Kisi Soal BHS Inggris KLS Xii Pas Ganjil

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Dear Mr, Anwar,

We regret to inform you that we are unable to lend you the sum of $500 that you have
requested, but it is possible to grant you part of sum.
If you are still interested, please contact our main office to arrange an appointment with
the assistant manager. He will be happy to discuss the matter further.
Your sincerely,

(lending Officer)

Instead of a loan of $500, what alternative is offered by the officer?

a. An appointment to discuss the officer.
b. A cash of $500.
c. An appointment with the lending officer.
d. A loan of less than $500
e. An appointment with the assistant manager.

2. Physics examination cannot be done on Tuesday because all the question sheets had
been flooded. The school decides to delay the examination and it will be held on
Monday next week. All the students who will take the exam are required to bring a
ruler with a length of 30 cm.

Thank you for attention.

The topic of the above text is…

A. The size of a ruler
B. The wet question sheets
C. The change of exam day
D. The cancelation of the exam
E. The information to bring a ruler

3. Woman : it's such a nice day. Why don't we have lunch outside?
Man : OK. But let's find someplace that's not too noisy.
What does the man mean?

A. He can't go too far away

B. The cafetaria isn't too noisy
C. He prefers to eat in a quiet place
D. It won't be easy to find a Restaurant
4. Man : Look at the time. I'm going to miss my bus
Woman : Don't worry. I'll Drive you to the stop. And if the bus has already left I can get
you to your apartment.

What does the woman mean?

A. She Will help the man get home
B. She has to go home soon
C. The man should stop using the bus
D. The bus will not leave for a long time

5. What
is the
writer ‘s
the text?

A. To
the risk
from the

B. To inform about how to protect us from the virus

C. To tell the fact about a new harmful virus to the reader

D. To give information about how to attack the virus

6. From the text we know that ....

A. The COVID 19 is a novel coronavirus that found in Asia from a Chinese breed.
B. Covid-19 is higher risk infection for healthcare workers or household members
C. Someone can get COVID 19 by touching an object that there is no virus on its surface
D. Patients Covid 19 have illness with symptoms of lazy, cough, and shortness of breath.

7. “... that was first identified during an investigation into an outbreak in Wuhan,
(Paragraph 1)
The underlined word has the closest in meaning to ....
A. survey
B. interview
C. research
D. conclusion

8. The virus COVID -19 ... during an investigation into an outbreak in Wuhan, China.
A. was seen
B. was found
C. were known
D. was classified

9. What should we do after we touch a surface or object that has the COVID - 19 on it?
A. Stay and take a rest at home
B. Cover our mouth with a mask
C. Wash our hands with soap and water
D. Clean and disinfect touched objects and surfaces

10. Woman : Can you recommend a hotel in New York?

Man : Well, I can think of several. What's your budget like?
I recommend several cities.

What does the man imply?

A. He can that are worth visiting
B. There are many reasons to visit New York
C. The woman can't afford to visit New York
D. He knows of hotels at a variety of prices.

11. The man wants the woman’……..

a. Credit cards
b. Computer
c. Phone numner
d. Her bag

12. The man is trying to rob the woman ……….

a. Outside a karate club
b. Next to a clotching store
c. In front of bank
d. In her office

13. The man isn’t afraid of the woman because ……

a. He learned to fight online
b. She is very small
c. He is carrying a weapon
d. He is giving some money

14. The woman suggests that the man call ………

a. Some of his strong friends
b. For medical attention
c. The karate studio for advice
d. His friends is fighting

15.We can infer that ………….

a. The man and woman became good friends
b. The man didn’t have luck robbing the woman
c. The woman had to cancel her credit cards
They are old friends

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