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1. At sea level, the speed of sound in air at 20℃ is 343 m/s.

A military jet is travelling at mach

1.50 (1.50 times the speed of sound). Calculate the speed of the jet in kilometers per hour.

2. A rectangular piece of paper is 8 ½ inches by 11 inches. (one inch = 2.54 cm)

A. Calculate the area in square inches.
B. Calculate the area in square centimeters.
C. Calculate the area in square meters.

3. The position of an object as a function of time is given by 𝑥(𝑡) = 𝐴𝑡 4 − 𝐵𝑡 2 + 𝐶𝑡 where x is

the position in meters, t is the time in seconds, and A, B, and C are constants (with units).
A. Determine the units of A, B, and C
B. Taking the derivative of this function gives 𝑑𝑡 .
i. Calculate the derivative of this function.
ii. Calculate the units of this function.

4. The surface area of a sphere is given by the formula 𝑆𝐴 = 4𝜋𝑟 2 . The volume of a sphere is
given by the formula 𝑉 = 3 𝜋𝑟 3 . The mass density of a material (𝜌) is given by the
formula 𝜌 = 𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 but mass density is independent of the amount of material present. The
density of water is 1000 𝑚3 . A sphere of water (like in a water balloon) has a radius of 5.00
A. Calculate the surface area and volume of the water.
B. Calculate the mass of the water.
C. Assume water is added to the water balloon until the radius increases to double the
original radius.
i. Calculate or state by what factor the surface area of the water increases.
ii. Calculate or state by what factor the mass of the water increases.
D. A graph of mass (vertically) vs. radius (horizontally) will not be a linear graph.
i. Describe a graph that could be made involving mass and radius that would make a
straight line graph.
ii. State what the slope of the graph would be.

t t

5. The diagram above shows two graphs of the horizontal position vs. time for one-dimensional
motion of a particle.
A. Sketch the velocity graphs for each motion.
B. Briefly describe the motion in words.

1 2 3

6. The diagram above shows the horizontal position vs. time for one-dimensional motion of a
particle. Use standard sign conventions for right and left (to the right is positive and to the
left is negative). Three times of interest are labeled with dashed lines.
A. Explain the direction of motion (to right, to left, or not moving) at:
i. Point 1
ii. Point 2
iii. Point 3
B. Explain if the object is speeding up, slowing down, or moving with constant speed at:
i. Point 1
ii. Point 2
iii. Point 3
C. Clearly label a single point on the graph with a dot and label it with the letter C for a
point where the object reverses direction.

7. An object is going to move to the right a total distance of 1000 meters. In the first 500
meters, the object has an average velocity of 20.0 m/s.
A. Calculate the average velocity needed in the second 500 meters so that the overall
average velocity is 30 m/s.
B. Calculate the maximum average velocity possible for the object over the distance of 1000

8. A car moving horizontally moves according to the following story: For the first 5.00
seconds, the car moves at a steady 30.0 mph; for the next 5.00 seconds, the car slows down at
a steady pace and stops.
A. Sketch the position vs. time for the story.
B. Sketch the velocity vs. time for the story.

9. An object starts (at t = 0) at rest at the origin. The object moves horizontally in only one
direction. The object has a constant acceleration of 4.00 m/s2 to the right.
A. Calculate the position of the object after 4.00 seconds.
B. Calculate the speed of the object after 4.00 seconds.
C. Sketch the position, velocity, and acceleration vs. time graphs.


t t

10. The diagram above shows two graphs of the horizontal velocity vs. time for one-dimensional
motion of a particle.
A. Sketch the position graphs for each motion.
B. Sketch the acceleration graphs for each motion.

11. Give a physical situation in 1-d motion with each motion listed below or explain why the
motion described is impossible in 1-d motion.
A. An object with a velocity of zero that is accelerating.
B. An object with an acceleration of zero that is moving.
C. An object with constant velocity that is accelerating.

12. The diagram above shows a graph of the horizontal velocity vs. time for the one dimensional
motion of a toy car. The initial position of the toy car is the origin.
A. Label a single point where the magnitude of acceleration is largest with a clear dot and
the letter A. If there is more than one point, only label one.
B. Label a single point where the magnitude of velocity is largest with a clear dot and the
letter B. If there is more than one point, only label one.
C. Label a single point where the magnitude of position is largest with a clear dot and the
letter C. If there is more than one point, only label one.

13. The diagram above shows a graph of the horizontal acceleration vs. time for the one
dimensional motion of a toy car. The toy car starts at rest at the origin.
A. Sketch the velocity vs. time for the car.
B. Sketch the position vs. time for the car.

14. An object travels horizontally with an unknown initial velocity to the right and a constant
acceleration to the left of 3.00 m/s2. The object starts at the origin and at t = 4.00 seconds is
at a position of 15.0 meters.
A. Calculate the initial velocity of the object
B. Explain how you will decide which direction the object is moving at t = 4.00 seconds.
C. State which direction the object is moving at t = 4.00 seconds.

15. 4 scenarios are described below. In all 4 scenarios an object is initially moving with velocity
vo and has a constant acceleration a- in all 4 scenarios once the object comes to rest, it stays
at rest from then on.
 (a) vo = 8.00 m/s a = -1.00 m/s2
 (b) vo = 8.00 m/s a = -2.00 m/s2
 (c) vo = 8.00 m/s a = -4.00 m/s2
 (d) vo = 4.00 m/s a = -1.00 m/s2
A. Algebraically solve for the time it takes for the objects to stop moving.
B. Rank the 4 scenarios in terms of the time it takes them to stop from most to the least time.
Specifically state any ties.
C. Algebraically solve for the displacement between the initial point and the point where the
object stops. Make sure the variable of time is not present in your equation.
D. Rank the 4 scenarios in terms of the displacement between the initial point and the point
where the object stops from the most to the least displacement. Specifically state any ties.

16. The horizontal position of an object as a function of time is given by the following equation:
𝑥(𝑡) = 1.25𝑡 3 − 2.50𝑡 2 − 2.00𝑡 + 1.50 where x is the position in meters, t is the time in
seconds, and the other values have correct SI units.
A. Calculate the position of the object at t = 1.50 seconds.
B. Calculate the instantaneous velocity of the object at t = 1.50 seconds.
C. Calculate the instantaneous acceleration of the object at t = 1.50 seconds.
D. Explain if the object is speeding up or slowing down at t = 1.50 seconds.
E. Calculate the average velocity between t = 0.00 and t = 3.00 seconds.

17. An object is dropped from rest into a hole of unknown depth. Ignore air drag. The object
hits the bottom of the hole and sound from the impact travels up to the surface at 343 m/s.
The object is dropped at t = 0 and the sound from the impact is heard at t = 3.00 seconds.
A. Use physics and algebra to setup a system of equations to get the depth.
B. Solve the system of equations to get the depth.

18. The horizontal velocity of an object as a function of position is given by the following
equation: v(𝑥) = 3.00 − 15.0𝑥 2 where v is the velocity of the object and x is the position in
meters. X can only be positive.
A. Calculate the position where the object stops moving.
B. Calculate the velocity of the object when the object is at a position of 0.250 meters.
C. Calculate the acceleration of the object when the object is at a position of 0.250 meters.

19. A ball is thrown vertically upward with a speed of 20.0 m/s from a height of 8.00 m above
the ground. Neglect air resistance. The only motion of the ball is vertical, no horizontal
motion occurs. Call the ground zero position and up the positive direction.
A. Calculate when the ball reaches the highest point.
B. Calculate how high the ball goes above the ground.
C. Calculate when the ball is 15.0 meters above the ground.
D. Sketch the position, velocity, and acceleration as functions of time from release until
when the ball strikes the ground.

20. A ball is thrown vertically upward with a speed of 30.0 m/s from a height of 5.00 m above
the ground. Neglect air resistance. The only motion of the ball is vertical, no horizontal
motion occurs. Call the ground zero position and up the positive direction.
A. Calculate when the ball hits the ground.
B. Explain if the ball is moving up or moving down 4.00 seconds after it is thrown up.
C. Calculate the speed of the ball 4.00 seconds after it is thrown up.

21. A ball is thrown vertically downward with an unknown speed from a height of 30.0 m above
the ground. The ball hits the ground 1.50 seconds after being released. Neglect air
resistance. The only motion of the ball is vertical, no horizontal motion occurs. Call the
ground zero position and up the positive direction.
A. Calculate the initial velocity of the ball.
B. Sketch the position, velocity, and acceleration as functions of time from release until
when the ball strikes the ground.

1 2 3

22. The diagram above shows the horizontal velocity vs. time for one-dimensional motion of a
particle. Use standard sign conventions for right and left (to the right is positive and to the
left is negative). Three times of interest are labeled with dashed lines.
A. Explain the direction of motion (to right, to left, or not moving) at:
i. Point 1
ii. Point 2
iii. Point 3
B. Explain if the object is speeding up, slowing down, or moving with constant speed at:
i. Point 1
ii. Point 2
iii. Point 3
C. Clearly label a single point on the graph with a dot and label it with the letter C for a
point where the object reverses direction.

23. An object moves horizontally and the velocity vs. time is given by the formula v(t) = 1.35t2.
A. Sketch the velocity as a function of time.
B. Calculate the average velocity between t = 0 and t = 3.00 seconds.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 t


24. The diagram above shows the horizontal velocity vs. time for one-dimensional motion of a
particle. The graph is made up of linear and horizontal sections. Use standard sign
conventions for right and left (to the right is positive and to the left is negative).
A. Put a dot on the graph and label it letter A for a single spot where the object has the
largest magnitude of acceleration.
B. Put a dot on the graph and label it letter B for a single spot where the object is moving
C. Calculate the average velocity of the object between t = 0 and t = 8 seconds.

25. Car number one is traveling to the right at a constant 35.0 m/s. Call t = 0 the time it passes
car number two. When car two is passed by car one, car two is traveling at 14.0 m/s.
Assume that car 2 has a constant acceleration to the right of 2.00 m/s2 from t = 0 until it
catches car one.
A. Calculate the time when car two catches car one.
B. Calculate the velocity of car two when it catches car one.

26. A rocket has two stages of motion. Stage I has the rocket start from rest at the ground and
lasts for 3 seconds. During stage I, the rocket accelerates upward at 20 m/s2. Stage II begins
at the end of stage I. Stage II is freefall until the rocket hits the ground.
A. Sketch the acceleration vs. time for the entire motion (all of stage I and II).
B. Sketch the velocity vs. time for the entire motion (all of stage I and II).
C. Sketch the position vs. time for the entire motion (all of stage I and II).
D. Calculate the time when the rocket reaches the highest point.
E. Calculate the maximum height of the rocket.
F. Calculate the amount of time the rocket is above the ground.

27. A ball has three displacements described below:

 Displacement 𝐴⃗ is 3.00 m at a 15 degree angle counterclockwise from the +x axis.
 Displacement 𝐵 ⃗⃗ is 5.00 m at a 30 degree angle clockwise from the +x axis.
 Displacement 𝐶⃗ is 2.00 m at a 20 degree angle counterclockwise from the –x axis.
A. Sketch the three displacement vectors on a single axis. Have the tail of each be at the
B. Calculate the x and y components of each displacement vector.
C. Calculate the x and y components of the vector addition of all three displacement vectors.
D. Roughly sketch the total vector- have the tail be at the origin.


⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ 𝑚 +x
𝑉𝐴 6 𝑠 𝑙𝑒𝑓𝑡

𝑉 𝐵 8 𝑠 𝑑𝑜𝑤𝑛

28. The figure above shows two velocities of a person riding a bicycle (as viewed from above
looking down).
A. Sketch the 𝑉 ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗
𝐵 − 𝑉𝐴 vector. Put the tail of the vector at the origin and the tip in the correct
B. Calculate the x-components of the 𝑉 ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗
𝐵 − 𝑉𝐴 vector.
C. Calculate the y-components of the 𝑉 ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗
𝐵 − 𝑉𝐴 vector.
D. Calculate the magnitude of the 𝑉⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗
𝐵 − 𝑉𝐴 vector.

𝐹𝐶 +y



29. The figure above shows three of the four forces pulling on a ring in a common lab
experiment called a “force table”. In this experiment four forces pull on a ring and the vector
sum of all four forces is zero. Force ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗
𝐹𝐴 is 1.50 Newtons at a 30 degree angle
counterclockwise from the +x axis. Force ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗
𝐹𝐵 is 2.94 Newtons at a 15 degree angle clockwise
from the +x axis. Force ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗
𝐹𝐶 is 0.800 Newtons at a 20 degree angle counterclockwise from the
+y axis.
A. Calculate the components of each force vector.
B. Calculate the components of the fourth vector (so that the vector sum of all four is 0).
C. Calculate the magnitude and direction of the fourth vector.

(A) (B) (C)

+y +y
+x +y
+x 26.6𝑜
𝑊 ⃗⃗⃗⃗
𝑊 +x

⃗⃗⃗⃗ vector is a magnitude of 50 Newtons and points

30. In all three cases drawn above, the 𝑊
straight down the page. In the three cases drawn, the x and y coordinates are perpendicular
to each other.
A. Calculate the x and y components of the 𝑊 ⃗⃗⃗⃗ vector for the coordinates shown.
B. Calculate the x and y components of the 𝑊 ⃗⃗⃗⃗ vector for the coordinates shown.
C. Calculate the x and y components of the 𝑊 ⃗⃗⃗⃗ vector for the coordinates shown.


31. A ball is fired with an initial speed at an angle (as shown above) below the horizontal from
the corner of a building. Call the base of the building the origin (it is labeled). Neglect air
A. Sketch the x component of position vs. time and x component of velocity vs. time. State
major features (including the shapes) of the graphs.
B. Sketch the y component of position vs. time and y component of velocity vs. time. State
major features (including the shapes) of the graphs.
14.0 degrees

26.0 m


32. A ball is fired with an initial speed of 20.0 m/s at a 14.0 degree angle (as shown above)
above the horizontal from the corner of a building. The building has a height of 26.0 m. Call
the base of the building the origin (it is labeled). Neglect air resistance.
A. Calculate the time when the ball is at the highest point of the trajectory.
B. Calculate the x and y position coordinates of the highest point.
C. Calculate when the ball hits the ground.
D. Calculate where the ball hits the ground.

33. Part of a common lab activity is to fire a ball horizontally from a table and then to record the
horizontal and vertical travel distances the ball travels in the air (and to ignore air resistance).
Assume a ball is fired horizontally from a table of height 0.950 meters and the ball hits the
ground a horizontal distance of 2.65 meters to the right from where it was fired.
A. Calculate the initial launch speed of the projectile.
B. Calculate the speed of the ball when it hits the ground.

y vs. x for projectile motion

y (meters)

0 2 4 6 8
x (meters)

34. 2 projectiles are fired into the air and return back to the ground (y = 0). Shown above are the
2 trajectories for the 2 projectiles. Explain which projectile hits the ground first (or if they hit
the ground at the same time).
35. A ball is fired horizontally with an initial speed of 10.0 m/s from a height of 15.0 meters.
Neglect air resistance.
A. Calculate the speed of the ball 1.50 seconds after the ball is fired.
B. Briefly explain how to show (with a calculation) that the object has not yet hit the ground
at 1.50 seconds.
C. Do the calculation you explain and verify that the object has not yet hit the ground.

13.0 degrees

16.0 m


36. A ball is fired with an initial speed of 14.0 m/s at a 13.0 degree angle (as shown) below the
horizontal. The cliff has a height of 16.0 m. Call the base of the cliff the origin. Neglect air
A. Calculate when the ball hits the ground.
B. Calculate where the ball hits the ground.

3.00 m

8.00 m/s 60 degrees Wall

0.820 m

(0, 0) Floor

4.05 m

37. A ball is fired in your physics classroom from the corner of a table. The ball is fired with an
initial speed of 8.00 m/s at a 60 degree angle above the horizontal as shown in the diagram.
The table is 0.820 m above the floor and 4.05 m from a wall. The ceiling is a height of 3.00
m above the floor. Neglect air resistance. After the ball is fired, it travels through the air and
then first hits one of the three surfaces listed (either the ceiling, the wall, or the floor).
A. Explain which surface the ball hits first.
B. Calculate the position vector of the ball when it first hits.
C. Repeat parts A and B but have the initial speed be 6.00 m/s.

38. An object is fired from the corner of a building of height 15.0 meters. The origin is directly
below the corner of the building. The object is fired at an unknown speed at an unknown
angle. The ball hits the ground 2.60 seconds later at a horizontal distance of 38.0 meters
from the base of the building. Neglect air resistance.
A. Calculate the x and y components of the initial velocity vector.
B. Calculate the magnitude and direction of the initial velocity vector.

39. The x and y coordinates of the position vector of an object are given by the following
formula: ⃗r(t)=(-0.4t3 +4t-2)i⃗ + (0.5t3 +1.75t2 -2.5t-3)j⃗. All constants in the formulas have the
correct SI units so that position is in meters. That is:
x(t)=-0.4𝑡 3 + 4t − 2 and y(t)=0.5t3 +1.75t2 -2.5t-3.
A. Calculate the position, velocity, and acceleration vectors of the object at a time of t =0.00
seconds. State each using unit vector notation.
B. Explain (don’t just state an answer) if at t = 0.00 whether the object is speeding up or
slowing down.

o +x

(0,0) A

40. A particle moves in a circle of constant radius of 1.20 m at a constant speed of 2.80 m/s. The
object travels clockwise as shown. Point A is a point of interest. At A the object is located
on one of the axes as shown.
A. Calculate the x and y components for all three of the position, velocity, and acceleration
vectors for the particle at point A.
B. Repeat for point B.
C. Repeat for point C.
D. Calculate the time it takes for the particle to go around the circle once.

41. A car is traveling at a constant speed of 20.0 m/s on a circular track with a radius of 250
A. Calculate the magnitude of the radial (or centripetal) acceleration.
B. Assume now that the speed of the car is decreasing at a rate of 1.00 m/s2. Calculate the
magnitude of the total acceleration when the car is traveling at a speed of 15.0 m/s.

42. A pendulum swings back and forth along the dashed path shown. Four points (A, B, C, and
D) are labeled. At point A, the pendulum is swinging down toward point B. At point B, the
speed is a maximum. At point C, the pendulum is swinging up toward point D. At point D,
the speed is zero and the pendulum is turning around.
A. Draw the direction of the tangential acceleration vectors at each point labeled.
B. Draw the direction of the radial (or centripetal) acceleration vectors at each point labeled.

43. A child is playing on a moving walkway at an airport. The moving walkway is moving
forward at 1.50 m/s relative to the ground. The child walks with a speed of 1.00 m/s relative
to the moving walkway.
A. Calculate the speed of the child relative to the ground if the child walks in the same
direction that the moving walkway is moving.
B. Calculate the speed of the child relative to the ground if the child walks in the opposite
direction that the moving walkway is moving.
C. Calculate the speed of the child relative to the ground if the child walks perpendicular to
the direction that the moving walkway is moving.

44. A boat wishes to have a velocity in the direction of 45 degrees east of north (north-east)
relative to the ground. When the motor is running at full speed the boat has a speed relative
to the water of 4.00 m/s. The water has a velocity relative to the ground of 0.500 m/s west.
A. Calculate the direction of the velocity of the boat relative to the water so that the boat has
a velocity relative to the ground that is north east.
B. Calculate the speed of the boat relative to the ground.
45. Draw free body diagrams of the following situations
A. A block slides to the right on a horizontal surface that is frictionless.
B. A block hangs at rest from a rope that is attached to a stick.
C. A baseball is moving up and to the right in freefall.
D. A block sits still on top of a table while a person pushes down on the block.

46. Draw free body diagrams of the following situations

A. A block slides to the right on a horizontal surface that has friction.
B. A block is pushed upward at an angle against a wall with friction and the block slides up
the wall.
C. A block is pushed upward at an angle against a wall with friction and the block slides
down the wall.
D. A block is pushed up and to the right against the ceiling with friction and slides to the

47. An object with m = 5 kg and weight = 49 N is hanging by a rope from a stick. The object
hangs in midair and doesn’t touch the floor or any other objects. Ignore any air effects.
Seven scenarios are listed below. Each scenario states the motion of the object relative to the
person holding the stick (your instructor) in an inertial reference frame:
For each scenario listed below, briefly explain whether the tension in the rope is larger than
49 Newtons, smaller than 49 Newtons, or equal to 49 Newtons.
A. velocity is up with constant speed
B. velocity is up with acceleration up
C. velocity is up with acceleration down
D. velocity is down with constant speed
E. velocity is down with acceleration up
F. velocity is down with acceleration down
G. velocity is zero and constant speed

48. A car with mass of 1500 kg is moving along a horizontal surface with an initial velocity of 20
m/s to the right. The car slows down at a steady rate and stops in 6.50 seconds and then
remains stopped.
A. Calculate the magnitude of the acceleration of the car.
B. Calculate the magnitude of the net force on the car.
C. Explain what applied the net force that stopped the car.

49. A navy airplane is taking off from an aircraft carrier. The airplane has a mass of 16,800 kg
and goes from rest to a speed of 75.0 m/s in 1.90 seconds (assume constant acceleration).
A. Calculate the magnitude of the acceleration of the airplane.
B. Calculate the magnitude of the net force on the airplane.

50. An object with a mass of 18.0 kg is hanging from a rope from the ceiling of a glass sided
elevator. An observer is watching from outside and is at rest relative to the ground. At a
certain point in time, the velocity and acceleration of the elevator and all the contents are
measured. The results of this measurement are that the velocity is 4.80 m/s upward and the
acceleration is 2.75 m/s2 downward.
A. Draw a clear free body diagram of the object.
B. Explain which is larger: the tension in the rope, the weight force from earth, or a tie.
C. Calculate the tension in the rope.

M = 10.0 kg


51. An object of mass 10.0 kg is pushed along the frictionless incline in the situation above by
your instructor. The object is on an incline at an angle of θ=22.0o . The object moves up the
incline and accelerates uphill with an acceleration of 3.00 m/s2. Calculate the size of F1.

52. Describe and draw an example of a scenario involving a system that is just a single object
that has the following situations or explain why it cannot happen.
A. A normal force that is horizontal
B. A normal force that points straight down
C. A normal force that points up and to the right
D. A static friction force that points straight up
E. A static friction force that points straight down
F. A normal force that is larger than the weight force

53. An object with mass of 3.00 kg slides to the right with an initial speed of 8.00 m/s on a
horizontal surface with a coefficient of kinetic friction of 0.300. The object slows down,
stops, and stays stopped. Calculate the distance the object slides until it stops.

M = 10.0 kg +y
 = 20.0 deg

F = 40.0 N +x

54. An object of mass 10.0 kg on a horizontal surface is pulled by a 40.0 Newton force at 20.0
degrees above the horizontal.
A. If the surface is frictionless, calculate the acceleration of the object.
B. In this part, assume that the object is moving as described and that the coefficient of
kinetic friction between the object and the surface is 0.200.
i. If the object has a velocity to the right of 4 m/s, calculate the acceleration of the
ii. If the object has a velocity to the left of 3 m/s, calculate the acceleration of the object.
M = 15.0 kg


Review Q.55
55. An object of mass 15.0 kg is pushed horizontally in the situation above by your instructor.
The object is on an incline at an angle of θ=25.0o . The object moves up the incline at a
constant velocity.
A. If the surface has no friction, calculate the size of F1.
B. If the surface has a coefficient of kinetic friction of 0.200, calculate the size of F1.

 +x
Table surface with friction

56. The block in the above diagram has a mass M and sits on a horizontal surface that has
friction with a coefficient of static friction of μs . The block is stationary. Assume F starts at
zero and is slowly increased.
A. Explain how the following forces change (do they increase, decrease, or stay the same) as
the size of F increases. Note, the object is not moving at all while F is slowly increased.
i. Weight
ii. Normal force
iii. Actual static friction force
iv. Maximum static friction force
B. Symbolically calculate the minimum size of F needed to make the object start to
accelerate- use only the symbols m, g, μs , and 𝜃 in your answer.


Table surface with friction

57. The block in the above diagram has a mass M and sits on a horizontal surface that has
friction with a coefficient of kinetic friction of μk . The block is moving to the right. A force
F (less than the weight) is applied at some angle.
A. Symbolically calculate the size of the acceleration present- use only the symbols F, m, μk ,
g, and 𝜃 in your answer.
B. Show that the maximum acceleration of the block occurs at the angle given by the
relationship μk = tan θ.

Between wall and +y

Finstructor = ??
k = 0.250  = 60.0 deg +x

M = 10.0 kg

58. A block of mass 10.0 kg is pushed upward at a 60.0 degree angle by your instructor as shown
above. The block is against a vertical surface that has kinetic friction.
A. Calculate the instructor force needed to have the block slide up the vertical surface at a
constant velocity of 2.00 m/s up the wall.
B. Calculate the instructor force needed to have the block slide down the vertical surface at a
constant velocity of 2.00 m/s down the wall.

Between wall and +y

Finstructor = ??
s = 0.500  = 60.0 deg +x

M = 10.0 kg

59. A block of mass 10.0 kg is pushed upward at a 60.0 degree angle by your instructor as shown
above. The block is stationary. The block is against a vertical surface that has static friction.
A. Calculate the minimum instructor force needed to have the block sit still.
B. Calculate the maximum instructor force needed to have the block sit still.

60. A person stands still and pushes against a piece of heavy furniture. The person pushes very
hard and the furniture starts to move forward. Explain which force is larger: the force from
the person on the furniture, the force from the furniture on the person, or a tie.
1 2

M1 = 3 M2


61. Two carts are initially in contact with each other on a level, frictionless table. Cart 1 has a
compressed plunger inside it. The plunger is released and an “explosion” occurs. After the
firing of the plunger the two carts are traveling in opposite directions. The mass of cart one
is 3 times the mass of cart two. The final spacing and final velocity arrows are not drawn to
scale. Explain which is larger or if they are the same size.
A. Explain which is larger: the magnitude of the force on cart 1 from cart 2 vs. the
magnitude of the force on cart 2 from cart 1 during the explosion.
B. Explain which is larger: the magnitude of the acceleration of cart 2 vs. the magnitude of
the acceleration of cart 1 during the explosion.

Frictionless Frictionless

I W = 8.50 N II
F = 8.50 N

62. There are 2 nearly identical scenarios shown above. The difference is that in scenario I, an
object with weight of 8.50 N hangs from an ideal rope over an ideal pulley while in scenario
II, a 8.50 N force is applied to an ideal rope over an ideal pulley. Both ropes attach to the
same object on a horizontal frictionless surface.
A. Explain in which scenario is a larger acceleration observed for the object on the
horizontal surface.
B. Explain in which scenario is the tension in the rope larger.

Ideal pulley and



63. There are 2 objects sitting with object 1 on top of object 2. They are connected with an ideal
rope that goes around an ideal (massless and frictionless) pulley. The pulley is connected to
the left wall and is immobile. The surfaces between object 1 and 2 have friction and the floor
has friction. Your instructor applies a force FINST that causes object 2 to move and
accelerate to the right.
A. Draw a complete free body diagram for object 1. Assume object 1 is still on top of object
2 for your FBD.
B. Draw a complete free body diagram for object 2. Assume object 1 is still on top of object
2 for your FBD.
C. Make sure to state what object applies each force drawn and clearly label any action
reaction pairs.

Ideal pulley

M1 M2

64. In the above scenario, assume that there is kinetic friction on the horizontal surface and that
the string is an ideal, massless string hanging over an ideal massless, frictionless pulley.
Mass 1 is larger than mass 2. The system is released from rest and it is observed that object 2
accelerates downward. The following six forces are relevant in this problem:
 Weight force on object 1 – W1 Weight force on object 2 – W2
 String tension force on object 1 – T1 String tension force on object 2 – T2
 Normal force on object 1 – N1 Friction force on object 1 – Fk
Rank the six forces listed from largest to smallest. Be clear in your ranking. Specifically
state any ties.

M1 = 5.00 kg
M2 = 2.00 kg
FI = 14.0 N

65. A pair of objects are on a horizontal surface that is frictionless. The objects are touching.
Your instructor pushes on object 1 horizontally with a force of 14.0 N.
A. Calculate the acceleration of the objects.
B. Calculate the force from object 1 on object 2.
C. Calculate the force from object 2 on object 1.

String A M2 String B


66. There are 3 objects connected with ideal strings over ideal pulleys (massless and frictionless).
Ignore air resistance. The surface object 2 slides on is frictionless. M1 = 2 kg and M3 = 4 kg.
It is observed that object 3 accelerates down at 2.20 m/s2.
A. Explain the coordinate system being used in the problem.
B. Calculate the string tension in string A
C. Calculate the string tension in string B
D. Calculate the mass of M2

Ideal pulley and string


M2 = 15.0 kg

M1 = 10.0 kg

67. There are 2 objects connected with ideal, massless string that is hanging over an ideal
(massless and frictionless) pulley. The angled surface is at a 25.0 degree angle. All surfaces
are frictionless. A force F1 is applied horizontally as shown to the right on object 2.
A. Explain the coordinate system being used in the problem.
B. Calculate the size of F1 so that object 2 accelerates to the right at 3.50 m/s2.
Ideal pulley and string

M1 = 5.00 kg
M2 = 4.00 kg
k = ??

68. There are 2 objects connected with ideal rope that is hanging over an ideal (massless and
frictionless) pulley. Object 1 has a mass of 5.00 kg. Object 2 has mass of 4.00 kg. Object 1
is on a horizontal surface with friction. Object 1 is seen to move right and accelerate right
with an acceleration of 3.00 m/s2.
A. Calculate the coefficient of kinetic friction between object 1 and the horizontal surface.
B. Calculate the string tension.

M1 = 5.00 kg
M2 = 2.00 kg

 = 60 deg
K = 0.250
FI = 38.0 N

69. A pair of objects are on a horizontal surface that has friction (μk =0.250 between both objects
and the surface). The objects are connected with an ideal string. Your instructor is pushing
on object 1 as shown (at a 60 degree angle below the negative x axis) with a force of 38.0 N.
At the moment you are interested, it is observed that the velocity of both objects is 3 m/s to
the right.
A. Calculate the acceleration of the objects.
B. Calculate the string tension.
Ideal ropes

70. There are 2 objects with object 1 on top of object 2. The surfaces between object 1 and 2
have friction and the floor has friction. Object 1 is connected to the wall with a rope. The
coefficient of friction between object 1 and 2 is 0.300 while the coefficient between object 2
and the floor is 0.240. Object 1 has a mass of 4.00 kg and object 2 has a mass of 8.00 kg.
Your instructor applies a force FINST of 70.0 N that causes object 2 to move and accelerate to
the right.
A. While object 1 is still on top of object 2, calculate the acceleration of object 2.
B. While object 1 is still on top of object 2, calculate the tension in the rope connecting
object 1 to the wall.

Ideal pulley and string

M2 = 3.00 kg
 F1

M1 = 10.0 kg

71. There are 2 objects connected with ideal rope that is hanging over an ideal (massless and
frictionless) pulley. The angled surface is at a 15.0 degree angle and has a coefficient of
kinetic friction of 0.250. Your instructor pushes down on object 2 with a force F1 and it is
observed that object 2 moves down and accelerates down at 1.50 m/s2.
A. Calculate the instructor force.
B. Calculate the string tension.
Top down view Side view

1 2

1 2

72. The pictures above are two views of a pair of objects of equal mass that are moving in a
circle at constant speeds. The objects are connected to each other with ideal, massless
strings. The surface the objects are on is horizontal and frictionless. Both objects have the
same period. The two strings involved are numbered 1 and 2 with the inner one being
number 1 and outer one being number 2.
A. Explain which object is traveling faster: the inner one, the outer one or a tie.
B. Explain which object has a larger magnitude of radial (centripetal) acceleration: the inner
one, the outer one, or a tie.
C. Explain which string has more tension: string 1, string 2, or a tie.

L = 0.650 m

Bottom speed = 2.80 m/s

73. An object with mass 0.450 kg is at the end of a 0.650 meter long string and swings back and
forth along a circular arc (the dashed line in the figure). At the bottom of the arc, the object
is moving at a speed of 2.80 m/s. Neglect air resistance.
A. Explain if the tension in the rope at the bottom is equal to, larger than, or less than the
weight of the object.
B. Calculate the magnitude of the string tension at the bottom of the arc.
Frictionless circular
path radius = 2.00 m

74. A particle with mass M = 3.00 kg slides back and forth on a frictionless, circular surface of
radius 2.00 meters. We are interested in the object when it is at the bottom moving to the
right as shown with a speed of 1.25 m/s.
A. Draw a FBD of the object at the point of interest. Neglect air drag.
B. Explain if the normal force is larger than, smaller than, or equal to the weight at that
C. Calculate the size of the normal force at that point.

Side view A
Gravity is down 1
the page

75. The pictures above are two views of a pair of objects (labeled A and B) that are moving in a
vertical circle (so they change height above the ground). Both objects have a mass of 0.400
kg. All strings (numbered 1 and 2) are ideal and massless. The length of each string is 0.325
m so object A is 0.325 m from the center point and object B is 0.650 m from it. Both objects
have the same period so they stay in the same line at all times. At the time that the objects
are seen, object B is moving at 6.00 m/s.
A. Calculate the tension in string 2.
B. Calculate the tension in string 1.
L = 0.840 m

76. A conical pendulum has a pendulum bob with a mass of 0.200 kg attached to a string of
length 0.840 m. The pendulum makes a 6.00 degree angle to the vertical.
A. Calculate the vertical component of the string tension force.
B. Calculate the horizontal component of the string tension force.
C. Calculate the radial (centripetal) acceleration of the pendulum bob.
D. Calculate the radius of orbit for the pendulum.
E. Calculate the speed of the pendulum bob.

77. A certain amount of change in kinetic energy occurs when a car goes from rest to a speed of
V. Explain if the change in KE is twice as large if the car goes from rest to a speed of 2V.

78. Describe a situation where each of the following conditions occur or explain why it is
A. An object with positive kinetic energy
B. An object with negative kinetic energy
C. An object with zero kinetic energy
D. An object and planet Earth with positive gravitational potential energy
E. An object and planet Earth with negative gravitational potential energy
F. An object and planet Earth with zero gravitational potential energy
G. A spring with positive elastic potential energy
H. A spring with negative elastic potential energy
I. A spring with zero elastic potential energy

79. Describe a scenario where each of the following changes occur or explain why it is
A. The KE of an object increases and the gravitational PE of the object-Earth system
B. The KE of an object stays constant and the gravitational PE of the object-Earth system
increases and spring PE increases
C. The KE of an object decreases and the gravitational PE of the object-Earth system stays
constant and the spring PE decreases
Start Finish

1 F

M1 is smaller


80. Two objects start at rest at the left dashed line. They are constantly pushed by constant
identical forces past the finish line on the right. The objects keep moving past the finish line-
they don’t stop there or anything like that. Both objects are on horizontal, frictionless
surfaces. Object 1 has a smaller mass than object 2.
A. Explain which block (1, 2, or a tie) has more work done (from start line to finish line) by
the force applied to it.
B. Explain which block (1, 2, or a tie) has a larger acceleration (from start line to finish line)
due to the force applied to it.
C. Explain which block (1, 2, or a tie) has a larger change in kinetic energy (from start line
to finish line) due to the force applied to it.
X-component of Force

20 N

10 N

1m 2m 3m 4m 5m

81. The above force profile is applied to an object moving from x = 0 to x = 5.00 m. The graph
is linear before point A and linear after point A, but the slopes are not the same before and
after point A. Calculate the work done by the force when the object moves from x = 0 to x =
5.00 m.
X-component of Force 6N

1m 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m

82. A block of mass 2.00 kg is initially moving in the +x direction at 4.50 m/s at x = 0 on a
horizontal, frictionless surface. The X-component of the only horizontal force applied to the
object is graphed above as a function of position. The vertical height of the object does not
A. Calculate the kinetic energy of the object at x = 0.
B. Calculate the work done to the object in moving from x = 0 to x = 7.
C. Calculate the kinetic energy of the object at x = 7.
D. Explain the direction of the acceleration of the object at points A and B.
E. Explain at which point (A, B, or a tie) does the object have the largest magnitude of
X-component of Force

10 N

-6 N

1m 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m

83. A block of mass 2.00 kg is initially moving in the +x direction at 3.00 m/s at x = 0 on a
horizontal, frictionless surface. The X-component of the only horizontal force applied to the
object is graphed above as a function of position. The vertical height of the object does not
A. Calculate the speed of the object at 6 meters.
B. Rank points A, B, and C from maximum magnitude of acceleration to minimum
magnitude of acceleration. Briefly explain the ranking. State any ties.
84. The horizontal force applied to an object is given by the formula F(x)=6000x 2 .
A. Sketch the force vs. position graph.
B. Calculate the work done by the force in moving the object from x = 0.00 to x = 0.150 m.

Vx = +3.00 m/s Vx = + 13.0 m/s

M = 7.00 kg
85. An object on a horizontal frictionless surface has a constant force F pushing the object to the
right. This force is the only horizontal force acting on this object. The surface is frictionless.
The object has a mass of 7.00 kg. The initial velocity of the object is 3.00 m/s right. After
being pushed to the right for 6.75 m, the velocity of the object is 13.0 m/s right.
A. Calculate the amount of work done by the force F.
B. Calculate the size of the force F.

M = 30.0 kg

F1=180 N

86. An object of mass 30.0 kg is pushed horizontally in the situation above by your instructor
with a force of 180 N. The object is on an incline at an angle of θ=25.0o . The object moves
up the incline and travels a distance of 3.50 meters along the incline.
A. Calculate the amount of work done by F1 on the object.
B. Calculate the amount of work done by the normal force on the object.
C. Calculate the amount of work done by the gravitational force on the object.
D. Calculate the change in potential energy of the Earth-block system.
E. Calculate the change in kinetic energy of the object.

M=2.30 kg
4.40 m/s right

K = 1200 N/m
87. A block has a mass of 2.30 kg. It is initially moving right at 4.40 m/s. This initial state is
shown above. The surface is horizontal and frictionless. The block slides into and
compresses an ideal, massless spring with k = 1200 N/m. Calculate the maximum
compression of the spring.

Point A
Point B

2.40 m
1.60 m

88. An object of mass 0.750 kg is sliding on a track bent into the shape above. The object starts
at point A, at the top of the track at a height of 2.40 meters above the dashed reference line as
shown. The object’s speed at point A is 5.00 m/s. The object follows the track and gets to
the top of the smaller hill labeled point B- at a height of 1.60 meters above the same dashed
reference line. Treat the track as frictionless and ignore air resistance. Treat the system as
the Earth plus the object.
A. Draw an energy bar chart for point A
B. Draw an energy bar chart for point B
C. Calculate the speed of the object at the point B.

12.0 m
Impact point


89. An object of mass 3.00 kg is fired from the corner of a cliff of height 12.0 meters. The object
is fired at 20.0 m/s at 19.0 degrees above the horizontal. The ball hits the ground at some
later time. Air resistance causes 100 Joules of mechanical energy to transform into thermal
energy between the launch point and the impact point with the ground. Treat the system as
the Earth plus the object
A. Draw an energy bar chart for the launch point.
B. Draw an energy bar chart for the impact point.
C. Calculate the speed of the ball as it is about to hit the ground.
1.00 meter

K = 30.0 N/m

Initially at rest

20.0 degrees

90. An object (m = 2.50 kg) is placed on an inclined plane against a spring. The spring is
initially compressed 1.00 meter from equilibrium along the incline as shown. The object is
initially at rest. The system is released from rest and the object slides up the ramp to the
second point of interest- 0.200 meters before the equilibrium point. Treat the spring as an
ideal, massless spring with spring constant of 30.0 N/m. Neglect air resistance. In sliding
the 0.800m from the initial point to the second point of interest, the thermal energy of the
block and ramp increase by 3.40 J due to the kinetic friction present.
A. Use energy methods to calculate the kinetic energy of the object when the object has slid
up the ramp to a point 0.200 meters before the equilibrium point.
B. Calculate the coefficient of kinetic friction between the block and ramp.
C. Use Newton’s laws to calculate the acceleration of the object at the same point.

K = 1200 N/m

0.400 m

91. An object with a mass of 1.50 kg is initially moving right at 4.00 m/s. It slides down a ramp
and slides into an ideal, massless spring and compresses the spring to some maximum
compression. Due to friction on the ramp, 3.25 Joules of mechanical energy transform into
thermal energy as the object slides down the ramp. Using energy methods, calculate the
maximum compression of the spring.
M=0.600 kg
7.40 m/s right

K = 400 N/m

92. A block has a mass of 0.600 kg. It is initially moving right at 7.40 m/s. This initial state is
shown above. The surface is horizontal and frictionless until the spring is reached. At the
beginning of the spring, there is a coefficient of kinetic friction of 0.350. The block slides
into and compresses an ideal, massless spring with k = 400 N/m.
A. Calculate the maximum compression of the spring.
B. Before the spring reaches maximum compression, the object will be at a point where the
spring is compressed 0.200 meters and the object will still be moving to the right.
i. Calculate the speed of the object at this point.
ii. Calculate the magnitude and direction of acceleration at this point.

0.650 m

K = 200 N/m

93. An object with mass M = 3.00 kg is dropped from rest a height of 0.650 meters from the top
of an ideal, massless spring. The object collides with the spring and compresses the spring to
some unknown maximum compression. Neglect air resistance.
A. Calculate the velocity of the object when the object is moving downward and the spring
has compressed 0.350 meters.
B. Calculate the acceleration of object 1 when the spring has compressed 0.350 meters.
C. Calculate the maximum compression of the spring.
L = 0.620 m

Bottom speed = 1.30 m/s

94. An object with mass 0.250 kg is at the end of a 0.620 meter long string and swings back and
forth along a circular arc (the dashed line in the figure). At the bottom of the arc, the object
is moving at a speed of 1.30 m/s. Neglect air resistance.
A. Calculate what maximum height (above the bottom location) is reached by the object as it
swings back and forth.
B. Calculate the magnitude of the string tension at the bottom of the arc.

95. An object is released with a negligible kinetic energy at the top of a frictionless hemisphere
of radius R. The object slides down the frictionless surface and stays in contact for a while,
but at some point it loses contact with the hemisphere.
A. Call the bottom of the hemisphere zero height for gravitational PE. Use energy
conservation to get an algebraic equation relating the speed of the object to the angle 𝜃.
B. Use Newton’s 2nd law in the radial direction at the point shown to get an algebraic
equation relating the normal force to the speed of the object.
C. Combine the equations obtained in parts A and B to get an algebraic equation relating the
normal force to the angle 𝜃.
D. When the object loses contact, the normal force will be zero. Calculate the angle where
the object loses contact.
initial final

0.600 m vo = 3.00 m/s


96. A particle with mass M = 0.384 kg is initially moving at 3.00 m/s on a frictionless, circular
surface from an initial height of 0.600m (the initial picture on the left).
A. Using energy, calculate the speed of the object in the final picture.
B. Explain if the value of the mass of the object affects your answer to (A).

Initial State Final State

V = 2.50 m/s

R = 0.200 m

97. A bead of mass 0.0300 kg is released moving down with a speed of 2.50 m/s on a frictionless
wire bent into the shape seen above. The bead slides down the wire and completes a loop-
the-loop. The bead has a hole in the center and the wire goes through the center of the bead
so the wire can apply normal forces perpendicular to the wire, but no forces along the wire
since it is frictionless. Treat the bead as a particle. The radius of the loop is 0.200 meters.
The bead starts from a height of 0.550 meters. Ignore air resistance.
A. Calculate the speed of the bead in the final state.
B. Calculate the magnitude and direction of the acceleration of the bead in the final state.
C. Explain the direction of the force from the wire on the bead in the final state: is the force
up, down, or zero.
M1 M2
0.250 m

98. Two objects are connected to each other by an ideal string over an ideal pulley in what is
called an “Atwood’s machine”. Both objects are 0.250 m above the ground. Object 1 has a
mass of 0.750 kg and object 2 has a mass of 0.200 kg. Both objects are released from rest.
A. Use energy concepts to calculate the speed of object 1 when it hits the ground.
B. Use Newton’s laws, calculate the acceleration of object 1 after release.
C. Use kinematics to confirm that the acceleration calculated in part B will lead to the speed
calculated in part A when object 1 is released from rest and moves 0.250m downward.

Between wall and +y

k = 0.200  = 58.0 deg +x

M = 8.00 kg

99. A block of mass 8.00 kg is pushed upward at a 58.0 degree angle by your instructor with a
160 N force. The block is against a vertical surface that has kinetic friction. The block is
initially at rest and is pushed upward a distance of 2.50 m.
A. Calculate the work done by the instructor force.
B. Calculate the work done by the normal force.
C. Calculate the change in potential energy of the Earth-block system.
D. Calculate the change in thermal energy of the wall-block system as a result of friction.
E. Calculate the change in kinetic energy of the block.
F. Calculate the speed of the block after it slides up 2.50 m.

100. The figure above shows three forces pulling on a block on a horizontal surface and the
displacement of the block. Force ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗
FA is 9.22 N at a 12.5 degree angle counterclockwise from
the +x axis. Force ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗
FB is 6.00 N down. Force ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗
FC is 5.00 N at a 36.9 degree angle counter-
clockwise from the -x axis. The displacement is 8.00m to the right. Using dot products,
calculate the work done by each force.

101. Two vectors are given as ⃗A⃗=6i⃗+1j⃗ and ⃗B⃗=-4i⃗+2j⃗ .

A. Calculate the magnitude of vector 𝐴⃗.
B. Calculate the magnitude of vector 𝐵 ⃗⃗.
C. Calculate the angle vector 𝐴⃗ makes to the x axis.
D. Calculate the angle vector 𝐵 ⃗⃗ makes to the x axis.
E. Calculate the dot product ⃗A⃗⋅B ⃗⃗ using ⃗A⃗⋅B
⃗⃗=Ax Bx +Ay By .
F. Using A⃗⃗⋅B ⃗⃗||B
⃗⃗=|A ⃗⃗| cos θ, calculate the angle between the two vectors.
G. Confirm that the angle from part F agrees with the value obtained by simply subtracting
the values calculated in parts C and D.

102. A car with mass of 1400 kg goes from rest to a speed of 60 mph in 7.90 seconds.
A. Calculate the power involved in SI units (Watts).
B. 1 Horsepower = 746 Watts. Convert the power in part A to horsepower.

103. A student with mass of 77.3 kg climbs a staircase of height 3.00 meters at a constant
speed in 6.50 seconds.
A. Calculate the power involved in SI units (Watts).
B. 1 Horsepower = 746 Watts. Convert the power in part A to horsepower.

104. A 1-dimensional collision takes place on a road between a truck with mass 1750 kg
traveling right at 20 m/s and a car with mass 1250 kg. The car and truck lock up their
bumpers during the collision. The collision takes so little time that you may ignore friction
from the road during the collision.
A. If the car is initially at rest, calculate the final velocities of the pair of vehicles.
B. If the car is initially moving right at 10 m/s, calculate the final velocities of the pair of
C. If the car is initially moving left at 10 m/s, calculate the final velocities of the pair of

M1 = 2.00 kg M2 = 4.00 kg +y

V1Fx +x
105. 2 carts are in contact with each other on a level, frictionless track. Cart 1 has a
compressed plunger inside it that stores 15.0 Joules of energy. The plunger is released and
after the explosion, the two carts are traveling in opposite directions. The final velocity
arrows are NOT drawn to scale.
A. Using energy, setup an equation relating the x-components of the final velocities of
object 1 and 2.
B. Using momentum, setup an equation relating the x-components of the final velocities of
object 1 and 2.
C. Calculate the values of the x-components of the final velocities of object 1 and 2.

Initial v1x = 7.00 m/s right v2x = 1.00 m/s left

+y M1 = 2.00 kg M2 = 4.00 kg

v1x = 2.00 m/s left v2x = ?

106. A 1-dimensional collision takes place as shown above on a horizontal, frictionless

A. In the final picture, calculate the x component of velocity of object 2.
B. Calculate the initial kinetic energy of the system.
C. Calculate the final kinetic energy of the system.
D. Calculate the momentum transferred to object 2 from object 1.
E. Calculate the kinetic energy transferred to object 2 from object 1.
F. Classify this collision as elastic, inelastic, or totally inelastic.
Initial v1x = 7.00 m/s right v2x = 2.00 m/s left

+y M1 = 3.00 kg M2 = 1.00 kg

+x v1x v2x

107. A 1-dimensional elastic collision takes place as shown above on a horizontal, frictionless
surface. Attached to object one is an ideal spring with spring constant of k = 15,000 N/m.
As the two objects contact together, the spring compresses more and more until a maximum
compression is reached and then the spring is compressed less and less until the objects are
no longer in contact.
A. Calculate the final velocities of object 1 and 2 after they are no longer in contact.
B. At maximum compression, the two objects have the same velocity. Explain why this is
C. Calculate their velocity at maximum compression.
D. Calculate the kinetic energy of the system at the point of maximum compression.
E. Calculate the potential energy stored in the spring at the point of maximum compression.
F. Calculate the maximum compression of the spring.

108. A 2-dimensional collision takes place between two air hockey pucks on an air hockey
table. The pucks are wrapped in Velcro so that they stick together if they touch. Ignore
friction. In a top down view, puck one (m = 0.100 kg) moves straight to the right at 3.00 m/s
and puck two (m = 0.0850 kg) moves straight down with a speed of 2.00 m/s. Calculate the
x and y components of the final velocity of the combined object.
initial final

V1 = 5.00 m/s at 120 degrees

from the x axis
1.00 kg
V1 = 8.00 4.50 kg
m/s V2 = 0 V2 = ?



109. A 2-dimensional collision takes place on a horizontal frictionless surface. The above
pictures are a top down view. Object 1 has mass of 1.00 kg and object 2 has a mass of 4.50
kg. Object 1 has an initial velocity of 8.00 m/s to the right and a final velocity of 5.00 m/s at
120 degrees from the +x axis (or 30 degrees from the +y axis) as shown. Object 2 has an
initial velocity of 0. Calculate the x and y components of the final velocity vector of object

initial final

V1F at 50.0 degrees

V1 = 8.00 above the x axis
m/s right V2 = 0

V2F at 40.0 degrees
+x below the x axis

110. A 2-dimensional collision between two identical objects takes place on a horizontal
frictionless surface. The above pictures are a top down view. Object 1 has an initial velocity
of 8.00 m/s to the right and a final velocity at 50.0 degrees above the +x axis. Object 2 has
an initial velocity of 0 and a final velocity at 40.0 degrees below the +x axis. Both object 1
and 2 have unknown speed in the final picture.
A. Calculate the final speed of object 1.
B. Calculate the final speed of object 2.
C. Explain what type of collision this is: elastic, inelastic, or totally inelastic.
initial final
2.50 kg
6.00 kg V1 = 6.00 m/s 2.00 kg
V = 2 m/s right up V2 = 10 m/s
+x at 30 degree

1.50 kg
V3 = ?

111. The 2-dimensional explosion shown above takes place on a horizontal frictionless
surface. The above pictures are a top down view. Initially a single 6.00 kg object is moving
right at 2.00 m/s to the right. After the explosion, 3 objects exist. Object 1 has a mass of
2.50 kg and is moving straight up at 6.00 m/s. Object 2 has a mass of 2.00 kg and moves at
10.0 m/s at 30 degrees from the x-axis as shown. Object 3 has the remaining mass of 1.50
A. Calculate the x and y components of the final velocity of object 3.
B. Calculate how much kinetic energy is added to the system due to the explosion.

112. Linear momentum and mechanical energy are conserved under different conditions.
A. State the conditions needed for the linear momentum of a system to be conserved.
B. State the conditions needed for the mechanical energy of a system to be conserved.
C. Give an example of a scenario where linear momentum is conserved, but mechanical
energy is not. Pay particular attention to defining the system chosen. Explain how the
scenario relates to the conditions stated in A and B.
D. Give an example of a scenario where mechanical energy is conserved, but linear
momentum is not. Pay particular attention to defining the system chosen. Explain how
the scenario relates to the conditions stated in A and B.

113. You are told of a car accessory that is advertised to be a secondary, safety braking
system. The accessory is supposed to transform kinetic energy of the car into an electrically
stored energy inside the car (thus slowing down the car). The stored electrical energy is then
available for later use. The accessory is supposed to function even when the car is on a very
slick (frictionless) surface.
A. From the point of view of energy, does this accessory violate the laws of physics.
B. From the point of view of momentum, does this accessory violate the laws of physics.

114. A collision occurs between two objects where no internal energy transforms into kinetic
A. Explain if it is possible for object 1 to transfer more than its initial kinetic energy to
object 2.
B. Explain if it is possible for object 1 to transfer more than its initial momentum to object 2.

115. A one dimensional collision on a slick (treat as frictionless) horizontal road occurs
between a massive truck (m = 3000 kg) and a light car (m = 1000kg). During the collision,
both vehicles experience a net force, an acceleration, and an impulse.
A. Explain which vehicle experiences a larger magnitude of net force.
B. Explain which vehicle experiences a larger magnitude of acceleration.
C. Explain which vehicle experiences a larger magnitude of impulse.

116. An object on a horizontal frictionless surface has a constant force F pushing the object to
the right. This force is the only horizontal force acting on this object. The surface is
frictionless. The object has a mass of 7.00 kg. The initial velocity of the object is 4.00 m/s
right. After being pushed to the right for 2.90 seconds, the velocity of the object is 13.0 m/s
A. Calculate a value for the impulse delivered by the force F.
B. Calculate a value for the work done by the force F.
C. Calculate the size of the force F.

117. A ball with mass of 0.650 kg is dropped from rest from a height of 1.50 meters above the
floor. The ball bounces off the floor and reaches a maximum height of 0.900 meters after the
first bounce. All motion is vertical.
A. Using energy calculate the speed of the ball just before impact with the floor the first
B. Using energy calculate the speed of the ball just after impact with the floor the first time.
C. Calculate the impulse applied to the ball by the floor.

Start Finish

M2 is smaller

118. 2 objects start at rest at the left dashed line. They are constantly pushed by constant
identical forces past the finish line on the right. The objects keep moving past the finish line-
they don’t stop there or anything like that. Both objects are on horizontal, frictionless
surfaces. Object 2 has a smaller mass than object 1.
A. Explain which block (1, 2, or a tie) has more impulse applied (from start line to finish
line) by the force applied to it.
B. Explain which block (1, 2, or a tie) has a larger acceleration (from start line to finish line)
due to the force applied to it.
X-component of Force

10 N

-6 N

1s 2s 3s 4s 5s 6s

119. A block of mass 2.00 kg is initially moving in the +x direction at 3.00 m/s at t = 0 on a
horizontal, frictionless surface. The X-component of the only horizontal force applied to the
object is graphed above as a function of time. The vertical height of the object does not
A. Calculate the impulse applied by the force from t = 0 to t = 6.00 s.
B. Calculate the speed of the object at 6.00 seconds.
C. Calculate the work done by this force.
D. Rank points A, B, and C from maximum magnitude of acceleration to minimum
magnitude of acceleration. Briefly explain the ranking. State any ties.

120. The horizontal force applied to an object is given by the formula F(t)=450t 2 .
A. Sketch the force vs. time graph.
B. Calculate the impulse applied by the force from t = 0.00 to t = 0.100 s.

Initial Speed = 7.00 m/s



M1 = 3.00 kg

Speed = 4.00 m/s
121. A block of mass 3.00 kg is initially moving to the right at the speed shown on a
frictionless surface. After colliding with the wall on the right, it bounces back and is moving
left at the speed shown.
A. Calculate the impulse applied to the block.
B. Calculate the change in the kinetic energy of the block.

State 1 State 2 State 3

v1 v2
v3 =0
M1 M2

122. A ballistic pendulum goes through 3 states shown above. In state one object 1 with mass
M1 has speed v1 and moves to the right toward a stationary object 2 with mass M2. The
collision occurs between object 1 and 2 and they stick together. State 2 shows the two
objects stuck together with speed v2. In state 3 they have swung up to their maximum height
where the center of mass is a height h above the height in state 2 and has a speed of zero.
A. Use momentum conservation correctly in this scenario to obtain an equation involving
the variables above.
B. Use energy conservation correctly in this scenario to obtain an equation involving the
variables above.
(m1 +m2 )√(2gh)
C. Derive that the equation for v1 is v1 = .


V1 = 9.10 m/s V2 = 0 K = 400 N/m


123. Object 1 (m = 0.500 kg) is initially moving right as shown above. It collides with an
initially stationary object 2 (m = 1.50 kg) and bounces back to the left with a speed of 2.40
m/s. Object 2 then slides along the frictionless surface, slides up a frictionless ramp and
eventually hits an ideal, massless spring with spring constant of 400 N/m. The top horizontal
surface is a height of 0.500 m above the bottom horizontal surface.
A. Calculate the maximum compression of the spring.
B. Calculate the acceleration of object 2 at maximum compression.
V1I = 0 Initial Final
1.00 m

V2I = 0
speed = 1.00 m/s

Not drawn to scale

124. Object 1 has a mass of 0.500 kg and is released from rest on a frictionless ramp. Object 1
is initially 1 meter above the horizontal part of the ramp. Object 1 slides down the ramp and
collides with a stationary object 2. Object 2 has a mass of 1.25 kg. After the collision object
1 is moving left with a speed of 1.00 m/s. Calculate the velocity of number 2 in the final

M3 (0,3) M4 (3,3)

M1 (0,0) M2 (3,0)

125. Four objects are at the corners of a square.

A. State or calculate the location of the center of mass of the four objects if the masses are
B. State or calculate the location of the center of mass of the four objects if M1 = 1.00 kg,
M2 = 2.00 kg, M3 = 3.00 kg, and M4 = 4.00 kg.

Initial v1x = 6.00 m/s right v2x = 3.00 m/s left

+y M1 = 2.50 kg M2 = 3.00 kg


126. A pair of objects are initially moving as shown above on a horizontal frictionless surface.
They undergo a collision of unknown type.
A. Calculate the initial velocity of the center of mass of the two object system.
B. Without knowing the type of collision, what can be said about the final velocity of the
center of mass of the two object system.

Initial v1x = 8.00 m/s right v2x = 2.00 m/s left

+y M1 = 3.50 kg M2 = 5.00 kg

v1x = 3.00 m/s left v2x = 5.70 m/s right

127. A 1-dimensional collision takes place as shown above on a horizontal, frictionless

surface. Call the reference frame shown above the lab frame.
A. In the lab frame final picture, show that momentum is conserved in this collision.
B. In the lab frame, calculate the initial and final center of mass velocity.
C. In the lab frame, calculate the initial and final kinetic energy of the system.
D. In the lab frame, calculate the change in kinetic energy of the system.
E. In the lab frame, calculate the kinetic energy of the motion of the center of mass.
F. Change to a reference frame that moves with the center of mass and calculate the
following quantities:
i. All the initial and final velocities: to distinguish these from the lab velocities, use the
letter u instead of v to symbolize velocity.
ii. The initial and final kinetic energy relative to the center of mass- the kinetic energy
measured for the system when moving with the center of mass.
u u
iii. The coefficient of restitution ratios e=- u1f and e=- u2f . Verify that these are the same.
1i 2i
G. Verify that the initial kinetic energy in the lab frame equals the kinetic energy of the
center of mass plus the kinetic energy relative to the center of mass from parts E and F.
H. Verify that the final kinetic energy in the lab frame equals the kinetic energy of the center
of mass plus the kinetic energy relative to the center of mass from parts E and F.
I. Calculate the percentage of kinetic energy conserved in the center of mass reference
frame and compare that to the square of the ratio in part F(iii).
Initial v1x = 8.00 m/s right v2x = 2.00 m/s left

+y M1 = 3.50 kg M2 = 5.00 kg

v1x = 3.00 m/s left v2x = 5.70 m/s right

128. A 1-dimensional collision takes place as shown above on a horizontal, frictionless

surface. This is the exact same collision as shown in the previous problem. Change now to a
reference frame that moves to the right at 1.00 m/s.
A. Calculate the velocities in the new reference frame.
B. Calculate the following quantities and see if their value is the same or different from the
value in the lab reference frame:
i. Momentum of the 2 object system
ii. The initial and final kinetic energy of the system.
iii. The change in kinetic energy of the system.
iv. The velocity of the center of mass.
v. The kinetic energy of the motion of the center of mass.
vi. The initial and final kinetic energy relative to the center of mass.
129. A fan is undergoing fixed axis rotation on a pivot through the center of mass of the fan.
The fan is initially spinning clockwise at an angular velocity of 30.0 rad/s and slowing down
with a constant counter-clockwise angular acceleration of 1.60 rad/s2 due to friction until the
fan stops spinning. Once the fan stops, it stays stopped.
A. Calculate the time for the fan to stop spinning.
B. Calculate the angle (in radians) that the fan rotates through until it stops spinning.
C. Calculate the number of revolutions the fan makes until it stops spinning.
D. Briefly explain how the magnitudes of the tangential and radial acceleration of a point on
the outer edge of the fan change as the fan slows down.
E. Sketch the angular velocity and angular position of the wheel as functions of time.
Sketch from zero until after the time in part A. State the shapes of the sketches.

130. A ceiling fan starts from rest. A fan switch is flipped at t = 0 that causes the fan to have a
constant clockwise angular acceleration of 1.20 rad/s2. Five seconds later another switch is
flipped that causes the fan to have a constant counter-clockwise angular acceleration of 0.650
A. Calculate the number of radians that the fan has rotated through in the first 9.00 seconds
from the beginning of motion.
B. Calculate the angular velocity of the fan after 9.00 seconds.

131. A wheel is initially spinning counter-clockwise. Initially, the wheel is spinning counter-
clockwise with an angular velocity of 6.00 rad/s and has a constant counter-clockwise
angular acceleration of 1.50 rad/s2. The wheel has an outer radius of 0.0580 m. Call
counter-clockwise positive. Call the initial angle zero.
A. Calculate the angle the wheel has rotated through at t = 2.50 seconds.
B. Calculate the angular speed of the wheel at t = 2.50 seconds.
C. Calculate the magnitude of the radial acceleration of a point on the rim of the wheel at t =
2.50 seconds.
D. Calculate the magnitude of the tangential acceleration of a point on the rim of the wheel
at t = 2.50 seconds.

RA = 0.0300 m
RB = 0.0500 m

F4 F2

132. A wheel is supported about its center of mass (the X in the center of the figure). Four
forces are applied to two different radii of the wheel as shown above. Radius A is the inner
connection point and radius B is the outer connection radius. The four forces are given as
F1 = 2.75 N, F2 = 3.15 N, F3 = 4.75 N, F4 = 5.25 N.
A. Calculate each individual torque about the center of mass from each individual force.
B. Calculate the net torque about the center of the mass.
133. Two vectors are given by A⃗⃗=2.00 ⃗i+3.00j⃗ and B
⃗⃗=3.50 ⃗i-4.00j⃗.
A. Calculate the dot product between these vectors.
B. Calculate the cross product between these two vectors.
C. Calculate the angle between these two vectors.

M= 2.00 kg M= 2.00 kg

0.800 m

M= 2.00 kg M= 2.00 kg
1.80 m

134. 4 objects are placed at the corners of a rectangle and connected with massless rods.
A. Calculate the moment of inertia of the objects about the x-axis.
B. Calculate the moment of inertia of the objects about the y-axis.
C. Calculate the moment of inertia of the objects about the z-axis (an axis that is
perpendicular to the page through the origin).

Xaxis = 0.05 m Xobject = 0.200 m

Xrod cm = 0.120 m Xend = 0.240 m

Xend = 0

135. A long thin uniform rod has an object attached to it. The long thin rod has a length of
0.240 m, a mass of 0.0700 kg and is pivoted about an axis that is 0.0500 m from the left end.
The object has a mass of 0.180 kg and is located 0.200 m from the left end. Treat the object
as a particle. The moment of inertia of a long thin rod about the center of mass is given by
the formula Icm = 12 ML2 .
A. Calculate the moment of inertia of the rod/object system about the axis shown. Hint: you
will need to use the parallel axis theorem.
B. Calculate the location of the center of mass of the rod/object system.
Point mass Point mass
Massless bar with
point mass attached
at a variable location
Case 1 Case 2

Pivot point Pivot point

136. A long thin massless bar has an object attached to it at a variable location. Treat the
object as a point mass. The bar pivots about the end that attaches to the floor (labeled as
“pivot point”). The object can be moved from one spot to another, but once attached, it
doesn’t slide or anything like that. 2 cases are shown. Case 1 has the object halfway out to
the end of the bar. Case 2 has the object at the very end of the bar.
A. Explain which case has a larger moment of inertia of the bar/object about the pivot point
(or do they tie).
B. Explain which case has a larger torque about the pivot point due to the force of gravity on
the object (or do they tie).
C. Explain which case has a larger initial angular acceleration of the bar/object if they are
both released from rest at the same angle (or do they tie).

Top down view Icm = 0.0750 kgm2

F1 = 1.65 N
R=0.0690 m

F2 = 4.50 N

F3 = 3.80 N

137. A wheel is undergoing fixed axis rotation about the center of mass. The wheel is
supported at its center of mass. You are seeing a top down view of the wheel. 3 forces are
applied to the outer rim of the wheel as shown above.
A. Calculate the net torque about the center of the wheel. Call the clockwise direction
positive for torque.
B. Calculate the angular acceleration of the wheel.
F1= 8.00 N
Icm = 0.0500 kgm2
R= 0.0750 m

F2= ?

138. A wheel is undergoing fixed axis rotation about the center of mass of the wheel. The
wheel is supported about its center of mass (the central dot). The wheel has a constant
angular acceleration of magnitude 2.50 rad/s2. Two forces are applied tangentially at the
outer rim of the wheel. F1 is 8.00 N.
A. If the angular acceleration is clockwise, calculate the magnitude of F2.
B. If the angular acceleration is counter-clockwise, calculate the magnitude of F2.

R = 0.0400 m

M = 2.00 kg

FINST = 15.0 N

139. An object (M = 2.00 kg) is attached to a rope that wraps over a massive wheel as shown
above. The rope is ideal and it does not slip. The wheel axle is frictionless and goes through
the center of mass of the wheel. Wheel radius is given above. Your instructor pushes
straight down on the object with 15.0N of force and the wheel is seen to angularly accelerate
clockwise at 50.0 rad/s2. The system starts from rest. Calculate the moment of inertia of the
wheel about the center of mass axis.
R = 0.0500 m
Icm = 7.50 x 10-3 kgm2

M1 = 2.50 kg M2 = 1.40 kg
𝜇𝑘 = 0.100

140. Two objects are attached to an ideal rope that wraps over a massive wheel on a
frictionless axis as shown above. The rope is ideal and it does not slip on the wheel. The
wheel has fixed axis rotation about an axis through the center of mass. The horizontal
surface has a coefficient of kinetic friction of μk =0.100. Object 1 moves and accelerates to
the right.
A. Draw complete free body diagrams of each object and the wheel.
B. Explain which rope has a larger tension: the horizontal rope, the vertical rope, or a tie.
C. Calculate the linear acceleration of object 1.

R1 = 0.0500 m
R2 = 0.120 m

M1 M2

141. M1 and M2 are hung from a single wheel at 2 different radii. M1 is hung from R1 and
M2 is hung from R2. All strings are ideal (don’t stretch and don’t slip). M1 = 0.150 kg and
M2 = 0.200 kg. The wheel has a frictionless pivot through the center of mass of the wheel.
After the system is released from rest, the wheel has fixed axis rotation about the axis and has
a clockwise angular acceleration equal to 25.0 rad/s2.
A. Calculate the two individual string tensions after the system is released.
B. Calculate the moment of inertia of the wheel about the axis.
R = 0.0400 m

M2 = 0.400 kg
M1 = 1.50 kg
Frictionless surface
0.800 m

142. Two objects are attached to a rope that wraps over a massive wheel with a frictionless
pivot as shown above. The rope is ideal and it does not slip. The system is released from
rest and it is observed that object 2 strikes the ground with a speed of 1.10 m/s. The wheel
has fixed axis rotation about an axis through the center of mass. The horizontal surface has
no friction. Using energy, calculate the moment of inertia of the wheel about the center of
mass axis.

3.6 m
Lbeam= 3.90 m

1.5 m
  

143. A beam is supported at its lower corner by a frictionless pivot so that it can only have
fixed axis rotation about that point. The pivot can only apply horizontal and vertical forces
on the beam. The beam is uniform and has a weight of 49.0 N. The length of the beam is
3.90 meters. The beam is at a 22.6 degree angle and dimensions of the beam are labeled
above. The coordinates of the lower corner of the beam are (0,0). The initial coordinates of
the center of mass of the beam are (1.8, 0.75). The beam is released from rest and the beam
has fixed axis rotation about the pivot. The beam speeds up as it rotates down.
A. Calculate the angular velocity of the beam when it gets horizontal.
B. Explain if the angular acceleration of the beam increases, decreases, or remains constant
as the beam rotates down.
C. Calculate the horizontal component of the force from the pivot at the lower left corner
when the beam gets horizontal.
R = 0.0500 m
M = 0.600 kg
Icm = 1.20x10-3 kg m2

144. A wheel with mass 0.600 kg, a radius of 0.0500 m and a moment of inertia about the
center of mass of 1.20 x 10-3 kgm2 rolls down an incline without slipping. At the release
point, the wheel is at rest. Initially, the center of mass of the wheel is 0.350 meters above the
height of the center of mass when the wheel is at the bottom of the incline. Calculate the
angular speed of the wheel when it reaches the bottom of the incline.

wheel: R = 0.140 m
M = 2.00 kg equilibrium
Icm = 2.95 x 10-2 kg m2

K = 20 N/m
0.150 m

145. A wheel is attached to a spring that is initially compressed 0.150 meters. The wheel,
spring system is released initially from rest. As the wheel moves to equilibrium, the wheel
rolls without slipping. Use energy to calculate the angular speed of the wheel when the
wheel reaches the equilibrium point of the spring.

F applied = 6.00 N
wheel: R = 0.0700 m
M = 2.50 kg +y


146. A non-uniform disk with mass 2.50 kg, radius of 0.0700 m, and a center of mass moment
of inertia of 0.00850 kgm2 is on a horizontal surface with friction. Treat the wheel as a rigid
body with only a single point of contact with the surface. The wheel starts at rest when a
force of 6.00 N is constantly applied straight to the right at the top point of the wheel as
shown. The wheel rolls without slipping.
A. Calculate the linear acceleration of the center of mass of the wheel.
B. Calculate the magnitude and direction of the friction force.


Uniform disk

147. A uniform disk of mass M has string wrapped around its outside and the string connects
to the ceiling. The disk is released from rest and the center of mass linearly accelerates
A. Calculate the string tension.
B. Calculate the linear acceleration of the center of mass of the disk.

148. A wheel with a mass of 0.500 kg, a radius of 0.0400 m and a center of mass moment of
inertia of 6.25 x 10-4 kgm2 rolls down a 15 degree incline without slipping. The wheel is
released from rest. Calculate the linear acceleration of the center of mass of the wheel.

149. The calculus relationship between force and potential energy can be written as Fx =-
d d
(PE(x)) and Fy =- dy (PE(y)). More properly, partial derivatives should be taken leading
∂ ∂
to the following: Fx =- ∂x (PE) and Fy =- ∂y (PE).
A. Verify that the existing force and PE equations used for spring force and gravitational
force satisfy these relationships.
m m
B. If the radial component of force is given by Fr =-G 1r2 2, verify that the PE that goes with
m1 m2
the force equation is PE(r) =-G r

150. The potential energy function for a system is given by the equation PE(x)= x 4 -4x 2 +1.
A. Sketch the function of the PE as a function of x.
B. Calculate the x-component of the force (Fx) that goes with this PE function.
C. Calculate the locations of equilibrium with this PE function and classify the locations as
stable, unstable, or neutral equilibrium.
0.400 m

Massive horizontal beam


1.70 m +
2.60 m +x

151. A uniform, massive beam is horizontal and supported from the ceiling by 2 cables at the
left and right end. The weight of the beam is 100 N. The length of the beam is 2.60 meters
as shown. On top of the beam are 2 point objects: object 1 is 0.400 m from the left end with
a weight of 120 N and object 2 is 1.70 m from the left end with a weight of 180 N. All
objects are in static equilibrium.
A. Draw a free body diagram of the combined beam/objects system- label all external forces
on the system of the beam and 2 objects.
B. Use the principles of static equilibrium to setup a system of equations involving the two
vertical tensions at the two ends as variables.
C. Calculate the tensions in each cable at the right and left ends of the beam.

Massless beam +y


152. A massless board has an object hanging from the right end from a string. The board has a
support at the left end and there is a cable connecting the beam to the ceiling near (but not at)
the right end. All objects are in static equilibrium.
A. Draw a free body diagram of the beam/hanging object/string system. Label all external
forces on the system of the beam/hanging object/string (at right end).
B. Explain if the support at the left end applies an upward force or a downward force.
C. Assume that the length of the board is 1.30 meters, the hanging object weighs 200 N, and
the cable connects at 0.950 meters from the left end.
i. Calculate the tension in the cable.
ii. Calculate the magnitude of the support force at the left end.
Left Right
support support
Massless beam


W +

153. A uniform beam is 3.00 meters long and we will treat it as massless. On top of the beam
is a person (drawn as a rectangle). The beam is supported at the right and left ends of the
beam. The exact location of the center of mass of the person is unknown (labeled as Xcm on
the diagram above). A FBD is drawn of the beam/object system. The force arrows are not to
scale. Everything is in static equilibrium. When the person lies on the board the forces are:
FL = 450 N and FR = 350 N.
A. Calculate the weight of the person.
B. Calculate the location of the center of mass of the person (calculate Xcm).

Point Object
String at 60 degrees
Support Beam
Table 0.6 m
154. A uniform, horizontal beam has an object (treat as a point mass) sitting 0.60 meters from
the left end. The beam is supported at the left end by a support that connects to a table and
there is a string connected to the far right end of the beam supporting the beam by connecting
to the ceiling at a 60 degree angle from the horizontal. The support at the left end applies
only horizontal and vertical forces to the beam. The beam weighs 50.0 N and the object
weighs 100.0 N. The beam length is 3.00 m. All objects are in static equilibrium.
A. Draw a free body diagram of the beam/object system.
B. Calculate the horizontal and vertical support forces at the left end.
C. Calculate the string tension.
+ F1

d 2.20m

155. A uniform door is drawn as the rectangle above. The weight of the door is 100 N. The
two supports are drawn as dots along the left edge of the door- they are equally spaced above
and below the middle of the door. The supports can provide vertical forces (drawn as F1 and
F2) and horizontal forces (drawn as F3 and F4). The door is in static equilibrium. No other
forces act on the door. Initially, d = 0.4 meters.
A. Calculate the algebraic sum of F1+F2.
B. Calculate individual values for F3 and F4. Interpret the individual signs of F3 and F4.
C. Explain what would happen to the magnitudes of the individual values for F3 and F4 if
the distance d was increased. Would the values increase, decrease, or stay the same.

Wall cable +y
30 degrees +x

Horizontal beam with point object at end

156. A uniform, horizontal beam is connected to a wall and is supported with a cable. The
beam has a point object at the end. The beam is 4.00 m long. The string connects to the
beam at a horizontal distance of 2.50 meters from the wall. The string makes a 30 degree
angle to the beam. All objects are in static equilibrium. The uniform beam weighs 700 N.
The object weighs 1500 N. The wall applies only horizontal and vertical forces to the beam.
A. Draw a free body diagram of the combined beam/object system- label all external forces
on the system of the beam and object.
B. Calculate the horizontal force from the wall.
C. Calculate the vertical force from the wall.
D. Calculate the tension in the cable.
+y Object

+x Massive board 1.00 m
0.800 m

1.60 m
2.00 m

157. A uniform, massive board has a point object resting on it. The horizontal length of the
board is 2.00 m and the vertical height of the board is 1.00 m. The object is 1.60 meters
horizontally and 0.800 m vertically from the lower left corner of the board. The left end of
the board experiences horizontal and vertical forces applied by the ground. The right end has
only a horizontal force from the wall. There is no vertical force on the right end of the board-
the vertical wall is frictionless. The weight of the board is 25 N and the weight of the object
is 15 N. All objects are in static equilibrium.
A. Draw a free body diagram of the combined beam/object system- label all external forces
on the system of the beam and object.
B. Calculate the horizontal force from the wall.
C. Calculate the horizontal force from the floor.
D. Calculate the vertical force from the floor.

12.0 m

21.8 degrees

158. A uniform, massive beam (Wbeam = 2,000 N) is at a 21.8 degree angle from the
horizontal. The length of the beam is 8.00 meters. An object (the circle drawn above) sits
still on the beam at a distance of 1.00 meters from the far right end. Treat the object as a
point mass with Wobject = 1,000 N. A cable attaches to the wall at a height of 12.0 meters
above the hinge where the beam attaches to the wall. The cable connects to the beam at a
length of 5.00 m from the hinge. The hinge is only capable of applying horizontal and
vertical forces on the beam.
A. Calculate the horizontal force from the wall on the beam at the hinge.
B. Calculate the vertical force from the wall on the beam at the hinge.
C. Calculate the tension in the cable.

159. A rectangular solid piece of plastic has dimensions of 3.00 cm by 4.00 cm by 5.00 cm for
a volume of 6.00 x 10-5 m3. The plastic has a mass of 75.0 grams. The plastic is completely
submerged under water (water density = 1000 kg/m3) and released. Explain if the object
sinks or floats.

160. A uniform block of material is hung from a force sensor. The block has a mass of 0.500
kg and a weight of 4.90 N. The block is left connected to the force sensor and is slowly
lowered into a container of water until it is completely submerged and sits at rest without
touching the container (water density = 1000 kg/m3). When the material is completely
submerged under water, the force sensor reading has lowered to 3.20 N.
A. Calculate the buoyant force while the block is completely submerged under water.
B. Calculate the density of the object.

161. A block of material has a mass of 0.250 kg and a volume of 8.00 x 10-5 m3. The object is
hanging from a string and it is submerged completely in water that has a density of 1000
A. When submerged completely, calculate the size of the buoyant force.
B. When submerged completely, calculate the tension in the string.

162. You have perhaps heard that oil and water don’t mix. Consider a situation with a layer of
olive oil that is floating on top of a layer of water inside a device called a “graduated
cylinder” (basically a clear cylindrical tube with marks on the side). Assume that the top
layer of olive oil (density of 800 kg/m3) is 12.0 cm deep and that the bottom layer of water is
18.0 cm deep (density of 1000 kg/m3). The air pressure above the oil is 1.00 atmospheres.
A. Calculate the absolute pressure in SI units at the boundary between the oil and the water.
B. Calculate the absolute pressure in SI units at the bottom of the water.

163. A steel wire (Y = 20 x 1010 N/m2) has a load of 15.0 kg hang from it. The wire has a
radius of 5.00 x 10-4 m and an original length of 2.00 meters.
A. Calculate the amount that the wire stretches.
B. Explain by what factor the stretch would change if the wire’s original length was doubled
(so the original length was 4.00 m instead of 2.00 m).
C. Explain by what factor the stretch would change if the wire’s original diameter was
halved (so the original diameter was 2.50 x 10-4 m instead of 5.00 x 10-4 m).

164. A wire has a diameter of 1.00 x 10-3 m and an original length of 2.00 meters. When both
ends of the wire have a force of 50.0 N applied, the wire stretches a distance of 1.40 x 10-3 m.
Calculate Young’s modulus for the wire material.
165. State the conditions under which each of the following quantities is conserved- that is,
what conditions are necessary for the initial value to equal the final value.
A. mechanical energy
B. angular momentum
C. linear momentum
D. A block of clay is thrown at a door that is free to rotate about a hinge at one end (ignore
friction at the hinge). The clay strikes the middle of the door and sticks to it. The door
and clay then rotate around the hinge. The initial picture is just before the clay strikes the
door, and the final picture is just after the clay has hit and stuck to the door. Using your
previous answers, briefly explain whether mechanical energy, angular momentum, and/or
linear momentum are conserved for the door/clay system in the event described.

166. Your instructor sits on a chair with a frictionless support structure. He has his arms out
and holds a heavy object in each hand. With arms out the system has a moment of inertia of
3.00 kgm2. Initially, your instructor and chair are spinning at an angular velocity of 5 rad/s.
He pulls his arms and objects in toward his chest and reduces the moment of inertia of the
system to 2.05 kgm2 and the angular velocity increases.
A. Briefly explain why the moment of inertia of the system has decreased.
B. Briefly explain whether it is angular momentum or rotational kinetic energy this is
conserved in this scenario.
C. Calculate initial and final values of the quantity that is conserved.
D. Calculate the final angular velocity of the system.
E. Calculate initial and final values of the quantity that is NOT conserved.

167. A wheel with center of mass moment of inertia of 0.0125 kgm2 and radius 0.0600 meters
is spinning on a frictionless bearing about an axis through the center of mass with an angular
velocity of 7.00 rad/s clockwise. The wheel is spinning in a horizontal plane like the plane of
the page. A second wheel with center of mass moment of inertia of 0.0310 kgm2 and radius
0.0600 meters is centered above the first wheel and dropped vertically onto the spinning
wheel (from a very small height above the first wheel). Initially the second wheel is not
rotating at all. It hits and sticks to the first wheel. The two wheels rotate as a unit after the
collision about their mutual center of mass axis.
A. Calculate the angular velocity of the wheels after the collision.
B. Calculate the initial and final kinetic energies.
wheel: R = 0.140 m
Icm = 0.0610 kg m2


168. In this top down view, a block of clay of mass 2.20 kg is moving initially with a speed of
5.00 m/s to the right toward a wheel that is initially at rest. The wheel can rotate around a
fixed rotation axis through the center of mass of the wheel. The X in the center of the circle
represents this frictionless pivot. The clay hits and sticks to the outer edge of the wheel.
Treat the block of clay as a particle. Treat the collision as taking very little time.
A. Calculate the final angular velocity of the wheel.
B. Calculate initial and final values of mechanical energy of the clay/wheel system and
show that mechanical energy is not conserved.
C. Calculate initial and final values of linear momentum of the clay/wheel system and show
that linear momentum is not conserved.
D. Briefly explain why linear momentum is not conserved in this interaction.

 = 0

169. There are 3 side view pictures shown above (gravity points down the page). In the left
picture a stationary, thin rod supported by a frictionless bearing through the rod center of
mass is about to be struck at the outer edge by an object of unknown velocity with mass M =
0.350 kg. Mrod = 2.00 kg, Icm rod = 0.107 kgm2. The entire length of the rod is 0.800 m. In
picture 2 (in the middle), the object has collided with the rod and stuck to the rod. The rod
has an angular velocity of ω2. The rod has not yet rotated up at all. In picture 3 (on the
right), the rod and object have swung around and the rod (with object stuck to it) rotates up
until the rod is horizontal. At this point the rod reverses direction and swings back down.
Treat the object as a point mass. Note: this is basically like the ballistic pendulum studied
earlier but analyzed more correctly.
A. Describe how angular momentum and energy can be used to calculate the initial speed of
the object.
B. Calculate the initial speed of the object.

Initial Top down view Final

Gravity points in

M = 0.150 kg
Mrod = 1.00 kg

V1=4.00 m/s 

170. There are 2 top down view pictures shown above (gravity points into the page). The
objects move on a horizontal frictionless surface. In the initial (left) picture a stationary, thin
rod with a frictionless bearing through the end is about to be struck at the outer edge by an
object with initial velocity V1 = 4.00 m/s. The masses are M = 0.150 kg and Mrod = 1.00 kg.
The entire length of the rod is 0.300 m. Treat the object as a point mass. In the final (right)
picture, the object has collided with the rod and stuck to the rod. The system has an angular
velocity of ω2.
A. Calculate ω2.
B. Calculate initial and final linear momentums of the object/rod system.
C. Calculate the linear impulse applied to the object/rod system.
D. Explain where this impulse comes from.

wheel: R = 0.0800 m
Icm = 0.0700 kg m2
initial vfinal


171. In this top down view (gravity points in), a point mass of 2.50 kg is initially stationary at
the edge of a stationary wheel. The wheel is capable of fixed rotation axis through the center
of mass of the wheel. The X in the center of the circle represents this frictionless pivot. An
angular “explosion” occurs and the point mass is fired to the left and the wheel rotates
clockwise. The total kinetic energy of the “point mass + wheel” system after the explosion is
12 Joules. Calculate vfinal.
Top down view Side view

1 2

1 2

172. The above picture on the left is a top down view of two objects of equal mass (labeled A
and B) that are spinning around in a circle on a horizontal frictionless surface. The picture on
the right is a side view. The ropes are ideal and labeled 1 and 2. Both A and B go around the
circle in the same amount of time. Neither object speeds up or slows down as it moves.
A. Explain which object is moving faster: A, B, or a tie.
B. State the direction(s) that each object is accelerating.
C. Explain which object has larger radial acceleration magnitude: A, B, or a tie.
D. Explain which rope has a larger tension: rope 1, rope 2, or a tie.

173. A wheel is spinning around in uniform circular motion. The quantities that you are
interested in describing are:
 Linear (tangential) velocity of a point on the rim
 Angular velocity of the wheel
 Linear (tangential) acceleration of a point on the rim
 Linear (radial) acceleration of a point on the rim
 Angular acceleration of the wheel
A. State which quantities listed are zero.
B. State which quantities listed have a constant magnitude as the wheel spins.
C. State which quantities listed have a constant direction as the wheel spins.
+y +


Point A

174. A wheel is undergoing fixed axis rotation on a pivot about the center of mass of the
wheel (the central dot). The wheel is spinning around counter-clockwise in uniform circular
motion with a value of ω=6.00 rad/s. The outer radius of the wheel is 0.0600 m. Point A is
labeled- it is the rightmost point on the wheel. The (x,y) position coordinates of this point
are (0.0600m, 0).
A. Sketch the shapes of the angular position and angular velocity of the wheel as functions
of time. Assume the initial angle is 0 radians.
B. Calculate the amount of time for the wheel to go around once.
C. State or calculate the following quantities at t = 0:
i. Magnitude of radial acceleration of a point on the rim
ii. Direction of the radial acceleration of point A
iii. Direction of tangential acceleration of point A

175. Two objects interact with each other gravitationally. Object 1 is 40.0 kg and object 2 is
20.0 kg. The two objects are a distance L apart.
A. Explain which force has a larger magnitude: the force from object 1 on object 2, the force
from object 2 on object 1, or a tie.
B. Explain how the force on object 1 from object 2 would change (if at all) if the distance
between the two objects was doubled to 2L.
C. Explain how the force on object 1 from object 2 would change (if at all) if the mass of
object 1 was doubled to 80.0 kg.
D. Explain how the force on object 1 from object 2 would change (if at all) if the mass of
object 2 was doubled to 40.0 kg.

1: (0 , 0) 2: (X , 0) 3: (7 , 0)

176. 3 objects are placed near one another in a straight line. You are only concerned with the
interactions between these 3 objects. You are not concerned with their interaction with
planet earth or anything else. Object 1 has a mass of 80.0 kg, Object 2 has a mass of 30.0 kg,
and Object 3 has a mass of 50.0 kg. Objects 1 and 3 are not able to move at all. Object 2 can
be placed at different locations- labeled as (X,0). Dimensions are in meters.
A. If x = 3.50, calculate the net gravitational force on object 2 from the gravitational
interactions with objects 1 and 3.
B. It is desired that the net force on object 2 from objects 1 and 3 is zero. Explain if X is
less than or more than 3.50.
C. Setup a calculation to calculate the value of X so that the net force is zero.
D. Calculate the value of X so that the net force is zero.
E. Explain how the value from (D) depends upon the mass of object 2.

3: (5.50m , 2.50m)

1: (-10.0 m, 0) 2: (0 , 0)

177. Three point masses are as shown above. You are only interested in gravitational
interactions between these three objects. You are not concerned with their gravitational
interaction with planet Earth or anything else. M1 = 70.0 kg, M2 = 50.0 kg, M3 = 80.0 kg.
A. Calculate the x and y components of the gravitational force applied on 2 from object 1.
B. Calculate the x and y components of the gravitational force applied on 2 from object 3.

2: (0 , 2.50 m)

4: ( -3.50 m , 0) 1: ( 0 , 0 ) 3: ( 6.00 m , 0)

178. Four point masses are located as shown above. You are only interested in gravitational
interactions between these four objects. You are not concerned with their gravitational
interaction with planet Earth or anything else. The objects masses are given as M1 = 70.0
kg, M2 = 25.0 kg, M3 = 90.0 kg, and M4 = 20.0 kg. Calculate the magnitude of the net
gravitational force on object 1 due to the gravitational interactions with objects 2 and 3 and 4.

179. An object of mass 80.0 kg is orbiting the planet Earth in a circular orbit. The orbit is at a
height of 1.50 x 106 meters above the surface of the Earth (for a distance from the center of
the Earth of 7.87 x 106 m) at a constant speed. The object is in continuous freefall around the
earth- ignore any drag forces or other forces on the object other than the force from planet
A. Calculate the size of the net force on the object.
B. Calculate the size of the acceleration of the object.
C. Calculate the speed of the object.
D. From kinematics, briefly explain why the object is accelerating.
180. An object of mass 4.00 kg is launched radially outward from the surface of the Earth with
an initial velocity of 8500 m/s. The object moves radially outward and slows down and
reverses direction at some maximum height. Assume there is no atmosphere (or air drag) and
that the earth is not rotating. Neglect the effects of the sun or any other planets or objects.
A. Using the assumptions stated, calculate the maximum height of the object above the
surface of the earth.
B. Calculate the difference between your answer in (A) and the value obtained assuming
that PEG = mgy.

181. An object of mass 7.00 kg is launched radially outward from the surface of the Earth with
an initial velocity of 13,000 m/s. Assume there is no atmosphere (or air drag) and that the
earth is not rotating. Neglect the effects of the sun or any other planets or objects.
A. Draw an energy diagram for the launch point and when the object is infinitely far away
from the Earth.
B. Calculate the speed of the object when it is infinitely far away from the Earth.

182. An object of mass 8.00 kg is initially launched radially outward from the surface of the
Earth’s moon with an initial speed of 1500 m/s. The moon has no atmosphere (or air drag)
and assume that the moon is not rotating. Neglect the effects of the sun or the Earth or any
other planets or objects. Use that the mass of the moon = 7.35 x 1022 kg and the radius of the
moon = 1.74 x 106 m.
A. With the assumptions stated, explain if the object escapes the moon or eventually
reverses direction.
B. If the object escapes the moon, calculate the speed when the object is very far away from
the moon. If the object reverses direction, calculate the maximum height above the moon

1: ( 0 , +A )

3: ( X , 0)
2: (0 , -A)

183. Three objects are placed as shown above. All objects have a mass M.
A. Calculate the expression for the net gravitational force on object 3 due to the gravitational
interactions with objects 1 and 2.
B. Take the limit of this expression as X goes to zero and show that the force goes to zero.
C. Take the limit of this expression as X is much less than A and show that the force
depends linearly on the distance X in that limit.
D. Calculate the value for X where the force is the largest magnitude.
Position vs. time


Position (m)


-0.2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5


tim e (s)

184. The graph above is for an object attached to an ideal, linear, massless spring on a
horizontal, frictionless surface without damping.
A. State a time value for a single point on the graph where the position is positive and the
velocity is positive or explain why such a point does not exist.
B. State a time value for a single point on the graph where the velocity is positive and the
acceleration is positive or explain why such a point does not exist.
C. State a time value for a single point on the graph where the position is positive and the
acceleration is positive or explain why such a point does not exist.
D. State a time value for a single point on the graph where the magnitude of force is largest.

Horizontal position vs. time

Horizontal position (m)

-0.02 0 1 2 3 4 5
time (s)

185. The position (in meters) of an object attached to an ideal massless spring on a horizontal
frictionless surface and oscillating with simple harmonic motion is shown above.
A. State the amplitude of oscillation.
B. State the period of oscillation.
C. Calculate the frequency of oscillation.
D. Calculate the position as a function of time for this motion.
E. State a time value for a single point on the graph where the object has maximum kinetic
F. State a time value for a single point on the graph where the object has maximum potential
G. State a time value for a single point on the graph where the object has maximum
magnitude of velocity and is moving left.
H. State a time value for a single point on the graph where the object has maximum
magnitude of acceleration and is accelerating to the right.

186. Sketch the first two periods of oscillation of an object attached to a spring if the
amplitude is 0.0500 m, the period is 1.50 seconds, and the object is initially at the origin and
moving to the right. Label the period and amplitude on the graph.

187. An object with a mass of 0.350 kg is attached to a massless spring on a horizontal,

frictionless surface. The spring constant is 15.0 N/m. The object oscillates between -0.0500
meters and +0.0500 meters. Call equilibrium x = 0 and to the right the positive direction.
A. Calculate the number of oscillations that occur per second for this system.
B. Calculate the total energy in the system.
C. Using energy, calculate the kinetic energy of the object when the object is at the position
of +0.0150 meters.
D. Explain if the kinetic energy in (C) depends on the mass of the object.

188. A child is sitting in a swing at a playground and swings back and forth with period T.
The child then decides to stand up in the swing and continue swinging. Will this increase,
decrease, or cause no change to the period.

189. A simple pendulum is made with a string that is 1.45 meters long with a small dense
object of mass 0.100 kg at the end of the string. The object swings back and forth in simple
harmonic motion to a maximum amplitude of 2 degrees on either side of the vertical. An
object of mass 0.450 kg is attached to a spring and undergoes simple harmonic motion with
an amplitude of 0.0350 meters.
A. Calculate the spring constant so that the pendulum and the object attached to the spring
have the same number of oscillations per second.
B. Explain how your answer in (A) changes if the amplitude of oscillation of the object
attached to the spring is doubled.
C. Explain how your answer in (A) changes if the amplitude of oscillation of the pendulum
is cut in half.
Angular position vs. time

Angular position (rad)

-0.005 0 1 2 3 4 5
time (s)

190. The graph above is the angular position of a simple pendulum oscillating near the surface
of the earth. Vertically down is an angle of zero and counter-clockwise is considered
positive. For an amplitude this small, assume the pendulum has simple harmonic motion.
Calculate the length of the pendulum.

191. An object is attached to an ideal, horizontal, massless spring with a spring constant of
17.4 N/m. The object oscillates back and forth and undergoes simple harmonic motion with
no damping on a frictionless surface. The position (in meters) of the object is given by the
formula: x(t) = 0.0640cos(5.29t).
A. State or calculate the amplitude.
B. State or calculate the frequency.
C. State or calculate the period.
D. State or calculate the mass of the object.
E. State or calculate the energy in the spring-mass system.
F. State or calculate the maximum force applied to the object from the spring.
G. State or calculate the maximum speed of the object.

192. An object is attached to an ideal, horizontal, massless spring with a spring constant of
17.4 N/m. The object oscillates back and forth and undergoes simple harmonic motion with
no damping on a frictionless surface. The position (in meters) of the object is given by the
formula: x(t) = 0.0640cos(5.29t+0.650).
A. State or calculate the amplitude.
B. State or calculate the frequency.
C. State or calculate the period.
D. State or calculate the mass of the object.
E. State or calculate the energy in the spring-mass system.
F. State or calculate the maximum force applied to the object from the spring.
G. State or calculate the velocity as a function of time and the maximum velocity.
H. State or calculate the acceleration as a function of time and the maximum acceleration.

193. An object with a mass of 0.450 kg is attached to an ideal, massless spring with spring
constant of 18.0 N/m on a horizontal, frictionless surface. The object is released at t = 0 at
0.110 m to the right of equilibrium with a velocity of 0.710 m/s to the right. Call equilibrium
x = 0 and to the right the positive direction.
A. Calculate the position of the object as a function of time.
B. Calculate the velocity of the object as a function of time and the maximum magnitude of
C. Calculate the acceleration of the object as a function of time and the maximum magnitude
of acceleration.

k Case 1

Case 2

M Case 3

194. 3 cases of motion are shown above. All cases have the object released from rest to the
right of equilibrium. All cases have ideal, linear springs and have the same spring constant.
All cases are horizontal, frictionless, and undamped.
 Case 1 has mass M and amplitude A.
 Case 2 has mass 2M and amplitude A.
 Case 3 has mass M and amplitude 2A.
A. Rank the cases in decreasing order of frequency (from largest to smallest frequency).
Clearly state any ties. Explain your ranking.
B. Rank the cases in decreasing order for the maximum kinetic energy of the object (from
largest maximum KE to smallest maximum KE). Clearly state any ties. Explain your
C. Rank the cases in decreasing order for the maximum speed of the object (from largest
maximum speed to smallest maximum speed). Clearly state any ties. Explain your
D. Rank the cases in decreasing order for the kinetic energy of the object at x = +½ A (from
largest KE to smallest KE at x = ½ A). Clearly state any ties. Explain your ranking.
wheel: R = 0.140 m
M = 2.00 kg equilibrium
Icm = 2.95 x 10-2 kg m2

K = 20 N/m

195. A wheel is attached to a spring. The wheel rolls without slipping. A way to get the
frequency of this system is to get an expression for its energy and then set the time derivative
of the energy equal to zero (since energy is conserved). This is what will be done here.
A. In terms of the center of mass position of the wheel (labeled xcm), write down the
expression for the potential energy stored in the spring.
B. In terms of the center of mass speed of the wheel (call it vcm), write down the expression
for the translational kinetic energy of the wheel.
C. In terms of the rotational speed of the wheel (call it ), write down the expression for the
rotational kinetic energy of the wheel.
D. The total energy of the system is the sum of the three energies in parts (A) through (C).
Use that the wheel rolls without slipping to simplify the expression for the total energy of
the system to include only the variables of xcm and vcm.
E. Use that energy is conserved to set the time derivative of the energy to zero and obtain an
F. Simplify this equation to the mathematical form of acm =-(constant)(xcm ).
G. The frequency of oscillation of the system is 2π √(constant). Calculate the frequency of
oscillation of this system.

196. A simple pendulum is made of a long string of length L and a point object at the end of
1 g
mass M. The frequency of oscillations for this is f= 2π √L. Use that energy is conserved in
oscillations to derive this formula for the frequency. Hint: you will need to use the small
angle approximation.
Xend = 0
Xaxis = 0.0400 m
Mrod = 0.100 kg
Irod cm= 1/12 ML2

Xrod cm = 0.150 m

Xobject = 0.250 m
Mobj = 0.170 kg

Xend = 0.300 m
197. A uniform, thin rod has mass of 0.100 kg. The top end is called x = 0 and the rod is
0.300 m long. The cm of just the rod is at x = 0.15 m. Attached to the long thin rod is an
object of mass 0.170 kg that will be treated as a point mass. This object is the gray circle at
x=0.250 m. The rod is pivoted about a spot 0.0400 m from the top end. The pivot is
massless and frictionless. Calculate the period for this system for small oscillations (where
the small angle approximation is valid).

Long thin rod

Length L
Mass M

198. A physical pendulum is made of a long thin rod of length L that pivots about its end.
Attached to the end of the rod is a massless, ideal spring of spring constant k. Using energy,
calculate the frequency of oscillation of this system for small oscillations in terms of the
variables given. Hint: you will need to use the small angle approximation.


199. A transverse wave pulse is shown at time t = 0 on a string. The horizontal distance
between each horizontal mark is 0.100 m and the vertical distance between each vertical
mark is 0.0400 m. The pulse is moving right at a speed of 0.100 m/s (so the wave moves the
distance between two dashed lines every second).
A. Explain how you can tell that the wave pulse is transverse.
B. Sketch the vertical height of the string vs. horizontal position at t = 1.00 s and t = 2.00 s.
C. Sketch the vertical height of the string vs. time for the position of x = 0.200 m.

200. Discuss any mathematical relationship that exists for a transverse wave between the
maximum vertical speed of a segment of a string and the wave speed.

String snapshot at t = 0

Vertical height (m)

-0.01 0 1 2 3 4 5
horizontal position (m)

201. The graph above shows a string being shaken with a frequency of 12 Hz. The transverse,
traveling wave made is seen to move to the right in this non-dispersive medium.
A. State or calculate the amplitude of the wave.
B. State or calculate the wavelength of the wave.
C. State or calculate the speed of the wave.
D. State or calculate the next time after t = 0 when the string will look exactly like it does in
this graph.

202. A transverse, traveling wave is given by the following formula for the vertical
displacement in meters of a string: y(x,t) = 0.0350 sin (12.0x + 64.0t)
A. State or calculate the speed of the traveling wave.
B. State or calculate the direction of wave motion.
C. State or calculate the maximum vertical speed of any point on the string.
D. State or calculate the maximum vertical acceleration of any point on the string.
E. Sketch the shape of the string y vs. x at t = 0 (a snapshot in time). Calculate and label the
distance of one wavelength on the graph.
F. Sketch the vertical height as a function of time for the x = 0 location on the string. That
is, get y vs. t at x = 0. Calculate and label one period on the graph.

203. A transverse, traveling wave is given by the following formula for the vertical
displacement in meters of a string: y(x,t) = 0.120 sin (30.0x - 241t +0.750)
A. State or calculate the speed of the traveling wave.
B. State or calculate the direction of wave motion.
C. State or calculate the vertical position of the string at x = 0 and t = 0.
D. State or calculate the vertical velocity of the string at x = 0 and t = 0.
E. State or calculate the wavelength of the traveling wave.
F. State or calculate the frequency of the traveling wave.

204. A transverse, traveling wave in a non-dispersive medium is given by the following

formula for vertical displacement in meters of a string: y(x,t) = 0.0600 sin (240x + 120t).
A. State or calculate the speed of the traveling wave.
B. Write the new y(x,t) if the frequency that the medium is being shaken is doubled.

String snapshot at t = 0

Vertical height (m)

-0.01 0 1 2 3 4 5
horizontal position (m)

205. The graph above shows a string at t = 0 with a transverse, traveling wave moving right in
a non-dispersive medium. The string is being shaken at a frequency of 7.20 Hz.
A. Calculate the vertical position of the string as a function of horizontal position and time.
B. Calculate the maximum vertical speed of the segment of the string at x = 0.
C. Calculate the wave speed.
D. Sketch the vertical height as a function of time for the x = 0 location on the string.

206. A transverse, traveling wave is moving right in a non-dispersive medium. The string is
being shaken so that 4.00 complete oscillations occur every second and the distance between
crests is 3.25 meters. At t = 0, the segment of string at x = 0 has the maximum vertical
position of 0.04500 m.
A. Calculate the speed that waves travel on the string.
B. Calculate the vertical position of the string as a function of horizontal position and time.

207. A transverse, traveling wave is moving left at a speed of 18.5 m/s in a non-dispersive
medium. The string is being shaken with a period of 0.200 seconds. At t = 0, the segment of
string at x = 0 has a vertical position of 0.0300 m and a vertical velocity of -0.840 m/s.
A. Calculate the vertical position of the string as a function of horizontal position and time.
B. Calculate the maximum vertical speed of the segment of the string at x = 0.
y(t) for x = 0 y (x) for t = 0

0.05 0.05
0.04 0.04
0.03 0.03
0.02 0.02
0.01 0.01
0 0
-0.01 0 2 4 -0.01 0 0.5 1
-0.02 -0.02
-0.03 -0.03
-0.04 -0.04
-0.05 -0.05
time (s) horizontal position (m)

208. The graphs above show the vertical height of the string for all time at x = 0 and the
vertical height for all positions at t = 0.
A. State or calculate the amplitude of the wave.
B. State or calculate the frequency of the wave.
C. State or calculate the wavelength of the wave.
D. State or calculate the wave speed of the wave.
E. Explain which direction the wave is moving: left or right.

209. A sound source emits sound at 1200 Hz equally in all directions. Treat air as a non-
dispersive medium at 20℃.
A. Calculate the wavelength of the sound wave.
B. Explain the impact on the following characteristics of the sound waves if the frequency of
the sound source is doubled but no other changes are made:
i. Wave speed
ii. Wavelength
iii. Period

Sound pressure vs. position at t = 0

Pressure change (Pa)


-10 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1

horizontal position (m)

210. The graph above shows a graph of the pressure change for a sound wave moving right in
air at 20℃.
A. State or calculate the amplitude of the wave.
B. State or calculate the wavelength of the wave.
C. State or calculate the frequency of the wave.
D. State or calculate the speed of the wave.

211. A traveling sound wave is given by the following formula for the horizontal displacement
in meters of air of unknown temperature: s(x,t) = 1.60 x 10-6 sin (14.5x + 5030t).
A. State or calculate the frequency and wavelength of the sound wave.
B. State or calculate the speed of the sound wave.
C. State or calculate the direction of wave motion.
D. Sketch the vertical height as a function of time for the x = 0 location on the string.
Calculate and label one period on the graph.

212. A sound source emits sound at with a wavelength of 0.260 m in air equally in all
directions (spherical waves). Treat air as a non-dispersive medium at 20℃. The sound
power output of the source is 0.0150 Watts.
A. Calculate the frequency of the sound wave.
B. Calculate the sound level in decibels at a distance of 5.00 meters from the source.

213. A point source of sound emits spherical waves and is measured to have a sound level of
81.0 dB at a distance of 3.50 meters from the point source.
A. Calculate the sound power being emitted by the source.
B. Calculate the sound level in decibels at a distance of 6.00 meters away.
C. If the source of sound had an electrical input of 1.25 Watts, calculate the efficiency of the
sound source. That is, calculate what percentage of the electrical input power was
converted into sound power.

214. Two incoherent sounds (sounds without a constant phase relationship) have sound levels
of 72.4 dB and 75.6 dB. Calculate the combined sound level of these two sounds.

215. In this problem, assume all the sound sources listed below emit the same frequency when
stationary. In all cases the observer is stationary. Rank the following situations from highest
detected frequency to lowest detected frequency. Specifically state any ties. Briefly explain
your ranking.
A. Source is 60 meters from observer, moving away from observer at 15 m/s
B. Source is 60 meters from observer, moving away from observer at 25 m/s
C. Source is 30 meters from observer and not moving
D. Source is 75 meters from observer, moving toward observer at 12 m/s
E. Source is 15 meters from observer, moving toward observer at 12 m/s
F. Source is 55 meters from observer, moving toward observer at 20 m/s

216. Initially object 1 is heading east at 30.0 m/s and object 2 is heading west at 12.0 m/s and
they are approaching each other. Object 1 is emitting a sound that is detected to be 1200 Hz
if both object 1 and the observer are at rest relative to the motionless air. The speed of sound
in this motionless air is 343 m/s.
A. Before object 1 and 2 pass each other, calculate to 5 significant digits the frequency
detected by object 2.
B. After object 1 and 2 pass each other, calculate to 5 significant digits the frequency
detected by object 2.




217. A speaker emits spherical sound waves and is attached to a spring and oscillates about the
equilibrium position with an amplitude of 0.0900 meters and a frequency of 5.00 Hz. The
speaker emits a frequency when it is at rest in still air of 1000 Hz as measured by a stationary
receiver. The speaker emits a sound power of 0.0100 Watts. The air temperature makes the
speed of sound in air be 340 m/s. A person is 1.20 m from the equilibrium position of the
spring. The person detects a range of intensities and a range of frequencies.
A. Explain why there is a range of intensities and frequencies detected.
B. State the position of the speaker and direction of motion (if any) when it emits:
i. the highest sound level measured by the person.
ii. the lowest sound level measured by the person.
iii. the highest frequency measured by the person.
iv. the lowest frequency measured by the person.
C. Calculate the lowest sound level in decibels.
D. Calculate the highest sound level in decibels
E. Calculate the lowest frequency detected by the person.
F. Calculate the highest frequency detected by the person.

Source 1 Source 2

218. A single oscillator drives two sound sources at 800 Hz. The waves propagate to the right
and are detected by a detector (the oval). The waves of interest only travel to the right, no
waves reflect off any other surfaces and no standing waves are generated. The air
temperature is 20℃. Treat air as a non-dispersive medium. There is a distance X between
the two sources.
A. Calculate the wavelength of the waves generated.
B. Calculate two different values of X that lead to cancellation of the direct sound waves at
the detector.
C. Explain what happens to the speed of the sound waves and the wavelength of the sound
waves if the frequency is increased from 800 Hz to some higher value.

1.25 m

219. A single oscillator drives two sound sources (S1 and S2). The two sources are mounted
vertically with a distance of 1.25 m between them. The waves propagate and are detected by
a detector (the oval) that is 10.0 meters straight out from source S1. No waves reflect off any
other surfaces and no standing waves are generated. The speed of sound is 350 m/s in this
A. Calculate the distance from the detector to source S2.
B. Calculate the path difference from the detector to the two different sources.
C. Calculate a frequency that would have constructive interference at the detector.
D. Calculate a frequency that would have destructive interference at the detector.

220. Two coherent sounds have equal amplitudes A and a phase shift of 2.00 radians. Explain
if these two sounds have partially constructive or partially destructive interference.

Wave generator Mobj

221. A string is tied to a wave generator of variable frequency that is clamped to a table. The
string is hung over a pulley with an object of mass Mobj attached to the end of the string (as
shown above). Treat the ends of the string as fixed. The length of the vibrating section is
1.65 meters. The linear mass density of the string is 1.30 x 10-3 kg/m. The string vibrates at
64.0 Hz and this is the fourth lowest standing wave frequency that the system will support.
A. Calculate the fundamental frequency of this system.
B. Calculate the mass of the hanging object that is hanging.
C. Sketch the shape of the string.
D. Assume the wave generator frequency is increased to the next higher frequency above
64.0 Hz that makes standing waves but that no other changes are made to the system.
i. Explain the effect this has on wave speed: does the wave speed increase, decrease, or
not change.
ii. Explain the effect this has on the number of loops: does the number increase,
decrease, or not change.
iii. Calculate the next higher frequency.

Wave generator Mobj

222. A string is tied to a wave generator of variable frequency that is clamped to a table. The
string is hung over a pulley with an object of mass Mobj = 0.485 kg attached to the end of the
string (as shown above). Treat the ends of the string as fixed. The length of the vibrating
section is 1.82 meters. The string vibrates at 72.0 Hz and this is the third lowest standing
wave frequency that the system will support.
A. Calculate the mass density of the string.
B. Assume that the hanging mass is increased to the next larger mass above 0.485 kg that
creates standing waves on this string but that no other changes are made to the system.
i. Explain the effect this has on wave speed: does the wave speed increase, decrease, or
not change.
ii. Explain the effect this has on the number of loops: does the number increase,
decrease, or not change.
iii. Calculate the next larger mass.

223. A standing wave on a string with length 2.50 m is described by the following equation
y=0.0120 sin(6.28x)cos(50t).
A. Calculate the speed of the traveling waves that create this standing wave.
B. Calculate the number of loops on the string.
C. Calculate the fundamental frequency of the string.

224. A tube is open at both ends to air at 20℃. The third lowest standing wave frequency for
this tube is heard at 675 Hz.
A. Sketch the shape of the pressure standing wave within the tube.
B. Calculate the fundamental frequency of the tube.
C. Calculate the length of the tube.

225. A tube is open at one end and closed at the other to air at 20℃. The second lowest
standing wave frequency for this tube is heard at 900 Hz.
A. Sketch the shape of the pressure standing wave within the tube.
B. Calculate the fundamental frequency of the tube.
C. Calculate the length of the tube.

226. An organ pipe is open at both ends to air at 20℃. The fundamental frequency of this
pipe is 30 Hz.
A. Calculate the next three higher harmonics.
B. Calculate the length of the tube.
C. Calculate the fundamental frequency and next three higher harmonics if somehow the
pipe is blocked at one end so that it is now only open at one end.

227. In trying to tune an instrument to a particular note with a frequency of 440 Hz, a beat
frequency of 2.00 Hz is heard. What can be said about the frequency of the instrument?

228. Your instructor has a tuning fork that oscillates at 256 Hz. He walks toward a wall at a
constant speed of 1.50 m/s. The speed of sound in this air is 340 m/s.
A. Explain why your instructor hears a beat frequency.
B. Calculate the beat frequency heard.

229. Steel has a coefficient of linear expansion of 11 x 10-6 /K. Calculate the temperature
change needed to make a sample of steel change length by 0.100%.

230. An aluminum ring has an inner diameter of 3.000 cm and a copper ball has an outer
diameter of 3.030 cm when both are at 20℃. The coefficients of linear expansion of
aluminum and copper are Aluminum = 24 x 10-6 /K and Copper = 17 x 10-6 /K.
A. If only one item is heated so the temperature increases and the ball and ring have the
same diameter, state which item it should be.
B. Calculate the temperature of the heated item so that the ball and ring have the same
C. If both the ring and the ball are heated to the same final temperature so that the ball and
ring have the same diameter, calculate the necessary temperature to which they would
have to be heated.

231. A copper ring has an inner diameter of 4.000 cm and an aluminum ball has an outer
diameter of 4.020 cm when both are at 20℃. The coefficients of linear expansion of
aluminum and copper are Aluminum = 24 x 10-6 /K and Copper = 17 x 10-6 /K.
A. If both the ring and the ball are cooled to the same final temperature so that the ball and
ring have the same diameter, calculate the temperature to which they are cooled.
B. Explain why this can’t be done.

232. A 0.0900 kg sample of solid metal at 100℃ is added to 0.120 kg of water at 20℃. They
are placed together in a perfectly insulated calorimeter with zero heat capacity and reach a
final temp of 28℃. The metal and water do not change phase. Calculate the specific heat of
the metal. Assume that the specific heat of water is cwater = 4186 J/(kg K).
233. In a calorimetry experiment, 400 grams of lead at 100℃ are added to 200 grams of water
at 25℃ in an aluminum calorimeter with a mass of 100 grams. No phase changes occur.
Treat the calorimeter as perfectly insulating. Calculate the final temperature of the entire
system. Use as given the following specific heats:
cwater = 4186 J/(kg K) and clead = 128 J/(kg K) and caluminum = 900 J/(kg K).

234. Calculate how much ice at 0℃ must be added to 0.300 kg of water at 80℃ in an ideal
calorimeter so that the mixture reaches a final temperature of 15℃. Use as given the
LF = 3.33 x 105 J/kg, LV = 2.26 x 106 J/kg, cice = 2090 J/(kg K), and cwater = 4186 J/(kg K).

235. 12.0 grams of steam at 100℃ are added to 50.0 grams of ice at 0℃ in an ideal
A. Calculate the final temperature of the mixture.
B. Calculate how much of each phase is present.
C. Repeat steps (A) and (B) if the mass of the steam is 1.50 grams.

Temperature in oC

45 Q in 103 J
2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0
236. The graph above shows the T vs. Q graph for one kilogram of an unknown material.
A. State the freezing point and boiling point temperatures.
B. Explain which latent heat is larger.
C. Calculate the latent heat of fusion and latent heat of vaporization.
D. Explain which specific heat is largest.
E. Calculate the specific heat of each phase.

237. If the (Kelvin) temperature of an object doubles, explain by what factor the emitted
radiation changes.
Aluminum Copper

Hot bath Cold bath


238. Two thermal baths are at temperatures of 0℃ and 100℃. Between these two baths are
two bars of material connected end to end. Each bar is 0.150 m long. The cross sectional
areas of both bars are 1.00 x 10-4 m2. The thermal conductivities of aluminum and copper are
kaluminum = 238 W/(K m) and kcopper = 397 W (K m). Steady state heat flow is reached.
A. Calculate the rate of heat flow from the hot bath to the cold bath.
B. Calculate the temperature at the junction between the aluminum and copper.

239. A single pane window between a house and the outside has dimensions of 0.400 m by
0.800 m. The window is 0.00500 m thick. The temperature difference between the inside
and outside is 10.0℃. The thermal conductivity of glass is 0.840 W/(K m).
A. Calculate the rate of steady state heat flow through the window.
B. Calculate the amount of heat that flows through the window in 10 minutes.

240. Explain what happens to the pressure of an ideal gas inside a sealed container if the
temperature is increased while the volume is decreased.

241. 2.00 liters of ideal gas are at a temperature of 25℃ and a pressure of 0.975 atm.
A. Calculate the number of moles of gas in the container.
B. Calculate the number of molecules inside the container.

242. 1.24 moles of an ideal gas is inside a sealed container at a pressure of 3.25 atm. The
initial temperature is 20℃.
A. Calculate the initial volume.
B. If the temperature is increased to 40oC at constant pressure, calculate the final volume.

243. Two containers filled with different monatomic gases are both sitting at room
temperature (20℃). Container one has a volume of 2.00 L and contains helium gas.
Container two has a volume of 1.00 L and contains argon gas.
A. Explain which molecules have the largest average kinetic energy: helium, argon, or a tie.
B. Explain which molecules have the largest rms speed: helium, argon, or a tie.
C. Calculate the average kinetic energy of a helium atom.
D. Calculate the rms speed of a helium atom.

244. A container of fixed volume has ideal, monatomic gas inside at a temperature of 200 K.
The temperature is then increased by some process by a factor of 4 to 800 K.
A. Explain by what factor the average kinetic energy changes in the process.
B. Explain by what factor the rms speed changes in the process.
C. Using the ideal gas law, state (from a macroscopic perspective) the factor the pressure
change by in the process.
D. Explain from a microscopic perspective the pressure change.
245. An ideal gas is compressed to half of the initial volume by either constant temperature,
constant pressure, or adiabatic paths.
A. Draw a PV diagram and sketch all the processes on a single graph.
B. Explain why the work done by the gas is negative (or the work done on the gas is
C. Rank the processes from most work done on the gas to least work done on the gas.

246. Two containers are filled with different monatomic gases with molecules that both have
the same rms speed. Container one has helium gas and container two has neon gas.
A. Explain which molecules have the largest average kinetic energy: helium, neon, or a tie.
B. Explain which molecules have the largest temperature: helium, neon, or a tie.

247. A sample of monatomic, ideal gas has 300 J of heat flow into it and the gas does 100 J of
work on the surroundings. Calculate the change in internal energy of the gas.

P Case I P Case II P Case III


248. Three processes for an ideal gas are shown above. The arrows signify the direction of the
process. In all three cases, the gas starts in the same state. Explain the sign of the work done
by the gas for each case.

249. A gas has the following cycle done to it: the gas expands isothermally to double the
initial volume, the gas is then compressed at constant pressure back to the original volume
and then heated at constant volume back to the original pressure. Sketch the cycle on a PV
Pressure (in 105 Pa) 2.50


V in m3
0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50
250. An ideal, diatomic gas starts at state 1 and goes to state 2 along the path shown.
Calculate the work done by the gas in this process.
Pressure (in 105 Pa)



V in m3
0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90
251. 6.00 moles of helium (an ideal, monatomic gas) start at state 1 and go to state 2 along the
path shown.
A. Calculate the initial and final temperatures of the gas.
B. Calculate the work done by the gas in this process.
C. Calculate the change in internal energy of the gas.
D. Calculate the heat added to the gas.

252. An ideal gas undergoes a process of expansion where the pressure is given by the
equation P = 500,000 V2 with P and V in SI units. The initial volume is 0.0500 m3 and the
final volume is 0.100 m3.
A. Sketch this process on a PV diagram.
B. Explain the units (if any) in the number 500,000.
C. Calculate the work done by the gas in this process.
253. An ideal gas undergoes a process of expansion where the pressure is given by the
equation P=100,000√V. The volume starts at a volume of 0.500 m3 and ends at a volume of
2.00 m3.
A. Sketch this process on a PV diagram.
B. If P and V are in SI units, explain the units (if any) in the number 100,000.
C. Calculate the work done by the gas in this process.

3 4
Pressure (atm)


2 1

V (L)
0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50
254. 0.0380 moles of ideal monatomic gas go through the cycle 1 → 2 → 3 → 4 → 1.
A. Calculate the temperature at each state.
B. Calculate the change in internal energy of the gas in one cycle.
C. Calculate the work done by the gas in one cycle.
D. Calculate the heat input into the gas in one cycle.

255. A diatomic gas at 300 K is adiabatically compressed to a volume that is ¼ of the original
volume (a compression ratio of 4). Calculate the temperature of the gas after the

256. The initial state of a monatomic ideal gas has a pressure of 3.00 atm, a volume of 5.00 L
and a temperature of 900 K. The gas has the following cycle done to it: the gas expands
adiabatically to triple the initial volume, the gas is then compressed at constant pressure back
to the original volume and then heated at constant volume back to the original pressure.
A. Sketch the cycle on a PV diagram. Call the first state 1, the second state 2, and the third
state 3.
B. Calculate the number of moles of gas in the cycle.
C. Calculate the pressure, volume and temperature of each state.
D. Calculate the heat added, work done by the gas, and change in internal energy for each
process of the cycle and the cycle as a whole.
Pressure (in 104 Pa)


1 3
V in m3
0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45
257. A heat engine operates from 1 → 2 → 3 → 1 . From 1 to 2, 5000 J of heat are input.
A. Explain if heat goes into the engine or out of the engine from 2 to 3.
B. Explain if heat goes into the engine or out of the engine from 3 to 1.
C. Calculate the work done in one cycle by the engine.
D. Calculate the efficiency of this engine.
E. Calculate the total heat that goes out of this engine in one cycle.

Pressure (atm)


1 3
V (L)
0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50
258. 0.0400 moles of ideal diatomic gas operates in an engine cycle 1 → 2 → 3 → 1. From 2
to 3 is an isothermal process.
A. Calculate the work done by the engine in one cycle.
B. Calculate the heat input to the engine in one cycle.
C. Calculate the heat output from the engine in one cycle.
D. Calculate the efficiency of this engine.
E. Compare the efficiency of this engine to the efficiency of a Carnot engine operating
between the maximum and minimum temperatures

259. The Brayton cycle is used to approximate the combustion process that occurs within a jet
engine. The cycle consists of adiabatic expansions and contractions and constant pressure
expansions and contractions. Assume that a diatomic gas starts in state 1 at a temperature of
300K, a pressure of 1 atm, and a volume of 2000 L. From 1 to 2, the gas is adiabatically
compressed to a pressure of 10 atm. From 2 to 3, the gas expands at constant pressure while
2.00 x 106 J of heat flow into the gas. From 3 to 4, the gas adiabatically expands back to 1
atm of pressure. From 4 to 1, the gas contracts at constant pressure to the original state.
A. Sketch the cycle on a PV diagram.
B. Calculate the number of moles of gas in the cycle.
C. Calculate the pressure, volume and temperature of each state.
D. Calculate the heat added, work done by the gas, and change in internal energy for each
process of the cycle.
E. Calculate the efficiency of the cycle as a whole.

260. An engine has 350 J of heat flow into it from a hot reservoir in each cycle and expels 300
J of heat into a cold reservoir.
A. Calculate the amount of work done by the engine in one cycle.
B. If each cycle of the engine takes 0.125 seconds, calculate the power output of the engine.
C. Calculate the efficiency of the engine.

261. An engine has 1250 J of heat flow into it from a hot reservoir in each cycle and has an
efficiency of 16.5%.
A. Calculate the work done in one cycle.
B. Calculate how much heat is expelled into a cold reservoir in each cycle.

262. A refrigerator has a cooling coefficient of performance of 1.80. It removes 4000 J of heat
from the cold reservoir per cycle.
A. Calculate the work done (on the refrigerant) in one cycle.
B. Calculate how much heat is expelled into the hot reservoir in each cycle.

263. A Carnot engine operates between the temperatures of 60℃ and −20℃. 1500 J of heat
go into the engine in one cycle.
A. Calculate the amount of heat that is expelled at -20℃ in one cycle.
B. Calculate the amount of work done in one cycle.

264. Explain why an engine operating between the temperatures of 100℃ and 0℃ cannot
have an efficiency of 35.0%.

265. A Carnot refrigerator is a Carnot engine run in reverse. The efficiency of a Carnot engine
is given by εC =1- TC . Derive that the COPC for a Carnot refrigerator is given by the
expression COPC = T .
266. 0.300 kg of water freeze to ice at a constant temperature of 0℃.
A. Calculate the change in entropy of the water.
B. If the water is frozen by means of a refrigerator with a cooling coefficient of performance
of 1.5 and heat flows into a kitchen at 25℃, calculate the change in entropy of the

267. 1000 J of heat flow from a hot reservoir at 100℃ to a cold reservoir at 0℃.
A. Calculate the change in entropy of the hot reservoir.
B. Calculate the change in entropy of the cold reservoir.
C. Calculate the total change in entropy of the system.

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