Final Exam 2nd Year Lea2

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295 : aw LOUREY KAYE R. TRENO, RCRIM LEA 09158869416 BUGAY TECHNICAL INSTITUTE INCORPORATED Lower Taway, Ipil, Zamboanga Sibogay Email Address: ‘Telefax: (062)222-2469, Mobile No.: 09285033733 Year and Section: FINAL COMPARATIVE POLICING INSTRUCTION: WRITE THE LETTER OF YOUR ANSWER BEFORE THE NUMBER. ERASURE MEANS WRONG! MULTIPLE CHOICE: 1. Consist ofall he United Nations convention which sees to safeguard ie and human digit ina global eae ‘A union of domestic concer for labal governance 18, Universal convention (Cuniversal protrtions and safeguards D.nniversat declarations 2, Consist of recruitment onsportaion, transfer harboring or recip of persons by means of threat oF use of coercion, abduction, aul ‘eception, abuse of power. ‘A Trafficking in prsons 1. Esploiution C: People Situgging . Transnational Orgnized Crime 2. tn the}Pilipines the minimus 36 Tequrement for police oflers is 21 years od, what isthe minimum age requirement in ihe Ausralian Federal Volice? ANT Bis. co D2 4 tn ean, the constitution establishes a government hats amintureofpesidntl system and parliamentary system such goverament {sealled, A. Hegemony goverment 1 messianic democracy communis democracy : democrats socialist epublic 5 -1nthesysiem athe Public Safety Commission of Japan, The person who has he jurisdiction ovr the National Pubic Safety Commissions ‘athe? A. Minister of state 1. Prime Ministor C.Commissioner General D. Prefectural Governor 6.ttisa special higher police in Japan which fs equivalent tothe FBI, combining both criminal investigation and counter- espionage functions ‘A Tok B.Tokko Cro D. Lingein 17, 1a responsible forall mates relating to training within the Hong Kong Police excep intemal security, Auxiliary and Marine Poli {taining Teaning provided by the Police College inchodes recruit and cotinaton traning, rie investigation taining, poie driver taining find weapon tactics Waiing "A. Hongkong Police College B, Hong Kong Police Tring Schoo! Hong Kong Police Schoo! D. Hong Kong Schoo! of Police {Loosely srutred extraotdinary Dexible asocations Geter around violence and deeply involved ia the production and disibution of ‘informal power. The ony organizational goa is to make se of extortionate means. "A. enterprise syndicates "youth ganze power syndicates D. scavenge syadieaes {9.0m who bribes, buys intimidate, threatens, negotiates and see alk nto a eationship withthe police, publi. ‘might hep the members security and maintain immunity from art, prosecution and panishment. 1B compos C-comupier. D. coditer 10, That elationship which cn prodoce state policies that dzely violate social labor rights and dell produce social confit that leads to state violations of civil and sceuriy rights ‘A Global econo rations Dmiitareation| inte-border elations D. global political relations 11-That which simulates etnie mobilization, which may promote self. determination in responsive states but ore often produces collestive bur in defense of dominant group egemony. ‘A. Technological development 1. migration Cemployment opporunites 1. glotal mobility and information Now 12 The colton of ttemationa covenats and teats on war crimes und forthe protetion ofthe igh of wormen and children; ‘nena i ot aman is Geneva conventions ‘C univera declaration of aman rights Dz covenant on evil and plies sighs 13. Thiskindefseiety has system of laws, police who tend to kep busy banding plical crime and torn, anda system of punishment ‘harcerized by cviation sad overerowdine. ad _ alo any ese who LOUREY KAYE R. TRENO, RCRIM UeAz 09158869416 ‘A. Folk-communal society 1, Urban-commercal society C:tithamindustial society D.Rureaseratic society 14 This Kia of sctety haste elieation of lan speialiation among police, anda system of punishment tha just et things go for iLtile without ston al ings Becomes too much, and then harsh, barbaric punishment i resorts te, ‘A. Folkecommunel society 1. Urban-eominercial society ©. Urtunindusral society 1D, Bureaeratie society 15, What type of polis systom whichis dstngulsed by strong inglsitodal sytem wher less right s grated tothe accused and the ‘writen law fs taken as gospel and subject oft interpretation. “A. Common la system 1, Ci lave System Socialist system D.Asamie system 16. What iype of pice system which is distinguished by procedures signed to rehabilate or retain people into failing their responsible to the sate? "A. Como la system 1. Chil aw System Socialist tem D. amie sytem 17. Which one below i NOTa benefits tha the Philippines Derive as Member ofthe INTERPOL? "A" Acces to poise information an international Criminal Cass iN Access to Intemational Summaries of Criminal Cases. © Attend meetings and symposiums on ease of special topics {© Access to finds against ranstational Crises 1b, Acca to infomation desing with osonomic and financial erime in an international level 18. Thetypeand fom of goverament in nother Asi (Rusia) consist of compost systems which inca federal ste semi-presideni ahd repute, Which ype o goverament whi is chanctesized by a union of partially self-governing stiles or regions united By eral government? “A Republic state D. federal ate C: semipresidentl state D. prostate 19, Private sceurity Agencies hast be registered wih the “A. Security and Exchange Commission B.NAPOLCOM National Hureay of Iavestigation 1D. Department of Interior and Loea! Government 20, The pimuy tet to law enforcement brought ut by globalization which is evidenced by eeneci oF mas ling, 'A Unfair accesso global mechanism bythe under pivilege 1B Oceupation of nations bythe most powerful €. Confit between mations 1, Increasing human hts violations 21, Winns onthas sof! ws but laws that peseribed bchaviou,poice become specialized in how to handle property crimes. ‘8 Drenvertie society « Utban-Comunercal Society 1 Urban-indusrll Society 4. Fotk-Commonat Society 22. thas evi law, specialized police force and punishment is inconsistent, sometimes harsh, sometimes lenient ‘8 Bureaueratic society ‘.Urban-Conmercal Society fb. Urbanandustial Sociry 4. Foll-Cotnminal Society 23, thas asystem of laws, police tend to keep busy handing political erime and terrorism. ‘Bureaucratic society Urban. Commercial Society 1. Urban-indusril Society 4, Fotk-Cormmunal Society “24. Refer to “Continental Justice”; “inquisitorial syste: es right othe accused ft interpretation, (European Union) ‘a Civil Law Systems ‘Common Law System b._Hlamie Systems 4. Sociale Systems 25, This refers to “Anglo-American Jstice" they ae distinguished as strong adversarial sytem (US, UK, Austlia, NZ). ‘a Civil Law Systems bs, Common Law System b. tetamie Systems 4, Socialist Systems 126. silt underthe types of police system that “Must Arabi Justice: interpretation thru the KORAN, a. Civil Law Systems «Common Law System bh elamie Systems 1. Sociale Systems 27. A~MarsistLeninist Justice”: Communist revolution; (Ati and Asia). thi refers to? an Civil Li Stems ©. Common Law System ‘Islami Systems 4. Socialist Ststems ‘28. A.Court Systems ofthe world hate where the seeused is innova unl proven guilty "a Adversrial Comparative criminology B. ngistoril, {4 Comparative xing justice 28, Wis where the accused is gully unl proven innocent mitigate. a Adversarat ‘c- Comparative criminology Bb. Inguisitorah, {© Comparative eninal jasice 50. Nis Ueesudh othe axial occurrences of crime among Scie, none o Kent ferences and silais inthe pattem of &Adversial « Compartve criminology b. Faqustrial, 44 Comparacive eiminal justice 31. Mstuies the sil sate of feet sytem. a Adversarial «Comparative criminology 1B. Ingusitoril 44. Comparaive criminal justice 32. teisconsigrng a8 Work’ lanes iatematinal poticeompanization with ttl of 190 member counties a8 of 2012 a Interpol ‘General assembly 1b Excutive committer Jolly Rogan 33, isthe Insts gem sevsine bt Takes major dvs affesting pera plc, rena need oe ntrationa ‘cooperation, woking mets Gaances and programs of wii expel fe. General assembly LOUREY KAYE R. TRENO, RCRIM LeAa2 o91sa969416 34. is under the flerpol's orpaniratona sructre that las emember commie is elected by the General Astembly a Interpol «General ascembly Executive commitse ‘Jolly R. ypain 35. Who was the first FILIPINO President of INTERPOL EXECOM (1980-1984). ‘Interpol ‘© General assembly be Executive commits Lely Boparin 3 Reciving Annual and Speci Reports ram enter ren and pst ofthe UN genera Asseniy Futon, a Blestive Financial be Supervisony 4. Detibersive 237. Approval and apportionment ofthe bales a Elextve «Financia be Supernisony 4. Deliberative 38. Composed of Five (5) Permanent members. EXCEPT? 2 CHINA, bh VIETNAM. RUSSIA, 4. UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN USA 38. Consist of provisional measures to prevent a conflict ffom worsening, and may involve the deployment of peacekeeping and ‘observer missions. This statement refers? | Enforcement Actions Preventive Action Trusteeship Councit 4. Secretaria. 40, IRis the HIGHEST representative of UN. The Seertary General and his staff re INTERNATIONAL CIVIL SERVANTS. ‘Enforcement Actions «Preventive Action b. Trusteeship Councit, Secretariat 41, Charged withthe duty of asiting the Security Council and the General Assembly in the administration of the International Trteship system. Enforcement Actions «Preventive Acton 1b. Trsteeship Councit 4, Soortariat 42. steonsists in the deployment of ai, se and land forces, or inthe institution of bloskade Enforcement Actions Preventive Action Trusteeship Coun Secretariat 43. tis one of three major components of the eriina justice system along with couns and corrections. US Law enforcement ‘order maintenance Law calurcement calla for service 44. This isthe broad mandate to koxp the peae or otherwise prevent bhaviers which might distr others ‘2 US Law enforcement © order malotenanee b. Law enforcement ‘calls for service 445. Those powers ae typically used only in cases whers the Iw has been violsted and a suspect must bo identified and apprehended. "Most obvious instances include robbery, murder, or burglary. US Law enforcement ‘order maintenance b. Law enforcement cals for sevice 46. Service may inchide rendering fests, providing ours information, guiding the disoriented, or acting as educators. As aresul, police services may include roadside aulo assistance, providing referalso other agencies, nding lst pets ex propery, or checking Jocks. a USLaw enforcement 6 order maintenance b, Law enforcement 4 cals for service 447, thas only one police Forse foreach of sx states as well a for nore territory. Australian federal police «German police system German police system 4 Japan national police agency 48, his ead by 4 Commissioner General who is npointed hy the National Pubic Safety Commission ‘a Ausralian federal police «German police system b. German police system «Japan national police agency 49. is constitutionally vested inthe sales. Each ofthe Sixteen States (Lacndct of Germany has its own police organization. Ausaian federal police ‘e German poticesysem b. German police system 4. Japan national police agency 50. Muni an Geman PSone 2 shop € Kenindpt Borate 4 Daiespenachz 51. Fed border Plein Soman Pl System call? Schaal Keine! Beep {Binders 52, Chi eder pa Gen Pls Systm calle? “ 2 schupatt Kring b. poriceahspalit ‘d. Bundesyrenzschutz 52, lveaptsin Geman Poli yt mn c. Kriminalpoliei 4. Bundesgrenzschutz & Koban 4 Kidowa imperial guard fis used in exowd contol during festival periods, times of maura disascr, and to renfore separ police when necessary 55, LOUREY KAYE R. TRENO, CRIM, Uea2 918869416 5%. 37 st 9. 6 . a. ot 1. 1. n n. 1”. 1s. “Education is the passport to x eal skim ins country was ite diet tan ha the, The ovement FS el 1 Chunisho eKeotan thesia gunrd 4. Kidota a tee set the Fp Cro Prine an eter mets he Fer Faro ras well athe rocco of pera properties 8 Chuzsisho « Koban 1, peril gud A. Kido oral Potce Post of Japanese otis i calle? a Chuzaiho © Koban tpi a.kidon Superinfendent General ofthe Tokyo Metropolitan is called? Keishi Soka ©. Keishi Jans 4. Jons- Buch Paticeman in Jpanese police is called?” a. Reishi Sokan Keishi Janse 4. Junsa Bucho Superintendent in Japanese pice salle? fa Keishi-Sokan eich b Jans 4. nse Bucho force very ite in ihe comity Hecomes responsible for snporting the police nancial a Maly Cabot Thailand 3. Myanmar Wy cane rtd’ soond and Asis fit police ageney to operate with a moder policing YS a Thailand «Hongkong Germany 4 dapan 3 ea oat Charette Hang Kong Plc Foc in 969 flr thang ote Hong Kong 17a Queen Flizabeth I c-Quetn Elaeth I Queen Elizabeth IV 1. Queen Elizabeth V |. What fs the minimum qulificain ofthe Police in the Pilippines? ‘ePaccalureate Degree holder Required psees t leat the Bane Juror Ceteate of Baton BCE) &High School Graito {2 Nipperscoandary-schoo gadunte and university Grates What isthe envance age of tal? 2 9 ew b. 20 aa Wha isthe minima rank of Myanmar? ‘a Patrolman Commissioner of Paice Constable 4 Police general How about the entrance age of France? ai es B19 420 “What isthe nininnu rank ia United State of Americe? fa Senior Constable Conable 1, Policemen/Consiable 1. Trooper sree ee athe rhesus hc fine aen” apo Poe Poe crime Ta a ge Eee pan tl it the Ey out of one TS lene the best prtices of pole syst a Japan Police « Switreand Police b.Ieland Police ‘4. BgyptPotce upeced he tao tradi” ~ cont isrstve yal ews ‘s Japan Police « Switstand Police b.reland Police Egypt Police wat poi had igh degre confine in austin wk thy hal NE See of popular participation in erie contr Th Japan Patice « Switztand Plice ela Police Egypt Police pie Soke ase eran “iy bse apse eee these wo rig othe family ifsuch member ofa Family coms erie, 2 Japan Police « Switzland Police clan Police 4. EgyptPolce _Aseney haalng the Pippin National Police? ne NAPOLCOM tached to DILG «Polis Dirja Brunei BL Ministy of Public Security & Mini of Tnterol Affairs ow about the agency handling the frat Police’? Se NAPOLCOM attached o DILG «Polis Diraja Bnei Ministry of Public Security {Minister of feral Ars ow about the Agency handling ti China Pole? aH APOECOM suached to DILG «Polis Daj Brune fh Ministry of Public Security 1 Mins Internal Asors «future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare fort touay”- Maleolm SIBUGAY TECHNICAL INSTITUTE INCORPORAT LOWER IPIL, ZAMBOANGA SIBUGAY PROVINCI GE OF CRIMINOLOGY: FINAL EXAMINATION FOR CRIMINOLOGY STUDENTS SECTION: COURSE/YEAR: BSCRIM IT CONTACT NUMBER SUBJECT: ‘TECHNICAL REPORT WRITING & PRESENTATION DAT OR NUMBER/SCHOLARSHIP GRANT (Please provide if applicabl TESTI DIRECTIONS; Using your own words, expound/explain what is CASE HEARING REPORT (10pts.) CASE HEARING REPORT TESTI DIRECTIONS: ist down/enumerate what are asked for each of the following. (In any order.) BASIC REPORT WRITING SKILLS + PURPOSE + MECHANICS TEST UL DIRECTIONS: Write a Spot Report, Make sure you are following the template given. Observe spacing. (30 pts.) | “You are so Close to the Victory, DON'T YOU DARE GIVE UP NOW.” & ‘SIBUGAY TECHNICAL INSTITUTE, INCORPORATED LOWER TAWAY, IPIL, ZAMBOANGA SIBUGAY PROVINCE, Email Address: [ART APPRECIATION "Name of Student: Section Gv ope Port Date: SSENERAL INSTRUCTION: Any form of erasures or alterations will nvalidate your answer. MULTIPLE CHOICE: instruction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer. (2 points each) 1 One of the ceramic products created by the Japanese. 2. Porcelain vase b. Jade . Haniwa d. Jars twas a popular choice of material for artworks. 2. Porcelain vase b. Jade . Haniwa Jars ‘These are ceramic figures that are made up of clay. Porcelain vase b. Jade &. Haniwa Jars Itis being one of the oldest civilizations in Asia, has a rich history wien it comes to culture and the arts. a. China b. Japan Philippines d. Spain twas initialh the arts. a. China b. Japan Philippines 4. Spain Itis at the forefront of economic development. a. China b. Japan Philippines 4. Spain twas the dominant way of life subscribed to by the general public. 2. Shintoism b. Buddhism © Confucianism 4. Taolsm ‘The native religion of Japan. a. Shintolsm b. Buddhism & Confucianism 4, Taoism \tbecame an integral part of Japanese culture. Shintoism Influenced by China in terms of 10. un. 2, 13, 34, 15, 16. 7, b. Buddhism Confuclanism d. Taoism It became an expression of worship for the Japanese, ‘a. Music b. Dance Sculpture dart A painting that was developed by the Japanese which was crafted through woodcut prints. a. Haniwa house b. Uklyo-e Tnalak dd. Manunggal Jar It is said to be one of the earliest art forms used by the early Filipino people. a. Pottery b. Weaving Carving dd. Jewelry making Itis also one of the earliest forms of art ‘expressions in the Philippines. a. Pottery b. Weaving Carving 4d. Jewelry making ‘They are known for their colorful woven cloth, which also have both religious and practical value, 2. Filipino people . Subanen people . Cordillera people 4. T’boli people They are known for their woven abaca cloth. a. Filipino people 'b. Subanen people . Cordillera people 4, T’boli people ‘This particular cloth is use to make ornaments, which also represent their beliefs through symbols. ‘a, Sarimanok b. Okie c. Tnalak d. Pako rabong They are designs applied to the woodcarvings. a. Sarimanok b. Okir ©. Tinalak 4. Pako rabong, 18. Its. a stylized design of a mythical bird either standing ona fish or holding a piece of fish on its beak 2. Okir b.Sarimanok Naga d._ ako rabong 419. Itwas used as amulets for protection to drive away evil spirits. a. Jewelry b. Clothing ©. Woodearving d. Pottery 20, An S-shape form, depicting an elaborate figure ‘of a mythical dragon or serpent. a. Okir b. Sarimanok c. Naga dd. Pako rabong 21. Its ike a growing fern with broad base. The fern gracefully stems and tapers upward. Oki sarimanok Naga Pako rabong aoge tImessaY 2. 23. 24, 25. One of the most famous works that expressed Filipino nationalism and stood against the colonizers. a. Juan Luna's "Spoliarium” b. Carlos Francisco's "Magpupukot” . Vietorio Edades's “The Builders” d. Galo Ocampo's "The River of Life” Itean be defined as doing something without prior preparation. a. Style b. Soulmaking Improvisation d. Appropriation Itrefers to the distinctive handling of elements ‘and media assaciated with the work of an individual artist, a school, a movement, or 2 specific culture or time period. a. Style b. Soulmaking Improvisation d. Appropriation ‘One of the central figures in the improvisation ‘movement, a. Andy Warhol b. Georges Mathieu Juan Luna d. Carlos Francisco Instruction: Answer the following question briefly. (20 points each) 1. How can improvisation contribute to the distinctive quality of the artwork? 2. How did art become a reflection of Philippine society? Prepared by: Jesstea Navaja-Porea, SIBUGAY TECHNICAL INSTITUTE Inc. COLLEGE OF CRIMINOLOGY : PE.2 FIRST AID WATER SURVIVAL Tp Cys FINAL EXAM 1ST SEM SY 2021-2022 NAME:, COURSE/YEA\ SECTION: TEST |. Multiple Choice. Choose the correct answer of the given chices. 1. Geta full body workout and tone up overall? ‘A. FREESTYLE B. BREAST STROKE C.BACKSTROKE D.BUTTERFLY 2. WORK THOSE LEG AND MUSCLESTONE YOUR BACK? ‘A. BREASTROKE B.BUTTERFLY C. BACKSTROKE D. CRAWL 3. WORK YOUR CORE AND UPPER BODY/ A.BUTTERFLY B.BREASTROKE C.BACKSTROKE D.FREESTYLE 4, IMPROVE YOUR POSTURE AND SPINE A. BACKSTROKE B. BUTTERFLY C.BREASTROKE D.CRAWL 5. YOU STAND TO BURN 330 CALORIES WHEN DONE THIS? A. BACKSTROKE B. BUTTERFLY C. FREESTYLE D. BREASTROKE 6. YOUL BURN 440 CALORIES WHEN YOU DONE VTHIS TYPE? ‘A. BREASTROKE 8, BUTTERFLY C.FREESTYLE D. BACKSTROKE 7. THIS STROKE CAN HELP TONE UP YOUR ARMS? ‘A. BUTTERFLY B.BACKSTROKE C.FREESTYLE D. BREASTROKE 8. TONE YOUR LEGS AND BUTTOCKS? A. BACKSTROKE B. BUTTERFLY C.BREASTROKE D.CRAWL 9, THE FASTEST STROKE FOR ALL SWIMMERS? ‘ ‘A. CRAWL B.BUTTERFLY C. BREASTROKE D. BACKSTROKE ‘ 10. STAYING IN A VERTICAL SITUATION IN WATER A-TREADING WATER B.DROWNPROOFING C.UNDDER WATER D.SHALLOW WATER, TEST Il. ESSAY AND DEMOSTRATE DRAWING: JUSTIFY YOUR ANSWER 50 PTS QUESTION. Q.1 WHAT IS SURVIVAL TECHNIQUES IN WATER?

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