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Matric no.: Group:

Paraphrasing Academic Sources

Exercise 1
Label with a YES or NO for the following statements on the criteria of a good

Criteria of a good paraphrase YES/NO

Includes the name of the author/the name of the source and the year
of publication

Include some of the main ideas

Changes grammar, vocabulary and sentence structure from the

original excerpt as much as possible

Uses own words or phrases that are different from the original excerpt

Does not necessarily reflects the ideas, tone and emphasis of the
original excerpt

Exercise 2
1. Underline the best paraphrase for the following excerpt on parental roles in


preventing cyberbullying.


Time management is an important skill that all students should develop

particularly in completing assignments and tasks. Proper time management helps
students to prioritise the more urgent tasks first before moving on to the least
important tasks. Moreover, if time has been allocated for specific tasks, it is
easier for students to complete the tasks on time.

Source Book
Author Christ Burke and John Burke
Date July 2011
Title Crucial Management
Page 54

a. Time management is an essential skill that students should develop when

completing assignments and tasks. Proper time management will help
students to prioritise the most important tasks first before moving on to the less
important ones. In addition, by allocating time for specific tasks, it will be easier
for students to complete their tasks on time (Burke & Burke, 2011).

b. Time management is crucial for assignments and tasks completion. Students

could benefit from proper time management by prioritising pressing tasks and
completing the specific tasks punctually (Burke & Burke, 2011).

2. Underline the best paraphrase for the following excerpt on ways to prevent


One practice of secure surfing on the internet involves keeping e-mail

addresses confidential and not chatting on open systems that do not have
adequate defence techniques. In addition, users should only accept data
from other known users and be cautious when downloading from unknown
sites to reduce the risk of cybercrime. Safe surfing means that users need to
avoid from visiting suspicious websites that could result in viral attacks.

Source Online article

Author Cybercrime Prevention Organisation
Publication date November 2014
Title A Survey on Cybercrime Perpetration and Prevention: A
Review and Model for Cybercrime Prevention
Citation format Citation within the sentence


a. Cybercrime Prevention Organisation (2014) proposes several precautionary

measures for users to be safe on the internet. First, internet users should
never share e-mail addresses with other anonymous users and avoid going to
unsecured sites, including using chatting programmes that are not safe. Next,
users should only receive information from sources they know and be careful
when retrieving data from undisclosed sources. Surfing safely on the internet
means users have to refrain from visiting malicious websites that could lead to
virus attacks.

b. Cybercrime Prevention Organisation (2014) proposes several precautionary

measures for users to be safe on the internet. One practice of safe surfing on
the internet requires keeping e-mail addresses confidential and not chatting
on open systems that are not secured. In addition, users should only accept
data from other known users and be careful when downloading from unknown
sites to reduce the risk of cybercrime. Safe surfing means that users need to
avoid from surfing on suspicious websites that could result in virus attacks.

3. Underline the best paraphrase for the following excerpt on student exchange


Participating in student exchange programmes enables students to explore

new areas of study as they can take advantage of educational opportunities
that are not offered in their home country. Different professors, coupled with
various teaching approaches could assist students to determine their future
professional directions. Students also have the opportunity to cultivate an
interest in global issues as they are exposed to different experiences.

Source Journal Article

Author Johannes Keogh and Eillen Russell Roberts
Publication date October 2011
Title Exchange Programmes and Student Mobility: Meeting
Student’s Expectations or an Expensive Holiday?
Citation format At the end of the sentence

a. Exchange programmes allow students to discover new areas of study by

taking advantage of educational opportunities that are not offered in their
home country. Different professors, together with various teaching
approaches could help students set their future professional directions.


Students also have the chance to pursue an interest in global issues as they
uncover different experiences (Keogh & Roberts, 2011).

b. Exchange programme students have the chance to use educational

opportunities that are not available in their country to discover new fields of
study. Student exchange programmes could help students to set career goals
by meeting new professors with numerous teaching methods. In addition,
students will develop an awareness of global matters due to the exposure to
new surroundings (Keogh & Roberts, 2011).

4. Underline the best paraphrase for the following excerpt on the importance of


Recycling is a key component of modern waste reduction, and it offers

numerous environmental, economic and social benefits. Recycling helps to
reduce air and water pollution that may be caused during the process of
manufacture. Recycling is also important to lessen the risks of getting health
diseases due to improper disposal of hazardous wastes into the land.

Source Journal article

Author Martin J. Bull and Calvin Pane
Publication date July 2015
Title The Importance of Recycling
Citation format At the end of the sentence

a. The key component of modern waste reduction is recycling. Recycling offers

various environmental, economic and social benefits. It can minimise water
and air pollution that occurs during the manufacturing process. Aside from
that, recycling is also crucial in order to reduce the risks of contracting
diseases as a result of improper disposal of hazardous wastes into the land
(Bull & Pane, 2015).

b. Recycling has various ecological, economic and social advantages and is

viewed as a significant element in modern waste management. Recycling can
minimise the chances of being exposed to health complications that arise
from improper waste management. Furthermore, recycling reduces air and
water contamination that could be caused in the manufacturing process (Bull
& Pane, 2015).

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