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COVID-19 – Framework for Decision Making

Scotland’s route map

through and out of the crisis
Phase 2 Update – 18 June 2020

Introduction We published the Coronavirus (COVID-19): A staged approach to Phase 2

Framework for Decision Making: Scotland’s Route The current status of the epidemic in Scotland means
Route map Map through and out of the crisis on 21 May 2020. that the changes in Phase 2 will be introduced in
It indicates the order in which we will carefully and stages, rather than all at once. An updated Route
Phase 2 key changes gradually lift lockdown restrictions, and sets out Map table setting out the changes that will take
and dates the criteria to be met for progressing through the place is set out below. All phase changes apply to all
route map phases. These criteria include required parts of Scotland.
statistical measures of progress in suppressing
the virus and broader requirements based on the An update for people who are shielding
World Health Organization’s (WHO) conditions for We are still advising the shielding group to take
easing restrictions. additional steps to minimise their chance of
catching COVID-19 until at least 31 July. The First
The Route Map table summarises the changes we Minister announced on 8 June potential changes
plan to make in each phase. It does not include to shielding advice to allow outdoor exercise from
everything that we know will be of importance to 18 June. We advised that you would be able to go
people. Specific questions and concerns will often outdoors for a walk, wheel, run or cycle.
be covered in the supporting guidance: https://www. We are now expanding our advice so that, as of
Friday 19 June, you can also take part in non-
The COVID-19 crisis is uncertain and complex contact outdoor activities such as golf and hiking.
and our understanding of it is evolving. When we When doing so, you should:
published the Route Map we said that it will be
updated as the evidence and information changes.
• maintain strict physical distancing of at least 2
metres (3 steps) at all times, even if you live with
Our approach, and the Route Map, would be
the person you’re out with
dynamic and responsive. The announcement that
Scotland was moving to Phase 1 of the Route Map1 • choose times and areas that are quiet, if possible
was made on 28 May. • wash your hands for at least 20 seconds as soon
as you get back home


Scotland’s route map through and out of the crisis 2

Introduction As we promised when we made that announcement, It is crucial not only to stay safe as individuals but
we have continued to keep the guidance for the to also protect others, to save lives.
Route map shielding group under review. We now consider
that the chance of catching the virus outdoors is The fact is there still remains a group of people at
Phase 2 key changes low enough for individuals in the shielding group to an increased risk from COVID-19 (including those
and dates meet with one other household in a group of up to 8 over 70, those who receive the flu jab, and disabled
people outside from 19 June. Those shielding should people). Those people should be particularly careful
still only work from home and should avoid shops, in following physical distancing measures along
pharmacies and other situations where it would be with handwashing and cough hygiene.
difficult to stay 2 metres apart from other people.
Others should be equally mindful and respectful of
We understand that shielding has been difficult, their situation.
especially whilst restrictions are being eased for
everyone else. This is why we will be trying, as We have published advice for people with specific
far as it is safe to do so and based on clinical and health conditions but who are not shielding to help
scientific advice, to move away from a blanket them manage their condition during the COVID-19
approach for the shielding group. We will provide pandemic:
the public with the information they need to make coronavirus-covid-19-tailored-advice-for-those-
informed decisions about the risk the virus poses who-live-with-specific-medical-conditions/. We will
to them, based on individual conditions and the continue to raise awareness of the continued risk
changing infection rate in their area. from the virus and motivate and support people to
comply with the new guidance.
Stay Safe, Protect Others, Save Lives
It needs to be emphasised that continued progress It is only through continued compliance that we will
through the Route Map phases depends on all of us achieve the progress required to meet the criteria
complying with the rules set out in each phase. for the next phase of easing restrictions. Weaker
compliance may require us to delay the next phase
or tighten restrictions.

Scotland’s route map through and out of the crisis 3

Introduction Measuring the impact of changes
We will publish an Equalities Impact Assessment
Route map (EQIA) covering the Route Map and incorporating
Fairer Scotland considerations in the week
Phase 2 key changes beginning 22 June. We will publish other relevant
and dates impact assessments in due course. We will also
publish an evidence paper demonstrating that
we have met the criteria for moving to Phase 2.

Scottish Government
June 2020

Scotland’s route map through and out of the crisis 4

Guide to re-opening and scaling up over the course of Phase 2. Not all details are shown below. Please refer to guidance and Q&A for more information.
Friday 19 June Monday 22 June Monday 29 June
People who are shielding are able to leave Face coverings are mandatory on public Indoor (non-office) workplaces resume once
their home for exercise (from 18th June) transport. relevant guidance is implemented.
and to meet with 1 other household Includes: factories, warehouses, labs and
outdoors (max 8 people in total) with Places of worship can re-open for individual research facilities.
physical distancing. People who are prayer or contemplation. Excludes: indoor workplaces due to open
shielding can take part in non-contact in Phase 3 (e.g. non-essential offices and
outdoor activities such as golf, hiking, call-centres).
fishing etc. Professional sport can resume – with public
health restrictions remaining in place.
Street-access retail can re-open once
People who are not shielding can now meet guidance is implemented. Interiors of
with more households outside. Limit Dental practices can re-open to see patients
shopping centres / malls remain closed
increased from meeting 1 other household with urgent care needs.
for non-essential shops until Phase 3.
to meeting 2 households; 8 person overall Update on
limit and need for physical distancing Construction sector can implement remaining Phase 2
Outdoor markets can re-open once guidance
remains. remaining phases of sectoral plan. changes on
is implemented. Thursday 2 July
They can also use toilets indoors while
visiting the outdoors of another household. College and university staff can return to Relaxation on restrictions on housing moves.
(Hygiene measures are essential.) make essential preparations for restart in Outdoor sports courts can re-open.
Phase 3.
Playgrounds can re-open.
Certain household types can now meet
Consistent with Phase 2, accommodation Registration offices open for high priority tasks.
others indoors in an ‘extended household’.
can be provided for those required to stay
away from home for work purposes. Marriages & civil partnerships allowed with
minimal attendees – outdoors only.
People should continue to stay in their local
area (broadly within five miles) as much as Zoos and garden attractions can open for
possible and should not travel further for local access only (broadly within 5 miles)
leisure or recreation. in this phase.

Key Public Services Scaling-up and Resuming across Phase 2

Public services will continue to resume and A wide range of health and social care services are resuming and scaling-up during this phase, consistent with our NHS Mobilisation Plan – including
scale-up during Phase 2, continuing those set the examples below. See the plan for more details.
out in Phase 1. In addition to the services set
out above, resuming activity such as visiting Consideration to be given to a
Continue phased resumption of any Continued GP support for shielded
support to Housing First Tenants and the phased resumption of visiting care
resumption of area-based energy efficiency
suspended or postponed GP services patients, including home visits
homes starting with outdoor visiting
schemes. supported by digital consultation. where clinically necessary.
where it is clinically safe to do so.
Public transport services will increase over the Increasing health care provision Community optometry practices
phase, including increased ferry services and Reintroducing some chronic
for pent-up demand, urgent referrals re-open for face-to-face emergency
capacity. All phase changes apply to islands. disease management.
and triage of routine services. and essential eye care.
Public transport capacity will remain
constrained due to physical distancing
Plan with COSLA and partners to support and
requirements – and active travel remains the Phased resumption of
preferred mode of travel. Priority referrals to secondary care. (where needed) review social care and care
some screening services.
home services.

Scotland’s route map through and out of the crisis 5

Scottish Government COVID-19 Routemap

Lockdown Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4

High transmission of the High risk the virus is not Virus is controlled but risk Virus has been suppressed. Virus remains suppressed
virus. Risk of yet contained. Continued of spreading remains. Continued focus on to very low levels and is no
Epidemic overwhelming NHS risk of overwhelming NHS Focus is on containing containing sporadic longer considered a
Status capacity without significant capacity without some outbreaks. outbreaks. significant threat to public
restrictions in place. restrictions in place. health.

R is near or above 1 and R is below 1 for at least 3 R is consistently below 1 R is consistently low and Virus is no longer
there are a high number weeks and the number of and the number of there is a further sustained considered a significant
of infectious cases. infectious cases is starting infectious cases is showing decline in infectious cases. threat to public health.
to decline. a sustained decline.
WHO six criteria for easing
Evidence of transmission WHO six criteria for easing restrictions must continue
Criteria/ being controlled also restrictions must be met. to be met.
R Conditions includes a sustained fall in
Any signs of resurgence are Any signs of resurgence are
supplementary measures
closely monitored as part closely monitored as part
including new infections,
of enhanced community of enhanced community
hospital admissions, ICU
surveillance. surveillance.
admissions, deaths of at
least 3 weeks.

Physical distancing Physical distancing Physical distancing Physical distancing Physical distancing
requirements in place. requirements in place. requirements in place. requirements in place. requirements to be
updated on scientific
Frequent handwashing and Frequent handwashing and Frequent handwashing and Frequent handwashing and
hygiene measures for all. hygiene measures for all. hygiene measures for all. hygiene measures for all.
Frequent handwashing and
Protections Cough etiquette is Cough etiquette is Cough etiquette is Cough etiquette is
hygiene measures for all.
advised in maintained. maintained. maintained. maintained.
each phase Cough etiquette is
Face coverings in enclosed Face coverings in enclosed Face coverings in enclosed Face coverings in enclosed
public spaces, including public spaces, including public spaces. public spaces.
public transport. public transport. Face coverings may be
Face coverings are Face coverings are
advised in enclosed public
mandatory on public mandatory on public
spaces, including public
transport. transport.

All decisions on phasing will be kept under review as the research evidence base on the impact of the virus and the effectiveness of different interventions builds.

Scotland’s route map through and out of the crisis 6

Scottish Government COVID-19 Routemap

Lockdown Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4

As with previous phase but As with previous phase but As with previous phase but As with previous phase but
Lockdown restrictions: with the following changes:
with the following changes: with the following changes: with the following changes:

Strict physical distancing More outdoor activity People who are shielding Able to meet with people Further relaxation on
and hygiene measures. permitted – such as being are able to leave their from more than one restrictions on gatherings.
able to sit in the park, as home for exercise (from household indoors with
Contact should be within Continued importance of
long as physically 18th June) and to meet physical distancing and
own household only. hygiene and public health
distanced. with 1 other household hygiene measures.
No public gatherings except outdoors (max 8 people in
Meeting up with another
for meetings of two people total) with physical
household outdoors, in
permitted. distancing. People who are
small numbers (max 8),
shielding can take part in
Self-isolation/household including in gardens, but
non-contact outdoor
isolation if displaying with physical distancing
activities such as golf,
symptoms. required.
hiking, fishing etc.
Shielding of very high risk
People who are not
shielding can now meet
with more households
Seeing family outside. Limit increased
and friends from meeting 1 household
to meeting 2 households;
8 person overall limit and
need for physical
distancing remains.
People who are not
shielding can also use
toilets indoors while
visiting the outdoors of
another household.
(Hygiene measures are
Certain household types
can now meet others
indoors in an ‘extended

Scotland’s route map through and out of the crisis 7

Scottish Government COVID-19 Routemap

Lockdown Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4

As with previous phase but As with previous phase but As with previous phase but As with previous phase but
Lockdown restrictions: with the following changes:
with the following changes: with the following changes: with the following changes:

Stay at home with essential Consistent with the Consistent with the Can drive beyond local area Public transport operating
travel only, staying in local re-opening of workplaces re-opening of workplaces for leisure and exercise full service.
area. set out in this phase, where set out in this phase, where purposes.
Physical distancing may
home working is not home working is not
Active travel including possible businesses and Public transport operating remain in place.
possible businesses and
walking and cycling in local organisations are full services but capacity
organisations are
area for daily exercise. encouraged to manage still significantly limited to
encouraged to manage
travel demand through allow for physical
Public transport operating travel demand through
staggered start times and distancing. Travel at peak
with limited service and staggered start times and
flexible working patterns. times discouraged as far as
capacity with physical flexible working patterns.
distancing. People should continue to
Permitted to travel short
stay in their local area as May be geographical
Passengers recommended distances for outdoor
much as possible and differences depending on
to wear face coverings, leisure and exercise but
should not travel more than circumstances.
only to travel for essential advice to stay within a
Getting broadly five miles for
purposes and to avoid busy short distance of your local
leisure or recreation.
around routes/periods. community (broadly within
5 miles) and travel by walk, Public transport services
wheel and cycle where will increase over the phase,
possible. including increased ferry
services and capacity. (All
International border health phase changes apply to
measures are introduced. islands.)
Public transport capacity
will remain constrained due
to physical distancing
requirements – and active
travel remains the
preferred mode of travel.
International border health
measures in place.

Scotland’s route map through and out of the crisis 8

Scottish Government COVID-19 Routemap

Lockdown Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4

As with previous phase but As with previous phase but As with previous phase but As with previous phase but
Lockdown restrictions: with the following changes:
with the following changes: with the following changes: with the following changes:

Schools and childcare School staff return to On campus university lab Children return to school Schools and childcare
services closed. schools. research restarted subject under a blended model of provision, operating with
to physical distancing. part-time in-school teaching any necessary precautions.
Measures in place to Increased number of
and part-time in-home
support home learning and children accessing critical College and university College and university
learning. Public health
to provide outreach childcare provision. staff can return to make campuses open – including
measures (including
services to vulnerable essential preparations for key student services with
Re-opening of child physical distancing) in place.
children. restart in Phase 3. any necessary precautions.
minding services and fully
Subject to the progress of
Critical childcare provision outdoor nursery provision.
the scientific evidence,
for key workers and
Transition support available schools are expected to
vulnerable children
to pupils starting P1 and S1 open on this basis on
provided through hubs,
where possible. 11 August. (We aim to
nurseries and childminding
resume normal schooling as
Schools, soon as it is safe to do so.)
childcare Universities and colleges
All childcare providers
and other closed – remote learning
re-open subject to public
educational and research.
health measures, with
settings available capacity
prioritised to support key
worker childcare, early
learning and childcare (ELC)
entitlement and children in
Universities and colleges
phased return with blended
model of remote learning
and limited on campus
learning where a priority.
Public health measures
(including physical
distancing) in place.

Scotland’s route map through and out of the crisis 9

Scottish Government COVID-19 Routemap

Lockdown Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4

As with previous phase but As with previous phase but As with previous phase but As with previous phase but
Lockdown restrictions: with the following changes:
with the following changes: with the following changes: with the following changes:

Closure of non-essential Remote working remains Remote working remains Remote working remains Remote and flexible
workplaces. the default position for the default position for the default position for working remains
those who can. those who can. those who can. encouraged.
Social distancing
requirements for essential For those workplaces that Indoor (non-office) Non-essential indoor office All workplaces open with
businesses. are re-opening, employers workplaces resume once workplaces can open, once improved hygiene and in
should encourage relevant guidance is relevant guidance agreed, line with public health
Remote working is the
staggered start times implemented. including contact centres advice.
default position.
and flexible working. •  Includes: factories, with physical distancing.
warehouses, labs and
Non-essential outdoor
research facilities.
workplaces with physical
•  Excludes: indoor
distancing resume once
workplaces due to open
relevant guidance agreed.
Working or in Phase 3 (e.g. non-
running a Construction – Phases essential offices and
business 0-2 of industry restart plan call-centres).
can be implemented.
Construction sector can
(Industry to consult
implement remaining
government before
phases of sectoral plan.
progressing to phase 2.)
Consistent with Phase 2,
Preparing for the safe
accommodation can be
re-opening of the housing
provided for those
required to stay away from
Workplaces resuming in home for work purposes.
later phases can undertake
Relaxation on restrictions
preparatory work on
on housing moves.
physical distancing and
hygiene measures.

Scotland’s route map through and out of the crisis 10

Scottish Government COVID-19 Routemap

Lockdown Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4

As with previous phase but As with previous phase but As with previous phase but As with previous phase but
Lockdown restrictions: with the following changes:
with the following changes: with the following changes: with the following changes:

Shopping for necessities, Gradual re-opening of drive Street-access retail can Non-essential shops located All open with improved
with distancing measures. through food outlets. re-open once guidance inside shopping centres and public health advice.
is implemented. Interiors malls can re-open in Phase
Closure of non-essential Garden centres and plant Shop local still encouraged.
of shopping centres / malls 3 (subject to review of safe
retail, libraries and some nurseries can re-open with
remain closed for non- re-opening with a review
indoor public spaces. physical distancing.
essential shops until point on July 2).
Associated cafes should
Closure and restriction Phase 3.
not re-open at this stage Pubs and restaurants can
Shopping, of businesses selling
except for takeaway. Outdoor markets can open indoor spaces with
eating and food or drink.
re-open once guidance is physical distancing and
drinking out Closure of outdoor markets. implemented. increased hygiene routines.
We will review the Personal retail services
scientific evidence on how including hairdressers open
pubs and restaurants can (with physical distancing
open outdoor spaces safely and hygiene measures).
with a review point on
2 July.
Daily (unlimited) exercise. Consistent with the rules Outdoor sports courts can Museums, galleries, Further relaxation of
and guidance that are re-open. libraries, cinemas open, restrictions on live events
Closure of entertainment
applicable to any activity subject to physical in line with public health
premises and leisure Playgrounds can re-open.
in this phase: distancing and hygiene advice.
Professional sport can measures.
Unrestricted outdoors
Closure of playgrounds. resume – with public health
exercise adhering to Gyms open subject to
Sport, culture Closure of holiday restrictions remaining in
distancing measures. physical distancing and
and leisure place.
accommodation. hygiene measures.
activities Non-contact, outdoor
Zoos and garden
activities in your local Relaxation of restrictions on
attractions can open for
areas e.g. golf, hiking, accommodation providers.
local access only (broadly
canoeing, outdoor
within five miles) in this Live events permitted with
swimming, angling.
phase. restricted numbers and
physical distancing

Scotland’s route map through and out of the crisis 11

Scottish Government COVID-19 Routemap

Lockdown Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4

As with previous phase but As with previous phase but As with previous phase but As with previous phase but
Lockdown restrictions: with the following changes:
with the following changes: with the following changes: with the following changes:

Limited number of courts Gradual resumption of key Public services will Further resumption and Public services operating
open and business limited. support services at the continue to resume and scaling-up of public fully, in line with public
community level with scale-up during Phase 2, services and justice system health advice, with
All jury business halted.
physical distancing and continuing those set out in processes and services. modifications and changes
Other services restricted hygiene measures. Phase 1. to service design, including
where necessary in line increasing use of digital
Restarting face-to-face In addition to the services
with public health advice. services where
Children’s Hearings with set out elsewhere in this
physical distancing. phase, resuming activity
includes services such as
Greater direct contact for
visiting support to Housing
social work and support
First Tenants and the
Community services with at risk groups
resumption of area-based
and public and families with physical
energy efficiency schemes.
services distancing and hygiene
Access to respite/day care
to support unpaid carers
and for families with a
disabled family member.
Household Waste Recycling
Centres open.
Re-opening of court and
tribunal buildings, with
limited business and public

Scotland’s route map through and out of the crisis 12

Scottish Government COVID-19 Routemap

Lockdown Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4

As with previous phase but As with previous phase but As with previous phase but As with previous phase but
Lockdown restrictions: with the following changes:
with the following changes: with the following changes: with the following changes:

No public gatherings of No public gatherings Registration offices open People can meet in Mass gatherings resume in
more than two people. permitted except for for high priority tasks. extended groups subject line with public health
meetings of two to physical distancing. advice.
No mass gatherings. Places of worship can
households, outdoors and
re-open for individual Places of worship open to All ceremonies can take
Funerals take place with physical distancing.
prayer or contemplation. extended groups subject to place, with improved
Gatherings with limited number
physical distancing and hygiene and other
and occasions of attendees. Marriages & civil
hygiene safeguards. precautions.
partnerships allowed with
minimal attendees – Relaxation of restrictions to
outdoors only. attendance at funerals,
marriages and civil
All non-urgent care health Beginning to safely restart Increasing health care Emergency and planned Full range of health and
care services stopped and NHS services, covering provision for pent-up care services delivered. social care services
capacity focused on primary, and community demand, urgent referrals provided and greater use
Expansion of screening
COVID-19 response: services including mental and triage of routine of technology to provide
health. services. improved services to
COVID hubs and
Adult flu vaccinations citizens.
assessment centres. Phased resumption of Reintroducing some chronic
including in care homes and
some GP services disease management.
Urgent care including care at home.
supported by an increase
dental and the creation Continue phased
in digital consultations. All dental practices begin to
Health and of ICU capacity. resumption of any
see registered patients for
social care Roll out the NHS Pharmacy suspended or postponed
Joint working to reduce non-aerosol routine care.
First Scotland service in GP services supported by
delayed discharges by over Urgent care centres to
community pharmacies. digital consultation.
60% and prioritising “home provide aerosol generating
first” and prioritisation of Increase care offered at Continued GP support for procedures.
safety and wellbeing of emergency dental hubs as shielded patients, including
All community optometry
care home residents practices prepare to open. home visits where clinically
re-opens with social
and staff. necessary.
Restart, where possible, distancing safeguards.
Urgent and cancer care urgent electives previously
still available. paused.

Scotland’s route map through and out of the crisis 13

Scottish Government COVID-19 Routemap

Lockdown Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4

As with previous phase but As with previous phase but As with previous phase but As with previous phase but
Lockdown restrictions: with the following changes:
with the following changes: with the following changes: with the following changes:

Resumption of NHS IVF Dental practices can Some communal living

treatment has now been re-open to see patients experience can be restarted
approved in Scotland and with urgent care needs. when it is clinically safe to
we are working with the do so.
Priority referrals to
4 centres to resume
secondary care begin.
services quickly and safely.
Continue to plan with
Increase provision of
COSLA and Scottish Care
emergency eyecare in
and other partners to
the community.
support and, where
We will consider the needed, review of social
introduction of designated care and care home
Health and visitors to care homes. services.
social care
continued Phased resumption of
some screening services.
Community optometry
practices re-open for
face-to-face emergency
and essential eye care.
Consideration to be given
to a phased resumption of
visiting care homes starting
with outdoor visiting
where it is clinically safe to
do so.

Notes: Above examples are illustrations, and are not intended to be comprehensive. Each phase description should be viewed as a general description rather than precise
definitions of permitted activities.
All decisions on phasing will be kept under review as the research evidence base on the impact of the virus and the effectiveness of different interventions builds.

Scotland’s route map through and out of the crisis 14

Phase 2 key changes and dates

Introduction Phase 2 changes will be introduced as follows:

Route map From 19 June: From 22 June:

Phase 2 key changes

• people who are shielding are able to leave their • face coverings are mandatory on public transport
home for exercise and to meet with 1 other
and dates
household outdoors (max 8 people in total) with • places of worship can re-open for individual
physical distancing from 18 June. They are also prayer and contemplation
able to take part in non-contact outdoor activities • professional sport can resume – with public
such as golf, hiking, fishing health restrictions remaining in place
• people who are not shielding can now meet with • dental practices can re-open to see patients with
more households outside. Limit increased from urgent care needs
meeting 1 household to meeting 2 households;
8 person overall limit and need for physical • construction sector can implement remaining
distancing remains phases of sectoral plan

• they can also use toilets indoors while visiting • college and university staff can return to make
the outdoors of another household (Hygiene essential preparations for restart in Phase 3
measures are essential)
• consistent with Phase 2, accommodation allowed
• certain household types can now meet others for those required to stay away from home for
indoors in an ‘extended household’ work purposes

• People should continue to stay in their local area

as much as possible and should not travel more
than broadly five miles for leisure or recreation

Scotland’s route map through and out of the crisis 15

Introduction From 29 June Key public services scaling-up across Phase 2

Route map • indoor (non-office) workplaces resume once From 19 June:

relevant guidance is implemented
• public services will continue to resume and
Phase 2 key changes – Includes: factories, warehouses, labs and scale-up during Phase 2, continuing those set
and dates research facilities out in Phase 1. In addition to the services set out
– Excludes: indoor workplaces due to open in above, resuming activity include services such
Phase 3 (e.g. non-essential offices and call- as visiting support to Housing First Tenants and
centres) the resumption of area-based energy efficiency
• street-access retail can re-open once guidance
is implemented. Interiors of shopping malls/ • public transport services will increase over the
centres remain closed for non-essential shops phase, including increased ferry services and
until Phase 3 capacity. (All phase changes apply to islands.)
Public transport capacity will remain constrained
• outdoor markets can re-open once guidance due to physical distancing requirements – and
implemented active travel remains the preferred mode of
• relaxation on restrictions on housing moves travel

• outdoor sports courts can re-open A wide range of health services are resuming and
scaling-up during this phase, consistent with our
• playgrounds can re-open NHS Mobilisation Plan – ncluding the following
examples. See the plan for more details.
• registration offices open for high priority tasks
• marriages and civil partnerships allowed with
minimal attendees – outdoors only

• zoos and garden attractions can open but should

remain limited to local access only (broadly
within 5 miles) in this phase

Scotland’s route map through and out of the crisis 16

Introduction From 22 June Changes to note:
In Phase 2 we have included some new measures
Route map • continue phased resumption of any suspended including Extended Households: Someone who lives
or postponed GP services supported by digital
alone – or someone who lives only with children
Phase 2 key changes consultation
under 18, can agree with another household to
and dates • reintroducing some chronic disease management form an ‘extended household’ and be treated as
being part of that household. This is the form of
• Phased resumption of some screening services (social) meetings between households inside their
homes that is now permitted as we move into
From 29 June Phase 2.
• continued GP support for shielded patients,
We have extended the range of retail outlets that
including home visits where clinically necessary
can open to remove the distinction between small
• increasing health care provision for pent-up and large outlets, so all shops with street access
demand, urgent referrals and triage of routine can open. The interiors of shopping malls/centres
services remain closed for non-essential shops until Phase 3

• priority referrals to secondary care In line with relaxation of house moves on 29 June,
we are clarifying that travel to a second home for
Thursday 2 July review point essential maintenance would be possible.

Next review date: 9 July 2020. There will also be We will conduct a review on 2 July based on
an update on remaining Phase 2 actions on 2 July. scientific advice on potentially higher transmission
risk activities and settings including re-opening
outdoor hospitality spaces safely (e.g. beer gardens,
on-street seating). Consideration will be given
to necessary precautions, advice and wider risk

Scotland’s route map through and out of the crisis 17

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ISBN: 978-1-83960-838-4 (web only)

Published by The Scottish Government, June 2020

Produced for The Scottish Government by APS Group Scotland, 21 Tennant Street, Edinburgh EH6 5NA
PPDAS742146 (06/20)

w w w . g o v . s c o t

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