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mw, “4 oon Illustrated Parts Catalog 1981 thru 1986 MODEL 210 & T210 SERIES @ Member of GAMA THIS CATALOG IS A REISSUE AND SUPERSEDES AND REPLACES ALL 210 AND 7210 SERIES PARTS CATALOGS, DATED: 15 MARCH 1985 THRU 21 MARCH 1986. copvaicit © 1986 CA MIOMETA, KANSAS, USA 3 NOVEMBER 1997 704-12 (RGL-S0-8I01) 210 & T210 Parts Catalog INSERT LATEST REVISED PAGES DESTROY SUPERSEDED PAGES LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES Dates of Issue for original and revised pages are: Original ..... 0... 3 November 1997 TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES IN THIS PUBLICATION IS 834 CONSISTING OF THE FOLLOWING: Page Revision Page Revision Page. Revision No. No. No. No. No. No. Title 0 185 blank. . 0 460 biank 0 ener Soe] 186 thru 200 0 461 thru 467 0 i thru soa 0 201 blank ..... 0 468 biank 0 1 thru S 0 202 thru 212 0 469 thru 476... 10 blank 0 213 blank . 0 47 blank ...-. 0 11 thru 17, 0 214 thru 222 0 478 thru 506 0 18 blank 0 223 blank... 0 507 blank ...-. 0 19 thu st... 0 224 thu 246. 0 508 thru 522 Q 82 blank 022-2 0 247 blank ...1. 0 523 blank .. 0 33 thu6s ..-. 0 248 thru 256 0 524 thru 632 0 67 blank 0 257 blank 0 533 blank... 0 68 thru 90 0 258 thru 262 0 ‘534 thru 559 0 91 blank 0 263 blank... 0 ‘560 blank... 0 92 thru 110 0 264 thru 278 0 561 thru 566 0 111 blank 0 279 blank .. 0 887 blank ..... 0 112 theu 123 0 280 thru 338 0 568 thru 576 0 124 blank. 0 339 blank. . 0 577 blank . . 0 125 thru 131 0 340 they 342 0 578 thru 588 0 192 blank 0 343 blank. - 0 1589 blank 0 133 thru 141 0 344 thru 392 0 '590 thru 614 0 142 blank 0 999 blank...) 0 615 blank ..... 0 143 thru 158 0 394 theu 426 0 616 thru 725 0 159 blank ..... 0 427 blank . - 0 726 blank 0 160 thru 178... 0 428 thew 496 0 727 thru 799 0 179 blank ..... 0 437 blank. . 0 ‘800 blank 0 180 theu 184 0 498 thru 459 0 Pago A 210 & T210 Parts Catalog INTRODUCTION. The information in this publication is based on data available at the time of publication and is updated, supplemented, and automatically amended by all information issued in Service Newsletters, Service Bulletins, Supplier Service Notices, Publication ‘Changes, Revisions, Reissues and Temporary Revi- sions. All such amendments become part of and are specifically incorporated within this publication. Users are urged to keep abreast of the latest amendments to this publication through informa- tion available at authorized Cessna service stations or through the Cessna Product Support subscrip- tion services. Cessna service stations have also been supplied with a group of supplier publications which provide disassembly, overhaul, and parts breakdowns for some of the various supplier issued revisions and service information which may be re- issued by Cessna thereby automatically amending this publication and are communicated to the field through authorized Cessna’s service stations and/or through Cessna’s subscription services. WARNING: ALL INSPECTION INTERVALS, RE- PLACEMENT TIME LIMITS, OVER- HAUL TIME LIMITS, THE METHOD OF INSPECTION, LIFE LIMITS, CYCLE LIMITS, ETC. RECOMMENDED BY CESSNA ARE SOLELY BASED ON THE USE OF NEW, REMANUFACTURED, OR OVERHAULED CESSNA APPROVED PARTS. IF PARTS ARE DESIGNED, MANUFACTURED, REMANUFAC- TURED, OVERHAULED, PURCHASED, ANDIOR APPROVED 'BY ENTITIES OTHER THAN CESSNA, THEN THE DA. TA IN CESSNA’S_— MAINTEN- ANCE/SERVICE MANUAL AND PARTS. CATALOGS ARE NO LONGER APPLI- CABLE AND THE PURCHASER IS WARNED NOT TO RELY ON SUCH DA- ‘TA FOR NON-CESSNA PARTS. ALL IN- SPECTION INTERVALS, REPLACE. MENT TIME LIMITS, OVERHAUL TIME, LIMITS, THE METHOD OF INSPEC- TION, LIFE LIMITS, CYCLE LIMITS, ETC., FOR SUCH NON-CESSNA PARTS MUST BE OBTAINED FROM THE MAN. UFACTURER ANDIOR SELLER OF SUCH NON.CESSNA PARTS. Inspection, maintenance and parts requirements for STC installations are not included in this man- ual, When an STC installation is incorporated on the airplane, those portions of the airplane affected by the installation must be inspected in accordance with the inspection program published by the own- er of the STC. Since STC installations may change systems interface, operating characteristics and component loads or stresses on adjacent structures, Cessna provided inspection criteria may not be val- id for airplanes with STC installations. This illustrated parts catalog has been prepared to aid you in easily and quickly identifying parts of the models covered herein. ‘The information in this catalog is based on data available at the time of publication. ‘This catalog features an index system consisting of: 1. An alphabetical index located in the front, of the catalog. 2. A numerical index located in the back of ‘the catalog, which lists all parts and fig- ures in which they appear. AEROFICHE. . . This catalog has been designed for Aerofiche presentation. To facilitate the use of the catalog for Aerofiche, fiche and frame numbers have been added to the alphabetical and numerical indexes. ‘Frame numbers appear at the bottom cen ter of each page. Refer to the header of the applica ble fiche for location of various indexing informa- tion. STANDARD PARTS. ‘Many parts having standard usage have been incor- porated into the Cessna Standard System. Parts in this group are designated with the part number prefix "S”, For standard hardware items such as Tinnerman pute, clamps, ete, “AN” and “NAS” numbers have USABLE ON CODES. . . Serial listings in this catalog are noted by a letter code located in the US- ABLE ON code column which is the extreme right hand column of the parts list page. USABLE ON codes are applicable only to the figure on which they appear. The code letters and the serials to which they apply are listed at the end of the figure. Ifno USABLE ON code appears opposite a first col- uma listing of the figure, the usage is applicable to all models and serials covered by this catalog. If no USABLE ON code appears opposite any indented listing, the usage is applicable to all models and se- rials covered by the figure on which it appears. Bold face type serials appearing on certain figures are for quick reference to large blocks of airplanes. 210 & T210 Parts Catalog Reims Aviation serial usage is listed together with the Cessna Aircraft Company serial usage imme- diately following the parts listing on each individ- vual figure where applicable. NON-INTERCHANGEABLE PARTS. . . When parts are not interchangeable with earlier models, all parts applicable to the particular usage are list- ed. The letter code for the individual part usage is listed in the USABLE ON column opposite each part. Care should be exercised in determining prop- er_ serial when ordering to insure receipt of correct part. INTERCHANGEABLE PARTS. . . When a later design part is completely interchangeable with the part it replaces, both parts will be serialized and the notation “when exhausted use”, or the abbrevia- tion, “WEU__” will be entered following the listing of the earlier design part. This means that the ear- lier design part should be used on airplanes to which they apply until the supply of these parts is exhausted--- after which time the later design part must be used. This is done to simplify stocking of parts by our distributors and authorized Cessna service stations. The earlier part is as good phys- ically and functionally, as the later design part— the difference being the later design part can be used on more than one block of airplane serials. SYMBOLS & PART NUMBER TERMS. NP - The symbol “NP” appearing in the units per ‘assembly column denotes that the item it appears ‘opposite is not procurable. AR - The symbol “AR” appearing in the units per assembly column denotes “As Required” and is used to indicate bulk quantity where an indefinite amount is used. ‘The following is a list of abbreviations that may ap- pear in the description nomenclature: ALT AlternatePart_ = LH_—_Left Hand ASSY Assembly MiG — Main Gear BHD Bulkhead NIG Nose Gear BEI Bulkitem PNL Panel COMP Components PRESS Pressure FSO Forsparesorder. RH Right Hand FWD Forward SECT Section IND Indicator UPR Upper INSTL Installation WEU When Ex. hhausted Use Other key letter symbols spaced apart from and fol- lowing the part nomenclature are for cataloging and manufacturing purposes only and are not to be considered by the customer. ‘A blank entry in the part number column appears before an unprocurable part or installation which is also denoted in the “Units Per Assembly” column by the use of the symbol “NP” GROUP ASSEMBLY PARTS LIST ARRANGEMENT. This section lists all replaceable items in the air- plane and these items are detailed on illustrations throughout the section. The index numbers on the illustration are keyed to each accompanying parts list. The purpose of the index numbers is to provide complete and positive identification of the article, but should not be used for procurement purposes. a, The figure and index number column of the parts list shows the figure number once at the beginning of the list. The fig- ure number is followed by a dash and the indexed number. The remaining index numbers are preceded by dash only. b. The part number column identifies the item by part number. ¢. In the description column, relationship of items covered is shown by the degree of in- dention of each item, for example: The wing assembly (Figure 3) is listed in col- umn (1) of the description column. The wing structure, is the next lower assembly and is therefore listed in column (2). a. Iftwo or more assemblies contain a major- ity of identical parts or the assemblies are left or right hand, the assemblies are list- ed together and the next lower assemblies or detail parts are listed as common for both assemblies, with the differing parts coded for usage on the correct major as- sembly, €. Attaching parts are listed immediately be- neath the item to be attached and preced- ing any detail parts of the item. They are listed in the same column as the item they attach and are preceded by the caption “Attaching Parts”, The end of the attach- ing parts listing is followed by a separat- ing symbol f ‘The quantity listed in the “Units Per As- sembly” column for attaching parts de- notes the quantity necessary to attach on- ly one part. Total quantity necessary to attach more than one part is obtained by multiplying the attaching parts quantity by the number of parts attached. 210 & T210 Parts Catalog € Component parts of the complete airplane which are not included in any assembly, but which are used in conjunction with, or attach to certain assemblies, are listed either preceding the first detail or follow- ing the last detail of the assembly or in- stallation, and in the same column as the ‘major assembly or installation. h. The quantities listed in the “Units Per Assembly” column are the quantity used per figure ACCESSORY KITS. For accessory kit listings, refer to separate Accessory Kit and Service Kit Index, BULKITEMS. Certain items such as flexible air hose, rubber moldings and channels, windshield sealing strips, etc., are noted in the catalog listings as bulk items. These listings also note the cut length of these ma- terials for one installation. When an item is listed as a bulk item, it will be supplied to the service stations in the most convenient bulk length or quantity. Reference to the cut length or quantity per installation provides for the most satisfactory disbursement to the customer. HOWTO ORDER. USE YOUR CATALOG TO ORDER PARTS. Use the Parts and Accessories Order Form, which will be supplied by Cessna on request. Give complete information on addresses and make sure the part number and part name are as shown in the catalog. Be sure to specify quantities. Specify how the order is to be shipped, otherwise it will be sent out in the ‘manner that seems best to the shipper. SERIAL, COLOR, & CORROSION PROOFING. Be sure to indicate model and serial number of the airplane. Serial number is very important to prop- erly identify parts used on each airplane. When col- or is involved, refer to “Upholstery & Interior Trim” section for example. If corrosion proofing is desired, add the letters “CO” following the part number. DISTRIBUTOR ORDERS. Distributors will send all orders to the factory with instructions as to the shipping destination. The fac- tory prefers not to make C.0.D. shipments for the distributor, and all billing will be made to the dis- tributor in the case of direct shipments. RETAIL ORDERS. Retail orders will not be honored by the factory. ‘They are to be placed with the Cessna Service Sta- tion or Distributor in the owner's territory and when received directly by the factory will be for- warded to the Distributor from whose territory it was received. Considerable savings in time will re- sult for the owner's orders if placed with a Service Station or Distributor. ADDITIONAL PUBLICATIONS. In addition to the information in this Parts Catalog, ‘a group of supplier publications is available from Cessna Parts Distribution which describe complete disassembly, overhaul and parts breakdown of some of the various supplier equipment items. A listing of these publications is issued periodically in the “Customer Care Supplies Catalog” which in- cludes listings of Autopilots, Avionics Communica- tions, and Navigation Equipment which are not covered in this manual. These publications are available from Cessna Parts Distribution, Cessna Aircraft Company, 5800 East Pawnee, Box 1521, Wichita, Kansas 67218 USA. Cessna Aircraft Company reserves the right to cancel, add or change the parts and assemblies described in the catalog without notice. 210 & T210 Parts Catalog IMPORTANT INFORMATION CONCERNING KEEPING CESSNA PUBLICATIONS CURRENT ‘This Publication is kept current in two ways: 1. REVISIONS/CHANGES. Revisions/changes are issued for this publication as required and in- clude only pages that require updating. 2, REISSUE. A reissue is issued as required, and is a complete manual incorporat- ing all the latest information and outstanding revisions/changes. It supersedes and replaces previous issue(s). REVISIONS/CHANGES and REISSUES ean be purchased from an authorized Cessna Service Station or directly from Cessna Parts Distribution, Cessna Air- craft Company, 5800 East Pawnee, Box 1521, Wichita, Kansas 67201 USA. ‘The Cessna Customer Care Supplies and Publications Catalog is also available from an authorized Cessna Service Station or directly from Cessna Parts Dis- tribution, Cessna Aircraft Company, 5800 East Pawnee, Box 1521, Wichita, Kansas 67201 USA. This catalog lists all publications and Customer Care Sup- plies available from Cessna for prior year models as well as new products. CUSTOMER COMMENTS ON MANUAL Cessna Aircraft Company has endeavored to furnish you with an accurate, use- ful, up-to-date manual. This manual can be improved with your help. Please use the return cards, provided with your manual, to report any errors, discrep- ancies, and omissions in this manual as well as any general comments you wish tomake, 210 & T210 Parts Catalog “All aircraft, regardless of manufacturer, are certificated under model number designations. However, popular names are often used for marketing purposes. To provide a consistent method of referring to the various aircraft, model numbers will be used in this publication unless names are required to differentiate between versions of the same basic model. The following table provides a cross reference listing of popular name vs. model numbers.” Lo ce ‘CENTURION 210N or T210N 21064136 21064535, CENTURION IL 210N or T210N 21064536 21064772 TURBO CENTURION 210N or T210N 21064773, 21064822, TURBO CENTURION II 210N or T210N 21064823, 21064897 CENTURION 210R or T210R 21064898 21064949, TURBO CENTURION 210R or T210R 21064950 rer N 210 & T210 Parts Catalog VIILLILMLLSLILLSLSLSISLLLLLSISSSSSTSILSILSLSISSLTSSSILLSS ISS Sh hy FINISH & TRIM PLATE ‘The "FINISH AND TRIM" plate is located on the left side of the airplane on the lower door jamb directly above the aircraft identification nameplate. ‘This plate indicates model year and the exterior color combination, Interpretation of information stamped on the Finish and Trim Plate is obtained by use of the Color Code Chart for the respective year. Color Code Charts for yearly models appear on pages immediately following this page. ‘The Finish and Trim Plate is explained below. Explanatory remarks are keyed to the illustrated example. © umber inatcates year. © tater or tters indicate overal exterior color. Fire tear flowing hyphen inticates major stripe coor. © second letter totowing hyphen indestes accent clo. * Special exteriors are denoted by the letters "SP" in lieu of the standard codes. Interpretation of the example Finish & Trim code 1 W - BG that is obtained from 1981 Color Code Chart is: "lag Red major stripe Gz Night Blue accent stripe LLLLLLLLSI LLL hddieg Wor SNQUNNNNHHHHNHNNHNNNOMMNMMAA_AMNNNNNNMMO- MII SS wuttlh 210 & T210 Parts Catalog 21064136 THRU 21064535 EXTERIOR PAINT CODE COLOR TYPE CESSNA NO. DUPONT NO. B_ [rac aap MODIFIED URETHANE |oeSios<-ces[namow ass0s ‘C | tancon. [MODIFIED URETHANE — |CESi054Da7 | IMRON 1430H ([D—faapigeer RED [MODIFIED URETHANE | cEs1054D7s | MRON 4900 |g —|smat onan [MODIFIED URETHANE | cEsi05«D72 | MMRON 245820 DARE YELLOW [MODIFIED URETHANE — |cES10s«.c92 | TMRON 428310. [1G —[racer auve URETHANE —|cEs1094-c9 | MMRON 7716205 H [moro ave ar ‘J | SmRBER TAN [MODIFIED URETHANE. [DERON s99su K_|corrEr BROWN [MoprenED 74 | DMRON 495410 M_lavewcs srown __| MODIFIED URETHANE ue S_| IMRON 74640, N_|saapecreen | ss [MRON 012840 ojo cme (MODIFIED URETHANE |cES105«:076 | TMRON E7909 [VELVET BLACK MODIFIED URETHANE — |cESi05s-052 [TAMRON 990 “T [say Gray, [MODIFIED URETHANE |CES1054-D77__| IMRON 438130 [U[apome MODIFIED URETHANE —|cESi034-Dss | mAROW 723900 W_|vestat warre MODIFIED URETHANE LDGRON 45414 INTERIOR PAINT COLOR TYPE CESSNA NO. DUPONT NO. BEAGK SEMI-GLOSS [LacauER [cEsi054-156 [DULL BLACE [LACQUER [cesi0se-199 (CLOUD GRAY [LACQUER 054-531 (cLOUD GRAY [yore [comsmwur grows | LacavEn 2 | cuesmuT BROWN [ener icesi0s4 Bas aEIGE LACQUER | BEIGE _ oT .0H510S¢-De3_ [pan BROWN. fLAcaUaR (cEsi0s4-Des DARK BROWN. [vey [onsi0s> 2 ALTERNATOR DRIVE ELT = actuator FLaP 5 ALTERNATOR DRIVE BELT > ACTUATOR MAIN ALTERNATOR DRIVE BELT ACTUATOR MAIN Gear RTiay > ALTERNATOR DUALS ess ACTUATOR NOSE GEARe ees 2 ALTERNATOR LIGHT” BULB ACTUATOR NOSE GEAR”RETRACTION ALTERNATOR SYSTEN DUAL ADAPTER THROTTLE -BOOY ss ALTERNATOR 60 ANP ss AoaproR OIL FILTER. = ALTERNATOR 95 ANP = ADHESIVE GASKET «= AUTINETER se ees fowustasce Sear > > ALTIMETER = : APT CARPET. «= = ALTIMETER 5 het Encrnes 222 > ALTIMETER Aer Errewale “covéR> AUTineteR > 5 AFT FIREWALL COVER” actinerer 22 AFT FIREWALL COVER: ALtimereR ouiu: 2 7 AFT FIREWALL COVER: AUTINETER encoonic: APT FIREWALL UPPER: ‘ALTIMETER ENCODING: AFT FLOOREDARD. > ALTINETER ENCODING. art tartcowes 2 2 ALTIMETER ENCODING. Mien ee I ALTIMETER ENCODING. AILERON SeLLeRdnk 2 IMMETER GAGE. ATERON CABLE ss AMMETER GAGES > AILERGN CONTROL GLiDe DMMETER GAGE: > ATLEREN CONTROL QUADRANT AMMETER GAGE: > AELERON CONTROL SYSTEM. ANGLE CoML ATTACH AILERON CONTROL TUBE. = ANGLE COME ATTACH = AILERON PULLEY: ss 2 ANTE ICE WINDSHIELD AILERON PULL EY” eAcK Er: INTE TCE WINOSHIELD AILERON RIB eee ens APPROACH PLATE HOLDER ATLERON fuooeR”WréRconvEcT APPROACH PLATE HOLDER AILERCN RUDDER INTERCONNECT BRREST 2s nese AILERON TRIM TAB se ess = demest 2222 AIRBOXs sess tcl ltt ARMREST BRAcKeT MR ax 22222 RAREST BRACKET AU 80x alin feats’ ARMREST BRACKET Atk Box TNOUETION = ‘aRHREST Ate BOX VERTe we so ‘Anke st Aig elurers 2 22d RARE ST ate elurers 22221 ARTICULATING RECLINE Ct Atk FILTER 1NodcT 1oN> ISH RECEIVER. AUR FILTER INDUCTION ASH RECEIVER: ALR INDUCTION FILTER > ASH RECEIVER: Ate INDUCTION FILTER > ASH RECEIVER = ALR INOUETION FILTER ASH RECEIVERS 2 AUR INDUCTION FILTERS ASH RECEIVER SEAT AIR IMED ee oe es ASH RECEIVER SEAT AiR Inter 22222 ASH RECEIVER SEAT ate Scoop 2222 ASH TRaye sees = Atk speeo indrcaroR Ase trays 2222 Atk Twnormtes es = ASH TRaY ‘cisin” DOOR Ate tarotiees 2 2 ASH TRAY PEDESTAL ata vente ws ASH TRAY PEDESTAL * ‘Atnsox tiodcTrox: > ASH TRAY REAR CABIN Atncaaet tent iFicario} ASSIST MANDLE + eo AIRSPEED INDICATOR - AtRspeeD INoIcaTOR AINSPEED INDICATOR AinspeeD INDICATOR: ALT RESTART SWITCH ALT RESTART SMITCH ALTERNATE. ATR COOR AUK CABIN ATR CONTROL. AUX CABIN AIR CONTROL UX CARIN ALR CONTROL AUXILEARY FUEL PUMP = AUXILIARY SPaRen ee = Aviontes power’ surtcit xiv

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