health claims The state-of-the-art analytical technologies,
made about resveratrol and to extrapolate the bio- including GC–MS, LC–MS, and NMR, applied in
logical effects found in in vitro and animal studies to foodomics and metabolomics45,46 enable simult-
humans, one must not only measure resveratrol and aneous detection of up to a few hundred metabo-
its metabolites, but also conduct untargeted analy- lites from a single analysis, which reflects the
sis. Although such experiments are more expen- current physiological status of the investigated
sive and laborious and require expert knowledge in biological samples. For example, the blood plasma
multidisciplinary areas, such as metabolomics and metabolome measured by GC–MS at the fasting
multivariate data analysis, it is the only viable way state provides relative or absolute concentrations of
to see the holistic picture (Fig. 3). It is difficult or up to 200 metabolites in a single run, which provides
even impossible to fully understand what happens a metabolic fingerprint of the subject in home-
to resveratrol once it reaches our blood and how it ostasis. If that subject then undergoes resveratrol
is further metabolized and interacts with other cell treatment, and it is possible to collect the subject’s
components. This challenge becomes more realistic blood with a frequency that allows for monitoring
when untargeted metabolomics data are combined of resveratrol metabolism, it will be possible to
with all other clinical and metadata generated (e.g., evaluate which compounds change owing to the
in a resveratrol intervention study). Such a fusion resveratrol intake and when and by how much their
of data may reveal unforeseen correlations that in relative concentrations change. Similarly, these
fact carry new biological information and augment blood plasma GC–MS data can easily be reflected the
the current knowledge of resveratrol’s role in human health parameters (e.g., blood pressure or glucose
metabolism and health. More importantly, compre- or insulin levels). Such a top-down approach may
hensive foodomics studies, including genome-wide lead to the discovery of new biochemical processes
association studies,4 have even higher chances to and allow evaluation of fast metabolic changes that
obtain novel biological insight by associating the are either directly or indirectly related to each other.
genetic make-up with the metabolic effects of bioac- In order to perform comprehensive and untar-
tive compounds, which can point to personalized or geted metabolomics studies, one must carefully
stratified diets. However, the current status of the design the experiment to allow enough power for

54 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1403 (2017) 48–58 

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Khakimov & Engelsen Resveratrol in the foodomics era

Figure 4. Decomposition of variations in hypothetical data, with I subjects and J variables, derived from a balanced resveratrol
study using ANOVA-simultaneous component analysis (ASCA). This study illustrates a fully balanced design including three main
effects: gender (at two levels), treatment (at three levels), and time (at three levels). ASCA allows evaluation of effect size for each
main effect individually as well as their two- and three-factor interaction effects.

estimation of the effects and/or variations expected. samples and J variables (Fig. 4). Assuming that the
Thus, it is crucial to consider all six points men- data matrix X is balanced—there are equal numbers
tioned above. It is worth mentioning that many of subjects in each level for all three factors—one
studies in the literature explore generated data in a can write an ANOVA equation that will account
very limited way and often do not extract maximum for seven effect matrices, three main effects, three
information. This is mainly due to inappropriately two-factor interaction effects, and one three-factor
designed studies that lead to confounding of effects interaction effect as
and/or lack of expertise in multivariate data anal-
ysis. However, properly designed human interven- X = X MEAN + X GENDER + X TREATMENT + X TIME
tions with sufficient numbers of subjects per study + X GENDER×TREATMENT
group and carefully conducted experiments allow
accurate estimation of the effects of all primary fac- + X GENDER×TIME + X TREATMENT×TIME
tors as well as their two-factor and higher order + X GENDER×TREATMENT×TIME + X RESIDUALS (1)
interaction effects. One such approach is ASCA.
ASCA is a state-of-the-art method for partitioning where XMEAN is a matrix of means (the same size
sources of variation in the data derived from study as X) that is generated from the overall means of
design factors and their interactions. ASCA parti- all variables in the data. For a balanced design,
tions variations derived from different factors in the the variance partitioning reveals effect matrices
same way as classical ANOVA, but accounts for all XGENDER , XTREATMENT , XTIME , XGENDER × TREATMENT ,
variables included in a data simultaneously. Let us XGENDER × TIME , XTREATMENT × TIME , and
assume a human intervention study with resver- XGENDER × TREATMENT × TIME that are orthogo-
atrol where three main effects—gender, treatment, nal to each other. During ASCA, all of these
and time—are included in the study design, and this effect matrices will be generated, and each of
investigation results in a data matrix X(I × J) with I them can be validated using a permutation test by

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C 2017 New York Academy of Sciences. 55
Resveratrol in the foodomics era Khakimov & Engelsen

calculating sum of squares of the effect matrices. application of PLS-DA-based variable selection.36
This way of decomposing the variations to the One of the unforeseen metabolite markers for the
design factors and their interaction terms not diet was 2,6-diisopropylnaththalene, an antisprout-
only allows estimation of each effect size but also ing agent used for long-term storage of potatoes
determination of whether these effects are real for the production of chips, which was significantly
(statistically significant). For a balanced study elevated in the blood of ADD individuals.
design, these variances are unambiguous. Each
effect matrix can be investigated separately by Outreach
performing a local PCA analysis,35 where the
In many ways, we are living in a very fragmented
nondesign-related variation (X RESIDUALS in Eq.
world, hunting for causality that for the moment
(1)) is used as a measure of uncertainty. However,
can provide answers. This worldview leads to side
if the generated data are unbalanced (e.g., there are
effects because of neglected covariance and context,
more females in the intervention than males), the
as is often seen causing, for example, environmental
main effects remain valid while interactions are no
problems. In the case of resveratrol, the neglected
longer valid. In order to cope with this, one may
covariance and context related to red wine con-
consider reducing the data size to make it balanced
sumption have either led us to the wrong conclusion
and/or utilize an iterative approach by which a
or caused us to miss one or more important pieces
few sets of samples from the exceeding blocks of
of the French paradox puzzle. Foodomics can be
the study design are removed in a random order
considered as a door opening research for future
to generate balanced data from unbalanced data,
studies on the development and improvement of
which are then evaluated by ASCA; this procedure
healthy food products and ingredients according to
can be repeated n times for n balanced data sets to
the European Food Safety Authority’s regulations.
estimate interaction.47 This approach for dealing
Indeed, inductive foodomics studies may facilitate
with unbalanced study designs allows validation of
generation of more specific goals and identify highly
interaction terms without permanently reducing
promising and potential bioactive foods and/or sin-
the sample size.
gle bioactive substances. Despite the large number
In contrast to common unsupervised multivari-
of studies that have been conducted on the possi-
ate data analysis methods, such as PCA, which finds
ble health and other biological effects of resvera-
common underlying variations in the data, ASCA
trol, there is still a need for more systematic and
provides decomposition of variations on the basis
detailed investigations to understand resveratrol’s
of the study design. The latter allows identification
role in human metabolism and health. In order to
of the small fraction of the biological variation that is
avoid future wastes of research efforts, we urge the
otherwise hidden under more abundant individual
resveratrol research community to reject deductive
variation in large human cohorts. One such exam-
approaches and move toward more holistic induc-
ple is the dietary intervention study conducted to
tive studies. The latter can be successfully performed
evaluate human blood plasma metabolic responses
by applying modern analytical advances developed
to long-term effect of the New Nordic diet (NND)
in the fields of metabolomics and foodomics. Ulti-
versus the ADD.47 In this study application, ASCA
mately, this multidisciplinary foodomics approach
allowed partitioning of the variations derived from
may reveal a holistic overview of the effects of resver-
factors of the study design, diet, season, and gen-
atrol in human metabolism and elucidate its mode
der and enabled separation of the diet effect, which
of action, which in turn will result in development
accounted for only 1% of the total variation present
of targeted applications of resveratrol in the phar-
in the metabolomics data. Although the diet effect
maceutical and food industries.
was small, it remained significant, while most of
the variation (>90%) was kept in the residuals,
which comprised individual variations as well as
other variations not related to the study design. This The authors wish to acknowledge the Dan-
approach allowed unbiased evaluation of whole diet ish Innovation Foundation for generous sup-
and resulted in metabolite markers for diet, season, port to the project entitled “COUNTERSTRIKE—
and gender differences that were validated by the Counteracting Sarcopenia with proteins and

56 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1403 (2017) 48–58 

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Khakimov & Engelsen Resveratrol in the foodomics era

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