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BEG 4663, Blo-Ei{GryERryQ


Thuo.Y' [Practicat

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1,ln-an"rine::-in-c, or
of ftis coLrse is to proide
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The main objective


Course Con*'e;:t
(2 hrs)

1 to Bio-engineering and limitations

' Iatroduction
;;firition; Jistificaiion; Fields of
Application and Sccpe; Advantages
(Z hrs)

Hydrolog-r '
nt"totr related hazards
Runoff Geneiatronl rt'rJtt'tlo"f
'-'(4 hrs)
, ffi"j :i:ron ro r,q;: :L ff
h{ine* r, ; p.""i- lF,#;;on *rop--r"-ily'

yff ."i;p-." lT€u:, ..-Cause


.HH#H""fimlffii:''"ffiffi:#.;"J "r*"t $
(1 irr)
4 Soit and Th-eir Classification
(2 h*)_
5 Landslide
componerrt parts of mass
' ffi;;oiLa'iiots, (1 hr)

6 Lendform Ciassif,ication
(4 irrs)
'7 = Site Intestigation of':3i?usftessi
landslide mappirig; -_gi=rTr*t
Trigger,ng .g.nci.s a1! mechanism;
PrioririeE for rePar
(-1 irrs)

8 Basic Aspect
"i:.*:1ti":-,^ .-j:^- ^rd planr communities:Basic iequirearent
.. Piant type. plant fonn and structures:
p--"i' *a cGate|Plantpropagation
o-f ptants;Pffi; ffi.;"ti
tl hrs)
s-'abiliry aaaivsis
cre'-,; 3''; i'"'i-5i1iia
ffffi:I:.-i ##; ii:,crrru.
tryo;oiogicat ;i:u:t -1
L':u!'.'-- j;r,,\,.rarhaejcei

/--r G
- n,."

....,,. - ':
"; ia biepal; Cri'11a fol species selectign; DgoUglit faclor
- --..--: -..pist'iUatiorroipiaats _-._..
. -.--- : - .";
r'r 6'ril'-=-
11 Vegetation Ste'oiiisltion J9:h-11?u9,
' -
-. : .-- -plant eogineering;VegetatiVe engrneering systep; Design of vegelative teehniques
a Smail Scale Cidl Engineering Sysl,em . :., . (4 hrs)
Engrnenrag rysem; Seiectiorfof engineemg systerjl; inreraction bersiesn veg::1f aao

- -- - .----.. u I ''l

- L3 OPtimal Technique
Siie categciz,ation; Seies.iicc of optu:ial ieci:niqueS

- -t4 Nursery. -' : .--'

}.r'r:rs et-*l Estab lishm eni: S oi:rc in g planis ; Nulrs erv bchnique s ; hirussry m;nagemen'r

IVieiagernent (r lli ),
/irogaminmg: Qualiry assurance and qualiry coritroi

16 Field TYork
A f,eid'sisit wiil be conducted to the Bio'eflgtneeimg sites ag:tdZ}o/cof fiiil marks is
allocated fcr field work and report.-



3. R.p.L.tforgarq RJ. Rickson "Slope n aad Erosion Coltroli.A Bio-engineering

Aporoach" _1?
Publication of GEU (DoR) "Roadside Bioengineering: Site Effidbook'
5. Fublication of GEU (DoR) "Roadside Bioengineering:ReferenceManual" .. -
6. Donald H Gr!, Robbin E. Sodr "Biotechnicai and Soil Bioenqineering SLOPE
ST.AJLIZATiON A practical Guide for Erosion ConE-oi"

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