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STR 408"3 Structural D1'ndmics (3-?*0)

Practical Totai
Sessional !!i-_]

Obj ectivc:

o To Pr-ovide tht basic concepts of dynamics analyses

s .
To give the basic concepts about the response of structure to earthquake

Conrse Crntents:
1. Introduction (4 hrs)
Fundamental objective of dynamic. analysis; Types of dynamic loading;
Degrees of
freedom, and methods of descretization; Concept oi damping; For,ri.rlation
of equation of

2. Single degree of freerlorn S3'stem

Undamp*i fr.. vibration analysis; Danrped free vibration enalysis; undanrpeo
forced 'zitrration anallises; Resonant response; Et,aluation -of lviscous
danrping ratio;
Rotating unbalance; SLipport ercitation; Vibration isoiaiion anci
lorce transmissibilit-y-;
\zibraticrr neasr:iirrg ingtrun:ents: F_espoitse t+ gener.?l d1,ii1=g. :ceailg:
- and Duhamel's integral, Numerical eviluation olorna*.ls;s
inprrlsive i"eli,*g

--3. Multi-degree of freedorn systern

Review of flexibility and siiff;:ess matrices; Concept of mass
(iz hrs)
-. Equations of nrotiort in matrix fonn. Undamped foice
and damping mafrices;
',,ibrotioni anulysis of vibration
frequencies and mode sltapes' orthogonality conditions,
I'lonnal coordinates and
" '" uncorri:lei
.equations of motion, Response analysis by mode clisplace*Le,t superpos;;;;.

4. flarthqr:ake rcsponsc of trinear svsteln

Earllrquake excitaiion; Equation of motion; Response quantities; (6 hrs)
Response history;
Response s-pegtnr ni c-oncepti De f ormation. Pseudo-ve
l oc i ty, psuedo-acceierati
o n resp0nse
spectra; .Peak stnrctural response from response ,p..irr.

5, Deterntinistic eart?rquake response

I-unrped SDoF eiasiic systcttr: Trnr:siational excitation, (5 hrs)
I-uirrped MDoF clastic system:
Tra.siational excitati o n ( lvlodar a nall,sis); Response
specrnrnr anaiysis

CioLigh, I{.\\'. and.l. Penzienr. "Dvnanrics of Stnicture". I\,ic Crau,-i{ill Inc. Second edition,
r 993

, References:

1. of Structure"' CBS'
Paz. N'I., "Dy'namics
) Chopra,A.K.,"D1''nainiqsofStrucrure",PrenticeHaltindia'

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