A New Methodology To Analyze The Functional and Physical Architecture of Existing Products For An Assembly Oriented Product Family Identification

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30th CIRP
CIRP Design
Design 2020
2020 (CIRP
(CIRP Design
Design 2020)

Industrial design28th
thinking and Conference,
CIRP Design innovations
Maypropelled byFrance
2018, Nantes, the Royal Academy
of Engineering in Sub-Saharan Africa for capacity building
A new methodology to analyze the functional and physical architecture of
Wilson R. Nyemba a,g,*, Tauyanashe Chikukuaa, Jennifer R. Chiroodzabb, Basil Dubecc, Keith F.
Wilson R. Nyemba *, Tauyanashe Chikuku , Jennifer R. Chiroodza , Basil Dube , Keith F.
existing products for andd,, Charles
Charles oriented
e,g product
,, Lovemore
Lovemore family
Magombo ff identification
Departments of of aMechanical Paul Stief *, Jean-Yves Dantan, Alain Etienne, Ali Siadat
Mechanical Engineering,
Engineering, bElectrical
Electrical Engineering,
Engineering, cAeronautical
Aeronautical Engineering,
Engineering, University
University of
of Zimbabwe,
Zimbabwe, Faculty
Faculty of
of Engineering,
Engineering, P
Box MP
167, Mount
167, Mount Pleasant,
Pleasant, Harare,
Harare, Zimbabwe
dVisiting Design Professor, Department of Engineering, University of Leicester, Leicester LE1 7RH, United Kingdom and Keimar Consultancy Ltd, UK, Rolls-
Visiting Design
École Professor,
Nationale Department
Supérieure of Engineering,
d’Arts University
et Métiers, Arts of Leicester,
et Métiers Leicester
ParisTech, LCFCLE1 EA7RH,
4 RueKingdom
Augustinand KeimarMetz
Fresnel, Consultancy Ltd, UK, Rolls-
57078, France
Royce consultant
ePro Vice Chancellor for Strategic Partnerships and Industrialisation, University of Zimbabwe, P O Box MP 167, Mount Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe
Pro Vicef Chancellor for Strategic Partnerships and Industrialisation, University of Zimbabwe, P O Box MP 167, Mount Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe
fIndustrial Liaison Officer, University of Zimbabwe, Faculty of Engineering, P O Box MP 167, Mount Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe
* Corresponding
author. Tel.: +33
Industrial 3 87Officer,
Liaison 37 54 University
30; E-mailofaddress: paul.stief@ensam.eu
Zimbabwe, Faculty of Engineering, P O Box MP 167, Mount Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe
gDepartment of Quality and Operations Management, Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, University of Johannesburg, Auckland Park 2006,
Department of Quality and Operations Management, Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, University of Johannesburg, Auckland Park 2006,
Johannesburg, South
Johannesburg, South Africa

** Corresponding
Corresponding author.
author. Tel.:
Tel.: +263772345441;
+263772345441; fax: +263-242-303280. E-mail
fax: +263-242-303280. E-mail address:
address: nyemba@yahoo.com

In today’s business environment, the trend towards more product variety and customization is unbroken. Due to this development, the need of
agile and reconfigurable production systems emerged to cope with various products and product families. To design and optimize production
systems as well asAfrica
Sub-Saharan suffers
to choose
Africa suffersthefrom
from aa persistent
optimal product
persistent shortage of
of engineering
shortage skills
skills required
product analysis
engineering methods
required to
to drive industry
are needed.
drive in
in this
industryIndeed,this dynamic
most of era
dynamic theof
era rapid
rapid technological
ofknown methods aim to
analyze a product
changes. This has
Thisor one
has been
been exacerbated
product familyby
exacerbated onthe
by themismatch
the physicalof
mismatch skills
of produced
skillsDifferent by
by universities
producedproduct families,
universities and those
those required
andhowever, by
by industry,
may differ
required largelypartly
industry, attributed
in terms
partly of theto
attributed lack
lack of
tonumber of and
natureaccess to modern
of components. equipment
This fact and
to modern equipment and
impedestechnology by
an efficient
technology engineering
by engineering academics to
and choice
academics adequately dispatch
of appropriate
to adequately appropriate
dispatch product
appropriate skills
family to future
skillscombinations engineers. A recent
for theAproduction
to future engineers. recent
system. conducted
A new in Zimbabwe
in Zimbabwe
methodology revealedtoaa analyze
is proposed 62% skills
62% skills deficit,products
existing mainly in
mainly ininthe
engineering and technology
and technology
of their functional sectors. The
and physical The UniversityThe
architecture. of Zimbabwe,
of Zimbabwe, in
aim is to cluster
these collaboration
products in new with six
six other
other institutions
withassembly institutions
oriented product of
of higher
higher learning
families forin Southern
Southern Africa
Africa of
optimization embarked
embarked and
and successfully
onassembly lines andmanaged
successfully managed
the creationthe
the Enriching
of futureEngineering
Enriching Engineering
Education Program
Education Program from 2013 2013 to 2015, 2015, financially
financially supported
supported by by the
the Royal
Royal Academy
Academy of Engineering. This This project
project waswas aimed
aimed at at enhancing
enhancing the the
assembly systems. Basedfrom on DatumtoFlow Chain, the physical structure of the productsofis Engineering.
analyzed. Functional subassemblies are identified, and
quality and
and relevance
relevance of
of engineering
engineering graduates
graduates and
and this
this was
was accomplished
accomplished through
through secondments
secondments of
of engineering
engineering academics
academics to
to industry
industry to
to improve
a functional
analysis is performed. Moreover, a hybrid functional and physical architecture graph (HyFPAG) is the output which depicts the
their skills
similarity skills and
and access
between access
to modern
modern equipment,
to families equipment,
providing design
to both,
and conferences
to boost
system boost the
the quality
planners quality
of research
as well
well as
professional development
professional development training
training for for engineering
engineering academics
academics and and technicians.
technicians. This
This initiative
initiative was
was largely
largely successful,
successful, based
based on on student
student evaluations,
example of a nail-clipper
buy-in is used to explain the proposed methodology. An industrial case studyinnovations
on two product families of steering columns of
buy-in and
and support
support from
from local
local industries
industries as as well
well as
as the
the number
number of of industrial
industrial design
design projects
projects andand innovations that that were
were generated,
generated, some
some of of which
have since Presta
since been France
been patented is
patented and then carried
and commercialized. out to
commercialized. These give a first industrial
These achievements evaluation
achievements motivated
motivated otherof the proposed
other institutions
institutions to approach.
to join
join and
and the
the initiative
initiative has has been
been expanded
expanded to to
© 2017theThe
the Higher
Higher Education
Education Partnerships
by Elsevier
Partnerships for
for Sub-Saharan
Sub-Saharan Africa.
Africa. This
This paper
paper outlines
outlines the
the activities
activities and
and achievements
achievements of of this
this initiative
initiative and
and demonstrates
how theunder
how the responsibility
expanded version
version will of the
will scientific
utilize two committeeof
two approaches
approaches ofofdesign
the 28th
design CIRP and
thinking Design
and Conference
systems thinking2018.
thinking for
for capacity
capacity building
building and and sustainability
sustainability in in
engineering education
education and
and regional
regional integration.
Keywords: Assembly; Design method; Family identification
© 2020
© 2020TheTheAuthors.
Publishedbyby Elsevier
Elsevier B.V.B.V.
© 2020
This Theopen
is an Authors. Published
access by Elsevier
article under the CCB.V.
BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee
under responsibility of the scientific committee of
of the
the CIRP
CIRP Design Conference..
Design Conference
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the CIRP Design Conference 2020
1. Introduction
Keywords: Capacity
Keywords: Capacity building;
building; design
design thinking;
thinking; engineering
engineering education;
education; systems of the product range and characteristics manufactured and/or
systems thinking.
assembled in this system. In this context, the main challenge in
Due to the fast development in the domain of modelling and analysis is now not only to cope with single
1. Introduction
Introduction and an ongoing trend of digitization and products, a limited
[1]. Evidently,
Evidently, productofrange
the standards
standards livingor
in existing product world
the industrialized
industrialized families,
1. [1]. the of living in the world
digitalization, manufacturing enterprises are facing important but
are also to be able to analyze and to compare products
are way better than those in the industrializing countries, most
way better than those in the industrializing countries, to define
Data in today’s
from UNESCO market
show environments:
that developed
Data from UNESCO show that developed or industrialized a
or continuing
industrialized new
of product
which make families.
up the It can
entire be observed
Sub-Saharan that
Africa. classical
of which make up the entire Sub-Saharan Africa. The generality existing
tendency towards
countries havereduction
have 20-50 of product
20-50 scientists
scientists and development
and engineers
engineers for aatimes
for and
population product
of peoplefamilies
of people in are regrouped
in Sub-Saharan
Sub-Saharan Africainlack
Africa function
lack accessofto
access toclients
basic or features.
basic facilities
of product
10,000, lifecycles.
while most In
in there
Sub-Saharan is
of 10,000, while most countries in Sub-Saharan Africa have as an increasing
Africa have as However,
such as assembly
water, oriented
power, product
healthcare and families
such as water, power, healthcare and decent accommodation are hardly
accommodation to find.
low of
low as one
as one scientist or
scientist or engineer
being atfor for the
thethe sametime
same population count
in a global
population count [2].OnMost
[2]. Most of these
the product
of thesefamily
people eitherproducts
either have inadequacies
have inadequacies
differ mainly or in
or notwo
competition with competitors all over the world. This trend, main characteristics: (i) the number of components and (ii) the
is inducing
© 2020 theAuthors.
2020 The
The development
Published bybyfrom
B.V. to micro type of components (e.g. mechanical, electrical, electronical).
2212-8271 © Authors. Published Elsevier B.V.
markets, results
Peer-review in
under diminished
responsibility of lot
the sizes
scientific due to
committee augmenting
of the CIRP Design Classical
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the CIRP Design Conference 2020. methodologies considering mainly single products
product varieties (high-volume to low-volume production) [1]. or solitary, already existing product families analyze the
To cope with this augmenting variety as well as to be able to product structure on a physical level (components level) which
identify possible optimization potentials in the existing causes difficulties regarding an efficient definition and
production system, it is important to have a precise knowledge comparison of different product families. Addressing this
2212-8271 © 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
This is an©open
2212-8271 2017access article Published
The Authors. under theby CC BY-NC-ND
Elsevier B.V. license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)
Peer-review under
under responsibility
responsibility of scientific
of the the scientific committee
committee of the of theCIRP
28th CIRP Design
Design Conference
Conference 2020
Wilson R. Nyemba et al. / Procedia CIRP 91 (2020) 770–775 771
2 Nyemba et al./ Procedia CIRP 00 (2020) 000–000

electricity and water at all, invariably forcing them to still rely Program (EEEP) and the Higher Education Partnerships for
on firewood for power. Additionally, the majority of people in Sub-Saharan Africa (HEP SSA) have assisted HEIs in Southern
Sub-Saharan Africa reside in rural communities, which are Africa to build capacity and produce relevant skills that are
inaccessible due to poor road infrastructure. Recent events over appropriate for local industries since 2011. The achievements
the past 5 years have only highlighted the severity and impact and shortfalls are outlined with the view to build on those for an
of these challenges. expanded version of these initiatives. The paper also outlines
In 2015, most countries in Southern Africa were affected by the planned approaches of industrial design thinking and
heavy floods leaving many ordinary people, either homeless or systems thinking for capacity building and sustainability in
displaced and many deaths were reported [3]. In the first quarter engineering education and regional integration through the
of 2017, Southern Africa suffered another extensive damage to approaches of problem based and industrial based learning.
infrastructure brought on by Dineo, a strong tropical cyclone
which also resulted in heavy flooding leaving some parts 2. Background and literature
Southern Africa without electricity [4]. Thousands of people
were killed while many others were displaced and their homes Sub-Saharan Africa suffered and continues to suffer from a
destroyed in the first quarter of 2019, following another strong perennial and persistent lack of engineering capacity according
cyclone Idai which was followed by cyclone Kenneth which to studies conducted in Malawi [9], Mozambique [10], Rwanda
was however less disastrous [5]. Apart from destroying many [11], South Africa [12], Tanzania [13], Nigeria, Ghana and
homes, cyclone Idai also destroyed roads and bridges, leaving Zimbabwe [14]. This was one of the motivations for
the only way to access these affected areas by helicopters, an establishing NUSESA in 1989 aimed at developing long term
unsustainable way to support the affected villagers. strategies for sustainability through the improvement of
These natural disasters unequivocally demonstrated the procurement, use and maintenance of scientific equipment,
severity and challenges due to lack of preparedness. The while building capacity through the development of
insufficiency of infrastructure such as roads and bridges meant collaborative training, research and exchange of staff among
that people struggled to leave affected areas and thus putting the faculties of engineering in these 2 regions [15]. However,
them more at risk of other challenges such as water-borne this initiative could only survive during the period of financial
diseases. Many countries around the world came to the rescue support from the Swedish International Development
and provided provisions such as emergency food and Cooperation Agency (Sida), purportedly due to failure to put in
medicines. However, these could not reach the intended sustainability plans for the initiative.
beneficiaries due to lack of access and sufficient infrastructure. Despite the failure for continuity of the NUSESA project,
The presence of infrastructure such as roads and bridges, power engineering academics in Sub-Saharan Africa continued to
and water supplies may not prevent such natural disasters from engage with their counterparts in the United Kingdom (UK)
occurring, but they would vastly improve people’s ability to through initiatives such as the Africa-UK Partnership for
cope and help lessen the resulting devastation. If the region had Development supported by the Department for International
enough engineers, they might have coped with the situation by Development (DFID). In a survey conducted by the Africa-UK
quickly constructing roads and bridges as well as provision of Partnership for Development, engineering managers in
power and clean water to the affected communities. Southern Africa asserted that lack of engineering capability was
The extent to which engineers in Southern Africa reacted to the main bottleneck to meeting the economic, social and
these disasters left a lot to be desired. Clearly, there were environmental needs of nations within the region [16].
insufficiencies in terms of the skills required, prompting the Inadequate infrastructure and a shortage of engineers affected
need to look at how the available engineers in this part of the Africa’s ability to tap into its abundant resources in order to
world are trained. Several studies carried out in Sub-Saharan meet the UN Sustainable Development Goals [17]. Since 2011,
Africa have pointed to a cocktail of many challenges faced by the Africa-UK Partnership for Development engaged
engineering education in Southern Africa, chief among them extensively with engineering communities in Southern Africa
being a mismatch of skills imparted on graduate engineers and through thematic workshops.
those that the local industries required, coupled with the The success of such engagements saw the University of
differences in equipment used in industry to that used for Zimbabwe (UZ), representing Southern Africa and the
training engineers at Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) [6]. University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM), representing East Africa,
Such challenges were also attributed to a shortage of adequately being funded by the Royal Academy of Engineering (RAEng)
qualified engineering academics due to the low rewards that to lead the pilot EEEP from 2013 – 2015 [18]. This program
resulted in high attrition due to engineers migrating to other focused on secondment of engineering academics to industry to
parts of the world [7]. Despite having over 20 HEIs, Zimbabwe expose them to modern equipment and technology, knowledge
has a critical skills deficit of 62%, with the biggest gap evident sharing workshops as well continuous professional
in science and technology [8]. Clearly, these challenges require development training. The initiative was largely successful in
some form of strategy to address the mismatch and shortage of that the young and inexperienced academics were upskilled and
critical engineering skills required to drive industry in this era confident in delivering their duties, based on student
of rapid technological changes and the 4th industrial revolution. evaluations. There was an increase in the number of industrial
The aim of this paper is to demonstrate how initiatives such as based projects for students, further increasing the relevant skills
Network of Users of Scientific Equipment in Eastern and that industry so desperately required. These engagements also
Southern Africa (NUSESA), Enriching Engineering Education resulted in some of the industry partners providing financial
772 Wilson R. Nyemba et al. / Procedia CIRP 91 (2020) 770–775
Nyemba et al./ Procedia CIRP 00 (2020) 000–000 3

support including a fully funded Professorial Chair in Mining 3.1. Design thinking
Engineering. This success, albeit with minimal intervention by
local industries, led to the upscaling of the activities and According to the World Economic Forum, virtually all
coopting of more HEIs under the new banner of HEP SSA [19]. professions have evolved over the years and critical skills are
The UZ in collaboration with 7 other institutions in the required in the future, to cope with the 4IR and the upcoming
region and one in the UK together with 5 industry partners from Digital Ecosystem (5IR) [21]. This will revolve around such
Zimbabwe, successfully bid for additional financial support key issues such as; complex problem solving, critical thinking,
which was granted in September 2019 for 2 years. This paper people management, collaborations etc. in an integrated
seeks to answer various questions as outlined below by manner. One of the subsets of the various critical thinking
proposing a cocktail of approaches of Design Thinking (DT) strategies, particularly for science, engineering and technology
and Systems Thinking (ST) coupled with Problem Based is design thinking. While DT may be regarded as divorced from
Learning (PBL) and Industrial Based Learning (IBL) other professions and the perception that it may be a preserve
culminating in the novel Industrial Design Thinking (IDT) for of engineering designers, it is actually an iterative process that
capacity building in a sustainable manner. can be employed to have a clear appreciation of the holistic
elements that make up a design process system. This involves
 Role of HEIs in addressing skills challenges to meet the users, their function, assumptions, and expected
industry needs? deliverables in the process of identifying alternative strategies
 Interventions by policy-makers to create an enabling and solutions that may not be immediately clear without an
environment to address and resolve the skills deficit? appreciation of their interconnections. It has been used as a way
 Industry’s contribution for the development of appropriate for critical thinking and problem-solving in a practical manner
human resources required to drive industry? [22]. The focus for DT is on the customers or the end-users of
 Professional bodies mediation to narrow the gap between which the problem will be solved, hence the need to constantly
industry and academia? iterate on such issues as the real nature of problem, assumptions
 Regulatory bodies facilitation of a regional qualification used, the impact and implications of the eventual outcome.
framework for accreditation and mobility of engineers? The nature of DT in resolving complex and often unclear
 Motivation of young entrepreneurs and academics to problems was the motivation in bringing it onto this research to
promote innovations and their commercialization? solve the skills deficit by taping from it, the human-centered
 What lessons can be drawn from the industrialized world? ways, generation of alternative options, experimentation and
practical approach to the final solution. While there are many
3. Approaches for integration and capacity building variations to DT, the development of this research employed
and focused on; understanding what operational problems the
While the initiatives such as NUSESA and EEEP were various sectors of the local industry needed, the skills gap,
largely successful, their major challenge was lack of continuity. cognitive mapping of assumptions and creating innovative
Innovative approaches were therefore imperative to cope with ideas to circumvent the skills deficit and provide appropriately
the combination of dynamic changes brought on by the 4th skilled engineers to drive industry. The engagements with local
Industrial Revolution (4IR) as well as the skills deficit [8]. This industry partners in this regard has been a marked success,
was one of the motivations to build on the NUSESA and EEEP judging from the buy-in and financial support from some of the
achievements while addressing the shortfalls using a holistic industry players. A model of the proposal has been
systems thinking approach that involved all stakeholders in the implemented and has so far shown some interesting outcomes,
development and consumption of human resources. So far there the full testing and impacts of which will be carried out in 2021.
has been evidence of cohesiveness based on the engagements
with local industries, professional and regulatory bodies as well 3.2. Systems thinking
as policy-makers, judging from the interest and buy-in from
these stakeholders. This is largely due to the holistic approaches Whereas the saying, “The whole is more than the sum of its
that have been taken with the win-win mantra for all parts” [23] may pose some mathematical challenges, the ideas
stakeholders and thus the expected continuity and sustainability of relationships between system elements and not just the
of the capacity building scheme. mathematical addition has been used successfully to resolve
There are many methodologies that have been put forward complex issues in strategic management [24]. This project was
by different researchers for resolving product and industrial partially premised on the assumptions that, if the problem
design challenges such as the functional and knowledge based cannot be solved by the traditional engineering design, then the
approaches dealing with the product-working functionality and solution probably required an approach outside this sphere,
user-interface, both of which can be resolved using techniques hence the need for integration. Systems thinking, a
such as the waterfall (continuous flow), concurrent or methodology that has been employed in various sectors,
simultaneous engineering [20]. However, this paper focusses focusses on the way the elements that make up the system
on the soft approaches of thinking, both in design and systems, interconnect and behave to produce desired functions. The
through problem based learning and industrial based learning behavior of a system, driven by its elements, results from the
using industrial secondments and collaborations with industry. effects of adjusting, reinforcing and balancing processes for a
desirable outcome. While such systems are in operation, it is
vital to observe their behavior.
Wilson R. Nyemba et al. / Procedia CIRP 91 (2020) 770–775 773
4 Nyemba et al./ Procedia CIRP 00 (2020) 000–000

It is necessary to continually adjust the feedback (control) in In the process, the engineering academics will also gain
order to improve the outcome. Based on the principle that a experience and confidence in dispatching their duties as
system consists of more than just its elements, connections with lecturers to other students, thereby expanding their
other distant systems usually exist. Each element within a understanding and knowledge of industrial systems. The buy-
system was important and frequently relationships exist in from industry has tremendously helped in shaping this
between individual components. It was within this context project in that a number of industry problems have been
during the development of the project, a number of factors and identified and translated to practical student projects. PBL
system elements were considered for the comprehensive provides an opportunity to engineering academics and students
training and imparting of relevant skills for industry. The to diversify from the traditional teaching and learning methods,
approach was further refined to include interdependences, which in some cases have been difficult to achieve particularly
synthesis and mapping interactions between system elements in view of the variation and mismatch of equipment used in
that were not necessarily technical but social or multi-faceted training and that which is used in production in industry.
The research employed a systemic philosophy and systems 3.4. Industrial based learning
thinking methodology of reductionism, synthesis and mapping
through engagements with various stakeholders that included; As an extension of, or in conjunction with PBL, another
policy-makers for the provision of an enabling environment for approach that has been employed in the industrialized world is
developing human resources, HEIs and the role they played in Industrial Based Learning (IBL). This is a philosophy that has
ensuring that the skills imparted on graduate engineers were been adopted to learning from an industry perspective where
relevant and appropriate for industry, the contributions by traditional engineering courses such as thermodynamics, fluid
industry to ensure that HEIs produced graduates, ready to drive mechanics, electronics have been taught practically, in the
industry, professional and regulatory bodies’ facilitation of context of application of the knowledge derived from them to
accreditation and mobility of engineers as well as bridging the industrial product designs, development and operations of
gap between industry and academia. Different approaches were systems [26].
used to engage the various stakeholders and these ranged from While in some instances, companies opt to remunerate and
meetings, industrial secondments and work studies by motivate the students during their internships, this is not the
concentrating on available technologies, training programs and thrust for this project but to provide support to ensure that
policies employed. whether it’s the engineering academic or student, are able to be
placed at the company and carry out IBL tasks as set out at the
3.3. Problem based learning beginning. The partnership that has been established for this
project involves virtually all the major engineering disciplines.
There are many approaches that have been adopted around For engineering academics in particular, this project has set
the world to enhance the training and boost the skills of aside a provision to ensure that the seconded personnel are
practically based courses such as those in Science, Engineering catered for and not disrupted during the course of their
and Technology. Problem Based Learning (PBL) is a student- secondment which can be taken during their sabbatical leave.
centered technique in which students learn about a course Therefore, IBL deliberately merges theory with practice,
through the experience of solving an open-ended problem [25]. accredited by the HEI where the student’s skills and
PBL focusses on solving problems with no known solution but requirements are matched with those for industry. The periods
enables the development of desirables skills and attributes during IBL will also be used as opportunities to identify the
through the generation of unique and valuable solutions. most suitable placement for a student after graduation, in order
Although it was originally developed for the health sciences, it to make maximum use of their potential. The combination of
has since been expanded to other areas such as engineering and PBL and IBL in this project, using design and systems thinking
technology. in the previous sections gave rise to the novel Industrial Design
As part of this ongoing project and taking advantage of the Thinking (IDT), an approach that has been adopted in the
new curriculum at most HEIs, all engineering students are now expanded version of HEP SSA.
required to undergo industrial attachment at the end of their
third year in university. This project has proposed to go further 4. Higher Education Partnerships for Sub-Saharan Africa
and set up teams at various companies where each student will
be required to take up a particular role within the team and then HEP SSA was born out of a realization that a lot could be
alternate after a set duration to allow all the students to have a achieved by expanding the original objectives to include
feel of all the roles they may be required to play upon centers of excellence, promotion of innovations, regional
graduation. The roles will be aimed at sharpening the students’ collaborations and more refined secondments to industry using
reasoning and thinking towards providing a constructive the IDT approach. The aims and objectives of addressing
solution. In addition, the engineering academics who will engineering skills shortage in Sub-Saharan Africa and to
follow up these students on attachment, will not only gain showcase engineering’s role in driving economic development
access to modern equipment and technology in the process but in the region, remained the same albeit with a thrust towards
will also facilitate learning and the acquisition of appropriate innovation, industrialization and entrepreneurship. The major
skills by supporting, guiding, monitoring and assessing the focus for this project is in strengthening ties and relationships
students. between industry and academia in order to enable university
774 Wilson R. Nyemba et al. / Procedia CIRP 91 (2020) 770–775
Nyemba et al./ Procedia CIRP 00 (2020) 000–000 5

systems in Southern Africa to produce engineers with the skills The Government of Zimbabwe has enacted a new
and knowledge that match the requirements of local industries Education 5.0 policy with strategic thrusts and focus on
in capacity building and the provision of appropriate solutions industrialization and innovation in addition to the traditional
to local problems. As shown in Fig. 1, the project has teaching, research and community service by university
maintained the hub and spoke arrangement as was the case in academics. In order to support this thrust, innovation hubs and
EEEP. The UZ is currently the hub, working in collaboration industrial parks have been established at all HEIs in Zimbabwe
with four local HEIs, three additional regional HEIs and one to provide a platform for incubation before commercializing
UK partner. The industry partners were carefully selected to students’ and academics’ innovations. In addition, the UZ has
represent the major disciplines. For a holistic and systems also established new senior positions in strategic partnerships
thinking approach to addressing the skills deficit, other key and industrialization as well as research and innovation. These
partners such as the Government of Zimbabwe, professional interventions will certainly complement the efforts proposed in
and regulatory bodies are also within this partnership. While this project while ensuring that the new curricula that now
the broad aim for this partnership will be to improve and incorporates industrial attachments, is fully realized in the
enhance engineering and entrepreneurial skills and bringing development of human resources and resolving the skills
industry closer to academia, this is expected to be achieved deficit. In line with the need to closely monitor student
through; establishment of a regional network of engineering, activities in industry, most of the HEIs have now employed full
creation of centers of excellence to offer specialized time Industrial Liaison Officers.
professional development courses including doctoral training, While these are commendable efforts, more investment will
secondments of academics to industry to gain experience and still be required, especially by way of contributions to human
monitor students on attachments, biennial conference on resources development by local industries. The response from
science, engineering and technology that will feed into a industry has so far been enthusiastic and encouraging, where
regional journal, also to be established out of this project. some of them have actually provided financial assistance to
support the initiative. One way in which a win-win situation can
be achieved to bring industry closer to academia would be to
consider the Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) phenomenon,
where industry with resources can purchase equipment and
HEIs with expertise can provide consultancy and research
services using that equipment. That way, duplication may be
avoided while at the same time, engineering academics will
have access to modern equipment and technology.
The dynamic, turbulent and rapid changes in technology
requires well skilled engineers to cope with the effects the
ongoing 4th industrial revolution and prepare the workforce for
tomorrow to be able to adapt and deal with the 5th industrial
revolution (Digital Ecosystems). Furthermore, attention has to
be taken away from an isolated or standalone way of resolving
industrial challenges but looking at how to develop and manage
Fig. 1. UZ HEP SSA partnership in Southern Africa
smart factories using artificial intelligence and machine
learning, but more so in an integrated manner with other
5. Discussion and recommendations professionals outside science, engineering and technology.
This can only be realized by collaborating with all key
The various initiatives that have been supported by stakeholders in a holistic and systems thinking approach.
organizations such as Sida (NUSESA) and RAEng (EEEP, Clearly, if the countries in the region are going to achieve long-
HEP SSA 1, & HEP SSA 2) have been instrumental in term progress and the UN's Sustainable Development Goals to
augmenting support for local HEIs from their governments. improve the lives of ordinary people, there is need to improve
While this support has gone a long way in enhancing engineering education.
engineering skills within the region, some of the earlier projects
had to be terminated when funding came to an end and thus 6. Conclusions
affecting continuity. One of the major challenges was the
minimal buy-in from local industries and their governments Sub-Saharan Africa faced challenges of shortages and
which could have assisted in sustaining the noble initiatives. mismatch of engineering skills required to drive industry. A
Significant and sustainable investment in engineering and number of initiatives, funded from various organizations have
technology is a vital necessity to improving facilities in HEIs, assisted in enhancing engineering training and resolving the
particularly those offering engineering education. During the skills deficit. However, these have not been sustainable due to
last couple of years when these initiatives were executed, limited buy-in from local stakeholders. Buoyed by the success
engagements and re-engagements with industry and policy- of the EEEP, a team from the UZ developed a proposal to build
makers were made. Recommendations were also made from the on the achievements of these initiatives while addressing and
previous initiatives and this resulted in a number of resolving challenges using a systems thinking approach. This
interventions. involved engagements and re-engagements with industry,
Wilson R. Nyemba et al. / Procedia CIRP 91 (2020) 770–775 775
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