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1. Call me anytime if wind pick up up to 20kts (steady or gust) – same for when
vessel is at anchor.

2. Call me anytime if vessel found to be not properly alongside the berth – due to
off-shore wind, tide, loading condition etc.

3. Statement regarding “Security checks carried out” – to be logged in every watch.

4. Log book to be filled up as mentioned.

5. Control and gear to be tested one hour prior completion of the cargo. Ensure after
control testing Radar, steering motor etc are kept on stand by and not switched on.

6. Gangway and mooring to be tended frequently and ensure duty AB is on duty at

all time.

7. Gangway to be picked up when no cargo, during night, when ramp are down.

8. D/O to make frequent rounds in all hold where cargo is being worked or cargo
work is not is progress especially during nighttime.

9. D/O officer make sure ramp and gangway to be attended by duty AB all the time
while ship alongside.

10. Opening and closing of the ramp are to be under the supervision of C/O.

11. D/O are not to sign any papers regarding cargo or anything.

12. If weather deteriorates and the vessel is yawing too much then inform master and
prepare to pick up both gangway and ramp.

13. No unauthorized person to board the vessel, follow strict ISPS measures.

14. Strict NO SMOKING to be ensured in the cargo hold.

15. Ensure gas tight doors are closed immediately after the completion of cargo in the
respective zones.

16. C/O is available at all times during cargo work, consult him in any doubt or
problem. Observe C/O standing order.

Entry in Deck Log Book

The deck log book is a record of happening, the need of which can arise at any time now
or late. Hence the log book must be written in neat and legible handwriting. Entries once
made are not to be erased. However if correction is required draw a line across and insert
a new entry above it. Do not over write or use correction fluid under any circumstances.

Following to be recorded additionally during vessel’s stay in port:

1. Time of commencement of loading and discharging, delay stoppages together

with a reason.

2. Time of shore gang boarded, number of gangs, shifting of gangs if any and meal

3. Times of lowering/ securing of ramps, and ready for use/dep

4. Times of commencement/ Completion of bunkering, receiving fresh water with

quantity received.

5. Times any surveyor, inspectors, port state control or any other official coming on
board and time of leaving, with the purpose of visit.

6. When vehicles are loaded in during rain or in wet condition, such remark to be

7. Time work ship on board and test including number of men, with job done

8. Gangway and mooring tended to.

9. Port and company’s rules and regulation complied with.

10. Name of duty AB shore watchman if any to logged with their ID number.

11. Fire patrol, anti pilferage, anti piracy, drugs and anti stowaway watches/search
carried out with timings.

12. After completion of cargo in each compartment, inspection search to be

conducted for short / over landing of cargoes.

13. An extraordinary vigil is to be maintained and proper search to be carried out for
any stowaways prior departure and off course follow all aspect of ISPS Code.

The list of not exhaustive, any typical condition or incidence applicable to the vessel
should find a place in the logbook.

Have pleasant and safe watch.



Date: 18.05.2019

Chief Officer:

2nd Officer:

3rd Officer:

Deck cadet :

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