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WARM Cre ‘UP Who do you go toforaancet 9 What would you have don / be) J VOCABULARY 1D Look at the picture. How would you describe the people? Write the correct letter ‘Then listen and check your answers. ‘a. amused —b. irritated c. sympathetic 4, embarrassed. confused. inconsiderate @ 2 which words describe reactions or emotions? Which describe people's behavior? Complete the chart with the words in the box. Then add more words from the picture. hurt helpful uncomfortable grateful rude relieved thoughtful shocked es emien vocasutary TIP Group new words by theme. a3 Feelings PAIR WORK. Tell your partner about a time when you irritated made a mistake. relieved Personality A I forgot my coworker's name. B Oh no, I've done that, too. It's embarrassing! inconsiderate thoughtful Ny 56 What would you have done? + Unit 9 CONVERSATION BO cere ne conversion. The inten and ec your answers Practice the conversation with a partner. a. grateful b. Actually. Dave, embarrassed Stacy Chris, how was your first day of class? Chris Not so good, Mom. Everyone called me by the wrong name. Instead of Chris, they all called me 1 \ Stacy All of them? Wow. They shouldn't have done that. Chris Yeah. And I was kind of [2 actually, so I never corrected them. Stacy Oh, Chris! You should have said something, Chris Really? Don’t you think that would have been rude? Stacy Rude? No. They probably would have been (3, you told them, Chris So, what would you have said? Stacy Right away, I would have said, {4 | 'm Chris.” Chris Yeah, you're right. I should have done that! ha D pain work. Practice the conversation again, Use the ideas below. ‘Add your own ideas. 1 2 3 4 Mark uncomfortable relieved Sorry Tom confused glad Excuse me WS race women yr cst it ona tt + confused = amused * relieved 7 What would you have done? * Unit 9 LANGUAGE PRACTICE Omir ‘What should I have done? ‘What would you have done? ‘You should have said something, | would have said, “I'm Chris.” ‘You shouldn't have done that. I wouldn't have ignored the mistake. 1D complete the sentences. Use should have or shouldn't have and the verb in parentheses. 1, I'm so sorry! should have sent _ (send) a thank-you card sooner. tt (give) my boss my number. Now he calls me on Sundays! 3. We (call) Kim on her birthday. I hope she isn’t hurt. 4. Tom (post) those embarrassing photos on his website. 5. lapologize. We (tell you the meeting was canceled. 8 2 complete the conversation with should have, shouldn't have, would have, ‘or wouldn't have. Then practice with a partner. A Tinvited my neighbors over for dinner, and they arrived over an hour late. Isn’t that inconsiderate? What __would _ you __have _ done? B I probably aid anything. A Really? But I was so irritated! Next, at dinner, they asked how much money we make. 1 told them, but I was so shocked that I did. B No way! But they really asked you that, A Then, they got up and left in the middle of dinner. They stayed until the end, don’t you think? B Of course. I left early. A Anyway, can you imagine? Have you ever done any of these things? PRONUNCIATION—Reduction of wouldn’t have/shouldn’‘t have QD ser. he ed sods of wu hve shou have unreduced Reduced 1. Youshouldn'thave done that, You shouldn''ve done that. 2, I wouldn’t have ignored him. 1 wouldn’’ve ignored him. 3. He shouldn't have bought a gift, He shouldn’t've bought a gift. 4. Twouldn’t have told her that. 1 wouldn't've told her that. ©2 Listen again and repeat. Be sure to say the reduced forms. 58 What would you have done? * Unit 9 LISTENING @1 ok a sie vite le name of sh parson next to his or her statement. Danie! Alicia Joshua ti did not want to be dishonest, so I told the server about the mistake. a She shouldn't have been jealous about my texting. S. Maybe I shouldn't have gotten upset when she copied my look. Choose the correct answer. each person's problem? 1. Daniel's girlfriend / wife is very jealous. 2, Alicia's boss / friend always copies the clothes she wears. 3. Joshua told the server that his check was too low / high. OB oie sen seen rr ere 1, Daniel thinks Lily shouldn't have asked to see his texts. 2, Alicia thinks she should have expected her boss to copy her. 3. Joshua's wife thinks they shouldn’t have left a big tip. oooF ooog 6 4. Listening PLUS. Listen to the host's opinions. What would she have done? Complete the sentences. 1, She would have talked to Lily about 2. She would have the jacket, 3. She would have done as Joshua. Sa 5 croup work. do you think the people made the right decision? What would you have done? 1 think Daniel made the wrong decision. would have said no and deleted my texts! OO rns: Aa ae 6d 50 What would you have done? * Unit 9 READING 1 Look at the article. Where do you think it is from? 60d Ask the Etiquette Expert FEY | work out atthe gym almost every day. Last week, there was this guy who B29] ust stooc there and talked to me the whole time was on the treadmill. When I didnt respond to him, he looked really offended. | said “Sory, cant really talkvthile Pm running.” Did 'do something wrong? ~ Matt, Seale No. Infact! hinkyou did the right thing, He shouldn't have tlked to you while you were exercising. Thatwas inappropriate! he does it again, ust smile tnd say you need to concentrate when you're running. | Just gota great new ring tone for my phone ~ this favorite pop song ‘oF mine. It’s so cool when my phone rings and | hear that song! But the other day, when Iwas on the phone at a restaurant, people were giving ‘me dirty looks, What did | do wrong? — Jessica, Toronto You may love your ring tone, but others may find it obnoxious. You should have silenced your phone when you got to the restaurant, and you probably should have spoken more quietly. Actually, ! wouldn't hhave answered the phone during dinner at all It'sn't proper etiquette. ‘My coworker invited me to her wedding, but | couldn't go. Since! didn't go the wedding, | didn't get her a gift. | thought that was acceptable in this situation. But now my coworker is upset. She says | was thoughtless. Who's right? — Amy, Marni Itdepends. What you're saying is correct if the bride isn’ta good friend. However, if you and your coworker are good friends, you probably should have gotten her something. i) 2 Read the article. Select (“) the topics the expert discusses. (J politely refusing something to eat or drink (considerate phone behavior (1 proper behavior at the gym (talking to strangers on public transportation knowing when it’s necessary to give a gift QB rest sve are asin wha deste eters exe nk? Choose V1 Teo Fe True False 1, Matt should have responded to the guy at the gym. oo 2. Jessica shouldn't have answered her phone in the restaurant. oo 3. Amythouldn'thae giecagitifibe hidewasagoot fied = OF Of Fa A. crour work. is the experts advice true where you live? If not, what would you have told each person? ‘Where I live it's not rude to make conversation at the gym. Matt should have been more friendly. I would have told him WRITING a tr @ SPEAKING — The should’ve/would’ve game 1D took at the questions on the board game. Think about how you would answer them. Name Talk about What something, | | big decision evade you shouldn't | | you made, would have done, | | Would you youhave butenjoyed | | have done the exjoyed oing same thing living in? again? J Whats something you shouldn't have wortied about 80 much as Talk about your last vacation. ‘Would you have done anything afferently? Name something ‘you shouldn't have bought. % FLIP AGOIN! 3) Heads = move t space GQ) tals = move 2 spaces Fla 2 crour work. Play the game. Answer the questions on your squares. ‘The first person to reach FINISH is the winner. N nr have done, but enjoyed d a rt arate comic books instead of doing my homework. ev er ae aera (GO Find an advice column with an interesting question. Bring it to class ONLINE and share it with a group. What advice would you have given?

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