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Cost-minimisation of PEG-L-asparaginase versus native L-asparaginase for

the treatment of children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia in Belgium

Article · January 2013


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5 authors, including:

Tiene G M Bauters Veerle Mondelaers

Universitair Ziekenhuis Ghent Universitair Ziekenhuis Ghent


Barbara De Moerloose Hugo Robays

Ghent University Ghent University


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Pharmacotherapy 4
Cost-minimisation analysis of
PEG-L-Asparaginase versus native
L-Asparaginase for the treatment
of children with acute lymphoblastic
leukaemia in Belgium
T. Bauters, PharmD, PhD1, V. Mondelaers, MD2, B. De Moerloose, MD, PhD2, H. Robays, PharmD1,
Y. Benoit, MD, PhD2

PEG-L-Asparaginase (Oncaspar ®) is a major compound of antineoplastic combination therapy for rein-

duction in acute lymphoblastic leukaemia in children and adults with known hypersensitivity. In the United
States, it has been approved for many years as first-line treatment of children with acute lymphoblastic
leukaemia. Its clinical benefits have been extensively described. In this report, a cost-minimisation analysis
comparing the direct cost of PEG-L-asparaginase with that of native E. coli and Erwinia L-asparaginase
treatment is described.
(Belg J Hematol 2013;4(4):144-147)

Introduction The sources of asparaginase for hospital use are bacterial

Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) is the most com- in origin, mainly Escherichia coli (E. coli) and Erwinia
mon childhood cancer, accounting for approximately chrysanthemi. Native asparaginase is commercially avail-
one quarter of new cancer diagnoses in children. The able in two forms: E. coli (Paronal®, Nycomed) and Er-
combination of Escherichia coli L-asparaginase, vin- winia (Erwinase®, Eusapharma, Jazz Pharmaceuticals).
cristine and prednisone treatment has increased the The frequency of hypersensitivity reactions to E. coli is
remission induction rate to more than 95% in patients rather variable (~40%) but ranges from 0 to 75% de-
with standard risk ALL. L-asparaginase (further referred pending on the publication.6,7 In case of hypersensitivity
to as Asparaginase) has been shown to be a crucial reactions (i.e. generalised reaction including pain, ery-
chemotherapeutic agent in ALL treatment.1-4 thema, pruritus, angioedema, fever, respiratory distress
Asparaginase is an enzyme that catalyses the hydroly- or a localised reaction or a combination of both), dis-
sis of extracellular asparagine to ammonia and aspartic continuation of E. coli asparaginase and substitution
acid in the bloodstream and the extracellular space. with Erwinia- or polyethylene glycol (PEG)-asparaginase
Normal cells are capable of synthesising asparagine, (Oncaspar®, Sigma-Tau) is preferred.
which is essential for cell survival. Certain malignant In Belgium, E. coli asparaginase (Paronal®) is available
cells, especially leukemic lymphoblasts, however are and reimbursed in first-line treatment. Both Erwinia
not and depend on extracellular sources of asparagines asparaginase (Erwinia®) and PEG-asparaginase (Oncas-
for protein synthesis.5 par®) are not licensed in Belgium. They are reimbursed

Department of Pharmacy, Ghent University Hospital, Ghent, Belgium 2Department of Paediatric Hemato-Oncology and Stem Cell Transplantation,

Ghent University Hospital, Ghent, Belgium.

Please send all correspondence to: T. Bauters, PharmD, PhD, Ghent University Hospital, Department of Pharmacy, -1 K12, De Pintelaan 185,
B-9000 Ghent, Belgium, tel: +32 9 332 50 56, fax: +32 9 332 49 74, email:
Conflict of interest: The authors have nothing to disclose and indicate no potential conflict of interest.
Key words: acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, cost-minimisation analysis, paediatrics, PEG-L-Asparaginase.

Belgian Journal of Hematology Volume 4, Issue 4, December 2013

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→ Hospitalization 2 administrations = 2 x 2 vials *

→ Day-clinic 6 administrations = 6 x 2 vials *


Allergic reaction?
No Yes (~ 40% of patients) (6,7)
→ switch to Erwinia Asparaginase

E. Coli asparaginase Erwinia asparaginase

→ Day-clinic: 4 x 2 vials* → Day-clinic: 6 x 3 vials*

Figure 1. Algorithm for treatment with E. coli asparaginase (* = mean number of vials).

in second-line, i.e. after hypersensitivity reaction to E. coli or daily hospital cost (100%). Other costs (personnel,
asparaginase. laboratory tests, charges for premedication, etcetera)
Oncaspar® is indicated as a component of antineoplastic and indirect costs (i.e. absenteeism from school or work,
combination therapy for reinduction in ALL in children follow-up visits, long-term morbidity, etcetera) were
and adults with known hypersensitivity. In the US, not included in the current simulation.
PEG-asparaginase has been approved for many years Direct drug costs (per vial) were based on official prices,
as first-line treatment of children with ALL.5-8 i.e. €58 (Paronal®, 10000 IU/flacon), €846 (Erwinase®,
The clinical benefits of the pegylated formulation (sig- 10000 IU/flacon) and €1,249 (Oncaspar®, 3750 IU/
nificantly longer half-life and therefore fewer adminis- flacon).
trations) have been extensively described, just as pharma- Taking into account all Belgian paediatric hemato-on-
coeconomic analyses of PEG-asparaginase versus native cology centres, the average maxiforfait cost for admin-
E. coli asparaginase, in favour of PEG-asparaginase.3,9-11 istration in day-clinic was €193 and €582 for daily
We conducted a cost-minimisation analysis for the hospital cost (100%) (data obtained from NIHDI dd.
Belgian National Institute for Health and Disability In- 01/01/2012).
surance (NIHDI/RIZIV/INAMI) to compare the direct The standard treatment was performed according to the
cost of PEG-asparaginase with that of native E. coli European Organisation for Research and Treatment of
and Erwinia asparaginase. Cancer (EORTC) 58081 protocol.12 For the simulation
of the switch from Paronal® or Oncaspar® to Erwinase®
Methods (in case of hypersensitivity), the switch to Erwinase® was
To obtain valuable parameters for the cost-minimisation integrated from the reinduction phase on. An overview
analysis, a review of all patients treated with Paronal® of this treatment flow is given in Figure 1.
and Erwinase® at the Ghent University Hospital ( Janu-
ary to December 2011, i.e. 12 months) was performed. Results
This enabled us to obtain an objective estimation of During a twelve-month period, 28 patients were treated
the mean number of vials used per patient. These data with Paronal® and nine with Erwinase®. These data were
were only generated as basis for further comparisons. used to calculate the mean number of vials per admin-
The total cost was presented as direct drug cost (per istration, i.e., two for Paronal® and three for Erwinase®.
vial) plus hospital cost per day-clinic visit (maxiforfait) Based on these data and taken into account the mean

Belgian Journal of Hematology Volume 4, Issue 4, December 2013

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→ Hospitalization 1 administration = 1 x 1 vial *

→ Day-clinic 1 administration = 1 x 1 vial *


Allergic reaction?
Yes (~10% of patients) (7)
→ switch to Erwinia asparaginase

PEG-Asparaginase Erwinia Asparaginase

→ Day-clinic: 1 x 1 vials* → Day-clinic: 6 x 3 vials*

Figure 2. Algorithm for treatment with PEG-asparaginase (* = mean number of vials).

Figure 3. Total price per treatment per patient for a whole cycle Figure 4. Annual estimated cost for the Belgian paediatric
without hypersensitivity (theoretically). population with de novo ALL treated with Paronal® or Oncaspar®
regimens (taken into account a hypersensitivity reaction chance
of 40% for Paronal® and 10% for Oncaspar® with subsequent
maxiforfait for day hospitalisation and/or hospitalisa- switch to Erwinase® treatment).
tion cost (100%), cost-simulations were performed.
If a patient were to be treated exclusively with one prod-
uct, the cost per patient per treatment would theoreti- of patients with Oncaspar®, are switched to Erwinase®
cally be €4,487 (Paronal®), €50,326 (Erwinase®) and as a result of hypersensitivity reaction. Therefore, a switch
€4,717 (Oncaspar®). An overview of the direct cost- from Paronal® or Oncaspar® to Erwinase® (product of
minimisation analysis per patient per treatment without choice in case of hypersensitivity) was taken into con-
hypersensitivity (theoretically) is presented in Figure 3. sideration in the reinduction phase (IIA).
However, as most of the treatments involve a switch due In Belgium, an average of 70 paediatric patients are
to hypersensitivity reactions, alternative treatment reg- diagnosed with de novo ALL per year, therefore a
imens were calculated. From literature data, it is clear simulation for the Belgian population was performed.
that ~40% of patients treated with Paronal® and 10% Estimating that 40% of patients treated with Paronal®

Belgian Journal of Hematology Volume 4, Issue 4, December 2013

14 6

Key messages for clinical practice

• The pharmacologic profile and the cost-minimisation analysis of PEG-asparaginase justify its
use in certain paediatric populations.
• Apart from the cost of fewer hospitalisations and a lower use of Erwinia-asparaginase, fewer
days spent in hospital and less traveling time to physicians offer additional benefits to the patient.

and 10% of patients with Oncaspar®, have a hypersen- Conclusion

sitivity reaction and assuming that both groups are Based on the pharmacologic profile and this cost-min-
switched to Erwinase®, the total cost for the Belgian imisation analysis, it would be appropriate for clinicians
population is estimated at €738 269 for patients start- to investigate using PEG-asparaginase earlier in certain
ed on Paronal® and €434 801 for patients treated with paediatric populations.
Oncaspar® in first-line (Figure 4).6,7
The mean cost per individual patient would be €10,547 References
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Belgian Journal of Hematology Volume 4, Issue 4, December 2013

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