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Civil Secretariat, Jammu 1Srinagar

Jammu, the gthof January, 2020.

S.0 15 !- In exercise of the powers conferred under

section 67 of the Jammu and Kashmir Reorganisation Act, 20 19,
the Lieutenant Governor, Union Tenitory of Jammu and
Kashmir is pleased to delegate his financial powers to accord
Administrative Approval, Technical sanctions and Sanction of
contracts, to the Administrative Departments, Major Heads of
Departments, Class-I Officers (Other Officers) and Class-I1
Officers, to the extent as indicated in Annexure-I, to this

The financial powers delegated are subject to the condition

that all Codal Formalities shall be followed as per the provisions
laid down in General Financial Rules 2017, Manual for
Procurement of Goods and Services, 2017, Manual for
Procurement of Works 2019, Manual for Procurement of
Consultancy and Other Services 2017, issued by Ministry of
Finance, Department of Expenditure, GoI, and, other
instructions/ orders/ guidelines issued by Government of
Jammu and Kashmir.

By Order of the Lieutenant Governor.

Sd/ -
(Dr. A. K. Mehta), IAS,
Financial Commissioner,
Finance Department.
No. A/PS/DC/2019- 62 Dated 09.0 1.2020
Copy to the:-
1. Advocate General J&K High Court Srinagar/ Jammu.
2. All Financial Commissioners.
3. Principal Accountant General, J&K Srinagar/Jammu.
4. All Principal Secretaries to Government.
5. Principal Resident Commissioner, 5 Prithvi Raj Road, New Delhi.
6. Principal Secretary to Lieutenant Governor.
7. Chief Electoral Officer, J&K.
8. All CommrJ Secretaries to Government.
9. Joint Secretary (J&K)Ministry of Home Affairs, Govtt. of India.
10. Divisional Commissioner KashmirJJammu.
11. Commissioner of Vigilance, J & K SrinagarJJammu.
12. Principal Secretary to Chief Justice J&K High Court SrinagarJJammu.
13. Registrar General, J&K High Court SrinagarJJammu.
14. Director General Accounts & Treasuries.
15. Director General Funds Organization.
16. Director General Audit & Inspections.
17. Director General Budget
18. Director General Local Audit & Pensions.
19. Director Information.
20. Director Anti Corruption Bureau.
21. All Head of Departments /Managing DirectorsJChief Executive of State
PSU'sJAutonomous Bodies.
22. Secretary J&K Public Service Commission.
23. All District Development Commissioners.
24. Secretary J&K Legislative Assembly.
25. Principal Accountancy Training school / Northern Zonal Accountancy
Training Institute Srinagar / Jammu.
26. Director Accounts & Treasuries SrinagarJJammu.
27. All Director FinanceJFinancial Advisors & CAO's.
28. Joint Director Funds Organization SrinagarJJammu.
29. All Treasury Officers.
30. General Manager, Government Press for publication in Government
31. Pvt. Secretary to Advisor (SJFJB)to Lieutenant Governor.
32. Pvt. Secretary to Chief Secretary.
33. Pvt.Secretary to Financial Commissioner, Finance.
34. I/c Website, FD. (
35. I/c Website, GAD (
36. Government order file (WZscs).

Finance Department.
Annexure-l t o Notification S.0 15 dated 09.01.2020

Delegation o f powers t o Administrative Departments / Major Heads o f Departments/

Class-l Officers (Other Officers) and Class-ll Officers.

A) Powers t o accord Administrative Approval:

Administrative Administrative
approval to Departments. Crores
expenditure on concurrence
individual works.

ith the approval of
Hon'ble Lt. Governor
fter concurrence of F.D.

Chief Engineer. Upto Rs. 10.00Crore o t e 1:- Accord of AA is
with concurrence of n Administrative-cum-
FAlCAO. inancial decision which
Major Heads of Upto Rs. 5.00 Crores needs to be taken after
Departments due consideration. In no
including District case shall AA be
accorded unless the
work / project has been
Commissioner. approved in the Capex /
Superintending Upto Rs. 3.00 Crore Revenue Component of
Engineer. the budget, as the case
may be, and funds are
available for the
Note 2:- where a
scheme/ project is
sanctioned by Gol on the
basis of detailed project
report and which is
100% funded by Gol, it
shall be construed as AA
by the Government, of
Union Territory as well.
Execution of petty Administrative Full powers within Subject to the condition
works, repairs and department. budgetary limits. that the work is
day to day Major Head of executed through PW
maintenance of Govt. department 1 (R&B) Department.
buildings. including Chief
Class I Officer
(Other officers)
r s t o accord Technical 5;Incrlon:
I To accord technical I (3hief Engineer :uII powers. Subject t o condition
sanction t o detailed 3hief Hospital :ull powers. that: (a) estimated cost
estimates o f cost o f technically sanctioned
Engineers (SKIMS)
original works or does not exceed the
Superintending Jpto Rs. 1.00 Crore. corresponding
parts thereof
Engineer administratively
including special
approved cost by more
repairs, renovations, ix. Engineer Jpto Rs. 40.00 lakh
than 10% subject to a
additions and 4ssistant Executive Jpto Rs. 1.00 lakh monetary limit of
alterations and Engineer Rs.5.00 lakhs for
improvements not estimates upto
chargeable to Rs.100.00 lakhs and 5%
maintenance. of the cost
approved subject to a
monetary limit of
Rs.10.00 lakhs for
estimates above Rs.
100.00 lakhs.
b) plans and designs for
individual works costing
over Rs. 2.50 lakhs and
Rs.10.00 lakhs are
approved by S.E and
C.Es respectively before
technical sanction is
accorded by Executive
Engineer respectively.
C) post of Chief Hospital
Engineer, SKIMS is held
by a regular
deputationist Chief
Engineer from PWD.
yo accord technical 3hief Engineer :ull powers. Provided that the
sanction t o detailed 3hief Hospital :ull powers. estimates sanctioned
estimates chargeable Engineer (SKIMS). by the Superintending
Engineer/ Executive
to maintenance and Superintending Jpto Rs. 5.00 lakh
Engineer, Asstt.
repairs. Engineer
- - Executive Engineer
ix. Engineer Jpto Rs. 2.50 lakh are within the
qssistant Executive Jpto Rs. 0.50 lakh corresponding
provision approved by
the Chief Engineer in
the Annual
Statement of
maintenance grant.
r) Powers to sanction1award contracts:
1. 1 To sanction contracts I Administrative 1 Full powers within I Subject to the /
' for purchase of budgetary limits. condition that 100%
Stores, Supplies, Major Head of funding has been
Services on the accorded/ committed.
recommendations of
Purchase Committee.

2. I To grant contracts for


Contract Committee I Full Powers.


Subject to the 1
. . .
~ n d ~ v ~ dworks.
ual De~artmental 1 uDtoR., 4o.00 ~ r o r e condition that AA has 1
Contract Committee already been
accorded and 100%
funding has been
Superintendent accorded1 committed.

Upto Rs. 1.50 Crore I

To form Purchase Provided that senior and experienced officers
in the Department are selected as its
Departments, under members, Director Finance/ Financial Advisor
them. or an Accounts Officer, if any, available in the
Department and a representative from
Industries and Commerce Deptt. should also
be selected as two of its members. In respect
of rate contract the rates fixed will remain valid
for a period as may be specified by the
Committee but not beyond one year from the
date of issue of orders determining the
contract. Where the period of validity of rates
has not been mentioned by the Committee the
same will be valid for one year from the date
of issue of the order. For individual contracts
the rates will be valid till completion of the

p Committee. General
contract, as per the terms of the agreement
and/or supply order.
The Contract Committee shall comprise the
following members:-
Department, on the . Administrative Secretary concerned.
. Representative from Finance Department.
proposal of the
3. Secretary, (Technical) PW (R&B)/
Development Commissioner (Works).
Departments. 4. Chief Engineer PW (R&B) Department / PHE
(I&FC) DepartmentlPDD.
5. Chief Engineer, of Inspections, Quality
Control and Designs.
Chief Eneineer (Mech.) for such works as
involves purchase o f Mechanical Equipments.
'. DirectorIJoint Director PD&M Department.
1. Director Finance /Financial Advisor.
Representative from lndustries & Commerce

Department, not below the rank of Addl.

To constitute ieneral The Departmental contract committee shall
Departmental ldministration have the following constitution:-
contract committee. lepartment, on the 1. Development Commissioner, Public Works
~roposal of the
2. Chief Engineer PW (R&B) Department
3. Chief Engineer (Mech.) for such works as
lepartments. involves purchase o f Mechanical Equipments.
4. Chief Engineer of Inspections, Quality
Control and Designs.
5. Director Finance / Financial Advisor.
6. DirectorIJoint Director PD&M Deptt.
7. Spl. Secretary/Addl. Secretary of the Deptt.
8. Representative from lndustries &Commerce
Department, not below the rank of Addl.
To constitute an ieneral The E m ~ o w e r e dCommittee shall c o m ~ r i s eof
Empowered ldministration the following:-
Committee for high lepartment. I Chief Secretary.
value and prestigious ) Administrative Secretary, Finance
projects for Department.
supervision and i) Administrative Secretary, Planning,
monitoring. Development & Monitoring Department.
4) Principal Secretary t o Lieutenant Governor.
) Administrative Secretary, PWD/PHE/PDD.
i ) Administrative Secretary, Housing & Urban
Dev. Department.
ii) Administrative Secretary concerned.
h e Committee shall co-opt a Chief Engineer as
n d when necessary.
The selection o f the projects as would be
monitored by the above Committee shall be
3pproved by the Hon'ble Lieutenant Governor.

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