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Let Us Speak

The Book of Speaking

The set of 24 speaking tests
for students at A2 level
Group of authors
Mgr. Martin Raška; Mgr. Jan Nowak, Ph.D.; Mgr. Darina Wawrzaczová; prof. Otilia Corniciuc;
Osman Aydoğar; Yeter Akbulut; MEPhE Ilonka Lozanova; Yordan Hodzhev, MS

Simon Gill, MA

Graphic design
Mgr. Martin Raška

Třinec 2017, Berchișești 2017, Chelopech 2017, Niğde 2017

"The support of the European Commission for the

production of this publication does not constitute an
endorsement of the contents, which only reflect the
views of the authors, and the Commission cannot be
held responsible for any use which may be made of the
information contained therein."
Let Us Speak

The Book of Speaking


The set of 24 speaking tests

for students at A2 level

General description. . ...................................................................................................................... 6

Speaking test 1.. .............................................................................................................................. 7

Speaking test 2.. ............................................................................................................................ 19

Speaking test 3.. ............................................................................................................................ 31

Speaking test 4.. ............................................................................................................................ 43

Speaking test 5.. ............................................................................................................................ 55

Speaking test 6.. ............................................................................................................................ 67

Speaking test 7.. ............................................................................................................................ 79

Speaking test 8.. ............................................................................................................................ 91

Speaking test 9.. .......................................................................................................................... 103

Speaking test 10 . . ........................................................................................................................ 115

Speaking test 11 . . ........................................................................................................................ 127

Speaking test 12 . . ........................................................................................................................ 139

Speaking test 13 . . ........................................................................................................................ 151

Speaking test 14 . . ........................................................................................................................ 163

Speaking test 15 . . ........................................................................................................................ 175

Speaking test 16 . . ........................................................................................................................ 187

Speaking test 17 . . ........................................................................................................................ 199

Speaking test 18 . . ........................................................................................................................ 211

Speaking test 19 . . ........................................................................................................................ 223

Speaking test 20 . . ........................................................................................................................ 235

Speaking test 21 . . ........................................................................................................................ 247

Speaking test 22 . . ........................................................................................................................ 259

Speaking test 23 . . ........................................................................................................................ 271

Speaking test 24 . . ........................................................................................................................ 283

References.................................................................................................................................. 295
Let Us Speak

The Book of Speaking Tests is meant to be useful and practical material for schoolteachers, created in
order to help them test students and improve their level.


The Book of Speaking Tests is a set of 24 speaking tests for students at A2 level. They were created
for teachers who want to rank their students into the appropriate speaking level. It came out
from the lack of standardized speaking tests identified by groups of teachers from four different
countries (the Czech Republic, Romania, Turkey, and Bulgaria), working on an Erasmus+ project,
Let Us Speak, aiming to develop and improve students’ speaking level and verbal interaction and
lower their fear of speaking.

The authors wish to have and offer unified tests for Primary Schools in accordance with the CEFR
for Languages. The Book of Speaking Tests comes out together with the Speaking Assessment
Guide, a handbook providing guidance for teachers to assessing students at A2 level with detailed
instructions provided. 5
T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s

General description

In the speaking test for A2 level students take part in pairs, or, if there is an uneven number of
students, in threes. There are two teachers who play the roles of an interlocutor and an assessor. The
interlocutor speaks to the students, sets the tasks, and conducts the test, while the assessor does
not play an active role during the test. The assessor sits aside at a distance from which a clear view of
the students being examined will be ensured. The examiners must be familiar with both roles as they
change their roles after five pairs have been examined.

The maximum time allocated to pairs of students is 11-13 minutes.


The students are examined in pairs by two examiners, one of whom is

an interlocutor and the other is an assessor. The interlocutor conducts
the speaking test, and naturally all the test parts. On the other hand,
the assessor does not interact with the students.

Part 1 - Interview: giving personal information – answering general

questions on familiar topics
Part 2 - Interactive activity: prompt card activity – collaborative tasks
involving asking and answering questions using prompt cards
Task Types
Part 3 - Picture description: individual speech – describing a picture as
an individual monologue
Part 4 - Real situation: structured dialogue – talking with the
interlocutor in a structured dialogue about a real situation

The students will be given marks for their pronunciation, range of

vocabulary, grammar, and interaction with the other student and
interlocutor during the speaking test. Points between 0 and 100 can be

Icons used

We use the following icons for better orientation in the test. Their meanings are explained below.

The interlocutor is talking.

Instructions and important notes the interlocutor must be aware of.

They usually give the interlocutor some advice to:
• ask students something
• hand over something
• elicit something, etc.

Interaction either between the students themselves or the interlocutor

and the student.

Let Us Speak

Speaking test 1 7
(2-3 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s
Stage 1

1 Interlocutor Hello. How are you? Are you ready to start? OK.
First, I would like to ask some questions about you.

Ask both students the following questions in this exact order.

S1/ What’s your name?

Thank you.

S2/ And what’s your name?

Thank you.

S1/ What’s your surname? How do you spell it?

Thank you.

S2/ What’s your surname? How do you spell it?

Thank you.

S1/ Where are you from?

Thank you.

S2/ Where are you from?

Thank you.

Ask both students a different pair of questions.

Do you have a big family?

Do you like your family?

Do you live in a town or a village?

Do you get to school by bus or do you walk?

Are you a student?

Do you work?

Thank you.

PART 1 Let Us Speak
Stage 2

Interlocutor Ask both students two different questions from the list below. 1
In the event of a one-word answer ask Why/Why not?
Start with S1, then continue with S2.

What’s your favourite school subject? (Why?)

What did you do yesterday afternoon? (Why?)

Tell us about your best friend.

What are your plans for the weekend?

What kind of music do you like? (Why?)

Tell us about the last thing you bought.

Thank you.
Now, we can move on to Part Two. 9
(3-4 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s

1 Interlocutor In this part you are going to talk to each other.

Each of you is going to ask and answer questions.
S1, look at the information about School Sport Clubs.
for interlocutor S2, you know nothing about the clubs. S2, ask some questions
about the clubs and S1, answer them. Start talking.
Hand over a set of prompt cards, so that S2 has got the opportunity to
ask the questions and S1 to answer them.

Answers for S1
Visit our Sport Clubs at the Leisure Sport Centre

School Sport Clubs

• 5 sport clubs to choose from (horse riding, football,

floorball, tennis, swimming)
• start in September at 4 pm, daily 4 pm – 8 pm
• membership for £30 per year
• for more information ask Mr. Thompson

We have well-trained and experienced instructors.

Questions for S2

• where / sport clubs ?
• horse riding there ?
• begin ?
• cost ?
• more info ?

Interlocutor Stop the dialogue after five questions.

Ask both students to give the visual materials back:

Pass me your cards back, please!

Thank you!

Take the prompt cards back.

PART 2 Let Us Speak

Interlocutor S2, here is some information about Tom’s birthday party. S1, 1
you know nothing about the party. S1, ask some questions
Visuals about the party and S2, answer them. Start talking.
for interlocutor
Hand over a set of prompt cards, so that S1 has got the opportunity to
ask the questions and S2 to answer them.

Questions for S1

Birthday party
• where ?
• when ?
• finish ?
• activity ?
• live music ?

Answers for S2
Tom’s birthday party

Great day – I am 15!!!

Grandfather’s garden
Lots of fun: swimming, dancing, games

Sunday evening
5 pm – 10 pm

Stop the dialogue after five questions.

Ask both students to give the visual materials back:

Pass me your cards back, please! Thank you!

Now, we can move on to Part Three.

Take the prompt cards back. 11
(2 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s

1 Interlocutor Now, I’d like each of you to talk on your own.

I’m going to give each of you a photograph.

S1, here is your photograph. Please, tell us what you can see in
your photograph. You have about one minute.

S2, you just listen. I’ll give you your photograph in a moment.

S1, you can start talking.

Give the photograph to S1.

Photograph for S1

S1 talking

Interlocutor Let the student talk for about one minute.

Avoid asking any questions. If there is a need, point to something
in the picture.

Thank you. Pass me your photograph, please.

Take the photograph back.

PART 3 Let Us Speak

Interlocutor Now, S2, here is your photograph. Please, tell us what you 1
can see in your photograph. You have about one minute.

S1, you just listen.

S2, you can start talking.

Give the photograph to S2.

Photograph for S2

S2 talking

Interlocutor Let the student talk for about one minute.

Avoid asking any questions. If there is a need, point to something in
the picture.

Thank you. Pass me your photograph, please.

Now, we can move on to the last part.

Take the photograph back. 13
(4 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s

1 Interlocutor S1, I’m going to describe a situation to you. You are going to
visit a zoo with your school. Talk to your mum/dad (me) and
tell me some information about the trip.
The interlocutor always starts asking first.

with S1 Questions for interlocutor
1. What time are you going to the zoo and on what day?
2. How are you going to get there?
3. Where is the meeting point?
4. What are you going to do there?
5. Are you going to make a project there?
6. What do you want in your lunch box?
7. How much does the trip cost?
8. What time are you going to be back at home?
9. What do you need to take with you?
10. How about your tennis lesson in the evening?

Interlocutor Thank you.

S2, I’m going to describe a situation to you. You are calling
the City Language School because you want to start studying
Italian or Spanish. Talk to the language officer (me) to get
some information.
The interlocutor always starts asking first.

with S2 Questions for interlocutor
1. Hello, City Language School, how can I help you?
2. What language do you want to study? (We have no Italian classes.)
3. We have lessons on Tuesday from 6 pm or on Friday from 5 pm.
Which do you prefer?
4. What is your language level?
5. What languages have you studied before?
6. Tell me your address, please.
7. What’s your father’s/mother’s telephone number?
8. How will you get here?
9. When will you pay for the course?
10. Do you need any further information?

Thank you. This is the end of the speaking test.

Let Us Speak
Part 2 - prompt cards for S1
Answers for S1 1
Visit our Sport Clubs at the Leisure Sport Centre

School Sport Clubs

• 5 sport clubs to choose from (horse riding, football, floorball, tennis,

• start in September at 4 pm, daily 4 pm – 8 pm
• membership for £30 per year
• for more information ask Mr. Thompson

We have well-trained and experienced instructors.

Questions for S1

Birthday party

• where ?

• when ?

• finish ?

• activity ?

• live music ? 15
T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s
Part 2 - prompt cards for S2
1 Questions for S2


• where / sport clubs ?

• horse riding there ?

• begin ?

• cost ?

• more info ?

Answers for S2

Tom’s birthday party

Great day – I am 15!!!

Grandfather’s garden
Lots of fun: swimming, dancing, games

Sunday evening
5 pm – 10 pm

Part 3 - photograph for S1 Let Us Speak 17
Part 3 - photograph
T h e for
B oS2
o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s

Let Us Speak


Speaking test 2 19
(2-3 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s
Stage 1

1 Interlocutor Hello. How are you? Are you ready to start? OK.
First, I would like to ask some questions about you.
Ask both students the following questions in this exact order.

S1/ What’s your name?

Thank you.

S2/ And what’s your name?

Thank you.

S1/ What’s your surname? How do you spell it?

Thank you.

S2/ What’s your surname? How do you spell it?

Thank you.

S1/ Where are you from?

Thank you.

S2/ Where are you from?

Thank you.

Ask both students a different pair of questions.

Do you like doing sports?

What time do you usually get up?

Have you got a pet?

What means of transport do you use very often?

Do you like animals?

Do you live in a house or a flat?

Thank you.

PART 1 Let Us Speak
Stage 2

Interlocutor Ask both students two different questions from the list below. 1
In the event of a one-word answer ask Why/Why not?
Start with S1, then continue with S2. 2

How do you celebrate New Year’s Eve?

What is your favourite holiday? (Why?)

Tell us about your room/flat/house.

Do you like travelling? (Why?/Why not?)

What is your favourite season of the year? (Why?)

Tell us about your daily routine.

Thank you.
Now, we can move on to Part Two. 21
(3-4 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s

1 Interlocutor In this part you are going to talk to each other.

Each of you is going to ask and answer questions.
2 Visuals
S1, look at the information about a car rental service.
for interlocutor S2, you know nothing the car rental service. S2, ask some
questions about the service and S1, answer them. Start
Hand over a set of prompt cards, so that S2 has got the opportunity to
ask the questions and S1 to answer them.

Answers for S1
125, Canadian Street

Go wherever you want to go

• city cars, family cars, sports cars
• cars: €30 - €250 per day
• telephone number for bookings: 173 6548

All clients must have a driving licence

and be between the ages of 25 and 65.
Questions for S2

• address ?
• what / cars ?
• how much ?
• phone number ?
• what / need ?
Interlocutor Stop the dialogue after five questions.
Ask both students to give the visual materials back:

Pass me your cards back, please!

Thank you!
Take the prompt cards back.

PART 2 Let Us Speak

Interlocutor S2, here is some information about a self-defence course. S1, 1

you know nothing about the self-defence course. S1, ask some
Visuals questions about the course and S2, answer them. 2
for interlocutor
Start talking.
Hand over a set of prompt cards, so that S1 has got the opportunity to
ask the questions and S2 to answer them.
Questions for S1

Self-defence course
• where ?
• teenagers / come ?
• what day ?
• website ?
• cost ?

Answers for S2
Self-defence course
at Carlton School, 120, Green Street
For women and girls of all ages

Every Tuesday from 6 pm

For more information, tel.: 898 2551 or www.

Stop the dialogue after five questions.

Ask both students to give the visual materials back:

Pass me your cards back, please! Thank you!

Now, we can move on to Part Three.

Take the prompt cards back. 23
(2 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s

1 Interlocutor Now, I’d like each of you to talk on your own.

I’m going to give each of you a photograph.
S1, here is your photograph. Please, tell us what you can see
in your photograph. You have about one minute.

S2, you just listen. I’ll give you your photograph in a moment.

S1, you can start talking.

Give the photograph to S1.

Photograph for S1

S1 talking

Interlocutor Let the student talk for about one minute.

Avoid asking any questions. If there is a need, point to something
in the picture.

Thank you. Pass me your photograph, please.

Take the photograph back.

PART 3 Let Us Speak

Interlocutor Now, S2, here is your photograph. Please, tell us what you can 1
see in your photograph. You have about one minute.
S1, you just listen.

S2, you can start talking.

Give the photograph to S2.

Photograph for S2

S2 talking

Interlocutor Let the student talk for about one minute.

Avoid asking any questions. If there is a need, point to something in
the picture.

Thank you. Pass me your photograph, please.

Now, we can move on to the last part.

Take the photograph back. 25
(4 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s

1 Interlocutor S1, I’m going to describe a situation to you. You are going to
buy a flat in a city. Talk to a real estate agent (me) and buy the
2 flat.
The interlocutor always starts asking first.

with S1 Questions for interlocutor
1. Hello, how can I help you?
2. Do you want a big or small flat?
3. Do you mind an old flat?
4. How many rooms do you prefer?
5. And what kind of rooms?
6. Do you prefer a flat near the centre or far away the centre?
7. Do you need a garage/parking place or a garden near the flat?
8. Do you prefer an expensive or cheap flat?
9. When do you want to see the flat?
10. What’s your telephone number?

Interlocutor Thank you.

S2, I’m going to describe a situation to you. You have won

a gold medal in a judo competition. Talk to a reporter (me)
about your career.
The interlocutor always starts asking first.

with S2 Questions for interlocutor
1. When did you start judo?
2. Why did you choose this sport?
3. How often do you train?
4. What skills do you need for this sport?
5. How many medals have you got so far?
6. How did you feel when you won your first medal?
7. What do you usually do before a competition?
8. What do you do in your free time?
9. What kind of food do you eat?
10. What are your future plans?

Thank you. This is the end of the speaking test.

Let Us Speak
Part 2 - prompt cards for S1
Answers for S1 1
125, Canadian Street

Go wherever you want to go

• city cars, family cars, sports cars
• cars: €30 - €250 per day
• telephone number for bookings: 173 6548

All clients must have a driving licence and be between the ages of 25 and 65.

Questions for S1

Self-defence course

• where ?

• teenagers / come ?

• what day ?

• website ?

• cost ? 27
T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s
Part 2 - prompt cards for S2
1 Questions for S2


• address ?

• what / cars ?

• how much ?

• phone number ?

• what / need ?

Answers for S2

Self-defence course

at Carlton School, 120, Green Street

For women and girls of all ages

Every Tuesday from 6 pm

For more information, tel.: 898 2551 or

Part 3 - photograph for S1 Let Us Speak

2 29
Part 3 - photograph
T h e for
B oS2
o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s


Let Us Speak

Speaking test 3 31
(2-3 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s
Stage 1

1 Interlocutor Hello. How are you? Are you ready to start? OK.
First, I would like to ask some questions about you.
3 Ask both students the following questions in this exact order.

S1/ What’s your name?

Thank you.

S2/ And what’s your name?

Thank you.

S1/ What’s your surname? How do you spell it?

Thank you.

S2/ What’s your surname? How do you spell it?

Thank you.

S1/ Where are you from?

Thank you.

S2/ Where are you from?

Thank you.

Ask both students a different pair of questions.

Do you prefer to live in the countryside or in a town?

Do you follow fashion?

What is your favourite food?

Can you cook?

Do you like walking tours?

Can you work with a computer?

Thank you.

PART 1 Let Us Speak
Stage 2

Interlocutor Ask both students two different questions from the list below. 1
In the event of a one-word answer ask Why/Why not?
Start with S1, then continue with S2.

What do you usually have for breakfast/lunch/dinner?

What festivities do you celebrate in your country?

Tell us about your last trip.

What kinds of things can you do on a computer?

What did you wear to school yesterday?

Tell us about the countryside near where you live.

Thank you.
Now, we can move on to Part Two. 33
(3-4 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s

1 Interlocutor In this part you are going to talk to each other.

Each of you is going to ask and answer questions.
2 S1, look at the information about a hike to Scafell Pike.
S2, you know nothing about the hike to Scafell Pike. S2, ask some
3 for interlocutor
questions about the hike and S1, answer them. Start talking.
Hand over a set of prompt cards, so that S2 has got the opportunity to
ask the questions and S1 to answer them.

Answers for S1

Scafell Pike hike

For walking tour lovers

See the wonderful landscape of England and keep fit
Every Sunday morning
Start: 7 am Wasdale Head Hotel
Friendly and experienced guides for only £3 per person
For more information call 656 989 767.

Questions for S2

Walking tour

• when ?
• who for ?
• where / start ?
• how much ?
• more info ?
Interlocutor Stop the dialogue after five questions.
Ask both students to give the visual materials back:

Pass me your cards back, please!

Thank you!

Take the prompt cards back.

PART 2 Let Us Speak

Interlocutor S1, here is some information about Gabriel’s Restaurant. S2, 1

you know nothing about Gabriel’s Restaurant. S2, ask some
Visuals questions about the restaurant and S1, answer them.
for interlocutor
Start talking.
Hand over a set of prompt cards, so that S1 has got the opportunity to
ask the questions and S2 to answer them.
Questions for S1

• where ?
• kind / restaurant ?
• when / open ?
• music and wifi ?
• telephone number ?

Answers for S2
At Gabriel’s
Internet and burger restaurant
Next to the cinema

Top ten burgers in town, salads, desserts

Every Friday and Saturday night live jazz music!

Every day
11 am – 10 pm

Book your table now! Telephone number 121 232 346

Stop the dialogue after five questions.

Ask both students to give the visual materials back:

Pass me your cards back, please! Thank you!

Now, we can move on to Part Three.

Take the prompt cards back. 35
(2 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s

Interlocutor Now, I’d like each of you to talk on your own.

I’m going to give each of you a photograph.

S1, here is your photograph. Please, tell us what you can see in
3 your photograph. You have about one minute.

S2, you just listen. I’ll give you your photograph in a moment.

S1, you can start talking.

Give the photograph to S1.

Photograph for S1

S1 talking

Interlocutor Let the student talk for about one minute.

Avoid asking any questions. If there is a need, point to something
in the picture.

Thank you. Pass me your photograph, please.

Take the photograph back.

PART 3 Let Us Speak

Interlocutor Now, S2, here is your photograph. Please, tell us what you can 1
see in your photograph. You have about one minute.

S1, you just listen.

S2, you can start talking.

Give the photograph to S2.

Photograph for S2

S2 talking

Interlocutor Let the student talk for about one minute.

Avoid asking any questions. If there is a need, point to something in
the picture.

Thank you. Pass me your photograph, please.

Now, we can move on to the last part.

Take the photograph back. 37
(4 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s

1 Interlocutor S1, I’m going to describe a situation to you. You are going to
book a trip to Prague at a travel agency. Talk to the travel
2 agent (me) to get some information about the trip.
The interlocutor always starts asking first.
with S1 Questions for interlocutor
1. Hello, Peter’s Travel Agency. How can I help you?
2. Where would you like to travel to?
3. How many days would you like to stay there?
4. Would you prefer to stay in a hotel or in a hostel?
5. How would you like to travel Prague?
6. Would you like to have breakfast at the hotel/hostel?
7. How many people are going to go with you?
8. Do you want to book some special sightseeing trips?
9. Tell me your address and personal information.
10. How would you like to pay?

Interlocutor Thank you.

S2, I’m going to describe a situation to you. You are calling to
Maggie’s Mobile Shop because you want to buy a new mobile
phone on the Internet. Talk to the salesman (me) to get some
The interlocutor always starts asking first.

with S2 Questions for interlocutor
1. Hello, Maggie’s Mobile Shop, how can I help you?
2. What type of mobile phone would you like to buy?
3. Can it be expensive or do you prefer a cheap one?
4. Who is the mobile phone for?
5. What do you need the mobile phone for?
6. What colour/size do you want?
7. How would you like us to send it?
8. Tell me your address, please.
9. What’s your e-mail and telephone number?
10. How would you like to pay?

Thank you. This is the end of the speaking test.

Let Us Speak
Part 2 - prompt cards for S1
Answers for S1 1

Scafell Pike hike 3

For walking tour lovers

See the wonderful landscape of England and keep fit
Every Sunday morning
Start: 7 am Wasdale Head Hotel
Friendly and experienced guides for only £3 per person
For more information call 656 989 767.

Questions for S1


• where ?
• kind / restaurant ?
• when / open ?
• music and wifi ?
• telephone number ? 39
T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s
Part 2 - prompt cards for S2
1 Questions for S2

• when ?
• who for ?
• where / start ?
• how much ?
• more info ?

Answers for S2

At Gabriel’s
Internet and burger restaurant
Next to the cinema

Top ten burgers in town, salads, desserts

Every Friday and Saturday night live jazz music!

Every day
11 am – 10 pm

Book your table now! Telephone number 121 232 346

Part 3 - photograph for S1 Let Us Speak 41
Part 3 - photograph
T h e for
B oS2
o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s


Let Us Speak

Speaking test 4 43
(2-3 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s
Stage 1

Interlocutor Hello. How are you? Are you ready to start? OK.
First, I would like to ask some questions about you.

Ask both students the following questions in this exact order.

S1/ What’s your name?
Thank you.

S2/ And what’s your name?

Thank you.

S1/ What’s your surname? How do you spell it?

Thank you.

S2/ What’s your surname? How do you spell it?

Thank you.

S1/ Where are you from?

Thank you.

S2/ Where are you from?

Thank you.

Ask both students a different pair of questions.

What is your favourite month?

Are you going to study in the evening?

Do you play any sport?

What time did you go to bed yesterday?

Can you play tennis?

Have you ever watered the plants at home?

Thank you.

PART 1 Let Us Speak
Stage 2

Interlocutor Ask both students two different questions from the list below.
In the event of a one-word answer ask Why/Why not?
Start with S1, then continue with S2.

What is your favourite season? (Why?)
Can you describe your living room?

Do you like sunny weather? (Why? / Why not?)

Do you go to school by bike? (Why? / Why not?)

Do you like travelling by train? (Why? / Why not?)

Do you go skiing in the winter? (Why? / Why not?)

Thank you.
Now, we can move on to Part Two. 45
(3-4 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s

1 Interlocutor In this part you are going to talk to each other.

Each of you is going to ask and answer questions.
2 S1, look at the information about the John Nowak Quartet
3 for interlocutor concert. S2, you know nothing about the concert. S2, ask some
questions about the concert and S1, answer them. Start talking.
4 Hand over a set of prompt cards, so that S2 has got the opportunity to
ask the questions and S1 to answer them.

Answers for S1

Questions for S2
• Saturday ?
• time ?
• many / musicians ?
• John Nowak / play the drums ?
• smoke ?

Interlocutor Stop the dialogue after five questions.

Ask both students to give the visual materials back:
Pass me your cards back, please!
Thank you!
Take the prompt cards back.

PART 2 Let Us Speak

Interlocutor S2, here is some information about Bill’s daily routine. S1, you
know nothing about the routine. S1, ask some questions about
Visuals the it and S2, answer them. Start talking.
for interlocutor

Hand over a set of prompt cards, so that S1 has got the opportunity to
ask the questions and S2 to answer them. 4
Questions for S1

Bill’s daily routine

• Bill / job ?
• time / get up ?
• lunch / at work ?
• often / play volleyball ?
• colour / his dog ?

Answers for S2

Bill’s daily routine

6.00 – get up
7.30 – arrive at the hospital
12.30 – have lunch (at the hospital)
4.00 – go home
5.00 – play volleyball with friends
6.00 – walk his big black dog
7.00 – have dinner with his family
9.30 – go to bed

Stop the dialogue after five questions.

Ask both students to give the visual materials back:

Pass me your cards back, please! Thank you!

Now, we can move on to Part Three.

Take the prompt cards back. 47
(2 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s

Interlocutor Now, I’d like each of you to talk on your own.

I’m going to give each of you a photograph.

S1, here is your photograph. Please, tell us what you can see in
your photograph. You have about one minute.
S2, you just listen. I’ll give you your photograph in a moment.

S1, you can start talking.

Give the photograph to S1.

Photograph for S1

S1 talking

Interlocutor Let the student talk for about one minute.

Avoid asking any questions. If there is a need, point to something
in the picture.

Thank you. Pass me your photograph, please.

Take the photograph back.

PART 3 Let Us Speak

Interlocutor Now, S2, here is your photograph. Please, tell us what you can
see in your photograph. You have about one minute.

S1, you just listen.

S2, you can start talking. 4

Give the photograph to S2.

Photograph for S2

S2 talking

Interlocutor Let the student talk for about one minute.

Avoid asking any questions. If there is a need, point to something in
the picture.

Thank you. Pass me your photograph, please.

Now, we can move on to the last part.

Take the photograph back. 49
(4 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s

1 Interlocutor S1, I’m going to describe a situation to you. You want to

buy a new bicycle. You are at the bike shop. Talk to the shop
2 assistant (me) to find the best bike for you.
3 The interlocutor always starts asking first.

4 Communication
with S1 Questions for interlocutor

1. Hello, how can I help you?

2. Where do you want to ride your bike?
3. How often are you going to ride your bike?
4. In which seasons do you want to ride your bike?
5. Can you buy an expensive bike?
6. What colour do you like?
7. Do you want a bicycle helmet, light or bag?
8. Do you want to take part in a cycling race? Why?/Why not?
9. Have you already bought a bike in our shop?
10. Are you going to pay by credit card or cash?

Interlocutor Thank you.

S2, I’m going to describe a situation to you. You need money
and you have a nice holiday house near the beach. You want
to rent it. Talk to a person (me) who is interested in your house
and explain why your house is the best.
The interlocutor always starts asking first.

with S2 Questions for interlocutor

1. Where is your holiday house?

2. How many rooms are there?
3. Can you describe the living room?
4. Where can my children play near the house?
5. What can we do there in the summer?
6. I haven’t got a car. How can I get there?
7. How far is it from a big city?
8. Are there any shops near the house?
9. What is the price for a month?
10. How would you like me to pay?

Thank you. This is the end of the speaking test.

Let Us Speak
Part 2 - prompt cards for S1
Answers for S1

Questions for S1

Bill’s daily routine

• Bill / job ?
• time / get up ?
• lunch / at work ?
• often / play volleyball ?
• colour / his dog ? 51
T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s
Part 2 - prompt cards for S2
Questions for S2

• Saturday ?
• time ?
• many / musicians ?
• John Nowak / play the drums ?
• smoke ?

Answers for S2

Bill’s daily routine

6.00 – get up
7.30 – arrive at the hospital
12.30 – have lunch (at the hospital)
4.00 – go home
5.00 – play volleyball with friends
6.00 – walk his big black dog
7.00 – have dinner with his family
9.30 – go to bed

Part 3 - photograph for S1 Let Us Speak 53
Part 3 - photograph
T h e for
B oS2
o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s

Let Us Speak

Speaking test 5 55
(2-3 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s
Stage 1

Interlocutor Hello. How are you? Are you ready to start? OK.
First, I would like to ask some questions about you.

Ask both students the following questions in this exact order.

S1/ What’s your name?

5 Thank you.

S2/ And what’s your name?

Thank you.

S1/ What’s your surname? How do you spell it?

Thank you.

S2/ What’s your surname? How do you spell it?

Thank you.

S1/ Where are you from?

Thank you.

S2/ Where are you from?

Thank you.

Ask both students a different pair of questions.

Have you got a bicycle?

What is your favourite fruit?

Can you drive a car?

What are you going to do this evening?

Did you travel anywhere last weekend?

What is your favourite animal?

Thank you.

PART 1 Let Us Speak
Stage 2

Interlocutor Ask both students two different questions from the list below.
In the event of a one-word answer ask Why/Why not?
Start with S1, then continue with S2.

Do you meet your friends every day? (Why? / Why 5

Did you go skiing last winter? (Why? / Why not?)

Have you got your own TV? (Why? / Why not?)

Did you watch TV a lot when you were a small child?
(Why? / Why not?)

Do you like travelling by plane? (Why? / Why not?)

Are you going to live in a house or a flat in the future?

Thank you.
Now, we can move on to Part Two. 57
(3-4 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s

Interlocutor In this part you are going to talk to each other.

Each of you is going to ask and answer questions.
S1, look at the information about the the special bus line from
for interlocutor Milltown to Greenwood. S2, you know nothing about the the bus
line. S2, ask some questions about the bus line and S1, answer
them. Start talking.
Hand over a set of prompt cards, so that S2 has got the opportunity to
5 ask the questions and S1 to answer them.

Answers for S1

Questions for S2
Bus line
• where / bus stop ?
• bus run / Saturday ?
• time ?
• cost ?
• colour / bus ?

Interlocutor Stop the dialogue after five questions.

Ask both students to give the visual materials back:
Pass me your cards back, please!
Thank you!
Take the prompt cards back.

PART 2 Let Us Speak

Interlocutor S2, here is some information about renting a house for a party.
S1, you know nothing about the house. S1, ask some questions
Visuals about the house and S2, answer them.
for interlocutor
Start talking.
Hand over a set of prompt cards, so that S1 has got the opportunity to
ask the questions and S2 to answer them.
Questions for S1
Weekend house
• where ?
• garden ?
• rooms ?
• borrow a boat ?
• cost ?

Answers for S2

Interlocutor Stop the dialogue after five questions.

Ask both students to give the visual materials back:
Pass me your cards back, please! Thank you!
Now, we can move on to Part Three.

Take the prompt cards back. 59
(2 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s

Interlocutor Now, I’d like each of you to talk on your own.

I’m going to give each of you a photograph.

S1, here is your photograph. Please, tell us what you can see in
your photograph. You have about one minute.

S2, you just listen. I’ll give you your photograph in a moment.
S1, you can start talking.

Give the photograph to S1.

Photograph for S1

S1 talking

Interlocutor Let the student talk for about one minute.

Avoid asking any questions. If there is a need, point to something
in the picture.

Thank you. Pass me your photograph, please.

Take the photograph back.

PART 3 Let Us Speak

Interlocutor Now, S2, here is your photograph. Please, tell us what you can
see in your photograph. You have about one minute.

S1, you just listen.

S2, you can start talking.

Give the photograph to S2.

Photograph for S2

S2 talking

Interlocutor Let the student talk for about one minute.

Avoid asking any questions. If there is a need, point to something in
the picture.

Thank you. Pass me your photograph, please.

Now, we can move on to the last part.

Take the photograph back. 61
(4 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s

Interlocutor S1, I’m going to describe a situation to you. A university

student is doing a project about sleeping. I am the university
student now. Please answer my questions.
The interlocutor always starts asking first.

with S1 Questions for interlocutor
5 1. What time do you go to bed?
2. What do you think is the best time to go to bed?
3. What do you do before you go to bed?
4. What did people do before going to bed 100 years ago?
5. How many hours do you sleep a day?
6. Can you describe your bedroom?
7. What types of devices are there in your bedroom?
8. How often do you dream at night?
9. What did you last dream about?
10. What shouldn´t you eat before going to bed?

Interlocutor Thank you.

S2, I’m going to describe a situation to you. You are going
to John’s birthday party. It is evening and the weather is not
good; it is raining and windy. Talk to your mother/father (me)
and answer my questions.
The interlocutor always starts asking first.

with S2 Questions for interlocutor
1. What are you going to wear?
2. How old is John?
3. What is his phone number?
4. What present have you bought for him?
5. Can you describe his house?
6. What are you going to do there?
7. What are you going to drink?
8. Are John‘s parents at home?
9. How are you going to get back?
10. What time are you going to get back?

Thank you. This is the end of the speaking test.

Let Us Speak
Part 2 - prompt cards for S1
Answers for S1

Questions for S1

Weekend house
• where ?
• garden ?
• rooms ?
• borrow a boat ?
• cost ? 63
T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s
Part 2 - prompt cards for S2
Questions for S2

Bus line

• where / bus stop ?

• bus run / Saturday ?
• time ?
• cost ?
• colour / bus ?

Answers for S2

Part 3 - photograph for S1 Let Us Speak 65
Part 3 - photograph
T h e for
B oS2
o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s

Let Us Speak

Speaking test 6 67
(2-3 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s
Stage 1

Interlocutor Hello. How are you? Are you ready to start? OK.
First, I would like to ask some questions about you.

Ask both students the following questions in this exact order.

S1/ What’s your name?

Thank you.
S2/ And what’s your name?
Thank you.

S1/ What’s your surname? How do you spell it?

Thank you.

S2/ What’s your surname? How do you spell it?

Thank you.

S1/ Where are you from?

Thank you.

S2/ Where are you from?

Thank you.

Ask both students a different pair of questions.

Do you help with cooking at home?

Are you a vegetarian?

Do you think you have a healthy lifestyle?

When did you last do a sport activity?

Would you like to live in a city or a village?

Have you got enough activities in your town/village?

Thank you.

PART 1 Let Us Speak
Stage 2

Interlocutor Ask both students two different questions from the list below.
In the event of a one-word answer ask Why/Why not?
Start with S1, then continue with S2.

What job would you like to do in the future?

Do you want to be an English teacher? (Why? / Why
not? 6
How often do you go shopping?
What do you prefer – real shops or online shopping?

Where do you usually go to eat out?

What exotic food have you tried in your life?

Thank you.
Now, we can move on to Part Two. 69
(3-4 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s

Interlocutor In this part you are going to talk to each other.

Each of you is going to ask and answer questions.
S1, look at the information about a pizza delivery service.
for interlocutor S2, you know nothing about the service. S2, ask some questions
about the service and S1, answer them. Start talking.

Hand over a set of prompt cards, so that S2 has got the opportunity to
ask the questions and S1 to answer them.

6 Answers for S1

Best Pizza Delivery Service

Feed me with Pizza

• 50 different kinds
• every day except Monday from 11 am – 10 pm
• low price – £5 per pizza
• pick up the pizza and fill in the web order form
• delivery time in London 15 minutes
Find us at
Questions for S2

Feed me with pizza

• types ?
• open / Monday ?
• £ ?
• how quickly / deliver ?
• how / order ?

Interlocutor Stop the dialogue after five questions.

Ask both students to give the visual materials back:
Pass me your cards back, please!
Thank you!
Take the prompt cards back.

PART 2 Let Us Speak

Interlocutor S2, here is some information about becoming a model. S1, you
know nothing about it. S1, ask some questions about beco-
Visuals ming a model and S2, answer them.
for interlocutor
Start talking.
Hand over a set of prompt cards, so that S1 has got the opportunity to
ask the questions and S2 to answer them.
Questions for S1

• how old ?
• boy models ?
• where / meeting ?
• bring ?
• what / see ?

Answers for S2
íStart your modelling career todayí


• minimum age 10 years

• boys and girls can become models today
• first meeting Wednesday, 3pm at our modelling
• bring your photo with you!
• short fashion show
Interlocutor Stop the dialogue after five questions.
Ask both students to give the visual materials back:
Pass me your cards back, please! Thank you!
Now, we can move on to Part Three.

Take the prompt cards back. 71
(2 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s

Interlocutor Now, I’d like each of you to talk on your own.

I’m going to give each of you a photograph.

S1, here is your photograph. Please, tell us what you can see in
your photograph. You have about one minute.

S2, you just listen. I’ll give you your photograph in a moment.

S1, you can start talking.

Give the photograph to S1.

Photograph for S1

S1 talking

Interlocutor Let the student talk for about one minute.

Avoid asking any questions. If there is a need, point to something
in the picture.

Thank you. Pass me your photograph, please.

Take the photograph back.

PART 3 Let Us Speak

Interlocutor Now, S2, here is your photograph. Please, tell us what you can
see in your photograph. You have about one minute.

S1, you just listen.

S2, you can start talking.

Give the photograph to S2.


Photograph for S2

S2 talking

Interlocutor Let the student talk for about one minute.

Avoid asking any questions. If there is a need, point to something in
the picture.

Thank you. Pass me your photograph, please.

Now, we can move on to the last part.

Take the photograph back. 73
(4 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s

Interlocutor S1, I’m going to describe a situation to you. You bought a new
mobile a few days ago but the camera doesn´t work well. Talk
to the shop assistant (me) and exchange it.
The interlocutor always starts asking first.

with S1 Questions for interlocutor

1. Hello, how can I help you?

6 2. When did you buy it?
3. Did you use our online shop?
4. What is the problem exactly?
5. Did you read the instructions before using the mobile?
6. How many pictures did you take?
7. How about the other functions?
8. Do you have a receipt?
9. Would you prefer to have your money back or choose another one?
10. Can I do anything else for you?

Interlocutor Thank you.

S2, I’m going to describe a situation to you. You want to spend
several days in the forest with your friends. Talk to your mum/
dad (me) and give me some information about it.

The interlocutor always starts asking first.

with S2 Questions for interlocutor

1. Well, where are you going exactly?

2. How long are you going to stay there?
3. Where are you going to sleep?
4. Who is going with you?
5. Did their/his/her parents agree with the trip?
6. What are you going to eat there?
7. What will you do there?
8. What if the weather is not good?
9. Shall I prepare anything for you?
10. Have you got enough money?

Thank you. This is the end of the speaking test.

Let Us Speak
Part 2 - prompt cards for S1
Answers for S1

Best Pizza Delivery Service

Feed me with Pizza

• 50 different kinds
• every day except Monday from 11 am – 10 pm
• low price – £5 per pizza
• pick up the pizza and fill in the web order form
• delivery time in London 15 minutes
Find us at

Questions for S1


• how old ?
• boy models ?
• where / meeting ?
• bring ?
• what / see ? 75
T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s
Part 2 - prompt cards for S2
Questions for S2

Feed me with pizza

• types ?
• open / Monday ?
• £ ?
• how quickly / deliver ?
• how / order ?

Answers for S2

íStart your modelling career todayí


• minimum age 10 years

• boys and girls can become models today
• first meeting Wednesday, 3pm at our modelling centre
• bring your photo with you!
• short fashion show

Part 3 - photograph for S1 Let Us Speak 77
Part 3 - photograph
T h e for
B oS2
o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s

Let Us Speak

Speaking test 7 7 79
(2-3 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g T e s t7s
Stage 1

Interlocutor Hello. How are you? Are you ready to start? OK.
First, I would like to ask some questions about you.

Ask both students the following questions in this exact order.

S1/ What’s your name?

Thank you.

S2/ And what’s your name?

7 Thank you.

S1/ What’s your surname? How do you spell it?

Thank you.

S2/ What’s your surname? How do you spell it?

Thank you.

S1/ Where are you from?

Thank you.

S2/ Where are you from?

Thank you.

Ask both students a different pair of questions.

How many grandparents have you got?

How often do you see them/him/her?

Do you like travelling?

Do you have friends abroad ?

Do you like visiting new places?

Who is your best friend?

Thank you.

PART 1 L e t U s S p e a7k
Stage 2

Interlocutor Ask both students two different questions from the list below.
In the event of a one-word answer ask Why/Why not?
Start with S1, then continue with S2.

Where do you make new friends?

Tell us about your classmates.

How often do you meet your friends?

Tell us about your teachers.

What kind of films do you like?

Tell us about your favourite actor/actress.

Thank you.
Now, we can move on to Part Two. 81
(3-4 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s

Interlocutor In this part you are going to talk to each other.

Each of you is going to ask and answer questions.
S1, look at the information about a Reading Room.
for interlocutor S2, you know nothing about the Reading Room. S2, ask some
questions about the Reading Room and S1, answer them. Start
Hand over a set of prompt cards, so that S2 has got the opportunity to
ask the questions and S1 to answer them.

Answers for S1

7 Reading Room
Monday-Friday, 9 am-5 pm
books, e-books, CDs, videos, laptops

£5 per hour
Children under 14 FREE ENTRANCE!!!

15 Chestnut Street
Telephone no: 2564 3887684

Questions for S2
Reading Room
• open ?
• cost ?
• discount for childen ?
• watch videos ?
• address ?

Interlocutor Stop the dialogue after five questions.

Ask both students to give the visual materials back:
Pass me your cards back, please!
Thank you!
Take the prompt cards back.

PART 2 Let Us Speak

Interlocutor S2, here is some information about a new high school. S1, you
know nothing about the high school. S1, ask some questions
Visuals about the high school and S2, answer them. Start talking.
for interlocutor

Hand over a set of prompt cards, so that S1 has got the opportunity to
ask the questions and S2 to answer them.
Questions for S1

High School
• name ?
• where ? 7
• what / classes ?
• cost ?
• every day ?

Answers for S2

New Elite High School

24, High Street

Classes daily:

drama classes, music classes, dance classes, foreign

languages, sports


Interlocutor Stop the dialogue after five questions.

Ask both students to give the visual materials back:
Pass me your cards back, please! Thank you!
Now, we can move on to Part Three.

Take the prompt cards back. 83
(2 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s

Interlocutor Now, I’d like each of you to talk on your own.

I’m going to give each of you a photograph.

S1, here is your photograph. Please, tell us what you can see in
your photograph. You have about one minute.

S2, you just listen. I’ll give you your photograph in a moment.

S1, you can start talking.

7 Give the photograph to S1.

Photograph for S1

S1 talking

Interlocutor Let the student talk for about one minute.

Avoid asking any questions. If there is a need, point to something
in the picture.

Thank you. Pass me your photograph, please.

Take the photograph back.

PART 3 Let Us Speak

Interlocutor Now, S2, here is your photograph. Please, tell us what you can
see in your photograph. You have about one minute.

S1, you just listen.

S2, you can start talking.

Give the photograph to S2.

Photograph for S2

S2 talking

Interlocutor Let the student talk for about one minute.

Avoid asking any questions. If there is a need, point to something in
the picture.

Thank you. Pass me your photograph, please.

Now, we can move on to the last part.

Take the photograph back. 85
(4 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s

Interlocutor S1, I’m going to describe a situation to you. You have arrived
at a restaurant to have dinner. Talk to the waitress (me), who
is ready to help you.
The interlocutor always starts asking first.

with S1 Questions for interlocutor

1. Hi! Have you booked a table?

2. How many people are there with you?
3. May I bring you the menu?
7 4. Are you ready to order, or do you need a little more time?
5. Would you like something to drink?
6. What would you like to eat?
7. Why don‘t you try our delicious pasta?
8. What would you like for dessert?
9. Can I bring you anything else?
10. How will you pay?

Interlocutor Thank you.

S2, I’m going to describe a situation to you. You want to
start doing sport and decide to call a gym club. Talk to the
receptionist (me) to get some information.

The interlocutor always starts asking first.

with S2 Questions for interlocutor

1. May I help you?

2. What classes are you interested in?
3. What time of the day would you prefer to come?
4. How often would you like to come?
5. Would you like a personal trainer?
6. Do you have any health problems?
7. What sports did you do in the past?
8. Would you like to take part in our outdoor classes, too?
9. Will you pay by cash or card?
10. Do you need any other information?

Thank you. This is the end of the speaking test.

Let Us Speak
Part 2 - prompt cards for S1
Answers for S1

Reading Room
Monday-Friday, 9 am-5 pm
books, e-books, CDs, videos, laptops

£5 per hour 7
Children under 14 FREE ENTRANCE!!!

15 Chestnut Street
Telephone no: 2564 3887684

Questions for S1

High School
• name ?
• where ?
• what / classes ?
• cost ?
• every day ? 87
T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s
Part 2 - prompt cards for S2
Questions for S2

Reading Room

• open ?
• cost ?
• discount for childen ?
• watch videos ?
• address ?

Answers for S2

New Elite High School

24, High Street

Classes daily:

drama classes, music classes, dance classes, foreign

languages, sports


Part 3 - photograph for S1 Let Us Speak 89
Part 3 - photograph
T h e for
B oS2
o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s

Let Us Speak

Speaking test 8 8 91
(2-3 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s
Stage 1

Interlocutor Hello. How are you? Are you ready to start? OK.
First, I would like to ask some questions about you.

Ask both students the following questions in this exact order.

S1/ What’s your name?

Thank you.

S2/ And what’s your name?

Thank you.
S1/ What’s your surname? How do you spell it?
Thank you.

S2/ What’s your surname? How do you spell it?

Thank you.

S1/ Where are you from?

Thank you.

S2/ Where are you from?

Thank you.

Ask both students a different pair of questions.

What languages do you speak?

Do you have a big family?

Do you like doing sports ?

What is your favourite school subject?

Do you like travelling?

What season do you like?

Thank you.

PART 1 Let Us Speak
Stage 2

Interlocutor Ask both students two different questions from the list below.
In the event of a one-word answer ask Why/Why not?
Start with S1, then continue with S2.

What are you afraid of?

Tell us about your favourite indoor activities.

What are you keen on doing at the weekend?

Tell us about your favourite outdoor activities.
How many people live in your home?
How old is your best friend?

Thank you.
Now, we can move on to Part Two. 93
(3-4 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s

Interlocutor In this part you are going to talk to each other.

Each of you is going to ask and answer questions.
S1, look at the information about a new club opening in town.
for interlocutor S2, you know nothing about the club. S2, ask some questions
about the club and S1, answer them. Start talking.

Hand over a set of prompt cards, so that S2 has got the opportunity to
ask the questions and S1 to answer them.

Answers for S1

Queens Dance club

8 Dance, Latin, Electronic, Hip-hop, House


11, Chris Road, Liverpool, UK

Free Parking

Questions for S2
Dance Club
• where ?
• listen / rock ?
• when / go there ?
• car park ?
• website ?

Interlocutor Stop the dialogue after five questions.

Ask both students to give the visual materials back:
Pass me your cards back, please!
Thank you!
Take the prompt cards back.

PART 2 Let Us Speak

Interlocutor S2, here is some information about a wedding party. S1, you
know nothing about the party. S1, ask some questions about
Visuals the party and S2, answer them. Start talking.
for interlocutor

Hand over a set of prompt cards, so that S1 has got the opportunity to
ask the questions and S2 to answer them.
Questions for S1

Wedding Party
• where ?
• who ?
• when ? 8
• start ?
• what / offer ?

Answers for S2

Wedding Party


invite you to join them at the “After Seven” Restaurant



Interlocutor Stop the dialogue after five questions.

Ask both students to give the visual materials back:
Pass me your cards back, please! Thank you!
Now, we can move on to Part Three.

Take the prompt cards back. 95
(2 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s

Interlocutor Now, I’d like each of you to talk on your own.

I’m going to give each of you a photograph.

S1, here is your photograph. Please, tell us what you can see in
your photograph. You have about one minute.

S2, you just listen. I’ll give you your photograph in a moment.

S1, you can start talking.

Give the photograph to S1.

Photograph for S1

S1 talking

Interlocutor Let the student talk for about one minute.

Avoid asking any questions. If there is a need, point to something
in the picture.

Thank you. Pass me your photograph, please.

Take the photograph back.

PART 3 Let Us Speak

Interlocutor Now, S2, here is your photograph. Please, tell us what you can
see in your photograph. You have about one minute.

S1, you just listen.

S2, you can start talking.

Give the photograph to S2.

Photograph for S2

S2 talking

Interlocutor Let the student talk for about one minute.

Avoid asking any questions. If there is a need, point to something in
the picture.

Thank you. Pass me your photograph, please.

Now, we can move on to the last part.

Take the photograph back. 97
(4 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s

Interlocutor S1, I’m going to describe a situation to you. You want to go on

holiday and call a travel agency to book it. Talk to the sales
assisstent (me).
The interlocutor always starts asking first.

with S1 Questions for interlocutor
1. How can I help you?
2. What kind of holiday would you like?
3. Do you enjoy warm or cold climates?
4. How much money have you got for this trip?
5. What trips do you want to go to during your stay?
8 6. How do you want to travel?
7. How long would you like to stay?
8. Who are you going to travel with?
9. How many meals do you want in the package?
10. Could I have your age and your address, please?

Interlocutor Thank you.

S2, I’m going to describe a situation to you. You want to
organize your best friend’s birthday party. You go to a
restaurant and talk to the manager (me) about it.

The interlocutor always starts asking first.

with S2 Questions for interlocutor
1. How can I help you?
2. How many people are going to be at the party?
3. What would you like to eat?
4. What kind of cake do you prefer?
5. What drinks do you want to have?
6. What kind of music would you like?
7. Do you want any special activities? Karaoke? Contests?
8. What kind of decorations would you like?
9. What games are you going to play at the party?
10. How long will you stay?

Thank you. This is the end of the speaking test.

Let Us Speak
Part 2 - prompt cards for S1
Answers for S1

Queens Dance club

Dance, Latin, Electronic, Hip-hop, House

11, Chris Road, Liverpool, UK

Free Parking

Questions for S1

Wedding Party
• where ?
• who ?
• when ?
• start ?
• what / offer ? 99
T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s
Part 2 - prompt cards for S2
Questions for S2

Dance Club
• where ?
• listen / rock ?
• when / go there ?
• car park ?
• website ?

Answers for S2

Wedding Party


invite you to join them at the “After Seven” Restaurant



Part 3 - photograph for S1 Let Us Speak 101
Part 3 - photograph
T h e for
B oS2
o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s

Let Us Speak

Speaking test 9
9 103
(2-3 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s
Stage 1

Interlocutor Hello. How are you? Are you ready to start? OK.
First, I would like to ask some questions about you.

Ask both students the following questions in this exact order.

S1/ What’s your name?

Thank you.

S2/ And what’s your name?

Thank you.

S1/ What’s your surname? How do you spell it?

9 Thank you.

S2/ What’s your surname? How do you spell it?

Thank you.

S1/ Where are you from?

Thank you.

S2/ Where are you from?

Thank you.

Ask both students a different pair of questions.

Do you live in a house/flat?

Do you have a garden?

Do you do any housework?

Do you play any sports?

Do you go to school by bus?

Do you use public transport?

Thank you.

PART 1 Let Us Speak
Stage 2

Interlocutor Ask both students two different questions from the list below.
In the event of a one-word answer ask Why/Why not?
Start with S1, then continue with S2.

What types of transport are there in your town/

Tell us about the weather in your area.

What means of transport do you generally use?

Tell us about your favourite season.

Do you ever watch the weather forecast? (Why?/ 9

Why not?)
What type of weather do you dislike? (Why?)

Thank you.
Now, we can move on to Part Two. 105
(3-4 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s

Interlocutor In this part you are going to talk to each other.

Each of you is going to ask and answer questions.
S1, look at the information about a driving school.
for interlocutor S2, you know nothing about the driving school. S2, ask some
questions about the driving school and S1, answer them. Start
Hand over a set of prompt cards, so that S2 has got the opportunity to
ask the questions and S1 to answer them.

Answers for S1
Visit our Driving School
Speed Driving School
9 River Street, Manchester

Learn to drive – 30 easy lessons

Every day, 8 am-9 pm
Wear comfortable shoes and clothes

Register online at

Questions for S2
Driving School
• where / school ?
• lessons / difficult ?
• what / wear ?
• where / register ?
• open ?

Interlocutor Stop the dialogue after five questions.

Ask both students to give the visual materials back:
Pass me your cards back, please!
Thank you!
Take the prompt cards back.

PART 2 Let Us Speak

Interlocutor S2, here is some information about a Christmas party. S1, you
know nothing about the party. S1, ask some questions about
Visuals the party and S2, answer them. Start talking.
for interlocutor

Hand over a set of prompt cards, so that S1 has got the opportunity to
ask the questions and S2 to answer them.
Questions for S1

Christmas Party
• where ?
• when ?
• what / music ?
• clothes / wear ?
• begin ?

Answers for S2
Please join us as we celebrate the season with a

Christmas Party
Saturday, December 17th

Starts at 7 pm

The home of Kelly & Mike Korrs

24 North Boulevard, San Francisco

Enjoy live music!

Casual clothes

More event details on Facebook

Interlocutor Stop the dialogue after five questions.

Ask both students to give the visual materials back:
Pass me your cards back, please! Thank you!
Now, we can move on to Part Three.

Take the prompt cards back. 107
(2 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s

Interlocutor Now, I’d like each of you to talk on your own.

I’m going to give each of you a photograph.

S1, here is your photograph. Please, tell us what you can see in
your photograph. You have about one minute.

S2, you just listen. I’ll give you your photograph in a moment.

S1, you can start talking.

Give the photograph to S1.

Photograph for S1

S1 talking

Interlocutor Let the student talk for about one minute.

Avoid asking any questions. If there is a need, point to something
in the picture.

Thank you. Pass me your photograph, please.

Take the photograph back.

PART 3 Let Us Speak

Interlocutor Now, S2, here is your photograph. Please, tell us what you can
see in your photograph. You have about one minute.

S1, you just listen.

S2, you can start talking.

Give the photograph to S2.

Photograph for S2

S2 talking

Interlocutor Let the student talk for about one minute.

Avoid asking any questions. If there is a need, point to something in
the picture.

Thank you. Pass me your photograph, please.

Now, we can move on to the last part.

Take the photograph back. 109
(4 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s

Interlocutor S1, I’m going to describe a situation to you. You have a friend
abroad who is going to come to visit you. Talk to his/her mum
(me) and give me some information about your house.
The interlocutor always starts asking first.

with S1 Questions for interlocutor
1. How big is your house?
2. How long have you lived in your house?
3. How large is your family?
4. What animals do you have at home?
5. Can you describe your room?
6. What is a typical day for your parents?
7. When do you usually go to bed?
9 8. How often do you go out in a week?
9. What do you do after school?
10. What are your weekends like?

Interlocutor Thank you.

S2, I’m going to describe a situation to you. A reporter from
British television calls you to find out how you celebrate
your winter holidays. Talk to him/her (me) and offer some
The interlocutor always starts asking first.

with S2 Questions for interlocutor
1. What are the most important winter holidays in your country?
2. How do you celebrate Christmas?
3. What is your favourite Christmas food?
4. Is there anything that you don’t like to eat and why?
5. Who usually does the cooking for the holidays?
6. Can you tell me about any special Christmas traditions?
7. What do you know about Christmas in the UK?
8. Please describe the best Christmas you have ever had.
9. Where would you like to spend Christmas?
10. What will you do for Christmas this year?

Thank you. This is the end of the speaking test.

Let Us Speak
Part 2 - prompt cards for S1
Answers for S1

Visit our Driving School

Speed Driving School

9 River Street, Manchester

Learn to drive – 30 easy lessons

Every day, 8 am-9 pm 9
Wear comfortable shoes and clothes

Register online at

Questions for S1

Christmas Party
• where ?
• when ?
• what / music ?
• clothes / wear ?
• begin ? 111
T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s
Part 2 - prompt cards for S2
Questions for S2

Driving School
• where / school ?
• lessons / difficult ?
• what / wear ?
• where / register ?

9 • open ?

Answers for S2

Please join us as we celebrate the season with a

Christmas Party
Saturday, December 17th

Starts at 7 pm

The home of Kelly & Mike Korrs

24 North Boulevard, San Francisco

Enjoy live music!

Casual clothes

More event details on Facebook

Part 3 - photograph for S1 Let Us Speak 113
Part 3 - photograph
T h e for
B oS2
o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s

Let Us Speak

Speaking test 10
10 115
(2-3 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s
Stage 1

Interlocutor Hello. How are you? Are you ready to start? OK.
First, I would like to ask some questions about you.

Ask both students the following questions in this exact order.

S1/ What’s your name?

Thank you.

S2/ And what’s your name?

Thank you.

S1/ What’s your surname? How do you spell it?

Thank you.
S2/ What’s your surname? How do you spell it?
Thank you.

S1/ Where are you from?

Thank you.

S2/ Where are you from?

Thank you.

Ask both students a different pair of questions.

Do you have a big house?

Do you live there alone?

Do you have a lot of decorations in your home?

Is your family important for you?

Are you happy with the size of your home?

Do you have your own room?

Thank you.

PART 1 Let Us Speak
Stage 2

Interlocutor Ask both students two different questions from the list below.
In the event of a one-word answer ask Why/Why not?
Start with S1, then continue with S2.

What do you think of winter?

Tell us about your ideal holiday.

What are your favourite activities to do in summer?

Tell us about your favourite way of spending

Which sports do you like watching? Why?

What do you think is the most dangerous sport?

Thank you.
Now, we can move on to Part Two. 117
(3-4 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s

Interlocutor In this part you are going to talk to each other.

Each of you is going to ask and answer questions.
S1, look at the information about Dracula Castle.
for interlocutor S2, you know nothing about the castle. S2, ask some questions
about the castle and S1, answer them. Start talking.

Hand over a set of prompt cards, so that S2 has got the opportunity to
ask the questions and S1 to answer them.

Answers for S1


10 Open every day, 8 am-10 pm

Adult €5, Student €3, Child €2

Castle shop – souvenirs, books and guide

Free Parking
Details and information, tel: 0040345889

Questions for S2
Dracula Castle
• open evenings ?
• price / students ?
• car park ?
• buy souvenirs ?
• phone number ?

Interlocutor Stop the dialogue after five questions.

Ask both students to give the visual materials back:
Pass me your cards back, please!
Thank you!
Take the prompt cards back.

PART 2 Let Us Speak

Interlocutor S2, here is some information about a city tour. S1, you know
nothing about the tour. S1, ask some questions about the tour
Visuals and S2, answer them. Start talking.
for interlocutor

Hand over a set of prompt cards, so that S1 has got the opportunity to
ask the questions and S2 to answer them.
Questions for S1

City Tour
• where / start ?
• what / visit ?
• every day ?
• price ?
• lunch ? 10

Answers for S2
Enjoy our amazing town!

City Tour

See museums, the Parliament House, the central square

Every Friday

• Starts: Grand hotel, 9 am

• Finishes: lunch at Central Restaurant
€20 per person

Interlocutor Stop the dialogue after five questions.

Ask both students to give the visual materials back:
Pass me your cards back, please! Thank you!
Now, we can move on to Part Three.

Take the prompt cards back. 119
(2 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s

Interlocutor Now, I’d like each of you to talk on your own.

I’m going to give each of you a photograph.

S1, here is your photograph. Please, tell us what you can see in
your photograph. You have about one minute.

S2, you just listen. I’ll give you your photograph in a moment.

S1, you can start talking.

Give the photograph to S1.

Photograph for S1


S1 talking

Interlocutor Let the student talk for about one minute.

Avoid asking any questions. If there is a need, point to something
in the picture.

Thank you. Pass me your photograph, please.

Take the photograph back.

PART 3 Let Us Speak

Interlocutor Now, S2, here is your photograph. Please, tell us what you can
see in your photograph. You have about one minute.

S1, you just listen.

S2, you can start talking.

Give the photograph to S2.

Photograph for S2


S2 talking

Interlocutor Let the student talk for about one minute.

Avoid asking any questions. If there is a need, point to something in
the picture.

Thank you. Pass me your photograph, please.

Now, we can move on to the last part.

Take the photograph back. 121
(4 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s

Interlocutor S1, I’m going to describe a situation to you. One of your

colleagues is doing an interview for the school sports magazine.
Talk to him/her (me) and tell me some information about your
sporting life .
The interlocutor always starts asking first.
with S1 Questions for interlocutor
1. What is your favourite sport? Why?
2. How often do you exercise?
3. What new sports would you like to try?
4. What sports don´t you like doing?
5. How often do you watch sport on TV?
6. What is the most popular sport in your country?
7. Whould you try extreme sports? Why?
8. Have you ever been to a sports event?
9. What was your last visit to a sports centre?
10 10. Who is your favourite sportsman/sportswoman?

Interlocutor Thank you.

S2, I’m going to describe a situation to you. You will spend
one week in a summer camp. Talk to the organizer (me), who
wants some information from you.

The interlocutor always starts asking first.

with S2 Questions for interlocutor
1. Have you ever been to a summer camp?
2. What kind of holidays do you prefer?
3. Do you prefer to visit cities, the beach or the mountains? Why?
4. What activites do you like doing in a summer camp?
5. What do you like to eat during the our summer camp?
6. Would you like to stay in a tent or at a hotel? Why?
7. Have you ever stayed at a hotel/in a tent? When?
8. What clothes do you need to take with you for a summer camp?
9. What kind of person are you?
10. How are you going to travel to our camp?

Thank you. This is the end of the speaking test.

Let Us Speak
Part 2 - prompt cards for S1
Answers for S1


Open every day, 8 am-10 pm

Adult €5, Student €3, Child €2

Castle shop – souvenirs, books and guide

Free Parking
Details and information, tel: 0040345889

Questions for S1

City Tour
• where / start ?
• what / visit ?
• every day ?
• price ?
• lunch ? 123
T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s
Part 2 - prompt cards for S2
Questions for S2

Dracula Castle
• open evenings ?
• price / students ?
• car park ?
• buy souvenirs ?
• phone number ?


Answers for S2

Enjoy our amazing town!

City Tour

See museums, the Parliament House, the central square

Every Friday

• Starts: Grand hotel, 9 am

• Finishes: lunch at Central Restaurant
€20 per person

Part 3 - photograph for S1 Let Us Speak

10 125
Part 3 - photograph
T h e for
B oS2
o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s


Let Us Speak

Speaking test 11

11 127
(2-3 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s
Stage 1

Interlocutor Hello. How are you? Are you ready to start? OK.
First, I would like to ask some questions about you.

Ask both students the following questions in this exact order.

S1/ What’s your name?

Thank you.

S2/ And what’s your name?

Thank you.

S1/ What’s your surname? How do you spell it?

Thank you.

S2/ What’s your surname? How do you spell it?

11 Thank you.

S1/ Where are you from?

Thank you.

S2/ Where are you from?

Thank you.

Ask both students a different pair of questions.

Do you like shopping?

Do you shop online?

Do you often read?

Do you have any e-books?

Do you like sport?

Do you watch sport on TV?

Thank you.

PART 1 Let Us Speak
Stage 2

Interlocutor Ask both students two different questions from the list below.
In the event of a one-word answer ask Why/Why not?
Start with S1, then continue with S2.

What is your favourite means of transport?

Tell us what you can do with a smartphone.

What is your favourite type of music?

How are you going to spend the next weekend?

What makes you happy?

Tell us about your last holiday.


Thank you.
Now, we can move on to Part Two. 129
(3-4 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s

Interlocutor In this part you are going to talk to each other.

Each of you is going to ask and answer questions.
S1, look at the information about a running competition.
for interlocutor S2, you know nothing about the competition. S2, ask some
questions about the competition and S1, answer them. Start
Hand over a set of prompt cards, so that S2 has got the opportunity to
ask the questions and S1 to answer them.

Answers for S1

Running Competition
for anyone 12-18 years old

At the Municipal Stadium

11 on April 15th

1st Prize: A smartwatch


Questions for S2
Running Competition
• where ?
• children ?
• date ?
• more info ?
• prize ?

Interlocutor Stop the dialogue after five questions.

Ask both students to give the visual materials back:
Pass me your cards back, please!
Thank you!
Take the prompt cards back.

PART 2 Let Us Speak

Interlocutor S2, here is some information about some private lessons. S1,
you know nothing about the lessons. S1, ask some questions
Visuals about the lessons and S2, answer them. Start talking.
for interlocutor

Hand over a set of prompt cards, so that S1 has got the opportunity to
ask the questions and S2 to answer them.
Questions for S1

Chinese lessons
• where ?
• cost ?
• name / teacher ?
• lessons every day ?
• adults ?
Answers for S2
Learn Chinese fast with

at the Language Club

with Michael Lee

For children 10-15 years old
Fridays and Saturdays
£60 for 10 lessons
Interlocutor Stop the dialogue after five questions.
Ask both students to give the visual materials back:
Pass me your cards back, please! Thank you!
Now, we can move on to Part Three.

Take the prompt cards back. 131
(2 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s

Interlocutor Now, I’d like each of you to talk on your own.

I’m going to give each of you a photograph.

S1, here is your photograph. Please, tell us what you can see in
your photograph. You have about one minute.

S2, you just listen. I’ll give you your photograph in a moment.

S1, you can start talking.

Give the photograph to S1.

Photograph for S1


S1 talking

Interlocutor Let the student talk for about one minute.

Avoid asking any questions. If there is a need, point to something
in the picture.

Thank you. Pass me your photograph, please.

Take the photograph back.

PART 3 Let Us Speak

Interlocutor Now, S2, here is your photograph. Please, tell us what you can
see in your photograph. You have about one minute.

S1, you just listen.

S2, you can start talking.

Give the photograph to S2.

Photograph for S2


S2 talking

Interlocutor Let the student talk for about one minute.

Avoid asking any questions. If there is a need, point to something in
the picture.

Thank you. Pass me your photograph, please.

Now, we can move on to the last part.

Take the photograph back. 133
(4 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s

Interlocutor S1, I’m going to describe a situation to you. You are travelling
to London by train. The person sitting next to you (me) starts a
conversation with you.

The interlocutor always starts asking first.

with S1 Questions for interlocutor
1. Hi! I‘m Jane/David. Where are you going?
2. Have you ever been there before?
3. Why are you going to London?
4. Where are you going to stay?
5. Why are you travelling alone?
6. Do you have a big family?
7. What time did you leave home?
8. What do you think about this weather?
9. What are you going to visit in London?
10. When are you going to be back at home?
Interlocutor Thank you.
S2, I’m going to describe a situation to you. You applied for
a job at a company. A person from there calls you for a first
interview. Talk to him/her (me) and offer some information
about yourself.
The interlocutor always starts asking first.

with S2 Questions for interlocutor
1. So, can you introduce yourself?
2. What job do you want to do?
3. Why do you want this job?
4. What languages do you speak?
5. How would you describe what you look like?
6. Do you have any special features?
7. How would you describe your personality?
8. What are your plans for the future?
9. What jobs have you had before?
10. What is your dream job?

Thank you. This is the end of the speaking test.

Let Us Speak
Part 2 - prompt cards for S1
Answers for S1

Running Competition
for anyone 12-18 years old

At the Municipal Stadium

on April 15th

1st Prize: A smartwatch


Questions for S1

Chinese lessons
• where ?
• cost ?
• name / teacher ?
• lessons every day ?
• adults ? 135
T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s
Part 2 - prompt cards for S2
Questions for S2

Running Competition
• where ?
• children ?
• date ?
• more info ?
• prize ?

Answers for S2

Learn Chinese fast with

at the Language Club

with Michael Lee

For children 10-15 years old
Fridays and Saturdays
£60 for 10 lessons

Part 3 - photograph for S1 Let Us Speak

11 137
Part 3 - photograph
T h e for
B oS2
o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s


Let Us Speak

Speaking test 12

12 139
(2-3 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s
Stage 1

Interlocutor Hello. How are you? Are you ready to start? OK.
First, I would like to ask some questions about you.

Ask both students the following questions in this exact order.

S1/ What’s your name?

Thank you.

S2/ And what’s your name?

Thank you.

S1/ What’s your surname? How do you spell it?

Thank you.

S2/ What’s your surname? How do you spell it?

Thank you.
S1/ Where are you from?
Thank you.

S2/ Where are you from?

Thank you.

Ask both students a different pair of questions.

Do you like going to school?

Do you have friends at school?

Do you like playing inside or outside?

Do you listen to music?

Do you eat healthily?

Do you like sweets?

Thank you.

PART 1 Let Us Speak
Stage 2

Interlocutor Ask both students two different questions from the list below.
In the event of a one-word answer ask Why/Why not?
Start with S1, then continue with S2.

Where did you spend your last holiday?

What time do your lessons start in the morning?

What was the last thing you bought?

How often do you usually go shopping?

Who usually does the cooking in your home?

Is there anything that you don’t like to eat? Why?

Thank you.
Now, we can move on to Part Two. 141
(3-4 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s

Interlocutor In this part you are going to talk to each other.

Each of you is going to ask and answer questions.
S1, look at the information about a new shop inside your school.
for interlocutor S2, you know nothing about the shop. S2, ask some questions
about the shop and S1, answer them. Start talking.

Hand over a set of prompt cards, so that S2 has got the opportunity to
ask the questions and S1 to answer them.

Answers for S1

Monday-Saturday 8 am-4 pm

cakes, cold drinks, coffee

12 on the 1st floor, near the Teachers’ Room

Free wi-fi inside!!

Questions for S2
• name / shop ?
• where ?
• sell / sandwiches ?
• open / Saturday ?
• surf the Internet ?

Interlocutor Stop the dialogue after five questions.

Ask both students to give the visual materials back:
Pass me your cards back, please!
Thank you!
Take the prompt cards back.

PART 2 Let Us Speak

Interlocutor S2, here is some information about a newspaper for

teenagers. S1, you know nothing about this newspaper. S1,
Visuals ask some questions about the newspaper and S2, answer
for interlocutor
them. Start talking.
Hand over a set of prompt cards, so that S1 has got the opportunity to
ask the questions and S2 to answer them.
Questions for S1

Teen Now Newspaper

• name / newspaper ?
• what / read about ?
• cost ?
• when / buy ?
• online ?

Answers for S2
Teen Now Newspaper
newspaper for teenagers

daily, at only £3

amazing articles about

33 fashion,
33 sport
33 cultural events
go to
to read it online

Interlocutor Stop the dialogue after five questions.

Ask both students to give the visual materials back:
Pass me your cards back, please! Thank you!
Now, we can move on to Part Three.

Take the prompt cards back. 143
(2 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s

Interlocutor Now, I’d like each of you to talk on your own.

I’m going to give each of you a photograph.

S1, here is your photograph. Please, tell us what you can see in
your photograph. You have about one minute.

S2, you just listen. I’ll give you your photograph in a moment.

S1, you can start talking.

Give the photograph to S1.

Photograph for S1

S1 talking

Interlocutor Let the student talk for about one minute.

Avoid asking any questions. If there is a need, point to something
in the picture.

Thank you. Pass me your photograph, please.

Take the photograph back.

PART 3 Let Us Speak

Interlocutor Now, S2, here is your photograph. Please, tell us what you can
see in your photograph. You have about one minute.

S1, you just listen.

S2, you can start talking.

Give the photograph to S2.

Photograph for S2

S2 talking

Interlocutor Let the student talk for about one minute.

Avoid asking any questions. If there is a need, point to something in
the picture.

Thank you. Pass me your photograph, please.

Now, we can move on to the last part.

Take the photograph back. 145
(4 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s

Interlocutor S1, I’m going to describe a situation to you. You want to spend
the weekend at your friend’s home. Talk to your mum/dad (me)
and offer some information about your stay there.

The interlocutor always starts asking first.

with S1 Questions for interlocutor
1. Where does your friend live?
2. How long are you going to stay there?
3. How are you going to get there?
4. What do your friend’s parents do?
5. What are you going to do there?
6. How can I contact his/her parents?
7. Who else will be at home?
8. What do you want to take in your luggage?
9. How much money do you need?
10. When are you going to be back home?

12 Interlocutor Thank you.

S2, I’m going to describe a situation to you. You have won
a competition and the prize is one week in a summer camp
in the UK. Talk to the organizer (me), who wants some
information about you.
The interlocutor always starts asking first.

with S2 Questions for interlocutor
1. Do you prefer to live in the countryside or a city? (Why?)
2. What is your favourite food?
3. What is the most important meal of the day for you?
4. What do you like to eat for breakfast?
5. Is there anything that you don’t like to eat and why?
6. What bad or negative things would other people say about you?
7. What bad habits do you have?
8. What makes you happy?
9. What makes you sad?
10. What do you think about long-distance travel by bus?

Thank you. This is the end of the speaking test.

Let Us Speak
Part 2 - prompt cards for S1
Answers for S1

Monday-Saturday 8 am-4 pm

cakes, cold drinks, coffee

on the 1st floor, near the Teachers’ Room

Free wi-fi inside!!


Questions for S1

Teen Now Newspaper

• name / newspaper ?
• what / read about ?
• cost ?
• when / buy ?
• online ? 147
T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s
Part 2 - prompt cards for S2
Questions for S2

• name / shop ?
• where ?
• sell / sandwiches ?
• open / Saturday ?
• surf the Internet ?

Answers for S2

Teen Now Newspaper

newspaper for teenagers

daily, at only £3

amazing articles about

33 fashion
33 sport
33 cultural events
go to
to read it online

Part 3 - photograph for S1 Let Us Speak

12 149
Part 3 - photograph
T h e for
B oS2
o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s


Let Us Speak

Speaking test 13

13 151
(2-3 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s
Stage 1

Interlocutor Hello. How are you? Are you ready to start? OK.
First, I would like to ask some questions about you.

Ask both students the following questions in this exact order.

S1/ What’s your name?

Thank you.

S2/ And what’s your name?

Thank you.

S1/ What’s your surname? How do you spell it?

Thank you.

S2/ What’s your surname? How do you spell it?

Thank you.

S1/ Where are you from?

13 Thank you.

S2/ Where are you from?

Thank you.

Ask both students a different pair of questions.

Where are you from?

Do you like travelling?

How do you usually go to school?

Which is your favourite subject at school?

Is there a place you would like to visit?

Where would you like to go?

Thank you.

PART 1 Let Us Speak
Stage 2

Interlocutor Ask both students two different questions from the list below.
In the event of a one-word answer ask Why/Why not?
Start with S1, then continue with S2.

What sort of music are you interested in? (Why?)

Which are your favourite computer games? (Why

What is your favourite day of the week? (Why?)

Tell us something about the person you love most.

Tell us something about your home town or city.

What is your favourite season? (Why?)

Thank you. 13
Now, we can move on to Part Two. 153
(3-4 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s

Interlocutor In this part you are going to talk to each other.

Each of you is going to ask and answer questions.
S1, here is some information about the Music Idol competition.
for interlocutor S2, you know nothing about this competition. S2, ask some
questions about it and S1, you answer them. Start talking.

Hand over a set of prompt cards, so that S2 has got the opportunity to
ask the questions and S1 to answer them.

Answers for S1

Music Idol Competition

No matter how old you are if you love music

and think you can sing well. You can enter our
competition in the town of Sofia.

• This week only!!!

• It is all free!
13 • All we need is your talent and smiles on your faces!
• Visit our coffe shop.

Questions for S2
Music Idol Competition
• who / for ?
• where ?
• coffe / buy ?
• next week ?
• price ?

Interlocutor Stop the dialogue after five questions.

Ask both students to give the visual materials back:
Pass me your cards back, please!
Thank you!
Take the prompt cards back.

PART 2 Let Us Speak

Interlocutor S2, here is some information about a bowling club. S1, you
know nothing about the bowling club. S1, ask some questions
Visuals about the club and S2, you answer them. Start talking.
for interlocutor

Hand over a set of prompt cards, so that S1 has got the opportunity to
ask the questions and S2 to answer them.
Questions for S1

• what / address ?
• open / every day ?
• opening times ?
• how much ?
• equipment to wear ?

Answers for S2


25 Green Street, London
Monday – Friday
10 a.m. – 10 p.m.

Shoes included in the price I Tel. Number: 555888222

Interlocutor Stop the dialogue after five questions.

Ask both students to give the visual materials back:
Pass me your cards back, please! Thank you!
Now, we can move on to Part Three.

Take the prompt cards back. 155
(2 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s

Interlocutor Now, I’d like each of you to talk on your own.

I’m going to give each of you a photograph.

S1, here is your photograph. Please, tell us what you can see in
your photograph. You have about one minute.

S2, you just listen. I’ll give you your photograph in a moment.

S1, you can start talking.

Give the photograph to S1.

Photograph for S1

S1 talking

Interlocutor Let the student talk for about one minute.

Avoid asking any questions. If there is a need, point to something
in the picture.

Thank you. Pass me your photograph, please.

Take the photograph back.

PART 3 Let Us Speak

Interlocutor Now, S2, here is your photograph. Please, tell us what you can
see in your photograph. You have about one minute.

S1, you just listen.

S2, you can start talking.

Give the photograph to S2.

Photograph for S2

S2 talking

Interlocutor Let the student talk for about one minute.

Avoid asking any questions. If there is a need, point to something in
the picture.

Thank you. Pass me your photograph, please.

Now, we can move on to the last part.

Take the photograph back. 157
(4 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s

Interlocutor S1, I’m going to describe a situation to you. You are going to
watch a theatre play. You would like a friend of yours (me) to
come to the performance with you.

The interlocutor always starts asking first.

with S1 Questions for interlocutor
1. What is the play we are going to watch?
2. When can we watch this play?
3. Which theatre is it on?
4. What time does it start?
5. And when does it end?
6. Where shall we meet?
7. Shall we walk to the cinema or we’ll take a taxi?
8. How much does it cost?
9. What time will you be back home?
10. Do I need to take anything with me?

Interlocutor Thank you.

13 S2, I’m going to describe a situation to you. You are talking to
a researcher (me) who wants to ask you some questions about

The interlocutor always starts asking first.

with S2
Questions for interlocutor
1. How can I help you?
2. How often do you read?
3. Where do you usually read books?
4. What was the last book you read?
5. What kind of books are you interested in?
6. Tell me something about your favourite book.
7. How long did it take you to read your last book?
8. How many books do you buy per month?
9. Do you have a membership card in a library? (Why/Why not?)
10. When did you last buy a book as a present for someone?

Thank you. This is the end of the speaking test.

Let Us Speak
Part 2 - prompt cards for S1
Answers for S1

Music Idol Competition

No matter how old you are if you love music
and think you can sing well.
You can enter our competition in the town of Sofia.

• This week only!!!

• It is all free!
• All we need is your talent and smiles on your faces!
• Visit our coffe shop.


Questions for S1


• what / address ?
• open / every day ?
• opening times ?
• how much ?
• equipment to wear ? 159
T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s
Part 2 - prompt cards for S2
Questions for S2

Music Idol Competition

• who / for ?
• where ?
• coffe / buy ?
• next week ?
• price ?

Answers for S2

25 Green Street, London
Monday – Friday
10 a.m. – 10 p.m.

Shoes included in the price I Tel. Number: 555888222

Part 3 - photograph for S1 Let Us Speak

13 161
Part 3 - photograph
T h e for
B oS2
o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s


Let Us Speak

Speaking test 14

14 163
(2-3 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s
Stage 1

Interlocutor Hello. How are you? Are you ready to start? OK.
First, I would like to ask some questions about you.

Ask both students the following questions in this exact order.

S1/ What’s your name?

Thank you.

S2/ And what’s your name?

Thank you.

S1/ What’s your surname? How do you spell it?

Thank you.

S2/ What’s your surname? How do you spell it?

Thank you.

S1/ Where are you from?

Thank you.
S2/ Where are you from?
Thank you.

Ask both students a different pair of questions.

Do you live in a house or a flat?

What do you like doing in your free time?

Are there things that you like doing together with

your parents, brothers or sisters?
Which is your favourite room at home?

Who is your best friend?

Do you like English?
Thank you.

PART 1 Let Us Speak
Stage 2

Interlocutor Ask both students two different questions from the list below.
In the event of a one-word answer ask Why/Why not?
Start with S1, then continue with S2.

What’s your favourite TV programme? Why?

What do you usually use your phone for?

Tell us about your dream home.

What did you do yesterday?

What kind of music do you like listening to?

Tell us about your favourite computer game.

Thank you.
Now, we can move on to Part Two.
14 165
(3-4 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s

Interlocutor In this part you are going to talk to each other.

Each of you is going to ask and answer questions.
S1, look at the information about a new tennis club.
for interlocutor S2, you know nothing about the tennis club. S2, ask some
questions about it and S1, answer them. Start talking.

Hand over a set of prompt cards, so that S2 has got the opportunity to
ask the questions and S1 to answer them.

Answers for S1

A New Tennis Club

Visit our Tennis Club

• June 24th
• daily 8 am – 8 pm
• £30 per month
• contact number: 0888 445 662
• trainer for the first week

--- James Hunt ---

Questions for S2
New Tennis Club
• start ?
• weekend ?
• how much ?
• more information ?
• trainer ?

Interlocutor Stop the dialogue after five questions.

Ask both students to give the visual materials back:
Pass me your cards back, please!
Thank you!
Take the prompt cards back.

PART 2 Let Us Speak

Interlocutor S2, here is some information about a cycling competition.

S1, you know nothing about the competition. S1, ask some
Visuals questions about it and S2, answer them. Start talking.
for interlocutor

Hand over a set of prompt cards, so that S1 has got the opportunity to
ask the questions and S2 to answer them.
Questions for S1

A Cycling Competition
• who ?
• when ?
• where ?
• equipment ?
• prize ?

Answers for S2

A School Cycling
Competition 14

Sunday afternoon – in the school garden

4 pm – 8 pm

• Students – 5th, 6th and 7th grades

• Bring your bikes and helmets
• Special prize – new bike

Interlocutor Stop the dialogue after five questions.

Ask both students to give the visual materials back:
Pass me your cards back, please! Thank you!
Now, we can move on to Part Three.

Take the prompt cards back. 167
(2 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s

Interlocutor Now, I’d like each of you to talk on your own.

I’m going to give each of you a photograph.

S1, here is your photograph. Please, tell us what you can see in
your photograph. You have about one minute.

S2, you just listen. I’ll give you your photograph in a moment.

S1, you can start talking.

Give the photograph to S1.

Photograph for S1

S1 talking


Interlocutor Let the student talk for about one minute.

Avoid asking any questions. If there is a need, point to something
in the picture.

Thank you. Pass me your photograph, please.

Take the photograph back.

PART 3 Let Us Speak

Interlocutor Now, S2, here is your photograph. Please, tell us what you can
see in your photograph. You have about one minute.

S1, you just listen.

S2, you can start talking.

Give the photograph to S2.

Photograph for S2

S2 talking


Interlocutor Let the student talk for about one minute.

Avoid asking any questions. If there is a need, point to something in
the picture.

Thank you. Pass me your photograph, please.

Now, we can move on to the last part.

Take the photograph back. 169
(4 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s

Interlocutor S1, I’m going to describe a situation to you. You are a winner in
a lottery. Talk to me and tell me something about your future
The interlocutor always starts asking first.

Questions for interlocutor
with S1
1. Do you often buy lottery tickets?
2. What was the cost of the winning ticket?
3. How much money did you win?
4. What are you going to do with the money?
5. What will you buy for yourself and your family?
6. Will you give some of it to the poor?
7. Are there places you would like to go to?
8. How much of the money would you spend on books/films/music/
9. Will you spend all of the money or will you save/keep some of it
(for a rainy day)?
10. Do you plan to buy another lottery ticket?

Thank you.
S2, I’m going to describe a situation to you. You are calling to
14 CS Clothes Shop because you want to buy a new shirt on the
Internet. Talk to the shop assistant (me) about it.

The interlocutor always starts asking first.

with S2
Questions for interlocutor
1. What can I do for you?
2. What should your shirt look like?
3. What occasion do you need it for?
4. What is the colour you prefer?
5. What size do you take?
6. How much do you want to spend on the shirt?
7. How would you like to pay?
8. How would you like to deliver it?
9. What did you last buy in our on-line shop?
10. Were you satisfied with our service?

Thank you. This is the end of the speaking test.

Let Us Speak
Part 2 - prompt cards for S1
Answers for S1

A New Tennis Club

Visit our Tennis Club

• June 24th
• daily 8 am – 8 pm
• £30 per month
• contact number: 0888 445 662
• special guest for the first week

--- James Hunt ---

Questions for S1

A Cycling Competition

• who ?
• when ?
• where ?
• equipment ?
• prize ? 171
T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s
Part 2 - prompt cards for S2
Questions for S2

New Tennis Club

• start ?
• weekend ?
• how much ?
• more information ?
• who / trainer ?

Answers for S2

A School Cycling Competition

Sunday afternoon – in the school garden

4 pm – 8 pm

• Students – 5th, 6th and 7th grades

• Bring your bikes and helmets
• Special prize – new bike

Part 3 - photograph for S1 Let Us Speak

14 173
Part 3 - photograph
T h e for
B oS2
o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s


Let Us Speak

Speaking test 15

15 175
(2-3 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s
Stage 1

Interlocutor Hello. How are you? Are you ready to start? OK.
First, I would like to ask some questions about you.

Ask both students the following questions in this exact order.

S1/ What’s your name?

Thank you.

S2/ And what’s your name?

Thank you.

S1/ What’s your surname? How do you spell it?

Thank you.

S2/ What’s your surname? How do you spell it?

Thank you.

S1/ Where are you from?

Thank you.
S2/ Where are you from?
15 Thank you.

Ask both students a different pair of questions.

Do you have a favourite place in your town or village?

Which place don’t you like in your home town/

Do you like cooking?

Which food do you you dislike most?

Have you done an unusual thing lately?

What was the latest new place you visited?

Thank you.

PART 1 Let Us Speak
Stage 2

Interlocutor Ask both students two different questions from the list below.
In the event of a one-word answer ask Why/Why not?
Start with S1, then continue with S2.

Which is your favourite TV show?

What would you do without a computer at home?

Tell us about your last birthday present.

How did you spend your time yesterday?

What is your favourite time of the year? (Why?)

Tell us about your favourite object at home/school.

Thank you.
Now, we can move on to Part Two.

15 177
(3-4 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s

Interlocutor In this part you are going to talk to each other.

Each of you is going to ask and answer questions.
S1, look at the information about a cooking course.
for interlocutor S2, you know nothing about a cooking course. S2, ask some
questions about it and S1, answer them. Start talking.

Hand over a set of prompt cards, so that S2 has got the opportunity to
ask the questions and S1 to answer them.

Answers for S1

CUT&CHOP Cooking Courses

for beginners

• starts with the beginning of the new school year

• daily 4 pm – 6 pm
• free
• contact number: 0887 345 678
• chef Manchev – a special guest for the first two sessions

15 Questions for S2
CUT&CHOP Cooking Course
• who / for ?
• when / start ?
• every day ?
• how much ?
• who / chef ?

Interlocutor Stop the dialogue after five questions.

Ask both students to give the visual materials back:
Pass me your cards back, please!
Thank you!
Take the prompt cards back.

PART 2 Let Us Speak

Interlocutor S2, here is some information about a creative writing

competition. S1, you know nothing about the competition.
Visuals S1, ask some questions about it and S2, answer them. Start
for interlocutor
Hand over a set of prompt cards, so that S1 has got the opportunity to
ask the questions and S2 to answer them.
Questions for S1

Creative Writing Competition

• who / for ?
• when ?
• where ?
• what / take ?
• prize ?

Answers for S2

Creative Writing
Only young writers from 10 to 14
Sci-fi and Fantasy stories

• January 25th (Monday) – 2 pm – in the school theatre

• Bring your pens and pencils
• Last year’s winner will give you the special prize – €1,000

Interlocutor Stop the dialogue after five questions.

Ask both students to give the visual materials back:
Pass me your cards back, please! Thank you!
Now, we can move on to Part Three.

Take the prompt cards back. 179
(2 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s

Interlocutor Now, I’d like each of you to talk on your own.

I’m going to give each of you a photograph.

S1, here is your photograph. Please, tell us what you can see in
your photograph. You have about one minute.

S2, you just listen. I’ll give you your photograph in a moment.

S1, you can start talking.

Give the photograph to S1.

Photograph for S1

S1 talking


Interlocutor Let the student talk for about one minute.

Avoid asking any questions. If there is a need, point to something
in the picture.

Thank you. Pass me your photograph, please.

Take the photograph back.

PART 3 Let Us Speak

Interlocutor Now, S2, here is your photograph. Please, tell us what you can
see in your photograph. You have about one minute.

S1, you just listen.

S2, you can start talking.

Give the photograph to S2.

Photograph for S2

S2 talking


Interlocutor Let the student talk for about one minute.

Avoid asking any questions. If there is a need, point to something in
the picture.

Thank you. Pass me your photograph, please.

Now, we can move on to the last part.

Take the photograph back. 181
(4 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s

Interlocutor S1, I’m going to describe a situation to you. You are going on
a five-day holiday with your parents. You have a pet and you
need someone to take care of it. Answer my questions about
your pet, so that I can take good care of it.
The interlocutor always starts asking first.

with S1 Questions for interlocutor
1. What kind of animal is your pet?
2. What is its name?
3. How old is it?
4. What does it look like? Describe it – colour(s), size,...
5. What is the food it likes?
6. How many times a day do you feed it?
7. Do you play with it?
8. Does it know any tricks or understand any words?
9. Why do you keep a pet at home?
10. Would you like to have another one?

Thank you.
S2, I’m going to describe a situation to you. You are going
14 shopping for shoes – you have to buy a pair of new shoes for
your party. Talk to the shop assistant (me) about it.
The interlocutor always starts asking first.
with S2

Questions for interlocutor

1. What can I do for you?
2. What kind of shoes would you like to buy?
3. What is the occasion?
4. What colour would you prefer?
5. What size do you take?
6. Would you like to try this pair of shoes on?
7. How was it?
8. Will you take them?
9. How would you like to pay?
10. Would you like anything else?

Thank you. This is the end of the speaking test.

Let Us Speak
Part 2 - prompt cards for S1
Answers for S1

CUT&CHOP Cooking Courses

for beginners

• starts with the beginning of the new school year

• daily 4 pm – 6 pm
• free
• contact number: 0887 345 678
• chef Manchev – a special guest for the first two sessions

Questions for S1 15

Creative Writing Competition

• who / for ?
• when ?
• where ?
• what / take ?
• prize ? 183
T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s
Part 2 - prompt cards for S2
Questions for S2

CUT&CHOP Cooking Course

• who / for ?
• when / start ?
• every day ?
• how much ?
• who / chef ?

Answers for S2

15 Creative Writing

Only young writers from 10 to 14

Sci-fi and Fantasy stories

• January 25th (Monday) – 2 pm – in the school theatre

• Bring your pens and pencils
• Last year’s winner will give you the special prize – €1,000

Part 3 - photograph for S1 Let Us Speak

15 185
Part 3 - photograph
T h e for
B oS2
o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s


Let Us Speak

Speaking test 16

16 187
(2-3 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s
Stage 1

Interlocutor Hello. How are you? Are you ready to start? OK.
First, I would like to ask some questions about you.

Ask both students the following questions in this exact order.

S1/ What’s your name?

Thank you.

S2/ And what’s your name?

Thank you.

S1/ What’s your surname? How do you spell it?

Thank you.

S2/ What’s your surname? How do you spell it?

Thank you.

S1/ Where are you from?

Thank you.

S2/ Where are you from?

Thank you.
Ask both students a different pair of questions.

Do you live in a village or a town?

Do you like the place where you live?

Do you like your school?

Do you walk to school or go by bus?

Are you interested in sports?

Do you like nature?

Thank you.

PART 1 Let Us Speak
Stage 2

Interlocutor Ask both students two different questions from the list below.
In the event of a one-word answer ask Why/Why not?
Start with S1, then continue with S2.

What’s your favourite place to go to in your village/

town? (Why?)
What were you doing this time yesterday? (Why?)

Tell us about your favourite dish.

What are you doing tonight?

What kind of outdoor activities do you like doing?

Tell us about the latest place you visited.

Thank you.
Now, we can move on to Part Two.

16 189
(3-4 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s

Interlocutor In this part you are going to talk to each other.

Each of you is going to ask and answer questions.
S1, look at the information about a new hiking club.
for interlocutor S2, you know nothing about the club. S2, ask some questions
about it and S1, answer them. Start talking.

Hand over a set of prompt cards, so that S2 has got the opportunity to
ask the questions and S1 to answer them.

Answers for S1
Join our new hiking club in the village we live in

Nature-lovers’ Club

• enjoy a walk and fresh air in the nearby

• start in June, daily 5 pm – 8 pm
• free
• for more information contact Mr. Dimitrov

The best hiking instructors will take care of you.

Questions for S2
Nature-lovers’ Club
• where / club ?
• which places ?
• begin ?
• cost ?
• more info ?

Interlocutor Stop the dialogue after five questions.

Ask both students to give the visual materials back:
Pass me your cards back, please!
Thank you!
Take the prompt cards back.

PART 2 Let Us Speak

Interlocutor S2, here is some information about a city tour. S1, you know
nothing about the tour. S1, ask some questions about it and
Visuals S2, answer them. Start talking.
for interlocutor

Hand over a set of prompt cards, so that S1 has got the opportunity to
ask the questions and S2 to answer them.
Questions for S1

A Tourist Agency
• visit / Berlin ?
• sights ?
• when / leave ?
• how long ?
• how much ?

Answers for S2

A Tourist Agency
A two-day trip (12.01-14.01.2017)
to the heart of Sofia


• city zoo, museums, sights, evening theatre and more

• only £50
• places for 20 people

Book your place early! Phone: 0888866666

Interlocutor Stop the dialogue after five questions.
Ask both students to give the visual materials back:
Pass me your cards back, please! Thank you!
Now, we can move on to Part Three.

Take the prompt cards back. 191
(2 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s

Interlocutor Now, I’d like each of you to talk on your own.

I’m going to give each of you a photograph.

S1, here is your photograph. Please, tell us what you can see in
your photograph. You have about one minute.

S2, you just listen. I’ll give you your photograph in a moment.

S1, you can start talking.

Give the photograph to S1.

Photograph for S1

S1 talking


Interlocutor Let the student talk for about one minute.

Avoid asking any questions. If there is a need, point to something
in the picture.

Thank you. Pass me your photograph, please.

Take the photograph back.

PART 3 Let Us Speak

Interlocutor Now, S2, here is your photograph. Please, tell us what you can
see in your photograph. You have about one minute.

S1, you just listen.

S2, you can start talking.

Give the photograph to S2.

Photograph for S2

S2 talking


Interlocutor Let the student talk for about one minute.

Avoid asking any questions. If there is a need, point to something in
the picture.

Thank you. Pass me your photograph, please.

Now, we can move on to the last part.

Take the photograph back. 193
(4 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s

Interlocutor S1, I’m going to describe a situation to you. You are going on
an educational school trip to Paris with your classmates. Talk
to your mum/dad (me) and tell me some information about the

The interlocutor always starts asking first.

with S1 Questions for interlocutor
1. What day are you leaving and what time?
2. How are you travelling to Paris?
3. Where is the meeting point?
4. What are the places you are visiting?
5. Why are you going there?
6. How much does the trip cost?
7. What lunch is included in the price?
8. When are you coming back?
9. Is there anything you need for the trip?
10. Can I have your class teacher’s number?

Thank you.
S2, I’m going to describe a situation to you. You are calling
Sofia Aiport Flight Services because you want to go on holiday.
Talk to the airport flight officer (me).

16 Communication
The interlocutor always starts asking first.
with S2
Questions for interlocutor
1. Hello, Airport Flight Services, how can I help you?
2. Where would you like to go?
3. Why do you want to travel?
4. How long would you like to stay there?
5. What company do you want to fly with?
6. Would you like a first-class or an economy ticket?
7. Would you like to buy a single or return?
8. We have a special discount for two – are you travelling alone?
9. How would you like to pay for the flight?
10. Do you need any further information?

Thank you. This is the end of the speaking test.

Let Us Speak
Part 2 - prompt cards for S1
Answers for S1

Join our new hiking club in the village we live in

Nature-lovers’ Club

• enjoy a walk and fresh air in the nearby

• start in June, daily 5 pm – 8 pm
• free
• for more information contact Mr. Dimitrov

The best hiking instructors will take care of you.

Questions for S1

A Tourist Agency

• visit / Berlin ?
• sights ?
• when / leave ?
• how long ?
• how much ? 195
T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s
Part 2 - prompt cards for S2
Questions for S2

Nature-lovers’ Club
• where / club ?
• which places ?
• begin ?
• cost ?
• more info ?

Answers for S2

A Tourist Agency
16 A two-day trip (12.01-14.01.2017)
to the heart of Sofia

• city zoo, museums, sights, evening theatre and more

• only £50
• places for 20 people

Book your place early! Phone: 0888866666

Part 3 - photograph for S1 Let Us Speak

16 197
Part 3 - photograph
T h e for
B oS2
o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s


Let Us Speak

Speaking test 17

17 199
(2-3 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s
Stage 1

Interlocutor Hello. How are you? Are you ready to start? OK.
First, I would like to ask some questions about you.

Ask both students the following questions in this exact order.

S1/ What’s your name?

Thank you.

S2/ And what’s your name?

Thank you.

S1/ What’s your surname? How do you spell it?

Thank you.

S2/ What’s your surname? How do you spell it?

Thank you.

S1/ Where are you from?

Thank you.

S2/ Where are you from?

Thank you.

Ask both students a different pair of questions.

Do you like computer games?
Do you have a favourite electronic toy?

Do you have to share things with your brothers/

Do you like playing games with your family?

Do you enjoy walking in the countryside?

Do you help your parents at home?

Thank you.

PART 1 Let Us Speak
Stage 2

Interlocutor Ask both students two different questions from the list below.
In the event of a one-word answer ask Why/Why not?
Start with S1, then continue with S2.

What’s your favourite phone app? (Why?)

When did you last use your phone? (Why?)

Tell us about the person you love most at home.

What is your dream for the future? (Why)

What do you usually use a computer for?

Tell us about the last computer game you played.

Thank you.
Now, we can move on to Part Two.

17 201
(3-4 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s

Interlocutor In this part you are going to talk to each other.

Each of you is going to ask and answer questions.
S1, look at the information about a new technology shop.
for interlocutor S2, you know nothing about the club. S2, ask some questions
about it and S1, answer them. Start talking.

Hand over a set of prompt cards, so that S2 has got the opportunity to
ask the questions and S1 to answer them.

Answers for S1 Join the opening of our New Technology and Computer Shop

Android devices, iPhones, mobile phones, smartphones,
PlayStations, e-readers, tablets, laptops, digital cameras, mp3
players, iPods, PCs
Opening ceremony – 22 February at 4 pm
8, Time Square
For details call 111 052 473

Questions for S2

17 • old shop ?
• where ?
• digital cameras ?
• what time ?
• more info ?

Interlocutor Stop the dialogue after five questions.

Ask both students to give the visual materials back:
Pass me your cards back, please!
Thank you!
Take the prompt cards back.

PART 2 Let Us Speak

Interlocutor S2, here is some information about a Time Machine party. S1,
you know nothing about the party. S1, ask some questions
Visuals about it and S2, answer them. Start talking.
for interlocutor

Hand over a set of prompt cards, so that S1 has got the opportunity to
ask the questions and S2 to answer them.
Questions for S1

The Time Machine Party

• where ?
• when ?
• what / wear ?
• what / take ?
• live music ?

Answers for S2 Come to my party of the past, present or future

The Time Machine Party

234, Mary Road

Wear costumes of your favourite

inventions in the whole of history!!!

Fun: DJ Miro
Bring some food and drinks with you.

Saturday evening 5 pm – 10 pm

Interlocutor Stop the dialogue after five questions.

Ask both students to give the visual materials back:
Pass me your cards back, please! Thank you!
Now, we can move on to Part Three.

Take the prompt cards back. 203
(2 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s

Interlocutor Now, I’d like each of you to talk on your own.

I’m going to give each of you a photograph.

S1, here is your photograph. Please, tell us what you can see in
your photograph. You have about one minute.

S2, you just listen. I’ll give you your photograph in a moment.

S1, you can start talking.

Give the photograph to S1.

Photograph for S1

S1 talking


Interlocutor Let the student talk for about one minute.

Avoid asking any questions. If there is a need, point to something
in the picture.

Thank you. Pass me your photograph, please.

Take the photograph back.

PART 3 Let Us Speak

Interlocutor Now, S2, here is your photograph. Please, tell us what you can
see in your photograph. You have about one minute.

S1, you just listen.

S2, you can start talking.

Give the photograph to S2.

Photograph for S2

S2 talking

Interlocutor Let the student talk for about one minute.
Avoid asking any questions. If there is a need, point to something in
the picture.

Thank you. Pass me your photograph, please.

Now, we can move on to the last part.

Take the photograph back. 205
(4 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s

Interlocutor S1, I’m going to describe a situation to you. You have to buy a
new phone from a shop. Talk to the shop assistant (me) so that
you can choose the best one for you.

The interlocutor always starts asking first.

with S1 Questions for interlocutor
1. What can I do for you?
2. Would you like an Android, IOS or Windows?
3. What smart phone do you prefer?
4. Would you like a 3G or 4G?
5. Would you like to try out one of these?
6. How do you like it?
7. Would you like to buy it?
8. Which colour do you like best?
9. How would you like to pay?
10. Is there anything else I can do for you?

Thank you.
S2, I’m going to describe a situation to you. You are in a toy
shop because you want to buy a gift for your friend. Talk to the
shop assistant (me) to get some help.

The interlocutor always starts asking first.

with S2 Questions for interlocutor
1. Hello, how can I help you?
2. Is it for a girl or a boy?
3. How old is she/he?
4. What kind of toys does she/he like playing with?
5. Can you tell me something more about her/his hobbies and
6. What was the last present you bought for her/him?
7. How about a teddy bear?
8. How would you like to pack the present?
9. Is that all you need?
10. How would you like to pay?

Thank you. This is the end of the speaking test.

Let Us Speak
Part 2 - prompt cards for S1
Answers for S1

Join the opening of our New Technology and Computer Shop


Android devices, iPhones, mobile phones, smartphones,

PlayStations, e-readers, tablets, laptops, digital cameras, mp3
players, iPods, PCs

Opening ceremony – 22 February at 4 pm

8, Time Square
For details call 111 052 473

Questions for S1

The Time Machine Party 17

• where ?
• when ?
• what / wear ?
• what / take ?
• live music ? 207
T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s
Part 2 - prompt cards for S2
Questions for S2

• old shop ?
• where ?
• digital cameras ?
• what time ?
• more info ?

Answers for S2

Come to my party of the past, present or future

The Time Machine Party

234, Mary Road
Wear costumes of your favourite inventions in
the whole of history!!!

Fun: DJ Miro
Bring some food and drinks with you.

Saturday evening 5 pm – 10 pm

Part 3 - photograph for S1 Let Us Speak

17 209
Part 3 - photograph
T h e for
B oS2
o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s


Let Us Speak

Speaking test 18

18 211
(2-3 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s
Stage 1

Interlocutor Hello. How are you? Are you ready to start? OK.
First, I would like to ask some questions about you.

Ask both students the following questions in this exact order.

S1/ What’s your name?

Thank you.

S2/ And what’s your name?

Thank you.

S1/ What’s your surname? How do you spell it?

Thank you.

S2/ What’s your surname? How do you spell it?

Thank you.

S1/ Where are you from?

Thank you.

S2/ Where are you from?

Thank you.

Ask both students a different pair of questions.

18 Do you like cooking?

Do you like going to restaurants?

Do you have a favourite meal?

Is there anything you dislike eating?

What is the meal you can prepare best?

Did you help with cooking yesterday?

Thank you.

PART 1 Let Us Speak
Stage 2

Interlocutor Ask both students two different questions from the list below.
In the event of a one-word answer ask Why/Why not?
Start with S1, then continue with S2.

What are the things you love doing at school?

What did you do yesterday morning?

Tell us about your favourite time of the day.

What are your weekends like?

What do you think about exams? (Why?)

Tell us about the typical day of your parents.

Thank you.
Now, we can move on to Part Two.

18 213
(3-4 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s

Interlocutor In this part you are going to talk to each other.

Each of you is going to ask and answer questions.
S1, look at the information about the School Debate Club.
for interlocutor S2, you know nothing about the club. S2, ask some questions
about it and S1, answer them. Start talking.

Hand over a set of prompt cards, so that S2 has got the opportunity to
ask the questions and S1 to answer them.

Answers for S1
Join our Debate Club in Room 5

School Debate Club

If you like discussions, this 45-minute speaking exercise is
for you
every Friday
in September at 2 pm

for more information ask Mrs Stones

Questions for S2
School Debate Club
• where ?
• how long ?
• how often ?
• begin ?
• more info ?

Interlocutor Stop the dialogue after five questions.

Ask both students to give the visual materials back:
Pass me your cards back, please!
Thank you!
Take the prompt cards back.

PART 2 Let Us Speak

Interlocutor S2, here is some information about a swimming competition.

S1, you know nothing about the competition. S1, ask some
Visuals questions about it and S2, answer them. Start talking.
for interlocutor

Hand over a set of prompt cards, so that S1 has got the opportunity to
ask the questions and S2 to answer them.
Questions for S1

Swimming Contest
• where ?
• when ?
• what time ?
• what / take ?
• prize ?

Answers for S2
Swimming Contest
The BIG day is near!!!
We have the pleasure to invite you to the school swimming
competition in the sports centre and win a smartphone.

22nd June at 4 pm
Bring your swimsuit and have fun.

Interlocutor Stop the dialogue after five questions.

Ask both students to give the visual materials back:
Pass me your cards back, please! Thank you!
Now, we can move on to Part Three.

Take the prompt cards back. 215
(2 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s

Interlocutor Now, I’d like each of you to talk on your own.

I’m going to give each of you a photograph.

S1, here is your photograph. Please, tell us what you can see in
your photograph. You have about one minute.

S2, you just listen. I’ll give you your photograph in a moment.

S1, you can start talking.

Give the photograph to S1.

Photograph for S1

S1 talking

Interlocutor Let the student talk for about one minute.
Avoid asking any questions. If there is a need, point to something
in the picture.

Thank you. Pass me your photograph, please.

Take the photograph back.

PART 3 Let Us Speak

Interlocutor Now, S2, here is your photograph. Please, tell us what you can
see in your photograph. You have about one minute.

S1, you just listen.

S2, you can start talking.

Give the photograph to S2.

Photograph for S2

S2 talking

Interlocutor Let the student talk for about one minute.

Avoid asking any questions. If there is a need, point to something in 18
the picture.

Thank you. Pass me your photograph, please.

Now, we can move on to the last part.

Take the photograph back. 217
(4 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s

Interlocutor S1, I’m going to describe a situation to you. You are going to
visit the local museum with a friend. Talk to your friend (me)
and give me some information about the visit.

The interlocutor always starts asking first.

with S1 Questions for interlocutor
1. What day are we going to the museum?
2. And what time?
3. How can we get there?
4. Where shall we meet?
5. What can we see there?
6. Is this the last exhibition for the season?
7. How much does it cost?
8. What shall we do after we see the exhibition?
9. What time are we going to be back home?
10. Do I need to take anything with me?

Thank you.
S2, I’m going to describe a situation to you. You want to
become a singer and join the local choir. Talk to me so that I
can get some information.

The interlocutor always starts asking first.

with S2
Questions for interlocutor
18 1. May I have your name please?
2. Which grade are you in?
3. Have you ever sung in a choir before?
4. Can you read music?
5. What musical instrument can you play?
6. Which is your favourite type of music?
7. Would you tell us more about your favourite singer?
8. Which is the song you will sing for us?
9. What days of the week are good for you to come?
10. Do you have any questions?

Thank you. This is the end of the speaking test.

Let Us Speak
Part 2 - prompt cards for S1
Answers for S1

Join our Debate Club in Room 5

School Debate Club

If you like discussions, this 45-minute speaking exercise is for
every Friday
in September at 2 pm

for more information ask Mrs Stones

Questions for S1

Swimming Contest
• where ?
• when ?
• what time ?
• what / take ?
• prize ? 219
T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s
Part 2 - prompt cards for S2
Questions for S2

School Debate Club

• where ?
• how long ?
• how often ?
• begin ?
• more info ?

Answers for S2

Swimming Contest
The BIG day is near!!!
We have the pleasure to invite you to the school swimming competition
in the sports centre and win a smartphone.


22nd June at 4 pm
Bring your swimsuit and have fun.

Part 3 - photograph for S1 Let Us Speak

18 221
Part 3 - photograph
T h e for
B oS2
o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s


Let Us Speak

Speaking test 19

19 223
(2-3 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s
Stage 1

Interlocutor Hello. How are you? Are you ready to start? OK.
First, I would like to ask some questions about you.

Ask both students the following questions in this exact order.

S1/ What’s your name?

Thank you.

S2/ And what’s your name?

Thank you.

S1/ What’s your surname? How do you spell it?

Thank you.

S2/ What’s your surname? How do you spell it?

Thank you.

S1/ Where are you from?

Thank you.

S2/ Where are you from?

Thank you.

Ask both students a different pair of questions.

Which subjects do you study at school?

Which of them do you like most?
Do you study English at school?
Do you like it?

Do you have a big family?

Do you like sport?

Thank you.

PART 1 Let Us Speak
Stage 2

Interlocutor Ask both students two different questions from the list below.
In the event of a one-word answer ask Why/Why not?
Start with S1, then continue with S2.

What kind of sports do you like? (Why?)

Tell us about your favourite teacher.

Which clubs are you in at school?

How do you spend your day at school?

What do you do in your free time? (Why?)

Tell us about your best friend at school.

Thank you.
Now, we can move on to Part Two.

19 225
(3-4 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s

Interlocutor In this part you are going to talk to each other.

Each of you is going to ask and answer questions.
S1, look at the information about school sports clubs.
for interlocutor S2, you know nothing about the clubs. S2, ask some questions
about it and S1, answer them. Start talking.

Hand over a set of prompt cards, so that S2 has got the opportunity to
ask the questions and S1 to answer them.

Answers for S1

Sports Centre

• Visit us!!!
• 47 clubs to join (shooting, athletics,
badminton, basketball, softball, billiards,
cycling, boxing, gymnastics, etc.…)
• Open year-round
• 8 am-8 pm
• Free

Questions for S2
Sports Centre
• how many / clubs ?
• when / open ?
• what time / start ?
19 • what time / finish ?
• how much ?

Interlocutor Stop the dialogue after five questions.

Ask both students to give the visual materials back:
Pass me your cards back, please!
Thank you!
Take the prompt cards back.

PART 2 Let Us Speak

Interlocutor S2, here is some information about Daisy’s birthday party. S1,
you know nothing about the party. S1, ask some questions
Visuals about it and S2, answer them. Start talking.
for interlocutor

Hand over a set of prompt cards, so that S1 has got the opportunity to
ask the questions and S2 to answer them.
Questions for S1

Daisy’s party
• how old / Daisy ?
• which day ?
• what time ?
• where ?
• what / include ?

Answers for S2


You are invited to celebrate

Daisy’s 15th birthday

Saturday, January 7th

6 pm-9 pm

At the cafe ‘Mado‘

Dinner and cake will be

Interlocutor Stop the dialogue after five questions.

Ask both students to give the visual materials back:
Pass me your cards back, please! Thank you!
Now, we can move on to Part Three.

Take the prompt cards back. 227
(2 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s

Interlocutor Now, I’d like each of you to talk on your own.

I’m going to give each of you a photograph.

S1, here is your photograph. Please, tell us what you can see in
your photograph. You have about one minute.

S2, you just listen. I’ll give you your photograph in a moment.

S1, you can start talking.

Give the photograph to S1.

Photograph for S1

S1 talking

Interlocutor Let the student talk for about one minute.

19 Avoid asking any questions. If there is a need, point to something
in the picture.

Thank you. Pass me your photograph, please.

Take the photograph back.

PART 3 Let Us Speak

Interlocutor Now, S2, here is your photograph. Please, tell us what you can
see in your photograph. You have about one minute.

S1, you just listen.

S2, you can start talking.

Give the photograph to S2.

Photograph for S2

S2 talking

Interlocutor Let the student talk for about one minute.

Avoid asking any questions. If there is a need, point to something in
the picture.

Thank you. Pass me your photograph, please.

Now, we can move on to the last part.

Take the photograph back. 229
(4 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s

Interlocutor S1, I’m going to describe a situation to you. You are going to
join a school trip to a gold mine. Talk to your mum/dad (me)
and give me some information about it.

The interlocutor always starts asking first.

with S1 Questions for interlocutor
1. When are you going to the gold mine?
2. Who are you going with?
3. How are you going to get there?
4. How much does it cost?
5. What time are you going to leave home?
6. Where is the meeting point?
7. What are you going to do there?
8. When will you come back home?
9. What present will you bring us?
10. What do you need to take with you?

Interlocutor Thank you.

S2, I’m going to describe a situation to you. You are calling the
school secretary because you want to join the music club. Talk
to me and give some information about yourself.
The interlocutor always starts asking first.

with S2 Questions for interlocutor
1. Do you play a musical instrument?
2. Have you ever been in a choir before?
3. Which musical instrument do you want to play?
19 4. We have lessons on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Which of
them do you prefer?
5. Who are you going to come with?
6. Which class are you in?
7. How old are you?
8. What is your telephone number?
9. We have two groups for the music club. Do you want to join
a big one or a small one?
10. Do you need more information?

Thank you. This is the end of the speaking test.

Let Us Speak
Part 2 - prompt cards for S1
Answers for S1

Sports Centre

• Visit us!!!
• 47 clubs to join (shooting,
athletics, badminton, basketball,
softball, billiards, cycling, boxing,
gymnastics, etc.…)
• Open year-round
• 8 am-8 pm
• Free

Questions for S1

Daisy’s party
• how old / Daisy ?
• which day ?
• what time ?
• where ?
• what / include ? 231
T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s
Part 2 - prompt cards for S2
Questions for S2

Sports Centre

• how many / clubs ?

• when / open ?
• what time / start ?
• what time / finish ?
• how much ?

Answers for S2

Daisy’s party
You are invited to celebrate
Daisy’s 15th birthday

19 Saturday, January 7th

6 pm-9 pm

At the cafe ‘Mado‘

Dinner and cake will be served.

Part 3 - photograph for S1 Let Us Speak

19 233
Part 3 - photograph
T h e for
B oS2
o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s


Let Us Speak

Speaking test 20

20 235
(2-3 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s
Stage 1

Interlocutor Hello. How are you? Are you ready to start? OK.
First, I would like to ask some questions about you.

Ask both students the following questions in this exact order.

S1/ What’s your name?

Thank you.

S2/ And what’s your name?

Thank you.

S1/ What’s your surname? How do you spell it?

Thank you.

S2/ What’s your surname? How do you spell it?

Thank you.

S1/ Where are you from?

Thank you.

S2/ Where are you from?

Thank you.

Ask both students a different pair of questions.

Do you have a big family?

Do you like your family?

20 Do you live in a town or a village?

How many hours a week do you study English at

Do you like speaking English?

Who do you travel to school with?

Thank you.

PART 1 Let Us Speak
Stage 2

Interlocutor Ask both students two different questions from the list below.
In the event of a one-word answer ask Why/Why not?
Start with S1, then continue with S2.

What’s your favourite school subject? Why?

Tell us about one of your teachers.

What do you do at the weekends?

Tell us about one of your classmates.

What kind of music do you like?

Do you like going to the cinema? Why?/Why not?

Thank you.
Now, we can move on to Part Two.

20 237
(3-4 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s

Interlocutor In this part you are going to talk to each other.

Each of you is going to ask and answer questions.
S1, look at the information about a tennis club.
for interlocutor S2, you know nothing about the club. S2, ask some questions
about it and S1, answer them. Start talking.

Hand over a set of prompt cards, so that S2 has got the opportunity to
ask the questions and S1 to answer them.

Answers for S1

Master Tennis Club

Adults: 15 dollars per hour
Students: 10 dollars per hour
Monday – Sunday 12:00 – 21:00

• Free parking
• Showers
• Cupboard for clothes
• Changing room
• For more information - 009038824478

Questions for S2
Master Tennis Club
• how much ?
• opening times ?
• working day ?
• showers ?
20 • phone number ?

Interlocutor Stop the dialogue after five questions.

Ask both students to give the visual materials back:
Pass me your cards back, please!
Thank you!
Take the prompt cards back.

PART 2 Let Us Speak

Interlocutor S2, here is some information about a castle. S1, you know
nothing about the castle. S1, ask some questions about it and
Visuals S2, answer them. Start talking.
for interlocutor

Hand over a set of prompt cards, so that S1 has got the opportunity to
ask the questions and S2 to answer them.
Questions for S1

Old Town Castle

• free / children ?
• closing time ?
• places / visit ?
• cost ?
• website ?

Answers for S2
Old Town Castle

Adults: 4 EUR Students: 2 EUR Children: Free

Opening hours
Monday-Friday – 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Restaurants – Cafes – Children’s Park – Second-Hand Shop
Free Parking
For more information

Interlocutor Stop the dialogue after five questions.

Ask both students to give the visual materials back:
Pass me your cards back, please! Thank you!
Now, we can move on to Part Three.

Take the prompt cards back. 239
(2 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s

Interlocutor Now, I’d like each of you to talk on your own.

I’m going to give each of you a photograph.

S1, here is your photograph. Please, tell us what you can see in
your photograph. You have about one minute.

S2, you just listen. I’ll give you your photograph in a moment.

S1, you can start talking.

Give the photograph to S1.

Photograph for S1

S1 talking

Interlocutor Let the student talk for about one minute.

Avoid asking any questions. If there is a need, point to something
in the picture.
Thank you. Pass me your photograph, please.

Take the photograph back.

PART 3 Let Us Speak

Interlocutor Now, S2, here is your photograph. Please, tell us what you can
see in your photograph. You have about one minute.

S1, you just listen.

S2, you can start talking.

Give the photograph to S2.

Photograph for S2

S2 talking

Interlocutor Let the student talk for about one minute.

Avoid asking any questions. If there is a need, point to something in
the picture.

Thank you. Pass me your photograph, please.
Now, we can move on to the last part.

Take the photograph back. 241
(4 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s

Interlocutor S1, I’m going to describe a situation to you. You are going to
start a new hobby. Talk to your friend (me) and give me some
information about your hobby.

The interlocutor always starts asking first.

with S1 Questions for interlocutor
1. What is your hobby?
2. When will you start it?
3. Is it a dangerous hobby? Why? Why not?
4. How many hours a week will you spend on your hobby?
5. Why do you want to start your hobby?
6. Where did you hear about it?
7. How many students at your school choose it as a hobby?
8. What equipment will you use for it?
9. Do you need money for it? Why?
10. Where will you do your hobby?

Thank you.
S2, I’m going to describe a situation to you. Your friend is not
sure about going to a classmate’s birthday party. Talk to your
friend (me) and give me some information about the party.

The interlocutor always starts asking first.

with S2 Questions for interlocutor

1. When is the party?

2. What activities will there be at the party?
3. How many people will there be?
4. Where is the party?
20 5. What is the address?
6. How can I go there?
7. What will the weather be like?
8. What present did you buy?
9. What will they serve to eat?
10. What drinks can we get there?

Thank you. This is the end of the speaking test.

Let Us Speak
Part 2 - prompt cards for S1
Answers for S1

Master Tennis Club

Adults: 15 dollars per hour

Students: 10 dollars per hour
Monday – Sunday 12:00 – 21:00

• Free parking
• Showers
• Cupboard for clothes
• Changing room
• For more information - 09038824478

Questions for S1

Old Town Castle

• free / children ?
• closing time ?
• places / visit ?
• cost ?
• website ? 243
T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s
Part 2 - prompt cards for S2
Questions for S2

Master Tennis Club

• how much ?
• opening times ?
• working day ?
• showers ?
• phone number ?

Answers for S2

Old Town Castle

Adults: 4 EUR Students: 2 EUR Children: Free

20 Opening hours
Monday-Friday – 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Restaurants – Cafes – Children’s Park – Second-Hand Shop
Free Parking
For more information

Part 3 - photograph for S1 Let Us Speak

20 245
Part 3 - photograph
T h e for
B oS2
o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s


Let Us Speak

Speaking test 21

21 247
(2-3 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s
Stage 1

Interlocutor Hello. How are you? Are you ready to start? OK.
First, I would like to ask some questions about you.

Ask both students the following questions in this exact order.

S1/ What’s your name?

Thank you.

S2/ And what’s your name?

Thank you.

S1/ What’s your surname? How do you spell it?

Thank you.

S2/ What’s your surname? How do you spell it?

Thank you.

S1/ Where are you from?

Thank you.

S2/ Where are you from?

Thank you.

Ask both students a different pair of questions.

Do you live in a big house or a small house?

Do you like your house?

Do you live in a town or a village?

Do you have a garden?
Do you play basketball?
Do you have a basketball court in your house?

Thank you.

PART 1 Let Us Speak
Stage 2

Interlocutor Ask both students two different questions from the list below.
In the event of a one-word answer ask Why/Why not?
Start with S1, then continue with S2.

What’s your favourite summer sport? Why?

Tell us about your bedroom.

What is the most dangerous sport for you? Why?

What is your favourite room in your house?

What would your dream house look like?

Tell us about your favourite team sport.

Thank you.
Now, we can move on to Part Two.

21 249
(3-4 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s

Interlocutor In this part you are going to talk to each other.

Each of you is going to ask and answer questions.
S1, look at the information about a flat.
for interlocutor S2, you know nothing about the flat. S2, ask some questions
about it and S1, answer them. Start talking.

Hand over a set of prompt cards, so that S2 has got the opportunity to
ask the questions and S1 to answer them.

Answers for S1

House for rent

Location: Downtown
Rent: $680 per month
2 minutes from the subway.
Near all major bus routes.

Facilities in Building
No pets allowed.

Close to the theatres, restaurants, pubs, and

shopping centres.

Questions for S2
House for rent
• where / flat ?
• how much ?
• subway / nearby ?
• keep / dog ?
• near / restaurants ?
Interlocutor Stop the dialogue after five questions.
Ask both students to give the visual materials back:
Pass me your cards back, please!
Thank you!
Take the prompt cards back.

PART 2 Let Us Speak

Interlocutor S2, here is some information about a football tournament.

S1, you know nothing about the tournament. S1, ask some
Visuals questions about it and S2, answer them. Start talking.
for interlocutor

Hand over a set of prompt cards, so that S1 has got the opportunity to
ask the questions and S2 to answer them.
Questions for S1

L.U.S. Football Tournament

• where ?
• date ?
• time ?
• for whom ?
• win ?

Answers for S2
L.U.S. Football Tournament

For 10-14-year-old students

at Leeds Sport Centre
15 July, Wednesday afternoon
13:00 pm – 17:00 pm
Prize: Super League match ticket
More info: 00905535212628
Interlocutor Stop the dialogue after five questions.
Ask both students to give the visual materials back:
Pass me your cards back, please! Thank you!
Now, we can move on to Part Three.

Take the prompt cards back. 251
(2 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s

Interlocutor Now, I’d like each of you to talk on your own.

I’m going to give each of you a photograph.

S1, here is your photograph. Please, tell us what you can see in
your photograph. You have about one minute.

S2, you just listen. I’ll give you your photograph in a moment.

S1, you can start talking.

Give the photograph to S1.

Photograph for S1

S1 talking

Interlocutor Let the student talk for about one minute.

Avoid asking any questions. If there is a need, point to something
in the picture.

21 Thank you. Pass me your photograph, please.

Take the photograph back.

PART 3 Let Us Speak

Interlocutor Now, S2, here is your photograph. Please, tell us what you can
see in your photograph. You have about one minute.

S1, you just listen.

S2, you can start talking.

Give the photograph to S2.

Photograph for S2

S2 talking

Interlocutor Let the student talk for about one minute.

Avoid asking any questions. If there is a need, point to something in
the picture.

Thank you. Pass me your photograph, please.

Now, we can move on to the last part. 21
Take the photograph back. 253
(4 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s

Interlocutor S1, I’m going to describe a situation to you. You are going to
talk to a friend (me) about your house. I am interested in buying
a new house. Give me information about your house.

The interlocutor always starts asking first.

with S1 Questions for interlocutor
1. What kind of house do you live in?
2. How much did you pay for it?
3. Where is it located?
4. How many rooms does it have?
5. How much money did you spend for redecorating?
6. What do you want to change about your house in the future?
7. What are the advantages of your house?
8. What are the disadvantages of your house?
9. How far is it from the bus stop?
10. What type of problems did you have in your house?

Interlocutor Thank you.

S2, I’m going to describe a situation to you. One of your
friends is planning to go to the local sports centre. You know
this sports centre. Talk to your friend (me) and give me some
The interlocutor always starts asking first.

with S2 Questions for interlocutor

1. Hello. I want to ask you about the local sports centre. Can you help
me to decide about it?
2. What time does it open?
3. What time does it close?
4. How much do you have to pay for it monthly?
5. How far is it from the bus stop or metro station?
21 6. How much time do you spend there?
7. How do you get there?
8. What sports can you do there?
9. Which things do I have to bring with me?
10. What is the phone number of the sports centre?

Thank you. This is the end of the speaking test.

Let Us Speak
Part 2 - prompt cards for S1
Answers for S1

House for rent

Location: Downtown
Rent: $680 per month

2 minutes from the subway.

Near all major bus routes.

Facilities in Building
No pets allowed.
Close to the theatres, restaurants, pubs, and
shopping centres.

Questions for S1

L.U.S. Football Tournament

• where ?
• date ?
• time ? 21
• for whom ?
• win ? 255
T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s
Part 2 - prompt cards for S2
Questions for S2

House for rent

• where / flat ?
• how much ?
• subway / nearby ?
• keep / dog ?
• near / restaurants ?

Answers for S2

L.U.S. Football Tournament

For 10-14-year-old students

at Leeds Sport Centre
15 July, Wednesday afternoon
13:00 pm – 17:00 pm
Prize: Super League match ticket
More info: 00905535212628

Part 3 - photograph for S1 Let Us Speak

21 257
Part 3 - photograph
T h e for
B oS2
o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s


Let Us Speak

Speaking test 22

22 259
(2-3 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s
Stage 1

Interlocutor Hello. How are you? Are you ready to start? OK.
First, I would like to ask some questions about you.

Ask both students the following questions in this exact order.

S1/ What’s your name?

Thank you.

S2/ And what’s your name?

Thank you.

S1/ What’s your surname? How do you spell it?

Thank you.

S2/ What’s your surname? How do you spell it?

Thank you.

S1/ Where are you from?

Thank you.

S2/ Where are you from?

Thank you.

Ask both students a different pair of questions.

Do you like winter?

Do you have boots for cold weather?

Does it snow in your city/town/village?

Have you ever seen a rainbow?

22 Do you have P.E. lessons at school?

Did you watch the last Olympic Games?

Thank you.

PART 1 Let Us Speak
Stage 2

Interlocutor Ask both students two different questions from the list below.
In the event of a one-word answer ask Why/Why not?
Start with S1, then continue with S2.

What’s your favourite season? Why?

What do you like doing most in winter? Why?

Tell us about your favourite kind of transport.

What do you like doing most in summer? Why?

Tell us about your favourite book.

What do you wear in summer/spring?

Thank you.
Now, we can move on to Part Two.

22 261
(3-4 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s

Interlocutor In this part you are going to talk to each other.

Each of you is going to ask and answer questions.
S1, look at the information about a hotel.
for interlocutor S2, you know nothing about the hotel. S2, ask some questions
about it and S1, answer them. Start talking.

Hand over a set of prompt cards, so that S2 has got the opportunity to
ask the questions and S1 to answer them.

Answers for S1
Cave Hotel
in Ankara
No swimming pool, no dinner or lunch

Balloon Tour: 200 EUR all-day tour

Room: 150 EUR per night
Bed, breakfast, bedsheets, toilet, towels: free of charge

Check in: after 12 p.m.

Check out: before 11:00 a.m.
Phone 31 342 759 439 to book

Questions for S2
Cave Hotel
• room / cost ?
• what / free ?
• swimming pool ?
• when / check in ?
• phone ?

Interlocutor Stop the dialogue after five questions.

22 Ask both students to give the visual materials back:
Pass me your cards back, please!
Thank you!
Take the prompt cards back.

PART 2 Let Us Speak

Interlocutor S2, here is some information about a robotics course. S1, you
know nothing about the course. S1, ask some questions about
Visuals it and S2, answer them. Start talking.
for interlocutor

Hand over a set of prompt cards, so that S1 has got the opportunity to
ask the questions and S2 to answer them.
Questions for S1

Robotics Course
• how much ?
• what / learn ?
• day ?
• when / start ?
• how long ?

Answers for S2
Robotics Course

Ten weeks
Learn robotic coding, robotic cards
Friday, 1st October, at 14.30
Course: €70 monthly
Call 561 394 393 to book

Interlocutor Stop the dialogue after five questions.

Ask both students to give the visual materials back: 22
Pass me your cards back, please! Thank you!
Now, we can move on to Part Three.

Take the prompt cards back. 263
(2 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s

Interlocutor Now, I’d like each of you to talk on your own.

I’m going to give each of you a photograph.

S1, here is your photograph. Please, tell us what you can see in
your photograph. You have about one minute.

S2, you just listen. I’ll give you your photograph in a moment.

S1, you can start talking.

Give the photograph to S1.

Photograph for S1

S1 talking

Interlocutor Let the student talk for about one minute.

Avoid asking any questions. If there is a need, point to something
in the picture.

Thank you. Pass me your photograph, please.

Take the photograph back.

PART 3 Let Us Speak

Interlocutor Now, S2, here is your photograph. Please, tell us what you can
see in your photograph. You have about one minute.

S1, you just listen.

S2, you can start talking.

Give the photograph to S2.

Photograph for S2

S2 talking

Interlocutor Let the student talk for about one minute.

Avoid asking any questions. If there is a need, point to something in
the picture.

Thank you. Pass me your photograph, please.

Now, we can move on to the last part.
Take the photograph back. 265
(4 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s

Interlocutor S1, I’m going to describe a situation to you. You are an officer
at the theatre. I am calling to you. Give me some information
about the play.

The interlocutor always starts asking first.

with S1
Questions for interlocutor
1. Which play is on today?
2. What time does the it start?
3. Where is the theatre?
4. How long does the play last?
5. How far is the theatre from the bus stop?
6. Where are the actors from?
7. Can you tell me where the best seats are?
8. What can I buy during the break?
9. How much is a ticket for two people?
10. How would you like to pay?

Interlocutor Thank you.

S2, I’m going to describe a situation to you. One of your
friends is planning to watch a movie but he/she is not sure
about it. You have already watched that movie. Talk to your
friend (me) and give me some information.
The interlocutor always starts asking first.
with S2 Questions for interlocutor

Hello! I have heard that you watched that movie.

1. What type of movie is it?
2. How long does the movie last?
3. Where did you see that movie?
4. Where is the cinema?
5. How did you feel after watching it?
6. How did you go the cinema?
7. With whom did you watch it?
8. How much is a ticket per person?
22 9. Where did you buy the ticket(s)?
10. When did you buy the ticket(s)?

Thank you. This is the end of the speaking test.

Let Us Speak
Part 2 - prompt cards for S1
Answers for S1

Cave Hotel

in Ankara
No swimming pool, no dinner or lunch

Balloon Tour: 200 EUR all-day tour

Room: 150 EUR per night
Bed, breakfast, bedsheets, toilet, towels: free of charge

Check in: after 12 p.m.

Check out: before 11:00 a.m.
Phone 31 342 759 439 to book

Questions for S1

Robotics Course
• how much ?
• what / learn ?
• day ?
• when / start ? 22
• how long ? 267
T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s
Part 2 - prompt cards for S2
Questions for S2

Cave Hotel
• room / cost ?
• what / free ?
• swimming pool ?
• when / check in ?
• phone ?

Answers for S2

Robotics Course

Ten weeks
Learn robotic coding, robotic cards

22 Friday, 1st October, at 14.30

Course: €70 monthly
Call 561 394 393 to book

Part 3 - photograph for S1 Let Us Speak

22 269
Part 3 - photograph
T h e for
B oS2
o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s


Let Us Speak

Speaking test 23

23 271
(2-3 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s
Stage 1

Interlocutor Hello. How are you? Are you ready to start? OK.
First, I would like to ask some questions about you.

Ask both students the following questions in this exact order.

S1/ What’s your name?

Thank you.

S2/ And what’s your name?

Thank you.

S1/ What’s your surname? How do you spell it?

Thank you.

S2/ What’s your surname? How do you spell it?

Thank you.

S1/ Where are you from?

Thank you.

S2/ Where are you from?

Thank you.

Ask both students a different pair of questions.

Do you like pizza?

Is pizza healthy?

Have you ever made sushi or tried it?

Do you enjoy seafood or chicken?

Can you cook?

Did you eat fast food last week?

Thank you.

PART 1 Let Us Speak
Stage 2

Interlocutor Ask both students two different questions from the list below.
In the event of a one-word answer ask Why/Why not?
Start with S1, then continue with S2.

What’s your favourite food for dinner? (Why?)

What do you usually have for breakfast?

Tell us about a music band that you are fond of.

Are you interested in watching comedy movies?
(Why?/Why not?)

What kind of movies do you like watching?

Tell us about your favourite singer.

Thank you.
Now, we can move on to Part Two.

23 273
(3-4 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s

Interlocutor In this part you are going to talk to each other.

Each of you is going to ask and answer questions.
S1, look at the information about a restaurant.
for interlocutor S2, you know nothing about the restaurant. S2, ask some
questions about it and S1, answer them. Start talking.

Hand over a set of prompt cards, so that S2 has got the opportunity to
ask the questions and S1 to answer them.

Answers for S1
L.U.S. Restaurant
Breakfast: €5 Lunch: €10 Dinner: €15

Breakfast: 8 a.m. – 10 a.m.

Lunch: 12 p.m – 2 p.m.
Dinner: 7 p.m. – 9 p.m.

Car park, Children’s park, Toilets, Family floor available

Address: Belvedere Road, Lambeth, London SE1 8XX
More info: 473 521 893

Questions for S2
L.U.S. Restaurant
• how much / breakfast ?
• dinner / begin ?
• children’s park ?
• address ?
• information ?

Interlocutor Stop the dialogue after five questions.

Ask both students to give the visual materials back:

23 Pass me your cards back, please!

Thank you!
Take the prompt cards back.

PART 2 Let Us Speak

Interlocutor S2, here is some information about a hotel. S1, you know
nothing about the hotel. S1, ask some questions about it and
Visuals S2, answer them. Start talking.
for interlocutor

Hand over a set of prompt cards, so that S1 has got the opportunity to
ask the questions and S2 to answer them.
Questions for S1

L.U.S. Hotel
• cost ? € ?
• single room ?
• sauna / use ?
• phone number ?
• address ?

Answers for S2
L.U.S. Hotel

One-Week Holiday
€160 (per person)
Single room – Double room – Family room
• Extras: Swimming pool, Sauna, Sports Centre, Restaurant
• Reception: 00904443669595;
• Address: 33 Rockshire Street, London E5 2AA, UK

Interlocutor Stop the dialogue after five questions.

Ask both students to give the visual materials back:
Pass me your cards back, please! Thank you!
Now, we can move on to Part Three. 23
Take the prompt cards back. 275
(2 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s

Interlocutor Now, I’d like each of you to talk on your own.

I’m going to give each of you a photograph.

S1, here is your photograph. Please, tell us what you can see in
your photograph. You have about one minute.

S2, you just listen. I’ll give you your photograph in a moment.

S1, you can start talking.

Give the photograph to S1.

Photograph for S1

S1 talking

Interlocutor Let the student talk for about one minute.

Avoid asking any questions. If there is a need, point to something
in the picture.

Thank you. Pass me your photograph, please.

Take the photograph back.


PART 3 Let Us Speak

Interlocutor Now, S2, here is your photograph. Please, tell us what you can
see in your photograph. You have about one minute.

S1, you just listen.

S2, you can start talking.

Give the photograph to S2.

Photograph for S2

S2 talking

Interlocutor Let the student talk for about one minute.

Avoid asking any questions. If there is a need, point to something in
the picture.

Thank you. Pass me your photograph, please.

Now, we can move on to the last part.

Take the photograph back.

23 277
(4 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s
S1, I’m going to describe a situation to you. You want a job as
an English teacher for a private college. Talk to the manager
(me) of the school.

The interlocutor always starts asking first.

with S1 Questions for interlocutor
1. Well, can you tell us a little bit about yourself, please?
2. How did you hear about this job?
3. Why do you want to work here?
4. How long have you been teaching English?
5. What do you think about working with students?
6. What is a good teacher like?
7. What didn´t you like about the teachers you had?
8. Where else have you worked before?
9. How much money would you like to earn?
10. Do you have any other questions for us?

Interlocutor Thank you.

S2, I’m going to describe a situation to you. You are at a
shopping mall and you enter a store to buy some clothes. Talk
to the shop assistant (me) about what you want to buy.

The interlocutor always starts asking first.

with S2
Questions for interlocutor
1. Good afternoon. How can I help you?
2. Are you looking for something for a special occasion?
3. What type of things do you like wearing?
4. What colour do you prefer?
5. What size do you want to have?
6. What do you think about the ones you’ve chosen?
7. How are you going to pay?
8. Can you tell me your phone number for the receipt?
9. Would you like to have a member card?
10. What other things would you like to buy?
Thank you. This is the end of the speaking test.

Let Us Speak
Part 2 - prompt cards for S1
Answers for S1

L.U.S. Restaurant
Breakfast: €5 Lunch: €10 Dinner: €15

Breakfast: 8 a.m. – 10 a.m.

Lunch: 12 p.m – 2 p.m.
Dinner: 7 p.m. – 9 p.m.

Car park, Children’s park, Toilets, Family floor available

Address: Belvedere Road, Lambeth, London SE1 8XX
More info: 473 521 893

Questions for S1

L.U.S. Hotel
• cost ? € ?
• single room ?
• sauna / use ?
• phone number ?
• address ?
23 279
T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s
Part 2 - prompt cards for S2
Questions for S2

L.U.S. Restaurant

• how much / breakfast ?

• dinner / begin ?
• children’s park ?
• address ?
• information ?

Answers for S2

L.U.S. Hotel

One-Week Holiday
€160 (per person)

Single room – Double room – Family room

• Extras: Swimming pool, Sauna, Sports Centre, Restaurant
23 • Reception: 00904443669595;
• Address: 33 Rockshire Street, London E5 2AA, UK

Part 3 - photograph for S1 Let Us Speak

23 281
Part 3 - photograph
T h e for
B oS2
o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s


Let Us Speak

Speaking test 24

24 283
(2-3 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s
Stage 1

Interlocutor Hello. How are you? Are you ready to start? OK.
First, I would like to ask some questions about you.

Ask both students the following questions in this exact order.

S1/ What’s your name?

Thank you.

S2/ And what’s your name?

Thank you.

S1/ What’s your surname? How do you spell it?

Thank you.

S2/ What’s your surname? How do you spell it?

Thank you.

S1/ Where are you from?

Thank you.

S2/ Where are you from?

Thank you.
Ask both students a different pair of questions.

Do you have a special day or holiday in April in your

Have you ever visited London Bridge?

Do you like doing sports?

Have you ever tried parachuting?

Did you visit Paris last year?

Do you enjoy staying at a hotel at the seaside on your
Thank you.

PART 1 Let Us Speak
Stage 2

Interlocutor Ask both students two different questions from the list below.
In the event of a one-word answer ask Why/Why not?
Start with S1, then continue with S2.

What´s your favourite place for a summer holiday?

Where do you usually go for a winter holiday?

Tell us about the happiest moment in your life.

What kinds of activities do you like doing on your
summer holiday?

What activities did you prefer to do on your last

winter holiday? (Why?/Why not?)

Tell us about a moment when you felt scared.

Thank you.
Now, we can move on to Part Two.

24 285
(3-4 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s

Interlocutor In this part you are going to talk to each other.

Each of you is going to ask and answer questions.
S1, look at the information about a sports shop.
for interlocutor S2, you know nothing about the sports shop. S2, ask some
questions about it and S1, answer them. Start talking.

Hand over a set of prompt cards, so that S2 has got the opportunity to
ask the questions and S1 to answer them.

Answers for S1

L.U.S. Sports
15, Swenson Road, London

Different sports equipment to buy:

(horse riding, football, floorball, tennis,
swimming, basketball, ice skating)

Monday – Sunday
Happy Hour on Saturday 09:00-10:00
For more information visit our website:

Questions for S2
L.U.S. Sports
• where ?
• buy ?
• open evenings ?
• happy hour ?
• info ?

Interlocutor Stop the dialogue after five questions.

Ask both students to give the visual materials back:
Pass me your cards back, please!
Thank you!
Take the prompt cards back.

PART 2 Let Us Speak

Interlocutor S2, here is some information about a festival. S1, you know
nothing about the festival. S1, ask some questions about it
Visuals and S2, answer them. Start talking.
for interlocutor

Hand over a set of prompt cards, so that S1 has got the opportunity to
ask the questions and S2 to answer them.
Questions for S1

• where ?
• when ?
• food / cost ?
• activities ?
• phone number ?

Answers for S2

May 1st, school garden

Monday evening
7 p.m. – 11 p.m.

dancing, concerts, competitions, free drinks, and free food

Telephone: 256 698 575

Interlocutor Stop the dialogue after five questions.

Ask both students to give the visual materials back:
Pass me your cards back, please! Thank you!
Now, we can move on to Part Three.

Take the prompt cards back.

24 287
(2 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s

Interlocutor Now, I’d like each of you to talk on your own.

I’m going to give each of you a photograph.

S1, here is your photograph. Please, tell us what you can see in
your photograph. You have about one minute.

S2, you just listen. I’ll give you your photograph in a moment.

S1, you can start talking.

Give the photograph to S1.

Photograph for S1

S1 talking

Interlocutor Let the student talk for about one minute.

Avoid asking any questions. If there is a need, point to something
in the picture.

Thank you. Pass me your photograph, please.

Take the photograph back.


PART 3 Let Us Speak

Interlocutor Now, S2, here is your photograph. Please, tell us what you can
see in your photograph. You have about one minute.

S1, you just listen.

S2, you can start talking.

Give the photograph to S2.

Photograph for S2

S2 talking

Interlocutor Let the student talk for about one minute.

Avoid asking any questions. If there is a need, point to something in
the picture.

Thank you. Pass me your photograph, please.

Now, we can move on to the last part.

Take the photograph back.

24 289
(4 minutes) T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s
S1, I’m going to describe a situation to you. You are going on a
holiday and you want to make a hotel room reservation. Talk to
the receptionist (me) of the hotel.

The interlocutor always starts asking first.

with S1 Questions for interlocutor
1. Hi! Reception. How can I help you?
2. What date are you looking for?
3. How long will you be staying?
4. How many adults will there be in the room?
5. What type of room would you like?
6. What facilities would you like to have? (sauna, fitness hall,
swimming pool)
7. What time are you going to be at the hotel?
8. How are you going to pay?
9. Can I have a contact number, please?
10. Do you have any other questions for us?

Interlocutor Thank you.

S2, I’m going to describe a situation to you. You want to be fit
and live healthily. You decided to register at a sports centre.
Talk to the secretary (me) of the centre.

The interlocutor always starts asking first.

with S2 Questions for interlocutor
1. Hello! This is the Live Healthily Sports Centre. How can I help you?
2. Why do you want to register at this sports centre?
3. What days do you want to come to the centre?
4. How long will you be a member of the centre?
5. What kinds of sports have you done until now?
6. What kinds of activities would you like to do at this sports centre?
7. What do you prefer? Working with a special trainer or do you just
prefer to use the sports equipment?
8. Can you tell me your phone number for the registration, please?
9. What is your home address?
10. Is there anything more that I can help you with?

Thank you. This is the end of the speaking test.

Let Us Speak
Part 2 - prompt cards for S1
Answers for S1

L.U.S. Sports
15, Swenson Road, London

Different sports equipment to buy:

(horse riding, football, floorball, tennis, swimming,
basketball, ice skating)

Monday – Sunday
Happy Hour on Saturday 09:00-10:00

For more information visit our website:

Questions for S1

• where ?
• when ?
• how much / food ?
• activities ?
• phone number ?
24 291
T h e B o o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s
Part 2 - prompt cards for S2
Questions for S2

L.U.S. Sports

• where ?
• buy ?
• open evenings ?
• happy hour ?
• info ?

Answers for S2

May 1st, school garden
Monday evening
7 p.m. – 11 p.m.

dancing, concerts, competitions, free drinks, and free food

24 Telephone: 256 698 575

Part 3 - photograph for S1 Let Us Speak

24 293
Part 3 - photograph
T h e for
B oS2
o k o f S p e a k i n g Te s t s


References Let Us Speak

Test 1
1st picture
Prométhée33, and Parutakupiu. Horseball pictogram. Digital image. File:Horseball pictogram.svg - Wikimedia Commons. N.p., 4 Jan. 2012.
Web. 4 Feb. 2017. <>.
2nd picture
Thadius856, and Parutakupiu. Football pictogram. Digital image. File:Beach soccer pictogram.svg - Wikimedia Commons. N.p., 4 Jan. 2008.
Web. 4 Feb. 2017. <>.
3rd picture
Thadius856, and Parutakupiu. Field hockey pictogram. Digital image. File:Field hockey pictogram.svg - Wikimedia Commons. N.p., 4 Jan.
2008. Web. 4 Feb. 2017. <>.
4th picture
Thadius856, and Parutakupiu. Tennis pictogram. Digital image. File:Tennis pictogram.svg - Wikimedia Commons. N.p., 4 Jan. 2008. Web. 4
Feb. 2017. <>.
5th picture
Thadius856, and Parutakupiu. Swimming pictogram. Digital image. File:Swimming pictogram.svg - Wikimedia Commons. N.p., 4 Jan. 2008.
Web. 4 Feb. 2017. <>.
6th picture Present. Digital image. File:Present.gif - Wikimedia Commons. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 Feb. 2017. <
1st photograph
Branson, Bill. Family Playing Board Game. Digital image. NCI Visuals Online: Image Details. National Cancer Institute, 6 Nov. 2007. Web. 3
Feb. 2017. <>.
2nd photograph
F, K. Test (student assessment). Digital image. File:Test (student assessment).jpeg – Wikimedia Commons. English Wikipedia, 12 Sept. 2005.
Web. 3 Feb. 2017. <>.

Test 2
1st picture
Digital image. Free vector graphic: Oldtimer, Car, Vintage, Automobile - Free Image on Pixabay - 146524. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 Feb. 2017.
2nd picture
Digital image. Free vector graphic: Judo, Martial Arts, Sports - Free Image on Pixabay - 295100. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Jan. 2017. <https://>.
1st photograph
Digital image. Free photo: New York, City, Color, Travel - Free Image on Pixabay - 748595. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Jan. 2017. <https://pixabay.
2nd photograph
Digital image. Free photo: Basketball, Game, Competition - Free Image on Pixabay - 557192. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Jan. 2017. <https://pixabay.

Test 3
1st picture
Digital image. Free vector graphic: Backpacker, Hiking, Backpacking - Free Image on Pixabay - 33063. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Jan. 2017. <https://>.
2nd picture
Digital image. Free vector graphic: Burger, Cheeseburger, Fast Food - Free Image on Pixabay - 1487481. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Jan. 2017. <https://>.
3rd picture
Digital image. Free illustration: Wifi, Network, Free, Access, Wlan - Free Image on Pixabay - 647215. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 Feb. 2017. <https://>.
1st photograph
Digital image. Fotografie zdarma: Televize, Kamerové Muži, Venkovní - Obraz zdarma na Pixabay - 1553822. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Feb. 2017.
2nd photograph
Digital image. Free photo: Family Eating At The Table, Dining - Free Image on Pixabay - 619142. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Jan. 2017. <https://>.

Test 4
1st picture
Digital image. Free photo: Hands, Piano, Shirt, Fingers, Music - Free Image on Pixabay - 999944. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Jan. 2017. <https://>.
2nd picture
Digital image. Free illustration: Doctor, Work, Hospital, Health - Free Image on Pixabay - 1699656. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Jan. 2017. <https://>.
1st photograph
Digital image. Fotografie zdarma: Singapur, Vlak, Hmota Rapid Transit - Obraz zdarma na Pixabay - 892574. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Feb. 2017.
2nd photograph
Digital image. School Bus, photos, #1525654 - N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Jan. 2017. <
bus-1525654>. 295
Test 5
1st picture
Digital image. Free stock photo of bus, mountain, road. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Jan. 2017. <
2nd picture
Digital image. Fotografie zdarma: Domů, Holiday House, Mallorca - Obraz zdarma na Pixabay - 1090563. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Jan. 2017.
1st photograph
Digital image. Scarborough beach, photos, #1462429 - N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Jan. 2017. <
2nd photograph
Digital image. Free photo: Tour De France, Tv Crew - Free Image on Pixabay - 1495377. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Jan. 2017. <

Test 6
1st picture
Digital image. Free vector graphic: Delivery Guy, Boy, Man, Delivery - Free Image on Pixabay - 1424808. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Jan. 2017.
2nd picture
Digital image. Free vector graphic: Shopping, Dresses, Fashion - Free Image on Pixabay - 311924. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Jan. 2017. <https://cdn.>.
1st photograph
Digital image. Man Using Stylus Pen for Touching the Digital Tablet Screen • Free Stock Photo. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Jan. 2017. <https://static.>.
2nd photograph
Digital image. Woman in Gray Shirt Seating in Between Woman in Blue Black and White Plaid Long Sleeve Shirt and Man in Blue White
and Black Plaid Long Sleeve Shirt Having Conversation • Free Stock Photo. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Jan. 2017. <

Test 7
1st photograph
woodleywonderworks. Digital image. Flickr. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Feb. 2017. <>.
2nd photograph
Digital image. Free photo: Young, Library, Study Of, Classmate - Free Image on Pixabay - 1822682. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Mar. 2017. <https://>.
Microsoft Word clipart pictures: reading, high school (18.02.2017).

Test 8
1st photograph
Digital image. Free photo: Breakdancing, Battle, Life, Males - Free Image on Pixabay - 1450054. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Mar. 2017. <https://pixabay.
2nd photograph
Eyink Lindsay. People celebrating on Stinson Beach. Digital image. Wikimedia Commons. N.p., 29 May 2010. Web. 19 Feb. 2017. <https://>.
Microsoft Word clipart pictures: dancing, wedding (19.02.2017).

Test 9
1st photograph
Humanoide. Groupe Médiéval – Medieval group. Digital image. Flickr. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Feb. 2017. <
2nd photograph
Mavila2. Beach volleyball poland1.jpg. Digital image. Wikimedia Commons. N.p., 10 May 2008. Web. 19 Feb. 2017. <https://commons.>.
Microsoft Word clipart pictures: dancing, wedding (19.02.2017).

Test 10
1st photograph
Kiwiev. Welcome to Slovakia sign inside Bratislava main train station (hlavná stanica).JPG. Digital image. Wikimedia Commons. N.p., 27 June
2014. Web. 19 Feb. 2017. <
2nd photograph
Digital image. Free photo: Venice, Italy, Parade, Festival - Free Image on Pixabay - 92954. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Mar. 2017. <
Microsoft Word clipart pictures: dancing, wedding (19.02.2017).

Test 11
1st photograph
„Speaking-Describ. Picture.“ Basico2eoi – Speaking-Describ. Picture. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Feb. 2017. <
Speaking-Describ. Picture>.
2nd photograph
„Free Image on Pixabay - Exeter High, Street, People, Devon.“ Free photo: Exeter High, Street, People, Devon – Free Image on Pixabay -
711804. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Feb. 2017. <>.
Microsoft Word clipart pictures: running, speak Chinese (18.02.2017).
Test 12
1st photograph
Digital image. Free photo: Birthday, Slippers, Dress, Dancing - Free Image on Pixabay - 1147023. N.p., 19 Jan. 2016. Web. 7 Mar. 2017. <https://>.
2nd photograph
Digital image. Free photo: Class, Learning, Brother - Free Image on Pixabay - 1416904. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Mar. 2017. <
Microsoft Word clipart pictures: newspaper, shop (18.02.2017).

Test 13
1st picture
Digital image. Free vector graphic: Singing, Music, Sound - Free Image on Pixabay - 311578. N.p., 2 Aug. 2014. Web. 7 Apr. 2017. <https://>.
2nd picture
Digital image. Free photo: Bowling, Family, Recreation - Free Image on Pixabay - 1951472. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Apr. 2017. <
1st photograph
The Photographer. Woman buying peppers. Digital image. File:Woman buying peppers.jpg – Wikimedia Commons. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Apr. 2017.
2nd Photograph
Mxmstryo. Sure! (3166936424). Digital image. File:Sure! (3166936424).jpg - Wikimedia Commons. N.p., 3 Jan. 2009. Web. 6 Apr. 2017. <https://!_(3166936424).jpg>.

Test 14
1st picture
Digital image. Free vector graphic: Tennis, Sports, Comic Character - Free Image on Pixabay - 1298769. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Apr. 2017. <https://>.
2nd picture
Digital image. Free vector graphic: Bicycle, Small, Vehicle, Bike - Free Image on Pixabay - 1456759. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Apr. 2017. <https://pixabay.
1st photograph
Digital image. Free photo: Snack, Morning, Selling Bread - Free Image on Pixabay - 257891. N.p., 4 Feb. 2014. Web. 6 Apr. 2017. <https://pixabay.
2nd Photograph
Digital image. Free photo: Listen, Informal Meeting, Chatting - Free Image on Pixabay - 1702648. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Apr. 2017. <https://pixabay.

Test 15
1st picture
Digital image. Free vector graphic: Egg, Smiling, Smile, Happy, Yellow - Free Image on Pixabay - 24404. N.p., 3 Apr. 2012. Web. 8 Apr. 2017.
2nd picture
Digital image. Free vector graphic: Pencil, Happy, Jumping, School - Free Image on Pixabay - 152713. N.p., 15 Oct. 2013. Web. 8 Apr. 2017.
1st photograph
Digital image. Free photo: Coventry Garden, Market, London - Free Image on Pixabay - 973852. N.p., 9 Oct. 2015. Web. 6 Apr. 2017. <https://>.
2nd Photograph
Digital image. Free photo: Bangkok, Thailand, Floating Market - Free Image on Pixabay - 1020850. N.p., 9 Nov. 2015. Web. 8 Apr. 2017. <https://>.

Test 16
1st picture
Digital image. Free vector graphic: Hiking, Backpack, Backpacking - Free Image on Pixabay - 305739. N.p., 2 May 2014. Web. 8 Apr. 2017.
2nd picture
Digital image. Free vector graphic: Girl, Map, Travel, World, Dress - Free Image on Pixabay - 1597946. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Apr. 2017. <https://>.
3rd picture
Digital image. Free vector graphic: Man, Map, Smile, World, Travel - Free Image on Pixabay - 1597963. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Apr. 2017. <https://>.
1st photograph
Digital image. Free photo: Japan, Japanese, People, Tokyo - Free Image on Pixabay - 237136. N.p., 2 Jan. 2014. Web. 8 Apr. 2017. <https://>.
2nd photograph
Digital image. Free photo: Adult, Amorous, Asia, Girlfriend - Free Image on Pixabay - 1807617. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Apr. 2017. <

Test 17

1st picture
Digital image. Free photo: Transistors, Gpu, Processor, Pc - Free Image on Pixabay - 1137502. N.p., 14 Jan. 2016. Web. 8 Apr. 2017. <https://>.
2nd picture
Digital image. Free illustration: Time, Portal, Time Machine, Travel - Free Image on Pixabay - 2034990. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Apr. 2017. <https://>.
1st photograph
Garcia, Alejandro Linares. PeoplePoolHierve.JPG. Digital image. File:PeoplePoolHierve.JPG – Wikimedia Commons. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Apr.
2nd photograph
Digital image. Free photo: Florence, Wedding, City, Italy - Free Image on Pixabay - 2044046. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Apr. 2017. <https://pixabay.

Test 18
1st picture
Digital image. Free illustration: Interview, Conversation, Sitting - Free Image on Pixabay - 2071228. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Apr. 2017. <https://>.
2nd picture
Digital image. Free vector graphic: Swimmer, Swimming, Water Sports - Free Image on Pixabay - 297723. N.p., 27 May 2014. Web. 8 Apr.
2017. <>.
1st photograph
Digital image. Free photo: Japan, Tokyo, Ueno, Women, Kid - Free Image on Pixabay - 230881. N.p., 20 Dec. 2013. Web. 8 Apr. 2017.
2nd photograph
Meli668. Beach volleyball from zh. Digital image. File:Beach volleyball from zh.JPG - Wikimedia Commons. N.p., 5 Jan. 2006. Web. 6 Apr.
2017. <–––dia/commons/2/21/Beach_volleyball_from_zh.JPG>

Test 19
1st picture
Digital image. Free vector graphic: Handball, Basketball, Ball, People - Free Image on Pixabay - 150163. N.p., 11 Oct. 2013. Web. 18 Mar.
2017. <>.
2nd picture
Digital image. Free vector graphic: Birthday, Greeting Card, Balloon - Free Image on Pixabay - 1777862. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Mar. 2017.
1st photograph
Digital image. Free photo: People, Children, Child, Happy - Free Image on Pixabay - 1560569. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Mar. 2017. <https://pixabay.
2nd photograph
Digital image. Free photo: Pokemon, Pokemongo, Friends, School - Free Image on Pixabay - 1548194. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Mar. 2017. <https://>.

Test 20
1st picture
Digital image. Free vector graphic: Squash, Sports, Tennis, Ball - Free Image on Pixabay - 148648. N.p., 9 Oct. 2013. Web. 18 Mar. 2017.
2nd picture
Digital image. Free vector graphic: Battlement, Castle, Towers, Parapet - Free Image on Pixabay - 148050. N.p., 8 Oct. 2013. Web. 18 Mar.
2017. <>.
1st photograph
Digital image. Free photo: Parents And Children, Birthday - Free Image on Pixabay - 1798199. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Mar. 2017. <https://pixabay.
2nd photograph
Digital image. Free photo: Family, Trip, Italy, Alps, Wander - Free Image on Pixabay - 789029. N.p., 2 June 2015. Web. <

Test 21
1st picture
Digital image. Free vector graphic: Realtor, Sign, Sold, Real Estate - Free Image on Pixabay - 156501. N.p., 22 Oct. 2013. Web. 18 Mar. 2017.
2nd picture
Digital image. Free vector graphic: Ball, Football, Soccer, Sport - Free Image on Pixabay - 157860. N.p., 18 Oct. 2013. Web. 18 Mar. 2017.
1st photograph
Digital image. File:Family dinner, Perth, 27 Oct. 2010 - Flickr - PhillipC.jpg – Wikimedia Commons. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Mar. 2017. <https://,_Perth,_27_Oct._2010_-_Flickr_-_PhillipC.jpg?uselang=cs>.
2nd photograph
Digital image. Free photo: Countryside, Asia, Adult, Care For - Free Image on Pixabay - 1807527. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Mar. 2017. <https://>.

Test 22
1st picture
Digital image. Free vector graphic: Concierge, Hotel, Service, Help - Free Image on Pixabay - 32330. N.p., 13 Apr. 2012. Web. 18 Mar. 2017.
2nd picture
Digital image. Free illustration: Hand, Robot, Human, Machine - Free Image on Pixabay - 1571847. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Mar. 2017. <https://>.
1st photograph
Digital image. Free photo: Friends, Lost, People Talking - Free Image on Pixabay - 1255442. N.p., 16 Mar. 2016. Web. 18 Mar. 2017. <https://>.
2nd photograph
Digital image. Free photo: Conversation, Meeting, Games - Free Image on Pixabay - 499604. N.p., 23 Oct. 2014. Web. 18 Mar. 2017.

Test 23
1st picture
Digital image. Free vector graphic: Chef, Cook, Culinary, Uniform - Free Image on Pixabay - 307076. N.p., 8 Apr. 2014. Web. 18 Mar. 2017.
1st photograph
Digital image. Free photo: Cancun, Mexico, Tropical, Hotel - Free Image on Pixabay - 1249306. N.p., 11 Mar. 2016. Web. 18 Mar. 2017.
2nd photograph
Digital image. Free photo: Airport, Passenger, Infrastructure - Free Image on Pixabay - 1543009. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Apr. 2017. <https://>.
3rd photograph
Digital image. Free photo: Beach, Fun, Landscape, Leisure - Free Image on Pixabay - 1867524. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Apr. 2017. <https://pixabay.

Test 24
1st picture
Digital image. Free vector graphic: Shopping Cart, Button, Shopping - Free Image on Pixabay - 24573. N.p., 3 Apr. 2012. Web. 18 Mar. 2017.
2nd picture
Digital image. Free vector graphic: Fireworks, New Year‘S Eve, Sparkler - Free Image on Pixabay - 1993221. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Mar. 2017.
1st photograph
Digital image. Free photo: Paella, Food, Restaurant, Franchise - Free Image on Pixabay - 1909983. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Mar. 2017. <https://>.
2nd photograph
Digital image. Free photo: Office Work, Studying, Office - Free Image on Pixabay - 1149087. N.p., 29 Jan. 2016. Web. 18 Mar. 2017. <https://>.
The Book of Speaking Tests is a set of 24 speaking tests for students at A2 level. They were created for
teachers who want to rank their students into the appropriate speaking level. It came out from the lack
of standardized speaking tests identified by groups of teachers from four different countries (the Czech
Republic, Romania, Turkey, and Bulgaria), working on an Erasmus+ project, Let Us Speak, aiming to
develop and improve students’ speaking level and verbal interaction and lower their fear of speaking.

The authors wish to have and offer unified tests for Primary Schools in accordance with the CEFR for
Languages. The Book of Speaking Tests comes out together with the Speaking Assessment Guide, a
handbook providing guidance for teachers to assessing students at A2 level with detailed instructions

Download the PDF version of The Book of Speaking Tests and Speaking Assessment Guide.

Get more information at:

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