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T hCbrOadtirnCSran(T400 -T600)

oftlre Prado', ahibitionmah
ir lh~ /ir;¡ to provicle ano"cr";cw explun:,
from l,ío unwanJ, bascd 00 the o,odcJ,
dcvdoped byTitian and Anthonis Mor (or rhe
H.1h<hurg<: {h e", monel, "'ffi.1ined in u,c, with
,lightvariations, untilthe eighleenthc~ntury,
lbese and orher que,tiom, ,ud, a, how
portr~itur~ a, age"re in ;t<own rigbt, focu,ing portm itS"rcmadc.and,herolenfl'rint'
principally un painting bU! ;neludíng m~dal" in thcirnis.cminatirm , a,.., dealt with in an
ocu[pturc" drawings and cngravllgs ",hile .,xh ihilion that "eU out 10 ,how rhat the
Icav;ngasid~ rhe donor portr,¡ it Renai'isancc' nor "nly cnwmpa"", th" urigill
Th~ exhihition bcgin6 b)'c~am;nins andmaturationofthcgcnrc butthat itw",<o
theelem.nt,thatconIrjbu(erlloth~ a pcriod of:;ophistication and inventinn,
cmergcnn- uf ffi'Klem por!raiture: nn (O [he poinl ofexpl"ringand exhausting m:my
rhe one hand, mcdi<-"Val Traditiun, rcprcscnocd of the formal amlmri<:cprual pu"ibilirks of
brd)'llasticscrics,iconsandthcnaturalism ponrruture
lhe redi..:overyof lhe dasskal world. The $ecrions
sck..:tiun offiftccnth n'nruryworh ,cfk..,¡, !: !ktween the Netherland.:md ltaly
lhe Iypologicll and cotlcephJul differences Origiru and DcYd"pm~nt of Portraiture
betwttn lh.. major eMltr.. , oí portraitu", in " I,ow, Family, Memor,.
Ital)' and rhe Netherlands and th~ iníluen,"c J:Friendship
ofNcrhe rl"nJi,h moJds in South~rn 4: Inte,..,sts, Occupation., Ucvorions, Staru,
Eump"_ The "mr~g; ~< annplen In e nh.1nce ;:Sclf-ponrairurc
th<;: ;nl<;:'-du;unlx:tweell,iewcra",Jpurtmit 6:i\1akingPortrain
reached a peak in theearly<ineenthcentury - ThcBoundarksofPonr;1itUfC
and madeof portrairure the genre in which S:'I 'h c lliffusionofP,,"tra;ture
this<:ommunication wa. at iu moot intcllSC 9: Th.,C,ourlPnrtrait
Theexhihi, ion rt"'~als,,,'oconSI"'"
portraiturc Thc first is ir, progre..;ve

~dación AXA
"dcmocr",isarion": whcrc~s ;niriall y only
~I ~ F'w"l ",·¡ÓII AXA

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