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The Villages of Skelton, Shipton, Overton, Newton-on-Ouse, Linton-on-Ouse & Beningbrough

The Revd Trevor Gant, 6 Lumley Road, York, YO30 6DB Tel: 01904 654784 (evenings)
The Revd Catherine Toase, 07777 672400,

CHURCH WARDENS: Online version at

Skelton Shipton Newton
Carolyn Evans 01904 470125 Church Warden Vacancy Ingrid Kothari 01347 838211
Ian Holbrook 01904 470674 Stephanie Dow 01347 848808 February 2022

Sunday 6th February Candlemas
F ebruary is the shortest month in the year and
often leaps by, without much thought or lasting
acknowledgment to what has happened within the
Skelton 9:30am Family Communion month!
Many Bible stories seem to follow the same
Shipton 10:00am Family Worship
pattern. Abraham’s story in Genesis, seems to dip in
Newton 11:00am Holy Communion and out of his life, only giving us the main events,
that God has asked him to do. God asked Abraham
Sunday 13th February 3rd before Lent to lead God’s people to a new land and to become
Skelton 9:30am Family Communion the father of all nations.
Shipton 10:00am Family Communion However, if we carefully read what happens
throughout Abraham’s life, we find that the not so
Newton 11:00am Morning Prayer
important parts of his life have a real impact on how
he achieves God’s promise to him. We learn from
Sunday 20th February 2nd before Lent Abraham that no matter how much time has passed,
Skelton 9:30am Morning Prayer we have to remain focused on God’s plan for us, so
Shipton 10:00am Family Communion God can fulfil His promise to us, regardless of
Newton 11:00am Holy Communion circumstances, lack of acknowledgement or our lack
of skills, God never leaves us.
At the beginning of Jesus’ life with His parents,
Sunday 27th February Sunday before Lent
we read in the Gospels how they had to flee for their
Skelton 9:30am Family Worship lives and become refugees in Nazareth. A Leap in
Shipton 10:00am Family Communion time happens for the family, until we read Jesus
Linton 11:00am Messy Church visited the Temple aged 12 (Luke2:41-52) where He
asked and answered the teachers’ questions ‘with
Wednesday 2nd March Ash Wednesday great wisdom.’ This didn’t just happen. Jesus is the
Son of God but, also Jesus had good Jewish parents
Skelton 7:00pm Holy Communion with who would have given him some grounding in the
the Imposition of Ashes Torah and the laws. They would have visited the
temple each year for the Passover. Now when Jesus
Sunday 6th March 1st of Lent is 12 years the Gospels record how God had given
Skelton 9:30am Family Communion Jesus profound wisdom. Then we have another leap
Shipton 10:00am Family Worship of many years in time to Jesus’ Baptism and the start
Newton 11:00am Holy Communion of Jesus’ public ministry.
In both these examples through the leaps in
time which are not recorded, we see a profound
Newton services are now available online from the understanding of the important need to remain
church’s Facebook page. All online services are focused on God. Even when nothing significant is
permanently saved, and can be viewed at any time. happening in our lives, it doesn’t mean that our time
and experiences are wasted. God uses our
Worship Calendar Services subject to change at short experiences to help us learn and deepen our faith in
notice, in line with government guidelines, infection
For if we use our time with wisdom, loving our
rates and PCCs. neighbours as ourselves. (Matthew 22:37-39) God
NOTICES FOR THE NEWSLETTER should be received by the 15th of
will be walking along side us, giving us strength to
February for the March issue. keep going and fulfilling His promise in our lives.
All notices to With God’s Blessing, Rev Catherine Toase

GENERAL NOTICES Village Green 9:30am Further information: 07752890460 Or
Benefice Co-ordinator: Could you spare a few hours a month to Newsletter deliverer: Additional volunteers to help deliver the
co-ordinate the paperwork for baptisms and weddings in the parish and community newsletter around Skelton needed. Please
Benefice? We would love to hear from you if you could help us. phone 01904 470674 if you can help.
Please contact any of the Churchwardens – contact details on front Thank you to everyone who put their small change at the shop
of the Newsletter. into the St Giles church jar. Last year the magnificent sum of
NEEDED: A volunteer to receive the printed copies of this £169.70 was raised for much needed funds to ensure the
newsletter from the printers and bundle them up for the distributors continued running of our beautiful church..
to collect. This takes a few hours towards the end of each month. If
anyone is interested then please contact Ian Holbrook on 01904
Yoga for improved health & wellbeing Wednesdays, 9.30-
SKELTON NEWS 11.30am at Shipton Community Centre. All abilities welcome. Come
Facebook: St Giles Church, Skelton, York & experience the benefits for your physical & mental health. Taster
class is £8. Phone: 07515 577377 or 01904 704226. Email:
Skelton Parish Council Next meeting 7.30pm, 24th February Website:
2022, in the Village Hall. Following meeting Thursday 24th March
2022. For more information see or
Shipton Parish Council Meetings are now held in person and will
email: .
be in the main hall of the primary school on Station Lane until
St. Giles Opening: Daily between 10:00am and 4:00pm.
further notice at 7:30pm on the second Wednesday of the
Skelton Village Hall is now fully open. To book your party or
month. Members of the public are welcome. The agenda is
event phone 07547 393958 or email"
published online (the new Parish Council website will soon be up
Skelton Gardening Club, We are always pleased to welcome
and running!) & on the Parish Council notice board (at the bus stop
guests (£3) & new members (£18 for the year). We would like to
opposite the pub) at least 3 days before a meeting. Next
invite new members to join us for the many interesting speakers
meeting will be held 8th December. To contact the Parish Council
we have booked for the coming season.
please email <> or telephone
Mandy’s Community Café 10:30am—1:30pm on the 1st Friday of 07814 550125 the Clerk as a first point of contact. Please do not
each month in the Village Hall. Join us for soup, cakes, visit the homes of either the Clerk or the Councillors without prior
refreshments and a chat. Family, friends and neighbours all arrangement.
Skelton Social Running Group A casual running group meets on Shipton Space Café & Cinema is pleased to announce standard
Tuesday nights, 6.30pm at the green on St. Catherine’s Close. We open times again. Our group organisers take care to wipe
usually run 5km (3 miles) in a small group. Everyone welcome & if touchpoints after each event and provide increased ventilation
enough people we can split into different groups for different through the hall to comply with the latest Government
distances & speeds. Contact us via the Skelton Community Share recommendations. If you want to join the Cinema & Café email
Facebook group. group, ring John 07906 890 465 or 01904 470187. Or scan the QR
Mobile Library in Skelton. The Mobile Library visits Skelton every code below. CINEMA is on every 1st Friday. Doors open at 7pm
two weeks. Borrow books, update your library card or York Card, for 7:30 Bring warm clothes and your drinks. If you intend to come,
return books from any other York library, & request books to be please text Branwen on 07986 244599 CAFÉ at Shipton
brought to Skelton. The library stops in Fairfields Drive from community hall is every Tuesday from 2pm-4:30
2.40pm to 3.10pm and Brecksfield from 3.15pm to 3.50pm. Table service. Tea/Coffee cakes and scones.
Alternate Mondays. Contact 01904 552655, email Chat and friendship to take away. See you soon. or go to Shipton By Beningbrough Playground Club Congratulations to
Skelton WI: 7:30pm, 10th February, in the village hall. Rosemary the winners of the Shipton By Beningbrough Playground January
Cook will talk to us on the history of the York Home for Nurses and 2022 100 Club draw, drawn today by the owner of Skelton Post
her book “The Petticoat Government”. Visitors are always very Office - 1st Prize £52.50 Victoria Giannani (Ticket 53), 2nd Prize
welcome - please ring 470605 for further information. £26.25 Wendy Mcgahan (Ticket 21), 3rd Prize £26.25 Kelly Garrett
Gentle Yoga Class Every Thursday, 1.30-3.00pm, Skelton Village (Ticket 37). The 2022 playground 100 Club currently has 84
Hall. Gentle yoga practice, working towards strength, flexibility & members, if you would like details of how to join, at a cost of
relaxation in a friendly environment. Mixed abilities, all ages & £32.50 per year, please contact me by email
beginners welcome. Contact Nestor on 07503 157361 on In 2022 we are including one extra
or bonus draw in December, so there will be 1st, 2nd, 3rd and a
Skelton Village Trust Speaker Evening in the Village Hall at Christmas bonus draw in Dec 22. The money raised from the
7:30pm on Friday 4th February. Our speaker is Eric Jackson Shipton Playground 100 club goes towards the maintenance
historian. His subject: "Model Villages and the Rise of the running costs and new equipment for our playground. Thanks
Philanthropic Movement" Tickets £5.00 includes glass of wine/soft again everyone, the next draw will be in Feb 2022.
drink and a bread & cheese supper available from committee
members and the village shop from mid January. Please note: Hambleton District Council regarding the proposals to build
admission will only be by pre-purchased ticket affordable housing in Shipton: We are pleased to let you know that
Skelton walking group Saturday 5th February 2022 Crayke we have now got to the stage when we can draw up draft layouts
circular walk 3.5 miles, easy. Pub lunch afterwards. Meet on the for the site adjacent to the school. This has taken us some time as
some surveys needed to be undertaken. The design team will take

into account the responses from those in housing need and all BENINGBROUGH NEWS (continued)
comments made at the consultation held in the Community Hall in in the village on a regular basis. Any funds raised are ring fenced to
November 2019. LOOK OUT FOR US COMING TO TALK TO YOU be only spent on the maintenance and fabric of the Church, not the
IN THE SPRING. If you have completed a form and just want to day to day running. The sub Committee are not necessarily keen
update us on any changes, never completed one because you church goers, but do value All Saints Church as an important feature
thought nothing may happen, moved away and would like to return of Newton on Ouse and wish to see it preserved and maintained for
now something is happening or become of an age you would like to future generations. The sub Committee will be continuing the current
be considered for a tenancy – Please call Amanda on 01609 programme from September 2022, though are already meeting and
767048, or email on sharing ideas. Should you feel you wish to support any of our events
or feel you can make a contribution to ideas for speakers or fund
NEWTON, LINTON & raising, or make a positive contribution as a member of the sub
Committee please make yourself known to anyone on the list below
BENINGBROUGH NEWS or via email. There is no pre-requisite to be a church goer. Marion
Linton on Ouse Parish Council: Contact Blacker, Stephanie Howe, Mike and Lynn Tranter, Barbara Watson for details of the next meeting. via email:
Craft and Chat We meet every 2nd and 4th Wednesday in each New Church Website: Please note the change to a new website for
month except August. Cost is £3.00 per session from 1pm. Bring All Saints available at Requests for
your own crafts. Enjoy a cuppa with like minded people. Coffee Friends Membership, Remembrance Book entries or baptism/
mornings have restarted in the village hall Linton Coffee Mornings in marriage enquiries can all be made through the new site.
the VH Every 3rd Saturday of the month from 10am. Join us for a Line dancing in the village hall Wednesdays at 7:00pm-9:00pm. £4
bacon/sausage sandwich. Good company! A warm welcome awaits! per person. Contact: 07941 459862 Dave Stamp.
Thank you very much Maureen Stringer 01347 848268 Church opening hours: A reminder that the church is currently
Newton on Ouse Parish Hall 100 Club Ring Bill for details on open from 11am to 3pm daily, although these times are subject to
01347 844001. change in line with Covid restrictions.
Linton History Group: For more information please contact Shelf Indulgence Cafe will hopefully be open again in March. Face-
Maureen on 01347 848268 or check website masks obviously have to be removed when eating and drinking, and . in the midst of increased concerns about omicron this seems risky,
Newton on Ouse WI Unfortunately our February speaker, Jim so there will be no Cafe in February. The church events where
McGurn, has had to cancel, but the meeting will go ahead at 7.15pm facemasks can be worn throughout will continue as scheduled.
in the Parish Hall, with an alternative programme. On 3rd March we Foodbank Collection: Items for the York Foodbank can be left
welcome back Glennis Whyte from the National Trust who will speak inside at the rear of the church during any of the daily opening hours
about 'The Determined Women of the Minster Yard'. Visitors always of 11am to 3pm. Groceries of all kinds are welcome, but no home-
welcome. See our Facebook page @newtononousewi - or contact baked or other fresh food please. We will ensure the items reach the
Maureen on 848268. Foodbank as soon as possible. Thank you for helping those in need.
Book of Remembrance: If you would like an entry for a deceased Newton-on-Ouse Allotments Association has vacant plots on its
loved one in the church’s new Book of Remembrance, please site on Back Lane. Options, showing annual rental rates, are: half
complete the form on the church website: plot £20, or quarter plot £10, with a one-off set-up fee of £10 in both and pay the small fee required to cover instances. If you are interested in taking on a plot please contact
calligraphy charges into the specified account. The book will be on John Barnes-Tee:
permanent display in the church.
North Yorkshire Dance Academy Classes have resumed on Adverts:
Tuesdays at 7:30pm. For further details contact Diane Sugden on
07810 483 546, or email: or see Please mention the Parish & Community Newsletter
our Facebook page @northyorkshiredanceacademy. when contacting advertisers
Friends of All Saints Membership: The next meeting will be on
Wednesday, 16th February, 7pm in church. Matthew Constantine, Would you like a helping hand to keep your
Curator at Yorkshire National Trust, will be talking to us on the topic garden beautiful?
of ‘Ringing the Changes; All Saints Church and the Story of
Beningbrough Hall’. Annual membership of the Friends is only £10  weeding  garden tidying  lawn edging
for an individual, or £15 for a couple, including a glass of wine at
each event. Attendance at a single event is £4 on the door. The Call Alex on:
programme of events is on the noticeboard on Cherry Tree Avenue Tel: 01347 848060 GARDEN BEAUTIFUL
or can be found on the church website Mob: 07905 102702 garden maintenance
Application for membership can also be submitted via the website.
Everyone welcome.
Friends of All Saints Committee: Following the successful
programme of monthly speakers organized by All Saints Newton on
Ouse PCC, a Friends Committee has been formed to continue
organizing further speakers and also fund raising. It is very much
appreciated that Newton residents are called on by all village
organisations for support so it is the intention of this sub Committee
to organize fund raising events which appeal to a wider audience as
well as Newton and think of events that are not currently organized

Please mention the Parish & Community Newsletter when contacting advertisers

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