Environmental Impact Assessment

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ELd 403.3 Enrironmental Impact .A*ssessrnent (3-1-0)

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O bj ective:

The objective of tie oourse is to proltde the studenrs a basic concept cf Enr,"ironment lrnpact
Assessment {EIA). ,After compleiion ofl ttiis course) srudents will be able to r:-se the concept of
EIA for the successfui implementation of any projeots.

:"il::;:r',;:r.finition orELA. Benefit orEr.r. Nationai Environmenreiprorecrion

guidelines. Sectoral guidelines. Concepts of environmental s1'stern Tlpes of Enr,'ironrnEntal
impacts. EtA Principles with EIA Project cycle. (7 hrs)

Z. ELA. Methodology: Screening & initial impact identificatioq lntial Environmentai

Evaluation (IEE), Scoplng Assessment of Impact and Impact aggregation Mtigation
measures. Writing ELA Report (8 hrs)

3. Prediction & Evaluat'ion Techniques & Tools: Phl'sical Chcmical Biological impaots.
Socio-economic impacts, Techniques for anail'sis and prediction of unpacts (watei, air.
noise, land ecos-vstern), Evaluation of inrpacts. (8 hrs)

.1. trtanagernent of EL{ Process: Public parricipation" ELt revierv, N{oniioring Environmsntal
auditing. (8 hrs)

5. Planning and Environment: Planning p{-ocess and EIA Integrating EL{ in developing
piar:ning procedures and sustainable development, Altefl"rative strategies for irnpact
mitisatiorL (8 hrs)

5. C*se Studles: Case str:dies of some prc.iects in wluch EIA studics havc been carncd oiii.
(6 hrs)
i-arrr,, W. Canter, "Enviromrental lmpact Assessment", N,'IacGrarv Hi[s
L.ee, N. Wood, C\,f & Gazidelljs. "\'-Training for Environmentai lmpact Assessmenl"
John A. Dlron et aL. (i997). " Econotnig Anailsis of Environinental lmpacts"
W. A Ross( i 9 8 7), "Evaluating Environmental Imlac t Ass es srnent"
Ln iEP(1987), " Goals and Principles of environmsntal i.rnpact assessmsnt"
EIA Manual (IUCNA{epal)
National Environmental Protectiou guidelines (1992)
ESCAP(1988), "ELA Basic kocedures for Dweloping Countries"
Nick Hanley & Clive L., Spash (1993), "Cost Beaefit Analysis and the Environment"


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